HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-04-21, Page 2. d L . I I ; � : � I 11 . , . I � - I t. nlf; "Ill , ,, , 11 . ! �, .. -1 I , " IT I . � ,,, .� - " " ,, �, .. 111. ,. . , , , , ,. .1 , , l:f ", �. .... . ", .b, . .. .... � 1111P", . . i � : ..',., �­ 9 . . ., 0 i'A. , .1 �' . ;�71`&�' ("I .. __ I , 'A - I . I �� 11� � � . I e � .. I : . ,". 11 � Ell. I - .,­- , , , ____.1. i� �J;�.;j ;,;'4i.,4,;;� .....", , � � RM ;r. - . 11 . g"prpm P, , ..... ... 1111-11 -1111. 1 ;,; ;; � ;i i ;; ii . I ,J�, ......... 11 .,� "R 9 , P" , �,1111 ... 1101"N , A 1�y to ��__t . I "I 2 � . I - X %Wm' �," I I *,l� A IMM que'spow 6 - , 11111 I 4N,42&LT;J.- - _1�111 lty,w! _,�!! 1. . 0 .4r%r 1&stpr I tb" 1 - 1.1iA ,�, ��r , , I,, � *W, , M, , , A 0 W , �� � , "I dqll, opt) I WeM ,%A They wer" * , *r , �'% � "I'll, ,"* I 1J I � 1.0, �w tbgb Ike f4u.'q4 ha 4*OeZ r il �-N 3 W, I � ­ I " 17 "R � : g',; A C i , tlff'q, I � . I . ��. �4&MZIF,q 1, 111 11,1� ­.$ I '. , "I'' ,,, '. , '. . �� I , � � bl],� �� ,."� ... LLLLLLLLLLL I 1, , � , I , " I I A . . . . I . , . � . . 0 . , I , � , I I . I I " I I � � I I �11 rlml I 11 - Ae,, .1, I '. �� - .,�,,,� � � : �, . � I i .: i k — , � - ,7 . . . .... � ,� ! , � , i I".. •yi . , , , , .... .. ... : 1 ,1•1 e - "I'll �` �� .7 ,_,7- , 't iit.,',,' iI'll I'll :1; ., I - `, . ,. , ,��� ; , .I��_II;, � .,, ,' ,� I". y .. ",I r,,I ',.".1.1 ; N. II 1' 'r ' 1. '4,.4I,0 1q , IP11 , I . # R - .4�,,�.r...I-. 1. . -, 1.1- I. I ,, ,,,,,;;r...'. . 1;1 .. . mi. j , , , . 1 ". � _,I%4001�,.I 1 �.._�tI II,0 = AAKUA JLIA%Wp Lwle; isucaemsVU1114 were eQw-..O**dor last ,eek.11''i,10" fik' : '",,I, %I VW ..," I I'll ft". I ; I.4N � T" in I A .,��,.��,.;,,l� u;,!v= 4 - *_ *ii I - �N&,i,_."I,.I " - . .. __Z ? MA 0. serV400 y * *w svi#U , ,12N �7wW kwlp =� be�r thot vo* ft�inq. is ,.vn, N ''i� N . q JIM A , _, 44F4 7b 4 71he Apra ffooeting of the Gleaner I �.. , I , � I M*40,13and- Qf Duff'sVnited ch-pieb %- 4W7 , 0 to neit of care. �11, huM4`# fti. : .1 "ksu", -0%6.1 .......... �. .. '11' ��,e'::� I , , I 4, .. . I -rom_ , _7 �,�, �,; I I I per , om age to age. w "; was Acid in the -soh<4 of the t :4,., %, a rft =4= fr of with . . 6: , W pt ,_ �) Thy patience; still with of the we leaT4 U44-tives Soo* ims4ibitions omm and go, but churdli on Sund'ay wt�prahw with a "W" �,. , . I 11. .., I It) . 1 ',. ". 11 '11, that a motive of action we are a-� � round a spoll, (splendid aftend�mm. 7%e meeting 4444, , . , . '. ' ' �."w':!:-,t " _t,opened � .1 ,,I. . ., AM , sh from our sight, '.. �^, j�� dearer company- ' shamed to wnftss when a sense of ,low -dl4 11 ; I ", � , I . .01,k.. . 6 I 1%!��­��, .1 ii; I y 110s 1 to tell; , ,,, � cannot . y entim after Prager read , U11. '*9* that Ikeeps faith 'sweet, and I Christ,'Is preseupe is upon us V ,w%d,dshWJg,=L,4g the welcome' .,;�, .. . �� i" I . = . �'. ... in 0. nig I I be a right one. And in •proportion. I t n't be- Boit ret seem to have in them, the SeApture lessori frov�k -Mark 115: . , tr,­'! I �. '' tnist thbt tTiunVImi, bmer wrong. as the presente, of the master's SPI'T- gin to'teli what i suffered from backaches due the life for longer years, 1,16. A prayer was offered by Mrs. �1 . ,.�,- , , , � r kidney derangem When I would bend &sing off mark- Edward Bryon' after *hioh,the roll ,. . " � W. Gladden. it is felt, it is suppoessed,or destroy- Qwu it s&med that. I couldn't straighten up Or Yet to have their cpa, , 11 . . I e& ' - I again. 1,yW coptinually awakened at night (ed 'by a gpah of tears,; wagoalled wila,boyt forty members ' 41� 1�1 .. . . PRAYER . That'the lesson he was about to from the mane cause. Dizzy, sick headaches E .,f . . . . and a weak stomach made We feel perfectly BA* othor customs that we� have, are responding. Tilt" ,minutes of the pre - ti i, .1 . . ch amn Was- an i=Portant One 16 wretched. Now thanks ,to y al , I Tijpe wfth honored age, I vious -meeting were read' and' adopted ; �q a' , "" Cause us, 0 bca�d, to grow more an& tea ", . your And wwW one of these here. th and business was discussed in connec- 4.1.11" , I seeking always iseen in ,C "I .. � I ta life p hrisVi seating Himself and 'Fruit—tivIes', I — eajQyl 9 1-ings, like to Thee, , . 0 , Sam - I 'Al� ". , " *be good of others rather than our sum'gnensing them to dreaw near to Fruit -a -tines . . .' all drag stores we AeKdewbe this ~. , don with the E4,ster concert to be � . �,�it'.� .� 7 "' I . . � !held in the school room of the church �� � F, , Amen. HIM. Then Ilk gave to them His � , .. i'j.� ,4, evml. judgment on superiority between _- . � Why, 'long about this time of year, on Monday evening, April 17, at 8 � 4.1 - I . . ' I'll ',?� 23 wl�aa and man- "If any man desire whm winter's on the wane, ip*% A progwam consisting of drills , I K�', " - oto Wd "I'll I. -W � I to be first, the same shall be last of saw that Christ would acknowledge And When the, almanap, each week Pentowlines, etc., will be f I w . ��-,: \ - Lesson Topic—Jesus Rebuke Self- all and servant of -all." The highest all who professed his itame; and he ftlis for a bit of rain, . vAth lantern slkles, on Africa. "17;,�7,, Seeking, excellence in -the Kingdom of God is made his confession: "Master, we Wthereothew days are chilly like, wW Classes foraged for their study per- , : . ` nea kiff no iod'a&ter which the meeting closed 'j,"". Lesson Passage Mark 9:36-43. _ his wbo abuses and forgets him-,belf saw one casting but devils in Thy' cm a s of 8 W, .,��, - , I ., Golden Text—Romans, 13:10. altogether in the benedt and advance- name;- and' we forbad 'him, became Along thtre, strides that gbodly thing, 'With a ,hymn and the Mzpa& bene -r .�. � . .'' . I I I Having returnedjo Peter's hoolie in meet of others. Then he gave -them be followed not us." Jesus was by The Seaforth Big Spring Show." &ction. . I 1. ol I Chapernaum, Jesus began to catechize an object lesson as an illustration of this interruptian given an opportun- Ah, have we not ea,ch one of us, in The weekly meeting' of the Young 1i s Hi's disciples about their discussions that sta�ement. "A Pattie child,', per- ity t�o teach them a lesson in tol,eT- 'days ,that's passed away, Reoplds Society of Duff's United " . , 1. among thenis6ves as they journeyed hap's,4jne of Peter's faxnily, was tak- ante. There were many besides his Ehilift up upon that them event, to Church was hold in the basement of ;'rte el' •-, towards the town. The selection of En up in his arms and by his wm,d,$ professed followers who were influ- have, sone glorious day. I .11 �11 I . , I .the church on Simday eviening with � Peter, James anti John, for special 'he further drew their attention away enced by his spirit; and he would 1. , Wmlla*e $hinnor4, ioenvenor of the 1. I � . association with Christ; the primacy fTom themselres to tile Most disin- have them see that syn4pathy and Yoia -know it Is one splendid thing, missibnary,commlittee, in charge, Fol- . �.�, . of Peter suggested by the words of terested and unselfish service they help towards such is 1.tpelf a -proof of this once a year occasaoui lowing the opening hynu-4 ,the Scrip - their . .�, .... .. their Master on a, c,ei-Wri occasion; could engage in. "To receive it child discipleship. � �,,_ ., . When farmers come to town '%y Jing" tore lesson. was read by Miss Beth 1� .... I and the spirit of the sons of Zobe- in the nameo7f God, is to receive God . Turninig again to the little child and come without persuasion, . Shannon 'from Psahn',20-1-10. A dee, ,ehlowin t n in request of their Himself.,, How to receive, Him? As he points out to them, the need Of The wolmenfolks they come along, prayer was offered by IMrs. Peter I 2wther on their behalf, were circum- akne-He'can be received"4y know- exercising teovIerance ,towards the w4en the Weather it is -fine, Qardlipar, after which a splendid tg,p- I .�I otances that soon attracted the at- ing Hiui� as He is revealed in Jesus weak ones. "Jesus -would impd, ress it Anwatch the menfolks show their 'ie entitled, "Growing a Nation" was 1, teption of the others, and gave rise who is child-like."—(G. MacDonald). upon His disciples that they must horses on the halter and the line; ,given by Miss Isabel Ritchie. The . to discussion as to relative superior- . I.. John at Aice, grasping the signifi- honer and ,proitect, the isolated begin- Atild it really must be thrilling, for minister, Rev. Charles ,Cuiromin.L-, gave , 1• ity. cance of. Chri%Vs words just- uttered, nings or germs of faith to be. found ;every ch"p, that tries, . a. splendid address and the aneeting ,, . T, l . � ­ . — in the world" (Lange). He acknow- Wath adandy-bunch of horsj6s to win, closed in with at"hymand the ,Mizpah , - . 4. � .. ledges themand *6 shall -be. sternly a.-sipecial prize. I ,benediction. I ' ." I n to , I . I The -meeting on ,Sunday evening, I I ­ , judged if we "cause them scum- . . . �_ � I past, when A.pril, 16 'Will be in charge of the It' . � ble." The-infahriy of offending one I used to gp,.in days gorve,- I of the "little ones" was as gr&t as I was young and spry, I Citizeiiship, Committee;,and the (topit I.. I., '*_� . rths.t sometimes practised upon a And *ith a -string of horses for chose 'ientitled, "How Does Our Belief in 11 1) eat criminal, namely 'the hanging ,prizes to try; I � the Resurrection Help?" will be tak- , . ­ — — gr . . . F... ..... � . ,_.,_:�,-J��, 1 --, ,_� , , millstone neck, and And it's great "By Jove," you bet it en by ,Blair Shaw. ,. � I of a ii ,tone about his ne .. : - 'L . I -being cast into the sea. This pun- as, as you May well ,suppose, 'Mrs Hoerle! has returned -home 6 :., I � - I - \�� __1 \,__� , ishment, ,was )butt a shadoNy of the . With smashing pair of drafters, win He4f,e6urrg after spending several I L___1______1'1 1, . -.,, / --,,--, more terrible penalties ,of the spiri- a. nifty suit of clothes; weeks with XT. and Mrs'.' Charles . , � I . _,___rtual state as stated in ,verses 43 and -1 used to go, you're right I did, unto Sellers. : ., . "-I- 1__� . 44. The words in these two verses that Big Spring Fair, " . W6 •are sorry to report that Mr. •/ were Ekipoken by Christ in a very ser- And try for a dandy special with an Jaii-ites Hembley is ill at his home in 1. I It . � . imus and solemn mood, and wqre evi- agricultural pair. Pahmerston with the flu. Mr. Sawtell l I I 6ently intended to represent a very , . I ; of Harnifto'n; took charge of.fhe Bank ., I , _� serious and, solemn reality. Afid eit% grand to, try the . sweep- of - Comtn-rerce here o*�Mlonday',in -Mr. . . stakes, when out upon, its rounds, Heqnjbley's absence. .. � I Annie's Stay At Vita Hospital. With a big upstaniffing gelding, The April ,meeting of the Ladies' . . weiglung nineteen hu G - . I One sumniter afternoon a Ukranian hundred pound, Guild dTi,d W. A. of St. 'George',,; An- , And if You da' t land ,•, of -course glic-an, wgs held at the -home-of Mrs. I e ca�',,,,Ila,,,�d I I father drove up in his wagon to the You never ' am, . William Smith on Wednesday after- . .1 I door of the hospital, A blanket cover- Some fellow of -ten gets it that has a noon. April 6.. . . . ing some straw, made a bed foi; An,- !stylish mare, Mrs. Hinds, of Moose Jaw, who is I nie, his daughter, -whom he; was, But t1hoL,*& big shows with emblems yisdting with her -parents in Brussels bringing to they hospital in hope that red .to eftlicr lose or get, gave a splendid, 'talk on the British with the, docitoT's aid she Q-ai.gbt some Those ,1,, walk again. se things had -pleasure once for and Foreign Bible Society. Refresh - I Annie. 'wZ� ,thirteen years 'of age; � Imle, I almost feel it yet. . mai-tis were. served at the close -of the Keep pace With spring . someg tin -Le befoTe, her only brother . meeting. The. May'me6ting will be had died. Her mother, too, after a And they .decorate those homes Manes ,'held at the home of , Mrs. John I '-spin ribbons in theiir tail, Bolger. . ItVtime to change' to crisp, healthful I ul I 11 I long illness, had left them, and so And with their skill to decoratie, tb-i�y , 'Service will be held -in St. George's . I -_ .. - - - — Annie and her father were left alone) isurely .never fail. i Anglican Church on Good Friday af- .. foods. Kellogg.'c.Corn Flakes I are is . , A .in their or and.unhomelike shack. They 00 .them shod with bevelled ter"on at 3 p.m., with the rector, . . light , an&,- refreshing as spring Lng itself. - 011� 'To -get to the ,hospital they had tak- shoes, and dress their feet. up fine Rehr. F. G. Rickard conducting, the , . fio,l: en a long, slow .drive of fifteen Miles, And pluck and thin theIT, I �,�:",e fancy legs serbice. . Seive,with milk or er'eam and add fruits 1. i,,r� _Annie.had.gorne to school only lo . , . I CORN - ., , 119 till enemy hair's in line; The April ,meeting of the Wo,yrloin's I.."-!,. I , enough to )pick up a few phrases of And 'when they drive them, in the MissioOaTY Society and I or honey. ­ FLAKES -�,,-`�': -, --, P i�,d Ladies' Aid . , . � I I I . . � I . OVER -PR I .. , "I , English, for ' aftdr her' mothefs street, they step up gay and spry,' ,of Duff's'United GhuTch Was. held in , . - " death '' . Give the childr�n Kellogg's for, sup- ��� '. . she had' -stay home to help It is one grand and -glorious sight, thO basement of the church on Weed- . . . ,, -1 . I I . --- . '. . her father. I I per. E4,sy to digest. Rich in energy. . . . . . . I aiid.pleuink'to ;the eye. nesdAy afternoon. : _.— A (bench, a table,, an, old stave, 6 ... ... . 'The choir from Dlu�ls Unite,) ' Ontario. - few pots and dishes ,and a place to . " Made bi Kellogg it[-Lolidon, 0 - ' . And don't you mind when on the, Church has (been, requested to assist ,. . ... I 1. . steep were the only fumislungs. of A - . I . . 11 . oqual.* I the ladkid trot, with the service at Xbn&ieff United I their home. Annie had one -, fheog cal . . I . I I luxury—an old gramaphone wi en rer a Church -on 7Sundwy---&ftei-�oe*,_ .. . right there on the spot, ial Easter music is being prepared by . govi three: record's, her company when and one companion, And batched unto some four wheeled eat,, which the choir under the direction of Mrs. ' •'' rig, rig, th6rinake" their hKwse-s. fly, W. C. Bennett. . .•. . I 9 .'her father was away. . As though it wiewe a case for them, toVVV . : . . ... 'But ',Annie -became lame and grad- ,win thart thing or die; an .. . r ually her ,hifp ' ,grew worse and, more And -how that crowd .did clap d yellSTANLEY , I . I painful till'at last sh4i. could, not get by hook, it sure was, grand, .1 .. .1 , I . lber father's imleals, and so we find Wilen the wilrnbT.,drove her noble . . I I I - I her at the hospital. She brought ' ateed up past the judgVe stand. I Int6nded for ' last week. wfth her all the clothes, she hada- bloomers, -a cotton slip, a dress and I've wan&,red Mr. Percy'Johnston was taken to a . round quite a bit, on Landon hospital last Friday to re - an old sweater, but no 'shoes or , this olid I earthly plane 4cefvc tmI.-dical treatment, as Jia bar,. &� I N 6 _4 I stockings. . And' -seen. a quite of lot of things not been enjoying good health for I L Ar .1 ,On examination. the, doctor found that's -built to eT. . pe he soon I .410L Aertain- some time. � Wie ba may . I - I that her trouble, was tubercular hip And some,of them. are, ;i4ghty good be restored to his usual health. -1 � . and little''hope was entertained that and 'set up queer and strange, . �Misss 'Mabel Calver Espent a few days . . . she would'ever be well enough to ey- 7%eY sprinkle all along the line and visiting filer mother alit Clinton. I I ... en sit up again. But Annie must bb ,cover qui -be a range, I The 'Swrament of the Lord's Sup- . 0 ,L . gie s But I'd sooner, ',By.. Heck,"I would `per will be observed at Goshen-, Blake I . Christian; hospital can giver Mills unto that Big Spring Fair, airier I Val�nla churches next Sunday. _/�, meant a plaster',cast eneasing the And :step' -right out" along the street 'Mr. and ;Mrs. John A.' Armstrong , r lower part of her body and her left and meet my neighbor there. $ ,and family visited fAbe fermeiret.% (11 - ' leg, the other part of the treatment inotheT, Mrs. Armstrong, in Clinton " . % I being the: (best care, arid• the most gen- There's Joe, and Jim, and Tom and last Friday, . . tle. and kindly companioins1hip that I I T . could be given ,by nurses, , . Tim, Ezekiel, Ed. and Mac,, . .1 At first it was hard for her to un- And! :Matt. and Ike, and Pat and Mike ' I I I . derstand, she knew so little English. land Finlay, Bob and Jack; BAYFIELD . I ,� .11 Shecouldn't read the books that were There's Bill and Ben, and Lou and MEMO �4% given to her ,but, she could look at . ga Len, and Dphriam, Ab and Abe, , d . A Saw, and- Doj�v and Dan, (Intended for last week.- ... tlie pictures, and as, the- days passed nd Sim and . 0 , . � I and Russel', Ross and Jobe; 11 she would ask the meaning of words William. Cd -M Iron has retarned, to That *sere used and ,sometimes words There's Luke and Les, and Wat. and Detroit after sependdp-F the winter at . other - questions, and as interest Wes, and Archie, Dick and Dan, h' is hoM4 here. - 1. - . An�l Hugh And Hank, and Fred and I 1. f 14 i deeipened in the things, that were a,- Frank, and Wilfrid, lack a W.,McClinsch6Y was here a fewdays , LO I ibout her, her countenance, which at Ind -1,071- last week with his parents, 'Mr. and I , . A . first seemed almost expressionless, � Mrs, H. I rClinchey and returned to ISII began to %irighten, and revealed the There's Amos and Andy, Silas and. Detroit Sunday. T . t. .1 . fact that behind it w" ,a bright, keen Sandy, and Cecil, ROY and Vierne, 'Mrs. Charles Weston went . to De- . I, l .1 .. inebellect. el And Nick -'and Ned and Jad and Ted, tToit Supiday wibh'W. MccAinchey and 1�1 I . Evening after evening she studied and Xornvan, Jake and Earn; will visit relatires, there, I - - 11 .. I the English language, she learned to Tbere's'Afthi and Alf. and Rory and I.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. �>wett and I -read a I enc spell, she studied gram,tnar RaITY11, 1WI-901mery, Geo. and Pete; -daugh-te,r, Grace, arrived honne, Mon- aned arithmetic, and inn the daytime They cpm 6 from all the country round day after spending the , winter in . 113 . . she learnbd to sew and knit. What- ,and make our Joy comiplete. FlorWa. r . - . . I I I . . I I I fun it was to make dtresoes for her And we ,talk about the winter, and James, catling, of Port Stanley, . ,doll and to knit for it a sweater and tho Pleasure of the Spring, Nvas the gvest of ,his grandmother, L I secretary - a bommet! How interested she be- About the .price of cattle, and' almost MI -9. James,, Sturgeon a feW.. days last .✓ canine in her books, and in the work even-ything. week.' we_everhad" - , I of the,kindly nurses. How delighted I I . . The annual' ms�squera.die carnival I � obe was when she could. help, WAnd we watch -t:hoqp. classv, , and dancle, under the auspices of Bay- . . horses � . Making dressings Or assist in clean- when parading in their tog -9, field A--rii-cultural Society, is to be This was the verdict of tb'e Elm . ,ing the surgical ins'trum'ents, From And we speek of the depression and held in the tmvn hall on Wednesday Codniy Association members before,. ' ­ . where she lay she could see the dish- about the ju,mp in hogs; evening, A-pil-I 19. Prizes. are offer - Phil Burton had been in office six es on the ward being 4aahe,d, and The, ladries, too,- are on the street; 'ed for vMAO-11's costulmes aihd a good .1 months. His minutes were always om of her high annibition's Was -that they amble, to and fro, ,time is expected. ,Music will be suip- dear and he knew bow to read some day cyh.e Might help to was1h And inspect tifif latest fashions that IpHed by the Variety Orchestra and I them.' But best of all was the . those dishen.. the ine-rebaritts harve to Q,how, lu,ncb will 'be served. , . WR 1. After , many months the cast was And we surely had one glo,rio-us (lay, Remember that commencing fas- .. le lined the crowd u 1br eacK , '. .P I rremoWed, and, lberfore ftniany weeks, every man anal woiniian there, ter Sutday, service each Sunday will meeting. . Annie, to the delight of all, could sit Let's poples " all shall meet again 'be at 11 a.m. and -so throughout the ' I . . ne usual notice, quite apt to be up in bed. One morning the nutas .at "SeQXorth'q Big Spring Fair." suminifer at Trinity Church. There . forgotten in the stress of other mat- on entering heard these words, "It's . NWJ lb�,e special Faster music., Sun-, . I tars, Was not enough for Phil. The . 0 all TnMie except the corners, would day -school vAll be at 30 o'clock. I . you fix thiose, please?" I I Mirs. Wideardbe ' and daughter, , . I night before each meeting he would �, I Christmas tirme comers; Annie had them all away. Mary, left far Windsor on Tue,§day, . call each member ori the tele bone never heard of Santa Claus, she 'In her year at the boisspital Annie where they will visit iMr. and 'Mrs. I and remind him. The result was For 30 cents - knew nothing of Christmas trees or nearer cried. and never cont0ilained. Allen Pye. I =per meetings that got down to' you can telephone csristmas gifts, It "Waal real joy Sire still ums her crutches, but the I I I ­ . . I ess and produced results. I about (both to ,herself and the nurses -when, time may cqTe, when she C27i throw - - -1 , - ­ . The telephone' is . indispensable. It she was ,car*A down to the � Christ- them away. ,She went home, wit}) STAPFA I . 100 M, fles nvas tree where she received as ,her new clothes, ,new friends, new .. . . ,- I is so much part and parcel of your by making an "any. presents, a Bible, a doll and other thoughts, new ideals and a new out- (Intended daily life that YOU cannot do with-, one" call. (station- .(things. She was carried-, toot' to slee look .on life. 'S'he n more for last 717.j�, an . A out it. to -station) after 8.30 the nurses rooem,'and mahy times af- three recoH,q and a cat to ,brigb,ten The W6rnen's Institute will Meet on I p.m. See list of rates terwards she asked be Im taken to ,beer &Ts, Sipe -till like,s to Md Wedneedhy afternoon, 40.rA 19. The .. I in front of directory. the room. where there are real things. Peter. Rabbit and Dicken,ise Christmas program will be: Roll call, namleis of , alloa in EatoTes - catalogue," and Carol and other come books which e youv -public school teache"; topic, .. 1 I'll 11 . somleMmes ,beer requeot was granted. from the' hospital -ge of 11 11. � , I . f , library, and her history of school ser -tions in chat , I , • Then came the wheel-ehair and father enjoys, the dishea m",9 from. Mrs, 'Bow ion; Conft'.Rt, INLIR. R. Me- �­ I i I 00 - finally the crutches, and at lost An- the recipels soured from the. hospital _Donald, 3t s. E. Treffi-y; mmemt ev. ' � OD,� - i �, - . I - I.. .=.� ie I Me artually carried out ,her. ambition. kitchen and the m2a,ses eW07 the ]of, -s.' A.'Jeff,rery. Bdng a CeT_ i .�r._- I 11 ents, Mir I " / 4F \ 1. She first wiped' the dishes, then she 'tern received from Annl,6. anbum slip for the embartV as it is . '�,­,"' I i* I" ivitwf� i wiashed them and at last'abe could being continued bliig month. I 1. 0=1A mexce st a L.W.0 V,,A,, J � I .. "I I WOMWAM000 wash ftm, then wipe them and put I By XilrD'e 'H,eCullagh. . Mr. and 1M 1. X Miller sTe ,.r-1 ., 11 . AWANOW � I . I -V., � M., . I fir �,q., , . I I ,ie . � � I , . - . . 4 I I 11 'Itl4­',,,­ . i . I I . . I _. , - ... I I � . I 11 �, �. . . I I �, " . . . .. , . . I .. . ....... 11 1; ,, ,,,,, .�, If, , " - ". ", A 1) ­ � , . I �.�,V..h"'4­;,6;�.'..'�,"', ,.,.;,.,�,,��,jr,�,�.��.";,!,�,�,,,� ';'A"' '""' '7 4 1,�4',, 11 ,�, 0.-,,,. I ,f 6e, . q ... , . , , 1 �: '�Qj 111, . W t& I 16 20W , I '11-i , " IN namou 1�1d� � I A69 .- L_ ! L, � S , ' l , I -., � . I . ­ �. oRan HadNi " ' Years. or 35, 1� . ff 1 I i A'I . --- .. .., _"' 1P 4 KRUSCHEN UVERIN. N . . � HEALTRIAND, VITAUTY , �1- .. .,.' I-.-- I ,.:P�:5*!:­.:: ;. i., ��.::.:P..,;.­­ ." ,..�.� . I 1- , .".. " t 'If 40 i4 ". ­ ,.' R .. jo This amount of a iveteiranN N'%nix'�_ .. . A back" is be" given in Ili%, own, words: . "Sonlie three years ago I was sudden- �:�;,,`.; I . i ... ly 4ffficted with a swelling of MY_ I _!....1 .... ". right kneel, the pains being -so severe I I 1� I that 7 could not walk. I ,had to crawl - - - - I i . vstairs to bed, and then ,pou . so niuch go,oA that I recommen(V ' I 11 , no 6eep on account of the pain. Hav- them for all sorts of bodily ills." --4 � ; ,{ ing led -an athletic life, this was a , H. A - )V - � , severe blow to me.. il tried all sortsI � . ­ A .4 of treatments, but with small results. By mainting Nature's balance of ' A ,4 Then I decided to try Kxuschen, I (vital sults in your body Kruschen took a do -se in my 'coffee every morn- �ensureas the regular and, iarmonious A fo ing for a fortnight, and, finding a ,operation of your liver anV kidneys, 0 ., small imiprovemen% ,I ha -4 continued so that your inside is gently but oom- dotog so ever since. pletely freed from every partie6le of 0 10 I � "I am happy to statethat I can now poisonous. waste matter. " 1 walk ,miles without difficulty. As a Internal cleanliness means the cir&�, '4 3nWttAr of fact, I recently entered a lation,of clear, ref'res'hed -blood to ev- ( I -race for Veterans over 40,'and. in " ery cell of your system, converting . ! . ,spite of my 61 Years, 'walked away every vghi inteo, -a tiny 'torrent of en- 1i , I .with it' in good, time. That was nil, ergy, filing every, fibre ,of you with . I first rake for 85 years. Now' I am P . that "Kruschen 'Feeling" ,of flitness. V 1, feiliag"fine, and just off for a walking Kruschen Salts is obtainable at all' .% ' I holiday. Kruschen ,Salts -have done me Drug- StorcLs., at 415c. and 75.c.perbottle4 . . . .• I . . spending a week visiting Mr. and . cessions of towntshilp, also .lead lines . 0 1 Mrs. 1M. Hodgeri, London. ­ ' between- L6ts 5 and 6 and Lots 15 and 11 q Mi. Saiii Norris spent the week end request 16. Westcott-`Moir:- That the i est � 1'� wilth his aunt, Dr. Margaret Patter-­,begrantadl but that they must confer � � , � son, Toronto. . Councillor %otecott befom the., �� , Mr. 11. Golding., who is spending�` 1with final staking is done.-Oarried. Re- ' ., .: �. I I ,the winter in Seaforth, visited sev- quest from Good Roads Association ' A 14 1. � ,j �- eral of his Staffa friends Sunday af- for . nien#bership fee-4hiled. Com- - I ternoon, ", munication .from Department of For- . R -# , The -monthly meeting of the W. 1M. ests and -Lands, re farm relief and - t " S.. -was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. o6tftleMent .plant Tabled. A delega- 0 , , , Vivian, on Wednesday afternoon. tion from Trustee Board, Kirkton . .Xi!. and Mrs. Howard Fletcher, of Lilbwarl, applied for a grant for"thp, t I Larnheth, wdsibed Mr. , and Mrs. -F. library. Shier -No secondet: That a i Elliott -on ,Monday. grant of $10 be made. Moir -Pass - N .'The Young People met in the more: That a grant of $5 be made. � I church Sunday evenIng, Aipril'5, with -Carried. ' Treasurer's rEiport: $7,50 - the vice -(president, . Vera - Hambly, of 1902 taxis, .together with $13.03 , 0 I FP pre* s iding. 'The meeting operded with penalttLm transferred by the collecfor ' tr' a hymn. The. minutes of the last to the township account. W;.esteott- . I meeting were read -and adopted as Shier- That the following accounts Correia, The ffinissio-riary convenor he paid: 41ilton GA%gory,, gravel and ­. : 4 I ''. .,then took charge, ,and another hymn laffiqr, $6,1.80;, Dominion Road ..• M4- war, sung. Then the Scripture letson, ChiOETY 'CO., gradex..bla4e, $5.25; C. N. I i was read byCarl" Drown after which freight, , a,. dw&g-- Charles John "47 I I I I Vera I fainbley led in prayer follow- ,,1,,10e; , .. William Elford, drag - .ging, ' e& by ,the topic given by SylVia Tuf- ging, $3.15; Ben'Williams, dragging, , fin entitled, "Growing a'Nation." Mrs. 801c;' Henry -Ford, superintendence. � 40 1. Ken Dralke, then sang -a solo and the v,om expen-se, $11.851- -'Carried. :,The' 41 meeting then closed with the Mizpah council adjouTned to meet on, Satur- �, Bentediic�tion. 11. . ', . I . . . Strang, Qe;. I . I . ( I ELIMVILLE ' . . I. : . . . . S � 7 . . � , ' . I 1. . (Intended for last week) I . I I � I Bladder Weakness 0 0 �. The roads a re drying up since, the * 1 graders have been' working on them. Mr. and IMrs., P. Whitlock, of - is ' I MAes;Ude M 91ru 1, t Thames Road4 .visited at Mr. H, ' , %OAJW. a . I 1. Ford's on, Sunday. . . ." I .,- . The members. of. the,, ,Brotherhood Daily -Annoyance, Troublesome Nights I I held a social',evenping last Thursday " Lives of Thousands' , . night When they ,entertained their .Wrecking. States Writer Who Tells What — 1. -lam -f-Ae,nds, -A--s91m(hd_PPog=WJmP_______10 Do�_fqLqHi:ck Relief - _- of great variety was given, and lunch served afterwards, . I I . - . Backnefies, Headaches, Pains ilz� T . .On IMonday night Rev. Peters gave. feet and logs, Nervousness, Restless- .01 I ' ' an interesting display of lantern ness, frequent but scanty Urination � I I . slide's in the church. They were with bprning and, pain, getting -op- , . I scenes from theLife of'Ghrist nights --care some- of the more trou- 1, jOn Tuesday ' evenilig flie, �oung bletsome signs that should have I . ladies of the' Mission Circle were en- PronVt attention before they reach . I \ . , tertained, by the Circle of -Main, St-. a more serious stag*!. .1. Church, Exeter, at the 1WAeT church. No matter how stubborn your ease I . I may seem to be -or ,how many neer-, Cines You have tried without results , I. . . . USBORNE . don% think your condition. is hope- -less 0 1 or the. nuetural'cons,equefices of �advancing (Intended icor last week) Years until you have tried . . . Courcil Minutes. — The municipal the amazing value of Dr. South- worth's 1'URATA,RS.1, . A 11 council of the Township of U-sbompe On a $. I)ct .guarantee of money 'A, 1, wt� n- ,on Saturday; April 1,, -,at the back -on 'first box )purceha,Aed it you . township; 'hall, pursuant to adjourn- do not -receive swift and, satisfying F I ment. All the -nip , mbers of council relief, any g6od ,druggist will supply were present. The ,minutes of the You with "Uratabs" in sealed pack - meeting of March 4th w,exe read and :ai�es containing a teeil days, supply. 1 approved on mlotion. of Sliler-Pass- If they bria&'great relief inside of more. Commundcations: Letter from 'Municipal 'rural 48 hours and'd-a wonderful improve,, I . Board re telephone meet inside of tern &3% you will be I sys*ms—noted. Request, from ,Bell greatly pleased—if they do not help, . I . Telephone Co. for licemde to build they cast you nothing- Ask ' . their branch li'n'e on 2nd and- 3rd con- dru'g'gist to -day. your . I — - I " . I . . I I ►r W Acorn Bar --- --- Ventilator I ' . Prevent span- I I tanpouiq cornbui- . . Use Preston tion, Base, 201 "Led-Hed" I I in.; Drum, 16 . ." . 1,1, I Nails in.; {,eight, 4 Lead is used on I I ft. 5 in.—only .. .the'head,afthf,se, '5 - $5.00. , I nails to sial the —, - , nail -hole. Now I only 15c lb, . I . - I .. N Jim I . , Preston. . .. Galvanized Tanks build - Special Spring Sale. Write Millions of dollars worth Of farm build - I. prices. - ings are being eaten up each year by rot V . sldcurn,4 I I I Spark and decay caused by leaky roofs, and by . Arrester fires. Save your buildings N 0 W before I I For your they get beYotid-saving. Re -roof 'with house cbim. ney. Pre- Rib -Roll. , vents roof . . fires.44 . Rib -Roll is permhnent. It cannot warp,.4 shrink; peel, crack, curt OV bulge. -It is I . ctl� fireproof—sparks cannot ignite it. When Stacurn's Fire Suffocator properly grounded at the four corners . For Putting -out fires when according to the Ontario Lightning Rod Wy are beginning. Act,' it gives complete lightning pro'tec- _2x , PRESTON barn tion. Irw Door Hardware f I I _ 9 We cab. save you "Council Standard" Rib -,Roll is now sell - money your barn or hard- ing at the lowest prices in history. Qual#y, ware. -Write for . I . prices. is still maintained at its highest poinvP . . . .. Write for free sample and I I 111,1111, useful• roofing booklet. ' , .."... I .,a I CGUNCILITANDARB 4�t4o'lo'"O", We make all kinds of Sheet . v I Metal Building Materials. .- — - Freston Steel Clad barns Bufft, wi-tit YvAred Sled jNy . I ROOM andsided911 ank tytisses. ed with fife. proof steel. Write for "Tdok ALbout garns". Preston, Qnt, Montreal 6t Toroato I .. I I . . .."... �, � I 1, I . " t , , - I 71 . . .,�, &, Im ie.�,11,1;:�V'1:1); - � i'(A ",I' Ah.,,�� '. I " ,,"6,.0 &,,�f�.O,A ,,,A, v A 111. , I 10-06". , . , , . i i;k IT- '­ , . MIS AM i V I , I I 4 . F�