The Huron Expositor, 1933-01-27, Page 6.. I . -�& 0
'Q'Wi4. ". n, V;; . I . ,alld0oys"CHOP STICK-J0YS'T1CK-Za,,W,y n,.4'.The'JP It, I . I
-� , , .�!, I ""'pused from Vogue -in Rea s Digest by Chase HeTe (By Pau Frderick, in The 'Toronto Star Weekly)
il`�,4,,�, I i, i. ... I . — Daughter Helped hy.Dr - . " ot, Then I asked him, , I'M gonna 'be the chief, again," 1*4 fw, is known . .
�', , f" ,,, ��, , ,,, , . , Building. Some— lianle pillS 'Seto Yuen, a Young house servant -but IM' did n, . k a
4,,� il ", " - , lliom�s. I ought to start with An up the Empire �State "'What would you do when you got says Ed Wynn' at tile beginning of lie., his dresser, as "the 14c ,y h t."
,j,M I' .$ ' Y . Pink at the Jap&?" each radio broadcast, This desire, to On Vhe night of Us first broadcast,
. ,"t tribute to the joys of labor times one cah keen to -be the Ortst 10binese- airman thet�6? Take a shot
5111'�I�; ,#d'.!',;�ipoiat out how the dedilghts of brakes by saying: "Do .Y SpOUSOA139
, J , ' to fly from Toronto to, Nailking, That evidently touched a hot spot play the chief has flung him, from an oftial. 4 the COMPAU
1 'n nt compensate for aching,fanidly will fwant you ave three - V'e',ry long way. tion. Fbr the rpoverty to wealth and 'back again his prograim ,piched ,up the hat and
illi, That, ,Ted dresses?" 'So first time he became tongue-free� al- many tinws during his career. To- il�slj�ited on we
,l��,` , -kii and tirazzled' temper. -the -maiden's — !He has already finished seventeen. , . anng % iMch to his
,� W ,, ,;, - ., 1hovMN"er, T's fust the way I don't feel. 'prayer will n' t end, by our having all qua 4 most y a day, lool-ing mare like his own busi- MUSIOrIlutiOn- R 0 1 un to,
Ns " MY dl&'ugb#eiv hogr, in the air., and might I Y loquacious, nearl lyric, 1. adi , wept ft
i�, i . . , . -* -out of the store New Strength -w -a , now heights of jj�'��' 'ity Now, each
R'. . An,O'd all the hundreds- -of girls I our best numbei wast a thin, nerv- for a Private pilot's licenst), but he OlIf I got,", he said, "1500 Chinese, ne�ss, .a ager than the "nervous., 'r,Ln- W! .
N" 1)",:., lhavV knoWn in the two big depart- at one% only to be returned- CrUtrn- 214 wantp -a commercial license. That real good aeloplane, soldiers—in 24 evolelyt imbecile whose falsetoo gig- e ,before the broadcast, Wlillie
. 1':' I . me* Stores I havx� punched, in at, pled and tired looking days later. Duning ous child, =1 9W- ke the officiat and. plac-
- only three- were actually fond of hon- !M,ophers and yQu,ng daughters are 2 1pjo-t�ijdsi urb ,x- would take 'some , o a flying, hours we clean up Japanese all good; gle.rets him $5000 ,a week on the,
I : ., he''Says. S Luce of see. Clean, up lot, little'bit." radio .and, roughly, another. five fronk es the ) little 4cz of his he5 & I
. !,.,: - Mothers Ala want to clothe Teen Age weight. Having ,, theZty 1 7b must O'Ah, YOU'd like to lCidk Out his cii,i-ivnt,sta.g,,uction., now on WOUldht 90 On otherwise -
11 i I est', endeavor. Of these, one had, a a sketch I rty,three ours whi i he , the
"'.., the their' daughters in Simple garments been brought up thi he d9esTet ISinoe -his radio dielbut, Wynn has
, il":� nervous breakd1own, one died of make up. Japs?" tour he will tell you that
lgli:., I airmips, and one rose to be assistant that will clean easily and not go out in England, where �When Seto Yuen was taking In- - 14blanchuria,, see, after -a thousand, do ft for the money. He says he 'been made 'honorary' qihief of .20 many
�,�, buyer at the same pay -she ,had as of style right away and make them Pank !Pilis am so widely known� I fire departnionts that if be wore
look like what they are, or should gave them -to her, with the result struction at a Dufferin, Street air -port year, ,Chinese -get it back," which doesn't want to'be the richeit rnan
.. t . stock girl, but with longer hours. qu t- meant, I presunw, that no matter how in the cemetery. the nuadals at onop'1e would look like
A� I 'Some months ago he would fre en
I r� be,,weet, , young, fresh things'." that she is now, at 16, a fine: healthy. e, late John Phildp Sousa.
"'I'll I Now, let us take one of my We sleep overnight in a corner of the long,the Japanese held on, sooner or Born in Philadelphia, the son of a th
13, oge &ys, and consider the customers Daughter, on the other hand, wants lively girl." -So writer Mrs. G. Stiimp- ly 'ckpil well-to-Ilb milliner, Wlynn�s earli He dresses for his paxts on the
, hangar or ,curled up in the co , later they would be ousted. I eat changing his costume seveit
". of a Saleswoman in the evening gown. to look exactly like Greta Garbo. or son, W ,peg Ma
1111'�I`� Anni , , n. of an aeropl,ane to make sure that he 'In conclusion,, ,he said the Nanking re(ol',ection is of,�tanding in a cor- radi*6 in his half-hour program. He .
4", Jfth Avenue Marlene Dietrich. ,I ,will, say this 111,My brother, George, had, been ,,uc
'. . ,depart�menrt of a large M would be on time for a flight at cock- .9-overnniont real good government, all ner at grammar school :Por 20 , - tiMes I .
1.1. . for mother.. They ,know from the growing pale, and lost his appetite
,; " store. row. He is certainly -keen, you see. Sun Yat Sen people, vedly good ples- cessive. Monday afternoons- with his, has worn the Same shoes since 1908.
111 . � , . ,About quarter ,past ten, the early s�art tba,t they are licked. and could not concentrate on his e This young Chinaman's dark, mild son in China, see. , . b:tck to the class. For twenty Mon- He, bought them for $3.60, and has
1. --gin arriving. These ar*e ,Mothers and' 'married, daughters mechanical Studies," writes Joseph '- Ani iV all ,there is -t0 'be tOW da - previously he had told the "orin- sqx-t Several. bmdred dollars keep-
!,..-- customers bt 'eyes light up ptrangely when h' y - . . .
1. the lbest of the whole day's crop. a-rebirds. of quite a different feather. Johnston, Edmonton, Alberta. , "A thinks. -of soaringi solo across the Pa- except that iSet Yuen -holds the rare CiLpal that he Was suffering from a Ing them in repair. His dressinir . :
! , .. They are suburban matrons who have If the daughter has married. a poor neighbor reicommiend Dr. Williams' cific, or by Way of the Atlantic and disti1letion of hawling once beeni fined strall-ge) illness that required expert roams are vaae'dered- with - 1W-kY,. I
;I . come in town wIith a list right after man, rrjotbh,�r is helping her out, and Pink Pills. George took them, regu- to his 'natg%le land. Yet, in for flying low over the City of T0- medical attention. He used' to -,ure charms, but' he say's he is supersti1r. I
. 'one their "dau@hter is gratefull for anything.. larly, 4nd in a w4ek showed gm,at Asia rent ronto. That was not quite Stt Yuen's ninw,elf at Keith's Bijou Theater un- tious only, to the extent of believinX�
. they have breakfasited and, (r. has been looks, be is not one whit diffe , good &-ed 'he does h0
I., I ordering. 'They Imow -exactly what If a rich man, mother is right on the improvement. Sinee then he I � - f rorm scores of Chinese in Toronto. fault. He got lost in haze and til his fatherl. -bearing of his, schol- that for -every
�1, 'they want and Where to look for itt, jpb to -urge her to get all she can feeling great,,,and has not bee - S ., to come low astic treachery, had, him barred from Is reps,
I ; (I ar(- out of life. eired by stomach or headaches." He is mild as your visiting laundry —101ke one day. ,He,had .19intut, says Wynn, is old fashion-
, I" . for they watch the adS." They man, blandly inconspicuous as a hAsh over th4 Danforth to get Ibis bear- the theater for three months. e ererift he would
, . not ibig-,spenders;, but they have Most American women have. good 'The teen age is a trying time and (house w at ings. Sequel a summons to tLe City 4Several years latea- 'his fath,or for- ed, but e1v n if it w
1. busband� to,:,pay taste in clothes� but they are far too br. Williaxftv' Pink Pills are wonder- waiter. - Who knows 11 make no use,'ofit. He; believes that
. . charge accounts and dreafmis ox desires maybe lurking be.- !hall. There he was soaked $20, as warded a check to the University of
�5 ,�. &heir bills, and they lead organized .practical. I do ,wish they had more fully effective in imparting needed' . I an actor who plays a.,smutty acene .
I .. I . m e mild, many a time his fellow countrymen Pennsylvania for his son's freAtman
�-, lives of which intelligent shopping is of a sense of romance, and would vigor and Mtality to grolwing gir s, men and waiters who come have been soaked forplaying fan.tan. tuition. The )check was returned with d�spl;�ys not cleverness but merely,
! I. ..tuallv laundry
,, ant impol7tant, Part. let tbemselves go a bit and not shud- (and boys, too). The Pills a.c . The idea of a Chinanuan flYi-739, low a note from the registrar to the ef- nerve. He is not a prude but he hon-
�, I also put business women who der at the thought,of spending money r of rich. red from China? Toronto, even to got his bear- fect'that although there was s estly believes thAt dirt is the refuge
0 : I �! I ng perishable. blood 'and this revitalizes exhausted 'It would have been bard to inter- over . . uch a of a si�cond-rate oomedian.
', shop during their lunch hours and the f or somethi view S�tb Yuen if it had not been ings! istu,derit enrolled, he bad never put in 'He would like to see a. state the-
,,� . ool&r c,ity women into the "good" I ,believe there should ,be a train- system. At your druggist"s, 50c. , for Hugh Ma#in, in whose home he ,All of which goes to show that a physical Appearance. .
�,., class ot customers. Good customerq ing�-school for customers. Custom- I has beenhouse man. For Seto Yuen young ,Chinese boys are not always The pCISse Subsequently organized ater, subsidized by -the government,
I I ve ers ,should be taught how to address -------------' --- -- - - th OGn� and belier�'ee actors should be recog-
11 eitherknow what they want or ba is no� nearly., as fluent in, English as just what they seem. At Imst in found , e youth in Norwich, .
� ., the brains to recognize it when, it is a salet .Person., how to state their work, I have been offered one -month he hapes to be with a joy stick, which their heads they may have dreams. necticut, with .the u r Nas'ller .. S. , His
L...' an needs, how to listen to the sugges- free vacation at a 'Kusort' ill' the is a very different thing from a chop .0
(placed before them. They are hum, Revei
..:,.. . and polite and seldbhtpu-t us through tion of an expert, and how to leave Caucasus, where I am to take advant- stick. teen years old and ,played, Parson greatest desire is for thew6rld to
i " . I the.,misery of returns. The encoull- gracefully,without forgetting pocket- age of the bathing in Mineral waters. , "But," said Mr. -Martin,, who acted John, a 70,vear old! 'Methodist cleric, mournithe passing of their funny man I
� , 1. * books or small'packages aibout which "There isl a theatre in this village as intermediary and interpreter. "you , Favorite Gingerbread in Jim Bledsoe. His duties Also in- when he dies. ."
I... iber with a good customer usually en6 dful bother will be made later -ently Ameri can , . * . mpany's trunks 7, — .
.. with a try�on in the fitting room, a drea, showing quite frequ ne4r saw a better ,house man. HL V2 CUP Shortening eluded hoisting the co 9 ,
i- where. the decision to lialve sorLne al- on. And they Should be tipped off films, the Public enjoying.Particalar-, can valet to the king's taste. H�e can I cup brown sugar I aboard' the train At the end of each I . 1. I I -
I'll, - . iterations is madle, and, when this about th6 asset of a gracious Smile. ly Cbailie 'Chaplin and, Harold Lloyd. cook anything. And, he is the best 2 eggs stand. . I .
"", . comes to pass.. all the mockilig-birdg It will get them our Unlimited ef- The Russian people are great music man to market you ever, knew." 1/2 cup -,molaysesi I A few weeks ago a Seedy old mail .
51 on the clothes, trees begin to carol, fo,rt, where a frozen, face - is very and theatre lovers, drink lotsof wine , "How ,did you come to take up fly- 1h teaspoon -90 wandered into -the theater .where
k. . it Motto- for the new year: Keep
�',' for the goods are -now non-retuTn- likely to make us -utter those foirbid' and vodka and above all enjoy eilab- in ,
.". I . den ,,N,o-ds, "I heivie nothing more to ing?" 11 ask,d Seto. Yq,,en. 3/2, teaspoon, cinnamon % Wynn was rehearsing The Laugh your eye on the ball—Chicago, Daily
, I., able. orate meals. I am told!, �however, "'So, -,v6lly -small one, I love this % teaspoon nutmeg I Parade. IlTe was the man who had News. -
... . Class 11 customers are the vague, show yvu." that the latter bear only a faint �1- aviation," said ,Set Yuen musically, 1/2 teaspo,on ginger ... . ,.� , given Wynn his ifint theatrical, job,
11, the helpless, and the paithetic. They All customers, barting, none, are semblaince now to former times. and he wamed -his hands to illustrate. 4 teaspoon baking powder and he was ,broke. 'Wynn. asked his Middle age is that period when z
i ,I, ; 111. do not know in the least what they Obnoxious when they arrive just be- - 'qPeople here, however, entertain "From velly &Tn' foriner'"',ernployer if he remenlbereft
"I . . want or why they .'have come. Some- fore closinc� -time. Aft,eT 5:15 lif great 'hopes for their future well be- bit " a . 11, you. know, little 21/4 cups -pastry flour or ,2 cups h6w Much he had' paid, -him (Wynn)., frod sleep is worth imare than a good. .
", I - -plainly waht things they the world's most an,geli-e customer a - ing and, as a I n interested oril6oked, I 1: . biead, flour , time.--4Galt Reporter. .
. , . times th;..y _ P You were born in China,,?" . . The old,,man rermtembered—$12.00 a . .
... -1 . cannot afford, ,Sometimes they ca,n;t peared, anxious to s. 2-3 cup boi, water 11 . .
7 - Pend $1,000 that muft frankly admit that a 'Serious - "Yo. barn 'Canton, live �here twelve I teaspoon -ba,king soda. week. Wynn calledbis manager and
'.* - -y minute on the nearest frock, e b n in t, r h years." 1-1. Cream. -red him to -give the old fellow I. A woman will tell another a white
.. ., I . I decide, be-oause they'are able, to have evpi ffort is ,i ei g ad, fo t e lifting rdE i order to aivoid a black. look.—
. ' One would any one of us would rather go liame the butter and sugar; add 0 ie in
.L ,,, anything they want. ' of, the mastses. The task-, of course, "How old' are yo,u now?" molasses, 'salt, nutmeg and cinna- a job. and $12 a week for. the rest of Qudbeq Chronicle-Telegraiph.
... I �. think such people would -be just our a n d take a 1,ath and lie down. These is so gigantic that ,progress is only "T,X-enty-four !Chinese, twenty-two mon. Pour - ,boiling water over one his life. I . I- I
I 1, meat, but -often, under all their vag- neople all 'znow they are doing wrong, being -made in de�rees with many UPS I
., 1 to square things with -a des- English." I I level teaspoon of soda and add to Nearly all of thecomedian's more- American Universities look like
, ueness, is a mulisbnes,E0,. All tho and try I .9nd downs in the e,wve of progress. "That was a ,puzzler until :Mr. Mar- first imixture. Add flour, which *has than -average income is paid, out to - [bedlam.—Dr. Abraham Flexner.
11�. .... vague ,custamers and many of the pairing statement that th ey just I
. I The general txe,nev� [however, is a! tin explained that �here are'thirteen first been, sifted with bakin, powder llundTedo-of former associates and, . . .
;" have to have something for to -night. .� 9 less affluent relatiyes. One of his I i I
� I ;. , others always say they take a larger .1 Sure and steady'foilward movement." months int'he Chinese calendar. "Ali," and ginger, and the eggs, well- We read of a farmer -who wants
. i size than they actually do,; eve Put it's far too late in t,he 'aay for - I
7-yone - -said, "you are older in Chinese'?" -staff recently remarked that if the
I I I . beaten. Beat well. Line a shallow . t1lia county to take hi's Place for a
wants to hear such Sweet muil depression continues, Wynn will have
. .1,ic as, that 'famous sisters -under -t he- skin
, "Mudh too, large. You can easilv apneal to get over. "'Ya," grinned Seto Yuen, "thirteell. P e c
, ,baking an with h avy, well�grased . ppor-farin site so be won't have tio
,`,� ... . Echo of Napoleon Sounds months." . I -moderate oven,' to begin laying 6ff second- '*
. wear a W" . Yet I think I am happy in having -He came to Canada, it �,,pipeared !The Norwich incident convinced ...
Z ,� Mr. J o,hn Wanama-ker, who m-ust a jog that give's me a, front se -at at As'Title'Falls on Canadian , 32.5 to 3.50 ,deg. F., for, about forty . .
11 with his father in 1923. His father minutes. I W-,-nn'R father that he had -an incur -
I I I have !been a very kind gentleman (or t - fascinating drama of life. E To & a baron or not to be -a baron? r I ably stage-struck son. ,He denouric- We don't want a wheelbarrow with
. 1, I I . is in,Vancouver. He has a chop &uey 11/2 eupF� -brown sugar . . a pneumantic tire, but arb interested
1. ,else he never clerked, in, his own customer, even Olb-noxious,' 'is 'the That is the question that is troubling . ed the theater,
- . restaurant there. Once he had.,.five 1/4 - culp water ,Saying no son of his in
1 ", store) said: "The custorner is al- chief character in one of life's little a retired Canadian gentleman living I . Tow just one. I would ever disgrace the fainily name kii,automatic snow shovel—Bran-
; : . chop suey restaurants. N . % cup molasses ' . ' I don is=.. I
I., ways right." It is a pity that rthat tme storicig,. And I can. take a ',hand in QuEbec: city. No,t'hat he. ban alter' Set Yuen left !Mr. Martin's service 2 table9ppons vinegar an a bill -paster. Ed's offer to 1, I
. , I. . ever got out, because so manv cu3- in 'the plot. Perhaps eivien in mak- the accild�-nt of birth that has made some time ago and started a chop 1/t teaspoon cream of tartar ' change 'his riame was countered with,
. torners are -now 10,0 per cent. sold on ing a dieam now and then come him a baron, but he doubts the pro- 'suey restaurant of his own on Yorl, "'No, because if You beci>me famous, One of the fastest thi
" this idea. - So much- so that they slip true. For people -do not buy even - . ' .
i3riety of wearing a hereditary bour- Street, Toronto. But the aepression, nobody will -know you are my.son" . tue
V -n title in t ist -Ca - �- 3 tablespoons butter. ,- ,speed with which they become, oibEFo- p
%, . I right into Class UI -the obnoxicus ing gowns to sit around the radiator bo h nada, that doe, one gathefed, was not good for chop Mix sugar, water. molasses and Later 'he did drop tbe family narme, lete.-Arkansas Gazette. .
elass, and mope in. fMy job is alive.. It is not allow its own sons to r 'Ive elv- su,ey . and now Seto Yuen isi back at vinegar and cook until the mixture Leopold, and split his middle nam�e, -1
11 .. cn the knighthood fro,m their King. house work. 'Tfts, he hopes to earn ,-F,,il,. Add cream of"tartar a Edwin, itwo for one. .
I o . moment one of them pusbes her way a- I nd con- Ilf a man deserves prison his first
.. . , , ". . - [Mr., Loring Woart Bailey of the joy. stick money for his Chinese tinue cooking 'Until the -mixture is . ynn, laboring througb his part Issentence should be such as, to make ,
- , "J.. . I I out of the eleivator. And we brace an-ciemt �&,pital is the eldest. -male heir flight. I brittle when tried in cold wa�er. 'as Parson John at $12 a week, -be� .
. (A %es. First, such a customer Albert -w Engineer Finds His of the line of Baron d'AJvTay. His. came more and . more convinced that ll�m det4-riniixed,not to see the inside .
. 1. , . Fsel . . Of course, there's the little matter When nearly cooked,, add the butter . of a jail again--iSir Alfred Peasi I
,( . "Misses" us, You ;see, each cef us .Career in Soviet Russia r-lder brother, wiho died in Frederic--:- 'he could do a- ,better job than the I
. : of An aeroplane. -1 asked, S�to Yuen and so,da. Pour into a'igreased pan, . -4- .
%. . I -waits for somie.,one else to wait on , " ton, N.B., last surmmer,' had, never about a,madhine. 'He looked a little and when cold enough to handle, pull company's comedian, who drew a Sal- We have had zero weather and we
T . the lady. This. produces an awkward Great Britain, the United States worn the title during his long legal inscrutable. He Shook li�ls head "I i il ilt is light colored and satiny. ary of $60 a week. He also noted-
� I pause h he lady is an,A'Germany do not supply all thc practice in -the United States. I don't know, see," he said. "" * - it lint mrf� tand that the comedian was,,fond of whis- haw had .spring w-cather,, and a lot
,�, . Well acWstomed to, so 'she begins'- (,ngJ,n,,-,�rS And technicians ,bhat SovieT Officials in France have recently to, I>eo 'I SPe`ik Cut in, lengths with scj&c -1 .k�, Wynn proceeded to make'friends of people have been dissatisfied with
�1 44iffilsb, pie." -Further than that he chill for a few minutes to harden. (both.-tDetroit Free Press.
i. I . Miss? Isn't -there some one' RLISSia :'equires for her fi-ve-yekr Pro- advised Mr. Bail,ey 'that no formali- would -not ou,millit hianself. wkbim. The idea was totake him . . . . .
�1. ,here who can, wait on me?" pgr,�iri of expaqsion. Tbe- Canadian ties am necessary for him to assume ,When be started to take. lessons, - — OiA for some quiet dTi.liking just be -
I ancestors. But still Seto Yuen did 7% hours with a pilot fore the show- get him too drunk to _ e last act of a New Yorker, prior
,f 'The more expensive type of Ob- VL`f, with it-, distilleti,ye problems, t'he title ,of ,his �% .
.. . P INVIby go to Florida or Calif,ornla go ort, and then trininph in the com- ILV going .-into bankruptcy, was
. I- -ably no, has it�- distinctive technicians, a Mr. Bailey hesitates to fly in the face the, went solo', I . -he puir�qhase of a 12
L the one indicated to her) and gets onc.o-k` these li,en, d §61ing French- of Canadian, convention and even re- ,,AVvlhat was ,,I,,?,, for tbd winter when repo#s say that edy ro,le. iffe got the idea out oil a , r
t,� , her'jaw an4 -dares any one to shov man 'of Alsatian birth and Alberba fuse'd to be pIllotographed for thc I said. farmers near Hamilton, were busy book. All went; well until' the' se--- no use,,though, as- a she�rik ov-
, �i,, her a thimg, fit for an allcy cat .to education, is now in the sufli-Cauca- page About Nople. 11 Tuesday ,plow so ertook lin.
1, .'!All lig1ht,11 said Seto Yuen, Fly : . ing their fields, an 16x- ond dyink, when Wynn,, became . .
" I , i ian area at the eastern end of the that has -not takeiiplace,
I "I be seen dead in. The less e5cperlsive Living in od Quebec Mr. Bailey, may on drunk ,that ,he . remembered nothing
. I glound first, All light, surej no perien,ce They say you get wisdom fronr the
�. tObnoxious prowls around, pulling off Black Sea whe�re hehold's the post of the more ,gracefully assume his title tIouble, land all light, Sure." in 35 y6ars4St. Catharines Stand- more until the following day.
, I I Moublis of fools; which does nobody
444 �e bovis and Shoulder straps, poincing irrigation construction. adviser to one of Baron dlAvra,y, for lQuebec is es- "What 'kind of- landing did you a7d. ,Wynn becomes furious I
0- [i of the Soviet,agricultu�al trusts. sentially an old world city, It was niiak, 9 Any'bunilps,? " - . any harm; it is the fool talk- from
1'. I on wrong Sizes,, and showing pladn' ' . _ . 0 . Ple ask him who writes his stuff for ,,wis,e guys" that does the mis,chieL
, I that, as ,the clerk hasn't a brrain, in Clhar!es Richert is. quite a Young here that Count Frontellac, governor "Good) landing, Sure. Fly' littld . him. sHei ha's written'three succes-
,; her head,. .qhe, the oustomer, will ilra7l.. It was not 'so long ago that of NeYV France, -held court alnong M se Jaw Times. -
,;. . his bit, ten minute, fifteen minute, see. Why Burn Straw Sta'cks? give Broadway bits, is the author of - oo I ;
1.� Ill -ave to carry on the war for both he .wa-s' a ,student' at. the University proud .cavaliers and- dazzling ladies. 'Tly again next day, see. Fl-yalig,easy, . . . eleven vaudeville actry has collabor- . I
I 11 . of Al4erta in Edmonton,. Graduating It was 'h . .1 Queen. Marie of' Roumania is said
. .; sides. ere that the gallant Mont- evelything easy,'see." When with the use , of svitable ated, and starred in more 'musical .
" -1 I ISuch a customer. may be Ynorose i7l agricultural Science, be acquired calm found victory'in defeat. - And "Are you not afraid, flying?" I chemicals they can, be converted into co,meAies than be ran, ,name, offhand, to -be w-riti-irk a b6ok disclosing King '
� " . I -xpt-rience in irrigation as assist- the' ancient capital still has some- "Why, burn and has 180 publisbed, songs to hisCarol's "affairs," Suggested title:-
. , I - and taciturn, making a;bsolutely m his c. said maildre the ,question, . "Scan or ` .
I . comment as garment after' garment anr. In I I dal f ' Sile or Royal Flush."
" the Lethbridge northern irri- thing of the spirit of those days. It "Ro, ."'er flaid h5,e,'i�," g�Hnlied straw stacks?" ,is really pertinent. credit. A single gag man digg,
, 1, Falion project, near Lethbridge, Alta ' up -Ottawa Citizen.
11 is bro,iight her. Or -he may, eSiPec- - still Ihas the crooked by -ways and Seto Yuen. ,,, go once-4op times, al' Straw is worth something more than new material 'for bd,m, laut Wynn re- , "'.."
I.` I ially if She has a friend, wi,th her, This 14),0,000 acre project is financed gabled roofs, the burnished domes and light. Not 'flaid." . as a bedding material,,and not the writes everything that issubmitted -
-he Alberta govern- s-rpires of Old France. Therefore the "Tell about the time your crank- least valuable its its use -for the mak- ' 'Western, butchers, selling turkeys,
, lind a great deal wrong with each and controlled -by t He never accepts -a joke or ,gag from
''. marketinfr Bo, uff and roast the bird for
, .1 I . article., On her way 'out, when shi- mlent, and much of the urbon title of Baron d'Avrray will sfhaft ,broke," interjecteri Mr. Martin., ing of artificial'manure. The use of anyone else. will now A
e . valuest at $1. For sm' extra nominal fee, we
,4' finally freeg herself from the w-reck- from the farms is haladled co -opera- find a natural home in the'eity where "No, not talk, no mention " Said 100 pounds. a anirmonium sulphe (hear, the delivery boy will cat the
. ,- I te [His collection of jokes lie
11 � sei4e a "14"'. alrevivs times afe Seto Yu -en. "Bleak little ,bit.' Got it and 10-0 pounds of lime to each toil , ed
..' -age, she will suddenly I ti-vel.y. Before his departure to Rus- rnemiork4si of chiv, WOO, It is carefully inde,x - from
. . . . . . . - sia in 19aO he was manager of the still more than rnemories. Acrobats to Xylophones, and will be neck. -Richmond Times-Dispateb.
11 . df she is a "38," and scream, "Why ridge Northern . Poultry Co-olJ- iBut it was in the �apital of going down to glound, flilit 'way, of straw, and this thoroughly soaked ... .1 �
" I �Iidn't you show me tbis?" Needles, Lethb Old see. But no mertion, see. Little bit. with water produces a manure of dis- gilvien to the New York Public Lib-
: li, r display orf wealth co,n�
I.., , to say, ,She aeldoirn, bUY9,. and, if --she. -erative., France that thedangerous, deeds were Nothing." , tinct fertilizer value. From three to rary when'he dies. . Tbe vulga
!..,: does there is hardly any a,se in claunt- Since he has been in the So�-iqt. enacted that lead, to, the origrinal' . ' Radko terrified him for years. tinue4 at I
R-, I ing on -the sale for one's quota, as Union,, both he and, his wife have granting of the t1itle of Baron d'Av- Seto Yuen is, not only studying s , -hat t a noted actor testified he still
; 4 . flying and. going to study mechanics, ganic ,changes to become effective and en, Aow be declares t each broad- su"
11,�, , the garment will probably be retup,. made several trips to visit relatives ray. It was there that the English but he is, also tajdng lessons in wind the resultant sul�-stance has much Cf cast makes him More nerVIDUS than ,bad $40--iBrandon girn. .
. ed. . in western Europe, but they have al- T�hysician, Dr. ,Marshall, arrived dur- show. He .
' I direction from Mr. Martin. And all the appearance and Practically the an opening night of a new
I... . IOT the mi.scellaneo-us group, iiiiost ways returned to the little Russian ing the last phase of the Emperor . The chap -who used to flunk in
1.,.�, the time ,he is poring over atlases same value as barnyard manure. v�as. afraid of being a failure on the matheimiaitics is now getting set to out
1". of the sal-esgirls prefer men s -hopping farrning qom-munity, with its t1npro- Napoleon's met,doric career, after ' 11 air because his motion picture career
M In- .a cin : .1b. was outstandingly un"cc�ssful. He
. I , � , alone for wives or sweethearts, or 11011n,mble name, near the Blark Sea, troducing vaccine aTn,ovg the editer- and in In g maps. Hedraiv;5 up neat - calculate thb income tax collector.- .
..1. happily married couples out hiAtin to continue to live their i, late,d liv s ranean, countries when the raging listened to too many pe
11-.1 9 . 11es to get ,the lettering in 1 ople who knew
in this provi n-ce, entire I k cai-�posp,d of %cour" of smallpox sometin "Animals do not know what it is, alt about the movies.
11 . together. The men are always ready ge was decimating . .
�.. to buy something lzood. No girl fit �zouthern Russians and hundreds of their populations. The 6� d neatly, Every ,,4�pare minute be spends to be supeTstiti(yUs,'7 declares a ;The Shubert ,Gaities oT 19,19,saiv These jigsaw puzzles are all right.
' . etor ba mapping. Maps are the pastime of cler&,man. But we have. yet to, bear Ed. Wyn,n receiving a salary of $1750 But you can't work them in a trollev
� 4.: to open d pay envelope fall, down milcs froni their nearest foreign been phyaician extrao,rdina
"I" I ry to th" thiis young Chinese when be can get. of the. mouse that will pass- 9, white a week. The 415 managers who then car or on a train as, you can the cross
f- , I . on,an unprotected male cutstomer. n 6 ghbo rs. king of Naples.
. .1 , ' Often they write letter% to ,1 time off from his,house chores. He cat on the Stairs ,on a Fri'day. controlled the theatew were b" in- word Pu"les.LDetroit Free Press.
!�-:;; . Couples are satisfactory, -too. The *' - ' riends Dangerous -diplomacy instead of. .,showed me a .couple of neat maps., 091 I
I �, la 1. have ,solid themselves in advanor.. and in Alberta and tell of life in provin- medicine became tlie career of Dr. ning ,to ),,e annoyed by the desirel of I
� li�. neatly colored. One was from Tor- "Any Shoe .retailers report that women
. all we have to do, is to produce th, cial- Russia. They appear to enjoy Marshall in the Pa'ris of those stir- Abrupt Medical, Officer: actors to farm a 'labor union. . On
"i"', � . ds and gaide thern gently ,* onto across Canado., coastwise acrossi scars on you?- I . August 6, 1919, Zd- Wynn left his are Ordering larger sized -shoes. AnO.
I . 900 into an ,the experience, have learned enough rting times. Plots thlqkenfed about the 'Bering Straits and go on down ' in nuTner
; 71.11, agreement. The husba'nd Usually Russian to feel somewhat at home, him and 'he moved in a veil of mys- Nervous Recruft: "No, -Sir, but I've dressing room and,-�roinedl the 1%ctoTs', * ' ous advertisements some of
1. ,,, i wants the wife to pay more f or and -are cv�ery interestc-d'in, the irriga- tery that ha� only partiallyl�een lift- to old oriental bome. The otber got a ,small packet of ,,cigarettes, if strike. - At this, every Broadway the mlm'e actresses are. even, admit-- ,,
; 1% 'he d! ry f ail Iris. ting, -their age-46lucago iDaily News.
r ," . 'night, Showed a line from Toronto, aefosst y4DU'd, like- one." . managsc swore, a solemn oath never .
, iti, direiss tha:n She thinlos ,she .Should, tion construction that is -going on ed by t a o h k the Pacific to London, theill to, Paris� to en-4ploy Ed Wynn. The
, I I . though how whves get.that way Is about them- Sir Jonah Barrington, much of which a ,again.
, ",1 . beyond 'me. "This year," M.T. Richert elaimis in- is quoted in the biography, "The Qqr- Rome, Berlin, M.osc;;�, acrass-Siberi Dolly was just home after her first Shoberts released, "him from his firve- lFive ,imillion C�Inadian bonc:� bees
,, 11 .. Young girls shopping alone are not one of ibis recent letters, "in two ious �Story of Dr. Marshall." to Nanking, showing that Set Yuen day at school. year'contract and -he started, to look ,We're recently shipped to ,China. Of
V hoped to take in a lot of territor "Well,, darling,"' ,asked her inlothdr, for a job. . courde, bulying them frmn a Canadian
I ;,:I . bad. Tilt they, really haven't the fin.. and a half months, the headgates, Dr. -Marsball seems to have bad a y
. I:. " European capitals "what did ,they beaeh�.yoii?" (He sat in. imlanagerg' waiting ro6ms Apiary there is no dhngei the diin-
%. halfway main and to see a few
.1 al say, and they pile credits canal, distributors and, irriga- personal regard for Napoleon, but
I k!�, . tion ditches were, completed for ap- was (bent on his abdication. ,,He in_ en route. "'Not much," replied the child. 'q've for twenty-nine' consecutive weeks. ese getting Stung on the deal.�Strat-
11, — -7 --- � — .- 1-7 'Proxi—tely 12�500 acres and. have formed me," says Slir Jonah, "that A "He has an idea," amid Mr. Martin, got to ' min -'r .
, I go ag Then a friend suggested -that 11, put ford Meacon-iHerald.
.11,�,,, . already been seeded to-iice and flood- was determined ,that Napoleon should "otE an aeroplane equigped, with Pon- . * * * on hiisF own show. V6nn, called, on t P
1. , . , , � ; I - ed, with water." go to England; that he himself Pad toons, *heels ana skids." Tag ,Girl: "Will you buy a tag for composers, lyricists& M-rettists. Be- Canadian census reveals that among
'�,: , ".1 ,fmost of "ibe Ue4ng," .be adds, a,g+eed to it; and that -Napolis O'Which route would You rather the hospital?'" fore the strike they had been begging our wpulation, are names such as
11" BUILT ffS REPUTATION was done from aeroplanes, dropping to tramet in ,Dr. Miarsiball's carriage take?" I a4ked Se Y n, "By the Motorist: ,,Nbi thanks- I COntri- for a chance to write for him.. Now Cbmurzyunskisi, t�& HiAa-
I I.. bhe seed into &L- flooded rice chedks, as Dr. -Marshall'% secretary." But Na- Pacific or ,the Atlantierl� bUte TegMilarly to the haspital.11 they were just awfully busy. Not chelm, Kryswctyswls� Dribichs. , We
I , I . .. ON CLEANLINESS On the construction We employed 27 poleon feared that Foucibe would have 011 like beat go tcF, Landon, Cloydon," 'Tag 'Girl: "But We'Te collecting one hadtfie, courage to defy,bhe,
, I 11 lh.� I excavators of Almerican, GeTirian and biTA sitted on'the, road, and he 'said'- ,,,Go th4e, in,t1wenty-six tilloney to4lay4not pedestriani." agers' bo�,ott football teWn�--40ttgws Journal. ,
,n. English Construdion, and over 300 the trip wAs never made. .hour, I think." I . Thus the bo*ok, I es and music ot
A." ,eaterpiqlar and wbeel tractors as well After 'Waterloo ,the doctor took an n4any days would it take to 11�Wihy don't 7ou show your wife Ed Wyn4s Calini'mal werei - VM-Nten Perhaps the quialmst way to collect .
!,�� il�r as 5,W0 workerg" important pqrt in the restoration of reach Naillking by that routo?" wh6's nuwb�r of the bousle?"' by the , I your accident insurance is to filter a
vl, 1,1,�',,'," ' JqM OW Of TW ME61 MW� ROOMS The success W colleic-tivism on the the IdiM. Louis XVIII., to the French "'Six day, 11 tbink it Woe." ' "'She knows." design,the costuines, and the semery hick town andl Idick, someman's dog.
, , , ,.'o farms, be apparently ,believes, inus throne, -and receilvied the title of Bar- Pr93ut W4�uldift Yolu Ili' lif"i'd crOss- V), --Mouiltain Inn (S. ,C.) Tribune. ,
,, I �.I . TAW I 00PENM FOOD. "I be taken (for granted in Canada by on d'Avray for. his, services. - , jug the Atlantic ? " While a farm &I was milking A �layed mneteen weeks of one-night I 1. — .
�, l� .. �, " . 11 . .1 -4e, fo � 0 Y n's flashed. His lip cow, a W1 tore acrosis the meadow %tancb, And then ran for So v&-eks Defeated candidate foT the reeve-
1,�,� ,., . Pfwx &Pot or Wkarf this tim -r he soya: "As you Dr. Marshall's soh, Joseph Mar- S to lie eyes
.11 , 'know, there are no iv,ffividaal farm. f0hall de Brett, Baron, d'Afvray, Chev- cu�rled. "'T like it," he said. IIII 'do tow&Tdo her. The glA diid, not stir, in Rew -��. ighip of Colbornc,Huron County, ras
j. I 'i'll'. . I ... . ei�s �or at least, wry few) 1eft in slier do 'St. Louis, becarne a perisotal it- The suceem of -the Carhimal con- on a platform of placing the Canad-
t!' ,.��;;,".; , Russia,, so tbgt th# wholo'ar,t,a. of this, Supporter of Lemiffs 'Philippe who was "Have, you any friends or relatives ,Observer,&, who had ran to SAIIAY, vineed IhITA that.hei could write his ian dollAr at a Parity with sterling:.
,�� �v , � 11,� ,-,,, es owwo" to SOO irrigattbn dighict is treaW at one forced to abdicalte the French throne ,in Nanking?" own
;, ") ;i�il ., " big farm, MiNivided into units for in 1948. ,But the Mtish government "Ono cousin I r�vt there, Nariki�g; stopped 4oad Within a few yntdg of rics, and Music of.T1b4e POT�cct Fool. to opeah�-"Tbronto fSatuiday Night.
�j'��,Z"�,"'1;1�' "L �' '' f- P- pb*Lf. swo. fte Purposes ;nly.11 ',still felt -A &M due to the f,�mily one brother, he go there, uhiversity, the gir% itufted round hud walked It ran eiigihty-sevon'weeks. ne wrote f ! -
2'r �i; ?���,.�,J�4, . I 'A . . "'We'hau" &4n treated wonderfully With the, fxU of ,ther French ffionakc� study engineering.q' d ' book lryiics and music of fte , ,taA 3 I, ,��
',','1�;',.� '!�.'�,' LI ''�, :; ., , ,*pow &;&fo & of Brum*ick as sifter edu- Chinese t4fatDrl." "Ic*rWA17 21'alf 491 Wynn is bievitabl3r dw�IdAfed witli dh9mvil6ra tibbermim the price of Wr
OiN 11.1 11 I I 11 . 1. I .0 hl, fonqg hat% of which he bwcuts,. , TW would seem Almost shear
2,� , '' i , hbftft for - "� e? AnA tohdle. - cation- and he resided i" 'Fr4dericton Wor unswer ,Seto YVen's face 91oW- huppened *6 kn,Ar this c w is . S