HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-02-03, Page 544 t „‘• 7777 1fltRS»Y, W,izmiruiRD.4.1-401.a4Ry, 2, 2, i-AKAR)10,BS iUGI4S.CLAVE BRoOls - LILA- "640100.ir'' lath". CARTOON\ -MONDAY, TUESDAY, IWIEDNAYI—IFEIBEIJARY 6, EDMOND LOWE WYNNE GIBSON DICKIE MOORE - LOIS WILSON in "THE DEVIL IS DRIVING" COMEDY NEWS REEL T----rr1"r—'.JESDAY, FRIDAY, ISATUOIDAY--FEBRUARY 9, 10, 11 JOE E. BROWN in "FIREMEN, SAVE MY CHILD" itown laugh until yoar sides are sore at this picture! COMEDY CARTOON lalatmees..gaturdays and Holidays, 3 went. ' Two Shows each night, 7.30 and 9.15, McMillan Cup Hockey (Continued from page 1) • Seaforth Loses. • Seaforth suffered another loss on Monday evening when 'Mitchell de- feated them •5-1.'Searforth• played a 'lard game but Mitchell stepped out in tlhe first half of bhe third frame and put themselves away in the lead. In the first two periods it •was any- fbodY's 'game and was very clean. No penalties were given until the third fraznle, when !Gerd. Rennie mixed it with Jim (Oolquhoun and each drew a three-minute penalty. The game started, very quietly with both teamsplaying cautiously. There was no score until Colquhoun made lone rash that netted him a goall 15 Minutes after the •face-off. The per- iod ended 1-10 in Mitchell's favor. IEhian Rennie tied thecont on a pass from Gord. Muir aft r 14 min- utes of. play in the sec nd period. -iThe tie was soon broken however, Bill •Stoneman scoring on pass from ilaapitian and thus the pe "rod ended " 2-1 for illfitchell. The game commenced togetrough in the ,third period. Jim( Colquhnun slashed •C•ord. Rennie over the back of the legs with his sitiek. Rennie retaliated and soon there was a fight with stieks and fists. After serving three minutes in the penalty box, Cord. Rennie drew another two min- utes for ,body checking Stoneman. Stoneman joined him half .a minute later and both teams played a man short. (Herbert scored on a bine 'rush and was soon followed by another by Bill Stoneman on a pass from Colqueoun. Stoneman soon scored again on a solo effort making the score 5-1 for Mitchell. The Beavers, however, made a vain effort to catch up but could not • beat Casey. IMitchell--Goal, Casey; r. defence; W. Stoneman; 1. defence, Herbert; centre, W. Stoneman; r. wing, Chap- man; 1. wing, Colqu,houn; alternates, Leppard, Culliton, Wright, McLaugh- lin. Seaforth—Goal, C. Muir; r. de- fence, E. Little; 1, defence, W. Bar- ber; centre, G. Muir; r. wing, T. Cluff; leering, E. Rennie; alternates, A. Hildebrand, J. Hart, C: :Reeves, G. - Rennie. Referee Jack 'McCully. • iv BAYFIELD Mr. 'Sohier, Manager of the Bank of COmmierce, was able to resume his duties this week, having recovered from influenza. (Mrs. Fraser returned Saturday from Strathroy, where she was vis- ‘var Gas in the Stomach Is Dangerous Daily Use of Bisurated Magnesia Overcomes Troubles Caused by Acid Indigestion Gas in the stomach accompanied .by a full, bloated feelingigter eating I almost certain evidence of too inuch hydrochloric acid in the stom- aeh, causing so-called "acid indiges- tion.' Acid stomachs are dangerous. Too much acid irritates the delicate lin- trig of the stoma.ch, often "leads to ;gastritis accompanied by serious tomach ulcers. Food ferments and ours, creating the. distressing gas Nvhich distends the stomach and hampers the normal functions of the vitalinternai organs, often affecting the heart. It is the worst of folly to neglect ouch a serious condition or to tFy to treat with ordinary digestive aids which have no neutralizing effect on the stomach acids. Instead get a little Hisuated Magnesia from any druggist and take a teaspoonful in water•right after eating. This will rive out the gas, wind and bloat, Ewes -ten the stomach, neutralize, the excess acid and prevent Its forma- tion and stop sourness, gas or pain. Blsuated Magnesia On powder form —never in liquid or milk) is harm- iess, inexpensive, and a fine remedy for acid stomach. It is used by thou - ands of people Who enjoy ,their •meals with no fear of indigestion. king IMr. andaV/rs.IMaRae. Miss Izetta Merrier and sister, Ed- ith,, of Coldstream, were home for the week end. Miss Jane (Reid went'to 'Clinton on Tuesday. (Arlie Attwood„ who has been here !several weeks owing to his mother's serious ilinese, left for Detroit on Tuesday. Mrs. Attwood is• a little better as are also !Mrs. Fields and Robert Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritchie and daughter,. Who have been guests of Mrs. Ritchie's parents, for 'the past three 'weeks, left for their home in Elnevale on 'Saturday. Leslie Elliott motored to Detroit Tuesday, returning IWednesday after- noon. The following new books have re- cently aaeen added to our popular library: As We Were, E. F. Ben- son; The Fortress, !Hugh Walpole; The Blanket of the Dark, John Buch- an; Younger Sister, Kathleen Nor- ris; The Dark Mile, D. K. Braster; Mark 'Gray's Heritage, Eliot -H. Rob- inson; ,Uxiquenichable Fire, 'Joan Sutherland; In ISearch of Wales, H. V. 'Morton; The (Glamour of British Columbia, H. 'Glynne Ward; The Hand. of Fu IlVlaiieher„. Sax Rohm'er; •Swift Wiater, Emilie Loring; Inheritance, Phyllis Berttle; 'S'ilv•er Ribbons, Chris- tine Parmenter; Far End May Sin- clair; Kindling and Ashes, George B. MeOutcheon; While ,Rivere Run; Maurice Walsh. sommesmossissum WINTHROP A large crowd attended the euchre and stance on Friday night. The 'prize winners for the evening were: Ladies' first prize, Miss Ruth Gordon; ladies' lone hands, Miss Reta • Campbell; Men's first prize, Mr. Williair Bol - tee, and men's lone hands, Mr. Robt. )odds. After lunch the 'ret of the night was spent in dancing. Mrs. Foster Bennett and Mona spent a few days with her parents, Mie and Jere. George Eaton, last week. gre Winthrop defeated Tdekersmith 3-2 in hockey at Seaforth last Saturday night. IMr. and ,Mrs. Harry Hart, oCSea- forth, spent ISenday with Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Sperling. Mr. and Mrs. George Williamson, - of Grey 'Township, spent Tuesday. with Mr. and Mrs. John Pryce. • We were sorry to learn. of the, death of Mr. Daniel Regele, who pass- ed away after a lingering illness. Y. P. S. Meet.—The Young Peoples Society of Cavan 'Church, Winthrop, met on Tuesday evening, January 31. with Miss IMargaret Pethick pre,sicl- leg. The meeting opened with a hymm, follo-wed with 'prayer by Rev. W. F. 'Smith. The minutes of the previous (meeting were read and adopted. The roll call was • answered by the name of an artist. Following a hymn the iScripture lesson was giv- en by Mies Irene Bolton. The topic on Great Artists and 'their Message was given by Stanley Hillen. A short story on "Michael A,n,gelia" was given by iMist Margaret Pethick, followed by a reading by Miss Anona Dale. The meeting closed with a hymn and all repeating the Lord's Prayer. STAFFA Grace Church recently held its an- nual meeting when, reports showing the, work of the year were presented. For general exiperrges $15'7.18 was raised and for missions, $10.91. Thera are seven families in the church, or 34 persons. Fifty Sunday services were held during the year with an average attendance of 13. Mr. Daleid Turnbull and George Golding, of St. Mares, 'visited with .Mr. and Mrs. H. Golding recently. ISunday visitors in the village were: '1VIr. and Mrs. James Verner and daughter, of- Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. A:. Miller; Mr. and Mrs,. Mc- Ewen, Stratford, with Mr: and Mrs. Gray. I " Have You a Savings Account?" Many employers used to ask that of the young men who came to interview them. That was. in the days of thrift, not nigKardly cheese -paring but homely, honest thrift. . We are returning, willy-nilly, to the 'old standards, and the question will once again have .§,ignificance. "Have you a Savings Account?" Why not open one with us' now? THE CANADIAN BANK OF COWERCE One of the Woild's Largest and, Strongest Bank. CAPITAL AND RESERVE -60 MILLION DOLLARS ;;(Kirt14, ..V11;i4,:•14'.; 7.. , imy. lkfQ, Ar.kul.v. j '• •• - '4,:, Mass t 'reetta. Sadler, ClaYit '''.,, 1 ' •,e,tt''," t(.7 ,ien;.`(.,. :nd, •'''ll' glee I. lady,4:eut4on, . ''VO4., iSitr.' 'Oe i Drown, of Londemr•• aPPrzt the ,voeek enc with ,their , pit* here. - ,Quete a member of the 'Sbaffe Ipeo- 'pleoeattended the oyster supper at Ordmaety en Tuesday evening and al' report a good time. Mrs. Upshell and daughter, of Kip::: pen, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. lees:hail on Tuesday. , ' The Lad'ies' Aid of• the "United ,01-ierch‘herld their regular monthly meeting .at the 'home of leLre. Archie Jeffrey on Thursday. Mr. Mel Davis entertained . his friends on Wednesday /evening to, a prolgeess)ve eiechre party and ell present report areal 'good time. ,1111 WALTON Albout one hundred and fifty ntem- bers of the Walton Community Club attended the fourth dance of the sea- son in the A:O.U.W.. Hall on Friday evening. The members from the vil- lage were reeeponsillale for the lunch and splendid music was furnished :by local talent; The (members of the club on the (boundary will be respon- sible for the lunch on Friday, Feb. 10th. The (service in Duff's United•church was conducted by the pastor, Rev. Charles Cumming on Sunday, morn- ing. The •attlaject 'chosen for his dis- course was entitled, "Birds of a Feather Flock Together," based on bhe passage of Scripture •from Aets 4, verse 23. A 'pleasing duet was 'rendered by Miss. (Bessie Davidson and Mr. John Leeming with Mrs. W. C. Bennett presiding at the organ. All memlbers of the session are re- quested to meet in the 'bas,einentof the church on Friday evening at 7 p.m. !Preparatory service will be held at 8 p.m. on Friday evening in Duff's United Church' with the foilowing ministei•s present to assist with the service: Ree. Mr. Bremner, Bruce - !field; Rev. Mr. Oliver, of Blyth; Rev. Mr. Moorh,ouse, 'of Brussels, and the pastor, Rev. Charles Cumming. New members will be received and six Elders ordained. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will he observed in Duff's Unit- ed Church on Sunday morning, February 5th, +with the ;minister, Rev. C. C,umuning, in charge of the service. The many friends of Mr. A. Sohier, manager of the Bank of Comenerce at Bayfield, will regret to learn that he has been very ill with the flue at his home. IMr. Norman Bruder, who • is at present employed as first man on the section, spent the week end at his home in Ariss. • Mr, Ewart Young, of Goderich, is visiting with friends in the village. Mrs. Leslie' Jo,hirston and Mrs. Haevie•y Brown, of Blyth, were recent guests at the home of, their in,other, 'Mrs. John 'Shortreed: Mr. 'Robert Armstrong, of Detroit, 's visiting. with friends in the com- e' Mr. andlMrs. Adrian 'Hogg and family of Brussels, were recent visi- tors at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coutts. The weekly meeting of the Young People's Society , of Duff's United Church was held in the basement 'of the church on Sunday • evening with the ,presid,ent, Harvey Bryans, in Charge. The meeting opened with a song service and prayers by Miss Ruby, Young, Miss Anna Ennis, Jim Johnston and Douglas Ennis. The Scripture reading was taken by Hor- ace 'Rutledge from Exodus 31:2-11, and Cheonicl•es 29:5-7. Very inter- estaing. talks were given by Mrs. Gordon IlVIeGavin and Rev. 'Charles Cumming oh "A 'Great Artist and His Message." The meeting closed with a" hymn and the Mispah hene- •dittion in unison. Mrs. ('Dr.) Frank Neal, of Peter- bera, is a guest at the borne of Mrs.. William Neal. ' The death of Caroline Kerney, wife of William Wright Hoy, occur- red at her home .on Sunday after- noon, January 29th. The deceased was born on August 1, 1848, in Streetsville, Ont. !Some years later, the family moved to McKillop town- ship, where her father had charge of the toll gate on th•e gravel road near Leadbury. Later on they pur- chased the farm on •the fourth line Of Morrie, now known as the She!: don farm. After a few years they, exchanged this farm- for one ori the brst side road east of the gravel mad between the sixth and seventh con- cesision in Grey Townshipl. While visiting her aunt, Mrs. Peter Roe, n•eai Collingwood, she met Wright Hoy, whom she married on December 27, 1870. The young couple first resided in Clarksburg, Ont.. where 'Mr. Hoy carried on a butcher businea,s, later imoving to their farm near Thornbury. In 1892 they mov- ed to a farm on concession 5. Grey Township, Later on thee resided for a few years in Trout Creek, fehally coming to Walton about thirty years ago, where for a number of years they carried on abutcheer, and also coefectien,ery ,busineF4s. Deceased was a mereber of the Anglican church and throughout her long life was a consistent and active Christian not- ed for the uniformitY of her amiabil- ity and love of peaee. 'Besides her bereaved husband she leaves tp mourn her three daughters and four sons, all of whom were present at the time a her death, viz; Mrs. ,Thomas 'Clark, of 'Morris township; Mrs. James Bishop, of Grey town- ship; Robert J:, of Port Albert; Wil- liam J. of Grey township; Mrs. J. W. (Morrison, •of•Toronto; Richard W. of Walton, and Arthur H., of Mc- Gaw. Two children, Alice Victoria and Arthur Cornelius •died in infancy. She was a filet cousin of the Rt. Rev!. Peter Trienble Roe, first and present Bishop of Alaelea, and sister of Rev. William Francis Kerney, de - imaged. Her sister, Mrs. William Winegar end brother, John H. Ker= ney reside in Fowlerville, Michigan. She had thirty-two :grandchildren, twenty-six great grandchildren, and one great great .grandehild. The fun- eral service was held st St, George's Anglican Church en Tuesday after. W4:441/0444,4441,444•04.14.4 ,i44' „ t1„17:;ggi k t,t 2.114. 41A7.1,.44 • the tfo Ayf Svoo;•Aznes • Waltefie, ;MI/leen lergeer, WI Of." Merrist; David Nelleavereeeep of 'Cite' the* and, John Alleopit, O.:Grey 'to** ship. Alva fltY • relatives. Welee present at- the fanteant. • 'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph'Davidson and sou, !Murray, of LoadOM are guests with Mrs. Davidson's parents,, Mx. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett. BIRTHS Wiggins.—.At tele elevate Parliesee Atwidibre Toronto General Hospital, ea 'January 22n4, to M. and Man. F. a. animrtes. acemeeleef Clinton, a daughter. MoLean.:—At Alexandra dlospitail, Gaderich, On January 20ith, to My. and Mrs. Wilfaed McLean, a son. MoCafbe.—At Alexandin Hospital, Goderich, an Januany Vird, to air. end Mrs. Charles McCabe, a son., MoDougall.—In }Hilbert on January 201111, to Mr. and &Ira., Hatton McDowall, a daugh- ter. DEATHS Bartom-4n seaderte en 'Wednesday. Fe14.1, ary 1st, Archibald McAdam Barton, in his 71st year. WieKliflon, on Saturday, Janu- ary 2015h, Isabella Rua -reside MeDiarmid, be. Iloved wile et Jahn L. McDowell, in her 68th year. Gandier„--In CHRISM, on January 21st, Joseph lehariles Gaudier, M.M., in his band yeat. Adams. --In Londeabono on January nth, 4. C. Adams, aged 76 yeafe and 4 mon.ths. Godeptch Tp., on January 24th, Mary Ann P'onter, widow of the late James Vaal, in her 78th yeani 4, McIntosh—At Victoria Hoepiftal, London, an Tuestlael,, January 20), Gertrude, dearly beloved wife of Ernent A. Mclartesh."Of 60 Bruse St, in her 40th year. • goer CARD OF THANKS Mr. John Idol:lewd:1 and &wally desire to express their sincere 'appreehution for the mealy expressions of sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement also' for the fiowens and Wan of cars. 3399x1 IMPORTANT NOTICES pus SALE.—CNE SCOTCH SHORTHORN bull, 12 months ,o/d; roan in color. Ap- nlY to ALEX. WRIGHT, Brucefield. Phone 31437, 3399x1 OEALED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED k' for 10 cords green body hnrdweod. 20 inches long, maple and beech. half and halt to be delivered et 'Union St S. Public, No. 1, McKilibp, by March 4 let. Tenders close, on February 14th, JOHN BALLGE, R. R. 4, Seafortb. 339 9-1 • COMMERCIAL HOTEL on WEDNESDAY, FEB. 8th MR. J. B. KNIGHT Will display LADIES' AND GENTS' SAMPLE HAIR GOODS Telephone Hotel for an Appointment. Advice on Scalp, Hair Tinting etc., etc. W. T. Pember Stores Limited 129 YONGE ST., TORONTO ONTARIO ANNUAL MEETING McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE , INSURANCE COMPANY The annual meeting of the members of the MeEidlop Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held rin the Town 350111, Seaford'. on Fri- day, February 17511. at 2 pm: • The business of the meeting will be to receive the annual states -Pied and ,auditors' report, the election af three directom,and ,two auditors, and other business which might be ccrreriderred of interest to the Oompany. The retriceine Direntars are: 0 R. M4'artnery, John Penner, AIM Dana& foot and George Leonhartit, all of whom are for re-dlection. G. R. McCARTNEY, D. F. McGREGOR, Proident. Secretary. 3319-2 „l• Business Change British American Service gtation, formerly occupried by Reynolds & Cantelon, now under new management R. A. BUTT Proprietor • Seaforth Gas, Oil and General Garage Repairing: Goderich Street, East. Phone 27. !e.eeee,'•: •, • That Should Aiipeed to ,.,-,,,,i,e,••••-•eee tr. These Weekly Specials are-consiantiY7' grcpsing in pulAic favor ...,:,,,,,............ IBEX Double bed Flannelette Blankets • . Here is a special that is a real„money saver. .These, are double -bed size, genuine Ibex quality., They are soft nap- ped and cozy. . Sold regularly at $2.29 tomeeleelealememsemereseiramms 35 inch White Flannelette, Regular 22c Beantifpl new snow white flannelette, soft napped, cozy, ' warm; suitable for women's and children's garmentS; 35 inches wide. Regular 22c yard. Linen Tea Towelling, Regular 25c A rare value because this is exceptionally good,Towelling, fine absorbent and heavy in weight. Attractive colored borders; 22 inches wide. Don't miss this special - • , S 6 11. Men's Pure Fur Felt Hats-, Reg. $3.50 This is a„bargainfor the man who would buy a high grade hat of pure fur felt, silk lined, in Greys, Browns or Sands. All new,styles and best trimmings. All sizes masoloormararsp 5 anwassarroas assraessouresormartair good style, expellent attractive patterns. Select ed suits from broken lines. A real suit ba - •rgain Do not judge these Suits by the reduced price. They are Men's Tweed Suits, Regular $25.00 Men's Odd Pants, Regular to $3.00 Good strong Tweed Pants, in Greys, Sand, Browiis. and Heather Mixtures. Just thp thing to wear out the. odd coat and vest. These are exceptionally good value&.. 1 .95 :STEWART. BRO.; SEAFORTH CARD"0?THANKS Mrs. John Mail' and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the irony kindnesses shown to them in their recent sad bereavement, floral tributes and ta thos2 who loaned cars. 3399x 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF the Authorized As- signment of EDWARD KRAUSKOPF, of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron. Debtor. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that. Ed- ward Xrauskopl, of the said Township of Mckilinn, Farmer, made an authorizes' as- sitrwrient ton the17th clay of January, 1933. and that, the first aneetinir of creditors wil be held on MONDAY, the SIX'rld DAY. OF FE BRIJ ARV 1933 at the hood ten -thirty o'clock in the ferenrron, in the Office of the• Custodian. Sheriff C. G. Middleton, in ,the Court House, Goderich. To vote thereat, proofs of claim and prox- ike must he filed with me prior thereto. Those having claims against the estate must tile the sante ‘with the Custodian or the T mister- when Unpainted before d t r ibultio is made. otherwise the proceeds of the estate will be distributed among the parties entitled th;e:eto, without regard to such claim. .DATED at Goderich this 19th day of isn't- a.ry, 1933. C I IAR LES G. lV ID D LETON, Cuntolian Court Hotae, Godericb, 3399-1 WHEN YOU BUY SUNNYVALE CHICKS YOU ARE ASSURED OF HIGHEST QUALITY !Because we are Speeialieed Breedets, specializing in Barrel Rocks and 'White Leghorns. All foundation breeding stock is trap - nested under the exacting •poliley M Record.of Performance. Every male in every mating is an 114 0. P. Approved Male with dam's re- teprd ranging frons 200 to:385 eggs. Every female Government band- ed and Mead tested, and' hatchery is under Government inspection,. OUT 'prices are in keeping with the times. Leek for circular and price, list. $1.00 per hundred' discount on all orders booked before ,February 15th for delivery anytime during the season. Sunnyvale Poultry Varm IL R. 3, SEAFORTH, ONT. . • • • •• • i'17'..!'"•••.c.,,tee.. • t •,.•tte • ',- e • ''N•• • • rlt4tehgtarealltrilrrt:,,Ar ANNUAL MEETING Notice is' hereby given that the' Annual General Meeting of The Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Co., Ltd., will be held at tbe Company's Office. wt Seaforth, Ont, on Wed- nesday, the 15th day of February, 1933, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD. JOHN FINLAYSON, Secretary. 3399-2 ' FARMS FOR SALE pAam FOR SALE.—FOR SALE PART LOT 28 and 29, Concession 3, McKillop, con- taining 192 acres and known as the T. E. Hays' farm. Must be sold to close the estate. If not sold will be rented. For particulars imply to J. M. GOVENLOCK, Executor. Sea- ' 2368.4if attresses' Special prices for remakint your old felt mattresses over like new, in- cluding New Cover, $4.50 and up. Feather beds cleaned and made in- to sanitary Mattresses, $3.50. All work kept separate. ,We call anywhere with no extra cost on above work. Modern Feather and Mattress Co; P.O. Box 379 - Goderich A BARGAIN PoR SALE. --Five acres, one mile from Seaforth; modern house with furnace, bath and toilet; small barn; good orchard. Taxes, $16. Splendid chance to start chicken farm, bees; etc. Apply to R. S. BAYS, geaforth, Ont. 3889-tf When you have a HORSE OR COW you want removed, 'phone promptly to William Stone Sons, Limited 'Phone 22 - Ingersoll 'Phone 215W - Stratford NOTICE Notble is hereby !riven that the annual meeting of the members of the Usberne and Hilbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company wiU be held in thou Town Hall, Farquhar, oil Mondbli, Fehruary atb, 1933, at, 2 p.m., fo, and for the election of two Directors for a •Direetors and Auditors ter the past year. and for the selection of two Directors flor a three year term and two Auditors and for any other business that may be in • the in- terest of the Company. The Directors, whose term af office expires but whd are eligible far re-election are: , F. Meennmell and W., H. C.loates. 'lat.,-d- at F,xeter, January 10, 1931. W. A. TURNBULL, Seerefary. 3396-20 THE JOHN RANKIN' AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan. SEAFORT/I, ONTARIO Phonee91 O 0 tO 0 .0 oaoaoa. 0 W. J. CLEARY 0 0 Licensed Embalmer and 0 Funeral Director O Up-to-date Hlorse and Motor 0 . Equipment. .0 Night and Day Serviee. O Phone 19-22, Dublin. 0 O 0O0O0r0qQ. , 0 • •et,t e -.tee 3' id 14 - 64 • t•