HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-05-26, Page 21,1�j,fi7R$191" 1 7 1�� ?1101�., I— �
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I 11 , ,,�:,.-'! I �-. 1, .. ." " - that perfum" has evaporated, and itA I . . No" the 'composer ,Offenbach, creator of T%
� .
11 ,1, ", _ 1�1' , . . coirdporlent Ard, I ,s been dissipated I . 0 1 1
,,, I - . R, L . . .. I At ;kvW-sdx Leonardo da Vinci 'a e � �r._, .1
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,.� , lli,':'��, I- tand bliq *n0l, thither m the or, 10 '-fiblen of T�roy," and Dlostol-evsky,
, �, _ �,-�_�,�_, V , , ". * I finishigag his- "Raskloludkoff.", if -M .
" 4� I , 4, 1 .. . .. 1. 11 . I Wn, ? Tee in.- -
61 ", .., .,� ,). � lk � . it= e
, A
, .. " aftnbaPherle, arild whille those t�;o coasy 9
I . I I . mites of -the widow have corrodled ut. . his 'ESTE� ALILI'd dy - -
&, -,. �%,. . ,
. J, , ;.. , �, I . 4%4by c4.411 his teeth with no trouble painted th4 "Last Supper?' an the
I . .
, W. . � � . r I
�+ F �', :�_ ltel4y awar and rl .1 I I I If
" W . ., t- . . the priMa`1 t i, r . I wali of the refectory of the "roont .
�, ,'I, 14,;ill` ., I I I . .elements of nature,, the memory of I I
l, .?. � . I rs. Thomas Shaw, Hamilton, of Santa MwNa dlYllo Ckazie in Tylil ,., -1
I" , -7 t . I and will ,Qn,l of other Mothers have ILaforitainel firlalmlortall fables were A .
I . " c,quvvdve forever While ,the Gospel, hTes in similar vein. written when he was forty-eight, , f
I , ;." � VX it See, Pro , .� ,
� I " , I � I .. as the representatives, one of pr,o.l 0
1 � .
l "", �', �� -vsel, And the other of iniftent Hill 1IR child BARY'S OWN ,and tSdr, walber Scott wrote "Ivan- �
, ...... i'�. f " Y S for -En
.., . I v to teething troubles, upset hoel" at the same age. I %OJL 14
, . � � these two Women surv,ives r. RBLE an' Will Restore Your'. : * -
., - L� a ality, but both by force of example � by , i , �
_1 . 0 . .
"I',"", �., . stonjach, simp)e fevers, colic, colds, - - Oliver CalmWell was fifty-two I
� V ...- tile imt-igators of �m�meavorsMe6 111il- -1iis triumphal entry $ I
�_ ., constipation, sleeplessness, or whenever when he stag6d .1
"I ,M,,� � o" *
_. � � caleulv"'6 ben4ficence, sim'Ply fr4m he is cross, restless and fretful. Easy �o into 11,ondon, and, at the age of fifty- �
, :.�,; . I _
I ,� �: . I ,
. T . . ,<A, 'having done, what. they could."_(The take as candy, and absolutely SAFE— two IAA.gi Galvani ,,studied his frog's who got vejy 1,1tt,le fresh air and on the doctor) and a red blood co,1,P_ % �
, M!, � I �
.�I� '' I &Wmlon Bible). I . see analyst's certificate in each 25 -cent legs. We all 'know wflat developed- sl�nsbine, lost color, be=n,q leneir- usele COMA of 5,40-8,000. 6 .
�'.` �
11'P:, � 1; . 9
I 1; I . . package. Over i,z50,000 packages sold frOln. his casual Observations. ' vated, -and, on November 14, 1932, ... .. .
,ii;�,l, 1.l`1 . I I
� - in 1931. 1 243 After' that the ro�la call -becomes a When it is explained dmb Ilaexno_ 2 .
ll,�. I", . . WORLD MISSIONS . 1 a physilcian's, offiCe in a , 1 1
,;-, . Dr. W1111aMs'
"o � .. 'little scanty, although Beethoven went to I globin IS the oxygen4bbaring, life. !
"d , �, _ 1. y n her b ood, ��
R,�,,,, ,.� , I � 11 I � Gre�at-Grandmamma Wang. BABY'S OWN TA19LETS gave the worddi his Ninth SymphonT CainadiaU cit a d haA I I buippoating eleffnent of the blo I
,;,':,� � Old .
p - t . W11NIM ,at the, age of fifts-four, and, Profes- ttlested. The reisult was alarnling. I
11, ,� . 'Wken.thenidstsionaries were invited . I sor Ehrlich discovered,.-lSalvarsan, at The haetmoglobin showed Only 60 and that -red clor"PusClIes are the car- . I �
��� I . F� �. I . ,to live for a week in her village the sgtno age, In the fidity-Geven riers of ha�moglbbjn it . will be , ,
.. . home -per .cenit, the red corpuscle count
; . , I . . the old, ald lady had It raing bottillii thart. is- mark I understood why the youag lady felt
. . , o give up her '� null ed Off Year class on3y mmanuel Kant dis. 8,700,000.. She 'Was surprised , �
� !�% � .. � I room to aoconitnioldate the guests. in ounCea, Tneaslilre the dose accurate, tinguished himIself by writing his Only renewed enery and 4an'blition, or, as . l I
11 �, � with ly; do not raise the sheep's mouth '41C)riti,que of Pure Reason," to learn that she was anaqinf�, ,but , .
, :_ I This shei did most graciously, o 'she put it, "felt like 'working � 0 .
, . i. .1 inevor a sign of impatience at the above the level of its eye-, nor raise kGwvantes wrote hie "D n Quix- was relievied when told that the con- PP .
� �;, 11 What a treat .1 orow,dang which the -doubling-UP "in. the head too high, give It tinio to ote" in prison, at the age of fifty. dition could, be Corrected. . again. . � I . �
.. � I evitalblY caused ill so restricted ari swallow, treat gently ana- have the ,eight, aftior be had 1qSt One arm in ' 1 .4
. � , 1l) establilsbrillent, But, t sthe was, ovl other sheep in sight clove. by. Dosing thebattle of Lepanto. ,The -physician knew the formuld If you lack 1'pep," tire easily, are I a
11, t t . �� � ... I .1 - - ,. __ - eighty,. and the force of habit is sheep that have not b"n stamed for iWhen Braniante was sixty-two he of a poprular blood builder, Dr. weak, pale, hw.re Palpitation of the, 11
-1 — - strong,, ,so each morning ,and even- . * I I
i Corn Flakes And t, 18 hours is just waste of ti,ine and I -aid the fou-ndatiOn st0no to S't- Pet- Willianis, Pink Pills, . and told her heart and dizzy speills, get a box Of a
71 �, , �. I wa;ch how eagerly appetites respond I ing s1he. ca)me back into'the old room inaterial. . ,er's in ,Rome, apd at sixty-seven t, w the p-i'lls after each Dr. Williams' Pink, Pills at your.oNvn I
, . . For fiwther Inforimiation, o ,g,led his: troops in the bat- � )
E . . '. . ri,61 to say her prayers. Down. on Ahe - -n the life Hindenbu-i . 4
.1 �, -, -, history and treatment for internal tle of Tannenberg. meal for a month and thon return druggist's and :begin the treatnie-nt.
.., " - . . -1
_ Kellogg's are far more than refresh- CORN ,,.,. ,�.: hard brick floor she knelf,-in front parasites in sheep, write in or call at Tintoretbo was secorid test after your next meal. I
jo.- , . * AKES , of the table, where,, no d-oubt, in seventy-two when for another test. The You take no .
. ing too. These delicious 11 alkes are rich FL ?*`1 the Agricultural Office, Ontario De- be painted the scores ,of his, Madon- %va.s
i,�, ' - OVEN -FRESH - k:.:, earlier days incense was burned be- I made on December 16, and chances. Dr. Williams, Pirilt, pills I
K ., in energy and so eas to digest th R."PERFEC-T ., � i ,
"I . . X ey I �A fore the. paper gods, Now it is f, iyartment - of Agriculture, in Cli'llton. lias, angels and saints. At -gevenly'7 allowed an interea*se to 84 por cent. , are clinically tested. I I
K, I I
" help you &el keener, fitter. Made by wi�� I ", the One True God that the old lady Copies of bulletin No. 1137 "Parasites' three 'Bluch,er Imeasured. his. forces
- . _P Injurious to Sheep" can be' beecured with Napoleon at Waterloo, 1�
;1 � " Kellogg in Lontion, Ontario. 1 7 1 - prays. One siniple five -sentence pray- . ' . ____ - I .
V as muoh as five from that office. , ,11uni6oldt completed, the."Cosinlos"
. I i most of the. old - . continimt, ,but both of tile <
grandmot'll in his seven-ty-sixth year, while at Buck Lambs and plants I it
.;. . . I � err- can master, but this 1. 40 sove�nty-seveni the "Tigerl dlemen- . hould'be fli bloo.m. ditring Farm and � ' I ,, le
I ' old lady had,memorized eeveral I>r;Ly- Lambs js
I ers and sometimes ,puts in a petition . cleau. presided over the peace parley I HeavX Home Week (June l9th to 23rd) unt.p . it
!'�",. �*_ Row To Prepare willbel seen by the hundreds who will I
'k . :, . I . . �'%, or -two of her own as'well. And al. I at Versailles. The markets will contintre this year I
. I
% I . . 'Emperor Francis Joseph of Aus- to pay niore, for ewe ell visit the College af that time. . , .
I I " . I White Wa-sh tr - - . IT
� 9 ways at meal times she.carried in . . and weth I I
. her bowl of food that she might re- I ia establisbed a record, by signing lainbs and Iambs of suitable wei-lits. . I -
0 1 11
I turn thanks in ber accustomed ,spot Slake a bushel of lime wiTh hot .the oli-,der�af mobilization of his troops Even eakly in' the season bef'.0re I I .
. . . M, �l
L . I ,water, stirring contiouou5ly; strain against Sein,�d in 'his ninetieth year. buck lan�bs take on their must vbJe(;- FARMNOTES � I . . ;S
E . . Yet, ,so 'short a time, as six years it and add one pizek of salt dissolved, FC,t he was indeed a little too old. tionable features they are. of poorell I �
��, I L�� . ago, she had. -never even heard th'p in warm water, Add more water, I . . Owing to, the compa,rative newne�:,, � -11
�, I I .1 . Gospel story. When ahleady'well ov- .. ... , quality than ewes and wethers, be-; _" I . cc
511 . _. I er ,,leventy, she made a vight-about- sufficient to bring the mixture to the " -.01l'll , ing bo,nier and having backs. or loins. i Or the sugar beet in-dustry in Can- �
�.. - . consistency of a thin paste. To each -e, like all lambs of poorer' llfhl, only about 431000 acre. e� �
"... � turn ,and, has had the joy, of seeing, 12 Therofoi -- al,
�' � . . V .i s _qualt �Iiti-1 of whitewash cotraposed � ' I . _T
� SUNDAY AF RNOON giving ip wordly business, and their her whole faimil. -led to -Chi ,t, her as above, add a good sized handful 1, . quality, they will be culled otit'and �zoNkn YI�arlY, with 30,WO in Ontario I
il I - . a and 13,000 in Alberta. ' .
1. TE mistaken notion t1hat_they ,Were any sister'-s'family too, and several of I L�augot at their value in the early
I I -7 I of Portland cement and. a, teatpoon- . . .
�r - better because they wore miserable her neighbors. §uch.is the poiver of ful of ultraxnarine blue. The cement .M Tart, of the season,'and after July 3,1 1
(By Isabel Hamilton, Goderith, Ont.) clothes and, denied theniedves corn- the go-spel to -change the hearts, and , 1933, two. cinits p-�,.r pound will ,be' ' .1
I" - . and Mile, should -be added just before ' . . I
,- . . Eastern Ontario has 'had a short -
61i, I , fortable food. and lodginp� without lives of iiie.n.--J. H. S. in The Hon paid for ewes and weLhers than f0i'lage of hey all s+
I " , (By Isabel Harnitilton, Godleric,h, 0 nt. ) following their example in tho--o re- an Mes'senger. - use, and the mixture used- without . . . It bucks. leason and, has drawls I _V
I . . . � . . 1�pec . lay. -no cement i r� I - the markets will pay a cent a supplk�s froall the Montreal district - 1. .
t, , � ts, yet if we are the wiser an,,I - I del R s employed, -tv, . 1Q. . I I -OM ' 115
. 0W there is, aboA,e all othets., - -there is no particular huriT, but salt Quebec, and f) central all('
,I. . . enlightlened,&-eneration that we clailin A HEALTH S RVICE pound more for lailibs of good qual-lor � I . -C
l -to be, we sh.,,01 give heed to the voice . inaust not be used if pipes or other THIff CANADIAN MEDICAL I
_� , Weill, deservi ng the .name of Friend ; OF I '� ity up to 90 pounds at the stockyards i wb,�tern Ontario. . . . -1.
k. Ms is love lbeyond a brother's, rust aTe to be ASSOCIATION AND LIFE . 1 � I 1,
� " . . of warning relmin-ding us en-,phatic- The Sheep'and Lamb -,-.,. _ and plants, -than foi- Iambs fruni .00 . 1,12
l Costly, free ', and knopws no clid ; ' ' ally that the coming of the Lord hitewashed. INSURANCE COMPANIES to 110 -pounds, and P, to, two C0111ts The, Empire countries most suite(I . .1 .t
- I -
i, ., . They who orio-a his kindness prove draw�eeth n4h. "And what I say unto Parasite Handicap w llgo. IN CANADA . per ,pound iirore thanu for lambs over foi- �-rowing t0bacco are, in the order� . " ' ,a
V. I
L., . - + I I Find it everlasting' love. . you I say unto all, Watch." It i-,� at thi ses-on of the - - PUT OFF L 04, their' output Nybsaland, northern I
I . � John Newtorl. I year I , 110 pounds. if , ,�c
73 ..
I racious act is record- that every she p, owner -bould give UT' . %S11
Pr A wolnian's g I ,� ' Farmers are urged to meeD tile -and soultbern khodesia, Brit;,,h In- .4
� 1. � , . PRAYER ed in the second part of to-day,"s Ics considleration to the treating of his M HAND FELT DEAD The older, fatalistic iview that ev- stimple requirehien-ts of the nl�rket -in Rlkl. CYPITs. British North 'Borl � ..
. son. and from it we learn that God. flozk roll, the co�trol of internal para- I . eryolie intistpagG through a series of order to secure top Prices. an.1 Canada. . . . 11 ., "I
4,:'', . Our faith looks up to Thee and bloStses ,those who serve Him with �4ifes. Of the several internal Para- attacks from the common comilluni- 1. Castrate all inalle, lani(bs. I 1-1 .11 . i
-1 . . 4mws from o.iv hearts that-iove that. -their gifts. As one writer z:tys,- site, ,infesting sheep and lambs pil Helpless With Rheumatism cabie - diseases is - entirely unsound. 2. 'Finish an dinarket all Iamb's Canada held finit place from, the,
.. ' Ignorance pil&mpts the speaker, w'h,p Nvi-thin the desired weights. 9
�� , Thou bast ,kindled there. A,ccept the Notbody is idle in the kingdobi of our ' ably the two that cause the most 'At one ,time she thought shewould . . standpoint of value. in 19:,> W, I
offeriaig we bring and bind us, we Lord. It, was this which pleascd him -i,- the lose. the use -of her- right Hand. eaYS with regard to children and cer- . 2 in 'sup- .
Eal , ' !:erious cl,aniage to the flock al , But I =� plying buttell to Japan., although thE- .111 � It
t1 44 : . : , '%, ,
-, " I I pmy Thm, � ener .cklser -to Thee and 86 well in the service which Mary stomach* wolyin and the tape worm. a. bleslsing'�_in the form, Of Kmslch- tain comlmundcalbI6 d6s*aJs,e,: 44tilley voluma shipped by ,N�w Zealand wa,� W .
V bo our follow tirav . ollers, in loving of Bethany did; she did, ,what. -she Flochrs which are allo-ed to graze ell SMts-put her right again. must have it., so tbo.eoolier it is o7er, , ' larger. . . - �
�T.,_ . I I Corn Varieties Studied , ,
. servit-e. Amen. could. She greatly loved the Lord, on the same 'land pear after year the ibetter.11 . . . 4
t . I - . � "I was srure in a bad state," she 'i�
0 . . 1; I
'_1 . 1�
� . . I . . . 4. 1 ... . 'he. had often spoken to h -r about his catinfit possibly escape infez1ation writes, ,qn fact, 4 could not do .my, A few -generations ago, the same Five demonsiration experi . .
Lesson Topie-Jesus and His F'riends.- Father; lie ba� "raised her ,brother b -cause such , land will be polluted houseN rk, fi,ms so'bad attitude was held w! " M`71t'� Speed-,- marketing and distributiort . 4 1
d �', . . . ' want- Nv*ith worni eggs.. . vlo with rheu- th regard to have �een utiJc;,i,aken this y"r by TenledY the tenden . cy to .high wast, .11 .
:;'I Lazarus from the dead; and she . matism. in my arms and ban&. I' Sn"alIPDX, plague, typhus fever a -ad, the Departn-ment O4,' Field Husbandry, age 1,
- I 1. . , in fruit between pickinig an.d- 11 � I
. Lesson Passage-,NI'ark 13:33-l14;9. ed to sho'w her lolve. To look . The symptom.% of worm infe-3tation could not, sleep at nights, and, had typhoid , fever. These di-96ases are Ontario Agricultural Collego;' in an storing. . .
". I .1
I Golden Text -i . .. act was not so much as if sI [are, quite mai-ke.d. The flock -is de- to get .up andfbeat water to ease nly now ram because rilIethods for .-their ,effort to determine the. varieties uf � � I .
!,+' . I , ohn 15:14. I ,- -built a church, a school, or a IIO-QPi- I iellted. looking' and unthrifty and: Pain and numbliess. I took all kinds Prevention have' been . discovered and corn bes-L buited 'for seed prod:zction . � I . � .
I.. , S � . Whell n-hilk is 1.
". . ; In verses 23-37 Jesus enjoins His tal. � ' It was only pouring some weet 4iarrohea is frequently pote.d. Sh6rt- -of Inilvdicines. I rubbed, it. and applied, . in south-western Ontario. . pasteurized in, cop- If",
1: disciples to watch and Pray. He re- Perfume on the head and feet,of the Iy' after going on grass the la'mbs plastered it -but it was still there, I . 'We have the means, to 'Make other JPrevious to- the advent of the corn. per, aluminum and nickel vessels a � J. . ',
- lity. p6t-IyEllieed and anaernic thought I would lose the ,use of my borer in Ontario, tile counties of Kent ,ell up by the heated milk. "'111"It,
k presents Himself as a traveller who Saviour she loved. But this was just �eco,me ru, Conlimull1i,cabie drisleases rare. Diph...., . ,,mall amount of these metals is tak- ,
�11 bas gone into a far country, just it's the thing,sbe could best do, and what looking. Many jan*s ,at t . thleria will djsapple�kql- from our mids-t and . . -
"I. I . WO to three right hand'. I could not hold anything, . Elssex Produced thalee-qu-arters q,
I :.. . a mari,lejalviies his home to sojourn ishe could, she did. just as, soon as all Children are im- of the corn grown in the Dominion, Fowl paralysis is considered. to ,be .
,. I in 4 Months of age, are so budlk infested nor could I sew a button on. My
;1 . a Aistant land; a man. whose letters 'When years had gone past and that they die ill ,a s1holt time or sq arm munized inst this diseasel. I and Nvith the removallof the export a diseas* of young birds, generally .
1 . I would go dead. I was. advised to gelcaus aga . .
_ . . . act cally try Krutscb�an, and inside of - tl wee _ ited restrictions that were imipqsed in an bet-weim t,h4 ages .&f 3 aqd 18 months- :,
... am devoured with, eagerness by the JeOls was ,gone ,black to heaven, many badly run down that it is pr e Aoux knowledge ...is lima
+ , . the.! i
I., delar ories 'Who are impatiently await- ofther disciples, showed their IoVe to inipps,sible to Ifattern. and fit weeks I -toundquCh a change. I have and ,because we Iack tbe spegific effort to check the advance of this .
ing lins return. The _1Y � I ' .
.1. .Lord Jesus, for Him by doing. what -the cauld. Some them for ,market. kept on taking it, and am so thanIdlil im eans for prevention, such commun- in -sect, eyery effort has !been, made Th .
I icable, diseases as measles and whoop- to re-establis!h this industry. . L, ,importance of careful and
.. . whose coming we are waiting, bids us ,sold their possessions' and ,gave the Fortunately sheep and Iambs can for the -blessings I have received in close estimating of fruit and veget- , J
11 � . wo1ch. I (rnoney they got for them to the poor, b�J effectivelly� treated for the control Kruichen'. Now I ,sleep, all night- 1119 cough cannot 'be' eradicated. But Five demion-stratign pldth, of one able crops of Canada, es,pecially the, I
, - - went about the world,
. ., . I does the word Watchfulness Some . pulea-ch- Of stomach wornig and tape worms. thanks to Kruseben's -help and reliel I
- What . even with our Present limited know]- acre ,each have been laid. down by commercial Crop, is of h-uajor import- - 1 .
. '. -e Holy Scriptures'? ln'9 Je�;us. Some opened their homes The treatment generally recOlmmend, - CM rs. ) J. H. . ment on *o farms in Kent ance to the packer and' the, shipper 11 I t
. � numn, as used inth - . edge, a great deal can 'be done to the Depart 'IN
.1 recEive the preachers. Some spent ed is the 81uestone.Mustaid drench The six salts in Kruschen stimulate nd th
, . It means --being on -the look -out, living to . � 'lessen the number Of deaths [for a ree in -Esstax. Tell varieties of when arrariging for adequate facili 2
I . I In expectati6n, of . Jesus Christ, doing hours in prayer, asking Go,d. to ,bless and is prepared as follows: the lliver and kidneys' to healthy, which ,measles and whoapilrl,g �Ough Corn, in-cluding Some of the old On- tie" - ; li " , .
, 'his work,, o6cu1P7ITIg Ours, 11ves the preaching. Some, n-dore noble 'Dissolve 4 ounces of Copper Su -1- regular -actioll; assist them to get .are responsi I tariO Strains and a few' of the, , for packing, storing, shipping, % 11
I I to hrwro,v, e �_ s,D as ble. " , . . I
. , . more and marketing. . I " 4
the-tai6nts, one or more, than others, searched the Bible be- Pbate Or Bluestone in- two quarts of rid of the e,xcess uyi W -
C ��Acid hich ,It should be clearly understood promising American, and ,"B e '_ �.'
or Y Re . !�
. he has entrusted 'to us, trying to do. si,des, to know what God would have hot water, then. -add 4 Ounces of mus- the cause, of all� rhouniatit sufFerin-Is that raeasle� and WhooPing cough are sistant', types will be grown foll ' A u-nifoTmi sys , ' J
. -rd's money that then' to . . . g. ,serious -diseases, and that they are PoSles of -comparison. .. te ; .
� . I . the I*st with our Lo, o do, ' tard. 'When this is thoroughly m,ix- WIhen poisonou's 11TiC acid M. of 'fruit and � <
., ., . I I- I vegetable crop estilliqting and re- ,� I
he ma -y receive his Own with inter-. 'The comirneridation which our gpes_ directly responsible for a large num- . The e&Me eXpiriment is also being Porting is To .
.er .11 V
.Sav- ed add. t1wo parlons of ,water which with it-, deposits of neledle-pointed b of deaths,,. It should be, known run on three farThs in Peel Coanty, adjan Horticultural C,O.unci]. �
" I � . Pst. ITO short, watchifulness means iour bestowed upon the acts of this makes 2Y2 gallons. of_the7drench and Crystal s".Litherels, no doubt akout a - conTmqi;d,ed bytbe Can- `1
I : � � . ! .. I . leading that dort of life, which,'wem Pious woman. is very Striking; for this is sufficient to treat, 100 ew%; those aches and pahis going tool Ito that more than half �f the dileatfis tq determine the relative values of 1. P" . i . �' .
. I..
.. ft,W be,broken off to -morrow, would who was ever modest, sellf-dellying, oll,ce� and aIllowing f ' w lte'.' E c. 'from whooping cough take plue be- th ton varriekies for the production Finexrool production, says . "
I . or as a 11
�� , 6mm to our ,great gain, hulTible-,minded, regardless� of luxury, ad -'-It ewe should 'be given 4 + fluid !01 fore the fret birthday, and that diver 71ilage. Yie . Id and earliness of. ma- Frntrpire -Marketing ar the �. . ..
Watchfulness on the Christian's ponip arld worldly honors, if not our ounces of the drench and.lambs from 910 Por Cent. of these deaths occur turitY will be the chief considera Bo d, in a re- I., -
i, ' I ' part is not such as is to be seen in Saiviour?' And yet, it is He who com'- 1% to 2 ouncles. These amountz are Age No Objection ,during the first four years, Of I-Ife. In in making the selections. I tiOns view Of the, world's, wool situation,, I
"14 .. the ease of a community of monks' ixlemds so highly Mary's colstly offer- safe and care shotlld,,1>6 taken that I f ther words, children over fouryears . in the month of March, �;' I ,
, , ,
. estaMished ,on -the ing, and for our eakes he did it, and they.am not excL of age comparatively seldom die from ---------- -1111— t
shores of the . h-Eded when drench- ,
Is there an age li-mat to the O' ,be still increasin:9 at tb*�xpense of .� I
. achieverrnenits of mant? Wle_ hardly whooping Cough. I ., .
L Bbgplilorus, "d,urffig'the fournth cen- it is to show us He approves, and ing either elves Or lernbs, Ewes should ,believe ft. ,Men of all ages, from the coarser qualities. , ' I I ..
O'Vel all be , — �� .
. � ..
I I ifteen upward'to the eighties, have from among children one year of age. Farmers in Upper Egypt, before ..
tury. 'Th,ey werre called "the -silevo- will to the evd Of time appr starved 18 hours and.lambr, sep- f Weaslies takes its heaviest toll Chilled Products Problem ,
I less ones." Thev numbered tIlpee -.�imilar ventures of faith and lo-�e. arated from the ewes for 6 -hours . '
� I I distinguisbed themselves in all fields. A large number die from The problems a the prevention of the Ifritish o&upaticn, '�. . I
4!: hundred, and r�rere divided in�o six She poure'l the costly perfume oli� before treating. After drenching the It would, therefore, se this Ais,_ ad to pay �
�_ I 1� choirs, who sang alternately day aaid His sacred bead, and spri?ad what lambs ,thould not be turned in With eni �hat neitber case before they are a year old,, vapour condensation, on chilled or four different cla,mes of taxes on ' I
. ,great youth . l I
. . . might; .witholut ceasing, their ,songs- she let fall upon His feet with ,her the, ewes for at least 2 'hours all nor old age is likely to Three-quarteTs of the death frozen pro-ciuct-4, particularly poultry, the watin-wheel for irrigation pur- I'll ..
4 d I prove a,n impediment to real talent. s fronil is engaging the attention of the Na- Posep accordii-nig to the quality of I I I
, allose to that Divine Redeemer wbp hair. And syhte' earned for herself feed Or water allowled, the ewes fo m-'eft.sles occur, before the fifth year -
, , - Vill one day come to be our Judge. thereby the prais% of the eternal God, hours. r 4 Victor Hugo wa,s Iiiwardled academde of life. � tional Research Council at the re- the, land: 3 'kind, of 4��s on the . I ,
I . lhonorl; at th -
"I Thus with tniflagging dililt*ence they -1 and a pla-ce in the everlasting G,osIYW , The following .z,uggestions regar,K of Ar e &9e Of fifteen. Joan The lesson to ,be )earlted appears qWst Of the Poultry Division of the fal"ll well- 2 clas".s,on the water I I
1. watched for the return 'of the bride- 1, of Christ. Ing dr-nehiAng'are given- Keep the C was sekemtetlii years old when to;'be that Tn,,?&sJeis and wbo - Dcrminion De�partment oi Agriculture. 4bu"Ckot, all� 11 difTerent cla,sses per , I I
.. 01, lal�vb oil it , Ii Rheirnis and - crowneci. cougli are particularly fatal OpiTig So far their r6searches have denlon- acre on P tWiC
�. . groom. w5thoul following ,the I ex- i "Strange to think i,hat now when -'� h c'e P ' ' I I !she -herated during strated that by 'I'le'alls of �c beating a , sowing cro q ' e or thrice I I
. ; fe'et, use Ill Sma the Mile- ,of France. . Alexander the the earliest years of life. year on the .rise and. fall of the.
.. I *,mple of those old moliks in thei� I for long centuries the fragnt'nce of necked bottle, or fit k metal tu
". I 'be to Great delivered the battle of Cbaer- Becau.1e these diseases are seri,ous, Toom C`ndenisatiOTI ,can ,ble avoided Nile. 11 ad- ' . I
� . .
t'' � W. . diti-O-n ,to there taxes, a I .
. I , . .. . . I , I I onea at.the lage, of eighteen. A: -nine- every effort Should be made to protect "'t'b(lut an excessive amol"n't of ex- furth&r tax of 2 p5i,b-es (10 cents�'
.v I '. l.'4:n9.e or bother wfien. it colicerns was imposed on ftch'date tree. I N *
� I 11 . . teen Franz ,Schubert compose(i some children from them. There is never - a I
. I I of hi- b-st songs, ,and- Paganini was- any excuse for carelet.�rmess which stationary cold..storage plant. Whe-n, — , .,
, ,
� �., only twenty,o,ne whem, 'he- held audi- leads to the explo-sure of a' child to ,how�ver, the 131'OPO'siltiOn is to land '"'ith a total of 9,795,0C3 pomid&S "of I .
A - & I I. .W - ell . ces s,pellbound with , b . is magic tvio- thle dangw of disease, Above all the chilled Product on a �rharf from un'�,4trippe(l tob ,,,, Canada, was the ..
I I . . a
, . hn doels this apply- to ebildren during a F:'1119 Nvith Wo cold -storage plant third largest source of srlipply to the � �
, ni ng' , liplarbry from which .1
,�, I 6tto Wei er was twenty-four tblzl fil-q-t YearS Of life. The parent to Se'cul'e, (Iry air, United Kingdom ill 19-1.2, bein 7�_ 1�
." I I when he wrote his famous book "Sex whose ' the 9 . 11 I I
I .Om States and .- .
- -aicter." care has kept his Child fl ",,,.nprof,�Ieni becomels either: (1) the I ef'��";1'e'dlati -,.the United . I . I
I and Chai bortly after he fhe danger of ii-ifeasleo and whooping I a t'i f sufficientl 'I N 'I. �� ,,, I
", . S Ing of a room o y , During the sia-me tirw.-
� % . .. ('0111inlitted suicide. ClIarles Lind- cough during these ea,AY Years nas� - d0v Point, efficiently and ec"_ i anada export,od, 89g,lc S
. ': '11"... ;: I Inxith made. 'his epic flight across the accomplished s ic in -to ,)6 P.Oullld of I .
.2n,". .- - -very orn ally, " C b I, product tr'Mod' tobacco to the old country. o
,....r.. l; I.:! ,omirrethilig that, h, vhi h t
. ,.:. .._ 4
. .....
I ,. ,. Ocean.at ,the same age. would 'be placed for. warlillinp - I
I - � ., �::
. ii:��:j:::::: much worth -while, I
I ,
... � � � -,::�* At the age of �we-ntv_flve Michael I iately on landling (if it wer �. 1m9llp,I ' — .... I
. j�j , , + , ....1-X:X. , It is ullustal to advise anycme to e Tiot go- An Empire, %
.:,.:.,., ,,!�!: .,.:., I—— ::.:� . A preference .of four .. .
I . I , . ngelo created hiq g4orious llpieta,, put *ff, and. w,e do not givel'ille cold StOrage) or (2) to shillings and' .9ixrymce (over a dol- l .
I., 11X-$,5'- ;�; .. ... - ;1. ad-
�� 11..,_i:i*i .. which adIorris fSt. Peter's -in Rome. vice in the sel�,se that Perform t&. Tai.) Per owt. . I
! � I , ..,.`�, . . _. .."', , ,it is sufficient OP'eratiOn� c4 warming ds is givent
. :. `.�,., '
, .. !;.;,--1,..........1 "'. ,les Dickens, wil -five
� ... .... I .,. Chai ,
�. I , _.
:;:,-.,.,,,.,. . was t mJy slimply ,to put off 'these fteasels% to landing, V Britain on all apples, and pears
- ,. 1!;.,-..,,,,.,1..----, On s,hipboard Just prior I
11 . when, hP Tnadie. us the gift of his I�ather do we wi%b to streg. Tbi? pols,sit.)IIi
Y I .,!! ,:!�:-`- '.'-.;�-.; ,�, the par- :ieq of these two solu- exported fi;bq,n Ca lada on, ,the. und r- I 0
?I I "Pickwick Papers." tionz are no . n e
. 'VNJOY the variety of breads it"s so .R.""11� ;11 :... ticular dangers they present d W under consideration. 5441114ing that ,cana4d' �
:1;I.K -1 - ... uring
� ., , - ; , i �:;;.� - ,.,.,;-- I " an growem I
. ." . .
. r..,X , . At twenty-six Mozart wrote an the earliest years of a childPS life. ______.*� I
.�. : . ::;:��i��
K:+': " .
. .
� A.:d easy to make with ifiest famous .`�` .:,.; � make -every effort to increase pro -
1,5., .%Ii: opera and Philip Rei,g invented the .
,,-::�&, .." r;::: "I"".1"'..,
,,, -!.'�,",, .."'. :,�, 11 � � . I duction. I
... I yeast cakes. Keep ,it,. stipply on hand. 1:::jJ�-.,ftxr..:;-.. .: , :�: 011 .
.. , . ::,:: � .. -no (1860),
, :,
..: 14
.;..:.; ... :; , I.:!:�:'��. .: 11. .. . .;,:.. .
�;�;��i.... :;,;; - ::.:.:;:i:;.� .::.... :.;; ,..:. I ..: teleRho
I . Sealed in air -tight -waxed papet� Royal ,:-;1,',:;, � �:.;��!:�ii* - i;:�:i"::�� . I Blu, . I
. . ...'.. . , V.. . r: , , Vasen da ,Gama was thirty when e Rose Being Introduced
. �--",.'�: `_: ...'....%z:x,N� .� +11 I..
.1 Teast Cakes stay ftesh for snonths. For **�:!: .,:�' , ""'."i.i., 1. . ::� -I..' With the conll'ng of spring u/nd a . .
:i.'�.,i��,�!: ': he Fhmved.t.he world the ocean roufe
i" , .�.�: ��
44 . :'��!�.Ig4:,:, , to India. At the age of thirty-two su'll1lPtiOn Of the grazdng sees,0114 f . I
. more than 50 years they have been the , re Two 11ew rO-,qe5 that give ploinitis I
.10;;, -..,;,�� e d
: standard of quality., When you bake at *:*'r,iii;,. rr � Heinrich Hertz discovere th oml"lstic deiriand for 'bay is ex- 0 marking t;he greatest aebievemen,t' - Simple Remedy
I I .. I 11_1_:��;;,�� -
:1 I :�:j��!�*:"j�-�`�:�:-:�;. :r '. ...". � . � , d the elm I in To,qe culture within recent years .
, ,
. Z,5 . 12'�!:;. .�, tric wavv.-, and thu.% pared the wav ,�
al" � ,:. pe,elted to delcline further, and there have been r e, Rurope by- . .
, home, you'll want. the.ROYAL YEAST � ?, Lve 4
��. - ,11AKE BOOK -write 'for'free' copy I %.:
1. :.�, -dig 1's "loe"'y. to 'be a sulbstdqltial carry the DeplartmeTit
to 1, I for the sensational waveries of th'e ,eceiv cl from For Bad Stomach ,
I':' , . , !:::; .::;:
, . ,!.:
.::� ;:;;;::!:
..�. Standard Brands Limited, Fraser Ave. I Curie -S. At thirtY-four Luther bad 0"or, of market hay 'in most of the Of k101-ticulture, oil-
i�,. . ..... I tario Agricultilral G*' Swift Relief' - *
1: ... 1l;-�-;.-1',+..111..
: . - -
� . 1, � . 'written his ,ninety-five, these%. and Prov"inceeL "'OVeltieT have been planted in the No Need f Strong Medicines or Met, I I
il I" ! I and Liberty Street, Toronto, Ont. I . ...., I— . I � CO-I'lege. Those ives
. . :.. 11 f
�; I 4 . . �'.., :;;;. 11 Carl Maria von !WeveT had compoii- . test gardien operated jointiv 0
%t.� . .,... , ... "... � ed his falrous opera "Freiechurt:7.11 An adequate supply of pure water Rome Soci,etv, Of n ario and I I
; I � - � "I , .. �i.,*-"� . by the S.fe and Si-ple Recipi, Keeps \
I . 1, , , 11 .1 . O t - . -
I'll ... . . .. . I ... . Dante began to write the I'Di(vino in the apiary, ,pasily aecessible to t the
I . ", ;., he, rollege, to &teryndnle t,heir suitabil Stom-h i- Fine Condition 3
� ' -
I � y. . I Try DUTCH APPL9 CARE for dessert -:1. Gomedy" when he w0s thirty-five- bees, --is as ,essential as food and pro- itY to Canadian conditions, . _ — .
;..�, , If You are a victim of Stomacjr
I I . � ' I . in the �rriddle olf mun's life span, ael tection at this timei of the yeaT. TroubieG.ss
_.: Cream % c. butter vath yj e. . 'The iblue rose Ge6erat Ste-& Bloating -yo
.. ". a few pieces of buttee on top. fhe said himself. At th-h-tv-11,17e Tor- -- I . I . - ,anik, Sourness, Pain or"
, ! ,
. ifilgar. Add I beaten egg. Add Let rise for % hr, 134ke at ae . — --"-- brrin,kg this CO, � rnaY bave quick ana . I
, cartain rellef by
", 11
�; ricelli 1O.ur into the rove fo-11owing this i
. this with % e. mlik to A% c. degrees about 25,mins. xeep invented tZe ,barometer,
.If, , I : world simple r,dvl,,
1. . ,�.. � was Origins,terl -Don't tAke strong medialnes, artl- I
I I, . , . . ROYAl Ye2$t SOOnge"I'. Make pan eovered ftr9t 15 migs. until " . Ra,Pb?ol pai,ftybed the SiSti-ne Maionna Vancouver Man Had i'r'1'C`7he"Ch"t " It . . I
V� . Mtn soft dough with 3% c. aPples are tender. Re"We I ,I �� � . and Napoleori proclaimed himself 0-1,9110vakia, als the result Of nClal digestants Or PuJI'down your
,, . , ;, .
�;, ,,"�, I . I I �'P, :: 1, Hyste
'o,"PU :, - fiour And % tap. ft1t. Knead coverandbrowA.Makes2calces. ,. ]:,�� -.�� Emperor of France. a crGsq 'betweer the hybrid pe �nl With starvation dIetF;. For I
, . 110fly. Putinareasedbo,inin 1. : Irpefte-1 within I
! ''I � . ,." ...''," Almost,Lost Hope La re"On most folks May eat
I.- ,, � , ,,�.. . *arm& place until double In ' *ROYAL YEAST SPONGE: ", .. Job. Kepler di,.scoveTed the laws of 13141i-allte' and an uninlamip.4 seed- "'hat theY like If they will Iteep
� kil - Vancouver, B. C. -S. Waugh, 3270 ling. In ittA native co their AtOmaab A I I
I.. -Y sjrtstoni at thirty-eight untry the b,ish swift that hin or paralyze the, .
" bulk (skbout IY2 hra.). Roll Soak I Royal Yes9t Cake in v, Out free hoolclet; the Planelta� free from souring
�_, - ..... . _. -, � ., . . . . . .... 49th' Ame., W., recently said: "After, . i,9 vi-gorou.9 and blooms freely in June work Of 4 di Or
'1�44, " , . -99-- --r , "T ,P Less4lig wrot�k,,,",q. o� his best. uffering'w1th stomach dis- stion. .
I 1 III 4 ddeg,6f rola - PUTH —rfffWWfe Towtsffit". ..... . .0 IN kQYak_&Md 10
,� !:;,:,;�Z - 't , . - Oaye- ai:x years.0 ' IV,
r , Health," tella . _ ,and July, b,ear-
; & �� t6ift il IW4 shal- . Milaotte I tbv. sagar In Y v�:: -jl,� -k .> . r _. 'log Very lkrga, double, AiA ,"e "t and easidat way to�
I .1 , ,2 Vt. , W I at the Rame, age. _15 -T 11MWn , .
� ,,it,�, - 96W Cake t1ft with the dwgh. milk. Add to dlftlAvad yegat I j..'..;:�".""..j,"...j�., ..W , how Royal yealit I orders and other tt�oii Ti, Uo till_q' IS .t, fol l,
r ; . ", " *,".,.'1%1:. j,, 4 a7llre ,Ullue tiolVells, on long _low ev
� er.V_Me2'I
, : . : , . Fortv fig, the ag,4e, of wisdoT,I. A%- gave up hope of ever being well st6mg. ,
- . Cak" wiff Improve - VV th .
..- __� Aftdi V01th lIll buttet 00d 'cstke. Add I 9t. ' ,� I' tean-Po"ful of 131surated Magnesia
P "", . 11 , . , � _ i
t, ,, L.: bread flour. ., , i*i::��; :�.*; , ,�.i* 1,Vourlhialth.and amtr6ed had th4 divine. revelation. of again. Sargon and Sargon Pills over- The ro-q"'U —a Pleasant,
� ":�, A *A0k1,&,WAthft0ki. Cdtthree �:,�',,,,��:,-'rl�;!*X;: ,� : ., to VICR"fit ZZI; , Of the tests with Gold, harmless, Inexpensdve- ll
I I Peat 0wrl Cover arld �-:,�:�....; i: came every allment I had and I feel en Dream, a, G�erinsn ifntro,due eserl f
-, , AIJ0,01do 10,6� 16ths, Preo law �M'i`,;ii� X f.08take them. lile Kf)ran-ftt the, age of - forty arld _tjon. Kri ,tIon that prompuy rieutral-
-1 �',4,. t � 0%:;�i::::� 08 4C dity &TTd keeps Your stemach�
I :�� - t-. � .d.or 1.1 �: 'Mageltan ,4 like a brand new rqun, ill lways be will al�%O be Closely waIiIched ag, ,at
, ta Mifi-,.V,:,.,��,:!;*��, ,, ailed aroumd, the
er.'rethudhig ion edge in __ .- I—— ._ , . , M grateful to thla remarkatle t I
t,1.331 ,:::�.�:',,� t and clean. -
t., 10*;�i , X roat-
1�1.. .W.@Ijl�,,'��.-�i,'.,'*',', "wee I
V6*8- %*1nW6 With draughft. MAket 6 to 6 cups -1n,;W_,*g�-1-.-', I -,:.,:1 BUY for the first titme, in hifit ' A. weeive trtal of i3isu.ratea M,g_
� _fN""'; ". , �, a . it" ptw plut ,f batt'r. I � .1� . : olry. 1*1 Iment for the Way It brought back PlIe"SleTIt, there are no alitmbing res -es
11 q ,. , , .. . I ", :, i �11 WADS.IN-CAWWA fesIsor T,'A-nil vgn BeW1119 was forty my hWU3, strength and'gherSy." 1 nosia WnIch any Food drugglat can,
. 00*. �, - ' on the market ba"ViTI19 recurrent,' goa- -qf-J, -11-Ill qu CKA collvInce yoll I .
"A l . + . . 111i G000 when he invented (blood-seram tberr� V a 96 Per cent, Of or wiry etornaeft,
�, . ..... �� den -yellow, fragrant bloo(ITIO, it
, �f . ...
� I
I - - I .. . 41 .
��_ �1. I W . ....... 6.,i�l ... ,,, I -L" .
I , ;-,� .1 I I I'll, w I __ .- , -y unnecesg&ry.
�� .1 ___ . 'I Neither Of f'h
i !"', 41,��
I 11��
T 41�1' 1 " . ., , - -, 0 I . I apeutics. . ese roffA has , .,,1,!tr69N Is abooly,tal
W1 �.. ,; ,;,, " , - AS, OUtO t6 W40t J3 SUrated M&Wnlegl.ao, . ll,
, '! , - r 0 . � 10. :
� 11�_4; , .. , - .. . � In the fortV-4" year &as 'we find ASMI$AW ' . I yet, appealvd. in camwoe.fttv 01r thi
'�'. ....... �1�1� ,��., %,. ,8. ,
+,l � I I 1, . . ... �. . - � . .
I ,�v.�- , .1— _....." ... . . I .. . � ", I., I I . I .1
: , . ". 1. � 1. 1. . . . . 0 I . . . I . . I
I , . . I
". 1�': ,: ,, ,� � . . 1*
.. , . n,"��, . *'i'.,,'W�'lrzi�: � ",. , I � , . I . I . I I I 1. : - I I
i, 11 1�4. '! .1�.. 11 ': , � I . . . I _ . . I I . . I . � I .
, 1 ... f"., 1, . I I � . I . I I . . I .
� .
, ,_ - - I I r .. . I.. . I � 1 . . 'I., :" , ', " ,I I � " 4 � . I . , � .;, """ . . . IL . , 1. ,� , . � I I . � I ; . 8 .
I ��, � 4_��,�' . I � A ,� ,� I - .
-: -,�� , _-.,-,,_�
, t- , �',� ". 0��,,�,'�, , : - . ,� , , ;4 - p-1. ., �, " � , - j � ll ,� �.,!;" ;, - , , . . . I .
11.11 I , .� �� �,�,,', ii,t'lf, �",�, '11�,,�, �,�,," I � -m �- , l- --o k " 50fiZu',J; " � ", ; + - : ,:, .4 , I. . � ., . , . . , ;. " . . . . . . I .
,. , �� 1. � I , f,� , , � . '. . �
, " I : ��W "i% I I
, , ""
i, &al . i�������� i , ,&l_ 0AM