HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-03-24, Page 2a t. M uz, r r i.• r \ 4 i (st: 1 ."h , �.11 I it 5I 1 Ir ?1� �• i _ m +v tw w s a r'.. a fi� �raaa Y #y ti , k F y�'1 ',/A1 ,�,)�,"'-",h,Ili..,i ,1I 11 t:; M F,.I r.., �.,.t- Ih ,:- ..1,. �,__k ,�� .,., •.. r. .... ?4 ,.,.'.w.i ... �,,. af;,.b:,. .. �L .:!; 1 .. ,... ., ,..:;.. ,1`,,: { „I„lA• ,, . ,.6, n _, ,.,, , n t ., ,, „ ,, .... , .1,.. , - .,,1,;yI, 7 :':. ,. t ,� u , n. ,.d .s rfi>G �. r , ...,,i -.?.1 v,.f i,,.P ,. D c . , , ,. .,, r t f , { , .r,; , « 1rY a, ., Jti, 1 ht ilf%F J t, N ,. b N t f 4 ,t•f . : 1. 11 , , ... ,, i •. - ' °xnot ol�iY t+k#e records of the h yl. tW ,Y h,i ,,i�' l,� Mi ,� ! :.,��. .•I 't�fi rp€ ��47�y �Y{k°•.! �f %lir��n ,�,`I"y1�' vl .ou , IT V..* t t+� �,�r''tIMr""I Zi'l' r r.ln:r r ad.; :llk,S li;,,,�t - Arntaawwow r ,, .n -J' ,,pp1 (:,I(' k'l;>.>,# r„ , •:! Y ? all. .n. •tL,�;�rn i, t ,4 l�9�a ► :`t!, . xn iii lir t I{ "`,�!l, ,iia, ,5.1. l ' t, p ' ' .vc s `� , t? °! Am i, ; , ;HAEMIC -ALWAYS TIRED -WEAK ,, p5�1h63"t'tl h { id ;sJ �" I,tK'). NERVOUS - RUN-DOWN - RHEUMATIC b ' IRM t,tt �lt 1� ,� ��, ° sWtiereu'ts by the tthowaand hawie foturid ry� +ra ti'c y �• ?2 different 4Mozamtr3le�, l �'tk , aaevir health, new courage. and. natio Impiphiess by having their },4t,` ,) , t. $'load Oxygenized by 'Dr. williame Pink (Pilus. . . . Weak -and ' I h f11.. muenuc people have been wonclerful}y strengthened . . . 19hin •I trodiess have gained' needed w,erightt.... Nervous' sy'stearra have ri ,, "'' , been 'rfelvdtalized . . . Pale, listless' teen-age girls have expert l�hf '+, canoed the ,glomi of buoyant health. Middle-aged mvo+men �hills 1 _. r halve been fortified flow tihe eritucal charctge of life .Worried �i;,_K, ,, hilg'h sltruatig ibusiness Itlleaz have been given rernewed nea+ve force. �,p�, "fid"I tn'i I'. Oxygenizes Your Blood Stream 4 �{µ j,"', Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in- far you. By their r�mark- 11� � crease the supplly orf the vital able oxlygenizing grower, Dr. sj t elem-n•b OXYGEN in the Williams' Pink Pills make , ,`Blood Stream, Which them your food scally feed' )mar . carries s 'ew no•urishiMent, new Blood your body �iicsues and �C :.. ca . n , y Y ; vi'ta'lity and new health . to ynarr nervgs. ' ," every organ of the body. YOU can experience the blenne- ,,y,, , , .1 IUnless your Blood Stream — Acial results of Dr. Williams' .'„i Which is your Life Stream— Pink Pills, as so -many thou- . I ' is adequately oxygenized (and sands 'of othews have testified. Ir��. thereby ,purified and enrich- Get a supply . from your ti'! .,, jeid), the food you at won't Druggist — and start the 1`� 'n eat red (blood and firm flesh treatment without delay., - .. • �u ! 51 • I: ”' wQUW �� .loci/i 1.y / C- I ... . ,RND /j M... , 101LO,I i I ''to N 31 -RU (pyIARDSBURC • fr pure, wholesome, 019 and economical table [ORN SYRUP % Syrup. Children 'love l/ its delicious flavor. CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED. MON'T'REAL ' * y , ... �. , �-' SUNDAY AFTERNOON ' . �r ,a i�. dural mk,sc, of the rmlportance . of 'T fo to is nothing better than Blsurated INSURANCE COMPANIES preservlulg tQrean� urns! an:earts (By Imbel HiamRtton, Godeticb, Ont,) j. A � � � l k � u1 Pl'aoe onboard a trans - acid stomach. Your stomach acts .and feels fine i'mjust a•few minutes. Bisucated Magnesia'can be obtained n ,1.�"' � �! .#Orb °xnot ol�iY t+k#e records of the GID labor 01i: spend and bo s+pervk . Tlhy joy to do tfh4 'Fathees will; . " Frullt�r a-.tives- Iplrolbst offilce, 'butt also those of the i�eagistrY, of doledls and customs house. It is the way the Na -Mer 'anent • . , ;N " °' `; • k alhdyears The latlie'r ofce had Wen ,peculiarly Should, not the semmut 'treacle itr',�•> of pain ewposed,, having (been, oxwpied as a Still? u ?•l.}��'>:;� mili'tary (guard room the ,preceding —iH. Bohpar. Prayer ---Incline our hearts, O '1�;� -'I ettffared Sxceed- :4 ingly with indiges- lvight.�' Brought to Halifax. Lard, to give of our best in the ser- 'I ,lg y. ;! acorn and sick head- aches for years I The royal arms 'and' records from vabe of lave. Afmom y11, j : could hardly eat anything wasW Boston s'ulfa's end p Y . owes lee t 'in S. S. LESSON FOR MARCH 26t4 ,and ^I} ' badly constipated, '•• y I r Bali z e now, of • New York tsar seven years. Stili in the cu'srtody of Edhvard' W'ins'1ow, they y Lesson Topic ---Review: Jesus Our ''^^ f.'I1111 e course. that I was inaverytun-down condition. Forlpnatelyfor vinare taken to Halifax when 'he pro - . in, Service. Lesson Passage 42:1-7. me a neighbor recommended •Frudt�a tives' andlbegantakbigthem, Iamcertainlygladl toned ceded Athena in tike' sleTvice of the crown, after ,British forces evacuated --Isaiah Golden Test—Acts 10:38. did. They regulated my system and me up generally so that now I ani in the best of New York. 1Shortly aifterr his arrival American re'v'olution in. 1776• aria -who; s'acxificed their homes and estates in. health. I would not hesitate to recommend Wein edQw sena the; arms to 'Ward January Ist-John Prepares the WayOhipman, them to anyone." 4 solicibglr-general . of Nene Fruit-a-teves . . . all drug stores for'Jesus. • Brunslwiok. and recorder of sainl •Mark 1:1-11. John. A letttew from. Winslow t( toil on behalf of needy folk went jn- —Mark 1:13. Chvphiian said in' rt: pilgrims had turned out of their way 8 John the Baptist, ,aftte.r 'a season "In the ;box � . is`a venerabl( of preparwtion in ,the wil'd'erness of to see and heal• the unknown prophet coat o� arms which T autihorize 'yot the Judea, clam o Into the (region round Nvigs wondrea d teachings de- 'to 'present to the council c.h'ambei about Jordian re'a'chn enitanc, preaching., n'�' . imlgs had spread far abroad. They or an other re y respectable public roomy and the -coming of the Christ. To not only saw and heard but ex- which you think (best- entitled to it his servi'c3"calmia one 'daty a, cousin of peaiemtced the result of His miracu- They- (lion, and 'vn�prn) were con has own, ,a .N'azarite from Galilee. lows ,power and would 'Nave forcibly stant .me,mbers of bhe council a 'Hie (presented' himself for baptism, made Hplin their leader. Bo'sto'n (by m�andam its), have 9tif Jahn at once recognized in him one Loyalistsp as well 'ars other hoses fared, are, of course, refugees, am fl•om whom he should receive ' {hap- March 19th—The Effects of Alcoholic have a claian for residence at Nev tisni. As Jesus came up out of the Drinks. Brunswick." water a s'igty and a voice, 'proclaimed —Isaiah 28:1-4. IThe (population. of thief ' Loyalis him to be the Son of God—the • —Daniel 5:1-4. City, th,kri less than two years ,old pramised and looked-ifo'r 'Messiah; —(Proverbs 23:32. almost 'entjrely comprised refugee ttions from the things of nature close Whether in ancient or in modern from New 'England,, livipg in hut - January 8th—Jesus Begins His Work ,dimes the effects of alcoholic drinks tents and oche make -shift shelters —Mark 1:12-20.Were. are much to 'be tlroulght about and, in Great' Fire. —Mark 1.15. lessons learned theretfrom. T'hase Chipman ,set up the. arm's in th ]!esus has returned to Galilee and who study the -dlt^ink qulesition • from only `iputbli'c room:" available, • is walking alone by the sea where 'a scienitific ,,r moral (point of view frainate, ibuilding belonging . to th sotn-te young fi'shernien-weze•busy. Ref-comfitmr the Biblical teachings found 0hurc'h of ;i�ig•1'ana parish of Sain stoppedto look on these vigorous in today"s lesson Drink drags down, John'. 'In 1791, mlemibers of the chure, young men and then said to t'he'm, impoverisihes and rutins the 'God-given comple'ted'the constructionof rinjt "Qpmve, fol'l'ow me, and I 'will make, powers rto a (greater or lesser extent, Church, m'odel'led after that of the you fishers of men. , so w'h'y indulge? same name in. • Newport, 'R.I., fror January 15th—Jesus At \Fork. after his adventures in the Holy Land. ' Albo,ve .the escutcheon are the which their (first rector bad come. —Mark 1:21-35. 0. 'These the arnis remained until th --John 5:17. Jesus, by His first ''ACID SSTOMACHSTOMACHthe great fire of June 2,0, 1877, whe two thirds of thle dxt"Y fell prey t accompanied dhwiplesi went into the synagogue at 1;osle of the Tudeors and thistle of .Scotland. ,conflagration. 'At' consideralbl C•apernanuan on the Sabbath day anti' LS DAN(�EJN%J risk ,two men, etnered' the buildin, there showed His 1power, both by - and carried ,the, arms ,place 'When ' word and deed. An unclean spirit was offerers' fro S m Indigestion s'arfety. re the chuirch was e churtoach built in 18$9 .,thee 'anns were Place ' c cast 'caulI and word of spread this rapid'Iy, The home; of Peter was thea CUT T THIS OUT "stomach on t'ha we 1 sit well over the main en a next -scene of ,his 'prayer and. from trouble, dyspepsia, indi- ' gestlon, sourness, gas, heartburn, food trance,. where they look down upo, succeeddn of worship g g' P tvh'ere unt'il'l.ate in the.dlay'he healed fermentation, etc., are caused nine times in ren by chronic acid ,generation peers. 'all who came to or were 'brought to stomach," says a well known - - . Him. ,Seeking rteA foz, a little, we next find Hiiav alone early ill the authority. Burning Burning hydrochloric acid de-' in the stomach at an Alarm - - morning ,holding c'oconionion'. with ing rate. The acid irritates and in - number of cases of sickne's•a ,and of deaths from thosle dkeases God . flames the delicate stomach lining and often leads to gastritis or stomm- a , January 22nd—Jesus Forgiving Sins. ach ulcers. - ach with pepp net dose an acid atosinor "artificial diger- � —Mark 2.1-12. tants that only give temporary relief Pasteurized mtilk is safe. Are you of uri- clearly spirit they 'saw Hds power ov- from pain by driving the sour, fer- using •a safe milk? —Mark 2:10. meeting food out of the stomach into An the lesson to -day the healing of the intestines. �,,..r,..r-1 �1 - the 'anal be found a signal Instead, neutralize or-'• sweeten �.', p ytAB a.S t0 g' your slid Stomach 'after meals with A HEALTH 'SERVICE OF zd.�a 0_- example of the dnag'nosis of Jesus. a little 73isurated :Magnesia and not ' THE CANADIAN MEDICAL `'I'll be there if it's. that important" Time was when Dave Clendenning . never missed a lodge meeting. But . . after going through the chairs he had sort of eased off. Besides, he didn't like "'night driving. So, although be had received his, no- tice for the coming meeting, he had comfortably .forgotten it till Pete Roswell's telephone call. impressed on him the important nature of the business to be transacted. "All right, Pete, I'll be there," he For 34 'cents answered . . . and returned home you can telephone from the -meeting with a feeling of V about duty well done. 100 miles A Long Distance call often spells by calling "station- the difference between regret and' 8.30 p.m. See list of rales peace of mind. Long Distanlfe is in front of directory, quick, clear, easy, ,to (Evening rates begin use, and surprisingly at 7 p.m.) inexiiensive. .SrtYEpHONE•� VJ irW�'K,�i f-OXIQ �- °�' cnriaoa . as si.rpriii:i " IV iimexpe'nsi-►e DEI IBTS COLLEC�'E ... We collect'N'otes, Accounts, Wages, anywhere. Ou success, will astonish you; we seldom fail., If we d It cossets you nothing. You take no risk. You can' lose. Act now i Send in, your debts td -day, big o small; old or new; we will surprise you with result Clip f'or. future r-efe�rence. � Do it now. NO COLLECTION—NO CHARGE. liVI + ' I' , UNITED CREDIT MEN OF CANADA 1. Vhi N', t' tGr a ,,, Branches Ev�r�ivvhere 4.t lit41� t i is:. ,� �� ' , OWEN SOUND BRANCH P. O. BOX 22. n Y•r t i () I > 9 . ,A; �,.F.,0. , ,. A , 7 rt ' ; 'n, w it«,d� t � 9�1, ,11J° ca t.,'r i7,. ` .x ,,,%,V..--; ._. ,. "He 'saw, ars we say, what was the Q, S. only Will the pain Vanish but your meals will digest naturally. There ASSOCIATION AND LIFE ”' ' "=,vi:'•°• m'a,tte r. Ill$ s ke to, th avec point; and is nothing better than Blsurated INSURANCE COMPANIES His word was an idea and a power. Magnesia, to sweeten and, settle an . IN CANADA .,. Never .is. tPue sympathy disjoined from power. To .lave our fellows is acid stomach. Your stomach acts .and feels fine i'mjust a•few minutes. Bisucated Magnesia'can be obtained . Pasteurization t0 enjoy the noblest nl Y power." , from any reliable druggist. It is safe, reliable, easy and pleasant -to "Various methods of solving th January 29th—Jesus and the Sab- use, is not a laxative. and Is not at all esyensive, prodblelm! are heir followed, but lob g P' bath. ably le'ffective, pasteurization of th • —Mark 2.23-3:6. milk is the best protection for th -a-Mark 2:27, 28. """"" consulm , and milk so treated ap Jesus, was 'then accused by "f111e Arms. of House of Hanover 'pears .,to retain its valuable proper PllrariseeLs of" breaking the Sabbath . day—they were answered always in -t "Hanging in St. John Church ties practically unimpaired." This qub'tation is from a raven such a •way Haat They might have . seen ;thee (true reaming of God's Day (Hanging in Trinity Church iii St, Jahn, N.B.. publication of 'Sir George Newmrar Chief Officer the YfWale; of Resit„ :but the ha'rn'ess of their the royal coat of arms of the Ho'tusie, of 'Hanover recall 'the alledical n of Hearin for England and Wale: hearts would oat let ,them yield to thousands of -sub Who remained Considering the source, we do no know of any endorsation of Has `teachinlg• loyal to the 'crown at the time of the pesteur ization whid should nwan more. t February 5th—Jesus Chooses the American re'v'olution in. 1776• aria -who; s'acxificed their homes and estates in. each one of us interested, as we ar , Twelve. —Mark 3:7-1'9i New England to come north into in the protection of childwen sure adults fraan the dangers of contalmin g —John 15.16. British territory. The arms were ated m -41k. • • Jleisus, after a dray of increasing carved in wood fron- tlfe council ch'arrrlber an brae old house of ,It is unfort'unat, that milk whirl ' ' toil on behalf of needy folk went jn- ,state Massachusetts where ,th ,the were iris- Y is such a valuable food, may, if i Ito retreat. Dere )Re called a group played for years as an emblem becomes contaminated,, he re-sponsi!bl of disciples to Him, 'and from thein :many of' British sovereignty. Almost a''ll g y' fox the s spread of disease. It is color, choose twelve to Ibe His disciples. le, di They wezt2' dimly conscious of the life the royal arrms an New England were than fortunate that there, is .available a simple, epractical means wherelb; to which were 'called, but h was pufbliely destroyed when the declara- this danger may Ibe overcome ane with one whom they had 'learned to tion of infleipendlen'ce was made and only six are Ilu own to have survived milk made safe. know as the Iprop'het of Galilee. To the rievo'lutian Pasteurization means the heatin € Him they entrusted tlre►ms,elves and The armis here represent a chap- of milk to a"telmperatare which die were 'given ,Powe; over sickness and ton taw in the saga of United Empire re stroys all disease germs that ma! unclean spirits, Loyalistsp as well 'ars other hoses have g'ain'ed 'entrance! to the Milk. I ' ' February 12th ---Jesus Teaching By history dating (back hundreds of is not a hit -or -'miss process'. Th, temperature and the length of timt Parables—Four Kinds of Hear- years. Outsltand'ir g in the imig- n a are a lion rampant, lle'quired are swell -known and are se ers. . —Mark 4:1-10, 13-20. surouned'- by tiny hearts,, representing down -in the Imilk laws defining pas teurization. It is also required 'b: --John 15:8. Lunenlburgh, and a unicorn with a law that, after pasteurization, tht Jesus, in teac�hirig, used illustra- mane and wearing a corpnet around 'the Under ' milk be cooled and kept cool unti ttions from the things of nature close neck. the crown of delivered, after which it is the re at harnd-1He, sitting ,by t sessaan Charles the 'Great, 'in 'the • Chevron, is the, -horse sponsibilityt of the house -holder tr talkie to a Y great eo ri saw most like! in, the distance a man Y white courant orf West- phalia. Other symbols include the keep the milk cold until it is ,,used. The p purpose of ' is tt ,scatt,ea•ing seed. Be-ing familiar with Crov�n of ,Charlemagne, the 'harp of ol'd Ireland, fleur-de=lis, three pasteurization make milk safe., Together'with pas the nature of the soil and tbhe hind- rances to the growth of ,the seed when golden lilies and three' golden leopards. teurization nzust go inspection, It is not to be bhought that pasteul izatiol once sown 'Hee uses all these to teach Mottos on Escutcheon. ` is used to overc'o'mia uncleanliness it His audience that the word sawn in 'Around the escutcheon is the motto milking or in the han'dlin'g ori thi the hean*t of ,man is sulbjecged to tlae of the, order of the Garter founded milk. •Through inspection, then(? same drawbacks. by King Edward of Windsor, after should 'be obtained mills frons: healthy February 19th—Jesus Teaches By the siege of Calais. Another motto on the 's'croll at the arms recalls coRvs, produced in -a cleanly manna, Parables The Growth of the King 'Richard Coeur de Lion's caren•r and handled in- a sanitary way. Af ter all this has been done, the cte-al. Kingdom. —Mayk 4:21-34. after his adventures in the Holy Land. ' Albo,ve .the escutcheon are the milk is then pasteurized' to ensur< —Isaiah 11:9. "helm of gold" with six bars, its safety. There is no objection to heating Jesus ta'tught His di'sdple's by gar- Maltese crosses and badges of the food:s. All of the anima) foods an( alleles and when the • weTe alone He S ,explained ttheni His 1;osle of the Tudeors and thistle of .Scotland. �•nY others are subjected to hes! teaching in to- day's lesson was on the growth of - The royal arms were removed before (being eaten. 'The cooking of foods is once of the most ihnifportanl the smaal']est of all secclts,---a mustard from the council chamber on March safeguards which we posses against . seed which in time grew into a great 17bit, 1776, by Edward Winslow, col- disease. 'Tla'en is, therefore, no in shrub. lector of customs for the port of Boston and relgi.strar of for - heren't reason' why milk should nog 'be February 26th—Jesus Shows His probate Suffolk county. He was a gr&duate heated before (being used. The ail'vantage of pastteurization Power. —Mark 4:3:5-5; 8, 18-20. of Hai -mrd University, founder I of the Old' 'Colony clulb.., and, at the are not basted solely:. on theory. Prac- tically, thus,, —11 Timothy 1:12. time of lad's dlea'th, a judlge, of the comimunities which have a'ppasteurized milk supply halve The .,ppwer and sympathy of Christ are plainly seen in the two, incidents; supreme court of New Brunswick. In a letter 'p'reserved in the dominion experienced a trenaen'dous reduction in the in this Iewe,on, In the stilling of the archives 'he gibes a glimpse of that number of cases of sickne's•a ,and of deaths from thosle dkeases vwalvles the ,disciples saw 'Lis ,pawle-e dray in 1776: which are commTronly spread by con - over nature and felt His cotmfpassion "On the morning of the evacuation 'taminated milk. for them in their frightened state of mince. In tie casting out the bhe public buildings were in posses- Pasteurized mtilk is safe. Are you of uri- clearly spirit they 'saw Hds power ov- s'ion of a licentious rabble; the doors of the offices were forced and the using •a safe milk? er the power of .Sa,tan and the healed xeitords and 1palpers were exposed to ----------"*— man efelt in himself' a change of spir- it. His was a complete restoration. instant desttruction. Hiving a party at my corrmnd•, and .iimlpressled with Dairy Sterlizing Rinse' r March 5th—Jesus; Giving Life And For' �he st•erilization of the parts• Health. of m6liki ig» mac'hinies and other dairy —Mark 5:21, 24, 35-43. • f iT S� LIVER THAT MAKES utlera's41% the, following home' mrade t --.Psalm 126:3. h ochloaiie solution has ,been found 3"p' r In to day's lesson one of the Gut_ YOU fEEI. SO WRETCHED useful (�lbt>ain a 12'oumce package the standing poi'nits is the, Promptness of ve•1y :best 'chloridle of lune. J vwfih which Jesus an'svwemeld the call Wake up your Liver Bile According to the direction1% of the ID'orminion far hwh also see thet His de- e- —'Not Calomel necessary D'epar•'ttmient, of Agriculture, lays 'do nht .hdalso His power; and tbhis 'l,i'mie should be freak, non -caked, that rebos,e who' trust fully are i'nr you to feel healthy and hapv, ynnr liver must pour two pounds of liquid bile into dray. and preferably marked with the a- vailalb'le rmade witntesse's of His glory. your bowels; ev4Y without tont bile, chlo'rin,e content. Mix the March 12th --Jesus Ministering' to trouble starts. Poor digCon.Slow eliminntion, nris in the PeHow u expect to clear ip a sits ai�n ,contents with julgt enough water to forms a nvoiset paste, then add the the Multitude. can like Ibis completely with mere bowel -moving •1mlalnlder re - Of a (gallon of water, bre.,ak- --Mark 6:30-44. �Matthe* 20:28, salts, oil, mineral water, laxative efwdy or chewing qtstrey or roughage? They don't wake lip veer liver. 1m'g u!pe luimlps aawl straining tt;laroulgh screen wire into. a glass or Wlies+uis and Hi,s disciples sought a You need Carter's Little Liver Pills, Phrely Aet.nble, Slife.•-, Q'uiak and sure resulta, Ask' earthenware ecoritaineT. :Dissolve one tit* of rest and quiet b we'r'e press- fer them bi+ name. Refusa eubstitntea. 250. at 'Poland f" u of wasbi'ng so'd'a in a gallon ed 'into 1']Yl1Ylf-d�liat(' skajrV Ce'. 'R5$OVer ` , all druggism ' S4 'Of Waif T, then add this to the dhlo- /' — 1. yy 1, GJ �{ Y t 4 r✓ '•�lr E; ft;4 I tY'thltrSY:�£.J'tkfh.R(,,, �,,.P:hn ,11•i,2Y;t 91J Yt4ti, ':3rS= J�fir'a'I 1?C) iWfeA %f 1, // ,.,??)',"C 1��yy�•. Jif lti,SE . A.t. ,(?I'1,,; /fA ''if rf }' h W,v P,.l 3' l i' i e .1 ,, , i!! 1.7i', I� " • .d�d�fit..114',I „!, 21 , • No.• 11+ r 4�:fa , ly'� a�4� )� I,P f! 1'` ,1 1 dk�} u�i) M •,N ) - M,pdc6 1. -,. I -I.�I i A,5 t :, a s , 111r T :ul, _.... MARCO'' " V �a�Qt74 "" , L. 0, .. - Fell" Own � 1.e , w • . r .. I �'. . .- '. I - ... . � He Dre ' ed Gain Out . *_k- • - ,a ". A MARTYR � t . TO RHEUMATISM It emtus't !halve taken some `Mune for 4 , this man's rhau'mat;isun to ,have be - W-- , , i, - come so severe, Hie doles not suY' anything about that. Bull he does make it elear that it needed. only %t, four or five, month's of Krwsehem to --j .make hien forget all . l out the puin he once sufflered. 7ohis is what he writes:--I"I have of- ten seen Kruschen announ'cenlents' in 11 I ' t+he 'papers, and I think it is only fair and stomach—eind keep taheun work - that 'I also s•h'ou'ldl give a small tesltd- ing smoothly and lediieientbly as Nature mony. I have ,,used Kruschen Salts inten,&1d,. The reward of this internal far over tvwo y<ars. Before I start- cleanliness is a fres'liented and in-, c;d to use it, I was tI•oubled wish vigorated blood -stream which courses rheumatism verybadly, eiaielfly in my ,through your veins, driving all im- 1e,gs. 'I had 5t so bad -1 used to fall ,putri'ties beflq're it. IPomsonous uric acid drown in the street, But this last lb ,with its needtlge�po'inted crystals . is : or 20 months I have never felt any- expelled through the natural char- , • , thing at all; in fact, 'I hW%,(e forg'o't- 'nels, and the ,paim of rheumatismi ten it altogether, whereas before I cease. And as you conitinue with the , used to dread going out. Kruschen "l'itrtle 'daily 'dloslel" of Kruschen, your • is,Invore valuable than, gold." -•;I. L. , whole lbednlg,--Ibodiy and bxain—re- Ea'c'h "little 'd'aily do's'e"' of Kruschen ;sponds to thle; :purifying force.. contains a, scientific combination of `\1 . L mineral salts which tone up all your Kruschen 'Salts is obtain'albl'e at all • • organs of ,elimination--Iver, kidneys Drug Stores at. 45ec and 75c per bottle. FREE TRiAL OFFER OF KRUSCHEN . Try Iinrsc•hen now at our expense. we have the test, and thea, if not entirely convinced I. I-distribnted a great many special " GIANT " that Kruschen does everything we claim it to packages which make it easy for you: to T th'e regular bottle Is still as good as now, Prove our claims for yourself. Ask your Tahe it back, Yoaydruggist is authorised to druggist for the new " GIANT " 750, package. return your 75c. immediately and without I Thls consists of our regillar 750. bottle togethoI question, . You have tried Xruschen free at I with a separate trial bottle—sufficient for about our expense, What could be fairer?U I M11Mlfaetrtied by E. GaIFF1Tas Htroatvis, Ltd, 9 one week. ,Open the trial bottle first, putit to Manchester, England. . (Established 1756). •. ) ridge of lime solution, stirring thor- i of Agriculture has diefined certifica- tu to nd" non .•a Allow, the mixture e ata t s a earls ' - ou hlv. All w h orf -recording rrl, z•eco dm c see e y, g d I over night, then 'draw off the clear, stock that is of good type, from vig- . greenish -liquid on' top. This is �orous plants, and, as far: as practical known as 'thee Stock Solution, a n d I ur:der advan'ced' conditions of `farm- shoudd Ibe stored in a tightly stopper- ing, relatively free from serious dis-, ed 'bro'xvn glass or earthenware jar cvises. When potatoes have been in- , in a cool ,place. This stock solution :,,j>ecte'd in the field and after har- . may also be used, to mak,e up steriliz- vest Iby an auth'orize'dorneer of the ing rinses' for metal utensils, and for i o!na5nion Department of Agriculture ' washing, the cows' udders before and have been found vigorous and to milking, 1. conform to the standards set of free- To,sterilize the milk tube system, doom from- serious,di,slease, and, of (I'Utain a large earthenware crock of purity orf 'v!ariety, they may be cemti- suffncient capacity to hold the tulbes t«ed. Official tags are issued for such from all the units without crowding. acted stocks exclusively and these tags Corns tryct'•a'ti:g'htly fi'ttdng lid to -keep ^cnstitu•te the guarantee that Cairad- out dust and dirt. ' For a 10 -gallon ian certifu_d seed' potatoes are (being ' crock, place 30 'poun'ds of salt in the cralt tiid'th. ' bottom, and fill the crock with clean I I I . cold water to within six inches of the Turkey Egg -'Laying Time. top, To the brine thus formed add 1 Just as soon as the spring weather quart of the stock solution of hypo- comes, turkeys should be fe;dr for' egg ' Chlorite at the start, and an adds- prodi*t)on, and laying should coals- ' tional four -ounce chanlge ,every day in mance about the middle of -April in. summeir, and every other dray in win- Eastern Canada and somrew'hat soon- - ter. 'Add salt and clean -water as er in Westtern Canada, with its ear)- " necessary to 'm'aintain the original i'er spring opening—especially in level of the solution, As soon as the British Columnibia, says lib-. A. G. sglution begins to look dirty, discard Taylor, Poultry H,usbandirrnan, Dom- r , • iand Irrlake up a fres,h anet No so- inion Department' of' Algricul.ture,.' ' t lu'tion should be kept in use for long- 'Much d'epen'ds on the weather be- • er than six weeks, coming renally springlike as,.eggs laic', • too earlyld have to -be- too , ) , brig 'before wouettinlg, This' i�rilportant ' FARM NOTES question must be practica'lliy left to Ithe discretion of the attendants, To, _ New Cattle Regulations. get 'tu'rkeys laying just at the proper $y Order in Council an import- season requires expierience, and be - ,I ant 'alteration has ,been ,made in ginners` should' the caurtiou'in this � the quarantine regulations of cattle regard. Turkeys should be -, •interecl into Canada. It has now been de• where they ark: expected• to lay in creed that cattle re -acting to Ae the spring. tuberculin test or ishovIing clinical . . symptoms of tuberculosis shall be Planting Roses. I p(^nnanently marked in, the right 'It is important to plant roses as ear Ivithl the letter 'IT" and, shall be early in the spring as passible ;so as • slaughte-red forthwith, without -cons- to get thein established before there . lm sationa ar returned to the country is warm weather• or daying wind's, is of origin. - the advice of horticultural experts • 11. of the Dou6n.ion Department of ,fig- Best Cash Crop. riculture. If the 'branches look with - According• to T, -A. Benson of the ererl w}alen They are received bury Federal Poultry Branch at Toronto, them in wet soil for aibout.tnvo (lays 'prospects indicate that once again so t'he stornO ;will take, up some mois- po'ultryr and egg.-, will prove the best tune.. Prue back severely leaving cas,h crop. only from, thrree to six buds above L'nsea4,onalble weather has 'done the stock alnd plant so that the point miluch towards a dropping off in egg of union between -the bud or named prices, no" only because of increased varilelty' and, the 'shock is just below • production,, ,but in facilitating trans- 'ingthe surface of the soil, Firm . tha portation'• soil well about the roots when plant- ' ' 1 ,f;g• price's, however, have become ing. Hybrid' Tea. roses are plantecl slightily ,firfla'er, recently and give,n iabo'ut eighteen inches apart and ""'Mal !larch weather, the outlook )110Zrid Parpetuals two and a half , for steady fair prices is encourag- feet. ' • ing'• . 'A Serious Menace` �, - r` C^ • The apple Maggot is now recogniz- • • ell as a seriouis threat to Ontario's • • - export apple trade: Prof. L. Caesar, r' provincial entomologi,4t, in a recentt i �� `h,� • address poin'te'd out that most grow- � ..l ers are familiar %vith the sprays.nec- \ t =` ' e5sar;y to extel•nalinate telae maggot , and all com'mleircial men know that r the maggot can be, controlled. Warm/ . a nr'oist smr,inrers and mild' open win- ters have been 1v,sponsilbl� for its ti spread, but effective ,%Praying would • bring it • ulad,el' control in a few 00119@ 09!@/' t0 themr11a'thy, provided all apple trees in 'r, the immediate vicinity were, als'n SUNNY SIDE O, , AJFE sepa•ayled• Old trees in true next field' and a];so Mae hawtthoa•n in the adjac- ent wo'o(fs constitute a menace, Prof. Caesar declared, Do You want to feel ahvays at, Your best? To meet each day . Spring Tree Planting. with fresh Vitality? You can. . Deciduous, that is, broad' leaved, For w,& -n you're healthy, you're tre'e's :¢hound not 'he ,p'lanted when in happy...,... leaf. The p'la.n!ting s'h,oulld be done A delicious cereal provides the • (hither in bh,e, sluing •before the leaf "bulk" that'is so important iia bilis fla,,,A•jn to open •or in the aatumn overcorningeommonconstipation, after the leeaves•Ibe'011 to fall or have Tests show Kellogg's ALT, lae,m comipd'cr'te'ly s'he•d, says the Tree BRAN also supplies vitamin R KRnlin'g• Divisi"', Dominion Depart= to further aid regular habits. !Trent of Agrimltute. Th, ,bestt time Is v'ariy in the s Iri addition, ALL -BRAN is twice ground has thaw ed o, t S Tr S she as rich in iron as an equal weight then quack with new 'life and if mlov- of beef liver. erg can readily •prnfvidle niew fee,chng The "bulk" in ALL -BRAN i= raaflets, and ad'ap't thermtse'lves to much like that in leafy vege- ch•angefl coind'itiom+s. The a'c'tual plant_ tables: What a relief to enjoy ing will vary with the locality and, an appetizing cereal instead of Is'e`Iq`q1, but in general it tsihoulq .be taking patent medicines. drone in Apiril or early May, _ Serve as a cereal or use in Canada's Potato Guarantee. cooking. Dire,• - 'Canadian certified seed potattre. are tions on the red - known i,n many coum,tries of the world �, and -green pack - hut neVeltheless, mlamty people have ALL- RAN age. Sold by aI1 a hazy idea of what is implied by the grocers. Made by, word, aCel _6d'exl," Th,elt need bre no Kellogg in l,nn can- vt ae toy the' wlarld°s true sd'gni'h- don, Ontario. ca' ce for the I7otrtiinien Department , �111.l f .,w!°,t#.t.a,° „t . ,. <, o�, t. s ,:! ,.. ,.1. ,: i + . ,._.. ",l ya t ,`.P:n' `"