HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-03-17, Page 1. �, , , 1� 'I.,'', ...... ;(I�,�.,�, W I "'.""im", _u ." 'I " , , , -10 it, - ", i "'... . %�" , "; �F, I ,, ,�.f,,...,',,�!�,.,,11.,,,71,�',t!���','�:.. "�,,,'�,,,'j�, . ", "'NrVI,�, 5, - I if 'X I ­ 11 11 ` I I I ,,_ ", 1-11, 5'AYI-11�1f[llft ... ...... .. A, Z , , .11. V,.. , , , - "" ",, 11 ! y,,�i,.T,t", , , 1, ,; - , �' ; ,,� ,� I � I , I ­ ,� , ',g,,�,,��� e ,,� I I - , , "n , 1, � I �, . - � '', , , I p ,,� I � ...... . - - �, 6 � 1, , , , , , . ; , %, - ,�,� , , , � - 4, ;',,� ,,""", : ", � ,, I I , "' `,i�,�,�,','�',�;i�,'� f � '11"I'll!", ` ,,,, !"'i'A � � , � .. � I 1. I 11.,:!" ,,r� 11 ,,�,�,:';"�, ,',��, ,,i;,.',',,,i�.,�.',�`, ,,�,�� , �,��Nj`,�"`."'�,";l "i�,,"4 t� ,.,',, ; �i"'4$ `� ; ,�, I i:� -,,,: " , ., ,,, I ,. -"�.O. .;,!�""F��3,�,�,�, �,ii�lii,-,�,,t,f. �, , , , , , � , . � - - . � ": :,4; 1 IV . . , , , , , " , - , Im � ­­ 11 11r. � L, a L 1,112 1'111� ,1'11'� 1W �;V;� 1%; I �, i. 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I 7, 1,933. 10 . I I � Ir "";,", .1, 1,��,, I 01 I � . .1 .: - ,�,z " , ik�� . I 11 :',,., , 11 4 R � I 1. I. ­ - . I 11 , I 1 1 1 11, ,I 1"' ." I �� , � W,�,: 01", _'. , , . I =17. , I I . _111.1 I " I . - 11 .1.. 1. � I . ;1 1-1-11 . I.., I - _ ., . ­ _71= I I "', .? I , � � - , , 7 . - .. �. - I "I 11 - � . . . . . . . I .� ' 7 ==,== � 41 IV,;, I . . .1 . . , . ' � I . . . . . . . I " 1 , � * , � , , I _� . 0% , :" , , ill . - , , � .,�, P, X _?, '(1 11'...", ,,,�' . - ", I . : � ,� ; "? " Y, �,1.1111 1. . �. I "t, A � , " � .... 1, ., 111 I . .1 f "to', be. Cut, POISOP ' K" ro � � McMillan 4"l, '11, � . . *-Transient 'Refie . %.-CAUSES S�,t ''.F ITED FA . YOU � .. . . ory ., ,m UNI I . RM , NG � .. %"up W. . � . — I I .. I � - r ­11?'1141! 1,11'".111, '' Q. ��,. � Fi,�,,,�,,,,:.,�,.,-,,.,..",,�z ... ­2.�t,2 . 1f,"""'""", 1,11#- � 4w.- . � " , "Wi. . Ww', .1M. ", "' ,� ,_ I ... 4?1', , , ,�,, .4Z'.'�,',',i 'i,i� I . , . , . , ��:�,,,', . , .. . i, ,,,M .... .. i,���,',�,��,"'!'.!�",,.,,,',,!,T;,.i', R �§ , ' 'Off After' A ril the First DEATH OF IVAN OESCH a ' ' I Kom ORGANIZE AT - the Year . .. ... , " "E- � "" ", I. �:. ,,,, .�.. . I ' '' . I . I .� 4 1 � 11 , '.4-17i, . I .. i 6IM'.4, " ' P - , 1 "'! "4111"), 1 1 , , ,. . . Bt11P ell '. a, - ,,_,�,�;:, " .1, ...." '­,­ " 11". - ' 'N !F �:" �`,!',��Z, il `­"', " _ e, . ­­-- "' , 111. " 1. � 1 11 :'111f.1%, 11 " 11- "�!. Z .'' " 7 , .. ,. W - - ", , , er 4' : � 11 � '', - �'�"'..�"��!�`,,�,,,', ". "'�"� ",,'.,- �,,A, . - Decide ZURICH YOUNG 'MAN -MEETINGS 'IN HURON , Aft - . Ove r -. ' .:, ,?.�,,^ k, I .- :�. a Councill rs . — - - �.__�,�r��:�;, I rtiwte . , "" Loc 10 � I I � . .. _ , , . _..�:,_,�,,�,..,­­.! I w � .. 111 -.*' ,.. ,pf,gg.� L, i . � . Pat was a noidUbor Of - on". A I 11 . . � , 11w.": �; �, ",,� - ? .. `2 , � �' , - , � , 4, . . 0 .� ­ ,� 1, -�40",� , ,� I ��.. , 11 I I � I I I . , I 11 j " "" 11 I V ". ., 12 , ,�, ` ' ,� I 1! . I �. , . I � . I . � I . -��'t,k` V � didy bit of an, lrisb�nun,he was. In . �1� . "? �',-_�� 11 � .1 � . j, Stanley and Tuckersmith . �L"��?"�`,!�"._`�',_ ',I. � ­­" �i `4 ". - Mother aria Sister Are Also OVery Ttpvect -a good. 6t ,but he " .1.11 ��,4', 4 " 11v 11 A r � R 554 , 5. ; L - - a, 1� i r I I P . 00 'd i 11 . �. � G nts Made to -Band and 40 0 - ,0 Of 0 0 . ' , wouldrA ,pay ,dog tax if he could 0 0 * 0 0 to, Winthro , Ellimin, te" "-,-", oA.­"�,,..`, , " a . .1 — — . Both in Critical Townships Have Newly 1 r'..'I i �.0 i i% . . , I , ., ,;� `4 - . dodge the tax coflector. He Owned - ,`4RNw- I I , I 1;1, ..� I � V ,:::���, 1 _ i, , �M 1, - . All � . Ag . I two dogs. Ulhen tbla , assessor made . _d Clubs. ' After Exciting Battle Siit!- � �,g 1, ricultural S a c i e t Y ; . Forme . ... I�N, Alt . Condition. � ,,"", Under Way "' I ' I All'Ready � urday I ': ,�,,`�,,;,, I I I ,his rounds, ,Pat and J�he I -­ ., �,��, � � ', Tow -n Will -Pay - 20c -An � I ,tht7o dogs .1 ' . Night. " �,2; - � . I would hide in a sbed the two - . M" , e, X Results of the recent letter A com, ittee of the Seaf orth ::�11111il� . YOUNG PEOPLE UNITE .'�kn'�,.', Hoar For Day Labor.' ERUM RUSHED TO AID oows. And Pat would' caution the m `�; I . . , �� . . . . . ��.i i, � ,�, . , te old boys- and . I I Highl nd have, "been �, " sent to Collegia _S 1. . _it 'P�, . .J"',,, T - .. \ - I dogs, to "hould their tongues" wilien . . �_ busy the CAPAC]ITY - -:'A,,',; - I ' - I girls by the Scholarship Commit- — . '. footsteps resiounded along the plank I Past couple of weeks I -, �CROWII) - . . "' 1, " . .. , �, I 1. !, , - tee of the �Seaforth Collegiate The United Farm Youfig People of cl , ;. o. "I., . , 7, '. , ,", . ' WITNESS ................ 7%�� i, � BUSINESS 'REQUIRES ;Poisoned from eat5ing horne canned ,Sidewalk. The dogs didnaft Like the as- e�ning and pressing the Kiltie I GAME, : : '1�1".",' '' I u Ins Butto . , , Ins , I , Institute Alumni' Associatxion, On�,arw, an organization whose aim nifor of the band. I . " , " ., I � .... � , .., boirnatojeG on Saturda,y, Ivan Olesch, seesoT,1-%any �anore, 'than' Pat did. . "I ..... �,�",,�, �, � � I - , ' .1 I ... " ..,, T, I LENGTHY SESSION asking for donations to the it is of. the rruTal disitricts to, bring and buckles are fieing shined and . . , ,:�, I I I , aged 2t of Zurich,, Isi d��d, and his WhEre's the maA, qr dog for that . ' " , .11,11, ., " I , I Memorial Scholarship ,Fund, have mofthei 'arud isiater are in a critical mauer who holds, the tax . Itbe young'people tpgeth�ew in, ordLer belts and leggings polished. The Eginondvillie fv�ori the 'MclMillan Oi* . �,n�..:;' I I — man in I � . .. . ­" been quite good. A large num- , ,. to further the rural education, through Band does not propoge being left flor this season by deifeating Win- Ill :,,,,�, . . "o . Another ... extended session, was condition wfith anly a Slight chance ,1 '. I I ber have replied in a tangible ' of freewmtry. � - ,deep regard(.? Oa� dw evil aay for lectures, debates, plays and, entextain- . behind in the matter oof clothes tbrop 6-3 ii 20 minutes of overtime 1, "'I umil ft1he dogs and Pat, I'Me ' assessor 1 ��-4 . I 4 14 '�. lheld_by thv& local munick)SI co 'manner an ,The Stratford Bea�conqffemld. in a mlenbs, and for the orgaaization and when the Easter fashion 'parade -hockey lez, t,S4urday night. A large. '?��', closely—very elasea7L-wus examining _� " I . �� " I .. ,on Mmftry'eMewiing� Mayor- A: D. - promises'. M�an� more, no doubt, desp�tch from Zurioh, Said:. . Patf�s doxnaim Fbr, which promotion of sports, 'has held a num- begins. I . crowd saw Egmondville come from' ,r�VI I . �, _0@ � , " purpose ber of Successful organization, Inept- . . hebin4 aiftT Winthrop had orutpl.Wed "i'm A , - ,,,V Sikheriand waz in th,6, chair.' Re -eve are still turning�_the matter over It is One of the most sensat;i�zrial he put one foot (an an old can. The ? , " ��, I in ther. ingsduring ithe past week. 11b 1� 11,11, . . I S"th amd Councillors, J. U. Scott, a. . .r minds, and will be heard - chapters in the, medical p.nnals . -of can flopppd, so did -the assessor ----and' 0 0 .41 W 0 0 crutskAted and outscored them 3-01 . ��` �41 . D. Fergus)an, R. J. SOroat, F. S. ,Sav from it a later date. One fea- Huron County. A quantity of splm- the ,60� T"red out their approval - Organize At Brucefield. I the first -period. 1. I I . 11 ` i . 9 , - .. On Thulfsday.last a very success- . � The Eg,mondvalle' teaa-ji West Cora- ",i?� . auge and J. W. Beathe w6re., pires association ial Serum, carried from Kansas 6ty o,f the double -flop. The result Pat , � :q,ent. . I 1, much satisfaction is the fact that to Detroit (by airplane and fToin De- (had to come acTbL,;S with a-co;,.ple of ful ii*eting was ,held at the home Of " A pl6baly disorgandzed, -Winthrop hav- .. i.4.�. . �q .0111 3 , � Mwed by 0ounefil-or Scott, second- the scheme' is being commended, Mr. 0, Haugh, 'Mill RoacL 'Mr. Jesse ing most of ,the play. E4,nnoiidville, � . I .. . . troit to' Ztirith by fast automobdle, 4bucks. ,Hie would (have liked to kick Froeman presided. 'The ,president of LOCALSfALL PREY TO however, staged a come 'back and ' ., ... I ed by Reeme Snil% that 'Fred Eckert from so many quarters.. reached the home -on Tuesday night the assessor in the slats bult he didn't. � . � � I !:: �,� I I I notes for $54AO,,,and Cbau& Dore 11 and was adnitinfisitered to Mrs. Oesch 'The deogs got i't in two 1ptaces. � the ,as ' 6ociation, ,Mr. D. R. MtLe U netted a goal in the second framo . 111. ', , nottes, for $76"o be accepted from . , of Mudi-kirk, KeTilf 0ounty, was' and two, in the third to ti -e. the score, .. 0 0 ' 0 & - 0 and her daulth'ter. Ilt did not arrive Noun of the IiWious day to the main spe,eke -,...I 1�0 . . . T;' GODERICH 'PLA Y I N G i �1: . � . the R. Bell Engine, & Thax�siher 01o., 0 1 I 1' . 11 iri time, to savelbe, life of Ivan Olesch 171h, Tom NoonaA clerk in a wet r, and in his enjoyable thus forcing the game into overtime. . . .�.� 1 1. . in lieu of CNaude Dore norbes fur $963' ' ree o'clVwk goods st&re� presented �Pat with . ,16eture, he omVfiasized the value of I , . Egniondiville, scored,two goals, in the , " I.: . , v.,ho passed away al�oult th — ,I � , aw Jants Witte, for $500 1 be ,return- I.. I two still bottle of whitish hquid,' gTeen lab- you,pg farm people uniting to learn Tnterclub Badminton Games second, ,perlod ,of ,avertime, to clinich '%, . . 1. .'Ii� . , I ect--Carried;V 11 . . -om the effect how their country is,,gmerned, and I . the ga(rria and nieke'thetraskelves hold- 1. �41 I 11 I . JU I suelfering fi s ,,Oi th,0, eled ,down the front, the top and the to flild a rdniL edy f ,3. . (Councillor Stott, cha MEN OF-, ,OT the overwhelm- . I i ', . � � irman 'of the I . eirs ,of ,the. tro-,phy. . .. i deadly poisoning, %ald to be worse eork.nestled in beautiful gold leaf I Played Here on .1 finance com"ttw, preeented his re- than ptomMnse poisoning, Were ti -eat- and tin foil. T all int�eftts and puT ing burden of debt. . The play 'began very fast with . �' . ­ port-amd recommiended that pa3mrnent .0 - IMr. R. J. McMillan, of Seafort4h, Wednesday. Stan. Nicholls notching,a', goal for 11, .. 4q i ike, th . �� 4 . I ,ed -to 5,000, units last night. poises it looked li ,e clear stuff. . f be made for accounts inOuded. On ORGANIZE . C R I C KE T . Serum Only Hope gav4b a concise account on the value L Winthrop thi-oa minutes after the ,, I .. I So it was—miater, with, a flavoring "' "I � I ­ � notion of Councillors Shviange 'and ' ' I � . , , .__,� .� of organization for farmeT'si and their' . face-off in the first.,period. He made _1 . I — . Ace6rding to --other physfIciaits ,thq of turpentine, The truth was Toni 1V .." , - " , , S*blit; thd- Ttelport -wals- adopted. -- � - , need of understanding ,.agrieWture -aan- a nice lone rush and- direw McGeoeh , : � Goderic:h Badminton players g . le 'e, b L 97 -- a decisive ­vic�b6ry over members. out f the ,goal., Two minutes a : . .. I I Cost of Relief. Pass' 1he 'HiX- ih-'-1'85'61' to' b;6rl f' �%-that the�case­is unparid- -4-bad Aplayed_a, jok. on..,,ts, el , _�Oun: pr-obio-�,,,-_ -. ed O I ter " I ��� 1, I � leled in'Ontario. With the arrival tryman, V I A social &;iia. ,As'stirwt by au and of the Seatorth 'Club at an, inteT-club Tim Eaton passed out from behind . . , '%, %mludled in Councillor -Scott's re- . 9 ---L I ... � . , I.: . I I that a Mayor Sutherland, Raise Funds in Oirder to . � of the seruni-thb! two women, doc- Upon arrival at his tid,v and neat sumptuous lunch was served. tournAmerl' Wlfth"i—md­]�&en arrang- ,,the .]E�gmfondville 0 1 � I I port was, � a ' _ . - - ned their only chande coittage, Pat commoanded his uife to �During the meeting a club w�s OT- . non� who s;co,red't)he'-,',-�li��ff-r'k,6AI E. � I . CwTmifan Of, the Rellef Oomrmttee. Buy Bats and Balls. to -s ,said, -gai ' ed for Thursday evening of last week . k, a to H Ishan .1 - Oa . , � recolvery. , . bring Phe corkstrerw--and a e I Rdief ,eMt Oen&rlth dA Felbrum,y,' The three were, stricken an Sun- of,glassjcis� "Pop" went the e "Ple gaIvizfed with the following officers wic W�ednes'IAY Little dTew a penalty for -bumping .i 1. I $246.92, two-tlhirds,-of which is- paid I . I . ork, and elected,: President, Wallace, Haug,h; evening, the change being made Inee- Wilste Wright and was joined'by D. . I q. . . " . ; by the tGovernment. Of thL-) afmount, Evidently feeling the need Of gen- ''day with botulism, -a -form of food the clear liquid gurgled. into one )vioe-preeident, James Souter; secre- essary by stormy weather. . I Dale fdr boarding Ferg. Bullard. . � . . . tlemanly exereiso, cortainpersons, re. poisoning, after they bad eaten a glass. Pat in'bendledL putting Onto OV. tary_tre.asu- Son�e,gi�teen Goderich players came N,i;ch,l Is Soon � I I I . $31.61 was -fKw transient rolief and rer, Flora Souter; Lead- followed foT,trying to IL , . . I the b. , sblve4 to form a crieket club hi Hur_ quantity of home, canned tolty�afoes- er on Biddy- that is. hie was going errs 'Miss M. M,unroe and' Mr. A. 'down ,And, a mlixed doubles, ladies' ,trip Flannery with his foo . t. Near' I I . . : �j' , . - ' -'two slhoti�, to'BiAdlys ont. Back ,,� ' ` '. 11 alance, or $215 311, for local re purhey th 1955. With this- in view, rvari and his mother had eaten to -et doubles and men's doubles were play- , I . . lief. Tbe .total was divided as f6l- 'i d ry d ent his head, and the liquiLt eom- 0trie. The directors and co-riverions the &-nd of the period. FeTg. Bullard i�111' '. L � petition headed, "Harptivii-ey 0 ,,k.. tw"ce Of th PO'so e vegetf�b�les on' w ' of committees will be appointed at the ed. At the conclusion of the play 'took a shot fTom the blue Jine and . I . ,.,q � . lows: Food, $162.00; fuel, $71,89- a Thursday and Saturday Itaist, while menced its trave16. McGeoeh . I V, Tick - as - tthe home of MT. C. Hauj�h, -on Tues by the social comnAttee which. in- ,had stbpped the puck. Thl . "I, . . anedical, $11,00; light aiA water, $12' 0 Club" and reading: "We, the un- Mrs.. Oescb, the 'sister, ate them I "Are. yez poisorod, Paj� ,?,? next rafe-efing which will be hVeld at a delielous, 1buffeit lunch. was Served knocked in a rebound after , I The relief was. distribitited among 19 dersigned, promise and agree,to pay I . k - ngs were I � . 4 . AwAllies. The finfance e6mmittee re- the, respective Som . S opposite OUT only ,on S&turday'. Five other MR111- l,ed his wife. day evening, Mtaxch 21st, at eight eluded Mrs. W. C. Sprroat, Mrs. R. J: more interesting from then on. Ex- . V!, r 7 . nabies for thepurposo of obtaindng a hVTS Of th(0 family, btEtaWe of their' fPaddy's face. had expa,iided to the o'clock. Sproaf.and Mrs. J. A. 'Stlewdrt, The citebient ran high and it 'looked like . 11 `4 '_� . _ �,_ .. port was as follows: dislike for torriatoes, left the di.;,h un- dimensions of a i�hip yard, ,and looked , The young farm people Shoul(I games, were as follows.: a 1frei.-,­for-a1J for a time, but tie , . " -: . - . Jos. V. -Ryari� salary, $67-' John A. set . of cricket batsi and ball for the touched. Tbe�y are, John O-e�sch_ ST., likeone. He siputtpred.and s,pat. The . ' � .� . ,. I . I H. Snell, ;�&,;;, .$6,0; above ClUb, allo being desirous of - avail thems,Mves of this excellent op- Mixed Doubles. perticipants,-, Hicknell, A. Dale ,ghd � . —M -1-1A 11 wusori� $70; forming oursel-�es'into a regular club. his Sons, Menno and'Lee, and Ray turpentin-e-had done its work- beauti- I .�,l i � Tbos. ftorey, salary, 00; Cana&an, �Tlwrefom, we appeial, to the citiziens and Earl, Sons of AITS. Oesch, Jr. fully. . poortunity to Study woithwhile prob- Miss IM, WLI'tSon and D. R. 'Nairn, Eaton each drew penalties and things If. I 11; i . National, Raihmyo, crawing protec- . ' VeiNo__41�m not ,po" I lerns and enjoy splendid recreation. C�Ode,ri�cb, eli"na,ted Mrs . W. Parke went along a little more sn*othly. . I .1 � I tion, $&90; M. Barry, "hay, $8.79- of Harpurhey to contribute liberally , The First intimation. isoned. That. &vil (Continued on Vage ,5)., and Ted Tamen, Seaforth-18-15, 'The Second period was more even ' A . -71 ,Public U ' towards the ,good, caulse," was cir- First intimation'that-the food was, av a No,Qnan—an, me an, him fruir, w . . , 10ity Comih4sefiow% electric th � 1 15-8. I ith E4ft-.1ondiville getting the 6nly .. . I .0 I depa#., light, $�1.35- Bell Telephone culated. aimang the good folk of -the poisoned came late on Sunday, when ' ould sod-" I . . Bullard, took a Test for knoa- ­ ,I , . . . . p' 'Theft 'eveninc at, 6 01clock Tbm I —_ -_ - . wmi� Misis'C. Wl'atson, and- q, L. Walker, goal- I � , 0D,, iBC� $%,';2-,' 6td-imu Bros., village I Ivan and the two women com lained Kling down one minute alter the I . � ' . I , acr6ss 'Alain, Street: ''� .1 The petition, nieatly written on � a of disturbe,d vision. Partial paralysis Noonan called DUBLIN Goderich, eliminated Migs, Wood and Ing I . , Uwcouxyt� W-29.; J. F. Daly, account, ; ... . was sum- "Billl, come, ,over bere!" Bill knew Mr.. White, Seaforth 15-8, 15-7. face-off. Art, Nicholson beat Mont- I � ` i T Rini jo ont . IMr. Joseph Dillon, of 'St. Wary WTs. A. Beocom and, P. Carey (G -S23A7- W,4min Hk6w1dmJ-t6.-hccouh1�, - ill Brine, mbmd. After an extensWe exama' M­_� 1' ndOn i a solo effort after three iminuteg , ' � , sheet of blue. ledger i umv foRowed, andDr. McKinnon I 7, 1 1 1�1_ paper' i's , 0m . s,, is ,) gornery for Eg-mam2ville's, first goal .. w.. ,*14,80; ,C. Aberhart, accoun% $1.30- hi-th6 porsl�slon or MT.. W, I I '" I - ' I ' "'Take this present to your -next- spending a few day§ -with his mother, elinduated Ruth Thlomps,cm amid Nel- ,01 . . . ,: Colegiate 111itit,W Board, $2,000.00! who brought ft to 'this offim tion of thF. stricken, trio� the cause of door wighbor, Give it to Bid4y. Mrs. Wdllialm Dillom . son Gardtto (S.)---154, 15-6. ' (.f play. ­Frofm then till. the end -of - I I PuNic &hwl Bourd� $NO; , .Briti;� "'lat tbe,appeal met -with sue�ess ,tht2ir illness wasi divine& Philipr Flanagan, of Torond , C. W�ij_ (the period it wa�s just a ,gee -saw back � � .� . i is evidenced by the y�nine or Wbep'the condition of the patients Vniatever �you do, don't let Pat see . �o Spent Mrs. A. 1-1, Taylor'and U. Ernom Insui-anee, Co., $940; Geo. D. Ir liam�­(G.)� eliminated Mi ai�d forth -with neither side'getting a I I ,� . � � . anfore, names -it conitai . alanni,ngly worse, &t1pmpts you, nor the bottle.", AIR this is an the week end with hip, parents, Mr. se M. Bell . Flerguooql� account, $�,M; C. sills, . The club, grew . Irish whisper frorn ;kom. q .1 and Mrs. Michael Flanagan. and 1. H. '. Weedinark (S.),_15-3, goal, Flannery got a penalty for . �. � etanivs,­ $10. I " -11. now deeming itself well under way, were made to procuTe a quantity .,of iBill slipped the bottle to Biddy. Tt Vincent McGfrath, of Windsor. 15-7. I tripping Shannon ani­t�e period eTrd- � I 40qympia 84scbaurant� 350- IGTum- PrOPeede'd to purchase two bats at the serum. None could 11- secured in Mi?- !Miss P, Grassick,and C. K. Naftel ed 3-1 in, favor a Winthrop. � 0�. *ets at 'Ontario, Dr. MtKinnon ste�ted,Wedoes- loo-RIed exactly like ;ffie turp-enitine spent a few days with Louis (G.) eli-minated MUrs. H.-Wats,ii. and Ifficknell opene I .� . , K,. Daii,y, I $1,,04; Hugijq,� 'Dairy, $2.00; two (bats at $2.50; wiK I he telephoned Kansas City and a bottle as twin p4ccaninnies Pat had Grath and other friends. . A the scoring in the � � I W;Rey-naiffs, Dalry, $&44; Barnett's $1.50; one ball at $2.00 -and one ball day, ed home several hours before. L*o Kenny, Of Toronto, spent.,the R. A. Walter (S.)-15-6, 15-10., third period on a pass from Morris. I . DlaiTy,' �2SOV; Ooudies ;Dadry, $9.36; at $2.50. quantity was de,spatched immiediate- card nts, Mr. and M�ss, J, Maitin and M.. Baker (G.) Frank,Kling riceived'a. penalty for " I I ' Tricluded lin the list - .of names - are gy to Detraifthy adi-plano, and, rushed �Bill v-'lals furttlier. instrt*�,l to let week' end with his pare t. hitting Nicholls with his stick and .. - Thm. - Phillips, $3.35; J. - -MActaivOli, . - - from there to Zurich by automb;bqle,,, Biddy, -in on the joke of the first bott- Mrs. P. Kenny. -eli,minated ,Ma -s. R. J. Siproet. and D. later drew another for I I such familiar ones as. Angus Wc r, e so the -second joke would do its ,Mr. and Mrs.. - H Wilson 18-16, 15-7. three minutes . . ,.., . $2,00; (WM Annent� ,$15; N. Cuff & . � Leo Holland a holding Niaholls- in a bear hug. ne $on* $16.115; R. J. MIdAfillan, $15.07; Dexadd, 41enry ,Myer.. Hugh MeDer- An Tuesday,'ilffisa Eula McGreg, tl nd dhil t �i mld� Adolph Mbyer,,. F. Meyer, T. �L student in the thixd� form of the part. 'And to assfure her also that dren, of Win&or, spent a few days ' 111iss M. Lee and'F. Field (G.) rne was delayed for a few minutes I _� . AWin Sclwbeir,, $12.53; FA. L, Box, bute � h in ,e eco d,crock w�s the clear po�'heen with Mrs. George Holland and '.Mrs. eliminated Janet Cluff and Dr..W. C. 9' I . $10.14; B. 'Chrds66, $5.62.; J. W. Beat- Meyer, Fred Caich, Andrew Gomm- C01IP,giat8 Insti was called ,o e, th sl 71 ' ' when Don' Dale was bit -in the face a � lock,,H-enry Bell, � Nelil Currie N. Cole- because of the fatwht-j� lvan.Oesch poets and'ITishni(en sing of the world ,Xaloney. - Sproat -15-4, 17-14. Wat with the pu�-k. It was'a hard shot . . 4* $7.80; G. D. ,Mig%, $11.68; Ross man, W.� C. Gouinloek, A�4;,E;�; X—al- lis her uncle and ,the other vi�tim�l over- I � � � MRls. Robert Hoggarth, we regret. IMiss E. Williams, and H, L - � I . .. J. Spromt, $6.49; W. R..'Srnlith, $14.85- Mrs. John Oesch and iMiss Susan 'Came St. Patrick's Day in the to report, was taken to Scc# Meni- son eldminated;MiGS R. Fennel and W. by Feq,g-. Bullard Init pirrely a;ccideri- I 1, " c,' bill, Geo. Sproat,' .Horam Sproggie., . . I , , -in arial, Hospital, Sea�forth, and oper forward line and bottle4 Winthrop up - . I ; - . I JW. J. UearY, $71.21'; Miss Pry' Wm,. Small, C. N_Seott, M. McDer- Oes,ch areber grandmother and aunt. �mornivfg. Nis wife invited Pat - Parbe �, 15-12, 15-8. , tal. .Elginondville put on a four-nian . . . . , $10,03- Hutchison's, $11.201; Angus . the good o0d Irish way to wet his �ated on for appendicitis on Wednes- Ladies' Doubles. , . � 6�, $10.417; M4s. 'R. iU Uark, mi4, Wm McCarron,, W., Cemp�ell, —0 � � I z I . whIlstle ' with clear jpoth"n. Pat bad � day nIorining. � I' i -an M. We ", I.. . ; I $M12; J. X CarAlp, $15-24; W. A. Jo�n McCollorugh,-Jobn Kidd, Adam a ab. Miss Grasswk -d NE", t- (Continued on page 5) , , . . . Lome'llutchison, of Toronto, visions of turpentine --and the talt�[ Ts. , —0 I ! McDonald, J. Brine, F. Ross� Charles Sian eliminated Mi,ss Wood and M I � $8M; T. R. Anderson, $9.11; . ernt the week end here.at the, home lingered, The �borttles wea*1 twim shnakvs an, th' frogs!" said the P,rk,­15-4. ' . W , P I . . I C_ Switzer ,_ ' W. V.. WU, lis� 75'e- Dr. -Burrows, $11; Rich. Hale, 'Mrs. McDougall, -9 - .1 q Public Utility -&6Zi;*�, $246.9�.. Robett Gorbiijock,, William F6*lei. of his -irether, Mrs., F. D. H�utchison. and ,maybe, the eontent,s were of the I �saint)s narmesake as, ,he tos�ed back �Iffi% J. .Yartin aTwi Miss G, Wat I . I I 0 'Mr. Q:J(1.rg* Black, of London, same family. He could The fooled! his head. -on elinvirittted Miss Janet Cluff an,�1231 MEMBE1116) NOW IN , iRylaw No. &% was fintro�fuc,ed and. —0 ., . . spent'the week- end at his home in ame. But two -in -a -row was eome-11 Sure an old fimman like. Geordie " , givqdn its several readings and, pass- Tuckers-n�ith. . thing else. Biddy rnade, herself al Sills, or Jim Watson, or Dick Smith Mrs. R. J. Sproet-15-3. . , A New Competition., - , 'Mrs. G_Be'aconi. and Mrs. T. Tay dip I k � , ed. This provided for graiNbs to the - 0 IMISS -S. I . ix,cl,eanand Miss Heil- tumbler of punch. As, sVhe sipped it � --any of the Old-timers will re�ail I,' ,1:mj,,t6 "I'i � I Agricultural, ,Society and Band. A new Empire compettitAon in dairy r I d lfi­� R. Themp,ssoil � HOSPITAL AID ASS I bors Merton A. Reld and John PrIductshas loomed up on the horiz- en 'MdLean Spent Saturday in Toronto. spoonful at a time, Pa ' t'Sf confidence � the actors in the foregoing story. Miss.-, Mary Bel�--15-3. 1 U14.1 , &s. J. R. H. Thomson returned returned. He put the bottle to' his I The, corn,colb i -s empt, I Auffi' ir on, a -feature off last year's trade 0 T' . I y. Sure "11 M,i,,-, Nkillianis and 'Kiss Lee elirn- I . ftwtavish presented thei report, , sFm . ' hame this week, having been called nose.., It had the right odor. No; have a new s,hamrock for'St. Patriek's i,,te?i Ati-s. W. C. SlirI-oat and Mrs. I I I wWw,h was adopted on, motion of says the Dairry Ney�7s Letter i ed by to Athens, where her nnothe7r, Mrs. turpentine sme,l]. 1 day. - . 1 Well Attended ,Meeting I I , , 11 , ,,,, , , -r -on� .. t Councillors Beattie and Savaulgel. . -the 1?omfindon Dairy and Cold Sto - E. M. Fair, passed away. "Well, �here's to St. Patrick, the i BILL POWELL. Wat s -- 1 13--�. .. I . .1 i . Day laborers, who work for the age B�eanvfi, ,'being the appewance of , . I Nlen'.9 Doubles. , Held oil Monday , I : I . of the -town of Sea�forth Southwelsit Adrilea as a source of sup� 1� . — D. R. Naii-ii and C. L. WalkZ, tG.) I Af ternoon. I 11� " f IMUVIRP1311 receive 26t,,pents'an hour. ply., . I . I eliminated Dr. Sproat and H. C. A motiort ,to this effect was made by � I . � White iS.)—IC-11. . — . I I ! own H. C. William,, and P. L. Carey lfornwd Wo-tlien's Hos-pitzl .Aid wai; . I cillor ,Sprost, and, passed. The motion read: "That after"Aspril (G.') eliminated -R. Walter and W. I idd in ',h.., Carnogie Library'on MoTi- - . Ist the Relief Cbrnimiittee discontinue S a wu Mill -Da '6 McKi CkmncilloT Scott, seconded 'by 0ou-n- It wiM not feted or house them. . � The fir�-t mclltln�_, of the "recently Caumillor Fxqguson -mvoved and I ,ys in . Bell (q.)-145-9. ,,) -i),00n with a large attend -1 ' . R*" ,Snifth -seemidled, that $3,5.00 housing a,nd feeding, transients." It I . I/O �T. Bakerand C. N'aftel (G.) elill, d,.­af't,,i gTamt be given the �Salvation Army s pres-ent. The presi- . By MELVIN J. -BLANSHARD I . inate-d J. .1. Huggard and F. Dev- ,111c'O `f ],1(!i(` was moved by Councillor Sproat, see- I , Rescue Home, London. The motion I dent. Mrs. Charles, Holines, presi,ded. I I Carrie& � ., ended by Cbunoilllor Beabtie� and ear- I I . I . I ev, ul u x— 1 5 -4. ; The meeting opeiii.�d with pi-a.,ver, I I ried. . . - , - ,H. C. Watson and F. Fi(Vld ((3.) I . . To End April Ist. . lCouncil adjourned to meet at the Away back. about sieventy-five nbout nine. (It was called Victoria w) -tat g -rent big fellaws� 1he oxen elinvinated A, Y. .110,oan aii-d j,:w1iich was follmved b.y the minutes Tmnsient-a vdU fend for themselves call of the Mayor on motion of yeirs ago canie a youbg man from Slaw Mill). INN"01". l"'.AOIL'T SOid thcy were abouL Crieli 15-8. of t1bP la�4,t meeting,. With one cor.r- I I . after A*11 Ist. After that dat . e, the I Councillor Scott and Savauge. f F)asteTn Ontario in the neighborlhood "How,dear to my h,eart are the.days 1 12 y�,,ars rdd. T. F, Kenting and W. Parke, (Ainl'_ I'Pctlon� that of ud-(ling Nli.sr,' -Mac- r . , . '. I ' "'y's nan,.e to the mermlber�hip coin- , . - . I of Brockville to W`�--,tin­n Ontario. He lof ,my childh-ood , Ll I There, Weve ablOUt a dozen nwn inated M. Miker an(l C. K. Naftel, . , I . � . .1 boarded the train at his- neare9t sta- When fond recolleo-iqmq preSents! Working aroun�l the mill, ,iiil big Godetyieh-15-9. 11ii-ftv-0, tho minuti., were adopted, , , ' ? � I . 1. , thean, to vi.e,,V." ' " s 'a - the tion and landed in Harpi-whey and ,f]'01IL(l, " g , . , j1()1vjal rellowq, w -ho ii,:;c,l to , * , "' * ��,O' "" "",asu"* % , ", . I I ... I . . I . . wernt nortb to aplace called Roxbof6, I had'to,go to. sch,00l but on Sat- vai:ry o,r thiVow me around. W.her , - - --- ____ I Financial report, �:tatinlg th�at .`.�1043.25 0 1 � . � had he,en call,evtod Oiroul h fea, bridg- �. � I a small village, with a flour, ,mill,. a urdays I was, generaflv at the mill. I niAt came., all, -,vould go up to R. -up- . es, donatinn­�. etc.. and 9 somf,. $57.15 1 The ,Ontario Bean Growers and store and sorne, dwelling houses,. , I can- still rewiemffier h'(1w I liked the per in a log soanty, the cook bein�� I throui lber"sib i p fee S. i iffie got a,job at the, mill ,and ,being throb� of the. EI�Igiw�,, the nnise of a intin by the nanie of Daddy Donald- _rli rirx-rn . I � - ' of a ,rhc,chan4,c:a'l nature and ,of a the Saw, the simell of the timber, the �,on. OF courslej I went along with A Pf.Ly, "On?.y a Stev-dwwh��.r,­ ,,if] tw Nli,�;. K. IT.. M(lkan, "convener of , I F' Be" 'an Dealer's Association - eople im ni-embc,rship convindutee, re.port-A that . I jovial disposition and with a''rndnd gurgling Of the bull wheel cb�alli an'd I fatbea- and hail suppen, ivit,h the )-&.qt J T�r�-Pnfv,l ln� L, ndv�h­, Yomw P '. . - . n favor with the ,the ox driver callin-v to the oxen —the suppier consi,ting of in,eat and Cc, ­1,.9n,,., Unif,d Chmvh. mi Friday, MA -11 tho t�,,Vvn had 1,ec,n divid�l into four I . to work, ,soon wo, 24t.h. Admi.,gi,m, '-.',e and l.',e. S-503-1 "'ection's anirf a house-fio-bome caniva,.s�s will hold meetings at ) people, 94e w1mg there 1yut a siho!rt drawing in the big logs. On qn1any p-ntatoes, Twead. an.d. li,utter -With 'black. xlauA�ht,AeT.." 111ade, sonx, MI inf(nnfbers b6rg se- � I . 1- I � time when. a man. (by the narne Of OCCUSiOnG I WOUld go Mth ,the man sti-q1) fn'r de-,4se-i"t. The blac. stral A play, "Only a qteil . I Govenlock decide,J to build a saw that di,ove th�- oxen alid Mnilet;imes I w, -Ls in a big Jug whiell %%,a, -,e -eSentbe,fl by LAmd'eX11,01-0 01.11 -ed. s pa_ __ � HENSALL TOWN HALL - let me di-ive them ' ii.nd.' Whe * ­CVd ��'i I I i pri � I . . Tnill, a Imile and a quext,er up the he woubd when the aTo, . , -n it ca,wp to me I Young P�-ople Qn Friday. March ,,N-th, Mr�. T. Rak.r, c-6-m-vnnr of the i FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 17th rbvier, which was to be run by waber log bloat was eni�pfy. I remember I couldin't hold it and Old Daddy would 001"I'llencinIg at 8 p.nl-. in Constance SexvinK Commiftee. lr)ported t3lat one . I . I PoWitr, Come to, tht- r"se'ue and porur .�Vnnie on United Church, under tlie ausq,)k�es of meeting ha(l het'n )1�-'Jd'nt which some . . � at 2 0�plock- Win Gowndock hired a number of I my pla4e. iffe w-ould girvie inie, far trin the -'�Tin!dRv ,"'01001. The play i�; ne-op-s-ary s,piving lind bevii d6ne. . I i - . 'I *11 I nifi-rch and I usti4fly had to If -aus arid one o� The ViSiting- Conn-nitteVe report was It .. . . men. Mr. Blanchard got the mi ,ave. it wh'Ole"O"I'�e Ftn,(l huniol D)�eou It suid . ZURICH TOWN HALL, , running and was then,,chosen to be which. he said, didn't matter a,,,th,re �he lw�st that lia, been given. Com4p prv�ented 1)y Mrs. S. . I bead Sewer and too look after the . was lot-, of it. 7 and enjoy, a g,orKl (­msnirg',,-, ent�,r- ,that 'Mrs. (1. Aberhart and MLTs. r_ . � ' I Hamilton ii Appleyard Ni,sited on the first Friday I I . FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 17th ONW9. . � "Wthe,re ,are theise b -right bearts the tqiv '110 t- . . . 1� He had wiorketd for a conple of . 7100 Died in Vedlin. Nor"th Da�-.ota­ aftr,rnnon, afn4, Mrs. E. Bell And,Mrs. . . yeam in That w!' -rre 1,qA, Q. ,T<,hn F;tarley, ,hrother-in-law of Mr, E, C. RoFn,wll on anoth,er Friday, � I � ; I � I the Cyownloak�s decided to build a O,h some liae lelft life's trouil-pled Ifatit. Arnit;trorg, of the F,th con- It Nvaq del(Idled t)Q Wait Until tllte�,L I ,;, !, Coke.. I Cession, -who in hi�, earl'.� yean, ,�vas tho airi-iia) niVee-ting in ,"'elptearf6ex to .i I I at 8 o'clock. I . the mill, -when S bl'Oth,eT Of , then ' leitl and thi' . I , I I To -discuss the Bean Growerq and Bean Dealers Stearn sawinfii1l five indles back in the ­,cene, - .� . ... . - Wsh. and again Iffiram WanclhardI I I soine, stiii are. strugjzlirlp tbro" a ivsident of* the village licing a ,��qi MTiliate with the On4ario Hospital Aid I �� I .. I Agreement. t ; �, of the late James S,tanliety. who ke,p' A,�:sociadnn. I - 1-1 was ch a%en. k� buil d 1.1he mill. He and I And soqiw hae risern high � I his heilpers worked hard getting out, fok 61 lire's eliangeflil &,q-thm. � the post office here for.mary years, Thl� fill.1-MiRl ]�C,pPrt o ithe Seeft I . . I -i� . SPEAKERS -1 W. Ward, of Highgate, Presi- tble tiql1lb,eie (glettinig utp the, frame and For tlivy rose wi' the 1&rk in the lind lbeen in 'his u,sual health, heart MmmT a] H,o�ital was readu A-voto - -.---- " t -dent of the Ontario Bean Growers Associa- fp,ubtinig i� ae ',marchfnervL They . 11101-ning." .1 failure h�finig the cawtk� of hils 6eatli: of tlinn,kq wa- extended to Xr. Chas. I � A QUICK 11 - is wife l4obnes toi- his 'ni,anL%jremefnt of,the f6tM1be,d to vow withoult ,mv roof or '. l : Fatbn- died ahavft forly .renrs ago 14,e ,(`A�'e, to ni,ou�ni his lok-s, h �d tv o �kat,ing r,arty. As a means of pTo� I I tion; Wm. Ferguson, Vice -President of 'Si'ding as theT hj.�d to cut the lum,ber w'hen he was fift—fnirr. Not sn 0_14 ard a ramilv of. three sons Aai' .1 I : , - , , bne ."n predecea8e<l him mi)ring fimd,.��, it Wa's dr,Ci-dr4 blja�- the - -1 � �& 3.7. ,W , � . I �, "'s . "K, , �� T I , I "I 'P." ,)!?v"f" �� I .1� i�l , i I �� ", Ell �-i - I I L �� , .V:i� %�'i, I 1�:,,�� I A 1� I �., �� &;: , �, I . * �, , , ,,, I "' .� - , � , , , � � . ,1�1* � I 1,q i I I 11L�l .1, �: - I I " �� , " "I _; "',"', . : � , - 1 . � , I , � � I : I I . I , � i III ", " , , , , . � " I , ; , I , I I � I � . I � , "It , '. '' 11 " " , , "' , "' , " 11 I 11 `V .�M t, 11 � W, I - , , 1� I : Ontario Be -an Dealers Association; and for the roof and sidimg. � Satisf actory ' mail, burt 1wNreg-theles's, he srlwod his dauglito-s. � , . 11; I . � Afterr a number o,f years Joh� Gbv- I dlay and gReql,eratloll we)l awl a num- 10-'�t r,Rll. bridgeL�teas, etc., weire to biet con- . � others. "' , 10 T)i(, Forri—f-erg are hoHirug a swciVal tinued. I .1 enloe'k, 6, son of T, Gpe"I,ock, de,dd,­ ber of the barns and housf,s ho built I I I erd -to-build amoltheT 4A,ai-, saw mill Fire. '_ still -itafwt. Re raise,d ft fainfly 61f kMvvning or rards and dancing so,n A fine adidrpss -frorn, Mrs,. Rhyne,% . s�� � - , . :: ) ". two miles fuirther ro,,�-h. Hiram , nine, thpete. off Nx-hi-oli Are. now mill- ,.t,11-(-l1,1-,(h. pivk,4�idcent of the Orkwilo Asso-ciatioTi, ,"', , 1. THIS IS YOUR INVITATION TO COME 131paichard was 0gain, ehosen to build men, in' Norbhe,rn Ontario and Brit- ,111`4, Jofii� Flerguson sillent a 1'(�w wa,q m� and was Trtueh ap1pralAted. 1, t .1 . f 'Thp ineeting el'o,sicKI wUh t1he Na- I.. 4" I I the =ill and that was the mill at ii;th Oolutrrlbia. lAke fathier- they fol- I�Y� ,,i�ith he,r mothe­. Mrs. Joh,i Ca.r- 11 -4 I I " � - - — I -, mommm" 0 — . I 11 I I . I whiohl a*peereid on tilick seene, a boy. N. CLUFF &000 N S lowed the ti,mber. � L(T, who hw; been ill. tiornal AnithVem, - I . . I � . . I - � I � I � .. , � I I , )I I., I I . � 1 . � ,, "In v, I I I " ' "'11',,��,.'4, �'''I" �," ' " I . , "4 ,,� ,i ":, � ­��' i�., ld,,,�,,f '& ,.'� , �. ,,,,.I. � , ,�. ��& � , �, , I .1. i� , . f, , , ,� . - . �� , , � , 'I � ".�, ""� . " 2a§dNgj���I�fl;�,,,, 1�ig; - q 'M A'1111�' , � . , - 64i)Uc"k * I - 1. I I � . " , 1 ��,.,i�,,.; i'fl "I ". W!"1411A, 11.iW,W�J'1.111k4111%_, a . - . I I I � 11:t _ , , - I I ", .�-,a, 7" - , ; , V.,,'4:,J�� �1, ". h1dX, - I f.,.� 4" 'S ,� -IL,�, ,,.,�,l " F�.--U,, v,,,,�L,�t-,,���,,,�,�,,���i,.�,,,,�',�,.,,.��,,,,,,�i A ."�,,,- �,,,,',Q, i Z 4, �,, . 4,�,�'�' 14!i,; " . �04`�I'f . ...... �­_i� . . .. .. � "i" . ,,��k,," i:il,,,.�,.; I `1 '" 1�" ­­� I? I . _i " I _',','�