HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-06-02, Page 7, I'm a r,. LEGAL ., Phone No. -91 • JOHN J. HUGQARD . 'Barrister, Solictor, .. Notary Public, Etc. Beattie Block - - Seaforth, Ont. HAYS & MEIR Succeeding' It S. Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers and Notaries Public. Solicitors for the Dominion Bank. Office in rear of the Dominion Bank; Seaforth- Money to loan. - ' BEST & BEST Barristers, Solicitors, Cohveyan- cens and Notaries Public, Etc. Office in the Edge Building, opposite The Exposhor Office. ' VETERINARY JOHN GRIEVE, V.S. Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College. All diseases of domestic animals treated. Calls promptly at- tended to and charges tWerate. Vet- erinary 'Dentistry a specialty. Office :or residence on Goderic'h--Street, one door east of Dr. Mackay's office, Sea- - forth. A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S-. . Graduate of Ontario. Veterinary , College, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animals,. treated by tate "m!ast modern principles. Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Office on Main Street, Hensall, opposite Town -"" Hall. Phonee 116. Breeder of Scot- tish Terries. I nivierness Kennels, Hensall. MEDICAL . M DR. 1E. J. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, Univers�i;ol Toronto.Tate assis-tant New YorkOmei and Aural Institute, 'Mpoxefi Eye and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, London, En -g. At'Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, --1'third Monday in each month, from 11 a.mu. to 3 p.m. 58' Waterloo 'Street, South, Stratford. DR. W. C. SPROAT (Graduate of 'Faculty 'of Medicine, University of Western Ontario. Lon- •°" don. Mgn*er of College of Physic- ian- and 'Stageons of Ontario,' Office in Aberhart's Drug Store, 'Main St., Seaforth. Phone 90. DR. F. J. BURROWS Office and residence Goderich Street, east of the United Church, Sea- ' , forth. Phone 46. .'Coroner, for the cow" of Huron. ' Dr. C. MACHAY C. fMaekay, honor graduate of Trin- ity .Univers'tp, and gold mledalist of Trinity Mcal College; member of the College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. , # DR. H. 'HUGH ROSS - Graduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Medicine, member of Col- , lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; pass, graduate :,courses in Chicago Clinical School of Chicago; Royal Ophthalmie Hospital, London, England; University Hospital, Lon- don, England. Office- Back of Do- mAnion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 6. Night calls answered from residence, Victoria Street, Seaforth. DR. S. iLt. COLLYER '- Gradu'ate Faculty of Medicine, Uni-' ve:rsity of 'Western Ontario. Member College of Physicians and Surge,ons of Ontario. Post graduate work at . New York City Hospital and Victoria. Hospital, London. Phone: Hensall, 166. Office, King Street, Hensall. DR. J."A. MUNN Graduate of Northwestern Univers- ., Ity, Chicago, Ill'. Licentiate Royal i0ollege of Dentatl Surgeorts, Toronto. Office over Sills' Hardware, ,Main St., Beaforth. 'Phone 151. DR. F. J. BECHELY Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Office over W. R. Smith's Grocery, Main ' 'Street, Sea - forth. Phone: dflice, 185 W; resi- dence, 185 J. AUCTIONEERS OSCAR KLOPP Honor. Graduate Carey Jones' Na- tional School for Auotioneering, OHi- ci g' n, Special course taken in Pure Bred Live (Stock, Real Estate, Mer- chandise and Farm 'Sales. hates ih keeping with prevailing markets. Sat- isfaetiom assured. 'White or wires 4scdr Klopp, Zurich, Ont. Phone: "-O& ' , NP v lVi�WI'� DF2�t�I .''1i , i jl$ �$1l�itl4r7?Xe�#� �@$ 1i, . le {:, %e9 �rk• vN" d M r dl]erdj alis' no o r. a 7.0y r �} I-- Y9R7 �#�3Y� #.' Q. i tlml4sb' signers iba ceilinry WasIwo''v Yes ileatr.d.11 River e� walls darkl , s'ounlbfer, ndi ells , afe t', As1ryy t l: that l v?* ° P- The, was t'her'e Keith ktnow y the h avi,. 94, 11t< , �,' �"e .1 18k## I „ I tress eYF sig este S=Mk*'e la tell air. 'Gall�l ° lrlddKrstarid? 'fie y'' t , . wt V 1;, ,,, '' . " �,„ , For $ m>Krmerut. his e3�ea loci' not lis- bwan'tro grgw. Yryr_ `.� . .�''�t a'A �. , ,'� n'hs, �nY a cern the .,Phyaaieal eNicletwcet of that lmm;411we-- �'pa " 4.1y. + d . #1I'' `pe" b1Y1ife. And Chen, string act hf'm out It ibx Sea av y ku, ' r►S� ante�all � � � ��� � ;.er�� �t y JAMES OLIVERIEC RW QOD o� t e lla low he saw a ,face. St Went awgy. 1 knenv t q,;;a u �r ,., � � I . was a haunting, 'terrilbl� face, a face days all that 'hope weed ;c��e�t � pipt V'- heavy and deeply lined' by sagging in you, that it wauid live calci sibs its ## r" I?",", e q " flesh and aaatlii eyes `stimuken and stare- you, that in the end" it Wggltl yal r Gil } fir" .. ... .. .. _ u. .. n , word d •'y,. it l.1�}t . r '�7,�F+ 4a�» � t '' m'" ing. They were triers) than ng. that would britlg #tom .mew I.i 1 ° t They+ greeted• KeLtih like llvin coals. A d. +tlhat Iwaord' " " A'f'ter that she 'stood' in the lighted' candle -glow, hva,s a k'neeliin�g' figure. eyes, that Keit �w a levo! a liv- Under the face was g nit. You nirisytou nxust � � �. 19" " , r ,$'f� a hurnan' form, go to hem, Pe . :R. i ti,11 ; '. doorway, , wa,Whing him, until he dis- He noticed' then that there were many, ing, ,burninrg thing of- Pass:iony Kao's a big fat, •sagging form -that leaned broken. You it tell, her that ` it" {i' appeared. in the gloom of the slope, 'candles burning, that alae room was isoul, itself. And Rao's 'Voice was outward; front its seat in a chair. power on earth can 'save her, and 1$5 . h 11 I t r ��+ She called gaodbv�, and he answered lighted by candiles, and that, in their quiet, deadly. dKad>y toucan ease >v ' pa i$ fl wtea}r 1' �°a 'g, ping' his flowing •that K,ao waits tot make 'leer a Rrt?i- N �1 a'1�aaat , , . " M.P l .', .. _� C its t : hes. The door closed. And he wa it illumination the fagots ilii not move 1°l recognized you in MdDowell°a r+aiirtent..with his armis, ssid� 4?ahr • Des's, that to-mlorrow will b r •top_ Utes. ,' ' down into :the valley; a handl of fore- He caiught. the glint 'of minors office," he said. "I saw, first, that Keith, allow me to initroduce night must' the. 7 � acgitl�x .3Yld'JAX !Edlxlleas!,, - �" ��'r t,y ��. i yell to hat to- . boding griplpinig at his. heart. -standing up, warrior like„ ,against the your were .not Derwent Oomnisbon Peter $irlasbQne." closed. She will carruver a grj(l attic trial id>s rise the -air IW ti ��� "mar +j l x in , efem ; • tapestries, and he wondered far a Aztd thin it v1„aa easy, so easy. 'Per- For the first time aimlazementi, cetyls her brother from the 11angKmtan, +fie ttazt>s list£ ' moment if ,the kneeling figure was a ha p you, in ,brim s' 1. cu Blown traveliatlg .line. ng g ps you killed .Connistom I am not shock, came to Keith s lis in an and ging her, will save 'stewardess is used to ralliug i#n ."iter 'i XX heathen gad made of wood. It was asking, for I hated ,Oanndstoir. Some audible cry. Hz' advanced a steep. John Keith and keep �z Com sleetvles, rgro&kirig. a ktptile' at elle gar* r Lhen the he siruelled the odor of -day -;I should have -killed him, . if the Yes, in that pitiable wreck of a Haan nistbont's sister•. 'Is -it not a great �, » reef temperature, and oin inrta- Wlibh a face out of which all color frankincense; it.crept subtly into his, had came stack Jahn Keith, from he reeagniz'etd 'Peter Kirkstone, the "reward •for the little I aunt askin g u "d` had Heid, and eyes filled with the nostrils and his mouth, sweetened his that' first time we, met, you were a fat creature who had stood' under g' tion as a temporary nurseX. . _ , `'`' �,� , ghosts of a stew horror, 'Miriam Kirk- breath and made him cough. dead man. Why didn't I turn p' Continued next week. Afrsiekn'ess„ contrary to: generar',be~ jest r g Y You the acture of the iMaddtnma that fate- ( ) lief, is the. ldvast of (the srtewarde&sxt , ,i , stone stood ibefore Keith in the trig At tliie fax end', before 'the dais, over to the hangman? Why did . I fol night, Miriam Kirkstone's oro- worries. The , eicetntta a of airsi�. ; ,; ;fit.ii room in 'the house on the'h211. the kneeling figure 'began to move. warn you in such a way that, I knew Cher, T P' g i "He was here�teri minutes;" she Its arne, extended slowly, they swept you would come to see me?, ,Why And os he" stood, speechless, Kao passengers; is ttsud!em five, and eveau ., =t � IVVihen a mons lender co lained thait is usuall caused ib. nervo44,, said!, an,d 'her 'voice was, as. if she was backward, then out again, and three d'id T save yrour life which -,was in; the said: 'APelter Kirkstone, you know Y- y y �' ._ ° , forcing it out of a part of 'her that times the figure bowed itself and hollow of 'my hand? Can you guess? why T have brought this man to you to Baron Rothschild that he had lent neas on the part of, these wlro bevel 1" was dead and cold. It was lifeless, straightened, and with 0 moy,emend • "`'Partly," replied Keibhu "'But go to -night. You know that he is not 10,0,00 .fraivos to a person who had never *flown (before, d , � 0 emotionless, a 'living voice and yet came a low, hulmlan monotone. It was on. -I am waiting." Not for an in.. Derwent, Conniston. You know that gone off to Constantinople without A's for flying-througth !lol iti. '�"' skrarige with the chill of death. "'In. over quickly. Probably two full. min- start did it.eriter his mind to deny he is John ,Keith the miuxderer of leaving any acknowledgrnemt of the truer days, when the air is diamond- �' those ten minutes he told me ---that! ties had not ' debt, the 'baron said: "Well, write to clear in all directions far 150 miles passed since' Keith had that he was'John Keith. Denial was your father, Is it not so? r ,�� him and ask him to send you the 50 the vast heart of America, s sale £ I£ yroni faiOF entered when the kneeling figure tally, a waste of time, aril just now The thick lilss`'moved. The voice „y It "was her throat that held' harp, sprang to its feet with the quick be felt that nothing in the world was was husky -°`Yes-" 00flfrarncs he awes you. out in a splendid panaramua Belo+cV.., ,' But he owes nue only ten," said, But there are other times,, toxo, ands t. • fascinated liana. White, 'slim, lreauti- Hess of a cat faced about and stood mare precious to him Than tim7e. He does not �belie��7e. 5o I have 1a' ,' ful-cher heart seemed 'pulsirug there. there, smiling and bowing and ex- Kao's qutick mondl. schefming and brodght him that h'e may listen to the money -lender. less pieasarut to.remvemlber. The gloom And he could see that heart choke tendjn its hand. treacherous though it was eau ht Precisely., rejoined the baron, of winter afternoons, black overhiead, g g , g Yau.' Perez Kiikstdrne, is it your dd3- « i back the words she was about to "Goad evening, Ja!m Keith!" It •his view pai;tt and he Raddled ap- sire that your sister. Miriam, give and he well write and tell you bso, queer Bights .ieiiected' frpxn the snow n speak. v.as Shan Tung. Ar► ar`ipi tal 'gown preCiatively, "Good, John Keith. It :herself to me, Prince Kao to -night?" and thus you��will get thei.acknowi- •beneath; the dark, salvage rock inns ,a.: "If 'I fail -a-" he repeated the f' ll about hilml, draping him like a is easily lesed, Your life is mine. Amain the thick li ?'gment of it. sec, washed by sivvirls of snow. The Pe P g, y b ps moved.• - This passengers are nervous. The slew. 4` words slowly after her, watching that wearer. ,It was a c:irnson gown, I can salve it. ',T'carn tl'estroy it. And time Keith saw the effort. 'He shud- i" white 'bestir, throat, grotesquely ortvariientec! vvibh embroil- you, in turn can be of service to me. dered. He knew these ardess knows that. vp, front` in.,, they, g sq' Y questions and "There is only the one thing left et ed peacocks, and it flowed and, You help me, and 'I save you., It is .answers had been prepared. A doouli cock -pit the pilafs are doing their .1 f`or tmie, to dol. You -,your -under= swept about him in r;raceful undula- a profitable arrangement. And we ed man was 'speaking. ,,; - Air StewardlteSS stuff', steady and imipeurburba.=bde aS � stand 7" tions as he wl,,anrea. his footfalls .both' are ha for ever. But the other end, back here r...' ppy, you keep Der- «Arid sire voice came, choking, (Condensed from The Atlasitic Month- the cabin facing these anxious. '•'.I Yes, 1. understand. Therefore I rnar-r,g• not the sound of a mouse on want Connistons sister -and I --I get Yes. ly in (Reader's Digest), g ",r, shall not fail,"' tire' velvet floor,--. my golden -headed goddess, Miriam "W%y?" eyes this is her do'miain,• this is the ' ., windows by my httrmvan:side.' Smile and make.dtcon "' I r toward • Good evening, John Keith:" H,. Kirkstone," The terrible' face of Peter Kirk- elbow I • He backed away from her t e shatter -proof to defiance to the vzncing. Serve coffee 'and' biscuits; the door, -And still -he eatrld not take was 41:::e, srail :.a, hi:; eyes glowing. ".T1tat, mulch X have guessed, ,said stone seemed to contort. (Hie looked quiver, a mute his eyes frolm: the white throat, with his', ]land Still 0mt tretched, friendli- ^Keith'. "Go on!" Fos• a •moment' at Kao.. And Kao's eyes were shin- aim that rushes past them an the ,light cigarettes, 'talk cheerfully, ,„t,, » other side. It is -dark, but the blue 'do'n•'t even glance at the windows. a its 'beaiing heart. I shall rat fail, Hess in his vales .and manner. Aird Kao seemed to hesitate, to study the ing in that dull room like the eyes, he repeated. "And when the tele- yet in that voice there was a purr, cold, 'gray passiveness' of the other's of a snake. flashes from the outlboard exhausts The passengers relax; if a mere girl • �e phone rings, s, °' « • „ light the silhouette of a girl in uni- isn't worried, why should they be? p g ,you wall be here --to an- the purr of a cat watching it.,. prey, face. You love Derwent Connis- Because, -it will save my life. .,:p:': swer?"' and in his eyes a glow that was the ton's sister," he continued in a voice "And why ,will it save your life?" form, seated at'the aback of the cab- All this is routine stuff. But Once R "Yes,, here" she replied huskil sett rejoicing of a triumph. still lower and softer. "And T -I Again that in. Tiers is the newest career in in a Thousand times, perhapsy the ; > P Y• J g p g pause, again the sickly, shi has 'to remain for a ion ;,ii 113, He aeras out. Under his feet the Keith did not lake 'the hand. He ]os"e my golden -headed goddess. ,Seg.! ch•okirt+g effort. `Because�I have the world. P g time rr. gravelly path rgn through a flood of made as if 'he did not see it. He'was Up there on the,dais=•I have her pic- killed a man."11 The tri rr>✓otor is laboring up, all on a remote emezgency field. 7Jlien engines wide open, headed at a black the chic uniform and itmunaculate silk t moonlight, Oyer ham the sky was ]coking into those glowing, confident tare and a tress of her golden hair, Bowing, smiling, rustling, Kao al agleam with,stars.. It ryas a white eves of ,the "Ohinaman'. A Chita- and I worship th " wall'that towers 7000 feet highthe 'blouse of the stewardess' go, hang,1.11 iP cin. turned to the door, °That is all, nigbt, one, of those won'der'ful gold- nran! Was it possible? Could a (Colder and grayer was Keith's ,Peter Kirkstone.. Goad night. John Rockies. The young stewardess looks while their owner peels potatoes;, } white nights, in the land of the Sas- C 1+inarnan 'assess that voice whose Tae's• as he saw the slumbering 7» virilantljr. up the aisle. The shaded tends store, and assists some farin- g p g pas= Keith, will -you follow inke?" ten harassed. wife is or kattchewan. Unddzx that ''s'ky the vary 1perfection's�halmed him.? cion 'burn fiercer in Kao's eyes. It Duml�l,v Ke-ith.followed through Abe reading lamips are all switched off. organize the ,,A world was alive. The little cit la Shan Tura seemed to read his turned him sick, It was a berribie 'dark corridor, into the,big roan) mel- In the unearthly light from the en- slim resources. Clean shoes and."A Y y g g silk stockings in a golden glimnanler of lights.. Out f'hou,ghts. And what he found amus- thing which could not be called love. low, with candle -glow, back to the g'i've exhausts she can make out the gs plough through deep, u'� of it rose a mturmur, a rippling tarn line of white pillows ort the tip- farm yard mud,'while .the stewardess- --- pp d stream eel hire, and he bowed again, still It was a tmfadness'. But Kao, the table with its mrockiii tea-urn and of sound, the voice of its life, soft- smiling. "I am Shan Tung," he said man h'imiself, was not orad. He was chinaware. He felt a thing like Ve'd-(back seats, the blanketed foams, tries not to let her smi appear too .: f erred by the little valley between. In- with the slightest inflection of -irony. 'a monster. And while the eyes burn- ciammry sweat on his 'hack. He, sat most of them asleep. Ahead, out of glassy. to lit`• Keith • descended. He passed "Here' -sin my home --4 am -different. ed like two devils, his voice was still down. And Kao sat opposite him a- eight, are the pilafs; but the' cabin, It takes more than mere charm to ;men and women, laughing, talking, Do you not recognize me?" soft and low. gain, with its freight of passengers -that ca flying and £arm cooking, ratans " is 'her own responsibility. good humor and the quirks of Her ous ' :. i • . . T I know what.. ou are. th' n .. gay. He heard rnusie. The main He waved gracefully, a hand to y e inl*i g,_ I That ..is ..the. rescan,. Johti..Keibh.. An 'ei lith of, an ino7i from bei el 'Passengers service and sleeplessness: - -street was a moving ��ibrong. On a ward 'a table on either side of whi,Ft.T ,see what you are' seeing, he said. Peter Kirkstone, her brother, is a g An night, ' orner the Salvatnon Army, a young was a chair. He seated himself, not "You are thi *king yellow and you (murderer, a cold blooded murderer, bow, on. the other side of the glass, Y g ' , every night, the trans- ., r the air is beating past at two rrtiles continental ^ ships roar across the r m'an, a young mein, a crippled boy, waiting for Keith. Keith sat down are seeing ellow. '11y skin. My And .only servant, Kirkstone• and your tZ. w ,young girls, and an old man, opposite himl. Again 'he 'mutst have birbhrigght! -My-" Be smiled, and' bin irlble servant, ,Prince Kao, know a minute, and autsi•de the heated, cab, vast width of our country.. At tw.o ''. wee sine to "Nearer. iM God to read what was in Kei'th's heart the 'his voice was. almost caressin `John his secret. And to, bu to it is 15 below aero. miles a raidntute` they reel off those . g g y g. ' y he secret, to great stretches which the pioneers of 'Th e." Opposite the Board of Trade desires and the intent to kill, for sud- Keith, in Pe-JChi=Li is the' great city save his life the god) Number 8, the one with the baby, pi '.k golden -hearted is asleep already, although ,-she pro- another dray conquered so 'heroically, . bu ldfng on the, edge of the river a denly he clapped his 'hands, not laud- o{ Pekin, and Pe -Chi -Li is the great- d'ess is almost ready to give herself tested that she could not close her made. by indomitable mil's. Ik is an- st t mnedicin'e-fakir had drawn a ly, Gn'ce-twice' est' province in all t'hina. And s'ee -to m�e-alrivost, John Keith. She will cravd to his wagon. To the beat of "You will join me in tea?" he ask- and only to that is the' province of decide to-night,,when you go to her. eyes. Pobr thing, she needs' all the other element, but it I still the same %. the 1'vatio , Army's tambourine ed. Shantung, which 'borders Pe -+Chi -U, She .will come. .Yes, she will come 'sleep she can get. The baby is to be Spirit. 11 ,'operated on to -morrow in Detroit. The iploneer, driving his' teams, 11 rase a fhmurn of a made-up negro's 1S'carcely had 'he spoken when stout' the home of our Fnmperots for more to -night. T do not fear. I have pre- i ban,*'. them, on all'sid'es of therm it .seemed centuries than you bave years. And1 .pared for her the candles, the bridal 'The stetivardess walks up and peers `a trgsted the stars to guide him. in the rough t'hes'e thing's Keith pass- to Keith, there was a rustle of life. for so many generations that wd-can-4ais, the nuptial supper. Oh, she minute.. Junk so, nearly a .century caod of night~ To -d'a'y �tiie pilot has ell, his eyes open, his ears listening, 'Hie saws tapestries move. s Before his not remember 'my forefathers have will came. i For if she does not,' if 'ago, stood 'her great�grandmoyher, radium diilals anal airway fb,eaconrs. but he assed sw•iftd 'What he saw eyes a nel became a door. There 'been rulers of Shantun M shielding the flickering candlelight Brits stars or dials] one Horsepower or - z p y, pa g. y grand- she fails; with to -morrows dawn from an ailing child inside a`•cbvered 1600, poke bonnd�ts or natty gets, : and what he heard pressed upon him was a clicking, 'a stir as of, gowns, father was a Mandarin with :he in- pekes Kirkstone and John Keith (both their.womruenfod+k have rat char with fire chilling thrill off that last soft footsteps, a movement in the signia of the Eighth Order, and my go to the hangman!" wagon. The old Overland Trail rib- gedl in- t 'swan -son ,the swan -son of 1+isle air. Out of the •panel'doarway came father was Ninths and highest of all Keith in site of the horror that bons 'below. . . . - trinsically. rWin or lose, the pioneer • g' p Covered wagon.. overland stage, ,woman sticks 'b the man u of Kobat, of Ty, who 'had' heard their 'a Chinaman with a cloth, 'napkins, Orders, with his' palace at Tsi=Nan, had come evict hint. felt no excite- gb g , Y p Trent. ,�, doom �chaided lfroTA the mountain- and chinaware. Behind 'him followed on the ..Yel'low ,Sea. And` I, Prince ment. The whole situation was clear railroad, -•wand now these. h'wge air His dangers are her dangers'- + Her tops. •It was the city rising up a- a second with tea -.urn, and a 'bowl, Kao, eldest of his sons, came to Alm- to him now, and there was nothing transports. History, in different life is in his hands, and that's all bout his 'ears' in rejoicing and 'tri- 'and with the suddenness of an a.p- eriea to learn American law and Am- to be gained by arguimlent, no possi- guise, repeats itself. Here are mag_ right with her, too. As in the wag- • 41 umph; -And it put in his heart a, ,parition., withauk sound' or move- erican ways. And I .learned .them, dbilit:y of evasion, Kio held the win- azines, reading lamps, ash trays, ons, which creaked and swayed and '1 i s for heating, air vents a lava- trembled in their mile an�hour pro - cold, impassive anger. He sensed an nt, a third was srta°nding at Jahn Keith. 1 returned, and with Hing fftand, the ,hand that put his P g+ ti im,pemding doom, and yet he was not Keith's -side. And, still there was .my knowledge I umdermindtd. a goo•- back td. -the wall' in; the fade of im- Mary with 'hot and cold water. All so gTe6s, so inside these man -invade tit- . afraid. He was no longer chained rustling behind, still there was the ernment. For a, time I was in power passible alternatives. These alterna- fa'mil'iar that 'ane accepts it with ans of thew air is, the same text still by dreatmis, no more restrained by whispering beat of life, and - Keith and then this thing you call the. gdyd fives flashed upon him swiftTv. There hardly a second thought for the in- reviexenced and golden: "No back- iself. JBefore, his 'eyes, 'beaking, beat- knew that there were others. He did of luck turned against true, and I fled were two and only two --flight, and credible picture that it spells - the seat driving, please. .ing, ,(beating, he saw that tremulous not flinch, but smiled back at Shan for my life. But the blood is still alone, without 'Mary Jo`se'phine; and comifforts of home, wrapped up com- .11 liear t in iM'iriam Kirk -stone's soft, Tung. A lndnute, no rmtore, and the 'here-" he put his hand' softly to his betrayal of :Miriam Kirkstone. Just pactly in' a club car, tearing through white throat. soft -footed yellow men had perform- breast, "-thie blood of a hundred how'Kao schemed that he should ac- the clouels. LONDON AND WINGHAM He came to Shan Tung's. Beyond ed their errands and were gone, generations of rulers. I tell you this complish that 'betrayal, he could not 'The air stewardesses on the trans - the softly curtained windows it was "Qud�ck service;" -he a.gkno•w,ledged. because you dare not betray me, you guess. continental run from Chicago to ,Oak- South. ". land number 25, and are chosen from a yellow (glare of light.,, He murmur "Very quick 'service, Shan Tung! But dare not tell 'them who I gnu, though iHis voice,- like his -face, was cold - P.M. g and strange when it answered the 5,000 applicants. Apparently there „ and met the flow of life, the murmur I have my hand on something that even that troth could' not harm mle, g R itugham • ................ 1.55 of .voices and laughter, the tinkle of is quicker!" ' I prefer to be known as Shan Tung. Chinaman; it lacked' .passion; there is no other jab so attractive to the Belgrave ..... . . .. . ... . . . . . 2.11 American rl. Eleven thousand glasses, the scent of cigarette smoke 'Suddenly Shan Tung leaned dsver Only y^aur-and Miriam Kirk ,tone- was no emgrhasis, no inflection that Blyth 2.23 and the fainter perfume of. incense, t'he table. "John Keith, you are a have heard as niucih." gave to one word more than to an- .miles a month is the distance each Londesiboro ................ 2.30 " you came here with murder in Keith's bloodwas like fire but his- other. And Keith, listening to his of these sky girls averages, the And where he had seen him last, as .fool if g Clinton .................. 3.0'S -though he ',bad not moa�,edl since that your heart," be said. "Let us be voice'"was cold as ice. O'Go an" own voice. knew what it meant. He equivalent of five and a half times Bvucefield ........ 3.27 : 'hour nine days ago, still with his friends. '3t is best. Let us be This time there could be no mis- was cold inside, cold as ice., and his around the world every year. - gippen ' • • • " . •.. , , . , , . , . 3.36 cigarette, still sphinxali'ked, narrow- friends."' take. That cold gray of his passion- 'eye's were on the dais. the sacrificial How dot you select the girls?" Hensall .. ....... , ....... 3.41 "Well," he said, "to begin ,.,w with ev- eyed, watchful, stood i King. ^ • less face', the steely glitter in his altar that Kao -had prepared, wait- Exeter .... . .........•..... 3.55 . Keith walked straight to him.. Arad ,eyes, were read correctly ,by Kao. His I ing in the candle -glow. On the floor ery one of them has to be a trained- _ this time, as he approached, Li King XXI . eye's narrowed. For the first time a of that dais was a great splash of nurse, a graduate from some big North. greeted 'him with a quick afld subtle drill flamie leaped into his, colorless dull -gold altar cloth, and it made hospital. . It isn't. so much that we A.M. ' struts. iH'e flipped g It 'was at; if with a swiftness in- need .actual medical skill, but hospital , , , . , .. , , • , . • , , , • , , opal his cigarette to ,Nlisi'ble to the aye a `mask had drop -cheeks. him thank of disheveled Kair &tee's un- Gp ai Exeter 10.42 y "Ah, I told you this because I hound aril di�s'heveled hair stream in routine eliminates all the lightweights Hensall ................... 10.55 the tiled floor. He was bowing', gra- ped ,from Shan Tun,g's face. Keith early,in the game, It's a and train- Ki n ci'otrs. To -night he was not stupid. thought we would work together, itc outraged glory over the thing g ch type ,p• • • • • • ° • , , , , , , • • , 11.01 "I have epmm to me Shan Tung,", preparing to fight, urging himself on fra"lend's," he cried. "But it is not so.. Kao had prepared for her. ing for any ,girl. It teaches her to Brncefie]d ........• .... 11.09 g+ • to the stem which he, belki%Ned he must - be neat as a new nin, It teaches her Clinton .................... 11J54 said' Keith. You, like Imly golden-hea.de'd goddess, "I see.' It is a trade, Kao. You take, was a ;,azed. Shan Tung was t 'how to be flank without gilving of- Londesboro ................ 12.10 He had half expected to be refused hate true. You hale me because of are offering me my life in return for prepared earne,srt. There'was more than earn- Y ,y yourself 'Miriam kirkstone." fence; how to prepare meals taste- Blyth ........ . ............. 12.19 in which event -he was re ared to my yellow skin. 1'nu say to estness fru his eyes, an anxiety, a fully -none of the sla dlaslh Henle Belgrave 12.30 use his prerogative as an ofldder of that I have a yellnnv heart. And she More than that, .lohn Keith. loins P 1 the law to frankly revealed' hope that Keith 4nd sit•uff. end when it comes to res Hsi- l�'in ham 12.50 gain his point. But Li would meek halm hal£wa But he 'hates nue, and she says that -'but she k the small price. yet it is Po g King did not hesitate. He was al- y' ds mine, mine!" Ile �p'rang suddienJy� great to mle, for it gives me the hili•ty, she can spell it backwards. did net .offer his hand again, He Of course, we don't disparage the most eager. And Keith knew that to his feet and swept about 'him with cw Iden goddess. But is she more to P se'emied to sense, in that instant the other virtues. A pretty face hasn't Shan Tung was expecting him. his flowing arm's'. "ties what I have me than Derwent d"'onniston's sister C N R. vast gulf 'between yellow and white. prelpared for her! It is here she may be to ,mu? Yes, I am giving yd"t been known to cause a slump in They passed behind one of the He felt Keith's conte'mp't, #ire spurn - screens and then behind another, un- ing corttumiely That was i.n the other's will co'me,, here clic will live until T you her, and I am giving you your passenger traffic. But it isn't essen- East. mind. Under the ailid Texture of take her away: There, on that dais, life, and I am gi'tin Peter Kirk- tial. g A.M. P.M. til it .seemed to I{cath their way was p' she will give up leer •soul and her -trete his life' -all for one." I was shown same of the rejected Croderjch ........... 6.45 2.30 a sinuous twi'stin, amen screens. his skin 'there 'began to 'burn a slow + applications.. The postmarks were g g beautiful bad;' to nu' -and you can- 'For one, repeated Keith. h P Clinton ............ 7.08 3.00 The paused before a panel in the and growing flush. + from all over the United States. Y P "Wait!" he said softly, In his not hell) it, ,she cannot help it, all Yes, far one. Ceaforth .. , ........ 7.22 3.13 wall, and Li King pressed •bhe black' the world cannot. h, In it -and' she is Aird I, John Keith, in sone mys- They a-dvanved their ideas of quali� Dublin ..... . ....... 7.33 3.31 'throat of 'a long-legged, ged, swan-neck- flowing gown he seemed to glide to a ,„ g'- g coming to me tri-nte'ht. serious way unknown to me at Pres- fication: one adored fast dri�'ing; an- °Mitchell ......, _... 7.42 3.48 ed bird with huge wings and. the car'ven desk near at hand. He was "To -night!" gaspc,d John Keith. ent, am to deliver hfirisim Kirkstone Other was a cabaret hostess, used to • rel opened and swung toward them. back in, a momient with a roll of +• entertaining; anophcr was hand with West. ole g He, too, leaped t++ his feet. His to you , Y , It was dark inside, but Li King turn- Parchment in his handl', He sat• down face was ghastly. And' Kao in his `� "Yes." raugh horses; still another "didn't Dublin . . .. . ........ 11.19 9.32 ed on a light. Through A. narrow again and met Keith's eyes squarely 11.34 9.45 g g „ silken gown, was sweeping his arms "Acrd yet, if I should kill you, now nand the risk." All of them caught Seaforth .......... ,-hallway ten feet in length he led the and in silence for a mroment.� We a'hout him. -where you sit-" to give an irnpres'sion of re'cklessnecs Clinton ............ .11.50 9.69 way, unlocked a second: door, and are both -vera, John Keith. His r. "See! The can+dies are lighted for Kaa shrugged his slim shoulders, and dash. The con an in turn •.. , , , , • , , held it en, smiilin, at Keith. voice was gloft and calm. His taper y> , Gaclerich 12.10 14.2fi open, g h-er. They are waiting. And to- and Keith heard that Loft, gurgling "ought dependability. �' "Up t'h'ere,"' he said. ing firngrrs with their carefully rani- night, when the tnw'n is asleep, she laugh that l�16)owell had said was The dult.ies of an air hostess are A flight of steps led upward and cure d nails fondl'edl the roll of parch- josh is this, g p- PR' w•i'11 corns. .4tid it. is ,you who'widl like the splutter of oil. elasttic. Normally her C. P. R. TIME TABLE as Keith ,began to mounk them th,e mI and then unrolled it, and held snake her came, John Keith!" "'I have arranged. It is all in First, she has charge• of the ship's door closed softly behind hitt. Li it co E other could read. Facing the de: il- in Kao's eye's, writipg. If anything should hVpen papers, whi•oh are many, and of the •r Kin accompanied him no fuxt}rer, It was a university dipiomra. Keit}l East' _i Hie ,m'oumtedl the !steps, treading stared. A. strange name was %crolled ��1lotwastino lonlur n a mtancb tale wd,uld carry it are hatnnwne tarrtake ticl;etsr andtcheck baggage Croderich 6 King g A.M. 'softly. At the top wag another door upon it, Kno bung, Prince of ,Shan' monster, Keith nm:rrveled at the cool'- would 'he to sial -Mir own doom. Ile- %lips. She has to keep trick of equip- ""' 5© .+ tumg. His mind' leaped- to the truth. tierces 5.66 and This lee apenecd as quietly as Li P nets that held him bade, '-'idles, y'ou would not leave here a- 'nilent such as blankets', pillows and YfcC,aw , , ......... 6.04 T King had closed the one below him. He looked,,at ohne other. "Yes. it is vacs wl•ra will at last live. I am Rat afraid." silver. Kleptomani is not entirely The man he had known as Shan c Auburn 6.11 ;1 Again tire Omnipresent screens, . and, gite.her soul and her beautiful body "How am i to deliver Alir•iam unk'n'own among passengers. he has Bluth 6.26 t'hdan his eyes leaked out u Tum m,et %ria a ea with a oast tmn a g y q to me," he repeal rl. "Con*. I will Kirkstone to you?" to elitist yt'ntila•tors, aril keep her Walton 6.49 °' stere which made halm pause in as- strange smile, a smile in which there '"'' . P she� you how -and wlryl" Kao learnedl , forwatvl, his firnglers clientele supplied] with magazm'es, McNaught 6.62 tonishment. , It was a great room) a was 'Pride, a• fl'a-sh of, sovereignty, of pie, aspirin, ash g lie glided tmvard the dais. His interlacing eagerly. "A h, now vru writing mia.terialq•, ma Toronto '`""' room fifty feet long by thirty in a thing seater than skits that aero hand touched a panel. It opened and have asked the gneat.ionY .Ta cn Keith! trays or cotton farvrnoise-�ahaitev- 10.26 ` `" width, and never ,before had he be- white. am Prince Kao," he said. to the o'pentng he turned about and And we shall he friend•, great west. Ott`. 'held such luxury as it contained, His `Tires i's my cliplomna. I ami a grade- y ppe• A.M. ate of Yale." waited far. Keith, friends, for you see with the eyes of er their fare may ha n to dd;- feet sank into velvet carpets, the `Comae! he said. wiq.rl•o•m. It will he easy, so Onsy mand, short of pulling rabbits out of Toronto, , , , , , , , , , , ,, , , , , , , , 7.40 ''' walls were: hung richly with the Keith's effort to speak was merely Keith, drawing a deep breath, his that you will wonder at the cheajr hats. McNaught .......... . ...... 11.48 A, golds and ,%•owns' and crimsons of a grunt. He could find no words. soul ieadY far t1Te shack, his body nests of the .tack. Ten days ago Mir- She dispatebe�s telegrams and rad- Walton .................... 12.0'1 lig;; 1��', prtd"e1e99 tapestries, and catwen tato- Afld Kao, rolnin.g up the parchment ready fop action., followed 'him. iamn Kirkstome was about to pay nw las. She is thoroughly drilled in the ,Blyth 1 .12 ,; les and divantq of deep plush and ori- and forgetting the urn of ea that, price. And then you came. From geogr•alby o the gauntry over whic'li Auburn .................... 1''2.23 ' ental chairs filled the space -before was growing cold, leaned a little av- XXTI that Iniloment sihe� saw you in Mc- cher ship fifes. If' that little ridge ov- M,vrGaw - , , • , , , . • . • , , , , , , , , , y2, P ' C,11 , he far end was a raised) er the table again. And, then it was', , or, through. a Dowellls office, there was a •slidden er to the left is' where 'India'ns fell M•ens4*t ..................... 1.41 4 hirru. At the deep in his narrowed, :ilmoldld ring second deer 'Slat seemed madle of Ird change. Why? I dont know, Per- upon a train of covered wagons It Godierich • ..,.........%......., 1�.4� ...., .4 � Y � dais, and ;before this, illumined iii is . t I— 11 a I Al, �- t. r 1. Iy Ni .\ " , xi'. • n. ,Y .` . I ; d .Fe w' ( 1 , f s ,j .. r x B , , , -. n. - k.t. .. ,- ,. ., ,,.. 1,. �5 , Rt a , ,l, t a ,' ir, . ; i.: ! 5 .! , l0 .W'' •I: r , �. .'N; f...:,M. r, ^,.: G ,r :. . rt u' V: ,.p. {ills. ,t'f�1•r 4 o , r. f , r., �(y �1 ,l �w . x .rt ti,. twk e � ?�t� , '�.. 3 a�. '