HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-06-23, Page 5.Men's Wool Bathing Suits Pure wool one-piece with skirt. Regular or speed styles. Black, Navy, Maroon, Red, Green. • 1.50 1111 A, + 0 a a 4 A 0 4I * • 0 6 l,t�sfi ,.4 fi lis ifl r , V23, 1933. l '„El1ENT THEATRE, Seaforth hi NOW PLAYING "MADISON SQUARE GARDEN" COMEDY OARTiOOW lg.onday, , ues r ay and Wednee ay --.Tune 26, 27, 28 THE GREATEST MUSICAL ROMANCE OF ALL TIME "THE MAID" OF THE ,.MOUNTAINS", _- .• IOOfMEDY NEWS REEL Thursday, Friday and Saturday—June 29, 30, July 1 MATINEE JULY 1st, 3 P.M.' GLORIA STUART, SLIM SUMMER'VILLE, RALPIii BELLAMY, in "AIR MAIL" CONTETDY CARTOON C G—ED IE CA TOR in "KID FROM% SPAIN"' Maithmes !Sat. d holidays, 3 P.m. o shows nightly, 7.80. and 9.15 BIRTHS Meilr.—In Scott Memorial Hoap5tal, Seaforth, on June 17th, to Mr, and Mas. H. G, Meir, a, daughtter. •Tuokey.—In Us/borne, on June 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar .Tuckey, a son (Dennis Wlayne). DEATHS Powell. --In Ardmore, P. Bella Kate Case, wife of Mr. C. S. Powell, of Ardmore, Pa. Alleocander.—In Tucketumi'th, on June 9th, Mary Fleming, widow of die late John Alexander„ in her 84th year. Creech.—Fn Exeter, on June 11411), Annie Bis- sett, widow of the late William Creech, in her 84th years, M Ibea.—Ln Oa'omartpL on June 9th, Simon Andrew Miller, in his 65th year. IMPORTANTa NOTICES OATS FOR SALE.—A QUANTITY OF ,clean gate f.,r sale. APIA), to JAMES LANDSBOROUGH, R. R. 3, Seaforth, or plhone 150-16. 3419-1 FoR SALE.—YORK BOAR 1N GOOD CON: ditis,n. Apply to EDWIN P. C'HESNEY. Phone 21 on 133, Seaforth:' 3419-1 TJAY FOR SALE.—TWENTY ACRES OF tintethy 'hay, 114 miler east of Seaforth. Apply rd WILLIAM DEVIS1 EEAUX. Phone 11444, Seaforth. 3419x2 CAItD OF THANKS The brothers and sistero• of the late Wilson Campbell desire to express their sincere ap- pr•eoia'tion of the many kindnesses and acts of sympathy shown to •them during their sud- den bereavement, 3419-1 CARD OF THANKS The fatally of the late Mrs. John Alexan- der desire bo express their anicere aeerecia- tion'sof the. many acts of, kindness and sym- pathy extonded ito them during their be- reavement, ,also to ,thank those who loaned their cars and who sent floral boucruete. 3:1',1x1 TEACHER WANTED Experienced teaeiher for S. S. No. 4, Tuck- orsmith 'lownshmp. Duties to commence Sept.. 1st. ArsPly, stating salary and quali5oations, to HOWARD M. CRICH, Sec. -Trey., Sea - forth, Ont., R. R. 3 "' 3418x2 TEACHER WANTED Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 12, McKillop Duties to commence in September. State oalar•y end, mini i$oations. Apply to ROBERT C. DODDS, Walton, Ont., R. 11. No. 4. 3418x2 NOTICE Commencing June 20t'h, we will run our Chopping Mill 'i'nesdays. Thurs- days and Saturdays, also when rain stops farm work We will run the, fol- lowing day until further notice. KRUSE BROS. • Phone 148 r 14. ' 3418x`2 The annual sleeting of the 4Sourbh Huron Liberal Association, as constituted for Pr'uvincyial pur- poses, will be 'hleil'd in the Town Hall, Hensall on . Wednesday, June 28th at 2 p.m. Business—Election of Officers. Prominent speakers will be present to address the meeting. Every Liberal is requested to be present. J." G. STANI3URY President J. M. GOVENLOCK Secretary 500 Strong, vigorous «seek old Bar - each, red. Rock. Chicks, 9 cents or $8.00 a hundred.. Act quick. This i s , our best hatch of the season. Scott's Poultry Farm l'HONE 251-32 SEAFORTH 3419=1 Secretarial 'Stience Business Administration Office Training One Year Post -Matriculation Courses Write for syllabus of Course in e hich you are interested. Fall Term opens August 28 LONDON l;stah. 1R95 CANADA FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Concession 3, McKillop, con- taining- 192 acres and know -ft as the T. E. Hays' farm. Must be sold bo close the estate. If not sold will be rented. For partitulare apply to J. M. G'OVENLOCK, Executor. Sea - forth. 3358-tf THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real &tate Money to Loan. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 Wool Wanted Toronto prices paid for Wool. H. Ma Jackson i AI -JC 't ►►]§SIE Jfk?AtiIII!J'G A QTlic1N+ 19 if ,E OF J5 M ,s oo1 nl taxtt T3 11?. Gomeesston 14. erav;aT Towins}yiv, 3 rueis glontblwe4.Wf q'J4 tm c, Thuasda,Y. June 2600. et 1 lo,dlookshe'rly. The undereigned has disposed of ibis farm to Hebden Broe., of Landon, and w,n)n positively soil without re- serve the following; ,Homes— MlatFhed frier+ relam. 5 D'ear's OM; absY ansate 3 yean'A' ad, well Woken single Or double. Cattle --45 eho5!ce ynowng ,d ws, mmaetly d'i'sh, consisting bf Dur- ham, Jersey amid. Holstein; 12 heifer calves, pure (bred Jersey bull : calf, 4 one -year-old heiferts ; 10 'two -year -Old heifers; Palled Angus bull •15 months Old. xiogs--9 etre begs, 2 yloung gjowe due to p'rbfit about time of sale; sew due to profit 4n August. Impdementla— Massey-Harris binder phot cut, McCormick. Deering avower 6 -foot cut, horse rake, 18 -hoe seed drill. sawing tooth cultivator. eel of 4 section dolarruand harrow% walking plow, rid- ing p4tcw, wagon and box, steel tire buggy, donning m(ILL, Sar car 'rope, set of ening ,lope, In- ternational cream separator, 600 lbs. eateac- i'ty, just new; seveian new milk .pails, forks, chains, 'whiflletmeeis, and numerous other articles. Terms Cash. REV. W. A. TO WNSHEND, Proprietor; Gee H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 3419-1 MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PROPERTY' • Under and by villa's of the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at time of sate, there will be offered for sale by public 'auntibn, on the Premises on Tuesday, July llitlh, 1933, at 2 o'e'lock p.m., Lot Number 18, in the Third Concession of the Township a Stanley, kat the County of Huron ami Province of On- tario, less one-quarter of an acre off the a'¢uth-east earner thereof. On. the property is aitualte a bank barn, drive shed and a two-storey frame house in good repair. The property is within two miles of Bruce&elld. TERMS OF, SALE The propentry will be put up/ subject to a reserved bid. Ten per cent of the purchase money shall be paid on the day of sale and the balance within ;thirty days thereafter. i'or further particulars apply to CARLING & MORLEY, Solicitors for Mortgagee, Exeter, Ontario. Frank Taylor, Esq., Auctioneer, Exeter, Ont. 5419-8 WARNING TOWN OF SEAFORTH Parents or Gu'ardi'ans who allow their children under the age of fifteen years to be on the streets of the Town after nine o'clock p.m., are hereby warned that said children are not per- mitted to be on the streets' after nine o'clock p.m. unless' in charge cf par- ent or guardian, according to Town By-law. Parents or ' guardians are liable to be fined for such offenses against the by-law. Playing of any games of 'ball, etc., are not permitted on the streets. !Children on roller skates are warn- ed that it is dangerous to skate on the .pavement, especially on 'the Highway, as there have been several very narrow escapes, from serious ac- cid'e'nts. By Order. A. I). SUTHERLAND, Mayor. 3418-2 'POPULAR STALLIONS The Premium 'Clydesdale Stallion FAVOURITE AGAIN (24337) Enrolment No. 1961 Form A 1 Monday afternoon.—Will leave his own stable, Brucefie!d,' and go south to Kippen by London Road to Al. Harvey's, for night. Tue+sita5'.--To Second Concession of Tucker- mIt'h, south 11.4 mile;, then east to lOth Concession to Angus McKinnon's, for noon; then east to Ken McK &lax's, foe night. Wed- nesday. --East to '''own Line, then north 11/4 miles to Lloyd Cxiquttoun's. for noon; then by.. Staifa tt, Whtliarn Pabridk's, for night: Thu ,sda.y.-North 1bi. miles to 7th Concession 10 Coyne Bron., for iron ; then wet to Robt. 1)ode's fur night. Friday'.- —Wes t bo Gemrnell's corner, ' then north tJ Mill Road to George MicCartney's, for, noon ; ;hen east to Mc -Ad- am's side concession and north to Carnochan Bros., far ni;rht. Satuntay--13y way of l5,',rad'feoot's bridge to Mill Road to his own ,;!4014'00., Terms—To insure, $15.00. o„r,•'' • R. D. '1MIURDOCK, Proprietor and Manager. oda The Pure Bred Canadian Clydesdale Stallion MMIONCRiEFFE PRINCE lenrol,ment No. 2177 Passed Approved 1 Will stand for mare, this season as fol- lows: Monday.—'hill leave his stable at Bruce- field and go west to the second Concession of Stanley, then sough to Will lam A•Ichenzie's. for non: then to Hensel' to the Commercial Hotel, for night, Tuesday. South and west to Matt. Tinney's, for noon : then west to the Parr Line. 1, ,lame: M,cAllister's, for night. %Vcdnesday. --North to Charles Steph- enacn's, 10' noun ; then north b., Varna and east to Elmer Webster's, for night. Thues- cbay.- -North by Varna to 9th Concession, Goderich Township, 0, Henry 'Taylor's, Bay- field, for noon t then to Uel. Gardiner's, Con- cession 7, Cut Line. for nicht. Friday.— North to the Highway to ' Ales. Sterling's, or noon ; then east on the Highway to rArneselide t+, Rob ert• Colclough's, 11th Con- s ion, for night. Saturday. 'South to Ed. Glenn's, 3rd Concession, Stanley, for noon • then Boutin to his osvn stable for night. Terms. 510.00 to insure. ROBERT D. MURDOCK, Proprietor. • William Luker, Manager. Standard Bred Trotting Stallion VALIANT GUY No. 4070-67856 Approved Farr.. A 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follows : Monday, May 29.—Will' leave his own stable, Brucefiebl, and go by way of 2nd Cuncessilan of Stanley and Goderioh Townships to Relines - villa alt John Potter's, for night. Tuesday.— by way of Varna to, Parr Line at Alf. John- ston's, for noon: then Nome for night. Wed- neerl'ay.—Will remain at his own stable. T(ruraclay.--By way of 2nd Concession, Tuck- oramiith, to Fred Cook's, Huron Road, for con ; then home for. ,night. Friday,—Eclat M McAdam's sideroad and north by way of Horpurh•ey and Roxboro to Frank Coleman's, for noon; then west to Livingston's ',school corner and south by way of Alma to his own stable. Sa,btmday.—Will remain 'at his own stable. Terms—Oar Standard bred and registered mares, 320; grade mares, $12.00. WILLIAM BERRY, Proprietor and Manager Brucefield, Ont. U+/ The Imported Clydesdale Stallion THEOBALD (20472) 1234001 'Monday -•Will leave ,his own stable, Clinton. end go 6 miles west to Brawn Stewrirt's for no'an; then down the 6th Concession to Jas. Hamnia,tcm's for fright. Tue;d;ay,.-•-rliwo miles north, then east 1 mile to the 8th Concession bu WiAI'ilam .MdCivbe's, liar noon ; then 8% millet s'outi, to 8th Coneessibn, then east 1114 miles fin Reuben Griggs, 'for night. Wednes- day Miorhirtg—Mo his own stable where he well vem'arim eft day. Thursday --Down the Huron Rand to Alma Corner, them north to Jolen Freeman's, for moon; then north 11/4 mules, east 11 miles and north 11/4 miles, then west to .Taimes Dale's. for night. Friday —Three mules east, then three miles south to John CaespbeI's, for norm ; then 1 4 miles South to Winthrop; then south to the Gravel Road, them east one-half ,,rile No ivy Hender- son's, &or night. lSaturdaly. •.On'-haif mile west to Gravei Road, Olen ae nth to Will iaan T1,rover"s, for noon, and then,ee to his own stable where he will- remain until the follow- ing Monday Morn bora. Tea -n14 No insure, 4112. GUSTAVA BISBACK, Proprietor, Clinton, Opt. r1 llr L::i , t, ry;;.. � ii„", •, ,�4" J,,,JYINMXu'd6vi,Y•+54i1tMv f 5J YH,nit'Y,, d w'�Gr� w 0 MISSES, WOMEN'S, and EXTRA SIZES Every type of daytime Dress from ' t h e crisp, clean house dresses to the formal Affair. ' Frocks that catch your eye at first glance. Beautiful pattern Voile Dresses, new color combinations; sleeveless or short sleeves. Some with capes and jackets. All outstanding in attrac- tiveness and comfort for , the hot days. 14 THREE SPECIAL VALUES $1.95, $3:75, $4.50 Celanese Dresses in pastel shades, new styles for Bummer wear. special $3.25 Crepe Dresses, new style jacket out- fits, White, Blue, Pink, Yellow; beaus tiful quality. special $5.95 i< Men's Fine Worsted s Extraordinary Quality' n New Styles at a Wond- erful Low Price These Suits are fine English Worsteds and Serges—pin stripe. and 'new small neat patterns. Blues, Dark Greys . . and Browns are, the leading colors. Splendidly tailored and substantially lined. New models for men and young men. Come in early while the assortment is Complete and 1• select your new suit from these exception values. Sizes 34 to 46. CREPE RAYON Undies Vests; Panties or Bloomers; white, pink, peach; non - run. Nicely finish- ed. 49c VVIEN'S SUMMER Ties Plain shades o r small patterns, in cool, summery col- orings. Something - new and dressy. 50c 0 SPECIAL Ask to see the new Grey Flannels a n d Fleck Tweed, Suits. .$16,50 WOMEN'S FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE Silk to welt. welt and foot merceriized.• Medium service weight. All wanted shades and sizes. �a. 59c Boys' Fancy Wash Suits A special Wash Suit for dress wear. blue or white, green and white, brown and sand. All new styles. Sizes 2 to 6 years. 75c Men's Fine Straw Hats Sailor or Snap Fronts, senet or regular plait- ed straws ; saw edge or cable styles. , 1.50 Men's Fine Shirts--Speciaal With collar attached or two separate col- lars. Guaranteed Forsyth Shirts, in plain colors or fancy patterns. Sizes 14 to 18. 1.50 STEWART BROS. SEAFORTH MEN'S FELT Hats in Grey, Sand or Brown., New be- coming slhapes, fedora or snap front. All sizes. $1.75, $2,95, $3,95 iiimmonimme MEN'S SHIRTS AND SHORTS Plain white athlet- ic shirts with fancy shorts. Real com- fort for the warm days. Shirts 39c,- 50c, 75c Shorts 29c, 50c, 75c h tL',y,%IJ.11ili, 9 LOCAL BRIEF`S (Continued from page 8) • „IMrs. R. C. Anderson and Miss Betty', of Hamilton, were the guests of Mr. and !Mrs. Robert Bell this week. '• Mrs. S. (Morton and Mr. .James 'Lorton, of Port Nelson, and Mrs. tet. MeArter, of Guelph, were the guests this week., 0.1 Miss 'May Broadfoot. '• Mrs. R. M. Jones spent the week tend with Toronto friends. • Mr. and IMrs. J. G. 'Mullen are -visiting with Toronto friends. • Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Gravelle and glranddatugfhter, of Goderioh, were Sunday guests at 'the horse of 'Mr. and IMrs. Joseph Mero. • Dr. F. J. Burrows returned on Monday from• a pleasant holiday spent at the home of his daughter in Winnipeg. • M. Sam Pollock, of Kenora, Sask., is visiting his brother-in-law, Mr. Cal. Dawson, and Mr. and Mrs. George Lillly. • • 'Mrs. J. B. Russell ell and family, of Peoria, 'Illinois, are guests at the come of IMrs. J. R. Scott, Mrs. Rus- neliPs father. • Rev. W. W. Savage, of Pontiac, ''Michigan—was a Sunday guest at the lhom'e of Mr: a,nd Mrs. C. C'he'ros. • Mr. and...Mrs. Gordon •H'ays and Miss Mary Brall, of Detroit, spent the week en'd with relatives here. • Mrs. F. Armstrong and Mrs. S'hewitt. e.f Toronto, are guests' at the home of Dr. W. C. •Sproat and MTs. Sproat. • We are sorry to ''earn that Mr. Jaimes Purcell is confined to his home through illness. • Mi'. and Mrs. Charles :C'ar't, of Aylmer, s.pent Sunday at the home of Mr. Clark's mother, Mrs. R. L. Clark. • Miss Marietta Nash left last week on an 'exten'dtd visit with friends at the coast. ' s •M:i'ss Jean Winter, 'of • Toronto. was a Week end guest at th•e home. of 11er' grand'hl•other, .Mrs. 'Robert Vin- i ter. M'i'ss Winter sails froni Montreal on Friday for (Heide'lburg, Germany, - where she will take, a course ill Ger I. Than. • Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Huggarcl, Miss Helen and IMrs John Rankin spent Sunday in Kincardine. • Mr. and Mrs. Earl .Smith and children; Dr. and 'Airs. Anibrey Crich, Miss Gertrude Crich and Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and s'on, Douglas,' of Toronto. and Mr. G?orge Crit -h, of London„ sptut• .the • week end at the 'home of Mt-. and Mrs. W. A. Crich. • Mr. and M. .J. R. Howard Thomson and fat)rily spent the week end in Belleville and Athens.. • Mr. and tilt''.~., Charles Counter, cf Toronto. anti 17is..4 Nellie Williams, of Stratford: 'were the guests of Mr. and •Mr. Leo Fortune this week. •••• A -meeting of the 'Executive of rthe Huron Presbyterial of• the Pres- J)yterian Church will be held in Clin- ton on Tuesday, ,lune 2 i th, at 3 p.m.. .A. full attendance is desired. • Miss Katharine Collins, of Buf- falo, is =pending a month with liter, cousin. 3'li's. Leo' Fortune, anct other friends.. ' • 'Mrs. W.'R. Plant and Mrs. R. H. Thomson were London visitors this •week.' • 'h. and Mrs. Goofge Van horn and (laughter, u'Vl.iss IlVl.atlelin,;. of 'Clinton, were Sunday guest, of Mr. and Mrs. R. H.-pru:li. • Mrs, :r, Arthur. Mrs. :vi. :oloe- IriSen and •Mr. Thomas Devero.aux, of London, and Miss Alva Hoopper, of Montreal, were the gaestc Of 141r•. and !Mrs. lire', h','ill i'a.illa, .Jame--r4t1:e.e', recently. • Tvliss Jielen vAin ni, daur+,'nter of irs. illia.m' Anent, has Mr. and aw accepted a position as teacner in Ethel .school. • • Mr. A. C. .:vi:eCauIley, Newin ar- herc, was a Seaforth visitor oVP1' t^s week cid ST. • COLUMBAN i Catholic Women's League.—A. Strawberry F'estiva'l ttivein under the auspice,' of the C.W.L. will be held in the Parish Hall on Wednes- day evening. .!tine 23th. from 6.30 to 8.30 p.m, Admission: Adults 25c, Children, 15c. 3410-1 Annual Meeting BIRTHS Meilr.—In Scott Memorial Hoap5tal, Seaforth, on June 17th, to Mr, and Mas. H. G, Meir, a, daughtter. •Tuokey.—In Us/borne, on June 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar .Tuckey, a son (Dennis Wlayne). DEATHS Powell. --In Ardmore, P. Bella Kate Case, wife of Mr. C. S. Powell, of Ardmore, Pa. Alleocander.—In Tucketumi'th, on June 9th, Mary Fleming, widow of die late John Alexander„ in her 84th year. Creech.—Fn Exeter, on June 11411), Annie Bis- sett, widow of the late William Creech, in her 84th years, M Ibea.—Ln Oa'omartpL on June 9th, Simon Andrew Miller, in his 65th year. IMPORTANTa NOTICES OATS FOR SALE.—A QUANTITY OF ,clean gate f.,r sale. APIA), to JAMES LANDSBOROUGH, R. R. 3, Seaforth, or plhone 150-16. 3419-1 FoR SALE.—YORK BOAR 1N GOOD CON: ditis,n. Apply to EDWIN P. C'HESNEY. Phone 21 on 133, Seaforth:' 3419-1 TJAY FOR SALE.—TWENTY ACRES OF tintethy 'hay, 114 miler east of Seaforth. Apply rd WILLIAM DEVIS1 EEAUX. Phone 11444, Seaforth. 3419x2 CAItD OF THANKS The brothers and sistero• of the late Wilson Campbell desire to express their sincere ap- pr•eoia'tion of the many kindnesses and acts of sympathy shown to •them during their sud- den bereavement, 3419-1 CARD OF THANKS The fatally of the late Mrs. John Alexan- der desire bo express their anicere aeerecia- tion'sof the. many acts of, kindness and sym- pathy extonded ito them during their be- reavement, ,also to ,thank those who loaned their cars and who sent floral boucruete. 3:1',1x1 TEACHER WANTED Experienced teaeiher for S. S. No. 4, Tuck- orsmith 'lownshmp. Duties to commence Sept.. 1st. ArsPly, stating salary and quali5oations, to HOWARD M. CRICH, Sec. -Trey., Sea - forth, Ont., R. R. 3 "' 3418x2 TEACHER WANTED Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 12, McKillop Duties to commence in September. State oalar•y end, mini i$oations. Apply to ROBERT C. DODDS, Walton, Ont., R. 11. No. 4. 3418x2 NOTICE Commencing June 20t'h, we will run our Chopping Mill 'i'nesdays. Thurs- days and Saturdays, also when rain stops farm work We will run the, fol- lowing day until further notice. KRUSE BROS. • Phone 148 r 14. ' 3418x`2 The annual sleeting of the 4Sourbh Huron Liberal Association, as constituted for Pr'uvincyial pur- poses, will be 'hleil'd in the Town Hall, Hensall on . Wednesday, June 28th at 2 p.m. Business—Election of Officers. Prominent speakers will be present to address the meeting. Every Liberal is requested to be present. J." G. STANI3URY President J. M. GOVENLOCK Secretary 500 Strong, vigorous «seek old Bar - each, red. Rock. Chicks, 9 cents or $8.00 a hundred.. Act quick. This i s , our best hatch of the season. Scott's Poultry Farm l'HONE 251-32 SEAFORTH 3419=1 Secretarial 'Stience Business Administration Office Training One Year Post -Matriculation Courses Write for syllabus of Course in e hich you are interested. Fall Term opens August 28 LONDON l;stah. 1R95 CANADA FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Concession 3, McKillop, con- taining- 192 acres and know -ft as the T. E. Hays' farm. Must be sold bo close the estate. If not sold will be rented. For partitulare apply to J. M. G'OVENLOCK, Executor. Sea - forth. 3358-tf THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real &tate Money to Loan. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 Wool Wanted Toronto prices paid for Wool. H. Ma Jackson i AI -JC 't ►►]§SIE Jfk?AtiIII!J'G A QTlic1N+ 19 if ,E OF J5 M ,s oo1 nl taxtt T3 11?. Gomeesston 14. erav;aT Towins}yiv, 3 rueis glontblwe4.Wf q'J4 tm c, Thuasda,Y. June 2600. et 1 lo,dlookshe'rly. The undereigned has disposed of ibis farm to Hebden Broe., of Landon, and w,n)n positively soil without re- serve the following; ,Homes— MlatFhed frier+ relam. 5 D'ear's OM; absY ansate 3 yean'A' ad, well Woken single Or double. Cattle --45 eho5!ce ynowng ,d ws, mmaetly d'i'sh, consisting bf Dur- ham, Jersey amid. Holstein; 12 heifer calves, pure (bred Jersey bull : calf, 4 one -year-old heiferts ; 10 'two -year -Old heifers; Palled Angus bull •15 months Old. xiogs--9 etre begs, 2 yloung gjowe due to p'rbfit about time of sale; sew due to profit 4n August. Impdementla— Massey-Harris binder phot cut, McCormick. Deering avower 6 -foot cut, horse rake, 18 -hoe seed drill. sawing tooth cultivator. eel of 4 section dolarruand harrow% walking plow, rid- ing p4tcw, wagon and box, steel tire buggy, donning m(ILL, Sar car 'rope, set of ening ,lope, In- ternational cream separator, 600 lbs. eateac- i'ty, just new; seveian new milk .pails, forks, chains, 'whiflletmeeis, and numerous other articles. Terms Cash. REV. W. A. TO WNSHEND, Proprietor; Gee H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 3419-1 MORTGAGE SALE OF FARM PROPERTY' • Under and by villa's of the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at time of sate, there will be offered for sale by public 'auntibn, on the Premises on Tuesday, July llitlh, 1933, at 2 o'e'lock p.m., Lot Number 18, in the Third Concession of the Township a Stanley, kat the County of Huron ami Province of On- tario, less one-quarter of an acre off the a'¢uth-east earner thereof. On. the property is aitualte a bank barn, drive shed and a two-storey frame house in good repair. The property is within two miles of Bruce&elld. TERMS OF, SALE The propentry will be put up/ subject to a reserved bid. Ten per cent of the purchase money shall be paid on the day of sale and the balance within ;thirty days thereafter. i'or further particulars apply to CARLING & MORLEY, Solicitors for Mortgagee, Exeter, Ontario. Frank Taylor, Esq., Auctioneer, Exeter, Ont. 5419-8 WARNING TOWN OF SEAFORTH Parents or Gu'ardi'ans who allow their children under the age of fifteen years to be on the streets of the Town after nine o'clock p.m., are hereby warned that said children are not per- mitted to be on the streets' after nine o'clock p.m. unless' in charge cf par- ent or guardian, according to Town By-law. Parents or ' guardians are liable to be fined for such offenses against the by-law. Playing of any games of 'ball, etc., are not permitted on the streets. !Children on roller skates are warn- ed that it is dangerous to skate on the .pavement, especially on 'the Highway, as there have been several very narrow escapes, from serious ac- cid'e'nts. By Order. A. I). SUTHERLAND, Mayor. 3418-2 'POPULAR STALLIONS The Premium 'Clydesdale Stallion FAVOURITE AGAIN (24337) Enrolment No. 1961 Form A 1 Monday afternoon.—Will leave his own stable, Brucefie!d,' and go south to Kippen by London Road to Al. Harvey's, for night. Tue+sita5'.--To Second Concession of Tucker- mIt'h, south 11.4 mile;, then east to lOth Concession to Angus McKinnon's, for noon; then east to Ken McK &lax's, foe night. Wed- nesday. --East to '''own Line, then north 11/4 miles to Lloyd Cxiquttoun's. for noon; then by.. Staifa tt, Whtliarn Pabridk's, for night: Thu ,sda.y.-North 1bi. miles to 7th Concession 10 Coyne Bron., for iron ; then wet to Robt. 1)ode's fur night. Friday'.- —Wes t bo Gemrnell's corner, ' then north tJ Mill Road to George MicCartney's, for, noon ; ;hen east to Mc -Ad- am's side concession and north to Carnochan Bros., far ni;rht. Satuntay--13y way of l5,',rad'feoot's bridge to Mill Road to his own ,;!4014'00., Terms—To insure, $15.00. o„r,•'' • R. D. '1MIURDOCK, Proprietor and Manager. oda The Pure Bred Canadian Clydesdale Stallion MMIONCRiEFFE PRINCE lenrol,ment No. 2177 Passed Approved 1 Will stand for mare, this season as fol- lows: Monday.—'hill leave his stable at Bruce- field and go west to the second Concession of Stanley, then sough to Will lam A•Ichenzie's. for non: then to Hensel' to the Commercial Hotel, for night, Tuesday. South and west to Matt. Tinney's, for noon : then west to the Parr Line. 1, ,lame: M,cAllister's, for night. %Vcdnesday. --North to Charles Steph- enacn's, 10' noun ; then north b., Varna and east to Elmer Webster's, for night. Thues- cbay.- -North by Varna to 9th Concession, Goderich Township, 0, Henry 'Taylor's, Bay- field, for noon t then to Uel. Gardiner's, Con- cession 7, Cut Line. for nicht. Friday.— North to the Highway to ' Ales. Sterling's, or noon ; then east on the Highway to rArneselide t+, Rob ert• Colclough's, 11th Con- s ion, for night. Saturday. 'South to Ed. Glenn's, 3rd Concession, Stanley, for noon • then Boutin to his osvn stable for night. Terms. 510.00 to insure. ROBERT D. MURDOCK, Proprietor. • William Luker, Manager. Standard Bred Trotting Stallion VALIANT GUY No. 4070-67856 Approved Farr.. A 1 Will stand for the improvement of stock this season as follows : Monday, May 29.—Will' leave his own stable, Brucefiebl, and go by way of 2nd Cuncessilan of Stanley and Goderioh Townships to Relines - villa alt John Potter's, for night. Tuesday.— by way of Varna to, Parr Line at Alf. John- ston's, for noon: then Nome for night. Wed- neerl'ay.—Will remain at his own stable. T(ruraclay.--By way of 2nd Concession, Tuck- oramiith, to Fred Cook's, Huron Road, for con ; then home for. ,night. Friday,—Eclat M McAdam's sideroad and north by way of Horpurh•ey and Roxboro to Frank Coleman's, for noon; then west to Livingston's ',school corner and south by way of Alma to his own stable. Sa,btmday.—Will remain 'at his own stable. Terms—Oar Standard bred and registered mares, 320; grade mares, $12.00. WILLIAM BERRY, Proprietor and Manager Brucefield, Ont. U+/ The Imported Clydesdale Stallion THEOBALD (20472) 1234001 'Monday -•Will leave ,his own stable, Clinton. end go 6 miles west to Brawn Stewrirt's for no'an; then down the 6th Concession to Jas. Hamnia,tcm's for fright. Tue;d;ay,.-•-rliwo miles north, then east 1 mile to the 8th Concession bu WiAI'ilam .MdCivbe's, liar noon ; then 8% millet s'outi, to 8th Coneessibn, then east 1114 miles fin Reuben Griggs, 'for night. Wednes- day Miorhirtg—Mo his own stable where he well vem'arim eft day. Thursday --Down the Huron Rand to Alma Corner, them north to Jolen Freeman's, for moon; then north 11/4 mules, east 11 miles and north 11/4 miles, then west to .Taimes Dale's. for night. Friday —Three mules east, then three miles south to John CaespbeI's, for norm ; then 1 4 miles South to Winthrop; then south to the Gravel Road, them east one-half ,,rile No ivy Hender- son's, &or night. lSaturdaly. •.On'-haif mile west to Gravei Road, Olen ae nth to Will iaan T1,rover"s, for noon, and then,ee to his own stable where he will- remain until the follow- ing Monday Morn bora. Tea -n14 No insure, 4112. GUSTAVA BISBACK, Proprietor, Clinton, Opt. r1 llr L::i , t, ry;;.. � ii„", •, ,�4" J,,,JYINMXu'd6vi,Y•+54i1tMv f 5J YH,nit'Y,, d w'�Gr� w 0 MISSES, WOMEN'S, and EXTRA SIZES Every type of daytime Dress from ' t h e crisp, clean house dresses to the formal Affair. ' Frocks that catch your eye at first glance. Beautiful pattern Voile Dresses, new color combinations; sleeveless or short sleeves. Some with capes and jackets. All outstanding in attrac- tiveness and comfort for , the hot days. 14 THREE SPECIAL VALUES $1.95, $3:75, $4.50 Celanese Dresses in pastel shades, new styles for Bummer wear. special $3.25 Crepe Dresses, new style jacket out- fits, White, Blue, Pink, Yellow; beaus tiful quality. special $5.95 i< Men's Fine Worsted s Extraordinary Quality' n New Styles at a Wond- erful Low Price These Suits are fine English Worsteds and Serges—pin stripe. and 'new small neat patterns. Blues, Dark Greys . . and Browns are, the leading colors. Splendidly tailored and substantially lined. New models for men and young men. Come in early while the assortment is Complete and 1• select your new suit from these exception values. Sizes 34 to 46. CREPE RAYON Undies Vests; Panties or Bloomers; white, pink, peach; non - run. Nicely finish- ed. 49c VVIEN'S SUMMER Ties Plain shades o r small patterns, in cool, summery col- orings. Something - new and dressy. 50c 0 SPECIAL Ask to see the new Grey Flannels a n d Fleck Tweed, Suits. .$16,50 WOMEN'S FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE Silk to welt. welt and foot merceriized.• Medium service weight. All wanted shades and sizes. �a. 59c Boys' Fancy Wash Suits A special Wash Suit for dress wear. blue or white, green and white, brown and sand. All new styles. Sizes 2 to 6 years. 75c Men's Fine Straw Hats Sailor or Snap Fronts, senet or regular plait- ed straws ; saw edge or cable styles. , 1.50 Men's Fine Shirts--Speciaal With collar attached or two separate col- lars. Guaranteed Forsyth Shirts, in plain colors or fancy patterns. Sizes 14 to 18. 1.50 STEWART BROS. SEAFORTH MEN'S FELT Hats in Grey, Sand or Brown., New be- coming slhapes, fedora or snap front. All sizes. $1.75, $2,95, $3,95 iiimmonimme MEN'S SHIRTS AND SHORTS Plain white athlet- ic shirts with fancy shorts. Real com- fort for the warm days. Shirts 39c,- 50c, 75c Shorts 29c, 50c, 75c h tL',y,%IJ.11ili, 9