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,e ea ort
,Glorious Romance -- Delightful Comedy. e
Matinee New, Year's, Day -3 Pan.
DoNy muss WF',
Matinees Saturdays and Holigla'ars, 3 p.pail,
Two Shows each night, 7.30 and 9.15.
The Town Council
"An !Enlightening Soncatination of
Rhapsodical Ambiguities" •
Two weeks ago at eventide,
A blustery night I well remember,
'When whistling wind, and swirling
•Shoeqd plainly it was bleak Decem-
fer; ,
The "Council of good Seaforth Town
Had met for business chat together,
And with Modern views and spark-
ling wit,
'They brightened up the driogy wea-
Imagitation lent her charms.,
Philosophy was standing reade, •
And keen -eyed judgment hatd in hand,
'With common, sense serene and
And keener grew their search for
And deeper dug they for the treasuce
Till sharper grew their subtle wit,
And still increased their mutual plea-
„They talked' of freedom of the mind
And bearded -hoary superstition;
'They -broodetV o'er earth's giant
And grieved o'er man'enslaved. con-
dition. •
Thebesiness of their own good town.
Quite jusily clairned•their first atten-.
• tion,
'Then other „problems were discussed',
With ,quite appropriate comprehen-
sion. „
At expellee and waste :that gallant
crew, .•
any moment they would thunder,
Their aegunianta like lightning came,
And shook the listening walls with
wonder. .
The interests of the town came first,
As theyeaet at vario.ue times together
Harmonious action wae their aim,
.As they mingled thus 'with one an -
'The !Mayor was there, rotund of form
With agile sap and action gaily,' •
'We all admired. every gee,
'The rugged force of J. F. Daly.'
was the face with mind aglow,
His was the eye of piercing elision; ,
His ,was the soul of 'deepest reach,
1 -lie was the 'oice of cool alecieion.
'Our worthy Reeve was by our side,
With methods always sy!eternatic,
And with -Scottish patience for his
Be seldom takes 'a couese erratic. e
Andif difficult problems we had some.
That we scarce knew what to do
therewith, .
Some sound advice would always come
From canny, cautious, Robert- Smith.
SSix.coancillors sat around the Board,
As they' met within the ceuncil cham-
And met they Were of many parts,
But still of average solid timber.
With eager eye and thoughtful mien
:Some meetings they were loath to
Por they were thorough, always keen,
As they 'counselled :with the Mayor
and Reeve.
When duty called, and don't forget it;
As Chairman of the Street Committee,
He was the town's most lucky- strike,„
For he labored always for city,
The diplomatic Hudson -41w.
The teem has known without a doubt
That if. their money they would hoard,
Expenses never could be cut
Without, a bather on the 'Board'.
And if complex problems came along
Or soimething we had scarce a hold on
We'd be directed right from wrong,
By our sagacious Leonard Bolton:
-Bill Crosier, to, the earnest kind,
With form a 'trifle elongated,
Of practical and thoughtful mind,'
For his advice we always, waited.
And he' would' 'raise his ringing voice,
Toned high with thoughts enthasir
Or mellowed to a milder noise,
Or tutting with an edige sarcastic.
AncieJ. H. Secret, a new 'recruit,
With' caution .exercised his right,
'His tact was rare, his words 'were few
As he listened in with keen delight.
He seemed tp ponder deep and slow',
With' Tabuntenatee 'serene and' steady,
But though be had ,the pensive brow.
He' for a Joke was always eeeady.
Then H. A. Dale, our youngest' 'find,
With laudable ambition burning,
With asking eyas and eager Mind,
Reached high to grasp the grapes of
A product of good Huilett soil,
The, place for wisemen always noted,
.11.e was commended" 'for his. toil,
And his ettention !Much devoted.
And one was there of active frame,
With every moaement free and easy;
His store of knowledge carries fame,
His play of spirits, bright and breezy;
His arguments were apt and quick:
Hie flow of language smooth and ev-
We admired much at many times.,
The polished ways of Thomas Stew -
And number two, of eager mind,
"When trouble came he always met it,
And he was never once behind
Our worthy Clerk evee' always there,
For many .years the town factotum:,
With language, smooth and manner -
A gentleman we all denote him;
He is the conscientious kind, . •
'Whatever, comea.he-puts no frills on,
Of Oultured 'and .erelightened mind,
The. much respeeted J. A. ,Wilson.
Our nolb-le.Chief was ever near,
A man of power everywhere,
We realized throughout the year
That we were all well guarded there.
And We Must not withold his name,
The one -that we could•all.yely on, „
Of saintly and of stalwart frame; "
A righteous man is Jame.s V. Ryan.
One aPpointinent that these 'mea have
Looks to the people sound- and right,
For nothing 'critical has: been said,
About our, Watchman in the night.
Ha -for this job., stands out alone,
And. surely you all know him Well,
By the stately tread for Which he's
And the handsome
'w1,11.11, a
form of Hemse
. • • ,
. ...,, . .14ay`,
'nee Imk; P'.... ,.'.'-'.'
'Anca, gr.eegtee.Cooper •igt. y,. Je e
4. Carnerbei, Walter -8 ' er.
'slehoet tillages!, Alfred Clex a Wilfred
O. Goodwin, a1M
daar cQ.,.een were'
'elected:by acelaarration as was Peon.'
Virelea, public atiligias commies:loner.
, Stanley.
There well be no election in Stan-
ley tqwership, last year's reeve and
council being returned by acclamation
when the -new men neeminated failed
to qualify. Reeve, William Douglas;
-.Councillors, Mervyn Hanley, Webster
TO:net; Roy- Lamont and Fred Wat-
Colborne. • •
There will be an election in Col-
borne Township next Monday with
Contests for both the treeveship and
seats en the council board, The fol-
lowing candidates. •filed qualification
papers: Reeve, Albert 'Goldthorpe,
Wm. Young. Councillors Hairy Mc-
Creath, Melain Tyndall, George C.
Feagan, John Pitbiatio, Thos.Wilson
(four to be -elected). All but Messrs.
Young and Wilson were etemileers of
last year's council. •
' Grey.
The electors of' the Township .of
Grey. are being asked to select the
members of •the 1933 council from
the following neminees 'Monday next
being election day:' Reeve, Henry A.
Keys, John !McNabb; Deputy Reeve,
'Thomas Dougherty, Oliver H;eming-
wood; Council, W. R. Broadfoot,-:,-Ed-
ward Collis, Frank Harrison, Silas
Johnston, John Savage, Thomas C.
Wilson. • •
There will be to election in the.
Township of Stephen. The reeve,
W. H. !Switier. has been returned to
office as has the 'deputy reeve, Henry
C. Beaver, and the three councillors,
Edmund Shaptort, Edward Larnport
and Roy Holt. •
(}ay Township has joined the
parade and as a result there will be
no election this year. L. H. Rader
who has been reeve for 12.year s, did
not qualify, in favor, of Alfred 'Mel -
ick who will occupy the office of reeve
at the first of the year. Councillors
are John Jeeffree Ed. Wolper, Dave
Du.ch.arroe and Wen. Alexander. . .
E. Wawanosh.
East -Virawenosh Township election
did not materialize and the complete
slate' of township officials
turned 'by aoclamation. Peter- W.
Scott, as reeve., with councillors, Geo.
Yungblut, Elisha Walker, Adam Rob-
erteen; Raymond R. Redmond.
, . Hullett.
Poo Reeve -Mat. 'ArnesteSeg and'
J.- Leiper. Tis' council was re-elect-
ed bY acclamation. •
Morris. •
:Reeve -L. E. Cardiff (accl.). Coune
cil-4W. Bryans. F., McCallum, Frank
•Duncan, John Brawn (accl.). .
McKillop. .
Reeve -J. M. Eckert (accla; foe
Co.uncil-413..Dorrance, H. Alexander,
J. OeRourke, E. Hael:well, D. Beur-
man Contest for council only.
,t&a, • 4t.
For twelve long nionths this noble lot
Have studied well the town's finances,
And they have given serious thought
To all the various cirtumstances.
Their watchword's !been economy,
As with their :problems they did
And extravagance's fabric vast,
They shattered like a potter's vessel.
Collegiate Xmas Exams
(Continued' from page 1)
Form H.
'Highest boy -J. Sherwood, 80e;
highest girl -.-D. Golding, 8.4ei.
R. Allen 43-75, ab. K. Beetles
'57-4, G. Carter 154-3, J. Cheoros
72, J. Consitt 52-4, S. Dorrance 68,
w. Forrest 41-6, N. MacLeod 48-4.
R. McMillan ea -a, ab. 2, 11.• Nichol -
eon 41-5, ab. 2 O. Nolan 53-2,, R.
Pryce 57-2 .ab. 2, J. Rankin 63, F.
Sills 69, E.
46-2, ale. 1.,
O. Aberhart• D. Bannon' 69,
L. Box (absent), M. Broadfoot 62-1,
P. Coleman 65, V. Coleman 70, J.
Dexereaux (absent), D. Drover 68-1,
E. Duffy 78, .C. Eckert 74, M. Finni-
gan 65, M, .Fleet F. Fortune
61--, D. Golding 84, H. Hamilton
68-2, P. Hugill 77, M. Johnstone
54-21, C. Lane 47-2; A. Love 11-0,
ab. 2, I. MacKay 53-3, V. Mole 37-2
ab. 4; 0. Moore 81, 'M. Murphy 05-1,
E. Shinen 497-4, 'M. Stewart 54-3,
M. Storey 66-1, J. Watson 80, . M.
Wigg (absent), C.. Williams 5.2a-3,
M. William's 50-3, IM. Murray 50-2,
' Form III.
ab. 3.
'Highest pupil -Stewart Plant 77'.
Aberhart 49a-2, I. Betties 6.514,
E, Broadfoot 62, D. Carter 64, M
Cudmore 46-6, A. Delaney 62, M.
Downey 58-3, B. Drover 48-,. ab.
4, M. Duffy 52-3, D. Farquhar 58-2,
M. Finnigan 41---,5, B. Forrest 44-5,
Le Hart e8-10, L. IHavelein.s 54-2,
M. Hay 83-6, E. Henderson 48 , 3,
C. Hotham 38-6„ I. Jamieson 57-1,
G. Kreuter 70-1, M. Leyburne 50-4,
M. Little 45-3, E.' MacGregor 43-4,
H. McLean 39-6, P. Southgate 48-3,
V. Townsend 36-7, J. Wallace, 06;
F. Archibald 69-1,, A. Devereaux
63-2., Downey 60-2, Q. Fergu-
son 55-2, A. Golding 70,' J. Hotham
29-8, A. Keys, 69,-1, G. Kruse 38-
J M I • 68 R McleTab J
And they achieved th-ee wondrons
ends '
With &egret a cent remuneration,
'Twould be a worthy act, my friends
To !elect them all by) acclamation.
Wise plans they've lai,d, no fear to
For they have shrewdly laid them
Those plans, we trust, will turn out
For the future of the grand old town.
Elections Will Be Necessary
the present reeve, opposing Edward
.2, Baird. Roland 'Grain, who was al-
so nominated', did not qualify. The
.entire slate of councillors was return -
44 by acclamation after Joht Met•
ocalfe had withdrawn frohn the race.
The councillors are: J. 'MacTamiala
,,John Douglas, William Austin, Rich -
:fad !Wilson.
• Goderich.
When the tinve limit for qualifica-
tion expired, at 9 o'bleek Tuesday
-night, the folloWiiig had „filled their
vapers as candidates for. council and
-public school 'board!: Mayor, C. C.
'glee Ipveclannatione. 'Reevee-J. W.
'CI -algae and mobert Turner. •DePonty
elleeve-j. 3. Moser (acclamation).
Cotineillors-sE. Douglas Brown, Nor-
man Colcleugh, G. P. Go910, G. lie
Humber, C. W.' Worsell, Fred Sea-
-brook, D. Sproule (six to be elected).
Public School Board, (all returned by
:acclamation y+flt.tinalfdliC *aid, ,,Mria.
Bertha Johnstanrg. Patirieleaateard,
.2, • C. Carrie treotgers ward, W.
Blackstone; St. , Andrew% ward,
'Roderick Johnston. Water and -Liigiat
• Votrantssioner-W. T. Vidthery, Prank
• ,
.i.A.Ithoyugh, 12 were -nothinated 'for
the Aix seats on' the anunitipal cam -
;tit. fOnt the-W-..0ra, •
wfll be netega*
t vt':ALA?°i;i:ODMNki4kki0141iiMk4;441t;aKtIlM6144,att
nominations. Three members of last
year's' !donneil, Fred' Livermore, W.
Glen dook and O. L. Paisley, and a
new member, Alex. Inkleye secure
their seats by acclamation. Nelson
W. Trewartha, who ably filled the
mayor's chaie for part of last year,
601 I, G. Ryan 41-6, D.
-4, J. Sherwood' 80, IP,
outhgate, 67, J. Wreght
61-44 Awo„14.0 vay
13. Mailaolen 51-4, ivt. 7, F. Mayla,a
CI O5Lotic,,G.0÷4,3%.,R44.4
P. Sills 45!--e5, 'H. 'e! levillfeeSerA
K. Stewart 71, at, Thogaipson 52-2,
N. Tyndall 82, Thate;.1Meguaid TO.
• 'Miss Ceenevieve Keating, of Los
Angeles California, is the guest of
Miss Dorsey.
• Miss Margaret Cleary, R.N., of
Rochester, N.Y., spent'. Christmas
with her mother, !Ws. Margaret
Cleary. ,
• Dr. and, Mrs. Harvey Burrows,
of Se. Catharinee," Plaint 'Christmas at
the home of Dr. J. P. Burrows,.
• !Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bethune, of
Toledo,. and Mies Warner, of Toron-
to, were Christmas guests of 'Miss
* Miss 'Florence' Dieldlaw„ of To-
ronto, is spending the holidays with
her mother, Mrs. J. C. Laidlaw.
a 'Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Anderson and
little daughter, of Hamilton, spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Bell. „
•, Many friends .are 'pleased to see
Mr. 'James Scott, who suffered such
a severe accident a. year ago, able
to be oat again;
• 'Miss Edith Gevenlock, of Toron-
to, and. Mies Beth Govenflock, of De-
troit, spent, :Christmas with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. M. Goverdock.
• Mr. and 'Mee. G. T. Scott and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Epr-
syth arid family', of petroit, spent
Christmas with their 'parents, Mr.
apd 'Mrs. 'T. G. Scott and Mr. and
MTS.. Abe 'Forsyth.
• 'Mr. W. H. Pollard, of Woodville.
spent the Christmas 'holidays with
his parents, Mr. and MTS. J. J. Pole
• Mr. Wm. McNay, of Merlin, spent
Christmas with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs, John MeNay, of McKillop....
• 'Mr. Russel Holmes spent. Christ.
.mas in Guelph,s'the guest of his sis-
• Miss S. J. Moran R.N., • of Sag -
'naw, Mich, is visiting at her home
here, the guest of her sister,' Mrs. J.
We Jones.,
•• op WI« TO, 'tie, Wieer a
guaa:t with Mit..fparax40; vPkt.
Patilek. ,
talONIgiaa. va,i4i
Lanra▪ Wee were !Stratford YlefiltOS 4,11
day last.
''Messrs. •Ge0.eige and Wine Black,
Hamilton, were holiday visits
the Parental 'home on, be Cad _Con-
cession. •
(Mee Lucli Mrs. Peter Harigreares,
Toronto, are holiday yisitprs with the
forieter'es parents, Ma. and Mee. T.
G. Shillinglaw.
ilMiee Violet Tyndall, 'of London,
spent :the week end at her home.
MT. and Mrs'. Pat 'Purcell, of Strat-
ford, speht Christmas at the home
of 'Mr. and Was. Thomas Purcell. .
While many.. family reuniono were
held to Show the spirit of peace and
good will a Christmastide, the mild
weather made the roads almost im-
passable for motorists to reach their
d estinations, but for those who took
the WEI reliable, there was no trouble.
Largest Attendance
(Continued from page, 1)
seconded 'by John H. Scott, caused
much interest. It read: `.That this
meeting of the ratepayers recom-
mend to the council that they re-
•onimend 'or sugtgest to the public,
school and Collegiate Institute Board
that a substantial reduction be rhaYie.
'n teachers' salaries."
Those wh.o had. been nominated
were called upon and a number
epoke. Ineluded in these were A. D.
utherland, Dr. Grieve, R. G. Parke,
E. L. Dalt, Louis Eberhart, Jarrie
Rivers, R. J. McMillan_ and J. W.
Beattie. Mr. fet W. Wigg spoke on
behalf of the Publie School Board.
Meeting in McKillop. -
McKillop nominations were held on
Friday last in -Wintineep. Namina-
ions resulted as follows:
At the meeting which followed, a
etter from 'Coun!cillor Regele was
Tad:- "To the Municipal Council and'
Ratepayers of McKillop: Dear Fel-
ow Councillors and Fellow Citizen's:
We wieh to express our appreciation
of. your sympathy and best wishes
or a' joyous Christmas season and
while I have teniagetarily laid aside
from the active- duties of life -in spir-
een with you, following
ions and activities with
t. For 18 years I
to serve you, faith-
'ty in which you
'have permitted you aetato do the.
utniost in my 'power forthe"best in -'
of • the municipality. While
not 'being !permitted to attend recent
meeting's of council, nee your annual
meeting, T wish to thank you oneand
all a very Merry :Christmas and a
Happy and Prosperous New Year.e
'Yours very sincerely,
Thee was in response to the fol-
lowing letter which the council had
sent Mr. Regele: •
Dear Frieed and Fellow Councillor:
:We, the members of the iMuniciPal
Council of the Township of 'Mcle-41-
. of> at this our concluding meeting of
the year, unite in wishing yOu and'
your family the compliments of a
Joyous Christmas Season. Although
you have been unable to attend re-
cent meeting i of council, we have
not forgotten you. We miss your
genial and courteous co-operation in
our discussiens and deliberations and
in this, your time of affliction, our
sympathy go6 out to you with the!
wish that your, health may he re'
stored and that you may be able
again to take part in the work in
which you were ever interested for
the welfare of .others. Wishing you
and your family a .Merry Christmas!
and a Happy New Year. -)Signed on
behalf of the 'Council, John MeNay,
Tuekersenith Nominations.
Tuckersmith nominations Were held
in Walker's Hall, Brucefield, on 'Fri-
day afternoon, when the following
were nominated:
Reeve IW. R. Archibald; W. L. M.
Council -B. P. Watson, J. A. Mc-
Gregor Sarre Whitmore, !M. Clarke,
C. MairriKay, A.413epper.
(Mr. R. J. Beattie, of Egmondville,
plash:led at the meeting which fol-
low -ed.
J. vet , . , •
McQuaid 49--3, D. Patrick 43-4, S.
Plant 77, E. Rennie .38-6, H. Rut-
ledge 45-15, Ma Shannon 53-3, T.
Sills 56-1, J. Stevens 52-3, .D. H.
:Stewart 49-4, D. M. Stewart 51-2,
F. Whitmore '73.
- Form IV.
'Highest pupil- Winnie Savauge,
'D. Adams 59, M. Bolton 36-6, E.
Broadfoot 52-6, H. Britton 60-2,
E. Chapman (absent), G. Coleman
08e A. Devereaux 70, I. Eberhart 45-.
5, B. Eckert 60-4, R. 60, C.
Mason 49-4, Jean 'Murray 56-3, E.
Nott 3, 'R. 0,mConnor 51-4, H. Ran-
kin 621-2," B. Rrice 73, W. S,avauge
87, H. Sclater 66-0, ob. 6, J. Smith
'09, IM. 'Smith 69,-12, B. ,'Southgate
56-3, E. Storey 45-4, ab. 1, J. Wat-
son 67-1.
G. Anderson 55--42, K. Beattie
54-3, C. polernan 54-2, W. Cadniore
40-4, F. Dui:aides 70, R. Hamilton
05-12, H. Hillen 66, L. Joynt 67, E.
Lereeburne !MaeTavish '62-1,
alb. I, R. (McCartney 36-6, H. Mc-
Iver 76, eJas. 'Murray 524-3, A.
O'Leary 30e-6, ale. 2, N. Patrick 42-
'6, R. Rennie (absent), K. Rutledge
47--6,, J. Scott 77, H. Sheffer 83.
Form V.
s.R. Allen 41.-01, A. ,Bolton 62-1,
Arbadloot 6,1, NaCardno 45-3, gib.
a, B. Delaney 57-2, p. Drover 77, A.
't, I ha
your delilber
keenest inter
have endeavore
fully in the ca
following the 'death of Mayor S. S.
Cooper, is again in office, to others
being nominated for the mayoralty.
There is a contest for the reeveehip,
George Elliott, the present reeve, be-
ing opposed by David, Churchill, a
member of last year's council. spoe
the Public Utilities. Commission,
Thomas ,Hlawkins is unopposed. For
three wards; C. H. Verner, M. ,T.
less and W. Plufnesteel are re-
turned:Me the publietelehool trustee
by acclamation!'but in the fourth
ward the present -member, T. Church-
ill, is opposed (by J. W. Manning.' •
The village of Exeter is astured.of
an election for reeve. For seven ef:1
the past iiirie years, the Afar haat
(been filled by W. p. Sands, pre-'
viously reeve of Stephen, whose team
in Exeter was from 19'24-1927, tua
BeM. Franeis reeve from 1990, to
1982, the late C. B. Snell being 'civic
head in 1928 and 1929. 'Both candi-
dates have friends *No Will net lis-;
ten to a tvi.thdraind.
Owen Geiger, present 'reeve, is
Mr, 'and Mrs. L. Tebbut entertain-
ed some twenty friends- to Christmas
'dinner OD: Tuesday. .
Mr. Clayton .Martin of Englehart,
is -spending the Christmas holidays at
the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. L. Te.b-,
Golden' Wedding.-eVIr. and 'Mrs.
Thos. Coleman. celebrated their gold-
en wedding anniversary at their home
in Tuokersmith on, Tuesday, the 2,1ph.
of December. Thirty guests were pre-
sent to do honor to the occasion.
Their family of four -daughters, Mrs.
Myrtle Carnochan, of Detroit; Mrs.
Eph. Clark, of Hullett; !Mrs. George
Johnston, of Stanley; 'Mrs. Cecil °lie
of Tuckersmith, and two sons, .Mr.
France's Coleman, of ':McKillop, and
Reseell 'Coleman .of Tuckersmith,
also eleven grandchildren . and the
tear relatives being present. Two
.grandchildren were unable to attend,
:Mr. Gordon Carnochan arid, Mrs. Pearl
Lyon and two great grandchildren,
Frank and Craig Lyon, of Detroit:.
The guests arrived at 12, noon and
were served tp a fowl dinner. Thea
they all asesembled in the parlor and
the afternoon was spent in. music and
singing and readings, after which e
dainty tea 'Was served. They receiv-
ed many congratulations throughout
the day from their neighbors an
friends. They Tecpived. many beauti.
ful gifts, including a lovely bouquet
Of MIMS from the Ladies' Aid No. 1,
Egmonclville, .. Mr. and MrS. Coleman
were. born in the tcwnship ,of May.
Mrs, Gpleman being a daughter of
the lite John Troyer. They were
nuntried December 27. 1882, at the
manse in Kippcli .y ,Rev. Hugh
Cameron. They lived on' the soetn
boundary of Stail,:,y, ,v.,,st of Kip -
pen, -for several yeaes and have lived-
in TuckersMith for over 30 years.
seeking „another term an Ace, but Eckert /4, A. Finlayson 68, L For-
'Britton take,s this., oppor-
tunity of thanking all those who
helped her in the contest.
The Christmas tree under the aus-
pice's of Constance Sunday school held
on Deco:111"er .22nd, was well attend-
ed arid a good evening spent with the
little, folks aS entertainers and also
some of the older ones. They all
performed their parts well with much
c'redit due to the teacher, Miss Gaw-
ley, who, did not spafT herSelf in
training the -.children! ..and making
their costumes. Rev. W. A. Gard-
iner was chairman, after which San-
ta Claus arrived ,to distribute the
presents from the tree. •
ZVEiss lGaiwley is spending th..!
Christmas holidays at, her home in
Mr. „Bill . Dale, of Toronto, spent
Christmas with his parents., Mr. and
Mrs. J. Dale.
George 'Sills & Sons are installing
a ,furnace at Constance school dur-
ing the holidays.
iMisses Blanche arid Elva W'neatley
of Toronto,. spent .Christmas at their
home, Miss Elva .returning on Mon-
day to 'duties.
'Mr. /Elliott Andrew, of Toronto,
spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
B. B. Stephenson.
The annual meeting of the rate. -
payers of the school section was held
this week. The trustees for the en-
siling year are: 0. Anderson, W.
Britton and B. B. Stephenson.
Miss Kathleen Logan is spending
a I'm days with her sister, Mrs. Leo
Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Davidson, of Brace -
field, spent Christmas with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson.
•Mr. L. Taylor and Miss Florence
Taylor, of Western U,niyersity, spent
Christmas with their mother, Mrs. H.
• (Mr. and Mrs. Fred of To-
ronto, visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Ferguson on Sunday.
'Mrs. William 'Moore returned to
Toronto to stand the winter with her
daughter, :Mary. •
Ring happy bells acioss,t
Ring out the false, ring in the trti"
The year is going, let it go'
• 9
We sincerely sincerely wish you for
1933 more prosperity,.
more health, more happinesi
and moi,e. good friends ,
than you have ever known.
"- ' - • ir,,r law' (.4' (7; -ar'-er)i.e.'eeree
.4,4Y - .ary
parents, Rev. and ,Mrs. R. M. Gales.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowlie and 'Mr.
Lawrence Fowlie, of 'London, spent
Christmas with Mises „E. and F.
Fowlie. -•
Miss Elva Dewar and David Dewar
of Toronto,,,are spending•the Christ-
mas vacation with their ;parents, Mr.,
and Mrs. D. Dewar.
Mrs. S. Weir, of London, is visit-,
lag her sister, Mrs. J. Tiuuet. for a
few day.
„-Miss Margaret Graves spent the
week end and Christinas Day at bee
hcrne Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Smith' and Son,
Glen., of Londoru,• spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker.
.Miss Jessie. Metcalf,: of Detroit, is
spending the vacation with her par-
ents, Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Metcalf.
Mies M. Ferguson, and Miss I. B.
Kirk are spending thee. Christmas va-
cation at their homes 'at Seacforth
Ind Mrs. F.- Ge,mbahardt.
Fhilaysen.-In Scott 'Memorial Hospital. on
December 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Fin.layson. a son.
Doig.-- In Scott Memorial. Howl:ital. on De-
cember 29th. to Mr: and Mrs. Jas. Doig,
of Tuckersmith, a son (still born).
RossrCrandon:--Art St. John's Oherch Parson-
age. Stratford, by Rev. W. Stanley Owen.
Eveline A.. daughter of Ills. John Cran-
don. of St. Marys. to Wilfred Russ, only
son of Mr. and. Mrs. William A. Ross, of
Teachers home -for the holiday sea-
son are: Misses Ida and Eva L•ove,
Ria Hills, Bertha Beatty, Laura Mc-
Millan, from. Toronto; Mr. John Fer-
guson. from Port Colborne; Misses
Dorothy Reinkie, Marguerite Black
aled 'Louisa Allen, from Hamilton;
Miss Jean and Mr. Earle Webster,
from WhItervale; Miss Bessie Grieve,
fro Chatham, and Miss Margaret Far -
meson, frarn 13kafield.
&tea Margaret Grieve Is a Wind-
sor visitor, 'this week.
Mr. Charles Sherwcodx of Toronto,
, . „ ,5„
,• •
." oughbred bull. 11 months old," roan in
eoler. Apply to J. D. GEMMELL, R. R. 4.
Seaforth. Phone 2-13/, Senior*. 3393x2
In loving memory of Stewart Moffat
Beath, who passed away one year ago. Jams.'
at7 1, 1932.. .
One year has passed .since that/ sad day
When one we leered was called away;
His memory is as sweet to -day
'As in the hour 'he passed away.. ,
'-Ever remembered by Father, Mother and
-Hrothers. 3394x1
I wish to express to tha eaatiers and sub-
scrifien: of The Huron Expositor my sincere
appreciation of their splendid support and
eceeneration during the recent cont•-•st seen-
:thee:1 by this parer. 'Washing each and ev-
eryone the Compliments of the §enion.
• I 'ect.Oct that my record Cot. this year will
rne;rit, your continued confidante and' I again,
reefectfully, solicit your vete and your in-
fluence to elect me to the office of, Reeve 'Tor
the year 1933.
Your vete and influence are respeettfullY
aiiciis'd C, eleet. me t, the Council Board
fo.t. lac year 191,3,' end I u3So respeettfulli
urge each eledtor to reated 'or her vote.
Having been TI.,Jmina.te...1 for Councillor and
•having signified. my intention, of again rail- •
Ming, I, woUld. earnestly rejugst your vote
and influence. Vflohing you. the eemplinieais
of the 6e3B(241.
Having allowed my name to again amsear
on the' ballot for Councillor of this town, r
ask you .all for your, voEte and' influence.
Wishing you the crangdirnents of the Bedifail.
• Ladies and Gentlemen: Having. been morn -
mated for councillor for. Maintop, I ask for
your vote and influence, and if elected will •
do my bast for the interestof McEiTion
Townshiii ratepayers. Wishing, you the wan -
Aliments of the season.
• ' Yours sincerely. •
Mrs. Arthur Mason and son, Charles. of
Saskatoon, also Mrs. Charters and family.
Mill Road. desire to thank their many friends
for their kind letters and expressions Of
sympathy in their recent sad bereavement.
Mr. and gra. Dievid McLean with to thank
their friends and all those who so gener-
misly gave their votes in the Reseal Doll
Content to their daughter. Wilma, enabling
her to secure the second prize.. 3393-1
Miss Alma McKay, who. spent
Christmas at her home, returned to
Toronto on Tuesday.
Dr. end 'Mrs. A'. Nervation -Brady
spent Christmas in Sarnia with the
latter's mother, Mrs. D. eVecDonald.
Mr. arid Mrs. Ian McRae were
guests with Mrs. Fraser on Tuesday
when she returned with them to
Strathroy where she will visit.
Mr. and Mrs,. J. Stewart, who spent
the week end' and holiday with Mr.
and !Mrs. J. Polio& returned to Ham-
ilton on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burt and fam-
ily, Ma. and Mrs. H. Baker and baba
of London, and Ma. and 'Mrs. Erie
York and,. little • Beverley York, of
Toronto, were guests over the holiday
with Mr. and Mrs. P. W. )3aiker.
IMT. anti ,Mts. F. Crane and son, of
Detroit, •spent'Ohrisirmas with Mr. R.
(Mrs. Richardson, Ruth and Robert
Richardson, of 'Waterloo, are spend -
the vacation with the forneer's
Having been nominated for the.;. office cd"
C.ouneiller and owing to the limited time at
my despesal :making it iresreseibile to Per-
sonalty solicit your support at the coming
eleotion. I take this opportunity to solicit
your support. If elected I purpose to Min -
port all measures in the interest,: of real
economy in this difficult time and wouid en-
deavour to give a fair deal to all in con-
ducting the businees Of the munielpeditie-•• •
Wishing you the cempl•iment:; of the season,
1 urn.
T desire through the medium of The Hur-
on Expositor,. to Most Iiincerely express my
deep appreciation of the very kind assist -
core and support given me in the Good -Will
Huron Eats:motor Contest, not only by 'those
in the village and district, but to ninny kind
:friends in the West, and- at other distanithea.
who sent me their subscriptions in order
that I might come out a winner in one of
the best prizes offered.
Yours sincerely, •
Ladies and Gentlemen: .
I sin wain a candidate for the Position of
Reeve, and if eledted, will do nry utm,ost in
carry 011 the affairs of. the Toni:Tobin with
ecotrxrny and efficioney. The Warden, in his
parting address, streesed the need of trending
experienced men hi the County Council, and
I feel that *e experience of the past year
will be ef great value in qualifying . MC to
serve the people. Wish...ng you thecosnpki-
menti of the SQHF,i0")...
Your vote and influence are most earnestly
solicited tn secure the election of .1. H. §cott,
to the Council Roard The compli-
mmtP of the avaisen are cordially extended
to all our citizens,
If elected I assure you I will serve You. 10
the best of my ability. I will not support
any plass sehemes, but will do my.„ „hest to
further the interests te the taxpayers nina
workers, by honest and sincere Itidgments
with an earnest endeavor to reduce the taxes
and make this a good town to live in.
A, square deal to all:
Special privilege' to none.
I am again running far Councillor of the
'Poemand solicit your vote and influeneo HAs
the :doming elections -
creditors and others hoeing claims against
%the caste of IRA W. JOHNS, late af the
Tiownairip of Tuckers/with, in the °aunty of
Huron. Farmer, who died on the' Sixth 'day
of November, A. D. 1932, ale required, to
forward dheir chains duly proven to the %m-
elon:4(nel on or beta:ere the Second day of
January, A. O., 1931
after the said date the Executrix will pro-
ceed to distribute the come' bolrlis regard
only to the claims at whieh she then shall'
hove notice.
DATED at Etcter, Ont., this 9th day of
Torember, A. 1). 1922.
Skater and Hensall,
Solicitors for Egeentrix.
83924 ij,ti
Having snowed my name to stand foe
Reeve Of the town, I respectfully roolisit /tour
vote and influence 'at the polls on Monday
take this casPoritarnity to thank Mt nap -
porters for mast pattranaste in runnlitIt as is
Councillor for the Tow-nehip at, 'Packenulailiti
and as I ern in the field again as a
calor for the coming year, I would amulet.
ate very math your oontinued patronage Wad
woui I MT if elected (avaitri Plat I wilt da,
my best to keep deism expellees as ,,far
pessible iv this the tilne flf cutting <IOWA •
whatever ean be reasonably and (My eon*
so as to be ins keening with the real nee&
of the timer) antiwithw/to excitra,mtvaxtrtandell.
r. 0.,
Dec, MIK r 22, .1922.
• a
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