HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-06-23, Page 1f,� 11 ++U,F' :: 11 e10 LAWN OT • HOSPITAL ,1. Dr. W. C. Sproat Presents, 11 _ +, 'Six Graduates With i. •y, Diplomas. 4, . WEATHER IS ,IDEAL V The walnut and fir 'trees on the . N. i 1, 1 , n,91 the graduatdloii exered'oes held on Wed- �, � .� .1 , 7 ­ ,,, , , . jr ., , �-?�i�t­. , ,�, �� :.,,� i I '� I - , " , ., '. , .,,w ,� I , , J . _. 1.1-Qk %al"'a �.. 4,,.• , 1�' . .`,. f t i' t '> r £d . E' »r 11 t .. k .1 l I .1 1 , t . ,,, , - I �4�i• •J' ,. . I r 14^. d,�4 ,fir 1 , P r Y.: •m��,,,�,,,,r }y _,_ ''•k . . R; '. { +.,,P �sr%'1';d„ �.;iu-• c ,1i t ' i,. ,. t4 f 1 . ''y. r' - M" ,., , 4, �l r.,�' +7� ,A, - u fid, „�,. q• "',11 tl 1.��•Sr�4 , Lwy '9 pd't i; ip "" ..e .,.. 1t�. `' ., .. S' r, k* yI'll �l -11,11,11111, t if Sevmty- third . Year , • .o SEAFORTH FRION i"' E 23 1933.. .. "I '� WIho�Ie Nn3ILIJC3 J�19 0 - �+ • 0 .r 'PF � I # !" �'. Y� Y. 4J.a FjT1 Yiy.- t - r v .. .. __111 't r r; ... 'Y C I S iii, { f Ir! h' rt,l y °Graduation; 50FTAh '11TEREST Ve t e a� n s o Id Ian ,relive NU�r ", �$� ,{�r ,. 01 I a t 1 �Ie�or2al _�, MAINTA 'MJAWS Decoration Day SearVice at UDS r : , rt�� rfAk �. w ? _. , 1 A $ " Webster Famil Cairn in Hdno • • , Valedictory Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, June 21st, 1933 Edna Cafherine Bremner, Brucefield. Mr. 'Cbeirmlan. the Graduating Class, the Staff, the • Hospital Board, ladies and gentlemen: "'Ti's the human touch in this world that counts, The touch of your hand and mane. ,�''hich means fa: rriore to the faint- ing heart Than shelter or pread or wine. For bhe>tem is gone' when the night is •o Pyr, And bread lasts ,but a day, Birt the touch of the hazed , and 'lie -ound of the voice Sing on in 4:hr::soul alway." That day whio. looked so far away in the Hm dist mica three years ago has at last arrived—our graduation:. day. Whilte -we hail 'its coning with a high degree of satisfaction, there is a tinge of sorrow mingled with our joy. It would ,he quite imrpossihle t(y spend so long a ti'm'e' in the widst of such intimacies and friendships as 'Nave surrounded us here without so'mie r&1 feelings of regret wh*.% the -.4me has arrived that we_gntust sep- arate and bid adieu -to our beloved . Al(n'a 'M;ater. 'The:%O ifr•iem(d;shipls have &epered as then years have. gone ,by. This, beautiful building among .the walnut tree's, has been like a homle to us and we have come to regaiT our- "selve,rs as a happy family living• in surroundings wh'i'ch, with every pass• ing year, ,have become- more dear a u d lovely. ' ' Scott ,Memorial has meant much lore than just a, hospital, more, ev- en than a training 's'c'hool for nurses. W,e have come to regard it as ha,d - - ng• 'been a centre '.o£ 'heapful influ- ence in our lives. Is it not here that we have 'been taught that character plays a 1•aager part than knowliLdge in . (0onrfiinued on page 4) ELIMVILLE The Sunday school anniversary ser- vices willl be held in. this church next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Agnew, of St. Mary's, will be the minister for the day. Rev. A., E. and Mrs. John's, also Paul, Ruth and Edward Johns, of H&'11'1 or., visited relatives here over the week end and attended the Johns- Cud-m,are reunion, held at the home of Mrs. S. Cu'dmorre last Saturday. - tMr. and,, 'Mrs. A. McFalls an Bird'ine and Bonnie, of,13fadulph, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and'Mrs. Wi'lliarri Bradshaw, on Stan •day, last. CONSTANCE ,Soatfbirth Band and i.egi•on Garden Party Thur•;day evcmi-ng. July ct.h. W. M. S.—The. Women's llission- ary Society held' the regular meeting in the. church fast Thursday after- noon and it was a decided succe, s _T,'h'.e visiting societies, Winthrop and Burns', were in attendance in goodly . nu-n'lners, ,and supplied a much ap- preciated program, Also a car loaad of ladies from Clinton canine• with DIrs. Pickard' who gave the repot . on the Branch Conventioh held i Lc=ndom. The meeting op'ene'd with the ,president, Mrs. William Britton in the chair. A hymml was sung of ter which prayer was offered by Mrs Gardner and Mt;c. Robert Rogerson A Mrs. Gardiner welcom'e'd the ladies I Thea Scri,p;ture lesson ryas read ,b n Mrs. E. Adams, and 'Mrs. Dexter read the minutes of the lash meeting. Th programme co'n'sisted of a piano sol ky Miss Edith' Hillen; rea.ddmg b, t H Som�eam . ts. McVittie; duck, "Help ^ To -day," 1by .,W09, Pethick and • Mrs klan , rirk; reading by Mrs. Norma , Shepherd'; 'sono by Mi,s. Wattt; d'ia logue by Mrs. D. McFerlan�e and Mrs d Robert McFarlane affil Mise; Bessi s Rulanchard. The report given by Mrs n 1 ickard was most enjoyable• and, g vote of thanks was tendered by th a visiting ta;d)Ns for the enjoyable of t c rnoion.. A hvmnn was sung am 11 prayer was offered by Mrs. Pete I,iltrcldsay. The, pre'siden't closed writ the 'lvne<liction, after which tea wa served. The boys' softball team' playe Rcxlboro on Friday lash and the Scor a -was 17-25 inr favor orf K.inburn.. The following were guests of .,,M amid Mrs. Len Stephenson on Sunday Mr. ,and 1Mn•s. Kershaw, Mion 'Glad -y MicDowvell, of Goderich; Mr. and Mr h. Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. Wil'l'iam Lo'ga anri M(isrs Kathleen, of Myth. .Mir. and, ,Mrs. F. Carter, of Gori rich, s,pen,t Sunday at the home Mr. and :Mrs. Jahn Fergus,nn. Mia,s Rowland', of Lo'nd'on, visite at the home of ,Mr. and Mrs: Joh p. Ferguson. Mr. and 'Drs• William Brinton m 0. oRd- to Lamlbton County on Tuesda, of this, week. re Mr. and,,M•rs. J. Ferguson and Mr ;McN,ab visited Mr. and IWs. J. Fer . IMPRESSIVE EVENT :: H E:L D O N' SPACIOUS 1. ' `W LAWN OT • HOSPITAL ` 4 Dr. W. C. Sproat Presents, 11 _ +, 'Six Graduates With ' Diplomas. i ,r . WEATHER IS ,IDEAL The walnut and fir 'trees on the °'. of the Scott -Memorial Hos- 1, groundds p5'taal made' a beatutt�ifu•'I setting for , I. 1 the graduatdloii exered'oes held on Wed- „ neoday. PeTfeet weather added' much ' to the success of the ceriemonv, which 0 •+ was attended by about three' hurndred guests and,'Iviends, :' "' The graduating Iclasr, ho,sni�tal .. ;, 4 staff and' board,.professional mf•n and 'clergy were seated on th'e .-terrace , , to 'the east of the hospital building -;1 and seats were arranged fog• guests - on the spacious, lawn facing th-e ter- race. Student nurses acted as ush- . • crit , Six Graduate. , (Six nurses were in the graduating clasis this year as follows: ;Mrs. , 'Mary Marjorie Weaver, Seaforth; (Mss Gladys Allison Douglas, Blake; ,•* .• ,Miss Grace Agnes Forrest, Kippen; ._-..,... 1, • Miss J'emie Aignels Cleland',*Listowel; , . Mls's Mary Helen Flanmerry, Belle `a River, and Misis. Edna Catherine ' Bremner, Brucefre'ldl. r Interesting Program. • ,,, . A's -the graduates imtarched franc' ' +the hosrpital Ito their p'laecs ,on the " terrace., Miss Alice 'Daly and, Mr. Geo. , Daly played a piano, duet. The chair- ' • • Ban, W", J. Beattie, spoke briefly and , called on ,Rev. 1. B. . Kaine for the ' o'pemdrl,� ,prayer. ' , • Mayor A. D..Suth•erland spoke on . 1wbalf of the town and congratulated •. - the staff and -board on such a charm- ,, in' and efficient gra•dnrateing class: + �e address to the grraduates was „ given by Dr. G. R. Collyer, of Hen- . is -all, and the 'Florence Ni'ght'ingale 1. pledge by Dr. F. J. 'Burrows,, of Sea- •• , ' forth. . t tDr. W. 'C. ,Sproat, Seaforth, pres- j ented the diplomas to. the nurses, ' • who were amm,aunced by .the 'Super- .. intteindent, iMiss Wilson. M'ed'als, giv- . - en'ea'ch gradivate ,by the Board, were -presented iby. . W. H. Golding, M.P., , • •C:hairima.n of the Bpard, who, in his ' , remarks, mentioned that a movement •� wets und'e•r way to do away with all small training schools. "The small training schools, such ^. as Scott '1 mio,rial Hospital, are . graduating nurses of as h-ngih, if not " rhighern, }skandatrdi ,of tlralfmdng than the b'g city schools," said Mr. Gold- , ing. . . Mrs, J: B. Tyermen pinn'ed.the med- ' alis on the nurses, Gives Valedictory Address. 'Miss Edna Breminer was .valedde- I I t6iian for the, 1933 class- of gradu- ates. Her address may be found .. • c4sewher•e in this issue, • dA dletlaghtful solo 'by Mrs. J. A. • . Munn, a'ccolmlpamied by .Mrs. M.. 'R'. 5 Rennie, was much enjoyed' and,was. ' ' followed by the ,presentation of books • to the graduates by 'Mrs. J. F. Daly. ' were Beautiful .bouquets of flowers we presented the nurses by Miss Dori s • E. Ferguson and Mss 'Marguerit e ` Wlesteott. ` The chairman called on 'she clergy 't Canon prpsemt and Rev. W. P. Lane., Cano • ,. Appleyard, Father Hu.q:.§ey, Rev, •C ' A. 'Malcolm and Rev. W. A. Bremner . in a few words, congratul'at'ed th e nuffses.w They were followed by Dr A. R. Ro.s•s, Secretary of the Board , Vbe program concluded abou4 five O'clock. I Tea was served the nurses an d - guests on the terrace, those aas!stin,g tieing: 'Miss 'M. W. Mackay, Mrs. G ' ^ R. Gollver, Mrs. W. C. Sproat, Mi:sse. ' Alice Daly, ,Margaret Crich, Hele , '' Hamilton, Gertrude Cardno;'' Kathiee Kerr Smn ler, Evelyn Golding, ­, Jean K I A. Downey and ,Mona McGregor. , ,� WINTHROIP • t Soaf rth Band' and Lwion Garden Party T'hursd'ay evendm, Judy M. • A strawberry feMival will be tel , ' on the ground's of. Caivan church thi • Friday evening, when Brodltage BaTid will ,Ile in attendamce. The your people of Ebginion( illie are ,giving • !clay entitled, "'Marrying, Annie." " 'Mr. John Eckert, Mr. A. A. Cu'thi + and Mr. Fergus Bullard attended t he telephone convention in London ' We were sorry to hear of the d,ea th " of TMT. Wii,s'om 'Cam!phell, who •Ira's ed • Mon suddenly, •away in Seaforth on Me f. dhy. Mr. Campbell was formerly I aesidetilt of McKillop, , I The football game' held in, Wal ton an Monday n'gh,t between 'Winthr op • and Welton, was a t.i'e, 1-1. The ga nine was quite even all tlhe way Aroug + Biel ,Bell, of Brussels, was, refer ee. The return game will .be played hen on- July 7th. This promisels to Ise tbie (best ,gaamte of the season. ' • 15thled playerd football here on Thursday ndlght,, Jume 15th. The = . • ' scam was '5-0 4•n' favor of Win(thro • ' Wdnthro•p Prlay$- in Morncri'eff J'u rtie � 27th and Brussels plays hexer June 3 ,Mr. and Mrs, Jtac�k Taylor• sp eatt r 'LJ Sunray W%h Mr. amid, Mrs. Geor r Littler, ) at 'Mm, and Mrs. William Dart a a son and Mr. 1Taro'ld• Hit; of 'Bra ;seas, ,s'pen't' Sunday witth ,M'r. and' ^ Alotirzo 'Sparlinigl. , 'uson on Sunday evening. s- -Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lindisay caalle Ma s. on Mrs: ' Ed. Britton, of near Wal on Sunday least. , ,Qky� �. Erects F i ri e NUMEROUS AlAGALES V iGto r Y a Park o n' Sunday 'AE` l 1 r i ,, M, . • —�--te11 r—' •--r'�.'....,,'+++'-c. ',,-. a �t _ r' '�E•, Lir -of Pioneers Arrangements Being Made Twelve Graves Are Decor- ,S .0 • 0 40 0 � 1VIl2s. James ��t>~xe;. 0��� �I fi �I To Bring.ondon ated in MaitXandbank, St. Charter 1VlemfaiclA,, is d11 ` Girls' Team. James' and Harpurhey. Aeroplane Guest of Honour. , k,' ,., Col. McGee Unveils Fine Monument At Annual IDie- �— Mr. Fred Gillies will be here ti t' LOSE IN WINGHAM pA,RADE IS LED B.Y with .his aeroplane for the bar- HAVE E BIRTHDAY CAT .. ' nit of Clan at Lucknow.—,—�---- gain flights on Saturday next. A ;' • HIGHLANDER'S BAND change in landing' fields has 'been The Seaforth softb6p teatm' ldst out . . made necessary and the plane 'Mrs, Jw6es Beaibbi,e was' •the gpest �� �'. Pioneer days were relived and re- ?5-4' iVingham on Friday, June 1.6; will now use Mr. Malcolm Beat= of"honour at the 47t11i anrniverslaryr.` in an exhibitiory gamle-. The game was Veterans of he Great War held an eelefbratiotn of the. 'Wmmlen s' Mission v. visualized at the xnsmlorial service veer elveml matched. with, Seaforth service .last rn Tl field, a the that ace- ary Society of NoMlhsfde United ••ty , on Saturday marnin:g, when the cairn y Y impiessi've service on y _a`; enectedj in horpr of the W'e(bsbefr leading 4-1 until last half of the in honor of those' war dead who are essary is 98 cents and •a sales Church on 'Thurrsday eivlening Igasrt pioneers, was unveiled by Lieut. Co. fifth innings, when Winghan-p, scored buried in local cemeteries,. • The af- slip for $1.00 or over, dated Mrs. Bealttie is the only charter mem- ); Harry y 3Ic,Ge•e, of Toronto. Picking four runs to put them. ahead, 5-4 and ternoon was clear and 'warm and a Jn:ne 6, 5, -or 10, ,from one o> fber of • th'e ociety now living: .i tribute was id b the s, !calcis to 'en'ded the scoping for the gamic,, ,large crowd attended .the serydce and I the merchants advertising in The Mrs. W. P. Lam was car the char Cc" the memror Y p Darkness prevented nine innings be- parade.. The ceremtogty was under Huron Eacpasitor of June 9th.. incl piesidrd over the program's which y 'of those undaunted set-:.'' t . tiers, Daniel and Susan Webster and lig played. the 'auspice's of the local branch of iricLwdred reading of lettttttex's of canes -� t .'' the Canadian Legion. gratulations, from flormer me mlber; r ," their' fancily, who 'blazed a trail In'ninrgs 1 '2 3 4 5 6? e � S 0 through The bush some eighty years Wingham 1 0 0 0 4 0 0-5 Sharply at 2 p.m. the parade form- an,d 4mnndsters;' ,ggeeatimgs frgnr' the;. I:r, eel on !Main Street in front of the Young Wromtem s Auxili by' the ,.;j ago and-' from wihodn in four genera- Seaforth 1 1 Ol 0 2 0 0--4 post office and headed by the Seaforth president, 'Miss S. I. Wood;• greeltintgs .. ; F. clans .has sprung a large and widely Line-u'p: 'Wingham--•Tilliams, 2'b.; GODERICH LIONS CLUB in son from the Nbs •ion Band Iby extended connection. Hi:gh.land'ers Band,. mraached to Vic- b Scott, 'p.; Grovesy c.; Gray, r.f:; 'toria Park via Main, Goderich and four vowing Ini'm, be'is; gix-etings from Tenth Picnic. Smith,, A.; Brown, si.s,; Mason, IS.; Victoria Streets. The ceremony was. �a �j the Huron Prea'byrtei-ia11' by the presi- * ' The occasion of kite unveiling was Elliott, Lb.; Taman, c.f. Seaforth— conducted in front of the nuonumenk• STAGES SINE CONCERT dent, Mr.. Gardiner, of Londesiaoro•. g Muir, s.s,; McGregor, c.f.; G: Rennie, Splendid Yro.gram. . ;;_' Ithe tenth annual W'ebs.ter. ;.re-unlon The impressive service included: 3.b.; Wright, 1b.; Taman, r.f. Bur- Otb�ir n'uir!'�ers :in,clu�ded: A solo and -picnic. The cairn stands just., at est, l.f. Chadmore 2'b. Buchriatm Hymn, "Onward, Christian Soldiers"; - `The Hills Home"'by Miss Turnbull ",1 g' , , , , •it,. the north entrance ' to Greenhill p ; E. Rennie, c. invocation, '_•Major Rev. Canon E. Ap- , ; cennetery 'and'"is an attractive stone pleyard, M.C.; Scripture reading, Crlpnled Children Will'Ben- •a short address,by Rev, W: P. Larne; • Dutbli will la its league game a duet by Miss Helen Lane and Miss +:''. h monugnlenk bearing this inscription: i} play Capt. Rev. I. P. Htursey; address,. efit From 'the "• here to -night, Thursday,. June 2.2nd. Bessie Cluff; a junior civasrtette by . .'.,S,. Major Ret^, Caren E. Appleyard; -Mis Bei;pie C'1'u1i, 'Miles .'Helegr Lane ', ERE•CTE1D This is Dublin's first appearance, on -M.C.; hymn, "Nearer My God to ' , Proceeds. ,, the local d'iarmlond and a large turn -Mr. 'S. 1Scott and Mir. JametS Stew- ' in honor of the •original out of fans will lire an hand as usual Thee Last Post; two minutes sil- ence; Reveille; "God Save the King." an't; violin colo by Mr. Antihur Gold - to welcome them'. Next Wednesday, 'Crippled child -ren. in Huron will ing, atccomipavi-ed by Mists H. Lame; ;, Members of June 2$th, the Icicle of S'tratfard Following the service the parade benefit as a result of th'e eor-cert a duet by ;Mr. and :Mrs'. James Stew - T WEB�STEIR FAMTLY refurned to .Main Street 'by the same will .play an exhiitian game here, sponsored here an Wednesday even- art. '- routo from where the veterans left The 'Mdtclredl girls team took the in`ra.rs to St. James' Har urhe and ing ,by the Godexich Lions Club. The Selweral m,embests of the Society ' - who left tlheir natin'e Ireland in the 'girl. eaf6rth into camp 1^-11 om y progralnv is one of six being present- pgesen`,ed an inteaesking pa earn', 11, girls of S Tr - aitlandbanik cemaetevies. •( " early years of the i\3inebeemth Cen- Tuesday, June 2m4;1r. The local girls ed throughout Huron ,this week and The Reipor�t of she Twelve Spies, tury, to h'e'w out for the•iustelves'and lyut un a good gamic considering their Graves decorated inc.11 luded the fol- w•as given in First PrEs'byterian which was much etrfjoyed.. A -pleas.• .__ their families, h-mnew in'th'e Canadian lack rnf •ex ]owing: St, James'—Louis Atkinson Chun•ch. ing, feature of the ev�endn was t'he . a perdence: With a little more. 6 g forest near this spot. practise they will be a,b1.e to compare Gus McNamaia: 3iai't:land'+rank=- "l?espite the excellence of the pro- pres•enlation of. a_-baaket of_.roses by `'This cairn is a ,mible ex rescan wdt.h the: best. Mitchell had a well- Mrs, Parkes-Ansell, Miss Harr tet Widmia iHa}, vounges't life m,etmlier , h,p gram and of the cause, the audience �� of the refs ect and nide in which the balanced teaar with many Wilson, Stanley Ilayrs, . Frank Jack- of the W. M. Sc. tb. Mlrs. Beattie, gu�es't p p goad play- was not large. 'However,, thbs: pfes- m;emllory of these noble, God-fearing ers, but the.Seaforth girls made"some 'son, Russel Scott, John Stewart, ent,fully enjoyed the numbers. Two of honour and oldest life mtember of . concert s•ettlem is cherished by their g a<l plays,• and although they lost Alex. Wilson', G'2rald Case, Arthur $. the Society. p 'r o g items on the pro -gram am of particular 'A descendants. ~ they were never outclassed at any McLean. Harpurhey—,John Ne'ilans. interest to -local citizens, were duets Following .the program,; i'Mhs' s Lawr- ; 1933 stage of the galm,e. . sung by Mr. and Mrs. James A. ence, on behalf of the W. M. S., pres- Negotiations are under way to Stewart. enbe'd 'Mrs.'Lane 'witUr a basket oil a' The cairn' erected by the Webster BRUCEFIELD� beautiful flowers as •a token of -the bring a girls' team' •from. Landon to Included in the program were lite , fam'ilie's, with Lieut, Colonel Harry Fociety s love and esteem for hr^r. Mr. - play the Seaforth 'boys' teanly which fal4owing rnzunbers: Organ solo, Mr. 'McGee a Tirberal comti-Lbtitor, was Do not miss the Gamden Panty and Straw- c Lane pronounced' invocation 'and the should prove interesting. Somerville, (a) Overture 1st Act :built by Mr. Jahn Webster, of Sea-nountlPet�al3tto be rucefietd hur4 the the c evening of Laken;�rnin"—Wargnei; ((b) "Woad•- tgatheiing went to tike school room, - T forth, from which district 'many of Tuesdsy, June 29th. Supper ,served from land !Suite"—Mrpowvell• baritone which was beautifully decorated and ..~ •. the stones were brought." r ETiclosed 5.30 ro s n oloelc. The ladies of the cabmen's solo, 'Mr. Meakins, (a) "Behold . I where lunch was served. in the cairn is a casket bearin the MANLEY , Associstdon will present the play, "The Three H „— Serve Lunch. g Create from The Holy. City narrn'es of thee+ pioneers of the family. Pegs." 'Me :programme will he varied with 4Gaul b •` Mysielf Waren Young" 'Cirlcles 3 and- 4 were in ,ehaage'of ' ;A;.' Gathering in the.. Caledonian park soathMtU Band and Txa ,r musical numbers. Admission, 25 cents and uo , (' ) - „� g the delicious luzieb served. - The k Gardeo,. Party, as , cut,,. 8419x1 Persian, •Gard.n I.ehmand; ,the Ltr_kr„ow Citizens" Band headed Thursday evening, Jury enc;. violin tafbles looked very attracrtive witch a �'• Seaforth Bend and Legion Garden Party, 'solo, ,.M'is's Peggy Moreland, (a) lard i the 'procession to the cairn, where A gloorh' was cask over our burg Thutt+day evening, only c.�t,- ' ' "Adagio Pathetigare" Godard, (b) he birthday cake as, cemntrepaece. Reeve Robert Rae welcomed' the as- last 'Man -day, when the sad news was Nurse Gretta ^'_Mustard, of Gypsum►• "The Swan"—St. Sam's; vocal duet The 47 candles on the cake were lit se�mlbly to Luckrnow, and commended flashed' over the wires' of the sudden ville, Man„ visited at the . home of Mr. and !Vias. J. A. Stewart, "Oh, by older members of the Society amici 'therm, in doing honor to the- pioneers. death of . r. Wilson Camlpbel.l, of heir mother, Mrs. Alex..Mustard, and That We Two Were :Haying"; lecture to Mrs. Beattie went the donor of., Unveiled by Col. McGee. Seaforth. ' He was widely known other frienitls during the past week. on Crippled 'Children work with mov- cu't'ting the crake. Tit was universally • 14 .11 ,throughout this district and he was At the W:M.S. meeting last week ing pictures, Mr. Reg. Hopper, Sec- agreed that the 47th birthday ,party , !Lieut. Colonel Harry McGee. of was a. fine success. the I. Eaton Co.. Toronto, whose of a ,genial and ch'arita'ble disposition, she spoke in a most interestiiig way ,retary Crippled Children's Associa- --•. amid always lent a helping hand to cif her work. Mdss. Mustard has been tion; organ solo, Mr. Somerville, (al mother was a .Webster, dedicated the y year'. "Pilgrim's 'Choritls"--a"Tanhausser"— those who were in need. in Gypsunuvi]'e for pearl • four �, memorial. He was assisted by 'Mr. l,Mr. Joe 1lorgan, who has ,been vias- where she fias' acted' in'. the capacity ,Vagner, (ib) f•Songs M,y !Mother VARNA '` Tam Webster, of Seaforbh, president riling friends in our burg -the past of Deaconess„ doctor, nurse, dentist Taught 'M,e" (variations)—iDvorak ; of the organization, in 'retm+:,-•ing the two weeks,'has returned to his home 0>zd church builder and, Sunday school baritone solo, Mr. :Meakins, (a) "The Seaforth Band and Legion Garden Party, flag which draped the monism;nt, and 'im 'Clinton. teacher, the nearest doctor being 50 , ells of St,.••Zarvs", (b) "Rote in the Thursdey .evengng, July Sth. the 'Cairn was thus 'offi•ciall , dedicat- ,, ,Miss Eileen F.ckaA -has returned miles away, and 'the, nearest dentist bud"; violin ,solo, Miss 'Morelamd, (a) Mr'• and' 'Mrs. F. Weekes motored d- ed. to Listowel one day last week. home from Stratfard after finishing is in 'Winnipeg, nearly two hundred •° Schon 'Rosmarin — Krei, ,' (b) Rev. • Camp-h0l Tavemer• . offered " rSeveral from ' St. John's congrega- her Normal school cilurse: miles. Ow•ing..in a large 'mea'su're •"The Laist Rose of Sumini,er (trap- tion atrte'nd'ed, the Deanery rnteetirrg Drayer. with sthort 'addressers by Rev. Quite a number from here are at- to •.Miss Mustard's effot•rts, a new-mvrip'tion)—Auer; vocal duet, Mr. ' W. P: ,Lane, of Seaforth, and Mr. W_ held in Seaforth on Thursdlay, -y tending the 'bee: beautifying. St. church was built and furnished last and "sirs. J. A. Stewart, "The Day is ,dor. A. fi'g's barn roof was partly `'? H. Coldin.g, DTaP., for South Huron'. Coham'ban cemetery. spring. This fs the first church of Done'; organ solo '_Mr. SommArville, Mr. Earl WObster, of 'Toronto, re- •am' denomination this twenty-five "Pon -up and Circum—Alger ; torn aff by the windisftoran Sunda. presenting• the third ge'neratip,U__pf year old community ever had. The "Gul Save the King." A silo was,blown. down on 1%T. Roy the family. spoke of the memory df- dedication service was conducted on Dowsan's farm and part of the roof their fore'bearers as an example for , March 5th la:t -b • Rev, and _Mrs. C. was torn off George Beatty's barn. Dfunray iTc\cin, month-old baby of 5 lilts Viola Stelck, off London, spent the �,yonth orf to=day. lir. and Mi s. •T: S. ltlCNain, of Am- W. -Gordon. (Ralph Connor). Sunday 1Wr. Nat. Caswell, of Toronto, spoke school and divine service are held DITBLi�7 a few days with hex grandfather, Mr. herlev. Mrs'. l4eNain was formerly Stelck, who is still very poor' in a reminiscent mood, a- did his each Sunda 'by hiss Anderson, y' brother, Mr. Ed. 'Casw-ell, wh,o out- Miss, Laura Webster. y' . A .softball genu' of interest was Ucaconets, who has .been associated :rices , eia Feeney, of Toronto, is `Th' " sylmpathy of this comnlumiity.; lined, the lives of the ,'6'leilister pion- laver' following the races, one team with Miss Mustard in her work for -% with hen' mblhei, 'Mrs. is •extended to blot. r, Do ea n Ears, and of his father, Rev. •Tames played resenting chicflr those resent the past y.ar. Services are attend- th'e ]os•5 of her bio -their, Mr. Pea son. _ Caswell, who grgnistered to the Wes- p g ed ary six nationalities, Ern It h, lit- Kat,hle:n Feetie�. slim in the roe' church at Zion and from a 'diiMan'ce•, tho other, composed I g Mr. and lh•s. L. Beale and ton's, • of players living in the neighborhood, � ranian, Polish, German, Feinish, Lionel and Kinxsley, of Stt•atford, -� r loiter in T,uckno�v. The singing of the latter winning by a score of 13 half-breeds and Indians, These w•i•ll- STAND. "Blest B•e the Tie That Binds,'' I spent fiunday with -lips: F.. Beaje. to 6. ing workers are supported by the r iris Anna liolvneaux. of Bitches- c brought to a close a solemn Cere- "`OImP11'S lILESlbnaiy' �aC1P#\'. erafrn?h Tinnrl and Lvgirm Garden Farcy, # ill and 'list Dorothy Molyneaux, of Thiim,tw, v n,r. July ooh, many. Officers Elected. ' p The Fliako-Goshon Y. P. S. are hold- - Program Ili. :lmaie lI. Haugh r•eturr:ed, �a, F•ivea•sr!ale, spent the week end with Program of Sports. p 1 ing ;heir annicptsary set'cice a., h A committee mr(•tilag'foilowving the, her hone: last week after s rnciin(1� h it parents, lir. and rias: T. J: } ,Follow•inx the urraveiling of the 011(1 yoar on a hospital staff. She in-, .Molyneaux. n- !' noon hour m„cal re�ulte,d in l'Tr. .,. ,. c _ 1 C e C;os}ren Church c,rt' Sun'clav, June uoth, n1errorial cairn, which concluded at Thomas ~e'T �t(11 pf «est .Wawannah I tend; stay ing 'at home for tlt. : uni , Georv(, Groves. of 'he Banff: of at 1 ] n.ni., when Rev. lar. Craik. of s rt'oon, trelativ�e's'. anri friends of the hPi•ng elected pr=i,lrmt, an office fill-' !11(11. . i r utrquerco s, gaff, tom, bolidaa ing at his C;o,,!r rivh, will by the special speaker. I cla:t7 returned• ito• Caledionian Park, ed last year by .%I r. 'p. J. Werbater, of j Nurse Sine]air, of th'e Clinton hos-' l.m , in Goderich. - I Special music is btPg prepared by x . ,w -here ddnn:er was s'erv'ed to some 300 Seaforth. Other uflicers were re Itltnl staff, spent a few clays r lilting Mrs. Kathleen Feeney spent lion- i the ytut.ngf ;>eople. y people' elected ac follr,w<: Hbn, prPtid'ent, her mend, llisa Mustarfl_thit week. day in'Kitche.m't'• r I 11rs. Flohcrt lfcKiniey received the ,I 1 ,Regrettable was the fart that two Mrs. William. Cantelon, of Red firs, •TanrE'S C1•onin spent a ,cw ',all new-:; nn Monday of the sud'd'en The sistprs of -the family, Mliss E'li,^abeth H'arly :41cG. , e'irc-mesident. Harry t Webster, fn'gcrsol;; North secretary, I O,'% :Herta, is the gruest. of .lir, days in Toronto during the yveok• i,'.'ath "t' hur hrothpr, Mr. Bison o Webster, in her 92nd year and Mrs. Freirl Anderson; NwIli treastimr, Jas. and Ilrs. L. Forresl- this w•ectk. "NThs Veronica McC'onnoll, of Galt.,..e.; ,r.., r S t t fn; toll, of vatic h. I v Aiuhrson• in her 94th year, were un- Alton; South ,-o,'rotary, "V4`ebater 1 liq's• Moodie returned home this si+eat the ticc+el; par! yvith hoc father, Mia-, Wilhe,imim: Tire vartlin, of e ,able to attend due to the frailittca Tuni'er, Varna; s(,u h treasu're'r, Rniht. wook after sp(1n-ding a few day;; with , r. Frark ITcConnell• I C1!nion, sp^nt the wpc•k enci with i . of strc'h advanced yenrs. Howevei. Webater, Varna; Comin�ittele — Wm. 1•p1 ntnth(1I% -.W•s. S, Th.ompsnn, of! Mrs. Carbot, of Seafotrh, spent a!het' 1'ric+n,l, \'Liss Grace Rnrinton. Norman neither were forgOton in the minds r hi i ton, who is ill. We hope soon to rardner, Jambes �\`p•lstem, Geo. An- 11 1 I fpw• day; with hit. d'aug•hter•, Jlrt,' lips. Margaret. F}r•1•att, w•�ho has `y - of the pdcn;ickers and many thPrp drew, Lulcknow; L. S. Webster, Sea- hear of h<r recovery � George F.. Iiol'land. rp t,;Ived the appointment of �Fatron ,l . v&Te who called on .4.unt. Lizzie”forth; John Turrvr. Clinton: Frank i '1Tef;regor-Pepper—A pretty wed- 1 ��® of the Fi . h Air Camp at Whitby. e art her home in L„cknow. c s Coleman, Zurich; George Coleman, I ding:• was soleninized at the Manse. 1 ]rift. last w -e• k to Trozin her 61ities. An en%ibyable aftorn-mn of , port Seaforth; Dave f,o•. rio, Toronto; Jas, I FMr1,vfjfield. Saturday, Juno 170h, wbon ! McJKILLOP -bliss Loretta Rice. of Fcliarton, L had .Jiee'n, arrang•e'd with the prize, Webster and Tom 1n,lerson, Dungan- i Rt•v. W. A. P,renrner united in mar• l i hns' hien engaged as tvarher of •y e wintlprs as follnwa: non and Tom Rei,l. g Garl,r, ,and under, Winnifred Mc- 1 r�ae'e C'lE•ta Rhea'bel, younger dau4+h Ftol I;inn school fir th,a comidn year- tpr of \It, and llrt. '.John i'Epnpt, of MiT % Thomas. Simpson, of Windsor, i j E- . F.. A. Pouitor, of Varna, at - d. Donald; 'boys. ,, and unrlet,C•Joe Critic Stanley, to •Tohn Ale�rarnlc'1 ilcGrp-1 •s spontling a feyv days this week, �endcd. I're�byter,y at hen,milhlr a: t r swrn; girls. C, tvt R. Joan Wp v, tel ,ary . gor. inn of Mrs. and the We lir. i the fittest of his brother, Mr. James h 5 to R. Alvin Alton; Orl.c, R to 11, !'rdsday. i s Frtta Belle We�lrttel; 'boys, R to 11, N,'il ltcGrcgor. of Stanley. Thr bride i Simplon. n C'laytom Alton girls, 11 #n 74, Violet BUD tvac charivin,gly gowne(i in sills rrolw' Mr. and lTrt. Fd. Rnrr+ apPnt Sttn- d Pit -hip; 1•oys, 11 to 14, Har•voy Rit- in ashes of rosy; Shado Vith white! (lay with frien'd's in, Keblck. WINGRAM 'T acct ssm•ies anti carried a, hottryuot of ! .lir, alyd Ma•s, William Bnehier antis 4 e chic: any -a, 14 to 1�, T«lnyd Hunter;LUMLft pink rot-,Audp and li,ly of rhe vallpy,' •^ons, and Ilis,t 11ar'e Boehler. Mr. 'single' ladd'e'a, Violet R tcrhi-e; sin'ele She+- wire a t.ring of pearls the gift. and Mr,. Fred Rauermnan and Mr, and Iris Is�a•bel Flinn is spending a _4 r. mon, Art Andrew; married ladies, Mr;. lTa+ahall CTihaon; gloried m,en, of the 1»idrgrocwnt,, 'fist Kate lit- ?fps. Louis Prnliot~ies and children. vacation in Dc•irroit and Chicago. ' For Gregor, siat(1r off' the hq i('p:loom. i attenl'ed the Fisher reunixtn on Sat- lTr. incl lira. Gj] Fraser, of Buf- ') 8 Tt".'i t,hl `�l7,rojjlc,tinry• • ;ckaU't 1'FWli'e's TA1CP, ' Webster; fat m'en'd race, was hridoaluaid, and tho lwidvirronni: orday, .Tune 17th, held at the home Nlc,, `1110"t t.hP we end with Mr. Mrs . h t. Per ,was supported by Roy Pelrp"r, the e of 11, occur , Trs, Milton Schweitzer, anal Mr.- J. T�cvckridge. n .T7lrepc T. l,'^'nstcr; grandfathers' arid' Mr. and 'Mi-. F.d. Forgie and fam- gr•rnn'r'mntltgq•a' race,. Mrs'. Will Rit- FARM GATES pride's al 1n hersrt After th-o perC•nt nli, SeMl% a ille. �e- � and •Tacit M,cG•e'p: coat rase, Alex. the bridal Harty 1r•lya,lori to tho homy, lTr. and ;firs: Tmuit Raker, of ily-, of Toronto, otic visi•tirng DIr. and plc l . A .rn' live' Alton; lean fro of the bride's par;nls, utero awed- Stratford, are visiting, DIr. and lips, Vfrs. ,C - m•. Fc»gie. of Ar Pw and 0 fr. Mr, Uriah Sherk, of Goodlwin, Alta. Crandon. Keyes and Clayton Alton ; HAY RACKS cling dinner o was contra. Tn,,t»cdi lees F rt, '!Zoic. d ttt CIO,-(Inn itu>nt rarr,'Hlarold Gardiner,- lad- lelat•ivea of the contracting Parties ,frit Fred KrrPhlpr iia at. preaent is rcnPwfn'g old acquaintances inij n c' hrl,ok rape (!live Kilpatric8c; _ and a nunt'her of. g, ('-Ate sat dnwn to ifis,iting her tan, Mr. L. VTPsterachmddt town. 1e. , at Detroit. 'Mrs. R. H. Howard, of Torbmto, rlathes pin race, Allan Keyes; card- - and .. a table }met,tily lrooratp'd im the c*c ,Mr, and Mrs. Charles Eggert, spent a fmv days with R. S. McGee. �;" mot --board' race. .,Wary Andrrs'on and Har- cation. Afterwar,! the yulting couple Y re'y Anderson; Qli per kicking, Beryl �t('��` r T)pila anri Ntrintan, wPrp a.t Milver- Mtscs Race Coventry has returned p RAVEL D�AES left for an auto honeymoon trip to ton on Saturday evening after spPrnddng the winter in Brook11 - Gardmlet ; girls' iihrpw-legged race; Niagara arnd ot.het .pointe cart, the Mr, William Clea, of Mitchell, is IN11" N. Y. 1. ^ s. Violet and Daisy Ribehie; ,boyo 0"fe- snenlin a few days at the home of iDr. M• C• Calder and. Dr. R. Z. +� g^ legged race, H,arvev Keyes and Wil- • bride traveling in a lemon knit . g S' Stewart aft riled the Huron Medical 'I.`+« Mr. Fred Hoegy. ,'+ Ames- Turner; balloo9r racP, Kathleen wvibh nitabching a'cMe'sao'ries. :1%tea- ,Mr, Caharlets Eggert, who is re- Society m ertintg in Clint4A, °r? d •G'i,bson'; .sack race, Ji,mtmry' Huntre•r', ward they wi111 rexidP at the bride- mbdelling his dwedl,imigr is now slant- ,MYa, i6h,11- JIM6 0ta1 writ sloe W>ero " to¢11, The prized for the voOngerst be1bY N. CLUFF & SONS groom's farrYlr in Stanley Township. ing the bricltlay;mrg, Hanviltromt visitor, this woerlt, present at the ga therirng went to - , . �' , , , a w e . �I . . ^ 4 t �, iii ^T 3 : ° t r E r., Y , +� , a , ,y,. I w !'l , A 11 Y",:.1 ' �r lc'fr "t Y iq'l,i i ,' ��. �r Y: 1 I, ' „„ �w . •"t vet 1. y, _ . a,.• I f . «LON i . f,t.. F iv, 4'�.. ..• ., P -e, c t. ,w : .�..,, 1. .��. srH .ha, .. ,[. , ;. Fw. ; `,' .., .. .., ,.. ,, ! .6 - c, , I . ,• ... �f , !! It °{ .:( ,,M. h , R i•.•, ^ 1. , �,• ,';�, ,, tarn :.. h; •a ,§�„ , , s T'�i'•, �k ,, h'..... x. i., ti a. , X t tl N. .. ,,e ,. .. ...1,:v:.aa�':ws,,:.�r.,aaatr„r 1rv.,l�sdNSid�,°..+,,.q'�,.,��.r��kd�,�Im....,�i�'�t.�'u.rty'7ka1:.¢;�.�.�r�.'r�ta4"-�}a,.be;tt�tua,�.�''aC'k",•wYll�F`it�a:d�lwaAF,,s��r,Na,.�'hAln�?�!�h,u1,�'�dwvi�:k,