HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-01-20, Page 71 ,� r, �; µ
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JANUA Y 20, 1933.
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Phone No. 91 ,.--� --,
Barrister; Solicitor,
Notary Puliali,e, Etc.
Beatiae Block - - . 'Seaforth, Ont.
,Succeeding R. S. Hays
Barristers, Solicitors, Glonveyan vers
". I t i��., ` si "111h + '�,M�,; i F : , 'r cit m w tl i ��h (t r y+ t� 9 '1 �S i r d 'fitr,t
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I � I . � - - . . .1. 1►1:o ' r1leecI, the staff' e ` I "
,�wrya,, ,�,r'
1 and fOnaivd .i<as'otA '>trl•. �'+.1.� dx'ayu'1z1 ",S".k'e''h!s!dt.�', 91
�q,:.. r �`"I`;� ,p s'+C'.� ,k•+ir'-',i�:>e a�{. ? �Pml+F'.
„n <t SV'' 'yea t ti , • tl
r * 'raet!i!ixug things lru. cls :kltei ° i, lie 0". h' !l Tp ,sT? ..
t I.P taxtght, Isnle had Inyxuued op!t.xha l� !!]its,' !ld' e W,,.11
v ys� ail 'ch'0,10
1 1. 1(i N Qi'. • I `�( Y'. Q '
9� r T t a t laeail, arltil tllte ',4 119 ' 1 'r1 . ' •t) 'A , 9
Plaice was now lltt�tntin,ed «nly by a wt; dlow� i:1 i ,...' IObA �;tii, Wth �
'Ghi,•nese lbir. p. ".V(?'llll ,tiffs be. enough ,d�stsin' 'dile. tin tho• A�1.I � �7�p'' .a r .. t -;b
7 ♦1. I CT r5 r i" is • "R�ii`M'�' ' �fT+T` s; N.k` �,'.tt '�i"�' t G. w
lase •% 7 °.+
I t
4 4 ♦ lint lIt for au sir . J' w , „ I.
4 . 7 , aeon asked> as saw hexsel > all inn b,l' t ,"her.i h :
., Dretw iexit ex ed. W a•ke ipxear pwo •her vu N!W, .k r i f op 4 �� , r i� r 't
a "Yes shall 4 turn it out 'ha d a fee ; , �,
r M1rlat- S- " ' ,I t . „ t :,
-herr 'I leave?,> Hoff !hex' aWtn, ?Usti }kdPJ i}o t �tTid 0 e «# fir 11,
��31r1 G', I h
'I'll ,be in ago ny sir." who Piaci tam�gU rse p'l. and st (H�fs�l�; n . y x d L h +T� 1�. M 18M*ra ear t " °�fcvr ,i
- . y 1 errs le bailey The oldbutler wait dawn the hall, hardships, been bzak-lllewted °' fit. gter y•, r ;; r' �I
- +bo .th.A littleLxroonn wh h t h w s x &ik duan eh•' ' t , " ^,+ )I �I
taAd' Notaries-publi.e. Sol'i'citors for the
Farley r+emorriblered, . ,She thought
She was very pale, and the white.-
. Dondnion Bank. Office in rear of the
it robher foolish of !Mules' Joan to clutt-
ness was gmphr'asized by ,the close
Dominion Blank, Seaforth. Money to
ter up her new life with !people like
black hist t�'a,t 'she wore. !Iittere were
that. Farley' know that ,roan was to
shm,adows der her eyes.' Watching
r"I dont.
h'av'e Adelaide's mtotmey. All of the
her 'Drew said in his heart,' '"My
servants 'knew it, and the nurses.
Farley had. Iboexi, the only person in
Nancy who slat ibesidls him, w'his-
in the mindst of ,plenay.
tJhe mom at 'the'Ume of the drawing
pered': +"Adeltaidle 'led']tt Joan all the
' Barristte'irg, Solicitors, Con'veyan-
of the will. IS -he had Mardi what Adm
cerin anal! Notaries Fdbli!c, Etc. Office
elaide said to the•4atwyer, and after
"d•Tlow do you know?"
in t}1� Edge Btiulduing, opposite Th
Atdelaiede's death there' 'had deemed no
"Farley told mel,"
Emrpos5'tor .Office.
reason why she 'slhouldl keep to her-
;All through the sexivices Drew had
self wlh'a:t she had heard.
+that to think of. That Joan was
snowving hrcavily. The street lig-h0.4
A was ,Fri'd'ay n'i'gl1vt when Adelaide
rich. And that she had had no wel.
tined. T'he funeral was to foie on Mon-
come fox- him..'
showed the whirling flakes. An early
were relatives to game
the 'West. Adelaide had left
explicit instructions as' to what was
to ,be done. rfhre 1•awyers carried out
Honor of 'Oxrltario Veteran-
the instructions, bub Joan ,had' enough
• . THE • INTRUDER . .
• ary• Ctolletge. All •d'ilseases of domelsttic
it her mtinui. All nosy ,Saturday w dress-
:rtmlaloetrs and ,mi7ilgrhiers'came with the
Joan, on 'the night of hila, funeral,
anrirtna4es,,tr'eatsd.Calls promptly aft-
anbrM .to and charges moderate. Vat-
'things Farley hadordered. The black
in, Adelaide's place at the head of
ry Dentistry ch a specialty. y. Office
clothes they brought 'hung like glori-
the table, was aware that in the eyes
and residence on Goderich Street,one
field soarebrow,s on hangexs, and the
Mwk halts were everywhere
of fire major portion of her guests
an intruder. Just before
door east of Dr. MM wkay's office, Sea.-
like !birds of civil omen.
,the -fill bled :been read, and
When -Penelope arrived Joan' lay
assembled relatives had learned
been r'illk- r-; •r'ey last summ�ner under
exhausted' on the chaise longue with
she was heiress to her au'nt's estate.
Farley hovering over (her•.
While it was not unexpected, they
O`ISIhe is very tired,," Farley said to
had felt, alm'os't without exception, a
I am h1o'
hoping slhe.can get
dense of resiept!mlentt. Joan Was, per-•
r€'rxmduabe of Ontario' Veterinary
somrue slPerreopeep.-
�" '
hasps, the logical legatee but it seem-
- ,, ....-,.>C�e„ Urtr yeraity of Toronto. Alf.
_. "'Z -don't wvant„,to sloe 'r Joan (pro-
ed a bit absurd, that this child 'wi'bh
diseases' of domestic animals treated
testtz�dr and held' out her arms to'•her
her short skirts and her modish 'bun
by -the moisk h4odern principles'.
good friend. "•Oh, Penelope, how good
' of dark hair at the back of her
Charges reasonable. 'Day or night
to see To,u,,+ • '
should be, tasking• precedreince• of them
calls promrptly atitentded to. Office on
Farley 'leflt ahem with reluctance.
deem Street, (Marisa Opposite T"M
She wlen!t into. thle next room and be-
'The te'xcepltion to:.. noise who re-
Hol1. _Phone 116,
gan to unpack Pemelape's bag. Pone-'
rented ,it, was one of Adelaide's own
lope followedher. -I'll do tlrart," she
,Cousins-. She remtennlbered Adelaide
'attractive and useful things, is the enve-
said, and when, Farley had gone, Pen-
as a loving little girl. She remem-
elope took off her travelling dnelss and-
bered 'her before the days of her
put( ext, her red' (blanket wrapper and
marriage and . of the display of
went (back to *Joan. And, Joan said:
creamy shoulders. She remembered
`"'�Pex*lope, darlintgt; 'how wonderful to
-hex• when the two of them had dream -
he had lett her know how his mond
see you look like that." •
ed 'together, and! because of these
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
She did neat ttiy to explain why it
dreams, the little old lady said to
Graduate in 'Mledicine, University of
was 'w)onderfuL . She could hardly
Joan•: "I know'why ,she left every-
Toronto. •
have ,told 'herself what 'she meant. It
thing to your;• my 'dear. She wanited
` 'Late• assistant New .Yor'k,-Optlhal-
was ontl!y that in the ,big house' she
to live in your 'heart as she livesin.
9nei and Aural Institute, 'woorefieddos,
Imloved irr:. a dre'amt,, and ,that all, the
Imiine, 'Nome of thle' rest of them
Eye and Golden) Square Hos-
people were,dream ,people. And now
'have 'heart's to live in."
. pitals, Landon, Eng. ,At Commmercia•1
Pe'nel'o'pei 'had' come and •was real!
And Joan, looking into the faded
Hotel; fSeaflorth, third Monday in
• ISafe in P•ene'lope's arms she +cried
eyes had said: "`I amu ,sorry I didn't
each mY110mtQr, loin 11 a.m. t0 3 pm.
'Freed'• "I don't know What makes
know how much° she loved me. I might
5S Watetloo Street, South, Stratford';
iiia" she 'apologized,. "'I don't ,think
'halv'e ,been kinder."'
each weaving strip tightly upward
I am crying for Aunt Adelaide. V
"`You were kind enough, child. In
j'1Ft. her ttrffer he had not
I think ,maybe she's happier.' She was
these later years ,she shut ,,hers'e'lf
tsweet at thiel last. 'But, I'im aftraid.
trip in a shell •of selfishness. But that
She left, me all" her mtoney-this big
was not the real Adelaide. The real
Graduate of, Faculty of Medicine,
'house is 'mune and everything ,in it,
one was' the grirl.'I ,kr. ew.'°
University of Win Ontario, Lou_
and all the servants. .And the
The Halla,m,s were dining, with; the
dos. 'Men4ber of 'College of Physae-
thought 'of it frightens, •nue, even
rest of and they were to spend
inns and Surgeons of -Onitario.
thioWgh 3 'li'k'e it in a way. I wouldnyt
the night in the bi+g. house. Nancy
• in Afberhart's Drug Store, Main St.,
IN& barman' if I didn't, But. it changes
had asked casually: "Have you room
Seafortli, Phone 90.
-�e(vlerythingi. And yo'u]'ivaej gob to
for its., Joan?" .
Wlmem whel'had left him, Dre'wv wait,
ed' a few m nmerhtba then
of I > went into
(stay with me, 'Penelope. I must have
you. You will shay, wvoin't you?"
"'Then, w'e'll stay here if'you don't
(Penelope grolniiised: Yet, in her
mdnd," ', .
'heart she was slaying: "She won't
Joan' and IDrew had had a moment
•' Graduate • Doblin Chive isi Ire-
want ,me. always. Tberell. be some-
alone ,on (their return from the fun-
Ext +n
iltdy else ,Hallam, perhaps.
eral, .and he 'had ,said;, looking down
Rotunda Hospital for Wlomen and'
Everybody will be after her. I can
.only 'pray the Lord
at her as' she ,stood+ with averted
eyes: "Haven't ,you forgiven' me?"
'children, Dublin'. Office at residence
good, -.
She voiced none of her doubts, how-
ii"Pleaae', let's not, ial'k albo'ut it,
(anally- occupied by Mrs. 'Parsons. ' .
ever. She Isp'oke,' of the, childfiien.
Hours: 9 bo 10 a.in,, ,6 tot p.nx.;
"They all -sent love, and Priscilla said
He 'had' tried to take her l'an'd, but
Sundays, 1 to 2 p.m. ..
you had promlised to comre back for
wvith a very definite gest u - of re-
fusal, she had s't'epped back.
I"'Oh, I will., And we wiII carry
'",Are you as, hard as that, my
piveients too all of them," Joan sat
sw'ee't?" -
up and began to plan for it. "I 'won't
Teat; had frliie'd' her eyes. ."f am
'Office and residence Goclerio'h Street,
have to -stop to 'think about what it
not 'hard' , . . but you hurt me
east bf .the United Church, .Sea=
will cosh." •
dreadfully. And Aunt, Adelaide's
forth. Phone 46. Coroner for .the
ITthe two of them dressed pre'se'ntly,
-death Imlakes everything differexit"
County of Hiur'on.
for d"anner and went down. The draw-
'Other people had arrived, just then.
ing room was a frosty place with girt-
and there ,had !belen no further oppor-
tering prisms like Icicles hanging
itundty for 'private 'conversation. Yet
from- the ,chandeliers, and with-, long
n,ohy at dinner, Jaan had to admit she
mirrors lake frozen lakes. The 'Mo-
was glad Drew 'arid Nancy were. with
• C: Mackay, honor !graduate. of Trin-
'quet 'carpet had a pearly glimin '
her. 'Th'ei'r .presence :saved ,her ftotn
Sty Un'iversi'ty, and gold medalist of
land the furniture was in' pale bro-
a sense of utter •desolation. Penelope
. Trinity Medical College; niember of
cadeo. The' pi'c'tures were etchings
had ele'c'ted to eat upstairs.. "I shall
flue College of Physicians and Sur-
and pastels. The whole thing had tt
be much happier, my 'dear, than with
geons of Ontario.
opootral aslpetet,. Penelope thouglht
that (bunch of -stuff-necks."
' "'
of her'grolden lighted living room, her
"But after this, Penelope, you're
bright and beautiful kitchen: "Money
not to stay away."
couldn't mlake me, live here long," she
"As you `ple'ase, but tq-night I'd
said, a
Graduate of TJniverrsiity of Toronto
In', the great living room the old
butler drew out Adel-aide.,
del'a'ide' s chair at
,Nancy's russet head shone bright -
ly amdli the grey coiffures and s+hi'n-
Flsculty of Medicine, member of Cd•l-
the end of •the . tabdte' for Joan. He
ing baldness of the elderly 'guests.
lege of Physicians and 'Suxgeomms of
knew what -lest was due the new mis-
She and Drew, expertry and pleas-
Ontario; 'pass graduate courses in
fi,�,& He ikought s'h'e, suited it well,
antly, helped Joan carry the dinner
Chicago Clinical School of Chicago;
and. ttold•'Failey so afterwards. -
through sucaessrfully, so that ,he had
Royal Opihthatlmvie, Hospital, London,
Eaglamul; University Lon-
"'It's the black chmiffon and the
a sense of gratitude and co-operation
don, . E,ngland. Orifice -Back of Do-
pearls,", Farley §aid complacently,
"and thle way I db •'hcr hair."
as if the three of 'them were divided
against the hostility of the others.
. indndon Bank, S�eaforth. Phone No. 5.
Night calls answered from residence
[But old Jason -knew it was more
For now there was no exception to
Victoria 'S'tireet, Seafo'rth,' '
,than t'hart• He .saw in this child, deg-
ni,ty and simplicity. She' was' more
those Who vesen•ted her priesence. The
old •co•usdn -who had ,loved Adelaide
of a ,great lady than Adelaide had
has gone home, '9I shall have tea
over been.. .. •. ,
,and toast and nvem,o'ries in my own
DR. S. R. CO.L '`ER• •
'That night before they went. 'to
big ho'us'e, my dear. Connie, .arid see
Joan s; oke to of the
me some day. I want oro one else
(Graduate Faculty of ;Medicine, Uni.
Hallam's . "They are coming .to the
who is here, but you."
•versi'ty of. Western Ontario. Member
funeral. I am not' sure they knoly I
After dinner 'they all went intothe
College -of Physicia,69 and Surgeons
am' here," she hecs'ifated. "Pemelo'pr.,
frostydrawing• ,room, and' coffee was
of Ontario. 'Post g•ralduate work at
i't's going to ,be a little 'hard to meet
s's'tve'd• To .Joan the. Whole, scene
New York 'City Hospilbal and Victoria
.s,eomod ultte,t•ly umreal-with Janson
' Hospital, London. Phone: Hensall,
'"`W'hv, my dvar?!' (
m+ovinb aebo•ut in tho frigid light ol£
Tib. Office, Kung S'tree't, Hensall.
"Because. he's treated me 'very bad-
the crystal chandelier, with the -mien
in their black coats. and the womleh
, �"
"I 'know."
in their sedate' gowns, and. with her-
. DR. J. A: MUNN
oqlf he 'had really loved me, he
,couldn't have kept a'wa'y, and now I
+self the centre of it all.
There had been some, bequests to
Graduate of Northwestern •Univers-
'have ,all this m,omley. Oh, Penelope,
the relatives, ,but the house with all
- q�t�y+y, Chicago, Ill,, Licentiate Royal
'he'1'l;.�vant bo do it, and I tmiustn't."
its furniture' was Joan's, -She dull'
Cirllege of Dental Surgeons, Toronto.
Her face wras white, her voice tense.
not really want it, but there) it was,
Office over Sills'' Hardware, Main St,,
Penelope said soothingly: "Don't
and the ,chances were• that she would,
• 6esfoith. Phone 151.
think 'of irt, my •darlirug."
live in it. She' found herself wan-'
"But I must think."
,dering what '-,,he could' do to lessen
F _..,
'When the Mallams came on (Mon-
the effect of frozen Monotony--
,day, Joan was in.. the library at the
flOWer%, perhaps, loads of thenn,
(head of the guest stairs, where the
An old,, genttlemr,an was telling of
family was assem6ed. The. gather-
'calls and SIimier parties when Adie-'
Graduate Roytal College of Dental
ing wea•sw'an imposing one, The rela-
laido was a belle and a (beauty, '
Surgeons, Torortlbo.Office over W. R.
tiwnes -vane, mast o£ them,, distant
•Jo•an asked idly: "Why aren't(
Smith's Grocery, Main Street, Sea-
clues, but without exception they were
there any (belles in these days?^'
forth. 'Pilon: Office, 185 W; resi-
ipros•perous and :against the setting of
"'The tpp,e wasdifferent, my dear,
,deduce, 185 J.
rich dark woodsy and old 'portraits
more'itmlposin,g; if I mray say it," The
and leather bound books', they took
olid genttliemt'an rememlbered Adelaide's
on an air of formality and conmrva-
coming out p'arrty--cher sweeping train,
,Uism whi'clf made Nancy`s russet• hair
of. pink satin, lace flounces, raw, gar
so'mew'hat spectacular attire searh
lands, white loves and (bracelets, a
, - -
out orf ' place. The pair attrsxted
necklace anid a s'h'awl and headh-
much attention ,as they cahn,e in, amrl'
dress• This child was charming but
Joarjb wvae aware' tha% Dr w's good
-+his mdnd went inevitably to. Tenny-
. Honor (laradltita" Corey J'onee Na-
looks were initensifled •bey t'h0l somvbre
soty for cam;paiisanr-"as water 'unto
Itional Selhool for Auctionvering Chi-
clothes that he wore and in whdcl
, h
cage. 'Sp'ecial r�ov'r's,e .t,Almn in Pure she had never siven him. It was Drew, watching Joan Ifrom
Bred (sive 'Stock, 119x4 Estate, Mer- "}where were so many people about the other side of the room, yet not
ehandis+e rand Parm Solos. Renes' in that their meeting 'could) be only a s^ennlinig to watch --who saw her •po-
.• keeping with tparelvaMog nvarkiellx. ,Sat•• conventional one, yet t'h,tw clasp of t,ntfalitiew. "With the ri'g'ht dn�ess-
d' isoti+on' a�suMed. 4Vr3rta or . wire, Drewv's hand was flight on, +beret surf maker in }iasis' with a year
Omar Ifl'opp, Zutiob, Ont Phone t as always shfe was thrilled, by his or two of Continental resddenvc'e
� " I1,9'•9d. r a... -w,,,, jonidL But she ,gave no, sign of it. she'll comae ,back to take 'd Xe, world
1 b -
r r"r r
t" .
a ,t .
z7-; J
. .:.m,s...i.�ca+slz :ae�i,r.t.,,«_...nr.,.,,�„d'X41.u„�icsaS..uS�:rs..M,,...�Lc,a,d>i+.,�;^i+�:eMe�b,..,P�.allt��,.:,,.,a.,-"�uwfu�'�.a�vrt.".:�z+�at>fed.:�,;:.leit�ka.,w.1a?a>lt+Sa`W�'titYlutre�ak..C.di'�t,b.,,vy"„Li,�:sir✓k,:ks.4rsa,'�.,xS�Y�W�'t�l�J�
. eO e e � w can , ere a c is x� . gess, t + ? ry
he was not busy. 'If he wondered owner of thin ea)t house tae b '� , #°`+' 6; `
wthy !M�r, 'Belleau 'sought the �xigid of mullions, a w,om
am. NP .t 'l#axtdki tp4� ,.
by stonrnl>, formality of the drawing ream ' wotxd'd be sought ,in int( iaglet not lie �� rLt� Ivr„,,-, r Q �'c!«,
1N • this :hour, 110 mnlade no sign.• Jason, cause of w'h'at -she was but ,-lte'el�tal�SB. ' 'T,USt�.I� . � .. � i - -... e , s' - r�a••o.:.,, �'� 3:d 5� r, ¢a ;,..
He knew what he Wantedl--•ttr., have was. d •s'creet ' l ..?' " a ',
T and well tF ined, Ade- 'of her Possessions. �(� � .. , . 4. c ,�
.S' w (,'015 r"",F` • . t,k. fP •' .. ?7;K, � Ntr +,
hqr take tthe world by storm as Otis laide 'h'ald seem to +th,aq, She (began to take off .her pearls, •B'EI� �11; �� t' ' � irl'''J
wife! 'He wanted to be the head of 1Jaan had .found Farr read to (but sto edt suddlentl'y, her hand -stilll i Lancieslbb�o . 1.�> t
this old house. Jove how hie wnoulde �' y pp r... • "` "° i ,, . :'ftp cI +�uf'
i , oaddle (her. °"Wlhen you've, had your wound ur1 the n?a4ky (basial. .. , . P. , rel; x,
l'i'ke to dlo it all ruler an the magnifi. bath, I'll Igivo you a •geoid rub:' iffier somneane called? Bl .. .E,.,,,I � �(( E ova
cent 'Spanish sty'l'e. Thtat was the I`tN'ot to-xiight Farley. I'm going She went to ilia idktox. Listened. Ilelgaave .. .. c. a 1192.1 •t` r+t` rq
idea--ra sojo xim. in Spain for all - of in to +ta'l'k to 'Mrs. Sears,, And you Heard nothing:. Not with ..physical Wl'�am .... ,I,,., 12 dr,V
them' -himself and Joan and N'an'cy. needrl'It stay wp. 1Thils won't Ibe the ears. Yet thromtgllm the air`
Nancy was a whizz at 'imterio� dlec-. first time I've put myself to 'bed.'' 'Lnsisrtent compelling , "�'^ � �
oratinrgl-sa'n'd some of those �.gt &d "There's no reason wvhgr you s+hou'ld' came the ec'h'o of ,Drovr's voice:- � I , • '
leathers., with all this,pale s•t,iff &kept now, Miss Joan," Fax -ley "Joan; Joan." C. ' R. + '
an, ey felt Ghee
out, those glass monisitrosities -which -ed. She Sad -hgped� for 'a bit of gos- IWtith all the strength that was in: ��, � !
hung frolml the eeulinlg replaced b}, stip. Adelaide had always talked to her, she fought against the insist- a m� �� ' �fW;�
gliMankliodes--Iriichness and, c+>lova- her maid. Farley nwnarvted to hear a- '�vice of that gho ly summons. How Goderich .. , .,. `
that -las the ! ... • . 6•dG 2 3
thing bout 'Drew 'Hallam and what Joan silly to go down and find . 9 -thing• 1'0linta)r1 ,,,,, , , , , , , , , 7,Og, g " t 1) i' °'
He saw himself in, the miidst of it thought't of duim., 'S+11e trusted' there 'Drew was, umuloulbtedhy,; in bed. Ev- Seaforth $ �i"
all, his fr'iend's albout him, and Joan would ibe no •question of Imarriage. veyibod'y was, in bed. Her sense of Dublin ..,./.�,......, 7,39 3.Sx .t. - •..
the ,lo,v'ely chatelaine) -flue would dress She had 'talked'the mahter over with being ,called was simply a hal- 'Mitchell 7.42 3.43. " '
heir, to suit the ,part! The thought Jason: '`"He 'hasn't a cent to his tion. p Y ..... ....
kS 11
thrilled' 'harms! "He would wire her yet name."' Yet she Hound' h'ersielf presently, in I' West. ' � ,11
though he night'have' to go "She ought to take a house in Lon- .the hall, descending th<e, stairs. Dublin . 11.19 9.32 ') ;
slowly. The reward "was worth the :ran," Jason said "and marry a man Lights were burning (below. The Seaforth ., ..•... 11.34 " 9.45 a:,?,
waiting. He wondered what she had. of rank 'and title." stairway was'•*n 'i'mposing one .curv- Clinton, ............. .1.1.50 9.59 • '
meant when s!h'e 'h'ad said: "+Aunt . '"iShe'd Ibeatter leave Nfirs. Sears be- ing from the second floor with star Goderi'ch , 12.10 10.25 r.,
AdehaidIe's death • maktes everything 'hind," IFarley said, vindictively, "a toes, in xxiches along the way, and a . "'%� `,• : ' to
different." person like -that donut flit into fish- marble", -Mercury on the newel post, C. P. R. TIME, TABLE h,:
The guest's cubo were staying out i'onable life." It was heavily carpeted with velvet 11
of 'the homvste• departed early. Some "AShe,'s not so bald" Jame decided, and Joan's steps were noisel'e'ss. T&. EaM•. . ?' F'
Of the otthers sought their rooms. "I1vIe seen duchesses with, no more pearly which still bung albeit her Gbd'errch I.,, a.m,
D'r'ew went with a 'hal'f dozen men to dignity. She'd," get by with the right neck made a +gentle clucking a's they 5•
the library to siuokes Joan' and ppu>ple better'than that 'Miss Hal- msrovumg against a srruall 'pet buckle M Gaw •... b�5 4
Nancy, the fast in the great drawing lain." which fastened her dress. ,The sound 604 a
room, 'aseendted the stairs together. Joan 'stayed for some tune with was'the only one in the vast s,ilenee, 11 1,
Nancy said: "Come in," as' Joan 'Penel Blyth ... . . ............. • 6 �'S
chic They did not speak of ' When elle reached, finally,. the Walton 6A0 tt: �� `
stoppled at 'her. door, "and' tell me Drew, scud the older •wo rian was a- first fl'o'or, she •stood very still then McNaught .................
about yonunself." ' g ....:.. 6.52'
ware of the ,signi+ficantctej of- Joan's moved on like a person in, a dream Toronto • .... , . , .. 10.25 ' ` '
I"There isn't `mulch to tell Nancy." avoidance of 'his name. '"He's+ on her to ,the dim drawing -room. The glow - :.
I`"Ifllave yuan' any plaints?" m,ind," she bold herself s'hrewdl of the +Chinese la 1
°"Oil thai.,l,..am Y• Trip made a great West.
Y going to stay here Joan spoke Of_her corwersataioxrs moon on the 'wall beqund'• it. Joan - %°% ,<: '•
for a: ,bit aivil keep Penelope' with m'e, with ,the old gentlern4ii and, the old found herself ,walking towards 'that Toronto a.m.' ' . 'i
7.40 ....
andabhen I" hall, ,go (hack wvith her to lady. "'I.t seeunled so strange to see moom Apd t'he'n, su'd'denly, a voice MkNaught • , , , ... 11.43'
.. ••
Maine for Christmas. " „ Walton • , '
Aunt -Adelaide through their eyes, as said: 11%>fy .sweet, and she saw ................... 12.01 '
'Go 'back? N'ancy's tone was in- •young and beautiful, and kind and Drew standing 'beside the lamp. Blyth ..................... • 12.12 a),
credulous. , She looked w at hint', "I didn't Auburn ... ... 12.21 "'r
„ PIP s vV+eeJ11.. It is drea'rjf ul, isnl t lite to p . r • . , . ,,;: -
Yes. ,I ptbmdsed.kno that age can make such chang- knrow 'you wiere bare."' McGaw .......... . ......... 12.34 ;Ic ,
"Buff surieily 17oni are nolt going 'to' es."JIv "Yet you came? " Menset .................. 19.41 0,1
shut yourself up in that ,ghastly. '"It ,isn't age, my icier. It is the "`I thought someonei---,called." + Goderich' I... ' 12.49 '
Place for the r niter?" way one ,mlejets life:' "`I called you; Joan."iiiii-" '
"It isn"t ghastly, arid II have some, ^"I know,-" Joan' sat thinking about , "No." It was alhnost a cry. '
good (Fri 4,:ends - there." , and at last she rose. -"I'll have "Yes!". His laugh was triumph- entre wove about her.
She wondered what Nancy woul m'y fb,reakrfas,t in bed. W71'1 you have ant. '?My dear, I cowldn t• sleep And then .it came +the it ii
think of those friends --of old John it with me? 'Most of the women +•ri•e wvtthou,t seeing you again You are thing she dreaded "1Viy�sroveet ''; �
and young John,, of Evelyn and Pris- having trays sent up." • . mine :I .brqught you here that you ,, ti,
e.illl•a, of the plain fa'rmh'ouse,, and of tcl'll want mine early, You'd stet- might say it.'" "No Drew as wn
Elie oysrber•s which would ble bou •ht you can. • You I"How can I say it?" "' For he had lifted her in, his
g ter sleep 'as. late as
with ,hoarded ,pennies. "'Why not?"'
„ are more tired child, than you know. Y strong arms. `°'Milne. The ,
"'Olh, ' I 'could'n?t 'disappoint diem," 'Tears came' suddenly to Joan's '"After everything that has hap- 'old question! The oId enchantment,
she ,said, -dols a (break in her voice, eves.�arnd (s'h'e buried her -fi". in. 'Pen- tpened," ' Far back in the hall the telephone
"there 'are somle darling children," elopes shoulder. I am tired." she "What has happened . Only 'that rang wit•'h Jason's 'contbrolled. voice' -
,Nancy was ,practical, "The thing sollrbed,. "and oh, Penelope, darling, I .was a fool. ,I'm willing to admit answering „_ presently: 'aMnss- Dud -
you have to, do ,is to,•get• the most out p,nv so (glad to have. YromT ", it. 'I know what you are thinking fey? Just a m'onnent, please."'
Df your money. The world is before of me, 'that I 'failed when you needed "Drew , , it's for, me :' g
you, my de'ar." z ,When at •last' Joan went 'to her me . and that 'I am trying to, a released her 'and She want ia-
. But .what kind of world?" Joan's room, everythi.nlg was laid' out for crawl (back. Dut•idt isin't true,'. Heav- to the hall; '1'm�here, *I'ason," ?.
eyes were trawbled. her. Bart, Farley had,. according to on knows.,T''d do anything to, eek my- Drew listening•; heard ,' her saty: s
"'`'Heavens, child," Nancy 'bent her instructions, 'gone for the night. Joan self. Straight with you, (but my cion- "Yes . . where are you?" A
head and hissed her, "don't begin to wrote a line for her on a tablet under science is clear. I've loved you' and, long silence while someone spoke.at 1'11 I
ask yourself questions. Just live the, telephone: I tried to work things out so that the other ,end. . "Yes-
from day to day,, and thank the gods I want to sleep late, Farley. Dont we might be happy. If I made anis- great changer*', and then, after a -
for youth and the catpacky to Igmjoy," distuirib me, takes, I made therm.. And -row all time': i"r-I am ,glad' you said it." 7;3.
J'oaWIS eyes' were wet. `"I bhinlf ' SI•e sat db,wn at the desk in hex ,that I ask is that You'll give an,e a Tie, heard- the faint click of, the re -
I'M tired,'h she said,, "'I 'can't im- sitting, room and begun to aper. the, chance to serve you. I won't hurry ceivt,r as she •huneg it tip. In a mom=
agine nnysellf just now enjoying any- letters piled neat'] on hler blotter. you, 'de,atest• I -simply wa'n,t --`•
„ y p y you, to ant she would fly back to him. He
thing. Most of them were fmm A'wlelaide's ,let me pxrov'e' m'yself., To be your would not keep, her long. He knew'
�° 'Nancy 'ganne $er a vbrerwd' glance. fri,endls ---•.hrteh,sagels of sympathy+, friend. To -help you over the hard now what he had wanted to know.
Rhin along and let Farley tive you written on pvuer with crests- and --places." Than he could still play upon her
a massage and tniick you into bed. Do m•ompogramis •and smartly engraved' She had listened' with her face, emotions, and that she cared:.
ypml kluow 'haw .1'ucky yrau are, my aril asses. ,turned away from:. him. "How can Tt was not Joan howe'vpr, who ap- ,'
dear? To have a maid to yourself? Out from tble+m all �sbe chose a note, we 'be -friends•?" peare'd presently betwi?en the velvet
I'd se'11 m,y s,bul for someone to -do which old John„Al'dexi had'. written: He ,put a finger under her chin, in curtains,; .but .JEmom li'Miss Joantolrl
my, hair and draw my bath." Don't sentimentalize your smr(I the old familiar -gesture, and made me to say, she had gone upstairs. She.
"Farley's a.derar," .Joan -said,, "but So many pe'ofi'1e do th!att. IScoiir,;ing her look'at him., "W'h'y not, Joan?" will see you in the morning." '
I'm nob used to- having people always themselves with regrets. Trying to 'Hier voice was cold and self -con- '
about. 'I like being alone, and look- gibe to the •d+ead, what they withheld trolled: "Do you know what Brown- • I (Cont:inuo next w0epk.) •:fin
ing after my Own things'." from, them in 'life. • You may be ing sai s of friendship after fovel?"1.
.;She, went away, and Nancy getting raying to yourself .that you should �`tl`'�"hat should I"`iI what Brown- „
hiMself into a,61ack :satin robe with have 'stayed with ;your Aunt iii spite ,in
says," roughly, "it is what I -say, ' 'Three Ways to Lower Costs . "" '`'
green and gold dragons writhing ov- of ev'eryth'ing. Yet you did what at Joan." -
Cr it, waited' for Drew. the time seemed, right. It would "Bluelst ouIdbre�aik'r-Iblamkejst hleav- 'There are, three ,principal metthods ".
When at least she heard him she seem right now if she where here' a- en; lovers -friends!" r, of reducing bhe cost of producing
opened the' 'door between their rooms. gain. I should not speak of this ex- 'Sh'e had drawn away from him. 'm'op's• These methods include the
"Can you ,talk to me for a minute?'' ce,pt that I remnelrrber the day yo.i But he would not let her go. He econonnical productioht of heavier
"Of coursle." gave ne your 'conifidence. Old age d+►'op'pad a hand 'oii her 'shoulder arid yields per acre, the use of larger
She went in, sat do'wrb, and lighted makes ane wise, and ,you thought I held her-. ``Do you mean that you ,machinery arid more labor-saving :1;
a cigarette °"Drew," elle said, "this could,h'e1p you. I thim'k I d'id, and I don't care?" equipment, and the o,perattion of a
is the moment to get husy," want to •h•eelp you now. the great IGhe tried to meet his • eyes and larger area of la id under culti''vation.
He loaned on the back of a chair and fine thing you can. do Is to 're- could not; to say boldly: ,111's all In addd•ti•on to. this, i,nfornuation de1.
and looked at he'r. "What do you member that'you loved your aunt. over . . But she knew 4t was ,riv'ed from, cost of prodirction studies
nmean,?" , You mu's't ,et, not all over, ,She was fighting. with make's ssi'ble the substitution 'of•
go on s,trongly to me, (; g' pia•
"I Imlean to make up with Joan. the future. That is what we all have' all the strength that was in her not :more profitable for less profitable
She is low In her mind.' She. won't to do, no matter what our r`urcu•m,- 'to let him know the spell his prey- crops.
have much 'resistance." ,stance.
He shook his head'. "You saw her We are not sure, of course, whether. ,11
mner. She would 'hardily ,speak to you. will conve'back to us. If you,do
tie." - not, we shall have great -lonelircre
"I don't .b'larme her. You made an of heart. The ch'ildre'n m•i-s,s you. We
awful idiot of Yours'elf', when you all miss. you:, and pray that courag's
tri'e'd to force a cband'estine mar- nmav be yours, and wisdom...
He blazed back at hrr "I weal an
iHowv wonderful to grown old like
,that! ••.Toon fair the le•ttem'riowwn and
O`i; of the newest art.irles resultinglattrartic•euess
i,f the fi,ished handhag. 71
idiot -to tell you."
"You , a1wa'ys tell
f]hought about it. Old .Toho Lronarrl'
from tie popular modern handrral't
work which has its basis in the brai(lin4 of
flea sen' in a linin;. bend the wwvnen
strip up from the bottom and duyvn frtIm
nm e'very^thing."
"You drag it out or me, "
at e anal alga of A rlelaid'e Delafiel(1
gone finding 'o and
narrow strips of transparent material and
the tip ttttil it seer ni)les an emveiope and
r"I dont.
K .1 Y peach m a
world of ti•.(7mTORv Ancl sirkn,estis and pe,v-
which is now respousihle for so many �
catch the lower sides nith stitches- of
wwhitesilk. ,
'"Oh, well, why (IvarreI? We've
erty, the other selfish and mi'seralble
�� \
� �
I'heplain trans-gtRt.,.,to
stick 1 bo+gotheir! ' Nancy's
in the mindst of ,plenay.
parent"' Cel ;I
poin e'd fin:get nai'1 alrm,dl the polish-
it to
It was wrr� still in the house. Joan
,lune" ran he i
:,d'. of ,the nl r
t, table as she
nose and went to file win•dowv. 7t was,
O \
easily secured by ,+
took s,toick of 't'he .,,,itdlation. "Look
snowving hrcavily. The street lig-h0.4
O \:
saving wrappers .•i
here, did you imoiv Adelaide
was goiin,g' to leave her
showed the whirling flakes. An early
as' so many r
-Joan money."
'"Sh'e -,aid sam'ethittg that;made me
Up at, Penelope's trhe. woods would
artielesnow reaeh
the buyer in a •
think' she mlilght."`
lie heavy with white, the broakers
"Cellophane" 1. ,
"'So you d•ecid'e(I to take the ;;alms_
would rise, and crash and run 'back
covex. Rolls of i
into a leader .sea -the %ea -which hail
coloured "Celle, '
. 5
been r'illk- r-; •r'ey last summ�ner under
phane", to add
'Che shrugged her shoulders "I
the fog.
variety a'nd
talrl you at the time ymt arnd. A de']adde
And with that m,e,m'on y her
attrac t.iveness to
were making a lot out of nothing,
thoughts returned to Dri w. She had
the purse, can be
Between the two, of YOU, you drove
tri,ecl to ,punt him out of her mind but
the child away . , . and now you
she had known she must come to it.
h'a've got to (get her back,"
All day long his figure had detached
I-.. ` I
'He was mroody. "Tt's
itself from the background of ancient
'attractive and useful things, is the enve-
not as easy
relatives and other guests, at t9u
lope handbag. cellophane," which'is
as it sounds."
fu,n,eral. And in that one momrent.
the material used, is first cut into strips''
'She ,cranh'ed 'her rigarette i.n a
when' shle' lead ,been alone with him10
inrhes long and lour inches wide,
, ff
bronze dish. "Of co'ur.,,e I want you
he had lett her know how his mond
doubled so as t- be hal inch wide• These
w •
to marry 'her, 'T)a eau. It will mean
tende'd'. "You haven't forgiven me,
are tacked side by side nn a 1Aoard (iron-
financial sallwma'ti,on' for us, and she
will be as happy as With
Joan? Are ,you as hard as that ,my
ing, or bread, or cardboard is a good sup-
port). Be sure the strips are folded
, ,y
any other
Ho was "Gait
.She was very* hoarest with herself.
and tackedstraight and that they
are very close together,
,furi'ous, thtart cuff-"
!S,h'e lit another "Don't
,Ile lrnew t'h'at s'h'e, -entail mare than
Then rut to strips 0 inches by
� �
get sro fussed about it, ,Someone wi•II
anything else in the world to he with
h,inmu at flails rrrlonnent, to Q'e sheltered
4 inrhes wide and fold in the Same.,
manner ss the 10 -inch strip.
� � .
mlarry� 'her for heir nioney if you
by his ant -,s, soathe'd by his carw;s•es.
Interlace them over and under
w � ti�
Yet there was bitternevs�s ,back of h'e'r
the vert!eal strips. Keep pushing
` w��. l •
`"T shall miarry her for mora ,than
m -ed of him. He' had Nien willing to
each weaving strip tightly upward
j'1Ft. her ttrffer he had not
se the bag will he Firm. After l
w. . ,-
still i-nI that you care?"
dared to come out in the spam a amst
weaving, femove the tacks. Aftirc
y0a calm lvdi(ive it or n'ht "
Adelaide, he had tried to brink her
A strip of gummed tape the entire
'She touidbled his arm lightly with
to ,term's' ,by his srilen,ce and'
length of the outside strip on
� 11�,
the tips cif hv,r fingers. '"Then you
have mly Ibl'esaain,g,
'all this he had done 'because' lie lar]
each of the four sides. T,rrn the
loose ends over these strips still
. •.
;f t `
stir, as it is. And
now, Prix dead for ste Gaod-
wanted an olid woman's mon?
And naw the mvorney longyer be-
fasten . them tightly. f olourer) strips
secured at stationery, depactrlrcnt: and ,I
lon,g,d Yn the old wrnm4an, but to ilia
woven in at top and bottom acid to the•
chain stores. ,
Wlmem whel'had left him, Dre'wv wait,
ed' a few m nmerhtba then
of I > went into
girl he hrupJed do nnramty.
Joan flung up 'hex 'heaai Why Should
•'CIiLLOPF1.tNT ' is tlie'reAisttrrd trade mark drsignalin.a rel�uXose shsslr a!)d fid7» rNafYttfdclrslfd I <ftir i
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