HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-06-23, Page 3° A r
au�rE-23 #� I
Seen �in the C t� Pi's
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.:5,, , 3 n.u+ f' ,.i,.. ,, R w, 1 ! 4.i.1, .SI, M
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F� fllb,_' b1ihoC#ia , J" stir Fr
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a e+lf aluaulufaca- 4.,
. t �'hl8' YT lii�01'��l �Pt •R'' • a!3fa'- 4dr p�, tr " � � +". � g z ;d �
•4: . ��n`�g, ti Aro vAlficie I , ,''.�w c1. � �1 sf:t'fy �1���� �^��}�
vt I i 'a'l. ,classes are- l ,*
F �r
y, Jean Crarnan, Ona 1Wilaiamna, o W1?"GcorblaaYd t «r t"
Harris -McDonald. n a es : , � t ' r
E hes and for young d' kz lace M �' ..:; • i
-'sett ; boys r1Yrd�Ir ten, MO bails 1 h 4 � lv.
On !wedge llay eveniamlg, Janie gbh, uP , ali'ea+(i'y laeexu in t� 00"Cal s c w:nf ,,.a� +i., t
inn wl was sal- 'Donn, Arnold +Gano, Robert Gann.; ou � s�
h a°n, Yruarriag e . girls, 30 acid u'nd'er, Hanel W illialmis, y v inQss , 1 yam. and a'm!ong --�,h% al AO sulblects h.� ; i , l> y • 6 t ,
° 4 •r,irr n,fz'ed -aril Helen XbDlon,44, second tea ow b u+ght ^e •rYvast Eua r '}a.7ag'u�ages. • - • � •J
Pearl Glassy Marjorie karl; boys, lj5 esh¢s Y „ �,
daughter of Mu a. 'Duman McDonald, and under, SGew+art Cann, Bruce r¢4c of Out-orf-tlYe-way (Iaxug4Yages;, sire„ as
r ' MucknYow, do I FMerebt ,]anis, son of 'C'ann• girls 15 and under, !Mfary Earl f ake a 9�as Eee% a I3indrwstalYd, are 'also tawght. li's�rr� M1 � • ; � pest
Mir. an Mrs. 'Gleet Harris of Ash- ' ' ' _– na + teas o e aae ;+ ;�.;,a r '}r5. i x x �, `' };:r.,,
d , C;'`ladlys P!ass'mowe Rolbena Hunkiii; a Provincial and ora 1 officers s gyp.-
�{1p a er5°r' ,. :. W ,cdi ,* d� as . I
Meld. The hride was attended by her grandfadiluer's rake, B. 'Wilaliumil' 11x. pt V is a4 also, in .sramle cases, trained at the c; , �, 1 �' �,,
sds'ber, Miss Rena. 'McDonald, and ,t+he G. 'MIMar, John CaYnnu, John Hunkin; Dere Soo+tlad Yard school, wvhile crimhn� f ,r, '� ; �J,I,
ole fa+arxr all avec #kre world re- l' i'(t4'c;
Dbridegr+aoarr by Jack McNabb, Jr. Fal- +slippea• race, Elsie Catnip Irma Feng,iY- ceiv�iYtformlation and assdsGancce. c, n tc
dowing the weddhng eex+em+ony, din- isosY, Eddkh Earl; newracpaper rase, Al- _ ; ,�;U_ € t
area was ;served at this Queen's Haul, len Johns and Edith Earl, Mervin1,11
,Mnghalml, to ,the wedding tpartY, in- Brock arrd !M'a'ry 'Earl; married led'- W1� c r �tia`
•eluding the immediate relatives of fess ,Mrs. ,Caiman ,Cam, Mrs. Orville ;.F^ls .
11 isle .bride and brigs Household Discoveries �, 'I
giroom6�Ged'erich 'Cann, Mrs. Robert relay racer r , N he f� p }a ,yh
•rA r, rI save all •the Curr -foil wra s � �,;
Mrs. O. Cann aaud Elmer Husckim; PPS from now until Jan. ,� s
Mary Earl and Mervin Brock, Irma • from tea. I soak rheas in old rasa- ryix
14-1b. GI r Caught in Maitland. ter relmtove the and wihh the n
P g Fergwsan and Mervin Dunn.- Exete, handle o£ a knife smcrroth out all the
'Mrs. Oscar Axruertt of the 1st line, Tines -Advocate. bel
1 1934 for new sub-
Icr eases. Z then cut the tinfoil in > > i
11VXorris, cawght an unwsvral sdzed tis„ •drill t'i� ,
in the Maitland River near his home ••
rounds creat laid, and find
many uses for it. I cover .m,y milk � r ?,� � i
mires evening lash week. This sipeci. ,ternately+. R�hip until the mixture pressing it scribers only. What �,s�
• mem was' a cazp weaghing 14 pouncda', Strawberries In expands to al7nlge,,t fill a ywart 11ow1 bottles with a round, c
.and measuring 3^2 inches long and 20 Fan Dress and is exceedingly lis y closely around the neck of 1}re bottle; .
g light amid f in cover a pitcher of muck or cream r a bargain! All the l
Pule into tall slender the .same way. +]`n fact,' L use it for �
irnrches around. -!Brussels Post' � , � glasses or into
It is said, than the Anne can ' In ,sh'erbet cups and chill thoroughly.
An 'accident occurred on thea Blue dians held ever ' co'vez•ing any fpod that requires ,pro- .
Y Year a special rvvitir plain cissas or garnished tectio,n from dusrt gird germs. The 41N
1V iater Highway, just east -of the Bay- than!idsgivirng service to the Great with a s,poorefu'l of whipped crealm. pieces of tin -foil ,may be washed and news of the town—
• gi,eld garage, when .a sedan dh•iven ,by Spirit for the comi4g of June And the For a miore p+retenrtious dessert, fold usecl ovrerr and over again. � E i
31r. Doak, of London, collided with first strawberries. They were wise one eu.pfgxl' orf . stiffly ,whipped cream * * �
m sedan 'd+riven roy ,Merton 'Metier. ,sails sill knew what was good to into the strawberry maxbure after it the count. —the l 1.
�f3atilr cars were slightl tlarma ed an'd ea't, for to ,this' day, no fruit flavor h, when my coffee tins, large baking �, + +'
. Y g as (been beaten suffuciently,� then �t
pale rrc Ksherbet ,gl'asses, chill, gar- powder tins and biscuit pins are crop- +,
Merton Werner„ was cwt' albout the can surpass that sof the tiny will ; J �
ty, I soak off any wrappers that may 11
„ face, while the occupants of the other strawberries. rBut perhaps same Of Innslh wakh ripe tisbrawnberries anal T county -tile editorials �
be on them, enamriel the tins to match ' • :
car„ IMr. and Mrs. Doak, were 'baday the big luscious c'ultilviat'e,d varialies serve, d ,,��
.rsa"iaken up. Kenneth Merner, had 'been that have the wild taste left in, with _ my kitchen utensils, +marlee• neat lit- -
+unalble to get their own car to start thr sweetness peculiarly their own, Fruit Fancies, tIE labels of -hate adhesive tape„ and =the advertisements it
r • �nrd Merton. in J. W. Mc'Lr od's car, rnakt an even' +rdore 'satisfying' iaomh- print -on the names of the ditYererst `�11
-was pus+hflng the other car. As soon ful. • These xray be, made from stale' cake .fcods I 'have ,stored' in theme, (using ,� N
I. peso their own car started, he, pulled 'Strawlbemriets and cr'earn! Straw- if it is rnome 'eanveaAent, but fresh waterproof ink). Now I' have a cai- of leading merchants
pout ,to ,pass it directly in front of the berry shortcake!, surely no one n_ud sponge lake is more ,desira(ble. Out lection of neat and 'handdy containers .' M ,
wh'o `
the cake, which shouad be about h have east nothing but the small ' "rt. •`
9�aak car which was proceeding west. try to improve, upas them, and yet . ,,,
three quaz+rets of an inch thick, into remount of paint used on Chem ''c r1.
.--Zurich Herald, ° the wise housewife offers a naw 4 s � � , are In T e Huron X- Il,�Y
stzawberry dish now,anrd, bhen, 'or it- rounds with a cookie cuitter and lay ,e
Engagement Announced. would be a oadamf� indeed if thiti oar " h a slice of .canned pineapple, �I']:en my bath towels became worn
favorite ,berry 'should ever pall on iha over the ,pineapple ,plaice a few in th•e centre ar at the ends I cart positor each week. This, special offer for new sub- '
Dr. and 'Mrs J:' S. Exams, of C1iii- sliced and sugared strawlberries, then out wash cloths fnoaxc Mile good par-
lban, announce the engagement of. 'appetite. 'H+e2'+e are a number (,f sug- . ,
gestioaus fon dishes that will appeal all with meringue made in I the tuns, Iblamket stitch tliearr around , r
, -their youngest daughter, Grace Kaeli pp usual manses, s kle with taco's- with colored crochet cotton, and have scribers meads that.the best in Sea�orth news a err . v,r
-n'yn, to Mr. Ian .MacLeod, &$.A•, to the fancily, with one or two sug- P� P P
,AClinton son of 'Mr. and IMrs', 'I?urucan gestnons ,that may aid our readers ,nut and brown very lightly in a slow a mnnber of good wash clat}rs for
who, wish to entertain in Junes oven. Chill and serve with a gar- gen cal use. is now available at less than cost. Cut out and send
J. McLeod, of. D'unvegan, Ont., the nis+h Of ripe 'berries surroun,d+irg• each. * * - -F",
-nitrriage to take place early in July. Strawberry Trifle: "Waren my ..long windlaw curtains. ;5,z
. -+Clinton News -Record. Strawberiiy Juice. be,%) n+e worn at the bdtbomr-as they
.Line shei)bet glasses with lady nearly always-d+o•--I cut orf the Worn in the attached coupon with 50 cents. Act now. ;ill'
Firemen Get Two Calls. fingers which have been, dipped in Heat berries-almlost to the, bailing perti,on -and imiake curtains for the ... •''' '
' s+trawberry juice. 'Don't make them 'point. Crush and strain Out the bathroom from the -good portion. „i
Saturday night about 10.30 the fire- 3
mussy. Mix one cu'p of cream whip- juice. ComJbine the juice of One Sometimes I stitch ore a piece of col- � a}1
rrnen receiv7ed a call to the lame of ped stiff with one-foumbh cu lento•- with two cupfuls of straw -
"W; 'Currie, Patri+c•k +Street, 'a chester- P pow- o:d muslin or. chintz to match the Sirs•, ;
xzeld had chew+ ht fire but the 'siren dared sugar, . a little vanilla extract 'berry juice. Sweeten and dilute to walls of ,bathroom and fired ,these cur- . ;:-
g g, and fold in one cw taste. Chilled, this makes a re- i,az ns ive• months of wear anJ save I enclose 50 cents. Will 'you
1. '!•cad hardly ceased to whistle when . or ru'm flavor•in p g THE HURON "
�wbrd arrived that the fire ,had been out strawberries and one-fourth cup- frecshing beverage or a goad solution rtt. new 2nateri•als'. I add- the col ° ,'lease send me The Huron Erx- ``
ful finely cut m!aresh'inarllows. Fill 'to other cold 'drinks. orad material to the sides of cur- positor as per yvgrr special
-extinguished. The ,chesterfield was a, o
the glasises. Serve nvrery co+ldw Gar- ' tains and: it has the appearance of EXPOSITOR offer...
.loss as were 'soern+e. cushions and a rug Cold Strawberry Shortcake. .
was also danvar 'ed. Tuesday evening mush with berries dipped }n 'sugar, silo, drapes.
g b g ong tus. n Bros;, Publishers Name ...............; ...... " i
, « � u ]VlcLea
11 rabout 7 "o'clock a call was recedved Bake your favorite s+pornge cake1.
from the „erose of, J. Wil�'on, Shutes Minted Strawberries.' nraxtur-e In fairly lar a nv pa Wlhen my children's dresses become Established 1860 .. ....
Use larbei 'perfect, w'h'ole ,berries-. When cold,. sees too to i+v+e or ,throw away, I , Address .. : '. ,
rt whife, the,
es are
throughin Re.mQiye,
and ,fill with sliced and sweetened good g .. ' - w•• .. =, ___
-the kitchen7 caught fire -tithes fie o•an a juice to which a little, chope d and flavlored whipped ccrre,am. around siniplyotake. out the sleeves and se ! HO'VE 41 S_EAFORTH ' A.
'th+mu�gh vv'hicrtr a stave r
,.a'd been pretty much overcorrue with' 'mint has been aided. Sprinkle chopped
'ed'ge's of cakes, and garnish with a the sleeve material to make neat
Z sidles hose before the fireman ar- perfect berry, which has !been robbed -traps (wit„ pointed ends) wide er-
g ,powdered sugar and chill thoroughly: : .
over with white of egg and di ed aa.gh to fit over thel shvuld{ea. I then
Bevel. Very little' damage teas done. Serve in cocktail, glasses. Pp o en the shoulder seams. Next I let
-Wtngham Advance -Times. to powered sugar. p -'
• Grapefruit Dessert. the da+e•s+ses down to the ,paoper length,
Seven -Foot Man Dead at Clinton. '� fasten the straps back and' front to
• Cut ri,pe,.juicy grapefruit in halves the ends of the shoulder s,eanis, bid
'George Wilson, reported to be and remove all th'e .pulp and juice. Only, Four Hansom Cabs Or face armholes and strap, make x
Canada's tallest man, has died at the Pu't...t,he• skins in ice water while pre- • any necessary alterations at neck, beatjn Arm in the last decal but visitors' dugout, db a
,county .home in 'Clinton. Ile was a paring the filling. Cut the pulp in Left in London Now and I have a .neat little jutm+pet from g g Y e, µ g srpecia.l dance, an election, they have stuck solely to
` n'ativ;a of the Township of Wiest Waw- scardin all the seeds ,This •sumhn•er London--'celebrattes each dress. d „then make waist of it is highly profitable far the chil- l meanwhile uttering mystic incanka- legislative ,bulsaness and hw.Ae slh+un- ..,
anrgxli ,pieces; di, g a • lien of the officers -they get .up ai 'tions such as "hi -de -ha," "vatic -a -do,"! ne•d the larmavr orf society
nosh and was ,born in 1866, being 67 and Nvhite skin. -Mix -with s'trawnber- the centenary cif the „ansae„ cab. light=colored matkrial, or' any goods g sky at the calci -
ears Hitt., and he lived alone antil he ries arrd Eras„ pineapple, cut in CFrrce the rn,Ost popular of vehicles in suitable for us,e with the juniper. �n caw n' and scramble "for the coppers.' "11inn e the moocher" and other tal.
went'to the county home in Clinton, pieces. Sweeten with po�•dered'sugar' which to ,r•.arve About the city, there attractive little outfit is the result- When the brigade, passed through Harlem harr,ilies. Babe Ruth never The post he new occupies has
ilia 'was se,t'+en feet and one inch tall, and'ehill thoroughly. '1:',4:1' e the shells are but four now l•.ft upon the streets with very little labor and a cost Baltimore, the , „des went down. reel, soiconfident up at b. plate as brought little change in the. flails., .11
g y p p Fora midshipman to look upon. ,cher Bill is on the )ob. Joe Me- life of the Garners- The• skill rse •Y
and uas boiled in a casket seven .d,z°y and fill with the fruit. Sprinkle Of London. Gasoline and the build- of a few cents. Baltimore on the da of a game C'arth • isn't su Y
Y b 5 pet+stitiouc -bot he
feet sax in'che, in lent,>t;h. He is sur- chapped crystallized ginger over the in+g of the tasicah spelt the khell of r __T� r:eun, diaaaten. :ike; to gee I.obin,on arauncl: Cestuis tic'eabeforel half of Ws1»rng6ary is esti
• viwed by one sister and two, brothers. tap, the hansom. Glenna Collett used "to" have a !Tack isn't su of bred work together throughout the
••" psi•: titio'uc either --but g wg• .t•�
-IJZitchell'Advacate. F Strawberry Cream. Thirty years ago there were 7,00'0 pr<urlec:lun for carrying luck -token. h, .Nelly for the coir., whenever e dray and: return to their hotel in the
han,suu:rrs in London alone. Built for Strange Superstitions � . h
Cann Family Reunion. Caush two cw fuls'of s, a -{berries lin her golf bag. She got :o ninny ser•, Bill llo'' in -on approaching' the• eN•er•ing, retiring earl • m
p two pm-engers, and with the driver ,,,,re was no room for clubs, and Atlrietic bench with that look in his 6 Y preparation
and add eros -half cupful of pe vdered Ina "dickey" at the ,ba'ck, the reirxa ®f Faimous Athletes f'or a neve day. .
The Corin family= reunion was held sugar. Mix well,and let 't'anil for an curi.ues were threatening rciiellion. eye and brat s:it cellar in his hand.'
ern SAturday at the hrome of 1Ir. Jahn passing over the roorf of the cab, the Fr•onn, .John L. Sullivan's champagne 1t was nese„ary for he•r to discard - — � .'
hour or two. Soak one tablespoon of hansom oras in its day considered cork to Glemla Collett's cif ba- full �
M Cann in Us+borne. Sevanty-eight per elatin.in two tablespoonfuls ,of ,buil- * K g !.tile treasure re,tetfully-but she .
ego s were present, The• s colts and g P the smartest thing upon the streets. of tokens, almost every sport star kEpt the •best, of course.
ri 1 rp. water an,d dis,sglve: Add •the !! Old ]Bachelor Clul) 1.
races were held in the, arftern'oon to- g The drivers, arrayed in m-elt,on ctlat, seems to have a quer superstition, I ••The• Brooklyn ball cub, unique in From Cowboy �'O Congress .
dissolved gelatin to the- ire'rries. When With. 'buttonhgla, tall bat and ,be- according to Francis Wallace who ” . `l
g p the testier begin to ell` add one , , many respects for its in,ormality, is If one were litnuited to a sentence '
Wether with a' ball am+e captained' J ri•}�},orned whi were as wit. as those' has f'ui gyears noted the t:`ood luc•kI �i'll Admit wOilrieII •.
sty Carman and all Cann. A picnic p, k a cen`r , of odd custom:. Ever body in describim,
cupful -of cream, whipped sbifi', fold- of the contemporary orary horse-drawn beliefs of athletes. (,i.inw dozens) 9 a the career of the vice- The Oxford and Carrn(bridge.Clulb,
:upper was served at six o'clock. Mr. ,• into the berries. Your the mix- � who know-., baseball recall, that flap- pre:+icutnt of the United States, it .-pall .)Tall, 5.W., is to have a' dining • ,R
. J. V. Cann was elected resident sick Ommibu.se,s, There wa:C a spice of of fantastic example. he writes in I tin torn undershirt .sleeve or Dazzy
p , ture, into a ola,ss serving dish. Chill don danger attached to rills in a ban- I2ed!!rook for July; ping, aright •be aptly worded ' from a seat int r ooni and reception room for women
Roland Williams as secretary -tress- �.or,g(w•hich doubtless made their use `Becaus,e he first slid• it on a day a d to He used to bdy a n(wrtihirt the ,addle to a seat in Congress."
until set. Garnish with whole ter- r T uesrs..
urer and the name of Mrs. G,. Duan ries diap,e'd in sugar. and tear the sleeve, fit•s't thing;. but In his clay -Texas Jack" has been 'Chis ii; on -e of the bests kno*n
was added to form a conrlmit'tee. Th 17 b all th•e more ag, eabl•e 5.o the a<len- which brought rht gnod lurk is why there was method in Uazzi s little a cov'ooy and a farni-hand, a lawyer, s�tron•ghol(kc of rbach'elordom. and male
picnic, next year will be held at the Dipped Strawberries. turous), for if the horse did come Pa•be Ruth -always . touch+• semn,-} niadress. That fluttering sleeve di-- 1
clown it was likely as not that with rase on his way in from the out- an editor art•r a nastier, and to ,toile yealu:�iveness. 1'er more than Ice
4ronx+e of Vit. Orville Cann, the second y' U•a.cted the }rztt.r's attention -which n„- versatilcty and a;ititude i'ur pot- scars it has been tele meeting place °
Saturday in June. A' hearty vote of Select perfect strawberries and ,the eat pitching forward, and the field; why Eddie Collin, pasted• his Nvas fatal when the •'ball 'ivas served
•the nks V^• tendered to Mr. and Mrs. wash earcifully, lea' irrg. on the hulls doors flying open. the occutpants would wad of chewing guns on the button ' }tics, Ire bus bc�n 'in l:ongreas for of dons and professors, and of have
a with Vance's dazzling speed. Other higty years. i'orri arrd Cram+bridge mien who have
.John Cann for the use of their home. for "handles.” Drain and chill. Im- bet thrown into the street. of his cap before hattir l -r; why Mrax .clubs finally complained, anti the i
. � G. Keslake was the oldest me'm- mediately before serving dip the tips Nowadays the four remaining• hall- Po, senfeld, a Jewish boy. wears a shirt sleeve -was le 'isiat.ed out-anrr, 1u -dins a` tii t�past e. the ti•�s that literat ranvous in ,law, politics, and
..lis. G
k r bind him to the• ,•arts are situs;; an•ci lite, -store. ',
der of the fanraly present. Among in uncooked fondant (sisal's by mix- ,nT, in London p]av quite a 1':tir shamrock ill his cap; why Lefty !x,liev', it ur not, Daz has never been
t those relvent were: Mr. and Mrs. ing icing s•urgar with a little water), trade -around the west end amongst Grove could not start w•armin u la.�tin•>, Lr pv,li:irs he has. maci{e Ti:a.l; and again in rtcenrb weans,
ho p g p iluite the same since. .he ue,t of his cow punching experi- c•hit'!9y at the instance of younger ,
Wpi. Miller and daughter, Dorothy; Arrange a oent,r•e'of green leaves. th-es�e who rem+eniber the old clays. A unless the ball w•as han,ied to him, "The most temptin morsel to the
full -,sized hansom cab taken off the by ]Kid Gleason; why Glwfy Gomez g ince and he is consuntly on the nvrmlrers, the question of admitiring
111x. anal -Mr, Chester Merkley, of gods around New Fork scene.; to. be r(,uncl-up, nrarshallinl; IAerrytrcrat}c �vnmen has been raised, +but it sums -...'�
Strawberry Dainty. streets, as int were-w•as laced a few puts on his hasehall ca;, Lefore he
Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. V. '!Miller p 1 the coinnion table variety of halt. '.
ears ago in the London Museum. remloves his civics On .la;. = -hen he's cite, in Go.ngro ju:;t th'e way he always clk,,eatevl.
<rf Palm,enc,ton. The results of the 2 cups straw,be,rries,'krulled 5" y The �'anke:s have round., -i. very�,ri;l 'Tera.; hErd.= in bygone days. 1
Tr coin to pitch. Joie I i, clung to a , Tlrr club is 1> hvc- fol b vie• s rile +
races wet^e as follows: -Girls under 5, r/2 cusp ,pineapple, laced (fresh or ----•--0--- going l g powerful ul fir several seasons when I 1u his law training, his editorial � f„w shoving a chcc•rful balance sheeti
ceat.airi 'pair of shoes until tape could utilized by Bill Robinson, the tap ,.xpvriences, and his ;oankin.g career in spit(• of the slump in trade. It I
canned) _ no lomgcr keep them hahg}'ng to- dancer. who also doubles -often to
x/z cup pineapple juice Se®tland Yard Tests gethem Bahrby .Toney til! carries his fii 1 Y 1 eu the credit for the bartre<l tongue, w,as not compelled by necessity to ,
tic, Fapcn c -a, n ria Jrn--asst ort girl the rolt:rcal hrlc>5o hey.
r/a cup orange juice faithful old utter• C•alawity Jane in i' p p fake• the plunge asked for .by then
DON'T LET COMMON A'gpteah d+ral of mon is sre ev- P for the Wanks. Bill has been known which )lace echoed through the. halls nroJernists.
4 1 balblesar'aon 1'ernom juice ery year in ism roving training, 'his 'bag, even though it grew warped to ea,rc; I lucratlti.c bookings to help I.
1%z cop sweetened condensed milk. p g ui the Capitol buildings sine the 4 few tive(Fks ago another vote was
equin'ping: arnri examining men for and unreliable. the Yorks in s bib series. His meth- y,;>un Texan iaw:ye tirsrc ruwhed'his tal:cn, amt) to th,e sur se of many
rCut ,the, strawberries in quarters po itians m British police forces. "Tex Rickard alweyc kr rt the first ,tinkle salt around the 1 l �
e po ! cid. i; to s way throu>rh the 'portals of the HousL ; of the 011 ivarvl rrsulted' fur a arig
-CONSTIPATION ' DULLgrid place in four in,d+ividual sherbet The Old adage, "fist a thief to catch gun he ever comet --an oversized 1.
. glasses. Add diced pineapple. The of Repre.s•e'ntative,. ^ majority for the admission of wo- `
g a 'thief" hoc been ,dofinitraly dis rov- `horse'-nistol he hard carried in the j
fruit uices and ,blend b stirring p To his friend's and political inti- mon,
• J ' Y g ed, and criminal de,tectian iw always Klondike. Turney always wore into mates Garmr will answer to half a Fre• orations Here imnediate'ly un -
THE JOY OF LIVING with spoon egg-cbeate+r. Pour over the rill the blue bathro'le with the p
strawberries. Place i:n rerfri eratar carried out .by oflucei,s who have stukl- g STAIRS MADE HER uorerr nick— Old Hrickory," c . 11
g feet the sti!bject, and retard crinin- M,irine insiamia present.,l to him ,be- I imrtaken to entertain the -crones
to chill until serving timie. This will b tare the first Detn,psey titrht by his "Fighting Jack," "Tio Juan," "M.an I guests ham•dl;omlely. Strvrctural al-
to ch four ol'og•y as a science. of Deotiny," `•Mustang Jack," or t', rations were he - gun whit will fen
• portions. t•orm+er service ,buddie., Fighters I gu 11
$ellOgg'S AM -BRAN 11 Brings
Ira a ,room, at Scotland, Yard, twice
seem to have the odds•;. talismans•
'"�<`hapaaal Jack" -which are all t i-
about three w-eek� rive a dining '•
t, g resorts, •
Strawberry Ice Box Cake.
a year, may be found' a body lying an
this floor. Nearbv is revolver, with
T.ew Tendlep would' not. ;pro into the
cal labels for this homespun char-
with room foq• '70 �personn,
1 cop stmawibeiry ,puree
"•n,g' cpe•nt cartridge' in the chamber.
nine• until his, manager, Phil Glass-
man shook` hands with hirq•-panel
of.Texa,s. In the ,serrate cham-
icer, however, he willingly accelrts the
The furniture, equipment and de -
(oration will marks the womteus
2-3 cup sugar
furniture is disarranged - and,
once Plhil had to leave a sick -ted to
Penilty of Excess
title of ,:MT. Pv,sident•' in deference
roam-, at the Oxford and clambridge .
' Constipation takes the sunshine
1 tablespoon aero lelmlom juice
nerhaps a window ,„makes. But rile
retie to the ringside and shake
to his vice-presidential past.
Club amlong tee most artistic and 11
. otit of your days. It may bring head-
1 tablespoon gelatin
2 �blespoous cold water
"body" is of wax, and the furnish��
imps of the room are all properties,
I,ew's ,hand so that the fight would
Although she ,has lost but 7 lbs. of
He has few enemies in party pol-
i•ties in his in
attractive l o-vided in any mien's clvib +
,sches, loss of appetite and energy,
3/h -cup bailing water •
For this is the trim's of the period-
come off. Kid McFadden had a
her overweight ,this woman finds that
either own party or
the Republican ranks, life has the
in Lon•dbn: ,,
-sleeplessness, sallow skins, pimples.
I cup cream,
ical examlinatiorn of mien qualifying
standing' order in, ,his camp that no-
body should cross a street or path-
7 lbs. has made a remarkable differ-
ence to her. Theme can certainly are
happy faculty of burying political
- - .
3P neglected, it care seriously impair
2 dozen lady fingers,.
by rubbing
for Promotion. One by one they are
,, >
to the man :s
way diagonally. Willie .Jackson had
nothing wmn'g with a redvcir,k treat-
enmities the moment he leaves his
ISome,ti+m,es one pays most for the-
(Prepare the puree
fresh strawberries through a sieve.
ad!mritted mur6ered
teem, where the are instructed to
faith in ,two t,hifi s -his right hand
g- g
meat that brings such increased en-
legislative seat. Whatever hi, polit-
}cal ,be, they never
things One gets for nothing.-Alarert i
Fortunately, you can avoid this'
Add the sugar crud lemon juice-
make a thorough search for cf to
arnd the checkered cap he bratrglht
into the corner. Battu, LeofIii
erg;; and wigar.
Her letter reacts: -"T am 53 years
convktianis anray
interfere with private friendshit. As
Einstein. •,j
' ,condition by eating a delicious ce-
Soften the gelatin in cold waiter. Dis-
to the
the•tixim'e. They make nates of any-
thing to Ibave the
fi'`sk clothed the right side o£ his
old and my height is b ft. Last year
a result of this attitud , many of
real. Laboratory show that
Isolve in +boiling water and acid
' Let stand until
whri+ch appeam even
bearing the cane. But
tad's and then• the left> -just for lgrck,
I weighed J.54 lbs. For six nvontha, I
his clasr,st friends in N'Lmbingtom
T have never had a bet on there Der- '
]Kellogg's ALI,BRAN provides two
• things needed to overcome common
strawlberry mixture.
partially thiC•krened, then fold' in ,one-
remotest on
this is only one of the tests they have
Packey ,McFarland, arri, ing in Lon-
,don for his first bout, searched three
have ibeen taking a half- teas poonfu'
of Krusch'en ,Salts, making no change
have been his, bitteresrt political foes,
a'nd during his classic friendship with
by 4Lord Ri•ddeiii. `'
" constipation: "bulk" and vitamin B.
is source of
balf cup of cream which has been-,
whipped until stiff. Line' the bot-
to Pass. -
The secret -of success in these ex-
hairs for a pair of green silk socks.
They werce his lucky Omen and he
in my diet. Nlrw I am less round the
hips, an,d only weigh l47 bbs'. dr:^'sserl.
the late "Nick" Longworth, with
-„tiro hew had many a verbal battle
• •!
MedteiCne To
ALL -BRAN also a rich
rami and sides of a mould (preferably
amuna+tionb liens in mental aaertnecws'.
had forgotten to bring any from
But I feel lighter and can now run
in Congress, there wars implanted in
Sends I
blood -building iron.
a sprin+g form) lady fingers.
`alternate layers the
There, este rruany clues', intention 'ally
to little imlportam+ce,
A,mrerica. Jack Sharkey bought a
upstairs, which 'br+fore used to make
his nature a kindly regard, for foe as
• 1
FarAwa! Roumacnta
The `'bulk" in ALL -BRAN is much
Fill with of
gird lordly fingers.
mead+', appear of
which lead to salukibgr+s to the various
suit (before phis first impoi-taut
me gasp for (breath. Everyone says
well as friend.
Winnipeg, Man. -Jacob (�tieranaa:
_ like that of leafy vegetables. with-
strawberry •mlixture
Let tail in the refrigerator �evaia'1
pr+oblemws set. ...
tory-that over Harry Wills; and he
ma'dc it a point to buy a wait from
how well and fit I look, as I am in a
attire sill get. no walking exercise at
if 1 thought a pertain had
evrOmgd ee," he rrrnfesses, ' I never
President of the Western Hardware .':"r
Co., who came to Canada 80 years d
in -the body, it forms a soft masa.
• Gexitl it clears out the intestinal
burrs. Just before serving, un-
miould, envier with the rest of the
'A•nother test ounsis+ts of a parade
of a+ny'thing from one to two dozen
the ssm,e store' before other major
all, The res•wlbs m+ay not be startling,
rested 'until I had gotten even. I
ego from Roumania, recently said: •° y
"There day in 26 1
cream -it, whipped 'stud sweetened'. W511
.mien,, whin the camdidlates ,vs in-
minis emletuts. Jack will also ad-
rm,inister a verbal chastisement to
.but the fact remlains that feel much
'better than' of labs' so
this until T overcame
fought trail
the trait. Nbw I have the kindest
was hardly a years
that I didn't have same ao�rt of trou-
How better than dosing
.serve eig+bt persons.
strutted' t6 deseriim minutely. The
iih,en from th•e
any trainer who draws his. right
h�^avy� an•cl I now enjoy darrtcing."-
feeling fir e'veryonT.. This i� the
bre with my stomach. I suffered
with comatipation almost as far back ,.
yourself with pateniimedicines. Two
Strawberry Fluff.
roles are withdrawn
narad+e, and diw i,s,ed by one of the
glove on first ferry Mc(royern ai-
ways pet the left shoe On firs„. Kill
1 Mis.wl J. H.
Kruschem is ba.�ed on wcienti.fic
greatest achievement of my life."
Swank ha,, always been foreign to
as I can remember a$d had to take .. '
. .a
a physic every day of roti life. Btrrce i
tablespoonfuls, of ALL -BRAN daily
•• A
1 egg white
Yard's expert make-up men,.
After this the carndhdabe iF givern
Ohocolate ties the laces a certain
principle -it c an idt^al blend of six
the^ Grar ger personality. Ever since
I taking Sargon Pills along with t "'j
bowels are regular as clock i”
are usually sufficient. with each
xrresl in ,chronic cases^ •If not re=
cup 'powdered 'agngam
,p Cr ushed simawlberries -'
the official 'descri+ptierm of One of the
mien bre has seen, and fir iwctructed
"Whien t=1re brigade of midehi. m+en
g P
separate mrirnegals which lel lanc,s,
p g
rnerwes, !,mood and 'hely organs to
Renrms•entthirt Gather and his wife,
why far thirty years has acted as
on, my
g .,ti,
work. I never trays the slighted-
sign of sigmas„ trouble. I'm seed- �"
flieved this way, see your doctor.
Wlinpping cqwean.. ,
to identify arrd arresk th'e ma.n. Ac-
left Anm'apoli,w cru the ionising of the
fr,nctirnn propefly aticl maintain a
health builds,
Misr secretary, mtade their joint debut
havre lived Min-
ing Sargon to two friends of mine frit :i
Get the red -ands teen 'Package
g p g
meat -thee egg white •slightly, add-
lemon jkdre, then.
comdiit+g to, the records issued, a:lro,it•t
Ariny- Navy football ganle, each of
splendid degree of -4t.
up energy and strength all the while
in. W"hington they
pl,e and uanpre,bemtibus livers in a mod-
noumgel� 4
Made by Kellogg •in
iiwg a few ditrops' of
whip in the sugar and
8Q per cent. of the cand?dbbes fail at
the er teen hundred sailors
the statute of Tectimtge+h.
yror1're training yourself down to a
est hotel. Unaike merst fam5liew who
a ,, +
your grocer's.
,but.,n+o't berries al-
th5s crucial paint.
pennies at
This has hl&lped in
point Of normal wer,ght.
►slave to Washington in the wake of
; C.ondon, Ontario.
orushed, stained;
,Dust of .the, 20,000 men, who apply
ceremony not
f {11 ,
1. ,
,., v. ti♦ "
A .11 ry't
.. ...:,„.. ` .c z.. .. ., .. 'S . r . , 4 i. •':' F , l to }
,. t .'_ .. . .• n t 1.H.r . .,i r .. ,k. W . ... .. .. :. Y .w. !. Y" 1.. 1. y,
...w , ., ,::. a .M , :Atli, i J . .,.. , .. r' , r. .:. S ,Y. .. ,. d T
dril4 h,a�.zrh.....�r,x::¢;nSwµ�'•�,a•�.�5,�a.�V�a?�n�4..�wSr>��i4, i�A�;lei..kd�NL•�>,£,tvr,��rc�"'�t�rt�` .1h✓�.,it5.,�' �r�.�$'Iu:!'4�1�7i.z}";�.�er�a,.;*e,�natCwtk"u,��k. �ilrwn.,t'l"derd�.drrSr,�fe. � s1`, �"