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The Huron Expositor, 1933-02-10, Page 1
.Ft's, .,"-, I -- , 1 !. rr . r { r ,,,. m{ n ,}.- r x ,• iq p , At ,.� t 5 Yom' ., „t h ^ }.! ni' r ' '? r re �.. I 1.01 I N ,-''. � , I ., 1 1 ii, I `1 �:. ry< ,. 1YI .i )d I- 4 I 1 `1' i E 4 n 4. 11 r ; h r F '� f ' +'A+'A f 1 . , ., . ,. rip, c"",'; „s n ,.. . „ �' t !1.:: +rs,• ?ra i>t ,. ,: 1, rn ” ;a ; a k, ar % 4 ' rt' �p 1P I S t , , , i . „• h R .S : F "L. l TA •—'i,. .{,'�, �, �: .It. ', i' r). All F , , �y n `, . �,. .ti.'.. 7 - I H j {,(, FN A yy •�,� ,Yat, 7•, RRF .. .,. y.. sr° 115 a,, ..r.., _ u a ._ .y.:; +, I..• ,. r • !l `.tri ,At.., fit!, <ivT M1 , t' +{ry ? ,., AR .' y', I. 1. I -el •+ .. .., :. .. ,�ltird Yea,*. • ® $EA ORTH, FRID B ' . _ 6 �I ; , L ,X y a }]4 1933•I x 4 a.,.� � � -_ ��,x• Ci k t'1 ���s _. „Wde NvanO�aa�. 40Q0 �' ,r . ... r,r .. , . fi aR;a r � t �� • • � • • • H' on Old.. ,, t �` + i r EATURES REAL QLD FASHIpNRD * ORGANE IQSFTAL 7., ,f 9' TIE S(,ORE F Amoy! t ' f Chairmen AID Al'A LARGELY Ann.�a. At-�- r '� a ' `' f t� ,. BLIZZARD IIT THIS t the H D. _,6.,# +; s fu .}I W ' MCMILLAN CUP GAME For your information and for• At= ter t• s t' ON SATURDAY NIGHT reference, the presidents and DISTRICT WEDNESDAY „Lorne ATTENDED MEETING Q n r i :a y w ; :iyh` , ' ; r chairmen of the various organ- izations in town for 1933 are as a follows: - t M. -- T;�� ; r Armco rgrst the large ctteowd present Ladies' Will Co-operate With • • • �' • � "�e » ,�f. 'Tl iVIayor of the 'Pawn of sea- Temperature Near Zero. . at the annual art-havmie of tthe Hymn • Fabs Crowd Palace Rink forth, A. D. Sutherland; Presi- Scott Memorial Fvery Pari Qtr ` " �( �f To See Weekly dent of the Lions Club, John ,F. Mark and Snow )earl - Fe • AL�jsocdatflon of Toronto, is Wei epicL'Ben —e Dal ,President of .the S. Q. 'T. wears following:, aHOSrllital. �t Pays �," 2 � , y Still Falling. „ ,Mgr• and radars. L.' M.` Pidn Ann I Gatherul� � . � tkt�S y;'•. Battle., Alumni association, .Miss Mabel g gle, Mr. ', s• _ E. Turnbull; Chairman of the _ and 'Mrs,. J. A. aVtcLarern a'xid' Miss Mr. Robert M; Peck, of Stan- ;fir . Collegiate.. Institute Board, .Harry Mrillsy , r. and MTs. B. H. Me- MRS. C. HOLMES, PRES. ley Township, spent 50 cents and on ��' a{1 � WINTHROP ON TOP TRAFFIC IS TIED UP inserted a small advertisement " Stgwar.t; C"irman of the Pub- Crrelath, ',Mx. and iMirrs. 'A. C. M,ae- : r . tic School Board, Chas. Holmes; Vicar, tMr. and' a1?xs. ii B.. 'Stowe, in The Huron Expositor of No- F�VENING SPENT IN No xt�ttexest, is Ibeixug Shawn in Chairman of the Separate School IM1r. E. Ftloo,d)Y> (Ms. W. Pbwell, Seaforth will now have a Womens' vember 25,: 1932. As a result f] 't Iloard, Louis Dexereaux; P,resi- A blizzard of monumental size ,Mr• R. C. King, �Mr. G. •A. Newton, H:osspi'tal Add, the result of a largely • of Iiis small investment he. has �s ��,,'' the Faa*mer s Hioc$ey _League every .. 1VTr. R.. 5►.. (Sheppard, 1VIr. W. 'A , attended a CARDS A TD ',. ( N�i dent of the Horticultural So- hit Seaforth, and disltrict yin Wedne-s- t heippax , meeting of ladies of the gold a red Augusta bull to !Vial- k,r� t mak, A larger crowd o£ fans was ciety, William Hartry; Chairman day. and Thursday •of this week and" iGampibtsrll, Mirss Sadie Walker, Mr, town held in the ,Carnegie Library - on tharid. lard, ,Satiwr-dlaY night the of the Carnegie Library Beard, has completely tied wp m'otor traf-d ,Mrs. D. D. 'Wfl,son and the dirt Wednesday evening. -Mrs. W. P. calm Beas, Holyrood; a red calf, c , games, In g 9 ,months, to'Donald Park, Hen- �— �P wi�essead .two go William 1<?artry• Chairman of the fie on anythingt best the aVlain streets jt' ssre W n, iVlr. and 'NLrs. Geo. Lane, presided, and '1VIrs. I. IH. Weed- sell; an 18 months bull to Jae What was 1alclflinlg un rcuunnlbers .o4as ,i ,t ga,M. Eng,mtondtvxl'lea defeated Public Utility Commission, 'Wm. of the town. Ferguson, and Miss Ferguson, Mr. maF•k acted as secretary, McDonald, Kippen; a March- 'mlade up in entthusltasm at the a dl ya+�; 'Taekietrsmibh 3�2 and St. ,Columlban H. "Golding, M.P,; President of On Thursday morning' Number 8 and 'Mrs J. J. Page, Dr, and Mrs. H. ,Following the resolution ,to or- 1 , ;r tied 'Winhllrxrorp 0 0 in the second'. the . Women's Auxiliary, Mrs. Highway s blocked to the west and loners calf, months, to It.,' N. at home of the Huron Old Boyd Q Egmondville 3,,Tuckersmtth 2. 1 J'. Hod ns Mrs. DeLacey, Dr. and gar. M2^s. Rynus, Burlington, Durrant, Mitchell, and a thick re o, Neild in the Aroadtia C r, Charles Holmes; President of the is barely open to -,the east. It is ex- Mrs. J. G. Ferguson, Dr. 'and Mrs. president of the Ontario Hoespital Aid in that cit on' Frida ... evening la's , 1' The first ,period of this game Was Wimple to Fred Caimans Y y P Home and School Club, Mrs. pected howerver, that the highway, H. Peake, 'Dr. •and. MTs, H. A. $es� ad'ditbsssed the meiati'ng. She con- . Arkona. Earlier iii, the season, ITThIa attenudanae, while dawn. sligiht'1 not as Oast, as the next tuna• Neithoir Charles Holmes; President of the ' snowlAow will be through soon, Sion Dm. and Mrs,. C. H. Breretton, gra'trilated the ladles on the organiz- as the result of a previous ad- from, PrIeviotrs team seemed to tat the other o Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club, . Highrwa,V Nnimtlber 4 from. Clinton y vertisement, Mr. Peck sold three ed ever' tmuly retpreisertt- Dr. • R. S. Stanbux and bhe, .1VCisses ation and told of the good which as- y ,section of ,the .ebtuuty. ' tluer centre 'area for the ,first ten •xxrin- John Beattie; President„ of the south is completely blocked, Clarke's Stanbwry, Mr. and Mrs, W. A,. 'Bush- saciati,ons in other towns had accom- g� heifers to W. M,cKenzi% 'On the ,main, floor, dancing., old aaz�a _ i totes. Wilse Wright drew a penalty Seaforth Highlanders Band, Wm. Transtport started £or Brucefield this anan, ,Mr. and Mrs, J. Moon, Mr. nlished. • 'Ieeswater, and a choice red newt, was the business, of the evening, � for tripping and- Tuckemsmnth" went. . Kerr; President of the Beaver mo'rnnng but was stuck a short dis- and Mrs. H. E. Worsell, Mr. and Mrs. Elelction of officers resulted as Ramsden bull to. Mr. Crich; Sea- while ,the mezzanine floors were oc- Ali , wild trying bo score. Wrlse McCort- Hockey Club, F. S. Sills; Chair- tanoe frolm town. J, A. Na•tteTfieid; Mm. and 'Mrs-. Gee.". follows: iVlxls. Charles Haffner, presa- forth.. Advertising pays,. Mr. • 'culpfi with �bxrudl8le and' etvohre collet'-• ,° .5 „�y soon followed ftp a, similar of- man of the Scott Memorial' Ho h> iSnow commenced falling Tuesday dent• Mrsa�iK. ,M. MlcLean, lest vice , g R. Dane, tMr. and iMrs, W. J. Tam- Peck, who is a well known breed- ems• n fence. FrgnYuandly'lie toren put on an pital Board, W. H. Golding, M and has tbeen conning down stead'il�• blyn, I&. and 'Mrs, eG. E. Be'sweth,e- president; '_Vlrs. W, P. Lane, 2nd vice- err, has recently put chased from �• W K•"�»g "t"� the 'itrsb �: abtrek but cQuTd not beat Sandy P.; president of t the Seaforth ever since The temperature Th'urs- rick, Ma. and Mrs. H. IMlinett, Mr, aril president; Ylrs, R. J. Sproat, 3rd rich ize in ithe erste' 'euchre and, tMx. It 1 I.. ,Doig. Frank Kling ,was given a rest p� griculturaI Society, Humphrey day reforming was unofficially placed + residenb; .)leis. Ar ear 4t Mr. James Douglas & Sona Pm g Mire. A. E. Forbes, Mr. arid, riVlms: G. P pg . 'd+ 'Caledonia, their junior show calf, James 'Sands. cox^rigid off the second x for slashing and Ligniond'vu11e weer Snell; President of the- Seaforth at 9 below. zero. T. Trow'hill and Misys 'Trowhillr.• rMr; 'vice-president; Mrs. Reg. 1W Kers- "Browndal.e Border," an outstared- prize. "I agar at a• disc tva'ntage,. Tuckear- ' Golf and. .Country Club, W. E. All in all, the > t'o,rnn is of the re'at and ,.Mrs. James 'Saul, Mr. and 'Mrs. lake, recording secretary; _ ing bull calf, which comes from In' ii?e }adiels' s�tion, Mrs• JaY Mw�. ' ' , smith then stormed the Egmondville Southgate; President of the Bad- old-fashioned sort. Ci'tiz'ens. general--, F. B. Ndxon, .Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Cas- Bell, corresponding secretary; M'rs• a line of heavy milkers and which won bhe first prize, and' 'Afiss Julia -z end and Jim Doig skated around the milnton Club, 'Dr. V. C. Sproat;-. -1 are regretting that • ft could . not , E. H. Clo- treasurer, Lockheed won ,, y. ' gr g ter; Mr.,and Mrs. W. J. Irvine, Mr. stood 2nd in his class at To}•on- �e second money. "t ' goal trod' ,Passed it to Bbl) An'chi'b , President of the Junior Women's have (been more equitalbly distributed an'd Mrs. J. • May, 'Mr. and Mr's. W. The organization will be known as •to and London and 1st at Guelph. Mrs. 'Dr. Ferguson 'won the lucky who (beat MioGeeooh for the first goal, Institute, Miss Jean Pothering- over the yeast few weeks of mild D. sprinkle, Hev, R. C. 'M,c T ,mid and the Women's 'liosipi'tal Aid to bhe, numberprize, ,This ,put Tuckersmith in the lead, 1-0 }tam•, • weather. Miss McIJermid,, Rev. J. F. Parke, Steott IM,e�rnorial Ho'sipital, and will Lunch, &,rlvle,d at.sznall tables albout to end the first period,. The storm has necessitated the Ron. 1. R..Lu s, Ald', and Mrs. W. meet each month on the second Mon- • ® • • ^® ® the i3ng flootr and n the z -r L - t* - - - The second perirod' started out fast }for a week of the wchi'e day at 3 p.m. The membership fee o o xd, • • • • • • ®•' postponing e Duckrworth, A1d. • J. J. Glass, ?vTr. J. P' zamime floors, was greatly en'jDlye,d, .1n and furious; Wilfred Coleman wac� and dance under the auspices, of .the H. Langton and .Mrs. E. Langton, will be 2'S cents' each. real 'Huron fashion. �I.A. given a nest') or triippdng and was ter. Tb oma- • 'Md Millan Young Liberal Mr. and Mrs. �. T!honnipson, �Ir. aned • - EEAVERS DROP CLOSE Bill Powell, publicity chairman, has ' i : oixied ,by Paul 'D,oag for cuffing Frank Club. The.. event will now. be held Mrs. G, •E, •Wtoads'tock, nir, and Mrs. compiled the following notes on the �r S.C.I. C I ALUMNI SKATING ' LIBRARY BOARD HOLD , Kling. Frank S!pTbat soon follorvved February ,th. It also will mean R. A. G'teer, ,Mrs. W. J. Greer (Mich- affair: for getting lids stick under Bob • e that Expositor subscribers to the igan), Mrs.. H. V. Holnne5 (Gorrner, GAME T® G®DERICH `Lorne i'1l'. Pringle oa'kes an ideal t''. c Arc'hAbald's ,skates. This was all in ! POPULAR late' in as much as cars' are unable 'lgrs, W. Weller Mrs. J. D: Guy, ,Mrs works like clock work:,. H� re, and PARTY IS south will receive .there papers a day �Zr>• ,.; Welch; 'Mrs. Wm. McCreath, pxasident. He is a live wire, first 'five Impnrwbes of the period INAUGURAL MEETING - a- a'd shill trso scone. Leo 'Hicknell, af- to -get out of'totwn. R. 'S.- Evans• 'Mrs. J. A. Rose, 'give of Brussels,, and 'a .smecessfttl ti� ter manly* attem,ptts, finally beat Sandy ('Guelph), iMas. W. Franklin and Miss Fall to., . Get Breaks In business, Doig on a, shot, from the titre line. Arinual.EVent Draws Crowd Franklin (Woodbridge), firs. P. His. "`'Terpsichorean" was a txifCx�ir'lt Three ma ' es later he scored again se,y, Mrs. L:. B; Oke, IMms P. G. Price Financial' Statement Read : Scheduled Tussle .ward for manly of. •the young d'ameers, ;`';i . to -put E,gmiond'ville in the lead, 2-1. TO Palace Rink EGMONDVILI,E CLUB (.Tokyo, Japan), dVLrs. S. Good, Mrs. President Latta, of the. Huron Old and Committees Tuesday. '; Both ,goals Were scored on lone rush- Boys, Assooi,at on of Regi his E. L. Wettlaufer,' flys., R. DalLang, i. Regina, sent e�. On Monday. g ( .. , •te'grets, and explained t�ha,t his aero• y, 31rs. 'VI: Lamont Weston t Mrs. J. Appointed. l TttckergRxtit}r tied bkie score in' the SEND LETTER TO M P Flermdtu ,Mrs. D. Robertson, Mas. W. The Goderich Sailors defeated the P &T1e! 'Nos cwt of order. I - ,third framle When Frank Archibald Charh , Xrs. Harry, Knight, Mrs. W. ---� Seaforth Beavers 5-3 before a, fair Sty Joehn's gxdhestrra snxpplied tllre seemed after ,the puck rebounded, iCounter attractions somewhat Rolbe'risvn, Mr. and 'MTs. W. Proud"- The brffi.ceTs of 1932 were, all re- crowd Theme on Tuesday night. Gode' ,dance' T msie and it was "grand" `; from MrdGeaoch's pads where Frank spoiled the attendance at the annual foot, Mrr. ,and Mrs. E. M. Lee, ,M -r• elected for 1933 at the inaugural rich got away to a,big lead by notch- music. Mr. St. John, the leadler,,pre- ` R,e,yno,ldls 'h'ad ,taken a phot' Jim: skating party ai the Seafurth C c' Regular Meetiog of Young and -Mrs: H.; Wi�lldnso'n, !Mr. and Mrs. meeting of the Carnegie Library img. fan'r goals before the locals ,sents a fire appearance and the niutlsic f, Morris was in thtes -Penaltly box at the leglate Institute Alumni. As3ocia io t R. Brooks, SMT. and' 'Mrs. A. A. Is- Board, held in the library on Friday 'munbed -at all.. Doake in goal :for fatowts -suit, Y time, Egx(uondville soon went into in the ;Pal'ace Rink on Mond :y even- Meri S ;Club Held tbisier„ !Vic. and 'M[I 1.. ':I ill-S'imdng- evening last. The members present •the SWlomg d'nd somle ,srmart work and rhe _ aennual picnic of the Hurolr• ;, ' the lead again .waren Jim Morris ing last, but they didn't srpoii'theF r.- Monday. ton, dMr. and Mos. Lauk Kennedy, included William Hartry, Rev'. W. P. scored a 'meat goal on, a bass from thusiasm a,rid good time which re , was their star.. Gard. Muir stood out b.ld Boys' Alssooiation will +be held1.111 Mr, and Mrs. 'G. Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. 'Lane, E. C. Chamberlain, J. -M. 1VIc- for the locals, in Area No. 3, Canadian National I.- { i-hie'knell. Tiiss ended the scoring of railed:- r B. Winxirum, Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Millan, P. B. Moffat, Mayor A. .P. No penalties were received the Exhibition Park, on Saturday, June .' the game. Both teams, worked' hard !Perfect weather, clear ani cold. @ Young Men's Club of Eg- Hanna, Mr. and M. rs. A. F. Kling, Sutherland and John. Finlayson}. first .' eriod (but the •visitors score(, '24th. to score a'g'ain' but were ttur0ed down and fne ice added much th the en two 'goals. • Seaforth was shut out ;Homy. I. B. Lucas, Ontario. former fibre goal tender's. Leo Hicknell joyment of the skater,. : MuSie for m)ondvill•e Church 'held -their regular Mr. and _YIis. C. Y. Kitty, 'Mr. Hugh The offircer5 far 1933 will be: mdvillkai skatiu was ort vided 'b the Seaforth meeting on, 'F'eb'ruary 6th, The dis- White, Mr. W. L. Rome, Mr. Arch. Pre,4dent, William Hartry ; secre= this period and, als>o.nin the second. attorney -,general, ,was. ,prresiemt and was+ +tht!e 'rpitdk of the„ E m,o F �' althonx. gboii hockey was Hl�htanxl,ers Br.nd. crr'ssians were 'centredt on the gees- Blatt (Ottatya)� Mt. Re'nedrle, l�eake tart' -treasurer, Jahn ,Finlayson; Book McDonald and .Stoddart scored in the took an active interest in the ,pro- tion, "Waretherc the farmers shoulii .(Winnnpeg), ,Mr. R. C. McKinney, Committee, A. F. 'CJuff, Rev. W. P. first period'and'._1leDonald again in grams. I. B.' danced every daxrce. player j]yy tharbeam as a whole, The The wants of the inner matt were solve ,their , own problems, by co -oil- ,,Mr. J. F. Sbar Mr. W. H.• Fem Y Tualcersnnibh slextet •played their us- appeased•:at a booth where ho:, dogs, 11 ice': lane, P. B. Vlaffatt,,John Finlayson; the second frame. Doctors and lawyers were present wit no player errors coffee end douyt:nuts .were sold un- enation, or w'hetlier they should ex- son, 'Mr: tiV. J. Bell, thTr. W. McKen- Property Committee, J. M. McMi1- Stadd'art scared one minute after ,in large numtbegs.. r, ual..lrax+d game h rP Ye ct the overnmenrt to take,m'easures, zie, 'VIn;. H. J. Smith, 14t;. W. K. Tin- fan F. C. Chamberlain, Thos.:,2elady the third >yeriad ibegan witch Gord. Vicepr6siden{t George . R. Dane. ,,. "•^'.• outstanding than the other. der' the direction of F. Karl Amertt. 1 g 1. 0, -Winthrop 0. The' ra ram which included lean to ease the, sibtration." It was.poin't- ning,'Ir:. H. Jenkins, Mr. R. F. Klin)*, •enc! William tiartry. Rennie coming back with the Beaver's looked after a ,bid H,ow^vcld ,delegation. ?'. St. Columban 0-Wx p P g ed. out that 'bv. ,co-operation, men Mr. E. D. Thor'r-lpson, Mr..J. Powley, 'The Board re-engaged ,.Miss Thomtp- .first goal two -minutes later'. W, Rob- ,Dr. H. A. ,Hes,siom� the well known' The game between_ St. Calurnban year lag, railroad add ,Paul, .Jones could more readily find a market, and 'Mgr. Fred R. Colgrrhaun (Seaforth), son asi Librarian and,,made the same anon made it 5-1 on, a nice rush. west Toronto medico, header)' a dele- . ' artd Wh'nbhrop was fast and Clean, skates, was arian ed by Ja�ir:�es A. g g gr scored after C The matter of PTL- r ' shot rebounded from ood running mate for voice- He' is a' :r' g - only one malty ,betrvg .gr1v!en,during Stewart an d*,Johnf.C. C'riolr. The 'mt0lre• acrcurate'l'y di_tc.°ver what is Mr. W. H. Pearsrcrn, Sr. Mr. W. H. error e,xrents for cutting the ass Gord. Hildetbrand then gatioar of lb r'_hamites. p Although bot'n - ,ri•ze•SLx the vailroad s'kate�' wa won miarket�ible. Of course, co -a, eratron Pearson, Jr.; , Mm. A. Allan, M-M.iss cu i caretcloc g. 1+ Gr, Rerun e s g np g pme'si�eavt itlile wihol Play. }3 teemas tried time and again there by )Mfrs Pearl Reeves- and Russel wau'}d prcabably cost the pradnrer 'VTargaret Stehvart; Reid, Jean a cerin,; a sloe): and therrnamtee`r was scored packs. One minute later he W, A, J. F, ,ell: t end of the amR. Alden and ti�as presented to the, solrtrething until their system was Stm-art, iMiss F. Reid, dVLiss Alma left to the property committee. ScorecF t•he local's third goal on a Rev. J. F, Parke, former Gnd'erich was no scare at theg more or 1 ''are- lwckp cau•pl8 by the ridging of the est'altrlish,ed,Jbnrt the long view showed Neckar, Miss Mildred Turnbull, The book committee fres empower- neat ,pass fronrr 'G. Muir.! 'The local township pedagolgve, and', later An , Each perriod 'was E girl Both al association Mica Matli2g Tdrnbull. an ultimate gain. All c0-operatio�u Hiss VIatbel Turnbull, Miss M.,Lan- ed to look after the purchasing. of boys played` a good game and the glican clergyman related .tllre�tiYnes Y tpetition ref .the esti g° rmrulst be unselfish, and svnnie people dell, Miss 1M. Barnes, Miss Jean Rab• papers .and magazines for the library fans were , s,ed with the showing when he and Secretary Flaody trattzill5- „ ;i tendRms vts(cre called ani sural filmes g they made >fo^ ravel bhe' treain and they did' their esti] only The unselfish when ,comp eartsQn, Miss N. Chrrstie, Mass Hilda and also, to be m charge Of their but they were up against,] the Tipperary line to the lake ,wror"k fuel). Vtifll�eant Lane reaceifved STANLEY led Grtay'n8s, 'leis' ftarcourt, Miss Row- cllslr,ncal follow*img- their use. The a •mrore experienced team. Treasurer Cantelort•'s, to get their sal- 1 iva and it wa.s far a Trnerr3 were c9wggesti'o'ns clang many ley, Miss E. Reid, Mies Potts, Miss treasurer rear! the financial stats- T'he• line-up: Gaderich-,Goal, H. aria• p•., Ni e °wry Pe' ('imps which t'he Grntiernment might M. B. 'C'he�n'ey,, Moir �r. G. Ross, mens which was adopted, on motion r)trake; r., d.:' R. StoddaR" T. d., lI'. . Mr, J. J. Page, genieral manager xmilmr offence, Winthrop were with The .school ehild!re'n of S. S. No. Of the We's'tern Canada Flour Mills setwices a£ Neta IMoYnbgarnery i Staple with their teacher; Miss follow rMto erase the situation. High -Xis!:, Ruth VLcKenzie. Miss Dori., of Mr. Lane, seconded by P. T3. �VIof- t'i'er net centre, E. Robinson; r. w., ontt"btnle , y' tariff's were condemned, The )Quern- Penthale, VLi,vs Myra Stinsam, Miss l fatt. W. McDonald, 1. w:, D. McKay; al- Co., was present with Mrs. Page and and Stan Nicholls, butt expect to have Patric and a number of fiiends ftotia - fvll strength this iSarbuaday'xni,ght. St. mernt Scheel<1 help for} markets, not. Browne Stirling, Miss Annie Cotten tmrnatee, W. Robinson, G. Allison, N. was greatly interettec! in the era Stanley and the London Road, paid a r Colwmik»an worked the forward pass friendly visit to the Country Home only for the mamifaetvrer, 'but also icer,, IVTsss B. E. Mills, hlirss G. De'mp- W'ark, R. Newcdm:be. gram. ' well. .Theay there adopted, for this recur fr Friday it to lash and gave e for the farmer. The nossiibility of a >ey, h1•irs L. Denrrjrsey, ,Miss M WINTHROP Seaforth-Goal, C. ,VTuii r. d.. G• Bert Mc,Creabh was in hiss glory+ r ttlh'am: an tea, in the rte program for the n'd of the ia'w to regulate the fee's of Profen- Blatchford, M,isi C. Clemrenti, :Miss Re'nnrie; 1. d., F. Bullard; centt•,e, G. and, danced the whole ptrogramimne avle better Y rho px g sterol mem was) considered. When a Julia Lochead, Mr. and Mrs. A. II,, ,hlr. Neil 'Montgonlery spent, tho Vluir; r. w., T. Cluff: L w.,' F. Ren- t,hro'ugh. ,He delights to bell Honor- ; league. Jinn Lane flashed through on in,ff,si'tes .o,f' the Home. The school nip; alternates, G. Hildebrand, C. ary President, McLaren about that rat occasions Ibu1t should not ,beat children re caged' thein Christmas dentist c?c•nrnands ?00 'bvs'hets of Qat. FYuemmri;r, Mr, Nesbitt Woods, Mr. week pod' frith friends in flelgravre. . seve p for a plate of false teeth, and a d'oc- T+. V6'urrrt, h1r. Lloyd McKenzie, Vtr., Mrs° Goorge F,a.ton and fanlil; Reeve,,, A,:lljildecbrand, Kitchener trip. I.� M+orvbgomery: Wlirrltihrop ,had a very Plagr•a?n umder. bhe capable Direction usual. M,aad Hal- ho also acted as for Brays a00 bushels of wheat far Garivrey Penhale, :VIr, Cliff Hutchison, -pent Sunday with hie, enc! Mrs. Fos Referee -Jack McCwll.y, Stratforun Viiss Sadie Walker; the live wire strong defence as Y of thte,ir teacher, vv an appendix, it is rather hit,"h. The Mr. H. Wannake,r_ ter. Bennett, Huron Road. I assistant secretary, treaded a good land,'Tibi Eaton and, Alvan Dale made a scacrrm,pani.st for the cbor•irses and i'� ockey team tied S+ . vp the first forward' line and. did drills and dhrets. A small Schou) boy gold standard lwac compared with Winthrop1 crowd from Exeter the w'hellt standard for 1huvin•g s Colull1han last Saturday night w ST AFFA rMrs. H. V. Holmes came down ( srmm 'good wrank..ISt, KJalwrrdban`s furnished harm'on'ica music in a very farnlr and it was declared. "Far the GODEItICH TP. �c'afnrtll. thele being n'o,score, mumomm�from Gori•e. to attend- the brig annual players "Ill �play'ed weal but Young .professional way for a dance, the 1.aGt forte veers it would' have been hies. John Ai-trnng, of London• cvent and was hitrhly p)eased with I']elbhicic inogoal rues servwational••at Highland 'Fl1ng, in .crostunne cianeed st.nt a t'e^•t days with Mr. an'd'1Trs.� 11a. h1Ont.t�omery Mavis ent.en:tain fairer all around if farms had been Ther follewirng is the report of S, prl some of his chosen friends to a tlrp prog•ra.m. , Wires" Ladly .Lusdk was with him .and by five little rls which was much ihou.ght acrd sold on the Maris rod' + Fergus Bullard. lLr H. B. St'ame ruperintencleii he men -aged to get in front o£ soma enjoyed. There were, also solos, S. No. R. Goder•ich, for t'he mo.r.0 - Setpral t'rom here attended thA 1rro1 res,itat cucht par ty `h'rrdnesrlay `, - wheat, rather than on the basis of of T)eremllrer and fanu'ary: �- I ovenin After the ganio a dainty the euchre and baifigp with 1rer,. ursval 7 t OMJ,ngly impossible stha'bs, ,readings and music given by some of annual count}• meming of the T.Qyal g' food nranagemeirt. the older visiio1 s and also some elft gold. Elizabeth Thiel fir;, Tlar•old- Johnston lunch was, .sowed. The ri,malrrle i of i Joe Hart refereed ,the first game ern Al.,sncivtir, at F:xpterr on . rd. Maur, they second'. It wad recorgrnired that co-rnppra- 6r,, Jr. IV-tStUtia T.ntrden G7, .Toon f)rarr, 0 the evening w•aq sport in danving. fTnn. T'reeicient rT. A, ITrT.,aren gave Band Go favorite songs which t(•e"re requested' Tuesday. good arisistance in. deet ire thin k-% tion' is parsiihle only when things ar^ ,;nhnston fib. • Sr. I1l---r1?etty Stirling h}uste tree fttrni=hrd rhe 'hTr, �plcon g- p' 4 � 1-; Standing. by irnmsates were gladly given for , v]nrg. The ouestion of money any] k �Vo „giro carr} to learn of the dearth ;mug and entertaining the t5trangers. al on (Lost Tied Pts. rro �7, C:i•an Stirling Gladys Clark pa FTntrp and .lir, Walton'Kpr•sl'ak •." WI their pleasure. A treat of candy and of Mrs, Pott Dennis, who as'ed a Mayor Su4hot•]and of Seaforth sent; '' retv.currenrcy was toucher). How can e -g, The'1•ma Johnston 3 , Elmrer John- Wdnthrop 2 0 1 5 hb)mie-madia cookic,s wa, provided b:v way in i.istnwol Hosrpital on- Eton- The Steffe .Junior Farmer wit) his rc.gae'ts aryl we are song his wor ' Egmtomdyille 2 d 0 4 the get unprodurtilte bonds, many 0f 7 Stir 6R.I + len}d a puelrrr ar.'.l donee in tlir Toter 41 the visitors. Mm. Jacotb,, on befialf ton 4.. II-DQurgla* g ,a}. if'e ellen 1 our deepest s}n ♦hill, could not make the grade. Tuclgemkmibh 1 2 0 2 of both staff and inmates, voiced her which are tax free! into productive Hall an Wctlnpeday ptcming of next rireulation arra in, taxa'hie fnrrn? Too Mildred Westlake n9, iiehmeth Stir -.I p,•itiry to rhe heroax-e-c1 family. hTrs, W. T. Grepr. of Wdngham, wa-,q I St. rColvtnrlban 0 2 1 1 thanks for the em�t'ert•ainment errs) =� lir. Hazelwood, of Hullett, has th, week, , ret eseiit and was much ilnr! r eased 'with , r The Lf* ftmtonrdivrille�--Goal, =°toed "her fat»ily" in singing Qr °f ten th'e ricin man and cmnnration.P ling 3. T -Harald ti4'amtuer F4. I'r Ic,nnira,•t, of uttin,e• in a srr� 1 Stratford, p� '" ch rg d. H. MxxMillan 1. d., joined hold unmrodurt:ive •head's which ar. -Keith Stirling•. Sylvia Lowden, ha,l : � 1 P y of Vii<, FTazol Fiat', of the 'proceedings• "� R. )MdGeo I.rEy Are Jo19y Good ,Feliptvs." woori in S. S. No. 10, McKillop. spent a feat days recently with her;d. Thrx.ktcott•h anK} Ald. Glass i I exempt from taxo•q, w-hilo tehp poor" W. Wright; cenitre, John Flannery; ' Tlr•e following is the report o•f No. pay, the bill. War bonds of least mistakes in spelling during the The I,aclie,' Aid and W. VI. •S. of friend, iii.•;• (:. Peart. I Leto Hdcknelll• 1. w. Jim MoT- trot e on the om aroyl tforecl he the 1; a. W., Leo , 14, S�tamley, for January: Sr. 'I V- prvervpsKrrt dt-aiw goor ,'ntel-est And two months, titrmlher on roll, 14 : (oven ("hutch Imret at the ,hntnie Qf '}],•, ,{,,rc,1d Parhotn spent the week live ,i =flea coming ,before the city i M. alfetnratbely, F. Kling, A. Nichol- Aw(lrey .Cochrane; 69, .Hlarold Jones ,re mrogtly exea"pt f m taxation. average attendance. - 12.06. - M. Vies• Singh Alexanldpr on Wednesdrty• end «'ith h1r. Len Fnun•n, Monkton. counrcil on lTancl . 1' �, C. eFerg+u�saon, 'Geo. Kruse.. g8, 'Aubrey Farqulhar 62. Sr. Ill- Ferbruary 1st.. frith the president in Sadler s post Office ' r 3hrldkmi thvitJh--(Gaal, Sanity Doig ; Thtew'e are' un,pradu�tiv lx�ndc It boughs, Teacher. lir. and 1Tr=. .T. A. pent Han t ` hairgton, of the Marry Farquhar 71, Kathleen Janes was a'gree'rl'th.at.the gr�'t'elnrnent could the chair. The meeting opened with r, or. d., 'Paul Dbig; 1. d., Jim Dxti'g; cern- G8, George Clifton 63. .Jr. III -+Mar- fiunda frith hi r. and, flys. J. Leary, departm^nt, was 1 eery nvuCh inter - and s•hotrld da something albcrrrt a hymn, followed by praycrr. The hliteho ]. pstRd s]reQtatxrn. Tier say[ be }res no I. r tore, Bob ArllcIA Aj r. w., W. Cole- imi Kerslake 65, Eric Switzer 55. Sr. these, air} it was meth's} to bout nrinub^s of the previous meeting were , fault to fins) with the ten 'e'er cent, M an; 1. w., ,F. Archibald- alternates, PI -Lois Rabhtvell 8y5: Don Switzer this swgestion of the Yauneg ;en's yeas! and approved, Thr roll call til re. } , TufTin ha, returned to her i W: Mld('rarbntey, F. ltey pP rut, ,brit doxm't )tyke dho n the ak G.'Reynolds, Club tO the federal mennber,at®W Pricem haute after visiting friends in Strat- pin g 65, Ernie Taliaot 62, Willie Witeombe rr shnwe�cl a fine attendance. Mips Irene ford. nickel. tttolds, N. 'Fat- lek, ), 4'3. Jr. II -•Jean Slperir 64, Kenneth Bolton read a paper on the, meaning William Powell, Chairman of the St: Coluuxa{ban�-Goal, Pethir�k r. d. , all interest charge4 when clue on war ytr, ken T)ral:e }P°f•t, for New York =i slit centre MxiKlemaie 58. I. 4Mlild're,d J'aves: bondls of every sort, and the princi- and Quality" of Christian Srtevv'ard,ship. A rradrtrrg dl4licity department, and whose jour- Fi. Mlalone; 1. d., T. McQul , + Primlerr A-tDonny McKenzie, Alvin ht' Mrs, TTillon' entit1ril, "W-ir�af W..F. nit VGed•nesday t.0 visit his sister who p Jim' .Latae, r. w.,. Vincemt Lame; 1. w., pal of all such fronds, at maturity, „ is ver sick. na]istlr. nacrrt!e is °`Bal Pawl," cApoke of ,? 11 Kers1!1-1 uke'• Primer B,-Brettt Swit leerpaid e�ith new curre'ry." N.J.S. 1•lrean,c was much pnjoycd. A Y "" ]�',,lilart; at bes, Jaa iMalone Jno. of a both Tire Young People met in thn the guar! nlcl timies elven' be was evil -r a r zer, Nunnbben• on 18, 18; average at- .pai ;hi th new i officials carne in nett• f"eafure of the' meeting was the ing the W'aslhinlgton pre:Gs of The an J. HWOhatr,d, Joe Lane• g church on Sunday evening, February bemdance, 16.19. - P. C. Penfold' for their usual c'rifl,ci-sm, also govern- A nrvt.p sketch taken by lire. Ferguv r), finnan F xprvsitm. a s ! ryVyn!fnrn orpF-I(roal, W. Mlanitjgomte7y; g >rth, with Rusfieil Warden presiding. rruenst waste an•d extravagance,, so the Bullard. .Asa beginning the Indoor .yin•. F, B, ,Nixon, of the Nikon .iX, r. ch, E. Little,, 1. d., F. Bu'llatrd; c!en- (lr.rfb went on record as being trilling represented in , work and station's were dutlined. The A hymn was sung and the nvinutes of fire' T. Eaters r. w., M..1%iland; l.w., ,getting ore, -for the Beavers. one extralva acres br• plirninatprl, husin<esG part of the nw,vting was the lash meeting w e read and prrsc, spOicr� of the speed' of the Sino- ' Dale . albe�rnates; Cause Allen, H. Zi1re Be-avems' carr}gide only two stabs that cr g adopted ars correct, he Christian. tyrpp ccinvparecl unitrh tth'e old 15r•acess. f'W,' A, +taken) ,ht' bhe" President. Circle No. FFTran. Pres'lclent .'Bolt King looked � • and Mr, Golding is }rein,g advised t'h'at 41 19 Fellowshi.D tool: charge. The,Scrip- y'I Shannrxvn',' T.` Blatvshax+d, E.. DDrrance. to Clinton and this threty quite a 2, with Mrs. wcrnnertille •e idli'n!g, ]ri thea Clubs feeals that it could do nicely D. and H. tura terser wad read 'bY Rohrert Viv- ke a wixteen yeaa.'Olrl w'arem he whirl- •x•)h , Seaforth -at Clinton: strain on the players. t The second then' tool: charge. A hyrrnn was suing eel around in the Jancers, z r, Clintbrnrl defemlted Seaforth Baarvers period emKle,d' 2-1. fom Clin ern, •but the wrtihaut a Senate at Ottawa. tan Verna Klein -felt led in prayer, .;_1 g-3 wast Fridley in IOlunnbom !before a Bleavems were boo Ishor-tJ}ratnded to after whirl, .firs. Ganldram led in Tcrhn )loan 'hat} r'hari of bhe doggie+ t ANTHRACITE pr*aS•e� "' The. Scripture lesson wad after which the trnpic was gi!vwent 'by (. i, Bair asstcrocl, The ice was, 4geert' axndl a overcome the lead. read by VTrs. R. MCClur�e. The W. 0harles Cunningham entitled, "The pragranv enc! "calleld off" far the olcl ,r' ti good (b?+a+tiltl'af loos was shown by The line-up: 'C1illfion-Goal, Tvr.v- CON+�'�ANCF. •-e M, S. treasurer• r ported that, $15.00 Way �' Be a Christian." A hvrnn time rl'anres. �tt�$ I iborbh teams. Gorrd i u. r sroored• two ford,; r. d., D..Kennedy; 1. d'., G"eho; was then strnrg, and Muriel Drave ran J. A. , wa,er r(w of the city . The great heat fres realizor! frrnn bhe Srrrtch Social. g ; sealer and. F?i1dl�brand for the ©enibre, Picket; r. w., Gibbs; 1. w., MisF T d'ith FTfillo'n then favorer) with then .San a solo Sy4vla Tutfin gave iurtvamli•lp rotmtt, waxy ptueStrt wrrbl, 1�. artnens. Keminedy scored two -for ,C�atmtpbeLl; alternates, Boerne„ Mc- A reading, aril the meeting closed Netter tielrl and emjoyed the j]mog!ranrn rs • l an instrurlrcrntal. The t)pie taken. ,C,�eamen, rtvXe Gn'Ibbs', iMlaEvcxlri, Pik Ewan, Rauh, Caludilon. gashs,. William $rit'ton re'ceive'd word • •" from chi to ; of the steady book, with t}fie M.ivpah'Ben'edi'ction. The ve'r°Y'mnre:h• iV).r. Netbtemtie!lcl I a7artt ,, est and Cn!mtpl}' produ'cin �Qal p in Turnberry tOwrn�nh;p. eardh' gehiting one. iSeetaforth--G691, C. Muir; r, d., E. nn Sunday of the dleatli o,f Mr. Roht: attendance nnrtmib'ered 2S. ` was ally dealt with rby 1tirQ. 'i3xrben•t Treaanxlrem D. D. Wilson sold �c ' There wlere oar(1Y ,fiv+e��penalties which Little; 1. dn, W. Barber; Centre, G. T,eitab, husband oaf Mrs,. Britton's sir- Belat'tAe. The Vneeting eloseclt with a IM, Harvey Humbly, o are sorry '' shwrovs the ,fairlyy clemfrl p}ay Kexugo- 1V11uim; r_ es., T. Muff; 1. w., Er l2elr- 'ten. )Mfrs. 'Brittany Peifb on Mond'ap hymen and al•I re eatin - the Lord''s report, ifs ctinflned to the before Orate tiokG9 at the ilohrc. He iIs a A N. CLUFF° & SONS P g az�� man alI evenLng," �5 dr6w �CllintOnus )two ;pldiliarl!hles .and nie,; alternates, ^C. tRieetves, A. HI}lde• 'ta a+ttenxY the £uner•al. which was held 'Prayer. through sickness. � 11 ,y Reeves, Baiter amid �Iil"ratnd eaacli Ibraxnd. on Triesdov art W,abford. �b"; r .t I rl -. , t , 0 l� " ,n 1 r. +t ,1 11 Il ter.,;ii 1 ,1,1.1 a4" y �tu,{i aprt,,,^' v:.%t' 'f�, tr,t1'' rY.• �1 t' :;e{, c+,t{, ',n /iF a �, R i, ,S,,r •� ,f .l, ,.{ 7 at¢�:d1,11 <'•'k,2 a i', h, { , "S ,J..'; } '_ a r. ,:r u ,.., P < ,..,�' ,, 'lyq,,.: ': ;,. t y.,iia t' °+h d . r : 4 , ' `,nil t t,Y ,r r✓. £cry':. .,. ':r , • :v�.,1 %tr v.'�. • . 3t4161�i .d'' ,Yti4o9vt''.. ,- - .. �,.;,,as., , ,::?rc,x'ate:, nik�",,,2`rvati lQk:tes t.�Y:id'3'l id! i, !', +., ."A't1%...tXi�"Y,a"ti t' s.°n,vd. d?''.Mn ,L'w>. `ors v, `>�u ;* n,, , t t:tit, t r" ,n v ,, r.