HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-07-28, Page 1e i ai 1 • ., • .4 ii )11 1 Sesnen*y-third .. Year • Whole Number 3424 • Public. utility. C ornrn,iss•ion Asks', Public to Cooperate in paying . Overdue Light Bills • • • • • . • .,The Wolverton Flour Mills is offering 74 cents this week for wheat. Last week the price was ,84 cents. This may be compared to 42 cents that was offered at this time last year. Farmers should find it easier to pay taxes this year if they have any wheat. • • • • • • HONOURED PRIOR TO LEAVING TOWN Mr. and -Mrs. Wallace Parke ' Will Live in England. Following the xegplar practice of the Seaforth Highlanders Band on Thursday evening last, the members adjourned to_.VheeOlyzmpia Restaurant where a stplendid••tl:anquet was held. The Band were !honoring Wallace Parke, for a number of years a val- ued member, prior to his departure for England, where he, and Mrs. Parke will make their home. D, L. Reid, honorary president, was called on by William: Kerr, president, to speak. Mr. Reid recalled how much -the Band owed to Mr. Parkes inter- est and work. That Mr. and Mrs. Parke will be badly missed in Sea - forth was universally agreed, said the speaker in presenting a fine en- graved signet ring to Mr. Parke. iMr. Parke replied and thanked the 'Band for the gift. The years spent working with the; .Band' °had .been a- anbng the ha,pipiest in his life, he said. He then presented the nvemlbere with six very suitable and useful recept- acles. • • Mr. Charles B. Stewart in accept- ing these on behalf of the and, made mention of the -fact that he had been appointed • secretary -treasurer in place of Mr. Parke who had held. the position for a number of years. "But," said Mr. Stewart, "I can nelver hope to attain the efficiency of Mr. Parke." The Canadian' Legion oleo-. honore,d Mr. • Parke when they presented hint last week with a fine cigarette case. 'Mr. and Mrs. Parke left town Sat- urday for St. • Catharines, where they will spend a few days before sailing from Quebec on Friday of this week on the Ascania. BAYFIELD Mrs. Kendal and daughter. Miss Betty Kendal, of Detroit, -are • the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. • Day at their cottage, A. newly -married coutple,.. Mr. and ,Mrs. William Parker, were honored en Tuesday evening when a large ,number from the two school sections S. S. No. 4 and S. S. No. 3, where the bride formerly Miss Vina Her- ibert, taught for the past few years, and other friends of this district gath- ered to spend a social evening in the teem hall. The ev ping was s-yent in games under the direction of Miss Susie Westlake and •Mrs;,,, F. H. Paull, Before refreshments were served, Sparks called Mr. and Mrs. Parker to the front. An address signed by Annie Heard and Kathleen Scotch - mer was read on :behalf of the people of S. S. No. 3 by Ella Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Parker were , presented withh a buffet rnir•ro'r•. On behalf of the others present, William Sparks• read an address and the young coutel,e were • presented with a large basket overflowing with •gifts. This address was signed by Annie Heard, Mrs. Carl Houston, Susie Westlake, May - me Watson and 'Wm, Sparks. a The bridegroom replied in a few well- chosen words and expressed apprelci- ation of the honor bestowed upon his bride and himself. The bride,charm- ingly added her thanks. 'After re- freshments were served a pleasait hour was spent in dancing. Guests in the village include: Mr. and Mrs. C. Porter and two children, Mrs. J. We'st'cott, and little daugh- ter, Chicago, with the ladies' •sister, Mrs. G. Gairdner; 'Miss.:Lola Elliott, Detroit, with her mother, Mrs, M. El- liott; Rev. and Mrs. Langford, Mrs. R. Bricker and twc'children, Kitch- ener% at their , cottage; Mrs. R. C. 'Pitts and two sons, Maysville, in eamlp (in' their lot on the lake shore; Mrs. L. B. Smith ana son, Glen of 'London, with her parents, Mr. and (Mrs. Charles W. Parker; Douglas Geminhardt and ' Williarie Tomfkins, Orillia, with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. F. C. •G'eminhard't ; Mrs. Jervis and family, Toronto, with (Mrs. Rolbert .Secltchnnler; Mrs. Elton SIChnell, Detroit, with her mother, Mrs. E. Peck; Miss Elva Dewar, ''To- ronto, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Dewar; Mrs: H. G. E. Crosby and three children of Bolton Landing, with her mother, -Mrs. G. W. Woods. Mr. and Mrs, +Harry Balker and two children returned to London on Wed- nesday after ;having( rvlsited the form - nos parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Baker for a few dayla, 'i• Hydro Electric Power Com- mission Cites Act in Call- ing Attention to Unpaid Light Bills. ACCOUNTS PASSED ' FOR PAST MONTH IGollection of overdue light bills oc- cupied the attention of the Public Utility. ,Commissioners ,tt the $e;'uU•rr' meeting of the, Comniiseiort in the council chambers on ' ontlay even- ir.g. The• memlbe_s were all present arid the chairman, W. .H. Golding, presided. The discussion was pereipitated by the reading of a letter from the Hy- dro Electric Power 'Cormm'ission of Ontario, calling attention to the num- ber of outstanding accounts on the books 'of the local Commission. The matter ended when it Was mov- ed by F. L. Box and seconded by Mayor A. D. Sutherland., "that ,Hydro regulations as contained in H. E: P. C. letter of July 5th, be published in local papers and that local, consum- ers are urgently requested. to co-op- erate with and assist the local Com- mission to carry out the same." IThe letter is as follows: " JuIy 5th, 1933. Mr. John A. Wilson, • Sea, Public Utilities Com., Seaforth, Ont. Dear Sir: On the recent visit of a representa- tive of the Municipal Audit depart• • meet •to --your municipality a list of consumers' accounts . in arrears was made, copy of which. is attached here- to. Clause 49, Standard Interpreta- tions of Rates, distinctly states the method of collection for those ac- counts in arrears. This'•ciause is as follows: "When the consumer is fifteen days in arrears for two months' service, fie service shall be discontinued, and service shall not be given again un- til payment is made in full, includ- ing a charge of $1..00 for the cost of reconnecting. Such discontinuance of service does not relieve the consumer of the liability for arrears or, for his service charge or minimum bills for the balance of the term of contract. The corporation may if deemed ad- visable, awake more rigid require- ments regarding payment of hills." (We would . ask you to impartially, carry opt the instructions contained in the above regulation and give these accounts mentioned herein your close attention. The Commission will purchase automatic meters. It was moved by E. L. Box, seconded by Mayor. Suth- erland, „`that two automatic meters be purchased from Sanganvo Company for collection of arrears and con- tinued, service dial to.'be designed for 4 c: K. W. H." ;Accounts• for the past month were passed on motion of Mayor Suther- land .and E. L. Box. The accounts included the following: Waterworks Department --A, Lit - tie, salary, $50; Bell Telephone Co., account, $2.75; Public Utility Com- mission light, $10.25. EIectric Department—E. Mole, sal- ary, $100; John A, Wilson salary,. $55; transportation, $7.60; S. Allen, wages, $42; C. Sills. stamps; $25; John Gallop, account, $2; Receiver General, meter inspection, $25.80; Re- ceiver General, meter inspection, $30.45; MacDonald Electric, inveeice, $12,48; Woodstock Lamp Co., $34.0,4; The Easy Washing 'Machine Co., in- voice, $114,03; A. L. Wynston, Jr., Ltd., invoice, $8.94; Canadian West- inghouse Co., invoice, $1,43; 0. S. Hunt, invoice, $20.40; Canadi n Gen- eral Electric Co., invoice, .61'4.14; El- lis & Howard, invoice, $22.13;1The Premier Vacuum Cleaner Co., invoice 64c; Force Electric •Products, invoice, $2.71; Crown i:lectrical Mfg. Co., $5.20; Hydro Electric Power Cor - mission, June power '$1,559.93; in- voiee, $9•3.U(1; invoice, $33.83; rural collection, $$51.07; Moffat's Ltd., in- voice, 4.0c; Bell Telephone Co„ acct., $3.84; H. Snell, salary, $5.00. The Commission adjourned on mo- tion' of Mayor Sutherland and E. L. Box. - BRUCEFIELD Mrs. McDonald. of London, and Mrs. McDonald, of Windsor, are the guests of their sister, Mrs. Roderick McKenzie at present. IMrs. Jamieson and Mrs. Brock have gove to Detroit to attend the funeral of their brother, Mr. Stev- ens, who passed away -suddenly in that city last week. Mrs. Townsend, of Ohio, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Alex. McKenzie, at present. •!Mrs. W, Stevens and herdaughter, Mrs. Thompson and family, of Sarnia, arm- visiting friends in Listowel this week. ;Mrs. D. Tough rettyr•ned to her home this week after spending the past week with friends in Stanley. Mrs. Dawson returned. to her home in the village -last -'week after spen& ing a few weeks with her parents who were 6.1L' (Miss Minor Snider, of Kincardine, is visiting at her home in the village this week. ' r,• MEMBERS OF THE HURON:COUNTY COUNCIL, 1933 414. �.. . .5 r.'<�.nd .. ..Y"� • Top Row (from left to right)—J. J. Moser, W. J. Stewart, R. Johnston, A. ,Mellick, 0. Hemingway, W, H. Sweitzer, J. Leiper, I. J. Wright. Second Row—T. R. Patterson (County Engineer), W. Douglas, P. W. Scott, J. W. Gamble, W. Haacke, M. Matheson,, L. De'nrerling, H, C. Beaver. " ' Third Row—G. H. Elliott, L. E. Cardiff, J. 1` N. Dia—Caen, J. McNabb, W. T. Booth (Auditor), J. M. Eckert, W. Consitt, B. M. Francis. Bottom Rowes -•R. J. Bowman, G. iM'eNalI, J. W. Craigie, Geo. W. Holman (Clerk), James Ballantyne (War- den), Gordon Young (Treasurer), A. J. Goldthorpe, R. Smith, W. R. Archibald. LOCAL .ENTRANCE PUPILS DO WELL, THE RESULTS SHOW Forty-one Peupils. Out of Forty -Nine Pass At Seaforth Centre. ANXIETY IS NOW OVER Forty-one out of forty-nine pupils writing at Seaforth centre passed their Entrance this year, results an- nounced by Dr. J. M. Field, Inspec- tor for East Huron, on Friday last Show. This is a percentage of 83.67. Other centres did equally well. The results in full are as follows: Seaforth. K. Adams, I. Anderson, E. Britton, H. Carroll, M. Carron•.(h.), H. Ches- ney, J. Cluff, F. Coleman, H. Crich, H. Dexter, J. Drover (h.), R. Duncan (h.), J. Fortune, D. Gemmell (h.), R. Gemiraell,, G. Holmes, H. Jamieson, M. Keating (h.), A,' Leyburnei. J. Mac- Kinnon (h.), V. MacLean (h.), R. Mc- Lauchlan (h.), G. 'McKellar, H. Mc- Kenzie, M..lMgor►�, N, NVeshitt, A. Papple, G. Pinder, E. Plant, M. Pret- ty, B. Riley, A. Scott (h.), G. Scott (h.), E. Smith (h.), R.. Smith (h.), F. Stewart (h.), R. Stewart (h.), J. Thompson (h.), E. Wallace (h.), F. Whitmore, J. Williams. Clinton. D. Bisback (h.), L. Bromley, B. Carter (h.), L. Carter (h.), J. Clegg, M. Crich, C. Elliott, R. Finch, E. Fothergill, E. Frenv]in, IR, Fremlin, K. Hall, J. Henderson (h.), W. Hold- erness, J. Hull (h.)i• H. Lee (h.), W. Levey, 3. Lindsay, G. Macdonald. (h.), R. Mann (h.), K. Martin, I. ''Dorrell, F. Morrison (h.),• J. Morrison, C. Neil- ans, C. Pepper, E. Pickett, W. Riley, W. Rowcliffe, R. Rozell (h.), T. Scott, M. Stock, P. Swan, A. Trewartha (h.), G. Twyford, W. Tyndall, B. Walters, W. Warren. G. Wieloster (h.), H. Welsh (h,), W. Jenkins, ,H. Lawson, E. Snell. Blyth. M. Arthur (h,), H. Asquith (h.), A. Baird, R. Beadle (h.), R. Caldwell, S. Ferguson (h,r, M. Frisby, M. Gower, 'L. Kelly (h.), M. King (h.), K. McDonald, A. McDowell, E. Mc- Gill, P. Phillips, E. Plaetzer (h,), W. Riehl, F„ Scrimegour, H. Shaw, G. G. Straughan (h.), C. Thompson (h.)', R. Thuell (h.), A Toll, J. Weir (h.), H. Young. Ethel. V. Abram, S. Brown, A. Carson, H. Currie (h.), L. Desjardine, 13. Earl, A. Earls (h.), R. Gilkinson (h.), R. Gill (h.), M. I'Fackwell. L. Harrison, W. (Harrison, E. Haywood, N. Henry, I. Hoffman, H. Keifer, H. Lucas, C. Sundercock, G. Ward (h.). P. Ward (h.), A. Wardlaw, -F. Williams, E. Cunningham, R. Cunningham. • (Continued on page 4) EXETER .sitar on T'Veditesday of this week a large number of veterans from' Exeter ail tended• the annual county picnic at Ba'y+feld and took part in'the unveil- ing of the beautiful cairn erected to the mnem'ory of the Bayfield beyis who fell in the Great War. Dr, Margaret Strang, Proe Dyterian missionary at Dixonrville, Alberta;'vr+ho has been on furlough, visiting with her, parents, 'Mr, and Mrs. henry Strang, of Uslborne, started on her returnjourney on Monday., She will visit on the way, at Toronto, Winni- peg, Regina, Saskatoon and Edfnon- toi ,_ wtheee she will speak in the larg- er arger churches. ;i i!A New Golf Course to be Laid v Out by Well Known Firm • Builders and Architects of Famous C, P. R. Courses— Royal York, Banff, Jasper Park, (etc --Now Engag- ing in Making Plans For Seaforth Course. Jones, Thompson & Go., Toronto, have been retained by the Seaforth Golf Holding Company Limited, for the purpose of laying out a course on the recently purchased site at the Case farm. Mrs Stanley Thompson, himself a well known golfer, iSele.rsonally look- ing after the work.' With two en- gineers he was working on the pro- perty Thursday and Friday of last week taking measurements. The firm, an internationally known one, has to its credit such famous courses as the Royal York, Uplands, Missasauga,. of Toronto; Banff, Jas- per Park, and the Westmount, of Kitchener, in addition to a number of Carl Aitchison Dives courses in the United States. Shallow Water at 'In_ going over the site, Mr. Thomp- son mentioned that it: was one of the Grand Bend. outstanding naturalgolf properties in Western Ontario. The links when completed, he said, -will be one of the finest nine hole course- in this part Of the province. ,It is expected the, course will bp ready for play by July 1st of next • • • • • 41 Bargains Arrangements are being made to hold three big bargain days in Seaforth on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, August 3, 4 and 5. Thrifty buyers who remember the many money -saving specials offered by Seaforth merchants on the.occasion of the tern sales last year, will be well repaid to watch for particulars of this coming ',event. • • • • •• 0 SEAFORTH MAN DIES RESULT OF INJURIES year. . SEAFORTH WINS FIRST OF SEMI-FINAL GAMES Defeat -Mitchell in Loose Game in Mitchell Monday. Seaforth won the ;list game of playoffs with iMitchell 17-1 at Mit- chell on Monday, July _lath, and the return,,game will he 1 Dyed in Sea - forth on Monday, July !1st. The Seaforth 'boy's al! confident of winning and are anxi! to have a series with Clinton, hu; Mitchell may spring a surpri:.e by inning Mon- ciav's, game in which ase a third g•cme would be rece••-a i y , ISeafoo•th went down to defeat in the Huron series on 'f iesday even- ing, losing 7-3 to Gelb , ich apt Gode- rich. The sank even'r,.:' Dublin -•de- feated Mitchell 24-22 ai; i Clinton wolf from Monkton 24-11. A, large ctowd attrt''.d the game at �Mitcli;ell" Scafnrth ;ere given a close contest in the II! -" half of the game but had fairly I en going in the last half. ('eels been knocked a home run ''for 'Mitch( 1. and Wright and G. Rennie clouted it homers for Seaforth. Hanson pi; l,ed for Mit- chell. 'Cuclmore hurle'l, the first five innings and rBticknam finished the game for the locals. !Mitchell scored fwe runs in, the first, third, fifth and -' venth innings and three. in the ninth to make a count of 11. Seaforth made gains when • they scored flee runs in the fifth innings and five tr, the seventh. Innings 1 2 3 4 +sty .7 8 9 Mitchell 2 0 2 (.1 2 0 2 0 .3-11 Seaforth 3 0 2 0 1 0 5 2 1---17 Mitchell='Casey, c.: 1',n'terfield, 21b.; Hanson, p.; Sitntp•snn, R. Wright, c.f.; R. Le,ppard, b.; Celquhoun, ib.; H. Wright, r.f.• D. Leppard, I.f. Seafotlth--G. Rennie, ltuir, E. Ren"-" nie, 'Wright, Burgess. Tainan, Mc- Gregor, B. 'ehristie, (udmore, Buck - name Goderich 7. Seaforth 3. Goderich—J. Sheerd'oa , Matheson, Robinson, Cat -nick, Dugu4'tte, :Phalen) Westbrook, 'P, S"heardowny IVie95onald Tlie game at Goderich on Tuesday ;ll'r�t,, iPty nt in 'Diving into shallow water from the pier at Grand Bend on Sunday morn- ing, earl Aitchison, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Aitchison, Stratford, in- jured himself to such. an extent that he died in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, about eight o'clock Sunday night., His neckbroken g wasnd he a was ,,completely paralyzed from the shoulders .down, although conscious to the last. Cai•1 Aitchison was in his 24th year and was a popular employee- at the John Gallop Agency in town He had gone to :Grand Bend Sunday morning accompanied by four Sea- forah young men. Gordon Hildebrand, Roo Hawkins, Norman and Allcn Mc- Leod. They proceeded to dive from the pier until the unfortunate youth struck his head. Conscious when• taken from the water he asked tliat his 'parents he notified and that a .priest be summon- ed., The injured youth was removed to the home of Dr, Schram of Grand Bend. and Rev. Father Marchand, of Drysdale, north'c)f Grand Bend, who had been summoned, rushed to Grand B. lid to give absolution. From Grand Rents, Aitchison was taken to London in an ambulance 'Which had been„call- ed from. Dashwocd. Carl Aitchison was born at St. Thrmas. Ills parents later moved to Fairview, and five years ago went to Stratford. where Mr. Aitchison is em- ployed ns a blacksmith at the C. N. R, shops. Carl attended No. 4 school, Downie Township. For a time he was employed by the Kroehler Manufacturing Co., Strat- ford. hut about four years ago came to Seaforth, where he has since worked for John Gallop, implement dealer and garage man. The funeral was held at Stratford on Wednesday nx.rning when a large number- were present, including many friends from Seaforth. The pall - hearers were Gordon Hildebrand, Al- lan McLeod and Norman McLeod and three Stratford young men. last was very close. There e a' nr+ score until the fourth when Gi lerich scored three runs. Seaforth couldn't count until the eighth, when C. Christie knocked a single to brines Cudmore home. G. Muir came to hat and surprised everybody by knocking honve run with Christie on first base, Iinnings 1 2 2 4 .i 3 7 4 9 Goderich 0 0 0 :3 2 1 1 0 .0-7 Seaforth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0--3 iGoderich will play here on August 4th and this should be an interest- ing game. Monkton plays here Fri- day, Juljr),28th. 4.. 86 Er' Rayfield. *rl Unveiled at Annua Veterans Picnic edne �_. Splendid Program of Sports Enjoyed By Old 'and • Young ; Clinton Kiltie Band Plays. PICNIC ATTENDANCE . BIGGER THAN EVER 'Perfect weather and an interesting program, which included the unveil- ing of the Bayfield memorial cairn, attracted the largest crowd in his- tory to the annual Huron' County Veterans' picnic at Bayfield on Wed- nesday afternoon. In early afternoon the cars began the trip •to the lake and by three o'clock the large Square was com- pletely filled. 'Shortly after three o'clock the im- pressive .program, preceding the un- veiling of the cairn, was beg -un. The service opened with the singing of "0 God, 0•ur Help in Ages Past," led by the - Clinton Kiltie Band, and was followed by prayer by Rev. R. M. Gale, of Bayfield, Gordon Peddie, Bayfield, read the lesson from St. John 15:1-17. - Major, the Rev., Canon E. Apple - yard, M:C„ Seaforth, was the speak- er. "We cannot do without heroism to- day. We need courage more than ev- er • before. ' We have tired of. the word depression for it is a nasty word, but we must face the, fact that during the past four years there has 'been another great contest, calling for the same resolution which your even so nobly displayed in 1914- 1918," said, the speaker. • He also praised the- spirit which :prompted the cairn on a beautiful and chaste site Where it could be seen by all and spoke of the spirit of comradeship which developed among men on the battlefield and which had been per- petuated. "To -day, as never before, Nelson's famous dying words, 'For God and country,' stand out as a challenge to Canada's manhood just as they did at Trafalgar," said Can- on Appleyard. "Unto the Hills Around" was sung and the names of Bayfield's fallen heroes was ,read. Rev. F. H. Paull, Bayfield, dedicated the cairn and the tablet on which were inscribed the names was' unveiled by Mrs. Currie and Mrs. Toms. Representatives of various organ- izations placed wreaths on the cairn. This was followed by the Last Post, One minute of silence and .Reveille. The ceremony concluded with the singing of the National Anthem led by the Band. A full program of sports resulted in many popular wins, as follows: - 50 yards. boys under 5 years, Jack McLean, Frank Fry; 50' yards, boys under 8, Billy Carter, :Harry Earl;' 100 Wards, boys under 12, Ken Cassel, Roy Murdie; 100 yards, boys under ) 16, T. Johns, George Brown; veter- I ans' wives race, .Mrs. Fred Ohns, i Mrs. A. I). Coutts; unmarried ladies,: Annie Cox, Elaine Radford; Ladies' novelty- race, Eva Heard, Mrs. E. Haldane; 50 yards, girls under 12, Merle Keating, Annie Cornish; 30 yawls. girls under 3. Annie Woods, Gladys Mendel; 30 yards, , girls un- der 8, Ruth Harris. Jean Poweil; 10.01 yards„ veterans' race. Dick Walton. Harold Allen; 'veterans' novelty race,. G. Cook, E. Anderson; bay show, age; 1 to 2. B. Archibald, Babe Westcott; age under 1, Baby Ward, Goderich. The day conclud.rl with a satisfy -I ing picnic lunch. :A feature of this part of the program was a circle of 217s children all ready for supper, ST. COLLTAIBAN lir, and Mr,. John .Noir and Jame Moir; Mr. •lane s 1)ecvan, of London, apt.' Mr. William llciihargcy, of Luc - an, spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs, Thomas Ryan. St. C'olun l an junior W. F. A. soc- cer'team, as predicted, are proving real contender; for Western Ontario honors for they held live classy Wood- -tock juninrs to a one all tie in the first of their hnm•esand-home game series at \1•'oodstoek on Monday night. the home=lers knotting the count in the last minute. of play. - The return ranee will' he play.d in St. Col'umban on Friday night, !with goals to count on the round. The winners of this series will meet Owen Sound in the next round. St. Colum'han is also very ouch in the running for honors in the Huron County Senior League as' they de- feated Ethel at home in the first game of the semi-finals 1-0 on Monday night. The teams for the junior clash will he: Woodstock—Goal, l Bennett; full hacks, Clowe; and E. Atkinson; half -hacks, J. Brotherton, Bier and F. Atkinc'on; forwards, ll:owse, Rit- chie, France, Horner and Rockett; subs„ R. Brotherton, Krug. St, Co- lurnhan—+Goal, Holland; full backs, J. Williams and John i cIvor; half- backs, P. F. Williams, Hollard and N. ',McQuade; forwards, Etekert, Mc- Carty, Stapleton, Flannery and H. McJvor; subs., Moylan and J. Mc- Quade. Harry Fisher, Sr., of Strat- ford, will referee the game. r:, • • O. • • Holiday Mayor Sutherland has pro- claimed, at the request of a Ham. ber em- ber ofcitizens of Seaforth, Mon- day, August 7th, Civic Holiday. • As usual, places of business will be closed on this day. • • • • • • WILL JUDGE GRAIN AT BIG SHOW IN REGINA William Archibald, Tucker smith Leaves For West 'With O.A.C. Team. • A member of the grain judging team representing the Ontario Agri- cultural College at the World's Grain Exhibition and Congress, A. W. Asch-' ibald, son of Reeve W. R. Archibald and' Mrs. Archibald, of Tuckersrnith, left for Regina the latter part of last week. Mr. Archibald motored to Regina, aecomtpanied by, the other members of the team': B. M. Cohoe, South Woodslee; C. N. Heath, Camtp- bellford, and N. D. Hogg, Orono. These men have all had' extensive experience in grain judging work and will • take part in the Inter -College Competition, against student teams from many other Canadian and Amer- ican colleges. Eleven classes of grain and small seed will be judged and valuable trophies and prize's are offered to the, winners. A junior team,pick of the junior grain judges -of the Province, will ac- company the college group. 11Vtenvbers of both teams have been , selected on an ,elimtination basis. Thus the members of the junior team have been chosen from' a large group of Ontario farm! boys who 'are under twenty-one, and who have not taken a course in agriculture of more than three months' duration. These young men, Messrs. M. J. Baker, Hampton; C. G. Marshall, Woodstock; 0. J. Smith, Bus-keton, and Johh Wallace, of St. Pauls, will compete against similarly chosen teams from other provinces. HILLSGREEN 'Master Ronald and Mervyn Steph- en, of Hensall, spent a few days with their grandmother, Mrs. Stephen. Mr. and :Vlrs. G- Love and family and Miss Lottie Love visited friends at Ailsa Craig on • Sunday. • llrs. Steacey, of Detroit, is spend- ing a week with her niece, Miss An- nie Jarrett. Mr. and Mrs. A. Black and son, of Detroit, ate. ,spending a week with their friends, Mr.' and Mrs. Jas. Love and family. Mrs. Troyer of Brigden is spend- ing a few days with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephenson and fam- ily. • ' Mr.- and Mrs. C. Siemon and son, Leaton, visited with friends in Zurich recently. ' Mr. W. \C'eido is suffering from blood poisoning. • Mr. and Mrs. • D. Blair, of Sask- katehevan, called on friends in this t Trinity. lir•. .lames Cochrane, of Toanto, visited his par:nta, Mr. and Mil, J. Cochrane, for a day. The- Sunday school- picnic of Hilis- err•een and Kippen churches was held on 'Tuesday afternoon at Bayfield with a good attendance from both, churches. Quite a nun•fier from this vicinity attended anniversary services at Illaks church on Sunday. McKILLOP Congratulation, to Cora Strong, teacher at. No. 7. McKillop, who for the fourth Year has had ev- ery Entrance student suc'eesfu1, many with honours. This year both writing secured honours. Large Barn, Burned.—Two large harm on the fatrn of Mr. Ed. Rose, oighth concession, were completed de- strnyed l,y fire early Thursday mini - Mg. Members of the faintly had J"cn milking in the barn before sev- en o'clock and everything then ap- peared to be all right. Shortly after they returned to the house, however, tire was discovered corning through the rent of the barn and it was found had gained such heacltvay that noth- 'ing could he done to save either the '-uihHngs or the contents. Both barns were large and contained all the sea- son's hay crop, three loads of wheat, two horses, a number of pigs, five calves, two hahy beef, a number of hens and a hinder, all of which were destroyed. The fire is supposed to hare been caused by combustion. There was an insurance of $3,200 in the MrKiliop Company, but the loss above that will .he very hceati and the barns were among the finest in the township, )Mr., and !Mrs. Fred Baker •and! fahn- ily, of Btiffalo, and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baker, Of . Stratford; were guests of 'iVlr,.and Mrs. Ed. Rose last week. y�t