HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-05-12, Page 2ii t. FhNgia-ic; fool aBloo +oaat)iber 14, 1932, a pale, .girl walked into a physician's and had her blood tested. Mew reason for her condition was t!tb onceevident. The haemoglobin canitent' of her !blood was only 68 per cent. Red corpnlscle count only 4,640,000. She just had to be 'pale. And her weight was but 91'/a pounds. The physician, who knew ' the formula of •the remedy, told her to ' take two of Dr. Williarri.s' Pink Pills after each meal' and to coma back a month for another test. She followed instructions and 'took no other medicine. 1On December 14 her blood show- ed 88 per cent. h lemoglobin and or cutting Sown the boughs. sof alivet au.. fig, and wall Milt,, .�to soatlter them 1tefore Hum. Then, in a great burst of ent(luusiasan, is heard the shout, ''it1'iosanna. to the Son of David! Bless- ed is the Igoe df Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest' And the Pharisees felt that they were powerless to stay the flood of enthusiasm. "The actual procession iwould not proceed farther than Mount Moriah beyond wlhich they might not advance in travelling array or with dusty feet: Before they reached the 'Shushan gate of the temple they dispersed, and Jesus elrtered. "As he looked round on all things, His heart was again moved within Him to strong indignation. The Court of the iGentiles had been ,ilsurp- ed; as he had found it three years previously, by droves of oxen and sheep, and doveseller•s and usurers; and 'there were heard 'bargaining voices and the clink of gold. Once more, in imungled sorrow and anger, Jesus drove them forth, while none dared to resist His burning zeal; nor would He allow the inclosure to be used as a thoroughfare. , No consid- erations of their' business or conven- ience could make it tolerable .that they should turn His F'ather's house, which was a house of prayer for all nations, into a place most like a foul cave where brigands wrangled over their ill-gotten spoils. - Not till He had reduced bhe temple to decency and silence could He be- gin His customary Ministrations. The chief priests and scribes, and Pharisees, saw His acts and felt His power but gnashed their teeth over their inability to interfere. They de- spised and wondered and so the hours of that meliorable day passed by." 5,024,000 red corpuscles. Her weight was 100% poundts, a gain of nine pounds in thirty 'days! tShe had gained color and attractiveness. The doctor noticed for the first time ,that she was positively pretty. Blood tests scientifically prove - the real value of a (blood-lbuilding remedy. If you are anaemic, pale and underweight; if you. lack am- bition and energy, get a box of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from your druggist and begin the treatment today. Revitalize your blood stream and build up new .resources of strength and vigor. You are tak- ing no chances, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are clinically tested. SUNDAY AFTERNOON phet of Galilee was looked forward to with intense curiosity and interest. (By Isabel Hamilton, Goderich, Ont.) Thus it was that a 'very great .multi- tude was was to receive and wel- Ride on, ride on in majesty! oosmie the. Deliverer who had raised the dead. Hark! ,all the tribes "Hosanna" cry, O gaviour meek, pursue Thy road, With palms and scattered garments strewed. Eide on, ride on in majesty! In lowly pomp ride on to die; 0 Christ, Thy triumphs now begin O'er captive' death and conquered sin. H. H. Milman. a colt with her; these .they were to PRAYER loose and 'bring to Him, and if any objection arose on the part of the Our 'Master, and our ..Lord, ,we owner, it would at once be silenced would hail Thee as king of our lives! by telling him that 'the Lord had Help us to serve Thee worthily, need of them.'. Everything happened teach us to live in such a way as to as He -had said. They led thein to fulfil Thy purposes. Amen., Jesus and cast their garments on the (Selected). colt; and He sat upon him. He rode not upon a warhorse, but on an an- imal that was a symbol of peace. The haughty, Gentiles had they witnessed the humble procession, would have utterly derided it, as indeed they. did deride the record of it; but the apos- tles recalled in after days that it ful- filled the :prophecy of Zeehar•iah:— 'Rejoice greatly, 0 daughter of Zion; shout, 0 daughter of Jerusalem.; be- hold thy King cometh into thee; He is meek, and having salvation; lowly and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.' No sooner had He started than the multitude spread out their upper garments to and the expected arrival of the Pro- tapestry His path, and kept tearing "He started on foot. Passing from under the palm trees of Bethany, they approached the fig -garden of Bethpage. To this village, or some other hamlet, which lay near it, Jesus dispatched two of His disciples probably Peter and John; Jesus told them that when they got to the vil- lage they should find an ass tied and S. S. LESSON FOR MAY 14, 1933 Lesson Topic—Jesus Asserts His Kingship.. Lesson Passage -Mark 11:1-10, 15- 18. Golden Text—Zechariah 9:9. We read in Farrar's life of Christ that "theme seems to have been a general impression for some time be- forehand that, in spite of all which bad recently happened, Jesus would still be present at the Paschal Feast. The probability of all this had incee- s+antly been debated among the people WORLD MISSIONS t'A7c r are aMieal lkrq.: zeal, Quebec, . Pl, CourlYule, 168Q!>o_.Hubert Street. recently said: "1 oafMired so for ten years with stoma 1 trouble 1 eaten said 1'd give everyflrfli}g 1 had to eat a square meal 'without the agony that was sure to follow every meal. Since tak- ing Sargon I enjoy hearty meals without a sign of stomach trouble. sleep fine now and get up morn- ings with strength and energy to start the day right. Sargon Pills rid nee of constipation completely." (Your Firm Name Here) C. ABERHART ing soon to coarse beck to the United States and live her own life as if she had not been, a .Scudder. 'Surely she had the right so to do. IBufb one day, as Ida ,Scudder sat in her father's house, he being away on a tour, a Hindu 'gentlemen of high rank' came, !begging het• to came to his young wife, who was in urgent need of surgical aid. The girl ex- plained to the Hindu -gentleman that she was not a physician, as he seem - '.ed to imagine, but that if her father, Dr. Scudder, should return in time she would send him. Then the .man made It 'clear to her that it would be impossible for his wife to be treat• ed by a man, she being of high caste. With this he turned away sorrowful. Ida ISicudderb heart burned within her as she felt her helplessness. Later in the day came another, a low caste man, ,begging .the girl in the name .of all the gods to come to his poon house to save his wife, who was in mortal need. , Again she could only refuse. •That night from the .aristoJ ratic Brahman quarter at one side of the town and from bhe _out -caste hut at the other carne the wailing for the dead. The bodies of two yoti'ng wives and two new-born babies were car- ried to the burning ground. -'Ida Scudder knew that night what lay. before her. Stronger than lier oWfia''tvill was the .will of God thus made known to her. She returned to the • United -States, entered Cornell Medical School, and soon afterwards began her ,life -work in the new Wo- man's 'Hospital in Vellore, built large- ly from funds which she herself had collected.—Front.. Missionary Ammun- ition. The Call of (chi Scudder to Her Work For the Women of 'India. The Medical College for Women at Vellore and Ida Scudder, grand- daughter of John Scudder, are one and'indivisiible. At the centre of the Arcot !Mission; in 189a, medical work for women was begun by Dr. Louisa H. Hart.. At her instance was in- itiated a movement fer a sleuth need- ed separate hospital for women and children. •And now we meet one of the third ion 'of -the Scudder family, a personality of rare grace and distinction.—.Dr. Ida Scudder. When Ida Scudder entered North- field Seminary, she had no intention of following in the inherited Scudder line of activity. Indeed, she had de- cided not to be a 'missionary, the question naturally confronting one with her.grandfather's blood in her veins. Thus minded, she returned to India, on ' a visit to her father and mother in.. the Arcot 'Mission, purpos- MORE THAN ANY OTHER TIRE GiVES FOR THE SAME PRICE Tire prices are low these days. It's a good time to buy the tires you need. And the best tire to buy is The.ROADCRAF —the lower-priced tire made by Gutta Percha & Rubber, Limited. The ROADCRAFT is a. sturdy tire that 1. Is lower-priced. ,2. Has a stronger, safer con- struction than ordinary tires. 3. Is' sold with the new 12 months guarantee. 4 Gives yoft more than any other tire offered for the same price. Study the illustrations that show you the stronger, safer, value -giving construction of the ROADCRAFT TIRE—the result of 50 years of experience in making quality' rubber products.. Ask a Gutta Percha dealer to tell you about the ROADCRAFT TIRE —the best value in lower-priced 'Ores your money can buy. GUTTA I'ERCIIA & RL'I3I5ER, LIMITED Head Office: Toronto Branches from Coast to Coast GOLDEN JUBILEE 50 years ago, in 1883, this Company commenced the manufacture of ,rubber goods in Toronto. Today, the quality of its products is known all over the world, and it has grown to be the largest all -Canadian rubber company. The factory, shown below,' employs 1,500 people, and covers an. area of 11 acres. ti •GUM CUSHIONS • 'An Extra Value ROADCRAFT Tires have cushions of pure gum rub- ber moulded in between the plies of cord fabric, making a "hearing" that reduces friction and wear at these points, as effectively as ball bearings do 'in machinery. ROADCRAFT Tires have extra width of tread which gives extra traction and extra pro- tection from skidding. 61)114 FEI{I4 ULES 64/11$ 60301100610• INE LA*GE$T ALL -CANADIAN RUBBER COMPANY (FOUNDED 50 VICARS AGO 1N .1683 atrees horde of orango-putangs quietly sur- rounded• the village and tookit by storm. Several 'natives were killed; women carried away and children' trodden to death.. He himself • had lost wife and children. The leader of the gang was seen throwing three bodies into the flames of a gigantic stake. The :Few survivors had fled into the jungle forest infested with other killers. `• His listeners looked at each other. Here was the explanation of the strange encounter with the apes. - A (battalion of soldiers had to be sent to Ouassi Bagou to drive the apes out. It 'was not an easy task and' many soldiers were wounded. The commanding officer would not be- lieve his eyes when he saw the scene of destruction. For 'many months after, the puni- tive expedition of the orange formed the topic of conversation from Bam- ako to Timbuktu. And it turned out that shortly before it happened, two orange had penetrated into a corn- field belonging to the village and de- mastated it. They were tracked but escaped leaving behind a trail of blood. 'Beware of a wounded orang-out- ang! The two creatures must have re- lated their adventure to the leader of their gang, who ordered venge- ance. - Jt Revenge Of the Apes • • NURSE LOSES 7 LBS. r "I weighed 145 lbs:," writes a nurse, "when I bought the bottle of Krusehen'Salts which I have just finished. I have taken a •good half - teaspoonful in • a glass of hot water every morning. Now I weigh 131; ibis., a loss of 7 lbs. am very glad to have lost weight, especially with- out trou!ble."-1M. H. R. (Trained Nurse). Unlike most salts, Kruschen isn't simply a laxative. When you take Kruschen Salts you not only stimu= late your liver and kidneys to func- tion naturally and perfectly, but you suplply every internal organ, gland, nerve and fibre in the body with Na- ture's own revitalizing and rejuven- ating minerals. IGet a bottle of Kruschen Salts to- day,. and take one-half a teaspoon in et gg as`s T hitt water e'aery. morning before 'breakfast. Before the bottle is empty you'll feel years younger—eyes •wili•'bright- en—step grow • sprightlier—nerves steadier— yotf'll ;sleep sound, enjoy your meals, and after a hard day's work you'll be ready for wholesale recreation—one million women al- ready know all this. I _ In his residence near Sidi Bon' Said 'amidst a setting of luxuriant palm and olive groves covering the gentle slopes of the .Marsa hills, Monsignor' Lerniaitre, Archbishop of Carthage and Primate of Africa, was telling me his experiences 'and adventures of the early days of his African 'career. For Monsignor. Lenraitre .was oiie of the pioneers of automobile traffic in French West -Africa. - For two hours he held me spell- bound. But none of his adventures struck my imagination as did the in- cident which I am faithfully trans- cribing below, and which happened to the Archbishop himself, who had as eye witness the Vicar General. 'They were trudging along the trails of those regions in one of the first 'motorcars that 'had elver ven- tured into .the interior of Africa. They were proceeding very slowly for there were no proper roads and several times a day they were -obliged to pet out and open a passage for the car through the clusters of trees and., bushes and rampant growths that were barring .the narrow trail It was during -those moments, when the motor was silent, that the strange noises and llnysteries of the forest jungle - and its rich animal life re- vealed themselves to their ears. ' They were approaching Ouassi Bagou, when suddenly they. saw a horde of gigantic, man -like apes with red shaggy fur, advancing upon them. It, was a, regular column of armed giants in military formatiorff 'The two men looked at each other and hold their breath: "The Orang- outangs!" There must have been, sixty or more of them. Agile and gigantic, they were walking upright on their hind legs, Carrying in their arms en- ormous logs, pieces of rock and what looked like bones 'of big animals. At the head, imlarched their chief, a gig- antic ape the size of a guardsman. They stopped, for their primitive .brains evidently failed to grasp the meaning of the strange object that they had never before seen: A hoarse growl seemed to shake the horde. It lasted one second and the column 're- started its march, making room for the car to pass. The automobile was advancing very cautiously; The men dared neither move nor break the silence. It was a fantastic vision, a never to be for- gotten nightmare: flashing eyes, bru- tal and savage, but intelligent; long hairy arms made for strangling and killing; foreheads of thinkers- gone brutal with opium. The terrible crea- tures seemed oppressed by the bur- den .of -.-sone- Indomitable will than made them, advance, crushing cs'ery- thing on their way. Clinging to, the wheel, his eyes riv- eted on the road, the ,driver dared look neither to the right nor left. Touching one of the 'beasts would have been a matter of life and death. Finally, after what seemed an eter- nity to the two men, the ordeal was over. The apes never uttered a sound• nor made any move in the di- rection of the car. .As it passed the leader, he made a terrible grimace— of hatred or contempt. But he did not touch the_ men who avoided his look. After they passed the last ape they took one-swift...glance .batik.. The apes were again Inilarching in a closed col- umn. (Several day>!s later ethey reached their destination and were received with great joy, for fears had' been entertained as to .their safety. They told their strange adventure to the officers , of the . little garrison who commented upon bhe unusual inteli- gen:ce 'and organizing abilities of certain species of apes, when sudden- ly a 'black messenger arrived. The man was in a terrible con r - tion,. utterly exhausted and coveril with dttdt Ti'his 'eyes was terror. He told •his story. Several days ago weird tfihlttgs had, happened in the village e.f Ouassi Bag'ou, One night • While listening to a radio lecture on good cooking, the mis'sus let the biscuits burn to a orisp._Atchisori (Kan.) Globe. „ • ' is .The Ethics' of Gun -Running Zaharoff, in his early days as the Nordienfel'dt agent, sold Greece the first practical submarine, and then crossed over and told the Turkish Government what he had done and collected. an order for two. A British firm sold the Boers th'e porn -Tom guns they 'stiibsequently used against the A'hhsh, and the Turks the Shells sub- uently used to blast British a sand zac soldiers off Cape Helles. and Anzac Cove. There was the Shearer scandal involving Aimerican Warship builders, and the (Swedish airforce scandal exposed iby a government commission last yeal• (bribery of the chief of staff by a foreign •firm). Schneider-Creusot has (been arming anti -French 'Bulgaria and. Hungary, and the directors of Skoda, Schneider controlled, supported the electoral campaign of anti -French Hitler. Fin- ally, Japanese armament firms sold China loads of the war miaterial she needed to resist the subsequent Jap- anese 'onslaught (37 per cent. of all China's immense purchases in 1930). Such curious incidents are insepar- able from the existence of an inter- national trade which treats arms and munitions of war as simple commodi- ties like soap or candles, whose mer- its must be tried against those of competing •brands, and for which the largest posisi•ble market . must be found, if the directors and staff wish to keep their jobs and if the share- holders (eight bishops on the list of the pre-war Vickers firm) wish to profit from tlteir investment. Just now they are profiting. tor husi•ness is excellent The Mitsui works in Japan; the mighty Vickers - Armstrong combine, with„its factor- ies in Britain, Ireland. Rumania, Spain, New Zealand, 'Holland, . its Japanese steel plant link with Mit- sui, its tie-ups with Foklcers and the great .Polish arsenal, the Societe Polonaise de Materiel de Guerre ; the - Krupp -controlled Bofors ordnance plant in Sweden; the S'chneider- Creusot ring, the vast. French arsenal end -the giant Skoda organization, Schneider -controlled, and with fac- tories all over Cz•echoslo'vakia and in Rumania and Poland, and selling its wares 'as far east as Persia,andChina and as far west as Mexicand Argentina; half -a -dozen huge arm- ament manufacturing plants in the United States; the Diderius factories, whose offices are hard by the Palace of Peace at The Hague; from all these, and many more, war -material has been, and still is, pairing nut in a broad stream. China and Japan gave immense orders. abroad (Japan one in January for over £2,000.900 of stuff from the French arms indus- try). Trak bought anrne for her new .national force. Persia bought ma- chine guns and airplanes in America and aero -engines in England. In F,ur- ope, last year, Jugoslavia spent £10,- 000,000, Czechoslovakia 112,000,000, Rumania $13,000,000, and Poland £20,- 000,000. The Schneider -Skoda ring got almost all the orders from these four States, which have ' standing army strengths totalling, for the four of them',around 800,00(1 men, and an -aggregate war strength of well on toward 5,000;000. They stack a total of 6,000,000 rifles and 120,000 machine tguns, and all the etceteras which go therewith. Serve for the ChiIdren's Supper You couldn't give them anything they'll like better than Kellogg's Corn Flakes with milk or cream and fruit. So good for children too. Rich in energy. Easy to digest. The kind of food that invites restful sleep. Oven -fresh in sealed inside WAXTITE bag. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. CORN FLAKES 1.ruaoavmp[cr rr small, desire the total suppression of this vast international business. •This has been made clear in discussions at Geneva and ,pronouncements else= where. A League commission ir. 1928 did seek to stop a possible leak or two by suggesting that certain in- formation should be supplied in re- gard to licenses granted firms • to manufacture war material. But some small nations buying abroad did not like the idea of the world !knowing where, how, or what they were pur- chasing; and the delegate for Britain put the attitude of the big producers in a nut -shell when he said that his government, had not the information• required, the manufacturers them- selves would refuse to furnish it, d'nd few governments would ' have the .courage to introduce legislation to compel them to do so. • The big states prefer to let the private armament business alone, each confident in the patriotism- of its own group, and each concentrat- ing on making things hot for anyone who tries to run stuff anywhere in the territory they .are interested in. You cannot buy a load of arms in .Faris for a destination known to be within the French -mandated terri- tory of. Syria, but there is .no dif- ficulty about, arranging shipments for Chinn or Pesus. Italy keeps a strict ••swat'ch on her home and Afri- can seaboards. America watches the Philippines like a lynx. It is next to impossible to run • arm's into Korea. The British secret service sees that;• nothing starts for any troublesome part of the empire, particularly India and that if it does start it fails to arrive. •-• The truth is, of course, that nei- thet'r the big producers of war mate- rlal, nor the i'consImlers great ;and The British still retain the biggest share of the export trade (about a anal of the world totait; and have always been -noted for their impart- iality; as when English armament firms sold to Russia for her war with Japan, although Britain for reasons of high policy wanted Japan to win; and, more recently, when the British Vickers -Armstrong Combine adver- tised the merits of its 'tan'ks and field guns in Germ:an journals, al- though British foreign ,policy is pro - French. (and tanks anyway are for- bidden to 'Gesimany under the Ver- sailles' treaty). Britain's principal clients, apart front. her dominions and colonies (who took half the.striff); in the last year 'covered' by official sta- tistics, were Japan, Greece, Holland, Spain, 'Bolivia and Chile. ' It is jest possible that Out of this general situation there may emerge in due course an international agree- ment 'which will at least tighten up the international 'traffic in arms and munitions •of war. "It would be better if one could hope for a.womld agree- ment to stop the international traffic entirely. But it seems that under% present world conditions this would be to, strain after an impossible ideal. . Nevertheless, unless the international trade is stopped, or at least regulat- ed by international authority, and in ani case forced out into the open, with full details of all transactions between arms suppliers and buyers, civilization will remain in the extra- ordinary position of trying to cure itself .of the war disease while indus- triously injecting the most virulent ger-ma of the • disease, into its own veins. , For 30 cents you can telephone about , 100 miles by making an "any- one” call (station - to -station) after 8.30 p.m. See list, of rates in front of directory. "Why no, we're never lonesome' "You must be lonely these days," Joe Hanley suggested, "now that young Jim has left home." "Why, not at all," replied Old Jim, pointing to the telephone with a smile. "We talk with the lad on Long Distance every Week. And it's almost as good as seeing him." "Isn't it expensive?" "Why no, station-to-stationnight rates make it . about 25 cents." Let Long Distance keep you in touch with friends and relations. It is quick, clear, dependable and the cost is trifling. tiimH—ce, 9 .isseesimmerMININV 1rr issex»ela.a1tve 11t+l;fij'i 5 r 4- s • s• s' •r