HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-04-21, Page 2. d L . I I
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JIM A , _, 44F4 7b 4 71he Apra ffooeting of the Gleaner
I �.. , I , � I M*40,13and- Qf Duff'sVnited ch-pieb
%- 4W7 , 0 to neit of care. �11, huM4`# fti. : .1 "ksu", -0%6.1 .......... �. ..
'11' ��,e'::� I , , I 4, .. . I -rom_
, _7 �,�, �,; I I
I per , om age to age. w "; was Acid in the -soh<4 of the
:4,., %, a rft =4= fr of with
. . 6: , W pt ,_ �) Thy patience; still with of the we leaT4 U44-tives Soo* ims4ibitions omm and go, but churdli on Sund'ay wt�prahw with a
"W" �,. , .
11. .., I It) . 1
',. ". 11 '11, that a motive of action we are a-� � round a spoll, (splendid aftend�mm. 7%e meeting
4444, , . , . '. ' '
�."w':!:-,t " _t,opened
� .1 ,,I. . ., AM , sh from our sight, '.. �^, j�� dearer company- ' shamed to wnftss when a sense of ,low -dl4 11 ;
I ", � , I . .01,k.. . 6 I
1%!����, .1 ii; I y 110s 1 to tell;
, ,,, � cannot . y entim after Prager read
, U11. '*9* that Ikeeps faith 'sweet, and I Christ,'Is preseupe is upon us V ,w%d,dshWJg,=L,4g the welcome'
.,;�, .. . �� i" I . = .
�'. ... in 0. nig I I be a right one. And in •proportion. I t n't be- Boit ret seem to have in them, the SeApture lessori frov�k -Mark 115:
. ,
tr,'! I �. '' tnist thbt tTiunVImi, bmer wrong. as the presente, of the master's SPI'T- gin to'teli what i suffered from backaches due the life for longer years, 1,16. A prayer was offered by Mrs.
�1 . ,.�,- , , , � r kidney derangem When I would bend &sing off mark- Edward Bryon' after *hioh,the roll
,. . " � W. Gladden. it is felt, it is suppoessed,or destroy- Qwu it s&med that. I couldn't straighten up Or Yet to have their cpa,
11 . . I e& ' - I again. 1,yW coptinually awakened at night (ed 'by a gpah of tears,; wagoalled wila,boyt forty members '
41� 1�1 .. . . PRAYER . That'the lesson he was about to from the mane cause. Dizzy, sick headaches E
.,f . . . . and a weak stomach made We feel perfectly BA* othor customs that we� have, are responding. Tilt" ,minutes of the pre -
ti i, .1 . . ch amn Was- an i=Portant One 16 wretched. Now thanks ,to y al , I Tijpe wfth honored age, I vious -meeting were read' and' adopted
; �q a' , "" Cause us, 0 bca�d, to grow more an& tea
", . your
And wwW one of these here. th and business was discussed in connec-
4.1.11" , I seeking always iseen in ,C
"I .. � I ta life
p hrisVi seating Himself and 'Fruit—tivIes', I — eajQyl 9 1-ings,
like to Thee, , .
0 , Sam
I 'Al� ". , " *be good of others rather than our sum'gnensing them to dreaw near to Fruit -a -tines . . .' all drag stores we AeKdewbe this ~. , don with the E4,ster concert to be
� .
�,�it'.� .� 7 "' I . . � !held in the school room of the church
�� � F, , Amen. HIM. Then Ilk gave to them His �
, .. i'j.� ,4, evml. judgment on superiority between _- . � Why, 'long about this time of year, on Monday evening, April 17, at 8
� 4.1 - I . . '
I'll ',?� 23 wl�aa and man- "If any man desire whm winter's on the wane, ip*% A progwam consisting of drills
, I K�', " - oto Wd
"I'll I. -W � I to be first, the same shall be last of saw that Christ would acknowledge And When the, almanap, each week Pentowlines, etc., will be f I w
��-,: \ - Lesson Topic—Jesus Rebuke Self- all and servant of -all." The highest all who professed his itame; and he ftlis for a bit of rain, . vAth lantern slkles, on Africa.
"17;,�7,, Seeking, excellence in -the Kingdom of God is made his confession: "Master, we Wthereothew days are chilly like, wW Classes foraged for their study per-
, : .
` nea kiff no iod'a&ter which the meeting closed
'j,"". Lesson Passage Mark 9:36-43.
_ his wbo abuses and forgets him-,belf saw one casting but devils in Thy' cm a s of 8 W,
.,��, - , I ., Golden Text—Romans, 13:10. altogether in the benedt and advance- name;- and' we forbad 'him, became Along thtre, strides that gbodly thing, 'With a ,hymn and the Mzpa& bene -r
.�. � .
.'' . I I I Having returnedjo Peter's hoolie in meet of others. Then he gave -them be followed not us." Jesus was by The Seaforth Big Spring Show." &ction. .
1. ol I Chapernaum, Jesus began to catechize an object lesson as an illustration of this interruptian given an opportun- Ah, have we not ea,ch one of us, in The weekly meeting' of the Young
1i s Hi's disciples about their discussions that sta�ement. "A Pattie child,', per- ity t�o teach them a lesson in tol,eT- 'days ,that's passed away, Reoplds Society of Duff's United
" . ,
1. among thenis6ves as they journeyed hap's,4jne of Peter's faxnily, was tak- ante. There were many besides his Ehilift up upon that them event, to Church was hold in the basement of
;'rte el' •-, towards the town. The selection of En up in his arms and by his wm,d,$ professed followers who were influ- have, sone glorious day. I
.11 �11 I . , I .the church on Simday eviening with
� Peter, James anti John, for special 'he further drew their attention away enced by his spirit; and he would 1. , Wmlla*e $hinnor4, ioenvenor of the
1. I � . association with Christ; the primacy fTom themselres to tile Most disin- have them see that syn4pathy and Yoia -know it Is one splendid thing, missibnary,commlittee, in charge, Fol-
�.�, . of Peter suggested by the words of terested and unselfish service they help towards such is 1.tpelf a -proof of this once a year occasaoui lowing the opening hynu-4 ,the Scrip -
.�, .... .. their Master on a, c,ei-Wri occasion; could engage in. "To receive it child discipleship. �
�,,_ ., . When farmers come to town '%y Jing" tore lesson. was read by Miss Beth
1� .... I and the spirit of the sons of Zobe- in the nameo7f God, is to receive God . Turninig again to the little child and come without persuasion, . Shannon 'from Psahn',20-1-10. A
dee, ,ehlowin t
n in request of their Himself.,, How to receive, Him? As he points out to them, the need Of The wolmenfolks they come along, prayer was offered by IMrs. Peter
I 2wther on their behalf, were circum- akne-He'can be received"4y know- exercising teovIerance ,towards the w4en the Weather it is -fine, Qardlipar, after which a splendid tg,p-
.�I otances that soon attracted the at- ing Hiui� as He is revealed in Jesus weak ones. "Jesus -would impd, ress it Anwatch the menfolks show their 'ie entitled, "Growing a Nation" was
1, teption of the others, and gave rise who is child-like."—(G. MacDonald). upon His disciples that they must horses on the halter and the line; ,given by Miss Isabel Ritchie. The
. to discussion as to relative superior-
. I.. John at Aice, grasping the signifi- honer and ,proitect, the isolated begin- Atild it really must be thrilling, for minister, Rev. Charles ,Cuiromin.L-, gave
1• ity. cance of. Chri%Vs words just- uttered, nings or germs of faith to be. found ;every ch"p, that tries, . a. splendid address and the aneeting
,, . T, l . � . — in the world" (Lange). He acknow- Wath adandy-bunch of horsj6s to win, closed in with at"hymand the ,Mizpah
, - . 4. � .. ledges themand *6 shall -be. sternly a.-sipecial prize. I ,benediction. I '
." I n to , I . I The -meeting on ,Sunday evening,
I I , judged if we "cause them scum- .
. . �_ � I past, when A.pril, 16 'Will be in charge of the
It' . � ble." The-infahriy of offending one I used to gp,.in days gorve,- I
of the "little ones" was as gr&t as I was young and spry, I Citizeiiship, Committee;,and the (topit
I.. I., '*_� . rths.t sometimes practised upon a And *ith a -string of horses for chose 'ientitled, "How Does Our Belief in
1) eat criminal, namely 'the hanging ,prizes to try; I � the Resurrection Help?" will be tak-
, . — — gr .
. .
F... ..... � . ,_.,_:�,-J��, 1 --, ,_� , , millstone neck, and And it's great "By Jove," you bet it en by ,Blair Shaw.
,. � I of a ii ,tone about his ne .. :
'L . I -being cast into the sea. This pun- as, as you May well ,suppose, 'Mrs Hoerle! has returned -home 6
:., I � - I - \�� __1 \,__� , ishment, ,was )butt a shadoNy of the . With smashing pair of drafters, win He4f,e6urrg after spending several
I L___1______1'1 1, . -.,, / --,,--, more terrible penalties ,of the spiri- a. nifty suit of clothes; weeks with XT. and Mrs'.' Charles
. , �
I . _,___rtual state as stated in ,verses 43 and -1 used to go, you're right I did, unto Sellers. :
., . "-I- 1__� . 44. The words in these two verses that Big Spring Fair, " . W6 •are sorry to report that Mr.
•/ were Ekipoken by Christ in a very ser- And try for a dandy special with an Jaii-ites Hembley is ill at his home in
It . � . imus and solemn mood, and wqre evi- agricultural pair. Pahmerston with the flu. Mr. Sawtell
l I I 6ently intended to represent a very , . I ; of Harnifto'n; took charge of.fhe Bank
I , _� serious and, solemn reality. Afid eit% grand to, try the . sweep- of - Comtn-rerce here o*�Mlonday',in -Mr.
. . stakes, when out upon, its rounds, Heqnjbley's absence. .. �
I Annie's Stay At Vita Hospital. With a big upstaniffing gelding, The April ,meeting of the Ladies'
. . weiglung nineteen hu G -
. I One sumniter afternoon a Ukranian hundred pound, Guild dTi,d W. A. of St. 'George',,; An-
, And if You da' t land ,•, of -course glic-an, wgs held at the -home-of Mrs.
I e ca�',,,,Ila,,,�d
I I father drove up in his wagon to the You never ' am, . William Smith on Wednesday after-
. .1 I door of the hospital, A blanket cover- Some fellow of -ten gets it that has a noon. April 6.. . .
. ing some straw, made a bed foi; An,- !stylish mare, Mrs. Hinds, of Moose Jaw, who is
I nie, his daughter, -whom he; was, But t1hoL,*& big shows with emblems yisdting with her -parents in Brussels
bringing to they hospital in hope that red .to eftlicr lose or get, gave a splendid, 'talk on the British
with the, docitoT's aid she Q-ai.gbt some Those
,1,, walk again. se things had -pleasure once for and Foreign Bible Society. Refresh -
I Annie. 'wZ� ,thirteen years 'of age; � Imle, I almost feel it yet. . mai-tis were. served at the close -of the
Keep pace With spring . someg tin -Le befoTe, her only brother . meeting. The. May'me6ting will be
had died. Her mother, too, after a And they .decorate those homes Manes ,'held at the home of , Mrs. John
I '-spin ribbons in theiir tail, Bolger.
. ItVtime to change' to crisp, healthful I ul I 11 I long illness, had left them, and so And with their skill to decoratie, tb-i�y , 'Service will be held -in St. George's
. I -_ .. - - - — Annie and her father were left alone) isurely .never fail. i Anglican Church on Good Friday af-
.. foods. Kellogg.'c.Corn Flakes I are is . , A .in their or and.unhomelike shack. They 00 .them shod with bevelled ter"on at 3 p.m., with the rector,
. . light , an&,- refreshing as spring Lng itself. - 011� 'To -get to the ,hospital they had tak- shoes, and dress their feet. up fine Rehr. F. G. Rickard conducting, the
, . fio,l: en a long, slow .drive of fifteen Miles, And pluck and thin theIT,
I �,�:",e fancy legs serbice. .
Seive,with milk or er'eam and add fruits 1. i,,r� _Annie.had.gorne to school only lo .
, . I CORN - ., , 119 till enemy hair's in line; The April ,meeting of the Wo,yrloin's
I.."-!,. I , enough to )pick up a few phrases of And 'when they drive them, in the MissioOaTY Society and
I or honey. FLAKES -�,,-`�': -, --, P i�,d Ladies' Aid
. ,
. � I I I . . � I . OVER -PR I .. , "I , English, for ' aftdr her' mothefs street, they step up gay and spry,' ,of Duff's'United GhuTch Was. held in
, . - " death ''
. Give the childr�n Kellogg's for, sup- ��� '. . she had' -stay home to help It is one grand and -glorious sight, thO basement of the church on Weed-
. . . ,, -1 .
I I . --- . '. . her father. I I
per. E4,sy to digest. Rich in energy. . . . . . . I aiid.pleuink'to ;the eye. nesdAy afternoon. :
_.— A (bench, a table,, an, old stave, 6 ... ... . 'The choir from Dlu�ls Unite,)
' Ontario. - few pots and dishes ,and a place to . "
Made bi Kellogg it[-Lolidon, 0 - ' . And don't you mind when on the, Church has (been, requested to assist
,. . ... I 1. . steep were the only fumislungs. of A - .
I . . 11 . oqual.* I the ladkid trot, with the service at Xbn&ieff United
I their home. Annie had one -, fheog cal
. . I . I I
luxury—an old gramaphone wi en rer a Church -on 7Sundwy---&ftei-�oe*,_
.. . right there on the spot, ial Easter music is being prepared by
. govi three: record's,
her company when
and one companion, And batched unto some four wheeled
eat,, which the choir under the direction of Mrs.
•'' rig,
rig, th6rinake" their hKwse-s. fly, W. C. Bennett. .
.•. . I 9 .'her father was away. . As though it wiewe a case for them, toVVV .
: . . ... 'But ',Annie -became lame and grad- ,win thart thing or die; an .. . r
ually her ,hifp ' ,grew worse and, more And -how that crowd .did clap d yellSTANLEY
I . I painful till'at last sh4i. could, not get by hook, it sure was, grand, .1 .. .1
, I . lber father's imleals, and so we find Wilen the wilrnbT.,drove her noble .
I I I - I her at the hospital. She brought ' ateed up past the judgVe stand. I Int6nded for ' last week.
wfth her all the clothes, she hada-
bloomers, -a cotton slip, a dress and I've wan&,red Mr. Percy'Johnston was taken to a
. round quite a bit, on Landon hospital last Friday to re -
an old sweater, but no 'shoes or , this olid I earthly plane 4cefvc tmI.-dical treatment, as Jia bar,.
&� I N 6 _4 I stockings. . And' -seen. a quite of lot of things not been enjoying good health for
I L Ar .1 ,On examination. the, doctor found that's -built to eT. . pe he soon
I .410L Aertain- some time. � Wie ba may
. I - I that her trouble, was tubercular hip And some,of them. are, ;i4ghty good be restored to his usual health.
-1 � . and little''hope was entertained that and 'set up queer and strange, . �Misss 'Mabel Calver Espent a few days
. . . she would'ever be well enough to ey- 7%eY sprinkle all along the line and visiting filer mother alit Clinton.
I I ... en sit up again. But Annie must bb ,cover qui -be a range, I The 'Swrament of the Lord's Sup-
. 0 ,L . gie s But I'd sooner, ',By.. Heck,"I would `per will be observed at Goshen-, Blake
I . Christian; hospital can giver Mills unto that Big Spring Fair, airier I Val�nla churches next Sunday.
meant a plaster',cast eneasing the And :step' -right out" along the street 'Mr. and ;Mrs. John A.' Armstrong
, r lower part of her body and her left and meet my neighbor there. $ ,and family visited fAbe fermeiret.%
(11 - ' leg, the other part of the treatment inotheT, Mrs. Armstrong, in Clinton
" . % I being the: (best care, arid• the most gen- There's Joe, and Jim, and Tom and last Friday, . .
tle. and kindly companioins1hip that I I
T . could be given ,by nurses, , . Tim, Ezekiel, Ed. and Mac,, .
.1 At first it was hard for her to un- And! :Matt. and Ike, and Pat and Mike ' I I
I . derstand, she knew so little English. land Finlay, Bob and Jack; BAYFIELD .
,� .11 Shecouldn't read the books that were There's Bill and Ben, and Lou and MEMO
�4% given to her ,but, she could look at .
ga Len, and Dphriam, Ab and Abe,
, d . A Saw, and- Doj�v and Dan, (Intended for last week.- ... tlie pictures, and as, the- days passed nd Sim and . 0 ,
. � I and Russel', Ross and Jobe; 11
she would ask the meaning of words William. Cd -M Iron has retarned, to
That *sere used and ,sometimes words
There's Luke and Les, and Wat. and Detroit after sependdp-F the winter at
. other - questions, and as interest Wes, and Archie, Dick and Dan, h' is hoM4 here.
- 1. - . An�l Hugh And Hank, and Fred and
I 1. f 14 i deeipened in the things, that were a,- Frank, and Wilfrid, lack a W.,McClinsch6Y was here a fewdays
, LO I ibout her, her countenance, which at Ind -1,071- last week with his parents, 'Mr. and
I , . A
. first seemed almost expressionless, � Mrs, H. I rClinchey and returned to
ISII began to %irighten, and revealed the There's Amos and Andy, Silas and. Detroit Sunday. T
. t. .1 . fact that behind it w" ,a bright, keen Sandy, and Cecil, ROY and Vierne, 'Mrs. Charles Weston went . to De-
. I,
l .1 .. inebellect. el And Nick -'and Ned and Jad and Ted, tToit Supiday wibh'W. MccAinchey and
1�1 I .
Evening after evening she studied and Xornvan, Jake and Earn; will visit relatires, there, I
- - 11 .. I the English language, she learned to Tbere's'Afthi and Alf. and Rory and I.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. �>wett and
I -read a I enc spell, she studied gram,tnar RaITY11, 1WI-901mery, Geo. and Pete; -daugh-te,r, Grace, arrived honne, Mon-
aned arithmetic, and inn the daytime They cpm 6 from all the country round day after spending the , winter in
. 113 . . she learnbd to sew and knit. What- ,and make our Joy comiplete. FlorWa. r . - .
. I I I . . I I I fun it was to make dtresoes for her And we ,talk about the winter, and James, catling, of Port Stanley,
. ,doll and to knit for it a sweater and tho Pleasure of the Spring, Nvas the gvest of ,his grandmother,
L I secretary - a bommet! How interested she be- About the .price of cattle, and' almost MI -9. James,, Sturgeon a feW.. days last
canine in her books, and in the work even-ything. week.'
we_everhad" - , I of the,kindly nurses. How delighted I I . . The annual' ms�squera.die carnival
I �
obe was when she could. help, WAnd we watch -t:hoqp. classv, , and dancle, under the auspices of Bay-
. . horses �
. Making dressings Or assist in clean- when parading in their tog -9, field A--rii-cultural Society, is to be
This was the verdict of tb'e Elm . ,ing the surgical ins'trum'ents, From And we speek of the depression and held in the tmvn hall on Wednesday
Codniy Association members before,. ' . where she lay she could see the dish- about the ju,mp in hogs; evening, A-pil-I 19. Prizes. are offer -
Phil Burton had been in office six es on the ward being 4aahe,d, and The, ladries, too,- are on the street; 'ed for vMAO-11's costulmes aihd a good
.1 months. His minutes were always om of her high annibition's Was -that they amble, to and fro, ,time is expected. ,Music will be suip-
dear and he knew bow to read some day cyh.e Might help to was1h And inspect tifif latest fashions that IpHed by the Variety Orchestra and
I them.' But best of all was the . those dishen.. the ine-rebaritts harve to Q,how, lu,ncb will 'be served. ,
. WR 1. After , many months the cast was And we surely had one glo,rio-us (lay, Remember that commencing fas-
.. le lined the crowd u 1br eacK ,
'. .P I rremoWed, and, lberfore ftniany weeks, every man anal woiniian there, ter Sutday, service each Sunday will
meeting. . Annie, to the delight of all, could sit Let's poples " all shall meet again 'be at 11 a.m. and -so throughout the
I . . ne usual notice, quite apt to be up in bed. One morning the nutas .at "SeQXorth'q Big Spring Fair." suminifer at Trinity Church. There
. forgotten in the stress of other mat- on entering heard these words, "It's . NWJ lb�,e special Faster music., Sun-,
. I
tars, Was not enough for Phil. The . 0 all TnMie except the corners, would day -school vAll be at 30 o'clock.
I . you fix thiose, please?" I I Mirs. Wideardbe ' and daughter,
. I
night before each meeting he would �, I Christmas tirme comers; Annie had them all away. Mary, left far Windsor on Tue,§day,
call each member ori the tele bone never heard of Santa Claus, she 'In her year at the boisspital Annie where they will visit iMr. and 'Mrs.
I and remind him. The result was For 30 cents - knew nothing of Christmas trees or nearer cried. and never cont0ilained. Allen Pye. I
=per meetings that got down to' you can telephone csristmas gifts, It "Waal real joy Sire still ums her crutches, but the I
I .
. I ess and produced results. I about (both to ,herself and the nurses -when, time may cqTe, when she C27i throw - - -1
, -
. The telephone' is . indispensable. It she was ,car*A down to the � Christ- them away. ,She went home, wit}) STAPFA I
. 100 M, fles nvas tree where she received as ,her new clothes, ,new friends, new .. . . ,-
I is so much part and parcel of your by making an "any. presents, a Bible, a doll and other thoughts, new ideals and a new out- (Intended
daily life that YOU cannot do with-, one" call. (station- .(things. She was carried-, toot' to slee look .on life. 'S'he n more for last 717.j�,
. A out it. to -station) after 8.30 the nurses rooem,'and mahy times af- three recoH,q and a cat to ,brigb,ten The W6rnen's Institute will Meet on
I p.m. See list of rates terwards she asked be Im taken to ,beer &Ts, Sipe -till like,s to Md Wedneedhy afternoon, 40.rA 19. The
.. I
in front of directory. the room. where there are real things. Peter. Rabbit and Dicken,ise Christmas program will be: Roll call, namleis of
alloa in EatoTes - catalogue," and Carol and other come books which e youv -public school teache"; topic,
.. 1
I'll 11 . somleMmes ,beer requeot was granted. from the' hospital -ge of
11 11. � , I . f , library, and her history of school ser -tions in chat
, I , • Then came the wheel-ehair and father enjoys, the dishea m",9 from. Mrs, 'Bow ion; Conft'.Rt, INLIR. R. Me-
� I i I 00 - finally the crutches, and at lost An- the recipels soured from the. hospital _Donald, 3t s. E. Treffi-y; mmemt ev. '
� OD,�
- i
�, - . I - I.. .=.� ie I Me artually carried out ,her. ambition. kitchen and the m2a,ses eW07 the ]of, -s.' A.'Jeff,rery. Bdng a CeT_
i .�r._- I 11 ents, Mir
I " / 4F \ 1. She first wiped' the dishes, then she 'tern received from Annl,6. anbum slip for the embartV as it is
. '�,,"' I i* I" ivitwf� i wiashed them and at last'abe could being continued bliig month.
I 1. 0=1A mexce st a L.W.0
V,,A,, J �
.. "I I WOMWAM000 wash ftm, then wipe them and put I By XilrD'e 'H,eCullagh. . Mr. and 1M 1. X Miller sTe
,.r-1 ., 11 . AWANOW
� I . I
M., . I
�,q., , . I I ,ie . � � I , . - . . 4 I I
11 'Itl4',,, . i . I I . .
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11 ,�, 0.-,,,. I ,f 6e, . q
... , . , , 1 �: '�Qj 111,
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I 16 20W , I '11-i
, "
IN namou 1�1d� � I A69 .- L_
L, �
, '
l , I
. I
. �.
HadNi " ' Years.
or 35,
. ff
I i A'I
. --- ..
.., _"'
. . �
, �1-
.. .,.'
I-.-- I
,.:P�:5*!:.:: ;. i.,
��.::.:P..,;. ." ,..�.� .
I 1- , ."..
". ,.'
.. jo
This amount of a iveteiranN N'%nix'�_
.. .
back" is be" given in Ili%, own, words:
"Sonlie three years ago I was sudden-
I . i
ly 4ffficted with a swelling of MY_
I _!....1 ....
right kneel, the pains being -so severe
I I 1�
that 7 could not walk. I ,had to crawl
- - - - I
vstairs to bed, and then ,pou
so niuch go,oA that I recommen(V '
I 11 ,
no 6eep on account of the pain. Hav-
them for all sorts of bodily ills." --4
� ;
ing led -an athletic life, this was a
, H. A -
)V -
severe blow to me.. il tried all sortsI
� .
of treatments, but with small results.
By mainting Nature's balance of '
Then I decided to try Kxuschen, I
(vital sults in your body Kruschen
took a do -se in my 'coffee every morn- �ensureas
the regular and, iarmonious
ing for a fortnight, and, finding a
,operation of your liver anV kidneys,
small imiprovemen% ,I ha -4 continued
so that your inside is gently but oom-
dotog so ever since.
pletely freed from every partie6le of
I �
"I am happy to statethat I can now
poisonous. waste matter.
walk ,miles without difficulty. As a
Internal cleanliness means the cir&�,
3nWttAr of fact, I recently entered a
lation,of clear, ref'res'hed -blood to ev-
-race for Veterans over 40,'and. in
ery cell of your system, converting
,spite of my 61 Years, 'walked away
every vghi inteo, -a tiny 'torrent of en-
, I
.with it' in good, time. That was nil,
ergy, filing every, fibre ,of you with
first rake for 85 years. Now' I am
P .
that "Kruschen 'Feeling" ,of flitness.
feiliag"fine, and just off for a walking
Kruschen Salts is obtainable at all'
holiday. Kruschen ,Salts -have done me
Drug- StorcLs., at 415c. and 75.c.perbottle4 .
. .•
I .
spending a week visiting Mr. and
cessions of towntshilp, also .lead lines .
Mrs. 1M. Hodgeri, London.
between- L6ts 5 and 6 and Lots 15 and
Mi. Saiii Norris spent the week end
16. Westcott-`Moir:- That the i est
wilth his aunt, Dr. Margaret Patter-,begrantadl
but that they must confer
� ,
son, Toronto. .
Councillor %otecott befom the.,
�� ,
Mr. 11. Golding., who is spending�`
final staking is done.-Oarried. Re- '
., .: �.
,the winter in Seaforth, visited sev-
quest from Good Roads Association
14 1.
� ,j �-
eral of his Staffa friends Sunday af-
for . nien#bership fee-4hiled. Com-
ternoon, ",
munication .from Department of For- .
-# ,
The -monthly meeting of the W. 1M.
ests and -Lands, re farm relief and
- t
S.. -was held at the home of Mrs. Geo.
o6tftleMent .plant Tabled. A delega-
, , ,
Vivian, on Wednesday afternoon.
tion from Trustee Board, Kirkton
.Xi!. and Mrs. Howard Fletcher, of
Lilbwarl, applied for a grant for"thp,
t I
Larnheth, wdsibed Mr. , and Mrs. -F.
library. Shier -No secondet: That a
Elliott -on ,Monday.
grant of $10 be made. Moir -Pass -
.'The Young People met in the
more: That a grant of $5 be made.
� I
church Sunday evenIng, Aipril'5, with
-Carried. ' Treasurer's rEiport: $7,50
the vice -(president, . Vera - Hambly,
of 1902 taxis, .together with $13.03
0 I
pre* s iding. 'The meeting operded with
penalttLm transferred by the collecfor
' tr'
a hymn. The. minutes of the last
to the township account. W;.esteott-
. I
meeting were read -and adopted as
Shier- That the following accounts
Correia, The ffinissio-riary convenor
he paid: 41ilton GA%gory,, gravel and
: 4 I ''.
.,then took charge, ,and another hymn
laffiqr, $6,1.80;, Dominion Road ..• M4-
war, sung. Then the Scripture letson,
ChiOETY 'CO., gradex..bla4e, $5.25; C. N.
was read byCarl" Drown after which
freight, , a,. dw&g--
Charles John
Vera I fainbley led in prayer follow-
, .. William Elford, drag -
.ging, '
e& by ,the topic given by SylVia Tuf-
ging, $3.15; Ben'Williams, dragging,
fin entitled, "Growing a'Nation." Mrs.
801c;' Henry -Ford, superintendence.
40 1.
Ken Dralke, then sang -a solo and the
v,om expen-se, $11.851- -'Carried. :,The'
meeting then closed with the Mizpah
council adjouTned to meet on, Satur-
Bentediic�tion. 11. .
. I . . .
Strang, Qe;. I . I .
ELIMVILLE ' . . I. :
. . .
. S � 7 . .
, '
. I
1. . (Intended for last week)
I . I I
� I
Bladder Weakness
The roads a re drying up since, the
graders have been' working on them.
Mr. and IMrs., P. Whitlock, of
- is ' I
MAes;Ude M 91ru
Thames Road4 .visited at Mr. H,
, %OAJW.
I 1.
Ford's on, Sunday.
. . ." I .,-
. The members. of. the,, ,Brotherhood
Daily -Annoyance, Troublesome Nights
held a social',evenping last Thursday
" Lives of Thousands' ,
night When they ,entertained their
States Writer Who Tells What —
-lam -f-Ae,nds, -A--s91m(hd_PPog=WJmP_______10
Do�_fqLqHi:ck Relief -
of great variety was given, and lunch
served afterwards, .
I I . - .
Backnefies, Headaches, Pains ilz�
.On IMonday night Rev. Peters gave.
feet and logs, Nervousness, Restless-
I '
an interesting display of lantern
ness, frequent but scanty Urination
I I .
slide's in the church. They were
with bprning and, pain, getting -op-
I scenes from theLife of'Ghrist
nights --care some- of the more trou-
jOn Tuesday ' evenilig flie, �oung
bletsome signs that should have
ladies of the' Mission Circle were en-
PronVt attention before they reach
. ,
tertained, by the Circle of -Main, St-.
a more serious stag*!.
Church, Exeter, at the 1WAeT church.
No matter how stubborn your ease
I . I
may seem to be -or ,how many neer-,
Cines You have tried without results
. .
. don% think your condition. is hope-
or the. nuetural'cons,equefices of
(Intended icor last week)
Years until you have tried
Courcil Minutes. — The municipal
the amazing value of Dr. South-
worth's 1'URATA,RS.1, .
council of the Township of U-sbompe
On a $. I)ct .guarantee of money
n- ,on Saturday; April 1,, -,at the
back -on 'first box )purceha,Aed it you
township; 'hall, pursuant to adjourn-
do not -receive swift and, satisfying
ment. All the -nip
, mbers of council
relief, any g6od ,druggist will supply
were present. The ,minutes of the
You with "Uratabs" in sealed pack -
meeting of March 4th w,exe read and
:ai�es containing a teeil days, supply.
approved on mlotion. of Sliler-Pass-
If they bria&'great relief inside of
more. Commundcations: Letter from
'Municipal 'rural
48 hours and'd-a wonderful improve,,
I .
Board re telephone
meet inside of tern &3% you will be
sys*ms—noted. Request, from ,Bell
greatly pleased—if they do not help, .
I .
Telephone Co. for licemde to build they cast you nothing- Ask ' .
their branch li'n'e on 2nd and- 3rd con- dru'g'gist to -day. your
. I
— - I
. I .
Acorn Bar --- ---
Ventilator I '
. Prevent span- I I
tanpouiq cornbui- . . Use Preston
tion, Base, 201 "Led-Hed"
I I in.; Drum, 16 . ." . 1,1, I Nails
in.; {,eight, 4 Lead is used on
I I ft. 5 in.—only .. .the'head,afthf,se,
'5 - $5.00.
, I nails to sial the
—, - ,
nail -hole. Now
I only 15c lb,
I .
N Jim
. ,
. .. Galvanized Tanks
build -
Special Spring Sale. Write Millions of dollars worth Of farm build -
I. prices. - ings are being eaten up each year by rot
V . sldcurn,4
I I I Spark and decay caused by leaky roofs, and by
. Arrester fires. Save your buildings N 0 W before
I I For your they get beYotid-saving. Re -roof 'with
house cbim.
ney. Pre- Rib -Roll. ,
vents roof .
. fires.44 . Rib -Roll is permhnent. It cannot warp,.4 shrink; peel, crack, curt OV bulge. -It is
. ctl�
fireproof—sparks cannot ignite it. When
Stacurn's Fire Suffocator properly grounded at the four corners
. For Putting -out fires when according to the Ontario Lightning Rod
Wy are beginning. Act,' it gives complete lightning pro'tec-
_2x , PRESTON barn tion.
Irw Door Hardware f I I
_ 9 We cab. save you "Council Standard" Rib -,Roll is now sell -
money your
barn or hard- ing at the lowest prices in history. Qual#y,
ware. -Write for . I
. prices. is still maintained at its highest poinvP
. . . .. Write for free sample and
I I 111,1111, useful• roofing booklet. ' ,
4�t4o'lo'"O", We make all kinds of Sheet
. v I Metal Building Materials.
.- — -
Freston Steel Clad barns
Bufft, wi-tit YvAred Sled jNy
. I ROOM andsided911 ank tytisses.
ed with fife.
proof steel. Write for
"Tdok ALbout garns". Preston, Qnt, Montreal 6t Toroato
. .
.."... �, � I 1, I
. "
t , , - I 71 . .
&, Im ie.�,11,1;:�V'1:1); - � i'(A ",I' Ah.,,�� '. I
" ,,"6,.0
&,,�f�.O,A ,,,A, v A
111. , I 10-06". , . , , . i i;k IT- '
, .