HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-06-09, Page 7re
Phone No. 91
'Barrister, Solider,
Notary Public, . 'CtC.
Beattie' Block - - Seaforth, Ont
Succeeding R. S- Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers
- and, Notaries Public. Solicitors for
the Dominion Bank. Office in rear of
tees 'nion Bank, Seaforbh. Money
to l
Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyan-
cers and Notaries Public, Etc. Office
in the Edge Building, opposite The
Expositor ,.Office.
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin-
ary College. All diseases of domestic
animals treated. Calls promptly at-
tended to and charges moderate). Vet-
erinary Dentistry a specialty. Office
and. residence on Goderich Street, one
door east of Dr. Mackay's office, Sea -
Graduate of • Ontario Veterinary
College, University of Toronto. All
diseases of domlestic animals treated
by the most modern principles.
Charges reasonable. Day or night
calls promptly attended to. Office on
Maim Street, Hensall, opposite Town
Hall. Phone 116. Breeder of Scot-
tish Terries. I nlverness Kennels,
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduate in Medicine, University of
Late= assistant New York Opthal-
mei and Aural Institute, Moorefisld's
1" a and Golden Square Throat Hos-
pi ' , London, . Eng. At' Commercial
Hot '1, Seaforth, thirdMonday . in
each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
58 Waterloo Street, South, Stratford.
Graduate' of Faculty of Medicine,
University of Western Ontario, Lon-
don. Memlber of .College of Physic-
ians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office
in Aberhart's Drug Store, Main St.,
Seaforth. Phone 90.
Office and residence Goderich Street,
east of the United Church, Sea -
forth. Phone 46: Coroner for the
County of Huron.
- Dr., C. MACKAY
C. (Mackay, honor graduate of Trin-
ity University,. and gold :Medalist of
Trinity+ Medical College; member of
the College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario.
Graduate of University of Toronto
Faculty of Medicine, member of Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
Ontario; pass graduate ceerses in
Chicago Clinical School of Chicago;
Royal Ophthalmie Hospital, London,
England; University Hospital*, Lon-
don, England. Office --Back of Do-
minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5.
Night calls answered from residence,
Victoria Street, Seaforth.
Graduate Faculty of Medicine, Uni-
versity of 'Wlestern Ontario. Member
'College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Ontario. Post graduate work at
New York City Hospital and Victoria
Hospital; London. Phone: Hensall,
86. 'Office, King Street, Hensall.
Graduate of Northwestern, Univers-
Sty, Chicago, 111, Licentiate Royal
College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto.
Office over Sills' Hardware, Main St.,
Seaforth. 'Phone 151.'
.ver s
ILt was 'KO* 'who now smiled into
the eyes of the Chinaman, but it was
a smite that did not Soften that gray
and rciek-like hardness that had set-
tled in his face. "Kao, you are a
devil.,,„. f suppose that is a coniipli-
ment do your dirty ears. You're rot-
ten to the core of the thing that beats
in you like a heart; you're a yellow
snake from the skin in. I came to
see you'tbecause I thought there might
be a way out 'of this mess, I rad al-
most miacle wp my imind to kill you.
But I don't do that. There's a bet-
ter way. IIn hjf an hour I'll be with
•MeDewell, an 4'lt, heat you out by
telling him' the I'm John Keith. And
I'll tell him .t is story of jviiriam
Kirkstone from beginning to end.
I'll tell him of that dais you'tve built
for her -your 'sa'crificial altar! -and
toemorrow .Prince 'Aubert will rise to
a man to drag you out of this hole
and kill you, as they would kill a rat.
That ds my answer, you slit -eyed,
Yale veneered yellow devil! I may
Adie, and Peter Kirkstone may die,
but you'll not get Miriam Kirkstone."
He was on his feet when he finish-
ed, amazed at the calmness of his
own voice, amazed that his hands
were steady and his brain was cool
in this 'hour of his sacrifice. And
Kao was stunned. Before his eyes
he, saw a white man throwing away
his life. Here, in the final play, was
a master -stroke! he had not foreseen.
A moment (before the victor, he was
now the vanquished. About him he
saw his world falling, his power.
gone, his own life suddenly hanging
by a thread. In Keith's face he read
the truth. This white man was not
bluffing. He would go to McDowell.
He would tell the truth. This • man
who had ventured so much for his
own life and freedom would now sac-
rifice that life do save a girl, one
girl! He could not understand, and
yet he (believed. For it was there be-
fore his eyes in that gray; •passion-
less face that was as inexorable as
the face of one of his own stone gods.
As he uttered the words that
smashed all that Kao had planned
for, Keith sensed rather than saw
the swift change of emotion sweep-
ing through the yellow -visaged Mol-
och staring up at him. For a space
the oriental's evil eyes had widened
exposing, wider rims of saffron white,
betraying .his amazement, the shock
of Keith's unexpected revolt, and
then the lids closed slowly, until
only dark and menacing gleams of
fire shot . between them, and Keith
thought of the eyes: of a snalee. Swift
as the erike of a rattler Rao was
on his feet, his gown throevn back,
one clawing hand jerking a derringer
from his silken belt. In the same
breath he raised his voice in a sharp
Keith sprang back. The snake -like
threat in'the .Chinamian's eyes had
prepared him, and his !Service auto-
matic leaped from its holster with
lightning swiftness. Yet that move-
tment ,was rio swifter than the re-
sponse tb Kao's cry. The panel shot
open, the screens moved, tapestries
billowed suddenly as if moved by the
wind, and Kao's !servants sprang
forth and Were at him like a pack of
dogs. ,,Keith had no time to judge'
their number, for his 'brain was cen-
tered in the race with Kao's derrin-
ger. He saw its silver mountings
flash in .the candle -glow, saw its
spurt of smoke and fire. But its re-
port was drowned in the roar of his
automatic as it replied with a stream
of lead and flame. Hle sew the der-
ringer fall and Kao crumple up like
a jackknife. His brain turned red as
he swung his weapon on the other's,
and as he fired he backed toward the
door. Then something caught him
from .behind, twisting his head almost
from his shoulders, and he went
down. •
lie lost his automatic. Weight of
bodies was upon him; yellow hancls
clutched for his throat; he felt hot
breaths and heard throaty cries. A
madness of horror possessed hint, a
horror that was like the blind mad-
ness of Laocoon struggling with his
sons in the coils of the giant serpent.
In these moments he was not fighting
mien. They were monsters, yellow,
foul-smelling, unhunan and he fought
fought. As if it had
as Laocoon
been a eane, he snapped the bone of
an arm whose hand was throttling
him; he twisted hack a head until it
snapped !between its shoulders; he
struck and broke with a blind fury
and a giant strength, until at last,
torn and covered with blood, he leap-
ed free and reached the door. As he
opened it and sprang through, he
had the visual im:p.recsion that only
two of his assailants were rising from
the floor.
Graduate Royal College of Dental
Burgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R.
Smith's • Grocery, Main Street, Sea -
forth,. Phone: Office, 185 W; resi-
dence, 185 J.
Honor Graduate Carey Jones' Na-
tional School for Auetloneering, Chi-
cago. Special ourse taken Pure
Bred Liive StocJlcc, Real Estate, lifer-
4handiee and Farm Sales. Rates in
keeping -with prevailing markets, Sat-
isfaetion assured. Write or wire,
OScar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone:
was sure of that. And for him there
was not a minute to lose.
After a11, it was his fate. The
game had been played, and he had
lost., There was one thing left un-
done, one play 'Connistton vs,ould still
make if he were there. And he, too,
would make it. It was no longer
necessary for him to give himself up
to McDowell, for Kao was dead, and
•Miriam Kirkstone'was saved. It was
still right and just for him to fight
for his life. But Mary Josephine
Must know from him. It was the
herr square play he could Make.
No one saw him as he made his
way through alleys to the outskirts
of the town. A quarter of an hour
later he came up the slope to the
Shack. It wae lighted, and the ear -
tains were raised to brighten his wary.
up the hill. 'Mary Josephine was
waiting for. him.
Again thele came over him the
strange' and deadly calmness ..with
which he had nret the tragedy of
that night. He had tried to wipe the
blood from his face, but it was still
there when he entered and faced
Mary Josephine. The wounds. made
by the razor -like nails of his assail-
ants were 'bleeding; he was, hatless,•
his hair was disheveledk and his
throat and a part of his chest were
bare where his clothes had been torn
away. As Mary Josephine came to-
ward him+, her arms reaching out to
him, her face dead white, he stretch-
ed out a restraining hand, and said:
"Please wait, Mary Josephine!"
'Something stopped her - t h e
strangeness of his voice, the terrible
hardness of his face, gray'and blood
stained, the something appalling and
commanding in the way he had spok-
en. He passed her quickly on his
way to the telephone. Her lips mov-
ed; she tried to speak; one of her
hands went to her threat. He was
calling Miriam Kirkstone's number!
And now she saw that his hands, too,
were ,bleeding, There carne the mur-
mur of a icio•ice in the telephone.
Sotireone answered. • And then she
hear gym' say:
"Shan Tung is dead!"
'Tbet was all. He hung up the re-
ceiver and turned toward her. With
a little cry she moved toward him.
iHe evaded her ,and pointed to the
big chair in front of the fireplace.
"Sit down, Mary Josephine."
+She obeyed him. -Her face - was
whiter than he had thought a living
face could be. And then, from the
beginning to the end, he told her
everything. Mary Josephine made no
sound, and in, the big chair she seem-
ed to" crumple smaller and smaller
as he -confessed the great lie to her,
from the hour 'Conniston and he had
traded identities in the little cabin on
the Barren. Until he died he knew
she 'would haunt him as he saw her
there for the last time -herr dead -
white face..her great eyes,' her 'voice-
less lips, her two little hands clutch-
ed at her breast as she listened to
the story of the great lie and his
love for her.
Even when he had done, she did
not move to speak. He went into his
room, closed the door, and turned on
the lights. Quickly he put into his
pack what he needed. And when he
was ready, he wrote on a piece of
"A• thousand tinies I repeat, 'I love
you.' Forgive 'me if you can. If you
cannot forgive, you may tell Mc-
Dowell, and the Law will find me up
at the place of our dreams -- t h e
river's end.
This last message he left on the
table for Mary Josephine.
For a moment he listened at the
door. Outside there was no move-
ment, no sound. Quietly, then, he
raised the vl:ndowy through which Kao
had come into'(1as room.
A moment later he stood under the
light of the brilliant stars: Faintly
there carne to him the sounds of the
city, the sound of life, of gayety, of
Laughter and of happiness!, rising to
him now from 'out of the valley.
He 'faced the north. Down the
side of the hill and over the valley
lay the forests. And through the
starlight h- strode hack to them once
more, hack to their cloisters and
their heritage, the heritage 'of the
hunted and`4he outcast.
For the space of a second he hesi-
tated in the little hallway. Down the
stairs was light -and people. He
knew that he was bleeding and his
clothes we. torn, and that flight in
that direction was impossible. At
the opposite end of the hall was a -
curtain which he judged' mist cover
a window. With a swift movement
he tore down this curtain and found
that he was right. In another sec-
ond he had crashed the window out-
ward with +this shoulder, and felt the
cool air ofi'the night in his face. The
door behind him was still closed
when he crawled nut upon a narrow
landing at the top of . a flight of
steps leading clown into the alley.
He paused Iong enough to cotivine
himself that his enemies were mak-
ing no effort to follow him, and as he
,went down the steps, he caught him-
self grimly chuckling. He had giv-
en them, enough.
' In the darkness of the alley he
paused again. A. cool breeze farmed
his cheeks, and the effect of it was
to free him of the horror that had
gripped him in his fight with the
yellow mane Again the calmness with
which he had faced Kao possessed
hint. Thea Chinaman was dead.' He
All through, the starlit hours of
that night John Keith trudged stead-
ily into 'the Nbrthwest:"'-Tor a long
time his direction took him Through
slashings, second -growth timber, and
cleared lands; he followed rough
roads and wore trails' and passed
cabins that were dark and without
life in the silence of midnight, Twice
a dog caught the stranger scent, in
the air anll howled; once he heard a
man's voice, far away, raised in a
shout. Titen the tr'3nfis grew rough-
er: He came to a deep wide swamp.
He remembered that swamp, and be-
fore he plunged into it, he struck a
Sends Medicine To
Far AwayRoumania -
Winnipeg, Man. -Jacob Oberman,
President of the Western Hardware
Co., who came to Canada 30 yeat'!3
ago from Roumania, recently said:
There was hardly a day in 25 years
that I didn't have some sort of trou-
ble with my stomach. I suffered
with constipation althost as far book
as I can remember and had totake
a physic every day of nig life.
taking Sargon Pills. along with Sar -
gen, my'bowele are regular as 81ock
work. I never have the slightest
sign of stomach trouble. I'm send -
lug Sargon to two friends of minewin
i umtg,tg,"
match, to look at hipsVg'inpass and his
watch. It took him Ora -hours to
make the other side„ He was in the
deep and uncut tinnliier then, and 'a
sense of relief swept over him. The
forest was' again his • billy friend.
He did not rest.- His brain and
his body demnanded the action of
steady progress, though it was not
through fear of what lay behind
him. Fear had ceased to be a stimu-
lating part of hint; it was even dead
within him. It seas as if his energy
was engaged in fighting for a prin-
ciple, and the principle was his life;
he was following a duty, and this
duty lmpeelled"him to snake hie great-
est effort. He saw clearly what he
had done and what was ahead of
him'. He was twice a killer of men
now, and each tinge the killing lia;d
the earth of a snake. This last
time it had been an exceedingly good
job. Elven •ilfieDowell would concede
that, and Miriam Kirkstone, on her
knees, would thank God for ghat he
had done. But Canadian law did not
split hairs like its big neighbor on
the south. It Wanted hint at least
for Kirkstone's killing if not for that
of Kao•, the Chinaman. No one, not
even 'Mary Josephine, would ever
fully realize what he had sacrificed
for the daughter of the mean who had
ruined his father. For Mary Jos-
ephine would never understand how
deeply he had loved her.
It surprised him to find how natur-
ally he .fell back into his old habit
of discussing things with hihiself,
and how completely and calmly he
accepted the fact that his homecom-
ing had been but a brief and wonder-
ful interlude to his fugitivism. He
did not know it at first. but this
calmness was the calmness of a de-
spair more fatal than' the menace of
the hangman.
"They won't catch me," he en-
couraged himself. "And she won't
tell.. then where I'ne going. No, she
won't do that." •
'He found himself repeating that
Thought over and over again. Mary
Josephine would not betray, hit'. He
repeated it, not. as a conviction, 'but
to fight back and hold down another
thought that persisted in forting it
self upon hint.. And this thing, that
aa, times was Iike a voice witnin him,
cried out in its moments of life. "She
hates you -and she will tell where
you are going!"
With each hour it was harder for
him to keep that voice down; it per-
sisted; it grew stronger; in its inter-
vals of triumph it -rose aver and sub
merged all other thoughts :n him.
It was ret his fear of her betrayal
that, ;.tabbed) him; it was the under-
lying motive of it. the hatred that
Would inspire it. Ile tried not to vis-
ion her as he had seen her last, in
the big chair,- crushed, shamed; out-
raged`seeing in hint no longer the
beloved brother, but an impostor, a'
criminal, a 'man whoni she ''light
suspect of killing that brother for
his Dame .and his place in life. But
the thing forced itself on him. It
was reasonable, and it was justice.
"But she won't do it," he told him-
self. "She won't do it."
This was his, fight, and its winning
meant more to him than.freedom. ,It
was Mary Josephine who would live
with him now, and not Coniston. It
was her spirit that would abide' with
him, her voice he }would hear in the
whispers• of the night, her face he
would see in the glow of his lonely
fires, and she must remain with him
always as the Mary Josephine he had
known. So he crushed back the
whispering voice, beat it down with
his hands clenched at his side, fought
it through the hours of that night
with the desperation of one who
fights 'for a thing greater than life.
Toward dawn the stars began to
fade out of the sky, He had been
tireless, and he was rimless now: He
felt no exhauistion. Through, the
gray gloom that came i'efore day he
went on, and the first glow of sun
found him still travelling. Prince
Albert and the Saskatd hewan ' were
•thirty miles to the south and.east of
him. -
He stopped at last on the edge of
a little lake and unburdened himself
of his pack for the first time. He
was glad that the premonition of
just such a sudden flight as this had
urged him to fill his emergency grub
sack yesterday morning. "Won't do
any harm for us to he prepared," he
had laughed jokingly to Mary Jose-
phip•e, and Mary Jo -t. phine herself
had made him double the portion of
bacon because she was fond of it, It
was hard for him to slice that bacon
without a lump rising in his throat.
Pork and love! He' wanted to laugh,
and he wanted to ct,v, a$ between
the two it was a queer, half choked
sound that can to his lips. He ate
a good breakfast, rested for a couple
of hours, and welt on. At a more.
leisurely pace he travelled through
,most of the day, and at night he
'In the ten days following his flight
from Prince Albert he kept utterly
out of sight. He aided trappers'
shacks and trails and occasional In-
dians. the rid himself' of his beard
and shelved himself every other 'day.
Mary Joeedhine had never cared
march for the•bear•d. It prickled. She
had wapted him smooth faced, and
now he was that. He looked better,
too. But -the 1110 At striking resemnibl-
ance to Derwent ('onniston was gone.
At the end of the ten days he was at
Turtle Lake, fifty miles east of Fort
Pitt. He believed that be could show
himself openly now, and on the tenth
day bartered 'with some Indians for
fresh supplies. Then he struck south
of Fort Pitt, crossed the Saskatche-
wan, :and hit between the Blackfoot
Hills and the Vermillion River into
the Buffalo Coulee country. In the
open), country he came upon occasion-
al ranches, and at one of thesie he
'purchased a pack-horae, At Buffalo
Lake he bought his supplies for the
I? eine• t eiltdio f . ai,. i t! r;
noised the ANAh f t1lra ht
usual' L'acifie t ni it, 404 rho TWAt
dcy hsaw oinf the f4acohlivegireehbu
It was silt weeks after the night
Tido place that' he streak the
' katchewan .main above the 'Brazeauc
Ile did not hurry now. .:Just ahead
of hiknt sluanlber ed the dnountainss
very close was the place' fq his
dreams. But he was no longer inns
pelted by the mighty lure of the
years that were gone. (Day by day
somethinl'g .load wpm away that luiie,
as the ceaseless grind of water wears
away rack, and for two weeks he
wandered •slowly and without purpose
in the .green 'valleys that lay under
the snow-ltipped peaks of the ranges.
He was gripped in the agony .of an
unutterable loneliness, which fell up-
on and scourged him like a disease.
it was a deeper and .more -bitter
thing than a yearning for companion-
ship. He might have found that.
Twice he was near camps. Three
times he saw outfits coming out, and
purposely drew, away ft=n them. He
had no desire to meetten, no de-
sire to talk or to the troubled by
talking. Day and night his body and
his 'soul cried out for Mary Josephine
and in his despair he cursed those
who had taken her away from, ,frim.
It was a crisis which was bound to
come, and in his aloneness he fought
it out. Day after day he fought it,
until his face and his heart bore the
scars of it. It was as if a being on
whom he had set all his worship had
died, only it was worse than death.
Dead, Mary Josephine would still
have been his inspiration; in a way
she would have belonged to him. But
living, hating hini as she • must, his
dreams of her were a sacrilege and
his love for her, like the cut of a
'fn the end he was like a 'ran who
had triumphed over a malady that
would always leave its marks upon
hire. In the beginning of the third
week he knew that he•had conquered
just as he had triumphed In a simi-
ar way over death and despair in,
the north. Hewould go into the
mountains,• as he had planned. He
would build hie canbin. And if the
Law canoe to get him,, it was possible
hat again he would fight.
On the • second day of this , third
veek he saw advancing toward him
a solitary horseman. The stranger
vas possibly a mile away when he
lis•coveted him, and he was coming
freight down the flat of the 'valley.
That he was not acco`npanied by a
pack -horse surprised Keith,. for he
vas bound out of the mountains and
not in. Then it occurred to hien that
he might be a•prospector whose sup-
plies were exhausted,. and that he
vas easing his journey •by using his
pack as a mount. Whoever and what -
ver he was, Keith was not in any
humor to 'meet him, and 'Without at-
tempting to conceal himself. he
w ung away from._the river, as if to
limb the slope of the mountain on
is right. No sooner had he clear -
y signified the new direction he was
eking, than the stranger deliberate -
y altered his course in a way to cut
fin off. Keith was irritated. Climb -
rug up a narrow terrace of shale,'he
eaded straight up the slope, as if
his intention were to reach the higher
terraces of the mountain, and then
he• swung suddenly down into a cou-
ee, where he was out of sight. Here
he waited for ten minutes, then
struck deliberately and, openly back
nto the valley.
Ke chuckled when he saw how clev-
erly his ruse had worked. The strap,-
ger was a quarter of a mile up the
nountain and still climbing.
"Now what the devil is he taking
all that trouble for?" Keith asked
An instant later the stranger saw•
him again. For perhaps a minute he
salted, and in that minute Keith fan-
cied he was getting a round cursing.
Then the stranger headed for him,
and this time there was no escape,
for the moment he struck the shelv-
ing slope of the valley, he prodded
his horse into a' canter, swiftly dim-
inishing the, distance between them.
Keith unbuttoned the flap of h's pis-
tol holster and maneuvered so that
he would he partly concealed by his
pack when the horseman rode up.
The persistence of the stranger sug-
gested to him that Mary Josephine
had lost no -time in telling McDowell
where the law would be most likely
to find him.
Then he looked over the neck of
his pack: at the horseman, who was
of success
FEW men achieve their goal with-
out vitality and drive. And so many
are held back from their best 'by
a common ailment: constipation.
It dulls energy, often causes head-
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Correct constipation by eating a
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show Kellogg's ALL -BRAN supplies
"bulk" to exercise the intestines,
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The "bulk" in ALL -BRAN is
similar to that of lettuce. Within
the body, it becomes a soft mass,
which gently clears the intestines
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using pills and drugs -so often
Two tablespoonfuls daily will cor-
rect most types of constipation. If
not relieved this
way, see your
ALL - BRAN also
has iron for the
blood. At all gro-
cers. In the red -
and -green package.
Made by Kellogg in
London, Ontario.
ntrt., iu unto
for high-class service, and get acoun.
modation as rine as any hotel can offer,;
In keeping with the times, rates
have been revised, but that spirit 'ef
hospitality and friendliness which
has been a tradition with this famous
' hotel for more than thirty years is just
as active as ever. The food .always
appeals to the exacting --and Luigi
Romanelli's Orchestra is conceded
to be one of America's finest.
Rooms from $2.50 with- bath
From All Points' in the East
GOING DATES -MAY 31st to JUNE 15th, inclusive
Return Limit -30 'Days • t,
Children five years of age z.nd under twelve, half of the adult fare.
Children under five. years of age, free.
Baggage Checked
Berths in TOURIST SLEEPING CARS obtainable on payment of
small privilege charge, plus berth fare and tax.
See nearest Agent •
quite near, and was convinced - that
he was not an officer. He was still
jogging at a canter and 'riding
atrociously. One leg was flapping
as if'it had lost its stirrup -hold; •tho
rider's armee. sere pumping, and his
hat was sailing behind at the end of
a string.
"Whoa!" said said Keith.
His heart stopped its action. He
was staring at a big red beard and
a huge shaggy head. The horseman
reined in, floundered from his sad-.
dle, and swayed forward as if sea-
"Well, I'll be-"
"Johnny -Johnny Keith!"
(Confirmed next 'week.)
Kill the Woodchucks
'Woodchuck holes are a great. nuis-
ance. Tl v may cause a hirose to
break a leg. while the mounds 'nay
break the cutting: bar of a mower. or
at least blunt the knives. This is
the time td get rid of the pests.
Search out all the holes. and plug
up all exits. into the entrance either
-put calcium cyanide or else use the
exhaust ,Of an automobile. To use
the automollile attach a pipe anti run
the engine for twenty minutes, then
plug up the hole and go to the next
burrow. In the case of cyanide also
s carefully closed,
the burrow must he ca of y cio c
preferably with clamp earth. When
using both these methods care must
he :taken. Be sure no +cyanide is left
around where animals or children
can get it. Keep away from the
deadly gas coming out of the car ex-
Farm and Home Week • at 0. A. C.
.lune 19 to 23. inclusive.
As usual the Ontario Agricultural
f nllege will• be at home to the farm
folks of the province for one special
week in June. This year it has
been arranged for .Tune 19th to
23'1• inirTitsive, and although many
visitors 'find it possible to remain for
I Drily one day. provision is now made
for those who wish to remain for
from two to five days -at their con-
ven.ience-and the week's program is
prepared with this in view.
A special low rate of $1.00 a day
for room and meals has been arrang-
ed for those who remain over and
they should, if possible, send notice
to the college in advance, and should
register for their rooms immediately
nn arrival.
The program includes practical
'lemonstratinns arld tours of inspec-
1 tion for both man and women each
day, as well as entertainment in
the evening:, and visitots are allowed
to choose what mast interests them
in the program. Noon -day lunch will.
he free to all. -
Most of the members of the fac-
ulty will be at the college for the
''•geek and will do everything possible
tt+ assist rrisitors to have ark► enjoy-
ehle and profitable time.
It is the wish of the • college that
as many as possible of the farm
folks should arrange to stay for
two or more days. This will give
therm a chance to enjoy the early
morning and evening on the campus
i:. comparative quietness, or to ram -
ale about the gardens, fields, pad-
docks and buildings, and. thus .to get
something of the spirit and atmos-
phere of the place aswell as to get
inforniation on various farm prob-
lems ,about which they may wish to
Wingh am 1:55
Bel era ve 2.11 •'
Blyth 2.23
Londesboro 2.30
Clinton 3.08
P,rucefield 8.27
Kippen 8.35
Hensel! 3.41
Exeter 3.56
'Fleeter 10.42
Hensall 10.55
Kippen - 11.01
iirucefield 11.09
Clinton /1'1.54
Londtshoro 12.10
Blyth 12.19
P,elgrave 12.30
\•1'•ingham 12.50
CN. R. •
Goderich ..
Goderich 5.56
Menset 5.55
,McGaw 6.04
Auhurn 6.11
Blyth 6.25
Walton ` 6.40
McNaught 6.52
Toronto 10.26
Toronto 7.40
McNaught 11.48
Walton 12.01
Blyth 12.12
Auiburn 12.23
McGaw . 1.84 - ,
Meriset ..... 1241
Goderich c 12.46 -