The Huron Expositor, 1933-03-31, Page 2cr. I . y11. W;z 11411111 t, ,..5 ,,.. ` - a.. o, ,,t„, r,, `r. r �r o. ” ,. r i„FFI! is „. I i 'Mics 1i , ,,. ,W^1Aa , !j P iv i l,.r �, w x - as ) w �. ' �! r :vplt,, ,,, ": , '.4 - . . , '� J „ ..,. ..... a , lei, .,.. ;� - .... .. gym,,. +'r" �' w,w& to a WgmW1 ,grkWsat dlistreas• AX R y e+�, ': °f 6 ,�' A+l.�+�N �*]�,�� ,.a,„ f. ,fit,, Y � 1 "i see th A. vvmrds. but he tone in r , t 1' O tt , t 1 'i:u , �'•� � ,, , ,1. p. �"r,g' l , lillbel tY? rq*ffk ►, 4#t.) w�htcii,-ti1 Y lassie uitlgered anKb the ))colli 4 i ' }d i`f�,5 „".. 1-? '` on zero #lace of Jesiia are not prixiGed, !lti,, ?�, ,+� ,;` on Thi i ntacdep t heart She, mpi'ght' have 'been m! 'y "sudig- I ,�'i i„, r , r.'' 'ga iht pl� 3K'YlAi[YVV' 1<I;U ,r XLB.0 but w118' 9iil'e No gT+�il{'leT a+.4+ . 4.f ,l+ff ag , ” PO unge"tle,, nrnrmMW'ng word swer was ever, returned by numan �e ¢� ,irrr ;, r ° Wiped Thy silent t�oUgtte'. lupi Jesus relpllied instraniibly, i"fJ t ati °n� ra hira�i`' fi, woman great us thy faith.'` The it�c sYste T,V,tl'in r,1 ,*M Thyself nay every eye rnothei's pralyer for her child was %S Y'°urea,0y annex '+,t; . Ildir tits, Thy 4uieithreYi, see speedhly and aomlpletely answei*d °is°n ? b gentleness and grace that when she prayer aright; and Jesus �9geshnaE�o 'spring Christ demonstrated that he was the u nee , �11-1 . 1E't+om union, Load, with Thee. saviour( of not Only Jews but Gen- y et °rnin9. sy Edward •Denny tubes.- 'Condensed from The Inner ¢ 1`I cn►g' �;. ;. Life of Christ).PRAY)DIR 11 Jesus and His disciples returned to ' I As we study Thy attitude, O Lord, the place of his former teaching and toww-ds the tpeoiple of different rac•:,'healing and at once his aid was be. . es during 'flay earthly lifcy may aur sought In this miracle of healing, .• vidon ibroaden. and our interest .in- Jesus does not jaast speak the word Vre+ase to Thine honou• and glory. and the man is made whole "but he 6 Airmen uses signs. The reason why Christ e thus touched the defective Org'an's Ibe- ' .R S. LESSON FOR,APRIL 2, 1933 fore uttering the want) of he'al4kg- may be found in the circumstances Lesson Topic -Jesus ' Ministering of the rias) on whom the miraclewas I ' to Jews and Gentiles (World, Friend- about to'be wrought. This man does iship .Lesson). not seem to have come to ,Christ, of . Golden Text—John 10:16. his own accord. T'h'e whole was done In this story of the Gelrl,ile wo- by the relatives or friends of the E. S. Rolland and A. G. Fraser. But tna.n'ts approach to Christ an behalf afflicted men; for anything that ap- he also rowed, in his college boat " sof ,(her ai noted daughter, Matthew pears to the contrary, 'he himself and never shirked his studies, though ton rhes on 5omnse parts omitted by n,ay' have had no knowledge of Jos- he missed 'a `fiss•t' for the sake. of •his - 311ark. In Mabtahewl5:22 we read: us. Our Lord took hini aside from work for Chri's't. Afteugivin some "`And, (behold, a woman .of Canaan the multitude, because 'his attention tine to the Student -ChrstianMaove- caanee out of the same coasts (Tyre v,as likely to be distracted 'bp the ment, he went out to' Cairo, "sent by and 'Sidon) anz& cried unto him, say- craval, and 'Christ wished to fix it on the Church Missionary Society. rung, Have mercy on nue, 0 Lord, thou Hkr,s&f as the author of his cure. - , 'son of David. but he answ'et•ed her The man rias' deaf, so that) no qu'es- 'Temple Gairdnea• was ,artist, poet, mot a word." We wonder at his sir- .tion could ,be put to him, and he had musician, linguist, author and lover, enpe but -her prayer was made in the an impediln:ient in his speech which This book shows how again and a- ,.pgmng name for she appealed to the would have rpz^evented his r&plying. gain he was tied to uncongenial and Son of David', By no such narrow But he, could soli and he could feel unsuitable tasks, (burdened with all nawo can Jesus enter into Gentile ,,hat 'Christ diol'; and by seeing the fussy details of a mission sta- laTPds- If Christ was riot more than Cllrrist looking up to heamen the man tion, when he might have -bee., ere - the 'Son of David',he had no message would be made, to feel from vs•hence a''ting Arabic ,Christian literature. But . to heathen countries. , Who knows the healing power came. - through it all we see the strength • but that as Mary was, the nWther of, C11riat was ,about to confer a great and beauty of his spirit: "The mar - Jesus 'in -the senfio of bringing him boon on this man yet we read that vel is not only that Temple Gairdner Into the world, so this Canaanitish as he looked up to heaven he sighed, could not ever say a word that was vmntail may be the nwther of Christ Of all the incidental dislo 1 to his ,Taster :but that the pm•oofs of our• Y!a , as introducing hint into Gentile L,ord's shaving been "a man of soy- or mail, who with him, could not lauds? rains and acquainted with grief," either. That was ,Gairdner's strength In other i.nstanceis Jesus had read- there is, perhaps, none of a more the practice of the presence of Christ, _ ft answered prayers that were ad- touching or plaintive character than and frctm! it there flower, as a full and t, ' idtresseis ,thus d to him as Son of David, but lued' in this incidrmt.— even tdd+e•, his unconscious, unceasing, 's furnis' . the prayers in those instances were (Condensed -from The Sermon Bible) y'l='t wholly compelling influence," A _ spoken by Jews. A Gentile, as suc', ~, friend wrote that "Gairdner was at knows nothing about the Son of Dav- I Oxford with Sir John 'Simon, Lord id, some greater, broader name must WORLD MISSIONS Birkenhead and Hillaire Belloc, and , be found and this woman found it the was the for, falling at his feet, slhe now crthe most richly greatest e them all and "Lord,help me." She, out of the Temple Gairdner of Cairo chly endowed" Yet such a man thought, yea. knew, that it was bursting of her heart, "took. the Temple Gairdner was born in Scot- mvon•th while to givie, his best io the Rintgdom of ()Heaven by violence." land about 1872 and died in Cairo, poorest Egyptian,, and ,he diel it in Tier necessity :taught her how ' to in 1928: 'His father was a Scot and such a way that the whole church in pray. Where your child has been his mother was from Norfolk. He Egypt loved him. Once when asked grievously vexed with a devil, when was richly endowed by both his par- t•o make an, apology for his life. • �e last )tope of our life has been ents, and' what was snore, he knew Gairdner said, ,"If the efforts to ev. blown out by a sudden and, most cruel the joy of a beautiful hoirrie life. Just angelize Islam had not resulted in, 8 wind, when you are chnibing up steep' after Temple went up to Oxford, the s-ir.glcq conversion, they would have places and the loose stones are giv- death of a dearly loved brought on a been, worth while; for they represeni ling 'way in your handy you will know crisis in his inner life. "I went back Christianity as a for that is not whether,prayer is a necessity of life rto Oxford �� having tasted eternity afraid., a religion° with a message of or • a recreation of the meligious ,first hand, he wrote. Thereafter he love and :good -will evinced in deeds 9ft+trie ay. . m . became one of the leaders in the -re- r love and -good-will evinced in deedE In he-re- In merle 27 of to -day's passage Iinious life of the Oxfard of those of love and good' -will."' ---+E. B. C.,'ir we read what seems to be severe days, along with J. H. Oldham, W. the Hanan Quarterly. • OF'"EXPEWENCE IN .THE RUBBED 1J%DUS'e?iY 50 -, . years of research and experiment. 50 Years of practical production and testing. 50 years of selling rubber products whose quality has built an inter- - national reputation. That is the experience that enables ibis 100% Canadian Company to give you to -day the finest ttire...ever offered to motorists—the Gutta Percha Tire. Study the different, stronger, safer con- struction of Gutta Percha Tires. Note the "Gum Cushions", originated by Gotta Percha and built into every Gotta Percha Tire to give you better - performance, longer tire life, greater safety. And reniember—Gutta Percha Tires cost no more than tires that do not have the extra, protection of Gum Cushions. Gotta. Percha Tires are sold and t1the new 12 months guarantee, and repre- sent 'fie besttire value your money can buy today. Ask a Gutta Percha dealer to sbotvyou this great Canadian tire—buy it with confidence, there's SO years of square dealing back of it. , - 11 �eQaJ' R '11119 18 OUR GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR. 50 yeara ago,`in 188.9, this Company commenced the manufacture of rubber goods in Toronto. Today, the quality of its products'is known all over the world, and it hAa grown to be the largest all-Cansdien'rub- ber company. The factory, employs 1,600 people, and covers an area of 11 acres. GUTTA PERCHA & RUBBER, LIMITED Read Office; Toronto Branches from Coast to Coast GUYE& F)FE411HA GO" ,����fora ala . ' 'Vi I" . 1 ..-. . ...,n.,.(..<S.,r._. .t;.+ .. , ... .. h ... .. 1 ,. a 1,, ; t '' I; 1. ff r 11 OR. �, .... I � : 3XV, 10.33 � t v . ,.... ,. .. ..-., .. . . ..1.I. 1.-., .R 'r If 1. �I I!. I ­ I #' -Ft ihV . In I .. IOttawa The current Canadian 'Midget at- Alli the 'bank charters expire auto-- ------A----I-.--,-----,----,--,-,,, - I We colied Notes, Accounts, Wages, anywhere: Our ' telmipts to do here in relative degree mialtically e' ten y ,.We Seldom fall. If We C�Qr �. verb, years and whew Success will as QU what President R�ooseveat is doing they deo the law is+ revised, This will it costs you,nothing. 'You talte no risk. Yoi1- can% f. at WashiugtouL ioutting the coat ac- be next year. The agitation for re lose. E1Ct )lOW Send in our• debts t0 -da - . Off" *wd'i�ug to the cloth; bringting•'pulblic form has )leen under way now fora y yr g ' • expenditures and 'public revenues in- 'deea'die and making at least a , ' small, old or new; we will, surprise you with result& , r to equMbriulmi. There is an appro- gradual Progress normally. But be- yout question, Cli for future reference. Do it now. tPriabe recognition of '}tie fact that, d tion, it was stimulated P • . with tate country as, with the indi- when great Britain went off the .NO COLLECTION—NO CHARGE. • vidrual, a limit in ispending may be gild standard, with- serious effects • reache&-a:,. dividing point beyond on exchange, and enormously so by r which national credit incurs) the per- the recent uipheavaI atcryoss tete UNITED CREDIT MEN OF CANADA it of national. insolvency. border in the +Statee. 'Memlbers of r 'a For certaln reazionsL Canada's Parliamlemnt, some from every group, $ranches Everywhere budget cannot be made wholly to 'have united in a petition to the gov- OWEN SOUND BRANCH, P.' O. BOX 22. 11 fballaatce, These reasons are impres- ernmtent asking for the appointment sive. They consist of the deficit of of a eotiamission to, investkate, all r the state -awned radroadsti the anter- ,the problems of -finance and cur - est on the securities of whicb, held 'rency and credit, with the idea that I ..` all &ver that world, total $58,000,000 the information obtained and the- a year. Then there is that ine•titalble recomtmendatibris� based upon it, may' be kept up during- the first season, the sodl is -dry enough, ris4dng injury r problem of unernplomnernt with tete The available as the ,governing in- ,and the rhubarb will be ready for from spring frosts so as to have the a relief that must be furnished but fluence of Parliament when next light use the next year, but should crop well advanced (before the autumn • with the impossibility of estimating year it revises the °banlcinig Ia1w's, feat be heavily used until ,the third frosts. what it will cost. With all this, how- 'The financial institutions naturally :season. The rhubarb (bed needs dig- Epitomized, the planting stand's + . ever, is the reasonable and' satisfy- indicate little relish for the ,pro- ging each spring to freshen the sur- thus: Bmitis'h Caltumlb'ia, Apai1 1st bo Ing assurance that, whatever it will. posad, so far not conceded 'by the farce and ,remove any weeds or grass. ,May 15; Ontario, May 1 to Ma,y 15; ' ' take this year it will '-be less than government. Nevertheless the gov- This last in particular should be 'Mandtolba, May 10, to 15; S'askatche- r , fast. ernment is likely to create such a kelp$ ,out, and if • any is encroaching, wan and Alberta, May 10 to 24;, commission to ,explore the wool' {,nare frequent digging will ibe found Quebec, . ,May 15. to June 16; Prince " ' monetary syisteni and mea e, such necessary, Edward (Island, June •1 to 7; Nova Tax Plans Changed ., recommendations as it deems to be' 'Rhufbarb requirels' a rich soil; the Scotia and Ne'w Brunswick, June 2 ,Because of these two expenditures, wise....•..4 .. I richer it is the (better the; results, •+to 15th. regarded as ,extraordinary, the Can- I. says the 'Dominion 'Department of adian (budget doesn't balance, on the Agriculture. A ,spot where, manure • -, Milk Business Investigated wholes. Ilpating these items as cap- has been ,piled or any similar ex- Canadian Market Poultry, s ital outlays, the two. sides otherwise (Milk producers throughout Canada tremlely rich place is ideal.- It is a i . are designed -to balance, "D.esignejW' are trhenrendous'ly interested in a good iden to summer -fallow the 1--and-Mli'th market poultry assuming in may be used advisedly. Not all plans parliamentary investigation, now be- for the season before the rhuharb is creasing iim(por•tance in the o'peraitdon of productive revenues work out these inrg• carried on at their instiigiation i.n- set.,out. 'Thio makes it easier tc, of the 'farm poultry flock it is" d'esdr- 1 -days. But by changes, in the detail of to the "spread"' in. the price of milk. keeip it clean afterwards. If the lar able; when mating tbreesling pens, to c taxation, it is hoped to obtain an CuUriously enough, in this instanceis not alreaday very rich, manure may ,s,dlect (birds of gd' oomarklett coninrm- • adequate incomle wttihorut the Pres- there is no complaint from the co.;-' be applied 'before summer :fallowing ation. The securing of proper• ,type sure being too heavy in.any partic- sumers. A comimon price through- and ploughed in. in market birds must start with the ular 'place. 'Thus the budget tight- out the country is tens cents a quart.(breeding'pen and the same character-. c ' ens up'tlhe structure all round. The It has been brought out however, isties that are,essential in. an "A" income tax is stiffened both as to that mlany of, the farmers receive , grade •dresaedl 'bird :should have an . rate of and modification of exe np- omay,, two cents or even. less' as _____ Backache Relieved-- l�o� bi portant ,bearing in the selection of • tions, The sales 'tax is made more share. Several of the d'iry' con`• C birds for 'breeding pens. Anyone broadly aip'paiucablo. Several new panties halve produced figures show- Been Troubled Since who p'a pool mar - ,o has particL ted in a`, r taxeLs on. things of common—even inn badt they are making small pro- ket ,poultry day, where the birds aTie • of essential, use ---'are imposed. Steps fits if any at'aill, but the parlia- SAYS ONTARIO LADY AFTER US- (bought on grade, will appreciate the are taken to .see that people who, mentary connamittee. is determined to financial advantage of having 'pluap(p, • 'buyintg "bearer" bonds, rather than ING D'ODD'S KIDNEY ('ILLS well breasted birds which get at the bottom, o£ the mutter and qualify for e 1. those registered in their names, are auditors and chartered accountants the higher ,grades no danger able to evade taxation on are Ibein, Mrs. R. R. ox in her Always Keeps g put to 'work on fere con_ y ISOme years ago when care of the such income. A certificate of': own- ' a Box in the House. Western Provinces undertoe'k a `cam- f ers'hii will need to Ibe Ponies siatemenbs. The whole, . 1 Dean hake Ont. March 30.—(� e p presented lbe- jelctive is to see if a better price is, P - paign far an imiproved type of tur- fr;e a bank will cash the coupon not reasonably cornin rbc the - TlriGre • are two• things certain � key for marl et papposes, serious con - P y g Pio- p• • p , dy and -the issue of this certificate will deicer when:, at the present rate, he is, this world. One is that her to I sideration was given to going to d'is- . is liable at s,omue; time, or oblga+r to an tant y furnish the means of establishing, claims that his return does not ex- par t,s orad possibly other coum- y, p .attack of kidney trouble, the other tries to securia .desirable breedin banking institutions arekcalled' on to c'eed the cost of ro•dnrctian`' is that :Dodd's Kidney Pills. ielieve, „ ,:k It was g • ,iatoc va. finally agreed', 'horses- r pay more taxation when they are. -to Q — all formes of 'kidney derangements, ; er, that possibly just as good.. stock get their money cheatper (by a -pro- even when all other i1elmredies have' for the purpose could be obtained, at • posed reduction on the 'interest rate British Are failed. Still more. proof of what',homre if ,precautions were taken to ' depositors.. In several other re- Do,dd's Kidney Pills are doing is fur- check' up on ,those flocks which, ill + 'spects 'there is either more taxation cDiscriminating Buyers niched by Mrs. R. Rc Betharriell, a the ,previous t'z'ar, had ,given the or a lesseningof the relief from resident of this 'place. Y $ When studying the poultry trade 1She writes:, `°I elm: sending bighest grades of Imiarket poultry to taxation, all designed, as s'tai'ed, to in the British market 'Mr. W. A. g you a ' the local pool operations. This. wag L furnish enough money to make in- Brown of the Dominion De few lines to 1lelcominend• your Dodds 1 done and the foundation thus laid e come conform to the or•dinar ours paxtrriemit Kidney Pills. • I had been troubled' I Y of Agri learned that the Bait- I vas responsible for the development gd. A year hence wiIl disclose how .ish circa+mer is a discliminatin with my )back for years. A .friend of a type of markeit turkey' which g told ire about Dodds Kidney Pills I contt•ibuti.d' in n,o s'maall 'de it works out. Elverythin'g will de- 'buyer. Mr. Brown concludes from Sree to the' pend upon whether meanwhile and I -started to take them, and have ,success of the turke, p his observations and interviews with v shipments to r not, been ,bothers"d since. Great Britain' during past year, there is a mnodexate recovery of market Men that five, essential inns g the trade. With it a budget .within the 't ,ratio wouldn't Ibe without theme its o are many districts in all g' noesis tip be .observed in the building in t'he, )rouse," stated limits will balance. Without, up of a • satisfactory trade in the parts of Canada waters tholes eal a - it, the- situation ;becomes prob- British market: , Dodds•„Kidney Pills have built up once could be repeated to lem,atical. (1) High standard their r eputation as a kidney med5ciaie P equal ad - of quali`tiy; (2) Albsodute. uniffrrm,ity by, the relief they give, vantage. in grading; (3) Proper weights with _e a munimiumn of tolerance- (4) A•ttrac- I + ' May Vote on Railroads tine display, including iboth packages and, individual 'birds; (5) Delicacy of IAlgriCUItural, progress iris .'Canada Fertilizers Sold in Canada • • Those apprehensive 'people who is typified ifi • ,have seen in .the railway legislation quality and flavor that. is pleasing to yp ed avd n4easired, not only .by di ,the a'imost innumerable brands the consumer. .the expansion of crap acreages and of fertilizers offered to -$lie ,public in •r before Parliament some sinister de- by the increase of ilivestoc'k, but ,by the earlier days of the fertilizer buses sign ,to told now the two systems - irmipro,vemnrents in the production of iness in Cana'd'a ,there were hundredls ,rias .Oon•tent now with ,the specific the higher quality com+modides, and 'of brands which contairued so little amendments which have been made Tdmiothy was brought to Maryland by bh.e careful 'supervision of gradin to Preclude any sulch purpose. While in 1720. by Timothy Hanson, after to mloelt the standards and require pract eally vort�htual plant le stfor the hat purpose ere , the government was not prepared to whom it was nameds mlents of ,,'both domestic and export for whd'dlythe: vete yclhased'. This accept the ipbraseololgy ,of such a P Y pus barrier to aimiatlgamation, as the Lib- .• markets. 'condition 1W to the inclusions of a eral party Proposed, it designedone + clause in, the Fertilizers Act, 1922, 6 ' Vne ark,ties Of celery best' suited for requirimig that every fertilizer sold v of :its own to accomplish the car object. Moreover it laid -down the, early',market are Gallen Plume, Gol- When Should Canadian 1'n Canada contain not -less' than: 12 Principle that, if and. when a merger d,en Self-,Blamiching and Early Blanch- per cent. of available plant.food as occur, it will be ,only with public a,p- `rng• Potatoes Be Planted? nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash r proval. In that connection the in- � singly or combined!. In 1928 this terestin hint was y When is the ,bast time to plant pot- minimum of total lant food, in an a ' g given, ly the atoes i'£ the lar ( p y prime mimi'stler, that, ,synchronizing The manufacture of vinegar, cider, s.i, m gest yields are de- fertilizer was raised to 14 per cent., • with the next ,general election, there pickles 'acid' sauces, and the corrin red . This ,hardy annual once more which is the requirement' still in ef- g is arousing discussion, many experts feet. During the first year of the may, ibe a referendum on the ques- and preserving of fruits ,and veget- tion of consolidation. This is assum- afbles arre two important Canadian in- contending that in certain districfs operation of the, 14 per cent. total in the iplantdng is too late to ensure plant food requdremrnent 'hundreds of r g—as well may ,be assumed—that dus'ta•ies dependent on the fruit lar•gte craps. The results of exten- brands of so-called fertilizers were the present eco -operative measures, do growers of the Dominion, sive experiimlents of the Ex erimen- Put out of the market. not ,get far in their accomplishment. P til Farms, Dominion Department of This tprovision of the Act establish - tion a the reaction of this swages- Agriculture, of various Canadian ed a -reasonable basis of minimunrl s tion of a national 'plebe cos is scarce- propagating Rhubarb A'gr•iculttl'ral 'Colleges, and the ex- plant food content and undaubtedly, t is than governments The more common view penance of many growers go to -has- meant a material saving to far- es that governments ought to devise Rhubarb may lye propagated from 'show that ear'lki- ,planting than has mors in the purchase Of fertilizer and their policies and be responsible for seed, 'but as the identity of the var- ,been the general custom would be prevented mny a disappointment in th'e'm rather, than shifting upon the iety i -s likely to be lost bhraugh cross desirable in, the prairie Provinces, croip returns which would have re- c People, ,what is really an intricate fin- breeding in, .the fertilization of the that is, if large crops are desired, su$ted frgm true use .of proidild'emmt The real merits s. , •�f inferior and a cel, it is (better to propagate by For that purpose, also, on the south- fraudulent ntateria'ls. wattld likely be beyond the grasp of t7ansiplanting sections of 'root. A eastern coast of Vancout�•er Island it the •mass,es, while to start with 1,- furrow may be Opened up' with the is necessary to plant during the, eat- • 000,000 vo-ters would be prejudiced— plough' about seven or eight inches ter part of (March ,or early in April 200,000 workers, multiplied by at d'ee+p and thiW roots ,placed in it, or in- to get the !best results owing to the To help the unemployed is not the least five when counting their fam- diivi-dural hales may be dug with a drought in ,summer. In the valley 6me thing as de'aling with unemploy- ilies and friemids• shorvel. The plants should be set in of the upper epun+rent.—.Sir Herbert Samuel. • tr•5 in British Co_Gsquares, four few apart each way. lumbia the early plantinig is very dee_ - , Small ,sections, of root with a single tsirable when autumn frosts came The Oxford Union is, nvore swayed , Consolidation Impossible Now crown are better than large portions early, whereas in the warmer valleys by argument than any other- body I for transiplanti ng, and should be where there is driigatrion and the know.—The Waster of Balliol. f As a matter `of ''fact, Parliament, planttieid with the crown about level frost fate the- tiim,le li pearling is not after going into the subject inose with the surface of the ,ground, and 'so impom•tant. , The restoration of real money— ' ' thoroughly, comes only to one, broad the earth 4irmtly packed around,themm, IPerh'aps,.in no part of Canada has •1netallic Tn"n-ey—is .one of the ele- i , conclusion.' It is first, that railway (Best results ane obtained if the the potato crop suffered' more from 'ments necess'ar'y to the still possible, eons,olioation at present is'Politically meds are .planted in early ,spring 4be- not planting at tbe'best tilm.e than in 'but increasingly doubtful, salvation • ' impossilble. Second, if trade revives fare the roots 'hav:e p'rod'ucer) much the ,Province of Ontario, where it is of our social structure.—{M'r. Hilaire transtpom'fration will ,revive with if, 'new growth. Cultivation with a customer for most farmers Bellac. ► ' orad the two systeimis will return to 'Morse and soutii,er •or by hand should about the last week of :1VIay or eaarly • ► Prosperity. But if the recovery is - in ,Junee. ,Earlier planting, it is con- We are (beginning to believe that r 1. not substantial, then /both railroads tended ,by nvany farmers does not the Prosperity,, we ,had three years will head' for insolvency and con- . iseenn to be desira,bre owing to the P f 'paper, Brandon, • solidation with the lopping Simple Remedy ago was a sera ° pain of un- immiportance of planting other crops Sun. I , of se-albie lines ante the dhipliy out, early. and' from the fact that a fine T seas°ice est al the cirri way out, For Bad Stomach m^°•p Of 'potatoes can be Obtained by The econaamists all agree as to its cue- planting late, F,vi:dlenee, however, is Bails Important sirability right now but with such an ,stTo•ligly in favour of planting biota- r unpopular ,,all Y Gives Swift Relief To Good Health Policy politically out of 'toes for maximum crops not later the question at the m•omdent, it will No Need of Strong Medicines or Diet. than May 1'5,th in ,Ontario, excerpt in Bite is of vital importance to good r be necessary to wait. And with none .Safe and Simple Recipe Keeps the norUhern part wliere the time, of health, It ,bas, been found that Bile too ,much assurance that devedo Stomach in Fine Condition not^oat p ' ' P Planting has to .be governed by the Y plays an important art in rents my not become worse instead ••'time th'e land is ern condition.erndthe lig,±stive processes, but that it of (better, while they are waitin If you are a victim of Stomach1s a marvelous natural laxative a,ttd P ' g• Trouble --Gas, sourness, Pain or ,In -the Afarl'tlime Pr'OVIm�Ges' Owing is one of Nature's 'Bloating—yoti may have quick and to t}ie latene,sys of the o y ng a great weapons r certain relief by following this Pmin'g and the Against,constipation, One of the first simple advice, coldness of the so'i'l, planting during' e"yenda.ls to good health, therefore, ` Would Change Credit System ban't take strong medicines, nrtl- tha first two weeks Of June gives the IS to keep the liver toned up and in- ' flefal digestants or Pratt down your best results. The hate s ri �'igoraled so that it will produce a, system with starvation diets. l+or 'p intg• is ,normal flow of rich, health Finanlcia4 refdl'miem•s, in Parliament withih reason most yolks may cat cont'piensated'by a 1&rn giving• incl outside, are laying plans 10r an. what they like if they will ices+ g au,tuAnn wi'th� bile, StArgon and Sargon Pills con - their stomach : free from souring 'out frost, ensuring the delvelopment tain the most effective stimulants to agg're,R,sive Campaign to change the work t atghi oar or paralyze the of tuibere at a}� �thive when the plants, the title secreting activity of the liver 3urremcy and credit system of the And the best and .easiest ovav to are dead in Other parts of Canadia; irnown to medleal science. Their ae- r , -Ount, to 'force Ca nada o '.v ff t he T gold do this 1s to follow every meal with he lower .St. ,Lwwremce region, ,of tion is directed to increase as pia 9tandarcl, to the extent '}tat it is one, a teaspoonful of Stsurated Magnesia time Provirvee, of g diction of bile, When this has been and to utilize national credit in lace --a pleasanf, harmless, ihexpensive Qll�eil]eIC has climatic accomplished, the bile Causes nattUr�a.1 01 `' F roseription that promptly neutral- cOnidibions 'somMhat like those in ,the, and 11boroug,h bowel movement,' e r- yf borrowing fronrz -the IbMdnlliJs. Th'e ive�e acidity f,nd keeps Your stomach 'M,aritiinle Pnr,ovimlceq and Jtiine plant- g°tt Fitts aro pleasant, gedtle and r Canadian banks aro solid sacra hr - s et and a can. ing ,gives the best revs thorough and do not aot like any g a A week's trial of 13isurated Meq- alts+ Yn p'arts the trouble, as it appears to malty', nebla *hreh env .Food drug Ist Mn of ueb c w other pills or laxative you •have ever is that they ftPe t0'a scllid{, ,ion strong- gg1'e the spring is re'la- taleen. Over ]3.5,000,U'00 have beers soap) , ah,oUlfl qufek]Y convince you ti ell earl but where late fyrOt�rtB ae- sold In- toilr years. ly entrerr&w ir; e�njdyitig too that 90 'per ossa. of ordinary stomheh dirt' ea y . great a dittrbea to abool tely unnecessary. , y' Planting Is desirarblo„ In , rnorlo'po1;y (0 trediP� • foci+litres. Row- Be More to ,let Blaurated Magnesia. noxd}tern @'�elb�c, dt rovall, 'doulbtless, be ` :ver, tale "11ty, is not irrwflutwwo. - • , found ,desiralble .to o1wit air soap hs G. ABPA �•AIIM 0 i. ”, 11 -1. iia r tt .�,y *:.: �/. , t, � , + t ....set >ns7 .ie J .r ., +„ r M1 �b , ,, , ..: r �: , N ;;; '.�: � ;,rr t , { , t. d ;,y„,,. r, :':,, -,,, �.•.; .. n: :.e:� a ,, �:..r, :, o,.l?r t ��',,...�, . r. .,.x, �.,,. u, ,e` i,k, �c3 <,,, ,. s,.., Z 'i:,., A..,�"`!,,k,k J., ,, ,.ta v. rF't5:., LIE= ...,t 4 Y.,r ,};.,- , {.vy. L� �: ; h ...,. irJ?,t k. e.. ,. 1 , ,� y y ...6 ,^,r 16.:-,%9., �; . I�, Ynl 7„•rv�",Y,+ry.q r^ lt!(, yY{,.. ?":°l'ir M M�'' (>� 1 Ml�h �e •ry�l... `'�(�1Vat�'lI:Y;I�i,'141{J,t•i rlh rd Il w:i�i V rA�,.. 1 j ,�.., !,' '� ..:.:1.::.:,.a. «i.dit„fa.1„ +:r.,i,..cn fir,..,.. e ,..ii:,:A",r, KS � OF'"EXPEWENCE IN .THE RUBBED 1J%DUS'e?iY 50 -, . years of research and experiment. 50 Years of practical production and testing. 50 years of selling rubber products whose quality has built an inter- - national reputation. That is the experience that enables ibis 100% Canadian Company to give you to -day the finest ttire...ever offered to motorists—the Gutta Percha Tire. Study the different, stronger, safer con- struction of Gutta Percha Tires. Note the "Gum Cushions", originated by Gotta Percha and built into every Gotta Percha Tire to give you better - performance, longer tire life, greater safety. And reniember—Gutta Percha Tires cost no more than tires that do not have the extra, protection of Gum Cushions. Gotta. Percha Tires are sold and t1the new 12 months guarantee, and repre- sent 'fie besttire value your money can buy today. Ask a Gutta Percha dealer to sbotvyou this great Canadian tire—buy it with confidence, there's SO years of square dealing back of it. , - 11 �eQaJ' R '11119 18 OUR GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR. 50 yeara ago,`in 188.9, this Company commenced the manufacture of rubber goods in Toronto. Today, the quality of its products'is known all over the world, and it hAa grown to be the largest all-Cansdien'rub- ber company. The factory, employs 1,600 people, and covers an area of 11 acres. GUTTA PERCHA & RUBBER, LIMITED Read Office; Toronto Branches from Coast to Coast GUYE& F)FE411HA GO" ,����fora ala . ' 'Vi I" . 1 ..-. . ...,n.,.(..<S.,r._. .t;.+ .. , ... .. h ... .. 1 ,. a 1,, ; t '' I; 1. ff r 11 OR. �, .... I � : 3XV, 10.33 � t v . ,.... ,. .. ..-., .. . . ..1.I. 1.-., .R 'r If 1. �I I!. I ­ I #' -Ft ihV . In I .. IOttawa The current Canadian 'Midget at- Alli the 'bank charters expire auto-- ------A----I-.--,-----,----,--,-,,, - I We colied Notes, Accounts, Wages, anywhere: Our ' telmipts to do here in relative degree mialtically e' ten y ,.We Seldom fall. If We C�Qr �. verb, years and whew Success will as QU what President R�ooseveat is doing they deo the law is+ revised, This will it costs you,nothing. 'You talte no risk. Yoi1- can% f. at WashiugtouL ioutting the coat ac- be next year. The agitation for re lose. E1Ct )lOW Send in our• debts t0 -da - . Off" *wd'i�ug to the cloth; bringting•'pulblic form has )leen under way now fora y yr g ' • expenditures and 'public revenues in- 'deea'die and making at least a , ' small, old or new; we will, surprise you with result& , r to equMbriulmi. There is an appro- gradual Progress normally. But be- yout question, Cli for future reference. Do it now. tPriabe recognition of '}tie fact that, d tion, it was stimulated P • . with tate country as, with the indi- when great Britain went off the .NO COLLECTION—NO CHARGE. • vidrual, a limit in ispending may be gild standard, with- serious effects • reache&-a:,. dividing point beyond on exchange, and enormously so by r which national credit incurs) the per- the recent uipheavaI atcryoss tete UNITED CREDIT MEN OF CANADA it of national. insolvency. border in the +Statee. 'Memlbers of r 'a For certaln reazionsL Canada's Parliamlemnt, some from every group, $ranches Everywhere budget cannot be made wholly to 'have united in a petition to the gov- OWEN SOUND BRANCH, P.' O. BOX 22. 11 fballaatce, These reasons are impres- ernmtent asking for the appointment sive. They consist of the deficit of of a eotiamission to, investkate, all r the state -awned radroadsti the anter- ,the problems of -finance and cur - est on the securities of whicb, held 'rency and credit, with the idea that I ..` all &ver that world, total $58,000,000 the information obtained and the- a year. Then there is that ine•titalble recomtmendatibris� based upon it, may' be kept up during- the first season, the sodl is -dry enough, ris4dng injury r problem of unernplomnernt with tete The available as the ,governing in- ,and the rhubarb will be ready for from spring frosts so as to have the a relief that must be furnished but fluence of Parliament when next light use the next year, but should crop well advanced (before the autumn • with the impossibility of estimating year it revises the °banlcinig Ia1w's, feat be heavily used until ,the third frosts. what it will cost. With all this, how- 'The financial institutions naturally :season. The rhubarb (bed needs dig- Epitomized, the planting stand's + . ever, is the reasonable and' satisfy- indicate little relish for the ,pro- ging each spring to freshen the sur- thus: Bmitis'h Caltumlb'ia, Apai1 1st bo Ing assurance that, whatever it will. posad, so far not conceded 'by the farce and ,remove any weeds or grass. ,May 15; Ontario, May 1 to Ma,y 15; ' ' take this year it will '-be less than government. Nevertheless the gov- This last in particular should be 'Mandtolba, May 10, to 15; S'askatche- r , fast. ernment is likely to create such a kelp$ ,out, and if • any is encroaching, wan and Alberta, May 10 to 24;, commission to ,explore the wool' {,nare frequent digging will ibe found Quebec, . ,May 15. to June 16; Prince " ' monetary syisteni and mea e, such necessary, Edward (Island, June •1 to 7; Nova Tax Plans Changed ., recommendations as it deems to be' 'Rhufbarb requirels' a rich soil; the Scotia and Ne'w Brunswick, June 2 ,Because of these two expenditures, wise....•..4 .. I richer it is the (better the; results, •+to 15th. regarded as ,extraordinary, the Can- I. says the 'Dominion 'Department of adian (budget doesn't balance, on the Agriculture. A ,spot where, manure • -, Milk Business Investigated wholes. Ilpating these items as cap- has been ,piled or any similar ex- Canadian Market Poultry, s ital outlays, the two. sides otherwise (Milk producers throughout Canada tremlely rich place is ideal.- It is a i . are designed -to balance, "D.esignejW' are trhenrendous'ly interested in a good iden to summer -fallow the 1--and-Mli'th market poultry assuming in may be used advisedly. Not all plans parliamentary investigation, now be- for the season before the rhuharb is creasing iim(por•tance in the o'peraitdon of productive revenues work out these inrg• carried on at their instiigiation i.n- set.,out. 'Thio makes it easier tc, of the 'farm poultry flock it is" d'esdr- 1 -days. But by changes, in the detail of to the "spread"' in. the price of milk. keeip it clean afterwards. If the lar able; when mating tbreesling pens, to c taxation, it is hoped to obtain an CuUriously enough, in this instanceis not alreaday very rich, manure may ,s,dlect (birds of gd' oomarklett coninrm- • adequate incomle wttihorut the Pres- there is no complaint from the co.;-' be applied 'before summer :fallowing ation. The securing of proper• ,type sure being too heavy in.any partic- sumers. A comimon price through- and ploughed in. in market birds must start with the ular 'place. 'Thus the budget tight- out the country is tens cents a quart.(breeding'pen and the same character-. c ' ens up'tlhe structure all round. The It has been brought out however, isties that are,essential in. an "A" income tax is stiffened both as to that mlany of, the farmers receive , grade •dresaedl 'bird :should have an . rate of and modification of exe np- omay,, two cents or even. less' as _____ Backache Relieved-- l�o� bi portant ,bearing in the selection of • tions, The sales 'tax is made more share. Several of the d'iry' con`• C birds for 'breeding pens. Anyone broadly aip'paiucablo. Several new panties halve produced figures show- Been Troubled Since who p'a pool mar - ,o has particL ted in a`, r taxeLs on. things of common—even inn badt they are making small pro- ket ,poultry day, where the birds aTie • of essential, use ---'are imposed. Steps fits if any at'aill, but the parlia- SAYS ONTARIO LADY AFTER US- (bought on grade, will appreciate the are taken to .see that people who, mentary connamittee. is determined to financial advantage of having 'pluap(p, • 'buyintg "bearer" bonds, rather than ING D'ODD'S KIDNEY ('ILLS well breasted birds which get at the bottom, o£ the mutter and qualify for e 1. those registered in their names, are auditors and chartered accountants the higher ,grades no danger able to evade taxation on are Ibein, Mrs. R. R. ox in her Always Keeps g put to 'work on fere con_ y ISOme years ago when care of the such income. A certificate of': own- ' a Box in the House. Western Provinces undertoe'k a `cam- f ers'hii will need to Ibe Ponies siatemenbs. The whole, . 1 Dean hake Ont. March 30.—(� e p presented lbe- jelctive is to see if a better price is, P - paign far an imiproved type of tur- fr;e a bank will cash the coupon not reasonably cornin rbc the - TlriGre • are two• things certain � key for marl et papposes, serious con - P y g Pio- p• • p , dy and -the issue of this certificate will deicer when:, at the present rate, he is, this world. One is that her to I sideration was given to going to d'is- . is liable at s,omue; time, or oblga+r to an tant y furnish the means of establishing, claims that his return does not ex- par t,s orad possibly other coum- y, p .attack of kidney trouble, the other tries to securia .desirable breedin banking institutions arekcalled' on to c'eed the cost of ro•dnrctian`' is that :Dodd's Kidney Pills. ielieve, „ ,:k It was g • ,iatoc va. finally agreed', 'horses- r pay more taxation when they are. -to Q — all formes of 'kidney derangements, ; er, that possibly just as good.. stock get their money cheatper (by a -pro- even when all other i1elmredies have' for the purpose could be obtained, at • posed reduction on the 'interest rate British Are failed. Still more. proof of what',homre if ,precautions were taken to ' depositors.. In several other re- Do,dd's Kidney Pills are doing is fur- check' up on ,those flocks which, ill + 'spects 'there is either more taxation cDiscriminating Buyers niched by Mrs. R. Rc Betharriell, a the ,previous t'z'ar, had ,given the or a lesseningof the relief from resident of this 'place. Y $ When studying the poultry trade 1She writes:, `°I elm: sending bighest grades of Imiarket poultry to taxation, all designed, as s'tai'ed, to in the British market 'Mr. W. A. g you a ' the local pool operations. This. wag L furnish enough money to make in- Brown of the Dominion De few lines to 1lelcominend• your Dodds 1 done and the foundation thus laid e come conform to the or•dinar ours paxtrriemit Kidney Pills. • I had been troubled' I Y of Agri learned that the Bait- I vas responsible for the development gd. A year hence wiIl disclose how .ish circa+mer is a discliminatin with my )back for years. A .friend of a type of markeit turkey' which g told ire about Dodds Kidney Pills I contt•ibuti.d' in n,o s'maall 'de it works out. Elverythin'g will de- 'buyer. Mr. Brown concludes from Sree to the' pend upon whether meanwhile and I -started to take them, and have ,success of the turke, p his observations and interviews with v shipments to r not, been ,bothers"d since. Great Britain' during past year, there is a mnodexate recovery of market Men that five, essential inns g the trade. With it a budget .within the 't ,ratio wouldn't Ibe without theme its o are many districts in all g' noesis tip be .observed in the building in t'he, )rouse," stated limits will balance. Without, up of a • satisfactory trade in the parts of Canada waters tholes eal a - it, the- situation ;becomes prob- British market: , Dodds•„Kidney Pills have built up once could be repeated to lem,atical. (1) High standard their r eputation as a kidney med5ciaie P equal ad - of quali`tiy; (2) Albsodute. uniffrrm,ity by, the relief they give, vantage. in grading; (3) Proper weights with _e a munimiumn of tolerance- (4) A•ttrac- I + ' May Vote on Railroads tine display, including iboth packages and, individual 'birds; (5) Delicacy of IAlgriCUItural, progress iris .'Canada Fertilizers Sold in Canada • • Those apprehensive 'people who is typified ifi • ,have seen in .the railway legislation quality and flavor that. is pleasing to yp ed avd n4easired, not only .by di ,the a'imost innumerable brands the consumer. .the expansion of crap acreages and of fertilizers offered to -$lie ,public in •r before Parliament some sinister de- by the increase of ilivestoc'k, but ,by the earlier days of the fertilizer buses sign ,to told now the two systems - irmipro,vemnrents in the production of iness in Cana'd'a ,there were hundredls ,rias .Oon•tent now with ,the specific the higher quality com+modides, and 'of brands which contairued so little amendments which have been made Tdmiothy was brought to Maryland by bh.e careful 'supervision of gradin to Preclude any sulch purpose. While in 1720. by Timothy Hanson, after to mloelt the standards and require pract eally vort�htual plant le stfor the hat purpose ere , the government was not prepared to whom it was nameds mlents of ,,'both domestic and export for whd'dlythe: vete yclhased'. This accept the ipbraseololgy ,of such a P Y pus barrier to aimiatlgamation, as the Lib- .• markets. 'condition 1W to the inclusions of a eral party Proposed, it designedone + clause in, the Fertilizers Act, 1922, 6 ' Vne ark,ties Of celery best' suited for requirimig that every fertilizer sold v of :its own to accomplish the car object. Moreover it laid -down the, early',market are Gallen Plume, Gol- When Should Canadian 1'n Canada contain not -less' than: 12 Principle that, if and. when a merger d,en Self-,Blamiching and Early Blanch- per cent. of available plant.food as occur, it will be ,only with public a,p- `rng• Potatoes Be Planted? nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash r proval. In that connection the in- � singly or combined!. In 1928 this terestin hint was y When is the ,bast time to plant pot- minimum of total lant food, in an a ' g given, ly the atoes i'£ the lar ( p y prime mimi'stler, that, ,synchronizing The manufacture of vinegar, cider, s.i, m gest yields are de- fertilizer was raised to 14 per cent., • with the next ,general election, there pickles 'acid' sauces, and the corrin red . This ,hardy annual once more which is the requirement' still in ef- g is arousing discussion, many experts feet. During the first year of the may, ibe a referendum on the ques- and preserving of fruits ,and veget- tion of consolidation. This is assum- afbles arre two important Canadian in- contending that in certain districfs operation of the, 14 per cent. total in the iplantdng is too late to ensure plant food requdremrnent 'hundreds of r g—as well may ,be assumed—that dus'ta•ies dependent on the fruit lar•gte craps. The results of exten- brands of so-called fertilizers were the present eco -operative measures, do growers of the Dominion, sive experiimlents of the Ex erimen- Put out of the market. not ,get far in their accomplishment. P til Farms, Dominion Department of This tprovision of the Act establish - tion a the reaction of this swages- Agriculture, of various Canadian ed a -reasonable basis of minimunrl s tion of a national 'plebe cos is scarce- propagating Rhubarb A'gr•iculttl'ral 'Colleges, and the ex- plant food content and undaubtedly, t is than governments The more common view penance of many growers go to -has- meant a material saving to far- es that governments ought to devise Rhubarb may lye propagated from 'show that ear'lki- ,planting than has mors in the purchase Of fertilizer and their policies and be responsible for seed, 'but as the identity of the var- ,been the general custom would be prevented mny a disappointment in th'e'm rather, than shifting upon the iety i -s likely to be lost bhraugh cross desirable in, the prairie Provinces, croip returns which would have re- c People, ,what is really an intricate fin- breeding in, .the fertilization of the that is, if large crops are desired, su$ted frgm true use .of proidild'emmt The real merits s. , •�f inferior and a cel, it is (better to propagate by For that purpose, also, on the south- fraudulent ntateria'ls. wattld likely be beyond the grasp of t7ansiplanting sections of 'root. A eastern coast of Vancout�•er Island it the •mass,es, while to start with 1,- furrow may be Opened up' with the is necessary to plant during the, eat- • 000,000 vo-ters would be prejudiced— plough' about seven or eight inches ter part of (March ,or early in April 200,000 workers, multiplied by at d'ee+p and thiW roots ,placed in it, or in- to get the !best results owing to the To help the unemployed is not the least five when counting their fam- diivi-dural hales may be dug with a drought in ,summer. In the valley 6me thing as de'aling with unemploy- ilies and friemids• shorvel. The plants should be set in of the upper epun+rent.—.Sir Herbert Samuel. • tr•5 in British Co_Gsquares, four few apart each way. lumbia the early plantinig is very dee_ - , Small ,sections, of root with a single tsirable when autumn frosts came The Oxford Union is, nvore swayed , Consolidation Impossible Now crown are better than large portions early, whereas in the warmer valleys by argument than any other- body I for transiplanti ng, and should be where there is driigatrion and the know.—The Waster of Balliol. f As a matter `of ''fact, Parliament, planttieid with the crown about level frost fate the- tiim,le li pearling is not after going into the subject inose with the surface of the ,ground, and 'so impom•tant. , The restoration of real money— ' ' thoroughly, comes only to one, broad the earth 4irmtly packed around,themm, IPerh'aps,.in no part of Canada has •1netallic Tn"n-ey—is .one of the ele- i , conclusion.' It is first, that railway (Best results ane obtained if the the potato crop suffered' more from 'ments necess'ar'y to the still possible, eons,olioation at present is'Politically meds are .planted in early ,spring 4be- not planting at tbe'best tilm.e than in 'but increasingly doubtful, salvation • ' impossilble. Second, if trade revives fare the roots 'hav:e p'rod'ucer) much the ,Province of Ontario, where it is of our social structure.—{M'r. Hilaire transtpom'fration will ,revive with if, 'new growth. Cultivation with a customer for most farmers Bellac. ► ' orad the two systeimis will return to 'Morse and soutii,er •or by hand should about the last week of :1VIay or eaarly • ► Prosperity. But if the recovery is - in ,Junee. ,Earlier planting, it is con- We are (beginning to believe that r 1. not substantial, then /both railroads tended ,by nvany farmers does not the Prosperity,, we ,had three years will head' for insolvency and con- . iseenn to be desira,bre owing to the P f 'paper, Brandon, • solidation with the lopping Simple Remedy ago was a sera ° pain of un- immiportance of planting other crops Sun. I , of se-albie lines ante the dhipliy out, early. and' from the fact that a fine T seas°ice est al the cirri way out, For Bad Stomach m^°•p Of 'potatoes can be Obtained by The econaamists all agree as to its cue- planting late, F,vi:dlenee, however, is Bails Important sirability right now but with such an ,stTo•ligly in favour of planting biota- r unpopular ,,all Y Gives Swift Relief To Good Health Policy politically out of 'toes for maximum crops not later the question at the m•omdent, it will No Need of Strong Medicines or Diet. than May 1'5,th in ,Ontario, excerpt in Bite is of vital importance to good r be necessary to wait. And with none .Safe and Simple Recipe Keeps the norUhern part wliere the time, of health, It ,bas, been found that Bile too ,much assurance that devedo Stomach in Fine Condition not^oat p ' ' P Planting has to .be governed by the Y plays an important art in rents my not become worse instead ••'time th'e land is ern condition.erndthe lig,±stive processes, but that it of (better, while they are waitin If you are a victim of Stomach1s a marvelous natural laxative a,ttd P ' g• Trouble --Gas, sourness, Pain or ,In -the Afarl'tlime Pr'OVIm�Ges' Owing is one of Nature's 'Bloating—yoti may have quick and to t}ie latene,sys of the o y ng a great weapons r certain relief by following this Pmin'g and the Against,constipation, One of the first simple advice, coldness of the so'i'l, planting during' e"yenda.ls to good health, therefore, ` Would Change Credit System ban't take strong medicines, nrtl- tha first two weeks Of June gives the IS to keep the liver toned up and in- ' flefal digestants or Pratt down your best results. The hate s ri �'igoraled so that it will produce a, system with starvation diets. l+or 'p intg• is ,normal flow of rich, health Finanlcia4 refdl'miem•s, in Parliament withih reason most yolks may cat cont'piensated'by a 1&rn giving• incl outside, are laying plans 10r an. what they like if they will ices+ g au,tuAnn wi'th� bile, StArgon and Sargon Pills con - their stomach : free from souring 'out frost, ensuring the delvelopment tain the most effective stimulants to agg're,R,sive Campaign to change the work t atghi oar or paralyze the of tuibere at a}� �thive when the plants, the title secreting activity of the liver 3urremcy and credit system of the And the best and .easiest ovav to are dead in Other parts of Canadia; irnown to medleal science. Their ae- r , -Ount, to 'force Ca nada o '.v ff t he T gold do this 1s to follow every meal with he lower .St. ,Lwwremce region, ,of tion is directed to increase as pia 9tandarcl, to the extent '}tat it is one, a teaspoonful of Stsurated Magnesia time Provirvee, of g diction of bile, When this has been and to utilize national credit in lace --a pleasanf, harmless, ihexpensive Qll�eil]eIC has climatic accomplished, the bile Causes nattUr�a.1 01 `' F roseription that promptly neutral- cOnidibions 'somMhat like those in ,the, and 11boroug,h bowel movement,' e r- yf borrowing fronrz -the IbMdnlliJs. Th'e ive�e acidity f,nd keeps Your stomach 'M,aritiinle Pnr,ovimlceq and Jtiine plant- g°tt Fitts aro pleasant, gedtle and r Canadian banks aro solid sacra hr - s et and a can. ing ,gives the best revs thorough and do not aot like any g a A week's trial of 13isurated Meq- alts+ Yn p'arts the trouble, as it appears to malty', nebla *hreh env .Food drug Ist Mn of ueb c w other pills or laxative you •have ever is that they ftPe t0'a scllid{, ,ion strong- gg1'e the spring is re'la- taleen. Over ]3.5,000,U'00 have beers soap) , ah,oUlfl qufek]Y convince you ti ell earl but where late fyrOt�rtB ae- sold In- toilr years. ly entrerr&w ir; e�njdyitig too that 90 'per ossa. of ordinary stomheh dirt' ea y . great a dittrbea to abool tely unnecessary. , y' Planting Is desirarblo„ In , rnorlo'po1;y (0 trediP� • foci+litres. Row- Be More to ,let Blaurated Magnesia. noxd}tern @'�elb�c, dt rovall, 'doulbtless, be ` :ver, tale "11ty, is not irrwflutwwo. - • , found ,desiralble .to o1wit air soap hs G. ABPA �•AIIM 0 i. ”, 11 -1. iia r tt .�,y *:.: �/. , t, � , + t ....set >ns7 .ie J .r ., +„ r M1 �b , ,, , ..: r �: , N ;;; '.�: � ;,rr t , { , t. d ;,y„,,. r, :':,, -,,, �.•.; .. n: :.e:� a ,, �:..r, :, o,.l?r t ��',,...�, . r. .,.x, �.,,. u, ,e` i,k, �c3 <,,, ,. s,.., Z 'i:,., A..,�"`!,,k,k J., ,, ,.ta v. rF't5:., LIE= ...,t 4 Y.,r ,};.,- , {.vy. L� �: ; h ...,. irJ?,t k. e.. ,. 1 , ,� y y ...6 ,^,r 16.:-,%9., �; . I�, Ynl 7„•rv�",Y,+ry.q r^ lt!(, yY{,.. ?":°l'ir M M�'' (>� 1 Ml�h �e •ry�l... `'�(�1Vat�'lI:Y;I�i,'141{J,t•i rlh rd Il w:i�i V rA�,.. 1 j ,�.., !,' '� ..:.:1.::.:,.a. «i.dit„fa.1„ +:r.,i,..cn fir,..,.. e ,..ii:,:A",r, KS �