HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-05-12, Page 7r Mir. 12, 1933. GAL Phone NO. 91 JOHN 1 HUGG.ARD 'Barrister, Solietor, Notary Public, Etc. Beattie Block - - Seaforth, Ont. HAYS 8c MEIR Succeeding R. S. Hays Barristers, Solicitors, Conv'eyancera and Notaries Public. Solicitors for the Dominion 'Bank. Office in rear of the Dominion Bank, 'Seaforth., Money ;to loan. BEST & BEST Barristerss,,, Solicitors, Conveyan- cers and Notaries .Public, Etc.. Office in the Edge, Building, opposite The Expositor Office. VETERINARY JOHN GRIEVE, Y.S. Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College. All diseases of domestic animals treated. Calls promptly at- tended to and charges moderate. Vet- erinary Dentistry a specialty: Office and residence on Goderich..St'reet, one door east of Dr. Mackay's office, Sea - forth. 9 A. R. CAMPBELL, V.S. Graduate of ' Ontario Veterinary College, University* of - Toronto. All diseases of domestic • animals treated by the most modern principles. Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Office on Main Street, Hensel', opposite Town Bali. Phone 116: Breeder of Scot- tish Terries. Inverness Kennels, Hensall. MEDICAL , DR. E. I. R. FORSTER Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Graduate in Medicine, University of Toronto. - Late assistant New' York Opthal- xnei and Aural Institute, :Moorefield's Eye , and Golden Square .Throat . Hos- pita'ls, London, Eng. At Commercial 'Hotel, Sgaforbh, third Monday in each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. .58 Waterloo Street, South, Stratford. DR. W. C. SPROAT Graduate of Faculty of -Medicine, University of Western Ontario. Lon- don. Merniber orf College of Physic- ians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office in Aberhart's Drng Store, 'Main St., Seaforth. Phone 90. DR. F. J. BURROWS' Office and residence'Goderich Street, east of • the United Church, Sea - forth. Phone 46. 'Coroner for the County of 'Huron. , • • Dr. C. MACKAY C. (Mackay, honor .graduate of Trin- ity University, and gold medalist of -Trinity 'Medical College; member of ,the Oollege. of Physicians and Sur- geons of Ontario. If t 1$ 41F by JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD • at was in the Moment of that thought that the :look Dame into iris face ,which brought the questioning little lines into her forehead again. In that instant she caught a glimpse of the hunted ,man, of the soul that had traded itself, of desire beaten in- to hellr'les'sness'biy a thing she would never understand. It was gone swift- ly, but had caught it. And for her the star just under his hair stood for its meaning. The responsive throb in her breast was electric. He. felt it, saw itt, sensed it to the depth of his soul, and his faith in himiself stood challenged. 'She believed. And he -was a liar. Yet what a wonder- ful thing to lie for! "-fie called me up over the tele- phone, and when I told him to be quiet, that you were still asleep, I think he must 'have sworn --it sound- ed like it, but couldn't heal' dis- tinctly --and then he fairly roared at me to wake you up and tell you that you didn't half 'des•erve, such a lovely little sister as T am. Wasn't that nice, Derry?" "You - you're talking about Mc- Do'wetll ?" • "To he sure I am talking about' Mr. 1V4cDowell! And when I told hint your injury troubled you more than usual, and that I was glad you were. resting, I.. think I heard him swallow hard. He thinks a lot of you, Derry. And then he' asked me which injury it was that hurt you, and I told him the one in the head. What did he mean? Were you hurt somewhere else, Derry?" Keith swallowed hard, too. "Not to speak of," he said. "You see, Mary Josephine, I've got a tremend- ous sunprise for you, if you'll prom- ise it won't spoil your appetites Last night was fhe first night I've spent in a real bed for three years." And then, without waiting for her questions, he began to tell her the epic story •of John Keith. With her sitting • opposite, hint, her beautiful, wide-open gray eyes lookiiag at him with amazement as she sensed the marvelous coincidence of their meet- ing, he told it as he had nbt told it to 'McDowell or even to !.Miriam Kirk - stone. A third time the facts were the seine. But it was John Keith now • wtho was. telling John Keith's story through the lips of . an unreal and negative Conniston.. He forgot his own breakfast, and 'a look : of gloom; settled on' W!allie's ' face' when he peered in through the door and saw that their •coffe.e and toastiwere .growing cold. Mary Josephine lean- ed a little over the table.. Not once did she • interru•pt Keith. Never had he dreamed of a , glory that might reflect his emotions as did her eyes. As 'he swept from pathos to storm, from the madness of long, black nights to starvation and cold, as he told of flight, of 'pursuit, of the mer- ciless struggle that ended ' at last in the capture of John Keith, as he gave to these things words and life pulsing with the beat of his own heart, he saw theme. .revisioned in those wonderful gray eyes, cold a times with fear, warm and glowing at other times with •symparthy, and again shining softly with a glory of pride and love that, was 'Meant for him alone. . With him she was pres- ent in the little cabin up in the big Barren. Until he told of. those days 'and nights of hopeless desolation, of ranking cough and the nearness of d'eat'h, and of the comradeship of brothers that had come as a final benediction to, the hunter and the ;hunted, until in her soul she was un- derstanding and living those terrible hours as they two had lived them, he did not know, how deep and dark and immeasurably tender that gray mys- tery of beauty in her eyes could be. From that haus he worshiped them as he w•orshipe•d no other part of her. "And from all that you came baek the same day I cane," she said in a low, awed voice. "You cane back from that!' He r•ememnlber•ed the part he Must 'square. Give him a chance! Give him ,hist one square deal, only one; let him see a way, let him fight a man's fight with a ray of hope a- head! In these red. moments hope emblazoned itself before his eyes as a monstrous lie. Bitterness rose in Tiflis until he was drunk with it, and blasphemy filled his heart. Whichev- er way he turned, however hard he fought, there was no chance of win- ning. From the day he killed Kirk - stone the cards had been stacked a- gain't him, and they were stacked nocv and would he stacked until the end. He had believed in God, he had believed in the inevitable ethics of the final reckoning of things, and he had 'believed strongly that an =per - sternal Something moi•e powerful than ^ran -made will was behind hien in his struggles. These beliefs were smash- ed now. ,Toward them he felt the im- pulse of a maddened beast trampling hated things under foot. They stood for tics - treachery •y- cheating --- yes, contemptible cheating! it was impossible for him to win. However he played. whichever way he turned, be must lose. For he was 'Conniston and she was Connistbn's , sister, and mist he to the end of tithe. •Faintly, 'beyond, the door, he heard Mary .Toskrphine ssinginig, Like a bit of sled drawn to a tension his norm- al self snapped 'back into place. His readjustment came with a lurch,' a subtle sort of s']iock, His hands un- clenched, the tense lines in his face relaxed, and because that God Al- mighty he had challenged had given to him an unquenchable humor, he saw another thing where only smirk- ing ghouls and hypocrites had rent his brain with their fiendish exulta- tions a moment before. It was 'Con- niston's face, suave, smiling, dying, triuhilphant over life and Conniston was saying, just as he had said up there in the cabin on the Barren, with death reaehing°out a hand for him, "It's queer, old top, •de dish DR. H. HUGH ROSS Graduate of University��oof Toronto Faculty of Medicine, meer of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario; pass graduate courses in Chicago Clinical School of Chicago; Royal Oph'thalmie Hospital, London, England; University Hospital, Lon- don, England. Office -Back of Do- minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5. Night calls answered from residence, Victoria Street, Seaforth„ DR. S. R. COLLYER Graduate Faculty of Medicine, Uni- versity •of Western Ontario. Memiber College of Physician's and Surr� ''e.ons of Ontario. Post graduate vefli.•k at New York City Hospital and Victoria Hospital, London. Phone: Hensall, 66. 'Offllee, King Street, Hensall. DR. J. A. MUNN +Graduate of Northwestern Univers- ity, Chicago, 111. Licentiate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over Sills' Hardware, Main St., 6eaferth. 'Phone 161. led up like the crops of birds over- stuffed with grain. It was a successful brea'kfas't. When it• was' over, Keith felt that he had achieved a great deal. Before they rose from the table, he startled Mary Josephine by. ordering Wallie to bring him a cold chisel and a ham- mer from 'Brady's tool -chest. "I've lost the key that opens my chest,' and 'I've got tobreak in," he explained to her. 'Mary Josephine's little laugh was delicious. "After what you told me about frozen , eggs, I thought_ perhaps you were going to eat some," she said. She linked her arm in hit as they walked into the big room, snuggling her head against his shoulder so that; leaning ever, his lips were bur- ied in one of the soft, shining coils of leer hair. And she was, making plans, enumerating them on the tips of her fingers. If he had' business outside, she was going with him. Wherever he went she was going. There was no douibt in her mind a- bout that. 'She called his attention to a trunk that had arrived while h ,slept, and assured him. shewould be ready for outdoors by the time he had opened his chest. 'She had a little blue suit she was going to wear. And her hair? Did -it look good en- ough for his friend's to see? She had put it up in a hurry. "It is beautiful, glorious," he said. Her face pinked under the ardency of his gaze. . She put a finger, to,the tip of his nose, laughing at him. "Why, 'Derry, if you weren't my bro- ther' I'd think you were my lover! You said that as though you meant it terribly much. Do you?" . He felt a sudden dull stab of pain. "Yes, I mean it. It's• glorious, And so are you, Mary Josephine, every bit of you." On tiptoe she gave him the warm sweetness of her lips again. And then she, ran away from him, joy 'and laughter in her face, and disap- peared into her room. "You must hurry or I shall beat you," she called back to him. to r cA l 4F�'e'�e to -:'045 eSso at ' a .f the( by os yo0 kee P1n1 SYstietl►�a� eves sake queei'-~arid funny'r Yes, it was funny if one looked.., at it right, and Keith fount himise�lf swinging back into his old view- point. It was the hugest• joke life had ever played on him. Tins sister! He -could fancy Conniston twisting his mustaches, his cool eyes glimmer- ing with silent laughter, looking on'. his predicament, and he could fancy' Conniston saying," -It's -funny, old torp -devilish funny -but' it'll be funnier still when some other man comes a- long and carries her off!" • And he, John Keith, would have to grin and bear -it because he was her 'brother! .Mary Josephine was ta;p.ping at his dor. "oDerwent Conniston," she called frigidly, "there's .a female' person .on the telephone, asking for;you. What shall I say."?"- ' Er2--rwhy-tell her you're thy sis- ter, Mary Josephine,' and if it's Miss Khikstone, ibe nice to her and say I'm not able to come to the 'phone, and that you're looking forward' to meeting her, and the t we'll be up to see her some time to -day," "Oh, indeed!"' "You see" ,said Keith, his mouth close to the door, "you see, this Miss Kirkst one--�=". 13nt Vary Josephine was gone. Keith grinned. His -illimitable op- timiser was returning: Sufficient for the day that she was there, that she loved him, that she belonged to' him, that just now he was the arbiter of her destiny! Far off in the moun- tains ha.dreamed of, alone, , just they two, what might not happen? ,Some day - With the oold chisel and the ham- mer he went to the chest. His task was one that nurniber ,his hands be- fore the last of the three locks was •broken. He dragged the chest more into the light and opened it. Hewes disappointed. At first glance he could not understand why Conniston had locked it at all. It was almost empty that he could see the bottom of it, and the first object ,that met his eyes was an insult to his expectations - an old sock with a huge .hole in the toe of it. Under the sock was an old fur .cap not of the kind worn north A quarter of an 'hour later, with of Montreal. There was a chain with Mary Josephine at his side, he was a dog -!collar attached to it, a hip- walking down the green slope toward :pocket pistol and, a huge • forty-five, the Saskatchewan. In that direction and not less than a hundred cartridg- lay the rims of timber, the shimmer - es of indiscriminate calibers' scatter- ing- •rvall•ey, and the broad :Pathways ed loosely about. At one end, bund- that opened inter the plains 'beyond. led in carelessly', was a pair of rid- The town was at their backs, and ing-breeches, and under the breeches Keith. wanted 'it there. He wanted to a pair of white shoes. with rubber keep 'McDowell, and Shan Tung, and. soles. There was neither sentiment Miriam Kirkstone as` far away as nor reason to the collection in the possible, _until his mind rode nsore chest. It was junk. Even the big smoothly in the' new orbit in which forty-five had a broken hammer, and it was still whirling a bit unsteadily. the •pistol, Keith ,thought, might have More than all else he wanted to be stunned a flyer at close range. He alone with Mary Josephine, to make~ pawed the things over with the cold sure of her to convince himself ut- chisel, and tiie last thing he -came terly that she was his to go on fight- upon---ibvried under what looked lik+ ing for. He -sensed the nearness and a cast-off sport shirt -was a paste- the magnitude of the impending board shoe box. He raised the cover: drama. He'knew that to -day he,must. The 'box %vas full of paper's. face Shan Tung, that again he must Here was promise. 'He transported go under the battery of McDowell's the 'ilox to Brady's table • and • sat eyes and 'brain, and that like a fish down. He examined the larger pap- in treacherous waters he must swim ers first. There were a couple of old cleverly to avoid the nets that would game licenses for Manitoba, half a entangle and destroy him. Today dozen pencil -marked maps, chiefly of was the day -the stage was. set, the the Peace 'River country, and a num- curtain about to be lifted, the pray 'bei of letters from the secretaries ready to be enacted. But before it of Boards of Trade pointing out the was •the prologue. And the prologue incom'para'ble possibilities their re- was Mary Josephine's. 'spective districts held for the home- At the crest of a dip halfway down steader and the .huger of land. Last the elope they had paused, and in of all came a number of newspaper thisapause he stood a half-step be - clippings and a packet of letters. hind her so that he could look at Because they *ere loose he seized her for a moment without being ob- upon the clippings first,.,and as his served. She was bareheaded, and it eyes fell upon the first paragraph of came upon him, all at once how won - the first clipping his' body became sud- derful was a woman's hair, how denly tensed in the shock of unex- beautiful beyond all other things petted discovery and amazed inter- beautiful and desirable. In twisted, est. Tltiere were six of the clippings, glowing seductiveness it was piled all fr•onmti English papers, English in up on Mary .loseph•ine's head, trans - their terseness, heel as stock ex- fcn•nied into brown and gold glories change reporte, and equally to "tbe by the sun. He wanted to put forth point. He. read t!re six in three' his hand to" it. and bury his fingers minutes. in it, and feel the thrill and the e They simply sta'ed that Derwent warmth and the crush of the palpi- Conniston, of the t'onnistons of Dar- tart life of it against his own flesh. lington, was wants l- for burglary- And then bending a little forward. and that up to deft'; he had not been he saw under he,. long lashes; the found. sheer joy of life' shining in her eyes Keith gave a gf p of incredulity. es she drank in the wonderful pan -- He looked again to see that his eyes nrani.a that lay below them to the were not tricking 'line. And it was west. Last night's rain had freshen - there in cold, implacable print. or! it, the sun glorified it now, and 'Derivent ('onnieen-'that phoenix the fragrance of earthly smells that among men, by wh' m he had come to rose ug to then' from it was the measure, all other uten, that Crichton t;indefiled breath of •a thing,Iiving and of nerve, of calm and audacious awake. Even to Keith brie river had courage, of splc'n'i'd poise -a burg- never looked more beautiful, and lar! It was cheats farcical, an im- never had his yearnings gone out to possifile absurdity, Had it been rnur- it more strongly than in this moment der, high treat:en. defiance of some to the river and heyoncl-and to the great law, a great crime inspired by back of beyond, where the rnotrntains a great passion or a great ideal, hut rise up to meet the 'blue sky and it was burglary. leigandage of the the river itself was horn. And he cheapest and tn,ost comineonplace var- heard Mary .Josephine's voice, joy- iety, a snealeine night -coward's ausly suppressed, exclaiming softly, plagiarism of real adventure ani l "Oh, Derry!" teal crime. It wn- im'possi'ble. Keith I His heart was filled with gladness. gritted the word, aloud. He night She, too. w•as seeing what his eyes have accepted 1'rrnniston as a Dick saw in that wonderland. And she Turpin, a Clnwl • Duval or a Mac- as feeling it, Her hand, seeking heath, but not et• a Jeremy. Did'dler his hand, crept into his palms and the or a Bill Sykes. The printed lines iingers of it clung to his fingers. He were lies. The} must be. •Derwent cnuld feel the thrill of the miracle Connis•ton miglir have killed a dozen passing thrn•.rch her, the miracle of men but he h i ! never cracked ',a the open spaces, the miracle of the safe. To think 1' was to think the forests rising billow on billow to inconceivable. the pttrple mists of the horizon, the He turned' to 'he letters. They miracle of 'he gol•len Saskatchewan were pastime -Red I Darlintgton, Eng- rolling, slowly and peacefully :n its land. His timers.. tingled as he op- slumbering sheen mit of that mighty ened the firse li was as he, had ex- mysteryland that rheehed to the pected, as lir had hoped. They were lap of the setting sun. He snake to trona Mary Josephine. Be arranged her of that land ns she looked wi�de- them-nine in all in the sequence, of� eyed, 'quick hreathing, her fingers their dates, which ran back nearly eight years. All of them had been written within n period of eleven months. They were as legible tis print. And 'as he passed from thr first to the wend, and from the second to the third, and then read on into ,the others,, he forgot there was such a thing as tinnte and that Mary Josephine was waiting for him. VIII In his own, room, with the door closed and locked, Keith felt again that -dull, ' strange pain that made his heart sick an+d the air aout him difficult to breathe. '"If you weren't me -brother." The words beat in his brain. They. were 'pounding at his ' heart until it was smothered,"laughing at him and taunting' him' and triumphing over him just as, many time's before, the raving voices of the weird wind -dev- ils had scourged him from out of black night and arctic storm. Her brother! His hand clenched until the nails bit into his flesh. No, he hadn't thought of that part of the fight.! And now it swept }.rpon him in a de- luge. If he lost in the •fight ' that was ahead of him, his life would pay the forfeit. The law would take him and he would hang. And if he won - she would 'be his sister forever and to the end of all time! Just that, and no more. His sister! And, the agony of truth gripped hemi that it was not as a 'brother that he saw the glory in her hair, the glory in her eyes and face, and the glory in her slim little, and body- hut as the lover. A merciless pre- ordination had stacked the cards a- •gainst him again. He was Connis- ton, and she was 'Conniston's sister. A strong man, a man ' in whom blood ran red, there leaped up in him for a moment a sudden and unreas- oning rage at that thing which he had called fate. He saw the unfair- ness of it a-11'; the hopelessness of it, the cowardly ,subterfuge and trickery of, life itself as it had played against him, and with tightly set lips and clenched hands he called mutely on God Almighty to .play the game The clippings had told him one thing; here, like bits of driftage to be phut together, a line in this place and half a dozen in that, in para- graphs that enlightened and in others that guzzled, was the other side of the stcry, a growing thing that rose up out of i.iystery and doubt in seg- meri•ts and fractions of segments add- ing themselves together piece -meal, welding the whple into form and sub- stance, until there rode through Keith's veins a wild thrill of exulta- tion and triumph. And then he came to the ninth and last letter. It was in a different handwriting, brief, with a deadly specificness .about it that gripped; Keith as he read. This ninth letter he held ire his band as he rose from the table,. and out of his mouth theme fell, un'con; sciously, ConnistSn's own words, "I't's devilish queer, old top -.and funny!" ' • There vas no humor in the way he 'spoke them. His voice was hard, his eyes dully ablaze. He was looking 'back into that swirling, unutterable loneliness of the ,northland, aid he was seeing 'Conniston again. ''Fiercely he caught up the clip- pings, struck a match, and with a gi•in-u smile watched them as they curled . up into flame and crumbled into ash. What a lie was Life, what a malformed thing was justice, what a monster of iniquity the man-fabri- eated thing called law! And again he found himself speak- ing, as if the dead Englishman him- self were repeating the words, "It's devilish queer, old top -and funny!" ; e$.. •'".word off erre .----/. • "God's country" said Keith de'vt*il; ly. . 'Mery josephiue drew a .deePaYeea, h:,'. ''"And people still ;dole izl tewzl a'nd'. ;:+cities!'° She a telainted an wort, Bring.. credrility,' "Pve icireanied oft `ova 'here,' Derry, brut Z icier, dreamed that, 'And rove had it for years and years, while t --oh,' Derry!" ' ' • And again those two words filled his heart with gladness, words of loving reproach, attremnble with the mysterious whisper of a great desire. For she was looking into the west. , And her eyes and her heart and her soul were la the west, and suddenly Keith saw his way' as though light- ed'.._hy a flaming torch. Ile came near to forgetting that he. was Oonniston. He spoke of his dream, his desire, and told her that last night -before she came -he had made up ,his mind to go. -Shead, come to hien just in time, •A .little later and. he would have been gone, 'buried utterly away from the world in the wonderland of the mountains. And now they Would go together. They would go as he had planned to ;ge, quietly, unob- trusively; they' would slip away • 'and disappear. There was a reason, why no, one should know, not even Mc- Dowell. It must "be their secret. Some day he would tell her 'why, Her heart thumped excitedly as he went on like a .boy planning a won' derful day. He'could see the swifter beat of it in the flush that rose into her face and the joy -glowing tremu- lously in her eyes as she looked at him. They would get ready quietly. They might 'go to -morrow,. the next day, any time. It would be a glor- ious adventure, just they two, with all the vastness, of that mountain paradise ahead of them. "We'll be .pals;" he said. • "Just you and me,, Mary Joeerphine. We're all - that's left." It was his first experimtent, his first reference to the information he had gained in the letters, and swift as a flash Mary Josephine's' eyes turned up to him. He nodded, smil- ing. He understood their quick ques:- tioning, and 'he held her hand closer and began to walk with her down the slope. . '"A lot of it came back last night and this morning, a lot of it," he ex- plained. "I't's queer what miracles small things. can work .sometimes, is- n't it? Think what a grain of sand can -do to a watch! This was one of the small things." He was still smiling as he touched the scar ,on his forehead. "And you, you were the other miracle. And I'm remem- bering.: - It doesn't seem like seven or eight years, but only yesterday, that the grain of sand got mixed up somewhere in the machinery in my head. And I guess there was an- other reason' for my going wrong. You'll understand, when I tell you." IIfad he been 'Conniston it could not have come from him more naturally, more sincerely: He was Hiving. the great lie, and' yet to him it was no longer a lie. He did not hesitate, as shame and conscience . might have made 'him hesitate. He was fighting that something rbeautiful might be raised up out of chaos and despair and be made to exist; he was fight- ing for life in rplace of, death, for happiness in place of grief, for light in place of 'darkness --Fighting to save, where others would destroy. The•'re- for the great lie was, not a lie but a thing without venom .or hurt, an instrument for happiness'and for' all the. things good and beautiful that went to make happiness. It was his one great weapon. Without it he would fail, and failure meant desola- tion. So he spoke convincingly, for what he said came straight from the heart though it was born in the sha- dow of that one master -falsehood. His wonder was that Mary Josephine believed him so utterly that not for an instant was there a questioning doubt in her eyes or on her lips. 'He told her how much he "remem- bered," which was no more and no less than he had learned from the letters and the clippings. The story did notefappeal to hien as particularly unusual or dramatic. He had passed through too many tragic happenings in the last four years to regard it in that way. It was simply an unfor- tunate affair beginning in misfortune and with its necessary whirlwind of hurt and sorrow. The one thing of shame he would not keep out of hie Londeshoro mind was that he, Derwent ('iinnis_ Rlyth ton, must hare' been a poor type of Belgrave hig brother in those days of nine or Wingham ten yr ars ago, even though littif Mary Josephine had worshipped him. He was -well along in hie twenties then. The Cnnnistons of Darlington were his uncle and aunt, and his uncle was a more or less prominent "figure in ship -building interests on the Clyde. With these people the three --himself. Mary Josephine, and his la -ether Eghert-had lived; "farm- ed nut" to a hard -necked, flinty- hearted- pair of relatives because of a brother's stipulation and a certain English law. With them they had Dublin existed in mutual disenriterit and dis- Seaforth like. ? Derwent, when he became old Clinton enough, had stepped over the traces. Goderich All this Keith had gathered freer the letters, but there was a great deal that was missing. Eghert, he gath- ered, mist have been a scapegrace. 1Te was a cripple of some sort and seven or eight years his junior. In the letters Mary .Josephine had spok- en of him as "poor Egbert," pitying instead of condemning him, though it was Eghert who had brought trag- edy and separation upon them. One night Eghert had broken open the Conniston safe and in the darkness had had a fight and a narrow escape from his uncle, who laid the crime upon Derwent. And Derwent, in whom E'g'hert must have confided, A•M• ' fled to America that the cripple Toronto 7.40. might be saved, with the promise McNaught ' 11.4$ that some clay he would send for Walton ., ., 12.01 Mary .Josephin•e. He was followed by Blyth 12:12. the uncle's threat that ft he ever re- Aulburn 12' 3 turned to England, he would be jail- MiGaw 12:3 ed. Not long afterward "poor Eg- Menses 12:41 bort" was found dead in bed, fear- Goderieh 12,411 XIV bR. F. J: BEC JELY Graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. • Smith's Grocery, Main. Street, Sea- forth-. Phone: Office, 185 W; resi- dence, 185J. ( AUCTIONEERS OSCAR KLOPP Honor graduate Carey Jones' Na- tional Sd sol for Atretioneering, Chi- cago. Special course lakep it Pure Bred Chore •Stook, steal Es'ta'te, Mer- chandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing markets. Sat- isfaction assured. 'White or wire, ()seat'' Kilos, Zurich, Ont. Phone: a8'-98, play. "Yes, three years of it. If I could only 'remember as well, only half as well,, things that happened before this---" He raised a hand to him forehead, to the scar. "You will," she whispered swift- ly. "Derry, darling, Yeti will!" - 'Wallie sidled in and, with an ador- ing grin at Mary Josephine, suggest- ed that he had more coffee and toast ready to serve, piping hot. Keith was relieved: The day had begun auspiciously, and ever the hacen and eggs, done to a ravishing brown by the little Jap, he told Mary Jos- ephine of some of his 'bills of fare in 'he north and how yesterday he had filled up on bacon smell at Andy Dug- gan's Steak from the 'cheek of a ',t alrus, - he told her, was equal io rucvt'house; seal meat wasn't had, out cne grew tired of it quickly un- irss he was an Eskimo; polar Lear meat was filling but tough and •strong iHTie liked whale meat, es- pecially the tail -steaks of narwhal, and cold boiled 'blubber was good in the winter, only it was impossible to cook it (because Of lack of fuel, tin - less one was aboard 'ship or had .an. alcohol stove in his outfit. The tid- bit of the Eskimo :was birds' eggs, gathered hy the ton in seerimer-time, rotten before cold weather came, and frozen solid as chunks of ice in win- ter. Through one starvation period of three weeks he had lived on there himself, . ching them raw in his mouth s o e worries away with a piece of ro c candy. The little lines gathered in Mary Josephine's fore- head at this, bit they smoothed a- way into laughter when he humor- ously described the joy oliving on nothing at all but air. And. he added to this by telling •her how the, glut- tonous Eskimo ..at feast time' would tie out flat on their backs, so that heir womenfolk could feed them by dropping chunks of flesh into their open maws until their stomachs s''wei- fully contorted. Keith.guess had been something tome 'tally' as p'hysicallyt wrong witlh (Cs mtinued next week.) Patter ` "The man who'd try to take' 'ad- vantage of a young girl's innocence used to be a cad," says Geneviehiie, the kitchen cynic; "now he's an opt. rim i st. "-Ted ,Cook; Don Marquis, author and play- wright, has defined middle age as' "the tiante when a. man isalways thinking that in a week or two he. will feel just as good as eve'." * * * Heard on the radio was Ring Lard - per's bright perennial: i'Sorry I can't coarse to your dinner Wednes- day. Lt's the children's night . out and I have to stay home with •the nurse." . * * * A puzzled reader asks: Is it Huey or Hooey?-Bostron. Ttmanscript. * * * A young.man in a Ford rolled into a gasoline station- and said, "One •gal- lon, please." The attendant sneered. scornfully, ,"What are you trying to do, wean 'it?" • A Hollywood actress, applying' for a passport and asked whether she was married, replied: "Occasionally." • * * * Aeked what she wished for her birthday, an old lady replied: "Give' me a kiss, so I don't have to dust it." * rp * 'What our Government needs is more pruning and less grafting. - Brunswick (Ga.) Pilot. * .* * 'Dentis't's epitaph 'in a Connecticiit cemietery: - • "When on this t�nb you . gaze with • •..gravity, . • Cheer up! I'm filling my last cavity."--- * *• * IIs he conceited? 'Well, 3'd just like to buy him at.,my price. and sell him at his! -Sydney 'Bulletin. ,. * * * Modern child, seeing rainbow for ' first time; "Oo-mummy-what is it, ad'v'ertising?"t---]London Tatler. * * * IMovie comment: "It really wasn't half bad. On the contrary, it was all bad." If all sensible men keep their re- ligion to themselves it is because they know that its essence is in'comimuni- •cable.--4Iir. W. B. Sellbie. ' II Make no protest against the in- cursions of scholars into the world of myiehs but, on the whole I do not. • care for their eomrpany -Mr. Roberti Lend. ' LONDON AND .WINGHAM South. -P.M. Wingham 1.55 Bellgrave ' 2.11 Bd'yth 2.23 Londesboro 2.60 Clinton . ?XIS 13rucefield '3.21 Kippers 3.35 Hensall ,.3.41 Exeter 3.55 North. A.M. Exeter 10.42 Hensall - 10.55 Kippers 11.01 ' . Brucefield 11.09 Clinton 11.64 closing still more tightly shout his, This was but the beginning of the glory of i the west. anal, the nor'.h, h,' told her.' Reyend that low hor•i vm'htsre the tree trips touched the sky were the prairies -nit the tiresome monotony which she had seen from the car windows, but the wide, •glor- ious, (Crud -given country of the North - est with its thousands of square miles Goderich Clinton Seaforth Du•hl i n MitcheU5, C. N. R. East. *est. A.M. 6.45 7.03 7.22 7.33 7.42 12.10 12.19 12.30 12.50 P.M. • 2.30 3,00- 3:1'3 3.3L ' 3.43 11.19 9.32 11.34 9.45 11.50 9.59 12.10 10.25 C. P. R. TIME TABLE Gnclerich Menset McGaw .4 uhurn Blyth East. ' A.M. 5.59 5.65 6.04 • 6.11 6.2ti Walton 6.40 Mc Naught 6.52. Toronto 10.25 West. 5