HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-05-26, Page 1Ben*lelhird Year •
Whole Number 3415 •
Seaforth Wins- •Opening GOLFERS, OFFICIALLY . OUT FISH -IN'
Game In " Softball - League OPEN SEASON WITH •A feller ten't mimes
Defeating •M i t c h e 11 14- 3 TWO EVENTS Old 24TH Has thoughts a�•e `mostly clean
out fisihvn';
He doesn't knock has fellowman,
Or harbor any grudges then;:
Play Exhibition Games with • • • • • • Mrs.. W. Parke and J. A. A fe101oht fishin is fifinest, when
Goderich, Monkton a n d Stewart Winners in Two, The rich are eomnrrad(es to the poor,
Newmarket During Week. Again Reminded Ba11 Foursome. Out $shin';
.All brothers of a common lure,
Those ex -students ,who, as .•yet, Out fishin'; •
have not contributed to the 'Sea- -The urchin• with the pan an' string
' forth Collegiate Institute Sehol- WEATHER IS IDEAL Can chum with millionaire and king,
DRAWS BIG CROWD arship Memorial Fund, are again•
And happy as a lark, they sing,
reminded that the Committee• The Seaforth Gulf and Country Out fishin'° •
still, awaits a subscription. The •
The Seaforth Softball Club got off fund is over the halfway. mark, Club officially opened on Wednesday, A feller's glad to have a friend,
to a good start on Wednesday when 'but in order that it may, be ire. Victoria' Day, and a large numbe=r of Out fishan';
it defeated .Mitchell. 14-3 in the forst working order by next year, it members and visitors took advantage A helpiri' hand he'll always lend
league game of the 'season. is imperative that the balance of the ideal weather and' were pores- •Out fishim';
The'ga•me was played in Mitchell be soon made up.
ant both'rmtorning and afternoon. The brrotherhood of rayl an' line
lbefore a large crowd' and was fairly In the morning the annual Press- An' .sky and stream id always fine;
even desplt the big score. Seaforth •, • • • • • dent vs. Vice -President match was Men came real close a God design,
held with the latter side winning, b% Out fishin',
got its runs in bunches and Mit- to 3'/z, and in the afternoon..a mixed
chell's three canoe in the sev- I rtwo-Iball foursome with 18 entries in A feller isn't eelottire schemes
Innings ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
enth innings.• MEETING TO DISCUSS each event. Prizes in the two -ball Out fishin';
foursome went to Mrs. W. Parke and He's only busy with his Breanna,
rMliibchelq ....1 0,0 0 10 0 0 3 0 0— 3 J. A. Stewart, first. and to Miss Jean Out fishin';
•Seaforth 1... 1 0 s1 0 01 3 ..5 0 4--14 i . M. McLean, second.
His livery's a coat of tan;I1Mitchell—R. Weight. H. Wright, W. GOLF COURSE SITE Eleoat and 'Throughout the day many visitors. His c=reed: To do the•;best he can;
Herabea't, R. Lepgaxdb D. MeJ aughliun;' not tajdng •part in the scheduled A feller's always mostly man, , -
A. Oulliton, J. Colquhoun, J. Houson, games, were present and enjoyed the Out fishini.•
R. Porterfield. • fine weather and excellent course.
Seafarth-HG. 'Mucor, E. Rennie, B. New Location Mooted For : ••. Two Ball Foursome.
Christie, J. Wright, R. Burgess, C. (Mrs. J. H. Bt It and E. C. Boswell CONSTANCE.
Christie, R. McGregor, J. , Hart, W. Seaforth Golf and 58, Mrs. E. Bell and L. C. Jackson
Cudmoile. 58, Miss IMary Bell and Dr. W. C. The W. M. S. and W: A. of ICon=
Country Club. Sproat 68. 'Miss Jean Elcoat and K. stance United Church met 'an Thurs-
RedShirts Here. 'M. 'Me'Lean.57. Miss Ella Elder and day last at tlhe home -of Mrs. Gard-
• New)mlarket Redshirts •play>Ied in W. Parke 61, Mies Margaret Grieve iner. The 'W.ounen's Association pres-
Seaforth on Wedaiesday evening andA definite step towards a new golf and IR. A. Walter 58, Mrs, W. Parke ident, Mrs. J. 'Buell, was. in the
attracted a !big :crowd. Six of the course sate has been taken with the and J: A., Stewart 53, Mese. F. Sills chair. The meeting opened by sing_
famous hockey stars :played on the +announdemven•t that a meeting of all and Earle Bell 65, Mrs. T. S. Smith ing a hytmn. and grayer. The secre-
team and proved a big attraction, a interested citizens will be held in the and G. Jackson 66. t=art', Mrs. E. A:d'arcrvs, read therntin-
large crowd seeing the gamic. ' couneil,oliamlber,on Friday evening. President vs, Vice -President. utes. After the business was dis-
NNewmarket, who opened the scar- The meetin=g has .been..cailed by the Presiden=t. Vice -President. posed of 'Mrs. Rogerson gave a splen-
ing with five runs in the first in- Seaforth Golf and :Country Club. J. G. Mullen. ....0 K. M. Mc can ..1 did talk on • "The High Ideals of
nings, got two more iri the thirdFor some time: a committee has II. G. Meir 0 • E. C. Boswell. -.1 Life" from. Daniel. The W. M. S.
four in the fifth and one in the sev- been gathering information about Mrs. W. Parke.. 0, Geo. Jackson ..I. president, Mrs. William Britton, toot
enth forth get latst
the fou fourth and six possible sites and iit ins t'h'is infornia- W. Par£atdn 1 •Earle Bell 0 the chair and they stood and repeat=
tion that will be laid' before the meet- J. E. K g....0 R. A. Walter0 ed the 23rd Psalm in unison. Thi:;
in the seventh, for a total of ten ing. "A decision as to whether a new J. A. Stewart, ..,0 G. D: Ferguson 1 was followed by client prayer led by
runs, and so lost the game 12-10. site will be purchased or w'h'ether Mr. -Rose..:.....0 Dr. Collyer 1 Mrs. R. Lawson, The ,minutes were
Newmarket played in C1i on in Miss Pennell... lee • 'Miss Hellyer ;.' read by •Mrs. T. Dexter. Mrs. C. Mc -
nee .elf-, wd1L..be ..allowed se drop... in Sea- .
-the morning. of the same day agarns£ forth, will likely be arrived at. :Mass Jeffrey • .'J 1-J. ' Ce Greig ..:0 Grergor .gave a splendid leaflet on'
the Wearwell team, defeating them The move from the Dodds!' ploper- e ---"The Woman of Quiet, Mary of Beth -
8 -7. S?( eye arty." This was followed by a duet
The newly repaired diamond, the ty in. McKillop, where the club has fix. by Mee. B. B. Stephenson and 1VVIrs.
new back stop and the recently e�•- been situated for a number of- years, . Lre'o Stephenson. Mrs. . E. Adams
eared bleachers added marsh to the has been made imperative .by the• in- WALTON gave a very fine reading. The hymn,
interest of the game and were gen- ability of the club to renew its lease "I Am Thiene Oh Lord," was then.
which expires early next year. • sung.The stud
eraily colmjmiemtied upon. « The 'service in Duff's United church takenY book tops ic was
was well attended. on Sunda mtirn- by Man Iva ieSrs. ons in a
Newmarket-Seaforth Score. r very able manner, Mrs. P. Lindsay'
MANLEY Ing. The pastor, Rev. Charles Cum- sang a beautiful solo.' ,There was a
- Innings .. 1* 2 3 4 5 6 7 ming, conducted the service. and gave 'discussion led by MrC • G`ardir-er on
Newmarket 5 0 12 0 4 0 1-12 a splendid discourse entitled, "If T `Blow we ca be of service' to the
Seaforth .. 0 0 0 4 0 0 6-10 iMr..Shartreed has. set the township Were Twenty-one Again." .An an- n
crusher in .W.illiani 'Manley's pit and thene was rendered by the choir with
• Other Games: T is running at full capacity. with Miss 'Bessie Davidson presiding at
On Thursday of last creek Monk -
Purcell and Watson trucking the organ in the absence of the or-
lon was in Seaforth for an exhibition it to all the had spots in this vicin- ,ganist, 'Mrs. W. C. Bennett,
gamic and was defeated 1'5=2 'be=fore ity Preparatory service will be held in
a fear sized cm -Wel. Home and horns Mx. and Mrs. Tony Seamon are th•e'besemvreneof Duff's United Church
Mc -
exhibition games were ,played ',with busy decorating their home. on Friday evening at 8.30 p.m.
Gadeaidh .during the week, the local's Mr. and 'Mrs. W. Manley and Mr. A. large crowd attended the Young
losing lbortlh. Fred Eckert spent the week end with Peoples meeting on' Sunday evening
friends in Seaforth. in Duff's United Church. The entire
Next Game. programa was in charge of the Mon- -
Seaforth plays an exhibition game crief'f Young People, who were the
Sea -
in Clinton on Friday evening and the guests• of the Walton Society. Fol-
in Cl Conn' of the schedule the HILLSGREEN lowing a few word's' of w'el'come by forth,spent the 24th at the home of
Tome ga next an ednle will will IHiatuey Bryans, the president of the. Mr. and 'Mrs E 4danns
T here. Large, numbers from this' vicinity Walton Society, Miss PatterssNin, of
attended the Young People's soar- :Moncrieff, took charge of the meet- Donald and Miss Miechell of Brig-
versamy in the Kipper church on Sun- ing which opened with a hymn and
DUBLIN day and all enjoying the srwices, of prayer• by .Mrs. Frank Harrison, the and Mrs.Leo •Stephenson oh Tuesday
which Rev. Craik, of Goderich, eon -
of the Moncrieff Society. of this week
.Frank .Stapletiom, who is attending elected, also the choir mwsit. The 'The Scripture lesson •was read by
Dental College in Toronto, is beanie play on Monday evening under the 'Miss Laura Patterson after which a
ausrpices of the Auburn Y: P.S. was solo wasrendered by Mr. Turner.
for vacation full emjayned 'by many from here. too. Following a hymn and the offering
Barry Beale, of Montreal, spent : y •a very interesting topic on "Temper -
the week end with his mother, Mrs. The regular services will be held in nose'" was given by Leslie Machan. A
E. Beale. the 'Hillsgreen Church on Sunday af- duet by Miss Harrison and Miss
Miss Margaret O'Connell, of Buf- ternoon, May 28t11, with Re's'. R, R. Meehan was fellawed with a reading
falo, spent a few days with her sis- Connereiti charge. by •M'is's Hazel Spei'ran, Mr. Teruel-
tears, Mrs. Bruxer and Mise M. O'Con- Mr. and Mrs. J. •Cochrane and rendered a solo which was followed
nell. daughter, 'Miss Edna, and Mr. and with an address by the pastor, Rev.
• Mr. and Mfrs. Charles Strife b and Mrs. H. 'MctMurtrie, of., Kippers, spent Charles Cumming. "'The Daw Thsu
children, of Kitchener, spent Sunday 'a day in Strathroy and Londe*. Gavest" was sung as the •closing•
with 'Mr's T. Burns. Mr. and Mrs. John Love and Miss- 'hymn ,and the Mizpah .Beneddic!tion
Reeve Nagle. is rv.isnting friend's in es Agnes and Anna Love, 'and Mrs. was repeated in unison. The meeting
Windsor. Roy :McBride, of •Blake, were in Lon- next Sunday evening will he in charge
don and spent the day recently: of the Literary Committee,.
STANLEY Mr. and tMrs. M. Rice, of Los An- The 'May mee:tin•g of the Gleaner
geles, California, called on friends Mission Band was -held in the school
.here last week en route to their sum- room of Duff's United Church on Sun -
(Mr. and Mrs. Austin Sturdy and mer home in Forest Nook, Ont. day morning with the president, Jack
family, of Godlsrich Township, spent Mr, and Mrs. Jack Baker and faun- Murray. in charge of the meeting.
Sunday with Mr. said Mrs. William fly and Miss Swaim, of Zurich, visited Following the opening hymn the
J. Clark. Scripture lesson was read by Jack
friends an the 14th •recently,
Mr. George Poulter and his mother Mr. and Mrs. C. Seaman and san, B'ty`a.ns from 'Luke 22. Mrs. Herbert
visited with friend's near Sarnia on Kirkby led in prayer after which all
Saturday. Leato'n, spent a day in Hensall recent- joinead in repeating the Lord's prayer.
'Mr. Elgin McKinley had the mis- ,l r• the roll was then called with about
fortune to lase a weldable horse re,- 'Mr. Wt Jarrett and daughter, An- thirty-eight . Members responding.
Gently. nie, and .Misses Edna Cochrane and The minut'es'trf the previous meeting
11Vir. Ed. •Lowder~ 'of Hamilton, vis- Let -tie Love spent 'Sunday with Mr. were read. and adapted, after which
rated with Mrs. Robinson, Sr., last and Mrs. H. M'delurtrie, of Kip'pen. it was" decided that birthday pine. be
week. . fiMrr. and rMMrs. S. McBride spent given to the memnhers who have paid
Mrs. A. 'McConnell, of Varna, is Sunday with their daughter, Mr. and their birthday money. An interest-
visirbing her sisters- at 1Vlinmeapolis, Mes,, W. Taylor, of .Chiselhurst. ing story entitled, "How They Go to
Minn. \ Mr. Anson Coleman has been laid Church in Korea,'' wast read by Mrs.
'Mr. Launcelot Clark, an old and up for a few days now suffering Edward Bryans,after which the
highly respe'c'ted resident of Stanley, from a kick on the ankle from one
classes formed foe study. The meet -
passed away at +bhe home of his son, of his horses. We hope he may soon ing closed with a hymn and the Miz-
Cliffordy m 'HIam5ltonj, on Tuesday, be around again and have the use of 'ped B�ernr•d'iction repeated in unison.
May 9th. His death was the result 'his ankle as usual. ,Mrs. W. C. Bennett who was con -
of astroke, which he suffered some Miss R.N., of Hlerisa11 is fined to her bed last week with a
weeks agc> - The remains were severe attack of appendicitis, under -
brought to 'blie home of his son, Wm. nursing Mrs. G. Love, who is doing went. an 'opematiom in Kitchener -
J. Clark, on the Goshen Line, Stan- as well'a,s can be expected now. Mrs. Waterloo Hospital late .Saturday ev-
ley, and the funeral service was held Johnston has returned to her home ening.
in Bayfield United ,Chureh on Friday in Zurich. She also was helping toMrs.Thnlnvas Watson, of Loandon,
where a large numlber gathered to nurse Mrs. Love. has • returned home after spending a
pay their tribute of respect to the . IMr. F. Stelck has been in Varna week with. Me•. and Mrs. W. C. Ben -
memory of the departed. The s'er- ;several times where his brother, Mx. nett and her paaen.ts, Mr, and Mrs.
vice wag conducted by -Rev. R. Gale,' Charles Stelek, is very sick. Joy. Bennett.
assisted by Rev. E. A. Poulber. The IMr•. Ben Elder, o'f Hiems'al•1, Called (Miss Florence Ryan, daughter of
paiq'bearees were•Geosge Clark, Robt« here recently on business,' Mr. and ''Mrs. Joseph Ryan, was one
Reid, Joseph Richardson, !David Dew -
ear and Mr9. Thomas Cotnsitt, of of the tvvenity-three nurses who graii-
;ar Fred MdEwen end Arthur Peck. Hens.al'l, are spending a .few .days- v Nein! 'S•t. Jo ph'a Heepital,
Cr. and MMus. ordon'.Ilayter and with friends. London', last week.
family, of Flint, visdbed' over the week -IMr« awl 'Mrs. Jas. Love spent Sun- . Mies Eleanor Knight spent the
end with the fornve'r's parents, Mr, Week end with her parents, Mr. and
and Mrs Henry Hayter,
.day in Hen.sall with the fon-rruem's ad's- Mn s. J. Knight, Ca att+brook.
(Mr, and' 'Mrrs. John Reid, of Flint, ten', 'MTS. M. MCMtertrie.
The nS''aeramrenrt of the Lord's Sup-
' a couple«of days with friends Quite ea nnilmlber hare rinds'hed re- per will be observed in Duff's United
in 'St,:anley and O1inted, lVer. William sowing their spring crops which were Church next •Sunday morning.
Johnston returning with them' to not coming up, with boo many re -
Pint. cent rains. i (Coistinued on page 5)
The 'Story That Ran in
The Huron Expositor
in 1870.
Huron CountySecon
School Trustees
Say Salaries Are Too l
tk tattered page has come' to this
office from a .Western subscriber, Mr.
William •Sproat, bearing the heading,
"A New Tale of Olden Times, or
Huron Twenty Years Ago." 'It is a
bill printed by The Huron Expositor
in 1870, to announce the story thee
was scheduled to run in its columns.
The unknown writer, in the intro-
duction, says:
!And now my Dear Sir, here I am
in the village of Seaforth, County of
Huron, Ontario, feeling . almost as
much at hone as if I was still, in the
Stewarty'of Kirkcubright, Every day
I hear the broad Scotch homely
tongue • of Borgne an•d Girthon, ar
the broader dialect of Ayrshire anti
Roxtborough, interspersed with the
genuine Irish 'brogue, the peculiar
tongue of Yorkshire, or the heavier
speech of the Dutch. Farther west
and south I amt told there are large
settlements from the. Hri'ghlands of
S•cgtland. I have made arany ac-
quaintances and formed some warm
friendships since my 'arrival here;
and I have undertaken to write a
tale for the Huron Expositor entit-
led, "'Huron Twenty Years Ago.
You will recollect nay taste, I.may
almost say passion for describing
things and delineating character,
which I possessed from early boyhood
and the real pleasure and satisfaction
I felt when thus employed. My youth-
ful tastes I have never lost. I de-
rive as much satisfaction front such
work at forty - as �'•I did at twenty.
Judge then with what alacrity I ac-
eepted• ••the offer: But hone •this- eanre
about, . and how I obtained my ac-
quaintances and friends=hips I will
explain in another chapter." .
A typical portion of the tale magic
up in the -main part .of dialogue, is
as follows:
"But whats ado at the corner?"
Here my attention was drawn by a:
crowd of men opposite Carmiehael's
hotel, two of whom were gesticulat-
ing and talking very earnestly, while
the onlookers seemed to enjoy the
fcrei�n element in our country" The conversation very much:'
meeting closed with prayer by•'Mrs, "It's John Warner," said my com=
Rogerson, ;12rs. Carter and Mrs. pinion, . "and anther border chief,
Gardiner. There "were 30 present, making a bargain.' . "`,V�e'll gang awa
Lunch was served. an' - hear them, it'll be a gey hard
Mr. and Cilia. William Britton were trade I'm thinking, like "Greek a-
ir Lamlbt:on County ori Saturday last gainst Greek." .
attending the funeral of Arthur Mc-
We mixed with the crowd and
Rorie adopted son of the late Wilber: found it to be as Mr. iMair.had"an-
M'oRarie and Mrs. llcRornea ticipated. The buyer, Mr. Warner,
Mrs. Frank Riley presented her had offered twenty-three (or was he
husband with a fine baby girl an Fri- pronounced it twenty-threyel dollars
day last. for .a cow, while the seller strenuous-
IMr. and Mr . Ed. Hinchley, of Sea- ly insisted on .having twenty-three
and .a -half; aid neither party could
have displayed more earnestness and all ,matters dealing with secondary
determin tion had the difference been education the members of the .ind'i-
Mrs. Justin Sinclair, ell, Roy ,Mc- a victual boards will give their best
fifty pounds, instead of fifty cents.
den, 'were visitors at the home of Mr. "I tell ye Tam, 1'11 gi'e ye twenty- consideration to the suggestions of
threyt, dollars an' no ae half -penny the Council, and help to keep educa-
main" tion casts within its proper limit.
"An' I tell ye John, I'll take twonty The meeting expressed its thanks
thrr; y e an' a half an' no ae half pen -
to Col. Hays and the Exeter Board,
VARNA ny lees,"of Education as well as the Clinton
members for their part in bringing
"She's no worth't Tam, she's no the meeting to such a successl con-
yy;orth't:••-d. coul na' make it o0 0' ffuu
lit. Stelck is still Co'nfine'd to the chasion.
bed rwitii little sirens of improvement,' Noo John ye kin she's a said coo." The following were present from,
'Mr. and Mrs. R. Caineron, of Hen- "0 she's a said bit cooie�-a nice the several Boards of the. County:
Call and little son Rr Yvbie, called on bit heastie enough—bit od man she's C'.' M, Robertson, J. W. Fraser, Dr,
fniend•s here Sunday, visiting thenae size—I could na' risk it cot o' A. T. Emmerson, W. A .Coulthurst;
latter's mother; Mrs. [ ester and Mr. A. . Rolxrtson, P. J. MacEwa
her—I canna g'i'e aboddle malt 'at
and Mrs: Stelek. tw•onty--thre}'e." :tor is again the oMcial paper of the Goderich; Col. R. S. Hays, Dr. R. R.
Mr. F. Weekes has chouse lir. "lou butchers are awr u' cheats, county—the County Council being of ho,s. ti". Black, E. Stewart, C. Ab-
thellviflage, octocupied
upitdatye his in John—ye ken, thats no,Tour cents a the opinion that the enterprise shown eihart, Geo. A. S'illsi J. G. Mullen,
the village, occupird iiy Mr. Jones. T o� .Seseforth; ti's m. May. W. H. Pen-
y'e'll Sell't a' cot at eight of late hy the 'editor in enlarging hale, \•‘•••• H. hearing, Thos..Jones, H.
lir. Breathe ton hes moved his ef- an' ten." and in'iprm in> .his paper should he
festa to MT. Stinson'- house, Babylon Ay Tam its niair as five coni a properly rewarded. So let it be.
T. Rove. R. E. Beavers, R. N. Creech, r
Line. Those who enjoy nature should he poun'—she's Almon four an' a half," The people of Svafoith E=el proud of PavTeire gc • T. MiiniSanders, Lmcs
Noo I ken the weight o' a beast their paper as they have (eery reason g,
trivilegetl to drive through aur'conn- as weel an any body,an' I's,; u Thad to dot — Corresponrience tratfontl ter, W. J. Henderson, Ih'. R. L. Stew -
try new as it is arc+ . beautiful- ,lie no muckle under six." Beacon. art, W. A. Galbraith, Wingham; F.
The play put 00 in the hall Tues- l e'r a vera guirl judge, Tam, o' Newspaper Prog 'ee .—Since Mr. Fingland. Co]. H. 13. Comrbt•', W. H. e
day night by the 1'n;:ng People of the tveight• o' a heart, nave better— Luxtonw�. nt tc Feato th anti infusetl ellyaa, Col. H. T. Rance, I r. J. W.
Blake soil Goshen cu:i,regafions was it the beast tcasna you sin Or ye war 11te and vitality into the columns of sta�;'• Dr. F• Thorp- n, A. T. Coop-
• real success.• r, o' wanting tae sell—hitt when the, The Expositor, its progress• has been er, Clinton. A
Owing to the ilea h of htnr sister, f.,.east's ye'r sin,. an' you ga'n tae most gratifying. Encouraged by the -
:Wise A d hasie son has Closed her home ;ell—e•d ye'r lambs are a' sheep,", support he has received and which
here and has gone to r' side for a time i.sai 1 •Toho, who enforced his argue- .his enterprise has fully merited, the
in Lucknow wi'h dor sister, ^Mas.
Rathwell. As it ha- '•e'en the custom I m- nts by frequently nodding his head
for years for the Misses 'Keys to's ht' spoie, but when he came to
close theie home Ser the winter I ,:y.c r lambs are a' sheep' he gave
months, we always '".reed forward to! an awful nod, which might be called
their return with the warm weather. the nod superlative, causing his heavy
• We are pleas --ori to repent Mr. Geo. I''"ugh cap to bury itself in the snow.
Beatty, Sr„ who lin- been, confined- He T'ieketl it up. replaced it, and
to the house for n few w'ee'ks, is innpecing round, said:
proving and we hors will soon he "Well Tani are ye ga'n tae tak'
able to be mit again. ;
A count of revision will be held in
the Hall on Tuesday, May 30.
• • • •
• Trustees Meet in Clinton
Monday Evening a 4
Elect Officers; Col. H. T
Rance, Chairman,"and A.
T. Cooper, Secretary.
No Doubt This Year
School pupils will have a, load
lifted from their minds this year •
when they leant that a holiday
on the ,King's birthday is. a :cer-
tainty. In other years they al-•
ways hoped for the best but
were never sure whether it would
be work or play until the last •
minute. The King's Birthday is,
as usual, on June 3rd, which,
however; , falls on a Saturday.
Of course there, will be a holi-
day. • s
.• • • • • 0
Cadets Are Commended By
Inspecting Officer. .
Maj. Jeffery. .
Seaforth Collegiate Institute'Cadets
paraded for their .annual inspection
on Friday morning last before Major
Jeffery, London.
Without rifles and- unifoerns, thie
parade has lost much of its former
glory When large• crowd's of citizens
were on hand to see the, boys ..go
through their maneuvers. This year
the spectators consisted mainly "of •
!Handicapped as they were by the
absence of 'the main accoutrements
of a cadet corps, ' n•everbheless the
be -ye -and their•. officers nobly acquit-
ted themselves and were congratulat-
ed by the inspecting officer,
Win D.C.R.A. ,Medals.
!Major Jeffery in his remarks, an-
nounced that five Domin•io sof Can-
ada Rifle Association Medals had
been won by Seaforth Collegiate
•students.. The corps was instructed
by I.;,H. Weedmark and the officers
were'as follows: Platoon command-
er, Jack Habkirk; platoon sergeant,
H.. Hill'en; section cotninanders, G.
Anderson, F. Whitmore, S. Dori -mice,
G. Pinkney.
Main Street :niessed the usual par-
ade down town to one of the local
restaua•ants this 'year, the 'boys com-
ing on foot, in cars and on bicycles
for the time honoured ice cream soda.
'Mr. and Mars. Joseph Dolmage
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sid-
ney Dolmage, of Seaforth:
The euchre and dance held' by the
football boy's in the hall last Friday
,night was well attended. Winthrop
plays football in Ethel on, May. 29th,
- We are sorry to report that Miss
Vino Murdie is in Scott Memorial
We are sorry to_ hear that Mrs.
W. C. Bennett underwent an opera.
tion for appendicitis in Kitchener
hospital last Saturday.
taste and ability of the publisher, Mr.
W. F. Luxton and 'deserves a gener-
ous support, which we trust The E,x-
:posito• will receive heartily.—Irish
"The Official Paper."—The Expos.
• On Monday evening, May 22nd;
members of the several High !Scheele
and Collegiate Institute Boards of
the County of Huron, Cont in ;rhe
council .chamber of the Town Hall, •
Col, R. S. (Hays, of' Searforth, the
District Representative • of the As-
sociated High School Boards of On-
tario, presided and explained the ob-
ject of the meeting, which was to
have more uniformity in the mane,
agement of the Educational Depart-
ment of the county by mere co-op-
eration 'between, the schools, and also
to assist the central organization 'to
successfully meet the' "prresent situa-
tion throughout the ,,,,province. It
was decided to form a co=unty branch'
which would be affiliated with . the
Ontario organization.'ell t h e
High School Boards of the county
have expressed their willingness to
help the branch in successfully meet-
ing the situation in this dist-riet. 1
Elect Officers.
Col. Hays told of the success
that had already come to the pro-'
vincial organization since it was or-
ganized in 1932 and suggested sev-
eral ways in which the Huron Coun-
ty 'Branch would benefit by hearty
co-operation with the organization in
a better uricerstanding between the
schools :of the county. It was .:thought.. _...
best to,' ha ee-- county meetings held
at Clinton, on accpunt of it being .
the most central( paint•andl with that in
view the • Chairman and Secretary
were selected 'from the -Clinton Col-
legiate • Institute Board, Col. H. T.
Rance, (being selected as chairman,.
and A. T. Cooper, Clinton, as seers-
tart' treasurer.
Salaries•"Too High.
The secretary was. instructed to se-.
cure information on several matters.
of vitalinterest to. the schools and
these items will be considered at the
next meeting of. the county branch.
One of the important motions pass-
ed was moved by 'S. M. Sanders, of
Exeter, and seconded by Col. H. B.
Combe, of Clinton, and reads as fol=
lows: That it is the consensus of
opinion of this meeting that the sal-
aries throughout the county are too'
high and should !ie so adjusted as.
,to become more uniform.
, The Huron. County Council are to
be 'notified of the new organization
' and they are to be assured that in
Red Cedar
High Quality
proprietor has lately enlarged lis
paper to the size of •the Globe, hut"
still preserving the quarto•for•rn. It
is handsomely printed, vigorously
conducted, and takes its place in the
front ranks of Canadian journalism.
—.Stratford Beacon,
Mr, 'l-. F. Luxton Was the editor
Of The Expositor which was the of -
the tw'onty-thrcye?" ficial paper of the county.
••Twonty-thrcye an' a half," said "The Expositor is, pre-eminently the
"Twenty -till -eye." said .John. (a
• "Twontv=t'iree an' a half," .said
Tani (a bigger• nod).
.Tghn made a determined effort to
go off—when some one in the crowd
ct•icd—"Why don't you split the dif-
ference?" •
John im=mediately turned round and
said: "\t••erl Tarn this is the very
last offer T'll make, I'll gi'e twenty -
threw dollars an' a quarter, an' you
taea t.•"
"A .bargain," sa.icd Tam, and in they
went to 'Carmichael's.
"Press' Notices.
'Also conhained in the hill are a
number of congratulatory notices
from other surromdin'g papers.
The Ramon Expositor, publrche i at
Seaforth, Ontario, chines to us in an
enlarged and lunch improved. form.
d't is creditable to the en Triers,
local paper for every resident of the
County of Huron. It contains all the
official announcements', county and
township council proceedings, i•iports
of county and other courts, reliable
market repovts, Seaforth, Clintoh,
Goderich and Toronto; local intelli-
gence from all parts of the county,
•supplieii hy careful reporters and
spec ial correspondents; editorials on
all the questions of the times; a
comprehensive digest of provincial,
foreign and gen: ral news,- anti a
readahlc'. interesting and instructive
M.ieesllany in which will be found,
weekly, solm+ething suitable for every
member of a respectable household.
Everything of an immoral or vitiat-
ing tendency is mast ficrupulousiy
avoided in compiling for its columns,
making it a proper and desirable vis-
itor to all families," continues the bill.
This, of course, is as true now as
in 1870.
'Mr. and Mee G. G. Wilson Brent
Sunday with friends in Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Norris visited
on Sunday with Me. and, Mrs. Jack-
son, Logan.
Quite a number from around here
attended the sports in Mitchell on
Wednesday and report a good time.
Mr. C. Treffry and daughter from
London visited over the holiday with
Mr. and Miss Treffry.
Mr. and Mrs. GeM'ge Tuffun and
family spent. the holicley with friends
in Fordwich.
Mise Emily Franc, Mr. T,yl'e Wor-
th n and; John Drown 'visited in Lon-•
don on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Grey, of To-
Canto, spent Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Melville Gr•a_v.
Rev.' W. G. Owen, of Stratford,
preached a very able sermon Sundae
morning in the United Church here,
Rev. Mr. Stewart taking the ser-
vices In Stratfe d.
Mr. and .Mrs. H. Golding Who have
liver) in Staffa a number of years,
nrncded to Oeaforth on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Swede and' famf ly
spe=nt Sunday with' Mr. and Mrs. N.
Parsons,' Munn'o.
Mr° R. Hoggarth, of Stratford, vis-
ited en Sumday with Meda in. eh,
vilb rge,