HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-04-28, Page 81 e�} ire ,rte r*' 4 ;e} fly ' i1 TOES' VH'181z4 ' D BH COBBLER 1'r 7:11: rA15c •t1,r 'SUTTER at 20c ika W iCM,EESE Ink hound P+UTHICE'i.S SAUCE a bottle SALT (HERRING at pea dozen DE LUXE JELLY POWDER +6 for HORN'S 'GELATINE • iz boxes CORN 'STARCH 3 'pounds for 1VIACARONI 5 pounds for 15c 15c 1 25c 25c 25c 25c 'CHOCOLATE MA.RSHALLOW qR,. CAKES -2 pounds for !lAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES GCC • 5 -pound bo•x J�1 C.tLADIOLAJ3UL•3.S, assorted corners;. dozen . 20c Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples and Feathers taken as cash. We pay is a dozen extra trade for eggs. Cream taken for the Seaforth Cream- ery at the same price paid at the Creamery. Hutchison's PHONE 166 Automobile. Season is now here Are you insuredagainst hazards of the roads? • Automobile rates• have kept pace with the times. New low rates under special merit plan. Rates gladly quoted. Best Canadian Companies. Watson & Reid Phone 214-J : Seaforth Specialists in All Lines of Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 '0 S. T. Holmes & Son 0 O FUNERAL SERVICE O. Main Street, Seaforth O 0 S. T. Holmes' residence, O , 0 Goderich ,Street, West; phone 0 O No. 119W. Charles Holmes' O O residence,- Goderich Street, 0 0 East; phone No. 3178. 0 O Night calls, phone 308. 0 0 Ray ' calls, ; phone 119 J. 0 O Charges moderate. O O 0 .0 0 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 H. C. BOX 0 0 Funeral Director and 0 O Licensed Embalmer 0 0 • Best Motor and Horse -dawn O O equipment. 0 O Charges moderate. O 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 O notice. O 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 O Phone 175 Phone 43 O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 O. O O O ° WALKER'S 0 O FUNERAL SERVICE 0 0 W. J. WALKER and 6 JOHN R. WALKER, Jr. O 0 Licensed Embalmers and 0. O Funeral Directors. O 0 Day or Night Calls promptly 0 O attended, 0 O PHONE 67 0 O 0000,000000 TH:E McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Geo. R. McCartney, Seaforth - Pres, James Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres. Merton A. Reid, Seaforth - Sec.-Treas. AGENTS: W. E. Hlnehley, Seaforth ; John Murray, R. R. 8, Seaforth; E. R. G. Jarniouth, Brodhagela; James Watt, Myth; C. F. Hewitt, Kincardine. DIRECTORS: William Knox, Lo'ncitesboro; George Leonhart, • Bl'odhngesn; James Con- Goderich; Alex. Broedfoot, No. ''Seaforth- Robert Ferris, Blyth ; George McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth; John Peippea, Brruceflel1d; James Shot - Mae, Walton; Thomas -Moylan, No. 5, Seaforth. 0-00 0000000 0 0 W. J. CLEARY 0 0 Licensed Embalmer and 0 O Funeral Director C► O 117pp-iio-delte acme and 'Motor Egrt'itpntent. O 0 • "Night and Day ISery e. O '0 PhOrde 1 2, D'ablim 4 itt40 00000'400 0 ?iIM t r , y 11~.. rPt *�ht, i .3 ION 1 (, j .•i N !�N.F'Y Spring Tonic .Needed —GET PFQNAr- Coughs, colds, grippe and, fev- er leave the body weak, run- down—an. easy prey to other ills. Get Peptone. It enrich- es, the blood end aids rebuild- ing of nerve tissue and muscle: And it increases the appetite and aides di'gestion- 'Many praise it for new strength and energy. Peptone is sold only at the Rexall store. '20-02. BOTTLE FOR $1.00 Get a Bottle of peptone To -day —AT— Keating's Pharmacy The Rexall Drug Store PHONE 28 SEAFORTH (Gut Flowers, Wreaths and Floral Pieces supplied for all occasions. NEWS OF THE TOWN OONMEI Wood -Pinkney: Mrs. John Pinkney announces the marriage of her young- est daughter, Mabel R., to Jas. Woods of Buffalo, N.Y., on April 17th. Stuccoing House.—Mx. J. B. Tyes•- mann is having his house 'on Sparrl- ing Street stuccoed this week. The work is being done by an Alsia Craig firma Recovering Rgof.—The roof of the C. N. R. freight shed is being recov- ered this week, The• work is being done by railway employees, who are living in a car on one of the sidings. Breaks Leg. Thursday, April 13th, was an unlucky day for Master Burt Reid, son of •Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Reid, of Stratford. The young lad was roller skating in front of his home and fell, breaking his leg. Will Meet in Mitchell.—Represen- tatives itchell—Represen- tatives of the Oxford Group from Toronto 1,011 hold meetings in the United Church, Mitchell, on Saturday and Sunday of this week."" The Sat- usday evening meeting 'begins at 8 p.m. Sells Business.—Mr. Geo. D, Haigh who for rna.ny years has conducted a grocery business next The Exposi- tor office, sold out this week to Wil- liam Arnold; of Ripley. Mr. Arnold takes possession immediately and will open for business on• Monday. Plan ,Opens Saturday.—The re- seaved seat plan for the play. "Climib- ing Roes." being ,presented by the S. C. I. Alumni Association, opens at Alberhart's Drug Store on Saturday morning at 9. a.m. The play is being presented in aid of the Scholarship Memorial Fund. Dedicate Bibles.—A special dedica- tion service was held, ;in. First Pres- byterian Church on Sunday evening, when a number of Bibles, donated to Scott 'Memorial Hospital by ('the Gideon's, were dedicated. Rev. I. B. Koine conducted the service; Mr. T. IRoulston, of Toronto, spoke on 'be- ha'lf of the Gideozls. and Dr. R. R. Rtes accepted the Bibles on behalf of the hospital. • Home and School Association To Hold Joint Meeting. --A joint meeting of the Huron Council and the Sea - forth branch of the Home and School Association will he held at 8 o'clock on Monday evening, May 1st, at the home of Mrs. Charles Holmes, when Canon Appleyard, of St. Thomas' Church, will speak. Reports from the delegates to the recent Horne and School Association convention 'n To- ronto, will be given and a number of musical numbers will also he on the program. An invitation is extended to all who are interested to he pres- ent at this meeting. s,'akang owiln'g to. a con licatien: of 'diseasee. The degeased was a (laugh, ter of the late Richard a ;l a tit-wa'g. Iran on the loaf h'ameetea,, sn 1!lic- Elullop 75 years ago, hat the greatly' apart of her life she had been a resi- dent of 'Seaforth. '1She is aurvilved by. one Oster, Miss Jane Cluff, with whom she made her home, and by thirteen nieces and nephews, who re- side in 'SIN lMar3 s, Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo. The funeral was held on 'S'aturday afternoon from the fun- eral parlours of S, T, H•ohuies dt Son, the yes^vines being conducted by Rear. Canon Appleyard, of St. Thomas' 'Churc'h. Intermrent' ' was made in Malltlandbank cemetery, the pallbear- ers (being Messrs. R. G rierve, A. L. Porteous, John Cumnllings, J. Nelson, F. J. Kersia4e and Walter Murray. Widow Lady "(Ashes 'posd5ion as housekeep- er or care of leveled; 14 seats' experience in practical nursing. Please abate wages and particulars. Mas. A. Powers, General De- livery, Seaforth, Olt. 9411x2 For Sale.—A davenport and mattress, cheap. Apply alt The E,oposltor Office. • 341'1-1 Refrigerator For Sale.—One refrigerator in first class cundiirtion• used only one summer. Cheap for quick sunie, Apply at The Exposi- tor Office. 3411-1 House to Rent and Garage.—A good eom- fs i'tthlC house on George Street, with electric lights and tti,w.n water; all newly papered. Y;u esasivn at once. A,plzly at The Expositor OHi a 3411x1 Notices—Having scold my blacksmith Mg husi.nc-:s to. Mr. Jahn McKenzie, of Brant- ford, I would ask for him the ,Tame patron- age acoerded me. Accounts •,wLrg are now payable. . W. W. Cnroaier. 3411x1' Alert Mission Band Meet. — The Alert Mission Band held its meeting on Tuesday, April 2:5th, at North- side united Church. The meeting opened by singing a hymn which was followed by silent prayer. Grace Gillespie took charge of the rest of the meeting. ,Janie Moffat favored with a recitation and Margaret Peth- irk and Marjorie Golding sang a very pleasing duet. The offering was taken by Tecta Dunlop. The Scrip, Lure lesson was read by Carolyn Holmes and a piano solo was giver. by Wilma Hay Creta Dickson. read a very interesting' story called, "A Missionary Potatn." Mrs. Close took charge of the study and the meeting closed by singing a hymn and re- peating the 'benediction. Debate At Arts Club.—On Friday evening, April 21st. St. James' Arts Club held its regular meeting in the parish hall, with Mips Bessie Eckert in charge. The program opened with a piano solo by Miss Alice Daly. "Resolved that riches is the cause of more crime than poverty," was the subject of a debate between 'Miss Madeline Williams and Mr. Andrew O'Leary, affirmative, and Miss Mary Fortune and \Tr. Cyril Reynnids, neg- ative. The negative side was given the decision. the judges heingg Misses Martha Flannerv.and Aliee Daly and Mr. Eugene Duncan. A second edi- tion of the Arts Club Journal was read by the editors, Mies' Angela' Eckert and Mr. Frank Reynolds. The meeting then adjourned. Before his departure for Wall aceburg, the Club presented Rev. Father Goetz with a pen and pencil set, in appreciation of the interest he had taken in the Club. Death of Miss Sara Cluff.—An old and esteemed reaident of Seaforth passed away in' Scott Memorial Hos- pital on Thursday of last week, in the 'person of Miss Sara .Cliff. Miss Chaff suffered an. accident in her home last fall, when she fell and fractured her Ieg. Since the she had been a patient in the hospital and for the past two malls had been gradually :.0 u1> !.1 COMING EVENTS (Items under this head will be charged at the rate of 25 cents each insertion), Hogue Cooking Sale and Tea at MM. Howard 'I'honocin's on ,Friday., April 28th, under the auspices of the Lulieo' Guild of St. Thomas.' Churoh. Tea, 15 cents. Please drop in, and Lying a friend. ..3410-2 Will Hold Services Here.—Rev, L. Sale Harrison, noted author and preacher, of Sydney, Australia, will hold services in First Presbyterian Church each evening of next week. He will also occupy the pulpit of- the church on Sunday. ' Speaks To Students.—A represen- tative of the staff of 0. A. C., Guelph, was in town this -week and spoke to the students of the Collegiate, call- ing their attention to the advantages to be derived from n course at Guelph. • Must Be in By May 2. --All persons who wish to make application for relief under the mor•tgago'rs and pur- chasers relief, act, have only until 'Monday, May 2nd, to do so, After this date applications will not be con- sidered, according to H. G. Meir, of Hays & Meir, Will Meet Next Wednesday.—The regular monthly meeting of the Thomas ::McMillan Young Liberal Club will be held in the club rooms next Wednesday evening. An excellent program has been prepared and it is- expected sexpected that there will be a large, number present. .Attend Meeting in Clinton.—Mrs. E. B. Goudie, Mrs. M. McKellar, Miss P. B. Moffat and Mrs. C. Holmes re- presented the local School and Ho -me Club at a district m'e'eting in Clinton' on Tuesday evening. Mass Stone, of the School of Commerce, Clinton, 'spoke) very eapa'bly on the Russion five -y ar plan. Hold Work Meeting.—The Goforth Mission Band held a nlrlst educational and interesting work meeting in the hasenvent of the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday. The attendance was very gratifying an'd the members proved interested in kindergarten work, raffle, needle bags and purses taught by Mrs. Brodie, Miss Ballan- tyne, Mrs. David Wilson, Viola Mont- gomery and Leona Box. Died in Toronto.—Word was receiv- ed here by Mrs. James Kerr on Thursday of the death of Mrs. P. Musgrave, which occurred in Toronto early that morning. Mrs. Musgrave is the widow of the late Rev. Peter Musgrave, for many 'years minister of Duff's and Cavan ''Churches, Mc- Killop, The funeral service will be h lr1 on Friday evening at Miles' Un- aking Parlors. 30 St. Clair Ave,. West, and interment will be made in Miaitlandhank Cemetery; Seaforth, on Saturday. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. —Northside• United Church—Morn- ."The Higher Friendship"; even- ing, The W. M. S. and Y. W. A. will hold their Easter Thankoffe'ring ser - rice. Miss Mckenzie, formerly of the West, will speak of some of her interesting,work there.—Rev. W. P. Lane, Minister. Egmondhl1le Trnitad Church—Morn- ing. W. M. S. Thankoffering, address by Miss McKenzie; evening, "A Good Beginning is Worth While."—Rev. C. A. Malcolm, Minister. First Presbyterian Church—Morn- ing, Dr. L. Sale Harrison will preach at both services. "Memorial of God's Grace"; evening. "The Opening of the Books."—.Rev. I. B. Kaine, Min- ister. 'St. Thomas' Church—Second Sun- day afte.t Raster; Sunday school and; Confirmation at 10 a.m.; 11 o'clock Pservice, Morning prayer, "The ••Auth- ority, Obligation and. Pur;lrose of Con- firmlation"• Sunday School at 3 p.m.; evening, "The Allegory of the Good Shepherd,v--Carton Appleyard, Ree - tor. - Death of Miss Jennie Steele.—Af- ter two months' illness, the' result of a fall, Miss Jennie Steele passed peacetfullly. away Wedln'egday, April 26th. The daughter of Robert and Mary 'Steele; she was born in Tuck- ergmith township on the farm now owned by Mr. William Pybus in 1856. Over fifty years age she /hared to Seaforth and( hlas been a continuous reSidett etvre1' since. She took a keen interest in all the activities of the Pressby'tel.-ian Church of which sale , Ian 0 ♦ o' ♦, 0 ♦ •0 • 0 0 4 V' • 0 0 ♦ •0 0 • • ♦ 0 ♦ 0 ♦ 0 0 0 ♦ 0 ♦ 0 ianonds Xour Diamond rpuirchase when made at Savauge's guarantees. to you two -very important factors, ie. quality and value. plus newest in delaign, We carry uialy diamonds that are of very fine quality. No off - colored or flawed diamonds are found in our stocks. We never sold at closer prices than we are selling to -day. ,Our de- signs in mountings are al- ways the newest obtainable. DON'T FORGET—We are giv- ing a Wedding Ring absolute- ly free with your Diamond Ring purchase. SSHOP AT, A VA UGE'i IT PAYS Jeweler, Optometrist, Gift Shop PHONE 194 0000 had been so long a valued member. .she 2s the last survivor of a family of eight, leaving to mourn her loss, 'he'r nephew, Glenn, of Tomato, and several nieces and nephews in the West. The funeral will be held from First Presbyterian Church on Friday, April 28th, at 3o'clock, to Maitland - bank cemetery. Y. P. L.—The weekly meeting of the Young People's League of North- side United Church was .held on Tuesday evening with Mr. Jack Stev- ens, convenor of the Citizenship Do- iartment, in charge. A short sing- song. preceded the •" mleeting, after which the Lord's Prayer was 'repeat- ed in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the, secretary, Miss 'Winnie Savauge and approved. Daring the business part of. the meet- ing, four of the, members were ap- pointed to attend a special church service at Kippen, Sunday, April 30. Following a hymn, 'Miss S. Wood led When Can You Report For Duty ? Suppose you receive such a message on Monday, May lst. Could you say: Right away? ,Well there is such a message waiting for you after taking' one of the following courses: STENOGRAPHIC COMMERCIAL SECRETARIAL' HIGHER ACCOUNTANCY CALCULATOR Enquire at once about "Suc- cess" Methods. Success Business College A. L. BOUCK, Principal. 32 Downie Street STRATFORD, ONT. use ---Supertest High gravity test motor oil, free from parafin and carbon. Seaforth's Leading Service Station. The Supertest -DANCING- Every Thursday Night EXETER OPERA HOUSE Admission 25c. Don't Buy Any More Clothes Until you have ,seen our new line SH•IFFER'-HILLMAN Made to YOUR particular measure. A very wide rantge of Imported cloths in pure BOTANY WOOL. Scale of Prices -'-$19.50 to .$32.00 We guarantee to fit perfectly, both your peculiarity and your pocketbook. Phone 265 for appointment. Clothing repairs neatly done. R. E. BRIGHT - SEAFORTH Christie Meat Market Saturday Cash Specials 11 to 12c ROAST BEEF pound POT ROAST pound NECK BOIL pound BRISKET POIINT pound FRESH PORK OF'ALL KINDS GIVE t35' A TRIAL. 10c 9c 7c r• P 5r h d•. I N f .t V 1 ,�r in 'prayer. The Scripture lessen wade taken iby Mr, (itelville Shannon, (Musses. .Grace Kreuter and, La Belle TlaWhina then f x,,rared with a ,guitar sel2eotlpn.• X+ sin4ging''. a hymen, a „ pi l,did addrese on "Are Reform's the Task' of the Church" was ably taken by 'iM'r. F. S. Savauge. By singing. a herein and repeating the Mizpaih bened' tin, the meeting was (brought to a close. Hold Monthly Meeting. — T h e ;mlonthly 'meeting of the McGillvary Young Wlamen'e Auxiliary was held ab Northside United .Church. The program was in charge of Mrs. E. 'Chapman. (Miss 'Mary Gillespie took the 'topic on "'Mission Wank in Can- ada" followed by a sentence prayer. A 'pleasing duet was rendered by W. P. Lane and Mrs. F. J. Bec hely. IM•'rs. A. Baker and Miss Ethel Beattie were appointed Bele, gates to the 'Presbyterial meeting at Thames Road. • LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. G. A,. Jackson, who spent the winter in Bermuda, has returned home. • ',Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred E. Willis and. little daughter, of London, spent the week end with relatives here. • Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Hill have re- turned to Goderich after spending the holidays with Mrs. 'Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kerslake. • Dr. .IL 'Glendenning and Mrs. :Glendenning were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.'. E. Souith:gate. Mrs. Southgate returned to Toronto with them on Sunday. • Col. R. S. Hays returned on• 'Sat- urday front a Mediterranean trip. , • Miss Anna 'Mackay, who has been the guest of Dr. Mackay and Miss Mackay, returned to Toronto op. 'Monday. • Miss Mary Jackson, of Milver- ton, and Mr; Lau Jackson, of Exeter, spent the week end at their homes here. • Miss E. ;Davidson, who spent the winter in. •California, returned to her home here last week, • Mrs. F.' G. Livingston has re- turned from Toronto, where she spent the winter. • Many of the ladies of the W. M. S. and Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Presbyterian Church, have been in Stratford this week attending the annual provincial meeting of the W. M. S. • Mr. William Cluff, of Toronto, was here Saturday attending the fun- eral of his aunt, the late Miss Cluff. • 'lir. Walter Hawthorne, of Gode- rich, spent the week e'n.dviith his mother here. • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith anti. children•, of Toronto, are guests at the home .. of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crich. • Mr. and Mrs. D, :Shanahan were, in Clinton on Wednesday attending the funeral of the late John Reynolds. ' • Mrs: R. 'Scarlett, who has been 'seriously ill for the past two weeks, is slowly improv+ng. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon lHays aged Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brall and family, of Detroit, and Mi-. and Mrs. Joseph Eckert and family, of Oakville, spent a few days,. visiting their mother, who has been in the • hospital for the •past few weeks. Mrs. Eckart's many friends will be pleased to learn that she has sufficiently recovered to be able to return to her hoimle. Mrs. M. Des(burra, R.N., of Northville, Michi- gan, intends remaining here with her mother until she 'has fully recovered from her late illness. • Mrs. R. S. Evans, who'has been spending the winter in Toronto, spent a few days this week at her home here. • Miss M. Fulton, of New York, and '.Miss J. McLellan, of Toronto, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake, • Mr. John McKenzie, 'who recent- ly purchased the blacksmith shop of Mr. Crosier, has moved into the Mc- Lennan Apartments. • Mr. George Beattie, of i Toronto, was in town this week. • Miss G. Appleyard. is visiting with London friends. DUBLIN Mrs. L. Beale and Kingsley, of Stratford, spent a few days with Mrs. E. Beale. Mrs. Anne Mulligan and Miss Kathleen Mulligan, of Detroit, call- ed on friends during the week. Barbara Forrester, of Clinton, spent a week with Mir, and Mrs. Fred Forrester. 'Mrf and Mrs. Frank Smith, Miss Florence Smith and Mass Joan Rob inson Spent the week end with friends in Caledonia. Miss Tillie Dorreetyn, of Stratford, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Tyers. ..... 'Mrs. Mary Krauskopf, of London, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. H. Bricklitt. MANLEY 'Wedding bells are ringing• in our burg, and it appears that prosperity is around the corner. Good luck t"i the 'boys and girl's 'who are joining the order of Ben'edicts, 'Seeding operations are in full away but the late snow stone check- ed them solntewh'at. Some of the pushers intended to finish this week, bet as there is not much growth, all will get an even start novo. CONSTANCE 'Miss FIorenc.e. Taylor, of , London, spent the Easter holidays with her mother, Mrs. Henry Taylor and 'bro- ther, Harvey Taylor. !Mr. and Mrs. W. McMillan and daughter, Mary, of London, visited her mother, 'Mrs, • Henry Taylor, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Aitdheson and slaughter, 'Mildred, of Roxboro, visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Roy Lawson on •Sunday last. 'Mise Blanche Wheatley, of Toron- to, returned to her duties on Satur- day. (Rev. Gardner -gave a splendid dis- eourse on Sunday last. His text was "Blessed are they that hanger and Pi JWtt! A'n.a ink lif+ rtirl xh,r. 0410, acTavish's,. Brighten Up The Home Now BUYING NEW ARTISTIC THINGS FOR IT MERE WILL BE A PLEASURE NewFlloral Patterns; in window marquisette, colors sunfast. The Yard, 35c Check Marquisette in White and Gold, for curtains. The Yard, 15c CONGOLEUM RUGS AND MATS The new patterns are wonderfully bright and attrac- tive. You can get any size rug or mat made from us. LOWER PRICES 6x9 feet 71/2)(9 feet 9x9 feet 9x101/2 feet 9x12 feet v $5.25 $6.65 $7.85 $8.25 $10.50 BEST QUALITY Frilled ' Curtains for Kitchens and Bedrooms with pretty valance. Special, the pair, 69c Firilleci Marouisette cur- tains with deep fluffy valance. Special, the pair, 51,69 COLORFUL CHINTZES AND . DRAPE1tIES T 0 MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANY ROOM, IN YOUR HOME. 1 INew Linoleum for any room or hall at this Spring's lower prices. 1pkp�`EfF' IAxminster and Wilton Rugs in any size. Learn - what we will do. thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled," Matt. 5 and 6. There was special music by the young peo- ple of the Sunday school. Kelso Ad- ams sang a solo entitled, "The Old Rugged Cross," which was much ap- preciated. Mr. and !Mfrs. B. B. Stephenson and Mr. and 'Mrs. Leo Stephenson attend- ed the funeral of the late John Stev- enson, of Ethel, on Sunday: W. M. S. -The W. M. S. held their monthly meeting in the Sunday school room' of the church on Thursday, April 20th. The chair was taken by Mrs. Roy Lawson. She opened the meeting with an Easter message, af- ter which the hymn, "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name" was sung and prayer by Mrs. Rogerson. Mrs. Lawns Rolled Any person wishing lawns rolled by power, roller, please notify R. J. Sproat, Phone 8 or M. A. Reid, Phone 214-J, Secretary of the Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club 3410-tf Robert Lawson read a leaflet on the "Continuation of Christ's Message.' A duet was sung by Ella Dexter and Edith Britton. Mrs. George Wheat- ley read a leaflet on Christ's First Commission. After the th:a.nkoffer- ing, Miss Ruth IHugill : read a leaflet on "Our Thankoffering." Mrs. Sim- mons favored with a beautiful solo. Mrs. '6harles;MeGregor told' the story from the study book, "His Domin- ion." The minutes were read and adopted after which a number of the ladies led in sentence prayers. Mrs. Gardner closed the meeting with prayer. n The W. A. intend holding a sale of home-nnade eooking in Seaforth in the store recently vacated by Mrs: Sheffer on May 23rd. The W. A. held a social evening in the Sunday school of the church on April 20th.. A good :program was givlen, consisting of singing, violin: and guitar duets, violin' trios, read- ings, dialogues and a contest, which provided, an excellent time for all. Lunch was served. EGMONDVILLE :'Mr.' 'H. M. Jackson, of Toronto, was a week end guest with Miss Marg- aret Jackson. 'Mr. Edgar' 'S,heppherd,' of Hamil- ton, visited with Mr. Earle Webster .the past week. Miss (Margaret Grieve was a Wind- sor visitor last week. The S. C. I. Alumni Association in aid of the Memorial Scholarship Fund PRESENT under the direction of Miss Mabel E. Turnbull. "Climbing Roses" by arrangement with Walter H. Baker Co. IN CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH ,• i Thursday and Friday, May 4 and 5, at 8.30 'CLI'MBING ROSES" is an exceptionally entertaining three - act conied'y=drama, guaranteed to be a veritable mirthquake. It is 'being presented in aid of the Association's Memorial Scholarship Fund. SPECIAL MUSIC BY AL. CLOSE AND HIS Oia:CHESTRA OIMINIOW AMENS THE CASTE: Peggy Rose, a common rosebud MARY BARBER Maggie Rose, her aunt MARGARET GRIEVE Hazel Sommers, who hasp a fondness for orange !blossoms &LICE DIALY Priscilla Prentice, an unpicked dandelion DOREEN HUDSON Mrs. Warren, a leader of society . , . , ,MARGARET CRICIH Joyce Belmont, a hothouse orchid HELEN LANE Winnie Clarke, a Tittle neighborhood pest.. , .PMARGA.RET CARDNO Jack Archer, who cultivates the Roses JOHN CRIGH Ferclie Wimlbeldon, not. a candidate for orange 'blossoms MURRAY SAN -AIME Jim Rose, Maggie's husband ,-WIILLIIAiM HART Dryden Prt pis, not a ,shrinking violet CLENDON CHRISTIE Percy Southworth, a very dominant young man HUGH OKE HOME MADE CANDY on sale in one-half pound boxes before, during and after each performance. Ih will be as good as woman can make it. Buy it. TICKETS? 25 cents each. Reserved seats 10 cents extra. Plan opens at Aberhart's Drug Store, Saturday,.April 29, at 9 a.m. Children 15 cents. .iNF�'{}L13'f 1