HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-05-12, Page 3• !st a .ve rt- ith ins in; ish er- nd al- io- or- er- pal Ind in nd, ;his rge 'ee up and ter 'ee.- Iffrc dere! ,ulct eal. . incl l'art- 1 i n ?en, .ons ers, tra- :ure lus- lent awn ry: r • [sn 1r -- �..-.ru��s..•.^-�x.• rwnv.armucevauwxx.�xr:�cr�, Seen inn the CQur►iy Paperc Pavilion Opened.. The pavilion opened for the season on 'Saturday night last, with a good tinder attending. For next Satur- day night the man'agemen't is offer- ing to each of the first ten people -who pay admission, .a pass for the r :special dance on May 24th. Sunday Band Concert. fi 'Under the 'auspices of the Goderich Musical !Society a band eat -Wert will • he ''gi'ven in 'MacKay' 'Han on Sunday evening, nexd, eoi nhnlencing at '8.30 ▪ :o'clock. A 'program appropriate to the day is 'being prepared and it is hoped therewill be a large turnout •1df the townspeople.—iGoderieh Stem). Result of Heavy Rains. t' .On investigating Wednesday morn- ing as to the source of a strong draught .that proceeded from the rear of Craigie Bros.' poolroom: it was hound that a whole side-wall of a rear room had crumbled 'during the night. The foundation had beoomle so under- mined with water from the heavy Tains that the wall sank and collaps- ed. Work was begun ` immediately on the wall and it was quickly rebuilt. }--IGoderich Signal. A Fortunate Escape. • IMr. W. N. Manning's car skidded ion a wet pavement on Tuesday at Rirr, as he was coming up to Clinton and turned over into the ditch. For- tunately he was not much hurt, his leg getting a bit of a bruise. The car was m!oxe"•'br less damaged.' --- Clinton News-fR.elcord. A Perpetual Gift. Rev. Dr. Hogg, of iStrathroy, a former pastor of Wesley -Willis :church, the other day sent up a little blue spruce tree for planting in the church grounds. •It has already been placed and as it grows will, serve as . memorial of the union oft the con- gregations, and of Dr. •Hoggi's pastor- iate of fifteen years . --Clinton News - Record. Grey Creates Another Record. It happened' on the farm of Mrs. 2'. McCauley last Friday. Mrs. dMc- •Cauley has a goose there which" in the morning laid a double yolked •egg, and that sain'e night it pro- -diced- a single yolked egg. --'Brussels Post. Firemen Have Run. 'On Wednesday evening of last -week just at the supper hour the -firemen made a fast run to the house' of Mr. J. Willis ,Powell where a smouldering fire had started in the second floor: Mr. and Mrs. Powell, had the fire well under con- trol when the firemen arrived. Part of the flooring had been torn up and damage was done from smoke and +water. --Exeter Times -Advocate. Brussels Public School Choir Gets 82 Marks At Festival The Brussels school choir made a ,creditable sherWing at the Stratford Musical Festival when they were cdrupeting against schools such as Milverton, who has won the first place for several years in a row, and Listowel which has been runner up for several years, they finished with S2 marks. Although they did come last, they deseneie a great deal of credit for the showing +which ,.they made and when they 'go next; year they should come out near the'itop. The choir consisted) of '715 voices and was under the leadership of Mr. Hoadley, of Listowel. He has made wonderful progress with the school choir during the last terra, and was well pleased with their performance at Stratford. ---Brussels Posta False Rumor. A rumor vvas circulated Saturday to the effect that 'Mr. Robt. 2Vlous- sau was connected with the robbery at the 'Winchelsea creamery. The rumor is entirety unfounded as there was no suspicion whatever attached to' Mr. IMousseau. Evidently the rum- or grew out of the fact that Pro- vincial Constable 'McCoy together with Traffic. Officer Lever and Con- stable J. Norry visited Mr. Mousseau's immediately after investigating the robbery. The fact of the matter is that Ilgr,''Mousseau had written to Mr. 'M'cCoy sometime previous and had asked him to call in connection with a personal matter. He happen-- ed apdpen-ed to be near Mr. IMousseau's at the time and dropped in to sed him. It is the old 'story of how a ruiner grows with the telling. - a Exeter Times.'Advocate. Creamery Robbed. The Winchelsea Creamery„was en- tered by robbers same time Friday Tright or early Saturday morning and stole a sum of money after breaking off the safe combination with a chisel and sledge. Entrance had been made through an office win- dow and after battering up the door of the,•safe they secured only a small sum of money, between ' $6 and $7. Provincial Constable P. E. !McCoy. of ,Goderitsh, investigated the case and secured very indefinite clues as to the robbers. The robbers evident- ly were after, money only as a new trulck tire was standing close beside the safe and was not touched.—Exe- ter Times -Advocate. Dam Destroyed. Co-operating -With the Ontario Game and Fisheries Department and with the residents of the Arkona dis- trict,. the First Divisional Engineers of London blew up the dam across the Aux ISaulble River at Arkana on Saturday last. The dam was known as. Rock 'Glen. The dam prevented the 'fishfront making their way up the river in the spring. It was built 30 years ago at 'a cast of $20,000, and was used to develop power for the village and the 'mill. This is now supplied by the Hydro system'.- --Zur- itch Herald. 'A Narrow 'Escape. Horner Bagshaw, well 'known trans- port man of Exeter, had •a narrow escape from death when in the most violent electric storm of some years which visited Exeter on Monday ;morning. 'He was hurled to his knees by a bolt, which shattered a window four feet away from him and tore large stones from the foundation of his house. 'Mr. Bagshaw had just disconnected the aerial from his radio and the belt, which partly spent it- self along the aerial, struck his 'barn. In,a few minutes a spectacular blaze attracted the residents, the most of whom had already been awakened by the craslh, qi' thunder.` The barn was a • total ipss, Acre I ne' insure, ani. •4VIr, Bagshaw'$ ej r waS sttvetli _4•49)1 �Ierald; Chopping Mill Destroyed. . The' Belmore chopping mill was de - strayed by fire recently. The •proprie- tor, IMr, Sterling Haskins, was using a !blow torch to heat the starting ap- paratus on the oil engine when the torch exploded and flames soon de- voured the frame structure. Mildmay and 1eeswater fire (brigades answer- ed the appeal for, help, but their ef- forts Were in vain. This is the second mill to be destroyed on the same site within• a few years, and it is not like- ly that the proprietor will rebuild.— Zurich Herald. • If You Are Suffering With Kidney Trouble READ WHAT MRS. H. M. LEWIS HAS TO SAY ABOUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Ontario • Lady Was Relieved '• of Kid- ney and Bladder. Trouble. JNovar, Ont., '1.V1`ay 11 (Special).— "I 'can say that Dodd's Kidney ,Pills have alone' me a whole lot of good," writes Mrs..Herbert M. Lewis, a well known resident of this place. "Four years ago 'I was troubled with kidney and bladder trouble. It was getting worse all the time. 'T tried every- thing but in 'vain. I was advised to use Dodd's Kidney Pills, and after taking three (boxes my trouble ended. I am greatly in favour of Dodd's Kid- ney 'Pills and use them all the. time." Do you realize what an important part your kidneys play in• your bod- ily health and length of life? To be well the kidneys must thoroughly cleanse the blood of all poisonous waste. Sluggish kidneys permit waste impurities to remain in the blood, causing a slowing up of the system. Assist the 'kidneys with Dodd's Kid- ney ,Pills. Heaves, the ailment common in horses, is frequently caused by re- peated gorging, with food or water, or both. Dusty grain or hay also predisposes to this trouble. 1{,a 4'1f• iIii'n44' Exports to U. S. Jump. A tremendous increase in the ex- port of farm products to the United States was noted for the year ending January 31, 1933, as 'against the pre- vious 12 -month period, according to a recent statement by Hon. T. L. Kennedy, ' Minister of 'Agriculture. Citing some of the Canadian items which mounted in export trade, Col. Kennedy referred to canned fruits, tobacco leaf. honey, cheese, condens- ed milk, and canned meats. In the last-named item the increase- was 2.443 per cennt., their being 15,388 pours exported in 1931, and 39.11354 pounds in 1932. Toibacco leaf exportation grew from, 6;839,000 pounds in 1931 to 13=969,- 000 in 1932;; 'cheese (70 per cent.'Oii- tario), from 804,7780 hun'dred'weight to 831,638; canned fruits (80 per cent. Ontario), 5,412,000 pounds to 10 442,000 pounds; hopley (80 per cent. Ontario), 1,864,000 pounds to 2,256,000: and condensed milk, 84,062 pounds to 171,000 pounds. ,�9. 111i11io�a Deposit.Accounts Devote Confide,we . At its offices throughout Canada the Bank of Montreal has over one million deposit accounts. The depositors, Canadian individuals and Canadian business firms, represent every -class of the community in city and country alike—from persons of large means to children starting their life's savings, from industrial corporations of international scope to farmers and small tradesmen. Go&1.faith, good will and good banking practice on the part of those directing the Bank grow naturally out of the sense of responsibility imposed by this ex- pression of nation-wide confidence. HEAD OFFICE • MONTREAL BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 "A BANK ''HERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME" Clinton Branch: H. R. 'SHARP, Manger Hensall Branch: L. R. COLES, Manager Brumfield (Sub -Agency): Open Tuesday and Friday 4 r lit•.ta, .- .-: 'r, �.,dn,o•n .." (1'.4 Il '4 it AY ARE NOW CONCLUDE� Miss Britton's . Essay in Lions Competition and Miss pevereaux's Essay in Alumni Competition Are Published. 1): l (u• "nt"'?111e,. Lions competition—Miss Britton s Essay. If d were a 'Lion I would like 'my Club to unite with al) other Lions Clubs in working under the motto, " Make; Our Country a Land to Love." Though this' is""•a tremendous under- taking, I believe that a conscientious clulb such as the Lions maintain, could take a great part in promoting world brotherhood for what is more desirable in these distressing tilmes than that? In my estimation, there is nothing. The character of a nation is, in fact, the character of its individuals and the youth of to -day will be the men and women of to-mlorrow. Con- sequently why not train the youth? To be strong and healthy in mind and body, they must refrain from taking all alcoholic beverages and narcotics. The Lions, knowing the evil effects of alcohol, would have a great influence in preventing the government from making the sale of liquor in the community possible, These two enemies of mankind not only affect the physical but, also the tnsental, side of a person who, when thus deranged, is far below normal and cannot •possibly be giving his best to either himself or his country. (Greater interest' in the finer arta could be cultivated in rural districts. Music especially would. exert a refin- ing influence and an in'ter'est which would occupy many idle moments. If a Glee Club were organized, people who otherwise could notafford to develop their musical talent, would have a splendid opportunity to do so. In promoting interest in fine arts we also find that a very splendid way to train boys and girls into manhood, and womanhood is through the med- ium of the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides organizations.. Organized and Maintained Iby the Lions Club, a live- lier national, spirit would be aroused in the young people of the commun- ity.' In this, district there is no technical school to give boys andgirls who cannot afford to live in the city, an equal chance with those who do. Many who are not adapted for study can earn a living with a technical education. To obtain a school in this district would be a splendid aim. Though much has been done in re- cent years to fight tuberculosis, this dread disease can scarcely be sup- pressed as many children grow to maturity with tuberculosis gernns in their system. The only way to de- tect it is through T. B. tests which could be executed in the public schools. Those 'wino could not bear their own expenses could he under the Lions supervision. It is a regretted fact that the Eng- lish in the high schools of the prov- ince is not of such a high standard as it should be. Competition would .be, a splendid 'factor for encouraging a better knowledge of this beautiful language. I would suggest that a scholarship, though small, he offered to the Lower, Middle and Upper Schools respectively.' Thus everyone would feel more capable of competing with those in his own class and a higher grade of proficiency would be attained. In concluding :I would also suggest to each Lion that he feel a greater responsibility to his country and to God for his every action since un- consciously he is an example to the youth of the community. TORE These are the two things The Huron Expositor is famous for. All the local events of the week are told in concise fashion, the little and big neighborly things this community is interested in and wants to read about. • Because of its local news, the local merchants want to add their bit by- telling of new and seasonable goods on hand, as well as the old every -day staples. • To get all the local news, everyone in this locality must read The Huron Expositor, of whatever char- acter the news may be. Because almost everyone reads The Huron Expositor is the reason for so much local Store News attractively displayed in its columns. THE HURON EXPOSITOR • Read and Advertised in by Seaforth's Local People and Merchants • for the physical training -classes, might also be arranged. The library, too,'has often• a vac- ant corner that could be filled with some interesting books or supple- mentary reading. In order to- buy these, they mdght hold an occasional open meeting of the Literary Society, having members of the Alumni assist- ing students and charging a small fee. Another suggestion is that. in or: der to create an interest in our Canadian literature, they have some of our outstanding writers such as Wilson Macdonald, come and address the students and members of the Alumni. Lectures on the different arts and sciences might 'be accom- panied by slides with pictures, help- ing to impress the.facts on the minds of all present. One of the most neglected and still the most delightful of )Ill the arts is music. Could the Alumni not try in some way to have a music instructor who would teach the rudiments Q'f, music and have the students sing part songs at their meetings? A very commendable way of show- inginterest in the work of the school is the founding of scholarships. These are lasting evidences of the interest taken by the Alumni, and if once established are surely most desir- able. Members of the Alumni and the students might arrange enter- tainments such as a lecture, a play, etc., using the funds realized for this most praiseworthy abject. .. Again, ex -students are often very proficient' in athletics and they could co-operate with the pupils in their field day sports. Prizes for the dif- ferent events could he given and thus a feeling of friendship and kindly interest would be aroused. Finally, I think a most admirable way for a member of the Alumni to help out the student's would be, if he or she were blessed' with wealth and could spare something for the dear old Alma Mater, to m.adke a very lib- eral donation towards any one of the different worthy causes, which I (have tried to set forth in this essay. • Alumni Competition—Miss 1)eveteux's Essay. In introducing the subject as to how the S. C. I. Alumni may co-op- erate with the students, let me first explain the meaning of the word "co- ci:erate." It is derived from the pre- fix "co," meaning "together," and "opus" meaning "work," thus mean- ing "Work together," which is surely very necessary to attain the best re- sults in any undertaking. Co-opera- tion, in the work of the c immunity, is of the greatest importance. With- outthe co-operation of the people with the rulers or governors of . •- a municipality', there would be'' great disdord. In ,schools, pupils co-operate with parents and teachers; teachers with .trustees; school boards with city, town or' county councils, and so on in every walk of life, each one depends on the other and there is no harmony where co-operation is ,lack- ing. lack- in The Alumni 'might co-operate with the students, first 'by shoving a sym- pathetic interest in the progress of the Collegiate and in the work of the pupils themselves. A kindly word of encouragement from those who have experienced the trials and disappoint- ments of • school life, to those pupils who are going through this stage at the present time, would do much to- wards assisting a discouraged scholar and would be a stimulus to further efforts. - A more practical way in which the Ailumni might Co-operate with the students would be to start a cam- paign for the erection of a new audi- torium and gymnasium building, to replace the present one, which is surely out of date. As we all know, the school life of the pupils is riot merely the study of subjects on the curriculum. Relaxation is necessary and as our' Collegiate is privileged in having a principal and staff Who al- low and assist their pupils in holding literary society meetings and weekly assembly for general singing and -the reading of important announcements pertaining to school work, I would silggest that asuitable auditorium WO stage, piano. etc„ he provided. 7n—connection with all this, a gym- nasium with the necessary equipment 1 a• , �dl.4r1.'t.',r.,ty fi a�3,x.. Mal vnat+tdd>, 19th rti'z ,g,485 they did in the truest sense of the word, and the result is the. Homestead Co-operative Ch'ee'se factory, opened not long ago. It was -built with the patrons' own hands' at a big saving and in splendid manner. A number of old-fashioned "bees" helped out the personal labor that 'was being carried on by the directors and others from among the patrons. Tho. factory has the cellar curing system, and is modern in every way, and generous in its size. It will have an output of about 150' tons per season. 'Although held back in some dist tr-icts by wet, cold weather. spring farm work has become "general throughout Ontario. In many coun- ties cultivating 'has'been general and in some cases spring wheat and oats sown. The reports indicate that fall wheat is looking d':dcidedly goad and that clovers, alfalfa and timothy have came through the winter in fairly good condition'. FARM NOTES Patrons Build Factory. Dissatisfied with the returns which their neariby markets were returning them for their milk, descendants of the Scottish pioneers of East Nissauri township in Oxford County, Ontario; ,decided to build a real co-operative cheese factory for themselves. This Vancouver Man Hid Almost Lost Hope Vancouver, B. C.—J. Waugh, 3270 49th Ave., W., recently said: "After six years suffering with stomach dis- orders and other trouble, 'I almost gave up hope of ever being well again. Sargon and Saron Pills over- came every aliment I had and I feel like a "brand new man. I'll always he grateful to this remarkable treat- ment for the way it brought back my health, strength ,and energy." (Hour Firm Name Here) C. ABERHA,RIr �itic'r•N, Honey Market Improved. • Two cents increase a pound in the price of honey since last fall, and an improved market outlook has placed the honey industry in the best ,posi- tion in which it has been for a num- ber of years, according to Professor F. Eric Millen, of the O,A.C. Honey has received- preference on the British market, and this combin- ed with other factors, has helped the export trade in light honey consider- ahl y. The Ontario Honey Export Expor- tation announces it has shipped to date soml:y 675,000 pounds of honey to Great Britain and the Gontin•en'tal market. The quantity is made up as follows: 450.000 pounds of white and golden honey; 20,000 pounds of light amber; 6 000 pounds of comb honey, and 200,000 pounds of buckwheat. Various processes have been adopt- ed to give' hope,- in different forms to suit the markets.. Prof. Millen advocates selling as soon as possible after extraction so that the best flav- or may be preserved. different dairy associations in the province have offered quite lidberal. prizes for the 'past two on three years. "The Central Ontario Cheesemak- ers' Association have led, the way in this good work. In their 1932 competition for the largest produc- tion of fat per acre among cheese factory patrons in Central Ontario they offered $460 in cash, a silver shield and other special prizes. The winner of. the sweepstakes prize in 1931 was Mr. H. Arnold of Campbell - ford, with 37.94 pounds of fat per acre on a 65 -acre farm. He was again the winner of the sweepstakes prize in 1932 with 45.02 pounds -74f fat per acre, an increase of 7.08 pounds. . Had we more patrons of this type there would be less trouble paying taxes. ' "Just multiply that increase ' by 25;000 (thele numlber of cheese factory- patrons actorypatrons in Ontario) and then multi- ply the result by 20 cents per pound of fat, and there would have been $35,400 extra money in the pockets of the cheese factory patrons in 1932." Better Cows and Higher Milk Pro- duction Needed. "We do not need more cows in Ontario—we need Fetter cows," de- clared George H. Barr, director, Dairy Branch, of the Departm'entt. "Without doubt," he continued, "one of the 'greatest opportunities in the dairy industry to increase profits en a dairy fatm is to increase the production of the individual cow." "We have information which is re- liable that in some of our so-called dairy districts or counties, the pro- dutction 'af milk per cow for six months is less than 3;.000 pounds, and less than 80 pounds of butter fat. Estimating the fat at 22 cents per pound, the revenue is $17.60. just how can there be any profit in keeping . such a cow?" • "In the same neighborhood there are hierdls which average 6,000 pounds of milk and over 200 pounds of fat per cow for the same period. Fat at the sanse price gives a rev- enue of $40.00 per cow. '°°In order to erttooumage an in- crease in the production of milk and fat on Ontario dairy farms the .. dj nuaami�'x�Nldxlud.a�i REPORT OF HOG, d 'SHIPMENTS The following is the report of hog shipments for month ending March 31, 1933: Exeter—Total bogs, t6' elect bac- on, 29; bacon, 40; 'butchers, 6. Hensall—Total hogs, 310; select bacon, 119; bacon, 154; butchers, 27; heavies, 3; lights and feeders, 5. Walton—Total hogs, 287; select hacgn. 54; bacon, 184; butchers, 28; lights and feeders, 6. Sea.forth. Total hogs, 188; select bacon, 60; bacon, 108; butchers, 20. . Huron CO. Locals•-Tottl hogs, 2;= 710; select bacon, 693; bacon, 1,829; butchers, 110; heavies, 28; lights and feeders, 21. ' Huron Co.—Totalr hogs, 6,629; s'e'lect bacon, 1,789; bacon, 4,096; but- chers, 494; heavies, 44; extra heav- ies, 2; lights and feeders, 111. Acids In Stomach Cause Indigestion Create Sourness, Gas and Pain. How to Treat. Medical authorities state that nearly nine -tenths of the cases of stomach trouble, indigestion, sour- ness, burning, gas, bloating, naugea, etc., are due to an excess of hydro- chloric acid in the stomach. The delicate stomach lining is Irritated, digestion is delayed and food sours. causing the disagreeable symptoms which every•stoanach sufferer knows so well, Artificial digestants are not need- ed in such cases and may do real harm. Try, laying aside all digestive aids end instead get, from any drug- gist some Btsurated Magnesia and take a teaspoonful in water right after eating. This sweetens the stomach, prevents the formation of, excess acid and there is no sourness, gas or pain, .Illsurated Ma.gnesta (in powder form --never Mould or milk) is .harmless, inexpensive, q,11d Is a fine remedy for acid stomach. It is used by thousands of people who enjoy their meals With no tear of'Inggestion. Yh, zl, is