The Huron Expositor, 1933-01-13, Page 8JANUARY i3,_ 19;33.
4 for 25c
5 for
Regular 10c, 5 for
,8 for
5 four
4 'pounds.
4 foe
(One week only)
\with 5 pencils
Regular 50e, for
What an Achievement
London Life writes One
Hundred. Millions of Canad-
ian Insurance in 1932—
greatest year in their his.
tory. This,is practically one-
quarter of total insurance
written by all Canadian
Companies in Canada.
People are asking for this
strictly Canadian Company
for protection. Investors
are asking for their Pension
and. Investor's Policies.
Information gladly given
on any policy.
Watson & Reid
Phone 214 W -J
Specialists in All Lines of
Cough and
For sFvere coughs and
colds, try
Bronchitis Bronchial
40c and 75c
Keating's• Pharmacy
The Rexall Drug Store
Cut Flowers, Wreaths and
Floral Pieces supplied for all '
lowing comprises the new executive
taomllnlittee for 1936: President, Mr.
Sam Scott; Devotional Vine-Fresid'ent.
Mrs. Keith Webster; 'Missionaa-y Vice -
President, 13/Esc Ruth Thompson; Cit-
izenship Viic 1 resident .. Mr. Jack
Stevens; Social Vine-.Prestiden•t, Miss
Mazy Reid; 'Secretary, Miss Winnie
Savauge; assistant Secretary, ,144s3.
Vela Mole; Treasurer, Miss Doren
Hudson; Pianist, 'Mises IHIelen Lane
asreistant.'pwanllslt, 'kiss 'Helen Britton;
Press iSecreltary, Miss Lauer. 14tale;
assistant ,press secretary, 'Maks Leona
Box; auditoms, Mr. Westcott and 'Mr.
Keith Wefbster. After singing a
by 'min and repeating the Mizipah bene-
diebiion, the evening was Ihrought to a
close by a asocial half hour.
'Visit Radium Refinery.—iMessrsl �.
F. Daly, W. A. Crich and Edhnund
Daly were visitors at the Eldorado
radium, refinery in Port Hope this
week. The Eldorado plant is the 'only
radium refinery in the British Em-
p'ire, Mr. J. F. Daly is a director in
the company.
Man Wanted. --A first class man to cut
wood and do hares for the remainder of the
winter. Ar''tty to Wm. M. Rohr, J.P., R. R.
No., 2, Kuppen, Ont. Phone 20 on 93, Hen-
san 33964
Notice.. -Upholstering done on short notice,
also can handle celluloid curtains. Auto tops
redovdred. Shop located over Wright's Gar-
age. D. Fell. Seaforth. 8349-tf
Lost.—On Sunday, January Sth, about 11.80
a.m., between. A. A. CuthiE's tate and the
7th Concession, McKillop, a black robe. We
believe it was picked up by persons in a
closed oarr, driven by a (lady wearing glasses,
who was driving east on the 6th and 7th
Concession and going north on gravel road.
Would the finder please return it or notify
U5 where we might l„et it. A. A. Cuthill,
Seat'on+fh, R. R. f.
Band Benefit Friday Night. ---Ar-
rangements have !he!en completed for
the Seaforth !Highlanders Band bene-
fit euchre and dance, which Ls being
'held in the G. W. V. A. Hall on Fri-
day evvening. A large number of
'tickets haute been scold and it is ex-
pec'ted .that the affair will be ver:;
Meeting Postponed. — The annual
Meeting of the Horticultural Society
which was to have been held on Tu•es-
day.. evening of this week, has been
postponed until Monday, .January 16,
and will be he'id in the Carnegie
Library at 8 o'clock. The Society
hopes that a large number of mem-
bers and those interested in the
work will be present.
Junior Farmers Open Series on Sat-
urday.—The first of the junior farm-
ers hockey games will be !played on
Saturday night at the Palace Rink
when Winthrop ,meets Egmondiv'ille
at 7.30 and Tuckersniith plays St.
Columban at 9 •p.m.
Present . Cantata. 'Thee choir of
First •Presbyterian Church presented
the cantata, "The Adoration,", at the
evening service. on _Sunday last. Solo
parts 'were taken by iMrs. J. A. Munn,
Mrs. W. A. Wright, Mr. James T.
Scott and:Mr. Milne R. Rennie.
Entertain Choir —Members of the
Northside United Church choir were
the guests on Wednesday evening of
the organist and leader, Mr. and Mrs.
James , A. Stewart, at a dieitightiul
lbangril in the school room of the
church. Following the dinner the
regular weekly practise was held. The
banquet was arranged by the Ladies'
Aid Society .of the church.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
o S. T. Holmes & Son O
O Main Street, Seaforth O
O---*— O
O S. T. Holmes' residence, O
O Goderich Street, West; ,phdne O
O. No. 119 W. 'Charles- Holmes' O
O residence, Goderich.... Street, 00
0 Feast; silhone No. 308.
-0 (Night calls, phone 308. 'O
0 Ray calls` phone 119J, 0
0 Charges moderate. O
0 O
0 0 0 O 0 O 0 O O O
H. C. BOK."
O Funeral Director and
O Licensed . Embalmer
O Rest Motor and Horse-drawn
O Charges moderate.
O Flowers furnished on short
O notice.
k.O Night Calls Day Calls
Phone 175 Phone 43
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Insurance of all kinds.
Bonds, Real Estate
Money to Loan.
' Phone 91
Red Cross To Get Under NI ay. --
The executive of the local Red Cross
epee er was s
e.raforrth .Collegiate Institute staff,
Arrh.c! reviewed in a most interesting
manner, her recent tour through the
British Isles, France anxi Switzerland.
At the conelasion of the talk, , the
president, Mtr. Leo Hagan, expressed
the appreciation felt by the members
for Miss Bell's 'courtesy. Following
the recreation:the -meeting, adjourn-
FOR SALE.—Tive acres, one mile
front Seaforth; modern house with
furnace, bath and toilet; small barn;
good orchard. Takes, $15. Splemdid
chance to start chicken farm, bees,
etc. Apply to
R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, Ont.
Fariner's Club Meet—The Farm-
er's CIA held an interesting, instruc-
tive and largely attended meeting in
the Town Hall here on Wednesday
evening. Problems of vital. intere,st
to the farmer were discussed includ-
ing "A Debtor's Equity Established
Co-operative Commonwealth in Can-
ada." Among the speakers weee R.
J. McMillan, Se'aforth, and R. J.
HE woman who
likes something
striking, some-
thing that is dis-
tinctly original in.
Silverware and Yet
in perfect taste,
will love the Deau-
ville—its bevelled
planes relieved by
the ebony glow of
rich black.
design in
Fred S. Savatige
Jeweller & Optometrist
Phone 194. Evenings 10.
Wren," Young; "Good Earth," Beek;
"Hardy Gurdy,'" Houston; "Tree
Haven," Morris'; "Sinneers Beware,'
O,ppervhem. Adult Neer Fictjionr-
"Qa.nadian Landscape Planters," Rob-
son; '"Decoq'att ve Art," Holme;
"Etiquette in Canada" Pringle; "The
addle ofScience;'•• Thaansen; "Undis-
covered Europe," Pavel'.
Death of Former Resident.—From
the fancily residence on Prange S t.,
Stratford, 'the funeral "of 'Mrs. Jacob
W Bungard who passed away in Lon-
don o. 'Mlenday, morning was held
Wednesday to the church of the I'm,
ntaeulate iCertee'ption. A high glass
of requiem was sung by the pastor,
Rev. W. J. Kelly. The cortege them
proceeded to Avondale cemetery,
where interment.. took place, the ser -
sixes .at the grave being conducted\
by the Rev, Father L. Pettypie,ce .
Though !she had been in ill health
for several months Mrs. Burgard's
death came funexipeobedlly and peace-
fully. Throughout her life she was
an exemplary character in patience
and kindliness. Ever did she have a
friendly simile and •nod for those she
knew and her.afflictions wlere 'borne
with !Christian fortit ide and cheer-
fulness: The pallbearers at the fur -
eral were R. Simpson, P. Smith, L.
Weiss, W. Roth, VL 'McCarthy and T.
Prendergast. Floral tributes and
spiritual offerings (bore sillent testi-
mony to the high regard in -which she
was held. Floral tributes came from
the family% Krooehler Relief Associa-
tion, Stratford Orange -Kist Bottlers,
Jas. Lloyd & Son Employees while
spiritual offering's views received from
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Revell, the
Malloy fancily, Mr. and Mrs. William
Flannery, Mr. and Mrs. P. Flannery,
Mr. and Mrs. John Flannery, NET. and
Mrs. Terrance Flannery, Mr. and
Mrs. John Meagher, Mrs, Margaret
Meagher, IMr. and (Mrs. T. L. Purcell,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Reid, Joseph Ash,
John Reid, George L. •Young, Altar
Society of the Immaculate Concep-
tion church and Young Ladies' So-
dality of the Immaculate Conception
To begin1933.
Beebe.," Beebe; "Titans of Literature,"
Resew; 9Men Against Death," De
Kriuf e "Peasant Costumes in Eur -
Minter; "Afleat and Aflight in tits
Carib'been," Freeman; "Back to Pros-
perity," Leacock; "'Signals From the
'Stars,""Hale; "Soviet Seem," Grif-
fin; "Floottlaiose in India," Sinclair ;
"Great Feats of Modern Engineer-
ing," Flexinan. Juvenile—"Anne of
New Moon" Montgemiery; "Winks,"
reo,thill; "IPyste," Phillips; "The
Hlouise in !Green Valley," Hunt;
"Jungk5--Petts," Johnson; "The Young
"Clhristmas Tree , in the Woods ''
"Story of Moneys" Carter; "Black
or White," Ilin; "Strange Adventures
of Captain Marwhapple," Fylerraan;
inance of Ontario," aVli,citiletort; "Three
'Girls in a Car," 1Viiddleten. Fiction
—"Guy Mervyn," Barcley; "Flosser-•
Sermon SubjectS For Next Sunday.
evening, Stories from the fife of .Saul
of Tarstis, "A Failure at Forty." --
Rev. C. A. 'IVIalcolat, !Minister.
the Apostles; evening, "Some Further
Principles Emphasized by the Ox -
Lane, Minister.
'Fiest Presbyterian Church—Morn-
ing, "What Age Ow- es youth"; eVen-
'nig, "What Are You Looking For?"'
yeung people, well known in town,
were hurt, three of them serionely,
when the large sedari in which they
were driving. struck a cow on No. 8
Highway on Wednesday evening. The.
injured anere: John Parsons, suffer-
ing head injuries„ the ,seeicrusnosse of
which has not yet ,been aseertained;
Miss Frances Th'ornson, who sustain.:
ed a broken arm, .and abrasions on
the head, condition net serious; Miss
Doris Plante, cuts 'about the head and
severe shoek. Wilfred Plante anti
Claire Baechler, ash& were also with
the party, escaped with slight head
cuts 'andash.ock.
Huron Old Boys Arrange For At
Hinee.—Preparatione are ibeing made
for the thirty-third annual "At
Home" of the Huron Old Boys' As-
seciation of Toranto. The At -Home
is to be held in the Arcadian Court,
Robert Simpson CoMpany, Bay St.,
Toronto, on February 3rd, in the ev-
ening. The president' and the of-
ficers of the Aesocistion have spar-
ed neither time nor effort in making
the arrangements' for the amsual ev-
ent. Euchre and! 'bridge will occupy
the early part of the evening and an
erchestra • will be in attendance for
the benefit of thcee who wish to
dance. The dancing -will be fboth mod-
ern and old-time. The invitations are
being iss,u,ed at the present time and
there is every indication that the
n'umber attending will be as large as
in former years..
James Comm.olly, Goderich r. Vice -Pres.
D. F. McGregor, Seafortlh - Sec.-Treas.
'Catholic Women's League Meet.—
The regular monthly meeting of the
Catholic Wo-men'e Leagute was held
in the -parish hall recently when tiVIrs
James Devereux, the (president, OCRU -
pied -the chair. Interesting reports
were read by the eecretary .and treas-
urer. !Rey. Father Goetz gave very
interesting tall( on th,e work of the
League and told of the distress in
Weetern Previnces, encouraging help
far those miesione. Plane for future
activities were discuseed end it was
decided to hold a tbeidge and euchre
during this month and supper on the
seventeenth of 'March.
'1; Seaforth; Robert Ferris; Blyth ;
eseorge McCartney, No. 2, Seafortih;
joint Pepper, Brumfield; amnia Mot,
A head that has had; its hair
cut here looks its hest and is
invariably I:satisfying to the
John Pullman
0.H.A. Intermediate
Death of Mrs. Peter Robertson.—
The death occurred in the Western
Hospital, Toronto, on Wed-nesday.
January 4th, of Elizabeth Munroe,
wife of Mr. Peter Rehertson, of Tos
ronto, and a former well known resi-
dent of Sea:forth. The deceased was
a dau.ghter of the late P. J. Munroe,
Seaforth„ arid was horn in Mit-
chell in February, 1882. Besides her
h!u,sband, !the .eurvived by four bro-
thers, IVIessrs. P. J. 'and Pus Muneoe,
of Montreal; 'Mr. 'George 1V1fariroe, of
Oshawa, and 'Mr. Muneoe, of
Los Angeles. The remains were
brought to iSeaforth on Friday and
the funeral was held from St. James'
Church vvhere the funeral mass was
sung by Rev. Father Goetz. Inter-
ment was made in St. James' -ceme-
tery, the 'pallbearers being Moesers.
mings, .1. 'McKenzie, .M. McLerel and
George DisiOn. Among those from a
distance who attended the funeral
were Mir., and Mrs, P. J. Munroe, of
Montreal, and ,Mr. George- Munroe, a
Young People Meet.—The regular
meeting of th'e :Young People's So-
ciety Orf Northaide United Church
was held on Tnesday evening, Janu-
ary lath„, with Mr. Westcott in
charge. The meeting opened by
singing several C.0.4.T. !shrugs led
by Miss Mary Reid. After Singing a
hyntne Mrs. Lame led in prayer. The
Seripture lesson was taken by Miss
Helen Somerville and. the minutes off
ttlie 060vlions meeting were read by
the assistant ,sepretary, 'Miss Bel:1*er.
The inaitr'featurre of the evening was
the election of officers under the di-
rection :Rev. 'Lane. The toi-
At the Bowling Alley.—The stand-
ing of teams at the end, of the lOtti
week in the howling tournament is:
Barber 24, 'Stewart 24, Hailikirk 22,
Wright 20, Lilley 20,.,HIeWeS 20, -Mc-
Lean 15, Beattie '15. 'Scores during
the !past week are as folloNves
C. Stewart 1—W. Howes, 3
Handicap 107 a 107 107 321
,Stewart 14 163 119 229 511
J. Stewart 12 198 234 -199 631.
P. '1VIeffatt 28 .185 130 '235 550
J. Arnold 18 '201 159 175 535
G. !Stewart 35 231 205 .136 572
101815 954 1081 3120
Handicap - . 99 99 99 297
W. Green 31. 186 160 173 519
H. Dale 32 193 209 300 ' 702
S. 'Nicholls 14 197 218 152 567
W. H'orikes 22 148 201 •s202 551
R. Pinkney 261 151 2.12 624.
Palace Rink,'SeafOrth
Game called at 8.15 p.m.
The Beavers are playing
good hockey. The games
played have been exciting
and fast. Don't miss this
ADMISSION: 25c and 10c
Lions Club Hold Semi -Monthly
Meeting. --The Sea:forth Lions Club
held its semismonthly meeting in the
Commercial Hotel .on Monday even-
ing with Lion Jam'es A. Munn in the
chair, assisted lby Lion James A.
Stewart. 'Combrittee re,ports on the
Christmas work of the. cluih were
given by chairman, Dr. C. Mackay,
erutertainantent included two selec-
tions by the Lions Qtrartette comfpos-
angle, J. „Beattie 'and J. A. Stewart,
and selections by members of the
Bellevue College of Music. Mr.
Bragg, letacte-r of staff, who are now
in town, introduced the members and
explained that the Bellevue College
of Music was established in 1920 at
Witdsor, Ont., and have .stedios in
many towns and cities in Western
Ontario. The Hawaiian guitar, ban-
jo, and violin are taught at reason-
able, prices and a predominant lea-
tture of the college is that it supplies
the installments free of charg-e. The
college is under the superrIvision of
Me. EL J. Laffamlme, who is ably sups'
:ported by a !staff of competent rmusi-
cal organizers, and these peeeent
hert are !Messrs. H. Bragg, C. Boyd,
The •Oollegie was opened here in the
Seotat Block on Thursday afternoon.
Mr. Earl , Van Elasm.ond acted as
pianist, for the musical nuertherea
.• New Books At the Public Library.
--Noterietiori-1"Forty Years For
Labrador," Greaten; "In Search of
Wales," Morban,; "Seeing South Am-
erica," Fairs; "Footloose in Britiksh
latest," Franck; "Far Places,' Bell;
"Quotable Peente" volumese Clarke;
lip Etna," Marie; "Exakrina vitas
4`, grigotit
S. flabkirk
J. Hughes 33
W. 1-Lawkins 45
J. Curttie 21
R. Dixon 3
S. Habkirk
Don't Forget
Seaforth Highlanders
Band Benefit Euclire
and Dance
Euchre - Lunch - Dance
All for 50c.
J. Arnold
C. Stewart
J. 'Stewart
".0. Stewart
1084 1048 1138 3260
1—C. Stewart 3
'124 124 124 372
1151 214 143 5081
264 148 124 5a6
155 216 183 554
188 228 255 671
194 174 '248 616
1076 1104 1077 3257
198 108 108 324
16 188 148 161 497
14 ,223, 237 181 641
13 171 228 237 636
40 203 240 23S 681
25 '134 183 191 508
1027 1144 1116 3287
T. Beattie 2—C. A. Barber 2
!Handicap 139 139 139 417
J. Hotham 18 141 264 188 693
3. Rankin 34 ,134 159 266- 55
N. Cardne . 21 186 191 201 578
G. Hays 15. 213 124 266 593
T. Beattie 51 184 .185 149 518
997 1062 1199 3223
Handicap 57 57 57 171
J. Hotham 204 295 285 694
H. Swan 17 120'5 222 171 598
Dr. Bechely 317 141 273- 73
B. Bather 24 2211 173 1187 681
C. A. Bar.ber 16 173 221 194 58
1177 1018 1167 3a6
W. Howes 3—A. Y. McLean 1
98 98 98 29
An offerinig that Merits
Yotir Attention
Ladies' and: Misses Coats,
SPECIAL practically !every garm-
SALE ent in stock, AT HALF
Best Value Dresses of the
season. Newest Styles and
latest materials 20% OFF
Our Newest Hats. Some
put into stock very re-
Do not put off buying a Winter Coat, Dress or Hat
any longer if low price means anything to you
twenty years. Aftee disposing of his-
busitiese in Staffa he lived for three
years in 'Kitchell, and in .1921 pur-
chased the grocery business' in Seas
forth, which he conducted so. success-
fully Until his death. Besides being
a keen student and a particularly
well read man, 'Mir. Hutchison took
an active interest in ehurclh and mun-
icipal affairs. He was a valued mem-
Iser Northside United 'Church, and a
former memlber of its Board;' a
former member of Seaferth town
council, .and one of the organizers of
the !Otillegiate Institute Alumni As-
sociation. In 1898 Mr. 'Hutchison:
was united in marriage to Miss Jen-
nie Babb, of Mitchell, who survives
Ifte is also survived by two
sena and one tclaug.hter, Me. F. Lorne
'Hutchison, Of St. .Cathariness and Mr.
George re, Hutchison, of London. The
funeral was held en ,Meerlay• after-
noon, a ptivate .serrvice being held at
the home, followed by a public sem-
:vice in Northeide United Church,
which was very largely attended, the
'church being !filled, 'The service was
,conducted by Revs; W. P. Lane, Who
paid an eloqueet 'and very fitting trie
laute sthe life of the deceaaed, tak-
ing for his teat, Acts 13-36, "And
David, after he had served his own
generation by the will of God, fell
on !sleep." Rev. Dr. Young, of . To-
ronto, gave the opening 'prayer. Dur-
ing !the hour of service all bu airless
places in town were dosed as a tri-
bute to ,the .mertilorse-of the deceased.
Interment was made in 'Maitlandhank
cemetery, the spallbearees being A. C.
Bright, of ISeaforth, and Q. G. Wil-
son 'and R. Sadler, of Staffa„ and the
flower hearers, IlVIesses. F. J. Kers-
lake, Neil Gillespie, C. Holland, J. R.
Scott, W. IR. 'Smith, Jehn !Finlayson,
F. Harburn, William Black, J. W.
Beattie, J. C. Laing and !William
January -13 and 14
ROASTS-eShoulder, Round
ROASTS—Prime Rib
pound •
These prices will snit any pocketbook.
Handicap •
W. 'Green
H. Dale
S. Nicholls
W. Howes
R. Pinkney
!Handicap r
A. McLean
R. Walters
Q. Glew
G. Hays 12
G. Haigh 23
31 170 171 196
35, 199 301 149
15 242 230 165
17 186 153 175
201 282 219
1096 12a5,11001
35 172 190 204
4 240 197 256
21 171 180 211. '562
162 215 159 536
13.2 192 203 527
972 1069 1127 3169
Lilley 1
12140 185 182 6131
2.49 242 263-.'754
165 2as 162 565
345 187 265. 791
1052 899 919 2870
Handicap 51 51 51 153
G. !Muir 5 233 121 20Q. 554
A. Reid 10 231 156' 285 712
Art Powell 16 152 '194 185' 531
899 677 938 2514'
• Mr. G. A. Ballantyne, principal
of the Collegiate, had" been confined
to his home this week throagh
• The Ladies of St. Thomas' Guild
'intend holding. a tea on Valentine's
W. Wright
A. NicholCon
W. .Wiright
MeGreger 38
feW days ,last week with her niece,
MTS. T. Lavender and Son Jack, of
illensall, are spending a few days. with
hem father, 'Mr. J. B. Forrest and
IMr. T. Lassaralke and Mr. W. For-
rest left last week for Millbridge ow-
ing; to the illness of Inns. Larander,
'Who 'suffered a stroke.
Kitchener,' are .spending a few claye!
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Sienion.
.1Mrrs. W. Turner spent a 'clay at tha
honse of Mr. and. Mts. Robert ' Mc -
the sick list.
ET. of 'Hen:sane will give an
address, en cancer in the near future
in the basement of Hillsgreee church,
tand everyone inteees.ted are cordially
invited to •come and hear what the
doctor has emperieneed along witls
will be given later.
Quite, a number atten.ded the fun-
eral of !the late Will 'MeClitichey, of
the Goshen Line, en Monday after-
noon. IIVItuch syrapaith.y goes out to,
his s.orrow'ing parents, Mr. arid (Mrs;
Robert MeClinchey and family, who
mourn the loss of a dear one, so young
in life.
Death of F. I). Hutehison.—In the
death of Mir. Foster DeCoursey Hut-'
chison!, -which occurred at his home
on Jatvis 'Street Friday morning,
January Oth, ,Seacfotth lost aue of its
leading hastiness men and the com-
munity an 'outstanding and deserved-
ly esteemed eitizeph Mr. Hutchison'
was taken ill with heart trbuible dur-
ing the holidays, but was , mia,king
,such a satitsfacteay recovery that
members of this -family Who had been
called holmie by his illness had return -
ted, tO their poSitiona on Tuesday.
Wednesday evening, however, he Suf-
fered a !severe istrolte and passed a-
way early Friday. morning.. The de -
70 years ago, his parents Taming to
ToWniship When he 77013
boy, After graduating from Sea -
forth •Collegiate Institute and, Toron-
to Normial !School, he tenet school
for som16 yeaw in Hilbert and Hul-
lett townships Ore eriglaging
busineas in !Sta a, where he resided
day for Jamaica, where he will .spend
the winter months.
been in poor health for som,e time, is
spending the winter with her daugh-
ter, Mes. Roy Lawson, at Constance.
• MiSe (Margaret Cleary, R.N. Who
spent the -holidays with her inother
here, returned to Rochesiter, Ns Y., on'
.• Mes. B. Williams, of Stratford,
is- the guest of her Mother, Mrs.
Boyd and sister, Mrs: H.' J. Gibson. •
to, is visiting her sister, Mrs. John
Mineola '
• Mrs. L. C. Jackson left on Tues-
day for ToronIto„ where she will spend
the winter. -
• Rev. I. B. Keine occupied the
.pulpit in Osihaera Presbyterian church last.
was a week ead !guest with IlVfisS Jean
- • 'Miss Martha Reid tspent the Week
end with Toronto .frieride.
Willis were in Toronto this ,Week at-
tending the !Shoemen's Convention!.
in Toronto this Week.
underwent an ,operation for appen-
dicitis in Scott Vidimlorial, Hoospital,
has sufficilently recovered return
to her' hoine at 'Roxfbere.
• An unesually large number of flu
eases are reported in town and corn -
Greig, Mre. Janes Kerr, Mrs. J. 3.
Seister, Mee. M. Ai, Reid and alfre.
Keith 1V11cLean were hi, Clinton on
Tuesday attending the' annual meet-
ing of the Preshirberial of the W.M.S.
of the' Pre8bytberie,n Church.
visiting with friends in Toronto.
To the Citizens of Seaforth 'and
-we wish to asureunee
that the Belleuve 'College of
(Music is o,pening to -day, Thurs-
day, January .12th inst., a
.studio . in the Scott Block, over
ISmith',s Grocery !Store.
' :Expert ,Instruction of Violin,
Banjo or Hawaiian Guitar.. In-
struments supplied freesifaharges
New elasses beginning every
- part -unity to 'acquire the art of
playing any of the aboive' mien-
tioned instruments at very rea-
eonable eates. If you wish fur-
ther details, kindly call arty time
after 4 in the Scott Bleck, ' up-
:96 Dundas St., London, Ont.
To prevent imposition,
the citizens are request-
ed to direct; all transi-
Town Hall, where food
and lodging will be pro-
.vided. A Relief Com-
mittee to act vvith the
Council, will be formed
o Thursday evening,
hich will take tare of
all cases requiring as-