HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-05-19, Page 10 .. , ., , , ,I a ,. r�, i i �,t } , (r '.11 t ( F , * "I .1 .; I . � Soven"-.fttro Year W Wtuole N+ulmjb 8414 . "" i'�&Ae,-A&iiiAl��AAV I :�1.21_ n.• , I 44'. MANAGE R SEAFORTH •:.► • SE", ORTA, 'FRJD"A,Y, l'x' ►+AT 199, r • Lake Ofd Times BANK RETIRES AFTER' •O, S. HOW N 'IN R E P 0 R -T ESTATE OF $54,490.5 Daily Per Qapita Cost Was Old timers who had occasion 42 YEARS SE R'V I C E' to pass the recreation grounds on Monday evening,, would be , justified if they thought the, nine- ' {ties had ' returned again. Over J. G. Mullen, Manager of seventy-five young men were to Scott Memorial 'Hospital is con- practising football and softball Bank of Commerce -Since and were -being watched by an. r 1916, Leave's. / other large crowd. interest in doings at the rec, has been in. Health recently issued, ( creasing in recent years and this J. 6. MILLS SUCCESSOR year new bleachers are., being erected, a new backstop is' being . • . built, the ground has been ni Annau.etriexint was made this weak thoughtfully levelled and rolled and draining will be undertaken. tliwt James G. Mullen, for seventeen The glrounds, are at last regain- yerars manager of the local lbrpnch or Ing some of 'the glory of former the tCana.daan Bank of Commerce, years. • . would retire at the end of this niontih, . • •. He came hem in the fall, of 1916. this total a'rhount will be reduced by • • • � � � • Mr. 'Mullen entered the' banik's per- vice in 1891 and !before' canning to • ,Seaforth, as Manargere, was, here as • tealer for a num'bex of years. tH•e has also been stationed in Green_ YOUNG LIBERALS WILL .Clod, B!C., and Vancowvex, B.C., and . w� in' an F�'aav the time i '1Mlfllan and J. A. Writ, directs that e, 19 the big earthquake, in 19(}5: `• BANQUET AND DANCE dsince colwkng to worth, 'Mr. M•ul•- the full !balance be divid'cd into 24 len has been active an, church, sport' . and Masonic circles" He is an Elder Arrangements Being Made and a member of the Managing stepson of dlelcea>sed, 1 share; 'Ken - Hoard of First Presbyterian Church For Big Rally on and for mvan'y yearswas a member share; John Thompson,, son of step; of the choir of that church. He is I Wed,, June 7. - Presidem,t of'the Seaforth- Golf - and• .: .... Country Club and Treasurer of Mal- "-"' . loch Chapter." Arrangements are now being con - Mr. iNlnnl'lern's successor here will be eluded by the imlen-Lbers of the Thonias Club Sea Mr.. J. G..Mill's, of the Hamilton Road McMillan Young Liberal of - branch of the bank in Lqndon. . forth for a 'big banquet -and rally, to ,� be held 4n Wed'nesd'ay, June 7th, in Cardnots mall, •Seaforth. Over two hundred anembers, friend's and ladies days at 6Qe; per diem grant, infants CROMARTY born, 38 days at 30c. Total govern- will be present. . Ment 'grant,. $269.40. R. J. Deachman, a Huron old boy anti well known 'Ottawa speaker, will 'Mrs, Tufflord returned to Toronto after spending" a few days at her give an address. ,:l'Ir. Deachman, who home here.' took an active part in the bye-elec- (Miss Currie, who has beenours- • last fall, made any tion campaignm friend's in the &strict, who will look 34ng in Toronto far !some years, is spending the summer at 'her home forward to seeing and hearing him here on a:ccouat of ilil health. again. Other speakers will Fred G, .Sandss,I M.P., and H.. Gold - [Mrs. A'llen4 gf Exeter, sPent the i1tg, 'M.P. Included in thee pztagrann week end with her daughter, Mrs. will be a short toast list and special Quante. musical ,numbers. Miss Mildred Quance, ,Wh,o has been The ovening ,will wind' -up with a staying with her grandmother, spent ,big dance and euchre, with music to the week end at her .home, s'u'it old and young. In keeping with Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Graham and the times, t`xe price of adhnission, of .family, of Byrom, viMted with • Mrei'. Course, will be only enough to defray Graham's aunts, Mrs. •Ttztflorc d and expenses, the comvivit•t,6e states. Miss !Currie,, over •tihe week end. Crich wird 'Miss Sadie Ball; a rearzi•ig Rev.. T. J: ' Rolbertlsan, of St. Marys, by Mrs. F. Walters; an instrumental conducted Mother's Dayservice here. - The mother's chair fivnis'hed the Lionel and Kingsley, of Stra;f(wd, special nitusic and was much enjoyed, rpent Sunday with 'Mrs. E. Beale. The Ladies' Aid held their monthly +Joseph Carpenter, of ' Chatham, sneeting at the home of Mrs. James spert the week end with, his par - Hill along with the usual business eats, Mm. and Mrs-. Joserph Carper.- 5terns. Miss, PrinYgde gave an inter- ter. . , " eating iSbotch reading; {Mrs. DuncanMr.an'd :Mrs,. Alfred Maxwell, of Me -Kellar, a violin isiolo; Mrs. Hill al- St. Tho, called on friends in the ••t�iri.ilage tsp gave a 6cotch reading. At the on Sunday. close of the meeting a dainty lunen IMrs. Mary Krauskorpf spent Sun- vvas served {,' all those present.. day with her m'othe'r, Mrs. H. Bri.•s- lilt.. On Monday evening Mrs. Leo F'rid'ay, 'May 12rth, at the home of DUBLIN ' Feeney received word of the sudden death of her aunt, Mrs. Mary Potter and several • visitors being present. [Miss Minnie Maloney and Feigns, of Buffalo, Mrs. Potter was well Maloney, of BufEato, are visiting known in ,this district and her death their. mother, Mrs. N. Maloney. came as a great shock to her many WT. and MIs. IL. Beale and sons, frieix•ds. . Special AnniversarpServices First Presbyterian Church, ,Seaforth " rr . 1. SUNDAY, MAY 21st2 1933.. 1_ r REV. DAVID H. MARSHALL, M.A., ofs St. Andrew's Church, Guelph, .one of the out- standing preachers of the Presbyterian Church, will preach both morning and evening. • SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR • MO-RNING: • TRIO--"Thg Winter is Past" I . • Mrs. J. A. Munn, Mr., J. T. Scott, Mr. M. R. Rennie. NNTI4EM - "The Lord ShalfWipe All Tears Away" 1 EVENING: . ANTHEM --"Bless the, Lord" 1. Soloists --Mrs. W. A. Wright, 4ss H. Murray, SOLO—"Spirit of God" . • ,r iMr. James T. Scott, A — ' ANTHEM--"Cross'ing the Bar" . This is your "invitation to be present. M. R. Rennie, Rev, I. B. Laine, Mrs. M. R. Rennie, Choir' Leader._ Minister. Organist. 1, I.... • I 1 • r ,' r r, i �'h rr, ,�r,:,,.3.�7rrrf'S4tu"kY�l$:17�'��£ 13F✓��1�1•aULI��r ,� s 1. ;'c '.S�Rl!�A�'.{P',1+.�A:kSd� p.,,.. i. a?l i 4 ,'Yb u k, i6 r : v r' I v„- x� is t n r } `I y,, I 1� 4.. � it } !r �" ."' .�a ,h'$�� - ' i tC ,' ' i A 7r� { •yS t�k} 'ii'� {j. �. -"I• � _ �! P 1'�t', SJt� �' i t :.1a �..„ o ttl s a,.> � e;' pl Yp�l .i , , Fc, e rCr r" J", E , " �C '�4 . , 3 �, d9 rY F +L P +': 'V. �} yCN�'iWN r'^': n +•. r, i i• •,, 1�;`t ( 1 lr y a �+k g+��,' !^ ' '' .:.. 'iii t 1¢ v e,,,. :rr_ • chi �': - + �'I� nif , ,'V 1r�f^r<d C,r f 3 p '.'+b. ' (� ? °'� • l ""r1} S;•.,, I • e.� it ' t 't, zti4 ';�. .)nit* P5(gs •:. ,r ',: M+a i` rHPI d r 3r ri,'�1?a f - ,� IP.,;a�y,+ ., ty L`7' u �., .. ." 4 a �' :;,% .. r t a'r t n '- tit �G ,i,sl I 1141*7it. 6' It r t' p f st 4a �l +Ir G ' n . tt , • SE", ORTA, 'FRJD"A,Y, l'x' ►+AT 199, • ,. ; .-' ... • SCOT:T MEMORIAL WILL OF L1. � 1:1, HOSPITAL STATISTICS COOPER DI SES •O, S. HOW N 'IN R E P 0 R -T ESTATE OF $54,490.5 Daily Per Qapita Cost Was Stepson, Family, Stelidaugh $2.33 .and Total ter and Local Cit-`zens , $7,646.77. Share. 43 BIRTHS IN 1932• ' WILL DAT NOV. N 1., 193 Ilnteresting informlation, in. regard. Hays & 'Meir, of ,Seai7orth, acting to Scott Memorial 'Hospital is con- as solicitors for R. S. Hays, executor tai,ned, in the sixty-third annual re- for the estate of the late Robert Ed - port -of the IOntrario 'D'epartment 'of. mound 'Cooper, M.D., have this , week Health recently issued, ( filed a petition for probate of the The bed capacity of the ,hospital estate at IGoderich. The will of .the Is 21 adults and 5 nursery. During late Dr. 'Cooper, who for niany' years the year, .hath eroded Septepliber 9, was a familiar figure i'n Seafotth, 198'2, 263 patients we're' admitted',•_and of an estate totalling $54,- 43 infants were born in the hospital. •'disla,ses 49'9.58' Some $'3,4]38.27, of this is Other iaiforrnation is as follows: cash and the balance Oorndnion of Total numrber • of patients treated) Canada 'bonds. It. is estimated' that during year, 30,6; mwniber of patients this total a'rhount will be reduced by discharg'e'd dozing year, 2821; number some 2.5 per cent. by estate debts and of death, L 16; number of stall -births, ,succession duties. Dr. Cooper died 4; patients •remaining in residence on March 11 of this year. Sept. 30th, 1932, 4. 'T'he swill which is diated Nb'vemlber, Average days stay of all patients', 1' 1930; and witnessed' by J. M, Me- includi-ag infants, 10.7; nuhiber of '1Mlfllan and J. A. Writ, directs that graduate and professional stats, 3. after all debts and expenses are paid, lruanlbea• ,of other employees incl'u'ding the full !balance be divid'cd into 24 nurse-in-in12. equal ,parts to be paid as follows.- ollows: Cost Cost of dietaries,_ ,-$1,184,22; other To 'Wary Thompson, daughter of maintenance "ebsts; $8,462:55; total stepson of dlelcea>sed, 1 share; 'Ken - maintenance costs, :$7,646.77; axerage n'eth Thomipson, son, of stepson, one' daily per capita cost, $2.33. Ineorn•e share; John Thompson,, son of step; ]aneous s'ale's, etc., $6,069.41; income son, 1 share; Wm. Thompson, • his and grants from municipalities, stepson, Charlotte, the latter's w e; from patients for treatment, miscel- Lottie Tbramipsony step -daughter of $989.75; income and investments, en- 'decea'sed, each 2 • sharers. Edward d'owm nits, etc,, $2$.5.00; total incomre Hinchley, A. D. Suth'er'land' and R. S. frolm, all sources other than govern- Bays, all of Seaforth, each 5 sharep. nient grants, $7,344,26. , 1 1 , L The basis on which the s'tatutozly aid is granted is per diem grant, 430 r1ViONDVIl~,LE EG days at 6Qe; per diem grant, infants born, 38 days at 30c. Total govern- Tite pageant, "Sunrise in the Gaz-• Ment 'grant,. $269.40. d':m," %rill be given on Monday, May 29th, under the auspices of i,,thd Young 'People's So'cietyA., TUCKERSMITH The Young People of Egnir,udv%ie , Undted Church will hold their anni; vers'ary services :on Sunday, May 28, ,Tiro ,M'a� im'ee,ti•ng of the Tucker- when Rev.' C. D. W. ,Cosen,s, M.A., smith. Ladies' Club was held, at the D,D., of Stratford, will occu;ry the home of Mrs. Fletcher' Townsend rc- pulpit in the morning at 11 o'clock cen'tly.,• Twenty-four• members an,l and in the ,evening at 730. two visitor's were present. The roll ,The Eomlondville Y. P. S. held a call was answered by, an exchange of mvetialg on Tuesday evening which slips, bnzbsl or s'eed's. ,Mrs. AIlen, of opened by singing a hymen. During Brucefield, gave a very interesting the business, (past of the meeting, address on,"Floral Culture4" A plea.- plans were rirNade for, the Young Peo- ing •duet was sung by Mrs. r rnie, . ple's annyversary, which i,s to be -held Crich wird 'Miss Sadie Ball; a rearzi•ig on. -Sunday, 'May 28th. '-Mss, Gertie by Mrs. F. Walters; an instrumental WebstEr read the ,Scripture lesson by Miss Sarah Whitmore and Mrs. and Miss Lillian. Richardson read a R. Fear conducted a "floral contest," short poem. Mists Viola Clark- led in Mrs. Howard Johns being the win, prayer. The topic for the evening rier. The June meeting will be held, was "Literature" and was taken by at the home, of 'Mrs. N. Garrett, the Miss Maa•ion Wallace. For recrea- roll can to be answered by "yo'ur fav- tion a ,game and a contest were play- or'ite home-grown vegetarble and how r,d. 'The meeting closed •with' the to prepare it." Mizpah Benediction. • Council Meeting. -(-The council of E�g'miondville W. M. S. Meet. -The Tuokersm.ith met in the Town Hall, May meeting of the W. Xf..S. of Eg- Seaforth, on Saturday, April 29Th, at mond'ville United Church was held on two o'clock p.m. W. R. Archibald F'rid'ay, 'May 12rth, at the home of •occupied the Chair. Whitanore-Mie- Ml's• D. -McLean, mineteen merirbems 'Gregor; That the minutes of last and several • visitors being present. meeting be adopted. - Tenders for op- The meeting,, which (was in charge of erating the -atone crusher were re- Mrs..J, Brown, Sr., opened 'gay sing- eeived' and considerer!. -McGregor- ing a 'hymn and Mrs. Brown then McKay: That John Erarle be , ap- '•read the 23rd psallm. Mrs. Malcolm pointed as operator'' of stone crusher l't'd', in prayer. Miss Cameron,, gave for 1933 at 25c per hour with d'utie's th'e minutes of the April rrueeting. It as required in application for''e'nders, was decided to have a quilting in the McKay-Whit,m6re: That Bylaw No. 8 school room of the church on Friday rtrarrdLlmr ing the control and ,man- to prepare quilts for the, bale to be agehrient of the Tuckersmiit'h Tele- pat -ked early in .lune. The d'evation- phon•e System, to three Commission- al leaflet' was read by Mrs. T. Rich- +ers, be passed, signed and sealed and ard'son and Mrs. J. Broadfoot then ,all salaries of officials ,be paid to 'sang a solo, which was enjoyed by 'dame. (McGregor•=Wiiitniore: That the all. After answering the roll call, a folloi(iin:g accounts 'be paid: Tele- hymn was sung. The rnno'rts of the ,phond--ill. Walker", 'rent of hall, $8; Pres,bytexial, which ,,vas held at, ID. F. 0&cGre:gor, printing notices and Tham-es Road •Church, were given by' ballots; $10; H. C'alcdwell, rebate, 'Mrs. McNIallan, 'Ursa 1'. Forrest and 1 $7.40; W. _YbcBeath., salary, $:37.50; Mrs. Haney. Reading's from the M, Ball, salary, $45,; Bell Tele- study book mere taken by .Mrs. Brown, ph, Ie Co., lo'n'g distance messages, Mrs. Reinke, firs. Kirk, :Mrs: $181.47; J. B:' Mustard, postage, $20.; Haney and Mnv. T. G. Shilling•law. Canadian Telephone & Supplies Co., The treasurer then announced that material, $19.74; Stronmerg-Carlsson the coll'elction for the thanko3'ering, Co. inateri'al, $6.13• \ir-.:McBeath mea- ' whichr was held on Sunday, April 30, terial, $3.25; J. Addison, rebate, amounted to nearly tiiW). A hymn $8.90; W. R. Archibald, salary, $7.50• was sling and the int-oting^ closrrl' John';MeGrogor, salary, $3; S. Whit- .with prayer by Mrs, lic•Kenzie, Sr. more, salary, $3; C. !McKay, salary, A .,.social half hour was s(xent during $3; M. Clark, `salary, $3; G. N. Turn- which time a canvas %tfla made. er, $30; D. F. McGregor, $37.50. which ad'de'd sevieral n-ew mernbers to Clark-141cKay; That the assessor, be the society, which is von>,, encoura-g- given an extension of time far re- ing'• The hostess then �e'rved lunch turning the roll until May 6th. Me- which ,brought a very pleasant after- Kay-IMe•Gregor: That Geo. Falconer.n'o'on to a close and ali joined in be paid $46.00 for sheep worried and thanking Mres. McU-an for 'her kind killed by drags and Howard Crich be hoatpitality.' paid $2.65 as valuator. McKay- !Miss ,Marguerite Black, of Hairnil- Clark: That Howard Crich, H. Ches- - ' _ miey and Ja%.' Smillie be appointed sheep valuators for 19.3.3 at 25c per n, Court of Revision, on •thn assessment hour., Clark-illcKay; That the ,col- lecto'r, J. C. Reinke, be paid balance roll an Jume , 3rd, d ,'clack p.m.assessment and the ,vanne be adverti,od. 'McKay- of salary clue and he given an ex- Clark: That the council adjourn to ,meet on May 27th at 2 F. teneaipn of tin•re until .June 1st for p.m, -D. -ReGrelgor, Clerk. collecting of taxes due. McGregor - Clark: That R. rialrym,ple, Road Svp- erinte,. be paid $158.38, pay list Mc No. 2. McKay-Whitni4re: That 2'r/z CEDAR milea Ore the limit for team haulage of" gravel (from the different pits. • Clark-Wlhitmi re: That the Clerk lid- ' vertise for tenli'I•ers fob• the hauling' of FENCE 'gravel by truc'k,, per yard male for all hauling ,over 2t/a mdles, McKay - Clark: That the i'exignati,n of T. G. Slsi'llin•glanv, as manager of the Tele- POSTS phone Systeme, be accepted. Clark- MrcKav: That A,' D. Sutherland be paid an pJ. J. an of e ire— as-ulcer and J. J. Huiggarcx be ggar)'d paid $317 50, (premium an bond of collector as required by statute,. McKay -Mc- McKay -Mc - 'Gregor: 'That Of Ontario. the following accounts (be paid for x'edief: .l. M. 'Serino, 1slYztpplie,.s, $10.26• W. J. Finnigan, sup- L LOW ���. ,V11iles, $22.57; i;'. B, Goudie, milk, .,. _ $7.K : E. Hrurthe ounmilk, J me as 'MCi{,sy: That the oou.ncid meet as +� NXLUFF & SONS a a t " I " . . . . • _` �' ��'� �'f7���}'^�I ' CI4:`tit Fn' . ._ . ... ,� yy (. At f' t"�. t 0. 4 i, �! i•',r � ,r.• 4 1 5,' •� � ti � F �" t ' 4 , f . "" hedu l ' rs �►I1�1OL1ne fir � � � �� iu,�t 4 " Z` I q ►a`# B Ball L ° H roan .�I'1 J", s By. Sec�retaxy A , , t, o W. D i c k H. 0. V. ':,r,, ar Toronto As 4 F�°u t, � . Representatives , of Teams • • • • • • sti . Fold Meeting on' Monday For Big Annual, ", Everting and Make Final' Saving. ,Pienl�o •` - _ °- 777.;t1. — - y .. a Arraltilgements For Sea- The recent reduction in bank r interest from 3`/o to 2/z% may 2ABLE.S IN PZ,AY ,, .sonis Games. have discouraged some people but !a not town officials, for the banks ' ' i "1. � The., executive of the IHao21 Old ' �, TEN. TEAMS NECES- very kindly ,announced . at the Boys' Association of Toronto comx(bdnr- it same time that interest on loans ,:fit( SITATES TWO GROUPS would also drop one-half per ed business with pleasure on. 1~'rid�ag �. r t evening last when it held a very errs . cent., that is from 53� % to fi'1/ %,. y : In 1932 Seaforth paid about $220 thusiastic rrreeting at the home of The Huron Football Association Mm. and Mrs.. (David Thompson., 17 t in interest 'for money borrowed Linden •Street, Toromta $ridge amcl tM�3l"` 'held a mieeting in the Dick House, from the banks: Seaforth, on Monday evening, when euchre• followed the business, "soave :,7 s it'he following sshed'u'e was arrang- • • • • twenty-five tables being °in pray. 'r� ed: " • • • Inelude,d •in the busines's was the }', H.F.A. (Northern Group) completing of arra'ngennents•for the' May 26 -Brussels at Walton. (big annual picrn]c of the Association 1 �` ' May 29 -Winthrop at F..the•1. NEWMARKET TEAM at Area No. 3 Canadian National .4". I 12ay 30-'Bzussels at M'oncrieff. xhibition Park, on Sia:t'urday, June. June 2---,Ethe'1 at Moncrie•ff. �y ]� 24th next: . . p a June 5-1M'oncrieii at Winthrop, PLAY SOl TB11>L� p2izes were awarded. to the chem- '.:June 7-Waltonat Ethel. pion player at each tablb, and the - o-1»• June "9 -Winthrop at Brussels. ITO lucky ' number px•ize was won by E. " ' June !2 -(Walton at Mancrieif. Floody for the men, and Mass Vie °`'' {June 15 -`.Ethel at Winthrop, . Big • Game With Famous 'Coopee for the ladies. • I June 16--14onerieff at Brus'se'ls. 'The leading feature of 'the eKien- June 19 --Winthrop at Walton. , Rledshirts Scheduled ing was the ,presept tion of a bea,u'�ti- ful bouquet -.,,1. June 20�1'I,n'cr]efi at Ethel. q et of Atmemican Beaute sas• . ch For May 24, es to Mrs. Wdlliam McCreath, the '','. June ?1-•-V�'Iaiton at Brussels. . y ..._- June 23-#.t&l at.' Brw,� els: , , ",,!trig odd girl" of the As tion >., ,June 26 -Ethel, at Walton. • Se'afo'rth and district hockey fans (as she is known to time nr,eml ers) ort •. v_' 'r June"27-Winthrop at Mancrieff,: who watched ,with wonder and ad. the occasion of 83rd birthday and' in recogzrikion of her rainy labors ,n `f :Tune 30 -.Brussels at Winthrop. miration the, pdiuicky [clamtlb of 'the behalf of the. Ascso,iatiom. The•"pies- • July 3-Iltoncrieff at Walton. Ne�tiinarket Redshizts to the top, of y pzde ,' . July 5 -Brussels at E'the.l. ,the hockey world -last, winter, will entatio�s was made' b the July 7•-i%Ialton at Winthrop. have the o anti secretary, and Mrs. McCreath c1h opportunity of seeing these acknowledged the gift in a ver hap- H.F.A. (Southern Group) same stars 'perform in another field g � �' Clay tot -Clinton at St. Calum!ban. of sport. pl' sl�ech. ';, f May 30 -Bayfield at Brucefield. Arrangements which have been Some of those present were: 'Mar. Jxine 2 -+liar field at Seaforth. under way for sollle time bettiveen and Mas. L. M. Pringle, fir. and Mrcs. ' . June 6 -Clinton at Seaforth. Ken Am'ent, Seaforth Softball Club J. A. 'l1,eLaren, .Mr. and Mrs. Alex. -41 June 8 -St. Co'lunzban at Bayfield'. secretary, and Mac .iticCaully, {',inter C. 12actiiear, Mr, and Mrs. W. A. •,11 June 13-Brucefield at Seaforth. Huron League, -secretary, but now of Buchanan, _13r, and Mrs. David .. June 15-Seaforth at St. C•olurnban. Newrnax'ket, culminated on Wednes- Thompson, Mr. and Mrs, W. A.•Camtp ' .:' , June 16 -Clinton at Bayfield'- day with th•e announcemlent that bell. Rev, R. 'C. X4 cDermad. and Miss . June >0 -Clinton at Brucefiell., Newmarket would' play'softball here M'eD•ertnid, 3trs. fI. B. Stowe, Mr. June ?a--Seaforth at Bayfield. on Wednesday=, May 24th, at 5.30. andR cS Mrs. FT Martin, Mr: E. rloody, r , :' June 26-•=•S�t. Coltziniban at Clinton• Jnclu•ded in the ownlarket line-up SMilipard, Miss Sadie 'Walker, 31r, 1R, C. Kin Ms. J. A. Cameron `f June 28-BrucJlht at St. Columban. will be such gr > h well known figures as �Ir. H. I. MAarash and .the i�iises Janne 29-Seaft Clinton. Doran, Kelly, Wilson, Mann and Hug- .ytommdsh,. Mr. and Mrs. John Moon, July 1 -Bruce' Bayfield. ginti, a Judo 5-,Seaforth at Bxnicefield. Neo miar'ket will arrive hea^e' in the -Mr. 'arid bIrs, T. ,.Mustard, Dr. and .. Judy 6-C'1'inton at Seaforth. , morning, and willh"s. J Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. G: 7'. g proceed to ClintonCIinton ';izowhi'll, +Mrs. M. Irwin and Miss' Ir- ;�: July 8-iSt. IColumiban at Brucefield. for a game there at 11 a,m,., re'buxn- trio Iyla"s I. H Brown, Mrs G Dane, July 16 --St. Columiban at Seafprth. inlg in the afternoon for the Seaforth yfas Willitazm tMeCreath, Mms. W• 't Ju'l'y 13-Brucefield at Clinton engagement. The game' here should ,•Sprinl:s, Mrs. A. Beaker, Mrs'. J. 5 Judy 14 -{Bay i?ld at .St. Columban. !,draw one of the tibiggest crowds yet Pte; Mrs. 'S. Young, Mxs. J. D. Guy, t6cials.. seen at a local softball battle. The Miles t, +McLea * Mins Kerr, Miss, $eck- "Me executive will be composed of Seaforth iboys, Huron League chain- er, yIxs.••J. A, .V Mr, George sIuer.k..• - the representatives of. the teams. The Pions of 19'32, are •in a better posi- Miss J. Anderson, Mr. W. H. Fergu- •• l representatives, and ,secretaries are tion than elver to put up a real fight as follows. • and Newmarket never giver up until s'on and Miss 'Vie Cooper: Bruls•selsr-Representatiye, Bid Bell; the last innings. 'votes. secretary, %ussed Fox. • ' Ether - Rep,, Charles . Hdnsuld; Mrs. H. B. �SIt6'we, siwervised the 11 Sec., C.' Bateman.. MANLEY euchre and bridge and handled the , Walton -Rep:, J. Buchanan; Sec., job admirably well. '• G. McCallum. A pleasant time was spent at the John Moon, disitr*uted the' prizes Winthzo•p,- Rep,• W,m.. Trewartha; home of :''VIrs. W. G. Se non last Fri- and promised the lasers with !better Sec., Stewart Dolmage. day when the frie'n&- and neighbors lucli the next time. • Monet Teff ••d•ohn Smith • Sec. Oreille Harrison ; gathered in and presented' :Miss Tena Bert .McCreath had' an 'drnttportant �I Brulcefiedd-- Rep., Gordon Elliott; 'Eisler, ,who ,became the, lurid of Mr. call out of the city' and 'could, • not be , , ,, Tonry Seimon, last Tuesday, with a Present• Sec., George Swap. I kitchen shower. The young couple (Everybody was glad,. to see Alex. %, iS•ea.fgrth - Rep,, S. Jackson; Sec., -.will reside Ion what is known as the MaeVicaar and Mrcs. MaeVicar pres- S. Jackson. 1 I Zeigler homestead, and ail join in ent. Alex. has always been a big Bayfield- Rep., John Cassels; Sec„ ti;,fishing them a' smooth journey �hebper to the .Association and his William Murray. through life. < many donations have ]been very much ut St. Columban� (Rep. Wm. Staple -I ,Mr. Frank Dema.psey attended the appreciated. ton: Sec.. Tont McQuaid. funeral of the. late '• Mr. Mark Kell Clinton -Rep. John Sutter;Sec. Y, J. A. Cipal of- Barls,co old bay, ' ' of Stratord, last Tues ay. and Principal Clarence Rozell. � pal ,of- Earlsc,vrt pubi'ie The -many friends of Mr. W. J. ' President, Leo Stephenson; vice- school, was do his glory. WieIsh are pleased to, see him around pr:-ident, J. Holland; secretary- ilia, D, Thompson is an ideal again. treasurer• A. W. Dick. e► hostess and the nt'ee't'ing sh'gwed their Re'gis4tion Committee - Fergus I appreciation by giving her a stand - Bullard, Winthrop; John. Buchanan, ing vote of thanks. \\-'altos; .T. Sutter, Clinton. STAFFA In making the presentation to Mrs, 1. Amendments. Mcf:reath, President Pringle refer - A number• of amendments were Mr•F. Dw'ig•ht.Fisher, Guelph, -.pent ,,(1 in 91mving terms to her two stlgve-tori and adopted by th.a repro- 'the %week end with her mother, Mrs. r,rig•ht kids, viz, Mrs. D. Thompson sentatives: `The mover and see.onde, ' 1\ m. Butler, anti B. 1L. McCreath. in ca:•h case follo-,v the motion, lir. and Mrs. M, Speare, Toronto, Honi rary rescbent,'J. A. McLar- • 1 t • One member from each Club lvhiited with Mr. Jos. 'Speare over I p ' • . __ �n iprisn Exe:utive Corn -J. the week end. bu attrived n 3i,asonic meeting first cutter, .T. Buchanan. Dr. Harold O'Brien and lliRa Fair- but arrived in time for the big end 17 t3) \'n rrlhate to Inner of protest, %'either, of Elora, visited with lir. i'.f the procgedings. -T'. Little. Art Nicholson. and Mrs. F, O'Brien on Sumday. Hohni•ary president Harry Stowe, (:1) In case of two districts, that lir, and 'Mr,., Win. Sadler and lfr.1 was suffoi•ing from an ulcered tooth prntc4t co n'mittev be chosen from and Mrs, A. Jef`rcy were Sunday vis- 1 "'It ltrs. Stowe filled the bill ,ably in c'lrpn�zite #croups, to settle• protest; in itors iwith lir. and .firs. N. Busnfielcd. hi= absence. •.,.•.--. final minx two from each group' Loa•an, Vice-president Campbell, formerly cho^••en 1,} president and one neutral lir" and 'Yrs. Rent Fell spent I IIf Wingham, relidereil Yeoman As - if n^r: scary -Ranh, Brussels; R. �nnday wits, lir. Anil Mrs. J. Fell.; sisranc^e in ,nt!akin.g'the affair a grant• Bi,nttie, Winthrop. ' Gbderich. lir. and firs. Fell return- . ucness. 1-1) •Entry fee $4.00 to 'be paid by ed with them to spend a few days President• L. M. Pringle was highly • ,•^ tiny 15th and schedule to he drawn 11is� Marietta faller t•isitt'd inter plea sect with the -evening's success' •r` tit, flay 1•�th.-iTieattie,ltcTaggart. +he meek end wii.h lir. and :Mrs. Rby and promised another euchre in the 1,Sr All • players grulst be register- hiller, Logan. r very near future. N ed 1-y se; rotary of his club by .June 1liy`: , Emily Frane spent tha week 15th.•-Chns. TTansuld. J. Buchanan: end ather honie in 'F.xe'ter•. 16i Moc•t d by J. Holland, <econcd- 'l'li% and Mrs. M. Greenwood, of ' ELIM'VILLE efi i y Tom Morgan, that. player,; he lhinro, were Sunrlay vi=!tors with ) limited to 6 • mile,' from playing Ili% and lirs..T.� Leary.' i ' g'rnnnds or -border teams tri outside The niany friends of lir. Mont- Mr. and Mrs. John Fran•ci of i torritory" with 'choice of tivo non- gomery Davis are. glad to Fee him T,onlnn. spent a couple days las~ resident players. Non-resirlolt play- nut again after 1win•g laid up for week at the haste of . r. an; Mrs" ' .. t. e"•s nrtrst he re,idettt.s. of Huron coup- .4011- ti -C. \\',-z. .Johns. i` ty-, The United Church w•as nicely dec- lfr- ar,d lfrr. Tarn. Foster and son, '' f r Rcrferre­ M add to list-: Ivan (WatNl an Surrd,ty- -in observance of of Whaler), visited at the boons of •' Tiill, ,Godrrirh; Percy Stephenson, lfnther's T7a. .Tr, James Heywood on Sunday las,;.. ;; Ethel; A. lirrsInrd, Brucefield, I Rev. Mr. Owen, St. John's Church --Mr. and hirS. Williatml Okr- aml (8) Play otf---`ent.i-finals-tstan'rd Stratford, will occupy the pulpit nee{ three soma, of Seaforth, vicired at I 2nd gent in wrnnn to play hono and "uncday. lir. John Brook's- on Sunday last. ' hmrtrl's war,•-, l,roals to count. Fin- Mr. and firs. NT. Speare. of Toros• The Y, .P. S. met as usual on Man- °., ala--Wimter:� of n'in'th and .south to, spent the ,,veck end with Mr. Jos. day vv(,ning' with -the president, Mr. 1. groups play riff, purls to taunt. `Treare. Horace'Delln•idge, in the chair. The .:'1U Mrs. i?w•ight `Fisher, of Guelph, is nteetin•g was nTwned with ft hymn ani ' visiting her mother, • Mrs. William the Lord's Prayer in Undsnn, Miss,ton, anni llv,ar,. Georco and William Tiutler. P,nrtrice Xiii•ch thin presided: Thee 1. Black. of T.nn,lmt, wore week end 'Alae Fra .Niie 's -pent the week end in mlinnt'es of the last meeting were visitor's at the pa^oittal home. rveter. I read and adaptedi. The topic, "'The ' "Misaes Laura lfcN01sn and Jose- Mrs, 'M. Gre'enwn'od and hal-)y, of Clirict.ian and hi4 life inrg� the coni- '. phine Splarhanr, t ' Tnronto, were .Munro, ha1vr hear visiting with the mun'ity," ways given by Mr. Delmar wcvk end gut' iFq nidi{ the for•mer's fol-ntler's parents, Mr. and :Mrs. John S1rdn,netr. A hymns was 'sun'g 'amd pa,r•ent,c, Mr, and lh•s, IV. F, McMil- Teary. . Plica Gladys Johne read the Scripture - '14 R. Inn. Mr. and Ws. Henr4tv Golding are le."on. Gammmemts on the lesftn were , MissBesslie Grim -o', of Chatham. movingto Seaforth thds week. given by Mdss Marjorie De�ll,rid,ge, ' 1; � siperilt tine Werk end rut her• home We are glad tri report 'that Mrs. Mian TC lelmia. IJaquevs, read a p�oemr, k��l here. A•rchio Luxton its kwp,rblvixig' atfter "Mother's Way." Mr. Howard. Johns Mr. and Mrs. W. Stm-ens and her rer. mit iltneaw. then Ted' in. pra+gerr. The '"i farmdly were 'Sunday guests with Miss rPreparati,ono are being ,made to closed with a hylmtn and the 11� -��, ..1 Belle Jackson4 start the creamery. beneddotion. R .�;: i !r it . h ,'A tri, I ^ - yy�t .4• � h",i lkli�,lbla ro �a Adraf� ktNwrtaNct «,%5,�%As,. . � Y ,r.� t:,,umatx.m">,ti>i:�>< � s avert l.'k ad t. I " i•. -:. VA" a. .. r . a. k t' a d �.. i a ,� ..'rr w• t '�I>ti� ����4�r.'I�`.,��`�Sn�li*�'�w4R�,Ir�A�ixa,mv�tt::��s.%u�ri+u��kc,.��I�s�J;� _ �'sU'�k�•.,�•,�`�'?�.�,''�'v`�.v'�u,i��"��vnn�` �, u.n„y'",�'!