HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-01-20, Page 8OE EIGHT ' I; M.etalite Needs everything, such as metaLs of all kinds, weed, aluminum, toys, furniture, celluloid, ivory, cracked engine heads ' at ,t 25c LONG HAN„DILED DUST PANS, regular 45c, 11104N . . . . 1 5C WASHING LUX, --2 (bars Fairbank's Lautsdry soap. Iftegelar 25e, now ONE CAKE IN'F'ANT'S TOILET SOAP, Wash .Cloth, Can Talcum Pewder, 3 cakes, Cameo 15c Soap; regular 45e, now .... 25c SELOX two boxes enVORNEIS GELATINE "f: 2 for PINK SAL1VEON 1. -pound tin FRESH 'MACKEREL 1-1b. tin, reg. 25e, now CHOC'OLATE dVIARS'113MAI-e LOW: CAKES, 1 pound m emC HAND DIPPED CHOCOLATE Il -lib. fbox; reg. .50c, now f-oC 25c 25c 10c 19c 'ELECTRIC .LIGHT• BIJ,LBS 5 for (Guaranteed for 1,000 hours CREAM taken f Or the Seaforth Creamery at the s.arne price de- livered et Creamery. $1 BUTTER, EGGS and DRIED AP- iBLES taken as c.ash. Hutchison 's PHONE 166 " Insurance Protection Means Income Protection Cough ,ratesi Cold Remedies , For severe coughs and colds, try •BUCKLEY'S Bronchitis Bronchial Mixture 40c and 75c Keating's Pharmacy The Rexall Drug Store PHONE 28 : SEAFORTH Cut Flowers, Wreaths and Floral Pieces supplied for all occasions. THE HURON EXPOSI+ was a pleasing duet by Margaret Pethiek and Marjory Golding. "Harts, Abe Shepherd Roy'' was the story read by Helen Chanebetrlain. The offering was taken by Zetta Dunlop. The businese of the meeting and mis- nary stoTy was 'presented by Mrs. E, H. Close. At a ipreviothe meeting 'the officers were elected as follows: President, Clete Dicks•on; stecretary, Janet Baker; treasurer, Zobta Dur - lop; press eporter, Helen Chau -Ober - lain; Oa•ptains, Grace Gillespie, Lois 'MeGaivent, Helen 'Moffat and Alma Lawrence. We are specialists in Life (London Life), Fire, Auto- mobile, Accident and Sick- ness, Fidelity Bonds, Burg- lary and all other lines. Watson & Reid Phone 214 W -J : Seaforth Office desk for sale, cheap. -Specialists in All Lines of Insurance NEWS OF THE TOWN Hold Enjoyable Bridge. --Members of the Horne and 'Scheel Club held an e-njoyable bridge on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. L H. Weedmiark, 'Centre Street. 'Some eleventables were in play and the prize was won by Mrs. J. C. Greig. Hold Annual Meeting.—he Me - Knipp, Log,an and Hibbert Telephone Systexn held the annual meeting on. Wednesday when the (Directors were ell re-elected. The system had a good year and declared ,a six per cent, dividend. Factory Entered.—The Canadian Furniture factory, fehich has, been idle fon some time, was entered Sat- urday or Sun.clay night and a quan- tity of saws and belts taken. Mr. Frank Baxter, who is in charge here, .cliscovere'd the theft when he opfeted the building on 'Monday morning. Chief, nf Polie James V. Ryan, and Conseable IMicCoy, Goderich, are in- vestigating. • Will Hold Stag Euchre. — The Thomas McliVrillan Young Liberal Club 'will 'h•old a stag euchre in the club rooms, •Seaferte, on Wednesday evening neet. Merr,(bers and airy others are cordially invited to be present and enjoy the fun. On Feb- ruary 10th, the Club will hold' a big euchre and dance in Cairdruo's Hall, which -promises to be one of the most enjoyable „,everies lheldt in Sealorth this year. Dislocaten Shoulder.—Playing in, •the 101inteneSenforte game here on Wednesday night, .Beverly Cihristie had the misfortune to dislocate his „Tight shoulder. An x-ray was taken These - day morning and the injury attend- ed to. • Will Hold Dance:—IIVLernilliefe, of the night school, which has been in ses- sion' ;at the 'Collegiate diuning the past few months, will h•old a dance in the G. W. V. A. Hall on Friday evening of next week. Music will be supplied by the 'Wells Academy Orchestra, of London. AW Badminton Starts. --The executive of the 'Seaforth Badminton Club have had the auditorium in the Town Hall Made ready for playing, which com- Teemed Wednesday of this week. At pnesent one oo•urt has been marked out. Membership tickets may be se-, cuTed from any of the executive. <> <> <> G 0 0 0 <> S. T. Holmes &Son <> • FUNERAL SERVICE 0 0 Main Street, Seaforth • ' S. T. Holmes' residence, 0 Goderich Street, West; rphone • 0 No. 119W. Charles Holmes' 0 0 residence, Goderich Street, 0 • 0' East- .phone No. 308. 0 0 Night 'calls, phone 308. . 0 Ray calls, phone 119J. 0 Charges moderate. 0 0 0 0 <> 0 0 0 0 0, 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 . C13.'0X Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer -0' -Best Motor and Horse-drawn equipment. Charges moderate. • Flowers furnished on Shert notize. 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 Rhone 175 Phone 43 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0' 0 THE JOHN RANKIN AGENCY Insurance of all kinds. Bonds, Real Estate Money to Loan. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 91 ' A. Y. P. A. Hold Meeting. — The second meeting of the A. Y. P. Society was held in the perish hall on Tuesday evening with a good at- tendance. President Robert Arcbi- bald 'presided. The program, which included a humorous reading by Mies M. Wilbee; n typographic contest with R. Arnfibtald and L. Ley- bourne as captains; a talk on the de- nelopment of printing by G. H. Snowdon; a solo by Roy Bninn, and ars unique guessingcontest,. proved very interesting. Mission Band Hold Work Meeting. —The Goforth Mission Band held a very successful -work meeting in the basement of . First .Presbyterian Church on Wednesday afternoon last. Forty-one Members were present and the afternoon was spent in stringing beads, pasting pcist cards, making purses, • paper basket's and, eeffia work. The following helped to look after the work: .1Mrs. C. Brodie. Mrs. We A. Wright, Mrs. R. H; Sproat, Mies Janet Cluff, Miss Ballantyne, Mrs. D. H. Wilson, Mise Viola 'Mont- genery and ,Miss , Leona Box. Mrs. Wright practised songs with the Wolf Cubs 'for their lantern slide concert on Formosa, whieh has been post- poned from January 26tnetill Febru- ary ist. Fire Destroys Bee House.—A fire vehich 'broke out about midnight on Wednesday totally destroyed the frame Intending' in Egmondeelle, used by Earl Van Egmond as a bee house. A heavy rain was falling at the tine which 'prevented the many sparks, that were flying from doing ;any damage. Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian Church Elect Officers.—At the annual meeting of th.e Ladies' Aid of First PressbyteTian Church pn. Thursday af- ternoon, Janutary 12th, the officers - were all re-elected, with 'Mrs. W. Amentt as president; Mrs. Oscar Neil, secretary, and Mrs. W. E. Kerslake, treasurer. The .Scleiety had ,a most successful year. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, ONT. OFFICERS: Geo. R. McCartney, Seaforth - Pres. &vines Connolly, Goderich - Vice -Pres. D. F. McGregor, Seaforth - See.-Treas. AGENTS: W. E. HinehleY, 'Seaforth-1—Jobn Murray, R. R. 3, ,Seaforth; E. "R. G. Jarno.outh, Brodhagen; *lane, Watt, Jay". Candidates Qualify. ---In. the list of officers of the Huron Reginient who have qualified for ,premetion, are those of Lt. J. A. Munn, of Seaforth and Lt. In A. Crich, of Gederich. Others to qualify from here inchide Corp. H. IVI3cLefod, for sergeant; and pTivates L. Pinkney 'and Joh,n Card - no, for corporals. The officers and mem attended a provisional school of infantry in Goderich during Use fall months. DIRECTORS: • William ,Xnlox, L� &; John Brodhagen, James Con - oat laottottaih;, Alet. Itivadfoot, No. 4•,••,Sved*rtti• Robert Ferris; Myth ; Gtitergo Ifte'CartneY, No. 3, ,Seaforth.; 4414iat.gepJb&iletteeAeld; Jameshol- Threntaa Newlyn, No. 6, 1 e , Euchre and Dance Proves Success- ful.—The benefit euchre and dance sponsored by the .Seaforth High- landers Band on Friday evening last. proved )vety suncesefun • f Sylvester Allen won men's ,first, while men's lone hands ,went te W. J. Duncan. Ladies' first was won iby 'Miss .Mary Flannery, and ladies' Ione hands by Miss Ina Gray. The executive of the 'band wishes to thank all those who lby donation, personal help, or patronage, iassisted in making the affair suceeseful. r• JANUARY 20, 1933. grf Diamonds The Gift Supreme When purchasing -a • Diamond at this store, you are always sure of .finst quality and col- or. While size is a considera- tion, it is bad ieuying to sac- rifice quality ape color for eize only. Also you will enjoy buying a 'diamond in the privacy of OUT Dial -11011d Rome And, 'finally, we nive yon absolutely free, a Wedding Ring to match your diamond: Fred S. Savauge Diamonds, Watches, Jeweirpa Gilt Goods, China SEAFORTH ' Phone 194. Res. 16. J. C. Laing, which was a' great in eniretion for the New Year, the theme being, "To Refoornecrate ia Stewardship the Whine of Life." While gifts to OUT W,1V$S, work. should be made out of the fullness of the heart and not for thesake of rebuens, yet Jesus gave promise. of reward, "Give and it •shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed' down, shaken together, running ov- er." , a f•efw auxiliaries where at present they cannot, give in dollars and cents, they meet regularly for prayers, their time they are giving themselves. 'God (lees not judge us according to what we 'give, *but ac- cording to what we have left over for oursedive.senln the albsenoe of Mrs. 3. Tyerreen, Captain of Gros*, N. 1, MTS. W. 'Crieh, Lieutenant, took -charge. The devotionals were led by Mrs. Stark and Mrs. .Crich. Chapter Four of the study fbook was continued by Mrs. W. .Crich, Miss A. Ferguson, Mrs. O. Glew and Miss M. Melville. A solo contributed by Mee Margaret Crich,accompanied by Miss Helen Cricih„ was .much appreciated. The meeting closed by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Interesting Talk At We I.—The regular meeting of the Junior Wo- men's Institute was held at the home of Miss Genie Webster With Miss Jean Fotberinghami presiding. The meeting was opened by slaving the Institute Ode followed by the Lord's Prae'er.repeated in unison. The busi- ness part of the meeting followed, when the anernibees decided to make another layette. Anne Moore'rendeT- ed a cleligh,tfrul piano inetrumental, and was followed by Marge Forrest, who gave the topic on "Good Sports- manshipe" The •reln call was an- swered by characteristics of a igood 'eport. !Mrs. T., J. Webster gave a very helpful talk aruct demon,stration on beeking rugs. A .dainty lunch was served by the hontessee.s. five sons, Williams C., Stonewall. Man- itoba; iGeorge A.,Saskatoon; Orville T., Elm! Creek, tManitoba-; Arthur. F., . Vancouver; .Lloyd D., Toronto. He is also survived by one brother, Mr. T. Ge ,Soole, and three sisters, Mrs. James Love and the Misses Jermie :apsil Mary Seale, all of Toronto. Mr. Soole left••Seaforth in 1913 for Win - nipeg and in 19 V20 moved to an - cower, where he has; since resided. Funeral services Monday, January 9, at 1.3e onbotcle, in 'the Grandview Funeral Home, Commercial and Kit- chener !Ste Rev. W. E. Galloway of- ficiating. Interanent in Ocean View Burial Peek," W. M. S. Hold Meeting—The W. iM. S. of Northside United Church held its first 'meeting of the New, Year on Thursday afternoon, Janu- ary 12th, when the president, nles. (Rev.) W. P. Lane, occupied the chair. Rev. W. P. Lane took charge of the service for the installation of officers,which was very impressive. closing with the dedicatory prayer. Reports of secretaries were received. 'Miss A. Ferguson, treasurer, an- nounced the allocation had been ov- er -reached. A 'few minuteof silent prayer in thankfulness' to God and erenen by Mrs: Lane "followed. Mrs. Lane stressed the value of prayer at this time and urged that the Groups meet often for prayer., In some aux- iliaries groues 'meet 'at least once every week, this takes time, but might very well take the place of Ineany other things much less im- pert,aen. A splendid talk on Chris- ten Stevverdship was given by Mre. Thrown From Motorcycle.—Wihen the metorcycle on which • they were riding skidded at a ,eharp curve west of •Seaforth early ,Morudtav morning,. Larry fIVIcKay and W. R. 'Porter, both of Stratford were thrown from the machine and painnelly, although not 'serial:Tele, injured. The aceident oc- curred when they were riding from -GOderich to .Stratford after spending Sunday with earee friends there. When the, motorcycle skidded on the, .elippery pavement, Porter, who was riding ,on the rear seen as thrown some dietahce and McKaystruck either the pavement or the cycle and was stunned. The young men later trundled their machine to Seaforth,, n-Hiere '.medical attention ,was given them. Porter escaped with minor in- juries and FIVItcKay is suffering from 'abrasions on „the face and legs and a strained right arm. Sermon Subjects For Next Sunday. ted 'Oh urch— Morns ing, "My Creed, 1 Believe in Christ"; 'evening. Stories from the life o Saul of Tarsus, No. 3, "He Found His Vocation."—Rev. C. A. „Alalcolin., Minister. ;Nu:fettle-idle •United •Chutch—Morne ing, "James, the Apostle," third in the series; enervieg, "The Paramour -it InteTest."—Rev, W. P. Lane, Minis - 'tee. . • First Pre.ebyterian Church—Morn- ing, "The Devil's Riddle"; evening, "The Wrestlers."--eRen. I. B. Kaieet, Mintisrber. St. Thomas' Anglican Church— Ph i rd Sunday after Epti phony : Morn - i rig, "The •Significance of the First Miracl•en; 'evening, "One Under Aurthority."—Rev. 'Canon Appleyard, Rector. MeGilliv-rary Auxiliary Meets.— The January meeting of this society which was held in the basement of Northside United Church on Monday 'evening took the form of a birthday peaty. Mee Sally Wood presided over the business,. The peep -am was in chargef Circle No. 1 under MiS`i Hellyer. Solos by Mrs. W. D. Hop- per,Mies Ruth Thompson and Mrs. James Stewart delighted the endi- seem. IMiss:ean Smith gave a feed- ing entitled, "Half Mast" by Pauline Johnson. After the program every- body gathered around the large table the centre of which was adorned by a beautiful birthday cake. A de- lightful, lunch was served. Alert Mission Band Meet. — The Alert Mission and of Northside United Church, held their regular Meeting Tuesday afternoon opening with a hymn, followed by pra3rer by 1Vira, Lane. %lige Grace Gillespie, captain of 'Circle No. 1, presided and Jed in prayer. Margaret Fleticher rea„d *e Serbia* lesson. ‘. There Y. P. S. of Cavan Church. The regular uneeting of the Young .Peo- ple's Society of Cavan Church was held on Tuesday evening, January 17th, with Mise Jean Alexander pre- siding. The meeting opened with a hym'n,. followed with prayer by Miss Margaret Pethiek. 'Phe minutes were read by the secretary and adopted. A reading on "Confidence" was given by Neil Montgomery. The Scripture lesson was read bye Thomas Elan, chard and a hymn was sung. The topic, "Have Citizen's Any Responsi- bility ,For Unemployment?" was taken by 'Miss Isabel B•ettles, follo•- ed by a reading, "What Machinery leas Done to the Wage Earner," by Stanlcy Hiflen. After 's ings ng a hymn and repeating the ,Miz•pah Ben, °diction, the meeting 'was 'brought to a ctese by a •contest. Keep Up Your Exercise! Y1 P. S. Meet.—The 'regulaT meet- ing of the You ng neap 1 e • Sac i ety of N•o rth s i de U n•i ted Church was held on Tuesday evening. The meeting o.penecl by singing several C. G. I. T. songs led by Miss Mary Reid. M. •Jack Stevens, leader of the Citizen- ship 'Department, presicle•cl over the meeting. The minute's of the 'prev- ious meeting were read iby the secre- tary, 'Mies Winnie Savauge, arsi adopted. Abymn• was then sung and Rev. Mr. Lane led in prayer. The Scripture reading .Was taken by Miss Doreen Hudson. Misses Margaret Hanley and Alice nucleon favored with a delightful duet aoccrmpamied op the piano by Miss. Helen Britton. Mr. Sam Scott gave a very interest- ing topic on "The Interest the Young People Should Take in Church" which was beneficial to all: The Mizpah benediction was then relpeated and an 'evening geese under the leadership of Mies Hellyer brought the meeting to a ckvse. Died in Vancouver.—The follewing obi -every from the Vancouver Prov- ince of Janu•atry ath, will be read with regret by many old friends.; in Sea - forth and vicinity, as for many year Mr, iSoole was a, well known and es- teemed resident of this town:— '.Passed away Friday, January 6th, 1933, Charles teotole, of 574 South Ne- neineo Street, age. 78 years, survived fry four &petters, Mrs. W. H. Mor - risen, Vancouver; Mrs. F. W. #1701/11037, tOteiV4latitt, Ohio; Mrs. S. N. Davidson, Prince Albert, ,Sask.; Mrs% Sam Marlow, Fithwantak, Alta.; BOWL, BOWL, BOWL and then Bowl some more. There is, nothing like it—Pleasant, Healthful; Inexpensive, Good Fun. John Pullman THE BETTER BARBER' O.H.A. Intermediate • Mother Dies in Guelph.—The Guelph Mercury of January 17th, refers as follows to the death of 'Mfrs. Jane, Meocley, mother, of 'Mrs. E. Hunt, of iSeaforth. The Mercury says :— ''Following an illness of only la feet idaye., death claimed cne of this city's oldest residents in the 'person of. Mrs. Jane Moxley, who passed away this 'morning at her home, 18 Perth 'Street. Mfrs. .Micocley had suffered) a painful fall, which occurred last Fridley, and 'she failed to recover from the effects of it. The late Mrs. .Monieryi, who was the widow of the IntelWilliam Mincley, was .born in Irelend, but came to Cahada with hr parents, when 'the wafi! Tittle young. She had been a resident of this city for over thireysfieen years and we's widely known andelighly c steerrveal. ,She was a meMber of the.' ;copgrega.tion. of Dublin Street United Church, and was one of the oldest of its, Members.. Surviving are two sons, Charles E., of Galt, and O. H., of 'Dorchester, Ont., both for- mer well IcrioWie Guelph business men and three 'daughters, MTS. Edwin Hunt; of Seaforth; Mrs. J. N. Evart, of Winnipeg, and Miss Lou, at hoarse. 'Mrs. 'Moxley was predeceased by her husband some eleven years ago. The funeral, which will be private, twill take prace"on Thursday • afternoon no Wio,odlawn Cemetery." , GODERICH vs. SEAFORTH BEAVERS TUES. NIGHT, JAN. 24th Palace Rink, Seaforth Game called at 8.15 p.m. The hockey played will be clean, fast and exciting. Don't miss this game. ADMISSION: 25c and 10c SPECIALS FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY Januaiy 20 nd 21 BUTT PORK pound FRESH PICNIC HAMS pound SAUSAGE, home-made pound FRESH sinE poRi pound . 'RIB ROAST BEEF nd'und CHUCK -ROAST BEEF poised Death of Thomas Brown.—A well known and familiar figure in the life of Seaforth and this dfietrict, passed away in the Scott Meneorial Hos- pital on Tuesday evening in the per- son of MT. Thomas Brown. MT; Brown had been in failing health fos sofme time, but was able 'to be about until last Week., On Saturday he was taken to. the ;hospital, suffering from a cold which •deivieloped into pneu- monia, and he rapidly sank until the end came Monday evening. The de- ceased was a son of the late Thomas Brown and Margaret Blake, of Hun lett township, where he was born 75 .vears ago, and where his early life was spent. Forty-five years ago Mr. Brown came to Seaforth, where he engaged in the agricultural imple- ment hfusi•ness and for "some ryears was an extensive hay 'buyer. In ad- dition for many Years he was the truest widely known and suceeseifu•I auctioneer in the county, a business which 'he 'carried on until his death. Thirty-eight yeaTe ago he was unit- • ed in II -marriage to Mrs. Henry Friel, of Seaforth, who, .predeceased him in 1910, but he is survived by one son, MT. Joseph Brown, of New York. He is also survived by two sisters and one brother, I MTS. Frank eMbusso, of Zurich; Mr. James Brown, of Hun lett, and Sister, M. Eugenia, of St. nosephe .Convene, Windslor.• The funeral was held on Thursday -morn- ing frem the home Of Mr. and, Mrs. Charles ,Stewart, 'Church Street, to St. James' Church, where Requiem High 'Mass was sung .by Rev. PatheT Goetz. 'Interment was made in St. James' .Cemetery, the pallbearers be- ing Mes.srs, W. J. Dualcan„T. MoMils Jantes Devereaux. F. S. Sills,' D. Shanahan and Thomas Melody. hatelaine Patterns EVERY PATTERN FULLY GUARANTEED For Full Selection of the Latest New Styles See Counter Catalogue. ALL PATTERNS 15 CENTS ' EACH FLANNELETTE to. Yard wide Flannelette's, heavy, soft , weave, excellent wearing quality in rap neat stripes. Regular 25c a yard, for TOWELLING Real heavy, mire linen, plain crash towelling, a better quality than sold at 25c a yard not long ago BROADCLOTH New Cotton Broadcloth, yard wide, folded double, in best shades. Splen- did 25c the yard value, offering for a short time at DRESS GOODS 19c Some Wool Dress Goods, excellent for dresses, separate skirts and chil- dren's clothes. Values up to $1.50 a yard, for SILKS Some odd lines to clear; yard wide, pure silk weaves that were as high as $2.50 a yard. Splendid values await you here 69c -T MacTavisb 89c ,stable Beatty swore „that when the whiskey was brought int:cense house, Mrs. Arnold denied it was hers. An- other crown witness, a • "spotter," said that on bestructions by police. he had gone to the Arnold place on Wednesday night and "arranged" for a .party p'riclay night' He swore Mrs. Arnold said , she weuld supply the drinks •art 25 cents a "shot." He also said he had bought eomebeer there on 'Wednieedlay. 'Masa Arnold tonk the" stand .ancl denied all Iknowledge of the liquor and said that the pre - vests witness had brought his beer to her place Wednesday night. She said that since her Imelbandhad been in jail she had not been doing any traf- firing." Mrs. .Arnold is well known locally and on various occasions hoe_ neen a residerut of Seaforth. 10c 8c 10t 8c 12c 10c SIIRLOIN a:rid PORTERHOUSE I 0 STEAK, pound CHRISTIE MEAT ivtAintEtr PHONE 58 SEAPORT"! Ferguson:', 0- Mr. Oster Neil has been, confine this week through ill - ed to his home mean e • A number of ;Seafeent Lions • moterecl to Stratford on Thursday evening and Were . guests ef the Stratford Club. • Mr. 1M. R. Plant is confined to his home with an attack of pleurisy. • Mr. and Mrs. George Israel were (visiting' with friends in. Toronto this week. • Mr. and Mrs. ,Alex.- Porterfield, - of Belgrave, were 'guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. E. Ged- des. • Mies Rena McKenzie, of Strat- ford, spent „the week end with her mother, Mrs. D. (McKenzie. • Mr. J. J. Pollard is confined to his :home on North Main' Street this week through illness. 41. At the Bowling, Alley. --Standing of teams up to January 14th is:— Barber 24, Stewart 26, McLean 16, Wright 20„ Lilley 20, Habkirk 25, Howes 23, Beattie 19. The individ- ual scores are: Habkirk 3—McLean 1. " Handicap 123 123 123. 869 J. Hughes 33 1141. 231 143 615 W. ;envicirts 44 197 .140 0151 488 J. C rri e 22 164 191 265 620 R. Dixon S 315 201 262 778 S. Habkirk 21 184 197 144 525 _ • 1124 1083 1088 2295 Handicap 75 76 75 225 A. •NleLe,an 35 202 251 213 6r(2' C. Glew 21 259 251 185 695 G. IHays 16 193 224 190 607 Savauge,I161 142 207 500 R. Walters '147 201 210 5518 Convicted.—The IStratford' Beacon - Herald refers as follows, to a citizen of Dublin: .4'Althoug'h she elaimed thatnthree ,battles .of swamp whiskey had 'been plamtern at her hosn•e, Mrs. Annie Arnold, of Dublin, a familiar figure to previncial police, was con- victed in pence court, Stratford, on Saturday on a charge of h,aving liq- uor without haying a permit. She was sentenced to three Months in jail where her husiband, John Arneld, is serving a term on a sianiktr count, iHer appearance before ,Megistrate Makine came, as the result of a po- lice Said late 'Friday afternoon, when three bottles •of .ewarrup whiskey were found iri the snow at the rear of the house. After a conviction had been registered, CroeVn Attorney J. C. 'Makins, K.0„ astked for more than the minimum penalty. He intimeted that 'the place "should he cleaned out" bee all se of' therrennerenslings in Which the children are living. Mag- istrate Makins ins -mend a ?penalty of $900 and costs 017 three norifths. Mrs.. Arnold sit three months in jail lest year, fee illicit traffieing of liq- tor. Provincial Officer .T. Fortonewho went en the raid, among with High County !Constable R. J. Beatty; Pro- :vine:1W Officer Bert 'Moore and 'Coun- ty Constable 3. Kirby, swore he -had found the three bottles in the Mew.. Mrs. Arnold had told him she didn't *no* anything about it. High Con - 1027 T. Beattie 4—W. Handicap 137 J. Hothere 18. 251 J. Rankin 30 210 T. 'Beattie 49 217 N. Cardno 21 208• Glen Hans 16 143 „nen Handicap -. ,,68 W. Wright 215 A. N ilc helmet 277 B. • Powell • _5 211 R. 'McGregor 36 164 Don Dale 27 .1e3 1150 1080 3257 Wright 0.• 137 .137 411' 204 187 652. 177 146 533 174 187 578 030 274 812 190 170; 603 1212 1101 3479 68 68 204 258 2e2 76.9 202 235 741 228 213 652 154 150 468 229 139 531 1098 1169 1097 3366 LOCAL BRIEFS ' WINTHROP 'A successful euchre and dance was, 'held iru the ehall last Friday nights The evening was spent in progressive - euchre Mrs,. Archie Kerr won ladieer first prize and Miss Mabel Pethick 'won ladies/ lone hand prize. Men'a first prize went to Mr. Leonhardt ar.(1 men's lone hand 'prize went to Mr.. George 'Carmnbell. After lunch, • the Test of the night was spent in danc- ing. Mr. William Johnstoon spent a few days with his brother, Me. James Johnston, of 'Seaforth.e !Winthrop hockey team defeated Egroondville 64 in hockey at Sean, forth last Saturday night. Keep up the good fwerk, Winthrop. IMr. and 'Mrs. Baxter and daugh- ter, of Benmfiller, spent Sunday wine Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell. • MT. ',William ISornerville, of Woodstock, spent the week end with his' eisters here. • Mies IMargaret Ross, of Toronto University, ',went the week end ,rwith her nabher, Dr. H. H. Ross. • !Mrs. W, A. Ceich is nieithigher eon and diaughter in Toronto. •;• Miss Jean and ' 'Master .Russen Ferguson, of TOrmito, spent the week end at the heimle of their aunts, the Misses Ferguson, Sporting Street. • Mr. and Mrs. D.' Andrew, of Buffalo, and Mr. -Tom Andrews, ol .Co,flpourg, wefre -week end guests' at the • home of alife. and Mrs. W. A. • 'Miss; Hazel Reid spent the week end !at the home of her brother in Stratftn,d1. •• Mrs. IRJobent Grieve had the mis- fortune to fill in her home one day recently and .suffer a .number of s,eveTe Ihruises, '• Mr. C. Holland was called to ,C,1tintbon on Sunday owing to the ser- ious illness Of his brother. 8 IMiss Helen McDougall, of Eg- ntondvkile, is 'visiting with, friends in •Detreit. • Mr. rWl, E Kerslake is confined to his borne thif Week through-All- ness. " • end Mrs. Fowler, ef. Leamington, are guests at the heane of Mi. and lirS. John Willson. • aVlij,so Illairtfoi of 3ATIVX617,31., spent Sunday at the heerte-cd She Dastes HAY 'Schoel Report.—he following is the report for S. 'S. No. 14, Hay: Sn. IV—Doris Alexander 73, Bert Thom - von 67, Elgin Johnson 55. 'Jr. IV— Aifred Ropp 80, 'Margaret MatGre- 'ger 74, Jerry Jonnerm 66, Archie Me - Gregor 64, Ben Dick 5.2. Sr. Ferguson, en. Jr. IN --Stuart Dick (18, Ina Re'pp 66, Blanche Thom- son 63, Harold Willert 40. Jr. H -- Allan Crerar 6151. Tess 60, Honours 70. Perfect attendaTuce for Novem- ber and 'December—Doris Alexander,. Alfred Ropp, Benson Diek, Blanche Thomeone-M. E. ;Middleton, Teach- eleMINCERMIMIT WINGHA1V1 111•1111.11MMIIIIMO1111431.01111,1pm Mr, ,Anbert Foxbien visited in To- ronto last week. ;Mies Lillian 'Hopper is to be con- gratulated on passing the nurse's, registration .examinatiens. Mr. Orville ,Hiallakirk, of Winghatme was elected edee•-president of Ontario, 'Master Barber and Hairdressers' As- sociation ;convention heldrat the the Royal York, Toronto, last weeld :The. Fere arid' Blackball exhibit of furniture at the Kitchener Furniture' Exhibi,ti•on has) caused a great deal of favorable eminent. It is one of the best in years and is in charge of E. S.•Copelarel, D. H. Mundy and M. Pearson. Mr. Cienie'• Wilson, of Kitehener, visited his mother, 'Mrs. John Wilsent, of Wing -ham. Mr. and (Mrs. Phyl. Dyer and daughter ensited th'e formeT's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, W. Dyer. 'Mr: and Mrs. W. 'Gerrie and Mrs. George T. Robertson spent a few elays in Termite last week. Mr. and Mrs. K. , P. 'Smith and falling' sailed last week to spend the winter in Bermuda. About twenty ocal men staged a raid on jack raftits laSt Friday en& rettrned with about 70. 9