HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-06-23, Page 877,",fraja 14; At li y�l s Sweet Mixed Pickles 25c Wine Quart £ OSSE_ & f8LAOKWIELL'S ANSTOIN P1OKLIESE-Tax �� to B1t CEtRT° er!bottle - LEMON EXTRACT in vinegar container JiEWEL BIRL NID EXTRAiCTS' 1 ec the very best ll or 3 for - 25c W'ESTON'IS TOASTED 1 O CHEESE O1t1SPS-•-Package 30c. 15c HAMMERED WHEAT 11fli•N'Sl ES—+Pac kage CANNED CORN 3 for 15c 25c PEAS ' 29c 3 for HEINZ PORK AND BEANS 25c 3 for f V ediunr-2 fur JELLY POWDERS 3, 4 or li, for Butter, Eggs. Dried Apples and Feathers taken es cash. We . pay lc a dozen extra trade for eggs. Cream taken for the Seaforth Cream- ery at the same price paid at the Creamery. 19c 25c Hutchison's PHONE 166 Windstorm Insurance Are you insured against the danger of wind that may strike your buildings at any. time? Rates have kept pace with the times. Rates gladly quoted. Best Canadian Companies. Watson & Reid Phone 214 : Seaforth Specialists in All Lines of Insurance O O O 0 O 0 0 0 O O O 0 O 0 O O 0 0 0 00000'00000 0 0 S. T. Holmes & Son FUNERAL SERVICE 0 Main Street, Seaforth 0 0 S. T. Holmes' residence, 0 Goderieh Street, West; phone 0 No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' 0 residence, Goderich Street, 0 East; 'phone No. 308. O Ambulance Service 0 Night tails, phone- 308. 0 Day calls, phone 119 J. O Charges moderate. 0 0 0„000000 • 00.000000,•-,0 0 0 O H. C. BOX 0 0 Funeral Director and 0 O Licensed Embalmer 0 0 Best Motor and Horse-drawn0 0 equipment. 0 0 Charges moderate. 0 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. 0 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000'000000 WALKER'S 0 ' ' FUNERAL SERVICE 0 O W. J. WALKER and 0 JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 0 Licensed Embalmers and 0. 0 Funeral Directors. 0 0 Day or Night Calls promptly 0 0 attended. 0 0 PHONE 67 0 • 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 THE`McK-ILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE-SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Geo. R. McCartney, Seaforth - Pres James Connolly, Goderidh - Vi Pres, Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - See: real, AGENTS: - W. E. Hinchley, Seaforth ; ••John Murray, R. R. 3, Seaforth; E. R. G. Jwnouth, Brodhagen; James Watt, Blyth; C, F. Heroiitt, Kincardine. DIRECTORS: William Knox, Londesborro; George Lambert, Brodhagen; James Con- nelly', Goderieh; Alex. Broadfoot, No. $eafmtth; Robert Ferris, Blyth ; George VccCertnuey, No. 3, S'eaforbh; John Pepper, Brrueeifielld; James Sihoi- dett, Walton; Themes Moylan, No. 5, A BARGAIN IR S.ArUE. w'ai've acres, one mile front Sea ortih; modern house with *tame, bath and toilet; small horn; orchard, Taxes, M. Splendid to tth,'r:t chicken feria, bees. -di Y' to R. S. HATS, Seaforth, Ont. 08804f r? r t r � °i • /Stomach Sufferers Marvel at New 3 -Minute Relief People who have suffered for years from stomach agonies are marvelling at the quick relief of 13isma-Rex, a new, de- licious tasting antacid powder, and its comfort is lasting too. It acts four way's: Neutra- lizes excess acid; relieves s'tornacih of gas„ soothes metn- branes, and aids digestion. Get Bisma Rex to -day. A, LARGE BOTTLE FOR 75c, Keating's Pharmacy The Rexall Drug Store PHONE 28 SEAFORTII Cut Flowers, Wreaths and Floral Pieces supplied for all occasion. NEWS OF THE TOWN t4 } branahets. 'Intimation that reeom. noezudations from the Women's Insti- tu'te are always g'ven earnest con- sideration by l e Plovintcial Govern- snuent, she urged ' the Instjtiute to take up the question of 'unemployment and endeavor to improve the situation. Mfiss Quest, who is a most attractive speaker, gave solute very helpful sug- gestions to the 'girls on present day and health problems. Miss Jean Smith gave a reading, "A Letter From Mother,” which was 'very ef- fectively rendered. The meeting elos- ed with the !Miz.palh !benediction, af- ter whish the guests were treated to. .homle-made candy and a pleasant so- cial half hour spent. For Sala.-;belfmigeriutah.' 'Apply alt The Expositor Office. 5419x1 Equity in house in Toronto to e-.xehnnge floc house •i'n Sea!oruh, C. C. Kahle, Manse, Sea - oral 3419x1 Lost. --Between Seaforth a nci Port A ihert, a brown, leather suit ease, inlit51als A. F. on outside. 1' Ind e• please cornmulnicate with W. H, Elliott, Seaiforth, Ont, Phone 17. Suit- ulrle reward. 3119x1 Wanted to Buy. Small farm of 50 screa .r 1t , wiOh good buildimars, new Seaforth, }fens all or Exeter. Would deal on each basis, but prime must be rail buy. Write to The Huron E,r37oeitlur, giving full particulars. 3419x3 For Sale. -Frame Cau•age for sale. Phone _14, Seaforth. a 3419-1 COMING EVENTS Fees _ire Payable.—Golfers are re -(Items under this head will be charged at the rate of 25 cents each insertion) minded that 1933 nlrem,b -r1hip fee.. are now overdue and should 1,e paid at once. Membership receipts may he secured at The Expositor Office or from 'Mr. Smith at fhe course. Kindergarten Closing. ---The claging• exercises at the kindergarten will be held on Thursday morning, dune 27th. at 9.30. Patents and those. who are interested in the kindergarten, are invited' to attend. .Bowlers in London.—?Tessrs. R. J. Sproat, R. F. Winter, J. E. Wilde and • DT. F. J. Berhely were in London on Wednesday !{laying in a doubles tournament. MP'srs. 'Winter and \Vil- Sfru w berry Tea on Friday, June 23.rd, will be held ati the home of Mrs, Charles Holmes from 3 till 0, under the auspices of the Ira lie,' • (1 111 of St. Thomas' Church, Ad- mission, 25 cent,, - 3418-2 Home Cooking Sale by the I"a CIiel: of (lure Chu 1.11, St,•Kllion on Sato rday, June 21th in he, >',ore formerly orcupi,xl by h1vs. Sheffer. Sale en cos at 3 „'clock. 3118-2 Change {)ate.—The date for the Re -e Garden Toa, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society, of North - s°,!' tfl1' d Cheech. hnc been chang- ed from June 29th to June 27th. The change has been made in order to be sure of the 'best in strawberries. liy-captures{ .ane of the prizes. Successful in Exams.—!Recent 'Uni- versity examination results indicate that Mr. A. A. Burrows, Mr. Francis Devereaux, Miss Muriel Beattie, Miss Margaret :I.cRellar ancj\ Miss Eliz�a- ]�eth McLean' were sue( fill at \V-'t'est- ern. and Miss Elinor Evans and Mr. Earl Gillespie, at Varsity. Salvation army Officers Transfer- red.—Captain Jennie Beeston an,i Lieut. Jean Russell 'have been ap- pointed officers for the Seaforth Sal- vation Army Corps, Miss Jean 'Wil- son, who has been here, -goes to For-, est.. Golfers in Listowel—A number of Seaforth golfers. including J. F. treating, J. 'C. Greig, E'. C., Boswell, R. E. M'cKlnzie. \V. E. Southgate, G. D. Ferguson and. K. 1.. McLean were in Listowel Wednesday afternoon' playing in the tournament sponsored by the Listowel Golf and Country CIub. The locals Were dut of luck when it came to winn'i'ng prizes • and. came home empty handed. Firemen Have Run. — The Seaforth fire brigade were can'o'e] out• on Sat- urday afternoon about 5.30 to cope with a fire which had started ,in an authuilding on the property- of Mrs. A. P. Joynt in Egmon'dviile. When the brigade arrived the fire was. well under control, and it only required a small amount of chemicals to finish the job. 'It is thought children ,play-' ing with 'latches set the building on fire. Arm is Crushed. - Mr. Albert Hildebrandt, baker for Cardmo Bros., while at work in the bakery- ahout eleven o'clock last Friday eve•ning, had the misfortune to have his arm caught in; the (mixer. Before the machine could he sto'ppeci, his art' had been ctraw,n into the blades and when medical attention had been se- cured, it was found the arm was broken at the wrist and badly bruis- ed. Cash' Box is Stolen.—The cash box, fastened to a wall in the club house of the, Seaforth Golf and Country Club, was stolen sometime last Fri- day night and was: found smashed open next morning on the terrace in front of the house. The box, which is used as a d11pository for green fees. was securely fastened to the wall r ll an 1 the theit-v es, in removing it, found it necessary to tear some boards from the wall. The thieves worked to no avail since the.box had been ciearel of v'an'e, early that ey ing. as. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. —First Preehvtcrian (_'hunch- Morn- ing, "Not Faithless, Beat Believing"; evening. "Seeing' Jesus."—Rev. I. B. Keine. ,Minieter. - Yomthsicie 12nitedl Church—Morn - ing, "Gri -ving, Your Beet Fr end'; evening. "i,c=sin- for To -day Front' an .Ancient MI!'ar,]e."---Rev. \V. P. Lane, Minister. ELrnrnndville ["r1ted' Church—Morn- ing, "Guidance': (•vening, "The Ord- inary Man."--Re.v. Charles Malcolm. Miniete.r. Back in Seaforth —For a number of years Mr. P. B, Crews, well known jevvele•. 01' Clinton in former years, has hen living in Toronto, where he conducted a` large jewelry store on Bloor Street, West. Of late -years, however, he ha r hewn a very success- ful jew;ler auctioneer. Many years ago he disposed of the old M. R. Counter stock in Senferth., Fir the next ten clays M1'. Crews will he at 4avange's•' Jewelry Store. where he 1 will conduct an auction sale daily, ,aft-rnnnn and evening, and will he pleased to renew 'acquaintances with old friends in this district. Young Women's Institute. — The regular .Tune meeting of the Young Women's Institute, 'held on. Weclhes- day evening, was of outstanding im- portan'ce, :because of the presence of the :summer speaker, Miss Guest. There was an excellent attendance and the president, Miss Gertrude Webster, o'ccu'pied the chair. Miss Dorothy Elgie contributed a pleas- ing solo, after which a clever skit, "Dinner Served," was staged by Elizabeth Taylor, Alice Thompson, Irima, Broad a& .and .Jean 'Scott, Miss Guest's subject was, ".Meeting Pres- ent 'Pr»'1,Teinus in a Practical Way." She •outlined the history of the form- ation and growth of the Wom?eril's Institute, Which established branches in 'Eeglanrd in 19.17, width •miovelme2tt tae noW Tower, to ,the extent of 5,00 '!}t^'•� frrwr , rf,oS �i e i ;, }� 11� � p��%F'7? a., V.r �a:;•. ,rry F s 'Nm I If•I;,f f , r !4a 1} a � Y Y♦ it ?a Speaks in Corrie.—Mr. F. S. Sav- atege was in Currie Thursday last, when be addressed the Sunday School Ir'-titute's Conference. which was held under the auspices of they Religious E'dueation Committee, I3uron Pres- •byfery, United Church in Canada. His uhjec,t Was, "The Spirit of Boys' Work," Will Held Annual Meet(nir. - The annual meeting of the South Huron Liberal Association as constituted for nrovincial purposes, will be held' in. Hensall town hall on. Wednesday afternoon, June 2.5th, at 2 p.m. Elec- tion of officers will take place and will be followed by „ outstanding speakers. Well Known Citizen Injured. -Mr. John Storey was -admitted to Scott Memorial Hospital early Monday morning, suffering' from injuries to his head 'sustained when he was thrown from -his wagon, The horse became frightened in some manner and running away threw Mr. Store!, who was found lying by 'the road, and was taken to the hospital. In- ;iur'ies, fo't;tunately,'did not prove ser- ious and 'Mr. Storey was around again Tuesday,'although with i'hi,s head still bandaged. Will Be Big Evening.—The treasure hunt sponsored by the Seaforth Col- legiate Institute Alumni Association far Friday y night next, promises • to be a very- successful affair. Already a° large number have signified their intention of joining in the chase and are looking forward to the evening's fun. Following the treasure hunt, lunch will be served and dancing will follow for a couple of hours. The affair is, of course, not limited .to Alumni member;. One Teacher Less.—In an item in last week's Expositor, it 'vas men- tioned that all present Collegiate teachers had accepted the contracts offered by the hoard for the coming year and would return in the fall. This was in error in that Miss Hellver has T'end'ered her resignation. The hoard is not filling this position and the staff next year will be • one less than it has heen for many years. The attendance has not decreased any ap- preciable amount. hut the Principal feels he can do with a smaller staff, which will result in a saving of about wl,kou. Football Notes.—Se'afo'rth met St. C'nlurn!han at St. Columlhan last Fri- day night and a splendid game was seen, especially the first half. which was oven, the score being 1-1. In the seven() half St. Columban were the better team, outplaying Seaforth lloya., scoring five more goals. Sea - fm -.h 'did n'ot deserve to lose so heav- ily as they put up a good fight. St. Cnlnnfl,an have a nice yourug team 'huilt up from last season, but there is no reason. why Seaforth cannot do 'the same with the young ulayer they have. They are playing nice foot hall and are young and nn the light sidle at .present, but public sup- p'o'rt .and good training will soon make t.helm second to ?lone.—Bystand- er, Mock Wedding Features Meeting. —The regular meeting of the Mc - GI Ilt-ray Young W'ornen's Auxiliary of 'Northside United Church, was held on Monday at the parsonage, with the president, Miss S: I. Wood, in the chair. Fallowing the business discus'si'on, 'Miss rMayibelle Rands fav,- or'ed the audience with a violin selec- tion and Misty IHrelen Lane and Miss Persde Cluf" with a pleasing duet. A muck marriage was a feature of the evening, Miss 'S. I. Wood takrng the part of the 'bride; Nisei Ethel Beat- tie, the bridegroom; Mrs. Ross Say - wage, 'bxridesin aid; Mrs. T. H. Weed - mark', hest man' • Mies Fennell, father M df the bride; rs. F. J. Bechely, the minister; 'Mrs, E. Chapman, flower girlt 'Ma E. 'Ghltrmberlain, ring - A 4 OA , 1. W„ O 1 WO Rose Garden ila StrawberFies and ,!Cream with other good eats, will be 'served under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society, of the Northside United Church, on Tuesday Afternoon, June 27th from 4.30 to 7 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Cluff, North Main Street. Everybody Welcome ADMISSION 25c bearer. The remainid'er of 'the even- ing was spent in co'nrtelsts. Miss Gladys Hellyer, of the Seaforth Col- legiate staff, who is shortly to be married, was the guest .of honor and led the way to the dining room, where lunch was served. Miss 'Heliyer was presented with eight sherbet plates and eight goblets from the members of the Auxiliary,. , With the Bowlers. The bowling green, under the expert caretaking of Mr. Robert Joynt, is certainly a beauty spot. Everything is spit and .span and the greens themselves ars in excellent shape. Last Friday ev- ening play for the local challenge Soule Trophy commenced and was \Von by M. A. Reid and Robert Dev- ereaux, who now must defend their hl;ze. from any anti . all local chal- lengers. The provincial, lawn bowl- ing playdowns have also started. The rink representing Seaforth, by reason of its'local ,victory. Monday morning, GARDEN PARTY at Duff's Church Grounds , WALTON —011— FRIDAY,. JULY 7th An excellent programme is .being arranged. SUPPER SERVED FROM 6 TO 8 P.M. Blyth Band in attendance. Admission: 20c and 35c. Open to the world Treasure Hunt Under the Auspices of Alumni Association Friday, June 23, 7.30 It's a new stunt in' Seaforth, but is, highly popular else -4 where..Idlunt followed by lunch ('buffet), and 'dancing at Palace Rink. Cars start from Palace Rink on the dot --,be there early. T7CKETS—for the whole ev- ening, including treasure hunt, lunch and dance, 35 cents. Foe lunch and dance only, 25 cents. It will We as good evening's fun—don't miss it! Silent Glover Means LESS WORK at LESS COST Install a Silent Glow Oil unit in your kitchen stove now and learn how easily and economically you can de your Summer cooking. CALL OR PHONE John Modeland SEAFORTH GARDEN PARTY on, the grounds at Cavan Church WINTHROP FRIDAY, JUNE 23rd Supper with strawber- ries and cream. A good programme is being arranged. B �ri,�t�S: z'�' •P �t r ..t.,. l 'f 7i and made up of M. A. Rd, Charles I•Boinues,a W. J. 'Duncan and John .Beattie, skip, were victorious by four •shots 'fiver Mitchell, at Mitchell, ,in Tixesd$r night. The return m'a'tch will be played Friday night on the local green, points to count. In the Provincial Doubles, Slsafonth also ca,mle out ion, tap at Mtttc'hell. This T.ihuivsday evening a mixed tourna- memrt will ibe 'bodged and' all "bowlers, old and new, a intuited to' tome and spend a few eai']o. bre hours at the 'coolest and most {beautiful spot in town. Dies in Egm:ondville:-The death otecurled i'n Egmlonclvlille on Friday evening last of Mary Ann Carty, at ±lie home of !Mr. John Quinlan. Miss Carty was born in Hibbert, the daughter of the later, Peter Carty, and has been a resident of Seaforth 'about 40 years. .She was a devoted !Member of IStl. James' Catholic Church and was connected with St, Joseph's .Union League. Sacred Heart Society, Propagation of the Faith and. 'Cat'holic Women's League, The fun- eral took place on Monday morning at 9 a.in. to St. James' Church, thence to St. James' cemetery for interment. Requiem High Mass being celebrat- ed by Rev, Father Hussey. Pall- bearers were M'es'srs. Geo. A. 'Sills, D. Shanahan, 'Michael Murray, Louis Fleurs'cheu'tz, Thos. Jackson and Jos. Melady. a Died in Pennsylvania. --Mrs. L. C. Jackson received a wire on Wednes- day 'Morning announcing the sad news of the cleatlh sof her sister-in- law, Mrs. C. S. Powell, 'which occur- red at her home in Ardmore, Pennsyl- vania, en Tuesday evening, following a severe attack of heart trouble Mrs. Powell was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. 'Francis Case, ATI was 'born at 'Maple Hall, the Case home- stead, on the highway, adjoining Seaforth. Some forty years ago she was united M marriage to Mr. Powell and had since lived at Ardmore. She is survived by her 'husband and a family of two sons and two daugh- ters, :Messrs. Frank and Wil'liaiu and Miss Isabel and Miss Elizabeth Po:iv- ell. She is also 'surviive.d 'by four sisters and four yrothers 'Miss Jes- sie Case, Ardmore; Mrs. Clement King, Newmarket; Mrs. J. E. L. Pangman, Toronto; Mrs. Bruce Kil- patric,� Roxbury,' , N.Y.; Mr. T. R. P. Case, oronto: Messrs. J. A. Case and E. C. Case, Seaforth, and Mr. John Case, Seattle, 'Washington. Sudden Deathof Mr. Wilson Camp- bell.—The tragically sudden death of Mr, Wilson Gamiphedl on Monday last came as a ssilere shock to a wide circle of friends, in Seaforth and a still wider circle of relatives and friends in the surrounding district,. Although suffem„ing from heart trqu- ble for some time, Mr. Campbell was able t,o be about as usual and. on 'Monday morning has been in Walton. Shortly after noon he called at the office of Mr. A. W. Dunlop's garage, and was sitting in, a chair talking, when he suddenly fell over and pass- er.! away 'almost immediately. Mr. Campbell was a son of the late John. Campbell, a pioneer of. McKillop township, and. was born on the Camp- bell homestead in that township 73 years ago, where he continued.to re- side practically all his life. . I3e was a man well versed beyond the ordin- ary; a most successful farmer and .shrewd business man, as well as an able adviser, and on'e whose integ- rity was beyond question. Quiet in 'manner but genial and kindly in dis- 'positio'n, he made and retained many friend's, and his sudden passing is sincerely regretted. Four years ago Mr. Campbell retired from the farm and .purchased aThome in Seaforth; where®he resided with his sister. He. was one of a family of eleven, four sisters of whom survive: 'Mors. Root. Reid, Walton; Miss Letitia Campbell, Seaforth; Mrs. John McKinley, Clin- ton, and Mrs. Robert McKinley, Gosh- en Line, Stanley. The funeral was held from his late home on Wed'nes- d'ay afternoon and was very largely, attended, the services being conduct- ed by Rey,, W. F. Sunith„ 'of Mc- Killop, assisted by Rev. W. P. Lane and Rev. Thos. Robinson, St. Marys. Interment was made in, Maitlandbank cemetery, the pallbearers being Messrs. John Campbell, Robert W. Campbell, George Campbell, , Joseph Campbell, J. E. McKinley and Nelson Reid. The floral bearers were Camp. BOYS' STU ,DY WASH , SUITS SIZES 2 to 6 5c to 89c JUNE -2.3,•,1933.' PRETTY: SUMMER DRESSES BOYS' S' ,SMARTLY STYLED SU SUIT& TUB. FAST SIZES 2 to 6' 50c to 890. .They Are Here 'No zc • THE GREAT WONDER IS HOW THESE COOL STYLISH FROCKS CAN BE MADE AND SOLD AT SUCH LOW PRICES. • VOILE DRESSES $1.39 to $2,79 DULCELLA ''DRESSES $2.49 to $2.95 FAILLENESE DRESSES $3.95 to $5.95 SAND CREPE DRESSES $6.95 CREPE DRESSES $4.95 JUST WHAT YOU HAVE - WANTED ARE THESE SMART STYLE COOL DRESSES AT A POPULAR PRICE. If you would look cool and smart, 'appear in one of our White ” Hats. HOSIERY SPECIAL 'Pure Thread Silk 'Chiffon, full fashion hose. 75c Pair. Now is the time to freshen. up summer . frocks with crisp organdie neckwear. 50c to $1.50 MacTavish's ,bell McK'in'ley, Watson Reid, James M,cEwan and Wildon Campbell, and among those from a distance who attended the funeral were: Mr. Hugh Brooks, Mr, 'Mac Allen, of Bad Axe, Michigan; Mrs, J. B. Russel, • Peoria, Illinois, and Mr. Smith, of Kam- lachie. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. G. A. Jackson and sister, (Miss Jackson, left Thursday morning on a trip ,to the • coast. They will take the C. P. IR. boat to Fort Wil- liam.. • Miss 'Millie Johnston, of Hamil- ton, was a week end guest at the home of her' brother, Mr. Thomas Johnston. • Mr. Robert Willis, of Toronto, spent the week end with his parents, oeMr. an'd Mrs. W. G. Willis. • Mr. Herman Lindsay and sister, of Toronto, were th'e"'week•end guests of Miss Ruth Thompson. • Mr. Ranald Reinke, of Toronto, spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reinke in Tuckerslmith. • 'Miss Margaret Brown was visit- ing wits London friends this week. • Maistter Jack Davidson, of New- ton, is the guest of his uncle and aunt, 'Mr. t.n•d M1's. M. A. Reid, • Miss Edna Carter, of Toronto, is the 'guest of Miss Charlotte Thomp- son. • The Misses Watson are visiting with Toronto friends. • Mr. W. Howden, of Caledonia, is a guest at the hclme of Mr. and{' Mrs. 'J. F. Daly. . • • Miss Elizabeth McLean is visit- ing friends in St. Catharines: • 'Mrs. W: C. 'Sproat and • Miss Barbara, spent the week end attf Mrs. Sproat's home in Toronto. • 'Mrs. R. E., McKenzie spent the week end with Toronto friends. • Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bethune, of 'Toledo are the guests of Miss. Jes- sie Bethune.. (Continued on page 5) GRACIA ORTHOPEDIC S t-IOES forWOMENV in your size and width S3!95 WHY PAY MORE? G. Willis Shoe Store Seaforth' The Big Sale Is now on. ,$20,000.00 stock of Watches, Dia-, monds, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Glassware, China, Dinnerware and Gift Goods will be sold y Public Auction • from 3 to 5 pan., and 8 to 10 p.m., and by Special Discount Sale during the remainder of each day. Hours from 8 a. m. to 10,30 p. m. Sale closes evening of June 30th. DON'T MISS THIS SALE AT AVAUGE' S Opposite the Post Office - SEAFORTH P hSu p, ;1,li1Jr'.p'iYYyrt `{It' 11 St wa 1 i.�x Ala - ,1( lz 3 l �v. t ttta„t a ub` I i7 ,.1J';t k'Yatf111�ival a{i[P' t it a y Y '4 A 1' • i �W� y .9,