HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-05-19, Page 5,. • ( 4 1 ^ • 4 r A 0 • I a .4 • II 19, 1933. GENS , THEATRE, 50af t*t �. NO 3AY'1N V'AER ,!i WIi AMS and ,SIDNEY FOR ill COMED• Y "THE; 'MOUTHPIECE' CARTOON Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday—May 22, 23, 24 - MATINEE WEDNESDAY MAY 24th,AT 3 P.M. SYLVIA SIDNEY - =GARRX GRANT - CHARLES- RUGGLES .in "MADAME BUTTERFLY" COMEDY NEWS REEL Thursday, Friday and Saturday—May 25, 26, 27 "THE SIGN OF THE CROSS" with FREDRIC MARCH, ELISSE LANDI, CLAUDETTE COLBERT CHARLES LAUGHTON This Big Production --REGULAR PRICES ' 'Matins (Sat. and holidays, 3 p.in. Two shows nightly, 7.30 and 9.15 . J WALTON The May meeting „orf the W. M. S. and W. A. of Duff's United Church -was held at the home of Mrs. C. .Barrows on the 13th concession of iMc'Klillop on Wednesday afternoon, May 10th, with a• large number of (ladies in attendance. The missionary ,¢meeting which was in charge of the president, Mrs. (Rev.) Cumming, op- ened with prayer and a hyrivn, after -whi'c°h the Bible lesson entitled, -"Hannah," was given by Mrs. Gor- dan 'MeGav'in. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Miss Edna Reid and the following' cony lmittee was appointed to pack a (bale of quilts and secondihand clothing on Thursday afternoon: Miss Simpson, Miss Edna 'Reid, Mrs. Geo. McTag- gart and Mrs. E. ,Radford. The roll call was responded to with a verse of Scripture containing a duty. Fol- lowing a hymn, splendid reports were given by Mrs. Walter Davidson and Mrs, Andrew Coutts, who at- tended the annual• Presbyterial held at 1Fhames Road United Church lash -month. Mrs. (Rev.) !Cumming also -gave an interesting talk on the con- vention, after which prayers were .offered .by Mrs. Edward Bryans and 11M,rs. D. McCallum. The topic entit- led, "History of the Work of the W. M. S. in Canada," was very ably given by Mrs. William Murray. The meeting closed with a hymn, and prayer by Mrs. Leonard Leeming. The W. A. meeting was in charge -of the president, Mrs. Geo, McTag- gart, Following• the devotional exer- .ecises and the minutes of the previous. meeting, several iteines .of business -were discus's'ed after which refresh- -melts were served. The June meet- ing will be 'held at the home of Mrs. .A. Bruce an the 17th con. of Grey. A dance was held in the A,O.U'.W. Hall on Friday evening with a good .attendance: The music was furnish - fed 'by the Rowland 5 -piece orchestra. Mrs. P. B. Gardiner and daughter, "Vera, have returned home after ,()pending several weeks at the home ,of Mr. ar'd Mrs. R. Naylor, Roches- ter, N.Y. • The service in Duff's United 'church was well attended on Sunday morn- ing. The Mother's Day service issued ,by the Ontarlo Religious Education .Council was followed throughout. A very appropriate discourse was given by the pastor, Rev. Chas. Cumming. A mother's choir was led in the ser- vice of song 'and contributed a well 'rendered anthem . with Mrs'. Wilbur Turnbull presiding at the organ in the absence of the organist, Mrs. W. C. Bennett. The pastor, Rev. C. Cumming, will, conduct the service in Duff's United Church next Sunday morning and tvili take as his subject, -11i,1 Were Twenty-one Again.", The lweekI r lmtecting of the Y.P.S. •of Duffs United Church was held in the school room of the church on. Sunday evening with Melvin Shan- non, Urn 2nd vice-president. in charge __and following a short sing -song with ,Bliss Isabel Ritchie presiding at the piano, the Scripture le -son was read by Miss Grace Manning from Rom - sans 13:1-10, after which a prayer was of( red Iby Mrs. Cumming. After the singing of another hymn and the o'ffer'ing, a splendid topic entitled, "The Christian Citizen in the Coin- ariunity," wa's given by the president, Harvey Bryans, The meeting closed with a hymn Sind the Mizpah hene- .d'ietion repeated- in unison. IMoncr•ieff Young People will be the guests of the Walton Society next Sunday evening. The entire program will 'be in charge cf the G,Ioncrieff Society. iMr. and :Mrs. Joseph Davidson and son, Murray, of London, were week .end guests at the home of Mrs. Da'v- idson's parents, M. and Mrs. •Joseph Bennett. 'Mrs. Hoerle and daughter, Mil- dred, of Heidleburg, were recent visi- tors at the home of the'formkre's Bon- in -law and daughter, Me. and :Mrs. Chas. Sellers. .Mr. and Mose 'Clare Long and young daughter,. Doreen, were visi- tors at the home of Mr. and Ma's. Roy Bennett on ISupd'ay. eel Mr. and Mrs. R. Naylor, of Roches- ter, N.Y., were week end guests at the home of Mir. and iM'rs. P. B. Gardiner and Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan. - „Mr. and Mrs. John Young, of near Blyth, spent Sunday with Mr. and IMrs. ;Samruel Forbes. 'Mrs. Thos. Watson, of London, is -visiting at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. 'W. C. Bennett anld with her parents, .112r. and' Mrs. Joseph Bennett. IMrs. Thos. 'Clark is visiting at the ]home of her son and daughter-in-law, :Mr. and ..Mrs. Wesley Clark. Mr and !Mrs. Geo. Evans and Mx. Lewi's Sbeiss of rear Bru'sse'ls, were -visitors at the home of Mir. and Mrs. ,Daniel IS'teiss on Sunday. Mrs. Colin Fingland spent Sunday • with her, parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. _Johnston, Blyth. The May meeting of the Gleaner Mission Band will be head in the school room of Duff's United Church -on Sunday morning at 11 a.m.. Mr. and IMrs. Hugh Fultdn 'are vis- iting with relatives at Kentridge. 'Miss Viola Wilson, of, 'Bru'ssels, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs, J. Wdls'on. Mis's Ethel ShaW and Mil' rai, a)f Stratford' . Nornval, spent the week end -with their mothet•',e 'Mrs. P. Shaw. 'The Sacrainient of the Lord's 'Sup- • per will be observed in Duff's, United c..Church an Sunday morning, May 28. • FARM NOTES Binder twine should not be used to tie fleeces. Lt .can be separated from the wool only by cal'bomliz?ng or „burning out. There does not seem to 'be any "best" time to sow seeds of perren- nials. Ife-the seeds are obtained in spring they ram be sown in May or June, 'or they can be kept until the fall. Practice Plus Science Produces High Quality. Farmer demla'ndfor the newest agricultural literature hats reached record proportions. This 'would fur- ther indicate that the 'Ontario farmer is constantly striving oto produce ev- en, higher quality products,' through the combining of 'his, practical experi- ence with the latest in scientific thought. \se Better Year Indicated Says Poultry Authority. That Ontario farmers are confident poultry Is again to be their best cash crop, is evidenced by the fact that more chicks have been hatched and sold this year than any year to date. From [present indications, accord- ing to T. A. Benson, Dominion Poul- try (branch,' this year should 1,e dis- tinctly 'better than 19.32 for those in the poultry business. • Legumes and Non -Legumes. The difference between non -legumes (cereals root crops, etc.) and leg: tunes. (beans, peas, clovers, vetches, alfalfa, ete.) is that all non -legumes are forced to obtain their nitrogen directly from the 'soil, 'while legumes, under certain conditions, are able. to ,Hake use of the nitrogen in the at- mosphere. Four-fifths, of the air is conipa=ed of nitrogen, and legumes, by drawing on this supply which is quite unavailable to other plants, are able to conserve in a large measure the supply of that eletmeent in the soil. Weekly Crop Report. Seeding operations, delayed by cold wet weather for some time, are now general, throughout, the province. Fall wheat, alfalfa and clovers con- tinue in excellent condition in most section's, while orchards look pro;mis- ing and, spraying is being ralor•e care- fully undertaken this year than for some year';. Strawh,errics appear to have wintered exceptionally well. Hatcheries report an increased •busi, ofSs<. in baby c -hicks and poultry flocks properly handled have been one of the bast paying pfopnsitions dur- ing .the past season. Young pigs have been bringing $6.00 per pair on a•nun1ber of markets. Poultry- Exports Increase. For• the tivel.m -month period end- ing January 31 1933, Canadian poul- try exported. to the United King - dem aminunted to some 1,308,895 pounds. This represents an increase of .ap•nroximately 1,680 per cent. over the previous twelr'e months, during which poultry exports to the United Kingdom approximated 73,194 pounds. A number from the vicinity motor- ed to Niagara Falls on Sunday. fMr. and Mrs. E. Radford and son Maurice, spent Sunday at the horn of Mrs.. 'Radford's parents, Mr. and M'rs. R. Ashton, Gorrie, IMr. and Mrs F. H. Miller were gusts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wan. 'Miller on Sunday. Miss Margaret Cumming, of Strat-_ ford, spent the week end with her parents, Rev.. and Mrs. C. Cumming. 'Mr. L. Ashton and .lir. W. Hutt, of Gorrie, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Radford on Sat- u rday. Mr. John Smillie is visiting with friends at Embro. IM'r. Fredaie Clank, of [Moorefield, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Clark en Sunday. iMr. John McDonald'an'd son,•Char- lie, of Windsor. called on friends in the village on Tuesday. The death occurred in Goderich on Saturday evening of Ella Elizabeth M'clManm,'•+ wife of Frank A. Elliott, Bruce Street, after an illness of over a year's duration, in her 71st year. Mrs. Elliott was barb near St. Marys in B'lanshard Toti3ns'hip, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo, McMann and 'granddaughter of the late Judge M.dMann', of 'County Cavemi, Ireland. 'Hle'r girlhood days were spent in Brussels. ,After her marriage she, moved to rGoderich, scheme she has been a resident for the ,paAt 50` yeiarS. Besides Mir. Elliott she is survived by two sons and. tri' .daughters, Lewis, of .Buffalo, and Earl of the 'teaching staff of Upper Canada College, Toronto; Mrs. Victor Henry, of Kincaj�dc1lne, and Mrs. Har- vey Jenner, of G'oderich; also by one brother, Harry ,Mc1Mann, of British Colulrnlbia, and four sisters, Mrs. Thos. Williamson, of Bri'tis'h Colum- bia; Mrs. Geo. Patterson, of Blyth; Mrs. John Shortreed and Mrs,. Wm. Woods., of Walton., who is 'at present serioustly ill in. Clinton' Hospital. IMr, Douglas Ennis i•sbusily engag- ed in redeeoratitng the exterior of the Cumllming's 'Gaa'age. rWe are sorry to report i»h'at 1 tr W. C. Bennett is at present confined to her bed with an attafek, of appen- dicitis. Salt and Su phrit'vi ;$heel► Lick. A 'Piet l<llc1 cgop e ' ,sulphate 1lcis earl 'fie Made tea sexve 'the ,IYua pose 'irk an aid,, in keeping down stonweb • nodi i'ntelrtinal parasites in sheep. This is made as follow's: Sash, 1.00 you ids; copper steeph:4e finely ,pulverized, 5Y pounds. TT`he finely 'puleserized cop- ' err .sulphate is mixed diry with dry ;salt. df mere than five ounds per hundred is used sheep will not take to the mixture freely, A salt lick containing either rtolba4?co or copper eulphatei, fr both these ,darwgs, should be Within easy reach of the sheep and lambs every clayey! the year, All' sal 'boxes in A which .prepared and medicated salt is used shouild be 'pro- vided with a roof board, or cover to keep out rain and snow. 't� 4�d ?lY�•�j�� P I� /�fa� BIRTHS Kleine.—In Pontiac, Mich., on April 22nd, to CIV( . and Mtn. Jwbn Klein, (formerly of IVIcKi7Wop), a daughter,—.Mauguerilta' Marie. DEATHS Cemniell.—Im Egmiondville, on May 14th. Annie Grace Gemmell, daughter of the late 'Phomas Gemmel], in her 64th year. Edm .—In Sentfarth, on May 121Uh, Wil - el Lowe Edmunds, aged 61 years can months. Thr MEMORIAM In loving meanory of our dear uncle • and brother, George C. "' Bell, who passed away Mary 23rd, 1930. Memory its is golden chain, Death tries to break, but all in vkidn; kris • memory is as frea'h to -day As in the 'hour . he passed away. --Mr. and Mrs: 14.. J. Twitchell and .family. 8414X'7. CARD OF THANKS Mr. William i Anderson wishes to express his appreciation of the kindness shown him at his wife's death and also the neighbors and friends Who contributed flowers and offer- ed ;the loan of cars. 3414x1 CARD OF THANKS MHS. W. G. L. Edmunds and family desire to express their sincere appreciation of the many kindnesses ^ extended to them by the neighbors and friends during their recent sad .bereavement„ also to thank those who sent foral tributes and those who loaned their cars. 3414x1 IMPORTANT NOTICES VOA- SALE.—TWO GOOD COLLIE PUPS, two months old. Apply to J. R. MUR- DOCK, Brucerield, 3413-2 PASTURE LAND WANTED WITH PLEN- ty of water. Apply to A. J. HOUSTON, Seaforth. Phone 131 r 11. 3413x2 TWO .CHOICE YOUNG COWS wAleTEn. Apply to MRS. L. J. DOIC, P:;peen. Hensel! Central, ,phone 4-93. 3413-1 TENDERS WANTED Tenders wanted by the Council of Tucker - smith 'for trucks to haul gravel from different pint;, rate per yard mile. Tenders to be in, hands of Clerk before May' 27th. D. F. McGREGOIt, Clerk. 8414-2 CiOITRT O1 REVISION TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH The To,,",hi4e Council will' meet as a Court of R@Yision on the Assessment Roll in the council chamber, Se•,eftirth, on Saturday, ,June 3rd. 1831, at •i p.m, ..Appeals against the Aitses,ment Roll must he in the hands of the Clerk on or before May 29th, 1933. D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk. 11414-2 rl r. SANITARY NOTICE According to Public Health Acct, Schedule B, Section 19, Mr. Nelson Blatchford, Sanitary 111s r'c tot will rr'ake his rounds of inspection of the Village of Hensall (hiring the first w('„k'of ;inn, when all putrid and de- caying animal or vegetable matter must 'he removed from all cellars, 'buildings, outbuilding, and yards on or before this date. Our citizens are asked to govern themselves accord- ingly. JAMES A. PATERSON, 3414-2 Clerk. OF MORTpAGE SALE VALUABLE RESIDENCE PROPERTY iN THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL T'nder an by virtue of 'he pmve-s ren- di;lP•i i-1 a. cert.()in miol'laage wiisS w t,e -»rndured oft the c-ta1e, the undersigned will nff,r for sale at the COMMERCJAL HOTEL, HENSAJ.L, ()NT., on FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1933, al 2 o'cloc•c p.m., the property known ,as that part of lllork 1 A on the Norlfh side a King Street, in the V.il•lisre of Henvald, more particularly de- nri;bed in a cerl'aiO „deed thereof from the 'F,'tate Of R. J. Drysdale, to Williiam A. Mac- laren, darted November 3, 1922. and having a frontage of fifty felt (nos) on King Street and a depth Of one hundred and forty-eight feet six indhea (1481 611) more or less. On the , property is a modern two storey brick house with all conveniences. It is well located in one df the mot desirable socti!ans of Hennalil. TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent. of the purehaao money to be valid on the day of the sale and the bslnnce 5', *jetty day thereafter. without interum The 'property will be Offered for sale subject to is reserved hid. Further U'erms anti conditions of reale will he made known on the clay Of the Salle.. nt may be had upon applirlation to the nner- siarned, GLATMAN & STANBU'RY, Exeter and HensSil, Mortgagee's Solicitors. , 8414-8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE, is hereby given ender the statute; in thalt behalf that all permit; having any claims aarsimct Jahn Kelly. late of the Town - shin of Mciiillon, deceased, who died on the 16th day .cf Felonry. 1983, are [mitred to "end to the undervir m'd ' solicitor for the Executor. fall nnrtdcu'lers in writing end veri-' furl by affidavit of their claims end the nature of the securities, If any. hold be thmn, on or before the 18811 Any of May. 1988, after which Amin the said Fxerntnr will proceed to dit- ''tPiOaffc tial Meets Of Ito maid deceased, hay-. ing regard only to 'the elaima of which they then shall have had notice. DA TUT) at deaforth, Ont. thin 22nd day of April, 1938. HAYS A. M'FIR. ' Solieilhon for Executor. a4i1-a Men's and. Boys' Clothing omen's and Misses Dresses and Coats General and Staple Dry'Goods.. . Men's Furnishings AYS «ONL td! 8 ai Commencing Thursday, May 18th Ending Tuesday Night, May 23rd Don't Miss This.: Wonderful Chance tl Just when youneed wearing apparel themost comes this stupendous buying opportunity. Not in 25 years has New, Up -to -the -Minute Spring Merchandise .been offered at anything approach- ing these prices. Everything in the store is reduced, Special Additionai Reductions on all Congoleum Rugs, Lin- oieums and Floor Coverings, Come here expecting Unusual Bargains. 0 ur sales never disappoint. STEWAR B"OS.,, SEAFORTH EXECUTOR'S AUCTION .SALE REAL ESTATE AND CHATTELS On the premise; of the late JOHN Mob. WILSON, in Henaa71, Ontario, on Saturday, May 20th, 1933,, at 1.30 p.m. REAL ESTATE Lots Numbers 399, 400. 401 and 402 in the Village of Herman., in8 the County of Huron. "Moor's Survey.” On the premises are sSba- atte a frame house and two frame stables, in a fair state Of repair. CHATTELS One bedroom[ suite, 1 bed and springs, 2 tn5ttttehses, 1 set of springs, 7 kitchen chairs. 1 solfa, 1 P slfeeltion coal oil stove with oven, 1 Banner emitting range, 1 hecutdr stove, 8 bags of ;Sold, small quantity of woad. 1 large chest' a number Of window screens, 1 suit- case, 1 toilet set, d hooking glans, 5 yards of linoleum 4 yards' wide, several pieces of lin- oleum., 2 goal Oil lemjpa, 1 lantern, w'heel- barr'ow, grindstone. San penter's tools, garden tools, wend Other small [tills, bucksaw, hand- saw, crosscut saw, scythe, 1 driving reg, 1 panel cloak,. new: 1 screen door, 4 window stashes, 1 garden gate. TERMS OF -SALE • Real Eslta'te- 10 per cent 011 day of, nate and balance in 50 days, will be put we MA. - feet to a reserved bid and other conditions mwde. known on day of awls 4 hatitela--Cnah. Dor fuii'tlher paetla,,ikiFs wordy I W. 11. 1tELL, Executor, Henson, Centwrib. Oscar Klorpp, squire, Aaectionear, ltumioh, Ont. CABLING & MA'R hilt, 9olliisNiarn flow Exeeulbrls, gaaa a Elre 1e0i commie. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Huron County Council will meet in the Council Chamber, at the Court House, (lateriab, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Tuesday. June Pith, 1933. A1) accounts. notice; of deputations or applications and other important business re- quiring attlentien alt tbis .meeting of Council should be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday previous to the meeting of Council. GEORGE W. }DOLMAN, County Clerk. Dated nit Goderich this 15th day of May, 1081, 3414-2 THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 O O O O O O O O O O O O W. J. CLEARY O Licensed Embalmer and O Funeral Director 4 0 Up-to-date Horse and Motor O O Equipment. ! O O Phone 19-22, Dublin. 0 0000G00000,00 WARNIN G TOWN OF SEAFORTH Citizens are hereby warned not to dudfp vegetables, fruits or anything liable to cause a nuisance in the dumping ground at Keller's Perm. Any person found doing se will be held liable for damages. The dumping ground is only to be used for old metal: [class and achea. By Order. A. D. SUTHERLAND, 84123 Mayor. FARMS FOR SALE Ft ARM FOR SALE.—FOR SALE PART LOT 2s and 29, Oomceasnlan 8, McK3tiop, con- taining 192 acres aind known as the T. E. Hays' farm. Must be sold to close the estate. If not sold will he rented. For partienlwee apply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor, Sea - forth. 8358-t1 A BARGAIN FOR SA,LB.--•,Fiv'e acres, one mile from Seaforth; modern house .with furnace, bath and toilet; srmall barn; good orchard. Taxes, $15 Splendid chance to Matt thicken herrn; heel. ete. Apply to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. s389-tf WANTED Eggs — Eggs MARKET PRICES PAID 1c EXTRA FOR TRADE W. M. Arnold in George Haigh's old stand SEAFORTH Wool Wanted Toronto prices Raid for Wool. H.' M. Jackson