HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-06-30, Page 8771i ger AGE EIG • • Earthen Ware Pitchers Regular price, 35c, 40c and 50c NOW HALF PRICE 2 in 1 'SIHIOE'POLIS,H 10c tin CERT° SIAILMON—Large tins 10c, 13c, 25c and 35c. SWIEtET ivaxcp PICKLES 25c cozart-.container CATSUP 15c large 'bottle BROKEN STUFFED OLIVES on 84)-4.)unee jar IVfeLAREN'S PLAIN OLIVES 32 -ounce jar LFMON, ORANGE and RASPBERRY • tOXADE.a—Makes 2 glasses 5c package 30c c ORANGEADE AND LEMON- 25c tADE__IBottle Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples and Feathers taken as cash. We pay lc a' dozen extra trade for eggs. Cream taken for the Seaforth Cream- ery at the same price paid at the Creamery. Hutchison's PHONE 156 Windstorm Insurance • Are you insured against the danger of wind that may strike your buildings at any time? Rates have kept pace with the times. Rates gladly quoted. Best Canadian Companies. Watson & Reid Phone 214 : Seaforth Specialists in All Lines of Insurance o o o o o 4c• S.. T. Holmes & Son UNERAL SERVICE 0 Main Street, Seaforth 0 0 0 0 0 00 • • - S. T. Holmes' residence, Goderich Street, West; phone 0 No. 119W. Charles Holmes' residence, Goderich Street, .0 East; phone No. 308. Ambulance Service 0 Night calls, phone 308. 0 Day calls, phone 119 J. Charges moderate. O 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 H. C. BOX Funeral Director and Licensed. Embalmer 0 Best Motor and Horse-drawn equipment. Charges moderate. 0 Flowers furnished on short notice. 0 Night Calls Day Galls 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000 000 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • WALKER'S'0 40* FUNERAL SERVICE 0 o W. J. WALKER and JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 Licensed Embalmers, and 0 0 Funeral Directors. 0 Day or Night Calls promptly 0 attended, PHONE- 67 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. • HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS; Geo. R. McCartney, Seaforth - Prea. James Connolly, Goderieh - Vide -Pres.. Merton A. Reid., Seaforth Sec.-Treas: • AGENTS: • W. E. Hinehley, Seaforth; John Murray, R. R. 3, Seaforth; E, R. G. lagnanuth, Brodliagea; Jarrles Watt, myth; C. F. Hewitt, Kincardine. DIRECTORS: William Knox, Londeisboro; George Leonhart, Brodhagen; James Con- • Goderiehr Alex. Broadfoot, No. 2, &earth; Robert Ferris, Blyth; George McCartney, No. 8, &Worth; Jahn PopPer, Brueefield; James Shot. &CO, Walton; Thomas Maiden, No. 5, fisefOrtli. -A BARGAIN POR, stores, one mile • *OM Goefortlii Modern house With dialittee, bath arid toilet; small lharri; • Orchard.' Ts/Ws, $15. Splendid • o Start eltiekelt faaM, boa • ere; ' feia • g, trAtfit,• •Seatortk. Opt eseeetiseacepeperearreate„, Holiday and Picnit Supplies BATHING CAPS THERMOS AND VACUUM. acrerLES, PAPER PLATES AND CUPS KODAK FILM CREAMS AND LOTIONS for insect bites and sunburn. GOLF AND TENNIS BALLS --AT— Keating's Pharmacy The Rexall Drug Store PHONE 28 : SEAFORTH Cut Flowers, Wreaths and Floral Pieces supplied for all • occasions. • , • TIIMRON EXPQSITOR • last winter. Mr. Hamilton was the last surviving member of his family, but leaves to mourn his loss one son and two daughters, Mrs. James Love, TtNkeramith.; Mrs. 'William McFad- den and Mr. Stewart Hamilton, of Weylburn, Sask. The remains will be brought to Seaforth and the funeral will be held from Egmentiville Unit- ed Church ou Saturday afternoon, when the service•s will be conducted by Rev. C. A. Malcolm.' Interment will be made in Maitaandbank ceme- tery, and .the ,pallbearers will be ...4./lesarS. James Alien, James -Wallace, A. Broadfoot, J. G. Doh-eity, R. Cole- man and A. Arinstrong. For Sale.—Batcl tub, toilet and fittings, all in good contlithon. C. Cock, Hensall. . 3420-1 For Sale.—Ford touring with stilarter and 1933 license, $16.00 each. Apply at The Ex - Poe itor Office. 3420x1 Men Wanted to handle high grade line of Teas, 0o.ffee;, Spies, Extracts, ToDlet Prepara- titian idtrect to established users. Openings ir Huron and Perth Counties. Write T. H. Wand Company, John South, Hamilton. 3420x1 Wanted to Buy.—Small farm of 50 aeres or les, wfh good bu Wings neaa• Seaforth, 1 icnsall or Ex eber, Would deal on cas.h bas is, but price must be real buy. W rite to The Huron Expos itJh, giving full payticudars. 3419x3 NEWS OF THE TOWN will Be a.Holiday.—Saturday next, Dominion Day, will be a 0,ublic hali- de• with the f fl Announcement —Mr. and Mrs. John Crozier. of Walton, announce the en - •g -agement of their daughter, Vera Agnes, to Mr. James C. MeIntoe;11, son of Mee. McIntosh' and the late James. McIntosh. of. Seafortn, the \vedditig to take place quietly in July. 4a - No Concert July 9th.—The Sunday day evening band concert for July 9th has been withdrawn, owing to the band and Legion garden party nn July Gth. This will not affect the regular con.certs for the remainder of the season. • Will Meet. --The W. C. T. U. ot Huron -County will hold its annual. convention on .Tuly 4th in the' United Church, Wing:ham, ecermencing at 9.30 a.m. A very cordial invitation is extended to all interested in the temperance 'situation in Canada to attend this .convEntion. :glee Gclf Field Day.—Saturday, July 1st, will be: a gay la daat the Seaforth Golf and Country'Club. The. .games committee, under Captain J. C.Greig. have...arranged competitions for men and ladies both 'morning and afternoon. Thore will also )•,.. mixed -foursomes, The cltib house and kitchen equip- ment will be available during the day for those who wish to take lunch. Hold Mixed Tourney.—An•enjoyahle mixed jitne.• tournament. arranged b y the ladies of the club, was • held. ce. the -bowling green on Thursday ev- ening of last Thirty bowlers enjoyed the evening's play and priz- es were won as 'follows: Ladies, Mrs. Shanahan; 2nd. Mrs. Rieman; gentlemen, 1st, J. J. Huggard; 2nd, Dr. R. R. ROR. placeso business a closed. Stores, however, will be op - 'n on Friday night. Transformer Blows Out.—A trans - forme. by the Regent Theatre blew out on Tuesday s'•ening, holding 'up the show until about 8.80. The dam- age was quickly repaired by E. Mole and Sylvester Allen. Golf in Mitchell—J. A. Stewart. R. E. McKenzie, W. E..Southgate and K. I. McLean were in Mitchell Wednes- day playing' in an invitation tourna- Tent of the Mitchell golf club. Ian • McLean turned in the best gross core in the first nin6's and brought , borne as prize an approaching. iron. Successful in R. N. Earns. --Miss Mary Helen Flann'ee.e. and .Mrs. Mar- jory Wteavey received -word this weak that they had been successful in the recent R. N. ,expm.,71inations, which they wrote at London recent- ly. They were among the graduates at Scott Memorial Hospital last week. scr Sehool Out.—Public school pupils finished abisorbin.g learning for this season en Thursday and will now be free until, September. Collegiate pupils are in the midst of drpartment-j al examinations. M.r. A. E. Fines, Clinton. is in charge here,, assisted by Miss Bryclone, Clinton, and Mr, Gor- rett, Blyth. • • Treasure Hunt is Success. — The treasure hunt held under the aesPices. of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute Association on Friday even- ing last proved a decided success. Some fifteen cars joined in the hunt and followed. the clues from the Rink to the Red Tavern corner to Grieve's bridge, to Crich's store, to memorial Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. --First Peeshyterian Church—Morn- ing: Rev. Gordon Peddie, of Hayfield, will prach; evening, "Volunteer.”— Ree,. I. 5, Keine, Minister. Northsicle. United •Chturch—Morn- ing, National anniversary service; evening. "The •Cavalcade."—eRev. W. P. Lane. 'Minister. Eginondville United Church—Morn- ing, "Horse Trading"; evining, "The Ordinary Thing." --Rev, C. Malcolm, Minister. St. Thomas' Anglican Church -10 o'clOCk: Confireriation and Sunday school: 11, o'clock, Holy Communion, sermon by the Rector: 7 p.m., Ser- mon by the 'Reetor.,—.Rev. Canon E. Aprpleyard, Rector. Barbara Kirkman .Auxiliary Meet. —The June meeting"of the Barham Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presh,•- terian Church was held on Tuesday evening with a large att',.ndance. Mr. Mae Dorrance. leader of the Mc- Donald Group, arranged the program. Mrs. F,ti. Smith, lvho presided, open- ed- the meeting with prayer. The F zriptur:- less6n ...was read by D.'G Ferguson. The business part of 'he meeting was taken by the „pre'si- dent, Mrs. Jahn . Sclater. :Mission- ary Gleanirgs Were read by Mrs. .J. Patterson. and Mrs. 1. 13. Kaine. in a very interesting way, told of the work of the W. "..0, A.-ith the other aces of the world, who migrate •ta Canada. Mrs. John E. Daley sang a lovely solo entitled, "Take Tillie To Be 1-Tioly." The Glad Tidings prayer was read by Miss Kathle:n Storey. After singing a hymn, the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. McKillop Branch Meet.—The • branch qf the W. M. S. of • Pi•sbyterian Church held its. regular .June' meeting at the home of Mrs. Helen MacMillan recently. The large attendance of members and friends sp.t,rit a pleasant afternoon in piecing a rmilti and in quilting. The president, Mrs. .J. L. Bell, had charge of the meeting, and after the open- ing hymn, Mrs. Bell read an inspir- ing poem:' and led in prayer. The Scripture lesson from John VI was read by Mrs. John Carter. The min- utes of the last meeting were read and the roll call answered by a Bible character. Mrs. ,Wm. Drover tools the, lesson on Ukrainia froln the study book and gave it in an interesting manner. The Glad Tidings Prayer Was given by Mrs. .T. M. •Govenlo•ck. Jean Scott read an article entitled, "Forward and Not Back." The of- feeingwas taken and annountecl to 9.0.5, and after the singing of an- other •hymn, Mrs. Wm. Hogg closed the Meeting with prayer. Died Suddenly in Toronto. — Many frienda in this district were shocked on .Monda-y to learn of the sudden death.of dir. Hugh Harnitton, which occurred at his home in Toronto that day. Mr. Hamilton had beenin his usual health and death eame *ith01.1rt WA/Ming. .The deceased was for many years a respected resident of Tuck- ersmith township, but six or seven years ago retired from the farm and Moved to Torento, Where lie had since reSided. Port ix years ago he was' titlebect in Marriage -to Miss .Eliaabeth qjxtIrttlig14014 '014 kaAled Way „ , • . 1,11.4114} 14.11, ,lasaliaaaaftatasla.aaa,:a.gasaaea...aaaa4kataa=UiaMAStgatik cairn, to Turnbull's mountain, to Eg- n'ondville dam. to' Lions 'Park, to front crf Northside United Church, where the key was locatedby my. arid:Mrs. James A. Stewart. 'Lunch was served at the rink and was fol- lows d by dancing. The use of the rink was given gratis by Charles Holmes. Rebekahs Entertain. — Edelweiss Reb.eimh Lodge held their regular meeting in the I.O.O.F. hall on Mon- day e• ening, June 26th, with a• large attinciance. There were about, 35 members present from Morning Star Rebekah Lodge, Brussels. Miss Belle Campbell and Miss Jean Smith gave very interesting reports of the as- sembly meeting they attended in To- ronto June 12, 13 and 14. There were short addresses and after the meeting a social dare was spent in progressive euchre. Winners: Ladies, first, Mrs, Mae Dorrance; .con - gents' first, Mr. Wm, Little, Brus.- gents' first, Mr. Wrafl Little, Brus- sels : consolation, Mrs. J. J. Huggard; lucky tally, Mrs. Baeker, Brussels Mrs. • Kestle presentzd the Noble Grand, Mrs, Dunbar, of Brussels, with o beautiful bouquet of roses, also Mrs:. We,teott, Sr. This was follow- ed by communiV singing and a dainty lunch Fen' e'd by the social committee with Mrs. Huggard, convenor. • With the Bowlers.—The local rink, consisting of J.' Beattie, skip, W. J. Duncan. M. A. Reid 'and C. Holmes, enterea-in the Provincial play off lost to Mitchell on Friday evening by one r.oint, but took the round •by three f,ninte. In; the douhles, R. J. Sproat and R. J. Winter were easy victors over Mitchell. Challengegames for the Soole Trophy are in progress at the greens almost F very night, Messrs. M. A. Reid and R. Devereaux losing it to C. Holmes and Broderick during the week. A rink of men visited Mitchell for the cnen rinlo tournament on Wednes- day. consisting of J. Beattie, Dr. Bechely. Duncan' and .1..J. Cluff, The ladies' rink were suceessful- at Stratford in •Stratford's annual rink tournament, winning second prize The rink consisted of Mrs. E. H. Close, skip, Mrs T 1 Huggard, Mrs. M. A. Reid and Miss Belie Campbell. The local cher) is hoping for a good attendance at their annual Doubles Tourney, to be held next Wednesday, July 5th. with play •commencing at 140. This is one of the outstanding events of the bowling year, .at which visitors and spectators are Welcome. , LOCAL BRIEFS 411/21.1101111111141810 • Mr, R. .T. Ryan, of Denver, Col- orado, brother of Mrs. M. .1. Broder- ick and Miss Elitabeth G. Ryan, Miss Ellen Ryan and Miss 'Catherine Ryan of Chicago, are guests at the home of Mrs. M. J. Broderick. • •Miss Irene Wankel, who gradu- ated this spring from, Victoria Hos- pital, tandem, .a spending the holi- days with her •parents. Mo.. and Mrs. A. Wankel. • Mr. and 'Mrs. Warren Ament nd little 'danghter, of Detroit, and Mr. A. IL G. Ani,ett, of Toronto, • are spending the holidays .with GARDEN PARTY. at Duff's Church Grounds WALTON --oni— FRIDAY, JULY '7th An excellent programme is being arranged. SUPPER SERVED FROM 6 TO 8 P.M. Myth Band in attendance. Admission: 20c 'and 35c. eras, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ament. , • IMF. and 'Mrs. Orval Weston' and two sons, of Detroit, are the guests of the Misses Graves. • Miss Jean Scott, of Windsor, is the . guest of her grandfather, Mr. John Scott, at Rokboro. • 'Mrs. Areh. Scott an'cl-lIiss Ag- nes Govenlock, of, Ottawa, are guests at the .home of Miss Susan •Govenlo.ck,. • Mr. C. C. McIntoshreof...Toron.to; was a week end guest at the:home of Mr. and -Mrs. J. M.'Henderson. • !Mr. A. F. Cluff, Misses Jean and Ruth Cluff and Mr. Jim 'Cluff attend- ed the rose show in Toronto this week and will spend a few days at Lake Rosseau. • 'Mrs. G. F. S. Garden, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hays in Egmondville.) • ,Mi§s Verna McGregor, of To- ronto, is s -pending her holidayslwith her sister here. • Mrs. T. Craddock, of D'Arcy, B. C., is visiting -at the home of her father, Mr. Alexander 'Gray in , • • Bruce, the young son qf Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Wright, underwent a tonsil operation in Clinton Hospital last week. • Miss Helen Ament is taking. a summer course at the O.A.C., Guelph. • Miss Mary Stewart, of Kincar- dine, and Miss Nora Stewart, of Dur- ham, are. spending the holidays at the hcinee of their parents, 'Mr. arid Mrs. Harry Stewart. • The many friends of Mr. Fred Gales. will regret to learn that he suffered a severe stroke at Scott Memorial Hospital. • Mrs. T. S. Smith, Mrs. J. J. Sclater; 'Mrs. J. C. Grzdg, Mrs. J. Patterson, MrS, M. A.. Reid and Mrs. K.M. McLean attended a meeting of the Executive of the Huron Pres- byterial in Clinton on Tuesday. :Mrs. W. A. Young, of Hensel!, was ap- pointed secretary to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of Mrs. Rhodes to Cobeurg. • Miss Mary Jackson, of Miliver- ton, is spending ..the holidays with her mother, Mrs. L. C. Jackson. • Mrs. George Barr, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tames Kerr. • Dr. and Mrs. Greenway and Mr. Dowie, of Hamilton, were week end gusts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. -McLennan. 0' Mr. and MTs. Wm. -Smithers, , of Thief River, Minnesota, were guests lasteweekat the home of their cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Sclater. • Mr. Wm: McDonald, editor .of the Chesley Enterprise, was a wel- come caller at The Expositor Office .N4 RUNNING SHOES FOR THE SUMMER HOLIDAYS. Boys' Shoes 89c Small Boys • 79c Misses' Sandals - 89c. Children's Sandals ....59c EXTRA SPECIAL Boys' Oxfords—Sizes 10 to 2 W. G. Willis Shoe 59c Store : Seaforth Silent Glow Means LESS WORK at LESS COST Install a Silent Glow Oil unit in your kitchen stove now and learn how easily and economically you can do your Summer cooking. CALL OR PHONE John Modeland SEAFORTH erandah nill' greatly' improve the looks of your home. See us to -day for est iniatese We also ,specialize in Fireplat- ei g, Ce 1 it el ieleys, Cisterns, Plaster- . quality workmanship at reason- • able cost. R. FROST & SON The Mfgra. and General Colittactora ruoN111 181 SEArptrni, on Friday. • Miss Elizaeth McLean has re- turned from. St. 'Catharines. and To- ronto • Ur: A. W. iSillery was a visitor in Kitchaner Tuesday. • miss Dorothy Seriven, of 'Med- ford, is holidaying with her cousin, Miss B. McCowan, at Roxboro. • Mr. 'and Mrs. F. Faulkner and family, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs., J. C. Hocking, of Windsor, were the guests of Mrs. Frank Faulkner over the .iwee•k end. • lair. Richard Tait, of Detroit, spent the week end with friends in Seaforth, Dublin and 'Manley. • Miss Helen ilMielViarin, R.N., of Eloise, Michigan, spent the week end with relatives here. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'MeGeoch, Jr., of London, spent Sunday • with M. and Mrs. 'William Olclitield, *Master Stewart Geddes is spend- ing this week in flayfield with his aunt, Mrs. M. Ferguson. - • Mr. and Mrs. James Colquhoun, of Niagara •Falls, N.Y., were visitors last week with Mr. and ,L1VITS. Wm. Kruse, • • Mr. Donald Colquhoun Miss Jessie McLalighlin, of Niagara Falls, N.Y., were .guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oldfield. • Mrs. Jack Edmunds and son, of Mitchell, spent the week End at the home of Mrs. William Edmunds. • Miss Beatrice MeCowaa spent last week in Detroit. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hart, of Toronto, were week end guests atthe home of Mire and Mrs. Robert, Scott Harpii rh Ey. • Waster Billie Scott, of Chicago, ;is spending the holidays with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scott. • Mr. and airs. Oscar Neil spe-nt elle week end .with Ingersoll friends. • Mr. William: Brine is 'spending this week„ at the World's Fair in Chicago. • ,Miss Hazel Elcoat, 1°4" T is spending the holidays at the homeront o. of her father. Mr. Wm. Elcoat. • Mr. A, F. Edmunds and Mrs. D. L. Curtis were in Stratford on Thurs- dray attending the funeral .of the late Miss M. Edmunds. CONSTANCE. • Seaforth Band and Legion Garden Party, Thursday evening, July 6th. ' Mr, and (Mrs. Earl Lawson, Doris and Rep,. visited at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. John Davidson, Brucefield; on Sunday. :Mrs. Somerville: and'Miss Rvan. of Deloraire, Manitoba, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Leitch and other -friends on Sunday' last. Mrs. •Reid. of Beetle, Sask., is. vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Charles Mc- Gregor and 'son, Ross. 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mansfield and Mr. and Mrs. F. Mansfield, of Iamb - ton iCounty, spent the week end vvdth Mr. and Mrs. William Britton. !Mrs. Charles McGregor spent a few days with her 'sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall, of Ldndeshoro. Mr. T. Livingstone and Mrs. Pocket of Clinton visited with Mr. • and Mrs. McCowan and Mr. and Mrs. William Livingstone. EGMONDVILLE iMiss H. I. Graham spent Sunday with Mrs. R. C. Doig. Miss Margaret McKay, Toronto, is holidaying with friends in the village. Mr.' and Mrs. George Hills, are To- ronto visitors this week. WINTHROP Seaforth Band and Legl.on Garden Party, Thursday evening, July 6th. The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S.'Will meet on Wednesday, July ,5th, at the home of Mrs. Theron Betties: Death of James ,SiMpson. Mr. .Jacnes Simpson, for many years a, well known and popular figure in the life of this romlraunity, passed away at his home here on Friday, June 28, at the age of 70 years. Mr. Simpson had been ill since the first of March last, but five years ago he had the misfortune to fracture his leg, which necessitated a long convalescence in the hosnital and since that time, al- though he was able to be about, had not 'been in the best of health. Born six miles- from the city of Stratford, -he came to :McKillop township as a young man, where he farmed suc- cessfully for over twenty years; Thir- teen 'years ago he retired from the farm and purchased a home in Win- throp, where Ie had since resided. In 1899 he was united in marriage to STORE OPEN • THIS FRIDAY NIGHT , r JUNIN 30, 10=,, STORE CLOSED' ALL,. • DAY. - SATURDAY_ You Will Appreciate. The Low Prices That Obtain Here on EveryDay Needs SPECIAL PRINCESS SLIPS Heavy weight silk suede, full length. 98c EACH SUMMER PANTIES Plain mesh and mesh. stripe panties, attractive- ly trimmed with medal- lion.s. 49c and 59c PAIR GIRLS' PULLOVERS The sleeveless kind. Loose knit rayon; lovely shades, 59c EACH IIINIME1111111111111111111111MINIIMIl NOW FEATURING PRETTY VOILE DRESSES DULCELLA DRESSES CELANESE DRESSES FAILLENESE DRESSES AND SUITS `1.25t. $7.50 SPECIAL PILLOW SLIPS Width 42 inches, hem— stitch ends with colored? band trim. 59c rAirc TOWELLING Pure linen towelling with.; - wide green or blue bor— der, 16 -inch width. 14e YARD' BATH TOWELS Excellent size for every— day. use. 'Unusual qual— ity at • 18c Miss Christena Ross, the ceremonyl taking place at the Ross homestead on the 12th concession. Mr. Simp- son was a member of Cavaa United Church,. Winthrop, and was a man who was deservedly held, in the high- est esteem by a wide circle of friends and a.equaintances. Besides his widow he is survived ey one brother and three sisters, Mr: Thomas Simpson and Mrs: 'Alex. Ross, of Windsor; Mrs. Allan Ross, iMcKillop, and 'Mrs. R. Mc -Gavin, Winnipeg. .The funeral was held, Cavan Church on Sun- day afternoon, when the service was conducted by „his pastor, Rev. W. T. Smith. Interment,Was made in Mait- lancnank cemetery, the 'pallbearers being METS. Thomas.Simpson,, Al- lan Ross, Alex. Dennis,. David Boyd, William Kenney and John Pethiek. L. 0. L. 813 presented R,ev. Mr. Smith with a Bible last Thursday • night, ',before his cl•eparture to his; new home. Bro. Percy Little reaf. the address and Bro. Wm. Kinney' made the presentation: We wish hine_ and his.fainily every success in theii-- now home. Winthrop cief'iated Moncideff 3-01' in football at .Mondrieff last Tuesday night. Brussels plays football here on Fri— tiaiy,. June 30th, with fife and deurni. in attendance. We. are sorry to hear that Mac. Geo. Little is not improving- as welh as.her many friends wish het' to be, - Miss Glady's Smalldon, af Walton.. spent the week end with Mr. and " Mrs. George Eaton..., We are sorry to ,,,hear of the long. illness of Mrs. K:nnie Bennett, has been in the Kitchener -Waterloo,' Hospital for six weeks. -We wisle that she will be able to be home soon.. YOUR LAST CHANCE. To Buy at Your Own Price Auction Sale Closes on Fridap Night • The Special Discount Sale will be continued until Saturday, July 8th, when business will continue as usual • Shop at SAVAIME'S It Pays Jewelers and Optometrists • Mammoth Old Time 1 arden Party "07tBhi: • Under Joint Auspices of the. Legion and Band At Victoria Park, Seaforth, Thursday, July 6th, at 8 p.m. These Two Worthp Organizations Need and Deserve Your Support THE BAND This is the only appeal the Band will make for a whole summer of weekly concerts. President Vir. .1. Kerr Secretary W. Parke • Amusement, Fun and Refreshment Gal • Admission Onl 10c THE PROGRAMME: Short Address of 'welcome, 'Mayor Sutherland. Special Band Concert—Seaforth Highlanders. Seaforth Patamount Quartette—M. R. Rennie, D. L. Reid, J. A. Stewart, James 1Scott, in quartettes, duets and s•olos. Harvey McGee, estern On- tario's Famous Scotch Comedian. • THE LEGION ask your assistance 'to help care for needy and 'incapacitated soldiers. President Secretary - C. P. Sine re 'Ohairimian, W. It 'Golding, ary 'Presiden and. GOD SA:ft THE KING" In the event of rain, Garden Party Will be held ou Friday evening, JOY 7th. J. M. McMillan ka,iliAWM:r'..,:$•,,,d•.•Al. • • . 4 r'• ' • •• •,•• • '-'''•••••• • • '• •• • , . 1 0 e1 • 4 r ti