HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-05-19, Page 4j f ydCns ! A' ' y w1d yvl ji3� , '"ir ' M .d, a' '°
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" it about, azTd lire days wham neither
}�, �'g> TRWOU's iteeJdistg Weekly'! parent feared by.doing these things N O � � �,.�
tV R Darc +.' ` Lstabllshed 1860 T I C NEWS'%
y , i- they w•exe wrecking the child'o health
dt ° 1.
1� �, ik[aI'hail MaLean, Editor. or endangering its hereafter', .
,t4't �r " p I The days when, 'the babies fed on is t• • rMs s. Ratten-
. w . i(►Whed at Seafo3 th, Ontario, ev- what they could get and when they 1'owiAg ladies ton pad Yagrds of �r a` ve, fz9om thec Bnroek 'and Rev. R. R. Conner will take the recent'
Z`Ir rd y afternoon by McLean bury, Otter In'd'ian Neighbors; Mie Skinner it t � • � • � ® Y Purchased the �6arrn knownt
�'�.+�, could get it; when they erottcd or F' }ne 'Pownshidp of Us- - services in Victoria Street Church, for nmmnry years els tAs&t'af the leis
Hazelwood, Our French Neighbors; b price for
," e- . cried when they wanted to and slept Mrs. C. Haugh, Our Neighbors from arse, g 'one
� �� GodcndCh, on 'Sunday in pleoel of 'Rev. David B. McLBan and home recently
[, r --- g crushing one :ills- t'r'ash and truck- Courage , spec
p , t'1 oUbseription rate, $1.50 a year -in when they felt like it, and thrived Europe, and Mrs. Hugh Aikenhead, i� per y,a� mile, figures to be' b F. W. �maik who will be the Mal the farm of Mr. 2�iclbaitrn, and to -
Y' ". 'lit vaarce, foreigz}, $2.00 a yea2. Single Qui Neighbors fmm g speaker at the anniversary services- gether with his wife will marloe good!
•n mightily. C11Vn'a- The de- separate; tenders to be in the hands What's the use in fretting, at Kitppen. residents. Mr. •Rlathburn -raved from
1 ., „ 'plea, 4 cents each.. votiarral leaflet; The Woman of
I.( Here is one authority: Dr. E. H, of the Clerk not later than 12 o'clock 'It won't bringv far, We are ver lad to report that near Sombra where he was frarmrin
M d� h•� T--, Ci
' 11 quiet -Mary," was read by 'Mrs. Jas. noon, on Tuesday, May 23rd. The
t. Advertising rates on application; Gary, of 'IVleratphis, Tennesee, says: -McQueen. Mrs, Bremnergave the The trouble i gettnng Mr, J. Workman has so recovered as Mrs A. Scrwton is improving her
1 lowest or axty, tender not necessarily Wherewith n the 1 to be able to be around and out tat on Queen IStree't .. taking
"A baby could receive as much iron ot'nttper once talk, "If Liquor ,was Ya PAY Pa '•
'rk"" jY IMe¢1vbe1-s of the Canadian Weekly by sucking an a �?0-parr}^ hail 'as he banned, would Tabor increase?" A o cdoci d, tendalt� to bee opened at 8 the sunshine again down stable at the rear of h
w p.m. at the Township Hall on Sa,� fretting for to -morrow, neat dwelling ,property and convert-
Nlewspaper Association, Class A letter teas read fieri the Ontario
"c can from spinach,' And, the docbor , May 23rd. Treasurer's retlxnt; Pen- Some fretting for to -day, ing it into a neat garage.
+ l ; W'eeklies of Canada, and the Huron 'Prohibition Union appealing for help aloe's received by colleotion of taxes,
adds, ••he might likc the favor of Sarna fretting how to' clothe them- HENS`'lALL Mr. J. W. Orbweizn (besides imv rov-
, County Press Association. the• Bail" to carry on their work, The meet- $8.33. The. Reeve called the Board' selves, ing the interior and exterior o the
ing was closed by singing Hymn 148, of RSA lth to meet at 12 o'clock noon
: n , + , But not fretting how to pay. Buckwheat seed. WlbSbe a¢td Yehlvw Eye Fries dwelling, whaciz he recently
that:; SEAFORTIi Friday, 'lisp 19, 193J. And `c'u'd you ,blame the baby, Breathe on 'Re, Breath of God' 'and on Saturday, June 3rd, Motir-West-
B to be ret out on eonhragk ,a,esie. we purchased is installing electric 'lighcts.
;a;,',, One might readily beli@ve that nail all repeating' the Lord's Prayer, eott: 'Pkat the following 'bills for Po-nc promise to 'pay 1Monday . also have a quantity of feed want for sae. IMr. Orbwein is- certainly one of our
;.. tgtvrreshi work be r Cock Bros. Milling Co„ Hemall, Oast. Phone
soup, even after the nails had been P paid: For Drag- .aonre Womise, to pay next week, moslt enterprising residents in tiro
�,'•' V�A>_�„�I aaor 64, 3418-2 P
I.. , Redistribution is Proving strained out, would be preferable to ging-+Fred ' Ford, $8.80; Maurice But all the time they have no mind. Lost -Lost within the vas'ti,week, either to way of 'Purchasing and selling pro-
pines-, with or without the t. nd. V ARN1� Coates $1430, HaI.Iy' Cole $1.75, To last them for a week the neil9htxinhoud of xaaw or ohiaethuast parties and fitting them up nicely or
�h:, Contentious Mervin Pym $1.75, •. John 'T. Hewn riceme plate V-6363. Finder wits be reward- ,light utp-to-dabe.
' ' And the second authority is Dr. sirs. G. H. &:ratty and little son $3.5'0, John Johns $3.50, Louis Flet- The business many of town � by 'iea,ia,g at xer,s'au Post Office.
bti:y , , The fruit trees now, in blossom fill
1...: IR,ednstri+bution as plarineti' by the• 1'<'. C. Beasley, of John '1 -Lop- have re•turn'ed home frorn Clinton cher $12.9'5, Alvin McCurdy $12.95, Ii' credit he docs! give. - 3414-_ the air, with sweet fragrance as well '
ui. Government is not meeting w-th the kips University, who •say:; there is licspital- Charles Johne ffi10.05, Wan. Elford Lr tap a tree with promises ' Quite a serious or unfortunate ac- as being beautiful to see.
.. _ X8.34. Ben Williams,3rr0, Gilbert And loses 'sa ua good Slee cident occurred to Mr. Alexander
general approval of the nt:embers of no harm in, rocking a baby or sin Mrs. 'Xossa;r and slaughter, Jean, p. 'Sunday last, May 14th, 'being what
g g '.pent the week end with relatives on Jahns $3.50, \�illtert Batten $7, Jas. . ._ ' Sparks of our village an evening or is known as 'Mother's Day, there was
the House of Commons. ing it to sleep, None wharever. do the Sau`tle Line. Horme $7, Hragh Berry $5, Richard Take courage, Brother, it won't ba � ago • It appears he }vas in the a very large attenda'n'ce in our three
It threatens, in :act, to seriously I harm in pici;ing a baby u, or throw- Johns $3.&5, 'Hienry Westlake $8.20, ion act of going out of his dwelling at ,
Several from this district aitendad' g focal churches. At St. Pauls A.ngli-'
delay prorogation,. anti Premier Ben- np one up, pea,lied, of course, it is t e three act lay in Ba.°field under John Simpson $11.03, Wesley Hey- iiefore ie mesion ensis, the east end oY the villjg'e on the
P in can Church, at the morning 'service,
nett has hinted at applying the clo_-� not dropped or. t}Ie -way down, or no the auspices of the A,Y.P.A. and re- wood $7.53, -Charles Jaques •$3.50, A,,d Reople will go to and fro highway and in the dark apparently the children had a special musical
William 'Brooks $3.50, WI mtis'took the cellar door for the front
Hort a real good entertainnbent, m. .Routley And money w ul be plentiful, and , g pretty much on a' ,pprtl . acquitting themselves very
rare_ '::arm in carrying one about. In fact , udderi Death. -On Monday while 1 81.50, Ruther Reynold& $9.45. Grav- then the end. door, both 'bei- nicely, the choir rendering a fire spe-
Of course there never ,ryas a Re- ;Mme baby is all the betted• for it, arparm ly in her" usual health, .hiss tiling=Charles Btephen $2$; Ditch-' Joh•I Zuefl:, Hen all. line, in the hall Tway, and in stepping cjal anthem in which Miss L. Urum-
distribution Act that suited all par- Isn't that good -n-trwt for the baby? Mary E'nlily' Kers was stricken in ing and' • ,gnatelling Milton Johns as he' expected, out of the door .of
nii,ri'd took very pleasing a solo pari.
ties. 'that 0n e calls a r� istribution Of course it is, if the baby ever hem's -ha and her sister Annie, were en- I $7.35, Mac Cornish, $2,10: Snow Work • � � r i • his dwelling, he stepped down the At the evening service a duet -was
alaother calls a cerry,Ilandcr, For snout it, J.oyin theii-evening nmeal. Mips Keys i ---John Stewart 87.50, Wm. Gilfrilan open cellar way, falling with such
g e Drell rendered by Mrs. Goodwvin and
: ctfered a severe pain in ha- che'stl 50c; H. G. We'btber $5.40: Superin- force as to break his collar 'bone and ,
P S -r s. Varley. There was a good et.
the latter name there is sometimes "The foot that rusks the -cradle, ar.,l irirn'ediately 'pa -sed away. Shelte'n'dence-Hem> Fond $58.20. The town from his farm on the 15th eon- also three ribs. Mr. Spar^xs wss tmk tend'ance and fine 'discourses I. appro-
cause anti somednes not, rules the world," is an old, a trite and Nva, the third daughter of _lir, and council adjourned to Inset in special cession and is making his 'home at en to the hospital at Seaforth for 9
P ,wiate to the occasion delivered b
'Gerrymander is a harsh worst and :. true saying. and there .i et•dr ryas 1lrs, Thomas Ke.• , late of Stanley, nieetin"g' On Tuesday, May `3:ird, at 'the Dominion House. an x-ray which disclosed the broken the rector, Rev. M. B. Parker,
" 8 P•m.;, to consider r collar' -bone and three ribs, At -date one that implies several things, none u...S.i.nae when the old world v, as in and rtes born on the Bab�•lon Line G. g saves' tendert Quite a number from ,town and v At Carmel Presbyterian Chivreta
and other -matters. The re o_ writing Mr. Slpairks i's' resting
years ago. While rather delicate gulag viciruity attended the induction ser- the sen�vices, both morning and every
of which are creditable .to the Goy- greater need of able rulers, � c meetin will be on Saturday, quietly in .the hospital and it is r
.1 IPrim childhood, he enjoyed life fair- I g 5 June 3, vices held at the Lutheran Church, ine1 were conducted very albly by 'the
errilment which is the author of such Perhaps if mothers start rocking h well and was of a retiring, quiet !!!! Henry Strang, Clerk. Dashwood, on Sunday. Re+y. E Luft 'loped will make a good and quick pastor, Rev- W. A. Youngs The at-
, e' 11 . a measure. the ci- idles again they wil; find More I nature axed v ill be -much mi -4 d by of, Pembroke,' has taken charge of tendance. ,was large at both diets of
her sister, as they have resiued to- the con r1 he congregation of the United
We would hesitate to call the prey- time to give to the thought of the congregation in place of Rev, worship, while the choir rendered
g.t'her since the death of their father. HILLSGREEN Ness, who resigned '`'sues- are looking forward with
snt measure a gerrymander, ' but at shaping of the destinies 'of the o greed on account of ill must•. interest to their annual anni- fine musical members, • among 'which
She is curl iyed by four sisters and ; health. were the. fallowing: Anthem, Dear
the carne time Nye have no hesitation cradle's contents, .because 'the foot four brothers,, Prof. Keys, of Nash- The service in the Hillsgreen chtircll The township stone crusher is now her•sak y services, which are to be Loved 'Mother," solo part taken :by .
`- in condemning mar.4: features ni the: that rocks the cradle can not foo it title. Te-.; Frank, of Niagara; Olir- will be withdrawn on Sunday owing in operation on the lake beach ad- t.eled ?n the *t Sunday in this month, lies. J. B. Bonthron in her usually
-8th, when Ret•,. Mr. FinJey, or �
Redistribution Act now before par- about the tort- or about the country era of Detroit.; Fred, of Orillia; -h s, to the anrmversary sex vices ae' the 'Joining the faxen sof. Mr• -William pleasing manner; ri'le's quarte
Fathwell, Lucknow; .lira. Bartter, of Young People -at the Kirppen Church. � Ducharme. The material crushed is London, e C be the preacher for the "God, Bess 'Our .Mothers," by R. Y.
'lament. at one and the same time, dfly, The Choir, under the able lead- Orillia; firs, L*illworth, Toronto. and ,On Thursday, May 25th, the ladies of the best 1.-in�d' and should. put the licLaretr, Rev. W. A. Young, .Wena A. '
I ership of Mr. W. O. 'Goodwin is 'lre-
?yo thought has besn taken to the Hiss Annie, of �rai'raa. The Family i of the congregation, are 'asked to roads in good shape for heavy teal- ' McLaren and James Beangough,' and
., Preservation of , coun'ty bourdarie�s. have the sympathy of the conl:nunity � come to the church and -help quilt fie • t . paring fine o musical npromi s and the at th'e, evening service a 1>plencbicl .
arviees throughout premise t4 be tt
• If the representation of a county is WINTHROP in their bereavement., faI• the bale supplies, Arbor day ryas observed in the anthem entitled, .Let Us Go Into then
We are leased to re nmost interesting, -helpful and inspir"- „
not large enough to return two mem_ ,P port tat• date school onr.'_Ylonday and the event was House of flue Lord.
�i o of writing that Mrs. Gordon Love is celebrated by the teachers and ebil- Ing'Special services we're also held hitt'
hers, instead of making that county Mrs. Fergu's Bullard has been con recotering ,.from 'her recent set -back. dxen Our masons, carpenters and paint'- the United Church, the pastox, Rev.
BAYFIELD a , paying a visit to the nearby
`'. a Dame member constituency, parts of fined to her bed for the past week A few days ,ago :Vin•. and Mrs. Oliver woods, ers are kept {busily engaged with the' A. Srinmlair. delivering splendid dis-
trith pleurisy. !Fee, of near Hensall called at thQ improvements nolo going on in our courses both morning and evening to
s the county are joined' ti ith parts of Death of John Thir§k.-The death T vullage.
other counties to make a constitu- Dr, and Mn. Hai -burn. of Seaforth, of lir. John Thirsk ocetrrred at St. home of the latters sister, 1.rs. G. large congretg"ations, while the choir
,pent Sunday .afternoon with lir. and i , Love, who has rbc en seriously ill at r There twill 'be no celebration here
ency, and in some cases regardless of Mrs. Irwin Trewartha. Jareph s H:as pita , London, on May KIPPEN on the 24th of iMay, so our citizens composed
o nted� the. musicof al parts yofwthe ser -
6th. after an illvess of one week and her home:. will have an opportunity of visiting' vice. At the mlorning service~ in ad-
represemtation. Mr. and Mr.. Jo,eph Little t fsited' two days. Deceased had been in Trs• W Johnston, of Zurich,' has Ma:ater Feeds.-Cs,ick Starter and cbictc'
Parts of as many as three coup- Nita and Mrs. Geddes, of Be.grave, I failing health far some tilile. ,He was beer'' nursing Mrs. G. Love far a few scratch, recommended by Scott's, ivrsRiChicknleys Mases where celebrations are being dition to the anthem there was a
t _ .+ties have been thrown into .one con- one day last week. days, ' t • and X -re's Hatcheries ; also full ?ins of 'raid• trio coati sed of Mrs• Pfiae, Miss
a resident of Blake. Ont, and had 00 -Posed ' Donnie •Eaton was operated on' fur , _ Messrs. Iirarold Reichert crr-ass seeds. Call and get prices. W. E. Butt. ,Our baseball players and horseshoe
,pent all has married life in that , Earl Love, Kipper,, Coat 341za2 Glades Eassmore and Dorothy Mc-
stitu•_ncy, while other cotLtlt,aencies .appendicitis in Scott -Memorial Hos- X. Adkins and W. alio motored to pitchers are both getting prepared Lean
,'s, iTt some counties have been. left as p. -.al on Monday night- community and ryas most fatrorably.{• very nicelY.renxlered, while .at,
.= known to a large circle of fr fends and ' Londrn on MAnday and attended a seta Corn For sere -Finset 'nuality Kent for those enjoyable pastimes and will, tris evenirug service fo+llovvitig the an -
•the r are notwithstanding r Muria Bennett ryas severely hi'ttni I a-res�tii County seed ern, ss nee dent ,termination. no doubt, be able to ve a
gi ' good ac -
3 o file ,act a.quaintances. He was in his 81st',' ngh them in which 'Mrs. George Hess ren -
that the face by their dOg• on 1londa�. for sate at Eagan Butes stare, r:uppen count of themselves as in past years.
that they passers a third or less of ;year, The funeral, which was very xr Dick, of Toronto, spa 3414 dkas the solo part in her usually
, t 1Ir. Bennett destroyed the do •-. The past week- its fine weather
the population than those of the new largeIy attended, was held from the the week slid with lir, and ,.sirs. ,T.' pleasing manner, while the closing
•' ' C•rtchranea ': Sfrs• Dick and, De The Young People of ,St. Andrew's has been most favorable for the
• .---. : nona.� of lies. r.. Clark with wham uglas: part of the musical ser•v,ice"was a so
United Church are holding thbir an- farmers and gardeners and has been
' ... eonsiztueneles. ilf• had rn•�ade 1•:ic hottlre for the who spent 'several weeks with their g entitled, "That Wonderful Mother of
:'.• RUM -1 const' uenciss 'lave i>ten • I past niversary sera•ices on Sunday, May well taken advantage of. ,
1.ST. COL�T?1IBAN eight psoas, on _liar 8th, to Bayfield Parents, returned with the former to o Maine,"' in hem usually able manner.
their home:- - 1st, .at 1.1 a.m. and r.30 p.m. Rei. Mr. Alexander -'Munn returned last .On Monday evening last the A. Y.
f tacked on to the larger cities and' cemetery. %h- leases n mourn his F. W. Craik, of Victoria. Street Unit- -week from Bay City, Bich., where he
lots t'so rmnph;ews in Canada, Samuel Mrs. Roy sill, vi Dol itis. James... had been yisitin P. A. of St. Fouls Anglican Church
largo tow ars and' smaller cities have C. W. L -The mon:hl...meeting of i Fneck]et:on. Han.ilton and Gilbert r ed Church, Goderich,• is the special g for some weeks
Dick, of Hensall, visited 'recently w•itll P very pleasantly entertained the sis-
Y,cen shifted about in rural co r$tatu- "he Catholic �r'0men's Leagbe tray ar±ends in is t:icintit gust speaker. ,The choir assistecl; with his ,„ n -in-law and daughter, Dr. ether so iety of the Steffe c urch
Fleekletan, Lucan.. his wife having y' and Mr•s. Wilson of that cit and is gam, naus'ical num h '
`' emcies where they toil] do the must held rectmt'ly. The new pre -ides- . { nredeteased. hien seventeen Years ago' Misses Ma, Cochrane and -A3mnie an MD. J, Hodgen., off Hens Road, looking v y> bees and refresh-
1frs, Joseph tarleton.. ryas in the 1• J'arrott sar�"•a'delight-ful duet of the and r. I. Srtmillie, of H�nsaci, i, r g e e1 so nnnch better for the meats making a very enjoyable hour
1',.., good from a Cioyerrtrrterrz •std rd. ..' chair and onened the• m'ee'in� sit -1 F,e.atr-,es and friends -,vera .present
at the funeral from Hamilton, Lte ;'s'wic'e or. Sunday afternron, entitled preparing special -lusts. Ica connec- Change and medical treatment Ile had or sir.
pay's 'IHiOwE'yer, the lmlajority r•ttie� and •pt'ayeT- After the ''cvjvg;11eF� tr'antae 'For• ,_Both'er's Sake." Rev, R. R. tion with 'the anniversary services been receiving. He is now making ,lfother's Da was ,O .' ry
the Gowernniert will hate- the las: tions. the ars, London, Hen -all. Brucefleld. ;a; y Ilse ed in our
pa=: nrc• '.den-. Mrs, fit'•. Pt l Conner d,livered a fire sermon, tin Young• People•of _Auburn are put. •hie'home with his son, Robert, -on local Sunday schools with a large
say. If the eop:e at ,large are ro' Dorsey, was calls•' on an•f ills -rented., fc•r..t, Gocietich, lunch and Fui.ar- i,
t'-• 3 P t g l pretty gist nn. Messrs. Alf. Westgate, Nornan r g on a religious drama, Pilgrims omestead fannm„ a couple of miles attendance and fine program% ,both
iiia a r fr0:n, tate League ti, Innes arse Alf, Coleman were in Lon- o` the liar:" on 'Monday staring, southwest of the village. literary an•d musical, in fact so' man
EatiS",'ldd tame}- It^l: have an Gp7Ci'- ,.lj h, 1 Qtni:Q' a num+ er •;tent the week
flay 22nd, at 8 o'clock. This, drama t1Mrs. Sheffer is expected home this n,un.,b.r.s between: all that• we y
n t'ft'agt11t70- tet' ^i�r 1:.. ill. F<ryiCe$ E'1•.i at theft]• CP*' c:afl recently,
tunity of saliiig so at the n' 7':- ge;i- the pas:. :A s'a;teal-• a'i,;r:ss was :,..i ,.ages. among them Fon highly reconmrended as it has tyeek from Polt Rowan -'where ,she carrot
- ng 11r. d d lir F,llart:n and « 11. S. - Tl:e regular m,r.:hi} ills- rnit on -,art $uccessfall; e v- had 'leenvi-siting for so Atz,,llsh in the ,-pace a'lloted to u3.
era] election.' I read bt` the te' o'•::'.nit =e. :rl-ary. ]f; s meeting of the �i Driers 111 -nary e g me '.weeks However, etre might just mention thab
o'nl'y, Detroit; .lir, ar<i .firs, Supp- c pith her son-in-law•,azvcl daughter, a Grace 1fa)lari: lir=. Dor;-v eta,= ,and lir=. u r -slaty ryas held at the hr, a: a• �f lies, era' times. It is under. the Y. P: S. g , 'the'- services were
Lccn:pletely taken r•; „t� ,: ''f Derlrit, the greatly enjoyed,
:, r sur,t::.,e and ;r:`e ret.y:ainine; lies and Mrs. Ash- iR`'' t Conner of Thnn'stiay.erelminJ, air=picas. Dr. and Mrs.erd and fondly..:rat only by the Sabbath school chi' -
r ; ..- artily t.hanr:k.,; iii.,, r',•:r.:,ar- :'or ,. , r 'lay 11. with 'sirs. R. Conch 0resid- 11rther's Day services were very Mr`. C. AJbbot, nee Hess Alice: Pet- dren. bu't alto by t
:,... r l 'l and daughter, r. London;. Mr. t ty, who has been visiting here for he Jya9°entfi d the
GOod �eu'S for the Fables i act 0..kin[ir. •< A t':u.ue n-iL' I +rag, The meetine• opened by s; -gin' fittingly 0bserye:l in the Sundae g c}iilslien and others who turned
Ir, , ~Mrs. St'.. H. R0' inson and fan- �c' numioer of weeks with her out
11 - ripen in -he l a:i<h :^al: a:: T^ chs'' �- London. a hymn. The Scripture lesson rtes nct 'I of 5t. _�narrty's United Churrl,l parents co largely to mark the•im -asci+.re c-
Ihrr rg :he pas: re elle ar t eo, the . ,.e �, on Sunday' morning_^ last by ha'cin r lir, and itis. G. C. Petit i _ I A o
2y ev; o g liay • 3 . url:. r ;!k - lir- and _lir. ad rt. ryon. -yelp Error Psalm ;h; and n the in casion. All the numbers, bore upon
ff lot of e is -cat: has no: fa::En in , H'=spires of the C. W. I.. G• 1j• Fisher, of 6- o cn session. 1Iany of the , terest of her health, was joined of "Moth and 1
k ' '%%'- -loo. 'ter.: tc s' en'I guests of c d b} lir,, R. Stephenson. Ret•, a P her wonderful life and
,ti, C r,:at.ters and fathers were few da}s' ,ago here by her husband, (influence anal ,how very much the
plea'.ant nlace�. onner mrd in present to g
• ' - -® and firs. F. A. F..:,yards, Prayer. The deist;' :^- 't•ho took her to Toronto for another
. „ Tl±ere ,las a t•'.n:r 'then: th; ?;a ;} ( The young i al leafle- eras taken by Mrs. li', nlTythe
h Ls scare -FaThe ith
C. r, c.han' e to visit her cis world owed to her. Liberal collec-
EXETE t -len Flayfi+' d are g Our g -sister there,'Mrs. tions were taken up in aid of the
c"�r:nv ]'n quite kr'"r''• 'c,r' 1 * c I T::I'nen'. Time secretary atmd] trc'a?lir- a
was the •i•::n;d nr :h� -::ern of the -'; or. this
I��- ^,0n, there herr.'%• bran or*tr.ized °r�` reports were read and' aco•,t.�s], Mothers" very tteetly,Rwhile several Loln•e Scott. good' cause, aril all the c.Yerrisas
: Ytoutehr,id anal sa;m ::n:es of :'r. stilets of the grin': took art in the services. Mt. ani Mrs. Robert J. Beattie of tt•:re helpful ,and i
I Roll call -taS answered with a l'a'ce P nspdring.
Forcing' their way t ,rough tw•o > ":h a, softba'l c'-iE, ar,ri `'nPtbai: cltnb. Ret•, R. R. Conner spoke very earn- r9mowiville, accomgyanied . ,by 'tics . s we neighba hc'�d• o 5,f . ' , ,611"ing tt•Itb the letter "I" ar.,i a mentioned in a former issue
an •ed dna •.rake, lair rg:ar> I Fre oRlcers of the s .:r'all team are: estly- in the service on Sunday last Lizzie ,Harvey, of that village,. Mrs. rf r';
A babys m^res: twh;riper -wai :aw• ,racked o n .t,. r•residdn't. A, Sol: r; « hymn tvas sung. The stud; w•a; th., paper, anniversary services
I . one ca=h dratt•er an', , mPe secre,err-trees- o a fihe con g -Beattie'-, sis�er, spent last Tuesday will he held in Carmel It coTnman, fd and r- ce ".ed i n,1:t:deu, safe in the ('.N.t . <-a:ir n h , e S:rn, " E. �t Patc•lt-111: n:anas•er. John taken fmtii part of Chapter VI nr congregation e " SO,e in , p e Presbyterian
Our Mothers and Fathers. STzeciat ttith firs. Harry Jacobi, their sister,' Charch on the en -ming Sunda'. Via
&ttent'.on. 1: hate•l ,.oi;:u,ie tnd }:,e- y r.?get to find only a fety conners' Tr'n'-s:. as istcr,t niann er. .J,. Pease; `The Work of the Women s 11;$11011- appropriate
ppr0priate music ryas rendered' by in Hensall. 21st, an'd far which y
•t:i•?cr,., Stewt,rt Sturteon, They have .slay Snriet}" by ,'fisc Annie Jarro*t, th•e cho'*, "1MY -Mother's Prayer" 'Mr. Jas. Sangster who is v erplettd,ici ar
cause of :"at fact. nas rarely left i ; " a revolve- f -+r a lr,ot. Ti::• ^urg- • '. I The bu:•iness and offeliim 1 doing l argerronts have b:en made', and on
,ecaine kn.,•t , r.ed the. `o. rail L ogee and the g• wa> :men the im
alone. r .v ten \, J. Flnre.' ars anthem. the dugt. part, being taken provirig of the exterior of the the followiliv Sunday, May 28th an-
ag ..st game -era I taken and it was' planned to hays home of Mrs. Harry Jacobi on Rich- niv c. '
e^.`. n;,vned u y ha n r _ a; son w'etines ia} af- r P by the Misses Olga Bell and Flor` era -at se rt ices will be
n,; Perhaps yhe hah} became too auto- '?:c• ,,talion in •he r,:r,rnina. pe -h the^+ ,rrnon, May 24th, xn-• Gc,slelich, at the c}uilts quirlted on Thursday after- mond Street South is mak' held in
goon. slay 25: to the church. Re_ encs Thomson. and colo Hart by 'tics , ng a very ih t United Church. Both congrega-
sialic. Or perhar+- :t t}as ;: rhe. ',u;er hear anal :nn, r office rlcor lad ; ?him. There is r:z:e :al fora goad Beatrice Darman firs. J. B. 'McLean fine job 'of t mu to the satisfac- ti l
^ccli force' r,\:.n, ; e A all team hire and they Ports fn-rnrl the Pre=sbyter;al meetint d ons are looking fm-tward to ve
sharp ng tnn•P, s, which Wo:agiit nett cn. dras• w have' en- lyses ;ten by Vers, R, .1LcAIli$ aril -hiss Gladys olid '.1.11-Z. J. C. Bell tion of :Vies, Jac bis „ large a tend r'y
:)rs•ken and tale erl all s: i- erl the W.F,A. and the schedule ere g ter aril and Mrs, W. W. Cooper also favored g once and most successful
atinn ,=aft t Rev. Kenneth :McLean, B.A., of anniversaries.
°, and ;f whin:ply aarac:iye tiiitrsinns r tf g'ame's wa1 be sec.^, in another art Annie Jarr-b. The 'mtet.in� with duets. It"iTi'ham, will conduct anniversary racked. Thp nihca was ursPt aril ' ` r p I with the Mizpah Benediction. g �' 'Mr. J. W. OI-tw�ein ie fitting all of whicim lead away' farm t "^e ''ttzred w;:h eta ;he sicca l services in C'arm'el Presbyterian g uro in
P`±^. Ac,ording o The Bust Bees scission Circle of goad 'style the dwelling place which
' •• '•' paper.
-. home. in which the 1,ahy could not :he s anon aaer.:,, holy ver, a fete I ctRall. Day se-,-:ce -,vas ohsert•ed in St. Andrew's Unites! Church enter- Church here on the coimdng Sunday, he has
fi share 'without inconvenience to its ,oppers ar.cl hi= rctnlver were the:. • Andrew's Churcil Sunday morn tainsd the Neil Shaw liicsion Circle both morning and evening and is taken over from Mr. Harry' �
rtir- .loot. -There wa= rn ca=h in :rr.- in th9 Ha"nwr.:, • There' was a ZURICH cif Eg.-l-ondville United Church in the said to be a t cry talented' speaker. a.ee and will when it is empr&;ed, .
' elder i-'er safe or cash d+a ver. Re=iden-- ! 'at -g'- attendance s::h A. T, Erwin, I Sunday school auditorium on Friday The choir is preparing fine special tcry Comfortable and neat
I iI}late5er'it teas, a net r'actr;ne '°,'rg -ear th c;a:ir+n arP ;e't,r,,,ed1 j1 ,per;n,endcrit, HI cllar�e. •Belt irArm utuement. 'V . and 1lrt. -'ening last.' rafter the -voice of wet- music so that the congre ation' is `welling, which, we believe, he a1-
' of upbrirging tyaa nropourded and -, have heard a car ririvin•g r,f:' from rn read the Ccr;n;ure,�1 esson and an .1 Bride announce the enaag;e- ; ;me by the president, Hiss lI. g forward with g ready has a t.gnant for. •
ment of their dau hter great interest Mrs'7acgi>l is also making fine im-
rr } P :hr huilding at ah.•u o 1 ("ira ('lark and Gera,rl3Cme Cassie g Edith 1fa}, ]oolrin
taken un with en:itu.nactr ,y trent a.m. Thomson, the girls of Eg•mondville to that service.
Pey..J. Fd, Stainton- B.d>,: of F,xe- I ;arse reading's, fnllcrtved by a veru, to Mr. Harold Clifford Bell, eldest took charge of the very well an- 'Mr. Joshua Ashton,, of .Seaforth, Provements in the dwelling she pur-
". eyerYwiteca The. ba.hy, 0f course, fin, a'idress br t-'r,lin Campbell, tak- snn 0f lir. and Mrs. William G. Be)'.ed ro' s -vas in the village on Tuesday last chased some tknle ago from' Mrs.
'1 was not cancultesi. Poor iiaby er• has recovered his n ^'`or ;:Dien ' • program. Mir. $. Malcolm took g
t frtrtrrig•ht a`Qo from his t ;rg for his t: ,ipn. "The Ho:r.e in ''''th of Hay Township.'the 'marriage the Scri ture readin Miss M, El_ renewing a,eyuaintaatces p►eme• 14Tr- Rt�cay and which is situated ort'
s:± garage ad- P g;
':. Babies, the new doctrine :aid. lyses s the Life of the Nation." A 32other's to take place early in June. tie 1'e<3 in Ashton is also property tchmond' Sir
a,errt M the ,pat"onage It dppears pra�ex,` while the press- Ore of our pro ert eEkr 'South,
receiving too much attention. too 'hat the next ria' anter th rr+,?per} Ila)• sert'ice wah 'their conducted in Roche-Du'rand',---=An inter ting ev- i}�, 3f3ts Jean' Smitlr, gave a splen- o•wrners on Rletamatici St. South, Fiav- 14i". D. A. Cante]oti is allso nta7cin
f(yuhe church by the minister. Rev. R er.t took place at St. Peter's R. 'C. did topic on "Team Work`;' a duet ing' a. neat dwelling which he lents, fine i-mmrovemehts to his neat dwe:
Truss . on
The d le should be '1 . waw ert'v ny lir. Nettleton on 1f, Gale, His suhject was, "Deborah,' Church. Drysdale, on May '9t'h, when by the Miss s Finnigan and Stewart; tl"!r: and rMrs. Rathbtrrn, of Tuck- lin Dim ween Street atixt i•, v:
.miq ProPpr h` r the Central Cry'- g Q 5 having it
Placed'. on its back aril left there. Rc'r. Ma Marchand•
'1' ` :-i ate, Jaondori, Mr, Nettleton re- a Mother in Icras'l.`' A mother's performed the readings by 'Miss Alice Thompson and . ers,mdt'h, accompanied by ;Mrs. Thos.' taotefvlay 'paui,n Outside and leas
Yr No more fondling or rockln.g or y choir led in the praise service, Lillian Viadeline, dau[g7vter of Vie- 'tics V. HvdSon; solo by Mass E„ Lindsay, nee IVffiss Mary Murray, a the interior nicely finished and coTt-
r*tr ed the find to the police and the
.$ , , ,91iging to sleep. Besides taking up •ar was tak:n to the police yard. Louis Durand, of near Drysdale, and Jackson and an instrumental- .by one time resident of our'village, now venoently planned and arranged.
mueb� time, these practises were not 1Mear"'i'le the provincial police were Augustine Rsoch% of I)On4On, Ont- Miss V, Tyndall, were much enjoyed Mrs- �•�hburn's mtother, 'spent Sun- Thus our residents axe improving
. good for the 'baby- There were ser- watching for its appearance, An of., USBORNE Mr, and Mrs. Roche will reside in by, all. A social half-hour of games day the guests of rMiss fillatti'e svth- `their pxopetltaes and Trnakdng them tap
• ger of a rewdM' got the finder ih London, and contev-ts and a daih'ty lunch con- eria.nd and brother. Mir. Rathiburn to date.
tear times for wakefulness and ser- Courncil 'Minot:s. The Tnunicipal 'tbe Concert held in the halt here eluded a very prafitalale and enjoy- ,
s ��, • touch with the owner in the second }est Friday evening was ,
taicn time; for sleep; but the infant week, and the' 10 da -s r Al council of the To'vnshi f U Y g greatly en- a=ble even' .
,alai should and newt 'find these out for
S• o nee errs
worry were at an end,
p o Shorne
Yc't mtrsuant to adjournment at
toyed by a full house. The three -act
'Xiss Grace Cooper, of London
tl::: ,.
F31;m'yille on May fth with Ali the
comedy, "Eyes of Love," was given
spent the week end with her parents,
"- ' And the hours of feeding were all
itj'.,n ,,,
't ifi. h- ',1Y`9Y+ .,.r
• m'elrlbers Of council 'present. The
by focal young people. The pro-
Mr. and Mass. W. W. Cooper, of the
•'f , wrong and so was the food. Too match
'minutes of the 'meeting of April Ist
seeds amounted' to nearly 5100.(110, ,London
Road. .
ti" , milk and`not enough ;bone and health
were read and approved on motion
of 'Moir-1Wv tleott, CoTnmunications:
which will ,be used by the Women's
Institute to put a stage in the hall.
Mrs. +Shaw, of Granton,, is theguest
of Mr. and 'Mrs."A. Xo4eith. .
pagritteing food. Too much vitamin
BrueefTeld is in the football game
Letter from the Departnrrevt of Higher
A sittjng of the Tenth Division
On Monday,
y afternoon the daddies of
,; A and too ]{$tie vi#Armin B. Oren a
I., g
a gain this year and have secured
the r old field far the games, and
ccaks advising curtailment of e�open-
Court was held here on Tuesday with
Judge T. M. Gostello, Goder•ich,
the cotnrmuYinty held' a rni5rceifaneous
V Vie, tamra'ta juice and' spinach to
in'tere.sted 'are request to comp out
an township roads for 1933'
ani limiting the towrnship to a
gwes;iding. The Only cases disposed
shower at the hornre of Mr. R. J.
Cooper do honour of ]gas daughter,
d ert}xp)y the gysterm with inn.
Ja rbe
Friday night
The W-M.S.
of s.,4 000 only. The council are of
of were a number of judtgm'ent sum-
Grace, a ,popular bride -elect of this
All to sterilized, weighed out
c" s nneasbred, and -this was i ra-
�N'' ' Tt>spe
of BTI.uce,fleld United
Church met in 'the school room May
the opinion that •this sum will not
maintain the roads up to a standard
Dr. H• H. 0,�owm is .attending the
Miss 'Miarion 'Middleton, of S. S.
t� 1' ti've•---was to be served at a stated
�.th with the president, Mrs, W A.
Bremner, in the ohair. The meeting
of efficiency as $6,300 was expended
in 1932. Accnowledg•ment
annual convention of the den•rists of
Ontario being held in Toronto
No. 14, Hay, spent the week end. at
tlnmR+- and no d!ther. '
-% en'ed by sing; the hymn, ``Take
by De._
narfi•rlent of FLitghw+ays of application
this 'her
in Godertich Tp.
Mast.' G. E. Thomson and Will,
+ �. Bhrnt life travels lite cycles and, if
1'n • to ,Be Ifoly. Afters reading re-
spunsively the
form+% for gavernantm t
{Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Braun and sons
visited recently vAth the f�ormel's
li , . vi:le are 'to `believe' tine pr onvtulloed
23rd Ps+a1m, a few
minutes of
enditure noted. Stratford Employ-
of Forest, were visitors in town on
sister, Mrs. L, Johnson, of near
app para'neTrt American
' doctors,, the Up%ingireg of babies, is
silent medi.tatioh was
'yrokeTi by -several, serrtgrrce prayers,
mervt Bureau Gammurtication-d,abded.c�unday
The Clerk notified' the council that
11 with 1relvels
{14Ir. mond Mrs. H. HIopp, of Strat- 1Y
Clinton, who is now recotRerinb nice -
from her severe illnesst
�$ swinging back to the old' time cycle,
.kn eTes<ting feattare was the splen-
aid re,partls of fihe recent Prt,g fir-
the aasessrur had delivered the 1933
ford., lslPmt 'Sunday at 'the home of
h is 'Mess 1, Slopp tete,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden pnd daugh-
... hs`rhe�^tmk[rEhe2s ifelieved in
a] he'll at T&ral Chutes- giv-
Tit roll to him on April 10.
Pa. Gtnore• �- That thea
>Mme J....G.-_SialxbuiC9.of
of ed4 •spemt iSunday with
herr'darr, htgi Mr. seed Mrs Aachie
W rnal orad other foods that carne near-
�" 'by 2Vle amen J. Hazelwood and
C, 13axrgh. Aliibar a abort business%
Of Revision on Uhe 1933 awselssanent
oil +lye held on Saturday, June
ter�dezl Di ti collo Titre
-ice in'this locality
try is,
� 410 hsand. Thee 'days when they
dTscussrmr the meeting was err chat a
at 2' o'elock p.mt and that the Ileo-
rM'other's 'Iva was observed in the
now ad-
mcet a Iet>:d. Growth has been
ti''tir*,00 fliefe .balm to cradile5. satrg
a.rt r�' `�+'„�li'sa* id, 1Ay,6f smith thilm.
of John WattTan, deader of
p No 4. "P11e steely period "'0 -dr
;'=-nary publieartion notice' for same be
Made.-- Qu'ried.
charches on l8dnday'. A speeW pro- s'amewhat
backward but will now Ore
'*ie' t fA. ' iiieUd the .`bbbi� up
�* 1.,1.
hhaas, Tit7ao and' QidS'' was tin-
ar d by tripe ie'aai r and the f-ol-
Shier' -Passmore :
That tend+e'rs ire called for the +cra4h-•
itg ' ancd &hvering
ret wt's + TTg pro
� ,glwon the
Church itr homer' of the ervent. is
Danie'1 A,� leas moved to once
lair$' very Erne. I:ti?yeTlything
baking �romasirrg and Productive,
of about , 8a50
a [f� '` (� r
b� A+ '•lt?,, i..tjt1
tl::: ,.
,. S-
Pa lJ, ip-
, ,
itj'.,n ,,,
't ifi. h- ',1Y`9Y+ .,.r
-t:w .,
'• S ;,
'. }�1' •..i
-4!� ., ,.�
t+ ;•:`+ w, '. .�? ':.; �,•
''t r -rL
E: I.
� k :, 'f.� �..
.. - -,
E. r.
t. y, v .n. .,
�.. -,. �. "�:. .. {�.. *.v, �fi., ,• :L �G..4S r, �' r ,: i n -:, i�.. Al ,h. ✓
3#' �h+:
tib, Vd,�, ,Shl el 5t is x: 'V" pa�j� �A '�i{{
riA�4 �.{ ` r .,5� w. fv .e .,I;U, _ . , ,;kM; x ..
;Y,•.. i. ��-,';t1Fi',N�N,•1��i�tN.�t�MW1WlYd.� ,9 en "i r IY�3l rKA`MIfi'`,"; iS�it�' '