HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-04-21, Page 50 • i 1 • i ( rs 4bi1��1 '�1 �r i .ri�tre'�er Aro di 41, i7 4r 1r irpaa�; NOW FLAY NGr . "" WARREN WILLIAak MADMEN O'SUJ,tj V,A.N' in "SKYSCRAPER SOS" U)M, DY- -LAUREL and HARDY in ,'fCOUNTY �Ol9PITA1," ,' Mon day.. Tuead * • and W 4aday--,A[�Fi1. 24;; `25, 29 GEORGE RAV , . WYNNE GIBSON - corwrAN.CE CUrM'MINGS • M.AU. WEST - ALLISON $KIPW.ORTII in `NIGHT 'AFTER NIGHT" compDY NFiWiS REEL Thursdayy;'FridaY and 'Sattirday-=April 27, 28, 29 T1 PICTURE YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR ;MARIE DRESSLER. in f`EMMA" Coming -:-"OKAY, AMERICA" .. ' Matinees Sats and holidays, S m, Two sllawa nightly, 7.3O.ai id 9.15 WALTON Grow Peas.—Farmers wanted to contract for y>5:owang'. plot. • Seed furnished on con- tract basis. If inteneshed, communicate with '.!Cook Bros. Milling Co., Heiman. Ont. Ph ee 240. 64.' 3 The April meerbing of the Women's Missionary rSaei y • and Women's' Auxiliary of ;Du'ff's United Church was held in the basement of the uurch osi Wednesday afternoon, April 12. The president, .Mrs. (Rev.) 'IC. Cumming, was in 'charge of the umassiernary Inveet'ing, w'hi'ch opened' with prayer and a hymn, after which the derd'ot» orad topic was giver; by Mrs. (Rev.) Gumming. Floilowinrug another hymn the minutes of The previous m'e'ting were read by the 4aecretary, Mrs. John '1VLoDonald and oa latter ;was read which had 'bean re- ceived from Northern Saskatchewan regarding clothing sent in a bale.. Mrs. P. Shaw and Mrs. 'Waiter Dav- 1'udsrom were appointed as delegates rto the 'Women's Missionary Convention tat Th'a'mes Road United 'Church on April 25'. It was decided that a spe- .. sial meeting be held. -...each„ auarter -with lantern slides, the first, Meeting ibo be 'held the first week in May. The s'o11 call rwas responded to with a verse -of Scripture containing the (word. 9Hlope: A splendid topic was given lby Mrs. P. Shaw from Dr. Oliver's study book on Dr. Carmichael and gym. !H;erd'men. The • (meeting c'l'osed with a hymn and prayer by Mrs. D. 11MdGailum'. The May meeting Will be lheld at the home , of Mrs. C. 'Bar- rows on the 13th concession of Mlc- 101101p- IMrisrs Margaret Love has returned thorn a after 'spending several 'weeks \ j r her sister, 'M ii..Fred Kerley and other belatlives in Toronto. Miss Annie 'McTaggart rhas return- ed home after spending several months with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt, ',Hrullett. Daniel Slteiss has returned home rafter spending several weeks at the 1iion a of Mr. and Mrs. John Benne- "wefts, Bradha'genr. Msg. Ruth I•Poerle -and- Mr. • nand Mrs., Chas. Sellers and son, Clayton, are holidaying with Mrs. Howie, in 1H1ed llelbung. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Marks Who '/lave resided in rooms above the gar- age for a number of years, have anon 'ed their howselhlold 'e'filelcfs• lie /th'e'ir own residence which was re- cently occu'pie'd by Mrs. Marks' Par- ent/a, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mann. Mrs. Colin Fing+land spent Monday 1Ii .Stratford. The Young People of Duff's „Unit- ed Church met ,in the basement of the ch'urc'h onISdnd'ay evening with the .president, Harvey :Bryan's,. in itVliss, Verlyn Thiel (visited recently charge. The meeting orpenred with a at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. W. Short sing -song with Gertrude Mil- ,Reichert. - ler acting as pianist. The Scripture IMrs. Otto Stephen, of Hensel], is lesson was given .by Waiter Bewley spending a few days at Easter tare from; 1 sCorinthians 15:222„ after with Mrs. J. Stephen and family, which sentence prayers were offered IMrs. R. Love is spending Easter by 'Misses Jean Drager, Rulby'Young, with her son, Mr. and 'Mrs. R. • Love. Edna Reid and Wallace Shannon. IMr. and Mrs: Ross Dick and son,. Following the offering and a hymn, 'Douglass, and Miss Edna Cochrane, splunrdi'd topic entitled, "How Does R.N., of T'oron'to, are visiting at the, Our Belief inr +Resurrection 'Help?" home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Cochrane. was given by Blair Shaw. The pas- (Misses Agnes and Jean 'Cameron tor, Rev. C. Cuiuming, read' an in- of Clinton, are visiting 'their aunt and tteresting 'chapter on "David Living- uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cochrane stone," . after which the :meeting was for Easter week. closed with a hymn and 'prayer. Thos Miss Gladys Jarrott visited her Meeting next Sunday evening will be aunt, 'Mrs. Alvin McBride, of near in charge of the Literary Commit- . Kippen recently. tee and the topic, "Salbbath Observ- Miss Mary Hagan, of London, spent awe Week" will be taken by Miss Easter at her home here with her Qlea trud''e' Miller. sister, Miss Dolly, and brother, Frank. The pulpit in Duff's United 'Church Mr. and ;Mrs. Lennis Seimon and vas occupied by the minister, Rev. children, of Kitchener, spent Easter C. Cumming on Sunday morning. The with the former's parents. next chosen for Ids 'discourse „ was taken from 1 'Corinthians 15:3-4. A very (pleasing solo was rendered by IMrs. Colin Fin'gland and two splen- did anthems. were sung by the choir under the leadership of Mrs. W. C. Bennett.. 'Ser'vices were held in St. George's Anglican 'Church on 'Good Friday af- ternoon and on Sunday afternoon, -with the rector,' Rev. F. G. Rickard, 'conducting both .services. The e'hoir from Duff's United ehurch assisted with the service at 7C2onlerieff United Church on Sunday afternoon. The following school teatchers are spending their Easter vacation in the vicilllity: 'Miss 'Roby Young, of near Bayttll, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Young; Miss Aileen Ryan, of Brantford, art the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ryan; Miss Jean Turnbull, of Ottawa, 'with •Mer 1parents, Mr•. and Mrs. Oliver '?Duriilbu(1l; 'George .Kirkby, of Grand lBerid, with his..paremits, M. and Mr=s Herbert Kilroy; Miss Olive Bolger, of Stratford, at the home of her par - rents, ;Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger. Mss A. Love, of Toronto, spent °the week end with 'her parents, Mr. • and Mrs. Jos. Love. IMrs. Isaac Bolton, of M1ceKiillorp, is • rvisitinig at the home of her daughter, IM'+e. Wan: Humphrey. .x. and Mrs. Cecil Gow,1an'd and Homily, of Fergus, were Easter visi- tors at the home of Mrs. 'Lowland's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S'arnwef Foribes. Mr. rand Mas. Jos. Davidson and 'Bion, Murray, of 'London were guests • with Mrs. Davidson's parents, M. and l ors. Joseph Bennett. A three -act play entitled,. "The Path Alcrogs the Hill;" will be rpres- ente,d in- the A,O:U.W. Hall op Fri- day evening by the Young Peoples Society of Blyth Anglican, church, under the auspices of the 'G G. M. S. of St. George's Anglican. {Church, ,of •WWIalbon. Mr. and Mrs. 1Harry Cows, 'df Grafton, were recent visitors at- the holmle of Mr. and IMrs. Fred .'Rutledge. !Mks Ethel /Shaw and Blair Shaw, of Stratford, are (holidaying with their mother, Mrs. P. Shaw. ' Mr. and IMhts. IThos. Watson, of rrondo_ni, were . Easter visitors with the lather's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Jios. Bennett. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelley and son, of Bellgrave, visi'te'd with the former's sister, Mrs. W. C. Bennett. Jas. Turnibull, of Guelph, is visit- ing with, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Turnbull. Miss .Irma. Workman spent the week end with her parents in •Tuck- ersmith. Mr. and Mrs. J. Morrison, .of To- ronto, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hoy on Sunday. iMiiss Eleanor Knight is spending the Feaster vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J .Knight, Cranbrook. Art 'Pullman spent the. week end with his mother, Mrs. G. Pullman, Mitchell. • IMr. and Mrs. Jno. Bennewies, of Brodhagen, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. ,Miller Mon- day. Mr. and Mw. Foster Bennett and young daughter, Mona, of rSeaforth, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett on Tuesday. (Misses Luella and Ethel ''Mose, : of Milverton, are spending their Easter vacation with their rgrandpareut's, Mr. and Mrs. Adam rSholdice. /Misses Isabel and 'Marie Coutts, of Mitchell, are holidaying at the home of their rgrandparrents, Mr. and Mrs. Fireeman' Haekwe0l. McKILLOP The Ladies" Aid and W. M. 1S. of Duff's Church held their Easter Tha-nkofering meeting on Tuesday, April."18, atthe home of :Mrs. Finlay McKercher, twenty ladies being pres- ent. After an'.hour's work the devo- ti'on'al part of the meeting was tak- en 'by 'Mrs. W. F. Smith. A number of readings were given and the Eas- ter ,tlhanikoffering_program ; way..11sed Mrs. W. F. Smiith gave a missionaryprayer. Miss (Helen McKercher sang a solo which was very'much enjoyed.. Business. 'was discussed and it was. decided to have a home' cooking sale, on April 22nd an the store recently occupied by Mrs. .Sheffer. The meet- ing closed -,by repeating the' Lard's- Prayer ordd's- Prayeir in unison. A. social half hour was spent. A delicious lunch was served by the ladies. IIILLSGRE.EN DEATHS ' 404 Elgle.--AAtt his residence, 45th Avenue, Iffin- k o lver. R. C., 41turf lands Elgie, second non at the late ¢da. W. 11glle and btxa, Elgie, Of Stanley Tolwnah4p. IN MEMORIAM In loving memlar' ad in delar mother, who massed away April 221sd, 1926. God Woad give ue friends unnumbered. lie He may sive us 41e dash ioggterc;, But our hearts in aorribw '6e13 us, He can us bulb one Mother, aye remembered' ber Lillie. ,P f TENDERS WANTED Tendon wanted by the 'Council of the Township of Tuckensm,ith, for a man to operate the stone crushen Duties are to engage men and teams and keep time, keep crusher and engine in condition. Tenders to be in on or before April 28Th. D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk. 3410-2 IMPORTANT NOTICES In loving memory of our dear grand- mother, Elizabeth Pitman Bell Gilding. A cluster !f+ loving mrengoriev, The fondest the hearts can farame. We weave .them intoa garland. and twine them around her name. .-1Ina'ea1ted by :her grauriebna, Orval, Har- old, Frank and Wilber. • 3410x1 MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE STORE PROPERTY IN THE VILLAGE OF HENSALL Under and by virtue of the ipiawwers Con- tained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, ,the undersigned will 'offer for sale at THE . COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HENSALL TUESDAY, „APRIL 25, 1933 at 3.30 o'clock p.m. the property knoviiin es part of -Lot number Two Hundred and Twenty-six (226) en the south side of King Street dm Moir's Survey in the said Village of Hernsal'1. On 'the properit r a the sibore formerly oc- cupied by W. A. McLaren, hardware merch- ant, a central and very desirable business lo- cation. TERMS OF, SALE Ten per tent, tdf purcitease money to he paid, on tthe day of sale. and the balance in 30. days thereafter without tanttereet. The property will 'be offered far sale subject to a reserved bid. (Further terms and Conditions of sale will be made known on day of s'a'le or may be lred upon eappilieabdan to the undersigned. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Exeter and H'enee0l, Mortgagee's Solicitors. 3409-2 MORTGAGE SALE W9a)a9e' 101335a v, ' . '... aalVilaAVi la4FaA�aIliW 1155=MS2MNIMAgge • • 1. :MiV'G4.•aC iFf:rn.xG .l'a ' Q .:J.: It t . H :'' xwvs.uwArlri,u A ..c. �a t�', 1,AVOPlamlYiW,a>464 G a10Aral0411,,101.1 CW1MBIa1T0414. 5.MiAbi9MfW .11044 L1'41AhYG.=..%.IA f. Zr t�•l3vr'Nlrf OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Under and by . virtue of the powers Con- tained tar a certain mortgage which will be produced mit the' sale. the undersigned w•SIl offer for sale at COMMEBCIAL HOTEL, HENSALL Ora TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1988 at 3 o'clock p.m. the property known as L.ot Number Thir teen (19) in the Third (3rd) Cbneession, Lon- don Road Survey, of the said Township, eom- tAainimg 100 acnes of land, More or less, and the South Part of Lot Number Ten (10) W'tt' the' Eleventh (-11ithl and . Twelfth •...(12th)- Cbncessions of the said Township, containing 51 acres mlare or less. , Oni the property is a bank barn, brick house, new drive shed and dairyhouse, goad hardwood bush about 10 acires, and good wells. The prcpemty issaid to be well fenced and .drained. TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be, paid"Ott sbe .daY. Of -Sate Mid' she'tialanee :rir 30 days thereafter without 'interest. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. Further terms and Conditions of `sale will be made known 'ail the day of sale Or may, be hada upon application to the undersigned. GLA(}MAN & STANBURY, Exeter and Hensall, M'ortgagee's Solicnbars. pan SALE.—BANNER SEED OATS AND timothy' seed. Ably to J. A. McKENZIE, Sew£e:n*1A . Phone 25. FOR SALE. --WHITE SWEET CLOVER, Dwarf Essex, Sweet Glover, Soya Beane 211, O.A.C., Banner Oats. Pbere 13 on 82, Hensall. W. F. ALEXANDER, R. R. No. 2, Herman. Ont. 3410-1 BUIL• FOR. SALE. --44 MONTHS' OLD choice Durham bull from a good milking dam, Prided re somablty. ROY PEPPER-( Phone 5 on 615, Clinton, or Seadbmtl% R. R. 8, 8410x2 3409-2 STRAWBERRY PLANTS GLEN MARY AND SENATOR., DUNLAP' $1.00 per hundred; $2.50, five hundred; $4.50 per thousand. ST. LAWRENCE BEAUTY $2.00 per hundred. ALL PURE VA.RIET'IES r Delivery Prepaid. FIFTY-ACRE PASTURE FAWN TO RENT. 21/2 mild. west Of O stainee. Plenty' of shade and water. Apt/1y to ROBERT L. JAIMIESON, Lot 7, Ooncemsicer 6, Hallett. Phone 23 on 220, Sealiiorth. 34094 TO RENT. -0.00 FARM RENT. -0.00 ACRES, Lot 7, CoaeeseAan 7, MclCilleip, goer r1a9- ture ; Windmill and Iola Of wader. Apply to JOS+ePH FLANNERY, Dublin. Phone 87 r 40, DuhThn, 8410-3 AUCTION SALE. ---,GEORGE ELLIOTT HAS been instructed to sell by 'Public auction en the Treelike. James StreeJt, Seaforth, on Saturday, May 6th, tat 250 Pm.. the jrouse; rot and liousehoff effects of John Grimoldby. JOHN GRIMOLDBY, Prorprietar; George Ii. Elntbtt Aue'tiateer. 840,2 CUSTOM HATCHING.—wxITE LEGITORN olr4OW for anile: chicks bred fawn. Queen Allmrsndra Senustoriurn Farm Stock, Byron. Ont. Frrtmr .flho 1500 birdk kdplt on our Lake- view Pountty: Farm, Tkaalromxl, we aatheired' 1.000 large chalk White eggs daily durriag. the month of December. Chicks from ihfa date waY:il May let. 8 ceras ; eller t5e2r, 7 rents earth. It. SCA.RLE1't, Seaforth. 8400ne 277.W. ti ;lra�ivai": Egbert Faber. HENSALL, ONT. 34094 Wool Wanted Toronto prices paid for Wool. H. M. Jackson en'sSmar- At Record Low Price. An Event that will Appeal to Every. Value -Wise Man. ' FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOlt, SALE.—FOR SALE PART LOT 28 tend 29, Goremtilan 3. McKibiop, COM" Veining 192 'wares end known es the T. E. Hays' fame_ Must be weld to clove the eatalbe. If Wilt sold will be rented. For parebicu'iare apply fb J. M. GOVENLOOK, Evocator, • Sea- 8358-tZ A BARGAIN FOR SALE.—Five ams, one mile frolm, 'Seaforth; modern house with furnace, bath and toilet; .small barn; good orchard. Taxes, $16. Splendid chance to start chicken farm, • bees eta Apply to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. . 2889-t1 THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 I590 $18.50 $22.5 WHEN you are offered sturdy pure wool worsted Suits at these prices, that is a bargain. But when you get them tailored and guaranteed by famous, reliable makers, it ,is an extraordinary bargain. The style, -the workmanship, per- fect fit and expert tailoring are all up to the high standard you would expect to get here. There are Blue Serges, Blue Stripes, Dark Grey Stripes, Fancy Tan and Browns and Plain Greys. All rizes. Either one or two trousers, as you wish. ' Come in and" see these wander values. 5 TABLE LINEidS Reduced 20% These are finest and first quality linens, Johri Brown's famous Shamrock -Brand. Not in years have you been able to purchase these high class table linens at anything approaching these -prices. Tablecloths Two Yards Square Regular $2.95, for ...$2,35 Regular $3.75, for ...$2.95 Regular $4.75, . for ...$3.80 2 Yards by 21 Yards Regular $3.95, for ...$3.15 Regular $4.75, for •...$3.80 Regullar' $5.75, for ...$4.0.0 ALL TABLE NAPKINS Special, 20 Per Cent. Off. MoreNew Dresses In the Most Alluring Styles. For Every Evening and Daytime Occasion $5.75 to $12 ra+ Dresses! Dresses! Dresses! Hun- dreds of them! Each, one an out- standing style creation. Every col- or imaginable. Every new idea for women and misses in a complete •1 size range, from the slender miss to the special modes for larger women. Greys, Sands, Blues, Green's, Blacks, Ashes of Roses — Made of Jerico Crepe, Saiid Crepe, Silk Crepe, Georgettes, Peble " Crepe, Organdie trimmed. Women's Full Fashioned Hose Kayser, Welldrest or Pen- man's. Light service weight, silk to welt, mercerized welt .and foot built 'for wear. Wide range of new wanted shades. All sizes. A real special. 75c Special Showing of New Millinery The new Hats have not only the very latest styles to recommend them, but the new colorings are so varied and becoming that they can be worn with any suit or dress style. And the prices are equally interesting. STEWART BROS., Seaforth