HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-06-02, Page 8I, li ,iara,lr�» t;j >�la, ik al it iPa M�r 'A. li 11, 'NC { ,fig• 15 a+, flt ss fl P'. fl M1 fr APF 4f '1 o'ni Lt � r a da I 3 y3 1 1 ]1�, !1] r 44 I � { �a , r• t f+. Vit,.. , (• z ON E,,c#►rtt}" QSfl OL :Y. 1 1 r ktt •,Ii 7'u l .. ills l ii �)r M16 Time To Buy apples ' 'R"I.0E ACCORDING TO SIZE �H LUCK 'SCRATCH Vet Vont. PZ411'.1 EElR 6I31IC'K MAS'IL • 'Per cwt. 'I,ir, 164 rain r ' 1111+.'1S`,i st JUNE 2, , y 33w , $1,90 $2.55 25c 25'c 10c !PINHEAD OATMEAL for chicks, 10 (pounds WONDERFUL SOAP 13 cakes CAUSTIC SODA in bulk • , " pound NEW 'CfI E SE t2' pounds CORN •STAROH in hulk 3 pounds RICE l2, 3, 4 or 5 (pounds EAGLE BRAND OONDENS- Hai} MILK—Tin DE LUXE JELLY POWDER 6 for, 25c 25c 25c 20c 25c Butter, . Eggs, Dried Apples and Feathers taken as cash. We pay lc a dozen extra trade for eggs. Cream taken for the Seaforth Cream- ery at the sante price paid at the Creamery. Hutchison's & PHONE 166 Automobile Season is now here Are you u insured against ' hazards of the roads? Automobile rates have kept pace with the times. New low rates under special merit -plan. Rates gladly quoted. Best Canadian C a tan Com n' pa les. Watson & Reid Phone 214-J Seaforth Specialists in All Lines of Insurance. O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O 0000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 O S. T. Holmes & Son FUNERAL SERVICE Main Street., Seaforth S. T. Holmes' residence, Goderich Street, West; phone No. 119 W. Charles Holmes' residence, Goderich Street, East; phone No. 308. Ambulance Service Night calls, phone 308. Day calls, phone 119J. Charges moderate. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O' 0 0 0 o O H. C. BOX 0 O Funeral Director and 9 O Licensed Embalmer O 0 Beat Motor and Horse-drawn 0 0 equipment. 0 0 Charges moderate. O O Flowers furnished on short. 0 0 notice. - 0 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 O. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O WALKER'S 0 0 FUNERAL SERVICE 0 4 W. J. WALKER. and O JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. 0 0 Licensed Embalmers and 0 0 Funeral Directors. 0 0 Day or Night Calls promptly 0 0 attended. 0 0 PHONE 67 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. IfFAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Geo. R. McCartney, Seaforth - Pres. James Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres. Keaton A. Reid, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. AGENTS: W. E. l3imlchley, Seaforth ; John Murray, R. R. 3, Seaforth; E. R. G. Jamnouth, Brodhagen; James Watt, Myth; C. F. Hewitt, Kincardine. DIRECTORS: William Knox, Londe�sfboro; George Leonbart, Brodhagen; James Con- nolly', Goderich; Alex. Broadfoot, No. Seaforth; Robert Ferris, Blyth ; George McCartney, No. 8, Seafordh; ilofln PepPer, B9rueeiidd; James Shol- ,l oe, Walton;' Thomas Moylan, No. 5, 22arth. • A BARGAIN I SALE.—Five acres, one mile foam Seaforlfh modern house with tailrace, balhli toilet; email bairn; good ordhard•. ',axes, $W. Splendid Anted to' a Chicken farm, Hees, , . A 1r (Eft *L S. RAT'S, &eafore, Oaf, . 83'89-tf 0 ,''cert u's 5F 40 N4a Stomach Sufferers Marvel at New 3 -Minute Relief. Peaple who have suffered for years from atosnratch agonies are marvelling at the quick relief of Bisma-Rex, a new, de- licious tasting antacid powder, and its comfort is lasting too. It acts four ways: Neutra- lizes excess acid; rdlievtes stomach of gas; soothes mem- branes, and aids digestion. Get Bisma Rex to -day. A LARGE DOT'I'LE FOR 75c —+AT-- Keating's Pharmacy The Rexall.Drug Store PHONE 28 : SEAFORTH (Cut Flowers, Wreaths and Floral Pieces supplied for all roccasions. NEWS OF THE TOWN Have Picnic --Girls of the Margaret Larkin C. G. I, T. of the Presbyterian Chuuc'h, held an enjoyable hike to Forre•st's bush on '\Vednesday after- noon and -evening. About 20 girls enjoyed the picnic supper which was served on arrival. Graduates At 0:A. C.—Mr. Gor- don Wright, Kipeen, a former well known S. C. 1. student. -was among the graduates at the Ontario Agri • cultural College.• where he obtained his B. S. A. degree. The graduation ceremony took place on Thursday last. b • R Attend Kincardine lhereten.,.—Mr: J. E. Keating, accompanied by Messrs, O. Neil,+ H. Jeffery and H. G. Meir, paid an •otliriah visit to Kin- cardine Chapter on Friday evening last. Mr. heating•• is Grand Super- intendent of. Huron 'District, Royal Arch Masons; "' 4 Is Elected President.—Word has been received. that Mr, H. E. Stark, of Welland, 4 ellantd son 1 t Mfrs. A. , tar•1: of town, has been elected president of the Welland Bowling Club at an re- organization meeting held in the club house recently. Mr. Stark is man- ager of the Dominion Bank in Wel-: land. ssa . Heads Ontario Medical -association. —At the annual convention of the Ontario Medical Association being'' held in Hamilton this week, Dr. F. C:1 Neal, of Peterhoro. was elected presi- dent of the Association. •Dr. Neal is an old Walton boy and a son of , Mrs. William Neal of that village,' He is a - graduate .of Seaforth Col- legiate Institute. i Present Climb;lig Roses in Gode- rich.—The Alumni play, "Climbing Roses," was presented to a large and enthusiastic audience in McVay Hall, Godertich, on Tuesday evening of this week undar the auspices of Cen- tral Home and School Club of• that town.. Between acts Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stewart, accompanied by Mrs. W. P. Lane, sang two enjoy- able duets. Take Advantage Of Excursion.—A large number fri5m Seaforth and dis- trict will take part in the Western excursions being planned this month by the railw•ats. Included in those taking the trip will be Mrs. John Devereaux to Fort William; Mrs. Alex. Broadfoot, Winnipeg; Miss Pearl Grainger, Angusville., Man.; Melvin Blanchard, Nelson, B.C.; J. T. Deeds, Swift Current; Thomas Dodds and Robert D'odcds; lmontor.- Granddaughter Graduates. — Mis Mary P. Andrews, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Andrews, of Pore Colbourne, and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph :Nero, of Seaforth, was one of the nurses who received a graduation diploma from Mack Train- ing School for Nurses, St; Cather- ines, on the occasion of the gradua- tion exercises held in the Collegiate auditorium in that city on May iRth. Hon. W. G. Martin, Ontario Minister of Health, addressed • the nursing graduates. Conference Announces Changes.— The Stationing Committee of the Lon- don 'Conf+ rencc of the United Church in Canada ha.s ksui•d the first draft of sta'aions in the C'onf'erence. In the Huron Presbytery there are as follow: Eluevale, Rev. T. E. Saw- yer; Centralia, Rev. Robert N. Stew- art, B.A., B.D.; Ethel, Rev. J. B. Champion; Kippen, Rev„A. E. Mann; McKillop, Rev. G. Edwin ;Morrow, B.A.; Thames Road and Roy's. Rev. Neil M. Leckie, 13.I., D.D- Hold Successfui Tea.—The `t°emen's Auxiliary of, St. Thomas' Aeglican Church sponsored a very successful tea in the Rectory on Friday after- noon, when a large number of ladies were present. Mrs. Edward .1p.ple- vard and Mrs, L. G. VanEgim-,nd re- ceived the guests and Mrs. H. Thom- son invited them to the tea room where Miss Jackson and Miss Mae- kay were hosteesea at the tea table, assisted hy Mrs, .T. H. Best and Miss Gertrude Appievarcl. Miss Barbara Best attended the door. Mrs. J. A. Case and Mrs. Crowell were in charge of the sale of home-made baking. De- licious tea was supplied by` Mrs. F. Baxter. Y. P. L. Ends Until Fall.—The last •egular meeting of the Young Peo- ple's League of Northside United Church was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Webster with nearly all ' memibers present. The., first part of the even- ing was spent in a very interesting hall game, "Greens'" vs. `+Blues " fol- lowed by numerous other games. Gathering around a large bonfire, the following program was much enjoy- ed by all: M}usi+cal umbers by Messrs. A. Finlayson and J. Habkirk on the guitar, nsouth organ and vio- lin;' 8elveral humorous r'eadinge by. 3C tit �p'p, • I Ir Miss Donna Mole; Misses Gra'e Krauter and, LaBelle 'Hawkins fav cored with a "couple of guitar selee tions, Community singing con plot ed this part of the program. upot entering the house a . very daint lunch wase served to which all dic ample justice. Rev. Mr: Lane anc president, 'Mr. IS Scott, on behalf o the League, expressed their apprecia tion to - Mr. and 'Mrs. Webster fol their kind hospitality which was fol' lowed by suitable replies by the hos' and hostess. An enjoyable evening was then brought to a close by sing• ing the National Anthem. Paints and Varnishes.—We carry a fill line (of the 'best grvud,e of 'paints, enamels an< van:nivhea. Our quick drying guarani e floor varnish will hat turn white undo: wailer; (1,1.65 per quwart. Graves" Wahl Papel Share, Seaflanth. 5416- Fur 41fi '. Fur Sale, Cheap.•—iFirillay-Tartaise cook stov, in gt*xl uonrdition. APPLY to MYMrs. W." H Gelding, Sperling St, Seatarth• 3416-1 For Sale. -1900 Gravity washer and wring er, . Apply to Mrs, John A. McKenaie, Sea Barth, or phone 25, 3416-: Position Wanted as .housekeeper. Protest ant. Reference exchanged. Apply to Mrs Kerslake, Nelson Sts-eett, Mitohell. 3413x. Paint Your Porch• Floors •.vi Wil t^a hail Porch pettnt you can buy. Made for her( wear and weather resistance, $1,25 per quart 'Also a good grade medium grey at 79 cent per . quant- Graves' Wail Paper Store, Sea. forth. 3416- -Rouse Te Rent in To:vn of Seaforth—•Or the cornea- of Chalk and Orombie Streeu 'Phe:•e is kitchen, pantry, 'dtn.ing roam an parlour, hest ies three bedrooms upstairs anc eloset• ; also bath and toilet. The house t lighted with ellecttnicity: cistern a.nd taw+ ,warier. A good stable and a garage to 00 c„mmada•te nvu cars : also a small garden Poses,ions gi, en June 1st or June 12th, Appy to stole J. Hugg-a,rd, Barrister, Sea a'„'•ch, a• Frank Coleman, Hensall. Phon 114. 3115-t, 20,000 Plants For Sale.—,Heart of . Fran ant.! Braiiriy Asters. Sim r Giant Snapdragon, Zinnia., Verbena. and Sarbie;++, Petunias uit every taste: Flu Ole Ruffle:, CaIiforni' C]i;tta.>, Balcony and Rcky Mem. Cabbage, 1•ly ,‘nd late. Danish t iant the dry ,weather e 101 5o wt+r. Our roma to ao are. crud ,grown nn ar•tifxiirt heat ha . bean used. They should not go bark u•ien '.;et 0u1. Seeia,g i• be- .i,•rin;r, corm' and vivuuh•.m t.heonce uver: Al Slarc Baker, Railway t treat. 'Torn west est til cafcnth Creamery, 3415x3 ,Notice,—H.I0ing erecter a gl,-enhou•e w ore ,n a F+O•I rlon tt, ,up.piy a +better variety .,f La-rld:1:g p1aat Cae7•s• ''l'omat,. Cab - I;ga„ Cauliflower, Popper::, Asters, Hear c of Frarce, 1ST,ilte. Mb ,.] Sa104a. Verbeneas, Patttnias la n •e rulflaeL, Calendulis, Phlox r)rummon,li, Zinnias. Pansy. a !•arg,• quantity City .•` Ro-y \torn Petunias;, 13eautify y.,ur t•o'ck- y ,with these: Choles Snap Lrat:c'on ready nt now , ver -Y hardy 1. Sou are ci•dial- l) in%ted to come aril see out' pLu, :. Brim '•aur l*asket .for . raft out ,pl:ant:. A. L. I'.*:-teun8, We`t St,,, Seaforth. 11114,13 Extra Optical Ofrer.—High c'r;;,le, ;stylish and m,rt up-tdate ,d0 ' - rimm,•d or rim- o,s, our it iso in she il, white .,r pink va:d•fillc'-1. with 1,•n=e; complete, on.y 1mt b.e hi Foca with ehru"e .f `cameo com- t.'le'e. only 912,00, TMa<e prix••, i0 iUle 11 Iho ,ueh exarnatatien by .cur we.. rr,olwn and 1'�ai n.takiner ,-pecin l';+t. ,11 • H, ,r1,,•.n Over t0 yrar: coming .To gra for:�1- C .❑ •0et the i .'et optic::?; ,t'us'k 10 be ,'i00 nevi ^r,e] We do n.< We advert f,•e. reo=sap earl \\eine=day, ,lune 6th and 7•.h. Cl +, 1V,• 1nr•,t,1 , 12 moon, C_m,e early. Beattie's•F(sir, Sraforth. 3417.2 Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday- -First Pi- shytel'ian C'hurch--:Ior:r- ing•, -The R-orshin of An Extinct File"; evening, "How To Live"— Worthwhile contributions of the Ox- ford Group Movement far Christian Life.-1Rev. I. B. Kaine. Minister. \otth'side United Church—Morn- ing: Mr, F. 1,'i�. Lewis, of Toronto, Organizer and Field..Secretary of the Ontario Prohibition Union, will re- nl e' ent the organization; evening: The service Will he in the hands of 81:e Young People's Society,—Rev. W. P. Lane, Minister. Fgnvond'ville United Church—Morn- mg: Pentecost Sunday -10 a.nir., The church school; 11 a.nr., The Sacra - regent of Baptism. will be observed; serlr,oe theme, "What' Happened at Pentecost''; evening, "Grieve Not the Holy Spirit. of God."—Rev. Charles Malcolm, Minister, It 'Will Be a Big Night. — Plans for what promises to be one of 'the biggest and hest entertainments seen in Seaforth for a long time, are rap- idly taking. shape, according to the committee arranging for the Young Liberal banquet, and dance, which is being held in 'Card•no's Hail next Wednesday evening at 6.30. Tickets for the affair are going rapidly many being sold in surrounding towns. Catering is in the hands of the Seaforth Home and School Club, ,wha have been busy for a couple of week; making arrangemvents. The progranl:e will include musical selec- tions and a short toast list, with the speech of the • evening being given r•y R, J. Deachman, 4f Ottawa, who is ',veal known in Seaforth 'and dis- trict. Members of parliament pres- ent will include W. H, Golding, M,P.,', F. G. Sanderson, M.P. and C. A. Robertson, M.P.P. Dancing until the guests are tired, will conclude the atrair. Receives Honorable Mention.—�fr, Daly, president of the Seaforth Lions (lila, has 1(ceived word. from District. Governer Wiley. that the cup nr•eeented by district "A" Lions -for fhe best. essay iii'file recent contest, was won by .,leis, Anne Griffin, of Dundas. Miss Alice De\:ereaux, Sea- fo)-th winner, received very honor-' sine mention. Dr. Wiley's letter is as follows: :"Thi essay submitted by your Club along with the other slut s of the distract, have been -judg- ed by a group of independent ,judges chosen in the Border 'Cities which in- cludes a newspaper man, a minister and a echoed teacher and the Cup has been awarded to Miss Amy Griffin, of Dundas, and her cesay has been for warded to the International Associa- tion. , I would like to point out, how- ever, that the essay submitted by your club from Mise Alice Devereaux has received very honorable mention by the ,judges and although your re: presentative dial not win the 'eup, she may well he proud of her splendid efforts. We desire to take this op- portunity of offering- her, through you, our,congratulations on the splen- did essay that she submitted, and I trust that she may have tetter luck next time. , With kindest regaeds and hest wishes, I am, yours sincerely, H. L Wiley, M.D." Bell -Taylor, -The following from a Saskatoon paper, refers to the daugh- ter of A. D. Taylor and a grand- daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wiiliamr Aitclreson, former residents of - Seaforth: "A veru pretty wed- ding was, solemnized on .Thursday, May 18th, at the hotrne of Mr. and Mrs: A. D. Taylor, Saskatoon, when their only daughter, Marion Isabelle, 3i,s,l•'fY 4rill, r � t Oran I are 1 ' andgood SAVAUGES. to a neys, �f YVC jItJJ 1 hese Blossom Rims M. har non taste- • ' Forlancet. c- r'Bride ,. r room, • SHOP AT IT PAYS PHONE 194 Jeweler - Optometrist , • Gift Goods was united in marriage to Mr. Ed- ward Izydore Bell, son of the late Mr. Bell and Mrs. C. Bell of that city. The ceremony was performed "bv Rev. Prof. A. E. Orton at eleven o'clock, in the morning, only the im- mediate relatives being present. The home was beautifully decorated with potted plants, ferns and palms, the bridal party standing',under a large wedding bell. Lohengrin's bridal march was played by Mrs. A. McMil- Under the Auspices of the Thomas McMillan Young Banquet and Dance 'IN Cardno's SEAFORTH I i Wednesda !Juno • This one of 1 of the Ottawa. will include W. H. ertson, of the hands meal when es will the dancing ADMISSION, Of course- Admission Liberal 'Club.. be of be i • Haat Y, ' 7,at6.3® • gathering promises to the most entertaining events year. R. J. Deachman, will speak, and, other. guests F. G. Sanderson, M.P., Golding, M.P., and C. A. 'Rob- M.L.A. The banquet will best with arrangements in the of ladies that know a good they see it. The speech- be short and to the point and will suit one and.all. 50c, •EACH the ladies are welcome. to Dance, only 25 cents. GARDEN PARTY on the grounds AT CAVAN CHURCH WINTHROP • FRIDAY, JUNE 23rd SUPPER FROM 6 TO 8 P.M. • A Good Programme is being arranged. DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS hair dressing will be done on Friday and Saturday only of each 'week. at Royal Apart. meats, second Odor. Dorothy Robinson ' PHONE' 207 c 1i a ti f a Repair Now while work is cheapest - 0 iee us for • Verandahs, Chim- sidewalks, plain or decorative plgsteriing, etc.. ' 9 R. FROST & -SON Ian as the bride' entered the Blaring room on the snit of her,,father. The bride 'looked very 'sweet and girlish dressed in a lovely gown of white silk organdy, with veil and lily -of - the -valley, her bouquet (being pink roses, white snapdragon and fern. The bridesmaid, Miss Helen Aitchi- son, wore a pretty gown of yellow silk organdy and carried a bouquet of mauve and pink snapdragon and shocks with fern. 4V Ir. Allyn Taylor, the bride's (brother, supported the (bridegroom. The ,bridegroom's mother wore a smart frock of black silk crepe- and a corsage bouquet of mauve and pink sweet peas, while the bride's mother was dressed in grey and her bouquet was of pink' and white sweA peas. After the eeremony all sat down to a dainty luncheon which was served in the dining room. • The table was centred with the bride's cake, embedded, in (white and pink tulle, beside which stood silver bud'.vases containing pink rose -(buds and lilies -of -the -valley. Mr. and Mrs. Bell left on the one o'clock train for Regina•and Winnipeg. The bride travelled in a suit •of royal blue, the sltvagger coat opening over a cream lace 'blouse; her hat, purse• and shoes harmonized with her suit. On their return they will reside in the Kewantee Apartments." Will Hold Concerts.—The Lions of Goderich have evolved a plan where- by there will be a county' wide enter- tainment of sterling ,value at the charge of fifty cents per ticket, and every fifty cents ,goes to the crippled children. The concerts will be given by artists of the -first order: Mr. Leslie-Sonrlmerville„ concert and radio organist of CKOC; Miss Peggy More- land, child wonder violinst, the Gold Medalist at, the Stratford Musical Festival of 1933, whom the judges acclaimed as the outstanding juvenile violinist of all the festivals at Strat- ford; IMr. Charles :Meakins, operatic baritone, who for twenty-five years was one of the outstanding vocalist; of the London, England, and the New York stage, who created the • peinci- pal parts in the international suc- cess, "The Merry Widow" and "Rose Marie, Mr. Reg, Hopper, Field Sec- retary of the Ontario, Crippled Chil- dren's Association will give a twen- ty- minute talk on the work and re- sults of the wonderful work of the Crippled Children's Lion Fund. This lecture will be illustrated with mov- ing pictures of the actual work and success cess attained, ..and should be of vast interest to all in the county as the entire' county 'benefits.• A resume of the program'mes;, and the dates' when the concerts will be, given in the churches of the towns'. of Gode- rich, Clinton, Seaforth, Exeter. Wing - ham and Lucknow will be•given next week. LOCAL BRIEFS 4' Mr. P. J. Dorsey underwent an operation'_ for appendicitis in Scott Memorial Hospital on Saturday lnorn- i•ng last. 'His many friends 10 town and country will be glad to learn that he is making a very satisfactory re- covery. • Mrs. F. J. Kerslake is in Varna visiting her sister, Mrs. Ralph Stev- enson. • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pinkney and children, Bobbie and Patsy, of Gode- rich, were visitor's with friends in town last week. • • Mrs. G. D. McIntosh and daugh- tesr, Barbara, of Detroit, Spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Huggard, • Miss . Barbara Finkbeiner, R.N.,, of Cleveland, is nursing her brother, Mr. Charles Finkbeiner, who is , at present in Scott Memorial Hospital. • Mrs Andrew Oke, of Toronto, is' visiting with Seaforth friends, e • Miss' Mary Hays, of Toronto, spent thte• week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Malin Hays. • Mr. William Brine and sisters, the Misses Brine, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Scott, at IHlamilton. ' • Rev. and Mrs. Waldron, of Rip- ley, were guests this week at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. • Mrs. Mae Dorrance is visiting at the home of her, daughter in Oshawa. • Mr, and Mrs. A. Wankel, Mr. and Mrs. James Carnochan and Mr, and Mrs. A' A. McLennan' were in London on Monday attending the graduation exercisers in connection with Victoria Hospital, when Miss Irene Wankel received her nurse's diploma, • Mr., and ;Mrs. James Clennan and Mr. and Mrs, J, Clennan, .Jr., and son of Detroit, were guests this week at that honi�e of' Mrs. Thomas McQuaid, Gnc eric•h Street, West. • Mr. and Mgrs. Roy McGench were visiihng with Toronto friends last week. • Miss Bessie Grieve', who retentlyr underwent. an operation for appen• dicitis in Scott Memorial Hospital, I sufficiently re�¢overed to be able I return to her ribose in Egmond- aIle. • Miss Elizabeth Smith left on Tuesday for Ottawa, • Mrs. Robert Hawthorne visited her son in Code -rich over the holi- lay. • Mr, and 'Mrs. Oscar Reid and two children, of Detroit, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reid. • Miss aoecraft nd Miss Broadfoot 'Davidson, were inGuelphon Wednesday. • Mrs. W. P. Martin and aaugh- ter, Phyllis, of Middleport, and Mrs. E, E. Secord, of Meaford, are guests at the home of 'Mr. and Mi -s. W. N, Kne'chrs l in Egrnondvill,e, • `y , Roy D. Foster, of Maple C'tee1k. Sank., is spending. a few Clays olidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Finkbeiner. • 'Dr. F. J. B13rrcows, Miss' Elinore nd Mr. Arthur Burrows are in St. Catharines this week. ' Dr. Burrows vi11 also attend the Mledical Conven- on in Hareiltan- • Mr. and Mrs. Louis B'rall and a• mity, who have !been slperiding the P: few dare with their parents, Mr. to dretrned thM� hom. C.en "Dckrtet "Detroit. a Weu are nd sorry to learn that 'Mrs- I'Ckart, who recently underwent a serious opera- tion, is not progressing as rapidly as SEAFORTH was exp'e'cted. Tile 'Mannfaetniers aiul PHONE 186 ire ,rr General Ir, ,If�at ra.,utintr t+s 1 , .,linin: yaii7�1 is Ot peea1 Showing [of Lovely Dresses Special Showing of Summer Hats. At Very Attractive Prices. Dresses ! Dresses! --and still more Dresses. —Coming ---Going Activity all the time Frocks for Every Occasion Big Buying -Big Selling SPECIALS AT $5.95, $9.95, $10.95, $1.00, $2.95, $4.95, $11.95, $12.95 . $13.95 right in the heart of the season, N , when the auto is ingreatest use we are selling Dresses to persons living many miles from Seaforth. This speaks in praise- worthy tones for Seaforth as a Shopping Cen- tre, and of this store in particular for Ladies' Apparel. Living up to our reputation as "The Best Place to Bjrp Ladies' Apparel and Accessories," thin season as in the past. - MacTavish's 1 • Rem, W. P. Lane, Mr. F. S. Sav- auge and Mr. T. J. Webster are in London this week attending the an- nual Conference of the United. Church as representatives of Northside Unit- ed Churt'h. Rev', C. -A. Malcolm and Mr. James Brown are representing EgimondviIle Church at the tame Con- .ference: • 'Miss Beth 'Govenlock, of Detroit, spent the week, end at the hone of her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. M. Gov- enlock. • iMr. D. H. Wilson is in Toronto this week. ' • Rev. J. M. Keys; D.D., and Mrs. Keys, of Oakdale, Pennsylvania, are guests at the home of Mrs. W. L. Keys. • Miss Muriel Beattie, Miss Mar- garet McKellar, Miss Elizabeth iMe- Lean, !Mr. Arthur Burrows and Mr. K. I. :McLean; of Western University, London, are home for the holidays. WINTHROP Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Trewartha spent Sunday with D'r. and Mrs. Har- burn, of Seaforth. (Miss Norine Armistrohg, of Lon- don, spent the 'week end with Mr. and 'Mrs, Fergus Bullard: Mrs. Bul- lard returned to London' with her, where she intends to spend the needi few weeks. IMr, and 'Mrs,` Robert Hogg, Ken- neth and Doreen, and Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett and Mona spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs',, Geo. Eaton. Winthrop played their first' gamer of football in Ethel on Monday night, May 29th. The score was a tie, 1-1. Winthrop and Moncrieff play foot- ball in Winthrop next Monday night. The ladies- of Cavan Church repeat- ed the pageant, "Sunrise in the Gar- den" in Egmondville Church last Monday night., ,Mr. and Mrs. Elton Haist and Billy' and .Mr. 'Archie Campbell, of Toron- to, spent Sunday with„ relatives here. Mrs. James Campbell returned to' Toronto with them :l2rs. John Harris, who was visit- ing, at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sellers, has returned to ''Kitchener for several weeks. New Refrigerator Sensation/ A Quality Product yet only 169 Iji!itfr REFRIGERATOR Porcelain Interior . . . Flat Top . . . Heavy Insulation , . . Multi -Powered . Extremely Quiet .. . "Elasto" Finish , 81/2 Square Feet of Shelf Area . . Factory Guarantee. W. C. BARBER, Seaforth PHONE 80 W ,.iv.a.w ti