HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-05-12, Page 5! 1933. rrerar• • ,issi••• .•, 4 3 T T e forth, No*"AAYING . A Marie Dressler and roily Moran in !Trosperity"._, Monday, Tuesday andWednesday-1May 15, 16, 1'T •• A BIG SPECIAL "FAREWELL To, ARMS" with HELEN HAYES, GARRY COOPER and an All Star Cast COMEDY NEWS REEL Thursday; Friday and Saturday—eMay 18, 19, 20 WARREN WILLIAMS and SIDNEY FOX in •"THE MOUTHPIECE" IC(XVIEDY CARTOON • COMING—"THE SIGN OF THE CROSS" Matinees Sal. and holicliiira, 8 P.m.- Two shows_ raghtly, 7.80 and 9.15 Former Resident (Continued from page 1) selucled farming, stockraising • and feeding. During the Civil War in the States he bought and shipped cattle .and it was in this work as a drover that his son, George, got his first business experience 'as it was his responsibility to round up and pay tor many of these purchases as well as to oversee the farm in his father's AbSence. Califortda was being developed at this time, and at the age of 19 young Fowler left for the West with some of the neighborhood ytking men, who bad Ibeen there before. Fowler drifted from that into the .cattle business and participated in some of the anti -rustling operations. In 18'76 he returned to Sea/forth, Ont. where he married ,Mary .Charlotte "Fowler, who died August 20, 1928. Six children were born to thenv-- Edith •Charlotte, now Mrs. R. H, Slocum, wife of Profebstor Slocum •att N. D., A. CL; Arthur William,, vice president of the Dakota National bank"; Clarence S., uianager of the In- -ternational Harvester Company truck ..Sales; Raymlond E. George Ross •and Barry F., all residing in California. Survilvri•ng besides the children are three sisters, Mrs. Walter Grassie, IMers. James 'Caldwell, Mrs. Roland Larnlbert, Vancouver, ,B.C., a brother, -William J. Fowler, Leamington, Ont., -who visited 'Dad !about a month ago; 0.2 grandchildren, and one great :grandchild, a boy, born Saturday to Mrs. Robert Bardrvvell, Minneapo- ,..-lis, daughter of A. W. •Fowler. • Farmed in Ontario. Mr. and ,Mrs,. Fowler farmed in • Ontario until 1880, 'when there was -Considerable migration to the north- west section of the States and GeOrge. ..sind his father came to North Da- kota that summer, locating on some and south of Buffalo. He headquar- tered his many activities in Sheldon, After 1886. ,,..•was -while Dad was in the real abate rbissiness that he and Smith •erected the,Grand theater and subse- quently were forced into the.. show business. The Grand °periled as a • successful theater for many years, booking the best acts on the S. and C. ••thircuit and independently also. After Mr. Smith withdrerw, Fowler operated both the 'Grand a rid ,Orpheum • ;theaters. He thoroughly enjoyed' that work and loved to -bell stories about Ms contacts with show people. Fowler was the first man to give, Jolson an individual stage part. That was in 1907 or 1908. He had been playing in minstrel shows in the east but had never played an individual role. An act was needed at the 'Grand to fill in for one that had been cancelled. D'ad got in touch with his booking agent and they sent Jol- son out. The latter was a seared young entertainer afraid he wouldn't 4`go °veil." He was nearly broke when he landed here. But Dad liked his stuff and Jolson took the -city by storm. Soon afterward theater .fans were begging Dad to bring Jolson back for a return en- gagement The act with Slight changes, was the one Jolson , used when he finally hit • the big time 'vaudeville circuits. GODERICH TP. The !Porter's Hill Ladies' Aid at their meeting on Thursday, May 11, are entertaining the Holmesville lad- ies. ' Mr. Fred Pickard has had his 'house repaired after the fire On Sun- day last. The •Holmesville Young People en- tertained the Young People of Por- ter's gin last 'Friday evening. All report a profitable and good time. Mr. Harry Proctor ,visited in To- ronto over the "zreek end. Miss Jean Ball, of Surnmerhill, re- turned to her home on Sunday after, a visit with her friend, Miss A. Mc- Cartney. Mr. Elwin 'Pickard rmotoredr to To- ronto on 'Tuesday. Kr. Thomas Beetles, of Porter's Hill, is gradually improving after his recent illness. DUBLIN 'Mrs." M: J. Benninger attended the funeral of her Mother, Mr. MC- Phee, of Goderithh, on Tuesday. Miss Rose 1VIc1Connellis visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry Dingenran, De- troit. Miss Kathryn Byrne, of Formosa,. spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. K. Byrne. 'Misses rMildred and Birdie Murray spent 'Sunday with friends in Brod- hagen. ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs„ Will Rae, and son, Robert, Mrs. Helen , Wenzel and son; Jack, of- iStratford, were visitors at Mr, Ben Williams' last 'Sunday. • IMr. Harry Jackson, of Windsor, is engaged with Mr. Wes. Johns for a time. Mr. S. Whaley, of St. Marys. was a caller here on day last' week.. Mr. and IIVIts. 'Henry rMurch and •Miss Bowers, of London-, were Sun- day visitors with Mr, and Mrs. P. March. r Seeding has 'been delayed on ac- count of the heavy trains bf last week. WINGHAM The Wingham Sub -division of the .Catholic Women's League of Canada elected new officers for the corning year as follows: President, Mrs. Patrick Gibbons; 1st Vice-president, Mrs. Angus McKinnon; 2nd vice- president, Mrs. Wm. Fergie; 3rd vice- president, Mrs. John Moir; secretary, Mrs. john.'Lockridge; treasurer, Mrs. B. Benniger. IMr.• and Mrs. W. A. Campbell, of Toronto, were in town for a few days ,recently, Miss Rena McDonald resigned her position at the Walker Stem last week end and has accervtid a posi- tion with the Silver -wood's Creamery in Lueknow. Her many friends wish her every' success in her new posi- tion. Mrs. Jessie Morton, of London, England, arrived in town last Fri- day and will visit with Mrs. J. A. Morton for the summer months. The ladies expect to take a trip west dur- ing' the sUinihter to Visit 'Mrs. J. A. Morton's son in Vancouver. DEATHS Thompson.—In Stratford, on 'Saturday, May • 6th, Jahn Thompson, in his 69th year. BIRTHS Lc',.--ln Hay Township, on May 7th, to ,Mr. ane Mri. tiorcion .uove, a trargit-er. Westco'-t.—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on May 5th, to Mr. and Mrs., J. A. Westoott, a daughter. - Givelin.—In Scott Meniorral Hospital, on May 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Givelia, a son. floomamm IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR SALE.—TWO GOOD COLLIE PTJPS, two months old. Arpply to J. R. MUR- DOCK, Brucelield. • 3413-1 113ASTURE FA1R/111' WANTED WITH PLEN- 5y M water., Apply to A. J. HOUSTON, Seatortn. Phone 131 r 11. 3418x2 TWO CHOICE YOUNG COWS WAN1'ET./. bo MRS. L. J. DOIG, Hensall Central, phone 3413-1 -__-* nAsTuay, 'f 0 RENT.—THIRTY ACRES OF good pasture, with plenty of water; Wast half Lot 15, Gancii len 1, Mc ICIlop. Apply to FRANK MURPHY, 11. 11. No. 4, Sea- rth. 3413x1 • p_RASS FARM TO RENT. -100 ACRES, " Lot 7, Concession 7, McKillop, foc pas - hire; windmill and lots c1f water. Apply to JOSEPH FLANNIGAN, Dublin. Phone 37 r 10, Dublin. 8410-5 THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO - Phone 91 • New Shipment, , Sumter Dresses at Sale Prices. SALE ends SATURDAY; Mayl3th Seaforth Bargain Store S. Shinani'Manager Phone 109 ' (• 44 '4'/ 444////444744 a? • tirlaSA , las WIENORIAM Wenfaellit ofrtrftheth WOW*, who ressid WAY Valneoliver Marl 'Rh* teas.' —•Ours 4reartb.can -IMP telt What less say* 04...411vii Asa: nelk .alsealc how 'weer Was YOU, Clot,t14Y hanWe how we wise you our home that lonieome ri2415r34Ir Ilize*M184,1"8;11 CARD OF THANKS' Mrs. Itarold Twitchen desires to worse" s her sincere anPrecistion Jo he mlaus!..*riell4 walla el:Mended dr41434.0.7, ,io aver &ling her recent sled bereavlenteut ; also to the members of the Maeenic Lodge Who arranged for the funeral, and to Whank those who loaned cars. 84134 . CARD OF THANKS . Mrs. R. J. Twitchell wishes to expresso , her sincere thanks for the many Acts of lcindnesa. extended to her during her recent bereave- meirls,also, to thank Mr. IL C. Box, the members of the Maaon4c Lodge and those who loaned cam. , 3418-1 EXECUTOR'S AUCTION • SALE • REAL ESTATE AND CHATTELS ,..._, On the • nressnE3e3 of the late JOHN Mon. WILSON% in lienSall, OTSilltrie, on Saturday. May 20th, 1933,i at 1.30 .in. • REAL ESTATE Lets Numbers 899, 400, 401 and 402 in the Village of Henstall, inli the County of iluron "Moir's Servers." On the premises are situ- ate a frame house and two frame stables, in a fair state of repair. CHATTELS One beidrobtn. suite, 1 bed and springs, 2 mattresses, 1 set'of springs, 7 kitchen chairs, 1 'sofa, 1 Perfection coal oil stove with oven, 1 Banner cooking range, 1 heater stove, 3 bags of coal, small quantity o wood. 1 large ,. cheat, a number of windvya ' creens, 1 suit- csie, .1 toilet set, 1 Wokin4g lass, 5 yards of linoleum 4 yard a wide, Several pieces of [lin- oleum, 2 tidal blit lamps, 1 lantern, wheel- barrow, grindstone, carpenter's tools, garden thole. and Other small itobils, bucksaw, hand- saw, crosscut saw, scythe, 1 driving rug, 1 panel dolor, new; 1 screen dbor, 4 .winclow aashea, 1 garden galte. TERMS OF SALE . i. . Real Estate -40 per cent. on -day of sale 'and balance in 80 clays, will beput up sub - jerk to a reserved bid and other conditions Made known on day of stale. Ohiattels—Cash. For further particulars apply to ' W. G. REILL, Executing. genital, Ontario. Oscar ICkopp, Eh/quire, Auctioneer, Zs/rich, Ont, CARLING & M,ORLEY, Stiliciltiars flor Execs/tsars, • Exeter, Ontario. ' 3413-2 . SCOTT'S Barred Rocks BABY CHICKS Now $10.00 per hundred. Brooded one week for $12.00 per hundred. A full line of Poultry Mash al- • ways on hand. J. M. Scott PHONE 251-32 SEAFORTH 3413-1 ANTED Eggs — Eggs MARKET PRICES PAID lc EXTRA FOR TRADE W. M. Arnold • in George Haigh's old stand SEAFORTH WARNING , TOWN OF SEAFORTH Citizens are hereby warned n'ot to dump vegetables, fruits or anything liable to cause a nuisance in the dumping ground at Keller -1s Farm. Any parson : found doing s:o will, be held liable for damages., The dumping ground is only to be used for old anerball, glase and ashes. By Order. A. D. SUTHERLAND, 3412-3 Mayor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given under the statutes In that behalf that all persons having any claims against Jahn Kelly, late af the Town- ship of MeKillop, deceased, whip died on the 15th day of February, 1933, are required to send to the undersigned solicitor for the Executor, full particulars in writing and veri- fied by affidavit of their claims and the nature of the securitiee, if any, held by them, on or before the lath day of May, 1933, after which date the said Executor will proceed to Mr - tribute the- assets of the said deceased, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which they then shall have had notice. DATED at Seaforth, Ont.. this 22nd day of April, 1933. RAYS & MEIR, / Solicitors tor Executor. • 8411-8 Wool Wanted Toronto prices paid for Wool. H. M. Jackson 1 . FARMS FOR SALE pAitm FOR SALE.—FOR SALE PART I.40T 28 gad 29, Ocincestaion 8, McKillop, eon. tarring 192 acres and known kats the T. 13. Rays' f,arm. Must be gold to claire the estate. 18 mrat sold wRi be rented. For particulates tb J. M. GOVENLOOK, Executor, See - forth. 9358 -if • A BARGAIN FOR SAtt.—Pive acres, one mile fro' Seaforth; modem hothe with furnace, bath and toilet;'small barn; good etcher& Altaxes, $16. Splendid e to Start thicken folio, liteai, ete. Apply to , • It. it HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. 88:44 • OT in years has merchandise as good in quality or as- low --in. price. Below are a few of be hundreds of worth - while GGOD VALUES this store is showing. Come in and see the Bright New Spring Mer- chandise. You will be agreeably sur- prised at the reasonable prices. - Women's Pure Silk Hose AT A NEW LOW PRICE Nayser, Penman's or Weldrest; pure silk from foot to welt: extra spliced heel and toe, cradle foot; strong welt top. All new shades. 75c• Men's Fancy Cotton Hose A big variety ' of fancy patterns to choose from. Will give excellent wear. Sizes 10 to 111/2. 7 pairs for $1.00 15c SPECIAL ---Women's Crepe Dresses Dresses that look twice the price; sheer crepe,Jericho Crepe, Silk Crepe • Georgette Crepe. Long or short sleeves, in new puff style. Green, Grey, Sand, Blue, Black. Sizes 14 to 42. DON'T MISS THESE • New Collar and Cuff Setts A- new idea in dress aceessories, col- 50! to lar and cuff sets, in Organdie, Satin, Pique, Plain Or Frilled. Smart and $125 decidedly new Stylish Attractive Scarfs Made of pure silk crepe, full length. 1 00 Patterns and color combinations that • are stylishly different Men's New Quality Worsted Suits Beautiful. Worsteds in dark blue or grey background with 'neat fancy lined 1... $18 .30 stripes; cut in theverynewest styles. Substantially made and well • NO BETTER VALUES IN YEARS,. Men's Big "B" Work Shirts 'The Big "B" is'theroomiest, best - fitting shirt that is made, and the price is again reduced. Dark Blue, Light Blue, Chambray and Khaki Ail sizes 75c Men's Spring Hats Genuine Fur Felt Hats, in Fedora or snap front styles. Well trimmed ;, • sure to keep their shape and color Greys, Sancls and, Browns Men's Spring Top Coats. Classy new Tweed Coats in Sand, Grey or Brown, in new fleck herring- bone and diagonal Tweeds. Raglan, Slip-on or belt backs. All sizes, 34 to 46 Smart Gloves for Women New style, slip-on, in extra quality Chamoisette, in this season's popular White or Eggshell.A high grade imported glove 59c 75c $1 New Quality Prints Fully guaranteed prints in latest plaid and stripe patterns. Very at- • tractive and will give unusual wear. 19c 25c • Women's New Tweed and Crepe Cloth Coats These ai-e Coats of outstanding value, made with new stitched collar ankr novelty sleeve's, full length and fully lined. rnue, Sand, Grey, Green, ,,Black or Brown. All regular sizes •• $8.50 • Women's Krinkle Crepe Pyjamas AND NIGHTGOWNS Pyjamas—Two-piece contrasting col- 1.50 ors. Very attractive Gowns—White .trimmed, assorted colors, V-neck, short sleeves 89c Boys' All wool Sweaters Fancy V-neck in Sand, Maroon,. Brown Heather, fancy trimmed.... 75c BOYS' GOLF HOSE Plain with fancy Cuff; all colors and 35c sizes Boys' Two -Trouser Suits The new Spring patterns made up in the new styles, Fancy Checks and Stripes in Tweeds and Worsteds. Strongly made and substantially lin- ed. Sizes 24 to 34 $7.50 ART BROS., SEAFORT 44, "„a.r,i",•44 • • • ^ • •:; • • • • • •, • • ' ••!•'•