HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-06-02, Page 5I. 't" ." • • 4 4 ' - v JUN! 2, 1904,1 REGENT THEATRE, Seaf4rth _ NOW PLATING—SLIM SU1P/II9OILLE, ZASU PITTS.in • , `"11:1fEY JUST HAD TO GET MARRIED', IT'S A SOREAM " Monday, Tuesday, WednesdaY—Jutne 5, 6, 7 STUART IRWIN - ALLISON SKIP%VORTH, in "HE LEARNED AJOUTIWOMEN" 00114E1DY , NEWS HEEL Thursday, Friday, Satuirdai-LJuiii- 8, '9, 10 —8 BIG STARS— Janet Gaynor,. Will Rogers, Lew Ayers, Sally Eilers, Louise Dresser, .Victor Jory, Norman Foster, Frank Craven in "STATE FAIR" 1001VIEIDY CARTOON Ms./Metes Sab andtholl ys, 3 p.m. Two shims 7.30 and 9.15 WALTON The service in St. George's Angli- can church was held on Sunday morn- ing with the rector, Rev. F. G. Rick- ard, in charge: Mrs. Edward Britton and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Love were guests at the home of Mr. and IVIrs. Ivy Henderson, year Seaforth, on Sunday. !Miss Grace Murrak, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Alex. ;Murray, was one of the seven 'nurses who graduated :from Grove's Memorial Hospital, Fer- gus, recently. - Mr. and Mrs. WTfl.. Humphrey and family spent Sunday with friends at Galt !Miss Viola, Russel and Stanley ;Wilson, of Brussels, spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Robert. Wil- son. tM.r. and Mrs. Garnet Murray and ;family, of Woodham, and Mr. and George Mains.; of Blyth, were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Young on Sunday. Miss Viola Carter, of Brussels, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Carter. Miss Vera Dundas, of Detroit, is distiting with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie •Clark. The Small family of Stratford, were guests at the home of Mr. James Rae on Sunday. 1Mr, and Mrs. William, Garley, of Detroit, were recent visitors at the fame of Mrs. John Driscoll. A number from the village attend- ed the sports in ISeaforth and Mit- chell on May 24th. Mr. W,. C. Bennett and Mr. Joseph Davidison spent Sunday in Kitchener. Mrs. Young, of near Blyth, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Forbes on. Sunday. ' Miss Dorothy Driscoll is sl)ending e month at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gorley, Detroit. The children of Walton public school received second prize at the Tield Day held in Blyth on Tuesday, aVlay 23rd. iMisis Mary Clark and Miss Bella McCully, of Stratford, arv. Visiting with the McGavin fainilies. Miss Coulter, east boundary, is spending a few weeks at the home cif Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hoy. !Mrs. William Radford, of Clinton, 5s visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Radford. We are pleased to report that Mrs. W. C.' Bennett, who underwent •an operation for appendiiotis in the Kit- chener -'Waterloo Hospital , and has since been wiously ill, is improving. Th Hoggarth family, of London, I spent the week' end at the home of the 'Misses Simpson. ;Kenneth Sohier, of Bayfield, was a. reecnt visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs; Wesley Clark. Mr.. Dan Steiss h.as returned home after spending several weeks With Mr. Lewis 'Steiss and Mr. and Mrs. George Evans, near Brussels. Miss Pearl Thamer, RN,,is spend- ing a month with friends in Mont- real. Mr. Frank Gill, of London, was a' recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Clark. On May 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur 'McCall, a son. (MTS. Joseph Bolger arrived on Monday from th'e West and will vis- it with her parents. Mi. and Mrs. Andrew Bruce and other relatives in the vicinity. A representative of the Lord's Day Alliance- will speak in Duff's United Church next Sunday morning: A number from the village attend- ed a football game at Moncrieff on Tuesday evening between Brussels and 1Moncrieff, the score being 1-0 in favor of Bruss,els. Mr. and ,Mrs. George McCartney and son, of Tuckersinith, and Mr. find Mrs. Harvey Hoover and fam- ily, of' Listowel, were guests at the tome of MI's. WM, Smith, on Sun- day. Mrs. Robert Coutts, east boundary, and Mrs. JohnMicDonald, of the,leth corcession of :Grey, left on Wednes- day for a month's visit to the West. WINGHAM Miss Vera Lynett, of St. (iiemens, spent a few days with her parents, Sir. and Mrs. Pat Lynett. Rev. Father' Gibbons, �f Stratford, and Mr. Blair Gibbons, of St. Marys, spent the,,holiday with their parents.. avir. and Mrs. Patrick Gibbons. Miss Jean Moir, of Cargill, spent a (holiday 'with. her .parents, Mr. and iFrs. John Moir. Mr. and Mrs. A. Zettler and sons, Ambrose and Francis, visited' the formier's parents in Walkerton. Mr. Clem Farewell, St. Clemens, 'visited friends around l Wingham. IMr. and Mrs. 0"Berle spent Sunday with friends in Riversdale. WT. and Mrs. Van Hiopper, of l3rus- sels spent the holiday with friends in Wingharn. 0. M. B. Reports Syrup Going to British West Indies. The Ontario Marketing Board re- ports that in the near future, several hundred gallons of maple syrup will go from ,Montreal to Jamaica, Trini- dad. Bermuda, British Guiana and other points in that region. Ing•ures show that practically no Canadian maple syrup has reached the 2000,00 ()population of the Brit- ish West 'Indies, and tversr little from, Any other source. Acting Premier Lauds New. Issue • FolloWing the announcement of the n.ew $215,000,000 issue of •Prowince of Ontario Debentures, Hon. William H. Price, Acting •Premier of the Province in the absence of MM. George S. 'Hlenry, speaking Of the loan, enlar,„0.- ed upon the attractive nature of the issue, its availability to the small in- vestor and the arrangements made so as to give all residents of the Prov- ince the same opportunity to sub- scribe. - "The new $25,000,000 issue," Mr. Price declared'. "bears an attractive yield both for the 41/4 debentures and the longer term 41/2ch debentures. Ev- ery class of investor is provided for in the denomination of $1,000 for the 41/4 and in the popular denominations of $100, 0500 and $1,000 for the 4V21/4. "'rhe Provincial Treasurer,.. I think, is following a sound policy in making the debentures so easily available to th•e email investor. The convenient denominations should carry, a wide appeal and :encourage all citizens of the province to participate in an in- vestment which has behind it the as- sets of this populous and wealthy Province." BIRTHS Stewart. -1n Midland on June 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart, (nee Sade Thomp- son), a•son. Hutchison,—At the Private Patient's Pavilion, Toronto, on Slay 24th, to Marian IMcCash), ,wife of Frederick Lorne Hutchison, M.A., kif 54 Whitehall Road, Toronto, a son—. Michael Albert. Fislier.—At Alexandra Hoapital, Goderich, on May 16th, to Mr. and Mrs, Peter Fisher, of 'Colborne, a son. Riley. --At Constance, on May 19th, to Mr. and Mrs'. Ben Riley, a daughter. Hunk i ng .—.1 n Clinton Public Moot taL, on May 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hunking, of Hullett, twin daughters. 1N., MEMORIAM iSMALLDON.—In ever 'loving themorY of my. sister, Mrs. Harold SMalltIon (Isabel Bul- lard) who passed away two years ago, June 6th. 1931. In sorrow we waited day by day, Ar.d watched her suffering there, Sloitly., but surely passing away From the pain she scarce oould bear. And then God called from II ki throne above, lier suffertng and pain are past; We know she rads gone to realms of ,ove, And Le Heaven has peace at la.st. 3416x1 --Mrs-. Geo. Eaton_ IMPORTANT NOTICES ('llOPPING.—I WILL DO CHOPPING EV- E -1-Y Friday until further notice. JOHN ECEART, R. R. 1, Dublin. 3416x1 ----- pASTURS TO RENT. -30' ACRES OF pasture with plenty of water, on Lot 13,, Concession I, McKillop. FRANK. MURPHY, R. R. No. 4, Scaforth. 3416x1 RUCEWHEAT FOR SALE.—A QUANTITY of buelewheat; also four young hogs ready for rvice. Apoly to CARL DALTON, 11. R. 1, Seafortn. Phone 1:;-2.41. 3416x1 CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Peter Cleary, Francis and Mrs. Al- bert O'Re,i; I y w is h :to thank their neighbura aud frien,h during their recent sad bereave- ment for the spiritual ,bouquets and those who loaned cars. - 3116-1 TEACHER WANTED Exilarienced teacher wanted for S, S. No, 13, Stanley. Ditties to commence in Septem- ber. State saflarY and quulilicatiwis. Apply to A. P. KEYS, Verna. 3416x2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given under the statute, in that behalf that all persons having any claims against Robert Edmund Cooper, late of the Town of Seeforth, deceased, who died on i'he 11th day of March, 1933, are required to send to the undersigned solicitors for the Executor, full particulars in writing and verified by affidavit of their claims and the nature af the securities, df any, held by them, on or before the 17th day of June, 1933, after which date the said Executor will proceed to distribute theassets of the said deceased, •having regard only to the ,clairna orr which they then shall have had notice. DA,,TEr) at Seaforth, Ont., lhlle 255 day of May, 1933.- II.At'Sc MEM, Solicitors for Executor. 3415-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE ds hterelby given under the statutes in that behalf that all persons having any claims against Gordon Hulley, late of the Township of McMahon, deieeased, who died on the 28th day of February, 1983, are re- quired to send to the undersigned solicitors for the Executrix, full particulars in writing and verified by affidavit of their claims and the natures of the seturitriell, K any, held by them, on or before the.17th day of Jume,,1988, after which date the said Executrix will pro- ceed to distribute the assets he said de - waged, having regard only to Nye dlairris of which they then shall have had nott'e. DATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 2510 day of May, J933. HAYS & MEM, Solicitors for Executrix. 84,15-3 WOOL WANTED at the HIATT! WOOLLEN MILLS RICHEST PRICES PAID Cash or trade. F. T. BAINTON. 8415-4 64cnciLstri&A.c."%m' • THERMO* , 5 POPULAR StAL1,4IONS The Premium: Clirdeednie FAVOUROE AGAIN (24337) tnyolanent No. 1961 • Form A t Monday afterneon.---Will Innye his own &fable Brueedieid. and ea sOutli ISPDPex.t.1?# Landon Road Al. Harveee, for tigatt. Tuesdary.,-To Second Occnicassion. of Tucker - smith, south 1,4 nidiles. erten east to 1,016 Conoeosion to AnjaU3 MCKillIT11011.19, for non; then east to Kers MoKeiliaes, for night. Wed- neaday.--East to Thum Line, then north 13/4 miSes 10 Lioyd Ciallquhoures, for noon; then by Staffa 10 Winker) 'Petirldk's, for nigiht. Thunaday.—North 13/4 miles to Tth Concession to Clyne Bras., for neon; then west to ltobt. noig's for night. tgriday.—West to Gemmell', corner, then north Ito Mill Road to George MeOartney's, for noon; When east to McAd- ant's side poncessian and north to CarnoChan Bros., for night Saturday—By way of Broatifloot's bridge tit MRI Road to his awn stables. Teams --To insure, $15.00. R. D. MURDOCK, Proprietor and Manager. . • 5 The Pore Bred Canadian Clydesdale Stallion MONCRIEFFE PRINCE Enrolment No. '2117 .Passed Approved. 1 Will stand tor mares this season as foil - tows Mondsky.—Will leave his stable at Bruce - field, and go west to the second Concession of Stanley, 'then south to Williiaan Mckenzie's. for noon; then to Mensal to the Commercial • flor night Tuestiny.—sointh and west to Matt. Tinnety's, for Noon; then west to the Parr Line, to James MeAllieter's, for night. Wednesday.. --,North to' Charles Steph- enson's, for noon; then north to Varna and east to Elmer Webeter's, for night. Thurs. day.—Nlorth by Varna. to 9t1 Concession, Goderich Township, to Henry Taylor's, Hay- field, far 2100,11 then to Del. Gardiner's, cen- ceiblion 7, Cut Line, for night, Friday.— North to the Highway to Alex. Sterling's, for noon; then east on the Highway to Hollariesville to Robert 061cl:owls's, llth Con- cession, fo.r might. Satairday.—South to Ed. Glenn's, 8rd Concession, Stanley, 'for noon. then south to his own stable for night. Terms. -410.00 to insure.' ROBERT 13. MURDOCK, Proprietor, William. Luker, Manager. Standard Bred Trotting Stallion VALIANT GUY No. 4070-67856 Approved Form A 1 Will stand for the 4.rowovernent of stock this season as follows: Monday, May leave his own stable, Brucefield, and go by way of 2nd Concession of Stanley and Goderieh Townships to Holmes - '1910 alt Jahn Potter's, for night. Tuesday.— by way of Vanua to Parr Line at Alf. John- ston's, for noon; then home for night. Wed- nesday.—Will remain at Ills own stable. Thursday.—By way af 2nd Concession, Tuck- ersrnith, to -Fred Cook's, Huron Road, for con; then home for might Friday.—East to. McAdams sideroad and north by way of Hanpurhey and Roxboro to Frank Coleman's, for noon; then west to Livingston's school corner and south by way of Alima to his trwn stable Saturday. ---Will remain at his own stable. 'Parana—Par Standard bred and registered mares, $20; iricade mares, $12.00. WILLIAM BERRY, Proprietor and Manager Brucefield. Ont. COURT OF REVISION The Municipal Council of McKil!op will •meet as a Cour of Revision on the. Assessment Roll of 1932 on Mon- day, June 5, 1933, at 10 o'clock a.m. at Winthrop Hall. Interested parties should govern themselves according- ly. • JOHN 1VIcNAY, Clerk. 3415-2 MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE RESIDENCE pROFERTY IN THE VILLAGE OF' HENSALL Under and by virtue of the Po‘ve,', CCTI- tairuci • in a certain mortgage wh,ich wi'l be produced„at ,the sale, the undersigned Will offer for sale at the ' COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HE:NSALL, ONT., on FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1833, 'at 2 o'cloc.c p.m., the property known as that part of 131ork 1 A on the North side of King Street, in the Village of Hensall, more particularly de- scribed in a certain (iced thereof from t'he Fatate of R. J. Drysdale to William A. Mac - Laren, dated Nc.yeanher 3. 1922. and having a frontage of fifty feet (50') on King Street and a depth of one. 'hundred and forty.eight feet six inches 1148, 6,,) more or less. - On the property is a TTIOOle MI two storey brick' house with all conveniences. It Is well 'located in one of the most desirable sections of Hensall. TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent, of the purchase money to be paid an the day of the sale and the bAlance in thirty day thereafter, without interest. The tcroperty will De offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. Further terms end condition, of gale will be made known on the day of the sale. er may be 545 D-p-rrn application to the under- signed. GLAnMA.N & STANRURY, Exeter and Hensall, Mortgagee's Solicitors. • 8414-3 When you have a HORSE OR COW you want removed, 'phone promptly to William Stone Sons, Limited 'Phone 22 - Ingersoll 'Phone 215W - Stratford THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 Wool Wanted Toronto prices paid for Wool. H. M. Jackson 1 rc. a .1;i4i1 ' A SOMETHING ,GLOVES 117 _.•. White Silk pique slip-on • style; the latest fad that has taken the country by storm. ' PRICE Never in Years has there been better merchandise--.and,not in years have prices been more reasonable.Our new summer stock is replete with the finest merchan- dise procurable at prices you ,will 'equal in few places. MEN'S SPRING SUITS New Suits at new low prices are the interesting. key notes for Men's Spring ,Suits. Not in years have we shown dressier, richer, good looking suits—not in years have we had such low prices, Prices $15.00 to $22,00 MEN'S FELT HATS The new Summer Felts are so becoming, so stylish and so reasonable. New shades in greys, sands and browns. Snap fronts, welt edges, bound edges and standard Fedora shapes. All new Canadian, English and American styles. Prices 1.95, 2.95, 3.95 WOMEN'S COATS Every new Coat, fashion endorsed for Summer is present- ed in a wide and diversified array of beautiful materials, enchanting colors and delightful styles. Coats that are attractively different and very reasonably priced. Prices $8.50 to $25.60 WOMEN'S DRESSES The embodiment of so many new features in dresses have so drastically changed the styles that the necessity of seeing the new ideas is more imperative than ever. Every latest style, color and mat ial is here at value -,giving prices. -/---'Price $3.75 to $12.50 WOMENS HATS As usual we are showing the unusual in Spring millinery. The reputation of this store foeauthentic head wear for women is fully maintained in the showing of new Spring Hats. Come in and see the clever, stylish, saucy new ideas. Prices $1.50 to $5.00 STEWART BROS., Seaforth 0.01' , ''`' • A 55 ,i