HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-04-28, Page 4r �'61,111lrlilll il, ,t p °1 �1'ta+�{,�t r A )1 '!aj I �r"� }I { l 71 a h �t �� 1 PV 'If t X8'4 :}i 4, k;" r 71 . ,1 11n,1 r 1 i� �I 1'A w �) 1 G 4fitr'krYr' )� " L 9 fit'° a' li, Kl 7! r I a dSAya t H Sia Ilii i� � r,• ti ry, r (rl, d ,rz , a id 1 i *y n >µVi; 31 ,r pit a r S„l',. - 11i4 J Zr,;,ry1r tli,'',i,na t,' , I • , !7"I'"'M �t dila 4 'Ap +i I Iry xn 1 r, 41 t , i,♦ t}I 'b i r 1 rP�t7_t�rl ryd7 .r. d 'til,' i - - t1 �lal 11 ., '411 ,, -if j41 r �ssrw -; . I . I TOR position on , Dist bitte pataemice and the � Y„("U,,Z`'�at ` 1 w1. - padrksts Of the citi,Zens of 011-4 rprC f ni', t, r,I ,• a, lati: l}irl+irng the past year the taicpay- k l`�� 1i '' X1?P`) p4 4Nd*any Editor. err have contributed millions of diol- laws for the; •relief of ; •un'emlploy ed and ,'�x,+pziyu .. ,. trice k';t' 1]]leitt at ISpaRbja, Onibairio, ev- lanfortunahe members of society- ,"" yi{j �� �-'l'hu: ac�ay artternoon by McLean Were all the cases on which tlhis M _1L, 11I, 44i., money was spent deserving ones, no. F��°'', I 1 ~ $1:60 a year. in one would have a word o -f complaint Teach LAI rr k 4r1 an rate, De iii` I,� �ilge- 19r4ign, $2.60 a year. Single no matter how hard it bare on tete V #ya,t Like eol i"* 4 Smits each. resources of those Who contributed Bic, �'� U it. Louis t4sing rates on application. r,, t _� But when a large (proportion of the Mr. � ; k 'Members of the Canadian Weekly R nemployed who have been receiving the , ° Newspaper Association and the Huron this money, are unemployed' not _ e- w E 't'lr, A Press Association. his e k 1, „ ,. Ca'unity cause they can not get work, but ibe and I( fiw cause they won't work, except on ada, ,,'4 SEAFORTH, Friday, April 28, 1933. their own terms, and conditions, it is son, „ , time this promiscuous handing out of farm' .,tr:.' money or anything else, was looked Marg �` The Farmer is Gambling ion c a°',, into—rand stopped. Nor r f' ' Again There axe thousands of husky men wow The farmer has started his annual and boy's tramping the highways to- TVI 15 , -• day who could get work for their of h� i;;- iga'rrilble, Re is preparing the ground Davi and ,slawin�g the seed, board at least, in the smaller. 'places (:,Das ' ':, nd on the farms along their route at 'He has abiding faith in Providence, ;';l. - sf march, if they honestly were will- and !' He knows 'theme will be a harvest. eral '., ing to su'pport themselves. : �'• What his return from the harvest iihy work when a hard luck tale l�un P, .' will be i5 another question. inter r.. will 'secure three meals or more a ce11Le What will the politicians do to his ;toy and a change of outfit now and rrelat 1'. markets? What Neill they do to his agate, is the system on which these T,iw •x,. taxes? (rusfkies work. Amt hard luck tales ;lob iSt,; • That is the farmer's nanil.le. . He are easily acquired and have been 'i can't stop operations £or a week ora And :M too easily swallowed by a son; suf- Elgi J' i'' irnotith or a year, like' .the ritanufac- . c' '' . He has to tering public. also o on. _user. He has to it, is time for, a change, No man Nvho ” ' take a c'iance. l 1'' in the country should be allowed to } a Business is sitting On the side lines g•o hungry, but at the same t.im'e no v. pulling for him. .May he succeed is able 'bodied man; should be encourag- � ' its prayer, (because the success of the ed in the belief that the world o+vas '; , farmer is the- foundation of a1 bu'si- D him a liz;ing, whether he is willing very , ness success, to work for it or not. l ri ,"'' More 'power., to him.. Every town in Ontario should pro Mr• vide a civic wood pile or gard-en 'fit•' Y. some other ptnl�ic improvement work: Iver Hydro Has Loosened up When a transient. asks for assistance wer • a. bit in any. form, he , should ,be given it., and but 'before or after he should lie made The For some months pact one of the Mr. burning questions that has been fill- to pay for such assistance by working su 11. ing the minds of city and country it out for the town. the )4. In addition every resident of a alike has been the salaries that are town should .be prohibited from giv- the ,' . ;tieing paid the 'higher-up Hydro a- d[i ficials. ing assistance except through the We Rather, it was not the salaries, but central )bureau of unemtplovment, � which should be set up in every fawn Mc the lack of informa ition regarding 1 '. a ithe size and number of them that and village. ev '.d causing all the ,trouble. That is the only right and fair way ev l was ca g to the citizens of a town; the only (Both the Government and the Hy m { 1it , . iai^o Comanission refused absolutely to .way certain kinds of men will get' nu " part with this information when it back into the ways of work, and eq- ', ually if ,not more important, the only las � requested by members' of the f l; Legislature at the session just cloy- way the hundreds of young boys, now � tramping the country for pleasure ±" Will be taught to work. s an .fact at a stormy Conservative vil >i.; " caucus1., 'the Chairman of the Hydro Commission, who is also a" me'inber MCKILLOP Th j ... of the Ontario Cabinet, tihrsaten.ed I to resign if the official salaries' were Tie . ' `!fir. and Mrs. Jerry Doerr. Mr. and, made public in the Legis'la'ture ni ",:. '_Vers. William Koehler and Mrs. Fred ", . The -reason then- given was that Koehler attended •the Evangelical Sa while the piblic owned and paid for Conference at Crediton on Sunday. M ;f the Hydro, it was none of,the public's Mr. and Mrs. John K'uebn'e and ley r, children, of Rostock, and Mr. and business how the revenue was spent. a ", sirs. Will Gross and boys, of Au - i: This information, it was said, be ye burn, spent Sunday with Mr. and d I.. I longed exclusively to the Hydro Mrs, Charles Re -gel. e �fo A'; municipalities. Mr. rand Mrs. Charles Eggert, Della fa To the ordinary 'mind that seelnled and Norman, Spent Good Friday `at Lrl th@ Nome of Mr, James Co& -well, at to Ibe rather a distlnetion 'without a Donegal. difference. So much so that Hydro Miss Vera Chase, of Detroit, who land all its works has become some- spent pent the Easter vacation along with thing hike a -mill stone about the neck her parents visiting friends and rela- of the Ontario Government. tives in the community spent Easter D f However, the tension has nlow been Day with Miss Valera Rose. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baker, of be ; .., lessened. Mr. T. J. Hannigan, secre- Stratford, spent the . last t*o weeks : tary-treasurer of the Ontario Mun- with their daughter, Mrs. Ed. Rose ur , F icipal Electric Association, has ask- and other friends. M. Baker was taken violently ill ')'E' ed the Hon. J. R. Coqke, Chairman of I, last Wednesday but is • able to be up I; the Hydro Commission, to conte a- again th gy ,1 cross with the information, and the ,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert and ill' I- .. Hion. Chairman has to a very limited' Della and Norman and 'Mr. and '_Vers. 0 - Hernry Weitersen recently spent Sun- . _ extent done so. R c dray' with Mr, and Mrs. C. Eisler . in 1. ,". This is the story: F. A. Gab,, J • � Lagan. Chief Engineer of the Hydro Power Wedding bells are again ringing h ;,'," y i , . Cammiissio,T of Ontario, receives a on our line. a1, . salary of less than $30,000 a year. Seeding operations are in full a { swing in this district. 4 ', He is the only official to receive more Mrs. Ed- Rose eritertaine,d a few ``"�.'I than $14,000 in salary. of her friend--, at,a quilting bee last a �, : • ,Seven other officials receive more week. °' 'y than $10,040 a year and the two .1111, V :I Commissioners, Senator Meighen and .. _, . ,.. ..,. :. .,. ..' r :,, .... 0 �.. t 1 1,1,a tn'ltal j ;:IF {(t , 4 ly Y y^, .0 p C/�!Uhr {, 11 q:t ! 1 ::ff ) i fl., ,':Ir x;111 ,j<.'ii -. w.,.. 1 . , v , : , •,..; -„ � ,: ,. , ,.: ,. '' •. 'iw,1 1 i.,S 1j a u ' !, r, ar,t t .r. r. ,,.. i � ,t, ,r, l hi •,:I...,.,. I f <., ,,1, . 6) ... f; S 4: ' .4',.. r: • ,,. )11 . .. .... ,., 1� a 1.. ",. t v+. ,,1 �. C ".1 ! ,. „ ,I -,„VY .1' , Y•i, ,.,t. ,r.er,, I. :16 1 .1 .A. , I.tl NSu, !fl, ,.a.•4.,,,.1 . YRi,: .. -,,. �. , -Y .. .,: Ir,t i .l :.. ,... 1 1 ';,, a ,.w ,M. ti . u A ,1,., i., .. R.bb.. [: .:,...: .: t iw .F S.-. ,. .}- Pts' (�'. ....� .. • ..:. ,. , .. ��, :. . , l r.,i Z 1 F , i 1:. ..... c •. .G., „ } v t a4 ,. :. Y.1 1 ', . T" ....,. t r'.. 1. 1 ,: . , f ... , I. ,. t i ,..:. 5 -', . 1 e., lr 1. a.; rl fb.. M ,1 .1 ,. w Ir, , , .., ,,. r,.,. r:. ,... .' , a... .. z... , ;>G , ,» f r n,,, V ,.. 1 alt.... ,. .} ,M.0 .:. ..: ..,. _..., 1 . v 1 e..: v. u ,. ,.. �{. .. ,. r. 1. , .., . 4. r•. .., ,. k S . . 1 : F :. r... . L. i. ,.. ,.. „ A ,t ...., W , >K. I. .T w. e I . .t � ..,. ,. �.. n 5:.. , , ' 1 L. :,h 5. fir,,,-:. ,, !h ...... .. ( .., ,/.. ,. ba.l ,.:. .. ,. r� ,. .� e. i d. �' n.F,. i r ,•„ 1 I I rc • . I h n1 t. h ... r r .. „ . , ., , w ,. .;>-r r:nl1 -Y s. }, ,n. ,1� )� i.. � ,£ yl. �. ,f ,.F. '''I"' a.h ..r.: .. ,fl, :. -, 9,. �.. 1.•, .>,.. } ,. 1.,1... ., , t •.. 4,r... ". _: :,,.,.� r:"-.,:,,. xl�.,: ... .. ,'. .x. ;..I '. r'"• ff...',.,, ... ,.,:. .. a.,:. ,, r,. { ,. It � .., r I .: ,'t ,...n. 7, .,. !, I ,:-,1, i a [ .,S.n rt , , r .... . .r .. r: ... ( 1 ; , ...r(4, t . , a „ 5y �, : . 1 7 , .1 �� „ }y, :,. 1' < „, ,, � r r r r t r„ •. ,: k . ,,.. , i f . fir.:, n r r. 1 , . w r ' a _ n, ,I s. ,, il,. I Y 5 r..,, 1. a. .. N, _, t r0 ,... ,.,1 Y. f.:, r.I. „, . ..s It .:,•1. t, n. u,.•. . ,:.:.. �: .....,�, ,'.:. '"rt}: F,• _ w:... , ,.: ,,'t ,, .5 : f." +.. 'n , ,� , ,_, 4,.,. 1. ,t,: Y.,I. ij., , ";T .,. "?., ':M. d tkr. 5.'„� 7 ?;)) t, tl.... 'X ,:. „ •G -,i� ,1 h•`;: I'.,. A .., ., ti r tt'' S FN 1.. ¢'” )?4' ,. " W i3,.1. I :,t. ,P ,, r 1 n.�.,. ,v 1{,: 1"I 1,'. }, 1t:� 1JI ,.J.. }1.. ., 5:. , l• ,t', •+',7� 1,a 1. , r, t, ,., I, r i ,r,,. ,:18, , , :,, `An , A �, ., ! m { . I Lkc . r, ., t : I:f1. n 1� .. l .1 _ 7 A�'"10T v, .3 ' . � s t po%To -XX , I 2$ �. a. I W t - . .&A � 1, "'I ^, "i0ow"' THE, DISTRICT, NE - _ %, , I r � ri I .=I I-- , . . 1.,I..-. 1. . I o__ Ir . I 11 l . I . Prizne`r acy Kinn- chased b LOe" N%y vr;j< . S I i i `Waright• he gemreral stare of Beatty Geiger, Rev. Knechtel atbencled the ed torsi morning and evening g9o'd M'�s� Mu'rdomk's daughter land got-itt- , The "highest marks obtained in mss., of Varna, where he has since coxdO ^mese at Crediton and on Salt- tical ,discourses. In the evening, law, Dr. B. Cam¢ibell and faintly, and ' subject, 100 in Arithmetic by resided. Personally he was a mat 'Of urduy was 'presented with 50 r9ses� in _PM (morning service, special parts were at��uFanied hems on their re- , ne Purdy — Olive 'Workman, many friends, 'kindly always, mani- honer of having served 50 years in .. w� , taken by 'Mrs. Mark Drysdale {turn, by 'their relatives, '1Vliss Foster, e fes'ting a friendly human interest in the ministry.. and IMrs. Pfile, and at the evening who is making a short visit with her ath of Albert Louis Elgie.— his fellawinen. He ,was ' highl'y es- Ma and .Mfrs. E. W, IStosskopfi, of service the fine "Alleuiah Anthem" relatives) and friends in the vill.Age. i There passed away at Viancouiver, teemed' throughout the township, Kitchener, soenbt the week ditd at the that 'wa,$ given on Easter Sunday ev- Ori Monday evening last the League Thursday, • Aii�il 1'3th, Albert which was for so many years his 'home of the latter's parents, Mu'. ening rwas repeated Day request and had a very interextiing , igleeting in ) r " Eilgie, aged 49 years. The late home. For -some Imionrths Mr. Massop and ,Mrs. Thos. Johnson. very much enjoyed. the school •room of the United ChuTeh l F E1gi'e was ;born in Stanley Tp• has been in failing health. He is IMr. and .Mrs. Bleu Thiel and daugh- At Carmel Presbyterian Church the ;being what is terined a musical ro- second .son of the late George survived by his , wi'dow and two 'ter and Mr. and (Mrs. Simon Thiel, pastor, •Rlev. W. A. Young, preached mansoe. i El and Anne ,McKay. H'@ spent ,daughters, Jean, at home, and Frances of Mull, vislte4 relatives in town with his accustomed force, earnest- ,Miss Louise 'Drwmownd retu'rneci � , ' 1 arly years in. Stanley township who is attending London Normal; al on Sun ness and ability and the church choir recently from s(peruding a very pleas - >n 1903 went to Western Can- so four, sisrters. and two ,brothers, Mrs. ' 'Miss Eiiloine Geiger, who spent the y (ant week's visit iii Toronto with rela- t •wandered fine anthems. eventually locating at David- Jas. 1Stephenson, Goshen Line; Miss holidays at her home here, has re- Rem M. B. Parker occupied his own tives and friends. 1 , Sask., 'where he engaged' in Edith ,Mos top, Varna; .Mrs. 'Warren turned to Ryle, New :Ontario, to re- ,pulpit (bath morning and evening, Miss Vera Welsh, of Torbzuto, is ing. In April, 1910, he married Bragg, Calgary, Alta.; Mrs. Andrew sumue her duties as teacher of the ,delivering earnest and well delivered spending a few days visit in our vil- , aret E.. McNairn, and this un- Gordon, Cavendish, Alta., and Thos. school in that village. discourses and the choir, as usual, lage and vicinity. was blessed' with two daughters, of Veteran, Alta. The funeral took On ;Monday evening,' 'Mr. W. J. well sustained their part Of the mats- IIn , the ;Musical Romance held in ' Norm (Mrs, H. E. Riggs), at Long- place from the family residence on Johnston, of town, while on his way ical service. the school room of the United , i th, B.C., and. Irene, at home. Monday to Bayfield cemetery. A front/ Grand Bend to Stratford with IArinivers'aty services will be held in Church on 'Monday evening blast, un- ", , ve years ago Mr. Elgie disposed private service was conducted by his an auto load of fish, met .a truck a the near future in the United Church, ''der the management of the president s farming and other interests at rector, 'Rev. F. H. Paull. The 'pall- few miles east of Dashwood` and tide Oddfellows of Hensall Lodge of the League, Dm. Ivan Smillie, Prov- < ' dson and moved to the Pacific bearers were: Messrs. W. J', Stinson,. when his car was struck was hurled following their accustomed' usage, will ed a great musical treat of all the old , t, where he engaged) in business William Logan, D. H. (McNaughton, into ,the ditch. Both fenders alta the attend annual anniversary divine ser- and papular songs, those taking part Challiwack, B.C., Victoria, B.C., George Dewar, Archibald Armstrong' running board on, M'r. Johnston''s car ,ice. on Sunday, May 7th, at ,the ev- being the president, Dr. Smillie, Sam P ) e„ I at Vancouver. The fun- end Ben Rothwell. were, ripped off. Besides .Mr. John ening service in the United' Church. Rennie, Mrs. George Hess, Mss. , sezv,ice was held in Kerrisdale , ,ston, Mr, 'C, IMleyei•s, of town, was in It is the custom of the Oddfellows to Maude Hadden, ;Miss Florence Weis - the car, and both received a severe alternate with tithe 'local churches accompanied on the "piano by Miss t ei a1 Home, Vancouver, April 13, STANLEY meat being, made in Ocean View aking up. The truck did not stop from year to year and this year the Fisher, and on the violin by Miss 1 tern, The made in surviving t word was sent to Dashwood and lot falls to the United Church. Gretta Lammie. The introduction to the. truck was stopped in that vil- ives besides the sorrowing wid- The following is` the report of S. IMr. G. C. Petty, ''Mr. Levi Randa the Romance was 'a splendid quart - and daughters are tvvo brothers, S. No. 4, North School, Stanley, bas- sage- Traffic Officer Lever was cat- and Mrs. !Drummond were in Wing- ette nu'mlber by the Kilppen Quartobte, Robe of Toronto, and G. Thomas, ed on Easter examinations. Sr. IV— ed and investi'g+ated the collision. hant'on Monday evening last attend- composed of Mr. Andrew Balt„ Mr. fort, Sark., and one sister, Mrs. Bent Greer 70.2'x, Jean Dunn 70.1, ing the Lay meeting of the Anglican J'annes McLean, Mrs. 1M+dLean (m,nd , rew Foote, Varna, Ont. Mr. Wm. Stuart Watson 64.7, Ilene Talbot 62.6, KIPPEN Church for South Huron Diocese, ,Miss Ivi'son, and so ,pleasing was e, of Seaforth, is an uncle, as was Antionetter Rau ,53.1, Keith Westlake, and report a well attended and very 'there introductory numiber that they ! the late Robt. Elgie, of Kippen, absent. Jr. IiI—Billy Armstrong inspiring •tmeeting. had to respond to an encore. The en - Rem, R. R. Conner reached a very passed away recently. 88.2, Melvin Greer 77.1, .cordon P The large sh,iplping of car loads of te¢tain'ment was enjoyed fto'm start Westlake. 76.7, Ethel Watson, 54.6; inspiring sermon on Sunday last, onions froin the village is now pret- 'to finish' and would not have been r ' Made Houston 44 5, Wilfred Rau taking for his subject, "Jesus) Christ's ty well com'p'leted'. complete without the n'urmlber, givers s g ; BRUCEFIELD 36.5. II=Ilene Greer 7$, Andrew 'Conception of (Eternal Life." The , Quite a number 'of our villagers by Carey Joyn't and Bobbie Hess en- ,, Rau 53.8. IenDewar Talbot promot- choir rendered a very pleasing an- hays their early garden work done. titled, "The Mocking Bird." The ed from Pr'ime'r; Anthony Rau pro- them, "Safe in His Love." We regret to report that Mr. A. singers appeared in varied costumes.- ouible Wedding Annivensary—A ;noted from Primer. — 'Helen M. Mrs. Hay. and daughter, Wilma, L. 'Case still continues very poorly. Mr. A. Sinclair presided very pleas - (happy event took place on Good Am, tent, Teacher. • .. and Miss Jean ,McLean, of Seaford;, 'Mrs. R. J., Paterson, ,who so very antly over the entertainment. day, April. 14th, when, two couples, visited on 'Sunday last with friends efficiently (presided over the Huron {Mrs. Illiurnmel, of 'Melville, Pa., was , and Mrs. Thomas Chapman and in the community. Sprhngs Sanitorium for some time 'here attending .the funeral .of her and ,Mrs. W. S. Broadfoot, cele- ZURICH IMrs• (Dr.) McLean, of Vancouver, ,past, in fact since its opening, find- late sister, (Mrs. R. D. MI. , ted their thirtieth wedding anni • called on friends in this vicinity re- ing the 'ditties pretty taxing, especial- 'The play entitled; Paying the Bary, DIm. and Mrs. Broadfoot cClinchey 'has leased cently. ly with the increased' 'patron'age that Fiddler," a comic 'drama in t1bree ' Mr. Henry M e married on April 8th and Mr. his 100 -acre 'farm. an the Goshen Line, Our university, normal` and 'high th'e Sranitarium is, receiving as it be- acts, given by the A. Y. P. A. of , Mrs. Chapman on April 14th. Stanle, to 'Mr. Henry Pfaff, of Us- school 'stud'ents, also the teachers re- comes, better known, has decided for (Paul's Anglican Church, in the town event wa.s held, at the home of borne Towns1hip, for a term of five turned to their studies and duties the present to resign her duties and. hall on Friday evening last, was , and Mrs. Chapman, where a years. Mr. Pfaff took possessionthis once more after their Easter vasa- return to her cosnfort0le home in very largely. attended and mini en- mptuous dinner ' was served and week. tion. the (village, which has only been joyed frorm start to finish, eavieryone - evening spent in' playing games. Mr. Wiliam Jennison, I of the Blue Quite a number of our farmers. -Love has' been in the' Huron Springs taking part in it doing so well that The Wom{en'ls Association will hold Wrater Highway, has leased' the 120- have taken advantage of the" fine ler;'R.N., who is well and favorably it would really be difficult to pai- r, regular monthly meeting on acre farm known as the Lafrarnboise weather and have Same seed in wait- ]mown in this community, is taking ticularize. The characters were dn'esday of nest week, May 3rd, farm (roti 'Mr. �W. D. Roach, Wined-. ing for the last of the Alpril showers. Mrs, Paterson's position the first of Mrs. J. 'B. Simpson, as Mrs•. Mary ' 2.30 o'clock. The 'young people of St. Andrew's next month, and will, no doubt, very "Castle; Rev. 'M. B. Parker,; as Henry sot , the present owner, for the sea- $ Rev. W A. Bremner and Rcv. N. son of '1933. United Church are holding their an- capably fill it. Castle, {Sr.; Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin, as Kenzie, of ',Ripley, will' exchange Man''y from Gown attended 'the n' vlersary on 1Sunday, May 21st, when ,Died in 'the West,—We received Mrs, Henry Castle; '(Miss B. Dra'm!- , pits next Sunday for morning and closing services on ;Sunday of the Rev. F. W. Crailke, of Victoria St., word during the -past week of the mond as Iris Castle; John Drumm ' ening service. annual conference of the. Evangeli- God'erich, will"•be the special speaker dleath of one well and favorably mond, as HenryICastle, Jr.; Miss Miss• Kathleen Elliot, of l3rpcefield, cal C4tumch which was' held' at 'Ciel;- for the day. Services will be at 11 known in (past years to very many Grace Stone, as Lindy Craig; Mr. Al- , s gone to 'Strai2iroy to train for a ton last week. Rev. E. Burr., pas- a:m.. an -d'7.30 P.m. in this ,district. We here refer to tart (Shirray, as Bob "Eaton; Mr. for of the local church, will remain IMT. Aubrey 'Oldham, of .Sarnia, the the passing of 'Mrs,. Norman. Eyxes, IRrobert Valrley, as Brown; director. rse. )Vers. Wi. ,Stevens returned home in charge for another' year. The president of the Young 'Peoples or- of Spears, Sark., whose maiden name Mrs. G.• ,Collyer, who ,gave a verb , t week after spending the past 1934 conference will be held in Kitt- ganization of London ,Conference., was Edith Sparks, a daughter of Mr. nice introduction of the play. env months with her d'autghier in'. ch•en,er. will speak in ,St. Andrew's United Alexander Sparks; of our village, and Rev. Keith Love and (Mrs. Love cunt Forest. Mr. Adsett, one of the engineers Church on ,Sunday, Arpril ..3'otlh, at 11. whose death occurred on the loth of were in The village this week visit - i 4r, J,. Rattenbuiy and children of the Hydro -Electric Power Coon- 'a.m. 'Mr. Oldham is an enthusiastic this month. Mrs. Eyres leaves to ling relatives and friends, but 'Mr. f Pe last week with friends in the mission met the local police trustee young ,people's worker and, his ad- mourn h,er quite sudden death, her Love has 'been on the Huron Springs 1 a sage. (hoard last Wednesday evening, when 'dress will be bath interesting and ,husband, a very highly -thought of and iSani'toxium in the interests of his n Mrs. Brent-er spent the week end; service charges for domestic users .'helpful. prosperous ifarmer, six children, her health. 0 with her daughter, Mrs. West, of St. ,was discussed. It was decided to The Busy Bees 'Mission Circle will father and 'three brothers-, Neil and The relatives and friends of Mrs. omas• have all two wire services' suspplied- meet at the hoi�" of Miss Beatrice Archie, of Detroit, and Leonard, ,of Duncan, 'Stewart, who resides a mile , Mrs. David Tough received the sad with 20 amlphere fuses in the main Daymond on Saturday afternoon, Dodsland, ISask. Her mrother died in north of our'villa;ge on the highway. , ws last week of the death of her service 'box which will be sealed. April 29th, at 2.30 p.m•. It is hoped i 192,6. The deceased was born in will be pleased to spam that :fallow- , ace, -Mrs. Norman Ayers, of Speers', When1 it is found 'that the fuses are that every member will plan to be ,Bayfield, attending school in. both insg ,treatm,ent in Victoria Hospital at sk. She was the only daughter of not strong enough the customer will Present. Seaforth and Clinton, and taught cou'pl'e or so weeks ago, she is im- r. Alex. Sparks, of iHlensall; and The rHuron Presbyterial inet at school very efficiently near Dashwood proving rapidly and able to go a- mi 'billed ata 3 -wire service with . Thames Road on Tuesday, as born on the Bronson 'Line, Stan= mson•thly service of 66 cents gross. y, April 25 and 'Grand Bend, and will be rememri- round the house -a little. ' , 4.6 years 'ago. She learno,d to be when quite a number from hem at- ,bered by a great many friends who Mrs. Bertha Bell 'has ,returned to The installation of free, hot water tended. Dr. Chone Oliver was one -will regret to learn of her death. her mother'shome here, 'Mrs. Thomas t e teacher and went west quite a few heaters was also taken up and it is , ars ago. She leave's to mourn her proposed' to make a canvass of the, of the guest speakers. The Presby- ,The manse grounds of Carmel' 'Di'ck, -after spending a couple' of • , ath her husband and six childr(m,, 'hydro customers in the' village in the tery wet at thinville, on the same Presbyterian Church at the corner weeks",or so in Toronto with rela- ir ,boys and two girls; also her near future. a day with a good attendance present. of King and Aubert 'Streets, are be- tive's an,Mfriends. • f ther and three brothers. A play entitled. Farm Folks," was ing greatly lmprotved ,by the, filling in Mr. Harry Cook Lias returned hoaief given in the hail here on Wednesday of all low spots and nicely levelling from the University of Toronto, hav- ` • evening of this' -week -by the young HENSALL of the same, the members of the con- .ing completed his course there, and I VARNA people of the ,Blake -Goshen church- gregation drawing in, we believe, will shortly know the .results. es. Application foie letters of a,`.-' ,somre ,-thirty loads of earth, aad the, The w,eatber was very cold here , 11 Mrs. M. Reid has returned home Late Christen Allendorf. — There tration with will anmexed to the es- minister, Rev. W. A. Young, taking on Tuesday and 'Wednesd'ay last giv- ter spending a week with her son, passed away at the home of her sis- tate of John E. MicDonell, whose' a very active part in the improve- ing little evidence of spring warmtth, Dr H. Reid, 'of Toronto. ter,' ,Mrs. Henry Weigand, 15th con- death occurred' 'on°December 3rd last, m•ents. but no doubt a change will soon,come ' � Mr. George Beatty, ST., who has cession, Hay, Christena Allendorf, in is being made by The Canada Trust The 'Horticultural Society is ex- around, en visiting Mr. and M.rs. Beatty, of her 82nd year, ori Friday l'a'st. De- 'Company, administrator. Mr. IMci- .tending the time a little for memnlber- (Miss Maxwell,• of Ladies' -College I ount Brydges, returned home Sat- ceased had (been an invalid nearly all Dorrell was -for many years associat- ship and filling in of orders for staff, Whibby, was here visiting her , day evening. her lifetime and her death relieved ed with, his .brother, 'Charles 'Me- stock to give a chance to any one sisters, IMrs. Peck and Mrs. S. Mc- ' Miss Army "and Emily Beatty, of her of much suffering. The funeral Donell, in the automobile business at who had overlooked the first men'- Arthur. . ondon, spent the week end with was held on 1Vlo'nday, interment, tak- Hensall and, under the terms of hjs tioned date. 'A number from here. this week at- eir mother and sister, returning to ing place in the Bronson Line Ceme- will, the assets of the estate valued Mr. IW. J. White has rented the tended the Synod meeting held in ,, • at $12,677, are (bequeathed ``to his dwelling of the late Mrs. Geo, Casa connection .with the Presbyterian' i city in company with their' urucle, ter,. widows, nepihew and nieces. Carling on the north side of Richmond Street, church at London. . ;;liar Beatty, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Gascho and Another Son of Stanley Gone to children visited relatives in Michi- &Morley are acting as solicitors for next the home o8 'Miss Reynolds, and On Wednesday afternoon Miss Duff , est.—On, Friday, April 21st, 'Mr. gan.for a few days last week, the estate. intends moving into it in the verry of Toronto, addressed the pupils of Jo Mossop passed away at his, Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Preeter, of Kit- c' 1mi r' Robert ,D. Belo —The funeral near future. our school on Temperance. Miss Duff Dine in Varna. Mr. Mossop was the cbener, visited at the home of Mr. of the late Mrs. 1Robert, D. Bell, Quite a large number from our Ivil- is a very pleasing apil well informed I aungest son of the late Thomas Mos- and 'Mrs. W. L. Siebert on (Sunday. whose maiden name was 'Catherine lage and vicinity on Tuesday last at- speaker and her 'addresses are help- , So and Mary Worthy, of Stanley, Mr. H. Mousseau recently spent a Ford., a daughter ,of the late Mr. and tended the convention 'held under the ful and inspiring. an Pre go f •' IHorwerper, a i e is er an M.T. Robert Tyndall pres'enwd the tars an,d one brother, Mfrs. T. J, Att. the Seaforth Hospital on Tuesday ev- nothing, and even this little informa- bridal couple with the - -beautiful Main Plant at Sunnyvale. B-rry„ of Hensall; Mrs. John Bolton; l 11Tr . T. (Murdock and Miss Ethel ening and underwent an operation for ti;� ��' .~ tion if disclosed when asked far in µ'' gifts: "Dear Mr. and Mr-,. Riley: On learning of your recent marriage, (Continued from page 1) mark but at the 'April inspection in acrd 'Mrs. Gordon Bolto n, both of near Hensall'; Mrs. 'Hummve i, of Mel- a IPI appendi,ciltis and 'is doing ass wen as (ing ack have returned from s with ing a week or so at Toronto with can be expected. :i :;1• . the Legislature, would have saved great the Government a eat deal of em- we, Your friends and neighbors, have assembled here to -night to exteAd to R,O.P. Foundation Stock. 1933 the negative marks were reduc- ed to 1 per Dene. Thus is shown the P ville, Pa., and Miss Helen Ford, of ' brother, Ed. Y r i * '' arrassmerut, and wouldn'ot have add- ; you our heartiest congratulations and No ,goviernmtent ,policies have meant mine to the Canadian -poultry indnts- rontinu•al im w.f m enit being made in ,the egg size of the Sunnyvale Hock our village and one g as Dakota. 'i`h funeral seririre was • Y ed so greatly to the load of distrust which has been growing in the minds welcome to our neighborhood. In the g esrtarblisli nent of your new Lorne, we try than the Record of Performance fon bred poultry and, the gov- Capacity 16,000. Mott largedy attended, many. coming from quite qu a long distanceto pay • • Round Trip Bargain Fares P. ”. 't r' Of rhe Publl'c Ort the maua'gement wish yon every happiness and Som- fort life •pairs moment approval of aisle birds from The ca acity of the incubator used P .to their last titbits o£ rez Peet aitrl was 'r. ,.',. • of Hydro in ,Ontario. which married should give. gi It is our sincere wish that you may hens with oircfal records. An R.O.P. is 16,000 eggs, or some 4,600 eggs It is Mammoth Buckeye condveted by Rau. W. A Young, of g,TO, ICwrmsel I 1 ,?'f., be blessed with a son life of use- cockerel •most be :from a dam with weakly. a -Presbyterian ,Church; Assist- ,r - � g fulness health As an official trap nest rascal of 200 ox and is of the latleat type obtainable, edby Rev. A. Simuclaar, of rite United. y � MONTREAL and QUEBEC CITY also TORONTO ' 7t s cir,m a�•: 1 ,:'.. and o prosperity. ' -,,light token of our esteem; and more 24 oz. eggs in her pulse year. being electrically ventilated- The g ba•ood'ing capacity 3; Church. The floral tributes were beautiful. The $7.50 $10.50 / $2.50 Ili-WhyQShouldn , t Thea Turn its . frienrd'slhirp, we ask you to accept tlhis table and silverware-�Si grind on 'lie- To receive "Government. AIpl roval" the )pens and meeting from which he equipm0A �is b00• Chicks, as >yo'an as the are t or called for many and pallbemxerst were GordonWto Jahn Bolton' . FRIDAY rMAY 5. ,SATURDAY IVLAY 6 r y Mrs, John Ford, late of the Town- auspices of the Women's ,Missionary ( The League of the United Church ! was born in 1873, where he spent ctical] all his life. Seven ears y y day in Toronto on business. IRev. and airs. ,S. Knechtel and Miss ship of Tuckersmrith, was held oil Society in the Thames Road United held its closing meeting on Monday � . he gave up farming on. account Sunday aftern on last from the ,Ohu'rch• Elizabeth Rennie, of Kitchener, spent y ° Miss Duff, of Toronto very abs 'at 'Mrs. Lamle of her brother-in-law and. sis- Toronto, evening last (until the conning fall. Y• 'Miss 'Walker, of Toronto, has been . i11 health and two years later ,pur- . last week this home of Lydia , ,very ter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bolton, a addressed the (Sunday schools of Car- Interesting few miles east of our village, where m,el Presbyterian Church and also of g the United Church on Sunday last, in ,visiting her ,parents, Mr. and 'Mrs,. George Walker, a little southeast of 'r the village. Chicken HatcheryProves the deceased was visiting at the timo f h d th th r bot the interests of "Temper ance." iMr. and IMrs Robert Hilggins re— . TUCKERSMITH Mr. Alfred Magvvire receive $7,975 M each.. . {;' Hon Mr. Cooke might have said Avery enjoyable evening was spent l; at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William how much less than $30,000 a year Riley on Monday, April 17th, when I.,rr I • • MT. Gaby really got, arid, how mrfch the friends and neighbors of Mr. and re '!,V `'. more he has received in other years. 'Mrs. James Riley gathered there and .;, ` �' i Also he might have• imparted similar Presented them with a, walnut table . • .I ' iatformtiork about the other high of- and a cabinet of sirlverware'. Mm. •1 ' Robert Archibald read the following '! .: finals, address, while Mr. Frank Sproat and '"'r' 1' 441 bait th o er ea going e e a u a week before for a little change from Mr... Nelson Blatchford, who a cently visited their daughter, M¢s. , the home of hem sister, Mrs. T. J. couple or so weeks ,ago undl'erwent Sweitzer, at the Beach of Pines, near r Berry, with whom she had .been mak-' an operation in the Huron Springs Grand Bend. ing her-'h'om�e for some tim6 past. I GknitoTiumt, has sufficiently recover- IMrs. William Fairbairn recently un, Mrs. Bell, following the death of her ed to be brought to his home here ,derwent an operation at Victoria Hos- , husband, had lived in Hensall for Land ' is dowing nicely, although it v ill pital i,amd is getting on very nicely. many years. - ,She was a very +bright, be ,some little time until he regains 'Mrs. D. B. WeLean wase called to . inte':gent woman and highly re- his accustomed health. St. Thomas on Wednesday last ow- Mpected, and will 'ire missed by both 'Miss Dora„Sherritt, R.N., .of Port ing to the very serious illness of her a host of relatives and friends. She Huron, 1Mich., is here at ,present vis- brother-in-law, Mr. McTavisjL ' leaves to mourn her death, firPe sis-' iting her brother, Thomas J. ,Sher- Mr. Roy McLaren was taken to ,41 •' IHorwerper, a i e is er an M.T. Robert Tyndall pres'enwd the tars an,d one brother, Mfrs. T. J, Att. the Seaforth Hospital on Tuesday ev- nothing, and even this little informa- bridal couple with the - -beautiful Main Plant at Sunnyvale. B-rry„ of Hensall; Mrs. John Bolton; l 11Tr . T. (Murdock and Miss Ethel ening and underwent an operation for ti;� ��' .~ tion if disclosed when asked far in µ'' gifts: "Dear Mr. and Mr-,. Riley: On learning of your recent marriage, (Continued from page 1) mark but at the 'April inspection in acrd 'Mrs. Gordon Bolto n, both of near Hensall'; Mrs. 'Hummve i, of Mel- a IPI appendi,ciltis and 'is doing ass wen as (ing ack have returned from s with ing a week or so at Toronto with can be expected. :i :;1• . the Legislature, would have saved great the Government a eat deal of em- we, Your friends and neighbors, have assembled here to -night to exteAd to R,O.P. Foundation Stock. 1933 the negative marks were reduc- ed to 1 per Dene. Thus is shown the P ville, Pa., and Miss Helen Ford, of ' brother, Ed. Y r i * '' arrassmerut, and wouldn'ot have add- ; you our heartiest congratulations and No ,goviernmtent ,policies have meant mine to the Canadian -poultry indnts- rontinu•al im w.f m enit being made in ,the egg size of the Sunnyvale Hock our village and one g as Dakota. 'i`h funeral seririre was • Y ed so greatly to the load of distrust which has been growing in the minds welcome to our neighborhood. In the g esrtarblisli nent of your new Lorne, we try than the Record of Performance fon bred poultry and, the gov- Capacity 16,000. Mott largedy attended, many. coming from quite qu a long distanceto pay • • Round Trip Bargain Fares P. ”. 't r' Of rhe Publl'c Ort the maua'gement wish yon every happiness and Som- fort life •pairs moment approval of aisle birds from The ca acity of the incubator used P .to their last titbits o£ rez Peet aitrl was 'r. ,.',. • of Hydro in ,Ontario. which married should give. gi It is our sincere wish that you may hens with oircfal records. An R.O.P. is 16,000 eggs, or some 4,600 eggs It is Mammoth Buckeye condveted by Rau. W. A Young, of g,TO, ICwrmsel I 1 ,?'f., be blessed with a son life of use- cockerel •most be :from a dam with weakly. a -Presbyterian ,Church; Assist- ,r - � g fulness health As an official trap nest rascal of 200 ox and is of the latleat type obtainable, edby Rev. A. Simuclaar, of rite United. y � MONTREAL and QUEBEC CITY also TORONTO ' 7t s cir,m a�•: 1 ,:'.. and o prosperity. ' -,,light token of our esteem; and more 24 oz. eggs in her pulse year. being electrically ventilated- The g ba•ood'ing capacity 3; Church. The floral tributes were beautiful. The $7.50 $10.50 / $2.50 Ili-WhyQShouldn , t Thea Turn its . frienrd'slhirp, we ask you to accept tlhis table and silverware-�Si grind on 'lie- To receive "Government. AIpl roval" the )pens and meeting from which he equipm0A �is b00• Chicks, as >yo'an as the are t or called for many and pallbemxerst were GordonWto Jahn Bolton' . FRIDAY rMAY 5. ,SATURDAY IVLAY 6 r y lr Sour r was bred mist be :personally inspect- batched, are Rrllyyed omL Robert ruwrwmr, Jarvis Hoxton, 611 x;; half of friends: James Chesney? if sold' to local ,cu toilers. Sunt (Standard Time) ""r, p,;;, Frank (Sproat, .Robert Tyndall, Robt. ed and passed .by Government ofltc- 3r Glenn, Bmoadfoot and George Glean'. '!'!te Sh Carbharine�s 'Standard of vale chicks are sold as far east as T,he .remiai were interred in Hens"" ' Arch'ilbald." Mr, (Riley thanked them ;'sols, as a chick he is individually GOING: Convenient GO1lNGk: Lv. Seatforth Sat., 11 it ,' pedigreed) and banded under overt- .,Nova (Scotia. There is a rtiremendbvs Union ' tem,. During the service bet week says: Oshawa out -of'- ,very mitich on behalf of his wife and g amou-dt of work involvieid in looking at the home of MT. and Mrs. Gordon Lvi. 'Seaforth 7.22 ami. 3.18 pin. 'Ionneicting May 6, 7.22 a.m., 8.18 pan. 1; I} ", works were willing to go to Trenton himself for the ,beautiful gifts. The meat supervision, then the cockerel �� the inciilbatomb broodere and Ar. Toronto 11.251 aJxu, 7.3'6 pmr• Oernee RETURNING: From To- hvmselrf rs again itrspecbed and aP Bolton, a sola, '"Crassireg tlhe Bar," between ronto All Trains w fah ,' remainder of the evening was splent en,s. All R. O. P• hens musit be was fin'eI Lv Toronto 420 phi. 9.00 p in. , p to to the »nlbeT Of fifty, fent only on in dancing until the wee wnW hours. Proved when six mlonths of age. MT. p y remndered ivy Rev. Mr• Ar. Montreal 12.00 M'dt. 6.3o ami. (Montreal 'Mon., May 8. l tlbeir own term4s. A few examriples g Moore qualifies ,scores of cockerels trap nested 365 daps a Year, Which Young. The deceased was in her andQuieblee. TO ALL POINTS i �` The following is the school report meamis that a man mtust be on duty 64th ear aril hard ikr�en in ill health ;May 5 May 6 '. of this and a good n*ny people who of S. IS,, No. 14 Tu'ckeKsmnith for the every year as R.O.P. Government Ap- y — Children 6 cans and un- almost conrtirimpusly. IMr. Moore for 4somnle timnte a followed RETURNING: y ,t5mtribute ivolunttaril. to relief will rruanths of March and '1. The, Proved e!oc>eerLls for Cilie 1933 season 'Past, Y a CorYswlt der 12, Half Fare. i� fall the breeding flocks were neadedl handles over a ton of chick starter a ,sake which hastened her death, To leave Montreal or Quebec City current Tickets .good! coaches ` F tt'emm Imurr ori the whole busi!ness." numbers indicate Iper�ntag „ Pass y birds with these qualhlficationa. week... which occurred on Friday mi�l'i sght. not lacier than P.M. guns, May 7. Time Table. only, No baggage checked. "�1 y'',` 60, honours 7'S. The letter a plm4c- � Open For' IiispeCt%on. The funeral was largely attended 41. J, N , fifi ,av, pare a gaodi malty' petkple who ed, after a name •near, absent for The prodiuction records olf )their dams, Fyek"Y'e")rt�r sotiir on F11re rovlioTe matterg nested umdDer Gaovernlrtdlnt sup- 7'lie entire plsrnt io-s t5pen far ilk- Brom the village, where the deceased Obtain information. Purchase 'tickets from $jLsome examinations. Sr..SrIV Verna li k? r. ,' grit]( vlrhy shouldnet they 'MacLean 78, ]�yelyru 'Starr ;ford (9, erv'ision, rains as high as 286' )eggs' for spection and sny, oris, w ether inter- 'had lived for many gears. Seaforth, Ont. — Depot Ticket Agent, fir`' Jr..IV—Myrtle Taylor 70, George bhQ 'xred Rock males and to 260 est in 1 iioC, would Il be well The chni9rch serviices inyour three F� T i (� 11 bel � , le Iaihe whtitiaut ey m s • for those herrdhnt -thid la t e �in. Moore fop�evairs � nit the rnrg e. r . far local churches fired were ms last ere ("' ,N v"N A L i Varl 60. Sia II—Raid. jr. can gg �✓ It." s�; X of thti o 68, Iiemmneiih `1C wr, 718. .lr", Ih. i egh6m Vein. >LL 4 l��irr l�%t ane., Hut relied', or Donald 'MgcYtmy .82, M mkte Purdy iron of, 1931, tiitiB per cent. of the mechanics of the business and is "I tby glared sexmnoims ,and anlusie.. At (T-36) ,,Ji�i::,. tis iN• afi,+¢ghY , 'has becmrls all 4inr g:2, rp'irst clasp --Billies MaalCmy, 1 - �t ul a it irds imsp teci had a negabiFye always delighted to visitors. the Unated. Oht> e •the pastOrpreaeh- �''pf,� 4 � • iu�al, + d 1. 1 �^ IIF it '}i Y i; k I, ,r. :�.,::. - y : r.�,.. r ,..:5 Vf rr, 'W'.. , ,. ,.t I. r .. r. .. � r ,., ,) f ,...,, �1. t,. , .. M. „':. fl f { t'�. i% 2 h,. o. , :. ,. � ,. i .. 1 , `HX ,y: , .. , n i .1 [ .-R h , „V ri !.,. . ,. ,. nS�. 1 ..l . .. ..,, e , I. �,. ... -.X ... ., , r.;,. J. _, ., , , ,. r. .. 9 ., .� , 4 d "N' � `t I >� v. r. r � .... .. ., ,. .., r. .. , r .. 1 .. r n r I, � r ,. is .. d ,: r. 1..,, z �. ,. �: .. : ,. '. .r � ....,. i. .. i.. � , ,. ., t .. . I r I . .. t }t .r, ,.,.. 1 (x ! f , .: .1 :.r 1. .. ..... , t., Y i , i. . , t , r: n v .n. .11 fr.h. J r. .: h . , � ', „ ,� + � r � n r � i , .1 .. ,. ,. .. � 7. , , 1,. r. H. � , . 1 � o , .. - .. 1. e I � yr' `i... .. , , I. 1 , i h , .,- ,,, '1 J.. r.. Y�r , U! Y ?h .b h' ,r I J.. .,— X,.. k S , d i A ,. 4 a. i "1 ., ,. .1 ,�r r 6 ,., .: r v., r 1 .., r .' ,. »r 1...: .'J'. ..:, .,, , d. r w i , S y •,: 1, a r .. , :, 4. r. :.. s. a .., t J$. I. , ,.< , 1 , k. , f :. N. i d .., Y .. •3 1., ,t I � i ,. 1. ,. -b ... ,. ,�., �. r r ,. , r4, Li- .. .� ., : � Y' .. e. r , .. 1. t, , a 1 r. -: ,.. .,.5 ".'': ..F, s ( , ,p 'N .. r. ,4 w. , ....1. .. l �, � NC. r .: n ,.� •r .. T r �.fi ,. J'e,, ... 3rr. 1 ,. C {. d ..S 1 ,. .: ., ,J. -1"!n {,�.. .. , :,� a. ,. P.. :, c .. 1 >d( r- ,. % �,. ,. .s e. t. I. ..., a .,.. „ ,.,p x'A S� a1 ,. o �. :.� ,. N 7 a .. d I, , f. �, <J,. t. .r. .7 1 ,a, „>� ta, ,r, ,.t r r v ,, c,a 1 ,.1,. .r.. r..: a 1. �.. I, a s. .1 ll rw f. �F;,I,. 1. 1.1 r r, 1 1 ,a,r i ., t ra , r �. il,,•r., , .a5 .ia+ ,r . < Y-.,• •...�, , , ,t „l a �r V"I, ,, '{, :c• v .1, '.. , .41, „ i (, £ R , � ai ,;:w G. x , r « v :., » .. ,Y".. .. + c d`�. v :.:.,, .'� ✓ r.ah:, � .a,n , r ,;tx.' }"M,....r. 1.R11. 2:{,,,.1i. .,:. 1.d, M1h,R .V�a ., r .rr:., ,. 1..,:: �s�, 1: I rt E.,. FV„ .r ,n :, �rt.:..n,.,kf�...,r..9l r. rp: �.a i, .b. ,. u , .f ;�,,,,it''\,,. 'dr,:fa,Y,e::r .:dl $�tanL,lvAa,.,i,h.?�firN•I„ ,,a�,� t.�:.,,�.t,.,r�lvi:',.,,r,+r'.�1,11:,.a,.!r;�.{}��..:.1,1,��I�.W�1.. ,�,v�.,;.:�51,.,�����Skf;,rJrd� r, r d m