The Huron Expositor, 1933-06-02, Page 6M..
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I� i . 51 .w`, rl e. ltlP jlrM� ai:f F- , >F TMA ILrBt nwas'ure, UP 11e PUAM [L .
- . i w r I r iT .b �II�M.. THAT . MAR -0. . r g�ainslb Vienn corgi}!albs in ren4eriug
k ' ' �. Vrimesss,ziinip s Cruise Xou.FEEL SQ WRETCNEQ f'. Q►1i1t1Qll,l O �B► ,Set � these lEaery hole Andifissuve should
A ' wes,sib to the rofd-
'Y - - cora. ,ve
I' {'NY. 1.
, t be cameful'ly etoppedt'
r i a . Wake up yolutr Liv"1I Bile
iAs for the methods of direct
Sly , ,�'•e4rflnn�,mtd' Tuoary, condensed in Diige�t from The Sphrere, London). si�J (.clensed cram 'Baseball ;Ma�,zime in Reader's Digesk)
. ,(w � , . No Calal�tel Hetes struggle, ,the,,
are. a good, ttxupatm�y,
,.. t For yoq, to feel healt and ha PY your
e° ,1 r. , our trove .very Y-• without that bile. uc' 01sin is'ol'ated spuft
i s ' fiver must ur two un of liq bile roto A g I l e• ^
.t, y e s dtibn in pats i�w Qf pA-
have 'had mtnrder mysteries io- ,,Re rs a desolate plaice of such trouble oarte. Poor dia.etlon. stowelimination- In discussing the playea s vaha have for years. veil ,because the • surtiivers' ihnanadfi-
"a Poisons in the body: General wretchedness.
"'te� . iul every concelva;ble and a good climate as to port gaiters on the don- How can you e:P..t to eras up. s aituab(en wno'wgl t big changes in 'baseball the fihe spitter was ithe, -first of 'the ately take sup abode in' a'n her ,plane
�1 �, rorty,• i�rrron ivalbie ,places, ret oddly keys which are the principal means liksaletW"co nerati�wa tth• ..
ueo:ds- ayots niatne of that arch -revolutionist, Bathe ' freak U01Werit& -•emery balls, knuckle and albart (breeding, BecsidA,, rats do
,Jss, e7nat h no one has thought of chaos- of local transport. That last morning viewing gum or rollrzha,te2 They don't wake Rutli, at once jumps. into the T>Aad.' balls, fork (balls, shine balls- It lovas 'nob, contaminate themselves recilpro
11161. `' ixng ;prx'ecisely that environmlent •where when La 14lartiniere lay off share, it ap your over. When he be
gin (hitting home run orf- finally legislated coat of the are be- ally. _.
i fLr.; rlviirderers, mlost abound, I refer to was raining hard Wie had bo be up etstilee�Bate eQutc�lctantlea u�r. reeuits�"nsi< ter home ,the strategy of sixteen cause the ingenious pitchers went to When all IIs said and done. the bent
it u -" a conmilct ship, tnansporbutiart lroumd, at 5 a m and) already . Semegaletse. For the,ss by name. Uduce substitutes. 2tic. at managers w•as thrown into confusion. all sorts of extremves improving up- method still consists in calling Na-
n i W several hundred passengers soldieres with fixed bayonettes were all d,vemal Th%e sacrufice bit and the stolen °base on it. tore to aid and enlisting against the
? t ;I - could Ibe relied capon to go all-out to lined upon both sides of the goad becamie obsolete. Enrerylbody started! 'Then there was ,the man responsible Tab its 'hered'ibary and' traditabmual sort
r 11 t defeat the ends of justice. from the drawbridge of the citadelle a swinging for the long hit. for the present foul -strike rule. On• emy, the cab.
;W " t 1Many of these convicts leave be- to the quai. When the great iron !"Ruth h all but run the little the Phii'lies a number of Thf >•current
4.;, hind them ,dark and sinister secrets. doors swung 'back, we 'saw a priest a •mlan' out oaf 'base'ball," (says Rabbit was iRo, Years ago orpini'ofr that cats will
ge ) Thomuaa from. the .Univers- catch mlfice but are afraid- of rata, es.
y,: Strange ghosts must hover above 'walking backwards, holding aloft a On the y fVPa,ranvd1le. 'RI know •I'd' have.., a ity of ,Penn lvarda one of eciall the large sewer ra
goal at Cayenne La Mar- sy , the first A Y g bs, is er-
Y this vessel as shat dips and rolls a- crucifix and reciting Aves. And n tough t'inve breaking in now. Alll calls cans yb nuke roneous. If a 'cat is a
r "' tinier& its 'greeted by officlaldotm in all g
" ° cross the ocean for three long weeks! we saw the convicts, a trudging .the 'clubs as"e looking for big birds g �d in profes- scall catcher,
pony four 'abreast in handcuffs, garb the 'stiffness' Of a French provincial g sion'a9 baselball. He possessed the eve it will catch also rake. By rotating a
'e � ;; . ,Our vessel is La, a 3 - � Sunday afternoon, including• stiff 'hoping one of 'em will turn out to be of an earthbound , falcon and could tonwat and a pussy that are both
f..; . (I00 -tan nutshell, about t.o weigh for eci in coarse dtark blue hangings. They collars dor the men' and high -heeled another Ruth." nick orf fatlls at will, not the kind good catchers; their offsipring is sure
t Cayenne with her once -every -two- were taking their last walk in France shoes for the women, Tae spite of the But 'here' have been other revolu- that go up in -the air 'li'ke rockets to Rve up to the requdrements.
years' cargo of the worst ervninals —relatives are allowed to carte and dust and blazin sun.' W.'o b of the tionists back through the history of but tate little tips 'that send the ball :At Le � Havre they breed such cats
I` in Western Europe, Her port of de- bid farewell, but very flew ever come. disewbarking en will p'roceed', to. baseball: Up in Massachusetts ,70 back into the screen. Not content systematically. The city maintains a
partu're is dismal Ile de Re., a rat- On the shi. the convicts are tak- years a>. when the game -was in its with his' nefarious aptitude Thomas breading center and one of its cabsy
!r^' p� rot in vice in khe convict rramips, while A
r run and dripping citadelle of other en to the hold• where they file into a percentage infancy, youing Billie Cumlmings one used to ,practice hittin the famous d ico was awarded a
w centuries, where, cell -coaches attach- six lar A ge will in dove course beat e fouls .by the
large ironbax cages, three each •the 'shark wakens and land in Ven- day was slopping clan shells across hour. By the time the opposing pit- first 'prize for rat catching in 1930
Ven -
1k ed to ordinary trains are. converging side, with an alleyway palest} by ezuel'a or Trinidad. Many wili per- :the water, watching them turn tight cher got rid of this mlarksman he He is always available for those whc
from all ends of Fiance- artned warders in the center'." Forty i�sh on the 'way and the lucky residue and left. - , was so exhausted he was an easy are in d'iffiiculty about rats.
.:. Each time this happens, voices are or fifty to a cage the men sling their of young even, easy to Took at, will The mechanics of the thing fas- fmrark for the battens who came af- The aforemrentioned Dr. Loiw,,, whc
, raised in France against the inhu- hammocks and prelpare their corn- be taken on as butlers and man- citrated mm% he confessed years. af- ter. Thomas was rapidly making a directs this .br', is e
inanity of this treatment. The im- era," which somnetimrves leads fiemre ;ervants'by the French colonry—wren merward w'herl the became famous. farce,out od one phase of the game great lover of cats and e6trsequsiutly
� mortal Albert LorVdres, king .of re- fights. erwexisUn an a tocrac , "Ilhe 'kids of 'our town used to la wlhen the Td nates known their s cholo He mai
) though they did cut peoples blrroatsl p Y ag spi'ked his bat A y gY rotas rn
, . porters, made innumerable converts of 'crime, `"kings"' are soq�n $1Peted two o cat,, and 'I thought it would by decreeing that the first two fouls tains IbAt a cat smells a rat at a
to the cause, including ex -Premier They are not always the wo'rs trim- — ndake a good jolke on them if I could shall be 'called strikes. Roy became consid'erabM distance. 'The domestk
Herriot who, some )ears ago, sou�gM mals-- on -account of the guillotine mlake s ,baseball curve. 'I began to the ball -player with ,two strikes, a- cat will not eat rats;, and it does nol
} g g
to suppress bh•e penal settlement as ,activity—(but the natural 'leaders, the Seta Wire to Catch a Thief experi'men !bid before I got any gainst, "hint never an enviable spot even have to bite them, !but kilb
'1 damaging,to the French namie and a I rebels, sometimes the educated and place I was sent away to school wV_re —and had to o 'back to hittingsin- them, with one"' wlefl-aimed ' blow . 04
I' rbudlgetary drag. But he could do i intelligent.,, Once these waves were (condensed from PoPpular Mechanics they laughed at True for my foolish- glen and • d'oubles. the paw. Rat -catching is the cat'
,' S noth'i'ng against the vested interests traversed ven by a doctor, a certain. Reader's Digest.) Hess." Until Ruth went to reaching for natural sport. Thugs one of Lico'e
V of �Ca;yenne and bureaucracy, anti so I Bougrat of .Marseilles "who kept a But for four years he fused with the fence, 'baseball hadn't ltnown any descendants was seen to kill siuheer.
q cad vatient in a cupboard far weeks The. only irnstituti'on of its kind in
f.:..'•. La 'Martinierer, unique survivor of d p a baseball, ''trying to give his wrist upheaval for a decade or mists. The raps one after the other ,w+tiile a shiX
r:' past sea horrors, is .getting read the country, at once a c6mmercial just 'the ri' was beim
i'a' a )' and later managed to escape to Ven- j , . grit twist. Then one day statins, 'hedged in by laws and restric- g' unloaded
company and a unique law enforce- a alnst Hartvlard the ball curved. tions was at a' standstill.. Th'e la It is a is'take that a cat must &
` once, more. ezuela, where he tiow has a lucrative g p y- �
,. play-
, agency, the American District 'Tiro ers seemingly, g @ ry-
The fart is that the majority of practice and is hi hl� thought o'f. wghbut rite gams he had the
i' c' p g g Trles;raph protects more than g ,V, had thought of ve starved if it is to catch rodents. dY
. departing convicts are in favor of On our particular voyage Guy Darvin, p $22� Crimson batters at his mercy. And .thing. But leave it to the Babe to the contrary it should be well fee
(�Q0.6 ,OOD 'worth of property with
�'- this. They prefer forced labor amid a doped young gentleman who mux- so curve ballpitching; calmle into base- strike a last .bizarre blow and stir to gee -'ib .the necessary sttreng�bh
chains and vedlow fever to the a is tricots secret alarm devices', For !ball,• the fiist of the rest aha..., es. tr• the anlntals.. He's the master rev- A�ectiona,te . treatmtient does not de,
' A- Betel a Paris American, was to be. g ng p
A "kings." tai,.ks and other buildings in every .. ,On the old Atlan•ties, of Brooklyn1., '
�, palling co•rnditior;•s of French do- in the picture as one of 'the kin�•s. Y olutionist who upset. the..,,whoje..apn �sttnoy, a.;cats instincts but cry the come
m tic gaols. 'Hlowever awful, Ca ,From stem to stern the ,vessel i's' large city it,?ng,intaircls an elaborate was a little chap called Tomimy Bar- ' ('scam. tri , etimiulates (them, and
Y- p rY greatl3
I•; organization of wires and switch- low. He -swung a short light intelligence. A
:,, cone is open country in;sbead of psis- organized'for rebellion and in add!- g g t stink enhances its natural •
boards and employs, its.own' stalwart and c,uldn"t hi,
• on walls eternal and tlgen there • is tion to arms the warders may also P t the ball very far. cat never considers itself the prop.
Dolice force.. Successful bank rob- He had noticed haw' the infielders art
�'t., always g•aod prospect of escap. This !.ave recourse to steam scalding, Thr I y of its master, but looks upon th(
beries still, occur frequently,. but not all pjayect ,back for 'hard driven balls. Cats Versus Rats master as u property.
,•,: • ' 'Taunt$ with the younger„ convicts, least sign of obstreperousness leads q upon its own ra
. , on orermises under protection of A. .So one game he carne innocently
while the ageing ones are uisualry too o solitary confinement in irons for D T, , )' � !,By IR.ene Su+Bre, oonldensed in Mag- Theirsfor'e;' the mas,terts,'hous'e will al•
'It -indifferent to care, , the duration. Except for a half- (bat, shortened: his grip with the first ways be protected 'b a .cat.
A ISulppose a robber sticks', a gun in- azin:e Digest from Science et !Monde y
The degradation of the French hour's exercise on deck each day, the pitch and, instead' of swinging, bunt- Paris). A well-fed and well -cared -for cal
l` q`bagne"' .may !be without parallel, ,doomed c to a bank cashier's face. The cashier' ed the ball down the third -'base is friend! and affectionate • tawanc
company remains throughout turns pale .but obeys his commands foul (line. Tare pitcher acid third It is a- universally recognized fact people and other animals, yet it is
'the pramiseuov+s vice shattering, yet 1 the voyage m its cages, in unbeliev- and makes no sound. The robber
'::i' convict keenness to ,be away and' able conditions arid 'atmosphere. The baseman were flat-footed, and that tabs are a danger to society. All by rnstinat ferocious to rodents
C packets the pad of banknotes handed- Barlow sped triumi,'lian'tl locum to countries stud means and was to Moreover,
' starting, afre..h may be nrotei3i at ev- convicts jtust lie•around experiencing Ae ► Y y y: it v1,aerstands perfectly
1r ' r cry sailing of the Martiniere. Aman the fol! um ovc r and backs away. It was all so first. But the, crowd would have none themiselves of 'these d'is•gustin well. ,that it has t to mike irtseh
g g pact of things. There is + g useful b destroying undesirables.
''k' thein scores and scores are not only nothing to read and insufficient faod.l quietly accamiplished, so simple and of the i-nrnowabion. They 'hissed and rodents. In 1902 an Initerna ,ora, 'Y y g
easy he almost laughs—until he Ironed and Bruns on 'Tommy the nick- Anil -Rate' Le Mr. Herriot
not anurdierers, but tivawld not even Hours are killed over insufficient
d card ague was foundea' i z , 'ex-P'remder of Franc(
` earn penal. semiUude by other stand- packs and by schemes for escape al- reaches the door and meets a ehatgun name of sissy. 'Hie became discour- C'oherthagen. and Mayor of the cuty* of Lyons,' ova:
:t ards. .For according to the French ready in gestations but most of tin- °quad' aged at the ridicule and soon drifted At tits second' International .Anti- so imflaYess'ed by the results abtaimec
'When the cashier handed him the.. out _ of ,b elball + at Le Harve tisk- he created' a simi•
I code a mrr can get to Cayenne for time the bars enclose t t, seasick .but no ball club of Ra, C<nference, held last fall at„Le
simtple swirnd+ling., men, severral of whom 'die on the voy- money, a green light had flashed on the; present would think of leaving ilavre, France, Dr. Loir, dirrctor of lar 15releding center In his own city
a,'big switchboard several blocks a- the art of bunting out of its, .bag of the: v, A,s a result the Lyons' abattoirs ar(
way. Instantly• a. buzzer sounded and tricks, - ur eau of Health of that city, Y
r, g tom, __ _ f
made a report on the rat r„nhn, A Y reed from the pests. Al
the -bank's address was soelled• out on trrt,�.•t;o �i,,,..,a�•,,...- ,..+,. _r ,L_ _r _
current aha ed hand's - —__'___1c-
,�,•avvNo air vaa,V ua GV Ulltl"1C . ra - �. u u,c nau cuo aa1
a tc er a wast before tris the Warite So be an his baseball England ,wages war not cniy on set free in the stables where thei3
Y g a fast car life as the first basemen of the St. tae lndrgenows 'rat, but also on the are fed and cared for .by .the grooms
� — -- � 1- — — _ I = , was roaring toward the scene. Radio Louis Browns. Like all orthodox rnliskrat which has !become a roglialr with whom' they soon !make friends
: � .�� - -, -� Hi„ I patrols of the police department like- ,first sackers before him, ,Oomiskey ,.as.t since it was first ihnpporbeci rntu. At pi'ghts the}r instinct's are giver
l . wise began bearing down in that di- h
�_ _ bugged his bag as ,!lose as a timid t t:e .country for the purposes of the full scope and they hunt to then
� - r - _ -s- rection. It was the way the money .tease -runner. But hard -'hit grounders fur industry. hearts' desire. It seems that th<
➢11 It, fir w -as handled that tipped off the rob= went through his legs before he could 'The dangers to public health and pr'esenc'e of cats is sufficient to keep
- n, �. r le,
bery. Any .way the !bills are hand- stoop for' theim and he couldn't go to econcnr' - th-e rats away... roe cit should
ti ) , w hick the rats re,oresen . Y E rY y
led in a,normaI� manner touebes off his left for a ball because there wasn't cannot doe stressed sutFicienth•. Rat; th'erefore,rhave a nvmiber of cats,.. a&.
fo + AA.;.4"'a �~, the contact. Every time the cashier an left to ficient to. create that "biological d " ' r , y go to—one step and he bites are very dangerous. in the at
re 17,` �h—A ._ - ", Opens the drawer atj picks un, the was on foul territory. "Look here, creature's saliva thrive& the bacillus m'osphere” in which rats cannot exist
money during the 'ordinVry business ' Boss,"' the budding. revolutionist said Sodoku discaviered in 1915 by two The militatrzzati,on of oaks cowl<
Fighting Pests. useful lace in the vegetable oar•_ d'a)• he does so in 'an ,ikvkw-;Nun- to his •manager, "I wish you'd let me Japanese phyisicians. This gerni taus'• v'el-y well ,be accomplished - wvthou,'
g g den, They carry nettings and string,., natural way. When 'held �up,' he need play off that bag a bit. • I could cov- � es violent fever, cerebral affections great expense and this seems to b<
g, only hand over, the bills in a natural ground. and I could 'hustle and som times even 'd'eath. Rat dohygienists.
Roughly speaking, insect enermes f' er more a the
andinstructions ar peas, and support far tomatOe; ova), with no suspicious nvovements,...}rack in, plenty of time to take thrown not as a rule attack humans, still s of
are divided in,to two group=s—those and possibly cueunihers. i11r•cently to turn in an alarm,
that eat holes in the foliage and those after the ball was hit. atrtaeks are known to have occurred the International Anrti-.Rate Leagu(
g' there has appeared on the market a If the robber had demanded the The -manager scratched his head anti their. danger canrt:ot be overlook- were followed even in part, it wo'ulc
that suck out the juices. For the I nob?yed steel stake which has .all the key ,and unlocked the door of the dubiousrly, but gave' permission. ,ed• be easy, if not to exterminate, a'1
first -named, poifi,on is usually a»plied pdvantages of w•oaci, as the nob: pre- I cashier's cage, another silent alarm Playing• a deep first base for the first The main darn er of. t least .to reduce in number- 'rhes'(
while the suckers are' attacked with vent the strings dipping down, while i would ,have (been on it w•ay: That g he rat is the creatures which are •a real calamity
a burhing pray which penetrates time in the annals of (baseball, Com- fact .that it is the carrier of the
s' it is easier to drive and will last in- key has a tiny telltale + y gave a marvelous all round ex- Plague 'bacillus, .discovered in 1894 and which :contrary to all other an -
their point the. iske
their hides. . Often when both are definitely. Being almost halt' an ; makes electrical contact if insetted •hibition. Now a guardian of the in- b': Yerzin in its liver and lymph imal species—do not repay the evf
present, a combination of poison and inch in diatmeter it is abso4ite!v rig -1 in the normal %� Ay. ' The cage is wir- ilial YmA the cause with the slightest
�omethirrg that 'burns, such as lime itt, and it tames alreadyI' Aortal, as the old-fashioned re- This germ is transmitted by fleas x' ghtest service
painted, ed - too, in case omeone should try porters would say, who stood On his p that live in the rat's fur and suck
sulphur and ars nate, gVvp the lses.t to clirr,;b it. Theh there are foot but-, bag all afternoon would 'be as rTruch its' blood. These fleas become infect- �
t;esults. The damage from the bit- Perennials From Seed. tcros, triggers released by the upward use to his team as a clothing store ed and if by chance they leave their .
Ing insects is usually quite apparent, The most economical way to get a! thrust of a toe, coil springs, sl>ecial dummy. UpSetting Natures Balance
but the 'pre'sence of the other hind is keys on cash registers, and a dozen usual abode and take wp domicile on .
only shown, at first by a wilting or perennial bed established i� to plant) nc .e in enious contrivances. After Co'mis,key carne Willie heel- man, the infection+ is transnt'itted (Condensed from The Empire Review
withering of the foliage. For suck- the seed. Earl) dune is the hest h' g er with his place hitting. The aver- through the flea bite. Therefore; a in Reader's Digest.)
time to get started. One is well ad- ank )vaults novo arc protected by age 'batsman doesn't bother much dead rat should neoex 'be
Ing pests, chief of which are the the hornet -alarm," newest of the' where the ball is cin He picked up The fattm,era of Prince Edward Is•
arphids or lant lice, spray with whale vised to start must perennials in a p going. just with the
P' p I sonic. devices. It has ears su keen hands but handled with
oil sea a quarter penial nursery bed, except, perhaps that a mwus looks to his timir-g, tries to size u tongs an sprinkled with coal oil.
p, q pound of soap- to p g. Land, Canada, are up in arms against
s gallon and a half of water; rico- such things as Oriental poppies e g'ltaw•ing on paper will tlf pitch and meet the leather fairly the skunk, which until fairly recently
which are rather difficult to trans- switch on the telltale light at head- —and lets the rest ride. But Beeler All countries protect themselves a- the • were rearm in large number,
tine sulpphate,' or 'Black Leaf 40, or carters. The faintest noise gain=t the danger of a plague epi- ) g g `
any others repellent secured frrym a Plant and should be sown w'here 9 great- had the whole thing dovSn tq a sci- for its pelt. When fashion decided
ly amp lifted, is relayed to the board. en'ce. "I hit 'em. where they ain't, for
by organizing Parisi 'a hunts a against this, fur many breeders o
wanted perm:an•ently. Secure seed A
reliable .seed store. When fungus While rrmarily a bur for infected rats. In Pexis 'a special! g Y ' A -
attacks the plants, the foliage usual- from. a, reliable firm. -With peren-; p'' slat alarm, it he said. He would tuck the butt of service exists for this purpose ened their pens ,and allowed the an -
attacks g was riesngned also for the unfortun- his dhunky little bat up behind his p pose anal !mals to run wild. Now they have
Iy turns yellow, or 'brown, or white trials more than other' flowers seed is I the booty of the daily
very'important, as there is 1"iable to l ate cashier or clerk locked in acci- port ear and hit 'blithely to all fields a Y hunts in all rn,ulti'plied to such an extent that the
spats like mildew racer the leaves, rltntally or by a ruthless holdup man. while infielders went tearing out on districts i3 taker, to the city labors- whole island is overrun.
Fungus is most common in warm, rye a good deal of mixing and cid torics for dissection and lracteriodagt-
seed with most of the flowers i ah- Such an, official might'be`f'njured or the grass and outfi'eld'ers care lun
mrnurly weather. &prayibg with Bor- A g- cal analysis, This is what happens when man
solutely no gaud. Prepare a fine,hed gaged, but his groans over the al- Ing in from their normal posts. He interfers with the balance of nature,
Beaux Mixture, or Bu tin with spec- From an economic point of view,
g in same portion of the gar where farm would reflect int.mediate release. could iboumice a ball around ancon- Each area of the earth has its own
Tally finely ground sulphur is advis- g Every means of entry in ar build- nil and cow1d, shoot it down either 'too, rats are a calamity. In the particular association of. animals,
ed. Sulphur dust will also protect there is goad drainage and prefer- Y country the
ably a little shade in the middle of Ing under modem, protection has fts fowl line impartially. Y devour.,thousands of
hollyhocks and phlox from rust, if a A y' quintals of each 'species keeping its foothold but
p p_ the day. The seed is sown here in electric foil- Once the mechanisms • grain. In warehouses, not usurping plied when the disease first shows are set at n' t• the %li htest touch Mona. n the Highlanders,. as the store;;=, etc„ they cause eniormouA ping more than its due place
rows about three or four inches a- it g g g damage by eating soli spoiling food- in the gem-eral harmony.
Itself. An ordinary tin can with the part. With all but the larger seeds, clicks off a alarm somewhere. There, present Yankees were` known, was Disturb this 'talar. and serious
lap 'perforated like a salt shaker t are wired walls, windoM1 lass and sill Clark Griffith. The straight bunt y'tuffs, fabric's, furniture, etc. Rats
makes a good cluster.. Cut worms, silrraply press firmly into he cart,,: Y'g g' destaO consequences are the result. When
which eat through newl • s Keep the ground free of weeds, well alarms, invisible fight rays that a 'had come • Tito high favor by then y even if they are not hungry,
mere shadow will short-circuit in- but Griff sought to improve for it is a natural' law with them the Portuguese landed on .St. Helena
plants at the base of the stem, are cultivated, and until the seed germ g prove on it. that the mius+t use their teeth con- in the (be'ginning of the 15th"century
mates water with a fine spray eve f and
of devices, the photo electric cell If a sacrifice ,bunk could'send' a urian ) they took with therm many goats,
poisoned by spreading sweetened bran A Y' and other subtle tris to second, why couldn't it score a scantly, otherwise they would grow The island was at that time covered
mixed with Paris Greens Tyr special evening. Thin out plants and pro- no Y indefinitely. The dsma es
A vide a light Every marauder knows that" a man from third? Of course there g caused with stately trees and luxuriant un -
about the pants. �Whexe g protection of leaves or by rats in the whole world. amount
p '� nig/ht watchman in a mtadern build- would ,have to be one cwt. or Home 'der awth. In the course of
there are on1V a few plants to ptro.' straw a first winter. l�ext spring ing fails to "ring in" at scheduled out.. The man at third would have to m:amly million dollars annual] � years
transplant to etmanent )' the (goats, ate, up all the undergrowth
tett provide same with paper collars.. p p quartZrs. times, there'll Abe an immediate in- to start with the pitch and if the bat- peen La Fontaine) wrote his fame- and nibbled'eve g,
• Stakes. Chemicals Kill Weeds. vestigation. But nowadays the ter missed connections, altogether it ows fable about the town rat and field rY seedling. In time
watchman has a fre rat he the island !became bare er trees,
There are .now marry'chemical weed •gvently changed: would be all up with the runner. But pm'abarbly was unaware, that heavy rains washed' the fertile soil
Amuong' the fl'owers,- stakes of var- killers on the market, which have t}me interval between check -ins, and that was a gamn(bler's chance. ,And if his poetic intuition was based on a into the sea, and the.. naked rock was
Sow heights are insed for'ts,u.pporting .prayed very successful in wiping out to defeat ,a gu'nm)an who is forcing it went through' it was a wire run, scientifically correct fact. For theme
exposed. There is only grass in the
clumps P,f perennials, individual small plots of ('hese pests and for hi- to keep on with his round's, he "Squeeze hilml home," became a new bvuo species are distinctly different island mon+v and animals' can gain but
dahlias;, and other -tall things, for cleaning up diriveways and paths.'"For need only delay his call or ring at signal on",tkre Hig'lrlandpers. from ,one anortther. The town rat
supporting -climbing roses and also poison ivy, one appli'cati'on any time wrong i•nterv`als. Then there's one "`The 'biggest sucker •rpjay in (base- (nous ratual) is mrilore delicate and not a scanty lining,
patrol ,box 1 iy of interference with the also
n -
'far adding real strength for those �dvring the growing season its etFec- p coking Just- li'k'e the 'ball, said Jahr iVpaGraw when ire so siring as the fleld� rat., It is dark ony of nature is illustrated also in
little wire fences which confine small tine. Other weeds eliminated in this others, that -he never toukihes on,: a. saw it, 'Bert the squeeze play won brown, almost black; is quite 'clean- the, story of the rat and the mon-
'children aria large - dogs to concrete way are oxeye daisy, 'bind weed, normal round. Marching along with many games for t1te Highlanders. No and seldom has fleas, It is fastidious goose in Jamaica. There were no
walks instead of allowing indiscrim- Canada thistle, and most of those a gun in his ribs, however, the watch- other team has put' it through so dar- about its, food and will not eat' every- native rats in Jamaica, arut they camps
Inate, wanderin gover lawns and things like, dandle,lions which make so man inserts his ,key in t rs fake box inglY� ',s'o well as its originators. It thing. But the oirty dweller tends to '
and immediate] h there in ships and foul. There
were condi-
flower beds. Stakes also find, a most moony IavuTvs unsightly. y a light flashes dawn was, and, still is, the most spectacu- disappear before the invamion of the tions on, the island. ideal. There were
at headquarters. Or, if surprised out- lar rplayin bas�all'l. ' The runner arttuch stronger field • or sewer rat no ground carnivores large ellough
4 side the 'build'ing, 'he may pick a key streaking for hanie,' 11he ball coming (mus deoumvanus). This gri y rat is to tackle them and' there was abun-
off his ring and hand it over. It op- up, sure to !beat hy'm, . if the batter a most voracious creature, ready to -dance of delirious -fdo4 to be got by
11 I ens-vthe door and the burglar walks fails; the batter crouched and tense dtelvaur ari*hing and eternal'.y in gnawing sugar -canes. It was a very
inLLand an alarms is given. The key—that's truly a Belawo setting, seai'fc'h of foul. It is, exbrame'ly pro- paradise for rat.% and they multiplied
( EBT COLLECTED is just a little different from the one dframlatic, wrAcIdng. Ies all over in lig and one ferrdale may bear up to exceedingly. The cane growers, in
ysualiy employed, but it would take an instant, but for that instant the Ott hundred and fifty little rats in despair, decided to import the 1in•-
a micrometer to tell the difference, crawl- lives, once year. than mongoose,
.. • American !District Telegraph ser- A 'California pitcher, Elmiier. Stridk- When food, is scarce, dire sewer rat eating a an active lifi a pairs
vice •does not g creatnare. Four turned
five pairs
stop at combating crime lett, who chewed, gum' industriously pm'actis2s natiinal 'seaedtian by devour -
We collect Notes, Accounts, Wages, anywhere. Our —carte an officials will tell "were brought in, and turned Ions&. As
A Y you that in the box, one day stumbled upon a i'n'g its ribildren. This natural selec- the seasons went on tilte rats' dimin-
"sttccess will astonish you - we seldgm fail. If We do, its biggest job is protection from, great discovery. He 'accid'entally wet tion its turined to account again, it. ishFd. But the, mongooses increased
+ the real "Publi'c Enemy No. 1"' --dire, his 'fin fingers with the saliva and didn't The method consists in exberm6nat- ttrm But
their attention to the hen
it. costs You nothing. You take ri risk. You tan t y g and
.Modern fire boxes, their wires run- stop to dry his hands on his pants be- ing the females' and set in the mitales roosts. Also they 'killed lamilbs, kids,
lose. ,Act now I Send in your debts to -day, big or Hing underground to ,prevent tamper- fore ddivering the ball. It slipped free. It sounds parad'axical enowg+h, and ,piglin,gs, and even domestic !logs
'small, 'Old or new; we will surprise you with results. ung, transtm>rt Cade rruessages 3iy means grotesquely from his, hand. His cat- but it is •an efficacio,um me'th.od, f'or and cats. They pursued tate game
of revolving to6ther wheels. The her dove bewilderedly into the dirt the prapoi-tion of miales', the ,More birds till these were nearly wiped
Clip for future, reference. Do it, now. best automatic sprinkler systems and the ,ball rolled to the stands. likely they are to exter,minalte thein. out, 'Many other acre& of bird's, sev-
trandmit an slami the moment the. "She took a fun1j, y hrop, Elmler, the ,geil�ves reciprocally because of sexual el -alt. ' n of other
.1isnakes, and about s-=
NO COLLECTION ---NO CHARGE. water flows. Thus before e'xten�sive catcher apo-logize& coompetition'. ends in lizards that hard once ,been
water damage its done, the emergency IBut ;S'trnoklett ^wasn't thinking. of • .Despilte amiazing faledaity of repro- com kTion Ibecalm� very 'rare. Even
UNITM CREDIT MEN OE CANADA squad ' is there to take charge. The that passed' 'ba'll; he, was thinking of duction, the nnumlberr• of rats i,s al- cultivated -fruits were not spared. In-
. latest advance fm, this fileld is the the fuhnY hop. If hi4%, yid control 'ways. ,proportionate to the mea -he of sects that ;had been k41A in check by
- , Branches Evearvwhere /aflame feeler,'' a device so sensitive that wet delivery mtoistenino, his fin- exlster o& aiv!aflable fi-- ' 11
o •
.. CIA
.; ,< ..
�'' � �iRANC�Y � O. ���, `��.
that the heat o£ p
your hand will tri
the alarm;. Only sudden rises itis tem.-
geT+s. l ina17 he of so he
y g
could control it -fear-
itis spitball and
i use' a an-
imldl ss eci(:s are
p governed (by Dar-
wini's law ,oil the struggle for life.
the birds), snakes, and lizards multi-
plied so raprdly that fnlore than one
.. ,i a.
ure, however, actuate its meth-
d him, east to Brooklyn and bhe big
Theref}ora, rbhese pester aboua!ld' in
s ecibs became, a, ptlagrtpe; tin short,
the tivffiolle ilyalaftce 4f life all over the
Show. b kept alrl ixt the :big leagues
!,rain elevettars, abarbtaix> , etc,
island *11;9 ttlisbt, all wlfhift a period
�.t,,,.. ;, �- „ .,,.d rt - ra. �: �: �. ., :i. ;; .i:. �,;. e. •d. x., ♦ u, ,.n,. �' ,a: , •.a ro'�. r��-� rA 41 -.&.
1 Y •.
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. -. ,. , q is ,-.. .. � �' .� f r. a. '� �h r ., Y. .,. ,I, �..-,a '. •, r l,. .Y' "�'. 4„
1•• e
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I i S
Pct at ono fox
��¢ odv c,OgS eWest a.
a b matt
by wa5""Etto .,00111 C&114
of 20 years.
iA 'hundred years ,ago a young F,,'nT
glishmnan in Australia imported re.
few ,pairs of rabbits from England,
hoping they would 'breed, in sufficient
quantities .to allow him to indraige his
propensity. f'or the chase. They in-
creased u�r til -the whole of Australia
was over -run with the" They ate
the grass which was-neoewsary for the.
sheep; they devoured 'both fruit and
I vegetables, and they destroyed young
trees by gnawing the bark. Various
states undertook the erection of rab-
bit -proof febeimig to prevent . the'
furry polpmlati'on from crossing from
one IState, into another. Some of
these fences are many hundreds of
' miles in length. The New South
Wales Government offered £25,04(1
y .for a practical method of, extermins-
Ition, but the reward yeas never won.
• 'To -day there are recognized• rabbit-
• catchers on most ranches. In 1930
• they supplied 7,137,2.36 pound's of pelts
1. to -the. furriers. ..
A few years ago Australia determ-
ined to rid itself of the "laughing
jackass;" an . exceedingly anneying
'bird. Its uproarious screams, are rot
unlike those of a rhumtark idiot. 1put
with its disappearance 'came a plague
of snakes, and it was learned, too
late, that the "laughing jackass" is,
I the world's champion snake killer.
Several years'ago several pairs of
mluskrates were 'brought from +Gan-
, ada to a private estate near Prague
in Bohemia, where it was intended tw
raise them. for their fur. ' The an-
, Imlal's escaped, increased rapidly, and
now they are attacking grain., pots-
[ toes, cabibage"s, and other 'v'egetables.
• In the opinion of naturalists, Aus-
. tria, Germany, Czechoslovakia 'and
probably rparbs of European Russia
'r are in for serious trouble before, the
ii Tnuskrat invasion -'is'-brought ulfd rde
• control—further illustration of how
, dangerous it is for moan to interfere,
. even in ne slightest degree, with
, the plarm which nature has laborious-
• ly worked out. I
Talk of the Town
-- Advanced.
! A mother setting about 'entering
; cher five-year-old daughter in -one of
> the advanced -method sle iootb, Qresent-
ed the Child, according to instructions
for a psychology test. In the course,
of this, the examiner, an owlish lady,
Iasked, "Are you a boy' or a girl?" '
; The little gjrl,uegarded her steadily '
for a ,moment and said, ",Roy."
The examiner looked very grave in- 11
deed through all the rest of the test,
and when, it was 'done drew the •
mother aside and said that all sorts .
of development difficulties threatened:
She used a• lot of large psychological - --
terms. The child's "confusion about .
her sex was ominous. The mother
was naturally pretty much upset.
Driving home; she asked her datte-
ter . why :she had: told the lady she .
was a boy. "Aw," said the little girl,
'ivMen a person asks you • a dumb
question, it's all right to give a dumb
. . • * 4
Mail Chute.
If you 'drop an envelope in the mail
chute on the top floor of a skyscrap-
er, there is no danger of the, letter
igniting from friction. The reason is .
that the mail chane 'people utilize a
natural updraft, like that of a chim-
ney; to slow down falling nmil. At
the 'bottoTrq, the letters strilhe a
smooth, curved (bronze plate which
slows them down greatly and deflects
them against a leather cushion hang-
ing (vertically. •
The 'ladies, bless them, don't* like
to throw butts or matches on floors,
so they are inclined to put t'h'orn in
mailchutes. in Manhattan and the `
Bronx, there were 72 mail "bort fires
in 1930. In 1931 there were 95. Mr. ' s
Uutler has met this .by an: amazing
new invention, (which was shown to
us. It is an. appliance placed direct-
ly below the letter slots on the chutes
which rejapts cigarette butts, match- -
es, etc,, and in fact everything but
latte•rs. Outlaw matter, irfAead of
entering the chute drops out at your'
feet. These are being installed in
Rocketfeller lCeZter and the Bronx
Courthouse, 'Suc'h antiquated- struc-
tures as the Empire State and the,
0hanin Building 'haven't got them.
AM they've got is a trap ,in the maitt
box at the bottom: of the chute, iu
which butts and matches colloct.
These are butts
out in 'handfuls.
If you see a fyre in a maillbox, you
are supposed to notify the Post
Office Department. They are re-
sponsible for the mail as soon as • it:
enters tht chute. They rlish around
with a fire -•extinguisher. .
- N • •
What Becomes of Old Corsets. -
IStraight 'chimney sweeping jobs
are nqt ,very many these days but J.
Wesley Smith, whose main business
now is zing defective flues,, still has
about four a month. .His m'en We
the famous J. Wesley pSmit'h cor"9bt
cleaner. The roof mean ,fixes a heavy ,
weligtht underneath a wadded -up ear- "
set; regular old-fashioned corset.
This is let down on a rope to the bot-
tom of the chi-Aimey and -then drag-
ged up again, Corsets are fine clean -
e tk beicauser of the wdualebone in
theme; it bends one way when going .
downand' the. other when coming Ai.
The garters are always; left on the
corsets, as roughage; b4s, 'a lot.
• \
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