HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-06-02, Page 1!"4
Sevenbyeihird Year 1
'Whale Number 3416
Salaries up for Discussion
at Both Publ
Collegiate B
Both Boards Offer Reduced
Contracts to Teaching
Staffs For Next Year.
The board of the Seaeorth Public
School held its (regular • 'meetieg
the teacher's Toorn of the school an
Wednesday evening with the chair-
man, Charles Holmes, ;presiding: The
menibters, with the exception of Robt.
Archibald, were all present.'
The question of salaries was the
big item of business 'before the .meet-
ing and was only decided, aftereea
heavy discussion by the trustees. On
motion of Fred W. Wigg, .seconded
by' Ro'ber't Joynt, assistant teachers
will be ,offered $900 for the coming,
year. The motion carried with Chair-
man Holmes and Trustee' Wright
dissenting. It was pointed oui, that
the Out was not needed to bilante
the budget and that the teachers
were already getting much less in
proportion than Collegiate teachers.
Salaries until last year were $1,000
when each was cut po. The princi-
pal's, secreteryetreasurer's and care-
taker's salaries will be as formerly.
Other motions were ae follows:—
Moved by F. 'W. Wigg, seconded by
Joynt, that 'minutes of last meet-
ing be adopted a's-read.
Moved by W. A. Wright, seconded
Ory R. Joynt, that, the following ac-
counts, totalling $792.33, be passed:
Salaries, $776.16; G. D. Ferguson,
$10.25; A. Westcott, $4.50; Robert
ifileee, $1.00; Thoma t Dickson, 42c. '
Moved .by F. W. Wiggseconded by
M. MIcKellar, that Principal's report
'be adopted as read.
Mated .by. F. W. Wigg, seconded by
M. McKellar, that reports have come
tiro the Board of frequentecas•es of
truancy and that the principal check
up this matter and • that pupils be
punished in such a way as to stamp
out this offence; that the Principal'
report frequent aibsentees to the
Board, also to the truant officer,
'Moved by• F. W. Wigg, seconded by
W. A. Wright, that the chairman be
'a committee to interview/the princi-
pal, re discipline.
(Moved be F. W. Wigg, seconded by
R. Joynt, that the assistant teachers'
salaries be reduced to $900 -00 -
Moved by 'M. McKellar, seconded
by F. -W. Wigg, that we :adjourn. "
Collegiate Also Cut. '
The 'Collegiate Board met in the
council -chamber on Friday evening
last for its May meeting; It is un-
derstood that contracts, calling for •a
reduction of five per tent for assist-
ant teachers and about 12 per cent.
foe the Principal, were offered the
staff for the coming year.
The township council met itt the
hall Teescley, all memlbers being pres-
Several from St. John's congrega-
tion attended the Parish W. A. held
in the Bayfield Rectory on Tuesday
'Mrs. Mossop and daeghter, Jean,
in company with Mr. and MTS. Jas.
Stephenson, spent Sunday with
friends in Goderich.
The enemlbees of the W. A. met at
the home of 'Mrs. H. Deihl last week
and Wad- a very enjoyable time.
'Mr. Stela is+ stilevery low.
ler. Lee 'McConnell has purchased
the Mitchell homestead for the sum
of $3,800.
Mrs. A. 'McConnell is spending a
few weeks with friends in Minneap-1
olis, and Toronto.
We are pleased to report Mrs.
John Beatty has recovered from a
severe attack of acute bronchitis and
is able to be. about again.
,Miss Emily Beatty and Mr. Lathe/11
of London, in company with Mr. Wm.
Beatty, of Mount Brydgee, spent the
holiday last week with friend's here.
(Mr., and Mrs. Edward Lowden, of
Hamilton, spent the week end with
the latter's mother, Mrs. Robinson,
Mr. George Johnson and his
mother, of Goderich, spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rob-
'Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Levis and fam-
ily, of Clinton, visited Mre. Levis'
brother; Mr. Elgin McKinley, on Mon-
dey evening.
Nr. Fee, the Misses Sara and
Mary Fee and Miss Helen Smith, of
Hensall, also Mrs. Simpson, of St.
" Marys, were guests of Mrs. Robert
leteleinley and family one dayerecent-
Report of No. 14, :Stanley, for May:
ee Sr. IV—ukudrey Cocheane 789', Her -
Ole Jones 65, Aubrey Farquhar 60.
Sr. 1.11_Mary Farquhar 84, Kathleen
Jones 63, Cleo -rev Clifton 52. Jr. TTI
—Marian Kerelake 57, Eric Switzer
53. rl—Jean 'Speer 57, Don ewitzee
58, Ernie Talbot 50, •Willie Witcombe
41, Kenneth McKenzie 35, Lois Rath -
well (absent ) . L--rMildred Jones.
Primer Ai—Monty McKenzie, Alvin
Rerslek-e. Primer, 13 -Betty Switzer.
Primer 0—June Murdoch. Number
on roll, 10; average attendence, 16.5.
.--Fhilippa O. Penfold, 'readier.
c School and
)ard Meetings
• , ,.
•• ,• • , • , • 0
Will Picnic
Seaforth public school pupils
' will celebrate the, King's Birth-
day in regal style this Saturday,
when they go to Case's Grove for
a picnic. The affair will be un-
der the auspices of. the local
Home and School Club, who
promises a real picnic for every
boy 'and girl from the small
kindergarteners. to 'the elderly
Entrance pupils.
• • 0. • • •
. , •
Highlanders Band Will Op-
en Summer Series •
Next Sunday. '
The anneencereent• that •. summer
Sunday evening band concerts by the
Seaforth Highlanders Band in Vic-
toria Park will commence for • this
season on Sunday next, will be *good
news for hosts of Seafo.rth and dis-
trict 'p,eople, who have enjoyed these
concerts in ‘forneer years.
The concerts will begin next Sun-
day and continue through June
' July
and August. The members ofthe
band have been practising 'diligently
each week and the standatel of play-
ing will be well up to that of former
That these excellent programmes,
given gratis by the bandsmen; are
enjoA,d; is not denied, but the officers
of the band point out that the enjoy-
ment would be !much greater if the
audience), particularly' that part of
the audiehee who sit in cars, would
refrain from 'blowing horns, starting
and stopping -cars And generally mov-
ing about while , a numiber is being
played. That is all the band ask in
return for' the excellent entertain-
ment—quietness on the, part of the
public during numbers.
tiVir. William -Freeman is leader of
the Highlanders Band, and members
include: Coronets—D., L. Reid, C.
Stewart, M. R. Rennie, A. Phillips, T.
Sills, l -r: Oke, Teel/gag; trombones—
W. Kerr, E. RennieeMr. Deacon; bar-
iton—iA. Close; 'bass drum — Ge
Reeves; snare drune—W. Parke;
clarionete—D. G.eminell, J. Cardno, E.
Duncan. Clifford Trott, 'Clarence
Trott, G. Rennie; basses — M. Mc-
Phee, D. Sills; altos -4M. .MeLeedv R.
Bolton, L. Bolton, Stewart Plant, P.
Sills; tenors—E. J. Box, L. Joynt, F.
Sowing the root crop and potato
planting has been the order of the
Grading and gravellingethe rough
spots of our boulevards is almost
completed and it will be a pleasant
drive for the motorist.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brall. and fam-
ily, from Detroit, were visitors in
our burg this week and report•times
are improving under the new regime
and that it is about time for nations
to find out that they cannot live ,by
themselves and peosper. There is no
doubt that those high tariff walls
that have been ibpilt by the different
governments did not help to bring
...e......... „.........
'The. Young Peeples anniversary
service will be held on Sunday even-
ing, June llth, at 7.30 p.m Rev.
Farrill, of Cljnton, will be the guest
speaker for the occasion, ,and the
Kippen choir is Pre.paring special
Quite a number celebrated the 24th
of May going fishing and 'boat rid-
Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller and fam-
ily, of Kitchener, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mr. C. Selman.
Miss Mildred Workman, of Kippers,
has taken a position at Mr, Gordon
Love's for a few weeks.
Misses Annie ance Agnes '1Co.2hrane,
of Clinton, visited with` their sisters,
Mrs. Forrest and Mrs. Fuss,
Mr. Victor Dinnin, of near Crom-
arty, has been re-engaged in S. S.
No. 7, Stanley, for another term.
'Mrs. Andrew Love, of Hensel, is
spending a few weeks with her son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
G. Love.
Mrs. James Love and daughter,
Anna, visited with the fornier's son
near Kippen on Sunday.
The ladies of the W. M. S. quilted
their quilts for the bale on Thursday
afternoon. '
Mr.andMrs. 13. Elder and Mr. and
Mrs. A. Mousseaue of near Hensall,
called on friends on Sunday after-
Mrs. E. Broderick and Mrs. C. Sei-
men spent -a -day with friends on the
Goshen Line, retie' Zurich.
Mrs. R. Stephenson and Miss Ag-
nes Love hive been on the sick list.
We hope they have a speedy re-
covery to better 'health.
Rev. Finley, of London,
Conducts 'Sunday
.Large, congregations attended spe-
cial anniversary services both morn -
leg and evening .in Heneall United.
Church on Sunday last. Rev. dames
A. Finlay, of London, was the guest
preacher for the day and in the morn-
ing spoke on "A Firm Grasp af God"
and in the evening, 'The Adventures
of the 'Common Day."
,Excellent musical slumbers' by the
choir, assisted materially in the suc-
cess .of the anniversary. In the
morning Mr. and Mrs. H. Plfile sang
a duet, "The Lord' is My Shepherd,"
the choir rendered an anthem, "r
Found Bim in My Heart,' and Dr.
liven Smillie sang a solo, "Recession-
al." In the evening a ladies' quart-
ette, consisting 'of 'Mrs. M. G. Drys-
dale, Mrs. H. Pfile, Mrs. G. Hess end
Miss F. Welsh sang, "Jesus Knows
and Untieretands." The choir ren -
an anthem, 1'Send Gut Thy
Light," and Mrs. L. Hedden and Dr.
Ivan A. Smillie sang a duet, "Hark,
Hark, My 'Soul."
'On Monday evening a .grand con-
cert was presented 'by the London
Orpheus Choral Society under the
direction of Clarence E. Gilmour, and
assisted by the London Instruniental
Trio and Miss Hazel •Taylor, reader.
The excellent program included the
?awing: Glees, We and
Chaunt it", "Come Let Us Join the
Roundelay"; trio, Minuet; 'reading
"The Pudding"; folk songs, "Early
One 'Morning" and "Far Away"; vio-
lin solo, "Schon Rosmarin"; part
son, women's voices; trio, "By the
Brook"; reading, "Mother Will Help"-,
part spng, imee's voices, "The Old
Woman"; cello solo, "Cradle Song";
part songs, "Annie Laurie". "Robin
Adair"; "Drink es) Me Only With
Thine Eyes"; reading, "Telephoning
Linder Difficulties; 'trio, "Cavatina";
part song, "WV"' a Hundred Piper".
The church was beautifully decor-
ated both for the services Sunday
and the concert -• on Monday. The
audience at the Monday concert was
very gratifying to the committee as.
were also the proceeds.
Rev. Arthur 'Sinclair is minister, of
the church; Miss Eleanor Fisber,
A.T.C.M., is organistean.d Mr. W. 0.
Goodwin, chole. leader.
• Our baseball club gave a good ac-
count of themselves at the last two
matches held at New Hamburg and
etratfoed, winning easily in each and
it is hoped they may have good sec -
cess ip the coming game on Friday
afternoon, June 2nd, on our diamond
at five o'clock and the Clinton Band,
together with two expected members
of parliament in the persons of W.
H. Golding, of Seaforth, and Mr.
Medd, of Exeter, and the honorary
presidents should add distinction and
great interest to the corning contest
with St. Marys.
The committee are having lighte
inetalled this rweek on the Commer-
cial Hotel lawn for the Tuesday night,
concerts. The first concert will be
next Tuesday eight, June 6th.
the new roof on Mr. 'Harry Arn-
old's dwelling on Xing Street, pres-
ents a very nice appearanees the
work being done by Mr. John Elder
who is quite en expert in roofing.
Miss Minnie Gibbs and friend from
Terohto, spent the .week end here with
friends who were pleased to meet
them again.
Hensel]. Lodge of I.O.O.F. have re-
ceived' an invitation from the sister
ledge at Brucefield to • attend divine
anniversary services in the United
Church on'eehe coming Sunday even-
'fhe Sabeament of the Lord's Sups
per was observed in Cannel Pres-
byterian Church on Sunday last at
the morning service when '.here was
a large, congregation is -resent and fine
seri-mins appropriate to the occasio'n
delivered by the pastor, Rev. \V. A.
Young. The choir also. rendered ex-
cellent, music in keeping with the
services • of Sacrament.
Those mailing or purchasing, pos-
tal notes will (10 well to remember
that' th,e tax on each is now three
cents and also an increase in the cost
of three cents each only on money
orders under and up to five dollars;
no change in cost of meney orders
over five dollars and up' to one hun-
dred dollars.
Earring early severe frost titer
promises to be an overwhelmingly
large crop of strawberries and other
smell fruits.
The meeting of the Young People's
League has been withdrawn for this
week on account of meetings earlier
in the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Smillie,
of Toronto, are spending a week here
with their son, Dr. Ivan Smillie.
Word was received here this week
of the death of one ,of the sons of
Dr. George Blatchford, of Clinton,
Michigan. Dr. Blatchford is jwell
and favorably known in this sebtion
as a frequent visitor and much sym-
pathy is felt for him? in his well ad -
vaned years and as a widower.
'Rev. A. Sinclair on Sunday last
exchanged duties with Riev. Mr.
Findley, of London, who preached an-
niversary s,erleices in the United
Chtirch here.
(Continued on page 4)
.. ' To -Night
Seaforth softball team will play
its opening league game to -night
(Thursday) against Monkton. It
is expected that W. IL Gelding;
M.P., W. G. Medd, M.L.A., and
Mayor •Sutherland will be present
to Officiate in the opening cere-
ninnies. With the recreation
grounds in itspresent excellent
condition, the genie should beifast
and good. Seafeetles battery will e
be Gordon Buckran and Evan
• . -• • ilr • •
, .
No Other Business Before
Commissioners on
Tuesday. ...•
All the tmembers of the Public
Utility Commission were present at
the regular meeting held in the
Clerk's office on „Tuesday afternoon.
Chairnian W. H. .Golding, M.,P., pre-
Accounts were the only item of
business before the 'commissioners,'
and these were pasted on motion 'of
A. D. Sutherland and E. L. Box. The
accounts included, the follewing:
Waterworks—A. 'Little,. salary $50;
E. L. Box, coal, $6.36; S. Allen, wag-
es; $3.60; A. Fortune, wages, $2.50;
George Pinkney, wages, $2.50;' Pub-
lic Utility 'Commission, Electric De-
partment, light $11.13, account' 35c;
Canadian Brass. Co., invoice, $13.38;
S. Allen, wages, $22.05; Geo. Pink-
ney, wages, $15; Jacob Wurm, wag-
es, $12.00; John Currie, wages, $15;
Jon A.' Wileen, exchange, 55c; Bell
Telephone Co., account, $2.75.
Electric Department — E. Mole,
salary, $100; John A. Wilson, salary,
$55, transportation 33.75; Hugh 'C.
MacLean ;Publications, $2; S. Allen,
wages, $24.40; Findley's Ltd., invoice,
33.15; Canadian General Electric Co.,
invoice; $6,,16; Moffats Ltd. invoices
36e; Woodstock Lam is co., ha:lance in-
voice, Feb. 22.34.00, invoice May 25,
335.77; General Steel Wares, invoice,
$63.431,,E11is & Howard, Meal*: May,
13, 32.64, May 17, $22.31; Dowswell,
Lees & Co., invbice, 32.15; 'Hydro El-
ectric ' Power Coelmission, April
power, $1,133.11; account 66c, account
51.61; E. Mole, paid on rangette, 33;
Bell Telephone Co., account, 32.87.
The meeting adjourned on motion
of E, L. Box and A. D. Sutherland.
The .Coestance United Church will
hold their Sunday school anniversary
on June 11th. Rev. C. C. Kaine, a
former pastor, will speak at 11 a.ni.
and 7.30 p.m. There will be special
na'usic by the choir.
Mrs. R. Clark and son, Clarence, of
Listowel, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Anderson on Wednesday of
last week.
There will be preaching service on
Sunday in the•abeence of Rev, Gard-
iner. Mr. F. W. Lewis, of Toronto,
will represent the Temperance Or-
Mr., Charles Dexter is in London
this week attending Conference as
a delegate for Londesboro circuit
'Mr. and Mrs; M. Jackson, of near
Walton, and Mr. and Mrs. Logan, of
Blyth, and idaughter Kathleen,
wire visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson on
'Mies- Elva Wheatley. of Toronto,
spent the week end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George heatley.
Mr. and Mrs. William Britton and
Mr. and Mrs. B.B. Sisslienson called
on Mr. and Mrs, Davi Laidlaw, of
near Blyth, on Sunda s avening.
''Mr. and Mrs. Tuenbs:1, of Walton,
.s.isited at the home- of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Lawson recently.
Mr. and"Mrs. John' Ferguson visit-
ed their aunt, Mrs. MeNab, of Dray-
ton, also called 6n Mr.' and Mrs:
Clarence Clark, of L:stowel, on
Thursday of last week,
'Mrs. Cook, of Godetish Township,
spent a few days with he daughter,
Mts. Frank Riley.
Locals Defeat Brussels 1-0
in H.F.A. Game Before
Large Crowd.
Following a heavy downpour of
rain the sun 'broke through the clouds
and the first football game in the
Northern Group of the H.F.A. was
played , on the Walton recreation
grounds west of the village on Fri-
day evening between Brussels and
Walton, the local team winning e-0.
A large crowd witnessed the game,
which was exciting, although not as
fast as was anticipated owing to the
very. ninthly condition of the field. It
was very trying on the players, but
they seemed to stand the test well.
The winning goal was -scored by R.
Carter with an assist from C. Steiss.
during the first half ,of the. game.
The teams lined up as follows: Brus-
sels—'Samis, 'McIntyre, Streeton,
Thompson Hoist, Warwick, Work-
man, •McArter, Turnbull, Rutledge,
Burt. Walton—K. Rutledge, L. Steiss,
M. Holland,J. Johnston, 0. Love, A.
Farquharson, E. Dennis, H. Bryans,
R. Carter, Jordan. Referee—Percy
Stevenson, of Ethel.
A dance was hel(,I in the A. 0. U.
W. Hall 'on Friday' evening with the
Rowland ;five -piece orchestra in at-
Preparatory service was held in
the basement of Duff's United Church
on Friday evening.
The weekly meeting of th- Y. P. S.
of Duff's United Church was held in
the school room of the church on
Sunday evening with the president,
Harvey Bryant, in charge. The meet-
ing opened with a ' sing -song with
3,1Ns Isabel Ritchie presiding at the
plant>. The Scripture lesson was read
by Miss Riiby Yoiang after which a
rraver Was 'offered by Mies Elea
Reid, .Conem'ents on the Scripture
reading were given by Harvey Bry-
an. Following a hymn and the of-
fering..a splendid talk was given by
the pastor. Rev. Chas. Cumming, on
"The Home We, Hope To Have." The
meeting closed with a hymh and the
Mizpah ,Benediction. repeated" in uni,
son. At the ,close of the meeting the
Executive and Social Conemittees
Make „arrangements for the clesing
meeting. which will be held in the
auditorium 'of the church on July
The Ineet•ing next Sunday evening
will be in' charge of the convenor of
the Christian Fellowship Committees
Miss 'Ruby Young. The topic 'entits
led. "The What -and How of Worship"
will be given by Mr. Harvey John-
ston. , •
The Sacrament of the Lord's • Sup-
per was 'observed in Duff's.. United'
Church on Sunday morning with the
pastor, Rev, Charles Cumming, con-
ducting the service. Ari anthem was
rendered by the. choir with Miss Bes-
sie Davidson presiding at the organ
in the absence of the organist, Mrs.
W. C. Bennett.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Fingland and fain-
ily, of Clinton; were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Colin Fingland
on Sunday.
Miss Ruth Hoerle. and 'Mr, and
Mrs. Charles Sellers and son, Clay-
ton. were week end guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sohier,
Mr. and Mrs, P. B. Gardiner andl
daughter, Vera, have moved. to their
farm west of the 'N-illage and Mr.
and Mrs. John Buchanan and ddugha
ter, Mary, have moved to the Gard-
iner house in the village.
• 'Aliss B. Parr, of. Brussels, visited
,,vith friends in the village last week.
'Mrs. 0. .Wells and daughter, Joan,
of Tomtit°, have returned home af-
ter spending a week with Mr. and
Mrs. William .Humphrey and Mr. and
Mr!. Hugh Shannon.
:111.. Cosby Ennis and eMi'. Stewart
Keith,. of Granton, were visitors at
the home of the former's parents,
and Mrs. Fred Ennis, 071'4 May
14 t h.
The services in St. George's Angli-
can Church will be held at 9.30 a.n.
during the sturwner months.
Miss Maybelle Rands, o.6 Seaforth,
spent the weak end with Miss. Annie
'Mrs. William Palmer, of Erisels
WilS' a visitor at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Fred Ennis on Sunday.
(Continued on page 5)
Highland Cedar
Not one piece of Swamp Cedar in
the pile.
Tuckersmith Council
Gravel. Hauling Con
At 9 Cents a Yard
• • • • • •
Old. Paper Wanted
The front steps of the major-
ity of Seaforth homes looked like
honest -to -goodness dump yards
for a few days this week. The
occasion was the annual paper
collection of -the Home and
Sehool Club, who insisted that
papers be tied in bundles and
left on the front steps. Trucks.
donated by local garages, and
manned by school children, made
a quick job of picking up the
bundles. The paper, when sold,
brings $2.00 a ton.
• • ' • • • 0
Win Opening Tournament
At Bowling Green
on Wednesday.
Bowlers, • were officially on the
greet's for the—first time Wedneeday
afternoon and fully enjoyed the tourn-
ament which had been arranged. W.
G. Willis and 'Charles Stewart came
through with three wins and were
awarded the prize hams. Scotch
Doubles, three 12 -end 'games were
'The ecares were as follows: J. G.
Docherty and H. Jeffery , 1 win; J.
DEvereaux and R. J.. Sproat, 1 win;
J. Clark and R. J. Winter, 2 wins; C.
Stewart and W. G. Willis, 3 wins; J.
A. Weteott and R. Devereaux, 1
win; T. J. •Scott area C. P. Sills,l win;
W. J. Duncan' atter F. Sills, 3 losses;
C. Holmes and J. Broderick, 1 win.
The Ladies' Aid of Grace Church
will meet a week from • Thursday,
June 8th, with the president, Mrs.
Fred Pickard, in charge.
The many friends of Mr's. William
Perdue; Sr., will be pleased to hear
that the last few days there is a
slight improvement. We hope she
continues to improve.
• 'Miss Dorothy Cex, of London, is'
through with her exams and is home
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs: Les-
lie Cox:
Miss Helen Cox, of London,,
the week end with her parents, Mr.
and 'Mrs. Herbert Cox.
Mr. and Mrs. George Proctor and -
Harry spent Sunday. at Alvin Proc-
tor's in Colborne. •
iMr. and Mrs. Peter McDougall, Mr.
and Mrs. Murray McDougall and Miss
June 'spent Sunday with Brussels
Mrs. ihn Lowery, of Toronto,
who has been visiting the last two
weeks with her; sisters and brothers
around Holmesville, returned home
Misses Ria Hills, Laura McMillan.
Tia and Eve Love. of Toronto. were
week End guests at their respective
Miss Evelyn Wilson. of Brucefield,
was •a week end visitor with, Miss
Mina Stewart.
'M'iss Jean and Mr. Earle Webster,
of Whitevale, wet e wei:k end guests
at their.home, 2nd concession.
•Mr. George Black. London. spent
the week end with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Olivt•r Kirk and Mrs.
Creighton and family, of 'Detroit.
were week end guests with Mr. and
Nil's. Andrew Kirk.
Mr, and Mrs. Verne Walker and
family, of Rochester, N.Y., tvere week
end visitors at "Rnseoe Farm."
Mt's. George Mack and sciu, Wm.,
spent the'week end with friends in
G u el ph.
:Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Gray and
famile. of Stratford, spent. 'Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. MeMillan.
Miss _Pearl Amos and Mr. Leslie
MeN,ay, Guelph, were week end visi-
tors with Miss .Tean Smith.
Y. P. S. Hold Anniversary Set vices.
—On Sunday, May 28th, F,gmondville
Young People held their anniversary
services. Rev. C. W. D. Cosens, M.A.,
B.D., was the speaker for both mern-
ing and evening services. A young
'people's choir provided the nitsic and
Misses Helen Lane and Beside fluff
sang a duet. - On Monday evening
the play, "Sunrise in the Valley,"
was put on by the Winthrop Young
People. The stage was beautifully
decorated for the .oecasion. Other
numbers he *the program We/ e: ,A
song by Mr. Hereberger, "The Old
Rugged 'Cross; three readings by
Miss Jean Smith; a piano duet by
Misses ,Strong arid Hillen; a duet,
Mrs. Pethick and her daughter, and
a hoop drill by fon girls, who are
pupils of .Miss Ross ie5 Patrick.
Council To Meet As a Court
of Revision Next Satur.
day, June 3rd, at 4 p.rn,
'Collector's Time Extend-
ed to July lst.
,Gravel in Tugkeisn:bith will be haul-
ed this year by Wilfl'ed ,Colemaie the
township council . decided at its meet-
ing on - Saturday. His tender, which
was accepted, was for 9 cents a yard
Reeve W. R. Archibald' presided and
all the memibers of ,council • were
present. The meetings as usuel, was '
held in the town hall, Seaforth.
Next Saturday at 4 p.m. the coun-
cil will again meet, but • as. a court .
of revision. The next regular meet-
ing of council will be on Saturckay, •
June 24th. .at- 2 p.m.
The following motione- were- pro-
posed and carried:
McKay -Clark: That, the minutes •
of last meeting be adopted.
'Clark -Whitmore: That J. W. Crich '
be paid $5.00 for lamlb killed by dogs.
Clarke -McKay:. That the Collector
be given an extension of time, until,
July 1st.
!Whitmore.McKay: That R. Dal-
rymple be paid the sum of $89.55,
Pay List No. 3. s.,
Clark-31"eXay; That the tender of
Wilfred Celemen, for hauling gravel
by truck a't 9c per yard mile be ac-
Clark --McKay: That any personor
persons removing earth from road-
sides, there -by making read' danger: -
taus to traffic, 'will be 'Prosecuted. •.•
Clark -McKey: That the -following
accounts be paid: Clinton. News -Re-
cords adv, 31.25; Seaforth News., adv.
37.70; ',Municipal World, supplies,
321.37; E. B. Goudieeiejlk for relief,
$3.84; G. N. Turner, salary on •C -
count, .350.00; W. J. Finnigan, sup-
plies for relief, $7.46; 11. Tyndal, re-
pairing 'road, 41.50. 0 0,
Clark -McGregor: That Wm. Me -
Gregor and WM. Wright be paid $2
rebate on , dog tax wrongly' assessed—.
The council meet as a, Court of
Revisipn on Saturday, June 3rd. at 4'
o'cleck. and the next regular rneet-
ing he held on Saturday, June
24th, at 2 p.m. — D. F. 'McGregor;
A meeting of the execetive' of the
Teckerrnith 'Trustees add Ratepay-
ers' Association was held at the home
of the Secretary, Mr. W. Broad -
foot, receptly to make preparations
for the annual meeting of the As-,
sociation, which will be held at No.
9. school house (Red Tavern) on Fri -
da, June 2nd, at 8 ,p.m. It is ex-
pected to haye Mr. W. G. Medd, M.
L.A., ilreSent. who will speak on the
Educational Legislation of 1933. The
matter of improvements in the edu-
cational system will he discussed, Mr.
Joseph Forrest speaking front the
farrr:ers' standpoint, and Mr. R. R.
McKay from the teachers' side. All
interested in educational matters are
invited to attend and take part in the
Dr. C. Alexander. of Brantford, is
visiting his mother.
Me5S1'F. William Taylor and Wil-
liam Bell ware Mitchell visitors on
Mr. NV. J. Troyer. of Magnetewan,
is visiting with Mr. and Mis.SI•Geni-
Mrs• Erh and Betty, of London,
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. James Doig have
moved frem the eth concession to
Mr, Peel Deig's farm.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hodge -id and Mr.
and Mrs. Pilling visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Hodgert on Sun-
• (7
•Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Howard Fletcher, of
Larrheth, spent Sunday with the
lady's parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. El-
Mrs. McGill and' son, of Mitchell:
Mrs. Lantond- and cons. Londen, and
ti'. D. McKellar, of Crom.artv, vis-
ited with Mr. ard Mrs. A. Luxton
on Sunday.
'Mr. and Mrs, E. Coward. of Far-
quhar. visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrc. George Tuffin.
Mrs. James 'McKellar has returned
to her home after spending the past
week at her hon' here,
Mrs. (Rev.) R. N. .Stewart and
hahy are spending a week at her
home in Montreal.
Rev. R. N. Stewart and Mr. Frank
O'Brien are in London this week at-
tending Conference.
:Mrs. William .Jeffrey is visiting
this Week with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Jeffrey, Detroit.
'Mr. and Mrs. A. Weatl'ake, of
Chiselhurst, and Mr. and Mrs. F.
Pinder of ejedielie, visited with Mr.
and Mre. }Pugh Norris on -Sunday.
Miss Marguerite. Sillery has re-
turned. to Buffalos after spending her
holidays With her patents, Mr. and
Mos. R. Sillery.
Mies 'leafy Drown, of London, vis-
ited with her parent, Mr. and Mrs.
Drown, during the week. .
•-•,' 41,