HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-06-09, Page 14
Young Liberals Fill Cardno's
Hall on,the Occasion of
Annual Banquet and Dance
R. J. Deachman, Ottawa;
Guest Speaker, Reviews
Political Questions of the
Day in Interesting Speech.
Through freedom of trade will
prosperity 'be found and nrot through
radical programs of the C.C.F., said
R. J. Deaclrlmlan, well known tariff ex-
pert, of Ottawa, and''. a former .'Huron
old boy, in speaking at the annual ban-
quet of the Thomas IMdMillan Young
(Liberal Club in Cardno's Hall 'on Weds.
nesday evening. Almost 300 people
were in attendance.
R. R. McKay, Staffa, president of
the clubs was chairlman. 3. W. Beat-
tie proposed the toast to Canada and
W. H. !Golding, M.P., responded. A
feature of the evening was the pres-
ence of IMr..Gelding's father, who, is
93 years old and still actively inter-
ested in everything connected with af-
fairs of the day. The toast to the
Liberal party and' leader was pro -
'weed by R. S. IMlcKercher and re-
sponded to by C. A. Robertson,
M.L.A„ who reviewed briefly the
work of the prolvincial administra-
tion. A. Y. iMcLeanf• proposed the
toast to the . Iadiee a1 Mss Jean
Smith replied. Mr. ' Deachma,n's
speech came as a response to a toast
to the guests, proposed by E. O.
Chainiberlain. 'Included in the pro-
gram was an excellent solo by Jas.
A. Stewart, accompanied by Mrs.
The Seaforth Home and School
Club were in charge. of the catering
and prepared an excellent banquet.
Between courses a number of com-
munity songs were sung by the com-
piny, with James Scott at th'e.,piano
and P. (tell iloffat'at 'the' lantern.' •
Dr. R. R. Ross, 'Seaforth, mention-
ed in a short talk, that the day was
the birthday of three melmibers of
the club, J. M. Govenlock, Robert
Porterfield and R. S. tMoKereher.'His
remarks were concluded with the
spontaneous singing of "For They are
Jolly Goad Fellows."
Following the program, the chair-
man called the attention of the audi-
to the fact that it was on June
T 1932, that Thomas ,MciMillan was
killed. He asked that a minute's silel
ence be obeved in honour of Mr.
McMillan., ' The evening ended. with
dancing, music being supplied by Col-
lins' and . McKay's orchestra, who
gave their services voluntarily.
Mr. Deachnnan's address is as fol-
eAs I listened to the all too kindly
words of your chairman, I recalled
to irnhnd the first political meeting
which 1 attended in the County of
It was many, many years ago. I
imagine I must have been about 12
years of age, at the time. My father
took eve to the meeting in the little
village of Gerrie in order that I
might bear • thte Liberal candiidate,
Dr. ;Peter McDonald, who was then
seeking election in what was, at that
time, East Huron. He was a !very
clever speaker, especially on the
tariff, and bn this occasion I think
he was at his 'best. He was marshal-
ling his facts in , excellent form and
wheeling his word battalions into line
when an 'old Irishman near the front
by the name of Bill Bennett (no re-
lation of our present Prime Minis-
ter; by the way) shopted out: "Doc -
torr, what's the duty on spills?" Stop-
ping, with one finger upraised, and
in the caustic manner of which he
was so capable, Dr. MclDonald re=
plied: "35 per cent. Do you want a
box?" and then went on and tinished
his sentence.
11 aim glad to be back once more in
Huron County. :'after all, this„ to
ane is home. I was born on a little.
farm, fifty acres, a'hout three mileso'r
from the village of Gr•ie. The north
branch of the Maitland .River ran
through the farm. I think that river
ran also like a thread through the
fabric of My life. I picture it now
as it broke its bonds in the Spring
and flooded into the neighboring
fields, making a picturesque lake, and
I rememlber wishing that it could al-
ways remain that way. In the sum-
mer I 'tushed and swam- in its turbid
depths!--almost—two feet of water. I
watched it again in the fall as it
wound its way among the hills where
nature hung those marvelous tapes-
tries of brown and gold. Then came
the winter when the river was silent
for time waiting the rebirth of the
coming spring.
• Life is just like the river; Child-
hood and youth when we 'build our
. castles in the air. Maturity, when
we strive through the succeeding
years to put foundations under them.
Then autumn, the time of reflection
when we wonder if it was worth the
battle. And I presume the next is
winter when, 'having warmed our
bands before the fire of life, it sinks
and we are ready to depart.
In the OW Days.
1 want you bo go back with me
just for a moment to the Huron of
the olden days.J ear not to make
the journey, it will be brief. It would
be interesting to consider the social
enjoyments of that period though I
realize quite clearly that those who
were born in the twentieth' century
have no idea that we had any social
life in Huron in the old days. 1' re-
ni inlber an old friend telling he hone
• • • • •
Too Much Silence
A death -like silence pervaded
Victoria Park on Sunday evening
last as the Seaforth Highlanders,
Band played the first concert of
the season. In' .en article in
this paper last week, it was
mentioned that the Band would
appreciate silence during . num-
bers, and it would appear from
the silence Sunday evening that
the audience mi bonstrued this
to mean that all applause was
banned. This, of course, is not
the case. Applause at the end of -
the numbers is much appreciated.
Incidentally the concert was ex-
cellent in every respect.
0 • • • • •
Page'. Three of This Week's
Huron Expositor Gives
All Details. -
"See Seaforth foil 98 cents" is the
slogan which should be adopted', for
Saturday of. this week. Here is an
opportunity' for air enthusiasts to
have 'a splendid flight o`er the town
and district for the small sum of 98
cents. A nunibee of local merchants
have lent their co-operation to make
this event possible.
,Fred Gillies, manager of the Strat-
ford airport and instructor for the
•Stratford. Flying • -Club, is 'the" pilot
who is to be in charge of the plane.
Anyone who 'Wishes to go .,"up in the
air"' for less than a dollar need only
go into one of the stores .who are
lending their co-operation in . the
'planes In the store they are to make
a purchase of a dollar or More and
receive a receipt for the purchase.
They may then take this receipt
along with 98 cents out bo Malcolm
Beaton's field, on the second conces-
sion of Tuckersmith (turn left at the
Tannery), and the rent is easy. Up
they go.
lIt must lbe understood' that these
purchases need "not necessarily be
made on Saturday. Receipts for
'purchases made either Thursday, Fri-
day or Saturday.'wiIl be honored.
The pilot of the plane is .one of
Canada's most -outstanding, air Pilots.
It was he who. introduced comrniercial
flying into this) pert of'the Province
and it was he %llo located at Kit-
chener in 1925 where he conducted a
successful flying school. Later he -
became the instructor, for the Kit-
chener -Waterloo Flying Club. He is
a qualified Government instructor
and engineer and for the past two
years has served as instructor at
Camp Borden.
It will be necessary to get to
the field early for the flights will be
given in rotation and it is impos-
sible to accdmimodate a large crowd
late in the day.
Favoured . With Excellent
Weather, Day is
Great Success.
Pupils of the .Seaforth publie school
were the guests of the 'Home and
Sohool Club on Saturday ' afternoon
last' at, a big picric in Case's Grove,
In the neighborhood of three hteridred
students, parents and guests enjoyed
the fine program that had been pre-
pared. The weather was warm and
•clear and added much to the success
of the day.'
The afternoon- (concluded with a
boat lunch augmented, by ice cream
and lemonade. •
The prize- winners in the various
events were as follows:
!Boys, 5-8: 30 yard dash—Harry,
Scott, Jack Rutledge; kick the shoe—.l
Fred Welford, Alvin Hoff.
Girls, 5-8: 30 yard dash — Clara
Dolmage, Helen, Hodgson; :shoe race
—Lois Wright, Isabel McKellar.
Boys, 9-11: 50 yard dash—David
Grieve, Lorne Ibbotson; somersault
race—David Grieve, Allan Sunder -
cock. '
Girls, 9-11: 50 yard dash — Iva
'Allan, Carolyn Holmes; chum race,
couple—Doris Hoff, 'Carolyn • Holmes.
'Boys, 12 and over: 75 yard dash
—Alastair Wigg, Howard Carroll;
Paddy's pig race, couple •— Harold
Free, Donald MacTavis.h.
Girls, 12 and' over: 75 yard dash
—�Zillian Reeves, Nellie Reeves;
thread -the -needle! race, couple — Lil-
lian Re•eyes, Nellie Reeves.
Relay, 5-8—Lois Wright, Doris
Eisler, Eileen Anderson, Helen Smith,
Jean Wright, Irma Fletcher, Thelma
Dolmage. Isabel McKellar, Janie
Moffat, Marguerite Westcott.
Relay, 9-11-1Irene •Mowbray, Hel-
en • Hodgson,. Helen Swan, Bernice
Boniface, Florence Calvert, Marian
-Mater, 'Lois • M'cGanin, Ruth" 3rihrit;
Alma Elliott.
We were sorry to learn of . the
death of Mrs. A. A: Cuthill who pass-
ed away on 'Monday evening, after a
long illness. We extend our heart•
felt sympathy to the !bereaved.
IMr. and Mrs. Harry Hart and Ken-
neth, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Sperling.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Baxter, of Benmiller,
spent Sunday with the latter's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell,
. The • foobball game between Win-
throp and Moncrie• i, which was held
here on Monday night, was a tie, 1-1.
Mr. Fergus Bullard, Betty and
Jack and 'Mi•, John Armstrong spent
Sunday with relatives in London.
'Mr. Harold Smalldon, of Walton,
spent Sunday with ,Mr. and Mrs.
George Eaton.
Relay, 12 and over—Lillian Reeves,
Dorothy Praiser,'Zetta Dunlop, Nel-
lie Reeves, Helen Fraiser, Mae Hodg-
son, Mae Sisgrist, Elva Sundercock,
Evelyn Venus.
Mr.. -and Mrs. Lloyd • Elliott and
family spent the week' end at Lam-
beth with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Flet-
Mr. and and 'M's. James Verner, Strat-
ford, visited with the lady's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Miller, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. White, Stratford,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M.
•'Mr. •and Mrs. .Jas. Hill, of Staffa,
and, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Harburn,
of Sea.fort}ye, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and !Mrs. Les. Harburn.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Wilson spent the
week end in Exeter.
Miss Jennie Pierce, Fordwich, vis-
ited her cousin; Miss Jean 'Puffin, on
Mr. and 'Mrs. F. O'Brien spent
Sunday in London.
Mr. Jack Norris visited "his par-
ents, Mr. and .Mrs. Hugh Norris, on
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dingel and
son,' of Toronto, spent the week end
with Mr. and Mrs. R. Sadler.
1Mr. and Mrs. D. Parker and 'family
of Thames Road, were Sunday visi-
tors with Mr. and Mrs. 0. Walker.
' Mr. and Mrs. John Leary and
daughter visited Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. W. Greenwood, Munro.
The monthly meeting of the Staf-
fa Ladies' Aid was held at the home
of Mrs. Les. Harburn on Thursday
in the fifties or sixties he acted as
"grog boss" at a logging bee. A
"grog boss" is one who carries the
drinks to the workers. They had
whiskey that cost 121/2 cents a gal-
lon, eight gallons for .a dollar, and
they carried it around in pails with
a tin dipper. That surely would add
a social touch to any gathering!
Then there were those great events,
barn raisings. A novel could be writ-
ten of how the captain of the. win-
ning side won the girl, the belle of
the community by placing the last
rafter in its place two minutes be-
fore the other -captain had finished.
Then we had paring bees, a business
of paring apples and putting ,hhein
on a string, not to mentio-n selling
them afterwards for 3 cents a pound
and teeny other happy events, in-
cluding revival meetings which were
always a social attraction and al-
though 'I can give no personal evi-
dence on the matter, I have heard it
from the oldest inhabitants that in
their time they •had a substitute for
what is now known as the "necking
partyvJbut that is history into which
we shall not delve.
(Continued next week.) -
Tree's, Blown ' Down and
Much Damage Done in
Few Minutes.
!Seaforth was visited on Wednesday
morning by one of the worst wind
and rain; stoifine in many years. At
times the wind reached cyclonic pro-
portions and for nearly half an hour
it was impossible to see across Main
Street. Hydro 'blinked on and off but
was not permanently disrupted.
From reports received from other
centres it would appear that •Seaforth
was fortunately on the fringe of the
cyclone, St. 'Marys, for instance, suf-
fering damage in excess of $100,000.
The rain, accompanied • by hail and
lightning, ''came• steadily for over an
hour and much minor damage was
done. Trees were in a number of
cases blown down and every lawn
and street was littered' with branches
and leaves.
Streets Blocked.
A large maple tree opposite Mr.
Harold Dale's house on West Street
was blown across the road effective-
ly (blocking . traffic and in Egmond-
ville a number of trees covered the
main road south.
Telephone communication was bad-
ly disrupted in the country, but in
town little damage was done. • Hydro
linemen had a busy time, however,
repairing secondary lines. Service,
except in isolated instances, was not
disrupted for more than a few min-
utes at a tine.
Lightning Strikes.
Lightning •at 'the height of the
storm struck the frame cottage of
.Mr, C. Barnett on Railway Street,
and as a, result theinterior, of the
home is completely gutted. Two
alarms were sent in and were re-
sponded to by the Seaforth Fire
Brigade under. Chief McKenzie.
The house.was empty at the time,
but the fire was• noticed by Mr. Geo.
Pd Nene .'ryho...vi!as...in,...,the, stable'. on the.
property. It was he who gave the
alarms •
Mrs. Charles Johns, Miss -Catherine
Peters and Mr. Kenneth Johns motor-
ed to New York State last week and
!visited relatives, returning on :Satur-
day. Mr. Walter Johns, B.A., who
has beers attending Cornell Univers-
ity at 'Ithica; returned home with
them for the summer vacation.
Rev'. and 'Mrs. L. C. White and
children, of Woodslee, called on
friends.in,:the village the end of the
.week. •
The provincial auditor audited the
council' books on Wednesday.
Mrs. Harry Ford is visiting rela-
tives in St. Thomas and Springfield
this week.
(Mrs. (Rev.) • Peters visited relatives
in London during the week.
!Mr. Clifford Whitlock, of St.
Thomas, visited in • phis vicinity on
•Rev. tir. Lennox, of Allandal.e, oc-
cupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian
Church on Sabbath last and•the pre-
vious Sabbath.'
The June meeting of the W. M..S.
met on Thursday Last at the hem* of
Mrs. S. A. Miller in the village with
a good attendance, Mee. James Hill
acting as president for the day. The
meeting opened by singing a hymn
and prayer by the president, Mrs.
(Till. The Scripture reading teas
taken by Mrs. Houghton, the devo-
tional part being taken by .Mrs. Al-
len and Mrs., McKellar. The choice
of subject •was given by Mrs. Allan,
being a paper on missionary,adtivi-
ties in Formosa. Mrs. Roy McCul-
loch read a very interesting portion
of the study book. Mrs. Thos. Scott
read items from Glad Tidings. A
few minutes .vas spent dealing with
the business problems. The meeting
closed by singing a hymn and prayer
by Mrs. McKellar and the Lord's
Prayer in unison.
Mr. Clive McDonald and Eddie
Speare returned to their home in To-
ronto after spending a week with
their aunt, Miss Olive Speare, in the
The dance in Walker's Hall on Fri-
day night last was well attended and
a nice titie was spent.
The Misses Mary and Margaret
McDougald, accompanied by Cameron
McLean, left last week for a motor
trip to the Coast.
Mrs. Wilbur Batten, of Elimville,
spent Thursday last visiting her aunt,
Mrs. S. A. Miller, of Cromarty.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis, of Hickson,
visited with friends and relatives on
Sunday last.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Neil Shaw Mission Circle was
held on Friday evening at the home
of Mrs. W. Black with an excellent
attendance. During the 'business dis-
cussion, it was decided to try and
present one life membership certifi-
cate this year. Miss Alice, Thomp-
son won the menenership contest -by
a very saran majority and the los-
ing side, captained by Miss Jean Mc-
Lachlan, sponsor the social to be
held on July 10th. Miss Margaret
Broadsfoot conducted the devotional
exercises and presided during the
literary period. Mr-. Fletcher Towne -
end gave 'a very interesting account
of "Foreign Life in Canada," which
was very much appreciated. Other
nusm'bers were a piano duet by Miss-
es Whitmore; a sole by Miss V.
Townlend; Caned inn readings by
Misses Margaret Fserest and Jean
Smith. There were several contests
enjoyed, •after whish the meeting
closed with the National Anthem and
the Mizpah 33enei,li, t ion.
Mr, and Mrs, Pets :r Hareem%es, of
Toronto,. were week end guests with
the 'latter's parent-. Mr. and Mrs. T.
G. Shillinglaw.
'Miss Marguerite Mack, of Hamil-
ton. spent the wecii end at her home.
Miss Bertha Fleshy, of Toronto,
was a week end get 4t with her par-
ents, Mr.. and Mr, R. J. Beatty.
Seaforth Wins Opening
Game From Monkton
On Thursday.
A 'large crowd attended the open-;
ing ° game of the O.'S.B.A. schedule
in Seaforth on Thursday, June 1st,
when Monkton was nosed out by the
(Deals 7-6. Mr. W. G. Medd, Mornllter
in the local house for South Huron,
gave a short speech before the game
which was followed by Mayor A. D.
Sutherland, who spoke briefly on
sportsman'sh'ip. Both speeches were
very interesting and the crowd en-
joyed them.
Iilferrfleld, of Monkton, was first
man to bat and hit a single. Erskine.
hit ,a two -base hit and lV erryfield
scored. The next three men up were
put out. Muir came up for Seaforth,.
getting to first base and went to
sselcond when IMicGregor knocked a
hot grounder, Christie was put out
and Muir stole. to third. E. Rennie
sacrificed to let Muir score and tiied
the count 1-1.
There was no nvore score until
Monkton scored four rung in the fifth
innings and Seaforth 1, making the
count 5-2 for Monkton.
(Bill Cud•more pitched for Seaforth
the first five innings and did excel •
lint work. Gordon Buckran went in
in the beginning of the sixth and
struck out two 'men and fielded the
third man out to first base. Seaforth
!scored in its half of Oils! inning
when Beekran's single brought E:
Rennie heree.
Monkton scored their last run in
the seventh inning. 'Seaforth, how-
ever, came back with three and tied
the count, 6-6. Neither team scored,
in the eight and ninth and another
inning was played to decide a win-
ner; ,Monkten-failed to break- rhe tie
and E. Rennie knocked a 3 -base hit
and Buckran .carne to bat and knock-
ed a heemte run, thus bringing, in
E. Rennie.
The 'Monkton boys were good play-
ers and weee immensely improved
from the exhibition game they play-
ed here recently. The locals did not
let many opportunities slip and play-
ed consistent ball. It was anybody's
game until 'Beckman brought Rennie
home and. the'crowd went away feel-
ing satisfied with the showing of both
teams. A big highlight of the game
came in the fifth inning when Joe
Purcell, a brand new Seaforth rookie,
jurnped, scrambled and hopped over
a dozen spectators back of third base
to nip a foul ball between the thumb
and forefinger. He managed to hold
onto it and the batter went out.
Innings' 1 2 3.4 5 6 7 8910
'Monk -ton 1 0.0-0 3.0 1 0 0 0
Seaforth 1 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 1
1.Monkton—Merryfield, s.s.; Erskine,
2b.;. Nicholson, 31e; Bettger, ib.; Em-
erson, l.f.; Weber, c.; 11,1cNaught, r.f.;
:Metz, p.; Leppard, c.f.
Seaforth—Muir, s.s.; N•icholis, 2b.;Purcell, 3b.; B. Christie, lb.; Bine
gess, l.f.; E. Rennie, c.; C. Christie,
r.f.; Buchr•an,1 p.; McGregor, c.f.
The school report of S. S. No. 8,
Goderich, for the months of April
and May is as follows V—Harold
Johneton GO, Elizabeth Thiel 57. Jr.
IV—Jean Johnston 68, Sylvia Low
den 6.2. Sr. III— Betty Stirling
Grant Stirling 59, Gladys 'lark 55,
Elmer Johnston 40, Thelma .Johnston;
e9 II Dough ¢t' 1' 66 `1'11 31
\ e-tlak'e 55, Harold Warner 54, Ken-
neth Stirling 37. Primer—Keith Stir -
Ting 38.:Sylvia Lowden had least'
mistakes in Spelling in April and
Mildred Westlake had least mistakes i
in May. In the Health and Cleanli•
nee! Contest held this month. Jean
Johnston's side won. Numlber on
roll, 14; average attendance, 13.53.—
\I. Douglas, Teacher.
Death of a Pioneer.—Mr. Andrew•
McGuire, one of the pioneer and most
widely known and respected resi-
d<'nts of this township, passed away
at his home on 'tidily, June 2nd, at
the ripe age of 86 years. Mr. Mc-
Guire was a son of the late Michael
McGuire and his wife, Julia Griffin,
and was born on the homestead farm,
Lot 36, Concession 6, shortly after
his parents came out from Ireland,
and had resided there all his life,
County Councillors
at Goderich F'or
Sessions of Huron
• • • • • •
King Harris and Wm. Pearson,
young !Goderich township men,
are dead, the result of poison gas.
in a, well they were cleaning on
the farm of Edward Grigg, Tele-.
phone • Road, Goderich Tp., Wed-
nesday.' Harris descended the
well first and shortly after' Pear-
son heard him drop in the water.
Pearson went down only to meet
the same fate. Mr. Grigg gave
an alarm and neighbors were
soon on hand, but were power-
less to do anything. It was not
until' the Goderich Fire Brigade
arrived that the bodies were re-.
covered. •
• • • •• •, •
Tuckersmith A s 's' ociation
Holds Annual
The' school house S. S. No. 9,
Tuckersmith, was filled to capacity
on Friday evening last for the annual
meeting of the Trustees' and Rate-
payers' Association. Speakers in-
cluded W. G. Medd, M.L.A., for Soup
Huron; Dr. J. M. Field, East Huron
Inspector, .R, R. MacKay and Joseph
• Mr. Medd discussed a number of
amendments to the educations acts
which- were -made at the t9 3.sessibn;
Dr. J. M. Field gave an address on
the changes in the school grants and
gave much valuable ,information. He
commended the township of Tticker-
,smith on the general conditions of
schools and equipment and the loyal
support - given •by the parents to the
•warj us teachers.
Joseph Forrest led in a discussion
of possible improvements in the edu-
cational Mystem by suggesting that
less importance be placed on foaeign
languages and more emphasis placed
on the study of Engish, botany, zoo
on the study of Engish, botany,
zoology and kindred subjects. R. R.
McKay ably presented possible im-
provements from the teacher's stand-
point. He urged co-operation be-
tween parents and teacher; the elim-
ination of written homework and
while presenting the necessity of hav-
ing some standard in the public
school system, thought the entrance
examinations ought to be eliminated
and that promotions should be made
on recommendation of the teacher
with the advice of the inspector.
Erlin Whitmore contributed a solo
accompanied by Mrs. G. R. Fear. A
vote of thanks to all who took part
in the meeting and to the trustees
of No. 9 school was tendered on the
motion of peeve W. Archibald, sec-
onded by W. Black,. both of whom
made brief speeches.
The officials elected for the ensuing
year were: President, S. H. Whit-
more; vice-pres., William Wallace;
sea-trcas., W. 5. Broadfoot. These
.officer.,, together with Melville Tra-
quair, John S. Watson and David Mc-
Lean, form the executive committee.
Douglas n di �, e c rec
At prices you cannot afford to miss
Special reduction made on lots of
Fifty or more.
Eight weeks ago he fell and fractured
hi., hip and since that time had been
confined to bed, graduaily sinking un-
til the end came. He planted the first
orchard in Goderich and vas one of
the most progressive and successful
farmers in the township. Sixty-five
years ago Mr. McGuire was united
in marriage to Miss Mary Shanahan,
of Hullett township, who predeceas-
ed him in 1916• and he was the last
remaining member of a family of
six children. He is survived by a
family of two sons and four daugh-
ters, Mrs. Thomas Lane.' Tucker -
smith; Mrs. Joseph Carlin, McKillop;
Mrs. .J. Reehill, London; Mrs.• Bern-
ard Clark. St. Thomas; Mr.- William
McGuire, Goderich 'township, and Mr,
John ,teGuire. on the homestead,
who is the fourth generation to oc-
cupy the farm. One daughter. Clara,
died eight years age. Mr. McGuire
was a loving father and faithful to
the church, The funeral was held
froms his late home on Monday to St.
.Toseph's Church, Clinton, where the
funeral mass was sung by Rev.
Father Sullivan. Interment ' w a s
made in St. Peter's cemetery,, Gode-
rich, the pallbearers being Messrs.
James Sterling, Robert Smith, An-
drew Flynn, Patrick Reynolds, Pat-
rick Quigley and Harry Young.
Among those from a distance who
attended the funeral were three
nephews front Flint, Michigan. Dr.
John Kehne, ':'fr. Louis Kehoe and Dr.
`Leo Keboe and . wife. Others were
present from Dublin, St. Colum'ban,
Seaforth., Goderich, St. Augustine,
Kingsbridge, London and St. Thomas.
Members All Present; Eng
quiries and. Comntunica
tions Occupy Members of
Opening Day.
Huron County Council met for' .04 -
June :session in the Court iiiouse;'
Goderich, on Tuesday, afternoon, 'with,
all members present. Warden Bal-
lantyne occupied the chair and in; a
Short address reviewed the work of
the council:
Enquiries brought up a number of
interesting) points. Reeive S'tewaaet •
asked about a man being struck off ,
the Old Age Pension list, then. was
put on again'and the committee knew
nothing about the reinstatement.
Reeve Craigie, chairman of the
committee, said the 1o41 board had '
refused it .but the Provincial Board.
had put him on. • "'If there is a ,
specific case,, the committee will look
into' it," Reeve Craigie promised.
Reeve McKibbon, of Wingharer,
thought everyone should seriously
consider whether we should .have an
Old Age Pension committee in 1934' •
or not. The power is er•adu.ally be-
ing taken away from our committee.
Reeve Craigie asserted he had only
seen the inspector once, and asked
the Clerk if,he had received a reply •
to.. his ..letber,earking the inspector to
communicates with or (consult. the
board, and received a negative reply
from Clerk Holman. .
!Reeve Douglas inquired "what kind
of bush does a man have to ' have to
be exempt from tax?" The answers
given informed hrni that he must
have 10 acres of woodland and can-
not take any wood from it..
Cotiiinuniea'tions: ' .•
Included in communications •were:
The reports of the provincial auditor .
relating to highway expenditures and •
the county. auditor's report were fil-
ed. Total amount .of the county state-
rent was $129,372.57. The total ap-
proved $181,127.89, and the amount
of the. grant, $64,686.28.
A letter from the Board, of Rail-
way Commissioners regarding the
application of the C. N. R. for ex-
emption from maintaining cattle
guards within the county was filed.
A resolution from the County of
Wentworth regarding the • inclusion
of home grown fresh fruits and veg-
etables in the detailed relief slip was
sent .to the Legislative Cotnmrit-bee.
A letter from the Liquor Control
•Board of Ontario asking that Bylaw
No. 4 of the County of Huron, passed
!n 1929. be amended to include the
name of Norman Lever, who is' act-
ing as prosecutor, was filed.
A letter frons. A. T. Cooper, secre•
tary-treasurer of the Huron County
.branch of the Associated High School
Boards of Ontario, extending co-op-
eration with the council in all ,mat-
ters touching secondary education,
was sent to the Education Commit-
The -application of William Oliver
for appointment to police• duty at
Grand Bend at $75 for the season
was referred to the executive com-
mittee. In 1931, he had received
5200; in 1932, $135.
Asks Fine Remission.
Ptter Fisher, Jr., Blyth, asked '
council to exercise clemency in having,
a fine of 8100 remitted to him. In
January he stated, while at a dance
at Blyth, a friend had produ.:ed a
bottle of wine, and while they were
endeavoring to remove the cork a
police officer appeared and they were
!fined :100 and costs hy Magistrate
I I:: id on a charge of. having li iuor in
a place ether than a private resi-
dence. The letter was sent to the
executive c.nmmitt .
I .
The Tlepartm;ent of Health wrote
enclosing report of inspector of
House of Refuge who recommended
thnt fire escapes h; placed; that the
diming room and dormitories should
he painter!. and that a non-absorbent
covering be placed on the la�-ateries.
The Dept. of the Attorney -Gener-
al enclosed an order -in -council hy
• which the adntini;tratien of justice is
reduced in certain departments 20
per cent., and court stenographers
20 per cent. .
The Town of Lindsay asked coun-
cil to favor a resolution reducing
the number of members of county
mutedIe Legislative Committee.
Fall wheat, alfalfa and clover are
looking very well in most districts of
Ont a'ro.
Peel !County had a 200 per cent. in-
cresase in poultry population from
1920 to 1930 and a 50 per cent. In-
crease in dairy cattle.
e .
Mr. Albert Seinton has returned
from Timmins after spending his
honeymoon trip with friends. and has
decided that our burg is as thrifty
as most places, and has purchased
his late father's business and. is pre-
pared to (10all kind,of mechanical
5 n
repairin'. He is salesman for Wind-
mills, cream separators or anything
that is needed on the farm. We wish
him success, as he is a hustler.
Mr. John Murray made a business
trip to Goderich this week.
Mr. Shcl'1•treed has moved the town-
ship crusher from Manley's pit to
Mr. Calvin Hillen's pit, and all the
bad spots of the roads will be re-
paired in short order in the srrr-
pounding district.
Weclnosday's storm of wind, hail
and rain tried out the weak spots on
buildings and trees, and s000u ecikreread
the parched ground with m)isture. .