HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-01-20, Page 4, ". I , 1,,, l .nj . r : , iP Z-1' `10ERN, I g 7'?T ... .. 11 "'. .1 i: 1, - - MRWI F
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iiiiiiiiiii I K- 1. . 14%Vlsbedl, M Bat that was the end oX the St&es .
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(',., ; . ..... .;-171 I", .. ', - --- . """G. OVER THEI' ,'DISTRICT*NEWS %
. 44 " . ance to the far *v.
. I barber in pigs, The deal was 01fr, --. 0" LOOKIN' PIP T
11 1. I X10fth XOP114il XC94ean, Editor. I —
I , I", .. , %; . , . — I " the farmer said. He preferrect to -pay 1, "7 1 . - $
I i , i I
1. ' W1. . . PtLbUshed at 18W,orth, Ontario, ev- for the paper and market ,his bogs . . . I I "I I -1 I : ,I
. , il"J,
`, ` erY Thiv,6447 aftemoon,by McLean in the ordinary way. Kirklity; WomeWs Missionary Iety ,sequent death,. for she held a warni The many friends of 'Mr. and, Mm. ....
I ", '' The faximers, in this section have. Shakespearela playaj dealh4g with the
I 11 , . Rrm. I . We are told that a farmer loses by Mrs. Walter 'Davidson., and Wle.sl Wace in ,thwhearts of all who knew Bruce Fiedd, and famif'Y are sorry to been able to do considerable Plow- I Wbiect in a very'able andt pleasing ......
,-. ,. . Aid by iMrs. E. RA&qrd. Mr. Colin her. Prom ichildhood ,she was a hear dat [Mr. Field' A&$ been- moved ing, particularly
. . -- .
..0 ;. ' I .14' ear a ipg manner. On Monday evening ne3d
A. Diubscription rate, $1.,&o a y in mon,ey im eivery litter of.pigs; that ping,land Was chos , to ,MI a sod' land, duri
,,, " . e, the vac- me tIlbier of' the Predbyterian chuT to a position as station, ag-ent at the pa-st "Ple of week&. the evening will, be dovoted to -pioneer I
- , , ; oreign,
I .11 . advalime""11 , $2.00 -a year. Single there j,s no mptlrket for cattle and that apey on $44ie session owing to the and took an activepart in the choir AlTna and thoy will be grpA,y miso. 'Mr. Glenn Bro#dfoot who was call- night, and several pioneers w1A take .
, .
I .. ., I I C*es6 4 teviis each. farm produpe can Twtbe given away, resignation of Lester Reg -an. Other tand WMJSL 9111P Will' be 91'08107 . ad in the activities in the comnlIan.
0 P .. . . -members of the session who were missed -in Knox 9hurch, Bayfield, in ity. . . 'ed home On' account Of the 41luess of -Part in the program. A. splendid
, ;;;; "k " cation. and there is more than a little truth ,his lbxother,. James Broadfoot several time is being looked forward to.
.. .. . ". . Advertising rates "on, appli re-elected wem: Thomas Leeming, which 4e took Vuclh interest. She The Misses pearl and Ruby Mae_ Weeks aikiO, had, to return ,to resume Ever idy welebme.
I - pli -, . I I I — . ' in the stiotements too. John Smillick, James Lawson, Johii is sMvived by four: Mirts. N. W, Kay, of London, called On friends in Xs duties in- the West during the ' I
'. I At the same tinle, On this show-. Watsoo, Ed, Waster Ronald Pee,k young son of ...
i ' 1. - ,Umbers of the Canadian Weekly ward, Bry, kw, Wm. Me- Woodis, of BaWdeld- Walter Ewing fts wminiunity, recently. I . Vast week his biother being some- AWs. J. W, peclj4 was taken 4-ad,"y I
I ik,: Newspaper Association and the Hucron ing, there does not appear to be any- Fachean and Silas Johnston, Clerk Buch4n of Zi;Zn; John Lauder IMission, iBand was held on. SoAw-. what invrovied, but Stftl Ivory ill. ill on Xonday morning while atten&
. -
,. . :, . , C04nty Press Association. Ite as chea as a neWSPS'PeT, Of &gSiOn, The following Managers Buchan, Windsor- WEliam, Fosker day afternoon, last with a JAC ro -r-) C0117er re(burned this ing school wftb a sewore attack of
I 'i , thing qu% e c wd afts- (D
' , I no,t even little pigs at ,three cents were also re-elected: Leslie Oliver, BuchanI, Du lfe; and her n1em, Of iboYL9 and -girls present. week from the Scott Memorial Hos- appendicitis and an operation w" .. I
11 ,.. 1. .. , 1. . - .. I --- , per pound.. . Robert WcFadzean, Herbert Kirkby, Mrs. E. P. Lewie, Torbilfbo, who,Ix0 she Quite a number of folks in our pdW, ,Seaforth, Where she had b en thought advdsable6 and he was taken
11 I ORT14 Friday, 'January 20th. . David Watson, John Shannon, John adopted w4erl an- infant,, and six community are si,ek with colds and for a couple of weeks,
:., I . - . . —-p Willia,inson, John Leeming, Arthur grandehil&6 Following a abort flul. I t -Scott 'Melmi6rial Tlospltal,, SW*rth6
.. I
, .
, McColl, George McArthur; treasurer, prayer rvice conducted, i - mild weather while are 3110st favorabI4 for he sw g 11yer, and at date of , writing 1i .
., , . - se by Rev. 0. Th"O Weather and bulsh conditions and an operation performed by Dr.
. ', - I -----.. .1, - I The continuing It arin, CIO
. . Miss Mary StmillieL The delegates E. Doulgan,on,gunday a1bernoon, the ag the roads nice, does not seem of wood as there is' e
P WALTON m1ald no snow to ham- is ,getting along as well
. , . . appointed to -attend Presbytery were remains were taken to Durham Mon- to be healthy. ,is, iiali b4i '
:1 , The Wardenship itnessed a SMOPPY ,Silas Johnsfbon. and, Oliver Turnbull. day morning and funergil held fran, I per work so that a lot of wood, should, ey'pected.. .
. I A large crowd' W` -- be qecured. I ..
11 , .
I I 1,6 . ,In the selection of a Warden, Hur- exhibitlon of hockey last Wedriesday At ,present bhe im(embership Is 250 the presbyterian Church -there at . . , The Wommes Auxiliary Mssiomi-y -
.. t% I . 'our new Reeve, IM37. Win, COnsitt, Society of 'St. Fuul's Anglican church
1. I in the Brussels Arena, when with 17 new members added during two o'clook, service being conducted
. , on Coun y has a method of its own. evening ,
.6. and Pa< ,the latter I
- - Walton defeated the Brussels Na- the year. by Rem Sinith, of Knox United ZURICH - -the same as are b0ding.a special service to cele- I
I . I .. For many years it has been the prac- tionaI4 -by -6. The line- Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett and ,Church, owing to the illness of Rev. . ,*"*-Year, 'have 'got nicely down to bmte the 40th anniversary of thig ;
I .1 I a Score of 9 .. , .
. work for the year lgr3& I
,x, tise to letthe Conservatives and Liu- u,p' for Walton was: Goal, WL C- Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett. 8ea- ATImstrOng. Interment was made in Vital Stx mlstics I founding Of this society. The special
, r Yl%el' services in, oW three, gocal elpealmr for this celebration will be
il . .'Me in
e lot at Durham cenvete IN I H -a tow -m --:s — .
I erals, in alternate yearg, select a Bennett- Mood -v Holland, Lorn forth, iWere ,wisiltors' at +he home of the family p ry. bii th in y hip Turrf
.1 I I . . i .010982 churches were ftirlY well ttende,d Rov. 2. J. Bowen, of Londlon, Ao
. I Warden from among the memberi Steiss, George Lovel, Ray CaiteT, An and :Mrs. Joseph Bennett on The pallbearers -were Dr. F. Grant, were 46; deathisi, 22, and; marriages. .on iSunday. last with good musical waS, formerly a ,6ssional y ` the,
, -
, . 11 . . 45f these parties who are mermbers of Noi,man - Ro*la",d and Clarence Tuesday. I Dr. LPicKering, WTIliam Hunter, 01- 16. selections * -the chodms of each. At Yuk(in. The services will he b1nld ,,, I
. . I Stelse. The annual scales meeting wa,s' iver 'Hunter, ,Peter Raviiage and The village trust es met for -their I "
. , the 'Caunty ,Council. .,,The young people in: the village held in the Walton Hotel on, Tuesday 'Moore McFadden. Those present or i ation meeting the m"Id"g, service Olt the United the church Tuesdayevening January- ..
.., I , glanilz on Monday ,Church Mr., Thomas Sher,ritt render_ -
; . This year the choice lies with the and c-ommunity who enjoy ska;Ung, eveTdng. . I " fTonl a distance were Mrs. N. W. forenoont. iMr. J. IDW, Jr., was- ap- 24th, at eight o'cloAck. A cordial in
I I . .. ed a very paeasitig solo, and at the
I the ice behind Woods,'Mi Luey Woods, Baydeld; pointed inspefti,hig trustee A. -F. vening ,service in addition to fine atbencL . I
. Liberal party, and if,reporta are cor- have bedn testing out . IW vi(tation is extended to everyone to .
- , . , I tio- -d about ' Hess, secretary; H. Mouseeau, fire 0
!, , rect them will ,be four candidates the C.P.R. sta ,I and the pon Dr, and Mrs. E. P. Lewis, Toronto; arithems6 C. J. iShaefer, a Palnler&- The following which we have clip- . I
" a mile east Of the, village during th,, HILLSIGREEN Miss Jean 'Woods, 'Mrs. Frank Liv- chief; C. rl iSmith, overseer of wa- ton, sang a sobb in a very. pleasing ped from one of -the Toronto dailies, . I
." for the office. I ingstone, ,Mr. and Mrs. Wlilfrid, To- iterworkg, and Henry .
11.. . , These will be, Mr. James past week. W'. M. S.—Tbe regular monthly rontD; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Buchan street overseer. . Steinbach, manne,. I will no doubt be off interest to the
,p Ballan- Wiss Mary Mo-Mbray, who has been At Carmel Presbyterian lChureh,at relativ4 and firiends Of the late Sen- , "
. . I
I , tyne Reerve of Usborne tOWnshIP; v,er-..,, ill with the flu -at her home here, meeting ,of the Women's -Missionary and son, EVing, Dunnville; J. Lau- Messrs. 1C. Ftlt,7, A. G. Edighoffer .
. . . ' the evening service ,a very fine an- I I
" . Mr. J. W.,Craigie, Reeve of Gadericli is imtpmlving niceily. I Society was held, . at the home of der Buchan., `Wliindsor;. Miss Faith ,and R. F. Stade were in Goderieh theim was rendereal in, which there ator Hom IDr. Daniel, late of St.
1. . ISO improvinq Mrs. W. Turner on Wednesday after- Wilson, Lorraine, Ohio- 'Mrs. Lorne on Tuesday on business. . John, X. B., and, who was an uncle
,.. . 1,N1xS, S. Smith is a .
" . town; Mr. John, McNab, Reeve of was a fine maae -chorus, in which the of MiTs. L. R. Coles, of our village;.
, ', being confined to her bed for noon, January 11th, with the presi- Roberts*%, Stllatford 'There W41e The many friendi of ,Mr. bass -part 'was, .Splendidly ta4ren by -Doven of Senate Dies at St. John.
- after Casper
" '. Grey township, and 'Mr. I. J.. . Wi-ight, -everal weeks with th,q flu. d-ent, Mrs. R. MeMlister, prOgiding. many beautiful floral tributes.. Walper will be plewed, to . 1.
1. , .. . hear that the leacler',f the choir, 'Mr. W. A
it , -we of Turniherry. -g of the Young -meeting Opened 1by singing a . , N. 134H,on. Dr. J. W. Daniel, cloyon
I I i6 The weekly ineet'in , The I I since his, return from .the hospital, ,N11c,L&ren, .. . of the (Canadian ISena* died sadden-
; . All are old and experienced meni-. People's Society of, Duffis United h.Ninin. ,Mrs. Cochrane. then led in . W." 1 he has continued -making im'prove- iD.D.GiM., Bro. ,Uoyd Hudson, vU-
,. ". . . to an Church vFast held in the base,ment of prayer. The Scripture ments and is able to -be up and a- I ly at Mi ... home'here to night. He
bers of the County Corimeil and lesson was - ELIMVILLE , ited, Elxetier Lodge of the Independ- would'have, been 88 years old on Jan- I
.L- ' ' " the church ,on 'Sunday evening with read,by H. Turner and read respons- I round.
41 outsider the choice would .appear to si- .iyelyr from Proverbs 31. The d"o- At the annual meeting uf the ent -Order of ,Oddfellows On ,the ev- aary l6th.
- . .1 be a difficult one. . I Jim Johnston,'the third .vice -pre ' ' ening ,of January 10bh *hen' that The iSenator had been ill I
11, . s given by Mrs. R. IMT. and IMIrs. Harry Webber members of since SlaturdaT with influenza and
.1 I dent, in charge. Following the Open- tional leaflet wa and -St. Peter's, Lutheran Lodge put on. s ecilal work for the complications. Sinoe he was sum- .
. I [County C*uncill oft, however, lilce iag hvm,n, Hafv,L-y Br rans led in Consitt. The secretary s and treas- farnidly, Of Tfoodhami-, visited at the ,Church, -held on -Saturday afternoon, . I
.11 . . 4, evefting iai'a'very fexcelleptmalii er moned to the Senate in 1912; Dr. ', I
e e so N as ,,e 's reports were read and acloot- bome of Mr. Charles JStephen last ,the , hre t s .. I I . -. - I
.. other -people, haive likes and ,,iizlikes prayer and the Scriptur I s. n v ul r . . t) e ru tees whose terin had and a veryplessan't social -time ra% Daniel had never , a Se-nate.
11: -bY f rum .. atthew ed. 'The roll call was answered with Sunday. . . 'I expire -e re, lected- by acclania- missed
11' , -ead by Frank Kirk d, wei - e I ge
. i I s7wnt after the closing of ,the lod . He was eminent in the medical pro-
- , a d most a them have deciclea Opin- and Psalm sr2,1 8. A qpleii- a verse beginning with the letteT M, 'Nn-. and lMq,& , I41oya- Johns, and , tlot 'vdz: Dfeissrs. F. C. Kalb,fleisch, Past D D GjM., 113ro. G. .0. Pett *
1. , . . . 20:1-16 . Y, Of fesision and in hospital work hera.
, ions of 'their cown. so that it will be did topic entitled, "HAve' Ordinary The study iwas taken from. the fourth Putty spent last Friday afternoon at A. J. Kalbfl,eisch ,and Theodore Hab- H,,n,,,I,I, Was present. I
"I I—. ' . I
.. TiTe of M 'cling far a .
- of "His Dominion of Can- the ho T r. Tom Grose at In 1904 Dr. Daniel was elected to
, I .
I necessary for us to postpone ,.he an- Citizens Any Respontsibilit-y for.Un- ehaptei . erer. A resolution- provi 'Rev. -Mr. Sinclair on Sunday is', n- :the. Hwse of Commons in, a bye- elec-
.. .., ada." by ;MTs,. (Rev.) Cormer,'Mirs, Deyqzes. . 1 red ittloii in salaries was- ing last gave, a most Impressive ser- tion caused 1by the resignation of;,
%, I . -t. nouneement of the name of the Hur- en-rployment?' was given by Stuart I genera .
on 0ounty Warden for 1933 until Bryan., and- an lnterestir%g talk ,on R. Love, Mrs. L. Coleman. d M - Miss Violet Westlake srpent last passed. Trion on the tetxt or subject of Phil- Hon. A. O. Mair, Minister of Rail -
I I Roads in the country are in good lip, he service, ways and Canals. Dr. Daniel wag
" .,Nd Z; week at the home of her cousin. Mrs.
- the same subject was gf en by the R. Coitsitt. The ,meeting ( . I
, a '.
I I - : next week. pastor, R6v. Charles Cumiming. "Sur, all' repeating the Liard'S Pra, er i'n Wlilliam Bradshaw. ,condition for ,motoring at present, of God and the great w.
I 'The Ekeeatilve of the, Live Oak ork he ac- r"l. 'eted. in. -St. john,,at the &eneral
0 -1 - of My Soul" was tung as th closing unison. The ladies then spent tho although an occasional rough :spot comiplished in his zeal for the Mas- elec L '
1, . -dfction remaining time in quilting a quilt Mission Circle held their annua! exists. %, tion of -the sanie year 1903, and
, ., loymn and the Mizpah Ben,. ,ter in speaking and preaching.
P . I I ' . Im.infg at the. home of Laura Ford Mrs. Fred Thiel is visiting rela- , I -lq . 19,0,8 and 1911." 1
;,: ated in unison. , for the bale and many little articles, n is again in
'A' . Another, Unusiial Winter re0e - nesda ' I'. 941tha Bell, a Toron o,
I ' WeT ast Wed y af teTnoon., 'The weather continues exceedingly.' I I
.: . I . I . Miss Jean Draper and Mr. Robert of ,clothing ' e brought in and %6nt I 41 tives -in 'Detroit -this week. Messrs. ,here sp nchng a coupi e of -weeks with
.. .. 'For the second year in succession Patterson will have charge.. of the -awiy in the bale also. . . . . - F. Thiel and Ward Fritz .s pent -Sun- he, munty mlatbyies. and ' 'ends. rndld in this locality with rain falls
,i I - -- - . I day and M . fri 11
.,. . ' . . I me ,tin(g next Sunday elvieninz, The A comirrunity a(3-dre .s by .Dr. A. I onday at the big city. '' and the &-round is ,perfectly tbare of-
. -periencing 4, Vrlr, entitled, "'The Preventixur of I . .
7; this part of Onta'rio is e% - . Nurse Dougla's Of the Huron snow and in looking , around one ..
.. . nrr,ic ,will Pcie, "A Great Musician arO BRUSSELS , .11 . Springs -Sanatorium, has returned a:f- 1
41.. an ,open v6nter. i . would be impressed that it was either
I - -M, Pi ease, Especially 'Cancer." will be . * ,ter Spen,
I- . I
.1. . ,Wh middle H ., - usic." -owd attended the com- r i,00,n at Hillsgreen Church Tuesday I I I ding two Or *rea weeks late in, the fall Tnionths Or early in
".. .-.-.-.. 11, -I -..... . . qTk s po,w falls' about, the .A' large ci Following an illness ,of several I IIENSALL looking after -her pareints,., both
-.,. of December and the depth cont YL I I . n, iy club dance in the A -.;O. U, T T. 'creni-ng Jantiary c:- I - i 0 the spring, but -WI-th a cold snap in-
* .
. inues, i ,, ' - - 24th,,at- 7.30.,. & ' I — ,whom were quite ill st their home at tervening between days Skating has .
. ' will ,be shown in tpe' week-sT Seth Dailey- resident of Brus- : I
,, .. Hall ton Friday evening. Excellent tv' al radium I y A '8cotch. Night.—To celebrate thL anni- Blake., .. : .
. to increase until a January thaw ar- . .1elIP4 for almlost thirty earsj, and ' . .. ... been. possibile on, the rink and on
t, , , : , I mulic was -Li i dark and its action on disease ex- - - veranry of Robbie Bw-ns' bimthduy, the con. I
, provided bry 'Nlisses Lo se i 'Mr. John, Reid of London, was here
, rives, to The fol4owed by more snow Mills, r -ora %trong. Isabel Ritchie, n1ained on the three imost.prevalent father of Mrs. O)r.) R. S. Hamilton, a,o at,ipn of Ctrmdl 1 resvwterian church, I recenrbly visiti , c ,eeks o.- Streams .of viater in the
and weather w . hich the thermometer passed away -early Tuer Miss fieldis. , , . .
111 , - . day in his jiev,all. is planning. is. ireal Scotch nijvht in nig is sister, . .
t Mr. Kieldby. Mr. T. -Nolan. 1h. Ro-lit; diseases. Th,%achnission is free. Yon tb, :Minnie, . .
' I
'i . registers at a littl6s above or a lit1le Patter'son. Mr. John Lo- -Tningr, George have the time and it -%T,,;,, be w,,11 P -8th yegLr. WWI. the -passing of Mr ' the chunch qn Friday evening, Janwory 27 1 Hensall Pluiblic School Report—Re- . .
" . f + - The suiver, wbich will .be served ;n The , , )Mr'. Thomage Hudsoi), of 'Marlette,
, below ze I ro, - until I ' Love, Albert Lydiatt, Janwes Rae and -warth your while to be, Bailey, Ramesels loses another o S port of Room 1, for November aAd .
'' % the -midcIlle .or en(I ibe,iv. An, 1 " basement of the chuTch from 6-8 p.m. w!ll t IMichi,kan, -is here visiting his many
11 t'. .. . Ed Rowland. bour will be given to the answerinF oldest and most highly esteerned res- inolude such ScotILLA %lielicacies as haa is, relatives and fri ' Decernilyer.--L4Sr. JV---- Ronsild Peek, 73,
: .. of February, we call that an ordi.n- idents and his de b'will be wi&ly sh,orta;reads, and so on A S&Ach prowram end%.. Ivan Kipfer 72, Jean -Poster 71; Robt
.1, . ; r. Colin Fingland bas. sold his of questions. 'b s I
.., I winter. Peterseime electi i . c incubator and ' - A number are pn the stck list with i-nourned. The Iwte Mr. Bailey was 'ill follow. conmlsthw I 6ongs. eivs and IM'r, Beit'.11ortont, who has been Drysdale 70, Loretta -Bell 67, Gladyi;,
Ill . 1. ary in the ,at madinus, exclusively Scutch. '
. ,,., Rev. A. R-- here on a visit the past month, Slaundercock, *X,uriel 'Hoskins 20.
. , . born in Georgetown,, a son of . burn 430),ion, of Mitch .. for
But we haven't had that kind of a stalled a 15000 Tnamiri-ic th of the ,same..'bad colds, and flu. Isiah and ,Mary Bailey, apiong tile an "Burns, the t ae 11,,swil-I x1ve.his lecture- retui-ned to Texas ;State on W dnes- Jr. IV41)avid Zangster 73, Herbert .
z ,, . wintq for two years. T at. is, () v Inake in order to supply the incre;ts- 111r. and Mrs. T. Uvander return- that dis f caflamd." The pub- day lacst. ..
' ,h . ing des-riand forb?.by chick .. . . .. . -Mr. Fing- ed to their horile in Hehsall after early pioneers of tricit. He 11b is cordtal,ly invited, and the admission Drunimiond, 72,' Ruth, B eill 70, Irene
u cimrg,e, only .speaking 6r last win+er was one of a family Of twelve I I Price for. saPper, PaWram and lecture is I 11n -the appointimlent of' Hydro in- H(mkins &8,
,, land finds the demand, for - ick 4 spending a few days at the home a 1( , only 35c for aduilits, 2Gc for ch-Rdren. . 'Ma garet -Shepherd 67,
,:. I and up till now of the had .spent the greater part of his life I I spe o c - Ednr I
1. N present one. much greater this yiigr and hopes, of Mr. S., B. Forrest. I . 3397-2 Or appoint a Saundercock 64, Jack Simmons ..
"', , , in the woollen mills business, corruing ment was made I in the person of 51r. 63., Porothy Daters, 60, Mae Wolff I 1.
11 We -did hav a cold and snow in No- wit -h this largef'eap city, to be able ,Mr. and Mrs. ,C Miller and chil- _ ; Annovincement.--Mr. -Matthew Tin- : I Herman Da . .
. 60, Nellie Fee .69 Drina- ftfe 57, ,
. : . . ' h, .re with 'J.. T.- Wood some twel.01ty- nev -of Hay Towns:bip 1h to r =Z A quiet wedding *Yvenneth Pissm"bre 68, Keith Buch- .
11 . . vember. and the first two weeks'of .to fill all orders prom tly. dren.. who were visiting at the- home - , moving to .. I , wis tep aT1- . VollandJLem, n.— I
I the Mr. and Mr -j. J. Morris'on-, cif To- of Mr. and "Mrs. C. Siemon returned eight years ago. Prior -to 0 nly was solemnized on Saturday, Jan
;, nounce the engagement of .'his
. December, but before Christmas 6ru u- anan 56, Harold Willard, .4-5, *Mona .
, 1 . Tonto, vere week end visitors at th.k., to their hmne in Kitchener. . q9els, Mr. Bailey bad resided, in ' dMgMer, Grace Eveflyn,, to George . 4 4
- snow had disappeared, and'since the home, . of Mrs. Morrisozfs parent-,-; ; " ; Mr. William- Jarrott is in London. Rockwood for mom tham thirty years. Campbell, y1oungest son of Mr. and .ry 14thi - . at 3.30 at the I Iaflsle, Kip- dlenn 23. Sr. 1,11 --Mary Clark 83.
, '.
t! . . . ,weather'lias imore resembied October Mr. and Mrs. W. Hay. - . tbi . Is week attending the 0. B. T. con- He had -nenit the early w.ars of his Mrs. George Eym, ,of Tuckersm-ith, pen, when Rev. Mr. Conner united Alice Pfaff 79, Barbara Shepherd 71,
. . I I I in. marriage'Aldeen Mae, third old- Jack Coles 66, Lloyd Brock 65, *- , or- .
,., . . Miss Marg Lret Fear. of Clinton, is v life in HillSbUTg and in PariA and it; the imarriage to take- ,pr1ace shortly. est daughter of 'Mr. Wlllia-rnt'I einon, a - *Elva. -M .
, , I . . than January. . .. visiting at the,home of,Mr. and Mrs. entio.n. - .. 11 , - I -- was at the latter place that he miar-j The annual meeting of ,the South ' .0 . ..
. don IH -6 9-crt 53, cQuqen- 50,
. We "ite not * boasting abour our. of Henseal to ,Clarence Volland, son ""Douiglas 'gangster ,36, *Pearl Har . - .
. . 7 - H. -Manming. - I I , '' ried * Mliiss Joan Campbell .. who pre- Huron Agricultural .$ociety was held ' ' .
., w6a ther, or predicting it either. It deceased.him -by fourteen yebLrs. Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Volland, of pole 33. - ' D&ssed examinations, 1C. .
I 'Miss Pearl'Thamer R.N.. of Kin- .BAYFIELD .. I ' lat the Comimercial Hotel here On Tulcker9mith, 'The. ' ' .
I.` - Pailey wa,, 'a beloved member of , br4ldiesmW4 V
is a long, long way to'fA the Vas H. BlOwes6 Principal. Jr. HI --Nor- I
. pril and this mrdine, returned to he.r iluties on I Monday ,afternoon when there was Miss Beatrice Volland, sister- of the ma ,Cook 78, Russell Hedde,n 77, I
.. -dd Sdt-urd&y after spending a. week. a", 'Charles Ferguson, of. Deiroft, and - Uji-ited 'ClItwelh, also a member of ,
,. . I is Only, the n dle of January. * 1 _4 good attendance and the usual groom, while the ,groom was &up- Marion Cilsbie 74, Elaine Peck 69, ,
, -m Lond the 1. 0. 0. F. Mr. Bail ey WE'S t116 ro-und -of business gone, tbroug ed .
7 1. TraviSportation: methods have the home of her paxlents,' Mr. and '&ss Nora .. Ferg son, of on . b with 0,ort by -Louis Taylor, of Varna. ,(Direy JoyAt 67,, Wax HiAdson 62, Jim
, I ' m ur sons em d. .
, . changed so greatly' in the pa ;,. fevi Mrs William Tbamer. . F,vent the we -k end with Mrs. Jas. three in the way of electing directors ci The bride was'be,comingly attired in ,Campbell 69, .
I . *
. . I ' -1
I . Co.n,I,.panV are One son, Fred Bailey, Calgary ; white radi qn 1,Wce with geor-Rdtte, .Jr. - J111 134George Gangster 58
es Is a i s ss tery Mrs. Harry Arnold, is " - I I
. 17NfL" Annie F-e`rguson,"of Seaforth, Ferguson. - ,, daugbtero. 'Th-ose -surviving ficers, etc. I * *4erald !Pasgmore 58.
years that snow in quantiti 4pen-cling a few days at the home The Baylfielld Ceme . ,and, ,has for: tyimmdfig and, ac'eessoiiesi , ;1
. I . . . detriment rather than an aid to of Mrs. William Neal. ,beld their anni al meeting on ,Mon- two daughters, 'Mrs. J. A. Smith, Ed- the ;past couple of riveeks, been to match. *Billy Higgins '44, ,Shirley Twitcliedi
1. mionton, ptnd Afr%. (Dr.) R. Is. Ham . But- Her travelling 'dress was Of royal 43, Qacil Kipfey 41, Herman WWR 11
, business in the country district-, and ,Mr. and -Mrs. R. Blay and Miss d,ay, January l6th, in the town, hall. fering frolm a very sevem type. -of
I .. . Winnifred Monroe, of London. were The various plots haNv been kept in iltqn;' one -brother, Benjamin, Nia- CORC . . . I blue, trimmied with 'rhinestones vid-th ,40, Ray Foster 40, Laird Hudson'40
I "ra Falls, and two sistersi, F-ylrs. B. I smiart hat to match, Aud'my Twitchell 39. Jr. II — June'
-t-:.... towns. But all the same, to the old Pa black codt -and ' I
: Zuests at'the home of !Mrs. Charles, vtry -nice order. The officers for 1933 ,Chu#Cb and chulA Societies are ' Following the ceremony a wedcling 8aundlercoafl 077,, Howard Love 76, I
. - tinieT, a winter without Snow, isn't a Drager on Suncla,y. are* President' John Me-Do-nald- Hill; Clinton; and Mrs. J. 'Von- putting on a number of enterta . in- . .
... . . -,by, of Grand Bend "'I dinner was served at the,,bridels [Mary Goodwin .74, Jan* Shepherd 67, ... ''
. . winter at all. Mr. Geo'rge Kirk cretairy treasmi*r, Alffre,1 Erwi,n - ' dless, Elinira,, Michigan. ments during this month. , home with only relatives and, friends Leaton (gemon 64, Madeline Van-
..? Directors, Charles Middle -tor, '
. I
, ., 'He doesn't believe it is healthy spent the week end with his parents, b Oedrge The Y. P. S. Of the Melville Pres- 'Mrs. Brierly, amompanied by mem- of -both contracting pp-rties .:'
udie, urch , .Present. landeghem ,69, *Ronald lPalker 63, .
H W , Tog .byterian Oh met 'Monday even- bers of her family, is here from Al- Mr. and Mrs. Volland left bY motor Billy Goles 02, !Presbon Lernmon 61, 1 ..
, either. ,Perhaps it isn't, but as we Mr. and Mrs. H. Kirkby. ., illism & otcbmer, . . eph
' I
.. '. 'Miss Margaret Cuml,nintg!, Strat- Richards,on, D. H. MicNlaughton, Robt. bg under the auspices of the De- bqpta, lvdaiting her mother, M.-rs. JnO- ; for points Itast, . GWA 'DIaters 5& *fflissed e3mmi*na-.* . 0.
", 11 say, this i.5 only the middle of Janu- , I , viathonal Com rrdtteq, BuIrtion, Maz Jacks;n, and broth -ere and sisters, 'The Young Peopl,e s League'ok the 'tions. Junior lRoom.. Class I
. . , Lor( Normal, spent the week end at Sc, Ichmer; sexton, Robert Orr. . .
. ary. - Winter may, s.elt in at any the horhe of her -parents, Rev. and The annual meeting of Knox pms- donald, 47esident, bad charge of the Mr. A. L. Case -has suffi-ciently re- 1—Har- . I
f. time. Mrs. Charles -0ummin-g. byterian Chuirch was held ,on the PTOgrU.m. A piano, nul-rher wa- con- 'covered from his late illness of some I United 0hurcli held a very enjoyable old' Koehler 86, Norris McEwe-n -,80 ,
... ! 10-th. TbQre was a good atte ndance trifbtuibedl by Miss Isabel `MleTavisb dvlendng on ,Monday with a splendid Donald Jo mt 76, Emily Hoskins 75, 1 1
. I I . month to ,be able 4o repurne his attenclance. The meeting was pre- Bobb H sis 53 :P a g et Sa .
I n the meantime, this weather is Mr. William Hoy. of F-thel, spent and the various reports weTe very and a vocal doert by the Mispes Aleen, dutieq as railway -station master of r Y ,e , M r ar agsber ' I .
I . nice for getting abiiill, isn't it? Sunclay -with big brother, Mr. R. Hoy. ,atisf6ebory.' The financial repo t 'Gibscii and Winnifred MeMillan. Miss I sided over by Dr. Smillie and till?, 40. Class I--4Marion Drarn,moll'd 9(). .
, The an,,ival meeting of the pub!ic ,bovved a balance on, hand. The Wo- Gncp Stewart was 'nominated as the the C.N.R. -gnd his manydriends, ar( " artists taking part in tbe program Bobby Gaindron '80), Bobby Sangster, I
,.,. . a- -I li bT 6ry board was held, at the boTre -,en -'s 'Missionary Soci'ety rsis, A their Socie-tv's rem-esentative on tifie Mis- pleased to se6' him around again. - were ,Mr. arid -Mrs. 0. J. Schaefer, of 736 James Clark 65, Lois MeLaren 64, .
". 11 The recent wee- vild -we 'p
, , : of Mr. and Mrs, H. Kirby on 'Mon-- allocation of $1,30. The debt on the . s in ks of n ith er al6i!er%ton and Mr. Samuel Rennie, Mildt,ed Brock 62, Howard SnIa,e I
. c z Monary ,Or Bud -vet Gommdtti of the hec . 1 37P
-., One Gadget Missin'g day eveninig. The a,de it mulch easier om.the coal Mr. ,Schaefer delighting all present *Rayimlond Hlgginz Sr,. 14,rimein— i
I . -
I . . I . following offi` ers building was re-cluced $17-55. it w,as (,qnvreg Lti,nn. The tcypic, "Jesus our U I ns and; delivery employees. with ,v,eral weql rendIewed, instru- Donald Willert 77, Bobby Nicol 77' -
. . .
.. " I I , Mr. C. Sellers; treasurrer, Percy Ta - S n I
A reporter .says tb , ere is a mina,- were clecited for 1933: Chairman, pasted unanrimously to extend an in- Td,'RI in Prayer," wag tak,en - in a The coiincil tv ipg advantagi of mental, a d Mrs. !Schaefer and Mr. Alpine WcEwen 61. Jr. Primer (a) 11
,;. V- ,Itation to Mr. Gordon Ped,die who tmlendid manner by,Mr. Andrew Me- thii open weatbetl%'had *our cement rRien,-de with
,. , lor; s cretary, Mrs. H, KirkbN - . .
. ture army of gadgets, gee -haws, lev- y; lib* ' d
. is now attending Knox Golleg and KRvu-e- I delightful duets, with —John 136er 7, Ross Kenne y 77, I
1. dad,,4 in, Mrs . Peter McTag , I pawimenrli on 'Main St 99t , Tricelv Miss Fflorence Welsh a§ accompanist. Joe'Warks' 77 ng I
ranan, _ gart. Other I`o`I- th past three surnmers. has heen Tbc Young people of the 'United, . Jim Sa ster 75, Al-
l 11 , erz, buttons. dials and doo- I meml,A-rR 'of the bolrd are: Mr. D. .1 -cleaned up. These -numbers were very much en- An iSmale 62,'*George, Ot,terbei .. ir..
: ambu-sh in the nooks and cranll;,-.;; of . minigtef hero, to TietuTn this sUrn- C11,11rCh Tn-P.t 'Monday. Thi%. was mis- 'Mrs. John Miller 11
. I ,, .
" I . John ton and Mr. Oliver Turnbull, . , of Winds ry an(]' jov.ed, The tuipic for the evening wag PriTywer 9,
. . m-er. ,Mr. Peddie is an exernplary 5,10flary' nicrbt and Alma (b)Jockle Drysdale 6
, i, . . the automobiles of 1933 on displaIr A grant of $40 ha -0 been givven to the . P0,tterso`1 a former Pesident of our village, is
v young TnaT? and is very high d the chaiw. Dean. Davison, here .on Camp- :
1 at the National Motor , I y esteern oeewnie ta:6n by Dr. L S. ,Smillie, who chose Harry Armstrong 69, Gord %
Show beingr library to purchw,;e new books. Tlie , , this week vi shing her many for his subject, "MacBeath," one of -bell 69, F,Iaine Hoskins 54. r
... .T. - ,held- in Totonto this week - follinving committee was appointed. _ d 'by young and, old with whom he president ,of the Y. P., -poke a few relatives and friends. ---- L! *
I .
.. to choose the books: Rev. 0. CuIrn has rvocolmfs acquainted here. The words ArfIter a &j:scusIii-o,n, it WaA 'A good inove made ftring the past. I h I
': 'He is right too. We read the list . Ming, Mi. Gbarles c officials of Knox Murch are ais fol- m4-0re'd tbat 'Mi." Ina Cunpiffigham, week was the fixing u9j, of our com- .1 I
. . - Sellers, Miss Roso 1,iw. : .: T: : :
". Secretary-treavur r, Miss R.N., be 9,ont to Stratfurd as a &ele' munity .shed for the winter months =- :: * H-11 I ,
.. 0-mr and while we tcp,nnot-reOlember Simpson and .,Mrs. Peter McTazp art. , -1,1-111 I
, 11 - XX ; 1111111111 I 11111111
: . th quarter of thermh we know it was rQ,, public ,library was reorg'amized Margaret, Reid; Sabbath school su. - r,atc to the bea.dermihip Train* 'nf" in the way of putting in new win&rw . I INFO , 1
1. ., Printendent M Ross. S. ,S. stecretary- Rchlool. A violin solo was f-rivena by panes where they were broken and : =: : lo-
., I . a com,grehensive army Situate in and in NOVeTnf*b@T, 1911, and open,ed with + , .1 --- -- 11.11" 1, 1, 1, 1, I ... I,., am I .
17* . $118 in the bank, There lreiievrer, Willard Dresser; ,Mana Jim) McCall. The topic, " Ilave the seeing that everything wa.9, in ,good .111. . . I ,
. 1. 9- - 1ZMAMAM .......
, , being, in, on, and urdeV the car and . were 1,069 '
bw&II on the sWves and about 70 Pr%, JOsleph Richardson,, Lewis Thom- ('itizer,4. Any Resporlsibility for the shape for the cold winter days. 1- I I.... A
. 1 li I ' ' S. Houston, . ! .1-
; Iin, on and under the engine, and . new bd-&ks have Since been, o-rd-ered. -)On. M. ftsks, f Thomas Unemrpinyedl?" wus-cleve,rly given. lyy " ,(yu, mercha,nts. will soon be busily I .1
,, Ttlaace'; bufldinig fund treasurer, Mi." Alice P01pe, who 'also acted' as e,nlga"d in stock taking and, ascer- I", I
I -raniging f`rom adjustable, steering The boolks are clw-mified. 9A juvenile, Wcr' .
. ,
. . I., :1 k . I wheels,, to a button that would raise voyage6, history, bio"hy, fliotiorn,,, James ff. Rei,d - pi -ani -A. . .. . rt-aining them -by what busfiness they , let.) " V . . I I
. ,
. ".. . 1. siCienjele, poetry gftj religion. ne The Young reople in this district, . 1have transaeted and the gg,ny ; vie`r C-14 Reference 1. ;
. i, the ramble seat when pressed ,by the v-ry much -enjoy - . --- ---- - . I I ,
Y, chivvr. lib,rary Is open every Tuesday even- dance party. yed, -a euchre and of all the stock wbiclh is a thing '
,. iqvg from 7 to 10 and Zaturday after. There bAve'been a KIPPEN in itself as they then,know what they 4
1 )But long as -the list was, and catR- noon fro,m 2 to 5 and 7, to 10. number of such entertaintments here are under or overstodoed, in, business men respect ' - ' 1)
1 this season, amlong the mostAargely The annual meeting of the Horti- 1INfity-seventh AnindveTsaty and'still I
. I' fally as we Searched, we muld not The annual meeting of iSt,Georgel '3 attended, was that put on by Che Leg- Cultural So'ciety wee be Id, an Fri dav GoinK Strong.—On Tuesday eveninig . . I
I . . flaid ,the one gadget that we have Chumb was held in the church on ion arid then, ,the L.O.L. No. 24. One afternoun in the school room; of St.' last WT. and W& Ed. Sheffer, of our - A bank account. often gliVeS 2 young man ot a - `
t. , I I ecto b m S en
, j, , been 'hoping vF uld be installed in a Monday afternoon with the r T, of ,t e 0 t Joyable and well at- Andrew,.% United %urch. The fol- village, celebrated the 517th year of young woman & standing in the business com- el
. .
I t.. . . car amle day. ' . 1 1. F. G. Rickard, in Aargie. lu, meet- tendled was part -on last F rich- . V even- lowing its the list of officers, Presi- their ,marriage. Sotmo of, the rela- . rnunity. On Occasion it serves as a feference which '.
, I ing vr— ope'ned with prayer by the ing, the 10th, by the Variety Oreb- dent, 'Miss Xalbe4 Whiteinlan; Istvice- tives and fri ds who b &me are .. business I I
. I And that is a button that when rectw, ,after which . en eb a*
11 . , . the folloming of- estra. prips- in, euchre wers won as men readily acicnowled-ge and respect, I %
, -m-11 -5 eAe&01 for 1993: Peo- follow, president, 'Mrs. James Finlayson; 2nd of that long tem. lof yean wk. -re . - 0 - /
. pressed rdfill the gas tank, ficeT Vmm g: 'Ladies' first, Mrs. W. .J. viee presidtent. Vres. Wlillia Aqoxan- planning to 'have a surpTive party for A steadily growing balance is
I , .. diange the oil,,replaee wom tires ,,d pWs warden, Mr. W., Shol4ice, min- McLeod; conSc4ation, Mm. G. Green- der; Directors,,, Mft. James Bowey, the 57th anniversary, but Mr. aTid .
. , stoer'% warden, Mr.' Hoy - 'secre- slkde- gents' ft )
f - 6 R. f mt,' E. ,Steek1d; ebn- (Mm. James V(d1),pn&lA 'Mrs. J. S. Mrs. ISheffer geWnig a hint of it, ex- of character. Do not delay in establi8hing a bank I
. 1 guaram ee, absolutb- ly, az-a'wt am'- tary-treaisarer, ;Mr. W. R. Stewart;' ,,,, , D. McLennam - ,pressed their desite not at their ad- . connection. You may 1 SaVingt account at ' - .f
. I , dent mi the high,w,ar. sidegmen, Bert Anderson and - la Ifenderson, ,W. French. Mrs. G, E.
41 6 - . "Und- There possed. away O,h . Saturday, Thom 1son,, Miss Jennie Chesney, Nbs. vanced age to halve sutdh a large :
.1 11 I I f" we find one of the low-prip- ,Ay Stewart;, Jay delegate ,:to 'Synod, I .f,06iri 14th, at t1w hom,e of her A. tMonteith, Mys. D. A. Aikenhead, gathering, but rath -r just a veri few any biMndi of this = by depositiag one
1. '' ed mbAla with - tfl t Nxftxm incltoied Harry Bolger. `hUgh1mYr, Mrs. N. W, Wbado, Day- Mrs. J. D. Stewart, XT&,William Ivi-' nftr relatives and neigbborh. to speiid dollar or more. Interest ,Compounclecl.haWy arlv_ .1 )
I '.
q, I . in Os &tardard equipment., w1e, afe `rne amual. cmlgr gafionsl meet- field, Jame Ellen Tauder,- widow of s6iii; audlitoral, Nessm. gas. Bo,* .y a social evVning with them, ,as Mrs.. . A . -1 I I I I
- , 1-11, ng of Dairs United Church was held 1 -he late WaTter Ewing Buchan of and W L, 'Hellis. The exetutive of Sheffer on, icco nt of not being very I " , ",
I . I,.' , , 11 going to luarve mv--if we can Im7 p- ,n 1 1, it of the church on DuAtam, in her .80th year . The , de, 'the 1SMetv wishes to tbark 411 ,those weN felt 'that ,She could, not meet as I I I I
I ," -mw 'I, f
I I I on the instalment, plam. I T Aay afternoon January 17th, oeasedI Is d'V was the only aurviiviug who have in the Vast assisted as many of her relati-,ros anA frien,& as, THE . Ili
. .
!, 1. *il* tbe -minister, Rev. Charles Cum- Member of 'a faawily of seven; was m*nbera td make the ;Society a sue- She woralcl desire) to, but a b" I .
. ,
. . a-6fig, midimg- Tbe ano,eting open- the fourth dauOter of the late ,Tdhn cesig, and are evclea46ring. to make pleasant time was spent by the few , '
I ", .4 TA, -v - tr - ,the year 1093 one 4d 'the best. present, and the now aged, couple
C.'.4' Newspapers and,ftrmr , rinzz a hymn amd prayer by the T,audier and Jesmki 7MI, aTid was botn I DOMINION BANK
1,1 i . .. I after whlich a. Tepoft of the in Durehgm,, .Deceimberr 2% 1,86% The Young PomAe will meet on were warmly oonprabilebed, amiom- i
"., I , vwelo work ivl" 4;iv1e'1T- T110, report Th'ere c he opent ber ,pirlhood' and af- Friday evening -46 8 rpAn., Th *ill be panied with wishes expressed that ESTABLISHED isn .
.. I.. C A tramer Iftr rohnfttm r~11 of OrdivaTX F mcl sly ,v I . 11
I I . ,d Missionary ter becciming the bride of Walter "Fellowship ancl-Prayer NW.." they might be spared to enjoy anti-
, , .;. - M given by M-99 3&ry Smil - 13"ha* her narried, life, shel'came The 1W. X S. bf M. And*ve.4 viersaries an'd ther were made the ' I
11 "I LV wftw && Twaft& My Mdr 6ff .r=4 ,W, SE"ORT11 BRANCH
I,,,,,- It " I f4oft" Ifg, &,Arm Iftbt 00'sw a reses" I i A- s3b&xth &111001 report 'was giv- -+o 13,AVfi,pld to medipe her lholneI wit,b -U-nited ChU Ch, lial W, a I relciplents of'nlce presoubs. M anager I
,:Xpeel 01f
;;. '
. . ''4 . ,; 101 , ,q.), -en by,the 84perraUn( ent, Mr. Si,las her daug,h,ter fourteen 7"ye ago. It qugts, fblanketg, 1, - Ap -r the emwees .
"I w4wm to 0*6 I orbh A Valentine -a und[e .
4,...,- 0 . I . . 000M JAn"ton- Aleft Bible Class and was wiruh d,e I 4-text,00n. last 'of th Ltvliml Guild of i8b. Paul's An- Sal .
, . , at . I I
. , i.,: ?,' , % 0kr ad' ft ,fiedftte *t th,11 F I I lop mrret th bet many ingiete., on WIedfieWay . . t
.1 " . . , # I r . yfxffle N 1,0110 godety by Wiv; E friendis, both in -burrha-m and %V- to be sont to t,hWp&edy ateab in the DgANCHft TPMOUGROUT CANADA AND OPP '
. . 916can Church vK11. 4ye hold (m, St, TO . 9 . S IN NEW YORK AM LoMobr
I ;11,111".4.1 .", ,,;, , , IM%gion, BOOd ,by Kftw &14, -learned a her illness and ouly- wift4, , Valentine's Day. ltl*ligoil@nlluoiallllleignitio"gtl liallogiolli ts;io #;Fn 1
WM . . ft a . I .
I ,. '' IMMU6111111 I I iniiiii, 1"Inji—#111111140111"M"
L f k. ;, . . . I I
I, llr' ,','... . ,
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, I f I . . I ,
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, ... I 1 A. ., "I' ` , . - 11. 11 I . , . * , . I . 1. .1 . ( I . . ),
. 4 , . . I I I , , , I
. I . I .
1,71, 1 1 1 "...1 I 111 1. I- . I . . k I
& " , Y,n4 "'
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