HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-07-21, Page 54' /‘ A n 4 11; 13, 1ULY `Z1, 1933. 'la. ol H'A REGENT THEATRE, Seaf qr b, NOW PLATING I Maurice Chevalier, Helen Twelvetrees and Baby Leroy, in "A BEDTIME STORY" 'This picture\will give you some of the •grandest chuckles you've ever had, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday --July 24, 25, 26 - • "42nd 'STREET" THE MOST POPULAR MUSICAL' SUCCESS EVER SHOWN ! Cast includes: 'Warner Baxter - Ruby Keeler - Bebe Daniels - Una Merkle, Thursday, Friday and Saturday—July 27, 29, 29 ZASU PITTS in "THE CROOKED CIRCLE" CRAMMIED FULL OF FUN (Matinees Sat. and holidays, 8 p.m. Two shows nightly; 7.80 and 9,15 s N r: CE TO' CREP TOO, , NO. , ,da,y len tmedittpre 414 Missile iii1t3 lroo nen t :the eatlalte Of Maw A. lticliGoan", telt* od 'tete Village of rilde, ia1 5vei 'Gmruty aIk Eun, Sista,. ober, deceased, who deed en the Sixteenth' day of Junes, 1983, are r'eeiuited to tor9s7trd their •cltatasa' dwly a?a''oveu to The umfelcaigtned. oteli'ci- tor for the eattcutlnrs, an ar 'before the -tWea- ;ty.second day loll Jelly, 1933. AN1) NOTICE •tel fartther given that after The an'ai ,last mentioned date, the executors w4Pi Trbeeed to distribulte the assets of the' aetatte, having regard only to the( a7aim5 of Which thew the shall have 'notice. --91ATED tat Selaforth, Ontario, this Sixth day Of July, 1933. JOHN J. HUGGAS,D, 2,dadiculth, Ontario, ' S.a7'loitlor for the Executors. 8421-3 �._-..—Ci•.•_ .. t NOTICE TO CREDITORS British Petroleum Company Limited, Stake Location ' Forest, July 17. --Mr. E. P. Rowe, Geologist, of Toronto, and Dr. E. B. "'Blain, of 'Hamilton, cruised the pro- perties of the Company in Plympton 'Township fast week and staked the `.location for Deep Well Number One eon the farm of Archie .McKinley. The :surface indications on ,the company's -properties compare with those that led to the development of the"world's greatest oil and gas fields, including 7. he Appalachian, Gulf Coast, Sabine, 'Loliisiana, Texas, Tampico, Trinidad, Rumania, Russia, 'Burma and Sum- atra. It is expected that commercial 'production of oil and gas will be ob- tained in• the Niagara, Clinton and 'Trenton Limestone. WINTHROP Address and Presentation.—"Mr. 'W'illia'm Trewartha. Dear Sir and Brother; We, the offi,cei-s and mem- :bers of L. 0. Le'• 813, .haivling' gath- 4red once again in our lodge rooms -for the grand purpose of celebrating -the 242rd anniversary of the rattle orf the Boyne, which has been cele- 'brated by this Lodge each and every ;year for the past 76 years, which sneaks well for the -kind of men who -tfrom time to time have been active -members of this Lodge during the '.past 76' years, and who by their un - 'tiring activity and' loyalty to our. -glorious association, have kept the 'Orange flag flying every 12th day of ..July during all those years. And to you, Brother Trewartha, as you are 'now 61 years an Trewartha, Orangeman and a merribl2-r of this Iodge, • I, as Worshipful Master, extend -to you,.on 'behalf of the members, our very ;,high -appreciation of your valuable service to out- glorious association and to this Lodge in particular. And from what we can gather -from what - has transpired during. the 61 years 'that have passed since you became a -member of the Orange Association, your services among the 'brethren 'have been'•very valuable and by. your -wise council and timely •advice the 'Lodge has achieved great acconilplish- -nrents'.. And in order to show our a'p- -preciation of you as an Orangeman and an untiring worker in our well - 'beloved Order and in our Lodge, we 'ask you to 'a'ccep't this walking cane as a slight token of our love and esteem .for a true and unselfish Or- ange Brother, which we have found -you to 'be, always with the willing hand to further the interests of our -noble order and ".in presenting you with this cane, we assure you that -with it we .extend to you our best -wish';s for a long life. of good 'health. I peace, hap'pir'ess and prosperity, and! we sincerely hope and trust that you May long be spared to participate I with your brethren in their twelfth 'of Julycelebrations.' Signed, P. G. Little, Z Mr Wm. :B. Tretvartlia, Jr., D.IVf.; Past Masters, W. J. ,Kinney. P.C..M,; John 'Bullard, PiD:31.; David Boyd, P.D M.; Fergus Bullard, P.D.• Mi.; Adrian Hogg, P,D.:M.; :Joseph Hagg, P.D.M.; Irwin Trewartha, P.M.; Wm. B. Trewartha, D.M. Mr. Tre- wartha was so taken by surprise that 'he was unable to reply. I-Iis son, Ir- win Trewartha made a very suitable reply by thanking :the °,embers for their kind remkm'brance. 'Mr. and Mrs. Norman Geddes and' ?Vlrsr, Geddes,- Sr., 'of Belgrave. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. -Joseph Little. vTrs. Geddes is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Little. We are pleasli'd to hear that Mrs. George -Little has improved. lately, (Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Agar and Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett spent Sun- day with 'Mr. and Mrs. George Ea- ton. Winthrop played an exhibition game of football with Brussels in Brussels on the 12th of July, the score! being 2-1 for Winthrop. The game played in Seaforth last Saturday night 'between the Hurons and 'Carling's, of London, was Well worth seeing. We think the London- ers ha,d all they could handle, 'We gi4e Walton and 'Winthrop boys great credit, especially the good goal tenders, as they made some nice stops. . r " BIRTHS Norrit3.—In Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, Ion Judy 13th, to Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Norms, Staffa, a San. IN MEMORIAM WIRIGHT.—In loving memory of our dear sister, who passed away one year (rgo, July 21, 1932. We watched -her suffer day by day, It daused oat bitter grief, Tp see her slowly pine away, And could not give rellief. Her weary hours and days of pain, Her troubled nights have gassed, And in our adhi'ng• hearts we know She has found sweet rest at last. —Ever remembered by'•,,,•Mother, Brothers and Sisters. 3423x1 'CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. William Venus and family wish to thank Me. J. F. Daly for his kind- ness in loaning the car which enabled them to attend the. funeral of their son in Orilli'a, and to Mr. Stanley Nichol, the driver. FARM- FOR SALE BIG .FARM BARGAIN OI;FERED. — 113 acre farm, -price $12.00 per acre. Prin- c.ipaddy light clay loam soil; no waste; very few stones; good- water supply. Fine' level surface; orchard; lame bank barn and house, both require shingling. Situated about two mile, from Godenich Town. Immediate pos- sossi 'n. Write J. W. ARMSTRONG, Box 89, Goder'Leh. Residence at Mrs, Challone, er's, Elvin Ave.. Godet•ich. 3423-1 'AUCTION SALE' . UCPION SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS.—G. H. I Elliott has been instructed to sell `by 'public I auction. on the premises, Centre Street, Sea - forth,' Oct Saturday, July 29, 1333, at two o'dlock ` p.m., s'ix-raorrred frame house, the property of the late Miss McBride, House- hold 'Effects --Steel cooking range, new; Que- bec heater•; 2 -burner coal oil stove with oven, coal oil heater lawn mower, -Singer sewing rnac'Frine, , centre table, extension dining table, small' tattles, 2 Davenports, 1. couch, • Domin- ian piano, iron bed. mattress' and springs, wash stands, four diming •'chairs, 2 kitchen chairs, 3 rockers, 2 cupboards, rugs, linoleum,. Oleclu+ic irnrf, step '.adders, china dishes, and many other household articles. Terms, --On property- wiH be made known'on diay of sale or cit application to the undersigned. Chat- tel.;—Clash. JOHN McNAY, Admtinistratdr: G. H, Elliott, Auctiloneer. 3423-2 DOLMACE DRAIN TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP Pat•tiies wishing, to pay cash assessments on Deli -nage Drain are asked to do so on 'l'ues- dcy,afterrwon, August 8th. Treasurer will be Carnegie Hall on above date. , • JOHN McNAY, Cleric. 3122-3 MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the powers` con- tained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at: 'the sale, the underaig.ned have been in:;Eructed Is, evil by public auction at the 1:,-,v Office of Glalmnn & Stanbury, Exe- ter, Ont., on Saturday. August 29th, 11133, at 2.',,'elock p.m,. 'the following farm property, All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and promises situate, lying and befog in the township of Hibbert, in the County of Perth, being. composed of Lot Number Ele',n 1.1,, in the l"ourteenth 114th) Cence,••siu.n of the. said T,m'iihip containing 100 acre; of land, more or less. Tie property ie well built on and improv- ed and it; good state of cull:tivation. It is in the centre of as good farming' district. TERMS OF SALE ' Ten per cent. on day of sale and balance within .30 days thereafter, subject to a re- sc'rrcd bid. 1•'uether conditions and terms will be made known on. Clay of sale. 'GLADMAN & STANBURY,. Solicitors 'for Mortgagee, Exeter and Hemsall. 3422-3 Clerk's Notice• of First Posting of Voters' List • (Section 10, Form d) VOTERS' •LIST, 1931, MUNICiPALITt OF HENSALL, COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE is hereby given that I have com- plied with Section 7 of the Voters' Lista Act and Ithtnt t have posted up in my office at Town Hall, Hensall, on the 80. day. of July, 7933, the lint of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elec- tions and that such List remains there for inspection. And I hereby call urron all voters to take immediate proeeedimg{s to have any errors or omissions corrected according In law,• the last day fot appeal being the 29th day of July, 1933. DATED this 8th day of July, 1933. JAMES A. PATERSON,• 'Clerk of the Village of Hensali. 3422.3 Second Hand and Rebuilt Machinery for Sale One 1632 Imrperial Tractor. Ome'20-135 1Ln11perial Tractor. One 20-315 Rulmtel'y Tractor,— One 21 H.P. Bell Traction Engine. One 124'-25 H!P. 'IG'eo..'Whlte ReaimuounIi Traction Engine. One 215 iIi1P, Geo. White 'Si:remount Tra.'ction. Engine. One 28x4+2 Waterloo with Cutting ,Box Attachment. One 36-50 Geo. (White- Challenge Separator, with Cutting Box Attachmlent. One 82x50 'Sawyer -'Massey Separator. ' One 28x45 Waterloo 'Separator. 'One 33x48 Waterloo Separator. One '24x316 Bell Steel Separator. 'One 25x1510 'Bell 'Steel Sparator. One 32x554 Bell Wood Separator with Cutting Box attachment. One 2121x'316 Nicholls and Shepard "Red River Speciall" Separator. ' Also New 'Separators -24x186, '24x40, 2$x45, 321t50. THE ROBT. BELL ENGINE and THRESHER CO., LTD. SEAFORTH,1.ONT. 34.2 r .1. 'NOTICE is hereby given under the statutes. in 'that behalf that all pensions havitng any claims against Mary Jane A:nehmen, tette of the Township of MIcKialeP, deceased, who died on the 28th day of Mader, 1933, are re- quired o send tothe undersigned solicitors for the Executors, fall Par:tttciul'alrs in writing and verified; by affidavilt of their claims and the nature of the securities, If any, held by than, on or before the 22nd day of July, 1913, after which date the said Executors will proceed lb distribute the asset of the said deceased, having regard only to the dlaims of which they then shall have had notice. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 30th day of June, 1933. HAYS & MEIR, Solicitors for Executers, 3421-3 POPULAR STALLIONS The Premium Clydesdale Stallion FAVOURITE AGAIN (24337) Enrolment No. 1961 Form A 1 Monday afternoon.—Will leave his own stable, Brucefield, and go south to Kipper by London Read to Al. Harvey's, for night. Tua+;day.—To Second Concession of Tucker - smith, south 114 miles, then east to 10th. Concession to Angus McKinnon's, for noon; then east to Ken McKel'l'ar's, for night. Wed- nesday.—East to Town Line, then north 11/4 miles to Lloyd Golqulhodn's, for noon; then by Staffa to William Patridk's, for night. Thursday. --North f1/.t miles to 7th Concession to Coyne Bros., for noon; `then west to Robt. Dole's for night. Friday,—West to Gem¢rnell's corner, then north to Mill Road to George McCarttney's, flay noon; then east to McAd- am's side concession and north to Carnochan Bros., for night. Saturday—By ...way of Broaetfoot's bridge tp Mill Road to his own stable;. 'real-as—To insure, $15.00. R. D. MURDOCK, Proprietor and Manager. , The Pure Bred Canadian Clydesdale Stallion MONCRIEFFE PRINCE Enrolment No. 2177 Passed Approved 1 Will stand for mares this season as fol- lows : Monday.—Will leave his stable at Bruce - field and go west to the second Concession of Stanley, then south to William Mckenziie's. for noon; then to Hensal'l to the Commercial Hotel, 'for night. Tuesday.—South and west to Matt. Thnney's, for noon ; then west to the Parr Line, to, James McAllister's, for night. Wednesday.=North to Charle3•..,Steph- enson's, for noon ; then north to Varna and 'east to Elmer Webster's, for night.Thum- 'lay,—Nat-tbb by Yarns. .to ..9th... Concession, Grnderich Township. to Henry Taylor's, Hay- field, for noon; then to Del. Gardiner's, Can- eession 7, Cut Line, for night: Friday.— North to the Highway to Alex. Sterling's, for noon; then east en the Highway to H/drnesville to Robert Culclough's, 11th Con- ceeslion, for night. Saturday.—South to Ed., Glenn's, 3r4 Concession, Stanley, far radon then south to his own stable for night. Terms. -410,00 to insure. ROBERT 'D. MURDOCK,' Proprietor. William Luker, Manager. Standard Bred Trotting Stallion VALIANT GUY No. 4070-6783 Approved Form A 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season as fnl'l,ws : Monday, May 20.—Will leave his own' stable, Brueefield, and go by way of 2nd Concession of Stanley and Gode:rich Townships to I•dolmes- ville at John Potter's, for night. Tuesday.— by way of Varna to Payr Line at A•lf. John - :,ton's, for noon; then 'Nome for night, Wed- netilay,—Wi•ll remain at his own stalale. Thursday.—Py way of 2nd Concession, Tuck - el -smith, to Fred, Cook's. Huron Road, for t con ; then home for night. Friday -.—East to ;Vic 'e sidewratl ;and north by way of Harpurhey ami Roxboro to Flank Coleman's, for noon ; then west to Livin.•sston's school. ((Mise' and 'South by way of Aima to his own stable. Saturday.—Will remain at his own stable. Terms,—For Standard bred acid registered mare, 520; grade mares, $12.00, WILLIAM BERRY, Proprietor and Manager Brucefield, Ont. ' The Choicely Bred Percheron Stallion STARLIGHT 13226 Ent•-'iment No, 261t Form l Will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follows: l6Fonitay Noon---Willleave his own stable, Munro, and aro to Dublin : then north five mile; to Erl. Posey's. Tuesday Noor..—Wtll go a mile west of Beechwood to John M'alone's. for night Wedne+day.--To hits own stable• where he will remain until Thurs- day .,noon. Thursday Kaon—Tri" one mile south .of Eiimvilde to Bruce Cooper's, for night, Friday To 11/4 .chiles north of Kirk - ton toOrvillle Roger's, for noon ; then 'to his own stable. Saturday. --To Carlintrforcl and home by way of Fullarton. The horse is drawn by trainer and will respond to calls off his route. Terms to insure $12 ; two mares from the same owner, '$10. Parties losing colts will have free service the following year. NORMAN PARSONS, Proprietor„8c Manager. Phone 20-5, Dublin. 3420 -if FARMS FOR SALE FI ARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Ooncesealon 3, McKillop, con- taining 192 acres and known as the T. E. Hays' farm. Must be sold to close the estate. If nut sold will be rented. For' particulars apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea - forth. 3368-tf THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 Wool - • Wanted Toronto prices paid for Wool. H. M. Jackson . ?N%le '.Vie i; iiiulli%v.'lr'! i;i Rau sir? br1 I.. t Surprisingly' Low Prices As the seasons change—so do the styles.. That is why you find these wonderful values in' New Fashioned Frocks for midsummer profusely re- presented in this fashionable store. Come in and see these new style Dresses. You will like them.. And you will like the prices, too., Summer Dresses Reduced to «$5.95 Sheer Crepe, Printed Crepes, Chiffon Voiles, Dimity Voiles, Swiss Dots --=in all this season's wanted shades. Dresses for afternoon or sport' wear. These Dresses were formerly sold for 57.95 to- $10.00. PLACED ON A SPECIAL RACK SPECIALLY REDUCED SummerDresses $2,95 SPECIAL House Dresses 69c Made 'of guaranteed Print, full lengths, cut in attractive styles, trimmed with bias tape of matching colors. Organdie and buttons. Com- plete range•of colors and sizes. 69c .. Made of Celenese, Rajal Silk, Silk Pique and Rayon. White, Green, Blue, Peach, Yellow. Plain or fancy colohs. -All size's. Buy That New Suit Now. TIP-TOP en's Suits MADE TO YOUR MEASURE AT THE LOWEST PRICE THEYWERE EVER SOLD CLEARING ALL WOMEN'S Bathing Suits HALF PRICE Every woman's bathing suit in our 'store has marching orders. All sizes, all colors. Finest pure wool. HALF PRICE vimmumin White Purses $1.00 Imitation white leather extra change purse, hand strap and zippers. Nicely ornamented. misinmumumm MAKE YOUR OWN Afghans , We have a delightful range of specially want- ed colors in Afgan yarn. The famous Monarch Brand. 15c BALL NEW AFGHAN BOOKS Filled with Iatest de- signs and color schemes. 25c MEN'S QUALITY Shirts £1.50 With collar attached or two separate collars. Smart „new patterns, dine selection of .colors. Forsyth a n'd Tooke 'brands, the standard's' of quality. IIIERISMIZEMBEIMEI Here is beyond all question the great- est clothing value in Canada. These Suits are made to your exact meas- uremert—fit guaranteed—of fine hand -tailored and will give you the maximum of shape retaining wear. Come in and see the samples of cloth. WOMEN'S PURE SILK NEW NOVELTY Hose Tine quality Fancy Sox with reinforced heels and toes; new colors, new patterns, g o 0 d quality. HOSE 75c Penman's, Kayser, Orient and Wel- drest Brands. Pure silk from foot to welt; double feet. All wanted shady. A value extraordinary. 75c s MEN'S SNAG PROOF OVERALLS $1.50 Although the wholesale prices of ov- eralls have tadvanced, we axle still selling these best of all Overalls at the lowest price in years. STEWART BROS., SEAFORTH FANCY SUMMER Ties 50c Cool, dressy, light -color - Ties for Summer. They 4 1i4