HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-02-24, Page 1,
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S C I AX Ass dation WESTERN 0 N T A R•I 0, SCHEDULE Fl N I�HED 'x � e t N @Ads s :;� y x s t n' � ,w,
Begins Drive to Raise War LIBERALS ORGANIZE• •Memorial Scholarship Fund AT LARGE, -METING
r Much Enthusiasm a m Prevails
I Letters ,Sent This Week to �' • As Party Leaders
'Nearly One, Thousand Of Course Not S'pe'ak.
'G-raduates of Isocal Col- _
legiate Mere and Abroad. Walton, Feb.' 14, 1933.
The -Huron Expositor: OFFICERS • ELECTED
PLAN TO RECOGNIZE Dear' Sirs: Enclosed ._...please
Ir � find 'Cheque for one dollar and ILarbl'.^aalisan cur W'es'tern: Onrbar'io• goy.
' S. C. I. WAR HEROES fifty cents, renewal of Expositor away to a good sitart on Friday last,
for. 1933. I am sorry that I have when representatives of tidings in the
not renewed sooner, but always ,dli'stric't attended, a meekipg in Lon-`
`Ex-sbudent�s of the 5e�aforth Cool- put it off 'until I would get to • don and formed the Western Ontariu
t sown, but I have not been out
legiate Institute to the nurgbm• of Lilbe'nal Association.
anearly one thousand will this week of late and WE SIMPLY COULD (Coupled with a fiemy 'attack on
. aeeedve a personal letter. from the NOT DO WITHOUT THE EX- the Fe,dieral and Provincial Govern-
.• Alammi Association of the school, As-POSITOR-' metnts by 'Mmtchell , F. Hepburn, On-
. addresses of other g oduabeis are pro- Yours very truly, itario learner, 'and a speech on nation-
' cured letters -will be sent t bom. John R. Leeming, al difficulties Iby Hon. Vincent Mas- .
For some ttitmle the Asssocia#On M- R. No. 1, Walton. • - isey, former •Canaddani Minister to. ,
" • , has had in mind same sort of mean- Thank you, Mr. Leeming. • the Unrated Starters, the new .organ-
, orial for the ex -students who fell. ,in ization riceeived a 'hearty welcome at
Chia Great Wear. 'Tara fall iefinate a mra:ss meeting a few hours, after it
- action. was taken and: a committee . ®' • • 0 0 0, A haul been formally -launched' on thn '
appaintbed to look into the m'attea political sea at a. meeting held , in
- • . On the ad,vti'� of the cardinattee the . camera,
Alsmo'ciati'on determined that the Mir. H,edburn coneltird'ed his address
meemar3al would' take the farm of he LEGION PLANS FOR 'with a 'plea 'for td apera4son of all
annual, sehot1arts[4i# And so srtle,ps Lilbiemals in 'thio province and Dom�in- ',
were 1mm�ediate'ly taken to raise a u ion to bring' atbout a change in, Gov-
, scholartshi'p fund. t ST. PATRICK'S SOCIAL etrnlmlenit at the next election.
It is as-a'resrult of this that letters 'Mr. (Massey declare Liberalism i
. (have, been sent to every ex -student . called for tradle, with anyone who �
whokcw address upas alvlallabltm •It is, Warns Agains't•Unauthoriz- wodld trradle with C,wriadla. . if, he
of course, 'boo early to look for re- said, R'uesda Fished'to buy from shi
sults, ]tint ,the comml�ttee feel that in ed House t0 House country, theme should- 'be just •two
• hirci'- ,the ulbjectiv�e will be reac'Ieed. 'PeddlarS. .. qu'estions: "Is -the price fair?" anti
. Whtetn 'the 'required aurn is obtained, "Can they pay?" If a satisfactory
• ft well be invesftred in such a way as r reply was received, there should', be I
to 'pay an annual prim of $25.00 or 'Phe local`•branch of the Canadian nb' futthe^ delay in opening trade ,
n connection witch .the Alumni ,Legion is 'holding its annual euchre ml?,goitiati'ons.
and dance on- Friday evening, 117th The Liberal leader received" an ov-
. scholartship fund, a theatre party , is of March, at the, I. 0. '0. F. +Hall ation as lie opened his, speech. More '
being held in the Regent Theatre on (formerly G. W. V. A.), Euchre will than 1.,000 abtended the open m�eet-
Friday, April '21, for which a special be played until .11 p.m., followed by dng and te,ntlhuistiastic's'cenes were wit.-
. picture will Ile 'secured. Purther de-', lunch and a dance, the music for nessed 'before, after and during 'Mr.
tails orf this will be given later. which will be provided by the Mc- Heu'burn's ' address.
The `comtmittee in charge of rais- Carthey six -piece , orchestra, which 'He too advocated trade with Ras -
'It the fused includes, as 'honorrary
�&' .a created such a fanraua^able i'm)pression s,ia, ,as at partial solution' of a ti's
,r rmem'bers: 'Miss Cresstv'ell, (Miss Me- at a recent local function. A lady difficulties. "We'trade with, the head
Lean, Dr. ,C. (Mackay, Charles. Shrew- attendant will be present in, the lad- •hunters of the South Seas, but take
< art, George Jackson, Dr. H. H. Ross, ies' dressing roam during . the entire 'a high amoral attfitude toward' "trading•'
R. J. Whiter and George' Bethune; eying, with Russia, even though it, is one
. carted as gativ)e or ris: J. A.• .Sttew-. -. • The Legion wishes :of the greatest potential markets in
+ .. =rt, (liaimarn; Wes M. E. Turnbull; to take .this oppor- ,the world,". he .said. '
ti A. Y,. Maimn, a oweita'ry-itmeas,*er. �.I ' tunity to express, its 'Canada, 'must eventually adopt A
The oanrntiftee casks any know- . Rt'¢r. appreciation to the ,synsitetm of, monetary expansion f,r
r ing the n anrd' adklresses of any public for the support inflation, he' beheived. Iiia cited the
end then] to , ' a1ways generously Ii.iffncu,lities +whicrh :had prevatilerd car a C 'given for anty appeal Australfia, which like Canada, hack
11 . aea{rt. to ex GID 4 for funds, which are been `lbdrrowed and taxed" "to a ca-
whxkg Its, is reproduced in part be- carefully and eeonom- parity. Aust aha had issued $270,1
J crow: ically admirnistered for the (benefit of- 0,0ie,0()o of. legal tender and had put
Dear ExiStudent: Do 'you rem- local returned soldiers. th�er• money on a parity .with other
,' sneer when you were a 'student at the It is considered advisable to again nations, and was now in a eptly
�a, 3mfarth 'CoKeigiatie 1nstitruite? ' It remind the public. -regarding the 'ac- imtproved condition, he declared. ,
nmy have been many years ago, ox• 11,1vities of canvassers who..claim to be Fred sanderson, M P., South Perth,.
it mray have been recentlly, but in any selling articles the returns from
case we will wager yatr haven't For.- who earlier in the day fiad been, ea: -
case are said to benefit ex -service ' ectad president, pf ,the new organdza-
g•otten your 'teachers, year fellow- , and tthe Legion wishes to go. tion, spoke ,briefly. ' •
<J - students, or the good tic les you had on reoerd. as .strongly disapproving' , , a
them - of %tlhris sy.tem of appealing to the Art ., official statem iemt fol.ovgin
a Did you know that ex-st. `encs Of public. Recentlyt this, to'vst#c was can- the 'organizatlion meeting delscrnbed
the Collegiate ,have (banded .together- v'assed by persons 'selling articles the pump -principles the' ssociabion as to
° ,bearing the, caption, "Thal benefits a"'spread theedof "Liberalism
•,cord have formed the S. C. I. Alumni
r„ Association, having as its primary ,returned soldier." Somia people may t'hmoughout the disiniot.
,object the 'tying together• of student tllVe purchased' frown, these vendors Fourteen counties and 57 pro-
9impressionridings tl6'
• fe nd etre
' 1 and
Association on -vi�ncua '�. �'
adhralte• . Z�me s� t a1t the return- �
amid the
under the
�" tr, r
so ivs inrterested in seturfng a-tnd main- men of this community were benefit- rerpressemted at the 'meeting:
staining a complete record of all ting when, as a matter of fact, the Hon. J. C. Elliott., former -Minis-
scholarship sc''holarship winners of the `Collegi- principal [beneficiaries are the can= ter of Public Works, urged united] l
ate. With this in renew, some forty wassea-s, who never saw active ser-' effort to bring about a return, of
'Photolgrrarphs of schollar(shi,p PuIPi1KI vice. Such misrepresentation is re- the Isnberal party ,to power and "re -
I v �agethterr with a list of scholarships grettted by memtbers of the local ,store sonmie of the prosperity the
,oar, have"beten hung in; the audi,bor•, Legion and in, justice to them the Dominion has enjoyed under Liberal
ium of the scth•ool. public is -acquainted with the facts, leade•rs."
, Each year the Association span- Occasionally, the Legion officially Other speakers included' Albert
tsars a 'big reruntion daiuce, in Cardno s sanctions deserving and thoroughly Matthews, Toronto; Senator Gustave
;, Htad'1, ,on Christmvas_nagbrt, which is 'accredited salesmen, ,but unless they .Lacasse, Tecumseh, J. J. Druffuls,
.p %be event of the year. Try to be can produce a letter, signed by the Pe'tsAoro, and , Norman Lag'tr4rert,
with us next year. Other social ac- officers, of the local branch, they ,sec're'tary of the tNatfional 'UbehiA
,. tiviVes such as bridge parties, ska.t- -should 'be accorded no support. Federation. '
ing parties, etc., are also held' at ap- '
graprirate ones durirug the year. Fred Sanderson was elected presi-.
But we feel there has .Iona been. STAFFA dent of the newly -formed association.
Vice presadlents are G. -A. P. Brick-
4'Jre needs of some rrrtermorial in tenni enden, London; ,,E,iic Cross, Simcoe;
of those twenty or more of ournvan ,Miss, Iva Leary spent the week en•1 Dr. J. W. Shaw, Chilton; Mrs. W.
.' ber who anlade the supreme sacrifice =
for fre'edom's cause. Our project is at Munro with her sister, Mrs. :41. C Kennedy, Windsor, and Miss Ger-
dio esta'blisllr a 112emarial Fund which Mr. and Mrs. J. Hodgert and fam- trade Rankin, Stratford, Selicitor-
•w`t>!em placed in rnor, will yield a 'Greenwood, in -Council is A. D. Bell, C'lratham,
, "e nlrarslhdp of at leash $25 a year, to Cly, of Far•pulrar, spent Sunday with a,nd -secretary, -Paul Gravelle, Lon -
bet• awarded each . yeax for profici- the lady's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. J. don.
eniicj. in such subjects as the- Execu.' M_ Miller. Those attending from Seaforth in -
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Elliott' s entM.
tbiv+e and' prriln►cipal may d,etrermsne. y PI ' eluded W.' J.
Golding, N.P., J. ve
Sunday in .l'I,utcheil.
Your executive fierce this as a large un- Govemlook, J. W. Ife'attie, Wm. Brune
' ,dertaking and only through the co- ly rs.A. Luxton for
to Hensa, and Thomas Gillespie_
operaitign of all exasbudernttrp will we 'hospital Saturday or epecial treat -
Ire. „alble to sere >7t tlrronrgh. We ask' rn� Misses Gray spent the ,eel:
-troulr belt% end vfirth their grandparerirbs, Mr. and - MANLEY
Any dlonattio2is will be mucJh ap- Mrs Miax 'Gra
reclatleld—let yours be 'as gene'rvas 'Gray...
as possible. A conitriibuftion Of $10 'Some forty or fifty men enjoyed Thlz good �sd�eri,ghing this week nnade
'a real old time rabbit hunt from our 'bur lively as of yot•e when hun-
ar more will mrakw y,qu a life mmm- g
ter'of the assocriartiroan, including a here on Wednesday afternoon when •(beds of loads of pine roots were
+ daps of the Year ,Book, i hiding -re- a about one hundred and ttv'emty-five rhurvested for future use, and if the
view of the
each r annual
December. rab'bi'ts' were shot. The mens hope for demrand continues -there won't .be a
. another drive like this in this• ricer rn,e ,stump left in ten years in the
: I future. ,g .pine swamip, which was' at one
A teeny successful wood -be was held time considered waste land after the
, STANLEY on the parsonage 'grounds on Wednes- timber vms takemt off.
- - tday afternoon when a nu of .IMr. and 'Mars. John Deitz spent a
'1 'The members of the Blake -Goshen trews were turned' into Xaa. b� fe'w, days in ,Detroit this week.
CRI Young Peotrle's Society were enter- The monthly meetinng of thsa Wo- •
pained by Rev. E. A. and .Mrs'. Paul- men's Institute was held in the hall The mletetimlg on Tuesday and Wed•
ter and son, George, at the Pamson- 'on Wednesday 'afternoon with quite nesday of this week in the Town Hall
age, Varma, last Friday evening at a a ntugn,ber present. Seaforth, to demenstrarte iitie Tracor
Valentino social. "The young People met in the' church hog type and the different diseass'e:
. Mr. and 'M,rs.:George Andersen anti Sv,nday evpnanz, Febrnrary 19th, with of the 'hag, and also a talk on how
family spent ,Sunday afternoon with $.ussed Worden presiding,. A hymn to' extea+m;inatte thee' heel and bot fly
`' Wrs. 'Robinson, .Sr., and Mrs. Maar- 'wars sung and the minutes of last was weld 'worth listening to.
/e ,garet Erratt: meeting w^ere read and adopted, as There will be anther meeting ad'
Mr. and, Mrrs. Len Talbot and ec,r ecdt. TNe Citti'zenushlp oonVenoxt verbis'ed in the near future in whiel
, daughte'r, of Bayfield, visited on. Sun- then tools charge-urd' a• 'hymen was all farm yens should co-operate to de
,day with Mr. aan(I'�Mrs. W. J. ,Dow-, sung. The Scripture lesson was read ,srtroy :the. pest whdch is doing s.
eon. by 'Biassed Parsons; Ada iSpeare led much ' damage to milk producers am
• (Mr: 'Stewart Keys, Of,:Toronto, in prayer. Another hymn was sung fat cattle; $1.25 will treat 33 ' eattl+
spent the week end at the home of foil -owed by thy' tabic, "Is nitre Pro- ttlhrive times and the treotmlemt is :sup
u gria parents, ,Mr. amid Mrs. Nelson fit Motive. in Inllusthy Unch,risaian?" posed to kill all existing germs, bu
Retvs, Balbylorn'tine. given, by Mabel ,MtcdDonaldw Mrs. ,tie moist bear in mind that co-orpena
IMr. Bert Vure'hanan made a trip to Ken Drake lihem sang a solo. The bion ils n'eces'sary and it would no
Stratford on Mortdray with a truck- literary convener them 'book charge he possible to e'xtiemminate the pes
load of hogs atixi 'ltt mbm, • ' and gave a short t.•eaddng on Valera- unless everyone would fall' iri hn<
Mt. D. Beek, of Stdathroy, is vis- thee. A homm wras sung and the Please rermern(ber the date of tore nex
,sting his Mend, Mr. G66rge Pottlber, mleet'imlg clotted with the Mlgm h meet vg' when it its advertised in ou
,r at the parsonage, 'Varti'a.% tBenediction.. lorcal, papers.
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IN McM.ILLAN CUP Cost ' x , u t: Aj ,�v
GAMES:. WEDNESDAY • SI -ays �-luron C0 nt ,' Ic I � �tj,
1. .#.
EI 1-0 _ `
gmondville and Tucker- 3 a #1
. • • ! 0 0 T" $. Patter'sol , °
smith Will Play 'For Q ' , , ,II
econd Place. Rebate Coarcts Engineer, a �,Atk
At .Gathering Of Road '
The local Public Utility Com-
WINTHROP ON' TOP mission have, received $285.33 as ' Superintendents.:. in Tor- '." k
its share of the surplus 'which a
the Provincial ' Commission has { 4°e
kigmondville eliminated St. Colum- t;
.ban Tram the play-offs last Saturday accumulated during the past year. . W
night by defeating Uhein 4�0. Win- This amount is about one-fifth
of that which was received last CITES RESULT'S AS R-- ,
strop made' sure of first place when `
'they outscored Tuek•ersmith 3-1. A� year. The reason is that the ARE SEEN IN HIJR_ON k y r,
usual a large crotid was on hand to Provincial officials dui not remit d(11. t
witness. the games and they were not the whole amount due, but de- '4{°
T. R, Paftbei son, engimeier of thQ
id'isa•ppoiiitie'd, ducted each 'Ideal commission'ts .
Same real thrills were sear a'• share of the exchange which the County of Huron, was a speaker slur' '. I
rovince f ed t week at a eoniviention ,of, road' sarlper- : ',r
tines: Egrdondville had more team.
Fred G. Sanderson, M.P., for South Play than they have. yet displayed,
P was are o pay on
bonds maturing in New ,York.
inberndenrts held in Toronto. Hte' spbkc� '
on Low 'Cost Bitu>rn -our Road 'Sur-
Perth, was elected President of the and it was due to this nh'at they won
In the case of Seaforth this ex-
fiace{s," -and said: t' a F
ecently formed Western Ontario 'over St, Columiban. Although Sx.
change amounted 'to somethingkc'
over $700.00.
The use of asphalt and tars for ) 1 `"
Liberal Association, at a meeting Oolurrvban worked hard and were
road bull -ding has been oamlparative�
geld in London on Friday, dangerous at scenes they laced the
1'y recent• (Score was used' about one ,j`
m ®'
,, COUTINnation to'beat McGeoch.
httn'd'rad years ago, hurt these crater-
ITucketsnvith played doggedly rigllt
ALUMNI OFFER THREE t°-, the end with tour. . mien playing
ials came into general use during time. 1� '
., dr
past fifty 'years. •Some of the first ;v , .
forward the ''last half of the ame,
Wint'hro,p kept Tuckersmitrtr from
tar roadts were built in this province � r
ESSAY tstorirrg 'by the good work of Mont•
the publication• of Tar
Concrete Pavements in 'Ontario,'' by" x.
.FOR gomery in goal. - Many timers was
-rot .he
! 1VLin- ..
W. A. A4cI e'en, former
" '
just a question whether or
deep rthe, Work
a reference on the subject. g.
y cc coulld tip. geed of
students To Write, on How stopping.
Bituminous pavements were first ;', §
built on eirty., streets, and 'the- term '
the Alumni Can E mandville 4—St. Columban o.
Miss- Rouls�ton, Presiderl!t ;
`cPwxmraament roads," as applied to 3"
them, became and, the 'objet- Ff'
CO -operate." S't. Co'lunr•Iban held. ' EL;u ond.v w
Other Officers Are
popular .
tive of en inoers , in_d1gye'1o' __ , ,
$ .. r _ .L g kbes_(t•'-- ••. . - '
roads, to the"
scoreless in the first period' -but Hugh
was attain permanent
McMillan notched their first goalL
characteristic as nearly as; possible.111
Wishing to learn home the Associa-
'nates after the second period be-
Extensive investigation's took place, >
tion could better co-otpez;ate with the
;silents of the Collegiate, the Exec- gen. J'inr •'Morris scored the second
."Meeting in Scotit ,Memvori�al Hos-
until a very complete, specification ?�"'
was evolved, co'viering, the bitumen, ''
wtave of the Seaforth Collegiate In- ori a pass from Hicknell, then made
E 3-0 an a lone rush 30
pkal on Thursday evening grad-
urate nurses of the hospital organiz=
aggregate, a 4. :method of construe- �'
stitutima Alumni Assoedation has offer- mondvilie
'seconds Later.
ed an alumnae 'association of Scott
ti•on', and after cornstructin'g roads in'
ed three prizes for am essay on co-
between Alumni Hucknell was given 'a penalty' for
Memorial Hospital. It is proposed
accordance therewith, it was corrisid- ,r.,
operation and Lane and Vincent
mixing with
to hold monthly meetings', when
Bred a reflection, on the builders; if :t
students. The co,mpeiti'tion is open to
Lame followed for picking up the
speakers of special • interest will be
any maintenaruce was required or' •
students in Middle axil 'U er School
pP rpuck. A. Nicholson' bumped E,, Ma-
'secured to .address the nurses. Time
many ,y>ears. -
English. lone and drew a rest and was joined
next meeting will fake liitraCe on
The result was, that '
Tie assay; is to run cleat
Iby John Flannery for. poking his
bye fnished.,,s.tick
Thursday evening oi.,next"'utteek.
to with the specification, us -
'had lk, ":
600 words in length, will
into J. Malone's rubs Wilstr
in NIiareh, it is
'Officers where e% ted'. as follows:—
ually to be shipped long distianc-
early expected. Judg- W7ight. received a penalty far trip-
Honorary president, Margarej
es, and materials could not ba
ing will -be done by the slaff in Eng- t
Wilson, R.N., +Supt.• honora- mem-'used,
and as the' specification' was -
lissh at the Cotllegiate,• 'Miss M. E. ,ping:
Jim Mlorris scored the fourth goal
Tulm[bull,ipresident, '
ber, Mrs. 'Dan ISteck'le, R,N.; press-
mlwch the same for all conditions, "
-Alumru'ri and on a pass franc Hugh Metylilla>1 in:
dent, Miss Ella Roulstom, R.N.; Rice-
the,cast was altivays (Since rho ,
Charles Stewart; ~Alumni' jhomorary .
the third period. St. Columban tried
president, Miss Andre Downey: R.N.;
"phreruanemrt 'roadd' was ',that vaheh
p¢esident. hard ,bpt were over eager and thus
(Miss Mona iM'eGre' r
treastirex, go
was in popular demand, costly page.,.
At the regular school asslemnbly an
carrvbdmation was sadly lacking. Jim
R,N.; secretary, Miss Edna Bremner;'
menti were frequently built, when
Wednesday morning, the Principal, Morris was' best for Egniondivill t
social committee, ,Miss Downey, Mrs.
the traffic conditions did not warrant a,
G. A. Ballantyne, announced, th:a
altthough the whole team played the
Weaver, Miss Brearrnuer and Mass Mc-
so much expenditure. 1[t was''not
cannpetalfaron and ,spoke.,favoradvly re-
besr;t gaim+e of the -season. Jim Lane
Grregor,.convenor; convenor of finance
g'en'e'r'ally recognized - that Interest 7c�
gardr''ng the past work is `tbe Alun ,, was,the star for St. Columiban.
comm ee, 'Mins. Wearver; convenor
charges an 'a pavement costing $3.Ot? c'
'pay for lot
of sic committee, Miss Esther Trout,
per square yard would a �,
Winthrop 3—Tuckersmfth 1.
of repairs, but the prrinciples estab-
DUBLIN Winthrop s'bepped out- in- ' front
lishe4.have' 'beern a velaialble• guide to ,
tho'W endeavoring to construct a 'ser- t."
„right at the start when Bullard piex-
vice'able surface in keeping, with the . •IT
IMT. and (Mrs. L. Beale, of Strat- ,ed up a - loose puck 'near Tucker=
need's of the road. ,t'
ford, spent 'Monday ,with Mrs. E. smvth's goal and beat Sandy tDoi.g
• On Sunday last Mr. Howard Arm-
It has, for many years, been im- ".
Beale. for the first counter. A,; Dale scored
,strong went to Toronto and Oshawa
pressed upon me . that high speed ''
hiss Tillie'Dorresrtyn, of &,tratford; on a solo efFont to make the score
on business.
traffic demands, and i.s entitled to, .a
its vvsiting at the home of 14ir; and' 2-0 for Winthrop at end of'.the first
IMr: Wall Jowett is taking part in
better 'driving surface on our covm(ty
'Mrs. P. J. T rs. period.. There were no penial-
delbatre,+"Resolved that men.bov-3
roads than. the gravel generally in '
Frank -Stapleton, of Toronto, spent en this period.
Neither teani counted in the second
a greater influence in the world than
Bandon School ort Fri-
existence.11rere the traffic is hearvg
the twel,rk end with his parents, 'Ytr.
and'Mrs. Wfrlliam Stapleton:•, period and only one ,penalty was re-
women,,, at'
day night, 'undar the auspices, of the
the dust conditions at times becomes '. .
hazardous, and the cause' of much lass
. f1141iss Gertrude StapletoN of `tor- ceived; E. Little drawing it'for bump-
Literary Society. Miss ,Donelda Ad-
an•d ddscomifort during dry weathea,
onto, spent the week end with her ing Bob Archibald.
mother, Mrs. Kr Stapleton. - The third ,period was the most ex-
atmis,. Mr. Kelson Adams and' Mdss
Helen Britton are also helping in the
while, during winter and spring, wa-
ter soaking in from the surface, eait.s-
The fallowing is the report for Ming. Tuckersmith put- four 'men
musical {} V6'e flee] theft those
es the road to 'become soft and m`ud- '
February of the Dubltn Continuation forward in an attempt•to tie up the
whoare hel•pi•ng to make these pro-
d These conditions make costly <<
School. Percentages are given. The scare. They were �re•wrardied with only
.grammes a sucxJess ought to be com-
m g
';re•pairs and replacements necessary:
svlbjertt or, subjects in which astud- one goad . but 'kept peppering
memdled for their eftlorts, as it is tiro@
A little consideration will convince
ent has failed are in brackets after -Montgomery from 'beginning '°of the
the Jim Doig and T.
well spent for the youth of the com-
it is i,mpr alll
the name. period hill e'nd.
t Eaton drew petna.l'ties for roughing
Form III—Francis Delaney 81,
The W. �4, ,5.. h,elci their monthly
highcl .ss p t on
to build a high class pavers of all
I ,;,
ouch secondary' roads at a cost of
Jack M'oiyneaux 78, Eliwyn .Morris it, and two minutes later Wilse Me-
meeting in the school rood of the
8'O.00tI per mile s° that the solutiaru
75, Genei^ieve• McCarthy 72, Loretta
Arthur ('Conrtinrued on page 5)
chu'r•chgl'ast Thursday. The meelting
opened with the presidenit, Mrs. Z'S'nr,
of selecting a satisfactory surface
Holland 71, Gordon Dill 71,
Looby 68, Nellie Doyle, 67, Clare
Britton, in the chair. The hymn.
must he founts elsewhere. '
Gormile'y 67, A�nriees'" O'Connor 67,
"Unto the Halls •Around Do I Litt
U'p'Miine Eyes" and sentence
- In 132.6, -when' building a sheet .11
as•pltalt paventr.nt in a 1'ocat'town,'we
Florence O'Sul�van (i4, Margaret HILLSGREEN
,by 1fr'sc Roy Lawson, Mrs. E.
had constructed, by way of experi-
OlConnell 59•, Dorothy 57,
Agnes Coyne 73 (French), Rita Stap-
Adtan:a. Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs .
Ment, a 011'r.e-inch sheet asphalt svr-
let7on W (Geom'et'ry), Irene Donnelly, 'The annual congregational, meta,-
Snell. The ;-minutes of last meeting
the 'busi-
face on-ahout one-third mile of graves
el read. Since that time this road
67 (Ancient History), Ursula Kraus- ing-was held in the Hills'gremn
kopf 66 (Geometry), Vincent Eckert Pel Church on Wednesday evening,
were read and adoprted and
nesse disposed of., Mrs. Rory f aw'sot:
lice required no main-tenance, and is
1 (French), Irene OPRourke 5.1 Frhr nary 15th, with the paRtor, Rev.
read the devotional leaflet. H•ayer
in a)rparently. gone] condition. in
193,) a loud)]- tar
ch, R, R. Cone)•. presiding, The meet-
&ometry), Frank Doyle 4'9- (Frenn
follo-we-d by Mrs. Ro'ber't LAw•§on.
'urfaee treatment on a. smooth'. well-
Latin). I ing opened with a hymn and prayer-
Fornn Id—Mary Eckert 80, Doro- Mr. Ross Lowe g•aive the secretary'.
hies, Miller Adams gave a very in-
'tler•esting and splendid talk on the
vonsnlidat,ed. cru -heel zravei road; in
(thy Riley 78, John Krau'skopf 76,, 1- �por•t and the. various reports of the
Lord's Prayer. M•rs. Gardiner took
,02 w•e .•dried another treatment,
rrn,i I -ince that. time. aside £romi patch;
'Marjorie Byers 67,.William Flana- church societies •were given and all
the opening Chapter of the neer study
gen 66, Edigar Eliigson F4, Mary provefl to lie-o'ver the amount to bt:
hook, "His Dominion" hy: Dr. Oliver.
(l ontinued on page 5) a
Walsh 6:3 (Arithmetic),' Loretto raised. Three new managers w^ere
She also gave a sketch of lir. Oliver'.;
O'Rourke 60. Margaret Atkinson 60, then Plec.tCd as follo'ks: Messrs. Rus-
life'; Nl hich -was mtuclh appreciated.
Charlie Bonn 58 (Algebra, Latin), yell Consitt,.P. `'b•orlontan and George
The nnceting• alosed with pray:'r•
Mary Yturray 58 (Geimetry), Mar- And -on, -on. $usiness was -then taken.
The Lonflesboa•o W. M. S. have in-
. „ !
garet O'Connell 57, Michael Walsh 57 :il'r. F. Stelek gave thr managers the
vited Constance and Burns' sociptie•;~
I'he Ladies' Aid a'nd W. V1.
(Ari'th'metic, A1refwa); Norrrnt'ain opportunity of cutting a few tree's
O'Connor 54 (G.om�etry, Arithmetic), ir, his hush for woofl for the church
to attend the In-t:eimAtioatal I.)ay of
Prayer' in U nidesboro on .March 3rd.
•rne'et. on Friday. March aid, tho. In-
Llo'yd 11c'(`arthy ul (Literature, 1'or next year which was vera; great-
ternatinnai flay of Prayer. at the
homm of Nlr,. Theron Bett:les. The
.Geometry, Algebra). d ly accepted. ' Fx,pn•essicvtt. orf thank.,
I—'Cecelia Krauskapf 77, tendered Mr. W. Jarrott for
- d
roll' call will he a quotation on
Tot•ni , were
Kathryn O'Rpurke N, Mary Moly- putting on the fire ei•ery Sunday, al-
Mrs. •C•dmner for
rinser. It will he the tw••enty4r,e .
,•c nt day. Please note the change in.11
IMi,s's Ria Hills, of Toronto, was a
n•eaux 76, Ursula Flanagan 74, Maty :,n to Rev. ,R. R. anfl
Morris 71,' `Ylary ]Moore 7'0, George their valtied services in our eongre-
tve-ek orad guest with her parents, -lir:
lire. *11
Moore 67 (Algebra), Barbara 'Carlin gation. The meteting .closed *it,h a
lunich w1sVi
ancf Mrs, George Hills.
Mi.<;s Margaret Jackson, w•ho spent
Rev. David Carswell, of Toronto,
vNhed at the home of MT. and M.r's. ,
66, (Algebrar, Muriel i.00'by 66, EN- h'crnn and pt4ayer and
elyn Moore 65, Willie ,Drake 61 Nerved by 'the ladies and a vote of
the pat flew weeks in Toront,m, hat
Aley. Cuthill last Thursday evening.
(Aigehra r, Joan Rohinson 60 (Gramm- thanks extended to them,
mar, Comlpmttition). 3iary Jordan 59 ,Mi-. and Mrs. J. Baker and family
returned home.
Mrs. W. D. Smith attendc�fl the fun-
Winthrop hockey team de�fe'ated .
F.gmnnflvillP 3-1 on 1Vednesday night, ,
(Algebra, Zoology), Jack Denn 5? and ilfr•;;. A. Reichert and family
(Algelbra, French). James Eckert 54 spent Saturday in Seeforth attending
m -al of her uncle, Mr. Gmrge Me-
Kay in '`r'oronto last wrek,
Felhruar•y- 15rh, and the stoma• be-
twenn Whithrap and Tuckersmibh on
(Grammar'," Algebra) Lawrence Dil- the wedding anniversary of Mr. and
The ik-ny- friends of Sties Laura
SAturday night vas 3-1 fixe favor of
lora 42 (Literature, (=ramrmuar, Alge- Mr.. Mr•Ad'ams, Mr. Baker's sister.
' McMillan ma ill ,be pleased to bear shi
Mr. .Mxs. Sol. Stlran'non aa4,d
, bra, French). 'Mi -s. C. Siemon and Miss Annie
r Jar cost spent a dap visitirng friends
is recovering, -from a recent attack,
of the mumps.
Mr. Frank John•stan . att)ended the v
in Zurich and Rensall.
(Miss 'Margarert Ferguson. 'Bayfield,
funeral of the late. Atm- Hemry Hen-
V`TE SPECIALIZE 3Te'ssrs. Charles Blackwell and' C.
was a week enol: guest with her p'ar-
dIersfmn on Thursday. Ii
Mr. Archie Campbell, of Toronto, ,Ti
Siem�cmrl visited in Exeter an Thurs-
encs, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ferguson.
day last•
spent the week rnui with •in '
In The Very Miss Trina Ferguson, of the Town
the village.
Mr. and ibTms. Foster Bennett and '
i Line, visited Miss Gladys Jarrott on
Mora ,pent Sunday -with Mt. and «�
'We are pleasv,(l to report the epi-
demfic of (m,"sle. mals pretty
Popular Fuel Mr. and Mrs. H. M-eMnrtrie and
Sirs. Gdorge Eaton. . ,
`Mm. Adam Dodds, of , Listowel,
1 ernr, Alex., of Kippen, visited with
+Icer -arts, ,
Mr. and Mr-. J. Coc-ht•an•e,
13f,i•. W. •Jarrott is attending the
ciPated away without serious results,
Thr W. A. of St. .John's Church
spent a few days with pare
M1. and ',14ms. Robert iCamipbedl this ': a
t Good RoAds 'Convention irt. TnrantA
in at the hamle of Mr.. F. Beatty
week. ,,
i:hia week, his daughter, Annie, antl
on, Wed,ne:sdray.
We are sorry to report that Mrs. `,.
t Miss Anma Love ocrompanying bim
tto ,visit relatives in the city.
t Cok
We are sorry to vepon•t that Mr.
IaP yioatsfrp' fig .hill corn ned tro the
Georgi Little is conlfiuredi to her :fret! „ I
and under the dcrctar's� stare. a wish
Mr. an Mra. 1. Wi'llert anal son,
her a speedy reooveiy.
gof the Blincl bine, visitod' at the home
Mr. Ge'oro Comrnedl has retuxm'ed
Don't forger,,the eruelim atYd •ia.•nco ef,
he in the hall this Fmi.dAy :�!'
r of,Mr. acrd Mrs. C. Sie'mon on Sun-
N- (SLUFF & $ONS day afternoon.
-tori frann the'Clinton H,on.vi1'al and
we hope to see him out soons -
to held
night. , '
. I . I I . ., ... L ". �: _.�,..
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