HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1933-01-06, Page 6a ,. a. a, e r u. .. .'S y� w I'. f t �' :M Pi.l P 'F l+.l v. �•. rl v 1. Yr. A 1 el n 1 m . :... HI h+. k ... .V N•.:. k eS W l t, Y. ,iR,e. !. �S. S 4'. k d. a !. 1 S ,t r,. d a. 1 a7 t,. � 1�: v,. o !.. 1 5. ! �1 T' , I r , �I:N. r., ... ., j+ f t I 1. I d I :C .- .. i , f 0 ^ Y7 �„r v, iY`l, 1 VCS' d -. , i�, 4�i� , , I - ,,.,,�i' s1l- Ud A�6&1 I , e , M ti`I.r .', I tjBLED LEISURE I rte l �� 4v S dr ,l,i 2j�i�'tY��,,3—TT�> Ir`�4 i" 1� ,�"�' A HEALTH SERVICE OF rti,�r, ilftMx I r ; SS S .I. ,r ylpppubli.�c of mcxnks. Twenty an- Isummo�cled .by a bell, and ,wlt,OS'e duty THE CANADIAN MEDICAL i`✓ r `" P, '' ,, Tyy'h :rnlanastaerie On' a 3eag3Tt, rOCk 7t 'v¢Iaas to ,look out fOr nests. Be. ASSOCIATION AND ,LIFE n� ::MrJ •4z Y g INSURA E COMPANIES T4i .e......,.....u.. slit ,tit g'i,e+ ,!Is 14 connected with ilio almosti led us to a room and invited us to IN CANADA + �v"j„a” 4iZ ; a a!ted, alniosb saad�l`ess main- ,sift dawn. Then he disappeared ,and ,' la�of Chilchad'iee by a tiarrow returned in a few bonuses will: a, big UST A COLD z, �' aro '; t+l ,�ngue of land. Twenty ancieni; mop.- tray laden with mastic, Turkish cof r' _, 1, last fries .and numerous new sett) -fee, and quince jelly. He'passed these a common colds is a serious a 11,11.",lr F t , # Q is and houses occupied ,by mora es aroumut to each of us, saying, "To a costly nzxisance. IIt is serious �'" 1 k a i a " r?ev,lpte from, the life of the 'world, your health." Thus we were wel cause it -may be the (beginning of a s - up touched bye, the rapid teimipo of our eomved with Oriental ceremaony da roti-, infection Of the respir 5„�,,"1 'timipe 'maintaining ancient, sacred c>us- ^, * ' tory tractr-)bronchitis or pneumlo � i tangs : azul' dwelling in complete A few monks joined us and asked. It is costly because it causes m asceticism, for their diet is slim and ins fqr cigarettes. A eanve'rsation time to be last from school and' wo' "� •. . no woma . Can cross the frontier of began. We were asked `about what than does any other disease-.. Th "I 0 this mlona§'tic nation. was happening in the worl(1 from it a nuisance is a statement•whi rllYee metropolitan (bishops of Sal- which we had came, though'it hardly will be accepted without dispute. i �^t11:1. onika gave us a letlter of introduc- seemed passible we had taken leave Ob,�iousdy it would' be .desirable r• tion to the rulers of Athos' and we yesterday, since it now lay so far control a disease which causes �r. set', forth Iby sea one evening two 'behind. We were surpr'i'sed to'have much disoomnfot-t, which Iwastes %' ., • weeks before the Easter festival. As the nitSnks recall to our npgds things much time, and which may lead! � "tlhe, sun sank 'behind the mountains ,we had almost t�orglatt rx-polibilds, conditions that endanger life. U Y Of Thessaly alta ,shone against the the ecanamic crisis, international in- fortunately it Imaust be admitted th i� snowy peak of !Mount Olympus, ma'k-, • tI igtue, and hnlnvan misery. Do these the common .cold is difficult to y t ing the sky and sea glitter with many matters penetrate even' the remote- vent and to 'avoid. The very f i v bright colors, our little coasting mess off the Athos monasteries? wency of its occurrence reflects b III )steanver crossed the smooth marror We did not yet know the ans',v'er to repeated failures to prevent it. ll. -?ll' ; of the Gulf of Salonika and m,a.de its ,this question but we hoped that it ,fie ,,particular germ that is way by night along the shore of would be negative, for, feeling that sponsi'ble for colds has not )been•' d )n%,1w, Clhalchidice. we had arrived in another World, we cove While othetl factors "-11 'As day 'began. to break over the were reluctant to 'believe that it had play. an important part in their a`, sea the neact morning, the mighty anything in common with the world curren'ae, it appears to be well i:• ' Peak of the 'holy mountain witch its we had ,left. Our host soon reappear- ta'blished that colds are passed I. ° I white, marble summit arose before ed, interrupting our conversation and the sick to the well and so' ibelo us, jutting out of the ocean to a summoning us to the evening meal. to the group of diseases which ` %eight of over six thousand' f'e'et. Since this i io'na.stery was idorrhyth- call comlmundcable, : Monasteries clues, to its steep sides m,ic, that is, one in which the monks g P When we take into considerati like eagles' nests. Their unscalalble have their meals together. only on how people with colds continue to „;`, walls and redoubtafble towers warded feast days and on all other occasions about th'eir'btusiness, refusing to• s off the .outer world fwh, ile they clung eat alone, the monk took us to the in bed for "just a, cold," and w I . with • i'ndoimitaable 'determination to kiteh4m, 'a -big room .with a coal fire we further conasi•der the way' in wh ' the mountain that rose above them. burning in it, for although the day so many of these people cough They lay . devoutly in its. deep folds ,had been hot the night was cool. He sneeze, do we. need to wonder 1' as if they were ' shrouded in the lit a yellow candle just like those cold!-, are lof such common 'oc 4 white ,mtintle of Gad the Father. The that we see monks lighting in front rence? sure rose and -the 'brightness of the of images in church and placgd it on The pe'rSGln who has 4a cold in .. . . , (Greek morning surrounded us as our the bare wooden table, on which we head is=• almost certain to have ' ship entered the Bay of Daphne. ,saw ,our evening meal. It consisted hands soiled with the secretions _ �A, simlall boat took us ashore. For of little salted fishes, salad, olives, his' nose, and he ,passes these to "• a moment we were surrounded. by goat's milk cheese, black bread, and erything which he ,touches. Were 1.., the shouting -of boatmen and mule a big `carafe of red wine. The monk at home and in .bed, he would be drivers, then the stillness of the olive ate.and drank with us and was most atively isolated, keeping his ge .r . groves through which we made our cordial. "Now isn't our wutt'e goad,"' , g. Jaden secretions to himself. He sho way enggulfed us. 'First we follow d he asked us as he laughed and kept .be at home, but as yet a' public o i• the sh,dt''e, then wounii• our way .up' smacking his fat thighs. ion has not been created -which wo the range of hills -beyond which lies ' ,,Your wine is marvellous, little, force the person suffering from y liaryaes, the centre of the Athos i father, perfectly marvellous," we 'as- common cold to withdraw him-, ;. t; republic. $.s we nva'de our way uphill eared 'tura. for a time, from public contact. ',` it kept getting 'warmer. The sea lay. "I think so, too. It is the best in Under existing conditions, below, silent and :deep blue. The sky' all . Athos:" should for our own protection, 1.was cloudless. The big carafe was emipty. Our courage the use of handkerchiefs t'. * * * • monk was -on the point of falling smother coughs and sneezes, and - ,After three hours we reached -the asleep and we were tired, too. We provision of facilities for washing .• .-.....-flop of .the .:bills and -made our 'way therefore asked. him to show_. us,....to_i,:hands. _. Under,..,... ,no circumstan .- downhill into the'city of the monks. our roam. Like `the monks, we had I should a person sulffering from ." The streets were narrow. Overhang= a cell with a cross painted on its door' cold ,be -engaged, in the preparat 'i , ., ing upper, stories and protruding to ward'' off evil spirits.. The bed or the handling of food either t, roofs :cast shadow's. By now the' sun was hard. Our windrow looked Glut the home or elsewhere. strip of sky that ' easshrd'lcmfvbgkq .over the silent forests, and when we 'In order to avoid colds, we m had climbed 'higher. The narrow leaned out we saw £he shimmering, avoid coming in ,con•taci with th 1. strip of sky that cast its light down dark silver -,gray sea_ benealth the w'hxo 'have them already. • By Ii on us between'"the roofs ,blinded aux bright starry heaven and working in rooms that are ! eye,-,, and the grouzvd floors of tfhe * * # overheated, by dressing according shops, into which we looked through 'Conversations with the monks and the ,weather rather than the time doors and wzn•drows seeimed al- o'beervatiofn of their life convinced us openyear-and thus avoiding av�erclotha most dark. ,Craftsmen and merch- that ,the present monks of Athos no ,by ;keeping the body in good co ' ants were sitting here talking to the longer- have any spiritual connection tion through proper diet, 'we :may .t monks.. We regarded', the monks' with the old cuture they are suppos- e'en the 'danger of contracting co x' faces=their 'broad, hooked noses, ed' to be preserving. They are carry- Thoroughly washed hands constit a; the deep lines in their bronzed, i.?vg out the ritual without grasping a 'practical means of - protection, 4 parchment like skin, their enormous its'mlea,,ing; they are like iridi:'£erent this is a 'habit which, is recomme ill,blazing, eyes under bushy 'brows, actors in a religiou's'-play. The monks' ed to all for their own protect• their cheeks and mounts emerging a- conception of life is irreligious. Each of us has: a responsffbility r' Ibov'e luxuriant -beards. Their long, They were not led to the monastery .protect himself and to do what ,i uncut hair streamed " from beneath by religious zeal. They adapted the can to (prevent the spread of cal 111�.^ , 'their black cowls and was braided in. mionkish way of life as a profession Ito: knots that dangled around their that offered them m+ore in the Jvey of : . necks. We met other monks who, material benefit than it dDmanded in hastened pwLt ' us along the rough the way of sacrifice, . They- regard . WIT AND WISDOM gave�ent in, flowing black robes that divine service as a form of work reached to their ankles. that is paid for, and the monastery°Frost an the pulmpkin" The same day we''reach'ed the first offers them a lazy life --a safe old mean much to the city child, Milo—tery. We had to hurry, for' by age, and preferential treatment on ,would think, anyway, it was �, saumset every monastery's doors are the 'Day of Judgment.' ingwe.-Detroit News, r•. barricaded 'by the monks, a tradition '(These monks are no ascetics. They that survives from the time when are glad to take advantage of any they lived', in fear. of robbers and had 1'oophoues .in thea' Im,onastic . rune and Democracy requires• a school reason to sus ect ,wanderers who ask try to find substitutes for an which is passable only in times e=: p Y Pleas- peace and prosperity. -Andre M ed admission 'by night. 'We therefore tires that are forbidden them. They ois. arrived before twilight. We went are Epicureans who have chosen the through a vaulted doorway, then the mystic life because they regard the • monk who served as parte came out, .,H-asychia as the suprerr(p good -=that If you appeal to the 'base' feeli of a side room and asked us where h's, not to, have a worry flout mat- of anyone, you can always get -w,. , we were going and wlhat our names erial existence, not to halvle any trou. hearty and full resp6me.=,Mr. B were. We replied and showed him our ble, with women, to be able to spend anan, X.P. letter. The monk took it, kissed' it hours each day in untroubled leisure, -r`J � "' crossed hiniisrelf, read' it slowly, fol' sitti.ng`on 'a bench 'by the monastery No ,one could have the au'd-ori ]awing the words with his finger and entrance in the shade of an orange my that elections are the best °' then bade us ,welcome. The first tree roe a great cypress, looking ou, of choosing the 'best mean. - Be ,I ,. , l" monastery had offered' as its hospi• into the distance, aver meadows, olive Mussolini. 1,, tality. groves, and forests, up bh'e great peak k,l We were taker! -across the monas- of the holy ingoubtain or down to the (Card sharpers, declares a ...', tery' courtyard to an open, worn-out shimmering sea • enjoying the remote- are frequently highly educated pec -�, wooden stairway at tli'e head of which ness of Athos and the peace of a They certainly know a good deo 1u:.; ' we were greeted by a ,m!onk whom we summer noon, ]Ottawa Journal. . r,. ____... _ I• i. - ^T di R i I 1 , N f �M1 4 .r k d i. m , elAn• P T -f f v iA '� h 7{,"i �l, V 1 . (! 1 J 1 d t �`F1 � 4n "Ail" r✓A r {" S •7`; , g "Y f , f . 14. 1 'n V " 1 f5, if C" Y P i d fir° {� 1 ' h a d v , "{ Y 7 {" �, f+ r r 7 a, i f ,i 1 ., 1 ( 1 J l i ,� i,�d ( , I' Cyt f l ,. Y , l':, r; idi„��..,, 1 5::ia4 ,t .., �1 pt;1, 111-11. ::., . V' 1 , ,:.}:. a ! l d Y , ,n, ! J �,. i (J .P a r, , 4 r '.�, (� { `� I . . n,,, ... -- M. .. i I a 1 !.,., 7,,�' I i . . included to (balance the ration. -P . , . ,,, ISMIm. malk or 'buttermilk in some ' form. is the ideal protein supplement dc),yov ��e� - 1 oke Puddings, Drop Ca,kes in hog feeding. 4These, however,.awls• • . o • ^ m not always mviailable but because. and C ookie$ from MinCel"ne�t these are not available is no reason why other - equally' ,good -forms of tf protein supplement should' not be us - Not emery home -cook who has made v ,ha' white of e be A v d fine type ; pork can Aped egg, mixed with a be ,produced- through feeding tank - up a quantity of Christmas mince- little fruit sugar,; age, a by iproducyt df the packing $n- / meat is aware of the fact that foods' dus'try. 'This ,-q ides an animal pro - other than pies can be easily and Mincemeat Pudding Sauce. tein sulpploniont ideal for hog feed- INE CAN quickly pr"epared, from this mixture. ing, and at the present time than can SUPPLY ANY The mincemeat may be, used in pudL cup sugar be obtained essentially at cost 11, 111 dings, drop cakes, cookies, muffins, x/2 cnnP water $'GYLE• 1 cup zninaoenvelat. Protecting Fruit Trees From Mice , ere,, and may ,be, 'used is take the Boil sugar. and water five minutes. � ;. a place of raisins, curu ants, peel and and Rabbits. CARBON O " - a- A'dd'' mince (Serve with cottage 'Once again the Dominion Horti- • spices' in fruit cakes. � ilia or other plain pu'd'ding cultlurist Dr. W.•'T,.,Maroun, reminds * ' :> ' BACK As different recipes .produce .mince - ore tical'-,` of varying moisture content- -- ortchardlists lof the importance of ' rk the exact amtioumt ,of ,flour required 'Protecting fruit trees from girdling BEFORE''PLACINQ at cannot be stated' in our recipes. We .. FARM NOTES I- by milcei and' rabbits during -'bite win- • ch are giving the approximate aroount; ter months. 'Left unprotected trees YOURORDER PHONE slightly more or less may be re- 'Lowered Freight Rates' Helping may thus be injured beyond recovery, US FOR PRICES to quired. Honey Export. or at least receive a severe setback. so 'According to P. W. Hodgetts, Sec- 'Mice usually work along the .surface Look The so Mincemeat Friut Cake, rotary, Ontario ,Hone Export As- of the soil, atta:dking• the -bark close to sociation, tote recentlyy lowered 'rail to the ground, while rabbits work FOr, SI O. m_ 1/Z cup shortening bio ng rates•• on foodstuffs have materially -,On top of 'the snow where' their The � „ 4 • „ , at 1 c*up light brown -,,agar aided honey emport. 'Carlot shipping activities.the. can be easily seen. Nervus- Maple Qua�lty , P2 e- eggs costs, through bloc reduction in freight Papers, white (building paper and �f. I r �aok5 req- �/s cup milk I 'charges from W % c per cwt. to 32c wire are tbiree good materials' to he lea cups flour per cwt. are lowered by upwards off use, and of these the galvanized, THE HURON EXPOSITOR - 3 teaspoons (baking powder $20 O4 which,, in part, is comlpensat_ wire protec,,tor, 'while more, expens- Se'afOrth, Ontario. re- 1 cusp mincemeat (moist) ive at the outset, is .,the mast ehfec- 1-3 teas n salt. ing the ,producers for the extremely , is, I Pao difficult exchange situation. tive and enduring. Phone 41 ,t,sy, , Cfream' the shortening, add' sugar A further- concession by the rail- - ' _ dual) beating between, additions r The Fertilizer Act Protects the T oc add w,eill-(beaten g s Beal mixthrP roads which permits the use of un, where and when to place the (huge . Is -n ? $ ' strapped iron drums as a honey ex- Farmer. red umvbrella, in the ,sha'd'e of which rob ural!) lag4xt and. smooth. Stift dour port container, has lowered pbzkag- -'Prior to 19'212 the official . supervi- the royal golfer will resp ng with 'baking -powder and 'salt. Beat ing costs, as compared with the stan- Sion for the control of commercial we the 'mdncemteat into the butter and fertilizers sold in Canada was con- 9f lite Prince goes down a 0ml sugar Imdx'bure=-thlen add flour -al- dard sixty -pound .tin case strapped and 'banded. 'Many ,producers are fined largely to the talking of ' re- mine, sam!e'whene in the !black depths, on t'ernately with the milk. Pour into a ,Planning to use the drum during tho Presentative samples at the factor- Bnlrt pled-, steadiry. (behind carrying loaf cake nand bake in a slaw les of marut'i;raacturers. These sa les a Safety lamp. Even the flying prince - g° � comm season: m+F ' tay oven (3215 degrees 'F.) for 11/4 to 1% • g were analyzed 'and . the results- of has been unable to escape Burt. The Yuen hours., analysis published'. ex- c'otland Yard Ima?r has flown, in Corn Growers Bidding F,or Dominion Nowadays advance. ic'h Market. y's samples are taken from _- and Mince and Apple Roll. a lots after deliver to the farmer or 'As soon as the princes eaeroplane N Zri a desire to Put on the market Y )obis, the mart! .ta assist the plrince whY 2 cwpa pastry flour a still 'better seed;" Said A. H.• Mar- from car lots en route -to destination., , or from shipments temporarily in to clamber• froze the cock -4s Burt. ' • cur-. 4 teaspoons baking powder tin, Secretaryn=it e, the Corn Improve- Y He moves easily among diplomats 1/2 teaspoon Isa11a bent Comlmdttee, "corn •Igrolvets ata warehouse prior to final distribution. his 1/4 cup Shortening recent .meetingg •held an Chatham, de- By this means control is invade more and di:gnitaries; his 'broad Shoulders his % cup milk cided to apply for' registration of 'effective. will conjure a. passage through the Of 2 apples certain strains and varieties of The 'Fertilizers Act requires.,that thickest of football cro,wcb. , But eV- X cup mincemeat • known history. As registration pro- every 'brand' of fertilizer sold in Can- 'lives only for the 'pritce. he % cup (brown sugar gresses a standard of quality and ada ,be registered, and that every '••The Duke of York is also guarded rel- . 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. type will be set for each variety, container of fertilizer be tagged or on his travels. Inspector Hay of ern- ,Miix and sift flour, ;baking .powder !which will insure' absolute uniform- labelled 'showing the name and ad'- Scotland, Yard, a shrewd 'but kindly F till and,salt Cwt in the shortening with ity of type for the variety in all seed dress of the manufacturer or im- olbse0ver of life, has this onerous Pin- two knives. Add n -Alk to snake a soft sold as registered. porter, the (brand name, the regis. task.. �HIe is part of the homely esta&i- uld ,b;sc•uLt dough. Roll out on lightly "To still further imiprove the mar- tration number' -'and designation of lisp lent in Piccadilly, and is as well the floured Iboaxd, to ane -fourth inch ket quai'ity of Ontario corn for feed year of issue 'and the guaranteed an- known: to Princess Elizabeth as any - elf, thickness, spread with the mince- and ,seed, a strong committee was al.y'sis according to the form pre- one. Even a Scotland. Yard man is , meat, thew sprinkle with ,the sugar appointed to investigate the advise- scribed. (Failure to label as requir- unable to resist ari occasional {peep . we and cinnamon. Rall as bilit and possibility of installing lo•• ed, or , the selling of fertilizer df a into the nursery. And when the • you would Y p Y g lower analysis than that guaranteed Duke of York goes on his travels en-., roll a jelly roll; Moisten edge to cal drying plants throwghGut the corn again, Inspector Hay will ;be found to mwk'e it stick. Place on a greased districts, This will e'na'ble growers `ale offences under the A,ct'for which , the cookie sheet and, 'bake in a hot oven ;to place 'co,rn on the .market with Penal't'ies are provided. climbing the ships gangway. the 450 degrees F, moisture content of 14 per cent. Or The Fertilizers Act as at present ( g ) for tem minutes, •� . ces thcfn at- 375 degrees F. until the roll -less thus insu in, 'the absolute"kee. -* constituted, Wand adrmrustered ghrv'es Kidnapp-ing A FIe I ii is deliebitely !birawhv'ed. Remove to ink quality. of Ontario corn no mat- the farmers protection against (being Art With tine ion.serving dish, cut in slices, and serve ter hone long it is' (kept in storage- delivered "fertilizers of lower an- W Chinese in with. -vanilla or lemlon sauce. If "Imports of seed corn into Ontario alysis than that purchased. This as- ;The me�eiless'C'hines+e bandit chiefs ,bread , flour is used -Huse only 1 2-;; have (been' very, heavy' and these On- surance to the purchasers has and their mercenary henchlmien live in ust cupfuls. tario' •farmers are ,planning to eap strengthened bYie confidence in fer- modern Aladdin's' caves in the mys= ose Lure the large share of this busi- tilizers on the part of, buyers teriaits and,secluded mountain. strong- vang LEMON, SIAU'C'E.-1/ cup sugar, 1 ness." throughout 'Canada and has (been ad- holds near IMu'kden and Dairen. And not 'tablespoon of cornstarch or `2 table vantageousi to both mama-'aelturersj in ,their rock -girt !h'om'eland you will to spoons of flour, a flew grains of salt; Demand is Growing For ,Approved and consumers in extending the sale find all sorts of quaint weapons, dag- of 1 cup boiling water, one tablespoon' Cockerels. and use of commercial fertilizers and gers and knives, gums and rifles and ng, butter, 2 tablespoons lesion juice, Reports from district Poultry Pro- increasing Canadian crop yields, revolvers. These they rob from the con grabeld rind of half a lei -non. Si'mmier moters received at 'Ottawa 'provide regular Chinese sol•die is, and very' I grated rind in !boiling water for two an interesting � ind'i'cation of the ex- . often arms and ammlunition are smug- ldr. or three minutes. Mix sugar, salt tent to which the ,Cockerel Disiribu- t gled into tli.eir walls by.a'clever piece ute and cornstarch. Add boiling'w'ate'r• tion Policy Prince "of Wales Hai, aith- y is (being .blade use of. An of spectacular adventure. • and stir, and cook until .smooth and clear, -interesting example is afforded by ful Shadow in Inspector - Theirs is the game of loot and kill. nd- anldi there is no taste of raw starch, the report for sales of 'cockerels ap- They play -with fire. all the time, and ton. Remlove from the fire; add butter and proved under the policy for the week Burt' when death stares theme - in their to lemon juice. ending Novemlber 26th in Ontario,) 1Roya1 faces they calntlly submit to the he which show a total of 2'77 male (birds personages) are always inevitable VANILLA SAVICE -?Make as watched. Wherever they ..move bun- ds. sold for a total sale + ice of $999.50 Sainie of the Chinese 'bandits are lemon sauce; omit lemon juice anal 'deeds of 'pairs of eyes are regarding or an average of around $3.54 Per them. On the continent I superior marksmen.. Others a r e rind,,.and add 1 teaspoon of vanilla, •bird- 'It is also 'interesting •to note , Icings and masters in the area of -throwing the, The vanilla sauce may be made of princes •,are hemmed in by troops, de - that these sales include one lot of dagger. I have seen a 'band of young milk instead ,of water. tectives, private agents and the' rest 100 (birds, one hat of 7,51, one lot of tban,dits in their (best form trying to of the guard without which royalty specialize in 'a thamd�bo-hand fight 'Mincemeat Cookies. •40, and four other lots of 10 or more, 'twist' Calais and ,Constantinople cart doesn't on all of which the Department, un- P with swords, and pointed daggers in . not move, Public ceremonies mean their hands. who 1 cup shao'rte•ndrng der the terms of the ,policy, pays' hours of ,suslpens'e. ' All the ,so -(called 'bandits are rnen - mer- ,. 11/2 cups brown sugar tramportatiofe changes to destina- Only in England is royalty free and bens of .their respective •secret socie- 3 eggs tion. On ,the whole gat of 277 birds at ease. Even exkirngs, driaeri ftxmr 2 ciz-s minceimeat eligible to 'benefit under the terms of (their countries by revolution'ari s ties. It c a very difficult thing for 3 to' 4 cu flour the .,policy by the repayment to the a one to bei a member of a Chin- zf 1 teaspoon purchaser of $1.2'5, of the -purchase persued by political assassins, find n ese . bandits) secret society. Before of beasp refuge in this country. Alfonso can Me Cream gs'ho,rbeniti,g and sugar, add peace the purchasers ,stand to benefit dine o once is takers into their foddle he has to the extent of a total refund under penly in restaurants, or play to stand the acid test of his loyalty, eggs and mtvclemeat. Them add' sift- , Y. P0110 or watch racing, and 'be safer ,honest of ed sada and,2 carps of flour. -Grad- the provision' of the ,policy of $346.25. Y purpose and capabilities. than anywhere else' in the world. The would-be wendber has to ually add mare flour so as to make 'Cockerels approved u'nd'er this policy go 1. Never ttlteless even in Tn land rags the dough quite .stiff. Rollthinand can be secured from breeders entered royalty g' through the fiery ordeal of a very a cut with cookie cutter. Bake in a 'under the Fed'era'l 'poultry policies of Y 'ty' is guarded. The unexpected ancient ritual and take solemn oaths.. Bu Record of Performance or Re istra- may happen. There is, a special 13e ,has to, draw blond from his breast hot oven (400 degrees F.) 10 to 12 g `branch of Soatland Yard' that deals .b the ti of a dagger and: minutes,. Macke 6 dozen 21/2 inch tion. with visiting royalty, y P polluted cookies, g Ya Y, princes, prim- chant the mystic verse. After this• . cesses, and, presidents. Quickly and he is taught the !secret code known ty to Compulsory Hog Grading, inconspicuously, these royal visitors oznly to the 'bandit gan+gs.. been-, Mincemeat Drop Cakes. !Hog grading regulations provided are. guardled from the moment they I�'he `�Bloady* C+ronrp for' the Exeter - Y2 by the 'Dom'inion Government under step ,out of the train alt Victoria eta- man.ation of "Traitors" arnd the � cup butter P It/Z cups sugar its Live Stack and Live Stack 'Pro tion. "Sulphur B�mpr tupP, are the 2 eggs duicts Act, have been proclaimed by Generally royalty comes and 'goes names of twio 'Chinese•-�cret • so - 1 teaspoon salt the' Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario frog., British shares without being ci,etiers which -have been formed in ple. as effective in, this province, and will aware of the su envision of Scotland) Shanghai Wath the object of compel- I 1 teaspoon soda P , p 1' i/z cup sour milk be Put in operation immtaediately. Yard. They have moved about free- ling shopkeepers to Iboy'eott Jap - 3 cups pastry flour Their effect is to rid grading of ly, everywhere, and 'without the ganese goad's. These are very mild 1 teaspoon cinnamonits somewhat optional f@attire of the slightest hindrance. That riotbing rsoci'etias coznapared to their Manchur- 1/z teaspoon cloves past •and to .make it compulsory, with,, happens is due; in the first !place; to tan counterparts. ' 1/E teaspoon grated nutineg rigid enforcement, in all sections of the .s'ensi'bility of English' crowds; in A leot'on gigantic ,scale, such 'as - 11 1 cup'Tnincemeat. Ontario, in•.the future. Behind thein th•e'96&cad place, to, the sureness and was carried ,an the other day by Cream !butter; add sugar in three is the primiary purpose of rlaising the secrecy of Scotland Yard's 'Ark. wrecking brains and attacking and. or four portions, creaming thoroul�h- 'standard of Ontario bacon, with a British royalty never need's to be robbing ,the p s's,engers is thoroughly view to earning a greater share of uar ly after each addition. Add well-bea- : g ded- There is never .the slightest well orgauized' and' �prem'editated. The en eggs, halt and nada, that has been markets, both domestic and overseas, 'conc'ern•for their safelty in the home- (whale -systems, of JOdnaapping w'ell- than now prevails. „ land. Ever public . life and stirred into the milk. Then add thz gone -knows that they are known persoivs in flour which has been sifted with the All hogs sold or offered for sale at respedted and loved. And .so one wealtiby merchant ,princes and hold-' .spices. Stir until flour, is just damip- 'Stockyards or such other points as sizes the young princes vdsit%ng cine- ing them bo ransom is a recent inno- ened. 'Last stir in mincemeat may from time to time be .designat- mas, going to restaurants, dancing viation. , just ed ,by the federal authorities,, hogs in pulblic !ballrooms em,ou'gh to distribute, Drap from a and gemerially' 1Wlrat Chintlle (bandits do with be,asplion on to ain oiled baking sheet. az riving at abattoirs .and hags for !enjoying themselves in the little their hidd'em treasures' of gold and? , Bake in a slow oven (32;5 degrees F.). Export are sUbjelet to grading. Onjy; leisure than is left to them. These 'silver and jewels Is something of a Will make four dozen cookies. pure bred hogs exported for the im- pleasures are not p'oyssible' to con- mystery. But all (bandits are not Provement of stock and hogs entered' tinlenital ,princes. Always there is„the bloodthirsty tyrambs. Some have a Mincemeat Gingerbread. for ex'hilbition at foreign, state or na- necessity for troops. fining streets, ,soft corner in their heart.-, i,orthe tional expositions are excepted, • and military figure,-, in attendance. poor. (Pour 1 cup of boiling water over Under the grading regulations, Naturally, there is 241w'ays some Thousands of starving families are one-third of a cup of 'butter. Add 1 'hogs are divided into the following sort of quiet guardianship. Often; rescued -by bandit: chiefis. It is not cup of mols,"ers, and 1/E cup sugar. classes: •Sele'ct bacon,, bacon', butch- when the .Prince of ''Wales• has been umcolmimon with then to rob the rich Beat. ,Sift 2% cups cake or pastry ens, heavies, extra .heavies, lights and mdxiing in queer cbovrwds, I have -,.stood and help t1►e Poor. flour with 1 teaspoon of sada and a feeders, roughs and sows. Bacon is by the side of the powerful, broad - little salt. (Mix with first mixture; the quality on which quotations are ghoul — fold in 11/ cin of m'incemgeat Pour mad S-1-4- ib denied figure who was there to , Iv- Ps into ,shallow, .page -lined pan. Baku dependable -Royal Yeast '':e•:: . prbtect• Ihimi. B•urrt, the, ex,Scotland Yard detective, is the most r,etmlark- ,brutchers and lights are deducted $1 �NTIREL'i' for one hour. If (bread flour is used per hong; heavies are deducted $1.50 sulaby. only 2 1-3 cupfuls ,will fbe'required. Cakes have begn the standard for over , IBaia-t, his, ubiquity, hi'§ nelvier+.fail- .fir}i ing presence his.devataore to the 50 years. Sealed in air -tight waged paper --'- Feed a, Balanced Ration. •:r:•:.F;..:•::nt:, #`'f''� "^`!%:':::%: `': , favorite recipe. . Dot each layer of l they stay fresh for months. Write for apples with holmlejmade mincemeat. any other the importance of which' mythical. .He .has proved himself so • Bake w usual, allad serve ,with lemon ROYAL: YEAST BARE BOOS to use when reliall>ille that even the prince hiimtself %ti -" . ',+J,.? YS: f: ': +' �';f`; ; ;• :-,-;: !:.;: # : Y F ��J delights to 'invent a new test for you bake al home. Standard Brands Ltd., good -hogs, and that for the produc- ;� h : f,• � r f/ !, i tion of the select (bacon type lrog it Fraser Ave. & Liberty St Toronto Ont. Line smiaall tires with ,pastry; fill i ,"' ' :'•'i'�±` . ` ' with niineemlenat and cover withIln nlhng parts of Cana'da,, particu- oln the einemA screens ofthe world, J00end on it, !Siert is in'the fbalek,- sbrhpcs of Ipas,t&.,. Bake at 450 de -tarty gneesF. for 8, minutes, then: reduce . ground. 7%o prince has, axbirintted,lfl a.'t.:' al'tilili,u'gh :he - asp iad� a li�ia': . the 'Neat and eonitinue bakinguntil • astry is, delicately 'browned. ll de- top grain feed§ whiblA as the stand Y dare unmarketable but when ford to live died •,and onePiiitt In, to estarpe Burt, he has raxelyrr sltuceeeaded. e6' Isix,ed with Taetii�g,ue. stock quite •attrraetive prices can be Delicious FILLED BUNS To Frolit Mined logics. realized, ere grains' alone are feta the live Make them with this easy ROYAL SiPONGE* recipe �„ `'� s:. 'l. l. l. j Burnt 'harries tl�e Boll dilo§ , `moi. ' Creaun togitiler % cup sugar, double In bulk (about 1 h ; Mi trg'daM der U �t , W a % corp --,utter, teanpoon \ hours). Knock down the ' "' t V, 11salt. " Aad 1 beaten egg and dough and mould into small % c+upn fukewurm milk. Add round balls (about 1 ounce). � � ` z , . 1 clip •Royal feast Sponge*, Dip in graGnulated• sugar and pinch of cinnamon or mit- set in pealed )baking pan y, ' ° ; meg au41c V dropb of lerinen inch apart. Let rise until °; :w r extta6t Ada x'.eups, iourand double in bite. -!fake hole in ; klt6idto4tottd6,ughi Place%n , topparidAll Withjeilyoijam. ', dOurfreebooktet, ; Wets-gr'ealteltirli+ *l dn& pet fit- Allow to arise until light and %, , "Tho Royal Road waitrffi Toe ddn to rise fintll bakeat406*-V. Mal M lh doz. 'fi . /, z ., - tolletternealth." r: y .'" . i� *ROYAL YEAST 19PONGE � �fi• r.:: f ffr!:.;::>';s:zr:. , ;: tells how Royal • Xeaat Cakes will' �n4� syr a .ice �'oaktlteiyaleastiCakeinyj, Aour.Beattihoiottghip.Cover l y :v%.:••:.. . :s:::s >; /9 j%: >:; ;;::: ;:,:•. /};v:;.. i ,•: Improve your y eu _ dr:�i';... iiY'C'�iwiiketv6l ii:.,ti l l.•'fdi~ ils !ilea let rtfiev,votnig'ht to '/!,;,:::!... ;.r,.•:;. �':r•:w>. i; �;�k#.j, ge8'td Pleasant F . d I oi' a ''#ill rill in dooblefn' inside tplace ttYffti'..is ab4 , ii fr „ .>Im fiuY ,f•<! :✓: `.•% •. ;<»' waystotakethem. :A `i , ' piit'fahtiiylli,hiMa#oaial orlc'ed' treefttlnr;tiildrtgi& 111006.6 j 6 ...: :' , ,#r�,` fes " east,eAke :Add 4bft Cbte9d , to cup,a e(1Cftattirbit� , t1'�s% a, l ;.. 4w' *fiy 1lfaae-fh-Gvanada Cools yM r;t, - . „ ... I,li6 FI r ,.-. T I,. ,, .. .. .�.. ... .... ,a^ / �� l , .. . 0 1 i e t Y ,, a + l a . ' }Iif';�rI't aJ . a e , •,, ; w ,:.. '-k u..,P , , pm s. M M , ,•'I. r. s �.. l kb a' �,. , �. 77 �.a:�i i� ,! �..,. ..:. Y. �� .,,�' .,p..� k, �'�a:%4 �� ,.. l.' , u, ..i ':k++... n '.:; n. �A.7 1. � ,r. r. , ,. .V •{� .,. M: t., ..al :.. .: �, t t , i , F, fir, , 1, 1. Ate.., L,,.. �', J...., n...,d�..,. ..aa,.:...:_:.i x..:rlii.,,.a il W ..,,...wu,-.i x..,aaiMwun.3,Sr, , l.i. .,, a i r. :. ,, .,• 1. a � t .'^�. ,.., ,. :A, ,.a,.,. .n. _.. ^T di R i I 1 , N f �M1 4 .r k d i. m , elAn• P T -f f v iA '� h 7{,"i �l, V 1 . (! 1 J 1 d t �`F1 � 4n "Ail" r✓A r {" S •7`; , g "Y f , f . 14. 1 'n V " 1 f5, if C" Y P i d fir° {� 1 ' h a d v , "{ Y 7 {" �, f+ r r 7 a, i f ,i 1 ., 1 ( 1 J l i ,� i,�d ( , I' Cyt f l ,. Y , l':, r; idi„��..,, 1 5::ia4 ,t .., �1 pt;1, 111-11. ::., . V' 1 , ,:.}:. a ! l d Y , ,n, ! J �,. i (J .P a r, , 4 r '.�, (� { `� I . . n,,, ... -- M. .. i I a 1 !.,., 7,,�' I i . . included to (balance the ration. -P . , . ,,, ISMIm. malk or 'buttermilk in some ' form. is the ideal protein supplement dc),yov ��e� - 1 oke Puddings, Drop Ca,kes in hog feeding. 4These, however,.awls• • . o • ^ m not always mviailable but because. and C ookie$ from MinCel"ne�t these are not available is no reason why other - equally' ,good -forms of tf protein supplement should' not be us - Not emery home -cook who has made v ,ha' white of e be A v d fine type ; pork can Aped egg, mixed with a be ,produced- through feeding tank - up a quantity of Christmas mince- little fruit sugar,; age, a by iproducyt df the packing $n- / meat is aware of the fact that foods' dus'try. 'This ,-q ides an animal pro - other than pies can be easily and Mincemeat Pudding Sauce. tein sulpploniont ideal for hog feed- INE CAN quickly pr"epared, from this mixture. ing, and at the present time than can SUPPLY ANY The mincemeat may be, used in pudL cup sugar be obtained essentially at cost 11, 111 dings, drop cakes, cookies, muffins, x/2 cnnP water $'GYLE• 1 cup zninaoenvelat. Protecting Fruit Trees From Mice , ere,, and may ,be, 'used is take the Boil sugar. and water five minutes. � ;. a place of raisins, curu ants, peel and and Rabbits. CARBON O " - a- A'dd'' mince (Serve with cottage 'Once again the Dominion Horti- • spices' in fruit cakes. � ilia or other plain pu'd'ding cultlurist Dr. W.•'T,.,Maroun, reminds * ' :> ' BACK As different recipes .produce .mince - ore tical'-,` of varying moisture content- -- ortchardlists lof the importance of ' rk the exact amtioumt ,of ,flour required 'Protecting fruit trees from girdling BEFORE''PLACINQ at cannot be stated' in our recipes. We .. FARM NOTES I- by milcei and' rabbits during -'bite win- • ch are giving the approximate aroount; ter months. 'Left unprotected trees YOURORDER PHONE slightly more or less may be re- 'Lowered Freight Rates' Helping may thus be injured beyond recovery, US FOR PRICES to quired. Honey Export. or at least receive a severe setback. so 'According to P. W. Hodgetts, Sec- 'Mice usually work along the .surface Look The so Mincemeat Friut Cake, rotary, Ontario ,Hone Export As- of the soil, atta:dking• the -bark close to sociation, tote recentlyy lowered 'rail to the ground, while rabbits work FOr, SI O. m_ 1/Z cup shortening bio ng rates•• on foodstuffs have materially -,On top of 'the snow where' their The � „ 4 • „ , at 1 c*up light brown -,,agar aided honey emport. 'Carlot shipping activities.the. can be easily seen. Nervus- Maple Qua�lty , P2 e- eggs costs, through bloc reduction in freight Papers, white (building paper and �f. I r �aok5 req- �/s cup milk I 'charges from W % c per cwt. to 32c wire are tbiree good materials' to he lea cups flour per cwt. are lowered by upwards off use, and of these the galvanized, THE HURON EXPOSITOR - 3 teaspoons (baking powder $20 O4 which,, in part, is comlpensat_ wire protec,,tor, 'while more, expens- Se'afOrth, Ontario. re- 1 cusp mincemeat (moist) ive at the outset, is .,the mast ehfec- 1-3 teas n salt. ing the ,producers for the extremely , is, I Pao difficult exchange situation. tive and enduring. Phone 41 ,t,sy, , Cfream' the shortening, add' sugar A further- concession by the rail- - ' _ dual) beating between, additions r The Fertilizer Act Protects the T oc add w,eill-(beaten g s Beal mixthrP roads which permits the use of un, where and when to place the (huge . Is -n ? $ ' strapped iron drums as a honey ex- Farmer. red umvbrella, in the ,sha'd'e of which rob ural!) lag4xt and. smooth. Stift dour port container, has lowered pbzkag- -'Prior to 19'212 the official . supervi- the royal golfer will resp ng with 'baking -powder and 'salt. Beat ing costs, as compared with the stan- Sion for the control of commercial we the 'mdncemteat into the butter and fertilizers sold in Canada was con- 9f lite Prince goes down a 0ml sugar Imdx'bure=-thlen add flour -al- dard sixty -pound .tin case strapped and 'banded. 'Many ,producers are fined largely to the talking of ' re- mine, sam!e'whene in the !black depths, on t'ernately with the milk. Pour into a ,Planning to use the drum during tho Presentative samples at the factor- Bnlrt pled-, steadiry. (behind carrying loaf cake nand bake in a slaw les of marut'i;raacturers. These sa les a Safety lamp. Even the flying prince - g° � comm season: m+F ' tay oven (3215 degrees 'F.) for 11/4 to 1% • g were analyzed 'and . the results- of has been unable to escape Burt. The Yuen hours., analysis published'. ex- c'otland Yard Ima?r has flown, in Corn Growers Bidding F,or Dominion Nowadays advance. ic'h Market. y's samples are taken from _- and Mince and Apple Roll. a lots after deliver to the farmer or 'As soon as the princes eaeroplane N Zri a desire to Put on the market Y )obis, the mart! .ta assist the plrince whY 2 cwpa pastry flour a still 'better seed;" Said A. H.• Mar- from car lots en route -to destination., , or from shipments temporarily in to clamber• froze the cock -4s Burt. ' • cur-. 4 teaspoons baking powder tin, Secretaryn=it e, the Corn Improve- Y He moves easily among diplomats 1/2 teaspoon Isa11a bent Comlmdttee, "corn •Igrolvets ata warehouse prior to final distribution. his 1/4 cup Shortening recent .meetingg •held an Chatham, de- By this means control is invade more and di:gnitaries; his 'broad Shoulders his % cup milk cided to apply for' registration of 'effective. will conjure a. passage through the Of 2 apples certain strains and varieties of The 'Fertilizers Act requires.,that thickest of football cro,wcb. , But eV- X cup mincemeat • known history. As registration pro- every 'brand' of fertilizer sold in Can- 'lives only for the 'pritce. he % cup (brown sugar gresses a standard of quality and ada ,be registered, and that every '••The Duke of York is also guarded rel- . 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. type will be set for each variety, container of fertilizer be tagged or on his travels. Inspector Hay of ern- ,Miix and sift flour, ;baking .powder !which will insure' absolute uniform- labelled 'showing the name and ad'- Scotland, Yard, a shrewd 'but kindly F till and,salt Cwt in the shortening with ity of type for the variety in all seed dress of the manufacturer or im- olbse0ver of life, has this onerous Pin- two knives. Add n -Alk to snake a soft sold as registered. porter, the (brand name, the regis. task.. �HIe is part of the homely esta&i- uld ,b;sc•uLt dough. Roll out on lightly "To still further imiprove the mar- tration number' -'and designation of lisp lent in Piccadilly, and is as well the floured Iboaxd, to ane -fourth inch ket quai'ity of Ontario corn for feed year of issue 'and the guaranteed an- known: to Princess Elizabeth as any - elf, thickness, spread with the mince- and ,seed, a strong committee was al.y'sis according to the form pre- one. Even a Scotland. Yard man is , meat, thew sprinkle with ,the sugar appointed to investigate the advise- scribed. (Failure to label as requir- unable to resist ari occasional {peep . we and cinnamon. Rall as bilit and possibility of installing lo•• ed, or , the selling of fertilizer df a into the nursery. And when the • you would Y p Y g lower analysis than that guaranteed Duke of York goes on his travels en-., roll a jelly roll; Moisten edge to cal drying plants throwghGut the corn again, Inspector Hay will ;be found to mwk'e it stick. Place on a greased districts, This will e'na'ble growers `ale offences under the A,ct'for which , the cookie sheet and, 'bake in a hot oven ;to place 'co,rn on the .market with Penal't'ies are provided. climbing the ships gangway. the 450 degrees F, moisture content of 14 per cent. Or The Fertilizers Act as at present ( g ) for tem minutes, •� . ces thcfn at- 375 degrees F. until the roll -less thus insu in, 'the absolute"kee. -* constituted, Wand adrmrustered ghrv'es Kidnapp-ing A FIe I ii is deliebitely !birawhv'ed. Remove to ink quality. of Ontario corn no mat- the farmers protection against (being Art With tine ion.serving dish, cut in slices, and serve ter hone long it is' (kept in storage- delivered "fertilizers of lower an- W Chinese in with. -vanilla or lemlon sauce. If "Imports of seed corn into Ontario alysis than that purchased. This as- ;The me�eiless'C'hines+e bandit chiefs ,bread , flour is used -Huse only 1 2-;; have (been' very, heavy' and these On- surance to the purchasers has and their mercenary henchlmien live in ust cupfuls. tario' •farmers are ,planning to eap strengthened bYie confidence in fer- modern Aladdin's' caves in the mys= ose Lure the large share of this busi- tilizers on the part of, buyers teriaits and,secluded mountain. strong- vang LEMON, SIAU'C'E.-1/ cup sugar, 1 ness." throughout 'Canada and has (been ad- holds near IMu'kden and Dairen. And not 'tablespoon of cornstarch or `2 table vantageousi to both mama-'aelturersj in ,their rock -girt !h'om'eland you will to spoons of flour, a flew grains of salt; Demand is Growing For ,Approved and consumers in extending the sale find all sorts of quaint weapons, dag- of 1 cup boiling water, one tablespoon' Cockerels. and use of commercial fertilizers and gers and knives, gums and rifles and ng, butter, 2 tablespoons lesion juice, Reports from district Poultry Pro- increasing Canadian crop yields, revolvers. These they rob from the con grabeld rind of half a lei -non. Si'mmier moters received at 'Ottawa 'provide regular Chinese sol•die is, and very' I grated rind in !boiling water for two an interesting � ind'i'cation of the ex- . often arms and ammlunition are smug- ldr. or three minutes. Mix sugar, salt tent to which the ,Cockerel Disiribu- t gled into tli.eir walls by.a'clever piece ute and cornstarch. Add boiling'w'ate'r• tion Policy Prince "of Wales Hai, aith- y is (being .blade use of. An of spectacular adventure. • and stir, and cook until .smooth and clear, -interesting example is afforded by ful Shadow in Inspector - Theirs is the game of loot and kill. nd- anldi there is no taste of raw starch, the report for sales of 'cockerels ap- They play -with fire. all the time, and ton. Remlove from the fire; add butter and proved under the policy for the week Burt' when death stares theme - in their to lemon juice. ending Novemlber 26th in Ontario,) 1Roya1 faces they calntlly submit to the he which show a total of 2'77 male (birds personages) are always inevitable VANILLA SAVICE -?Make as watched. Wherever they ..move bun- ds. sold for a total sale + ice of $999.50 Sainie of the Chinese 'bandits are lemon sauce; omit lemon juice anal 'deeds of 'pairs of eyes are regarding or an average of around $3.54 Per them. On the continent I superior marksmen.. Others a r e rind,,.and add 1 teaspoon of vanilla, •bird- 'It is also 'interesting •to note , Icings and masters in the area of -throwing the, The vanilla sauce may be made of princes •,are hemmed in by troops, de - that these sales include one lot of dagger. I have seen a 'band of young milk instead ,of water. tectives, private agents and the' rest 100 (birds, one hat of 7,51, one lot of tban,dits in their (best form trying to of the guard without which royalty specialize in 'a thamd�bo-hand fight 'Mincemeat Cookies. •40, and four other lots of 10 or more, 'twist' Calais and ,Constantinople cart doesn't on all of which the Department, un- P with swords, and pointed daggers in . not move, Public ceremonies mean their hands. who 1 cup shao'rte•ndrng der the terms of the ,policy, pays' hours of ,suslpens'e. ' All the ,so -(called 'bandits are rnen - mer- ,. 11/2 cups brown sugar tramportatiofe changes to destina- Only in England is royalty free and bens of .their respective •secret socie- 3 eggs tion. On ,the whole gat of 277 birds at ease. Even exkirngs, driaeri ftxmr 2 ciz-s minceimeat eligible to 'benefit under the terms of (their countries by revolution'ari s ties. It c a very difficult thing for 3 to' 4 cu flour the .,policy by the repayment to the a one to bei a member of a Chin- zf 1 teaspoon purchaser of $1.2'5, of the -purchase persued by political assassins, find n ese . bandits) secret society. Before of beasp refuge in this country. Alfonso can Me Cream gs'ho,rbeniti,g and sugar, add peace the purchasers ,stand to benefit dine o once is takers into their foddle he has to the extent of a total refund under penly in restaurants, or play to stand the acid test of his loyalty, eggs and mtvclemeat. Them add' sift- , Y. P0110 or watch racing, and 'be safer ,honest of ed sada and,2 carps of flour. -Grad- the provision' of the ,policy of $346.25. Y purpose and capabilities. than anywhere else' in the world. The would-be wendber has to ually add mare flour so as to make 'Cockerels approved u'nd'er this policy go 1. Never ttlteless even in Tn land rags the dough quite .stiff. Rollthinand can be secured from breeders entered royalty g' through the fiery ordeal of a very a cut with cookie cutter. Bake in a 'under the Fed'era'l 'poultry policies of Y 'ty' is guarded. The unexpected ancient ritual and take solemn oaths.. Bu Record of Performance or Re istra- may happen. There is, a special 13e ,has to, draw blond from his breast hot oven (400 degrees F.) 10 to 12 g `branch of Soatland Yard' that deals .b the ti of a dagger and: minutes,. Macke 6 dozen 21/2 inch tion. with visiting royalty, y P polluted cookies, g Ya Y, princes, prim- chant the mystic verse. After this• . cesses, and, presidents. Quickly and he is taught the !secret code known ty to Compulsory Hog Grading, inconspicuously, these royal visitors oznly to the 'bandit gan+gs.. been-, Mincemeat Drop Cakes. !Hog grading regulations provided are. guardled from the moment they I�'he `�Bloady* C+ronrp for' the Exeter - Y2 by the 'Dom'inion Government under step ,out of the train alt Victoria eta- man.ation of "Traitors" arnd the � cup butter P It/Z cups sugar its Live Stack and Live Stack 'Pro tion. "Sulphur B�mpr tupP, are the 2 eggs duicts Act, have been proclaimed by Generally royalty comes and 'goes names of twio 'Chinese•-�cret • so - 1 teaspoon salt the' Lieutenant -Governor of Ontario frog., British shares without being ci,etiers which -have been formed in ple. as effective in, this province, and will aware of the su envision of Scotland) Shanghai Wath the object of compel- I 1 teaspoon soda P , p 1' i/z cup sour milk be Put in operation immtaediately. Yard. They have moved about free- ling shopkeepers to Iboy'eott Jap - 3 cups pastry flour Their effect is to rid grading of ly, everywhere, and 'without the ganese goad's. These are very mild 1 teaspoon cinnamonits somewhat optional f@attire of the slightest hindrance. That riotbing rsoci'etias coznapared to their Manchur- 1/z teaspoon cloves past •and to .make it compulsory, with,, happens is due; in the first !place; to tan counterparts. ' 1/E teaspoon grated nutineg rigid enforcement, in all sections of the .s'ensi'bility of English' crowds; in A leot'on gigantic ,scale, such 'as - 11 1 cup'Tnincemeat. Ontario, in•.the future. Behind thein th•e'96&cad place, to, the sureness and was carried ,an the other day by Cream !butter; add sugar in three is the primiary purpose of rlaising the secrecy of Scotland Yard's 'Ark. wrecking brains and attacking and. or four portions, creaming thoroul�h- 'standard of Ontario bacon, with a British royalty never need's to be robbing ,the p s's,engers is thoroughly view to earning a greater share of uar ly after each addition. Add well-bea- : g ded- There is never .the slightest well orgauized' and' �prem'editated. The en eggs, halt and nada, that has been markets, both domestic and overseas, 'conc'ern•for their safelty in the home- (whale -systems, of JOdnaapping w'ell- than now prevails. „ land. Ever public . life and stirred into the milk. Then add thz gone -knows that they are known persoivs in flour which has been sifted with the All hogs sold or offered for sale at respedted and loved. And .so one wealtiby merchant ,princes and hold-' .spices. Stir until flour, is just damip- 'Stockyards or such other points as sizes the young princes vdsit%ng cine- ing them bo ransom is a recent inno- ened. 'Last stir in mincemeat may from time to time be .designat- mas, going to restaurants, dancing viation. , just ed ,by the federal authorities,, hogs in pulblic !ballrooms em,ou'gh to distribute, Drap from a and gemerially' 1Wlrat Chintlle (bandits do with be,asplion on to ain oiled baking sheet. az riving at abattoirs .and hags for !enjoying themselves in the little their hidd'em treasures' of gold and? , Bake in a slow oven (32;5 degrees F.). Export are sUbjelet to grading. Onjy; leisure than is left to them. These 'silver and jewels Is something of a Will make four dozen cookies. pure bred hogs exported for the im- pleasures are not p'oyssible' to con- mystery. But all (bandits are not Provement of stock and hogs entered' tinlenital ,princes. Always there is„the bloodthirsty tyrambs. Some have a Mincemeat Gingerbread. for ex'hilbition at foreign, state or na- necessity for troops. fining streets, ,soft corner in their heart.-, i,orthe tional expositions are excepted, • and military figure,-, in attendance. poor. (Pour 1 cup of boiling water over Under the grading regulations, Naturally, there is 241w'ays some Thousands of starving families are one-third of a cup of 'butter. Add 1 'hogs are divided into the following sort of quiet guardianship. Often; rescued -by bandit: chiefis. It is not cup of mols,"ers, and 1/E cup sugar. classes: •Sele'ct bacon,, bacon', butch- when the .Prince of ''Wales• has been umcolmimon with then to rob the rich Beat. ,Sift 2% cups cake or pastry ens, heavies, extra .heavies, lights and mdxiing in queer cbovrwds, I have -,.stood and help t1►e Poor. flour with 1 teaspoon of sada and a feeders, roughs and sows. Bacon is by the side of the powerful, broad - little salt. (Mix with first mixture; the quality on which quotations are ghoul — fold in 11/ cin of m'incemgeat Pour mad S-1-4- ib denied figure who was there to , Iv- Ps into ,shallow, .page -lined pan. Baku e. ec aeon is entitled tp a jbonus of '$1 per hog over quotation; prbtect• Ihimi. B•urrt, the, ex,Scotland Yard detective, is the most r,etmlark- in a Trnwdelrate oven .(350'degrees F.) ,brutchers and lights are deducted $1 able shadow that ,ever followed roy_ for one hour. If (bread flour is used per hong; heavies are deducted $1.50 sulaby. only 2 1-3 cupfuls ,will fbe'required. per .hog and extra heavies lose $1.54' , IBaia-t, his, ubiquity, hi'§ nelvier+.fail- Mincemeat Betty. per cow. ing presence his.devataore to the Macke an apple 'Betty, using your --'- Feed a, Balanced Ration. Prince of ,Wales, is a'constant so+ureo of wonder in'tlh,e royal fan -Aly. The , favorite recipe. . Dot each layer of 'If there is ogre thing more than adlv"twes o£ Batkhaave na'w become apples with holmlejmade mincemeat. any other the importance of which' mythical. .He .has proved himself so • Bake w usual, allad serve ,with lemon fs 's'tres'sed in ,hog feeding, it is that reliall>ille that even the prince hiimtself sauce or cream, grain's alone are not enough to mea+ke delights to 'invent a new test for .Ip. good -hogs, and that for the produc- ,Burt's resourcefulness, and will then Mincemeat Tgrtlets. tion of the select (bacon type lrog it rel'abe°the Isbory•ta hill brothers. Line smiaall tires with ,pastry; fill is important that a balanced ration be fed'. !When the Prince of Wales appears with niineemlenat and cover withIln nlhng parts of Cana'da,, particu- oln the einemA screens ofthe world, J00end on it, !Siert is in'the fbalek,- sbrhpcs of Ipas,t&.,. Bake at 450 de -tarty gneesF. for 8, minutes, then: reduce throughout the 'Prairie Prov- tr,;ces, there in an abundance of cheap ground. 7%o prince has, axbirintted,lfl a.'t.:' al'tilili,u'gh :he - asp iad� a li�ia': . the 'Neat and eonitinue bakinguntil • astry is, delicately 'browned. ll de- top grain feed§ whiblA as the stand Y dare unmarketable but when ford to live died •,and onePiiitt In, to estarpe Burt, he has raxelyrr sltuceeeaded. e6' Isix,ed with Taetii�g,ue. stock quite •attrraetive prices can be tbheprtnee finds' that Ise' h s��' : To Frolit Mined logics. realized, ere grains' alone are feta the live lnia it�st ei 1 a ${aretb% Bart a with s prodimti is seldom sat, a fall peackelt of the o6vgo*,;eril Lb0QQJ *hi!le• tie, individual mince ,Pies i9actory and to +get woarbhWhile r,6. Burnt 'harries tl�e Boll dilo§ , `moi. mv Still ,hat, Ibful thviter with sults a prVotein s'uppleirii , ifwat be Mi trg'daM der U �t , W a 7 t „a , 1 qq 0 - d •,.,, 'r,,. ,.1 �, ,l .; , �” a � :,b'a ',; r ,'. ",' �;.. ; 3.. ::,,. a,l�, P 7' S T a , '• .. ,A, ,: 4 +t ,. is ,.. r ..,, ,�.,e, r,,, � ��t r !� k ;i^ a i. f .i A'. :' d,+ G : -' ,..,. .,Q1 • �p `: .' 4 ,,. ?!a l t .i, J , L r -:,, .. .. , f 1 >" 'I y'�t''tt R '.:n'{,! '�:n'{s > I� i:�.F � :h,: 1 ,1"i, e .•...1 ;I.[;1f1 !:')..:. L ! A .ill ) 1, .r .n. f t, ,,: 1•f ,a 1, , ,,,t ci, `.1,, a. 1 -0. 5. „�:,, 7Y f , N, ��:�e { +,6) 4,4�m 1, ., S. ;1,Y y{e5v .yf, 41l 5, r j „iti'i.,i I � t : , t i E, ,:Ir J i .Ip. ,v, 1.,.• ,4�i{; h,