HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-07-21, Page 7J',l 121,1
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JULY 21v,1933. I . 1� - I , "
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Barrister, Solicitor,
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feel k,io '17 the A-0110, One 0104
liad been Preel -w-ed Ix
*'Oil ` Vw- Mm, bat,
at the back, -of fft/ 411 && grnpatei 1�4
. Mulled. Life th '
Plues" ri: " - - wd na-foraeow
-_ J
Notary Public, Etc.
�, I
T ,h
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C4 go 45 - Z to him as intihoqe A;;r
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e--. s- e
minut*5 when he walked in the garr
Beattie Block - - Seaforth, OA
den 'he loved, ,and finally turned his
face-towurds the liou5e,etpiowly piL--
. .
. by E.
I'M, - .
,t P
-uresque in - it indisbinetne,sis, with
the ights, strepmixig:from �M*ry Win-
I i .. I .
. .
I . I
dow. The half-hour was up. In a few
. minutes Sybil would be M3 once more.
. 1. .1 - I .. I. � I
. ('Continued from last week)
. I I . I
-wanted to know .whether you ,were
' " .. .
domeanour, he was conscious of a
Succeeding R.' S. Hays '
He entered- the house though the
library wiladp* and watched the game
-�,Sarristersy Solicitors, Clonveyancery
IIN:Qw listen," he s'ai'd: all
rilglht, but what do you aqppose Jer-
here.ni, ,
oTli, 4k!�l he dlid!" Lakenh, I
am re,
strange ,disinclination to leave her a,-
lone with ,Lakenba,%_FJMn when, be
looking over Locrille's shoulder. She
di4 not once glance towards hbn�
and Notaries Public. Solicitors for
the Dominion Bank. Office in rear . of
m" twill do? He'll send m)a away
riaTked. it wasn't Mrs. Nor-
. den Sm,ith." I I
had had the lights lit in t billiard
he ard
Then door was" opened and 'the
thoDoyninion Bank, Seaforblu Money
, I
light-enough,''but what about you?
Jormyn shook W's, head,
room- and had offered, to mark, an
offlei• which LaikenhaM Promptly re-
butter appear4 ushering in a vis -i-
to, loan, , I
Do You that he'll marc you?
You 4,DWt know Jermyn if be-
'Man's voice, right enough,". he
fused, 'he lingered on one pretext or
- i"M_v. Norden Smith, sir," he an-
" i I
10 ; '
I lieve that! I tell you id's,a prig Or
the first water. He's the m0sltl Ptubk-
up, opinionated, narrow-minded per-
replieick' held known, Y9u. in
America and &ufid bi,inself in the
neighborhood. Would rather like to
"I think 1,11 watch the game," he
decided. "They donft *ant me for
nolineed, "to gee the Marquis of Lak-
enhAm,." .
JeaTayn'turned at once to greet his
, -1 .. -
I • I
. -
n that, (breathed.He will do
say how -do -you -do to you. H&$ off
to Lincoln early to -morrow morning."
"My dear fellow'" Lakenhal
visitor. He was, as a mutter of fact,
Barristers, Solicitors, Convoyan-
what 'he thinks right in spite of any-
but let me tell you this) --he
There was a -peculiar and, unpleas-
plied,- chalking his carie, "You'll, be
rather glad, of the distraction, He
was glad, too, of so Iplausilblse an ex -
eers and Notaries Public, Etc. Office,
won't marry You after he'sl heard a-
ant, look for a nijament, in 71,akenhamle;
face.,. He was smiling as, though at
shockdrigly in the way. I can't Poe-
ribby say nice things to Miss Cluley
cuse for -going in and ,,breaking up
that billiard- match,
in the Edge. Building, opposite The
Expositor Office. .,
Bla,dkpool. He's nerver forgiven a
person yet Who told -,him, a U6 or a
some recollection ,that aippeaJed a
while you're 'around. It isn't 'giving
which apparent -
ly was still continuing. Mr. Nor -den
I� ,%
half -lie. He won't begin, by forgiving
little grimly to his sense oil humor.
"'I ,scarcely remeirlber the follow,' '
either of us a ,chance. Tirive-enougfi
f or later
Smith was 4 tall, colorless, thin Am-
You. Do you, think hei harsn't felt
scruples? -Do 3Iou think be, wanted to
he( declared.. "He .had a 'charming
you on."
Jermyn looked across at Sybil bu . t
ericart, looselly built, with a long, in-
,telliglant; face and high forehead. He
,. I I .
bring A,niis5tregs here who had adorn-
wife, and they were very cft,-
it to me, in their -way, in Now York."
shb se-eyved for some reason to be,
avoiding his He,
was wearing dinner clothes of a
ed the iniusical comedy stage a few
years ago, even though she, is acting
i"I gathered, from what he said
eyes. shrugged his
shoulders slightly. .
somewhat Transatlantic cut, and a
small, precisely -tied black bow. Jer-
at the theatres laorv? Not he! ,He
that they had entertained you," Jelr-
miyn said, 11 -so I agked'him to dine, of
Well," he said-, "I shall be in the
libr9rS, with the other
myn advanced to meet him and held
out his. band.
It I
swallowed it beeauee he's in love. with
you and ,because he, -believe's in YOU.
course, but he -preferred to come in
p6ple when
you -have finished. Don -It tire yourself,
You are a friend a Lake.nham',s,
. ,
Honor graduate of Ontario Vieterin,
Go and tell him the truth- I've north-
ing lose. You'll
afterwards. Said b6'dl look you up a-
bout half -past; nine for a few min-
Sybil. Xou have had plenty of rdn,,.
ning- about to -day."
I understand," he remarked- "I am
-glad over. I spoke
ems College. All diseases of domestic
to probably be glad.
to, listen to me aftea-wardis."
utes.,, .
- I
" Hoi�e he
"I - am, going to, rest aftea- every
,very you.,Ca�mle to
you on, the telephone, I think. MY
animals treated. Calls prcanj)tly at -
tended,to and charges nwderate, Vet.-
She sat down again. Tiler first ltw-
' won't expect to ,be asked
down to -Somerset,"' Lakenham re-
stroke," .she laughed, and Lord Lak-
enham is to
name is Aninerley,"
,erinary Dentistry a specialty.- Office
yi�lse had -passed. away. -She was co
. n-
sciouis of a fierce desire to. -temporize
marked. "I walart to be in: Scotland
going give me twenty
in fifty, so I don't think our game
to meet you, Sir Jermyn An-
nexley, I am sure," Mr. Norden Smith
and residence on Goderich Street, one
door east of Dr. Mackay's office, Sea-
with this man, to do anything in the
at least three weeks. The so jolly
ospita.bI6 over there, ,though, threw
ought to last very long."
`You wont expect me to burry ov-
replied. "Lord Lakenham stayed wit�
us out in New York, he
forth."', . . I
world sooner than risk fo,ma moment
her new-found and -amazing happi-
A,qnericans, that scat don't- -1 say,
er it!" Lakenham, protested, ardent.
and made me
promise that I'd look -him up if ever
, I
ness. He saw he'r hesitatidn and he
pursued, as' he thought,,.his own ad-
vantage. ,
Jermyn, you're not,.takipg Miss Clu-
ley awuy?"
,,Absolutely," Jermyn replied firm-
Sybil was leaning with her back
agadrist the billiard table. She waved.
I found myself in this country. I hap-
pe-ned,to hear by accident that he VMS
staying here but I've no wi Bill to in -
"Sybil," he continued,, 'III haven't
ly. Lucille, looking,. as usual,
like a ,Picture. You can either
her hand to Jermyn.
1"If in
trudel. I won.'t -stay longer than to
Graduate of Ontario Veterinary
said miach about it yet -you haven' -t,
, play
n ens or flirt with her to your heart's
we are not out half an hour,"
begged, "come
just Shake hands with him, if he is
College, University of Toronto. All
diseases of domestic animals treated
,given me -a chanceibut I want, you
t,* remember that, 23though Jermyn
c, ntent. I am: terrified to thiRr-that
she and re's'cue -me."
"I shan't allow you a second long-
anywhere about. 7' .
"'You mustn't 'think of hurrying,"
by the most modern principles.
may be fond of you in his way, I am
ave left ,Sybil so,-Iong near such
redoubtable, lady -killer."
er,",1e,ieplied, smiling at her, "I'll
Jernayfi declared hasypirtably. "Come
,Cbarges reasonable. Day or night
just as fond of you in )m�no. Jerrn?w
' She ,turned and laughed daringly
go and see how the ,bridge is. getting
on.." . .
along'and I'll take. you to him. He's
calls promptly attended to. Office on
Main street, Rensd1l, Opposite Town
will want you to live up in the clOuld's
with him.- You'll find it chilly there
into Lake nhami 's, face.
,He left the room, closing the d,Qo,r
playing billiards."
- �.'That's very kind of Mr. '
]fall. Phone - 116. Breeder of Scot-
soTiietimos. I"' keep 'Your feet Upon'
dear Jermyn," she said, "you
have discretion! Iyord Lakenhani, has
behind him, and made his way to the
Norden Smith answered. "I'll ,be de -
Terries. uvernew Kennels,
tish l
the earth, little woman, and, I'll lead
been ,making flagrant love to me.. I
library. The retraining four of his
had just
lighted. Say, this, house of ytours is
vou amongst• the pleasuht Places. The,
Lakenham jewels are worth looking
very nearly bad, to call] you."
gulests, started, a rubber..
'They ,had &awn a table up to the
marvellously attractilve to ap AmeTi-
can -all these old,pietures and things.
I .
. I � i .
at . I andl, can'make p6ople raCeive You
wherever choose to I'm fond
Lakenham. grinned. This was, the
sort of humour he appreciated! i,.-
open windows and had, turned out all
the li-ifits ,in the mord except a cou-
Look as though they'd sort of been
born with the, place, you know. Mighty
I i I
you go.
a you, you, witch; what you've done
"'Gad!" he exel4mied, looking at
Sybips 'slier figure with something in
ple of standard larnips, which stood
,impressive, I can tell you."
. �, .. .
I don't -know, ,but I'm madly fond of
you. I'll chuck all Chose li,ttle affairs
his eyes which •Jermyn hated, "if
I'd had half-hour
on either side of the table. Jermyn
threw himself into a low chair by
J,ernvyn smiled as he led his guest
across the hall. .
you may have heard of. There shall
only another I be-
neve I might have had, a chance, af-
Lutille's side, She' was dumilly at the,"We
nfolment and she looked down at hi
are rather proud of Ann6rley,"
he admitted. "You see, my
. I
Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat
never another, I promise -it. It's
time I settled down, I will. You
ter all." . I
. . .
Jermyn, ,smiled and pointed to the
with a faint s)mfile. Her hand rested
. I .
upon his.
have been, here uninterruptedly for
I .
Graduate in Medicine, University of
think this olveii, Sybil. There's- no
.hurry for w few hours. You -full
grey' stone carving on the front of
the house. . ,
"Miss Cluley,seems, to be overcolin.-
four hundred and sixt years, so
naturally we managed L collect .a
Toronto. I .
of the idea of mar � '
rVIng Jeftyn just
What I halite;, I hold,"' he quot-
ing her aversion to Aynesworth," she
murmured. -
good many trifles in"iliat time." .
Xr. Norden, SGnith
1,ate, assistant New York Opthal-
ami and Aural Institute, Moolrefleld's
now, and its. carried You away a bit.'
If you want miry honest orpinion .sboi#
ed "You are just a few days too late
my cousin."
,'He was conscious of the affront of
looked around
him with typical curiosity. He was :
E" and Golden Square Throat ,Hos-
pttals, London, Eng. At Commercial
it, I think that the woman who mar=
cies Jermyn will have a'plaguy dull
gallant . .
Lakenham .laughed. -He stood -with
her words; conscious, too, of a,peoul=
iar uneashaa!rj�, which was. not exact-
expressing his. -wonder at the size of '
a suit of armour when Jeer lyn threw
'Hotel, Seaforth, third Monday in
time of it." . .
his. hand's in his ,pocket -s -a typical
attitude--tburly, dogged, confident.'
ly jealousy aril yet for which he could
open the door of the 'billiard room. :
ewh month, from 11 amu to 3 p.m.
W Waterloo Street, South, Stratford.I
,She turned towards him..
,"If I told you, she pleaded, that
"Well match mottoes,. Jermy
. n," be
not wholly account.
11'Sybil is never discourteous to any
Then be stopped suddenly
ddenly in his :
speech. Jeryny;i s'too'd upon the thresh- .
I love Jermyn, that no other man in
said. know mine?----�l hope, I
one, he said, calmly. She may Or
old, his -right hand gripping the side :
the world could take his place -no, not
for a -single ;wond!-wouldriet that
win!, 11 I .1
Jermyn drew Sybil's 4rra through
may not appreciate Aynes,worth's art-
tentions. She at least is considerate
of the dooi7, absolutely motionless., ,
bereft for a moment of all power of ,
make any -difference? Wouldn't you
his and ttirnod away.
enough to remember that he is: my
speech, a numb, nerveless figure. Me ;
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine,,
let. 'me Off"then?"
shall at once," he declared, "re-
-move Miss Cluley from )m the sphere of
kinsman and- ber'fello�w-guest, I think
that she 'is to try
AmericaR, lookift over his shoulder,
University of Western Ontario. Lon-
"'No," he -answered', stolidly. . "I
Idn't! You ulay like. that
your influence!"
quite right and
conquer her antipathy to binT.11 ".....
was the first to (break the silence. :
, . "My God!" -he exclaimed. "What's -
don. Monliber of College of Physic-
ians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office
,feel just
ZZ. ,He writes your. plays, for you
.. .
. I
'Lucille smiled- once more.
" I
You vA
411 model husband.
happened here?"
2n Aberharts Drug Store, Main St.,
and I 9uppose, you think him a sort
of gad. That kind of person's all Ver�
, , make a
my dear Jermyn!"
Jermyn clutched at his companion
and ,,.drew lifin into the room. His
Seaforth. Phone 90.
well until you try to I.ive.with him."
. . �
"I shall do'm,y .best," he'answered.
voice, when he'spoke, seemed, to comae
The set was over. Already Jermyn
and Mary, flusbeed with triumph, were
'Dinner that night at Annerley was
a 'somewhat memorable meal for all
"I do not fancy that I -shall find it-
very troublesome to be what you call
frond' a long way off. He• was scarce- I
h- conscious that it b�elo-nge,d to him-
on iheir way towards the,,. , '
who took part in it. Besides the house
a model husband to Sybil. You see, i
-v'e I f. I q
,"Sik-three!" the latter called out,
party, two men from the, neighbor-
b'RPP'en to 'be very fond of her."
"Close the 'door!" he ordered. "We 1
Oifice and -residence Goderich Street,"Trey
wavine Her racquet "Thely reaRy
. barracks had remedneover, and,
111'9 d
' 'The play of the hand had only just
muIt "'
Istnlet any one come in!I
east of the United Church, Sea-
hadn't a look in. If only ,I could have
the doctor who had played bridge the
commenced. Lucille rose abruptly 'to
Lying a yard or two in the room
forth. Phone 46. Coroner for the
served. decently it would have 16een, a
night before had bt)en, sent for. From
her feet. '
was Lakenharn, flat upon his back, i
County of Huron
love set."
the first, the ettmosophere had been
"'Come here," �he said, moving. to-'
with one grm gripping the leg of the i
"Think it .o,vel, for a few hours,"
Litkenham unuttered in a boarse'uyi-
a little electric. Sybil, from the mom,-
ent of taking her Place at the table,
wards the ,open window.
Jermyn di)eyed ber at once. They
billiard table, a-9 though he had tried I
to draw himiself up and failed. Far
• .1 -
dertone. "I'll say noth4ug until the
had seemed animated 'by the- highest
, stopped cut on to the diveriu.6. The
above hirki, curling its way to the I
,eivening, Play me, a game of billiards
spirits. -She had walked -into the -room
moon had not yet risen, and coming
ceiling, bovered a thin blue cloud of 1
C Mackay, honor graduate of Trin-
after dinner. You - hate bridge, any-
as though she were walking on air.
directly from the lighted room the
silioke. There was a faint smell of
fty University, and gold modalist of
Way. You can give me your answer
The poise of her neck, the, carriage
deep violet twilight seenied, full of
gun powder in the ail,, and in the 4
Trinity Medical College; member of
of her lithe body, appeared alike m_ I
shadows. She stood with him behind
centre of his crumpled white shirt I
tild College of Physicians and Sur-
She hesitated. J�ermyn was already
bued with some narrmles-s ercha nt-
a little clump of syringo bushes,
front a little hole, with brown specks I
geons_of Ontario. I
elbsg to them, when he was intercept --vent.
She had mbre color than usual,
Jermyn, with the'atural impression--
around it, Jermyn looked around the I
. . . -
ed by thq! [butler, who delivered a
message. He hesitated.
her eyes were brilliant, her mouth
radiant with -smiles. She wast all the
ability' of an artist always on the
look -out ,,,for effects, 'could scarcely
room wildly. There was no• sign of i
any other petrson there. On the floor s
"I am wanted on the telephone,"
time the. life of the dinner party, the
whole centre of attraction. At the
fail to appreciate how striking a Pic-
ture she,mads with her white face,
by the side of the prostrate man was 'i
Sybil's fan and the cue she had been
. ...
Graduate of University of Toronto
he told. Sybil.. be out again in
half a -moment." '
head 'of table Lucille, who herself
her red lips and blazing ,eyes. She
May!jig with, and, one or two of the (
Faculty of Medicine, menlibei of Col-
"Don't hurry," Lakenham cried
Was wonderfully dressed in black and.
sway=ed' a little toward:; him.
rose's, * broken off :close to the, stalk, !
logo of Pbyiicians and Stirgepns of
ebeerfdlly. "I don't Consider I've had,
silver, with strangle je,weJs glisten-
haven't you any pity at
which' she had been wearing. Jermyn
Ontario; pass, graduate courses. in
half an innings with, Miss Cluley yet.
We've lot-, say
ing at her botmim, sat and watched
and listened. The village doctor was
all?" she whispered passionately. "If
voli go on Parading your affection for
sh�-vered. `
"I wa.% a fool to have left the -m!" (
Chicago Clinical School of Chicago;
Royal Ophthalmie Hospital, LoYidon,
amore to to, one an-
other." I
on her left, the elder of the two of-
little, chit of an actress before
he muttered with a little sob 'in his �
England; University Hospital, Lon-
"Better get it over quickly, then,"
ficers from the, barracks A' her right
They paid ,her attentions but
'me shall -say solyr-thin,gr foolish. I
shall give nirys,elf away. You mustn't
throat. I I. I
"Left -whom?" Mr. Norden Smith
don, England. Office Back of Do-
minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 6.
Jermyn replied over his shouldor .
"You'll have rv) more opporturtity
their -eyes were fixed upon Sybil. She
do it, Jeryllyn. Haven't ,vou any heart
asked quickly. I
Night calls answered from residence,
rictoria Street, Saaforth.
after I get back. Lsee, a car load :full
from the barracks coming across the
seemed, indeed, to have found an un-
accustomed v.�e;iri of levity. She Idugh-
at all?"
For a mo-in,ent he ninde no reply.
Jermyn half closed his eyes. It (
seemed to him at that ninment that E
park. I &Q,kv.d some of them over to
ed itolilly in A,L:ikenham's face; she
He. was realizing the iurmense mis-
.he could see the struggle -Laken- I
.play tennis. I shan't be a minute, Sy-
appeared either to have conquered or
to have collopletely forgotten her a-
take he Ad made w -hon he had an-
,wev�d li,,r letter of scif-invitation
hani, flushed with wine, taunted, oil ;
fire with his admiration; and Syhil, I
I .
bil.11 I
He turned towards the house. Sybil
version to him. Jevirvil watched her
in the affirmative and hogged her to
. at last, struggling to es- I
Graduate Faculty of 1!6diaine, Uni-'
at first seenned inclined to follow him
but Lakenham. blocked the way.
all the time, his eyes .shining with
a(hiliration, yet even be, too, now and
come and play hosto.s., at AnnerleY.
He was inan of the Nvorld enough to �
cape, his hand probably upon her
mouth'. lie wip:(l the ,.htlads of per-
versity of Western Ontario, Member
I, Be sensible, little wo,rna" he ung-
then wondered. If'she were not actu-
exactly realize the po�!Han-, to re-
spiration from his, forehead.'
College of Physicians and Surgeons
wid. "Don't quarrel with mle� I'm a
ally flirting with Lord Lakenham she
alize, -too, that short of 'irutality he
"Stay here," he said to his coin- I
of Ontario.. Post ,graduate work at
nasty-teftered fellow to have Ion
was at any rate toying with Ilis ad-
Could, meet it only by ,'!ategy, The
!anion, "There's a doctor in the other
Now York City Hospital and Victoria
the other side. Reirnember, after all,
vances, laughing ,indulgently at his
pose; he decided to "ISSUMe sat upon
rouni. I'll fetch him," I
Hospital, Landon. ,Phone: Hensall,
that. I 'am doing the'. square thing,
compliments, mocking'at his rather
him,naburally enough. ..., I
56. 101% . ce, King Street, Hensall. .
aren't I? I'm ignoring the fact that
too abNiouq earnestness, •yet always
- '%'MY dear Luci-Ile," lic protested,
I i .11 �
you treated me shamefully. I'm do-
ing all that a fellow can do who's in
with the faint reserve of coquetry
which to a man like Lakenham was
tv flirt -,vi!h irr? Tire im-
pressionable youth of ttvo great cities
I -
. DR. J. A. MUNN•
loive with you. 1. am asking you to be
so maddening. .
are already your victim:-. Remember
I have seen them fall. I -have
The room ,was still s-caying hefore I
I . I
Graduate of Northwestern Univers-
my wife.
. I don't want to boast, but
it'isn't a trifle. It'-, a new idea to
,Although they had .gat; down to
your wiles fr4m the insido. Perhaps,"
.VVI-MVIT'S eves as lie backed towards i
the door. Mr. Norden Smith, howeiver, t
Sty, Chicago, 111. Licentiate Royal
you and I daresay it hurt,% at
dilin-er early,it was half -past nine be-
he added with a sigh. 1, vven if I gm.
hwf quietly slipped in front of him. i
College of Dental$urgeong, Toronto.
first to think about chucking Jerni.-
fore th-ey r,oA,e from the table. There
partially cured, I llly�(.lr halve once
"One nionvent, ' Sir Jerinyll." the sat- I
Office over Sills' Hardware, Main St.,
yn, but you know in the loilg rut"
was no quest�lnn of separation, for'
felt the spell."
ter said ealmly. "With whom did you c
Seaforth. Phone 151.
you've got to do it. Don't do anything
the cigars grid cigarettes had already
You!" she'lyrutiorod bitterly. You!
say that Lord Lakenham was play- i
ras-11. Take an hour"or two to think
it over. iProrrilthat you'll -play Tile
been served. Jewmyn looked eage'rly
across at Sybil. (
"At Iastf" he, whispered under hi,
You feel nothing. You are only the
F�hadow of a man. You vail open your
heart to a little chit of n girl wilien
ingr billiards?"
"A"ith ,.Nli,,-, Sybil Cluley," Jermyr, �
that game a billiards after dinner,
Tbat',s, all I ask for now. ,What do'
breath. "Lakeniharn, you b.nd. Lucille,
you keep it closed to rn.._-LuaI1,e,,dq
replied. I
"The young lady whom I heard in
Graduate Royal 10ollege of Dental
you lay?"
Dr., Brownrigg, Captain Mason and
Major L�thers,ett muNt cut out for
,lie raised her hand to his lips, Ev-
the village tMs afternoon that -mu I
Surgeons, Toronto. Office over, W. R.
Smith's Grocery, Main
"It will be Of no u -se," she answer-
ed quietly. "I shall never change my
bridge, Miss Cluley and I are, going
en, ,he Auld scarcely help thinking
-err, fVgaged to mary�y?" I
" Pt
"Yes '
-S Sea
treet, resin
forth, Phone: "Office, 185W;.
manned, But I will play billiards with
to have A. talk over the play."
La,kenhaiiiii laughed heavily. He was
-how beautiful her slim vvhite� fingers
were. She had' all tlw grace of long
, Mr. Norden Smith listened intent- I
donee, 185 J. I
you ifter d-iiineT. ,Only I tell you this
iwNv-j .may as well. If yo1A eotme be-
very flushoid and his eye-, were
linibs, exceedingly &,liento and shape-
ly. TlicnIt-werneJ to Iv no one al-yout. I
Through the cal windows they '
f. . .. ..
tween me And- JermYn, if I am never
"Not a bit of it, Jermyn, Old fel-
ly. Nevertheless, h -'oval slightly So
that 'he .stood now 0 in the little ray
he,ard PL little peal of laughter from i
to bmlon-g to him, then, I shall never
lbelorig to anyone."
low," he replied. "Miss Cluley and I
light streaming out from the room.
the bridge -table. I I
"Collect youxqelf for a IntowwArt, Sir i
-He ,pinfled a little fatuously, alit-
halve fixed that all up. TO; my last
night sbe's to
"I suppose it was our old
he de0are.d.
Jermyn. Soni,etbing terrible has hap- I
. . I
fle, tonfidertly. He had at any rate
and going play ins a
fifty irp at rhij liards."
ship which saved ni,o."
"Do you hear that? Tlioy are deal-
deal -
P, -0. H yoll Act too hastily yon '
Plied IT01 .
scored a first succest.q..'
sic "We sliall-voo,I!,he said.
Jermiyn, was silent for a moment.
ing." �
moi make it more t0rl'illkl still. DO I
soar see, those things upon the floor?" I
. I .
Honor Graduath Carey Jones' Na-
Jen morn resprpeared,,', a few minute
.His eyes sought Sybil's. She was sud-
dtiftly very still ai�d cold� I
Trom. wl�ere they stood they Could,
hear the soft patter of cards urpon
' Jorm,yrn stared at thein without
tional School for Aulatio-fteering, Chi"
later, with his newli-arrived' gugstas
LOverbaill and ,Sybil strolled up to
4%Do You realiV care rdbmt billiards,
tho tablv.
the green. baize of Lucille
speech. I
"Nmv I ani a criminal Iswvpr," Mr. !
cago. Special course taken in Pure
meet them, and some sets at terinis
Sybil?" the, asked, a little doubtfully.
"I 'have Lord Lakenhatm
did oat move for a inoillent.'Her boa-
G -
0 de .
N r n Smith rontinued, "ami if. r
Bred Lilvie Real Estate, Mer-
were quickly arranged. *' 4
am wets rising and falling quickly,
were to speak to you from the point '
clmhdisre atid, Farm ttdasi. Rates in
to -have' irame," ghe, answered.
•,there was a storfin in lior eyes."
OF vi(.nv of the law, I should -;av---I
keeping with prevailing markets. 'sat.
. dil't waa reaffly you W were want
that we can do whatever You
.. I .. I
"You are clever, my dear Jerm Yn,"
"Touch notbing."t ,orn tile, other hand,
Waction, assured. White or wire ,
Oscar Klopp, Zurich, . Out. Phone:
ed on the te-lefthone" � Lak-enhaefti I
Jorm" grumbled. "Fellow named
JmnTn walked with them into th6__"I1
Allid reimi-mure-& I'Sonw, day, perhaps
-we 41hall gee." -11
fhere is another point of view. I am �
"-98. I
Nordem .Smith -an Ainierican., I ea I hink
I Wh NotwiftrUanding Sybil's altered
. .
'She'_*0,I`ke41 away INUO twk her
inforeign country and my profes-
cion here Carries no oblization.4 wibk i
I �
. .
. �
I.c,1Nit1w'& ons
Muiia kallkl%l
. /
'i:. . I I
, Ii�Flo7w.��.�� m- . - I...
'_ , 0, T 1A►t1d �F
.) "'►" I 1- I , - "W" '
t ffla �,,WAkN"`'
, ,=;I 4-111 " . _,__,�
, � I �,rr `�, T, gim�� I
realize bhp ., 10P)OIX .IPIWIR A . 11
f�_ , _ - ,
Theedy* _" _f , J'i 1, M . . .
. ", oMP)7'-WXAd&AA0 E IN,
.. Glatt r
llag,;§114 .,:, ,
w '4.144wo ". 1W "
Almost overvome. hka, I �;, 1, 4.�, ; I
hnn* �, Nal",
bili 'he was feellpg better AbIg - t;"RI, 11"Fut .1, Paas it, .. I '' - , ,.. " :
wi . .
"You are r1ghA,I he m4#ered-,,. 411 114.14 1. 11 1,
, ;4, X09a 10- . �[ . ..... "
. M�o I
,. - - ITI. I
.wui3 a fool mot,t* think of ilb" . 1W . .1.4 ", I I
. I . q .141,
I 14.
'M,# M*. 01,10. I
He stooped down and, Mpe4 S ) ,�,',,�Igg,
. about on -v. wivixglei tvwx ", I
, . ,-._ 1 �"�v -
the floor near where Lord L,ak4a ,4 7111 ,
.ham th.p.tru r.* I - �-._. r &`� ,
.... 11 Q 111.
.-I �, "I .4 " "I
was lying. There were half a down faivte4 10sb ia& i9wPDX 1'y Aki -1
. - I
cvm&h1ed:rogei from ,the bomquat*hio M. �.
1b VXe Saw i1i, the -11R'44 , 1, '� .4 j-1, '�_ " � " '
. IVr;l J.�o ,.. �
.4 ,�,� � , , I , . '.
_ . "',
, � .6 %
'. VA ?,; X
he had sent to Sybil*s room become h9wor-otaicilm ,w.tt .Lg , �!, tib? q i
cl�imer, lying just - und so" As Ayoeisworw Aa , " A , RO , "I ,
. , IWA ...
orneath the - . jw: -, 6.,Wllill �R
. - - .R, 1� if . 3e.
r �,,� �;,;-:
7 Im- �
..."M � �,;� 044 '�, ��' , ,,
" , !� U W"
table, a little rooe6D ,Of ivory satiny of tw V'W-t'"74' Lh I 10-i ..41
� IMP W, 9, lu",
nF it . , , � ,� �,�e- ,
V-1, h, -the , vigst-34:110A 'I'M "' , "'
a fragment Of lace, from -her scarf.: A= ok "' It
F49 Okoked thelm up jealously and chain of his - 'I I ,
1.11 �
mlenvry., 'i . eliw, v�,-.`
, *00 I I ,
.... . � , pf'-;�;. Y,
atuffed theTd in -to, his, poclgei. 1119 pa,� I I . . I I I ,�, 2, .,
. r 1.111-41
. %,:!,., i
Nai'den, Stmith looked on approvdng- cut out of every 11 " , ,� �', II.:- I
. very 0. i %000-14!,�..",�' llbd` .
, . N
17. - . 'the house.. Ayn�swortfi I '". "I ,
- -
,;,,S- 5 "I
-.�swortfi t6 IR4. , ,,,I,,,_ , W1, ."
"Little Pieces ofc=1u;mstautiAI evi- wilch to -may still saw his mmTo.
. ".
donee -like that," fie'remarked, "will turnang on ,his motor-bicy-elei-4n1080 , � 'L " "Awli
" , _ I I W
1-t ,�
sometimes ,hang* an innocent, person. copies. Directly lie saw them; !
6�; be, , I
� � ��
_ ,
: ,..I
If Lord Lakenham has been shot by membered. You saw how she, c yll�'..:
I §Ang- ?"
-te with 13174 . "'n.,
oayibody, and, that certainly seems to ed towards him. ,She7fih , d wi _ , �
. ,
be the came, the Young lady must flagrantly at dinner -time. 0e'didher �'.
take her, chance. There is no need, best, to Mbe- him to silence. He prob. , ' ; I 1WP
. �
however, to prejudice it by handing ably wanted more thAif she was will- . I 1 ", ; 1.
i� that. . , i � ,
up testimony lit - ing to,give. That i�lft oily affair. At �;"
. 1- 7
, .
"She didn't do i-011 Jermyn gasped, this moment it isn't youis. Any*ay, I . . 11�- �
"Sybil would nover have hurt any there is no doubt I 41,111
. that they quarrel- - ,!
one!" led in the billiard room this evenin " `3 ,
g;r . I , t' ,
.. ! �' .! ,
11 I... -
"'All the more- reason, then,", MT. Look at it any way you like Jeainyn. - , `4Z
-Norden Smith pointed. I ! . ... .
out, "for con- Even the angels are fooli& some- . �.*;.;� J . . . . ,
�"':l � ,
cealing those little scraps of evidence times, you know, and this is the one 1 ; 1 ,
��� . ,!R' ,
which certainly Iseem, to point to- moment in, your life ,when, for your .. 11 11 , ,
.1, .
11 �
wards a struggle. And ,now, if there own sake, you must face the [raphe.. ". .
I'll I .
is really su,ch,a person in the house There isn't dik,,faintest doubt M the -: . ,,!�','pl
- " '.... I
as a doctor, suppose you fetch him?" world that Sybil Clulev shot- Ayges . _ I
-a . ., 'Isl'. I
. 11 �.
Like a' man in a -dream, JermVn -worth rather than have, him, tell y* " �
- I �
strode across. the hall into the library of a little episode which I fancy . . , '•.`-
. I
...;Dlr. Browning was just about to might ,have disturbed even your per -
playa hiand. Jermyn tapped, him on feet faith in, her." .. ,, I
' 1, 141,
the shoulder. . "'I can't believe it!" Jermyn ex,
"Brownrigg," be gaid,•"yo&re want- claimed.- "Sybil was afraid of Aynes- , I 11 :� .. ,4 ,
_. . .
ed. Will you come with me at owe, worth, I know. There was som�pthh)g �, ,. - . ' , Ili
Please?" which she was going to teii me, some- . I . !F
. . 11
. "
The doctor looked around, a little thing which she will tell me," � .. ":1," I
surprised. He was a heavy man and
I . ;1
his instincts were not 'heave
)'Continued next week.) ;.A i
. . ".,,
juick. He was also enjoying his ., .; .. 7 .: i
x-idge exceedingly, . . 46! ' " ..
"Is it the telephome?", he inquired � 1,4
rritably. "I will answer Wit and Wisdom � ".11"
,er it as, soon I �
is I 'have played this hand., I sup- Miss Agnes Xwphail' tells the . . - .. . �'., . I ,
Pose it's old Mother Gastill again farmers to, "walk on their own feet." �. I r
vith her rheutnatism. These people , Surely she'hasn't been dancing wfth , ...
I , gomiii'of her supporters! -Fergus -
.xpeet me to go and. giye them op, I .11
um every-" �,, .. Nero�Record. I .
, .. 1�.,
"My dear Xefrnnyn," Lucille ex- I - , � . .1, '
. .
' One Cleveland. concern is now mak ' 1.
.Iai-med, "what on earth the mat- ' IV
,mer withyou? Have you been seeing ing ,beer instead of -motor cars. That
,rhosts?', I gives the customer more smiles to .... .
'The doctor s-t4II ,sat placidly in' ,his .the gallon-4Kitchener Record,. . ; . I
>Iace. Jermam stretched out his arm,
. .
. .. . I
mneeping some: of the cards from the 'There should -be a law compelling .
.. -
able. I eeonomists to tdko a course in simple 1-1 ;.1...,
"Coyne -,Ottawa Journal. . .. ,;
. with me this moment, English. I ..-;
� I
3rovarigg," he -Raid, gripping his . . .� ..,
;Iioulder. "Never mind your hand,. It '.1 - , ' ' . I . .t ' I
s, not a telephone -message. Some- In all this recent economic and .. .. .
hing has happened bere,in the house. mcney battle, London hotels hwo
The littlll ."urely got the best of it.___�Sj. Cath- - 11"
I e .party a -rose to their . ,
eet, Dr. Brownrigg ,,prang up quick- ar'nes Stamda;"d- . I . . .. . 1 ` I
y enough novp and accompanied'
.� I
. .
4rmyn out of the roocyr. The others No matter how crazy you are, there .". t,
. :"
ollowed a few, yards behind. is comfort in the thought that some I . .�
"What is.� it?" the doctor -asked. Will agree .with you. -Kitchener Re-
'What is it . , eh? Any one taken ill cord- I . "'
. i'v
;udd,enly?" I I "I
"Lakenham is lying in the bihwho have changed the iard ' The people .1 1: ,
room," Jermyn answered. "He seems world very much have usually ,done
I .
o have shot himself, or--4bee-ii shot 60 indirectly. Such are, the Y scien- . J
-accid-ent-',,l believe he's dead." t'ists, and though far more, interest, .4.
"Good 'God!" Dr. Bro Ag . ng to'us than politicians and. otbf�r'
wn ,g mut- , . "
I .1
erect. - charlatans, they are almost impos- . 1. � -
I . - Mr.
He quickened his pace. They eater- sibly di'Acult to write about. . .�,
-d the billiard room. Jermyn closed' David Garnett. '. rp'5
he door firmly'-behin-d them -,.Mr. I - " . I
Borden Smith was on his knees, ., On these long sunlit ,evenings the '
lending over the prostrate body. He jig -saw puzzle loses some'- of its at- . ..�
o-oked up as the doctor entered. traction. -Detroit Free Press. . . I .4
. 11
"I -don't think he's dead," he Te- . � :1
narked, "The wound seems. very near The big wheat nation's, we read, I I .11
. ..
. ';
he heart, to' me, but be is certainly nave agreed in principle rega-ding a :1
,reathing. ' pi odu6tion, plan.. The grasshoppers, . . I
The doctor madea brief examina- we understand, hive -not signed tb% I 1,
ion. When he arose he was looking dlocument-,Stratford . BeaCon-11brald,... .,.,.,. _.• A,
My grave. I . I . z
. .11
"Lord Laktilham is alive," he said.
I cannot say anything -more until I LONDON .CND WINGHAM I - *
ave examined the Nvpund. I should• -
ike him carried up to a bedroom and South. - .. ;
must telephone for some instru, , P.M. , .1
rients and drugs. It may 'be neces- Wingliant .................. 1.55 -
ary to operate, I should like further Belgrave .................. 2.11 �
deice, too, Scrid for some of tour B]Nth ... I...., 2.23 1
len-servants, and a lei,. basket chair Lo'nde,1�0'ro* * * .* * ... I .... 2,30 . �
. . * 3.08 �
r anything that will do for a litter, Clinton ..................... . i
�ir Jerin,yri, , BTucefteld ................. 3.27 1
They carried T.akenhalm upstairs Kippen11
.................... 3.85 �
nd laic] Iiii-h on the bed in an unoc- Hensall ....... : ............. 3.41 I
upied be-droorl. The telephone mos- Exeter ..................... 3.56 1
1 ,
ages were despatched. The faste-st .. I .�
i,otor car in the garage was already North. ... ...)
ri its ),v-aN- to Norwich to �bring out . A.M. ... ��
celebra'te'dsurgeon. Meanwhile, the Exeter .................... 10.42 1. .. -�
octor, at his own requ"t, vas lc -ft Helisall _.. 10.55 .1�
. ..............I -�!
lone withhis patient." -in Lakenbawas
., Kippe.n 11.01.
..... ... ...... �
nconsciou4� but he still lived, Do -on- Brucefield ...... ... *: ...... 11.09 �
tains thL'. two other guests took their Clinton ......... : ., , ........ I. IIJ54 I ,�
Da've an'll dleparted. Jormyn found Londesbol'o ......., ......... 12.10 1�
,tiville -fitting in the Ila]]. Rlytii ............ I., .;
......... 12.19 . 11
"He is .still alive?" she inquired. Belgrade .................. 12.30 .�,
"He is mill alive," J(11nivil, replied. Winghan.................. 12.50
She cane and Passed her ary
. i
I �
hrougli his. I
",Jermyn (Icir, this is all �o ter- C. N. R.
fele." she said softly.I 5
"Come. and .. ..i
it do.Nrn. sollv-wherre quit(, quietly. East.. . .11
ornpwhere where we mn bp alone. A.M.:i
'llere is a que4ti�en, I must ask you." Goderich ....... I... . 6.45 2.30' I ;l,She 4d the ivay into the library. Clinton ......... : ... 7.08 3.00 -1
N, followed' her alninst like a man S&eaTorth ........... 7.22 3.18 4
ii a dreani. The card table was still Dublin ............. 7.33 13.'31 I
I 1
here, the dununy's, ]land spread out Mitchell ........... -.7-42 3.43 . I
p -on the table, the liquor glasses.
Alf enipty, .at the Side. She pourel West.
tit, soni., brandy.and made pini drink Dublin ............. 1.1.19 9.32 .
t. 'Svaforth ........... 1A.34 9.45 .
"Jermyn," .she asked, "have you Clinton * ............ 11.50, 9.59 1 .
een Miss Cluley?' Goderich . ........... 12.10 10.25 ,
"No," he answered, "have ,v,lu9'I
She nodded and glanced Anxiously
owards the door. After 'a rnonient',, - C. P. R. TIME TABLE . I
P-Ritation she rose and fas•felied 01`0
'rvnrh window which led into the . East.
-ard,on. Then ,she came back and stood A.M. . I
�y his side. Goderich........... . ... :.. 6.50 I
"Listen.," sho said. "There will be Nfemet .................... 6.5.5`..,
..: 4'
Onle 011e here from the police station McGaw .................... 6.04 � !'
efore very; lonig. Dr. Brownrigg told Auburn .................... 6.1111
ne that he had, been abliged to tele- Blyt), ..................... 6.25 � 1. 4
ifione there. As you call very well Walton .................... 6.40 I, , �', ,
. I �
niagirle, I do next like Miss Sybil McNaught .................... 6.52 J.
'luky, ,but T don't want to some her Toronto ................... 10,25 .1
Ive herself away coilipletely." . !I.,
Ileyrnyn caught bold of the edge of wetit. . "r I
lie 'inan-telpiece, by which he was A.M.
tandiing. Toronto ................... . 7A0, .. c ,
- .
1 ..%, I
"You don't believe," he gasped- McNaught ................. 11.49 ."
you don't 'be'lieve' that Sybil shot Welton . .................. �. 12.01, . .:., � .... I
. " 1.1
Tim 7" Blyth .................. 12.12 . �,.V
.' .!, o
"'I know that she -did.," Lucille re- Xiibvrn .............. .. 19.99 I ,�.,p
.�,�I!�, � .-
flied calmly. MIAdGw .................. , 11"04 M I
There was si Inomentle awful ail- Afemset ................. ::, M41 I , t,
*ce- Jeemiyn's facet ..... : 12646, 1 1 ... 4,.
. .
li A ,.,
, ,��. I 11 �
. 1.11 11! 1, .
. I L I 1, 'I � � - I
I . 0". , , " I . 4, ", .. �
��.���� ,;", 1, " . , .�, , A ;, ", V. %
; 311.1, .." I ".,
, "
"� 1% , d&�JltMWAI%de 11 � , � w " MEN'
k��11&9& ��W1.11a.0-11-a-0-42: =