HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-02-24, Page 4� dung ,Weekkle
'iri 1850
1I, l Lean, Editor.
} r�
JI r,� -
fostli, Ontario, ev-
►it on by McLean
%w i 4v9, Sui' L �'"'`5 id{ , rws err-.• .
'i „f41� ,, ke ,' $1:fi0 a year in
°� r� " „!% ,. ,*n, $2.00 a year. Sltygle
r5rht srr,', each.
N �e �w t by�tr q, ,,.r..;
F , 9!�d^��.',, �t lig rates on Application.
fib' ; ' 4 t]%►bars of the Canadian Weekly
`" f, 4w u t 1441"W ars or Association and the Hume
�ir; ,' Preens Association
14 :N
"I,1. OtR7t, Friday, February 24th.
t UtS�, t,
,e a {
x�-li The Legislature ...
': IBr all reports received
r,r.,, ePo the gree
" ent session of the Ontario Legislature
�• t4rill' neither 'be .chart nor dr,x;,ry.
31 tii' ' _.
�; Premier Henry, Mr. Sinclair ar:c
"R ; . 1
.q,;'. .fir. Nixon, the three 'leaders, bavE
r been maxina nt in lively fa�hwn a,
,. alwuCli more "is yet to came.
I .,.
`R, Redistribution, of course, will pro.
, , ».
V166 the main battle, and already the
1 pVelimimal^/ skirmishes would indi•
' Cate that It will be a re: l one,
'til m
To all appearances it would. see,..
I& •1 that the Government has decided b(,-., ',,
a, foreh'arnd, what form redistribu. ior.
1. ..
l' will take, and that the Governlnen1
��: -Majority will be .....sed to fords t hd
I m'e,as'ure ,hrough, without any rebart
to the wisbes or objections of the
:: ' Opposition.
'iw' In his tipeech on Monday, MT. Sir.
1i '_ c'air, the ldberal !H!ouse I -acle
moiced his objection to the reductio;
, in school grants and both his objec
i`;: tions and suggestions alon- that line
'are believe, will be heartily endorser
,, 'by the rural sections of ,the Provin-ci
�, at least.
•k: IMT. Sinclair ,maintains that cur
�3 .
ting .th-- schoo& grants without in an,
�, .-
way redvcilvg the Goberni'llent star
, dard required to be maintained by al
�` schools, is only adding to the bur
. den of the taxpayers in the schoo
d''" distziil4 Thait is soured logic a
h., +the rural school sections know, o:
1.will soon find out.
u, • IMr. Sinclair further mainttairis tha
tt'he way to practice economy in +edu
,1,: ea+tionra. affairs of the province is tc
practise it Batt the expense of the. Ed
ucatiorial Department and not at the
expense of the taxpayers.
"'That if tlye dead wood in Ahe De
partment was oull'ed out and the sal
aries of officials, inspectors, e'Ic.
Called down to a ;business basis, the
stem total of the economy effected
would) amount to a sum considerabl,
V� • larger than 'that -e'ffected by cuttin€
ti' the school grants. The logic of tha;
vI . contention is not hard to understand
,1 But aside from the little persona
vleaiaantries exchanged by Premie'.
Henry and Mr. Nixon and Mr. 'Sin'
elais''s moderate' but eonstructiv>
speech, the session is still in the ,pr,,
IzinrAinary' srtalges. Much more 'will
li'ke'ly be heard of it before Easter.
`. 0 „
Strange, But True
?1) 'It has 'been said than there are
stranger things in'the world than its
' . inhabitants ever drean-4ed of.
'� [Be that ars it -a'y, on'e sof ' the
�` s`lrangest things that the people of
,,,, Canada at least, ever heard of oc-
".1VBurred in the 'Canadian Parliament
.,, on Monday, wben Rt, Hon. R. B. Ben-
= Imuett announced"in the House -that he
'.", *as in favor of reci.pro'cit�w.th the
' I United ,States.
(It is not a newspaper story, either,
x"i;,. bmauSe Hansard, under date of Feb.
��'.> _: nary 20th, tells the same tale and
et Hansard is unrriipeach'able, authority.
'( ,
In 1911 Mr,
Bennett srtiimped Can-
e `'• atda from coast to coast telling the
. , electors the dire things that would
,I"."befall their country if they supported
r.lr,. (Bir Wilfrid Lausier and the Liberal
I'llrr,34 party in the reciprocity election of
'hr,' that year.
,1,`f No truck or trade with the Yan-
11, , ,.
w�I kees'was his was cry, and he told
�� ,.- his hearers again and again that a
,P'..__ trecipropal alg;reem'en.t between the
,,vg`s two c—nt-riess w'ou'ld reduce .the
+V,;' . ' status of Canada to a mere adjunct
"r ' of the United States. °i"I;
a°i'.`'. Of course that was in 1911 when
",5�`� the 'Con5erVatl Ve party .was in • op -
;,1., position and this in 1933, when Mr.
�N ,, Bennett i'si Premier.
i1 Htit even allowing for the lapse of
time" would not Mr. Bennett's right
'" about flare ° ore the reciprocity ques-
4� �_ " Bron•, indicate that the Years had
.. ,.;.r bmug•,ht him the wisdorij to see that
�'';�;` Sir Wilfrid Laurier was right in 19'11
,, `4;' and a w611imgn,ess on Mr. Bemiaett's
��6 Parb to Pro'fi't by his own mrigtaike9.
{ CCn the light; of what has gone be-
f '• • Its-"► Wim• aW(s speech in tiha
W l MoVOd`.On r3fio*1ay :does seem to read
an inodbfact„ but nevntt7efib s
; Pease the truth is out.,
,t' IMr- 1'en ;h .:tot nd that his
i tsdff Policy Of the past two years
%,� ,- iii mah'i tt'lbr 'Ofterl'y dared business,
n%i ,,. itii'w I:� Clad bq dray bring
I , u � r eotnpleW Ibdaurpbcy'
tl i e7dift t"ttItural c10096i.
�}y t . - of j alier on 7tlr.
4" y�I ! �y.rilkt hia f
r4r lr n � l , j`1 ' e 10.1LL ; t Yvvs' lovi- but , e'r'%trl
�`tl'ey; +''° '41 v h � tarLntYt dee,
y�, „
r �r � �L"n �,' �,.�f' 114 idr to
��,,., to ,,,
:•,9;F;I� '4.f'Fi'.1.-gf71Ty cl ';��+. '�4dNd�'JY+4+,}!Srnrt 'WarlT�dtl��'I
t �'��
YF rt'i1 N 'L'
• -
~I {
y m
to his home in Dashwood
';. .i., ;.lr ; ' ;.,..`r I �i,'Fi" liar roan ,: J: rOI' y .,,
the A. P. S. and the young Mens
Bible -Class ,have beenaccumulating
• -
g' a Ig' real, age er in
a social and helpingmanner.
y m
to his home in Dashwood
and the funeral was held on Wedges-
have #ocr a ',k7w throe, that if
Pa�o13?� in• �.it >,';is to,' lid,
resrtared Lrt Mkeits cctuuutmy.haa imarued►,
' a `' MIN
b „�: �,
� Ir
. _1. , .- , . • '
[ i
a t
ullamlee far agricultural and o er
'i -A.-
last happily realized and on the dates
that W 'products must be found; and.
. I.. �,J.
I ___ - - -
referred to albove t'1re of
Bronson Line.
Block, imin'ediately 'west of the post
that the proper place to lo;rk for
.... __
office. ,
mark+y -erxcellent qualitiles, '4 'She .leavers
00B its in the United, Slbates.
a flew days -m 'Sarnia recently. 'Mr. P. Bo'w's. all' who have bee><i suffering fiom flu
Mr. Fred Parsons, of 'Landon, vis- A hockey ib ninameig was held
,retired attd mllo`ved into our Wllag*
President-elect Roosevelt has b
.idly in icartied their he is prepared to
on and very .Were colds are
ited on Sunday 'last. at the home. of tole diocal rink on Tuesday eive gig'
Tdnd around rlieelY•
to x. Ma her Of ,three danghteers,
Mra..Makiris, wP Mirlrigaa►; .
,to make -their Alone .with tlher .
,daughter, (Mrs. Alice dpyrit, where
ma)oe reenprooal agreements with anry
Ma eyed, ,Mrs, Archie arstons, of Besides the lards. realm, Gasped Bend, A number of the farmers and
Stanley. Dashwl od, Rea MR and Crediton
'Steep, of Goderich Township, and
;the deceased passed away ou Friday
country, that is ,prepared to make
othh'ers are getting fine exh'ibi+t's ready
The. '!Bracy 'Bees" Mission Circle sent U" to cmmtrpetel. In tlhe 'pre- for our Sesid Ghow on the cooping''ville,�of
Dora at home; also two solus, Kel-
Detroit, audi David, of 1Nia-
evening last in her Slat year. ,XM
'Oaldwell had been in failing health
reciprocal agreements with the, Unit-
will ho"d their February meet- at 1hiimnary gaiam Gmid Bend defeat- qday, the. 24th.
gars Falls. The deceased was `82
for some Rime past Ibut'dttrin'g the
ed 'States, and in that avowed policy
the horrye. of Misses Olga and dean ed Zuxidh 3-12,' tiro peaiods of ower- Services in the United 'Church on
Bell on Saturday afberna a �+ebru- Hone being robs
years of age, and, was only about a
past ,couple or so DwAths was 'vary
an opportunity is being presented to
.. ��. ay . to ode Sunday Just were we1T attended, the
ary 26th, art 2.3.0 pmu. AQI the young winners, and ,fZZ11 defeated Credi- occasion being men?& Sunday, and the
week ill, hes death rbeing, from pruau-
Imlonia. The pallbearers, were all old
seriously ill, so that her Bleat ,yid
not come as a shook. (She Year" to
Canada, to -qday, Such as has not been
ladies of the congregation are in- ton. 4 to, 1, In, the finial gamie 'be- service of song was ,conducted b a
nei and friend's, The remain-
mourn the loss a kind and loving
presented since 1911.
vite4d. - stwelen and Grand Ben the voices,
d, mens choir of some twenty vvirres,
rearm""urnou out by 3 to 1
Re7e R. R. 'Cozuneq took the even- forwill
wase interred in Hansell Union C9esm-
mother, three daughters and six soars, •
IMr, .Bennett is on the right track;
ma he eoarta'nale along
y ng it. The •pro.
and who deserve credit for the splendid
ing service in Hensall United church vvi-1 hold' Ailver cup for !the year.' mannex in which they rendered the'
eter 4
ton Monde evening laeb the school
their names being: iMm Henry
Strang, of UAorne Township; Flos-
tec'ted interests within his own party
on Sunday fast as their pastor, Rev. (Mr. T. L. Vurm, of Torodho, was a., various, anthems. Rev. A, Sinclair,
A. Sinclair, was preaching the dedi- visitor in te*p on Tuesday,
:room of the United Church was) filled
sie (Mrs. Stickney) of Vancouver, art-
'will 'put up a'bdbper fight,agaim'skt rec-'
the pastor, conducted true waornnvng
cation services in Brucefle'ld United The meeting 'held in the hall here service. and a beautiful n%le, quart-
to capacity to do honor to what hail
been termled as the pioneers of 70
'Mgrs. Alice Joynrt, of Hensall; the sons
being William, of 'Seattle; of
i t but it is his last chance. his.
Proci y,
Church on Tuasclay elrnning under dhle e�s-ette, "Roc'k'ed in the Cradle of the
A number from this vicinity at- of the `[`lntarlo Bean Growers'
years and upwarda;e the League of
Hensall; Dan,,..of Winnmpeg; Edward
only chs'zI'oe in fact,
pices ��
Deep, was sung by 'Messrs', ,Wilson
tended the special d�,, cation services .Exchange, was attended by a
the church. h'avin'g undertaken that
of Nehv York; Barry, of tWeliwood,
,Mr. Rooseveltls offer, it will be
quite Carlisle, W. 0. Goodwin, Sam Ren-
which were held ir, ` ucle+Meld Unit- rrutmber of local A num-
entertainment, and which they car-
Manitoba, and Wesley, of Londiom. 11
no4ted, is a two-way p'Iro'position.
growerm nie amid Dr. L iSmtil'lie. The evening
ed +(church on Sunday evening last ber of addresses were given and the service was" in ,charge of Rev, Mr.
ri'ed out most ably, pleasantly and
,successfully. The weather 'proving
The funeral on Monday afternoom '
front the -tome here was 'largely_ at -
There is give as well as take in it,,
and also the fine program which was question of organization was fully 'C!onner, of Kipper, who delilvered a
very favorable, the elderly people
t ,nd!ed and the service was conduct -
aid ,a repetition of Mx. Bennett's at-
held on the following Monday even- dhicussed. Quit.e-a nuimber of those ,splendid dfiscourse well in keeping
were able to attend and particularly
ed' ,by her -tactor, Rev. A. Sinclair,
ti'tude at the Imperial Conference last
Present g e t ore t n
he organization. t
The farmers in this vicinity are P . , °n'' with the, day. Solo parts in the an-
so as arrangement' .reed' been made
who paid deservedly high tribute, to
suaJ%er would doom at the outset any
them were tadken' by Harry Horton,
looking forw•ar•d, to the Seed Show '
to drive any to the entertainment
the fine life and ,character of the de-
hope of success in obtaining any
. Hensall Town Hall on Frieda Feb. and at the coiiolusron of the sermon
y, : HENSA.L a mule quartette was rendered,
who felt 'they could not well other-
wise be in attendance so than at an
ceased. Dr. rowan Smillie, at the clos-
ing pant of the slervice, rendered very
measure of reciprocityvwitil the
24th, and no doubt as in• past years, g g g present
P 'Lear e c'on re a'tians were
be fine
early 'hour the spacious school room
feelingly that beautiful hymn, "Sween
tivfll well attended with .ex- at both mornin and'. evening ser-
hilbits of all 'kinds of grain, fruit �'""°" �'�� wh,�rt � make the g -
was filled and an excellent program
P g'r'
Hour of Prayer." The floral 'tiriz
-1 bent porridge theft dwa be wade, Tit contain. vices in Carmel. -Presbyterian Church
an vegetables an so � vin intend- •
g g} g al the bran and .;s highly. •reeammended es- on Sunday last. The pastor, Rev.
Ing buyers a knowledge- of wher•a I veeianY''oar cnsdren. Foe sWe by your gro- W. A. Young,
carried out, which included addresses,
readings and musical selections both
(butes were Imlany and beautiful. The
pallbearers were Jahn Zulefle, Wil -
Grleorge Douglas, Fred
sa a well known local music teacher.
they can procure something good. or M" T G, conducted both services
vocal and instrumental. The
liadm Consitt,
A nieetin • of the farmers of this Hemyhft waorober, onit solo -3 and excellent anthems were rendered
vicinity was held in HensalI Town � ,Mr. Harvey Claldwell, of Weilwood', Iby the choir.
Monday last a ' Man•, and Lieut, Wesley Caldwell, of The Wohela Class- of elle Unit dl
dent, Dr. Ivan Smillie ver y pleasant.-
ly .presided over the entertainment,
the first number of which was a well
, Thomas Wei'sh and George C.
'Manns g
Petty. The remains were interred in
the family plot at Fannsvlile just
Mrs, Susie Munroe received' word
death her. father, Mr.
of the of !Jno.
F. who passed away* at �-
,Hall on evening with
London were beige attending Church gave .a splendid concert on
view of finding a better market for g the fun'
rendepredi 'solo entitled', "'Face to
d ,so
opposite to the homestead farm. 1►�ts'.
,lieinftey, _•306
Coke- Place, ,Walnut Park, California,
in nis 78th
Friday evening of lash week in the
the bean crop.. Representatives from I eral of their mother, Mics. •W. T.
.Chatham to the delegation -Caldwell. .• bas'e'ment of the church, There was
'Face," by 'Mr. J. 'W. Ortwein,
aecompanied lby Miss Verde Watson;
'C'aldwell, as one'of the very early
missed Iby.a large circle of relativ e
)Mother Dies_ --Mrs, Frank Aiken-
present. g We just "kparned' ,of ,the death of a splendid Mtenhd'ance and mulch cred-
humorous a$d`tess. by Henry Horton.
amid friends to whom she had an -
head, of Bruceifielil; received word
'Mrs. Archie Parsons, of Stanley, Mrs. Thonraas, •,Cameron, of Hensall, it is du,e"to.'Mi'ss Mattie Ellis,, their
,passed iieacher, who was in charge of the
In his ad'dr'ess Mr. Horton very fit-
tingly tribute to the late Rich-
deared henielf. -
We m'ad'e reference in last week's
last week that her' mother "VIrs•
Samuel Johnston, of Laura,' Sisk.,
who awe
is visiting far a few days,with her P y at nine oclbek. ;sh'ort las which were so Splendidly
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Linden; vas well adanced' in yge2zs and' plays p Y
ard' Blatchford a pioneer of Hen-
issue bo the death ' of one of the
had passed' away on Saturday 'mlorn-
in Denfield. :had been in fails g health for some.1 given Iby the dtiffere,ob charactertsl,
vas Rev. A.
sall, and wh•o wast to have 'given. his
pioneer business men of our village,
ing, February= lltlt, in her 84th year.
I time, but .of . late Sinclair ••presided over the
R',e are Sorry to report that Mr.y pleasing man-
P Iconcer'f • in -his usual.
favorite reading, "Building Ca'Ales,
in the Air" had he been spared to
Mr. Julius C. Qlausen', ,*ho cirriedl
on ha>rnbss making here for a long
Sh'e leaves to mourn the loss of a
loving crud kind mother, five laugh-
AIex. McGregor, of Tu'cke,rstnith, is . ,In the h•elckey m tch between Hen- ner. 'Followingthe chairman"s ad-
not in his usual good health, but his ; Gall_and Zurich, 'pl yed' at Zurich on
do so but was given later on the
'term of ,years, open'in'g up his 'buci-
tars and two sons, tiirs. Frani. Aik-
Tuesday night, H', . ll won out. dress. -a. hymn and prayer wier,e, gi'v-
many friends, hope for speedy re- I g en after 'which the; excellent ro •(star
4n+dden P g
program by ,Dr. Smillie in meanory
of Mr. Blatchford• q uartette
npss with the very opening of ,our
villa ^e 'but who d'is osed of his bus-
g P
en'head, of••Brucefield; Airs. Rob. -lie.
Cabe, of Bennniller; Mrs. Reg. Math_
Dlelath ,of start McLaren.
coverv. f was given and needles -s to say was
The sleighing is not as good ars it —The inn+ouhc7¢ on Thdrsdny I
,rmale ,
"Merry Men A.re We," Messrs. W.
inesn here a nurniber of years ago and., i
e:son, of Port Colborne; Mrs. Paul
,rrlore ,than etij'oyd+. It included' a
has formerly been owing to the re- morning o, the deet of 'Mr. habert! piano solo by Lorne Elder; quartette
Carlisle W. O. Goodwin', Sam Ren-
nice' and Dr. -,Smillie; accom anise,
made his homle afterwards in the.
Wrest, ibut with the death of his wife
Made], of Laura: Sask.; Miss Winnie
Johnston, of Melford, Sask.; ,M r. Jnlrn
cent rain's, but the weathermlan is caan+e as. a g 'at. s'ho^k not
sin to send some more snow short= only to the pe as, 'o£ He carr but to ' four girls; re'adin'g, Miss Elva
g S+ha,,Vock; "`Tomlbst'ork br
'Mis's 'Elealuor Fisber; rea'din'g,. "Mary
and mrembers' of faimily .made his
Johnston, of. Laura, Sask., and 1Ir.
1Y, i a wide circle of friends in the sur- Washing 'Mac'hin'e"; 'pian'o sola, Miss
Queen of Scots"by Miss Jennie
ray; of Exeter; d'u'et,' "'W'hen Irish
home of' late years. with his daugh-
ter, Mabel (Mrs. McGregor), of Ae=
McKee Johnston, of Laura, Sask, 1I.I',
•' rounding community. Mr. McLaren : Verda. Watson, chorus, the W'ohelo
'Suffcred. a severe h'eartt
Eyes Are -Smiling," ,Mrs. M. Redden
Y - g,nWei
trout who together with her
Johnston died three years ago tiie
attack a .few g
I Class; reading, Miss Mildred ..Smil-
days 'ago, and a second arftack in the
and 'Mrs. G. Riess; 'accom' anise Mi.�s
were here on Wednesday of last week
24th of this
Mr, Smith, Blueva.le, is the
ZURICH i lie; play,, "Henry's 'Mail Order' Wife"
tearly hours df .Thursday morrip-, kin
Florence Welsh novelty numlber,
attending the ,funeral, as Mr. Claus-" .
guest of his daughter, Mrs. HublI
three acts; piano duet Gladys
brought to a close a most active life, i pas�m•ore and Gralce Brock. The pro
Late Louis Schumacher. He
"Tired" was can by 'Mrs 'Hess add
dres;, Rev. A. Sinclair;, duet, "Ex-'
en expressed a wish"that his remains
should be interred in the Hens'ail Un-
Barr at
y present.
!Miss Harrison, of Porter's Hill, is
— ,T]Ie, was on.e 'olf tthe mlost popular and', coeds of the entertainment amounted
death to'ak 'place ata Dexroit hos- widely known men in true' ,south rid-
cellsior•" W. O. Goodwin; and: Dr.
ion Cemetery' which was carried out.
visiting at the borne of }ler aunt•,
to between $19 and $?,O,'
Pital on Monday night of Louis Schnl- Ing of Hurory, and his eudden pass- Donald Jo t Mr.
Smillie. Lunch was' served' at ,Cihe
The remains came' on the morning
Mrs. Fred Burdge:
kllacher, a well known resideivt of Ha Yrr , Young ;son of
y ing is, dele'ply regretteld, and the dteep- and !Mrs, T. ,C. Joynt, had the mis-
conclusion of the paograan� Letters
were received' and read from Mr's.
:train of that day and uveae taken to
St. Paul's An can 'Church where a
Mr, John Ke'tchen, of Drayton,
township and Dashwood, in his 59th est symllpathy. will be extended to the fortune while wrestling with another
Year. Deceased bad been in poor 'bereaved family. 'We 'understand, g
Mar A
Y gar; Mrs, William Buchanan
public service was held and the ser -
formerly of Bru'cefield, spent the week
end with friends- in the village and
health for same time and was taking that a Young lad' at school, to fracture his
g prilvete funeral will bre, held'
and Mr. Alex. Buchanan, expressing
vice at the cemetery was conducted
vicinity and assisted the choir last
arm in two .places. He was taken
treatmi2nts at the hospital for two � from hills late hloane' on 'Saturday af- ,by Dr. I. S. Smillie 'Clinton
their regret' that they were unarble
by the Oddfallows' of Hensall Lodge
Sun'd!ay, elvgang ,at the dedicator Y
to for
weeks. About three years ago he i•ternoon, tout as we go io,epre4ss fuller. ; an x-ray 'a`nd also had 'the, fracture
on the 15th
to attend..
'Death of Mrs. William T. Caldwell.
No. 223, of which lodge the deceased
was and had been a long memiber as
selMr John Hill has returned to his
concession Hay, andlm
niov d to -,,Dash- will we hope,culAiris eappear inre .not
-ouarne, but reduced
Y, nous next is- t The funeral of the late Mas': Ma ry
-4We' have this week to chronicle
true death of one of the pioneer
?ie, was also of St. 'Paul's Anglican:
Chitrvh.: Mr. Clausen was well and
home in ;Moose Jaw after spending
woad. He was .praminent In church sue. ^ i , AI'air, who passed away at her late
affairs and was also .weed' The 'Oddfellows 1Hon+Sall Lodge
much respected residents of this dis-
favorably known throughout this dis-
the 'past few weeks visiting his'
mother and other .friends.
,in'spector of res'idenc'e on 'Wednesday, was held on
of May tawnship for the ,past two i together with a number of visiting, Friday afteernoon
trict in the person of the' late Mrs.
tact was of .a ki,ild' and sociable na-
Mrs. L. Forrest visited at the home
her brother,
and was conducted
years. He was married to AmanmBruce
fieldf brothers from. the •Brucfield Lodge,bey her pastor, Rev. W. A. Young,
Kraft, who su7ubves alone with three (spent a very enjoyable
William T. Caldwell, whose maiden
,name was Sarah AIice 'Chanrlberlain,
tare and took a great interest in
matters of church and state.
of AIT. W. McQueen, in
Toronto, and her uncle, Mr, W. C:
; seedsl even; and was quite largely attended by 'a
daughters, Mrs. F'lmore Datarsm ;Mils. ing on Tuesday last. There was a number of relatives and friends..
and whose home was first in Gde-
"The relatives and friends of bfrs_
Land'sbo-eaugh, Port Credit this
W. 'H. Hau h and iMrs. Garnet Wil- 'vgery $'ood attendaii1ce and tihe evien- Alair before m'ov into Hensall a-
lert Ha
ridh and following her marriage to.
her late 'Husband; who re -d" a ,, I
Thomas Cameron, of our village, will
re. et tv' learn of her ve ry s'erio'us ,.. '
week, z
Sunday 'a'nd Monday of this week
all of Y n P g 'Passed �ulitckly 'and'
tow ship . Three bro- iru pleasantly , bout a year ago, was a resident of
thers and three sisters also survive, ii with music ailed games; fo'lloNved by a the Township
I Stanley.
'her some three' years ago, she to-
,illness. Mrs. Gameron, has been in
were important days in the history
of She was
John, of Parkhill; 'William and Jacob ' tem'pting. lunch, which was much en." a widow of the late George. Alair
gether with her hueband, oracle her'
faiiin'g health. for some years past
of 7Bi-ircerfield United ,Church. For
of. Pigeon, Mich. • 'Mr's. John Gack-
g � joyed. Hen+sell Lodge }fes ,had these crud most highly respected for her
:firs. Louis Kalbfleisch,
on thein• farm at Fannsville 'a
few miles west of I1I�ensall, they
-durin the ,
g past week or so has
been very 'ill. "
three years the Association,
'stetter and of social evenings for a number of years
Hay 'township a'nd' '(Mrs Henry La- whiol, .brig tri b • th th t
- --
the A. P. S. and the young Mens
Bible -Class ,have beenaccumulating
fonde, of 'Detroit. The remains were
g' a Ig' real, age er in
a social and helpingmanner.
a fund for,the, installing. -of electric
to his home in Dashwood
Rev. V. B: tParker, rector of St.
lighting -in !the church audhtoriunl
and the funeral was held on Wedges-
.Padurs Anglican Church, Very- pleas-
and'school room, The hopes of tehose
'day' Rev. W. Ness con'du'cted the
antly entertains members and young
;Who have• been so a p;gaged are at
ceremosu.es, interment tagd ng placo
eo le
,People of his church from time to
last happily realized and on the dates
7n the Lutheran cemittery on the
time in, his study room's' in 'Petty's
referred to albove t'1re of
Bronson Line.
Block, imin'ediately 'west of the post
the new lighting system took placr..
'Late 'Mrs. William Callfas. -= The'
office. ,
On Sunday evehing a special service'
news of death of -the mate Rebecca
r (Rev, A. Sinclair, pastor of the
was held. Rev. Arthur Sinclair,
,Merner, wife of 'Mr. William +Callfas,
United CXzurch, very acceptably on
chairman of the Presbytery, atvas the
which oecu",ed at Kitchener on 'Man-
Sunday evening last preached' dedi-
visiting-speaker. Mr. Sinclair de-
dnay, was a great shock to 'heir many
cattory se+rvims in the United church
livered a splendid sermon,suit.%ble to
friends in ,this village. Deceased had
at Brucefield, the ,Occasion (being' the
the' occasion, the choir of the church
beent a resident of this village until
installing of a Pirie new lighting ser-
protitidiang appropriate music and the
a 'few years ago when the family
vice in that Murch.
minister, Rev. 'W, A. Bremner, con-
moved to Kitchener to reside. Be-
Mr. Wehhey, 'sprincipal of The high
ducted the dedication sorvice. On
'sidles 'her bnfsband she lealyez one
school at Exeter, on Monday evening
Monday evening the church was a-
,,.on, Lennis, and two daughters, Elda
very ably addressed. the Young tPeo-
gain well filled to listen to a splendid
and 'Sltella, all of Kitchener. One
Ale, of the Y'outhns� 'Welfare Club of
program,. This program was pTovid-
sister, 'Mrs. Eilber,. of Crediton:, and.
Carmel Presbyterian Church, his sub-
ed by the choir, the Young men's
four brothers, Jacob, of Detroit; Ed-
jest 4e'i.ngg, "•If I had a 'Million .Dol-
quartetbe, 'Mr. Jarvis Horton, Miss
ward, dof Stahley* township; Samuel,
tarn'." '� -
Eva rS�ckhouse, Miss Ann 'Stewart
of Hensall, anesey, of Zurich,
d Wesley, Z
• Mr. Ferris Cantelon ,rinci P • 'Pal of
Mrs. Allton Johnston andMiss CAadys
also survive. The funeral was held
the high' school at Stramlberg, spent
Addison acting as accompanists. The
on Thursday bntterm&t taking pace
the week end 'here with his parents ,
Rev. Mr. Poulter, the only neighbor-
at Kitchener.
'Mr, and 'Mars. D. A. Cante-lon.
ing minister who could rmrake it con-
- Late Mildred Bender. --4A deep
IIt looks promising for spring -time
vlenient to be present, gave a very
gloom was cast over this community
cam'ing when those making molasses
appropriate Maddress, congratulating
on Tuesday when it became known
and maple sugar are now around tak-
t'he congregation on the successful
than Mildred ,Geiger, wife of Leonard
ing ordemi.
consummation of so important an en-
Bender, had' passed away at the home
The directors of our annual Spring
berprise. Mr., J. B. (Mustard, secrete
of, her parents' in this village during
Seed Show to be, held on February
tory of the Board of Managers, gave
the night. 'Deceased -was '-only 22
24th in our Town Hall, are hoping
a description of the system and the
years 'Old and" became the mother
for good falvlorable weather and
negotiations that led up to its come
of •a baby girl on . Sunday and her,
roads. ,
plgtion by Mm. Gordon Howse, of
death was a great shack to her be-
[Several 'funera6- ,held here durin ,
Clinton, the contractor. •
reav!ed rhu:sband and her ,parents. De-
the past week 'brought a number of
ceased shad been an a hive worker in
former 'residents of our village as
the Evangelical Church and was or-
relatives and friends of the deceased..
ganist for many years. She was al-
Mrs. Smythe, of Nelson, B. C., isELINVILLE
sa a well known local music teacher.
here visiting her farther, 'Mfr. Thornes
Mr, stud 'Mrs. Peter hitlack and
s. Penis
sides her husband - and baby, • she
Hemphill, and 'brother, Mr. A. W. E.
Messrs. Ben and Harry
survived by her parents, Mr. and-
Hemgrhill, and sister, Mrs. -C. Cook.
Ford •mlotored to Springfield em Sun-
Mrs. Josiah Geiger, and one, sister,
Minerva, at.'home, The funeral took
The ,scholars of our Continuation'
achool, through the ki.ndavess of their
day to see the farmers daughter,
Min. .John Allison, who is seriously
VJineaiv'a, at home. The funeral will
be held
teachers, Mrs. Fils.hie and 1Miss,
ill' .
on Friday, interment taking
Dopglao, 'enjoyed one aft4errwon re-.
Mrs. Arthur Gardiner., of Varqu-
place in the Evangelical cemetery on
'cently at a plseasanit skating party,
bar, spent a few days last week at
Branson Line. Rev. E. Burn, pas-
for of the focal church, will conduct
anrd in which the scholars and teach -
ers of the public school weree also.
the home of her sister, Mrs, Wm
the services.
f.nnilbed and tcpk peat, so that quiteJahns.
Mrs. Heywood, Sr., and Mr. John
To have a log which he was load-
a large and very pleasant gathering
Cornish are under the doctor's epre.
ing se;veiely injure one leg while all
,al'one in a .bush a few miles north
marked, the event at our open air
skating rink. I
We hope' for improveinent.
'Mr. and Mrs. Wies. Horne seen�,'X
week in Exeter with the lattei
of HOlsgreen, was the unfo
experrience of Mr, Jahn H. Koebems,
Mr.,rtunatMr.,Thomas Hemphill, of 'Wroxeter
was 'here on Sunday lash visiting his
mother, Mrs. Whiteford recently.
,one day last week. Mr, Koehe" is
father, iMr. Thomas ,Hemphill, who is
Mr, S. Whaley, of St,,••Marys, visit-
employed by 'Mr. F., C. Kalbfieisch and
quite ill at. the home of his son -in -
ed at 'Mr. 'Charles Johns' last
was handing a load of logs from' the
law anrd daughAien, Mr,, and Mrs, C•
(Mrs. Harry Ford', who. has been
butsh to mill here in the village.
oonrfined to her bee, for about five
He managed to drive his load of logs
Mr. WGlliamr Flee hats .leen suffer-
weeks, is.vlyle to be up and around
to Hi lsgreen, where help was sum-
in'g,for the past week or ser from a
the house again.
moned and lie ,was brouglht to his
severe cold which' has confined him
home, It was found that a
to the home.
bone in his (leg was broken.
Messrs. ;.
Messrsr, Bowes and, Cts„ recently of
Fritz, David' Ducharme,
Toronto, haute opened a branch store
tRloy Lamont and A. J. Kallbfleisen
in what has been, kngo'wn, in the past
ahrbendled the big Lbberal meeting
as Mvrdoek,9 Block and are, in: the
The young people of ft. Andtrew's
held at London last Friday.. I
line of 'purc'hasing form produce and
United Oburch met on Friday even-
Mr. and 'Mre. James Trevetbick, of
have moved into ',our viltdalgand
e, a
ingg with Mas Olga Bell presiding,
Brinslsey, vidted at the home of the
came highly recornraer ded as good
aired .Mfrs. R. R. Conner at tthe • piano,
Q+aibbea's mrottlher, Mrs. W. G.,Hess, on
business mien and citizens.
A vefy enf�joyatbde sing -song was led
tour citizens erred rw dvinjg •°•mntdgh
by 1R4elvt. , R. R. Canner, after which
.Mr. John Wuemzer and sis•ter,'Xi.T.
credit for keepi'ntg the sidavrralka in
pores And contests were enjoyed
Ayres, a Deeltrotiit, are spending titre
front of their iiWid4ofttw and p1aeft
with apples and pealDivw.
week at the bame'cif their mot"hor,
of business paetty clear of snow and'Rev.
R. R. Conner took for bigmtlb-
Xra. E, Tradmder.
fere which makes it so miue'li: nicer and
(adt on Sunday (nib,rhinrg last, "M•ak-
IMr. and Mrs. Wesley 'Merrier are
safer • #100• Pedestriatnis:
ing .Religion Atttaetivte," ata] was
etteandinig•the funeral of the f'orniex's
QV3'crt^adithabanding that tthis,wimMx
a .veruy r1hWe9bW$t An& worthwhile
sillftr, the Id% 'Mkrs. W. C. Callfns
Ngio been,. a ':aniW oipe' 8o far;
ax'llc, Tho Misses Min* ands p'Iorenw
at Xitcgigner ,t'hiis tilt. I '
spring *ill be welo'i>rrnd andwe k*"it
1.111 tpsoEt"r sang a very pl i" dluet,
The emillnula:iti'on scram of the local
now bordecring ft the,fir9t spring
' eyOnd
Sb O s. ,
sohool (hid a. holiday on Monday -
moift. , , '
litiPrsg 060100t Vent fttp ibe fi% of t'hm ril-1 ' 1,
We are pleased, tonof* that in ly
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