The Huron Expositor, 1933-06-30, Page 4--- I'll .. ,.Z4..V,
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.1 " by MeLean
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the hay and harvLst. Men arL scaece
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Miqtnibevs of the, Canadian Weekly
AN. k, I � . -
we"pao'er Association, Class' A
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11 I , ,
, . I , .
. W"Idies of Canada, and the Huron
County Press Association.
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1'1,.41', .
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I 1!
PELAiFOR.ITH, Friday, June 30, 1933.
.. I .
I I �
L . I
I '.�1'11
No Place for a Gas Station
1. . �: ".
" .
" . I own
The Sheill, an internationally kn,
� �111 .IV.
..... ".
gas and oil company, has secured an
�.� �
option on the residential property on
". ,,
11 � � ..
11 ,
GodeArith Street, West, known fain -
iliarly as the old fair ground, and in-
. ,
tend erectiTfig a gas station thereon.
�'� ,
Goderi,ch ,Street, SiieafDrth, in the'
, . , .
sum�mer tinie, is one of the prettiest
1. � I I
streets in any town in Western On-
!! -
taTio, but the ,building of a gas sta-
tion on, about the only vacant resi-
:� .
dential lots left on thQ street, will
neither add to its beauty nor to the
. .
value of the, real estate within several
blocks of the proposed new building,
The -re. is, we believe, a town by-law,
,prohibiting the erection of a gas sta-
tion within a certain dis�tance ot � a
1. . I
church or s,c-hool. This legislation ,
� .
we believ.Z, ,was put into force a few
1, I
years ago, when an atteippt was
I .
made to erect a gas station in th::I
middle of this same residential street.
I .
1. 'If such legislation was considered
Tiscessary to, preserve peace and order
for the churches. which assenibleonly
,on -e day a w&Lsk, and for schools which
assemble five days a week, but are
� I..... .
vacant during the'two'real sunimer
: .
months ef,the year, is it unr,_,�qon-
. .
abl8 for property holders to a�:;k for
. �. I I
the same protection, when theii resi-
. I
dences will be subjected to the noise
and nuisance of a gms station seven
I .
days in the week and 363) days in t.h-.�
, '.
year? .
Th.e Shell Compaiyy is a wealthy
I -v" "
concern, well able to purchase pro-
I i
Verty ;n the busines.,, section of the
toivn, wherie thel-e are nlenty of sites
available and its building 6perations
should be restricted to th-at sectio,ii.
I .
'If the town council of Seaforth
: .
rpermit s. -Lich ap.addition to Guderich
Street, it will display a lamoitable
i . .
lack- of foresight, as well as a dis-
gard of the btst interests of its
:�. I
property holders, and of the town as
� .
. .
. . . .
. a -.v P 0,I a. .
I .
..'� .
There ,is Som*ething rhe'Mai-
I . .
Mr With This Situation
I . .
� . ' . 11
The Ex.vositor, durimx the nn�, Owo
I .
-%veeks�, has been as4d 'bY, elL lLa.t. a
� l�
dozen farmers in th. dktrict where
�, -
' .
they could ,-ecurc farm lieln during
� �
the hay and harvLst. Men arL scaece
; �.
t -he-? fai,.x,urs say.
� . I -
At the sarre time onp can not trave,
7 .
on any road 'or , hij�fnway withnut
im,eting score:,.-upr)n scores of, men
� .
who are tramping their way f ro�n
. . . I .
town. to town. � .
, .
In fact -one doe,;- not need to travel
at all to ni,eet' such nien. They,co,nne
I I .
to the houses of th.e town every day
r -
of the we -k, asking for food or aS_
;.. .
.cnstanep, and the story js always t'I'le
I �
same—They are unable to Secure
I -
em,ployinent." . I
� .
� ,
There is something the hiatterwi-ii
� .
a situation like this. Why -can .not
� I
th* work and the workers be brou&t
T, �.. . .. �
together ?
I .
. Of course. the ma o ,ity of thest,
wandering mi3n one rn-eet� on the
�� I
road.;;, are,,entirely unfitted foi.- farni
.: � , I
work, becauRe the lack of prop.r
.. I A I
rourishment has sapped their reserve
of strength and muscle and u,,i fi t led
" 11 .
tecause they lack a training for any
. . .
, -
kind of work. .
� 1��.: .
� -,
That do" not mean, howeve:-, -thar
I I . .
nemployed must go thro I ugh life
th �- U I,
. �
withoult either proper food or the
, � �
training that will fit them, fw- em-
ployment, when eniployment is avail -
I :. I
I I 1,
�� . I .
'The governments and the mumici-
I , . .
pality spent millions af dollars in un -
4 �
employment relief during the past
year. What have 'they got to"show
, ,
fox it? I
ils it not abo,ut time,Ahat some
, .,
� I . �
system was employed in the spend-
and, brother&. I
'relatives '
tng of the peoplt,7s money for une,m-
. �
ploymant relief ?
, I
(W'h-y could not -the government
establisih farm training centres?
, I ,
There i,.9 plenty of land available..
� .
When a man asked for relief he could
� I
. t , .
.- I
be sent to one of these centres� where
, .
�. I
11 .
he would be fed, cliothed and trained.
� I I . I
. ,
If a man, refused such an ofYer of
� � 1.
- �
4,59istance, , the should be denied as-
�,�! .
sigance,-of any kind and allowed to
- , .:
1. 1.
,sbift for himself. .
� I I ..1.11.
Such a s7stem of' relief would sep-
., � . .
arate, the sheep frord the and
... I i .
. woulld- - Cost' infin-Asly less than tbe
" " I
, � .
. .
halftzarod tnethods heretof,ore ,adopt-
� .
ed in %6 sq*ndlnit of relief mcney.
. .
5 I -
A 'winter spent in such a centre
Wfh .#boid,'food, and,clothing, proper
L..' .
hami4*g -and onitabb e, training, would
� ' '.
, ,
' thousands of the wandering
, r' .
, i
traft4ents aft op"rtaftitY tOr come, 6'Llf
�,, I
1. �
. in It'h,to spring asp men and not the
�� ,
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, ,
. V.
- ,'�. �'. " :
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, .
6 .
proved a huge success, After
1, I
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.� , �11 .
R#We owftts, we eaw wandleT�uv
Wkiout the eQuutry this spring.
With a ,proper system. of waploy-
ment bureaus these men would have
nq trouble in securm'g, work in the
vountrY f0r the suntmer mo4ths and
a ,good =,any for the year round..
put o mein may''be a mun and a,
tUt, but ,he is no earthly use to a
farmer unless he. kn*ws -how to w,oTk
and..will work. I . �
As it is now, the farms are crying
for help and at the 'same time thou-
sands of men are being supported free
ixt the taxpmyer's expense.
Scott and Dick ' son Families
(Continued 'froin page 1)
to a, foot of Iand—all being sold by
way of 99 year lease. This meant
t -hat sonve day the children of some
Lord or Dtr4 would get tho hind,
, .
even though it were paid for maiiy
times over, �
The Cinada Coinipany took this
�ysteni to Canada and though it did
,))t apply to all -parts, it did -to the
Queen's Bush. Jarnes Dickson, M.P.,
'. or Huron and BrucE, took up the
,�,atter in parliament and after a
long and bitter fig -lit ,succeeded in
forcing the Canada Company to give
a clear title. The pioneers were de-
lighted and set to work with a spirit
. .
un �quallad in any, part of the world.
It .meant that their children, would
awn outright the land th�y bought.
On the arri%al of the ox team at
'Poxboro, Archilial(� Dic�gon picked
his lAnd, and called it .Glads-,vood, a
name irriast appropriate as there were
tears of gladness in his eye -s that
�i�ght as he played the old Scotch
�,,ines on his tin fiddle lie had brought
Nvith him. -We learned afterwarIds
�hat Gla�dswood was the namie of,ia
!.I e a u t: - fi'll ,spot in Scotland. Provi-
!Ience mcsf assui.-edly kept a brotect-
ing ir,antle over these early sc-ttleTs would be ,a real decoration day
If one were to diecorate thE graveiq of
the early pioneers who dN so much
for utk,,pluch,niore than we can ever
cheris-hing their mern-
. I
ori.s in od*r hearts. .
Landed in 1833.
Archibald Di.ckson and his eldes�
�)n. afterwards ni,erreber of parlia-
117e�rt, UUrEsenting all Huron anJ
Eluze Coui;ities, coroner of the Coun-
:v 0 1--Ittrcn and general protector ,of
tl,.2 p.ople's right.,:, landed in Quebec
iij�zhe Spring of 1833 and arrived
Glad4ivood, 'then called the Q�ue I?
'-u�h, in June of the sarne year.
_ I
DiA-F:on Secured the, square of land,
1.010 acres' on which the old house
o4"Giadswood qt(,,'od and fit -A built a
'Iog hou," and afterwards the stone
one which is still on the
'qeautiful 5ite by the bridge. Along
with his th�ee s'ons, Jame.4, . John ani
Rc�vrt, he cleared the ho.xestead and
madc a con-,fortable 'home. . #
Many Descendants.
Hk wife was Eliza RutherfoT,.!
Turnbull, of Udburgh, Scotland, and
Ithe.r had 9 children who grew to nian
Iand Nvoir,anhood and -were all niarr�e,i
�;-at ?r,,�. The d:s,-er.d'ants'of thi ��
n-arriag?. in -nurn,,',)vr over 300 seat-
- r, d
fa� and wide but mostly �11
,i:', ie';� t'he Union Ya,k.
. Distin.-uished Ancestry.
The Tuyr.i;,,uil farnily in Scotlant!
�-ad a v,?ry distinguished ance-.,try.
ea 'i - g from the days*of Kinq Rohert
th;: Bruce, wh,tn an ance,�tQ-., �avod
, h e 1: i nw from a iraddened bull which
--ruld �, � va kilted hini. The king gave
" . I .I-
:.: - 'th --.I- of' Turnbuil si,d the
, n. I P nan .
--,--4z of a bull's head. * .
Strenuous, Days. -
. Thosc, IJoneer JAys were v..ry
lv.,ov.4 and hard but their trials
",Tv ,lr,,x the neighbors and friend-,
.�__ 1f;.qer togbthLi- to Share ail their
_ , ,
: - - `
.. � I
.N.4 _iml Sorrow:II. The'r one 'keLn
dtI- was not .,o inuch to aniaQs
:im,_,y a;4 to give their sons and
i7aughter.:Ca good education, and to fit
'hem, to take- their place ho'lloW .1
�r. li'e—which I -am ftwu(l to say they
,�a �.c a',,coir:plished. I
. 0' advantage; which we now cn.
. ov, have,omme from their Sicirlce,
arl they n�.vor lost their strong
�',qiih in God's, Frovidene?, which sav -
-:I the-
ni in many dangers. We do
,xcll to honor and T-ev5re thei- moi -i-
, I �
.,r�e� and try to imitate .their char.
Rcter , 14.
. A I .
* -intere.ztin 16-tte-r d-ealin1 with
"h(- early dayizk was read at the picn1
�: V -.4. . ,-James Wihirnstei;, of Aurora.
. Mi
The kll'er written by *Mrs. Archibald
Tsi�,Jon fo her father in Scotland, j.4
I-xre 1-cprodliced in the full from Tha
. Hui -on Expositor of June if), 1387,
rcluding the explanatory remarks in
The Expositor at that time.
(Continued an page, '6)
...... �
I . 1,
Huron Old Boys of Toronto
(Continued from page 1)
off and enjoyed the proceedl�rgs very
Hon. President J.,A. MeLaren don-
ited the coffe-2 and it w&.7 the very
be -St. I
.Mrs. C. Inglis. of Dundas, could
not TegiSt the *temrptation to come
down from D'un,das.again to the fam-
r�119 Picnic.
Mrs. C. R. Somerville, of L,tmdon,
was one of the visitors to the -big
-i,cnic. Her Son is Sandy Somerville,
Aimerican gol-f champion.
Rebert C. King, Harry Stowe,
Ernie Lep, J. A. McLaren and D. -1).
Wilson WeTel the judge-, at the races
RnTl there were no kickers at their
law�*ers, galore. I
Alex. Armstrong told r6fr"Ytime
when he Saw Robert Holmes leading
`-he 'Huronites down thIe streets of
Clinton to the tune of Kazoo.
autiful singers,"
-emarke,d a lady at the siiinging of
grace at the . supper tablt-. "The
County of;Hurani is noted for its high
cla%s voctilists," Aai-d .96C
r'Aany of the old ti,me burgs were
disc�ussed: Rattenbury's Corners,
Sl ahtown, Piper's Dam, ,SmOth's. Hill,
qn-d Dave Crawford ".1d that Piper's
Dam Wa-r somewhere near Grand
Bend. ..
Ivi�e- * President Campbell, the live
wire from Winehaml. was unavoid-
,ibly detained by being tier! up i�ith
flit picnic a the "Campbell Clan" at
The proceedings. closed at wilTdow'n
and everybody went home happy.
I I . - , , ", ' [ .1 I , ; � �
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III ""a
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H."E'.4 D1bJ-,""',TR1'0"6T N"W "'
Splendid Rtvgyamme � i
- ..
11M MV I 11 ,4 � � - 11 I I . i ill, 11 I 00 � 110114-
I "I i
! .. I
the'%norniag services at St.
I- I . . . . _ —
_ I I - � -
his son, Mr, -11. X. Alber, was ap-
- . � I I ..
the Ww r�hqve.
� .. . I
(ContinueA from page 1) ...
, , , x .1 .
w,A , i ,
mo I
An ew' a United Church, Mr. Orah
pointe,d manager in his ,Mr.
101omlronlon servioes will be held on
.1 I " ' _ " 1. �% . i
Crawfor4, favored rtho congregation
FAlber �as na lb", in of
tbe emning Son&w, July 2nd, in both
-of the 'blood that s0peols to every
this the
IMF. Nie��bi�,� Toroulio;` 6� "'i'Of
with two delightful S0108. i
IMTl Wri.
health for some yearsand to lighten
.4t. -Paul's Anglican Church and *.e �
pne of us' at U&tbering of
tuTned home after s*nding a week
'and B. Leonard and fam�
11Y, Rintardiffe,
his work, he -decided to give up., th:'s
United Oiiur� at ithe morning ser-
. ,haii1man, as you see, and
"I'm the c
at the home, of Xr. and Mrs. Robert
Of v4sited, with Mr.
and (Mrs. J. C. Bell and f-amAly"on
position, although -he will 2""Uk,44
an �,dvisory position for the Company
'Mr. Alexander, Sb4th, of 'Montana
ve�y proud of the honor con-ferradt 1
am apecial,ly proud ,to -be so "weel
'Ivlil�s 'I 'Ielen Stelss -spent (the week
Sunday I&A. I
I s. e, ni
Mr . T. Kyl and iece visiteid. with
-which be so ablynianaged.
(Mir. Z. Deiohert, of Detroit, and
Stoite, ithere Asiting 'his father, Xr,
'Alexander f9pdth, Mligs
cornnooted" as -the good old Scotch
Di4cksons in
end at the home ,of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. ,Steiss.
the former's son and 4gughter, Mr.
Mr. and Mra X'Deieheivt, of Armlada,
and $dster,
Helen. .
woman put it. There are,
OUT company afid there are Scotts in
Mrs. Jaa. Mloon� of Stevensville, is,
and Lknerson Kyle, of the vil-
lave; over Sunda,y.
(Mich., ivisited relatives here over the
,wL-ek Iend.' I .
". Andrew 19o1r,. of -the TownsW,p,
of Usliorne,'is'baving improvements
our company. I re -present 'both finiI.-
a guest at the home of her sister,
,Quite a number from this' vicinity
iMr. and ,Mrs. 0. Klopp spent Sun-
mado to his barn. � .
ilies on a 50-50 basis. By birth I am
'Dickson in
Wiss Annie Johnston and . Mr. and
:M,irt Geo. a�eTaggart.
attended divine services of the Xa-
day with relatives in Detroit.
Mrs. 'Blad, who was here visiting
Scobt an4 equal pro,por-
tion and thq oldest living man of
ResiderAs of this district will re-
sonic Order ,hold, in Hensall Preaby,-
terian Church on 'Sunday evening.
iMT. and Mrs. Elton Schnell, of De-
troit, spent the week end at the home
her sister, 111Mrs. Robert J. Paterson,
is returning to h,n-home in the Wmt
either clan,*�* I think the committee
gret to learn that Charles L-o*Ty, of
'I&. and ,Mrs. W� MoDonald and
of'the former's moUm-.
in Che near flutuee.
Tnade a wise choice of i-ts chairman.
.May I just menti�n, two of our elan,
Brussels, who was, a former resident
of this vdlclnit�, was acciden-ta'11Y
Miss Margaret, of Seaforth, visited
with friends in this loicalky Sun-
Mr. Rudy Oe,sch has talken over the
The wvqn,t of rain, while favorable
who are a few years older than ni,y�
-itruc,k in the face by a spray of dis-
day. . ,
business property in town owned
the late Elmer Gesch. The premise%
.for hayjng, is very -hard ontiho fruit
. ..
'crop w I hich is drying up, such a,3
self, 'I refer of course to ENizabeth
in-feotant and may lose the sight of
bia. Wednesday of this week Rev. I
will be improved -and occupied in &�
berries. ,
Scott and Margaret Dickson Toni,
both of whom are with us to -day, I
one eye. lt is feared the sight Of
the other eye ,may also be impaired.
R.' R. and Mrs,; Conner, accompanied
by Miss Elaine and 'Mrs. 'Mcl),onald,
few weeks. ,
(Mrs. Andia Fuss is spendiap this
-Mrs. McLean, of Detroit, is visit-
Ing her mother, Mis. John Jacksorr
arn, to say. As I look into your
have this of
,Mr., Lowry, in assisting William
�Iniint, W" spraving a stable in'Hul-
mov6d to their new home at the
week with -her. ,daughter in Detroit.
and, brother&. I
'relatives '
faces arid opportunity'
referring to other days�-days Iong
iett.townsft, Wben the hose on the
Manse, Fknibro. Rev. and 'Mrs. Von- I
ner will be
Mr. W. A. Reith has impro,ved his
The and friends of Mrs.
gone ?ind some nipre recently.
machiffe broke.' The disinfectant, a
much nAssed in this vi�.
cinity. We wish them every success
bakery by the new
fropfC and redecorating the exterior.
William Wood, a few miles southeast .
of our village, will regret to learn
"I want to pay loving and r&VET-
ential hamage to our forebears--4he
Hire solution, squirted in -to his face.
'Mi�s Iona Johnston of Blyth was a
in, their new -home. ., I
'Mrs. W. Hay , I
Mr. William Consitt, Reeve of Hen-
-that she is; very poorly. I
.good stock from which we sp,rang;
recent visitor at the home ,of her
and Miss
"Wrilyna, and Miss Jean',McLean, - of
Ball., was a visitor in town on Tues-
day. .
(Mr. and Mrs.. Gordbn Bolton an -
ncunce the engagement of their
the Dickson's and the Scott's who
tinele and aunt, Mr. and- -MTs. Colin.
Seaforth, visited friends and irelati�es
estdaughter, Ids Elva, to Dr. Joseph
came to this Huraq district as
settlers 100 yeam. ago this month,
on Sunday last in and'around the
- village.
- ' .
Alexis Spellman. KitcheneT, ,9,on, of
who set up homes in which was then
unbroken fo-rest and who. lived lives
diepression, they would -consider that
'Me picn-ic -tea. and weiner ro�hst
held 1by the Busy Bees Missio,n Cir-
Mrs. Spellman and late Arthur
B. Spellman, the marriage to take
I .
that are to us a moit valued he�i.
they were indeed living in the lap of
cle of -St. -An-drew's United, Church
,seavorth Band and Legion GardeIn Party,
Thumday evening, JU y 6,th.
place quietly the, latter part Df July.
� 7
tage. We are'proud to -day of those
luxury. Alter �all, is it not true, as,
at Bayfield on Friday evening last,
Do You ,kn,,,w we 11 King Bug Mier,
. Masons of Zurich Lodge, No. '
pioneers, our fathers and mothera,
�onie on
. .e has said that a depr�ss'ion
proved a huge success, After
freish 3itodk. ju-,t arrived; also Pariu Green,
224, attended divine service in Carmel
who did their part in putting the
is a period when we try to dd withoVt
I ,the
picnic tea to which fifty sat down,
Ansc,nat� Lead. Amenate Lime and all first
Presbyterian Church, on Sunday ev- ,
right mioral and industrial impress
what our fathers (and- grandfathers)
and games were, enjoyed. After a insecacidei. Henwh,M's Drug Store.
ening !ast, trarching from their lodge
on this corrimunity. The Tit
Scott's Dickson's Ibid - try
ne,%,,cr bad. I
I Well, Jo-hn,nrp,- at least once every
wonderful *qunset viewed fram the
Hiensall Dogs in Nova Scotia,—The
room in a b�ody. Rev. W. A, Young
-delivered a- very practical and aippro-
and -
wailmeiFt welcome to you from a dist-
, 0-0 . years'it is., -rely not unbeco,ming
heights, all desicended ,to the beach
and,.a camp fire wher� a sing -song
following from the -Maritime section
of "KEnnel and- Bench," the official
pri.ste sermon for the o,ccasion and
ance, who are -our guests of honor
in flow
01, linrlmodest tolpe4k out in ni-eeting
and declaTe ourselves and say that
and, i,ffiort prrorgrain preceded the
organ of the Canadian Kennel Club,
the church chof� rendered fine an -
thems, Rev. Xr. Youn'g and, Mrs.
and whose veins one or many
drops of Scott or -Dickson blood. We
there arelfew so good and none bet-
r casting and dev6uring of the, tasty
hot dogs% The consisted
refers to two Scots recently shipped
Young taking special parts in one of a
include in this wele'olne, all e in- I
ter than the S�cott'.s and the Dick3on's
and I second your resolu -tion to that
program of
a, sing -song led by -Mrs. J. Hender-
to the Provinces from In-
verness Kennels, Hensall, by Dr. A.
th,m'. A well rendered quartefle was
Iso by William A. 'McLaren,
a e
laws, .those of you who have d'th
very good fortune to ,become our kin
effect, and,j,t is carried unanimously
son and prayer by t'he preside-rit, Miss
M. Thomson. Miss 0. Bell then
R. Campbell. ""Two "Scots" from
acbert Y. 'MoLaren, Rev� Mr. Young
by marriage and so hel p
(or nearly'vo) and so dee-lared.
the� ;Scripture reading and Rev. R.
Inverness Kennels rEcently arrived at
'Bluenose Kennels. Both
and James Bengouigh. , There wa's a
tl�ie family.
-WE are delighted to have vou OM,
I Mother and �ho western member s
of o wr branch of the Dickson family
R. ConAer led in prayer. Tli6 topic,
"The E:-onomic
ilre niales
and ha,vie qualities which Should tend
g "d , att'ndance. At the close of the
I P-�,rvi" the lbretliren ,marched back to
and all in Roxboro at this the MIDst,
;,.�ntj greetings and love. and ibest
I .
`v1shes for the success of the
Conferenee," was
,very ably taken by !Miss Isobel Alex-
to improve. the stock in,this part of
the country. Inverness Rab, a brindle
I fhHr 'loe-le room where votes of
I ' I
beautiful time of the year and
n -ray ir.Oulg-v in a IiWe bit of famih,
iversary function. Your loving cousin.
I . .
ander. The hyrnn, "Day is Dying
ip the West," was sung after which
tson of "Haldon S'orni" ex "-Inver-
nv%s Donna" boasts
i were passed to Rev. Mr.
Yo,umg for his sermon Find to the con-
pride for friendly autside.ears, let it!
. ,Sam, A.'Dicb-�Vfi.
4ev. Conner told of 'his impressions
.a cho,ice conibir-
tion of Heather and Gaiseill lines.
,,�-gation of Carriiel -Church f,org1v*_
e :
' re that this con-.-w.unity e,hall always
I �
of the meetings of the Oxford Group
ke has a ,particularly haTs�h coat,
irg the Church far the occasion and.
keep .it., r,.aiii�. It is especially ap-
ppopi-la-'e that -.he P'ace of origin of
. —
Novern-nt, which were held in,Lon.
last week. Rev. Conner
-,00d body on excellent quarters
- " , - , .brethren. Our frater-
to tthe 0sitir bay.l ' these annual ,
I ,,0 ; ,ip- ng.
"' c ,
:h, clans cn tnis side, of the Atlantic
,don ur.-ed
the young pewole "n-s.ent to be more
straight front, short tail. a wonder-','�.r'
. I
ful lierati W,i,�lj n,,at noin.t . eLd
V-.�-s "IdoTit a verv� good plan in
should perpetuate the narae ot Th-eir
Seafbrth Bend antl Lexian Garden Party,
carniest and ,Cbrisi-like in their worki
ear s , a
zood Eye and trde e'xnression. The
a!'natinz with the In(,1,J churches.
-t? �,,h home. To -day we give hon-
ThuivAay eveniikg, July rth.
and a, more complete and absolute
other "Invermgs Miirdo" is out' of
- The eervices in The United Churah"
or to Whoin. honor is due and in this
'Mr. and Mrs.�A, Wh.eler,and 'son,
surrender of themselves to Jesus
I "HaMqon Inverness Lass," and
and St. Palil's Anglican Church were. ,
ouir falmily reunion, we renew our
of Detroit, silyelii the week end at- the
Christ. The m.e.e.ting closed with the
si,red by "Hald,on Cavalier." This 7
.cordiictcd by their pastors on S -un- .
!Avaltv and friends.hip to one an-
home cf the fornier's parents, in the
hymn. "Abide 11,itih 'vie," ana the
month stallion younester is without
-day last at botb morning and e'ven-
other." I ., I
illage. . .
' . .
voune- people ief� for ho,-rie with the
dou"it the we,st and cubblest pf his
j,� T Fei -vices with good music from
Other nuinbers on "t'he excAlent
Mrs. Halstead, jof 5tr.atford, 19
feeling that it Nvas good to have'been,
breed in' the East. He nerfeet
tl,e choir and able and very 'interest -
prcgrain-included- Hymin,."Oh, God
�,ponding this, 1week at the honie of
there. Next rronth the B,u,.,;v Bees
-front and rear �uarters, a 's-trong
ing Fermons. ..
. Our Help in. A-�,s.--Past," followed b%,
hTr -parents, Mr. and"Mrs; T, H.
.Nlis�ion Circle are planning to enter-
head, well placed nzat ears. a inarv--
On Saturday evening last the ba,n(L,
tt men entitled,
tain thie W. It. S. ni-.mhers,and hold
ellously:short i; jet black. and in
of Dashwood who hav'e been engaged
-The Old Oaken J�ucket"; address by
Mrs. Morrison, of Bluevale, return-
an apron sale. Watcli for the -date.
movemiLmt is all that shauld be.
to give Saturd-ay eivioning oiie'n air
.Ilayor A. D. Sutherland. -of Seaforth,
ed to her home- last we!ek after spend-
The induction services in St. An-
lie i_� a re,11 little cart horse -and very
concerts during the midsummer
on the history of �the Dickson clan.
Ing a week with her niece, Mrs. Hugh
drew's United.Chur6h of -Rev. Chand-
soon he will -be visiting some of the
months, ,gave thei,r , first concert on
.%layor Sutherland als-o ec;nveyed the
Beri-y. - . I
ler, formerly of Gile,5. to the pastor-
Bluenose matrons. These two "Die-
' - . evening last, discoursing�
greetin,g� of IV. H. Golding, M.P.,
'Miss Ross, of Ex;ter, visited her
ate of Kippe.n arid Hillsgreen, will b e
I fiards" are a'real acquisition and will
r� Trv,,ic to a very large gathering.-
wbo was unable to be present; poem
aunt, -Mr.s. Alex. Ross, last week. ,
held on Friday, evening, June �Oth,
doubtless finprolve the' type the
The!Ssera-ment of the Lord's S,u,p-. I
by...Helen Dickson --Why Sbould the
Mr. . W. N. McQueen. of Toronto,
at eight o'clock p.m. Rev. A. Sin-
r -r will be observed in the- - United
'rburch '
Q I Be J.
Spirit of Nlor'a
visited at the home of his p
. arents in
clait, of Hen�all; Rev, Poulter, of
Mrs. W(yr. Hendry has been receiv-
at the -morning service on the
Walker Hart sang. 41A Song of the
the village, last week. - .
Varna. and:- Rev,.' Gale, of Bayfleld,
ipg con--ratulations on. her 89th birth-
fir%t Sunday in July atnid. the usual
Hills" and his encore was
, .Mrs. N01 KcGregor and her
will all assist in the ser�ice. X re-
.,14-v. s,--rvioeq during the nilon-ths ,
,)n th a
.- Stylc." He accompanied him-
:aughter, 'Miss Kale, have gone to
'ception -will follow the induction ser-
� .
Rev. A. Sinclair,will preside at the
of July and August in that church
.40.9 on t!i7 gu,itir. Aedreas by
,..he West to spend a few mo-hltlis
vices. We welcome R1 --v. and Mrs%
in-ductioli service of Mr. Chandfer at
Nvill qo in Sunday evenings at 7,3() in -
"', P. Lane; ��olo by 'Miss 'Malcolm,
and will visit the forx,,_n-'s sister, Mrs.
Chandler and faTnily. to our niidst.
Kippen on June 30-th.
st�,ad of at 1 o'clock. .
.�nt:,ie,i. "Mary of Argy'4e"; solo by
" -
-James Laut and other friends.
The Stanlev Nighthawks and Tuck-
The annual birthday party of the
The weather u.1) to thi-,i datc con-
Arth "r S-ott,. "The Road That Leads
The sincere &ym,pathy of the ontire
ei-mith Y. P, 0. CIpbs held. a very
W.M.S. ofCarmel Presbyterian church
ti,.tucjs without rain and the crops
I., Wanctere'r Ho,'ne," encore, "Ha -me
c6nnirunity is� Extended to Mr. and
�,.iccessful weiner roast at Snowden's
was bold or, Thursday 6i last week.
and all vegetation are suffering
of Nlim"; Solo by Mrs, J. A. Munn,
_Nlrs� E. Glen, of the second, conces-
Grove on -Thursday evening of this
-'Ilr-s, j. W. ,
Bonthron sang a solo and
greatly. I
�fav Mornin`g"; a short address by
Ri'on o� Stanley,. in the passing of
. ..
week. .
Mrs. W. A.- -McLaren and Mrs. A.
annual strawberry festival of .
Rev-, 1. B.'Kalne: ,,olo by Sam Scott.
'heir claughter, Aggie, .Mrs. Camp-
On T�,ic4�day overin.x t1re congre-ga.
Dol:,,gall sang a du�t. Mrsi D, J.
the, UnitTd Church was �el,,l ()n Wed-
" An Old. Fw�ioned Town"; Mrs. Jas.
holl, which tos)k place in (juelph
tiolr�; or Kimp,pn and Hi)14�green met
Lone, of Gode ich, gave, a very inter-
V .9 -ray even
"' ing of last week and
� V1i:n-,--.e,r. of Auro,ra read a lett�r
Hospital la,,�t- week. Her illnesI,� ex-
at the lcvely home of ."VIr. gn*rl 'M11 -S.
,e'sfirig addres s. A dainty 'dunch was,
proved a "lost succes'sful one in ev-
written by Mrs. Archibald Dick.5on
tended c --,,.i- several m6nths but She
John Cochrane, v, -Est of Kippen, to
s,erved. .
ery ..terrn, although thp
-fter their arrival in Canada to- h�r
iaTh',�r "he
bore her sufferings with Christian
sav,,good-bye to Rev. and Mn:. R. R;
. I
, .1 I rs. Hannah Woi,kman 1 . .t.
s V's' 'ng
ovening was very t1hreatening and a
I in old country; Wilmore
nesignatio-n. Her funeral was held
Conner and ,Nfiss Elaine, who e'N"Pet't
(Is in Blyth' -, �,
fri6n -
little rain fell in the
I c, afternoon to
!'�O�t of Toronto sarc.'�"! Love a Laz-
at the honae of her parents, interment
to leave during the week for their
Mr. Jas. Morro'Nv, oi%.1V1nnipeg, is
r-rev-ent the tables being ,set on the
sic": Solo. James Sleetlf, "The Bell -5
�eirg ii,.ade in Baixd's'cemettr�-; The
new honi-L- in Enll,rno. A lovely lur'�h
visiting with friends. here,""'.
-hurr-h grounO,s as was, intended. The
S .
of t1he LighthouFo"; Jas. T. Scott
nallbea'rer- -,vere friends of hot- hus-
. .
-%vas s3rve-d on the lawn to a larg;!
Dr. arf(I'Mrs. -Gerald Co,llyer have
Ferving was done bv th,I men of the,
:-ang. .�Iotl�er of lEnL",; Al"(1,011son
.and. Mr. 'Canilybell, of Guelph,
.'Puw po rso was
I been camping a' 13a y fi e I d.
c0r9.r1LMti0n Who dia their part re- �
Scott;4. "A P, rfect 5111.,.� a -,-A -Mr.,
The Women's Missionary Society
pi.,scitted to, 'Mr. ,apd Mi,s.. Confier
Mr. and etown.-
Mrs. ]%lickle. of RidX
roarkably well, serving delicious
.,(; , Scott
1111 Scott, Scotland.I: . The '
n,et in 'he s-.-hool room June 14th for
ai?d a iiiiiiicvre sk-to. Miss Claino,
ITavE Nen vi6iting Mr. and Mrs. G.
�trawberries, sandwiches and coffee,
ir,en sang a chorus Ywith Mr. John
..he r ' evular imeeting with ,the presi-
as , gli,1,4t token of the estimation
L. Mickle. -
the. ladies supplemnnting by pr(,vi-d_
I _
,.,.ott taking the solo part. entitle-il,
,'ent, Mrs. W. A. Bremner, in charge
. .
iii ,which they are, he!d, not only by
The Interacownty 'Intermediate "B"
I ng fro cakes, in abundanc,.,, and the
Old Friends." The pro -rani
)f the opening exercises. Prayer was
the two, cong-regations, but by every
m 8,
base,��all I, tch between Stratfordand
!,Pacious basen,jent. was well filled
was crwzed with singing t � e Nat"ional
)ff'ered :,,y Mrs. D. Toug�h and a splen-
-)n,z who has had the Pleasure ,of inak-
Hms"all on Monday cvening last was
from 6 to 8 o�clock, when a move was
Arithenl�. The accompanists for -the
' 'Mrs.
did ';_-n-ip--r4n-_e m-adling "By
* . , -�yayo
ir,z, their acouaintan-ce. The�y' were
the hest and MIDSt keenly contested,
mada fo,r the. � outsidk.
. or church
" aricus numbers were M. R.
on the RoLl to Health',, was given by
fal:vn minpletely ..
. by surprise, "Mr -
one of the se .on and was witnessed
ground". wh,cre
. , -Trto�t complete ar-
Ronnie. Miss V�len Lane, Miss Jean
Miss lrun.rb, The program was in
�`,_)-nner thanking- thetpeople, on be-
'by a large number of people, n,o t
rang e
.mivrits had been made for the,.,
' Margarkt Malcolm,, 'Mrs.
char -2- of Mr.,.' Stevens, leader of
lialf of his wife and, fs-,rily, Tor their
* I
only from our village and immediaze
a ccasion in t'hP way of brilliant Hy- '
Wilmore Fcott 2,11d Mrs. Jas. .Me-
Group No. 5, assisted by Miss Jean
kin1m.,-A. He i-eferred to, th-8 baPlw
,("i.,trict but by ii any from neighbor-
"' I
dro lighting, ReCeiVIES Of thp eveninz
Mur,!Qck and .'y1rs. Frank Alkenhead,
.. I wn�l
,;i,z ,% r,� i s they had spent here
to wn I
I inc -s and vi lages as the ihatch'
Nvl,,e verNr rn-atifviry -being ov6i fifty
Followirg the prograrn a delicious
. .
the -topic bein.-l- the Diamond'' Ju bilee
�,xtenrled a hearty invitation for all
es as schedulEd art! well worth at-
dollars. e following was the pro-
- .
picnic lun,,h was so'i'ved by t'he ladies.
of the opening .of our. mL%sion in Ja.
ccme and visit thern in their now
t en,a i n.g. Iiensall_ while about th'ia
grain of the evemn;g very plea�,antly
. .
Among the letters of regret re-
�an afiJ the Golden Jubilee of �the
apsuring the, people they had
,mallest place on the list of arrang-
over by the pastor, Rev. Ar-,
ceive'l from those unable to be pre.%-
Women's Missionary So,ciety in that
;.)ts of rooni even if they all decaletl
ed games,'drawls, a large attendance.
thur -Sinclair. and the majority of the
vnt was on, frorn S. A. Dickson, oil
country. We were pleased to have
to come at the same tirn.e.
The inatch on Monday evening last
11,117114-S, Calling for encores: O-r-
Ef`-mon'on. 'It is at.; follows:
Miss -Margaret Mustard present, who,
Misses Jean, Janet and Anriie Mur-
.Was ceTtairdY' one that held the in.
cbpstra ."Iection, the 'Mis,ses Bell and
11319-09 .,kve., Edmonton June18.
My Dear Johnny: The 1�ngtb
told us som�thinig of the work bein
- 9
0one in that home
ray, of Gorrie, called on some old..
h,i6nds during
tere��t-'6f -the spectators from 9,tart to
Mr. HN'de; vocal sIoloty. by Dr, Smil-
lic. ,ioli ,
Dalrit of our mission
and relatives the week.
finAh and was so closely contested
n Solo, !Miss Gret�6 Lam,mie;
the journey from this distant West
fields. A bale of quilts aTid second.
-Mr. John C. Doig, L.L.B., of, De- 1
right up until the last cou'Ple Of in-
in's-trumlental selection, Mr, George
and my Short bank account alone
hand clothing was packed at the close
troit, spent the week .end with his 1
ii-ings that it might be termed any-
Hess, and John Zuefle, ' maxed
rrevent me from with'yoia' all
to help celebrate the 100th
A,the meeting which was valaed at
arid sister.
1, .
one's, game tand the two contending
oliartette , 'Drysdale, Mrs. Hess,
W. 0. Goodwin
. -11
clubs show6d txcell�nt pitching, bat.
,and Sam Rennie-, vo-
nry of the,arrival in ths Huron tract
of our dear forebear- of sa.cred'n-fei-n-
-- - J,,,�n g, catching and fielding, but the
ZURICH"' , ,
c"I '010. Mr. Thomas She-ritt: or-
cheistTa selection-, Misses Bell
en-sall boys with Carter Kerslake,
and M r.
cry. 'It is inrposrsihle for us, with all
— -_ � ,
as pitcher, and Billy JOYnt as catch-
yde: duct. MiF,g G, Lam,mie and Dr.
�ur modern conveniences and' luxur-
;es, to visualize the hardship% and
, exftrth nam,d an,i Lewi�n Garden Parts-, 1:
Thurviny eveni
i,ng, July 6th.
er, Idid ekcelle,nt Playing backed well
u p, by the reat th,e
Smillie; solo, Mr. Sam Rennie- in-
strumiental selection, Fred Hess' and "
S,�firlh Band Legion Garden Party,
,-rest tri�ulatfon% through which our
Thumlay even!-ngr, July G.tb.
Dietrich -Ruby- -4A quiet wedding
of players that
,called for very famorable ,comment
John! Zuefle: dupt, M,rs. George Hess
grrand-parents passed with stdadfast
A very large crowd attended divine
took placee at the Fmangelical Parson- I
and put Hensall as winners by a score
and, Dr. Smillie. ',
7ourage. Were tlizy with us nom� and
services at St. Andreiw's United
age on Saturday, June 24tb, at no -on, 1
of 7-2. IXT. Le Roy O'Brien acW
.,.bezripion Horseshoe ,Pitcher Weds.
—A but
our nn'Iurmurings aboid bard
tirries and de�ression, -they would
Cliurch on Sunday morning last
. it
being Conihiunion service and Rev.
when Rev. E. Burn, united in mar- ,
riage, Donella Pearl, only- daughter i
as unvpire,.
A-m-ohg those leaving here du ing
quiet roretty weddin,q wa.c;
Q.olerniTli7ed at the home of Mr. and
without doubt "Laugh, -us to scorh"
R. R. Comier,s
. fareWell to the Ki�pen
of Mr. and Mrs. William' Ruby, of
the past week to attend -the Wornlds
Mrs. Frank Hat -burn, some ten iyules
'because if they had enjoyed'the half
and Hilh-green congregations, before
this village, afi-d Arlington ,John Die-)
Fair at Chicago, we have learned .
ea.9it of HensAll ' at IQroni1arty, on
of what we still have. in spite of the
leaving for his new charge at 'Ernbro.
tilich, of Ayton. After a wedding
the Ifames of Miss Mannie, Re4d ,nd
Wednesday last, June, 21st, at elerven
11 -
His v-,ry inspiring "rmlon was given
- S 0 tl 40
dinner served at the horm f h
Miss 34ary Buchan -an.
olclotk, when Rev. James Anthoriv . e
on the text, "Be Still and Know God."
bride's ,parents, l[Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich
'Mrs. J. Pbpe� who has been away
Thames Road ' assisW by Rev. Fred
Program of Sports. .
Mi: -Orah Crawford, soloist of Ripley,
left for a trip to Niagara Falls. They
for A n1u,mbeT b,f months visiting
Louis HarbUrn, of New�lane . Y.,
The following are the prizes win-
assisted by 'Mr. B. Leonard, sang two
will reside in Ayton, whe" Xr.
members of her family, has returned
vnited In' marri&ge Evelyn Pearl, eld-
n ers: -Children umd& 5 years, W.
-qoloo, "Cast Thy Burdens" and "The
Dietrich eon,ducts, a store.
to her home -here, I
est daughter of r.W, - and' Mirs, Walter
Hawley, M. GTacey, 'T. Jenkins,; boys,
Lord i,s My Strength," We�Te very
A nurnbeT from, town attemi4!.,,the
-4M-iss Alice Douggil, of To.yonto, is
Mr,NiVOI, of Farquhar, to Frederick
,&,,.pLnd under, Jack Berry, E. Wiggins,
mruch enjoyed. Mr. 6" Crawford is
,rtraunb2rry social held, at Dashwood
enjoying holiday% here with her par-
Louis, eldest son of Mr. and M.rs_
M.-Ireland: girls, 8 ard under, L.
Mv,Fon, D. 'Milner. ff. Moir- borys,
always m1oxt generoti-swith his musi-
cal talents dur1r)g his
on' Monday evening. �
'Mr. Percy Rowe his father, Mr.
ents, 'Mt. and Mrr,. Wkn. Dougall, of
tifully attired, in, Birm blue
visits with
OUT Village. I
edin icre,pe
qnd uT)der, R. McCreath� 1W. McLean,
friends and relatilvies in this vicinity
Thomas Rowe, left for their -home in
A 10ourt of 'Revision atten ded by
with accessories to Tnatch. 'Miss Grace
W. Paisley; girls. 10 and under, M.
Johns.ton, 1. Po*elll, J. ,Milnen boys
and the congregation of Kippen Unit-
ed Church it
Little Current, Manitoulin Island, last
Thursday. The former has
His Honor Judge lCostello, of Gode-
of Hensaj,,. was liridesmWd,
drelsised in wine crepe
appreciates very much.
. -been prin-
rich, was heda in the to,%m hall on
with g s, ell
eg b
12 and undeT, A. Bec-roft, J. Elliott:
Menr%. IffentT and Willi -am Ivison
cipal ,qf the fourth room during the
Tuesday afternoon last. -
The groom, was support-
G. Williams,- girls,'12 and, unaeT, J.
we're visited by four of their sisters
past two years and both made many
13149 Whyte, of Hainioti, Man., v,ig-
ed -by ,M,r. Earl Dick. Imimediately,
Pearen, L. -Moir, A. Bricker; boys. 15
during the ,past we6k.
warm friends here, whcy-regret their
ited Miss, Win,Me Reid last weeki
,after the ceremony the wedding di-n-
and under, D. H%iwley, Wallace
Floo,dv, ,C. 1ACI-ner;
�Mrs. Rhbzrt Brownlee and son, Wil-
1&��y, Nebras,ka,
departure. .
'The the local Luther
The hand concerts on Saturday ev-
ne'r '% . ras served prepared by Mrs. A.
TvilKellar and thlee,
girls, 16 and un-
der, W. Smith,
son and of are vis-
menilbeTs of
League ha6
enting list as given by the Dashwood,
. oung giXIs, the
Misses 'Doreen McNichol .
X -Moir, E. JaNr� %hoe
with friends and relatives- in
a pleasant social evening
Band was largely attended and much
b, I
race, boys, A. Becroft, G. wiliiani�s,
thi-, locality for a few,.days. Their
at the hame of Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Ignjoye&
and Francis. Harburn� assisted
.T. Berr4r eanut race, ladies, ,Mrs,
IN , :
Z Eo,6,7i Gracey, IX. ,Clrawfg,rd;
many friend -s are ,pleased to welcome-
them back is
ifaibere-r, Blind Line, last Friday. I
'The Saturday
. I
T1* installation of the, oa Cerg Of
at the table� Immediate relatives of
the 'contracting
I . .
,open 'G.
as. it twelve years since
night b,a;udl concerts
Zurich Lodge -of A. F. & A. IX at
parties- and a number
of gu,gU ,at down td �
men's (The C. El,gila race),
and Mr%. Brownlee and family
given -by the Boys' Band un-
Ifernsall, took place on Monday ;even-
a t able pret-
J. Moon. E. Thompson, D. HarWley:
s.old their general store and moved to
der the leaderqhip of T4r. H. Eiek-
Ing last,
decorated for tb,. occas on. Th*
ladieW race, M. E41icytt, M, Clarkq,om,
Oregon State in the United States,
mieier, are attraibing large crowds
iCarrael Presbyterian church
hapq)y young,clouPle left amid Showers
M. Aiftckle; married, men, W, Cooke,
R, H. MIcClreatb. M, joedice;
71he, report many chan,ges in the old
an -d the leader is making good mus-
Yall will during the ,midsummer
of rice and confetti t6 gt. Catharines,
Bilif-alo and Bastern
- ed
women, MTs. Gracey, Mrs,. Joedice,
and places. I
. M-i.,4s Dorothy McLean, of He�-psall,
icians out the boys.
At the meeting of the directoT.s of
bolidays, alterhate Sunday services
with Cavan, Presibyte,rian 6hunreh
points. On their
retur they will rts-ide on 11he groom's -
Mrs, Milnerr; fat mien's race, D.'Graw-
spent Sunday wl'tb her parentIs, Mr.
the Hay Town0hip Parmiers? Mutual
farm'In HibbeTt. ,Wo mi,ght m ention
ford, D. W. Dare, L. Laird; opecial
a n (1, M McLear and farnily.
r,�. J. B.
Fire Insurance Co., held at Crediton
last Mr. Henry Eilber,
As there is no celebration being
that the marn in reicent horseshoe
t(yurnafmlent,% won first in doubles
tea" race, MTs. Stowe, MrF�.
and Mrs, B. Crawford,, Mr,and
Saturday,, who
-held -here on the firsIt Of*July, our
third in
G. C. Young, Mrs. Thomfpson;, nionfq
Mrs. Orah Crawford and falmily, of
has been mranag-eir of the ,dompany -for
residmts will, no doubt, visit Otbei
Zingles, as, well as making
5oftball, South ,Huron; soft-
, ladies
Ripley, visited with Wr. and Mrs. J.
. -
nearly 60 yea-ra, homded In his resfg
place's where the day is being cele-
MoTe wonderfulcre'dords, in for.nVer
tournaments held W.
ball, North Huron.
I . I
B. MicTA-an- and. fainily on SuTiday.
tilation, w1hich the board wecepted, a�d
'brated -Or at .differs t I -t Ion.
.1 n P044 S a g
cities, tov,
villages, as well as i ns and
11 rural dist,ricts.
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