HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-03-03, Page 5,�yrr�lr Ii `,it1 r rl ,. ',, r +ir t1,�ilh (d " ��:: f'„I, ?1V .', If,r ,r IN �r'r "'I .7r tsaii Ir•iti,'0',S ti �., 1I�i III11,11. '' , ti� V 7+ '�',t!I,b^`� it,q 9,1 :.,i d, <t , , y,61 fi'. I'iw It !+ r +' r, o v 4 j F I' • ��, t, t r t1 q , Maid 10. RR#P4 `{''I ., .. , M r t �.,;,, t „ ,:r +1 Sy :mr1r f n l• + �'a, '1 ,1 ' ° , ' r` t;"�,r; A �' �ltrlly;��41 r ti ., , �� - , �- -- ._.1 A_ t- THURSDAY, Ik�WD'Ar, 'SsATURIDAY� MARCH 2, 8; 4 I Geo> .e Arliss in� OTHE MILLIONAIR91' ,. COMEDY A REAL CO"DY CARTOON INOdNDAY, TLTiASDIA Y, 1DlNtkJS�A-k �>441}Ap Olt 6, 7, $ r ', CONSTANCk 'SENNVVr in t I. ",`TWO AGAINST THE WORLD" COMEDY' NEWS REEL THURSDAY, FRWLD Y, ISA'PUlR1DAY—aM1AIRlC H 9, 10, 11 11 , "" ' 1 SUCK 40NES in 10 COMEDY "RIDING FOR JUSTICE" CARTOONS Coming Soon -"BLONDE VENUS11 , Mfaftlnees 'Sat. a.nd 1holldays, 3 PJM. Two 's!hovns 'ndghtly, 7"30 and 9.15. mlod bee re (graded bee ,sold 'last yea. 1' 'FARM NOTES , than in 19311• The estillr>lates fo galeas in; 19'3+2 wseajv ap!prox,ftPa4el• 21,748,'76'8 tpolun'd!R, ,as 'comupared' wit] Some Facts About Honey 17,947;2715 pounds for thle ,previou Year. . At the ,price at wtlieli it is' avail- • I table 'today honey is ,cheaper than System Proves Efficient. ,almost any of the more common 'Th'e Restricto I 'Area system' od I ' " arti!oles of diet. ILt is at once na- tuib+ercu'lots�i's 'control ils•not only prov $lure's choicest Sweet and her most in'g eff'i'cient but stockmen appreciab complete food': it contains earbohy- •rote tmanv 'adlva'rltages of this plan o r' dratea in the form, of 'sugar of lime, control for tuberculosis, The catty Iron, (magnesium and potasih„ and a in areas can ,be nested quickly am I bertain ,amount of �pitotttetn; all of economically. Reacbops can, be Ship- ' -Which are necessary flor the nourish- Ped in' `car lots' with 'greater return, n msentt ,of the body. Because the -sug- to the farmer. All 'herds are teste d -ars of (honey are al'read'y inverted' and So that breeding 'operati'onis are, fac d!irlectly 'available for assimilatiogi • it lili,tated. The servi,Dels, of valuable V o is a 'qulick 'sourm of energy. It can fh'erd siuels cam be used' in, herds' o' -be used' as' a sweetening agent in egi-sal .health standing. A ready mlax e ,practically 'every instalnoe where cane 'k'e't is established' and buyers' prefer sugar and Cheaper •syr'u'ps are used. to purc'has'e 'cattle in areas 'when tufherculasis-free cat'bl'e may be o'b Protein in Rations tained msore quickly- and at les The importance of protein in live- 'travelling cost.. stock rations and their production on Dun irng tlh'e 'past fiscal year 117, I- I , the farm was a topic recently di's- ,742 cattle have Been tested for the cus od ''by J. C. S•teckley, professor first time in, neve areas and approxi - of, Anlim ' Husbandry at-bhe 0. A, C. mately 321,427 cattle have been re - Legume hay was men'ti'oned' as an tasted fry 'a'rea's previously estabIisll- imlportant inlgre'dient in a pr'otei'n- ed• '. ' rich ration, and orf, c'oui,s4 such by- • products, as cottonseed meal and lin- The Farmer's Education. seed' ail -meal were mentioned' as very An • outstanding Canadian author- Aseful (ingredients,. ,Prof. Steckle",{ itp, 'discussing farming as a voca- elercl'ared that. s'oybe'an' 'meal'•was prov- tion • recen'ltly. included eirnlong th-e ing to be a very usle,ful wird' rich pro,- rrsenii'a'l sulbidc-ts in the edu�a- I tedn ingredient. It carries 'about 35 't',an'al nreroaration for farrfm -'work. per cent, protein and for dairy cows "',he follawin-.- A thorough ttninir,p• 1particill''arly i't can Ibe 'utilized ap- in the ussP of En�llsh; proficiency in , tparently sup to 20 'Per cdmt.' of the mat.helmaties; snafflci'e'nt1 cosmsmerci,al ration. He cond'emn'ed ''it, haweiver, trairinsg so as ,to 's'u•cce'ssfwlly carr, ! tag a feed for :hogs. Ground sweep ort lids business.; practical training, I 1 tallotv'er steed had also 'proved to' be of cb+t'airn-,d on thl-, farm+; a s'tud'y of sdmte use as. a (protein ingredient, but ag'ricu'ltural science, i0clud'in,g' chem - I , �t is not hip•hly nalatatble and can be Ntrv," physics, batan,p, en'to Ia]a v, ed' only sparingly. , • itnc'beri'olagv, and' a thorough knowl- . edlg•e of the more practical su'tjeets. The Apple Maggot mach ,as lhorti'cudtsuTe ,field ,crops, live 'T -he apple maggot as a menace to_'stOck. mechanics: ,and, a practical ' the industry was thoi,oughly di'scus's- working knowhedxe of economics and' , ed at the 73rd anneal meeting of ci40s. For f:be Young woman whose . The 'Ontario 'Fruit Growlers,' Assoeiaa- future fhan'piness will "be- found oil , 'tion. Prof. L. 'Caeslar, provincial en- the farms he suggested .special train- ' ttolmol'ogis,t, statle,d that an orchard ing in 'cultural subjects, and in the . isurvey had s'h'own every part of the work of the 'ho'me, such as cooking, province infested with the maggot. 's'pu'rns;:, [Management 'and hy'riene. 1I% attributed. to weather conditions Knowhedm is as nece'ssary to success 1. the incre'a'se in the .last two, 'year,. in farm'i'ng as in any other line of Prof. Gaestar explai'nr,d control meth- bwiness. ads in detail and staid that if grow , ers had known in advance 'w'hat wea- The Western Market. L'her conditions ,would) be like, they ;At the annual meeting of the On - would have canrtrolled the pest at tario. vegetalble Growers in Toronto 1. ! Ileast 75 per cent. W. A. Ross of the consideration pragres,s was reported Dominion laboratory at Vineland dis- in' anemdng u,p the' -We'stern market I cussed :a system of orchard certifica- to Ontario vegetables. According to I , 'tion under which 'insrtectors' "vo'uid W. B. Som,erset,: ,chairman of the, on - i , 7mitounce growerrs' orchards atnd ap- tario (Marketing 'Board', Wesstern�ers . ples free from the pest and thus •w,ene amlafied at the quality and nllake them more available for ex- aniantity of vegetables that could be port. Greha rd 'oertificati'onr would in- grown in Ontario and ,declared that I vollve tihoroutgh spraying, destruction i f they could get them regularly of wild apple treses and hawthorns, ,"'here. would 1}e no need for 'import- , tand some arrange'm'ent with -bwnlers in,g. '1Continui'ty of su!pplly, better. ,of• nearby orchards in'order to re- ;packing and above -all learlinesss were move ,that Ssource of infestation. points emphasized by H.. E. Tom S, ' Western representative of the On- Increasing Consumer Demand For tario Growers' IMatike,ts Council. He Government Graded' Beef. ,peed out that ,there was a good 'A report to the 'Departn ien't re- mmarket .for early cabbage,' 'polsilbly t veals thaft consumer -demand' for g'ov- (Meets and 'carrots, a° splendid demand . ernment graded, beef, has been, felt in, for eaxly to,ma'toes•, properly packed still s)nother quarter, The report in lug crates and carefully •graded in '•, added the name of a ,large Oana•d'ian a central warehouse, ample' roams for chain' of stores, to the ever-dncreas-, melons in. ,modern ,packages, but not ,Ing .list' of organizations handling the 'old 16 iquart !bas! 6*Lvbg, as well as graded !beef, exdlu,sively. soli'd-+headed II�gebemg lettuce and cel- ' Another evidence of this consumer' ery. Ler qusali,ty the !best of Ontbario Ipx+elPeremce d's th'e fact bh'art, in the i9b uff Was superior to the imltporteel Dcarindon, .some twenty Oyer cent. variety, though S e of it did' neat I . SAFETY FIRST 1 1.11 . In these days a new meaning is attach- ed to these words. ' , , - ' ' "It's not a question of high yields," ' -the wise man'says to himself, "but of be'- hig sure that I can get my money back i unimpaired when I want it." • ••• 1 -A SAVINGS ACCOUNT IS BOTH PROFITABLE AND SAFE 11 THE CANADIAN BANK. ' . OF COMMERCE One of the 'World's Largest and "Strongest Banks. CAPITAL AND RESERVE -60 MILLION DOLLARS CUSTOM HATCHING Having rented the Buckeye Mammoth incubator frdin Seott's Poultry Farm; I am prepared to do' custom hatching each week, commencing March 8th, at my premises, at the rear of the United Church and across from the Public School, 'Seaforth. Eggs will receive the greatest care. Incubator will be fumigated. during each hatch. Charges -21/2c per egg set. Early bookings' for space should be made. ROBERT SCARLBTT !PHONE 277 W.'' ; SEAFORTH. 1'd; n w 5� ll� „ wu �. "li:r�, F, a;hi.r+ll k, r ,n,n s,?y,k. llhe •.fr<n�lattittl n�.tntM1, ?S.fit a`,'f suns ,aGht$617,Aao, e,.:,Mrn,kd (Jtf .�ttadk'e,i;;v �I��� +I.—m iuwm�iuwamunuwmiwc,roiasamwwrs uwuu - �.�' R r ! $ y�q't, filled . RQ#'liex' , '• '11b k 11 . Axl 1 1,'rKMVi"e. I b"Vev'er, that uni the Ni afto k11, aril �� t d'• p' .. Z '. x� . ai , aTtid vlri!th tgpacl,stuii, the "matigr tor= °!]• d!waurd SCh edxk, lap?1! a !Ger• i ry t,on of this' !Wletabern' r�iamk�l; or be nun omigranit leo .4i w a,,i% wtm the clpSgd to OilAario, sdli„itcosverer of ow efienK11 uEdy Xjgn ' 11 e- WL, sd'lver some at Tmlal swr*, Ar wna. ' Warble Fly Campaign. 'For solnve t T00 this not profit was . I M the eatrtle on Xo4touplin Island $90,'0010 'ta mrio ^,-•.arnd WWiardl Q d . ngarly 20,Oo0 bead,'will .b6 treated and the other y artieers he tgaok , in for warble fly this spring. Follow- ibelealmle 'ndfli�onalirels. Then ISlohieffan; ing the striking mbeelss setu'red with ,sold ,out Us interest to aa. synelieate. . .11 •a now Powder on Barrie Is'lan'd, of ,five ellen and tpr000eded to spend where amlfiels+tation was red'ubed, over his fortune. . I q 80 per 'cent. last opring, farolers dei- Almonlg his extravialgant'” was the aided to go ahead .with the 'laxger Ibulddin(g;tai on opera home at a most 'Project. The woTk t%rilll be carried of $80,000 in a village, the people of y lout under the cbrection of Dr. I,uanel ,vwhlibh had'been good to him in his Stt(emea4soml, provincial ,zlaologist and days of poverty. W"itthin, eight years r R. E. ICa nimiing, 'dilstriet, agricultural every splellny was gone and SWAefte,= . representative, and the (.special (pow- ]in died ,destitute in • a little cabin I. der ,411 be'supplied by the''Ca11a'dnan .the had built with hill own hands in r Q) -operative Wool Growers,. Ile nmlountains, a•felw angles from •the v . As was the erase on .Barrie Island. scene off ,his 'great ;field_ a ,year ago, four ttmeatmlents, three All the 'filve, ¢ilea to • whom 'hs sold Z t s 'weeks apart and Starting in early out 'beaCinie' inpiensely wealthy, but � • 1141archt, will be givers. The powder +ap'par'ently they' nelvlear aft en it keds to is dissolved at the rate of one 1h'e$p the ,pioneer who had foundled pound (per gallon of wator.an'd this. ,their vast fortunes. wash rubbed 'thoroughly' into the . " - baicks of ddh'e infected andmtatls. Elven' - e where ,only contfined, in large box f Istal'ls the 'work takes but a few The Forgotten Art e Iminutes and the cast amounts' to . •Of Not GrowingOld d lis than ,five cents) per head. 'While sautharities advise continuing the ISome weeks) ago !I-quAed- a Certain, •' - .:.; : _ _ !',I' ■ . a , ' ';1 ' tom' 1�" q>� a 3r5`.�'h , , e Qt ti � tigI.— , it FA fit 17rF , * 1 -u= a the` � � ry 31� � ",1+ Q, .�A!`.Ii i ..� ,q �` . �� � ,.,, ­ . . I ��,�,111 r I , �' , � �� � " " I... : � ,_2 ...,:"I-, I "I �.;:, . l� I � ,4R, Dn"'T � I 1. . ... I'll � . NEWr.LO FIXIC, ... 11 I ... 11A nJj .�" 11 .. 'I., I I Compare our prices ,where you wi11, and you will find few lindeed wvill (equal—none sell -for less—than this store. And we guarantee satisfac-- tion with every purchase. - work for, three successive years for ,wise man who has preserved his ser - d complete elimnnati-on•, already after entity throughout •titre 'arrant un- - _ one Season marked gains •are report . pleasantness andhas no fear of the• ed from Barrie 'I'.s'lan'd. There was furbu're. I made•. the miistakle of re - practically +practica'lly no ,stampeding of The ferrrinlg to him as a wise old man„ and Gold Seal Co'n'— Offer you all the beauty and .dura,- _ cattle in ;summ,er when the flies glen- I •received from him a somewhat in- bility at the lowest..prices in years. erally cause ,the most trouble, ,and tidgnarut xetesro. Beautiful new design's and colorings. Ills animals were in Imluch•bebter flesh "How do 7" �oleum ��{�e you get eve be o he Alm No better quality anywhere. stars casual. - `' ` � demanded. 'uI .shall never be old:." S; 11n Canada. the wma bl'e fly is re= ,His point is well taken, and 'r , sponsdlble for thousands o£ dollars di- hz'veby irna'ke formal, apology. Old _ reit loss ,to hides alone elvle'ry year, age is a matter. of the 'spirit. Some 6x99x90%5 9x12 while the' indirect damage in, loss of men iilvse to be ninety and still die .$5 flesh and -milk flow 'cannot be esstimat• young; some are old at forty. for25 f Qg• f or ed. in fact, William James,nes, the psy• • $7*0 $12050 chologist, regarded, the average man • - . .. . as `an old fogey at 'twmentyafive." By ' that age, he said. the. ordinary man Diesel Engine goes 113 Miles (has formed his habits, learu'ed ' to ' Using $1.20 Worth' of. Fuel handle wroutine job, acquired, the lit- . Ile -stock of prejudices which he calls I I I I - -. Flashing o've'r the rails at 65 miles. "convictions," and has locked up his r • an hour; the first Diesel electric train mind and -prepared himself for an uii- This! .good, old standby, the . outstand- ever used on an Englislh main lire eventful journey to the grame. :.Four Yard �d� hard a successfuil trial on the 113 -mile Contrast this with the record of ing staple of oil floor coverings, is ran front London to Birmilu ram. the unusual man who keeps himself "Fain shown in a greater profusion Five minutes ahead, puffing clouds 'continuously -curious, 'unsatnstfied and Linoleums than ever. •' of slmto'ke- and steam, sped the regu- growing. Bismarck, for exalm'ple, did 'lar London -Birmingham flier; ,but the his most 'effective work after'he was - I- , Diesel train travelled just as fast and seventy. Titian, the artist; livers to 0 purred along smoothly and -almost be nlinle,ty-nine, ,painting right up to lonse,of fu. c required only 25 gal- the end, Prices. • •lops of fuel, casting a total of sever 'Goethe findlshed 'his Faust only a � .�shillings (albout $1.20 at current ex- fetw mo'ntfhs before he +passed on' at60 per yd change) for the. journey. eighty thtree; Gladstoane to* up the - 'The trip opened startling possibn'e� ili- study of a 'w language,at'sevrenky; - e ties for the hard pressed British rail- ' LaPlace, the astronomer, was still at way pomipanilesl, wlhich have been work when death tatuched him on the . keeping to steam for a century 'shoulder at, seventy -'eight. His last " because of the 'a word of British words' were: `'What we know is coal. "'Recently the Southern Railway nothing; what we do not kaiaw is im- FlO®� Oil Cloth tried a new dmenses erparture, 'electrifying mens."' new I I I the' -main line from London to I 'he'ard recently two stories. One New patterns, new, colors, better -Brighton, but at a heavy initial cost was about a lady author who re- quality and lower rIC@S. iasis and after three years' work. marked cynically: "I't 'must be true Beautiful q y p yNot only is the coal industry wor- that the good 'die young, far where guaranteed. ried`sby the success of the Die'cel do you .see any ni,ee old people?" train but the advocates of electrifi- Thle, other st'o'ry was told, ave ,by 40 cation are beginning to ,van,&r Clara Laughlin- A friend of hers, whether the' Diesel or storage bat- travelling in Iindia, w'as entertained lee tery system is not cheaper and bet by a Yady of high rank, ZTlte .visitor' ter fitted, to British conditions. was so i'mpres'sed' with the charm F l�are Ydol. P .;) 4 -_` �_ a.nd 'grace of her h0.tess star; she ex• claimed: "I think you are perfectly - .. _...., ... . _, - -.. -. .. Penniless Discoverers beautiful." , To which the Indian lady respond- - "' Of Gold Mines ed calmly: "I ought to be beautiful, (It is y lmiy dear. 'I 'am seventy-four years• generally believed that t, old,, finding of • !buried treasure newer:- 'ilia stories need no moral. When . I K O 'b. , rings luck to the finder. It waul', f! 't-, ,spirit became. crabbed and bigot- seem that the name iQ'1 fate attends edSTEWART' and cy tical then a man or wo- • the original discoverers of goldfields. mar, is old. But same, .spirits never While numbers of people hate fie -stop growing.. came weallthy through. '.buying or working gold mdnes, it reml'ains 'rel `fast 4W . "' " ,that -those who first found great de- Wise men and women prefer to let sproak.—At her residence, 53 Poplar Plains e " AUCTION SALES ,posits of the ,precious metal have sel- theories 'wait upon well-established Rbad. T --n, w, Saturday, 25th �ebruazy. . ogle if ever,. reaped"guy reward. fasts and grow out of the7n�Nich= 1933, :Lennie TaY1011 Reis, widow of Jame B. Sproat, aged 65 years. Funeral from AUICTION SALE.,—A OOMMUNITY AUC_ Se(ptbe fiber last a Rand pioneers' Olas' 'Murray Busher, 'the resklence of her son, George Ray born sa;Ue wall be bold in 01bAon on dinner was held-- 6n 'lTphanpmelsbn�rg, — Sproat, 79 Poplar Plains Crescent, Monday, Tuesday, March 7.thh 1933, at 1.30 sbarp, with' the overn'or• neral in the g Ildle huslb1indis are warned not to re. 27th February, at 2 pmt, to Mount Pleas- canwhtling of a SuIll nitre of i nd memt5, hms- ds, chair. Ammon' the guests was George g �+ main at home too much --not if the y ant cemettry. ,Daae.—In Hul,eltt Towmship, on FebruarY 17, -caws, ymniz- cattle, young valves and pigs. Any 'pers'an wishing Ifo Durcbase any- Hloneyball, an elderly man who is wish to remain id'leL—Chatham) Daily Minnie Brickernd'en, wife of Mir. Arthur f9himg fin dds 'bane Mil be we01 advised W 'today in ,very poor cd'rcumstances. Yet it ,was IHOneyfball in 1886 News. Dales , Phipps.—In Ciintan on February 23rd, George attend *rb sale. or any Person wishing to dispcee of any stock or implemerAs may do who Ptilipps, son of ,site late Stillwill'1 ps, so for a nominal fee- It is the hAen'tibm di�sedvsered the Main reef of tthe� nd., CA D OF -.0 68 years. of . the manager to 'conduct a sale of this rnvture every two weeks 'm C15ntbm- Phone from which no less than $6,000,000,- 0+00 worth of gold has since been THANKS i cutars apglyr o tl��, or Bur n,rt, mined. thea', deep appreciation McLaren land family pattyxpmwa r deep of 'the sympathy AUCTION SALE e3piui Ph�ane No...606 r 23, Clinton. Any person ''C.ri le'Creek, the atest bonanrza Pp greatest and kindness extended Ab 44nemt in N,heir re ode witting dr voc-r of 'any shock err irnple� of the United Statm, is a small mat- cent severe bereavement amd also for the ----- mentis /art Prese sales shopld' ;have same aM sale boon not fats than 12 o'clock myon- day bey O ortnlplareii with 'tis Rand, t leas' many beautiful floral tributes and the use of of sate. 3463-1 .yielded over $350,000,000 worth of oarm- AUCTION SALE. - - ADMINISTRATOR'S r gold since 1891, The 'first man to - sale of Farm Property, Implements amd Admm,itotratwT of the Effttlat Houspeg a c'lai'm ,at 'Cri'ppl'e Creek was IMPORTANT NOTICES ob rya,tatc of hie fate Robert Carrow wi,Ul offer estate Fj XECUTOR'S AUCTION SALE -OF FARM, E ,Robert iWa nlack. He sold his claim, for wale by public 'auction at the premises, FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, on for $600 and a few' years 'late, was >a OR SALE. — UP -PO -DATE POULTRY F in the •7�rrvrnr:hiip of McKilllkyp, on Wednes- day, the lith day of March, 1933, at the Wwlmpsxiay, Mwrrh R,th, of Geome Henderson, Lx,t 23, Concession 3, Morris Township: One living on 'charity at the ,town of 'Col- Springs. The plant whh nnodern equipment Apply to F. FINGLAND, CI%ntan Ontario. 8401-3 'hour of 1.39 p.m. 1�Part of haat No. 30 in reran row, 1 reel caw supposed in calf, 1 red 'Orad'O man who bought the ls't ('kmressrion �in the Township of Mc- and white cow =^prirn,ed im calf, 1. red heifer, 1Womadk's eclair (became a millionaire HEIFERS FOR SALE,—FOR SALE ONE H K''Rop• rontakminjz 27 arses of land, 7n,bre or 2 ralf .At foot: 1 youxr nrbmn caw. fah; 9 one - Several times over. red Rind me nape, 'heifer, broth Durham., 'less. The pr'r>ipr'rtY consist's of a modern wtarey dwelling house im goat repair, niso Year-»ld ,teem and heiTers, 5 two-year•old Yat hfei:Nm. 2 Pat steers 2 yehntia old, 1 be.aly Some years 'ago' a Small Vessel one cornting lin April 5th and other May IsL barn and ,b-ivi•ng shed and twee -lar garage. hllnck tv,.tm of mawos 9 years old. weight called the Mary Holmes' was 'passing Apply to JOHN McGAVCN, R. R. 4, Sea- Ifbrbh, or phone M2 on 193. 3403x1 call im excel'lnnt cnrnlitinn- 2.- The follow - ;;q00; 1 relirblr, ai,ngld driver,, quiet; 12- year down the East river at New York ing 'Farm im,P1,mn dR send household effects , old 'hens and pullets, 9ua'ntiky of barley, when, her Crew Saw a man struggling R D GRAIN: -arliE UNDERSIGNED HA4 wiil be ,,ff,l for s�vle witch the Uand afore- sadxL Farm Imvlr.menis: . Binder, mower. i na't� wheat and , haay, 1 power cuW,nK box, 1 hay mke, 3 drum rolUer, Ras enfine, De in the swift tide. They threw slim 'for a ldirm quantity of six -rowed May rack, spring tnertlh cuTtivatt'or, manure I T,n1+nl 3 MR ; hay rack, hay fY,rk, ropes a rope,' got him aboard 'enol rPJV1Ved1 barley and seed oats for scale, of gond quality and pnieekl reason•alhle. R. P. WATSON, spr, oder, Fanning mill, plim, h lfl., o and ' and publrys, I et of hnrrrws. four; 2 'lad - him with hot coffee. Then lie told Iirucefield, Ont Phbme 4 on 260, Glintan. many r,ther ailtlk•1H. 3--+Hoy"'eh,lri effects: Kitchen u't,mslla imcludi.ng coal wrr,vr, electric ,sem 1 hay smite. 1 crm.Tn separator in ¢sad i order, I set of Angle harness, 1 set of double hl's story. ,' . 8403x1 'wtx,ve, kntchen txchle, flisvhes, electric tx,aster. 1 harness, 3 sots of heavy harnms, colil'am, 1 ,'His name was John P. )�&]ton, once �_—I' SALE. -- TWO DURHAM COWS, arse., rarlin, tvl,lit+, stairs, book rase. hat ,et W bob Fehr lls, 1 hf.rvy wfigon. L b=KY. a millionaire mires o -caner, now island- FOR sprang7na, %rood mllkem. Apply tb A. T. rack, 3 herlt'nnm suite*;, sewing machine, el-; 1 cutters 1 riding p0nugh. 1 gang plough, 1 .less and destitute. 0e related h'ow, SIMPSON, R. R. 4, Sp'adbrth_ Phone I8 on ectrdr iir,m, biz stove,, warrlr"rete and m;u+'cel-' laneuus articles tun nunh+rous to menti'nn. •:ingl,- plough, 1 srnrfRra:, 1 sro,l dril'1, one fr•rtfliz r 3gd reed drill. 1 eu'ffivntor, 1 6 - when quite a young • man, he had t i�31v 3403x1 Alan overhand Seelan, 1925. The property forst hi'nder', 1 revue•-, 1 seed dnrm, and °num- found gold at Gomtstock, in Nevada.l sale subieot to 'er'e wi011 be. .frerml fir m ( nova other• articics. Everything must be fortune He ih'a'd mallet a e himself and bf,L Tereus n to the land --Temper cent.. "rr1iL NY) reserve bifL Ch --Terms cash. helped to found' the fortunes such BIRTHS down at bane of sale, •ham nee in cash within 30 (Iay". The purrh'aser WM11 he rNuired to Farm—loo ,,, more nr leas, well'situateri- Res«,rve bid an f.trm. Windmill, drilled well, min ;a:s (Mackay and Fair. 'He still Coign n cfmfimnt fur the mmpletirm of the Imnk herrn 4.Oxfo, ",traw shed 50x40. rl;'ivirw ,had, in 'his water -soaked pocket- Aubim,-lin ,%mIdy Township, an Sumlay, sale. A's ho the ehn'htels, i'f's'ctld separately. ahai 28x36, vene`e'r• brick hoivm Ten per (book, a letter of thanks from Mae- 'February 26th, ho Mir. ,Rud Mars. A. Aubin, oash. ,Fire• (further 1plarft3/ullwrs IRMPIY to rent day of s's'le and balance lb 30 days. +a daughter. FNSKEN. ROBERTSON, AfTCFUSON, PICK- MR: W. W. HSLL, Luckmow, and PETER lay.5taneman.—In Wftdheli, or, Fdbruhry 8, to UP & CALVIN, 36 Toronbo Street, Toronto. TAYLOR, R. R. 1, Blyth. Exeeu'bors; D. M 'He lost nrOrKt of his money and Mr. and Mas. Charles E. Stoneman, a son aAictWos for the Adm'inistrettbr, or to Geo. Scott All i . „ 8402-2 went to Queemllaff i% Austral4a, where (,iolhn Chanlea). H. Eil'tott. Auctaomeer, 'Olmhtoo. $403-2 hs again found gold and, after sltak- R0ney'—Irl R4bben,t, on February 19ffh. tb Mr. 'Roney, - __. __. - - •--------- iAg out a claim Oct 640 acmes, n1lade amd Mas. KenneMh -a daugbtA (Phyllis 34Ia'rlon). , -,— -- When you have a fhm way back to America oto procure 'Dodd -an Auburn, anFebru'ay 14th. to nom'. AUCTION SALE mining machinery. 'M Mrs.W'91MRm Dodd, Jr., a son (still HORSE O R C O W -He gest into ,bad -hands and lost Rabell Vonnstore.—In Codbm,ne 7bwnsh,ip• an Feb, OF REAL ESTATE AND CHATTELS all his •reinatinnng .money, and it was 115th, % Mr. sand Mrs. Eimer Robertson, g YOU want removed, three years IbeforeIle could 'beat his e 'phone"promptly Way bak4c to Australia- Then he y MaVtiry,—in t]IinNwn PrrbUic flbspf6al. on Feb Utnder a cerha'nn'autNorf7tM aaangnmtent made to found a flourishing town' oeou-rbers 28M, to Mr. and Mas. D. all, MalttW, a son, 1w EDWARD KRAiLSKOPF, of the Township of McKilMbp, Farmer, the umdev0igned w,11 William' Stone Sons Limited s di his clatim., The town, i9 'CharheTA offer Ifor sale by Dublic auotiion on the f rp�tlied tYOWg, and from that ground gold MARRI24GES premk4m, Mie property known ae Lot namher the Third GonresMan, Of f1he Tawm- - 'Phone 22 Ingersoll hats beele taken, which 'has made ad Seven sin 100 least .eave7v millionaires. MaoL6d-,Emme o;n —A+t (the Onfhrtu street of McK•tdfov, cordtaindng about wires, and ALSO the goods, eibwhWe 1, farm ' "2mk. at - 'Phone 215W Stratford IDalton''s 'claim had lapsed and for Uhrlaterl 01ut+dtlt pwrsonage, Cunt,,, an Folk' im,pietn'ent,, ate., of tha scald EDWARD , the next twenty years, he knocked''21st- by the 'Rev. F. G. Fanrill, Leidai 'Darla ERAUSKOPF, on Vl''erinearlay. the eighth day 'b,f 'about the world vntrl his health Em"ne1Jon, tb Mnthilmk Alc&mder Mae. Lt>iaxt Mlardh, 4938, at one o'oleck. Terms of sn3o: Consul %—+Gash" Real _ _ T - - . failed. P!eanndless and out of work, Fetalte (whneh wdl0 be offered subiect to a FARMS FOR SALE ,lie 'l ad 'd'eiciided to swsime me -Mos t0 res'erve ,bid)—'ren per cernhim a the pumrhaQ i3latekwlell's (eland, cassava he taped' DEATHS n-hon'ey on day off sale a and the balamee wr,bha r tbb ty da" tlhelrea`fterw -� --- , FARM FOR SALE.—,FOR BALE PART LOT to The reeeah*d, as a chartty primmer, h DA'MD afl Oaderteb thill IAth day of Feb- 29 ,and 29, ooneession 8, McHiliep, eon- bult hi's ssttreMth fai'l'ed and Ilse would' MoLaram--Tit Rental, on Fob,dsamy Uro,rumen two. taiatcng 192 aerm and known m the- Or. E. (h1#49 dro,CMetl but for t:imlleiy heslp Rlrtbet•t MITA ren, agdd 74 ,your. i' ( A w, miehigma on FtldU*o C. G, 1WDDI.M,TON, T1_%0% Roo-, farm, Must be Bald to class the eau to If not sold w Al be r'en'tal. -Lor paitL•DpWhra froirnl thestaurion,--•fin 'M ry Hoilnee. Tile 'glow psated =Qltho hard forw"a Feb . 2. Mleslbbili Se m>sdl, bd vtlA tori' '.144 1 -ruses. (hart $bngst,eh. A402-4 a'Gbdm to J. .Sot govlom,0'01L rttedst" �pp -; F .. '. ,. k 5 t? itr�t': `'M S' 'V7... ...�.R i`.. �, n' , r a a 1 r 1 ,, f• a , ,t. U ,7 1. A "r, rf...- 1•�. el iu, f I a �%. 'F a V'< f 1 1 .1 `r t t '� Ut I ,1 .,r,usx�b�:�.n;M.r�..urJ%,,sew,84t,;��t{"..,u�s:,�,.�.r�>'z!s�,Ml.k� l.,l..vstr.�u�...,,.t,ia�a��,w,r..,�'tum,��:3t��k,�,�l�f�s,,,ah'tot,a-."nL��„lm�wLrb>�I_flsfl,�,�,�&,xr3A�,�;��?(�,s�,l�.tin,tau,ttn�,w,f(a��.t3w'��us.�"s�^� , :, .f,. Y ,� 5 F f ,, �2":pit,�i�'4ie71i,�'�`:�Lm'r�?n..,s;r�,nv�1a�, Ir , L r ± 04 K " fi P', t:M: ;,r ;i .. jw '. ;r FOR ALE The' r•esidemeoil pitvert8 and lots , a[ the late, John MaDougatll Wilson, in the Vlftgw I ' of Hensall. Must be sold to wind up estate. Teimrb, cash. For furthm par,Wculaas apply to W. G. BELL, R. R. No. 2, H.emsall, Ont, - or MESSRS. CARLING & MORLEY, $aiiai tat%, Exeter, Out, 84af� NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby R%em pursuant to the Rtta attxs in that beheaf that all persons having eAa.•ims apninst t]he estate of Daniel Reb ale4 Parte of the TowmaMp of McKillop, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 17th dw)r of Janizary, 1933, are required to fnrwa.rd their ehnims, dibly proven, bo the undrrnigned sold,frht r am or before the Mh ,1•ay orf Mmu•ah, 1933, after whkh dabs ,the - Execrrtwts with proceed to d5strdbute then rotate. havfnv retard only to and beirrg re- Prwmsible- only ifor• the olaims of w'hech they I whall than have hind nkAies DATED nt Seaforth. Ont, the 23rd day of February, 1933. JORN A. IIE.ST, SolirS,bo, for E,ecurtorm, 3402-3 A BARGAIN FOR S'ALF:.—•Five acres; one mile from 'Seafor%; modern hoilse with furnace, bath, and toilet; small barn; good orchard. Taxes, $15. Splendid chance to start chicken farm, bees, etc. Apply to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont. . 3389-tf THE J014N RANHIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. ,Bonds, ' Real Estate '.11 Money to Loan. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO 11 Phone 91 0000000000® " o W. J. CLEARY 11, � - ,fj 4 Licensed Embalmer and O i O Funeral Director O 'r o Up�Ho�tlabe Hlarse and 'VOWt O i © Eft• O i1. 0 Night and Day ,Semvisce. O '• tf:I,' „k: d Phone 10.2x, Dint hL ¢ .1i."I.'. „w .;' �� s I slllil„ M �:. r ,�.. err )V'! l�`nt4,5% 4i 71°til ��tt�stti f d r �� r rn t i r R � , f7 a A S 1 4 I Y 1 i r t, r 11 r r � t tl,� ! ( pky� f l . ySpi i b � o f , L'' V ��r., ^i:,,t�,iA�.r-01!.dE:�'`Cli'S�:1ki�.N,Y�.n.�.1•M�lLWF,uul��lu�h �i�:LhG.,,�1'l�"l vitl4{fif4fdF?,CA.Jwu�ie.Yi�kssfllA:ir �iS Tr.�,.It�e,��.4,�"'Mi,lx'