HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-05-26, Page 7M t,
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Phone No. 181
Barrister, Soli'ctor,
Notary Public, Etc.
Beattie Block - - Seaforth, Ont.
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Succeeding R. S. Hays
Ten manswteq later, on his way to
t'o,o,k possession of him. Hie wi
the 8b;wk, he, was discussing with
right. the must be right, for it "
•Barristers,, Solicitors, Conyoyancers himself the modus operandi of that
his life thatwas 'hanging in fill
sold Notaries Public. • Solicitors for,
It had, c+o1mie to. him, in an
baht w. e,,. Yet ". Mary Josephine coo
the Dominion. Bank. Office in rear bf
insitant, a flash of ins'pirati'on'. That
not know that.
• the Dominion Bank, Seaforth. Money
afternoon he would see Miriam Kirk-
'Her fingers had tightened abo'u't h
to 1081►
,stone and question her ` about Peter.
anal she waz looking away from hits
Then he would return to MicDowell,
He .,saw now that the 'color had a
lay stress on the importance of the
most (gone, frounl her face. Therewg
Lrother, tell ,him) that he had a clew
the flash of a new fire in her eyes
whtcdh be- wanted to follow, and sug-
"And that was why she was, neer
gest finally a swift trip to British
mis and pale', with sometimes,
Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyan-
GLlumbi,a. He would take Mary Jos?
ephine, lire Low until his term, of ser-
frightened 'look in .her eyes," al
s,po,ke softlys, repeating his word's. ".'
tens and Notaries Public, Etc. Office
in the Edge' Building, opposite The
vice expired, and then report by let-
was because of this Chinese monste
Esposi!bor Office.
ter to lMaD,ow,ell that he had failed
Shan Tung- -(because he , has son
and that he.had made up his mrind
'sort of ,power over her, you say-Abl
not to re-enlist -but to try his for-
cause --L-11
tunes with '.Mary Josephine in Aus'-
She snatched, her hand from h.
tralia. Before -McDowell received
with a suddenness that startled hi.r
that letter; they could ,be on: their
way into the 'hunch',
Her eyes,, so beautiful"and, soft a fe
m,auntaine. ,The
minuitels before, ss,cin4.11sibed fixe
offered an 'opportunity for a clean
"Derry, if you don't fix this heathe
getaway, and in his jubilation, Mir-
devil -sI (will!»"
iam Kirkstone and her affairs were
'S'he stood up before him, 'breathin
important only as . a means to an
quickly, and he :beheld in her me
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin-
,end. He was John Keith now, fight-
the. soft, slime -waisted little goddei
ary College. All diseases of domestic
ing for John Keith% life-- and 'D'er-
-Q.f half an, 'hour' age, but the fierce<
animals treated. Oalls promptly at-
went Conuistton's sister.
fighter of all the fighting ages,
tended to and charges moderate. Vet-
'Mary Josizp,h}ne herself' put the
moman rous,ad. And no longer fee.
erinary Dentistry a specialty. Office
first s'ho't intG the fab •ic of his plans,
but a glory swept over him. •She 'wa
and residence on Goderich .Street, one
She must ,have -been watching for
Conni•stou's s}ster, anti she was. Cor
. door east of Dr. lvlackay's office, Sea-
him, for when halfway up the slope
n'ston. Evert;,:gals he saw his plan'
the saw her coming to meet him. She
Falling a'bo'ut li}mv, he opened his arm
scolded him for !being away from h'er,
and held theYnt out to ,her, and wit
as he had expectzd her to do. Then
the swiftness of 1'ove, she,ran int
" A. R. CAMPBELL V.S.she
pu'll'ed his arm about her slim
them, Putting hex hands•• to his fac
little waist and held the, hand thus
while he held her close and kisse
Graduate of Ontario Veterinary
engaged in both her own as they
1 p« lips,
College,, University .of Toronto. All
walked up the winding path. Ile no-
You bet we'll fix that he'athe
diseases of clamestip animals treated,'tice,d the little w•rink'hs in her ad'or-
devil before we 'go," he, said. "Yo
�y the Troost stia>dern i5iirciples.
able forehead.
bet we will-swwreetheart!" '
Charges reasonable. Day or night
"Derry:' is it the light thing for
calls promptly attended to. Office on
young ladles to call on their gentle-
' �
Main'�5treet; Hensall, apposite Town
mem i d
frens over ere'?" she asked
Hall. Phone 116. Breeder, of Scot=
tish Terries. 'I overness Kennels,
' "Why-e'rihat dletpends, Msary
' 'Walli•e, suffering the outrage of .on
Josephine. You mean
who sees his dinner growing coli
"Yens, I do, Derwent .Clonnis'ton!'
found Keith and Mary Josephine, i.
Silhe's pretty, and °I don't blame you,
the edge, ,of, the. golden birch and im
but I can't 'help feeling that I don't
p'lored them to come and eat. It wa
like W.",
a mk rvel •of, a dinner. Over Mar;
His arm tightened about her until
Jos•ephine's coffee and Keith's ciga
_ _
she, gasped. 'The_ fragile softness of
they discussed their final plans. Keit;
hen• nvaist was 'a joy to him'. ' '
made the 'big promise that he wo'ul
DR. E. J. R. FORSTER I(""Derry!"
she. remonstrated.' . "If
"fix Shin Tung" in a hurry, .,perhap
Eye, Ear Nose and Throat
Y , ,
you do that again, I'll break!"
"'I cou.dm^t_hetp lilt," he pleaded. "'I
that very aft=m noon. In the plow o
Mary Jose'phine's proud eyes- he fel
dtuate hr Medicine, University, of
dear. The way you said it
no task too lar for him and h'
just made my 'aim+ close up tigiit.
was eager to -be' tit -it. But when hi,
assistant New York Opthai-
I m�gl d you didn't like it. 1 can
cigar was haif done, Jose h'm
mei and Aural Institute, M,borefield's
love •andy' one at a t{rrriey and I'm
came around and, perched hiexself of
Eye and Square Thro'a't' Hos-
loving you, and going or loving
the arm of his chair, and 'began run
.. pitasls, Lonl� 'ng. At Commercial
y"Ou all. my life. • ��
ping her fingers through his hair. Al
(%tel, S..eaforth, third Monday in
I Wasn't j;ealousy sth,e protested,',
desire to •go after 'Shan Tung def
each truantli, from 11 ami. to 3 p:'rh.
'blu'shing. But.: §he called twice on,
Hie would have remained „them
5S Waterloo Street, South, Stratford,.
the telephone and' then canoe up, And
forever. Twice she bent down ani
she's 'prretty:' .
touched his forehead lightly with he
. "I suppose you mean Miss Kirk-
lips. Algain his arm iwae round he
soft ,little waist, and 'his- heart wa'
"Yes. She was frightfully anxious
pu'nvping. like a thing clvem..w1orked
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine,
to see you, .Derry," I
, "And what did you think of her,
It was Mary Josephine, filially, wh
sent hint on his Imission, but no
University of WLon
estern Ontario. -.
dear '+"
before she ,stood on tiptoe, her hand
. don. Memilber of College of Physic-
She cast a swift look up into; his
on his shoulders, giving him he
fans and Surgeons of Ontario. Office
face. "Why, I like' her. She's sweet,
mouth to kiss.
in AberharVs Drug Store, 'Main St.,
and pretty; and 'I fell in love with 11,er
.An army at his back could not hav
,!Seaforth. Phone 90.
hair. But something was troubling
strengthened Keith with a.Niaster d'e
her this morning. I'm quite sure of
termnination than that. kiss. Ther,
it, though „she tried to ken.p it (back."
would be no more qui0ibling. 'Hi
"She w%s nervous, you mean, and
mind was made up definitely on th
pale, with %oimetimes a frightened
paint. And hi',s first move was b
Office and residence Goderich Street,
look in her eye , Was that it?"
(head straight for the Kirkstone hous,
east of the United 'Church, Sea-
s'Yqu selemn to now, Derry. I think
on.. , the hill,
forth. Phone 46. 04roner for the
it was all that."
'He 'did not get as far as the doo
Comnnty of 'Huron
He nodded, He saw his horizon a-
this time., ,He caught ,a visi+rn o
glow with the smile of fortune. Ev-
Miriam Kirkstone in the shrubbery
erything was taming propitiously for
,bare'heade'd, her, hair 'glowing rad
halm!, even this unexpected visit of
•Tantly "in the sun. It occurred to
Miriam Kirkstone. He did, not trou-
him ,suddenly that it- was her hai
C. (Mackay, honor graduate of',Trin-
ble himself to speculate as to, the ob-
that roused the venom in him wh'ei
ity University, and gold mnledalist of
jest of her visit, for he was grap-
'he thought of her as the propext,
Trinity (Medical College; member of
p1ing now with his own opportunity,
of Shan Tvng. If it had been 'Neel
the College of Physicians and' Sur-
Tris chance to get away, to win out
or even lbrdwfr, the thought migh
geons of 'Ontario.
for himself in, one last master -stroke,
not tiave em;phasiz;ed. itself so un
and his mond was concentrated in
pleasantly in his mind. But .tha
that direction. The time was ripe
vivid ,gold cried ,out against th,
to tell 'these things to 'Mary Jose-
crime, even against the'girl herself
phine.' She must tie preparea.
She saw him almost in the instan
(Graduate of University of Toronto
On the flat table of the hill where
his eyes fell upon her, and, came for
Faculty .of Medicine, member of -Col-
Brady had 'built his (bungalow were
ward ,quickly to m,elet him. Ther
liege of Physicians and Surgeons of
scattered cluanps of golden birch and
was an eagerness in her face tha
• Ontario; pass' graduate courses in
in the shelter of one of the nearer
told him his coming relieved her o
Chkago School of Chicago;
clu ps- wasba'nc, to whish Keith
a te'rr-Ifib suspense.
Royal Ophthalinie Hospital, London,
d' Mary ' Th'11reaftter
"I'm sorry I -wasn't at the Shacl
England; University Hospital, Lon-
fo ma- mute's he spoke his plans,
when you came, Miss Kirkstone," h
don, England. Office -Back of Do-
yIa Jo p,hine s cheeks grew flush-
said, taking for a moment thaw hant
mnnion Bank, 'Seaforth. Phone No. 5,
ed. H& eyes shone with ,excitement
she, Offered, him. fancy you wer
- Night calls answered from residence,
and eagerness. She thrilled to the.
up there to see Imre about 'Shan Tung.
Victoria Street, Seaforth•
stpry he told her of what they would
He sent the shot,hluntly, s;traiah
do in those, w•ormrlerful mountains of
home. In the tone of his voice ther
gold and mystery, just they 'two a-
was no apology. Fie saw her groi;
lone. 'Ho nhrade her understand even
cold, her eyos fixed on hint staring
more definitely that his 'safety and
ly, as though she not only heard hi
their mutual .happinesq depended up-
words 'but s•aw> what was in his mine
Graduate Faculty of Medicine, Uni-
versity of Western Ontario. *Member
on the secrecy of their final project,
"Wasn't that it, !firs Kirkstone?
that in a -vay-they were conspirators
She nodded atfirmatirely, but he
College of Physicians and Surgeons
and must act as such. T'hey might
lips did not rnulve.
of Ontario. Post graduate work at
start for th, west to -night or to-
"Shan Tung," ha repeated, "Mis
New York 'City Hospital and Victoria
nl.,l i -ow, and she m'u,t get really.
Kirkstone, what is the trouble ? Wh,
Hospital, Landon. Phone: Hensall,
There he should h4v,e stopped. But
don't you confidle in someone, in Mc
1. 56. Office, King Street, Hensall.
with ;Mary Josephine's warm little
Do•w•eil, in 1ne,, in-" •
I I_
hand clinging to his • arnd her heauti-
He was gain,,- to say "your bro
ful e'ye's' shining at him like liquid
ther," lout• the suddenhe•ss with whit'
11 DR. J. A. MUNN
stars. lie felt within him an over.
she cau'g'ht ,his arm cut the word
whelming faith and desire, and he
of Northwestern Univers-
,en't on, making a clean''hreast of
"Shan Tung has been to see haln-
Sty, Chicago, 111. Licentiate Royal
the situation that was, giving• them
MoDow,"il?" she questioned excited
Colleges of Dental ,Surgeons, Toronto.
the opportunity to get 'away. Hie felt
ly. "He ha -q been there to-day?,An,
Office over 'Sills" Hardware, Main St.,
no prick of conscience at thought of
he told him-" She stopped}
Seaforth. 'Phone 151,,
Miriamh Kirkstone's affairs. Wr des-
breathing quickly, her fingems tight
tiny must'be, as he had told McDowell
ening on his arm.
F . , '
largely- a smatter of h'e'r own chops-
"I 4 n -t know what pw"e,i b'r
in,g. Besides, she had -McDowell to"
tween them," said Keith. "But Mc
fight for her. And the, big fat bnto-
Dowell wa,G trcmend,ously worked U
Graduate Royal (College of Dental
then•, too- So without fear of its cf.
zl�cut. you. .So ane I. We might a
Surgeons, Toronto, , Office over W. R.
feet he' told. Wary Josephine. of the
-veil be frank, (Miss Kirk.stone. Ther
Smith's Grocery, Main Street, Sea-
inystc'rious liaitson betw,emn Miriam
issaime't'hing• (rotten in DAimlark whe'
forth. Phone; Office, 185W; resi-
Kirkstone and Shan Tung, of Mc-
two people like you and Shan. Tun
deniee, 185 J.
Dowell's stuspici,ons, of his. own ,be_
liefs, and haw it was all working
riAx up. And you are mixed: yo
caikt deliv it. You have belen to se
out for their own good.
Shan Tung.lake at. night. He was i
Not until then did he, ,begin to. see
the house with you the first nigh
the c:han,ging lights ill her eves. Not
I saw ybu. More than that -lie is i
1. •,
until .he had' finished did: hie, notice
your house naw!"
that most of that vivid flush ,of joy
She shrank ;baric as if he ha
had gone from her face, and that she
strurk at her, "No, -no, nh,'' sh
wao looking at him. in •a sttraimled,
cried. isn't there. I tell yoit
'Honor Graduate, Carey, Jones' Na-
terole, away. He felt then the rex
he i•s•n'tr" •
kionlal School ft -r Auptioneering, Chi-
action. She was not Ido,khng at the
"Hove am I to believe you?" &
eago. ,Special course, taken iia Pure
thing as he was looking at it. He
mantled Keith. You have not tol
Enid Iiisyfe ,Stock, Real Estate, Me't•-
Iliad offered to her another womtan•'s
� e truth to McDowell. You ai'
ebandise and Farm Salem, R+at0s in
trragedy as (Their opportunity, and'her
fi'.ghitin,g to coven up the truth. An
kneeiping vaith pr"ailin�g' nvax+lcetta. Sat-
own womnan''s heart brad responded in
the' way that has been woman's
we know it is berause ,of Shan Tung
Willy? I here to fight for t
imfaction assured. 'aVhrite or wire '
the dawn life. A
sari you,
Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ott. PhOae:
of some of shamne
(tel' you, And McDowell, trio.
X3.98, vWhich. he fought and trieafi to crush
is wemust "know. Miss Kit%
- /; .
'4. t 'it'- , .vv'" to Ar, ,,t •.•111 , a i
I+: : r Ar u• .:r.: ,:.
a Y
'�i, t :S 4
4 ti,v,6 1' t.
.., eNidlldl`' yrr-:aurP�i, e .. l,: t„?� r
m� a�i (�,' S .R�l�:�t�d�,'.'5., a
�y, M1Tt,t;.:. 'ae"tyCtRtJ`'. *�„xd .'�rif Y.4,�if.
19 ii °ktl+i`�' i C.
,ty'-°,Y:'1t,,%dyr'.itEt�.�:( c7u�?r4t. t�',eC m'C:'Y,, , t.
e�.'YYk1' iM� '7 �.4i ^.t �. Tw�
!tone, do you 'love the China .
Hie- knew the words were an
lie had guessed their ,Offeet.
,truck there suddenly by a pa
:'rush, two .., viVid spot& appe
•he, girl's pale cheeks. She
rack from him ' another see
!yea (blazed. 'Slowly, without
ng their name from- his face
witted to the edsge of the slut
i few feet from, where they
standing. He looaced. Twisted
♦artly coined, on the mold', wh
tad been clubbed to death, was
le green -grass snake. "
•11, Iha'te,• hilnit-11kre: that!" sh
His eyes caMe,•)yamdt to her.
or sp}irite reason liTiown only t
;nd Shari Tung you have sola
ntending to sell" kwirself to
It was not a question. it,W
.,cusadoh, ..He saw' the flush
er faring out of her cheeks.
,ody re -laxed, her,head dropped,
: rwty sh'e noddles, in confirmat
"Yes, i am going to sell mys
im." • •
-The astounding' confession be
lute for a space. 'In. the irate
vas the girl who •became set
eSJFG. W'ha't she said .next a:
im still, more.
"I have confessed so much b
am positive that you will n
ray me. And I. went up, t
iha'ek to find you, because I
o'u 't'o help me, find a story
Tepowell. You said you would
)se. Will you?" It
He still did, not speak, and
Tent on.
"I am accepting t'h'at,. promis
'z'anted, !too. McDowell nxist
ut he must not know. You
elp me there. You niust hel
�r two tor, three weeks. At th
f that timle something may
en. He must be made to have
i me again. Do you`undexst
"Partly," said Keith. "You as
i 'do this ,blindly, w trt out kn
why. 'I aroi doing it, without a
lanation whatever on your par
apt that for some unknown
mysterious price you are goi
e11 yourself to Shan Tung. You
ie to cover and abet this mons
cal by hoodwink the_..man who.
iclons threaten }itis consummi
' there was not in my own ni
1 tC
ton that ,u are i
.p yo a neon
mould -say your proposition i
rdicrous as it is impossible. II
tat suspicion, it is. a bit tragi
it is impossi.bl:e. It is ne.e
rr you first to tell me why yo
oing to sell yourself to Shan T
Her face, was - 'coldly white
atm again. ,But her•'hands tre
'le saw her try to hide them,
itied her.
"Then I won't trouble you
!so,re, for. that, too, is imposs
he said. "','May •I trust you to
i confidence' what I have told
erhaps I have ha.d' too miuc'h
i you, for a reason -chich has
sason, because you were .with
'eith• John Keith was the one
uan'who might have helped' me
"And why John Keith? How
e have helped -your?"
She' shook her 'head, . I
ou that; I should be answerin
uestion 'which is impossible."
He saw himself facing• a c
trate. To pleads; to- argue with
e knew would profit hila nothi.
e'w. thought ca -me to him, swif
mperative. The end would j
le means. He clenched his 'r.
'e forced. into his face a look
,as black and rvengeful. And he
d it on her.
"Listen to me," he cried.
re playing a game. and so
ossibly we are selfish, both o
coking each, tii }ries• own tint•
•it.h no thought of the other.
o'u help ime, id I help you?"
,Again he pitied -her as he
with what eager swiftness' she c
t his bait.
"`Yes," she nodded, catching
reakh. "Yes, 1 will help you.'
His face grew blacker. He r
is. clim•ehed hands -n she cousl
rem,, and advanced a step t
"Then tell me t}ri.,-would ,you
som'et'hing • happei!ed to
ung? Would you cart• if he di
e was killed, if ---
Her breath was c, nfing faster
t„st.r. Again the evil spats b
i her cheeks.
"Would you carr, he dema
"N o -nn -,I w•r u ld n': care. H
�i-�es to die."
Then tell me ,, here Shan Tin
or lily game is wi' h him. Al
_rlieve it is a higt;or -gams:
our game, for it a game o
naf • death. That is a by I am
sted in your affair. It is ,beca.
riT s,aLfish, hecau-e T have my
lore to settle, and hccause yo
elp mmiq. '11' shall li-k you no
u'estions about yourself. A
hall keep your secret and her
rith McDowell if you will keep
lid' help nue. First, wh'cre is
lung q„ .
She hesitated for harsly•an in
He has gone nut nr' town. H
e away* for ten. dayQ."
"But lie houg•li-t •lho ticket; n,
aw hien leave by train."
"No, lie walked ui, the river.
utn was- waiting for him. H
ass through to -night on ,the
ound train on his way to
e`"Will you tell nee why he is
o Winnipeg?"
"No, I cannot."
He shrugg d his -lho'ulders.
carcely necessary to ask, I
metas. • It is to see your broth
Algain he knew he .-had ,
omrlte. And yet she said.
"leo, it is not to see my ,faro
He held out his hand to IbIT-11
,irt+kvtone, I am going to 1t
momnise. I am going fo diel
with WDow'ell. Of course I d
vy' .price. Wall you swepir on
Y P- 5 1 A , �`� r •> w Yin n 1
fi a. 4 t .F R '4k. +..•
a "r k }i 1. tf,
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Their • hagdls ela ,d. I,roOlc u i ., n !' ;r; • �r z ,'x�p�,��
.; ,k.,�. ,!"iF' %'. a' r''.fie`'""+ Mb� ,,ti , ,M'!,
kiD. !fell H Keith �7�1 IVY ?P�i4 It�R ! :.1i4 ih"illt� r µ c,; . S ,a4J. ,,
his. wa„ not the s em . 1erot8• tits h;1 0,1 yy..,,�!
1. 1,.,,,,,I �i,,�r• tI� M�. �. �Q•r"" ,,F�1T r� i�d q A ��} ��{ 7 � -r o17•r ,
.00 A�F;4'i'. ly,.Drl2itf4 11��'�'` '•' . XW 001 WAS : �� ,� rt, �k��, .'��i a '91-3}' J� � a'lr��',��r� 9; I A '�.lx•
fighting for her life; end he , ' �� � ��� � � µC✓ �*'� �re � I � ' ar ! I..
, .]aw 'or
ed h h .aaici.
)lt I f,
�• �',j
Na 1t>l>eTi ati
e °ttlteme t51 Ilf.6 'thru�o 7S hope. kl�rtla !'hof .a D j "
In sett ng 'm}3' ' (score wuh,h ,than, Tan foie �4 t�'li� _� s�alt�!. ?�1r +, " l � i � Y �, � � k ��u I
I Ibelieve that I shall sw stele , and t 11
�,he I : G+t�d a s ,
yours. It is a orong h'un'obl, Mss. Joseph , to 1!oola a��m W w �, , e t7 tg hal '1 > +
Iilf1CS�IDne, sarlcN Ws holding RXUe tygbet. will's 'leaving enryrtthitig"to a `�p�RA ,� '' �[,z•'
T'-.": Ten days i8han Tung, and th,en-a.,-'• 4 1 , R 1 �N" `
He leiflt, her, smuiialg. snlgnzng hnmtuse]tE Jo4 K q b> l' �: • " " J , u c a `:.
Mhrnazn I itxk- he car ' in an eW,elople pane rinA, :. " r"I �trt
stone wastohed lurm gory her slim hansdls A.* orvwaxUb. e* 0M#�t MiV;1<tr �. ` u
►. rlde •his ;� . 'rb. D '`r,
rzaxi3 clutched 017 . hex 'breast, her eyes a- . PR bjR 3;
y ton he ciDlleanted one ,tthaussalici l?*' `
insult. glow wibh a now -thought, a new �,
As if Iva g hvmdrteti and "'y do. %x a IFT! x t.<p,.,i. lir ,
pe; and as he petard .the• gate sUa,m 'and a half, ya ms lkrauak. 'tab , in t {, �WA'. , ` � ,
rnter's (behind pian, a soibbing cry rose in her Two hundred and sixty'of' . ' • "r.�•tr -' $} <, Vit'; .
d f '}�
axed in tbaoati, and she reached out her ban ids this he ke!pt''im his own pocket. The SPA4iru AvFRur inti $oli�9+�.+�� , a ,�•
3hranic as if to call 'hlhrn 'back, :free 'some- t 4
Her thing memtaiaulwg thousand ,he oauRngeld bait ' _ilr f«oid�t'
p: ng was telling her that through in ,new ,,hundred dollar bills udder - `° Y ,try
turrn- this mean lay the way to her sal'va- Mary
she tion. bills
Josep7rinpis eyes, walled the salt i.,
ilrber f And her lips rw Ibi11s imr another envelope, and .goes, ; "t 11 . u
p ea+o rraloaniiug soflbiy, the emMellape to her. y s
were "Ten dlay's4-,ben days anid then= "I't's safer with.you than with nye," " �M
ere it what? -he excused liftlself. "Fasten it inside Keith had beep. I* be, J•olhtn l�'}tau!k'bi, ��:Ar "
F your dress, Ws our . gru`b-stake in- had told her. So nzwol�: sof ir'h,e th 11
t x � • l
a li.-11
to the *-niountainis." bad he 14vied. ' t �6
,said. XIX 'Mary JoseP ine accepted thle IH,e fought argainst then ..new s'ti ma'n �, r "
treasni•rta. with the repressed delight that was deseezudinsg. repo linin $lops* i.. '
"Then •In those ten days all the wonders of one upon, whose fair shoulders had, ly and steadily as. t'hie days paisse' � �,�,�, f
o you -of Janne came up out of the south. been placed a tremendous responsi- He coula not but see tbhe' new '1"iglith r'
or are fife pulsed with a muew and vibrant iiility. (that had grown in Mliriam Kirtsstonter5 c'`�'
him!" , force. The crimson fire -flowers, first 'They were days 'M ,both joy and eyes. 'At times it was Wore thatn a "' `t
as an of wild blooms to come after snow pain for. Keith. For even in the full- dawn of hope:. It was 'alkaost cher T ell .a
of an- and frost, splashed the given spaces est nouns 'of his happiness there was 'taintY. She had faith imi Irimn, faith
Her with red. The forests took on _new a thing ea,tin,g at his heart, a thing in his piomiiise ho .dzexZ d,n his power , ,
and colors, tlh:e +blue of the sky grew near- that was catiipg deeper and' deeper to fight, his ''strengtt'h llo win'. Her ,��,
i„i. er, and in mens; rveian:s the 'blood, ran until at times it was, like a destiny- growing friendship with Mary Jose -
elf to with new vigor and anticipations. To ing flame ,within him. One night he Phine, accemtbuated this, 'inslpiring.'her i11"
Keith they were all this and more'., dreanuecl: -be dreamed that Conn'iston at tim'e's almost to a ,point of conic- ; �,, .
be] him Four years along•tbe rim of the Arc- came to his Ibedsidii and wakened ham .tion', far Mary Josephine's confi'd'ence ,. Y F
val it tie had made it possible for him to and that , after wakening him he in hien 'w'a's a 'passion. Even Me- ' ,ti'.
f-po,,- drinik to the full the glory of early rtau.nted 'him in ghoulish glee and Davuell, ,primu�ri}y a fighter � of 'his, r:,
1.naz!ed 'summer along the Saskatchewan. And told him. that in bequeathing him, a own battles, cautious and suspicio'u's, '' .'..t:!
to Mary Josephine -it was all new. ,sister 'he had ghlen'•unto,.rhim forever had faith in hirer while he waited for ;,p;;s °'
ecause Never had she seen a sumimer like and forever the curse of the daugh- Shan 'Tung. It wasf•••this blind belief °
of be- this ,that was dawning, that most t'efrs of A'cbelous. And Keith, waking in him that depressed him more than ' .. ' '";
o the wonderful of all the summnexs in the.. in the -dark hour of night, knew in all else, for he- knew that Iv'icatory for , ' `1•
want world', which comes' in June along ,his despair that it Ryas so. For all himself nvust be based more or less,, ,"' ;1 ..., `
to tell the southern edge of the Northland. time, even, though he wan this fight on deceit and treachery., For 'the
help Keith had played.his promised part he was fighting, Mary Josephine first tilwe he heard Miriam laugh' ' .^,;;;;,
-it was not difii'cubt for him to would big the unattainable. A sister with Mary Josephine; he 'saw the gold!'
she 1.wipe away the worst of MicDowell's -land he loved her with the love of a and the brown bead to•getber out in
•suspicion' ie,garding Miss Kirkstone mi!W,I the sum; he saw her face, shining
e as for :McDowell was eager- to believe. r(Itt was the next day after the .the
'a light that hie "Had never seen • . 1:
rusts, When Keith told him that Miriam dream that they wanalered again in- there 'before,.and then, when he corms
r •.
must vas on th•e verge of a nervous break- to the, grove that sheltered Keitih's upon them,, their faces wens_ turned} 11
p me down simply because of certain old ho•nrr:; .and; again they entered it to h'i'm, and 'his heart bled 'even as •„.::alk
e end trou'b'le into ,w•ihich Shan Tung had and went through the ,,cold and empty he smiled .anal held out his hinds to •,°.' .
hap- inveigl'e'd her brother, anal that ev- room,.. In ,one of these. rooms ._.he, Marty Josephine. They trusted him,1.
faith eryhhing would be straightened out (sou. ,-ht among the 'titles bf dusty and he was a liar, a hypocrite, a ..p
an'd? the ?moment Shan Tugg returned rows of book's" until he came to one Pharisee. ,i11
k me from• Winrripeg, the iron' man seized and .pene'd it, ., And,: there he found On the ninth day he had finished owing his hand's; in a sudden burst,'of relief what had 'been in fth•e corner of his ,supper 'w-itth 'Mary Jose'p'hine 'when .
rly ex- and gratitude. nAnd when the sun rose to give him the tee -phone rang. He rose to an" A�I
t ex- '"But why didn't she co'nfid'e in me, coura,g'e after the night of his dreamy. ewer it. It was Miriam Kirkstone. Vl
and Connisto'n?" lee complained. "Why The daughters of Achelous had lost "He has returned, she said. ng to, didn't she confide in me?" The an- in-. th-e end'. Ulysses had tricked What was al -14 Tire words' were in ^ m,�
want xiety in his voice, its note of disap- dill. UIyss,es had won; And in 'a' choking -mice. He ,answered and ...,•
trous pointm,ent, were almost (boyish. this day and age it was up to- Urn hung u}p the ; ,eeeiver. He'knew a '
se sus- Keith was prepared. "Because John.Keith; to win, and win, he' chafi.ge had come into his face when'
ation. He hesitated, as if projecting the would! he turned to Nfary Josephine,. Ile ."
Ind a thing in his mind. "McDowell, I'm Always be felt this mastering cer- steeled hinitself to a composrire'6hat -reg:""
e, I in a delicate position. You must un- tainty of the future when ,alone with '.drzw a qu'e'stioning tenseness into her '
s as d'erstand -without' foreing mle to say Mary Josephine, in the open day.. face. Gently hes oked her soft hair
pe y .
awing too mrvuch. You are the last man fir With her at his side, her hared in his, ,explaining ' ,that Shan Tung had re- 1
c. Al- ,the world bliss Kirkstone ,wants to and his arm about her waist, 'he told teemed and. that he was going to see 11
ssany know about her trouble until she has himself that all life was a, liethat him. , In 'his 'bedroom. he sitrapped ''
u are tri•urnphed ,and it is -aver'. Deiieu. , there was no earth, no sunt, no, son his Service automatic under his a • .`'
Y g scat. ,, R
ung." perhaps; a w'om'an's desire to ke'e'p • or gladness in all the world, if that At the door, ready to go, he paused'. .
and something she is ashamed of from world, held no hope for him. It was Mary•Josephine came to him and put µ;,
mI ed. the one man she looks up to above there. It was beyond ,the rim of, her hands to his.'sshoulders. A strange . ..'';
and all other •mien -to keep it away from forest. It• was beyond' ,the yellow 'unrest was in her eyes, a question ,..
him until ,she has cleared hea-eelf so plains, beyond the farthest timber of wbilch 'she dill not ask. ,
any that there is no suspicion. Mrpowell t'he f-arthest prairie, beyond the foot- iSetmlet'hing„ whispered to him that
ible," if R were . you, I'd, be. -proud of her hills; in the heart of the mountains it was the lash time. Wthatevpr hap- ''
keep for that." was its, a+biding place. As he had pened now, to-�ndght viust leave him iy
you? iMc'Dowell turned away, and for a dreamed of thaw'>mountains in boy= `clean.' His :arms went around her,11
faith ,space Keith - saw the muscles in the hood -and youth, so now he dreamed -he drew her close against his abreast
s no back of ,his -neck tw4tching. his dreams over, argain, with Mary ,and for a -space he held, her 'there, , d;
John D.arwenit, maybe you're guessed, Josephine. For her he ,painted his looking into her.eyes. ,.
other maybe you understand," he said af- p'ic'tures of them, as they wandered "You love rose?"I he asked softly'. '`
" ter a m�om•e'nt with his face still turn- :mile after mti,le up the shore of the `yMiore than •anything else in the n
could ed to the window. "Of course she Sas'katchewa:n-the little world they. world," she w•'hispered. 41s
will' never ,know. I'mr too o,ld, old would make all for th,etmiselves, how "'Kiss me, '(!Mary Jos,ephine." ' ` '.z
told "eniough to be her father. But I've they w'o'uld live, what they would do, Her hips pressed to his. „i
.1 the got the right to watch- over her, and the myste'►ties they would' seek out, sHte released' her ,from his arm's,
if any man ever injures her-" the triumphs they would achieve, the sll6wly, lingeringly. .. a 1
heck- Iffis .fists .grew knotted!, and softly glory of that world -just for two. „ . '3
her, Keith said ;behind him: And Vary Josephine planned and (Continued next week.)
ng. A "You'd possibly do what John dreamed with him. .
and Kepth did to the man who wronged 'In a week they lived what might
us'tify his father. And because the Law have been encompassed in a year. •'s
ands. is not always omir•iscient, it is also So it seemed' to Keith, who (tad ,• LONDON AND WINGHAM
known h•ex only so long.. 1.t'
that possible that Shan Tung may have g: Witt,.Mary . , . •t
turn- to answer in soirn* such way. Until Josephine the view -•point was differ- South. , '
then, until she coirnes to you of her e'nt:. There had.lbeen a long separa- P.M.
"You own free will and with gladness in tion, a separation filled wirth a heart- Wingham ................. 1.55
am I. 'her ,eyes tells .you her own secret bnv'ak -which she would never forget, Belgrave ................... 2.11 .
f us, and why she kept it from you -until but it had not served to w'eak'en the Blyth 2.23
crests she does that, I say, ift is, your part bonds ,betw'een her and this loved Londes'boro .. , ....... 2.80 ",
Will to treat her as if you had seen n'oth- one, , n^ho, she thought. had always. Clinton 3.0811
ing,-guessed nothing, suspected nath- been her own. To her their com- Brucefield 3.27 • 1
saw ing. .Do that, 'McDowell, an'd . leave rad,eship wa-s more complete now than Kipper( ..................� . 3 36
aught the rest to me." it ever had been, even back in the Herrsa.11 3.4'1
He weal•t out, leaving the iron man old days• for they were alone in- a' Exeter ................. 3.55
her still with hit face to'the window. land that was strange to her. 'ani.{
' With Alary Josephine there was no one -vas all that the world held' for North. .
aised si lvteufuge. Uis mind was, still cen- the ,other. So her posse,s�sorship of A.M.,
d see tered in his own happiness. He could Keith was a thing which--aEnain in, Exeter 10.42
ow•ard lint 'wipe out of hes brain the cbn- the dark and Iirmadine• hours of night, Hensall ................... 10.55 1
riction that if he walte,ri for Shan - :,onletinir:!, made him writhe in an; Kippen .................... 11.01
care Turn- he was waiting .just so long agony of shanrle. Hers was a sliame- P,rucefie}d ...... . , ... 11.09
Shan under thi sword of Damlocle;s, with .a less love. a love' -which had not even' Clinton .:.................. 11054
ed, if hair hetween him and driani. •T•le the lover's reason for eni,bar•ras-men•t, l Lnndcshoro ... , ..... • ...... 12.10 .
hni,ed that YTirianh Kirkstnne's refus- a. love um•es,ervod and np<•n as the i Y1-th ...........•.. , ....... 12.19 s
and a! to confit!, in him and her reluct• clay. Tt was her trick, nights,. to RClgrave ...'................ 12.30
lazed nnc'e to furnish him with the s'•m,all- livOle herself in the• ' nig armchair i ,1i'ingham ......... . .. . . . . . . 12.5
est facts in tht' matter would turn I with pini• ane] it w -as her fun to'
nderi. :clary .Tnsephine's sympathy into a s smother his face in her hair and I I
Hi de- !'i' ling of indiffPrenre if -'not of actual tumtble it vholit hini,' piling. it over I .'i
C. ti . R.
rasontment. lIc was•.rrtlism;�pointerl: his mouth 01x1 nose uniil shrc= nlad•' � � .'
Ig is. Mary •Ja,ephinc in isted nn having liim },le -n fur air, A�i?iin she word',! East.
id I! '.I;,,' Kirkstone oa,er for dinner the fit herself cnmfortah1v in the hollm.- -A.M. P.M.
tihar. I next day', and fro,n! that hour some- of his ar•m and sit. the evening not Gocderich ........... 6.45 2.30
i" lifetiling, tip-� between the two girl: rt it•h her head ,on his shoulder,• while ;Clinton 7.0'3 3.0® ;
inter- i i,'c•h Keith knew lie was powerless they planned their future, and twice l -S'eaforth ........... 7.22 3.18
use I! `r, overtone. Thereafter he bo-wcrl in that -%r(rk she •fe>tl asleep there, T)uhlin . ..:... 7.33 3,31 f
own his head to fate. He must wait for T?aeh tnornin,- %he greeted him ,with ; .1litchell 7.42 3.43 -}
I call `I,an Tung. a kiss,.and,when it was her ploasure I ;i
more "If it 'ta•a,4n't for your promise nn•. 'slie kiss'e'd him -or 'nl,ade him lcis� Nest. u
KI Ii If- fall in love, I'd lye afraid," Mary her -whin they were, nn their lo'ng1 Dahlin ........ est 11.19, ' 9.32 ;
p you I •lo"c•phine cm,fided to him that night, walks, .It. was 'hitter -swot t to Keith, Seaforth • ...... , ,.. , 11.34 9.45
mine' P(''%+�,d on the arni of his hig chair. a.nd more frequently Caine the hours Clinton .. , ......... 11.50 9.5.9 i
Shan "At tines I -ens afraid to -day, Der. ! of crushing• desolation for hint, those Goderich 12.10 10.25
i y. She's lovely. Ancf you like pret- i hour's in the still, dark night. when ^ . I
Stant, ry hair-anri hers -is won-del•ful! his hyperctisy arn,l his mime stnnul out
He will "r don't rear meter," said Keith "tack anal bideou5 in his troubled C. P. R. TIME TABLE `
quietly, "that i promised you I' brain. .• 3,
0 one "ruuldn't fall in love. I1n desperate. As this thing greav in him, a black East.11
' i1 in love. and with you, ,llary Jose- and fore,haiding thund,erstor•n•e nn the A.M. ':`y
All phin,e. A;id as for Miss ,Kirkstone's }ror•i7on. of his dr,Panc's, 'an inn -poise Goderich ....... 5.50 1
He will lm•ely ban I wouldnt trade one of which h•e did not resist dragged hon Menset .................... 5.55
erast- yours ,for ell she has on her head.'' more and more fro(ruently down to XcGaw .............. ..... 6.04
Winni- .41 that, with a riota,ug litfF laugh the' old liomr, and ,Mary ,Iosophine was Auburn .................... 6.11
Of joy, Mary- Jnsophinr swiftly un- always with Kinn. They let' no one Blyth 6.2'5 '
going holrr-d her hair and let it smother know of these vfsita. And they talk- Walton ................. . 6.40 `.
, )out hk fa;•e and !zhoulclnr•s. "timnp. ed all,nut .John Keith. and in Mary :McNau,ght .. 6.52 '
tin, -s I have a terribly funny thought •Jos,e'phine's eyes lie saw more than Toronto . , ....... •......... , 10;2'5 ;,:§
"It is Dprry," she wlikpnred. "if we hail onve a soft and starry glow orf un- ",l'{1
can not always hcen s-veerthcar t,;, back 'rderstarnding. She 1<rve<1 the metmuiry West. ''`
er." there at Nome, and if you hadn't al- of this man bocause he, bier brother, AX ,.pM`,
struck wny% liked miry hair, and kisses! me, haul' loved himm.' And after these Toronto ................. 7:15 :Mr
a ,d told me I was pretty, I'd almost hntia, came the nights 'hem trurth, IoNanrght ..... ........... . „ 11.48- "
ther." think you weren't lily brother!" shniling at hint, flung aide+ its magic Walton .................... 12:0'i ,
"Miss K`e'idt laughed amid will's glad that &nd stood a grinning s,piecter, and he Blyth ......... 12.12 I
her hair covered his farce,. nimma^ed to the depths, the a , Auburn .................... 1�L.2 ' _,
fol, tutee 3
mS' p
p }„+,u 'DuAng those wonderful d'a.ys of of 'hie, triumvph. His comnrfort Was the MclGaw .................... 12.3'4
the -summer they were inisieparable thought than she knew. W1,attevei• Menaot ................... 12•.41 '.
enntand except When matters' of business took hap'pe'ned, she would"bilow 'what John Goderich ............. , ..... 12.1161 . .
3' , i� i ,
` S rtr1
. rl