HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-01-20, Page 1a.
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Seventytlihird Year
'Whole Numioer 3397
Agricultural Societies .Elect
Officemfor 1933 at Annual
- Meetings Held This Week
Humphrey Snell is Elected
President of 'Seaforth So -
Campbell, Hensall, Heads
South Huron Society.
Seaforth Agrlcultural Society held
its annual Meeting in the Carnegie
Library an Friday afternoon list
deet, Humphrey Snell, was in the
Reports on the work of the past
year ehewed that the • society had
held one of the most succes:sful fall
faire. of.. its history. Expennw of
fifty dollars, which deficit • is being
carried over to 1933.
Officers were elected as follows:
President, Hernephrey Snell; 1st vice -
President, J. 'M. Eckert; 2nd vice-
president, .R. Atehibtald, JT.; Direc-
tors: Hibbertn-J. ;Chalmers Russel
Scott; Mies G. Pewit; 11-11ulleit---Ross
McGregor, James Leipet, John Free -
Men "I. Trewartha, William J. Beat-
tie; Rebert Camplbell, Jr., Gordon Mc -
Gavin Therms -O. Scott; Tucikersinuith
—Mrs. Eliz. Broadtfoot, Wilson Mc-
Cartn.ey, W. ;$. Breatifoot David Mc-
Intosh, Sash . Whitmore; Seaforthi—
John M. Govenlock, J. W. Beattie
Williarre Hartry, R. Smith, Neil Gil,.
tespie.Mis. R. Aber•hart, Ethel Beat -
Dickson; .auditors, .Rebert Beattie and
Thomas Melady.
The efficient: secretary-teas/leer of
the society, ;Mrs. j. A. Kerr; was re -
Have Good Year.
The annual' meeting of the Seuth
Huron Agricultural Society held • in
the :Commierci1il• Hotel, Herisail,,
Monday was imnsually well attend -
The treesurer's• etaltesnent Showed'
an expenditure of $76.75 eipended in
;Wiens et the Seed Show held in
es and $217.50 for horse •prizes at the
.Spring Fair held in. April. - •
Above these expenditures the So-
ciety enters the year with , sub-
stantial balance in snite of the fact
that no .adimission fee ie charged at
The arin/ual Seed Fair will be held
in Heinen on Friday, February,24bh,
end the annual Spring Pair on Timer
day, April 11th, for both. of which a
liberal premium list will be offered.
Me. A. R. Campbell :was re-elected,
president; 0. Geiger, 1st viice-prresi-
dent; W. R. Dungan, Ind vieeenesie
dent, and the Board of Directors. el-
ected, Messess William C•cni.sitt, W. D,
Sanders., R. N. Peck, Robert McLar-
anti JamesiBallantyrie.
Mr. Henry Kisehler and Mrs. Wil -
llama Koehler aecompanied Mr,. and
Mrs.. C. Regele to Rosteck on Wed-
nesday last weelie -
Mei and Mind William .Doerr and
Mr. an.d! :Mrs. jolius Doerd, of Gads -
bill; were at Mr. Jerry Doerr's on
Wedneedays 'Mr. and Mr% J. Diner
remained here the' rest of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kneehrtel aiid
baby and Mrs. William Kilkte and;
son, of Stratford, spent ;Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Doerr and Mr.
_end Mrs. Fred Hoegy.
IMm. arid ;Mrs. Feed Hoegy were
very roach alarmed on Sunday when
their iih.ifinney caught fire and was
extinguished 'with difficulty.
agr. and IMeg. John; Doerr and baby
of IGadehill, spent ;Sunday on our
Mr. Themes Purcell is busy truck-
ing cattle and hoge to Toronto and
Kitchener. '
Me. and Mrs. Charles Egge•rt and
Della and Newman spent Sunday ev-
ening with Mfr. And Mrs.. Ed. Heinz
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bennewies, of
the leth of Logan, entertained their
friends and neighbors. to a progres-
eiye euchre, party and dame in their
beautiful home on Feiday evening,
mein af Logan, was the successful
*inn of first prize; .M.iser Velma
eche rite the boofbie. Mr. Paul
Weine ug Wag the winner lof the
ing was spent by all rpresent, , .-
The following is...the report of 'S.
S.. Non 9, :McKillon: Fifth Class—
Lorne agioNrielsol 79.4, Kenneth Thorn-
ton 68.21. er. IV—Hazel :112aciPfher-
eon 84.1, Elsie Derinte 77.1, Ag -nes
Irene Leo/their& 59.6, CA/filched Mc-
IVii-IFlorence Denmis 71.8, Sr. III
George •MeNichel 924 Grace Der,-
lifie 87.8, Kathleen Smith 95.6, Lois
-Blackwell 80.7, Evelyn Dundat 76.7,
Nielsol '68.7, Robert Hurley 66.5. Sr.
Missed.—W, J. ,T,ohnston, Teacher.
Manager Smith. of the Sea -
forth Beavers, will have reason
to remember Friday, January 13.
On the Way home from Goderich
where the Beavers were defeat-
ed, a tire .went flat on his car.
He put on the spare; started off
again and shortly after ran over
two jack rabbits which were ly-
ing on the road. Two minutes
later he had anether flat. Im-
agine his surprise oil taking off
the tire to find that it hed been
punctured by a bone from the
Locals Play Best Hockey of
Year But Get No
•Seafoeth lost theie fourth straight
garise when Clinton outscored them
4-2 on Wednesday night. The local
•httis deserved to win for they played
excellent 'hockey all the game and,
outclassed Clinton most of .the game,
The iee was 'the best seen this sea-
son. Quite a large crowd attended
and were shown the •fattett game of
hoekey witnessed here for some time.
(Clinton began the scering
one minute of iplay when .MeEwan
:shot the 'puck past Muir for the first
leounte.r. 'The Beavers then took hold
of the play and ottclassed and ,olue-
scored Clinton tliedfirst period.
Many dangerout eushes were made
by both teams, but. neither seared.
until finally Elvian Rennie put the
pock past Twyford after 16 minurtee
with the assist, This tied up the
:score until Gerd'. Hildebrand seored
on a poise from G. Rennie three sec-
• befare the bell rang to end the
period. .Not one penalty was given,
thus showing the elean playing'• of
both teams'. Very feet hockey was
played with 'some; "snap& combina-
tion rwark. 'Clinton had nine' shots
on Seaforth's goal and the local boys
took 11 shots. at 'PWyford.
,Close. back eheckitug featured the
.second ;period. Neither team had the
edge but Clinecin; 'slipped in a goal
one .minute and anhelf after faoe off.
This tied the score and made things
more interesting to -watch. Time af-
,tee time it seemed that more goals
would have been geored but both
Muir and Twyford blocke'd some.
shots. Owing to the hard
ehecking, forum penalties were givth
two to Cliruton and two ,to Seaforth.
Ref:eree Kerslak.e checked up pretty
:close oh the plays and did not let
ye• lled because. of some heavy body -
checking. The play was fairly egual
in thie period with neither team out -
(playing the other and with good
hockey ;being played from beginning
to end. Hildebrand, Little, Elliott
and Glidden received the penalties.
final period and deserved the two
goals that the visitors countSd'. From
the face off ;the ;Beavers had Clinton
bottled up in their end: of the rink
and it was :only the spectacular stops
made Twyford that saved the
game fee ;Clinton. The Beavers play
ed four men forward. and linton
found it hard to get Past their own
blue line. Rath, however, broke
through and with only one defence
player to beat easily .seored on Muir.
'Mere was a setaimble at Clinton's
net and' Rex /McGregor, the goal um-
pire, raised his hand, but the referee
would not count it. The fans were
y.elling and cheering, but the Beavers
couldn't seem to score, Twenty sec-
onds before the end of the fgarne Mc -
Ewan seared the fourth counter for
it wan a hard fought game and the
locals deserve credit for the battle
they put une Clinton receive.d all the
penalties in the third period, Elliott
drawing ttvo and Campbell one. It
can be clearly seen that Seaforth
had the best of play in this period for
then had 12 shots on goal against
Clinton's 4.
The line-up: Cliniton-.-Goali Twy-
centre, Rath ; F. IMeEwant rive,
H. 'Gibing; alternate's, K. Pickett,
Nediger, :Campbell, Glidden. Sea -
F, Bullard; centre, G. Muir; 1.w.,,
Evan Rennie; r.w., Tom Cluff; alter-
nates, J. Hart, G. Rennie, G. Hilde-
brand, B. Christie.
Mr. and ;Mrs. Henry Foley spent
Sunday at the bottle of the /Littera
meth.er, IIVIrs. Jelin Downey.
Rev. F. P. Wrhite visited Rev.
Fath:eii Dantzer on /Teenier of this
'Miss Anne :Downer is home 'fill&
(The Wi L. 'are holding, a euchre
and pedal eveniing Wednesday of
nett week,
W. M. S. of United Church
Hold Fine January
The January ,meeting of the W. M.
S. was held •aft the 'Mange orb Wed-
nesday afternoon, January llth, with
'the president, Mrs. Bremner, in the
ehair. The, opening hyrnie "Stand-
ing At the Portal of,' the Opening
Year" was sung and the Scripture
lesson was read reeponsively from
Psalm! 143, followed by the Lord's
Prayer in unison. The roll call was
eespendlid te by twenty Members,
each giving their favorite Scripture
verse. The secretary reported one
lady who had missed but one meet-
ing in five years, Twit verses of a
hymn were sung. The president urg-
ed that we ;take this hymn as "a pray-
er foe the year upon which we ha,ve
just entered, knowing as we .do that
the effectaal fervent prayer availeth
much. Encouraging reports were
presented by the 'via -rams secretaries.
The devotional leaflet, "D.eborah, the
Women. of IPublic Spirit!' wes reed
by 'Mts. J. Weitson. after Which sev-
eral eof the ladies led! in sentence
nrayere. The subject for study, "His
Dominion of Canada, Early Missioria"
thapter 4, was led by Mrs. Bremner;
"Congregational Pioneers' in •Carnade"
.terian :Missions° by Mrs. Brock. Our
temperance itecretairy, Mrs. Flaugli,
presented the temperance lesson. Mrs.
Bremner, Mrs. Brock and Miss Bowey
were appointed to Make, up the 'pro-
gram fare the arear's work. New
Yearis greetings and, .good wishes
were conveyed to the auxiliary by
terested member, namely, kMits Bes-
sie McGregor, California. The • So-
gor for the kindly interest she still
retains in us. After singing the two
last vers.es of HYmin 379, Mrs. Haugh
.closed the meeting With prayer.
agen's Club Started.—The men ef
infg ie the sehool room. af the church
on December let, 4932, to discuss the
organizing of a men's club. Th.ere
was a' geed attendance and the idea
received favorable consideration. Mr,
McLeod, Agricultural 'Representative
of fBeyfieldi were present and 'were
able to tender much. good advice and
assistance on aeeount of their know-
ledge of. nterfs. clubs in other places.
A second mee:ting was held on the
first Thursday a January, 19,33,
which the organization of the Bruee-
field•Menis.Club was .proceed.ed with.
A constitution was adopted and the
folloWing •officers were elected:—
President, Walter' Moffatt; eficeepresi-
dent, Jim McIntosh; secretary -treas-
urer, Wallace ;Haugh. These with
the chairmen a the different commit-
tees are to eorvetitute the executive.
ton Public School, and Mr. Cox, sec-
retary of the. Porter's Hill Merin
•Club, much valuable help in de -
in completing the organization, The,
next meeting of the Club will be held
p.m.; to which all the men of Bruce -
field and vicinity 'exe cordially invit-
ed. This Club gives. promise of• fill-
ing a long -felt want among the men
of the community.
Quite a number from, here attend-
ed the. fun•erial of the late Thomas M.
ilemilton, veto passed away at his
home in Toronto on Thursday, which
was held from the home. of his bro-
ther-in-law, Mr. Norman Park; Mit-
chell, with interment at Stalfa cem-
etery. The late Mr. Ifemilton was
for many years an active member of'
Crolmerty Presbyterian Cherch, He
is survived by his widow, formerly
Isabella Park, of cram.arty; one
daughter, Jean, and one son, James,
all of who.m reside in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl ;Weitzman, of
Rev. R. C. Rogers ie still under
dent be has not been able to be
Our teacher who was laid up with
the flu last week, is back het job
again this week, and the pupils en-
joyed a sveek of holidays.
(Messes. Thomas Puecell and Peter
Eckert made a :business trip to To-
ronto lent week, and ofit their return
home they called on Mr. and Mrs.
,Toe Eckert, in Oakeille. Joe is at
prresient running the King Construc-
tion Co. shovel for Mr. Thompson,
who has the contract of doin:g repair
work on the Welland canal.
A lame number from here attend-
ed the annual meeting of the Mc -
Killen 'Logan. & Hilthert Telephone
fnarneany in Dublin on Wednesday.
All the old officere Were re-elected
rind the Company is^ in good .stand-
ing and declaxed a dividend of six
per emit,
Charlek Holmes wns elected
chairman of the Seaforth Public
Sabel Board at lits inaugural
meeting on Wednesday evening, .
and M. Pdcliellar reappointed
pointments included; Rev: W. P.
Lane, to the :Public Library
Board; Charlesi -Barber, to Sea -
forth Collegiate Institute Board;
Roberi Archibaid, truant officer.
The ProPerty Committee will. be:
Wright, Archibald and Wigg,
and Supply CoMmittee: Holmes,
McKellar and Joynt. Supply
teachers will in future receive
$3.00 a day this year.' Accounts,
including Kaustine Co.; $25.44,
freight $1.25, and supply teacher
15.00, were passed.
The Teekerstaith Ladies' Club held
their regular monthly meeting at:
the home of Mrs. C. Oke with a
.goodly attendance of members and
visitors present. The new president,
:Mrs. Fear,. presided. The roll call
was answered by each imembenhand-
ing-in a written slip, 'Ways of im-
;preying our meetings. or suggestions
for topics and roll cello," most of
which were very helpful. The topic
for the month was "New Year's Res-
olutions?" .an•d readings 'were given by'
;Mrs. F. Walters, Mrs. F.' Pepper and
Mrsi R. Fenn Annette having wool or
flannelette patches to spiare were
asked to bring them to the next
meeting. itt was decided to form a
Book -a -Month Club, each member
vvishing to belorug to bringia book for
the purpose of exChangingeThe thpic
for the February meeting is to be,
"What is the Homemaker's Most Dif-
ficult Problem and How 'Can it be
Solvtd?" and is to lbe tgken by Group
No. 1, under the corivenerthip of Men
F. Townsend. Roll call is to be an-
swered by."A good book' I have read
and its author." Mrs. Howard Johns
is to be hostess next month:
Death of Mrs. Peter McKay.—Tiire
.death cieeurred at her home on the
•Thursdity, January 12the of Annie
;Clark, an esteemed resident of Tucke
ersreith for the long :period of BO
years and widow of Mite.. ir McKay.
The deceased iwiemanerwae born in
Tisc'keremith, October 16, 1863, it
She was married in 1877. They re,
sided on :concession; 10, Tuekerstnith
until 1891, when they moved to the
6th oencession or Tuc.kersiel.th where
she had since lived: 'Mrs. McKay
had been a semieinvalid for the past
thirty-five years but had only been
Confined to bed for four months. Sur-
viving. are four of a fandly, John R.
and. •Relbert C., and Mieses Annie and
Beesie, at hoine. The funeral 'was
held en Satu.rday afterntion, to the
Ross cemietery 13rucefield. Rev,
Irving B. Keine, of First Presbyter-
ian Church, ISea.fortit canducted the
The Trouble Is ,
To the Editor of The Expositor.
Dear Sin In your issue ot last
week, there. wasf an error in my art-
icle under the heading of "The Trou-
ble Is." I should :have said 'that
predecessors of the Henry Govern-
ment had mede lea-ne at a higher
rate of interest in 1022, ionead of
.saying taxes were higher in 1921,
and no one criticized the leaders of
those Governments fee even paying
ae .high as 7 per cent. interest.
Well, if •stsch loans were made no
one seemed to Tiede(' it di the tinee
of prosperity and even; the banke
then were quite witling to give loam;
to anyone who wore a straight face.
But mow alimest everyone is- clatsed
as to ,not be trusted by the banks or
trust eempanies, unloss one eon se-
cure them by govern.ment bonds. If
the Governments. :keep on making
each year it wen't he long until the
bo'nclis be like farm nentgages
are now, and if times continue as
they are, the Government officials and
their staffs will have to come back
to 5fl years ego and reduce their
.talartes .aceording to the times and
all :professional men and manufac-
turers ta.ke the same cut as the pro-•
&leer is taking. That will make the
ipurc'hasing power of th.e dollar do
what it did -fifty years ago and then
it won't Ise long until irood times will
be around the corner end everyone
will be on ari equal fo'oteng.
• These Delivered
e. Cash Prices on
* Fuel will be sure
to appeal to you
Anthracite $14.00
Coke 10.75
Alberta 13.00
Salaries Cut At Meeting
*On Last Friday
The,Public Utility Commission held
fits initial ineeting in the council
chamber an Thuseaday of la.st week
;when all .the nominees, including May -
On motion of Box and Sutherland,
W. H. Goldina eine elected chairman
for the coming year. The meeting
was then adjourned. to Friday, on
Motion of Sox and Sutherland.
The Oanimission met again 9n Fri-
di:1w,, when the following motions
•Were .passed:
Moved ;by A. D. iSurthetiand, sec-
onded by W. H. Golding, that John
A. :Wilson be re-engaged ae secre-
tary -treasurer at a salary of $55.00
per imionth, to include all extra help
as heretofore and. subject to recom-
mendations as set out by the Cone
miseioni Ed. Mole be re-engaged as
:Superintendent of all Public Utilities
at a. salary of $100 per month and
.subject to recommendaltions, etc.
Andre -id Little be re-engaged at a
salary of $50 per month as weigh -
master • and perform public utilities
duties as set out by the Canuniss•ion.
Moved by the Mayor, seconded by
E. L. Box, :that lithe thanks of this
Commission Ise; •extended ta Mr. J. J.
;Chet for the faithful and effieierd
service he has rendered to this Com-
mission tiering his 1'2 yeart of /mem-
ihership, and that a cbely of this
resolution be forwarded to Mr.
Moved by the '1Vtaiyor, seconded by
E. L. Box, that meetipg adjourn to
meet at the call of the Chairman:—
It was suggeged by the 'Chairman
that in future the minutes be 'handed
to the local 'papers for publication.
flifes. W. H. Evans, of Galt, is vis-
iting at the home of her sister, Mrs.
P. Matthews.
Mr. and' Mrs, Louis Evans, of De-
troit, sp;ent the weeile end with the
is seriously ill.
Mr. Paul :Mulligan, of Toronto,
called on friends' in the village dur-
'Miss Mildred :Murray spent Wed-
nesday with her aunt, Mae. J. Ben-
Respected in life and honored in'
death can be truly said, of Thomas
Muir .Harmilton, who pasied .away at
his home Toronto on :Thursday in
his 68th year after a lingering ill-
isess. The •deceased •was the son of
James Hamilton and Jean McIlrath
and was born in Sbaffa, where he liv-
ed until thirteen years ago when he
retired from business and moved to
Toronto. He was well known by ev-
erybody around hawing carried on a
very ,succeseful store tmeinces in
•Staffa rot^ years. He was also. post-
master for thirty years end treas-
urer of Hinbert Township. His fun-
eral was held on Surbday, the ser-
vice being held at the home of bi-:
fbrortAller-in-laln;k., Norman Park. Mit-
chell, from there to 'Stiffa-censetery.
He leaves to mourn, their loss, his
widow, one son; Jamee, and one.
(Inughter,' lean, both at home.
Carman Weissman s.pent the week
end with hie friend, Mfr. Arnold Bar-
Visito.rs in the village were: Mr.
anti Mrs. James Verner and
Verna Deake., Stratford, with Mr.
and Mrs. A. Millet.; .Mr. and Mrs. J.
White. Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs.
.T. Livingttone; Mee Coney anfl
daughter, R.eta, Mitchell, at the home
.lanuary meeting of the Ladies'
Aid of Grace Church was held on
Thursday, .Tarruary 12th, at the
churc.h. The meeting was in charge
of Mrs. Fred Pickard. The:opening
hymn, "Take Time to ille Holy' was;
sung, followed' ins all re;peating 'the
Lard's Prayer. Mrs. Woods read th•i
letton. The minurtes of; last ;meet-
ing were read by the secretery, Mrs.
Vic. Elliott The bookg of last year
were. eudited, an amount of 388.00
:being made. Some tinse was spent
in dismissing. ways and means of
raising funds far the pre•sent year.
Members are regireseed to. bring in
mere ideas at the February meeting.
It was d.ecide.d to extend an invita-
tion to the Union Ladies to visit us
at the February meeting. A ten-.cient
ite'a was served at. the close by the
beetle:ere:. Mrs. Fred Pickard and
Mrs. Thomas Bettlee,
Winter is slipping away—such
enceirfallg. It sure is pleasant for
getting atiotrel.
:Mrs. Eldrid Yee, who has been sidli,
with the flu, we are pleitsed to say
is up and feeling rihieh :better.
Quite a number in the vicinity ars
Successful Year Con
by Local Churchesime
learn at Annual
. :Spring
Mrs. J. Patterson Num! a
number of tulips in her garden
on Thursday, which were some
five or six inehes in height. The
rain fell Wednesday night much
as it would in April. Thursday
is a fine balmy a day as one
could find any time in the year.
Nevertheless, the calendar says -
this is the month of January:
Horticultural Society Elects
Officers For New
A Suggestion that the: 'Seafortll
Horticultural fSoelety sponsor a
flower show thisi year met with much
apprbval at the annual meeting of
the society on Monday evening last.
Probable date:s were discussed, and
the matter was finally left to the
The meeting, which had been post-
poned, from Tuesday of 'last week,
was Well ettended and wet presided
citer by William Hertry, the presi-
dent. Othei mutters o,f interest, in
addition to. the flower •show, vvere
discussed and the election of -.officers
for the coining year held.
Officers for 1933 will include:—
President, ;William Hartry; 1st nice -
president, A. L. Porteous; 2nd vice-
president, -.J. H. Reid; secretary -
treasurer, 'Miss E. M. Ferguson;
Direetors: Fort year -nage. R. Ji Win-
dgisi J. Alexander, Mrs. E. Sevauge,
.Mrs. , George D. Fesiguson, Mrs.
Mr. Gerald .Stewart .and Mr..Williain
Hart. Mr. a L. Thompson was ap-
pointed; delegate to the .Progrincial
'Brother Diee in Victoria Hospital,
London.—The following from the
Forest /Stand:end r•efers to thee death
of Mr. J. Wd"ticRorie, a !brother of
Mee William: Britton, of Con-
stance: "As briefly announced last
Week; the death of James Wilbur
McRorie, well known Warwick town-
ehip farmer, occurre.d in Victoria
Hospital, Londen, on ;Monday, Janu-
ary 2nd, in his 58th year. Aibout nine
days before his ,death he was ^strick-
en with etre.ptococcus infection in his
left arm and his condition gradually
lecamte worse. The late Min agc-
Rorie was born in Goulborne town-
ship, Carleton Courft•y, on September
20, 1R75, and at three years of age
moved with his parents to Warwick
township to the fa-rm. witere he re-
sided 'until his de.ath. 'He was a
faitnful iniemiher of the United
Church, anti screed on the different
church hoards. He was teacher ot
the Bible 'Class and for many years
was an elder of the Warwick United
therch. He is sin-eh/ed. by his wife
who IIVA tiernes Campbell, four chil-
dren, Arthur, of Sarnia town•shie;
Helen, Florence and William ethernet
also eight sisters, Mrs. Peter Fergu-
son, of Werwick; /Men John Wilkin-
son, of Warwick; Mrs. W. 13eitton.
Forest; Mrs. W. Mansfield, of Wat-
ford; Mrs. B. Leech; Watfc-)H; Mrs.
F. Trelterk, Warwick, and Mrs. R.
Jewitt, of Kincade, .Satk. The fun-
eral was held on Thirsday, January
tth, from the family re:sidenct. The
servites were conducted by the Rev.
Me. Cook, of the Warwick United
Clench, assisted by the Rev. Mr.
Sweetman, of Petrolia, the Rev. Mr.
wan made at the 9 eideroad CeThe-
tery. The pallbearers were Edward
Iferisert„Tames Fenner, Charlee Stu-
art, Willerd Anderson, Arthur -Me-
eves and friends from a drittance at-
tending the funeral were: Mr. W.
Beaten and family, Clinten; Mr. and
Mrs. if. Ramsay, Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs, P. Reynolds, Toronto; Dr. and
Mrs. C:arrinhell, Big Rapids, Mich.;
Mrs. G. McElroy. Brown City, Mich.,
and Miss Jenet WicRiorie, Brantford."
Mrs. €ThaNee McGregor and Ross
McGregor were in Toronto OM' the
week end attending the funeral of
their aunt', the late Miss 'Christena
Rogers. ROM.. returnet1 on Mensday
evenings while Mee McGregor spent
fMre. William Clark went to To-
ronto with them and visited her sis-
ter, Mrs. R. Barrett, returning on
(Mr. and Mrs. )3. B. Stepbeneon erdi
Mr. .arel Min. Leo Stephenson vitit-.
Myth, on Sunday last.
•Consta.nce United Clitrech ,hold
their congregational meeting on Fri: -
day evening when reports: for the
(Continued on page 5)
First Presbyterian, . -
mondville Milted a II
St. Thomas', Anglican
Churches Hold Congrega-
tional Meetings.
• The annual congregatiimal .meet -
held in the School room a the church
on Monday evening with a tvery good
representation of anembers present
The meeting was opened by the
Minfieber, " Rev. I. B. Kaine, after
which Mr. Robert Smith, Chairmen
of the -Board; of IM.anagers, was ap-
/ The reports a the verious church
organizations were read and showed
church endeavor, ditenite the deprets-
ing times.
The Women;is Miesionary Society
with, a Membership of 49, raised the
substantial -sure of $438.79, of which
$58.00 was .contributed by the Mc-
Millen Branch 'and ine eddirtien out-
fitted a boy nine years orf 'age. '
IThe Barbara Kirkman Young. Wo-
men's Auxiliaey reported an increase
in both membership and" fi.namee the
amount raised during the year 1;eing
The .Goforth Mission Band has 'a
membership of 50 an.d'itheir offering
was $69.00.
'The reptirt ,of the Ladies' Aid So-:
by the Society; $100 of which was
given to the chureh,fund.
• 'The attendance of the Sunday
School was reported ereall.er than
last year, hut the receipts' amounted
to $266.70; and $34.00 wins contribut-
ed to the budget.
The Illargaret Larkin Canadian
Girls ie Trainirig raised 393:24 said
in addition mnde a layette for an In-
dian echoed in Manitoba and. dressed
twelve dolls for Sit. Christopher
House, Toronto. "
chureh roll is 491, and the antrunt
-raised during the year for general
purposes wee 34,476.40, and for mis-
• St. Thomes' Church Elect.
, 'The annual vestry and congrega-
tional meeting of St. Thomas' Church
was he.ld with e large and 'enthusi-
astic nu:rebel...Present. After the
financial reports freris the wardene
and the ea.rieue -organizations, the
election of offitera took nine, the
following !being 'elected for 1933. .
Rector, Rev. Canon Appleyard;
Rector's 'Warden Wm. Archibald;
isetsides wa.rden, (Henry Edges Lay
delegates, A. Case, S. Leyburn; al -
Johnstone; Select Vestry, W. a
Southgate. Charles liolines., E. Bar-
low William Deein, Rich. Pelekes,
Jotn Earle. John Best, C. Boswell;
Vestry Clerk, H. H., Johnstone;
Rides -men, H. H. Johnstone, N.
Peeing, F. Barlow. George ParkeS, W.
Itiviturn. R. Aretiteld; auditors, A.
Eemondville Holds Annual Meeting.
The Fenterniville Church held their
annual, meeting on Monday afternoon,
There was a fair attendance end n
fine spirit. The minister conducted
the devotions.
Mr. Ed win Ch es n v was elected
chairman ard Mr. William. Wallsee,
secretary. The auditors' report was,
read ,and it was with great satisfac-
tion diet the congreestion found it -
tell with all bills raid and a small
titmice on bend: This was aCCAT71-
nlishNI only thy the strictest et:or-
dining the whole sear.
The niterihenthin ,advanted again
ditriefie the ;veer. There are 306 names
on the roll.
The sum. of tit) 69.35 was con -
and timer were three 'missionary and
relief helps nee Dirring the
yeer tht Y. P. 5. innereusly, donated
.• The now managers fleeted for
Ilene \nine were Mettrs. Alexander:
Allen anti Tgarie Moore. The other
men -hers nf the board are: Monne.
i Ili a es Cameron A le tee der Lillie°,
Mehlor, Donald McDonald, Jelin
i toes -rm. a2R are Meters. James Love
and Edwin erheeney.
'in order that new leaders he trait-
s(' in the ronerrevation, two of the
Rosrd Mena:gees moved anti Rec-
orded that "after 1935 the retiring
menders ef the Milne:eine 'Board be
After the inheeting arlinurneci the
llo•nr(1. orf Stewards eleeted their of -
firers for 1933: .Mr. David ltfeLearn,
eery: Mr. William terefireolvligketiit
Chairmen; Mr. John Eleie, secre-
tary; Mr. William Finnigan, triait.
The current, ague of the 'Sleet
Branch contains the follewirrit
elves. to eortditiots the ,Esttfaitt