The Huron Expositor, 1933-04-28, Page 5gni 0 tit AE'Rr E'' 8,1933. fie I; iE Alf Si ti i1 <::yJ. ill !''t}4it�l v lrx' el a 1ir7ftftxtxcljtirt �("'t(�.�� 4,11 ,w >,'+.r ' Fi .:ti,! � f �i�; tat t . nbaam r,,.1 'i n� l.1 h: ' GEN TNOWPLAYING'r AT '� E, Seaford) Marie Dressler in "EMMA" Laurel and .Hardy Comedy, "THE CHIMP" Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays --May' 1, 2 and 3 Lew Ayers in "OKAY, AMERICA" COMEDY - NEWS MEL SPECIAL MATINEE TUESDAY, MAY 2nd, at 4.15 Arlie Marks & Co., presenting "Tillie the Toiler" Not a motion picture.—Admission to Matinee, 10 and 25 cents. Thursday, Friday and Saturday—May 4, 5 and 6 TWO FULL LENGTH FEATURES "HAT CHECK' GIRL" and "ONE MAN LAW" (Nlatineee Sato aalul holidays, 3 plan. Twoshown nnigh'tly, 7.38 and 9.15 STAFFA Mr. Carl Drawn, who has been spending a month with his parents, has returned to London. Mr. Franck O'Brien, who has been sick for a couple of weeks, is able to be around IMrs. G. visited a aunt and again. twell and baby, London, ew, days with the lady's rnc'le, Mr. and Miss Tref- fry. Mrs. Charles Adams, of Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil lS'tewart, of Exeter, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and' Mrs. G. Wilson. The Young People of Staffa Unite' Church entertained Fullarton Young People on Sunday evening, when a good crowd was present and a pleas- ant evening was spent together. Mrs. Arnold Jeffrey, of Detroit, is at present spending a couple of weeks iw'ith Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jeffrey. !Some of the Young People of Staf- ifa attended the semi-final oratorical !contest at 'Munro on Monday even- ing with Miss' Verna Kleinfelt, the •contestant from Staffs., carrying off first prize. ST. COLUMBAN The Literary Society are holding -their final program of the season this Friday evening. " The following teachers having spent the Easter holidays under the parental roof, have returned to their respective duties: Anne • Dalton and Margaret McGrath, Brantford; Lucy Burke, London; 'Mildred, Gertrude 'and .Agnes McGrath, Kitchener ; 'Helena Flannery, Linwood. Miss Viola Feeney returned to her -home aftera short holiday. with friends' in Detroit. Miss Elizabeth Carlin has returned -to Breseia Hall, where she is a -student. Miss Mary O'Connor returned to 'Stratford, where she is attending the Normal 'School. The !Misses Mary 'OlSullivan, Mary Lane, Mary McGrath, Rose :McQuaid, R.N., and (Marie Flannery have re- turned to their respective positions in Toronto. (Miss Margaret,'Williams has re- turned to !Detroit.' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Christopher, of London, spent Easter at the home of the latter parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Downey. The many friends of John Flan- nery, son of Mr. and Mrs- Patrick Flannery,- regret to hear of his ill- ness. ' (Mrs. Joseph 'Carlin spent some time at the home of her father, Mr. Mc- Guire, ofClinton, who is seriously Huron Presbyterial (Continued front page 1) wood 'said that +Wingham had the largest Mission Band and that Grand Bend had qualified' jor a place on the honor roll for proficiency, The (Baby 'Band' secretary said there was every reason to be proud of the Baby Band work. There were three new Bands formed, making 23 now in !!Huron. Mrs. Andrew reported 62 Auxiliar- ies with 1923 members, twenty new life members. The Christian Stew- ardship Secretary, !Mrs. Greer, said that 65 auxiliaries have a Christian Stewardship Secretary. She said that several Auxiliaries have adopt- ed a missionary in prayer. The en- velopes, she said, were the best meth- od of ,giving because it was then definite and systematic. Gorrie Aux- iliary has almost every member us- ing envelopes. She urged all to re- member the motto, "Others." In giv- ing the financial report, Mrs. McKen- zie stressed the treasurers to re- member that their quarterly report and their annual report must bal- ance. $15,523.88 was raised during the year. Mrs. Gardiner closed the morning session" with prayer. Arn excellent dinner was served 'by the Thames Road ladies. - The afternoon session opened 'with idle hymn, "A 'Charge to Keep I Have." Elimiville Auxiliary led in the devotional exercises. Rev. J. Anthony, of Thames Road, brought greetings from the Presbyterial and conducted a dedication service for the new officers. Pr. Chone Oliver, of India, gave a very instructive and interesting talk talbout the work being done where she had been stationed. 'She said that her motto for this year is: "Have faith in 'God," and she showed in her address how faith in God had enabled them to open up a new station among the Bhal people, where they had nev- • er heard of 'Christ. She said there 'were now over 200 Christians there and that these had come one by one —not in groups. She said that the contact made by the mi sionariie{si 'with the women Of India count for 'much, 'thou'g'h they cannot 'be pub in figures. 'She said that the medical work in India is a real expression of 'the love and compassion of God. She said that Christian social hygiene -must be taught in India, and that now the doors are open, the workers ready, and all that is needed is more givings•, (Miss Duff gave a challenging ad- dress on Temperance work. She said that England ' spends more on drink in one year than she has •on mis- aion's in 100 years. tin speaking of what wolmien are . doing in other tonne. I tries, she said that 'girls' in Japan not only pledge not to drink intoxi- cating liquors, but that they will not marry any young man who does. She said the women of India came out of their homes and stood in front of the liquor shops as a protest. They were arrested-otheee came—they were ar- rested, and still others ,came. She a,s'ked how many Canadian Christian women would do as mch., She "a k- ed that' they stand .be ind the' scien- tific temperance course hat is taught in the schools every year. She said that the aim of "wets" is a million new drinkers in every generation. Let us.. aim to have every youth a total abstainer, she said. 'The following officers were elected for the coming year: 'Past president, Mrs. W. 'P. Lane; president, Mrs. Gardiner; vice-presidents, Mrs. Stra- chan, North Section; 'Mrs. McKenzie, Centre ,Section; Mrs. G. Lane, West Section; Mrs. McDonnell, South Sec= tion; recording secretary, Miss Mary Milne; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Greer; treasurer, Miss Annie Fergie, son; 'Christian Stewardship and fin- ance secretary, Mrs. 'Andrew; Y. W. and Circle secretary, Mrs. G.— Lay-ton; C. G. I. T. secretary, :Mrs. Con- nor; Mission Band secretary, Mrs. Wellwood; Associate Helpers' secre- tary, Mrs. Goudie; Supply ?!ecretary, Mrs. Colcloug+h; Stranger's secretary, Mrs. Laidlaw; Literature secretary, Miss Lawrence; Missionary Monthly ecretary, 'Mrs. Wightman; Temper- ance secretary, Mrs. Mloorehouse; press !secretary, ,Murray;. audi- tors, Miss 'Lawrence and 'Mrs. - Mc- Kenzie; Nothinating Committee, Mrs. Wellwood, Mrs. McKenzie; Mrs. Gil- lespie, 'Whitechurch; Mrs. Laviner, Lucknow;'Mrs. Christie, !Exeter; Mrs. Pi'dkard, 'Clinton; Mrs. E. (Hawking, of .Roy's Church. • • ' The following delegates were ap pointed to attend' the Conference Branch in Lon'don—LMrs. Way, of Fordwich; Miss Mlacllwain, Smith's Hill; Mrs. A. Gardiner, of Thames' Road; (Mrs. Pickard, 'of 'Clinton; 'Miss Margaret Forrest; . Egmondviile, I4t't"riV„Ai;'A. ( BIRTHS Bawd,en: I,n Centralia, on April 5th,, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowden;' a sen (Donald Max). Green'woocL—At the Mitchell Hospital, on April 174h, to Mr. and Mrs. Mellburn Green - :weed, a daughter., Ch9sney.—an 'Scotit Memorial Hospital, on April 22rul, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ches- •ney, Jr., a son, 9r. McRae.—Im Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus McRae, of Blyth, fa de ent:cr. Wheatley.—In Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 26th, to Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Wheatley, a daughter. MARRIAGES Cooper-Treleaven..—ln Clinton, on April 15th, by the Rev. Dr. C. E. Dougan, °Norma Elizabeth, only daughter of Mrs. Treleaven end the latae J. W. Treleaven, to John Oraigmyle Cooper, of the Clinton Col- legiate staff, son of •Mr.. and Mas..- A. 13. Cooper, of Galt DEATHS Chuff.—In Seatibrtlhh, on Thur'eday, April 20th. Sarah 'fluff, daughter of the date Richard Oluff, in her 75th year. Steele.—In Seaforth, on April 26th, Jennie Steele, daughter of the late Robert Steele, in her 77th year. Chesney,—In Sdatfor'tih, on April 26th, Annie May .Straiton; beloved wife of Pearson M. Chess e5r, IMPORTANT NOTICES -•-• FOii”" SALE. -14 MONTHS' OLD choice Durham bull from a good milking dean, Prided reasonably_ ROY PEPPER - Phone 5 on 615, Clinton, or Seaforth IL R. 3. 3410x2 FIFTY -ACRE PASTURE FARM TO RENT, 21/� miles tweet elf Constance. Plenty of shade and water.. Apply to ROBERT L. JAAMIESON, Lot 7, Concession 6,' Hudletlt.• Phone 23 on 250, Seaforth. . . 3409-3 GRASS FARM TO RENT. -300 ACRES, Lot 7, Concession 7, McKillop, far pas•• turn; windmill and Mots Of water:, Apply to JOSEPH FLANNIGAN, Dublin. Phone 87 r '10, Dublin. 3410-5 CATTLE WANTED.—A LIMITED NUM - her of cattle will be taken in for pas- ture. Phone 24 on 170, Seafontlh, or apply to MISS ELSIE FOWLER, ii. R. 2, Sea - forth. 3411-1 CUiSTOM I1 TOIIIINQ. --WHITE 7.4E'Ga horn chick for sale. We are prepared to do hatching after May 1st at the follow- ing prices: Hen eggs, 2c each : duck eggs, arc eadh. Incubator set every, Wednesday of each week. Kook orders' well in advance. R. SCARLE'IT, Phone 277-W, Sdafomtih. 8411x1 TOWN OF' SEAFORTH Proclamation—Civic Half -Holidays Having 'been petitioned 'by a large number of the 'Mertillants of the Town, I hereby proclaim 'Wednesday afternoons in the months of May, June, July, Augu/st and September, 1933, 'Civic Half Holidays', and re- spectfully request the citizens to Ob- serve the same. A. D. SUTHERLAND, Mayor, . "-,41 S111rent 45 t(die lopes vxe (oven tb„ ,neaµ'i 4 2loo fag neesy far sight or ,ep+ 1,4,t t» melr llor taPoUgitat Ilio eleaelk; Sweet* 'remember bins wire ease was here, And who though absent. is: Just ab dear. --St yr mid by his laving wife l� fz Mrs. Jametli ,Brlal aWSl, R. R. 1, Henpall. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE.—GEORGE ELLIOTT HAS' been to 4zracted to sell, by public auction on the meamnbes, James Street, Seaforith, on Saturday, May 6th, at 2.30 pen., the },muse, fit and houseboat' effects of John Grimoldbiy. JOHN GREdOLDBY; Proprietor; George H. D17ifatt Auctioneer. 8410-2 TENDERS WANTED 'Fenders wanted by the Council of the Township of Tuckerlamith, for a man to operate the stone crusher. Duties are to engage men and teams and keep time,' keep crusher lama engine in condition. Tenders to be in on or before April 25tth., D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk. 3410-2 • • MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE STORE PROPERTY IN THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL Under and by virtue of the powers Con- tained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, the undersigned will offer for salter at THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HENSALL • on TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1933 ' at 3.30 n'crock p.m. the property known es part of Lot number Tab Hundred and Twenty-six (226) on the south side of King Street in Moia's Survey in the said Village of Herman,— On the property is the store formerly oc- cupied by W. A. McLaren, hardware merch- ant, a central and very desirable business lo- cation. TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent. of min:hase Money to be paid on the day orf sale, and the balances in 30 days thereafter Without interest. The property will 'be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. Further terms and donditiotns of sale will be made len'awn on day of sale or may be bed upon application to the undersigned: GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensadd, Mortgagee's Solicitors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 3409-2 • NOTICE to hereby given under the statutes nln that behalf that all eiersons having any oiatrns against John Kelly, late elf 'the Town- ship la McKillop, deceased, who died ors the12th day Otf F+ebrwary, 1938, are required to send to The undersigned solicitor for the Execution, fell particulars in writing said veri- fied by affidavit of their claims and the nature of the securities, if any, held by ahem, an or before the 13th day of Mary, 1988, after which date the satid Executor will proceed to d93- trilbtrbe the( assets cif the said deddased; hav- ing regard only to The spaces of which they then shall have had ranee. DATED at SealfoMUh, Ont: • tha 22nd day of April, 1938. HAYS & MEIR, I Soliidptors for Executor. Ai1lliltyttih 'tr9F w..,, ' 2411-a MORTGAGE SALE )F VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Under and by virtue of ,the powers con - aimed lin a certain mortgage which will be noduced alt the sale, the undersigned.will sffer for sale at COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HENSALL, on TUESDAY,. APRIL 25, 1988 at 3 o'clock p.m. gra property known as Lot Number Thir- •een (13) 'in the Third (3rd) 'Concession, Ion - ion Rosd Survey, of the said Township, con- taining 100 acres of land; mere or !legs, and the South Pant of Lot Nuaniber Ten (10) tri time Eleventh (111th) and Twelfth (12th) lemeessions of the said Township, containing it acres mare or less. On the property is a bank barn, brick louse, nets drive shed and dauryhouse, good ,,ardwood bush about 10 acres, and good wells. The property is said to 'be well fenced and drained. TERMS OF. SALE Ten per cent. of the purchase. money la be paid on the day of sale and the balance in 30 days thereafter without interest. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. , Further terms and Conditions of sale will be made known Oct the day of sale, or may oe had upon application to the undersigned, GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall, Mortgagee's • Solicitors. 1409-2 STRAWBERRY -PLANTS GLEN MARY' AND SENATOR DUNLAP 61.00 per hundred; $2.50, five hundred; $4.50 per thousand. ST. LAWRENCE BEAUTY $2.00 per hundred. ALL PURE VARIET'IES Delivery Prepaid. Egbert Faber. HENSALL, ONT. 8409-4 •I. . Wool Wanted Toronto prices" paid for Wool. H. M. Jackson FARMS FOR SALE pARM FOR. SALE—FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Concesidon 3, McKillop, con- taining 192 sieves and known as the T. E. Hays' farm. Must be sold to close the estate. If not sold will be rented. For particulars 'apple to J. M. GOVENLOOK, Executor,ea- A BARGAIN FOR SALE. ---Five acres, one mile from Seaforth; modern house with furnace, bath and' toilet;. small barn; good orchard. Taxes, $16. Splendid chance to start chicken farm, bees , etc. Apply to ' R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. 3389-tf m THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate ,. Money to Loan. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 + O • O. + 4 4 0 a 0 . 0, 4 0. + 0 4 0, 4 Q, 4 0.4 a0 4, 0, 4'i•, a 0, m• '• 0 G41,-„, This sore will ,close 'eve during May, June. My, 0.+0+0+0+0.+.0♦.0.40.+.0.+,*•0 4 Ai u us+t 0.0:+040:404.0.+.,0.4.04 �i 040 +.';-4-0,4 4' FOR many years this store has been famous for its Spring Display of the Newest Merchandise at the—lowest prices, but never have we had the pleasure of offering such a marvel- lous selection of New, Up - to - the - Minute StylesQuality garments that" are ilio highest value possible. Men's Felt Hats The best hat value we "lave offered in years. Made' of all pure fur, 'high grade trimmings. • New Spring styles and col- ors. Sizes 63/4 to 7%. Price $2.95 .rr /// Men's ' Fancy Sox • All new Spring pat- tern's in 'attractive colors. Sizes 10 to a.71/2. 15c, 7 for $1.00 • a 41krerA2mrif OS, fl Special Selling of TIP TOP Made to Measure SUITS $19.50 GEORGE H. JONES special representative o f these famous Suits, will be here :y Friday and Saturday Na April 28 and 29 Special new patterns to choose from. Extra value. British woollens, hand cut slits to your individual measurments. Fit and fin- ish guaranteed. Don't miss this unusual opportunity to purchase your new Spring Suit for $19.50 ,./ t 1 �• A. >�E • MARTHA WASHINGTON DRESSES $1.59 These dresses have gained and held high place in feminine esteem because of the smai tne'ss.and suit- ability of the styles, the quality of the materials, the neatness of the fit. Made of ' floral designs, checks or stripes. Attractive colorings. Sizes 34 to 44. .Price $1.59 BIG VALUES IN s Crepe Dresses $5.95 Every style brand new ; every garment fresh, clean, Spic and span. Suitable for all occasions. New -blues, greys, beige, greens, navy, bro*n, black. Sizes 14 to 42. 0 I ,p Shirts and Shorts Cotton shirt and fancy short. Suit 65c Silk Shirt and fanc Broadcloth shorts. Suit $1.00 Men's Sweaters M e n''s sleeveless sweaters, plain white, . green, " sand, grey. blue, : maroon, pure wool. ' Penman and Ballantyne makes. $1.50 to $2.75 EXTRA SPECIAL Crepe Dresses $7.95 Dresses for Sunday night and afternoon\ wear, made of finest quality pure sand crepe. All the popular and. wanted colors; novelty sleeves, Jabot effects; full lengths. Sizes 14 to 42. Stewart Bros. • U ;1