HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-05-12, Page 8.11, ,,5 4 =_ ` 11 0 1 1. . . I . I j,o; "'M . - AV14 .-7 ", Moth S )� Iii,��,,��,,�'I'li��N��lli",,i, 1"� - of m ,) 014,19i I , , 'at really T.hould be -, Thom Ce.1o.rO. I 1 4P"4p It I V ,, of 3 Bring' ,. W11 - �%%%% ...... . 111 ... �, Da' . ,�.41� ,%"',;Nll"IRNR" �04 , I SUN harae of the biride on Rawleigh A4e.* 'yad here you will Mw& Ballard, d&. and, 'AN. Bonis, P 'r, , ,�! iv ,... I SUM'' mertime- 11 11 11-1 4, Y) ill). 1� V I -_ . . find Jupt the,.. token you re - 11 I Nor -man Ballard and Q,,, Ferriii, i$t. W" after which thebride and groom left . ,,;- ""),­', I'll I I I , I REMEMBER MOTHER on a motor trip through the �,tates. � q e. V*Qm the mother's 11arys. - k, i Vi,,1111E ,". ,,'.�_;., 1 . . &�* , :, A CHOICE SELECTION.OF the groom's fine home on Jarvis St. � = gthe pretty but mex- . I - �4 " P1,114, , O.") . Large Cong1regatiops at Walla , ' - Home N" 11" %_� M,­�," '�_r. 0 . 1 4b. --ADue,to increasinwlSt lar ,ev- . To the I . �11.11 I- I., ."r., . � 1.�V I more elaboi4te articles of nice, k � , , . . Apply oD Mrs. H.J. Gibson. Sea,Zxth, Ont, jewelry, you will find just p i I �� 11 .. q J, � 3413-1 ,what yo *ish to make Mother . . With Fresh, Crisp Curtains V &R711111. - , - ;P�l V,� ,�' -41 Position Vftnted as hbus;ek:eeper, Protest- by your remembrance. .. With New Colorful Drapes � 11 _ V, � '. �'. I , 't 1. . 11 I sat. Rofer Apply to Mrs. on ,Sundlay instead of the, ioustoi,aary . . - I k,., I Special Wrap. Come n and look through for .1 11; F" t--- �`:, . I three. Rev. Father E. F. Goetz, With New, Attractive Floor Coverings . P_�­4,,._ :. . trouble or other comwla�n* reliev-W by his SHOP AT the now priest. fThe arrangernents. PRETTY CURTAINS. ARE HERE. . ,L',�. etic --- "'h V Marquisette and Muslin Frilled Curtains, witl� * .1 Keating's Pharmacy . ASA AUGES masses at 7, 8 and 9A5 *?clock and . I " I � i I . . A;NjZED PAJIL OR TUB with ,The Rexall Drug Store Im"),erty of the Alexandew MacKay estate, . mon Sunday Father Goetz reiferTed ruffled valance and tie -backs.. . , � ,�1:1. soap, value $1.25, BBC PHONE 28 ; SEAFORTH 111"wrtel's of ,an acre lof Tand. Ilmse onta . -to the, wonderful spirituality in the I � ,V, . parish as evidenced'by frequent re- I 55c a Pair to $2.50 a Pair ;` , for .............. .... I .... -are Jeweler - Optometrist ception of the sacraments and ait- 11141,1I vat 1"I'Dwers, Wrea uq,e in good repair. 1mraeKliate poss&uion , Gift Goods . " �!, naiSH CoflBLE,R, EARLY EUREKA Floral Pieces supplied.for all Tr I Qor be had. O,n,ly first clak5s be,nants -need tendanee of children at religious in- ­ 5`�:, , . . and DOOLEY POTATOES 85C occasions. MPPILY. Apply to W. J, Flirt,Wgan, Executor. <�)� . struction. I Criss -Cross Style Marquisette Curtains, Ecru �� I I;- , , DUTCH SETS are scarce. We 10C -- - I I , Cadet Inspection Next Week. -The Brandon;, 111�rs. Edeks of Adams, N. Y. P. L.'Meet.-The regular m*et__ effective window. d . . ­ . .i - stal have sonie at,, pound ... - I annual inspection of the, Seaforth' Y., �and thre6 brothe'rs, Orville, or ihg ,of the Young People's Society . I . I was held on Tuesday evening, May $3.50 Pair . . ... NEWS Coll&giate Institute Cadet Corps will 11-sall; Walbeer, of -California, ' and . , , IIPLLERS aT, 9th, with Mr, Jack' 'Stevens hi the . �, .. . 3c I take -ulace at the. Collegiate 'campus Fran � , "I pound ........ : ... ........ on Ptiday, May 19th. Majotr Jeffery, held on Saturday from the re Ideince chair owing to the absence of Mrs. . .. I I ­- ... Back to Town.-QNfr. Thornton How- London, will 'be the inspecting offivex. of -Mr. H. C. Box under the au9pices, Keith Webster. the meeting -opened Tailored Lace Cuftains,,Ecru and White, Not- ; , .. GOLDEN BANT.k.11 CORN 10C ard, who for a number of years ha-" � -0 I of the'Masonic Lodge. ,The pall,bear- with the usual sing -song led Fy Miss tingham net and Marquisette. �, , been i,aiployed in Forest, Doctors Will Also Holiday.-Loeal ers were tMiessrs. C. Corrie, Helmer . .t � ;1 , DEN P&kS . the .past week returned to Seaforth. doctors will ob,.ser�eWednesdav half S-ne-11, Charles Holmes, . Roy Butt, after which.the fLord's Praper was . ' 7� GAR 15C ()rmer position I repeated in lftnison. The secretary, $1.59, $1.65, $1.69 a Pair I I in 1. �, pourid ............ ........ He has resumed his f holidays ,during the summer ni-onths. Arilbld Case gEnd George Hills. Thit, I Daly's Garage. I rach week, however, one doctor will service was n ucted by -R,dv. Canon Miss Winnie ,S&vhuge, read the, min- � BEANS . - be on duty for emergency calls. Appleyurd, of St. ThomaV Church.,utes. of the previous weeting._ Flor- Curtain Nets, Marqu-isettes, etc., White, Paris, . . li� -The senior . - - . enCle talvert and, Margaret Fletcher f " � 1. pound .............. ...... loc Class Go Or� Hike.. � - Interment -vias- mad�- in Maitlandbank favored with a veT.y pleasing duet. Ecru, Plain and Figured, including -sun ast dyes. '. �;� , class of the Seaforth public school Remember Hospital Day- ­W. H..Lernetery. ... I . � I WANGEL SEED at 30 and 35c 1b. spent last Friday afternoon on a na-' Golding, M.P., chairman of the 136�rd . . I Rev. W. P. Lane then condugted a . " ; ;1, $ ture study hike to Turnbull's moun- of Scott -Memorial Hospital, reminds Fornier Resident ,Buried on Mon- ry inter- I I . . 1 ,., � 2.55 tain. The group was in charge of the el'tizens that Sunday, May f4th, is day. -The remains of John Thomp- esting. A beautifully rendered solo ' I I I at ,per cwt . .............. I .. principal of the school, Mr. P! B. recognized as International Hospital son -of St. M4rys, whose death occur- by Miss Ruth Thomipson, aceonipan- - ' . I ;:.,� BABY CHICK GOOD LUICK T, ,go Mcffat. ,, Day. Scott Memorial Hospital will red ,on Saturday night iA the General ied on' the piano by Miss Helen Lane, - . I . yed by all. -Miss Doreen . �" - - be open for inspe,ction from 2 to 4 p.ni. Hospital,. Stratford, from an acute was e'nJO I . I , SCRATC-11, at per c�vt. - - V Start Work. -The first practises of __��___- I-— . 6art attack following three weeR3 Hudsion, then gave a Very humorous ' At the New, Lower Prices. "i DAiIRY 13UTTZR - 20c the mason were, held on Wednesday - Successful Stud'ents_Queen's Uni- illn6ss, werejntcri d on 1 ' CONGOLEUM AUGS-'� � pound ..... ! ...... ......... evening -at the relereation trounds versity, 4wards announced on. Monday ternoon in the Maitlandbank ceme- Benediction followed. The'rneeting �­I I . by -both s-aftball,and football pl'4yers. inclu-(N ithe following local'g-radu- tery. The funeral took place from closed with a very interesting game. I I . t '_ 41 . and I .. 6' x 9 . ....... $".25 . . But d, Bache- I .. . ­ - . I It is expected the work of fixing up ates:- Frederick R. Archibal the residence, ,of his brother-in-law, .. .do. I .1 - . ,�'. "I . Feathers taken as cash. We pay tl-1 diamond and lm,4no- inore drain- lor of Arts (honors), ch . John Street. Rev* Hold'Mother's Night- 7 I/Y x 9 � .... $5�65 . . ,,,, - � Ic a dozen extra trade for eggs. age will commence �'hursday. -biology; Law-rence- E. Web� - Irving B. Kaine,of " 1� N - a-. - elor of Arts (hon,ors),., biology and Church, Seaforth, officiated. The de- Canadian. -Girls in Training held their GOOD 9' x 10-1/Y . _ .$9.25 SHEETING I I " ,4 Cream taken for the Seaforth Cream- Are Going On.the Rbad -The Sea- ,che,n-6stq-.N% Alvin W. Sillery, also at ceased was a son of the late Mr. and Ligual weekly mleetin(g. on TuesdLvy I 1 9' x 12 . ..... $10.50 i�. j ery at the. same price paid at the . , QUALITY ,, 2 YARDS WIDE I forth Co4legiate Institute Aluinni As- QuEen-'s, has successfully completed Mrs. John Thompson of McKillop, ,evening. in th� school room of First . " . I - 4 ' . . .. , I -as recel�,,ed an invitati011 his second year in Arts. . EXCEPTIONAL -!1 , t, ,!se , play, "Climbing Ros the early part of his life, locating the congregation were - invited to at- . . it !.,� I Hutchiioh's es,11 in' Clinton and will do so on A. Y. P. A. Go To Mitchell -The later in Elixeter and -St. 'Marys. Mr.,. tend the meeting and there 'was a . 14c YARD 49c YARD .1 A . . Thursday, -May 18th. .krrangenients A.Y.P.A. of St. Thomas' ,Church mot- I Thompson was unmarried. Surviv- good turnout. The meeting was con- ... , . .1 I . .. I I are also beinc, concluded to present orE,d t,o Mitchell ,on Monday evening ing are four sisters, 'Mrs. R. Webb, ducted by the president, 'Mary King, I . I I !. I - I the play in a' number of other sur- when they were the guests 'of the Hamilton; Miss Elizabeth Thompson who ,opened the program witli, the UnTv,rsity, is. spending -a few days . . I ! . 11 1. 4 ,ounding towns. ,. I A.Y.P.A. of Tt�uity C[hu,rch. The e)v- and ,Mrs. T. G. rs. call to ,worship .and pra,yer. -lymn With her father, Dr. 1-1. H. Ross. Au - enling was spent in playing games- F. IM. Smythe, Vancouver, and three 399 ,was sung and the Scripture was 0 'Mrs S. Jones spent the week f ? - . " - Hear Talk On Ontario Ilining.- pl-izes ,being won by Canon Apple- I read.by Lanore SlWwfelt. The min- d, in �.ronto. . . - . -"OWN- . y. i Seaforth Lions were enjoya;biy and! yard, _�-Ii-s_ Jack Edmonds, Joseph , . . I I en . I � ''l, . is now here . utes of the -last Meeting were read 0 ,Mr. J. E.. Keating ww in To- , An Appreciation. - The follo.wing '' I . -instructively entertained at the Mon- Hart and ,Mdss Pat Hart. Short ad- ' extract from a private letter will- be � , . 't. . 4y I ev . ening meetirip ­ 'by the secretary, Mary Haigh. Roll ronto this week attendin L, D ug" I Are you insured againS d _-- in the Comniey- I dresses wer-a given by ,Canon Apple- 0. - call was taken and "Salute the Flag" - si, .Convention. of interest -to, the friends of the late � ... A I cial,Hot,el by a tadk on ni�ihing in On j yard and Rev. R. C. Cooper, following b,N- the girls and their' leaders. A Mrs. (Rev.) � Musgr�ive: "We, appreci.- -1 hazard's -of the roa(' . tario by Relv:. 'I. B. Kaine. The talk1w.-hich a delightful lunch was served.' a Dr. and Mrs. J. -A. Munn spent . .: - , g pictures f -On, Wednesday evening. the young Attention Bible study (by Elsie Drover, "Han- the ,,,, ate so miuch the lowe and- devotion . Cll , I . 1. . ' and -Was preceeded by an amusing 1 peoplei. of Seaforth and Exeter were wonderful outline of, how Hannah fat ': I ce 'with the times. , two re,l, comedy. Sonw forty -speci- ,entertained by St. Paul'� Anglican week end with Toronto friends. 1A, pa ' Entrance and High Sihool had dedicated hrer son. A poerm by 0 r1liss Aima Bdmonds, of the all through these, years. Their kind- . _� 1. . me'ns of minerals were displayed bN A.Y.-P.A. at Clinton. . Marjorie Wig -g, entilhed, ",Our Wood�sto,,k Gene,,I ,,-I,, ness, in- sending flowers and' looking I New low rates under special the speaker. The meeting was ip' the I a- . . . I spital, was after the funeral at Seaforth was I �, 4 ' hands of Lion John Cluff, who acted Celebrates 91st Birthday. - Mrs. . 6 Students! I ,% 'Mothers," was followed by the offer- called home Wednesday owing to the deeply touching and brightened "."I. . merit plan. as chaiTniari. and Lion Kain,e. John Leiper, of Hullett, whose maid- - . ,J' tor� taken ,by Mary Thompson, serious illness of her father" ' Air. W. gTeafly what was otherwise an ex- , J` . . EXAM TIME IS COMING- treasurer, and offertory prayer was G F monds. . 11 I ), If != naffie was Agnes Muir, was born given by Mary Haigh. Dorothy Car- 0 . , Rates gl dly quoted. ' � 9r. and. Mrs. E. L, Box spent - ti ,.a , Chancel Guild Sponsors Tea. - A in Scotland,, May 10th, ninety-one Do you want nice typew-rit- going through mother's papers late- -, I ,: 3 ,successful tea -was g1vRn by t�b years ago, and came to Cariada with ten notes to study from? - ter read a parable on ",,Mother" by the week endAn Toronto. , .z. ��! . Best Canadian Companies. I 'Temple Bailey.jlymn 4M was sung. ly and I knew what no other part of' " r , Chancel Guild of St. Thomas' Chufch her husband between sixty and sev- Qv�aybe -you would like to rent 0 Mr. J. H. Pyper, of Ham I I 'Mary Kling gave an interesting out-' "ton, her life meant so much to her as k. �.,l on Tuesday -evening, ,May 9th, at the ent years ago, and settled on the a ty wa's the years she spent in MicKillop with , y _pe,.Otrit er. line "The C.?Lriadian Girls, in Train- .of Wr J. 'W�esley Beattie. , �4 Watson & Relod .Rectory. 'Miis Josephine Edge at- 11Dth concession of Huflett, where Many. 0�hgr students are do- 'Mother's death has -left a t '­ Phone 214-J : Seaforth tended the doOT; Mrs. Appleya�rd re-, she has since resided. Mrs. Leiper ing this, -�w_hy not. you? . - , 9, Their Work end Worship Dar- 4iss [Martha Reid visited Lon- gleat gap in, our family, but her , I - ceived the guests, assist,ed by' Miss, is up and aro.0 I nd each day and in- . .. ing the Year."' A duet 'by Ullan, don friends last week. .- 'all th - gh 'her . - and Nellie Reeves je,fttitled, "The Old . and faith I i I , WRITE AT ONCE for further - Mrs,. -George Weir returned to ""rage rou I Specialists in All Lines Of Clara Pinkney. MTs, Appleyard had terested in! the current events of the Rugged - Cross."/' GTeetings were -her hbme hem on !Monday after' life will be a lasting inspiration to, �. ,,� charge of the tea roomi, assisted by day . particulars. I , I , ' ' . She is one of the real old. us wpo are left to "carry on' as she, ' . . Insurance I brou -roin the ys. spending the winter with ,h,eir. daugh-. did. 'Her body is now resting -beside , . I Ow- Scotch pioneers and many a sick . 11�. l Misses Violet Rankih,,Blanche Cr . 0rders filled, thq day received, Jalmes Kerr, who nVenttioned that the ter, Mys.'Lati-rner, at An, I I 4 ell, Jessie W�alke-r,- Mary Case and patient, has been beneifitted by her in I 'was the grandmother society; ,Carolina. I A ,so act at once! I WJM.S. derson, South father amongst the surroundings she It � 4 Dorothy Parke. Miss Ubbee Free- the loved so much, and w are assured ­ .years gone by, A nuMber of A.'L., Bouck, Prin. &'Prop. the Barbara Kirkmam was the, daugb- 0 Mr. M.- J. 0rowley and family, . � " . � I - <> -man and Miss Grace Pethick had old' friends called- to wish 'her many �, , 10 I . I ter, the ,C,G.LT. was the grand� of Stratford, have returned to thj� �hk bey spirit is A�gaineunited to his . I , charge of the sale of manr�lade, happy -returns of her birthday and in the Great Beyond. With all -kind 1. "I -0 S. T. Holmes & Son.. hand lotion and fancy articles 'made hope she may bave many mo daughter; the Mission Band was the h,,m,',n G,&,,ri,h Street. East. . Ili - re. Success Ousiness College. great granddaughter; craMe roll, the I. regards for 'Auld ,Lang,Syne.1 I ERAL SEIiVICg by the Guild. A V'eTy pleasant time I - � . I neat great ,granddaughter, Thus five Kaine attenAed tne meeting of .nvs- " ,,, Died in. Colorado -The following I iv -0 ­ . Main Street, Seaforth <> was .spent and -C 'p�roceeds amount- STRATFORD, ONT. I � , 4 , he, I Alert Mission Band Meet. -Mem- I . - - neTations are all liriked with the bytery obituary 'from a De Beque, Colorado - ., 41 10 -0 ed to $It5�.00. bers of the Alert Mission Band held . ge -of Huron on Tuesday in,Clin- . "I k 'T. Holrnesl� residence, <> - .0. - missionary 1 (Work. Mrs- " sclat6'r ton. � - - paper. refeIrs to the death, of a forim- I � " 40 S. I their meeting at Nort�sid-6 United . brought greetings from the Barbara 40 Rev. Captain tMaTshall, of ',St. " r well.known McKillctp boy and a. I , 0 Goderi-ch Street, West; phone -<> Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. Church -on Tuesday afternoon, open- Kirkman Auxiliary and ex. -'s .,Church, Gueiph, has been -brother of Mr. John W-Dovreil, of this I , 'Charles Holmes' * --4Egmondville United Church -Morn- ing it by singi-qg a hyrm-n which -Was asure at the co�'Dperskion'of the . township: "Impressive funeral ser-, . � ,I! <> residence, �Goderich Street, <:� ing Mother's Day Service; eVening, followed by a prayer by 'Mrs. Close. I girls ,with the senior work. A ipoeyin secured for -the spring 'n"rivers"'ry vices wem held in De Beque Wed- ) I)! 40 Fast; phone No. 308. 0 "iFKe Beginning of Great Things."- N services to be held on Sunday, May nesday afternoon, at 3 oMoek for - "i, Mrs, Close told a very interesting I by Helen Sclater, "Nobody Knows, 21st, in First Presbyterian 'Church. L , .0 Ambulance Service `�' Rev. C. A, Malcolm, Minister, story called, "The Valley of Friend,ii- ,Use , OMY Mother." A contest conducted William McDowell, a pioneer resi- I 4 <> Night calls, phone 308. � <> Northside United Chutch--Morn- ness," and there was a contest gifven by Pearl Reeves was won by Mrs. . ---�- dent of Western ,Colorado, who pass - ! I �O -Day calls, phone 119 J. <> ing, Mothex's Day, Service; evening, for the captains and lieutenants. A � - McNairn. The, Barbara Kirkma ed away 'Saturday at his honi�e. B.P.- � .-'I'. -0 Charges moderate. <> "Is the Oxford Group Movement of -Supertest � EXETER N�. . I �, hymn was sung and 'was followed by a surprise for the girls and the 576 was in charge. of Al I .. .ev. W. P. a pra�er 'by Lois 'McGavin. Dorothy hers, by serving lunch, and a the cere-bny with Lawrence ,13oth- ) � <> 0 <> 0 <> 0 0 -0 'V-<> <> Lane, Minister.High gravity test motor mot Death of Former Exeter IMinister. well as presiding offiter. He wa - ." 1 I)tl , Smith gave a recitation, "Grand- 11 plea -sant social half h6ur was spent. S AS .1 . , - First Presbyterian Church -Mur -n- mother's Cooky Jar," and Helen Lane The girls closed their meeting with -4Widely known in Presbyterian sisted by,a large re�,esentation from TT, I I <> <> in, A Mother's Day Semice by t1he favored with a solo. The collection oil, free from paiafin and "Taps." -church circles, Rev. W. AL Miartin,"82, Grand Junction a.s , well as lodge . 1i 1 4> ,> Sunday School ;-, evening, ' Mother's wa,; taken by Marion Makins. - Lols ' . died in Welland on 'Monday, after an TT�embers living in De Beque. The ., . ,6, Service_-�Rev. I. B. Kaine, Minister. McGavin read a story called, "11 carbon. , I - I as . � illrt�-ss of six weeks. Mr. Martin was I. 0. 0. F. hall, where the services I T i 0 H. C. BOX St., Thomas' Church-Confirmat"On Mother in Her Ho,od of Blue." A beril in Fergus, Ont., educated, at were held., was packed with friends 1. J <> Funeral Director and 0 Clw;s and Sunday school, 10 a.m.; solo was given by Maxine Lawrence. Seaforth's Leading Service LOCAL BRIEFS Knox College, Toronto, and graduat- who came*to,pay final tribute to.the v I <> Licensed Embalmer 10 Morning Prayer, 11 a.m., sermon M,rs. C10SLe then told a story out of . I I C, : Station,,,, ed'froni Princeton Theological Sem- memory of one who, had always com- "I, . 0" Best Motor and Horse-drawn <> topic, "Early Days of 'Worship"; ev- the 9tudy book, "Canadian Heroes." * T"e many friends of. -Aft. W, G. inary, .Princeton, N.J., in 18,73. Tor manded their admiration and respect. I -I � .0 equipment.' 0 ening service, 7 p.m., "Tlw Power Of The m,eeting closed by .singing a Edmonds will regret to learn that be eight years he was minister dt Nor- Music' was furnished by a mixed ,Lt 11 . 40 Charges moderate. <> the Resurrection." All -1velcOme- hynin. The Supertest ,' has .been very seriously ill since wich, Ont., and later came to Exeter, quartette, whose mel.T,bers were Miss I - 11 <> Flowers furnished on short * Canon E- Ap,pleN . a�i (1, Rector. I - __ I I I . _ - " ' . Tuesday. . where he remained for 26 years. Fo-r Lavenia Carpenter, fiWrs. D. A. srul- I 1! End Meetings Until Fall. -On Fri- iss ,May B,roadfoot has return- a number off years -he was clerk of livan, -C. L. Odem, ,and M. G. Tal - .0 <> Night Calls -Daj� Calls <> Mission Band .Nleets.-The Goforth da , . . y eve-ning, May 5th, St. Jam#t' , ed fi'bm Port Nelson. the London ,Pr6sbytery and'in 1907 ley. Mrs. C. L. Odern acted as pi,an- f, I . I I . . -0 Phon6 175 Phone 43 I:> -Mission Band held itq regular meet- Arts Club he]d 10 last regular meet- Hospital Gift 0 Mr. and 'Mrs. Thamas Noble and was m6deTator of the Hamilton andlist. The quartette sang 'My SEVV_ I- <> <> ing --in the bas;einent of the Presby- ing before the suniryier ,viacation, with i children, of Kitchener, were, the week London Synod. Mter his wife's death iour First of All," "S i e' Day the _. I . Mr Gordon Reynolds in charge. 'Af` end guests cZ 'DT. Charles Mackay in 1922, Mr. Martiri'made his home Silver Gord 'Will Break," and "Jesus " 1, . - ing opered by singing a hymn after icr*a lengthy business, discussion, the and Mis-s Mackay. " with big daughter, Mrs, A. A. Crans- Lover of iMy Soul." As a part of the' I'll . which Mrs. Stewart led in prayer. program openpd with a reading by . 0 Mrs. Shoecrofi, of New York, is ton, and remained with her sinice. In effective iituaj of the order, differ. . I .� .0 .0 0 <> .0 -C� .0 0 -0 ,C* ,O Oban MacTavi-h read tqe -minutes of Mi,�, .f,z,., Verbeern, followed by a rec-, Gifts of any descril)tion may' the guest of Miss Edith Davidson,- addition to Mrs. 'Cranston, another ent knights testified as to the char- I ".;%.. <>. WALKER'S <> the la -t meeting. Tbese were fol' tation tby Miss Dorothy Bannon. A be lqtat the Hospital, 0'ri 0 Mr,% W.T. Lane and 'Miss Annie daughter, Mrs. J. N. Gupn, of Cal- ityj devotion, brotherly love, patAot- 1 . I ,, ' I -owed by the roll call which was an- vocal solo by Miss Martha FI Ferguson, ns I . I 'C' . annery of No�rtbsidfe, , United gary, and three so , Hon. -Ju's'tice W. ism and fidelity of the departed. In- ,1'ol 0.,,.FUNERAL SERVICE swered by thi,ty-nine members. The ws Program concluded 0, lurch, and Mrs. R. E.'I,Mrl�enzia M.MaTtin, Regina; J. A. Martin, Kit- teTment took place in the De Beque I ,, ., I I 0 collection ,was taken by Roy Kerr with the reading of the Arts Club .76nday'May 14th. and 'Mi." Margaret Fon-est, of E,�. chener, and Dr. R. B. Martin, Regina, cemetery, with 'the Elks officiating. .1 I JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. <> and 'Margaret McLeod took the 6air !, , I-- JournRl by 'Miss Hilda Kennedy. A , I mondville ,Church, attendad the Lon- surviy'fe. Walter Martin, former mem- The -beautiful floral offerings were 0 ', I . 1. I for the devotional period. A hymn flnan,cia] statemEnt was then presens -, between 2 to 4 p.m. nference Branch of the W. M, ber di 'the Canadian Davis cup tennis construed as typifying the -kinship b <> Licensed Embalmers and '�> was sung which was followed �Vy a ted by the treasure -r, 'Mr. Ignatius , q . . , . - S. of the Unibed Church held, in Dun- team, is a grandson. . ,of all the events in nature, including I !A � ,0 I Funeral Direct,ors. <> prayer le,(l hy Marian Sclater. The O'Leary. Following this a Aummary or any day of following week des Centre Street Church, London, death. William,McDowell was born 9��,J -0 Day �r Night Calls promptly ,O Scripture lesson was then taken by of the past year�s activities was read - on Tuesday and- Wednesday of this I in Seaforth, Canada, Deoembe,T �0, . 400 attended. .� 0 Donald M-acTa J h and "Thoughts '01 by the pre�,ident, Mr. Leo .Hagan. week. I BAYFtELD 1854- He was of Scotch descent, pos- 1"I , 10 PHONE 67 ,6 the Scripttirp'l by Stewart W'99- There were fouT., uest speakers, four s , I Sentence pravers were given by Alma addr"qes b, her "I , . I 11 . �> Elliott, Ruth'ioynt and Lois Wr -DAINTUNG- gister, Mrs. 'Moull, in Gwen Sound, pv1r. and Mrs. Alex. SparkA, �� . -_ I 'ght- hates, eight plays and ,;kits, musical 0 Mr. and Mrs. William M' I _?__ . A very interesting stor.� was told by selections at every meeting, numer- I . spent �.S anleY London, and Mrs. S-chrader, of'Dash- 1978 and shortly afterwards treked . I I . - ,unday at the home of Mr. wood, called on friends 'here this �0 Kokomo. He tolYk ari acti,�e part ( ., Mrs. Brodie tailed "A Penny Par- ' -reading- and recitation,9 and two Every Thursday Night , and Wts.'Gon Eckart. in Garfield county affairs in theearly 11 � , . able." The band chorug was Tn,n pd.itions of the Arts Club Journal.' � I 0 'Miss Jean Winter, of Toronto week. ghter Miss days serving on the first elected board � I I - EXETkR OPERA HOUSE University, spent the week enA at Carrie Dixon, of London, Spent Sun- of county com1missioneTs. For a FIRE INSURANCE COW. sung. The meetinv closed by repeat- The AVeTap�e attendance at each meet )Mr. J. L. Dixon and dau I .... I I ' ing the Lord's Prayer in unison. ing was 315. ?VTT. Jack Downdy was I (the home, of her grandmother, Mrs. day at the Rectory. Mrs.. F. H. Paull 6 I I � . KRAD OFFICE­SEAFORTH, ONT. . 0 awarded the highest percent�ge i7i d ' ssion 25c. R. Winter. . litiffliber of years h wa-5 engaged in 7 �kl' . Barber -Whatton. - St. Leonard'g the ebairmanship contest and was Ami returned with them to -London. the cattle business in the Meeker - ,. .'' 1, � . . 8411-tf 0 Mr. and,Mrs, w. M. Arnold have -Mr. Peddie resumed his dqties as country. He -took a prondnent part I .."', . . - . i OFFICERS: AngliciTi" Church, Toronto, was the 'presented with the prize at this I moved to the apartanents formerly minister in Knox -Church Sunday in quelling trouble with t�he Ind4ans. I I 11$GOD. R. Mcoartw&y, Sehifortli - Pres. seene of a quiet and pretty wedding meeting. Plans for holding ' i i 11. ,occupied ,by Mrs. Sheffer in tbG morning. In -the evening he preach- After be disposed of his interests at r '111,11 I , . James Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres- - a picnic . 11 .. . (irk Md,nday evening, when Margaret thi9 .SuMnlel' Were d1scUssed, after ShoepheWs Block. I . . I erl very Accc,ptubly in ,St. Andrew's Meeker, be Initoved to Sapinero. it N . , "", .� 1, I ,.Lily, youngest daughter of Mrs. L. Which the meeting adjourne4 , - * 'Mrs. sloari,,son ,and daughter,, 01 United Church. was there that he met Mrs.. Jennie : , ,", I . Whatto,6; ToTonto, was -united ' in Lawns" were week end guests at ", 11 J�GVENTS: . Mr. and Mrs. W. IJL Robinson and JeWell, who ,became his wife, July 15, - "' marriage to William C. W. Barber, DeAth of Harold Twitchell. - The . the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. R. F. fam 'Dowe,11, I ": I ,,� 4 W., M .Vn�61fley Senforth - John ,..,ily, of London, s -pe -fit, Sunday at 1889 Ift August;, 18-89, the Md - , . P only son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Day- death' oecui-red in Detroit on Tueq- Jone5. I I I '! Morn ber, of Seeforth. ,Rev., Charles Car- day, May 2nd, of Harc(ld Twite . came to De -Beque, where they opened I , ,�, Limqn)6i�t'h,' .Brodhagen; Jame�i Watt, bell, I Mr. and -Mrs. Rutledge, of Gode� Afigs, Margaret Ferguson was at the first hotel in the town. In 1899 , I i � ,,;. -,. I Zlyth;. ,0,. r,. Amftt, Kintardire. pentey offitiated. The biide, who was kon of M -r. and Mrs. R. J. Twitchell, Rolled ' rich, ,have moved into, the apartments he,r horne in Eginondville �vev the I theY­§old the hotel and moved to a ­ 1�1 6�,.;!L , � � P . I given away by 'Mr. Herbert Sharp- of Brando-n, Man. - (Mr. Twitchell was ' . . . . . over IMr. W. G. Wd,Iaij;1,,9h&e store. -h "Ileh West of town. In 1907 they P --t'.; I 1 4 .. week end and, had as er guest* Miss rR DI-ROOTOR§., Jew, was ib�coir�ikngly guvmed in'white honn in Hens,all 10 yean. ago and Any person wishing lawns 0 (Mr. and ,Mrs. G6oiirge F�,rguson -F 1. 1�,�&­, ,11, McKay. sold the ranch and moved to town. .1, ,,�4 1 I'll - satin, with a v�il of white tulle sorme years later moved with his par- I and family, of ToTanto, spent the y IM -4, rolled by pdwer roller, . [Mr. and Mrs. Xnuckeyl of Toronto, Wh4n,e they Continued to reside. Mr �,�',',,�dX, ..,� WUlt6rd Xw%, Lornd&A0r4o- caught hi mp style by a wreath of entA to Brando,n, wherre be was week end with .Mt, Ferguson's. . P "","". , I I ' . res� of Melville, Phone,.Ao or, M. A. Reid .11,11, parli ; �.,u-nirnerr home on- the Snuble I '1�1'. "I , .- , N&W Alix.- ar0a&60� NO. neckla-ee, the gift of the groom, a -ad Sask., five years ago. They - then Phone 9144, S�ecretary ;i sb-09t. ft�dda�#h. -eight years, He j, , , ,��­ , , I 4 1..A*&t,- rof*,, 391716 ; carried a hduquet of Talisman roses ralorved to betroli, where'lie, had a the I I I 6 0 Miss Dorotli� and Mr.' Donald t-, 'Miss, 5aetty, spent the week end Wid0w'and by relatives in Canada. . I ", VW .� , �� , . *L::X0,- 8� SWOrth; with HISr of the; Valley and baws good position. He vv�s ill only two . . I Kerslak*, of Toronto, spent the I -X,11 , "j". . , # Jrgem Shot- breath. Her attendant a's days from heart trouble�, He, lejives - ' Mid W*�t tMit patl6nft Mr. A,n,d Mrs. , , in higb I 1� 1� I WA i , . Of honobr, 8 loss, his wife, father -001ing Club ML MI -� ']D ' S il 410 Cur r Patter 50 TA E,, I "I 10NU11-124 11 _". 11 im,-E,1�11..:� I I I W] Im 9, 11 is