HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-01-13, Page 4I..., -
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I � , . � reej�lyvl .. 0 LOOKING OVER TH"'E
I � i�, .- .� ,;,, -A'�*Mstabl 1860' i W'to� DISTRICT NEWS.
��� ,, -tionolf v I
. � ealth; reA= -Pay UWes-41 I
1-` � ' , Ai, K,,* " JKP Lean, Editor. , C -onage; unlimited 0�e&L � �_ I - I I . I 1, .
, _% ,Phail Mc�
- ,,, " , . poditicaj .pata I . . I . . . I " ,
, " z�'., i I I 11 I I .
��. I '11,11, , iSeaforth, Ontario, ev- from lamilm; ,,employm"A relief and -al sermon idle,11vered 'by tnrus., .. .. L $2 92' J ' nwdslw4 D.R.O., dwti4x4 $4�
- - � baio., election, $ . ,
... , : -� -, - i6�44 . .
, �.'. ,, � W%%h by the of ljon&a.- tMrs. ()ooper led in. graver dlisicuissiions� and in dfw your tinie of and praictk
-i', . at 11 such ' , for 19-33, -but who N. I
11, - , � . ", ,,., , r : �dy afternoon by McLean a sulbjeatg� .wouM go ' . The tamfpPr- dilsabillity our sympathy goes out to :he -pastor, Rev. W. A. Young, while Ou.r hew council,. . . U �
- � ;W - way am all,44nnbers of last J , - -
_�.��,�!7 , 00 ao a hymn wassling I . A. Paterson, noTaris 94 and dee
..., . 7 � board. Tariffs would be caneelledby - by -the 9-P you With the wish that your health the ,church choir rendered fine hymns by the . I
1! . , . � — a,njee study was taken , d in the yearps council %aid a long session on bon, G. Parker, poll 8,erk, eaec�
19',!, � " . order in co.aucil and, rae)mbevs would andithe cocktail was the subject.un- may be reiste're'd, and' -that, you may appropriate to the serWcid an P I W, Shepherc% poll clerk, A
. ". �;� ,$Ulbscri . t5' $1.6>0 a"year 'in ered a fine the minutes tkvn�
"�, '. ption ra. e, tak om Pa the work evening rend anthem to- Monday. n*ht IUA as
, put their braims in steep to boost the der discuissibu. Mbr& Henderson ha4 'he W13116 to 1 e 9 e' rt in columns elvadence. $3.50 ,
" I ' a . Hu4sw;, ' talbl el
,��,.',,' , !I. pdvance� foreign, $2.00 a year. Single - - . . the to�ic taken from the study,book. in Whieh. you have been Interested for gtother with the usua4 psaim sellec- published in these Y3 Lr*�, J. A_ =oo e, ee- "I
4 I , , .-'., "..., � , cents ea(�h. . .. grain market. , � g and Mrs. (the past i9elvienteen years. We wish timg. - l. The Women's Association of tho tion, $3M; [Pa X6 express,
"I'.., � . I copies. 4 at, mj�ht ,be reasonable to suppose, A hymn wao then sulvl ,,.$56.22. Pe#y and'. Sven-'
.� r*4'... , . . so to expvss our al s Anglican Church the Unlit6d Churoh met at the ehuTch re- 30c. Total -be ,#aid. �
, I al )predatlion of In St. Paul'
. . �': , , "I, �Apd,m,bis,ing'ratesod apiplicatiOn. Cooper dosed the meeting by leading , ." '- officeri, cer: That accounts as read .
I.. too, that the length of §,6son- Qniight - I ,ector, Rw,r. X B. Parker, delivered gently and held eleddon of .
", . in pre"r. the ability yoti 'have dispIlayed in thp . as follows: President, &hv- -40arrie& Aimbintmeat of officers:
11'. �. I . discharge of yDtir many duties, and earneit and well thought discourses. resulting -
,�� I j ea.sily 'be affecte& 19 i�e hotels re- Anothiew Kippen boy wins distinc- ' , -4president, Mrs. L. ,Mkk3e, 4ad ispenicer: That J. A. ftt
� I . I - - . Interna- for the efficient setviow you have ieni- ,In the. United Church on Sunday S. G. Merner; vice rs e on be Cle* for 1W3 at $90 por ,
1. , . . ,Metmbers of the Canadian Week Y fulsed to accept prodIme fbi b9ard the tion at Indianapolis, at the - of Your.0f'- mod*ning last, Mr. Prank Strang, of R. 'Coles; selcretarY, IM . A. W. E. rs ,
, .1 NeRvApaper Association and the Hivoil Couvention of U. S. of thL, deftled duringthese, yeaxs
I st.-Ission -might last a week. If the. tiOnal e#y .
Ili; County Press AsSOciRtiOn.-' iggna Djeats Kappa, a fraternal or- floe. We ask you to wcoept tEU'cdne FLU-teT, meuiber f.or the Boys' Par- Hemphill, treasurer, Mx&'G-eo. Hess; yeaT.--0arAe&. -P � and, Jones:- �
' '!!� . . .. .1 . --! I - terniis werq part cash and part ,pro- 9 in that as something to renAnd you of your liament of South Hturo% rea(i thel-MAnse ���tee, Mrs. 0. took and [That 0. Cook ba Treasurer for 1933
"I" , ganization, w,hieh was,,beld .
1,I), A yo or rele won for the morrung and Mrs.. 0. MdDonal& . at $67.50 iMer year._-40airried, %1tkl6
Nf.� � __ last two Mr. es for ur futture S iiptu
i� didee, the session n-dght city.for three days. last week. good -Will and wi That Be thron . I
. was eleotted Associate wedfam IMay the years to. come al- Mr. GobdGn_La,pp, of Toronto,, Field The Yonng,Peoplels Lei4pe of the and Spencer: � F. G- , 11�
�. SEAFORTH, Friday, January 13th. weeks, and so on. John 1C. ilybdig for 1033 at $45 per
- � ichigan, Ohio ways bringAo, You ,Pleasant recollec- Se6reta,ry for the ,Boys,' Work Board United Churoh held their meeting on be tax c�lqector
., , I . . - I Hansar4, of course, would be af- Justice, representing M - . a .v;ery interesting Monday evening with a splendid at- yelar-Carrded. Nkkle- and Spenoer: . I
. - __ and Indiiana in a close contest with tilons of the years we have spent ,to of Ontario, gave , essor be
. r, . . . fecited and mal�i ,Oyu., constituents the ChanedloT .of the Indianapolis gether at our township cmincil board. address. Following ,the reading of tendance. Ylbalowixvg is the program That. the appointivent of ass ..
�i "
. it ShOUldn't Take N19 a r1_0 would loose a pleasant winter's read- Ohaipt,e�. His do4tes arie to pa�ss on all Wle fleel that You will always have a tbla Scri'pture and Qpening exercises, whicih was-viery much enjoyed: Piano lett. vacant for the time being and . 11
.:" . That Long ing. quesitions of conetitutional Proced,ure waivin tplace in our ,hearts couaAed he spoke. of the work d1one among solo, Lorne ,Elder; solo, 'Mrs. Anna ,that 1C. McDonell, T. W�dsh and Jas.'
I., . which may come up in (his district. -With the wish that we may see you boys iTt t.lie; Trail* Rang6ro, Taxis McWnalld; aciporm6anist,, M�ssi GTeta Sangster be interviewed- as, regards
,!i I . ' - On the whole, however, the idea Often. To IMrs. Finglanid, we wish Squares and Boy, i8couts, and ga,ve Lammie. 'The topio ,JHow the &Us- being a. committee to valuate the sev-
.�, . The Mli-dand F'ree Press puts the is I so far reaching, that -before . ----." you to ac&)pt. this casserole for your very imuch valuaMe information and ,,jioi-Ary Goes A�out * Ille Work," tak- oral properties for akpessmeni pur-
�e - ' so new ' . the bool,k, olour !Shawe -in In- pmes in the (vialoge,-40arried' Petty ...
. . er e6ulcatiom tany' occasions etressing the great field Of opportu-n- en from
�.` situation -of ,high very it dis ado,phted, it� -should have our niost I kindness to' us on In . t Hudson be
�,�`�, 1. accurately and very pointedly before serious consideration. I . 2URICH while attending council meetings, and ity tor the bays an& how it made for 0-la,l was taken by MIss, Vilis. Eae& and Jones: That [Geo,
., I
., . we ,hop" God willing, that'vou, and fine'manhood and, the bettermio%nt of 0on of officers took place, resulting con1stWAe and -poll tax collector for � . 1.
t 1, the polic when. it says: We should, at least, try it out loc- iMr. Fingland may be spared Many the worrId, and that, be could give as follows: -President, 'Dr. S=,*111e; 1938 at a salary of $36 per year�
I . .Aqf a student cannot get anywhere ally before some unemploy-ed U-Plifter Kalbfieistch-Dkeichert�-Ani event of years to enjoy the use -of these 9=11 them no better example than. in lahe vice�president, Jack 'Corbett- con- -0arrie& Petty and Jones: Tha,t X. I
,1': . lkildred Matchford, be -Sanitary Inspeetor, for -
k, an six years in a high school, what k tie Luth- .Mss
� �posslble ,benefit can he, or she obtain ,makes it a ,notional issue and a local interest too' 'Place at - toltiens that wehave presented,to you., age of Jesus Chrrist as a boy growing venersi: 'Missionary, I
f, I of governments. Uplifter., era'11 parsonage, an-dra, on, Wednes Signed OU -behalf of the member&. up into fine manhood, and how He �Scmton, Verdia ,N'viatson, Music and I= at �13.1W .per year. -Carried. I
:11 I,aybeii g tept theTe? ,'Many of such wrecker day of last week, when Rev. L. H. . ha, Dr Gera
. . a . .., . and,offloers of Council by Jas. Lelper.,. went about ,doing good contia=lly, Drama, Dr. Sqn!Mie, G Lam*nlie, Sam Maickle, and, Vetty: T t . Id I
students are .norw seent - to and demi�gods, you know, have done M, - � ow His example could b 0% Rennie; Citizenship, Messrs. Claude Colayer be Medllc�.a Offticer of Health
I : iingly going Kalbfledsidh united in marriage M Reel'(11" and -h Pr f -
I.. I , ing el -e thepeople's thinking for them before Freda X,79 c1hughter of . 16wed w1th blessing, boitli as to one's Blowes, Q rence 9 Hie, Bill,'Park; for 193 - a ried). Petty; and, Mickle: I
..... school because they�lhave hoth er,ond, oldiDst ____ la mi & ' 0 n ' 1.1
. . to do and they -can keep themselves now. They might do it again and Mr and, M:i�. Fred Kaweisoh and - .1. self and all whom came in contact. Social,' Walter Spencer, Margaret T'hat William CAomkt and N. Blatch-.
1, - .....M -W
1, warm. 'Biety are making li'Lie, if .. ,George Dei8hert, son Of Mr. land . I Mr. . Lapp -and IMr. Strange were lac- J6hnsrton.. '.Mrs. G. Hess; Secre�aT,.y, f�ra be members ofBoard of Health. ' ..
I �
'.. . n an, education and' at the, siamle not always modest re- MT TUCKERSMITH . L*r;ne for 1933. Petty and Joneis:. Tliat - '
. . I I., any, eff ort to dbtai Mrs, Peter Dedchert, Sr; 8,11 Of this . � companied by Mr. William ,Balkwfll; Miss ,Gladys Luker; aissistant,
areonly hindering other students who ni-tineratilon for their unsolicited SeT- district_ - After spending a ,short - __ - Treamirer,
� - ' � . I of Rxeter, the member for past year Elder , Doreen Farquhar; M, B. Parker be a imember of the
. . . I . take advantage of v icas. honeymoon in Toranto, 'Mr. and' M -Ts'. Mr. , and M". Robert Elele and . � .
are anixious to I of 1932. piamst ' Afisn, Florrenre Wlellsh; assist- Public Library Board for -the years
.41 I their opportunities. The -high schools We might, iq,,fa,dt, try out this ,Pro- Deiohert have returuldto Zurich and Mrs. - FV-aak F`4migan attended the Mrs A. Sinclair and d,aukhter, Miss ant, Maiss tMarion, SindlaiTL 1933-3445-40arried. tM10de and .
" . ishould not be tin-ned. in -to h,ouslea of Mr M ion ,ndsireid aduet at the mom The Youths 1�e .
, duce system of payment on, our coun- are reaAding in Mr, Deitchert's home funeral of theii cousin., the late s. ,ar- '�, re ' I Welfare Ckib of Car- I Atty: That Geio, Hudson, be care, '
I I - the idfte� or indiffereilt, and Tuesday last in.
0 . Percy Finnigan on ing much enjoyed. ,rr.46 Presbyterian 6hurch,met,on Mon. taker of Town ,Hall sit a salary Of
. '. � refuge foi n, their adjoining the butcher shop. Both are I 1, . service that was' . .
� 1.. �t shWIdn't require six �ears to fl, 4 tY councils. Pay ,. them. for popu(lar young PeCOPle Of Zurich and Dungannon. , . A Petition; largely siged, was pre-, -day ovening and -the following of- '$175, same .to include fire. hall and
,: . . . , wee'k-19 sessional indeninity, say, I from I iMx. Axnuid Burnside., a Grand , .c ficeTs were elected for the coming moving chairs-ACurried. Petty anA .
. out who belong to that class." a have received best wishes . a h0st ' sented at theseirivace en orsing llrejm- .
,% Valle�,, visited, for a few dayis re - ier George Henry in. .
.... . As a ni�atter of fact it should not sul-a pig a day; atalf;'so inu,ch but- of friends. ' I . -.his stand against Year: ptes-ident, -Miss Xabet�7'Wlork- Jones: That 1C., S. H�udson be pound- �
, . , . itake nearly that long for teachers to te.r, so many egg�, Or whatever com- �Plaute�Cor.riveau__-40n January 10, cently at the home -of Mr. and ,Mrs. the sale of bear, wine, etc., at iwt- man; vice�prosident, 'Miss Irene Hlug- keeper for 19M at as per statutes.-
: And out,'and. high school- fi�us�ees to rr4odity there 'happens to be a'su�,pev- at the R. ,C. Church, DTysdale, Rev. John 1McLwhlan- aurants, club houses and the serving garth- Ond vi-oe�Dresl&ant, ,Jas. MW- Carried. Petty and ,McIde: That R.
� . . Peter McKay died early on ,of same at,publIc chning C tard- 's�acre+ary, -Mae Doug-aal; treas- H$gigins be auditior fbi 1963 and give '
(�� L. Marchand perfornied the ceremony IMIrs. rooms. Th f
': I act upon this situation which has be- abundiance, of. Cio,untY coun,cils, are which united. in -marriage, Lavilda, Thursday moriiing on the 6th, con- tition of-alpiproval was -laTgely sign- urter, Rey MacLaren; membership reports q�arterly at $26 per ye0r,
I I . come albokether too Prominent iii re- nine �axts agricult-m-al and 'that , � at- P, I
daughter of Mir. David Plaute, and Mr. 'cieesiolu Nurse Weaver was in jed both at .the morning and evening �ecrebary,'Uss lHarinah ..,Murray ; 'Carried. Petty, 'and Spencer; That I
I cent years. Id niakeo a real test case. � Joseph 13orrtvesu, Jr. 'Mr. and -Mrs. tendance. I ,services. - pi-anist, AlUss BlanchM�staTd; asisist- Geo.. Hud,qua be mianAger �i Tmm .
11 . "'Ou ' . will reside onMrs-- V. Den- � Mrs 1. G..,Houston spent the weetc Church and' society. el!�CtiOIV' - Of� ant; �, Miss Irene, Hogga:rth; literary, Hall- for 1-933 alb $22.50 per yeax,- I
. The cost of Milier education hm* Xf the county coun6illorp can't Put corriveau. . S
�� . i C omm 's f near St. Joseph, which end in, Toronto. . members is now the ardler' f the day Blanch Mulstard,166y Bell; Aevdbion- Cirri,ed. Petty and Jon&: Thai Geo.
. become so great in recent yea -es that it, A"n't be� ,,,,, h ui, e arm oo
.. I . .., over, there wo,J d .MT. lCorriveau has rented fo,r a ULM) A JaMlYer-4farmer rwins. a prize, ill and much intere.st is, mandlested. in ,-.1, Irene Hoggarth, Roy Ma6Larein; Hudson. be manager of waft�ar tank
I . I . . ae. tax upon mte,V�ayers has pamed passing it on to Ottawa. of Years. the Bacon Litter iCordpetitioi� for.th��- them. I Missionary, Toni Dougall, Mi'ss Edna for 1933 at $22.50��-40arried. Petty . .
'. .. . ..- � acession. M.T. W. Mrs. Maude Hedden san with Gill; ISocial, James Bengough, Grace and Jones: That J�as. Priest ,be Weed d
.... the limit. ,Mr. Charies nitz and Fim, Ward, secofid time in su, 9
I -
� �� . 'Every right thinking Canadian cici- --- __ attended a shoe' imi3rchant's ,conven- NI., Dtaig has semood a prize of $1'3' mu.ch acceptance on, lkfopday, evoiiiw Tinney, Oildve Wotkman- R�e�v...'W. A. liispec�bor Tor 1968, also bread in- . I ��
I Ir . . zen believes in ,higher educatioa-,,- afid tion, held at Toronto on. Mwiday ol for a litter consisting of 11 pigs be- from CJ,GC Free Press, London. 'Her Young was ,61,ected honorary presi- sqpectq�,�Carriad. Petty and Jones- �� "
. . BAYFIELD this week. ' . ing the 14th prino. In, the other con-- 3,c ,V That jas. A. Foster -be motbr me- ,
., . I I . ,jections were I'Ah.. ,SNvpet M. SteTy dent. . I
1, I is willing to -pay for such a Flystem, __ I Many residents of, Zurich and vi- test he recelvbd 9th prize for a lit- ,trf Life" and "That Wonderful Mothe'r Hensall Council. - The regular chanic for Fire Npartment at a Gal- I'll,
. '. .. I 4 , h 25 er -4Carried. Mikk.lo
. . . I einity ,were shocked to, hear ,of the tu 0. 9 ,P a. of Mine." This, is the third time that inteeting of the villoge, council W -as ary Of $ P YeA . - -
. . up ,to a reasonable extent, whethee f ig Jn this district, w ich r,
I . . . bn 7 Miss G race Jowe:tt left Friday f - ,� I AeLirwhey, ,,on of comimises the counti6s of. Huron, Mrs. Redden -has, appeared. I h4d Monday' evening at 8 p.m. with and iSpenoeij; That the salary of I
"I I that citizen has. childr, attending ort LaudeTdale,., Florida, to spend 'eath of Wm -.E. .� .9 these
I , I F Mr. and,.M�s, Roberib MaLinchey, Bruce, ,Grey and Wellington, ne a rs present, The min- Reeve and ,Council for 1933 be nil, - .
I 4129h q.ehooK or Any children. ' the rest of the seaeon 'With her'par- ' -The Arnold ,Circle met at the hoi - 11 the mem1be "Mickle and Spencer: That
I - I * uoshen Line, StanIcy, which � took cofitests are sponsored by the De- of Rev. -and Mlrs� Young Orr Tuesday utes, of the -previous mleating were Corried.
... l '. ';But there is a Urrit beyond whi6� ents, who are wintering there. �Iace at 'his pare,rit's home list Sat- Partments of Agriculture at Ontario . 19313, appoint�ng' of- �
� . evennmg. A, tddbat�4, 1%esblved that read. Petty and Mickle: Th,a�- the Bylaw No. 1, "�
I rrleA. ficers,be g
, a citizen -can not and sbould rot'be -On Tuesday mornirig January 10, ' 0 " ,!von first and ,second read-
- i�p . urday after a Q,bort illnese.,. Deceab- and. the Dominion of Caiiada; each it was easierr for young people a mintites. be adop'ted, as readi.-Ca I
11.1 . asked to pay, and when qducation John'and Ben Pearson leftJor Hai,- c�l was Only 1217 Years Old. Paying. one.jh,alf the prize money. - to be 'Christians -Enan it Mir. L. R. Coles, of the Bank of Mont- ing-�Carried. Petby and Jones: That .
bor Springs, 114ch., E. Feathers-ro-a ", At the annual meeting of S. S..No. century -ago
'. cesses to 'be. the object of a boy .or aik-inq, - auto. Mr. Pearson, Mr. Victor Deic)iert, ,Who, was tak- bort time ago, is to -day" was hedd., ' A numbier of real, appeared and explained the by-; Bylaw No. 1, 1*/33, begiven third and I
I . t, ; th em bo� � en tio a Landion hospital last Wednes- 2, Tuck-brsimith, a ,R I e ..3, , ,
,:. e Weel% . life mel:yi�ership : certificates Were larArs peTtaining to the, borrowing of final reading-40arried. Mick.1 and
gitl attendin.- high school.'th tFch0oi theqr father, died there atbout a .M, . . ' , I
. . �Veabl�er cond;- tI.Gy and was Operated on, for appen- I r. Alfred [Moffot,,,was elected fo,r presilenited W -several menibeTS Of thP .. rnoney. Mr. F. G. Bonthron, tax call. Spencer: That �Bylu* No. 2 -
4�: shoul - d,eith-er he barreld to such or b(�,Eore, Christmas. didtis, is doingi as vonfl a,s ean 'be ex- a 9pace Of two kea.s to fill cult the r the ar- bOrr0w1n1g Trioney be given first and I
1* I Circle. lector, appeared and eported'
U . Vie ,p vented JDh;n and Ben at.wrid- pc�cted. I I . unexpired term of My. Win. M. Doig, 'The W. M.- S. of the United ichurch r-ars of taxes as being $1,797.00. second readin�_40arried. P�,tty and
1, I 1. . .arents made .to �pay liberally fo,�- tiOn's Pre -- . I . . ' t , 3, be
I - ing the fuacral. -lensall and Zurich bo;ckey teani.s who had -resigned'.-- Mr. Warren Shel- -heir monthly mo6etitig On, Thurs- George Hads6n, reported, re poll and. Jones- That Bylaw Nlo� 2, 193
;�� the privilege of sending them. . The.annual meeting of Bay -field I I hbld t I
I -.40-- � Agricultural Society is advertised play?d on -the local rink on ]Nlonda� by was re-elected for three, yvars to day pf last week, following the de- dog tax being �all paid, $38, in all. given third and fitial, readdng.-�Car- '
11:1 .1 . -this weEk- and is to be 'held Wedrics- evening and tbb latter.team won by ,,-icceed hinibelf 'ast trustee. Mr. and iviotional part ,of the meeting. Mrs. Communkstions, were read from the iied. iSpenicer and Jones: That the
. , I Mrs. Rdbe,rt J. Dayman were unan- n - Mac -Ewen ,iesolubon ,as read iby,11he Clerk frond
he score of 3 to 1. . Alice Joynt rendlerad" a 'pleasing solo, following:. 111. J. A. ., re
� .. . A New Idea, But it Might be day next, January 1&th, at 1 o'clock The cost of living in Zurich ,has im-busly voted a vote of thanks for ,, Only a Rayof Sunshine," with Miss taxes; Ontario Gbod Roaft Associa- the Bank of Montreal, (be adopted as
, , : . ,. .. . . in the To-.�m Hall. - All members -who 6rapped considerably during the past the very efficient manner in, which Eleanor Fisher .as accomparu'it. k1sa tion, i -e niembership; Department of rea&-4Chrried' Petty and Jones :
. 1 42 Good One, possibly can, should attend and dis. I ad is now selling for five they'had performed the duties oi ., . ispeqbor ;, That the. Ciouncil, recommend to the
. , v;ei�k. Bre uatuire, va Weed :In
, . . Eleanor Fisher rendered, a piano solo Agri�c
, , ". cuss matters rel-atinig to t . he -"elfare cen�s s loaf over the counter Or off careitakeTS . ofthe school for.the past which was very much enjoyed-. 'A Robert Higgins, re au&torr; .Mrs. C. rateApAyers, to pay Their tax swrears �
, of the society. I the wagon in- the village, -while tho Year.. . I
I... . A new idea has come out of France . . letter of 'thanks was? read -from Mrs. Wodfe, re asfsi,5ta1Vce,____1Same filed. at onoe, And -stave further expense,
. . I
I I . . and it is in ,Whole a farmer's idea. The annual meeting of the Bayfield country folks cents a -loaf. .1 I . I in which �she- expressed her. Bills and Wocountsi were read as f0I_ Carrie& Mickle and Petty: That we
. . I public library wa,s held on Monday a ' six ' I Swan . ,
. 2 The ifarmers ill onvi p I to, h-e,r* dur- lows: F. J. fV� �inting,
�, . . Her,e it is: ' NUlk. has 'been ,red,,ed to selven cent.,i -Il- . thanlos.-for flowers sent ilickwire, ; pt now adjou,rn.--4CarriedL , James & ..
1: , .. afternoon, Jannary 9th. The follov.r- a quart. . STANLEY I ' tu-4y. le-aflet, Was W-50; & J. LOVeR & Co., tupplies, Paterson, Clerk. ..
;.q. agricultural district in that countr,.- - ng officers and directors were ap- . I . ing her' illness. :S � . ..
. .1 I Thi- -annual meeting of the meWbers. _ . . I . I I
11�� their membeis ol' - I taken by Mrs.. J. W. Peck, �Mrs. A. . I - I —
, .. are insisting that . poinbed for 1933: Chairman, Rev. F. of St. PeteT's Lutheran 'Church, Zur- The' following Is th report of ,$.- W. E. Hemphill, MTs. L. R. Coles, I . . r .
-� I e
..,. .� � . .t. ,Parliament shall each be paid forty H. Paull' secrebary-treasureir, Geo.E. ,,:h, will be held on Saturd-ay of.this S. Not 4 (North Sichoo � 1), Stanacy, bas- Mrs. Agnes, McDonald and -a'well- . I I I. __ - .P .
, . -
. tons of wheat instead of the cash in- Gmeins,l�he-'4.1&brariAn, 'Miss F. Fow- 1 I
. , " " - . week. , ed b -n 'Christmas examinations. V- ,rendered solo, "All For Jesus," was I
... .. . . now being paid Lie; directorsi Mr. Paull, George E. , John Watson 58%. Sr. IV - Jean, Fung by Mliss -FlomneeWelsh. - * '
,� deminity they are Greensila,de, Rev.. R. M. !Gale, Mrs. H. . .
I .
1� oach year fortheir services. . MaKay, Mrs. Robert Scotchmer, Mrs, Dunn 72, Bert Greer 71, Stuart Wat- The Fdr6men's dance was, quite
�, . son 67, 'Ilene Talbot 61, A�rl6fiFal-tte laigely *a4inded ,and enjoyed lbly,
I" Apparehtly the farmers of From,co Navvibon,JBTady, Mi, I s. Gairdner, Mrs. Huron Presbyterial W.M.S Rau 57, Kedth W6stlalm,absefit. Jr, Special Cash Sale.of
�: Pinch of .hard times S2,eds. The ,board of directors are n those fond of tripping the light fa.n- '' I I
�: � - I .... to be ,the book selection committee ' (Clontinued from pa 1111--BlEy Airrni6trong 79i Melvi tastic toei . I
I pnd prices like those in -Canada. They and a,re. to meet at the 11brary,rooms . _94 1) �64reer 71, M�adge Houstoh 50, -Filfre,' The winter so far is slipping around I
.., 11. still believe the laborer is worth,x of Monday next, at 2.30. The circulation woman, showed that every auxiliary Raii 43.0 Et�esl Watson, albsent; Gor nicely in the wa)r of no severe cold. . Hardware, Stock. ." e
... I ei, absent. III - -. Ilene . . - � .
� his hire� Wt they want to hiru t -heir , � don Westlak . -makes liv-
I sho*ed a small increase last year, had responded. ,.) - and big snow falls, which .
. I
I . . representatives on' a 'mew ba-4is of being over 3,000. To raise funds to Mm. T. Swan Smith, treasurer., by Grefer 72, Andrew Rau 54. Primer- - 11
� ing and 'getting around more ipleas- . I
I � .. payment. . purchasa:Trjolre boo", it was -decide,! her splendid report, testiftod to the Anthony. Rau, Decoar Talbot.-114en ant. . "
.... - . to hold a euchre and- dance Wedne�- lov-0-ty of Huron 11�resbvterial when' M- Ablent, Teacher. , ' TAIT. A. W. E. Hemphill recently Every Article Marked Down
. . no French were always a thrift), - Death of Viitliam Erratt XcLin, .
.1, ' day, Yubruary Ist,lat'the Town Holl. it responded so well under the finan- �motored to ,Detroit for a day or so, 1. ' '
I., people, ',but forty tons of wheat per .Xm Nevrbon,�Bra,dy is convener of cial strain. I. chey.-A deep gloom wa�, cast over accompanied by -his brother, Thomas, to, Bargain Price.
. I . Mrs. Rhodes gave a very concise our community -when it was learned of Wroxeter, an.� Mx, W. 0. Goodwin, 1,
0.. member per session looks just a,lit- thie, committee. ehensive re-jul-nie of the gn SatuTdlay morning of the sudden Our vill ining business I . � 1.
�,: Ale bit contracted. A congregational supper -fo,r mem- and compr . of age� conib 'Having purchasied, the stock*of tho W. A. McLaren Hardware, we .
.1, eld. year's work, showing that economic dzut1h of William E,. McIAnchey. He with a visit -with relatives and friends.
. .
I.. . 1W1hy forty tons of wheat wouli bej-. of Trinity Church is to -!it, h i -bad an attack of ,the fla but was go- ore offerring it to the pubilicut priceathat will save you money. This
i . in tha Orange Hall. Tuesday evening conditions had not affected the spirit . 'We are pleased to report that Mr. Sale wffil be conducted in the, Me1oxen Stuo from January 16th to
I . � only be about 1,300 bushels and that, next January 17th. Supper at 6.:�0 ,of the- Presbyterial. ing around as ustual till Wednesday James Broadfoot a few miles east We want ito turn this istodk into cash to, save ,moving. These
� I i .at present prices, would only !bring fo,1;�ed ,by the annilal vestry T�eet. Mrs, Waltexs, of Godench, moved, when he W&-, ,stbrickens with a severe of our village, a,o has been so ser- 28th. cles often
I goods are -all standard bardwtma stock and not like, ax!ti
� , on the market sornething betwe,&n six ing. I - I the adQpftion of the reports, arrid Mfrs. pain in his head. The, doctior was !=sly ill, is at date of writing some- Aade up cheap to Put on'a ispeci,al sale. The stock in many lines is
, I M:rs. Robert Cratrdne,r and dau Jaines Kerr, of Sea.forth, seconded �et 711ef what i-mpr6ved.. .. 1.
" . and E�-ven hundred dollars. � .1 911- limited, so come �a;rly. "
. ter, Betty, returned saturday after a the motion. M -Ps. Taylor, of Golle- and his fricndis thought 'he as in a - C. Hoare,, of -Clinton, Asited
"Ill ' ,Mr. Don't forget the opening date, January 16th, at 9 o'clock a.m.
�. That might be 9,11 right for French Very pleasant holiday with relatives .rich, gave the dedi,&atory praye-r. An fair way to recovery, btit h ; gradual- friends in our village'an Tuesday I . � . 1.
, I . membeTs of parliament, -but- wo, in in Chicago. invitation to , hold' the Seiptember ly grew worse ,aigain! till the end last ' I . . I .,
�, Canada, wouldn't be able to legislate A public meteting of natepayers wan Presbyterial 1 Rally in Goderich was came. He was the eldest soR,of Mr. Our roads and sidewalks am,in a� ' ' Bonthron-& Drysdale, Hensall ....-11.
. . �
I - he school Wednesday, Janu- extended by the ,Gode-ri-ch W. M. S. and Mni- Robert Mic.Lindhev and was pretty slippery condition owing to, � . . . . .
.11, 11 . on those termis for a week, let alone held at t ce, .The following officen-s weT,p insital- 27 Vear-S of age. He was, of a very' freezing and thawing weather. by I . . . - - . . .
I . ary 4th, to elect a school 'tru,.st .1 'and lovable- disposition and - - � .. I
. , a whole session. � I - d. Two led by Mrs. -McDonald, Of Cllrto;w� , geniul I I .
, Dut we in Cana�a, I have more Mm. Seeds' term having expire .d, with'bi% c.heury snifle and hi,s ld-niffly I � I
I ' ' -
�, I r � were nominated, Mrs. Seeds ana John Honorary prre%i enrt,. Mrs, J. C. , . 11 - I
; . wheat than the French. We could Parrknr. The vote was: Mrs. See& Greig, Seafoith; President, Miss L. anA socialble ways, -he wt&n a place in . . . I I I
- . easily afford to add a few morem cars- 38, .1. Plarker 19. The board for 1j)3() M. Jeckeill, Rxeteir;' I -A vice-poeisi- the berarts of the people and made for I 11 1, I
A . him,self a ho-1vt -of frie,ndi-.-Tbi% fact .. . .
is: John 'It. Camercm, A. Brandon, --(Ient, Mrs. Lane, God-erich; 2-nd rvice- . I
" of wheat to each rnem�wrr of PArlia- was very eM(Ienitby the large nu�mlher
,�, Al rs,. Seeds. pre,sident, Mrs. NcDoiiald, Clinton; D . . - A
�. who came on -y and
I me.nit's sa.lar� -and even foi, good, Icy 3rd vice4preside-nt, Mrs. C. E. Dougan, of people - Sunda
l . ML%s ,Mary Tay r who has been ide 'it ,n,r- :V k \ I I
I . inteasiure throw in a fpw Aveks, of �e .1 ( lintop; 4th vice -p -rel,% n , .,. - bnday to pay a tribute, of res�pect __..
I vetral weeks.1n Clinton hospital -,k%L-; , " .:�i:�::_
. i -.7;k: i.`�.._.
- I , wo of gdo�l beef hr`ou me Monday and s n (yw lie- Redd,itt, Godte,ricli; corres,pondir . --;�`.��:.: ',:�:�; . I
. lhogs an(g a car or t; gh t ho, ig and too the MeMOTY Of the departed aina. -:;7,
. sec -rs. to exprers their sympathy with the ..* .... :��t;Rl%:.!�;:*� . ,.
"I . B, I.
W I i�attle. We are liberal to our Tnern- ing cared for by .Nlrs.. Chw;. We -ton. recording , retary, M J fin- bereaved family. W_�-,ides the father ... _.. :. ,:����;�l,.".i",t�ii�:j�f....., .1
�1 bers of Pirliament now, we could ,We are pleased to i -port improve- Rhode,-,, Fx7jterr; trmsurer and ,and ,mother. two brothers survive, AV .l."... ....'... ... I I � i
,� , ment in Mr. Andrew icGregor, who �Lntce s,ecretary, Mrq. T. Swu-n Smith,'
,!,.� ' ":-Aforth; Home Ilieilwrts' secretary, Frank'anid Rmce, also Mists Mabel I..
. C even afFoTd to be still oriore libe,ral bad a stroke a ferw days- before I;,.,:-- 1i I
1. ,, - tf payment was mad,6 on the barte� G-hrkitma& I Mrs. B. Edwards), * Hensoll; 1�oung Calver, and to them is extended the .1.. r 1�1
.. I.. 0 Ern-ent PaTlack wais lable, to V,e V,'omen's Secretary, �Ilrs. H. C. Dun- SYMpa.thy of .rgh,6 co,riymurnity, � eigrpec- I I I � ,
,,!� . is n � ! J
,.:I� 1. system. � ligh t brought home from Clinton. hospital lop, Goderich; Canadian Girls in ially to the moltherr who at pre le t _,j,�,�,j:�,,:1,j,,,,,r.j%,j, �
.'.....,..:.,:,.,,.r.-;: ',%,.�, ........ 111-4...:
It is a brand new idea, but it m neral __ - :.-.X.; ,:,.,,.r,,.;. .. �
1 'Ry ,:,.,,.r.-;. ,. - , , ::. .. .; ,,. _!.. I ..:
is Training 1. B. Kaine Seaforth,' JiS in very -poor health., The fu . *.",'���i�:���:��:i�� I.r .... 1-i -0. �:jt: :.:.:,; - .� .
1i L, . , Mrs,, -,� . . . . . :
I t MUTI ...., !.�'�,� ,�,�*!*:;�;;. X.;: ;;:-':.,.:
LkL. week, and These two rvice, whi -n Mionday, ... _:��. I �,
3yilliaM . .
expect -id home tfiis week. -ch wa, , �11'...."!
I . . . . . . 1
,�' . ill, �
good one. I.. ,:; 1W � I , I .... I
. be a ,Might be worth try- MiMiOn Band SeClleta.ry, 'M". MeT- s,e s. held a ,:,;:�. �r .. I I
Iveafarth; Librairy and Lit- - - -, . :':':'�,;tl;'�:':"W".L'It:�::: :�.i`��:�`,, .."
,. � was toodluoted . ., :;�--'%.-*%�ii . ........ ......... . � ;:;!,.* �
ton Reid, f, by his pasitorr, Rev. E. . " �i��i".N.,"".*."���������i�i�I���,o L-,*,� .."�.�.;�i:�i���'. " �
-P s,jor appendicitis. ...,..jiji,� % ;
ing out for one swisiun just to see had 6peratiom , I
bow it w, -rington, A. PoufteT, Who galvie, a vetry helpful I . ., - .WM-.�.�+,:-:-;:,; :
t-rature Secretary, 'ML%s Hai UK ovER So years Royal Yeast Cakes 'I'�'�'I'l.�-11�ii;��.�."*�i*.".i".il..."�,.�����i�i��,,�...�,.lp--,..,.i......��ii.".*.�i"..",...*,.,��.", . ix*p;�iii�i��i!-,'..
.. , I
?;, ....."," .1ii-l".-i'"11, I
ould work out. To see what .....
. . -e- and enclourraging message from P.9olm. %:'.*`i' "I.i�.I.il?A�X�i�i���i;�ll"�iiii'.,.I ".�..
; - Blyth; Wellcome and Welfare. Sem . Fhave been the stAndard of quauty. ;'..�.%1�%;�.Z.:'4 :::::�:,!*;,g...,-'.,: ._,__.,.w --y- .. I I ....... -, .*�.ii�'.,�:i-,,`.'.`:
�_. 1, . diange, if any, it would make in the � 32:1. Ite .' 11 . .11-1.1 X", , , , , `.',4.`�,1:1`.. �1
1, . tarv, Mrs. H. Arnold, Rensall; Glad ,!Mr. George Pou r samig a Sealed In air -tight waxed paper', they keep ��.111.....",,-,1111. "
" I Tid . ings Sec�tary, Mrs. Lawson, Au- 00110, OFace to Face." Intermlent was . .... iii:�i::-i�iiii, ii�Qii.� :'...".1%.' : I..)
!. ilemgth'and ibi4afth a our paxlia- KEPPEN ofade In BaYfelld eewnieteiT. The pall fresh for months. Keep a supply handy. � sii�i�iiil,/�.",�i',jwx*. ',',,§�i��.,,iif-" ; 1.
, :.:.;.:.:.:...��.....;.:.:.;.�,�o.;.";..::::::...$
,� anentary sessions and to -see if it bum; press se-Creltairy, Mrs. Keith .. lii�i: 11
"..".. ...... 1..--!�'i-:-,.
17", McLean, Seaforth- Life- bewlms werre six �ousins: William And send for the ROYAL YEAST BAKE ". -M -.-..1.--.,..i'1` - I
t :.:�:.:.:4.�:.�$f,;.;.;.,;.W:;;::.;�,.�:!i:::::j Al
.. k , would bring any changes " he 'The annual meeting of the Kippen I Membership . � I )�,
Xi.% M16Farlane, Cllint�n; No,&ir11s,r_' AT-istron, Robert Armstrd'ag, John � BOOK to use wh�n you bake at h9me. �i�i?,�' ��-*` WRi � ,
;. g� . . - Horti,cultural Soiciety will be held iA ing I G .. on-nniftse for 19$3 -Mn. ,Wal- Arrnli.*bron- , Earnest IMIclAnicliety - .
,' I thought, habits, and' ImStOnlis Of par . , Rus.- Address Standard Brand's Ltd., Fraser Ave.- N. �...,��%�:*>.::::::::�v::::::,;!::::.:: :
. 91 ,::i:::::::�:i.�:��.��:i:�i::$.:�,�:��:::�:b
,., * riwmemftTy. sessiong. the Sunday sichool room. of St An- lei"S Godlerith; Mrs. G , , Seaforth; sel Ematt afid Wim. R. -8belplieroon. .. � ............ m. .
i, ' Would it,el-im-driate party' lines, drerw's United Church on Fr I !day, Jan- Mrs, Lawson� Auburn. re'1191 A Among those who attended the ifun- and Liberty St., Toronto, Ont. � : 1:01"', , .", "' .
14, , . i uary 13kh, at 2.60 p.m.
�, � , _ * thmw wanufadburers ,and tarifts into eroil from a disItanne were: Mr. &nd
1, .. 'The Jwguaxy meeting a the Wo- � � I ..
", -"— Mrs. J. Collinig and Mrs,J. Bryan, of .. I . .
I . So diward, and ma�ke every member men's Missionary Society was helid at . '-this Easy-to-MaUe R6cipe
eW.' " I , I London; My. Ellsworth Erriatt, Gor- Try
��,!,, *d Par(iianient a .fighting ag,ri"Ittrr- Mrs. Jarrott's- Ton.. &%nuary 4th, ,With HULLET.T . I don, Albeat and V%He MoLinchey, of .
I _4 . . ,'dfigt� vWth -the heeds of Canada's basic Mrs- Cooper presiding� Promptly at - - __ - Auburn; Mrs. Robert MoUnehey, Al- f6r FORM CARE I
��., . 2M o'clock the meeting was opmed RetWng Clerk Pil6sented With I : .:,;.:,
i .I r. I iftidnstry alWays in the frout, instead Cane.—Wt the Inau"I meeting of bertf- Wilmer and Mbs Mllip-Mc- Cream V4 e. sugar vdth 1,4 C. well. Cover and set aside In ... ,:,�' I - . .
i ; r - �
I. by the sipgIng of a hymn, after which Line'hey, of ,Stephern Tp.; Mrs. Jack buttef. Add to I beaten egg warm place fr66 from drauth"', . 1� ; ;". :::j, I.-,.
" . i . . ��
. nd. I 1. -
R.;�?�, .he Bible the miumicipal council of the Town, , pjC4,d, of ,Seaforffi. :.
, ,
"I � a ifie back of his, ft T day, Jan- : land beat until light. Add I c. to rise until double In .bulk ; ; . N X .....'., �
11,`�4 � Perlipps not. Bat we venftre to reading was taken by 1MYLsq. F'rench '210P Of IMI'llett, helld'on Mon iukewam. muk. stir volt. Add (about 1% hirs.). Knead , _-,.1.1
1� I _... �
� � �,� ,� my ff sueh an ideu were put in plrac;.. and a hymn was then Sung, Ro'll call vary 8tJh., Mr. John PiTogiland, haying I .. I cup R6yal Yeast Spdtkde*o down and ptace 'in' weIl- - I
I talken end ,it was� noted thEit. the f)endered his raftnWtion, as Clerk and 1A c. dltron� 1A c. ThIslift", TA greased tube pan. Biush Our free book-
� "�� - , 06, dgTicuuure, and its needs would' was . HENSAILL let,"TMROTAL -
, mrajority of ,the initembers responded, Troasurer of tho momicipality, WR8 1 chapped almonds, 4 tap. sAft, top with egg and balm In :";;;;;
0�1 ,,. . .. iftiw , ott ' =4- re- " * ' 'presented with the folilloving addr9iis: . . . - I .1 . I . and wkoudh Bout to W91k,b *Oft moderate oven, aboUt 45 .. -;�: :..4;t;'.1,1�, . t . RdAb To HtT- .
. .I " I ;*- t
Nllzk�ll ,. . . .in ths It w%th a vetsie or artiole, of missionary , ; .. :i,k,j!;;:j;::� 'I 'A. TFIt IRL<H".
��,',, -, . * . I rgk-;::,.. 7�i! . . . . . . . . . . . . . !�. tells how Royal
,, .1 . "* a *Uch more 10M'Psthetic hear- Interest. The business ,�Rscblsgiion '11)ear iMr. Pingliand: Via, the, of- poet Ofte 1yox ren* are due ktnd payiible dough (866ut 4 cups). Kn"d" oninutes. 9 I . 'i'� . I
I'll � I ft � :1, �.;�r�.�.;,.',,�..�:"",�:��:,:�
.; th,ht 9,11 'of ficem.4, ex-teieves and Wembiers. of 4,he at the gonaqi Poot Offim thfq rwt wedk in . :$'.".';';�'1';:';; L' :',: Yeatt Cakes will . I
* " , th s mwn'dh 'of iwaufaaT, A mrAher are . iv *ROYAL YEAST SPONGE i,igi��,:jii��iji�!��.,',
�"k. � ft dM' 496"'d "Mmi PSA19, �vhilch fWlowed showed 1i -.1
�,1,1,,�IC , the Township I ... �:�;, Improve your
I'll ., 11.1 I . & `&,.d,� "Slit of according the circles are seNying and making Municipal -Coirneil of R glaod niarm ymm, tarreari tgftd PtLyment vN1 011;:�iil'i�i�iii�i:;,::: .!
, , , .
J, , q" . 400 qulm% to meet tv" needs, of .the v&- of,lTalliett, at 16%, ow first inteet1ing be rAirth imppreeiAe& Su%trithtiam reaer�ed Soak I Royal Ye*st Cakeln flour. sent ffioiouaW _',.R.iii�":�'� � "I. i hefd1th, itind aug- 11
P i 1�. "I I - �, 00ft I . C`f'tb0 Yearr 1036, unibe) in wishing, you for 'all tre"rMpel'a ,g6v the Hftswl Pmt of.' V, pint juke*"M Wgtet for 15 Cdv,6r and t6t rise .Ver. -11%1%1%1%1%1%1 ....... I.I.I.I.I.I.I...'..'..'..'..'..'..'.,,..,.,.,.,..,.'..I " ': ... . : I Mt '
21 in
, ious relief mRs. Mrs. Cochtane, then fim 9895-2 gftij�. Dissolve I thap,.,sugarin n10t io dauhle I in 11 . ways to take
. pr4m- 0 them.
I i I .
� '51MA-." 9acrafm
'y '��"� ,,,,)s6,di* ,& dy Ittobt oo, AA4ft6 r flamily A bis,ppy and * I b"94
I ' ' �* -'�"." todk ibbe'stwly paper afteT,wbioh Mr& W'd YOM The .1 ent of the tjftd* Sup % pint mit1k. Add io dispolfed vMrWpJ*c6freett0rndtA09ht&
"I "I �., ,,-J. �� ''imta, ,fgs - �d djgI[yA,1* The monten Pe 4 you do ;. yegsi cake. Add t qbM%road
. �.', 1, I .d&
''�3 " - , dn*r4r, led in ,prayer. iMirs. J: D. New Year.', Aafhough Makes 8 to 6 cuos of bitter.
��'ffi N ., &Xbv" .
111 ' ' per was dbm-ved .in CaTmea .
,111, ` ' , = able t6 be w%h us as dur , I
" 1� ' , . ."I - ' - lj§? t1t6 "'tft V ' Udl,ft'A Artcl Xm- Hmaerson sang a T, , ., . I I
91 ,'i',�' ,I r6uld ton- terigm Chu"h on Suinday ilast, sut the pk*— - , , , , - �. _ "..._ __ __ , , -1 MAM-IN-GANADA GOODS
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