The Huron Expositor, 1932-12-23, Page 4P06 ., ,.. rN ,. • n •£^; h r. .+r.. 4l?'ro*R. i r. # b j , 7 . . • rr. a r 1 1 ; ,. , i. .. v, .g .. d :d 1N f 7v. ue n R Y. aa. v �: ' b. s s y ry+^ n, �a "1"il M, i A [ ,rs J; e�.. >I.t h - a I,n *i. .s w, }, ... ;.r i`r. .: dr,. ..1 w ..tlM ti,.:. , ». «. rtG ., .`y . ,r _. .. q., , X - aA t r tirr?„�'.�' ,<.o r. tf $ .. '� .. •. , l' 1 .�F u M.. ; 1. .. .. ..t �. _. ; .. ,- .. . � .! s .:. .. . .> �' a. .,-y.: �... a.. ,: .. t t y o. Y .. x iI .. ,1 ..k. ... ....�.... 7: r. � ;: �� .in r .tti n. .,: .. . .. d., r �, kl. .i'... >T i L, zz .n x, .." k .. .G,. �. .. a �. Y �4 p �' p. Ia�N` r a �• x '',r55 ,�{�1. ; g .. § .,4 �yy.+�� y,:.,,. 1.,, :;.: .., ,. ;, r' <';t'^ a _ , . 7 'R _ 1 f , 4, rte ..�.ha. �C�t A. , l .. #S5'`.. )fi` .. 7. . SEr .. , hYFr r: 'rN.. tt 1"r > r .. .. h"�. :: ..,. H .. '1 ,. ,. fid, p ,r Ar_. f .. .. P.. �'h .... ,. .Kele �' ! ? , r .!." .. •'i+�'. .h ;. Xrt.1-1 ,€. n a.l .. 'f'.?F� w.,� r ,.'�4 i s 3Fr; I .a v.�." '.- a.fi'u+,.k., .:..,,.. .,. _ » d W .:,. �,. t "i ; I nail f t. t. u . ah ; ..:. . ".V , +'',. , 1 '4 ( ' •��.,1�•Q��(� ��,"i� /�/'��p� � ,� y a EXPOA7�T )9 SQi1LR1R,���..,�r�� ��4 j1 ? �,� 1 q µ t H '` i> a tbgkt ,, ? '': `ai ng QPleels, ��04 41�77 u �,,,�yypp.41p ad.�J Q1@BY.N i±1R{{1a ' dusW a rort a 'ea*ely from the ° � 4 'R � � ■ � � �a LOOKI N G � � � � N- DISTRICT , f 51` fast b%t�he$ 1860 that we ,didn't have a room large : ` e r' r #y, �{ enonigh 1 ''k`!r'11 rMClteali, L'Af1itOT. to intone the three formnler _ ... �+...�..wew4uw.w�r.....r�i n , erg. . �� { t,! articles and had no earthly u� ioir. 1111 `+ 11 Lri stied at Zeaforth, Ontario, ev- tltne Obeyer second reading,—iCarried. Petty and ^, Foal' was native Tuckeremibh them had away in the last �,,, ax 4]fy uir�darlr afte0nvon by McLean The Only things wehave,neverbeen .■,.�,.�..,� ��■ 'That a of •of passed ? k't►RI ofllemed iii ilio way of tauter cru a STLLSGREEN HENS.�T,L Jones: ,>3yn'aw No, 14, 1932, be ,tiowcuslhup and was born on the second few' yea'rs', leaviaig ' r. ' ord alone. s y rep , , w f "' T ., year's subscription are gasoline, tires. given third and final and finally pass- concession. 'Where he, was four years Me had always •reanained a bachelor. ± �isa,6tion rate, $1.50 a year iin 4V..M. 'S,—iThe regular monthly Spencer and Patt ed.-aC'ainied.Petty, age ' : passed away, lenvu He was a well read man a self eilu- of los father 1 t V*' 8dvan e, f'orei n, $2.00 a year.`Single and g an �auhlo,mldbde. But we are horp- ,s 'Missionary meeting of flue Women's Anyme I"bAve wmttben to and would Uike to 'That we nolw adjauwn _C�rieo4-•' ing-lis widow with three small ehil- Fated, honesit and: uprig 'w,hich was . l ` +, eap}iss, 4 cents each" ing and so are• a lot of our fellow Society was held in the church on sUppoac me H¢r The Hv2pn Exyositrr Cante�t picsse sena iq sgbseniptiuns to The Jas. A. Paterson, Klerk, dren, Thomas, Carolinee and Annie. a aharacberis'tie trait of old 1Cord ', country newspaper ,men. •\Vednesday afternoons. December 14, your Expbpitor Ofi:ce ;bafare .tw10 a,•olawk, Saturday. The 's'ervieeis in our three local At the age of fourteen, Mr. Ford family. flue was also ee _art-talble and ! • Adi.rertising rates on application" iNo, there is nothing new about withth d ident,, p 'r . RpLM'cAl�t1 D«�m°ber 2�i!� Ttna„k you. �aaud xeaa�n, Henaarw, dl►urches ere well ahrtteauded scanted oub to earn• iris' ow'rn- living, gav6 freely of his me tis bo oi�ph��i. ,N,.H'' I r y pe Ooh ssn-i 'feurly on !Suanda last •thee �abterndaniee, ow- working first witty 'Jahn Foster, of and old peiople. 'M� Ford^ was lait M r,:. 1V[embers of the Canadian meekly the Collirugwaod editors inaugurating ing by stinging Hymn '62, 'Mrs. (l%eN0 Post -Office Boa Bents we due and pvaWe ing to thei illaness of a number of Zuridh , and W9liam Uinnin, of Lunn- awn ,alilvie by one 4 his nei'ghlbors. iL, �^ '' ' 31T wsrpa'per Association and the Hurun a system of ,barter and ,gxc'hange. Not Conner then led tri prayer. The Scrip- at the HQmsaU7 ' Postt Office the first woek in the members of St. Paul's Anglican le and still later with Harr Ren-• when he was cleapdtxg off his {walk 4if ,ounty Press Association. a thing. aside from the fact that -they ure lesson was read responstiv,ely January, and a number in arreaws for yews will Please , payment subeorimions for Church has' not been as large' as us- olds, of 'Hienisall. When he reached on Sarburdhiy' evening. 'cru Sunda '�y� ' '�a".•, ale specializing om wheat. frxian 4Tos3rtua 1:4-15. A hy�iin w^as sYi cafes and weetWd newspapers reoeved at ual during the past couple or so Ibwt dine servives haiv.e Been' ]Itis 1'8tbh year he knov'ed, t?o west terno.on howeviea•, when Mhm. J. al - s fi.' • " • ,.'�.EIAIbQRTH, Friday, Deecember 23. Every section of country, has its 'ung and the roll cajl answered vvitlr the latter "N?''' w'as then taken. The the .iiensam pont Office. G. J, sutaeriana. pOet,�ster. 3393.2. weeks', marked by good sermons by the Ree- Superior to make a home far his, min E a relative and a daugh,ter- Sin errs, widowed another and ;two Sisters. Be- in-law of !Mira, T. J. Berry, of Hen- - >, s- ilty and wheat isn't Ours, that's secretary and 'trea'surer's reports p A large auwinber of visitors' tor, Rev. M. B. Parker, and good, ing a faithful worker and a saving ssall'l, called as was' her custom ore zrll and to tell the trioti we are lad g were then, read' and adopted. The are ex- polida here during �,f Christmas music the ,choir. b5 mart, the succeeded in gathering to- S,uandays to tato him for a drive or „ S,, How Thin s Grout 9 of that fact. election of,officers was then holed and holidays, many caning (rami a 'Iii Carmilel Presbyterian Church the ,gethea a comsadlemalble amount of this to her !troana for tea, she found ,the i t:iy»,, lAttle than 'ten ago Theme are too many practical Hien elected "by acclamation for another quite dflstance 12ath by train and auto. seervi?ces were -eaten 1b the y pastor, Rlev. 'W. A. YOtiaug, in his •world°s goods. During -this tame . he house locked and no traces of anyone lirv,eed hist' Beeolmling ,:+' ' .,.,.r mlore years in ,he chicken business about here year. Ylllie roll call far 1933 will be �±r•'Aores and, other bus- usually' ef- ,While, ,with mother and sisters, having course out. alarm- was not a radio it, Canada, and answered with the letters from the places of fi'cient mlannea•, the musical who'learried On a millinery and dress ed. she secured the assistance of somre _. perhaps not a dozens people who had now for as to stand a chance in the ra word G'Missdonaries acid how, mAny mess are looking v very attractive with part Of •the service was well sustain- making (business far over 30 years, Of the nteig+Rilbors and°whom they forc- 'a:.. chieke:n ranching panne, even if we backs ,one has read' on missionary it- 'Christmas 'decoratio'ns. ed Iby the choir. Very 1pracbi'cal and When his mother had, reached ad- ed an entrance, they found' Mt. Ford ,;:.• '�„., ever Beard of the transmrission of died acquire a few thousand bushels erns. The business ,was then taken. IMr. Ed. 'Sheffer left here this wools, rntd esltin discourses were given � g �' ' van'csin g Years s+he, found 'aIle Western dead in .bed, he having apparently i sound air waves, yr who had ever by It was decided to make a quilt at ,to Opend lChristmlas with his wife 'b'o'th at rtlhe Tag, ing and e1.vening ser- winters too cold for her and the fawn- passed peacefully away in his sleep• n. dreamed Of such an invention. Of wheat emery year. .the neat meeting. ,Little dresses w1ho is and has been for sever weeks vices. fly moved, to Windsor, where three during. -the the evious riigTht. g• pr i. iTO-dlay five learn that there are 0 were given out to bhe ladies to armke being• visited their daughter, Mrs. W. The eS'a'cralment of the Lord's Su,p- 4 't>ed (11'0 136 • dio •eceiv up for the bale fico go away by Janu- H. Reid, -of Pork Bowan, her hus- per wtv-_ 'ab ,emve,ci at the United esbim'a to e , , r'a A I rip to the Old County ; ary ,15th to the needy. The next band, Dr. -Reid and their .sons. p- � Church gut the mor^trig service, coil °' ' Ing nets in this country' va 7l.3'3 sets meeting. in January will be held at On •Sum'da ooanin , December 25th, led with a fiiue' aprpmapiriate sermon, Continued from e 1 g• Y g and the attendance was mea d • pen 1,000 of Ipopulatiori this placing ( Fag the bane of Mr±s'. W.. Turner. The the services in Carmel Presbyterian Y' "` 6 a. g Church will •be ,a musical one with rig = r w. Canada fifth Oreo±v the nations of far us I'm sure. At any rate . there offering was •theari, ma en, The meet- with three uniting with the church �e take this opportunity 't0 thank � the world in the nun,6er of radios in rt was, hurling its, rainbow glory 150 ing closed with singing Hymn 519 ,Chri lbmas carols and otiher sacred by, 'cer'tificates. The- choir rendered our Many Customers for their gen- feet into, the air, The captain told and all repeating the •Lord's Prayer. sel'eetions in the form of soros, duets good music at the morning and eve- erouS Patrons [_ use in proportion to the population. , Y us the power came . from ;several The Officers are: H'on'orary president, quarbebtes and, este., and, promases to a "ng serv'ice's while IMT, Salm Ren- ge during Nineteen , r' IThe radiep .has becoane a w•on'derful mountain streams. Brass Buttons Mrs. J. Cochrane and ,Mrs. W. Tuan- be 'In"t interesting. Me an the morning took very pleas- Thirty-two, and Wish one and all ' aid to, education and,to business as tram the Hotel des Familles dutifully er; president, Mrs. R. McAllister; 1st ingly a so'f'a part in an, anthem. . i Tl.: services also in bhe United ..well as making a wonderful change nret us and took u., on` -our way. ~ice-Ipmesident, Mrs: R. Stephenson; +Chumch, prami'se to be most interest Thee services' 'on the coarsing Sun- A VERY NjT+ RRrY CHRISTMAS in the lives and the thoughts of bhe Well fortified with a Sw•is.s chicken 2nd vice-president, Mrs, H. Turner; ing with fine musical selections by day in all three chunhes will lie !that' `T - ,. ,. y dinner, we sat oft. on foot to discover treasurer, -Mrs. W. Turner; secretary, of 'Christncas service with both ser- f1' people, as man • Genevese secrets as we Mrs. R. C•onsitt• messenger secretary, the ce the and, far some teen minutes If 1.y , g Y, 'be!fore rtlhe hour of the evening aero mons ,and musical numalbers apip�x`o- and a And, it might be added, it has prow- could in la comparatively ehart time. Mrs. R. Love; supply secretary, Mrs. vice , 'Miss Eleanor Fisher r e or- priate to the occasion .by the choirs, _ ' en a wonderfully good things far the, Of course, the League Of Nations Charles Stephem on; press secretary ganis'h,'will give a recital of Gpe or- "rn which there will be fine, special NEW YEAR RICH WITH HAPPINESS Government which, collected $1,0''3. 4,- buildings were cl•ooed on Sunday. and organist, ..Miss Annie Jarrott. in caaials. selections in. the way of solos, duets � However, we did 'find a remarkable 'School Section No. 3, Hay, are hold- , and quartettes•, and there should- be , 962 in licenses' this year and- stili has nmomrnvemt to the Fathers of the Re- ing their Ch;risbinas concert in the St. Pauls Anglican C!hurc•,h choir, and no ,doubt will ,be large a!etend� GOOD HEALTH AND PROSPERITY a handsomie sum, conning to it, as it formation — you'll reniemlber that school house on Thursday elv!ening at are also preparing fine anthems .ana ance, , is stated, there are 85,436 radio us Geneva wa's Luther's stranghold�-a 8 o'clock. A good ragram is being other seleeftia ns in keeping with " .. p g ,Christmas eSunda iThe Firemen will hold their arvnuai WALTER G. WILLIS eu•s .who have ,not yet paid •±j:•reir ''-ong wall plaque with exquisite fig- prepared for everyone by the schol- y Christm'a's tree eavtemtainarnent on 'Sat- I • urea • in' bas-relief. Clos6by was the ars and ot4.er•s. 1 1:1i:r. 'Walter !McBeath is spending• umd�ay afternoo" Dleceirnber 24th, ' in I license. fees. ,C,atl*lral ,of St. Pierre,, likewise the ''Mr. 'W. Jarrott and daughter, An- ,the wintear {'months with 'hi.s nice, front bf the Town Hall, when the Member' Mutual Stores Group 11 �-- Refor"riiati'on C ilt;he,dral, a huge mas- nie, were visiting• at the ho±ile Of Mr. Miss Minnie Reid, of our ,villager, and tree' will, no doubt, be well laden with ; • =ive stone:structure whose chastity and Mrs. Isaac Jarrott, of Kippen, also visiting with many relatives in or -' gifts for the 'c'hildren, ,especially 'in I •+� + • l _ Did Not Get Treem All ,an,l severity eonatituted its unusual recently. the vicinity who are•plea'sed to meet the candy and other kivndred lines C'� < � ������+,: µ-.his,lo'cality, bile- for man ear that children�lov , s . 1pea-u.ty. Cro-sling Che . Quai de 'Mont Mrs. W. 'Reichert and daughters bin again a:; a former resident in ,e'so well, .,,,and the Ire, has been announced officially !blanc we ca,naw upon Rousseau's is visited with friends in Zxuich for a Y years hw„ .tree will -be niad'e the med'iiim ,for I that since Ontario's Financial Re- :a::d wh•cre an iriterest•ing menior•iai few 'days. teem living in •the west. uttin: an fits h th,d,se who wish. ������� e D���A ��� � 0 �� ���a'y 1.s onsi,bility Law,, in res sect rn On. •ati; been erected to the bonny of that Miss Ru -1r 'RScharcicon spent a few IIZr. arod '1Lrq. D'a p g g Y , va va a *a wa �.a-tea *a �. ,� ., w 333•.3,•• „� p 1 I- vii C'antelon are too, do so, both for the childj,en and L � � Ri ura.sual philosolphar. Did you know clays with .friend., in Varna. nvo,vin•g into their new horn on grown ups and as usual,, there will, -�� L + r tario automobile drivers, went in,ta 1-lwusseau was Swiss? Queen Street this week. no doubt, be short 4dtdresses' and � di./ '� TINGS. iyh"•force, twvin oven month:, al:•o, four 1londa} morning 'was a -boyo kh- Mr. Percy Madden of London, and `'onegs anti a fine Santa Claus to pr'e- _" ZtiRIC,.i�I a one 'free resident' of our village, 11 th1. ousand car drivers ha,r e been de- ly in"t.ere,Fuing ac,.•errtur•e. I el'im ps sick over the prtrecedings which make z you know• that the International La- ! at ,'o e ha'nt,in with brilliantly nie•d thee' r«i.ght to- drive cars rescue;." Miss Anna Love has been quite til made a .short call on friends recent- " g 1:ar Office has pa oven tO be sari of I ly , . lighfed ' tr`6e,s, and the in•vitabione, In ppreCiatiOn Of your i;00d tj robes are either not financially re- tli: nicst I'm portant tie partn;ents of ith the cold the past week but is „ ;; 1 C•on±•e one,'•eoane all and spend 'u• � g , spon:,ible, or have proven themselves :he League of Nation,-;. I']1 ,perp inrp,roving. Mr. Wilson Carlile, who spent the hop will, we wish you the Joys off ,..-.,.'J 11r. anis Mrs.. Albert. Smith and s'urnnner and fall months with Tela- i ed h t i5t e weather and it is _ too reckieas Or too, dangerous to ab- you the wealth of data supplied to roped that the weather 'wvill be fav- i.he Christmas Season and a' • " as. though I grist tell you about the family, of C•rogsw-,1V, ,M"c,h„ !spent tiv'es and friend's in the West, and al- tain insurance. €' nruble. • ip ildin', , in which ee rt' nation rr" the ;he pint week at the home of Mr. and `O assisted in harveis'tin,g, etc., re- r 'VPry ,Prosperous "and Happy It is further stated that since the p g �'lra ,.a•Abath school children of our WGI-ld has participated. The doors, 11rs. Wrl•t. O'Brien. turned home the en,d of last week: . law came into farce �,°01 persOnq p l2rs. Conrad Schilio'e, who took With the slippery sideiwal.ks Of the three local churches are locking for. year during 1933. for in -stance, are Australian ha'onze, ward' witty the greatest. interest to have!' had the pri!v-ilege of owning or exquisitely detailed with sheaves of treatments at a Lc;h,d•on. Ros'pital last past week 'or two there has been a , operating cars talss,n; £ram them by wheat; the two beautiful figures, - eek, has returned to h"er hra,me mach nu•±nlber of: downfalls, particularly their Christmas tree. entertainment, J A. W�i �C®T T a St. Paul's Anglican in bhe Town Hall y'.` 3ie ey and Ju4tice are' the gti't of ±m'piO�^e'd i'n health. n'itn the fair sex !hut fortun,at•ely' no• ,' reasons of convictions registered broken bones, an lirednesd.ay n'igrtt and. (: armel Pres- l' New Zeaian.d• Germany has donated Division Court was held here on • by�terian and the United both on Fri. JEWELRY SEAFORTH . against them or their failure to sat- a large iiin'dow syn:ioolizing the five Tuesday with Judge T. M. Costello Our !boys, and girls in the tender ,day night in the school• room, and for ' • , isfy judgments againrst them. basic- industries it was positively 1presitli7ng. A nu 1ber• of cases were years, are ,b,w' ng great mental. vis- N,?hich most excellent programs have n .. And of the 4,000 autoist's who. were disgusting * to find woman relegated disposed of. ions of Santa. Claus. ,dreaming g< b ( of him been prepax ed. Another' excellent en- ' - a „- aule}d off the road there were only to utter insigroifie A'tice, picking up The directors of the Hiay Township at night anq bhinking of him by day, tertainln:lent is ko be o'ivezr on ThuTs• ' ' y :heaves; Italy's ,hare ane tooled Mor- Farmer's Mritual Fire Insura'nde Co. ' Consi'deipafble ,grain i's, being brought, ,liay afternoon at thAchool room, so 113 eases where it was not possible xco 000ks in the. library. A nrosL held the maonthly on'eeting here on into market notwithstanding the, low that this week' thr+ou,g+i±out will be a R` �" ����'� �������� ����� .i for the accident ic��a:is to obtain s:olici'tcu•s American agent provided Saturday. This was th'e last meeting prices all aver, and a jumrip in prime' great one for- th& uhilda•en. compensation through the insurance me ,vith sufficient illustrative mater- !or this year.' would make things fairly hum. 'Mr, and Mrs. -:Mark Drysdale 'ani, t Carr by the reckless drivers. ' 'al to carry on in my noble profes_ Hay Council meet for its final ses- Our stores are making' fine Christ- family spent Sunday afternoon and cion for centuries. Thi Council and sion of the year last Thursday. Nogg= eras dis la s while thee{ confectionery cverrin with friends in ernde and 9 %%�� a/�/j r That shows business on the part of ir.ations will be held next :Monday af- j displays Y g ®O�(J� Ag,az....Assein:lbly af. the League proper .are and candy :departrrnent makes more with :VIs, Vk'atsom and fam4ly. �,,, _ ��ithe Highway Department, but it is in tenv orary quarters, until the de- bern,oan. M•urnicipal meatter`s are still than the averts e ba andt 1.p g y girl's nvoutli The rush is on thi'S week at the self eaident,to anyone who dues much pression is over and the tvarioua prem- very quiet and few names are men- vc,�, 'acct` post office and each year in - driving, or even to a casual observer bens are enabled to came forth with do-ned ,of possible candidates. 'Miss Jennie Taylor 'has moved into creasgs t•he volume of busines. heir contributions, the United States School closes on Thuasd.ay for the the neat dwellin . The a roach 0 on the ,side lines, -that the law did • g of Mrs. Little on -Mris. H. Hilliard spent this week 9 pp � Cht'1Stlria'S aga1H g1VeS uS a. is the only nation who -se contribution Christmas h'alidays Richmond Street, South. at Detroit with her si'siea and re's - fiat overtake all the tiansgres ors. is u to date, ,Can't you inia ine A. number of hockey games have 'T'he last regular -meeting of the tives and friemds. ' p g g O ortunit to Greet 'You with wishes for a 'There ane still too many •irresponsible the tenseness of the moment when been .played on •the local rink the part village council for eine ,year 1932 was � pp y y fools Orr the haghwaays yet, the Ja anew memibzr of the council week. (In an exhi'biti'on game on g 'Miss E-rh,e] Murdock is Assisting i'' p 3i ld Thursday �eiv}ening.. at 8 p.m,, all. ,this week at ,the _post offloe and dur- A jlep Merry Yuletide. c seated directl • a'cross from the Chin- Friday night, the local team defeat- members of eaune 1 :bei gg��,,,,� y 1 nig plesent. in'g the Chri.stmras rus+h. 1r"� y y — � �• • ed flue Crediton team 6 to 0. On p e�se member, threw down his .six hour The minutes of the previous meeting Our businiess men report the 9 1: Tuesday the local boys defeated the Pettyand Jones: That .Christma.. � THE WRIGHT GARAGE ,���,,, ultimatum? I'll bet his ears burn- y were read. q trade so far as very good 11to 1llueh News 'About This ed! Every ,gpeech has to be given Herosall seam by 8 to 4. the minutes' ;be adopted as read.- and heorve i't will 'continue throughout The Midland,Free Press says: "If in both French and English, then in a Carried, F. G. Bonthl•'on, Tax Col- the festive season'. the native tongue of the speaker, if STAFFA ilector, reported 'thel arrears' as. being I .,Mr. F. G. Bonthxon, our -tax collect- W. A. WRIGHT SEAFORTH lllZr. W. A. Hagg ,and Mr. David Wil- .so desired. I suppose that would of- 1 only $2,0'67.32 which seemed albout tor, is kept (busy in the way of re- � * r ti Hams are not at their desks in the fer another interpretation of "There's The Deer traleet' of the Wo- as usual. 'Georg Hudson reported ceivin and receipting g p 'Georgeg phnrn for our village office. of .the Enterprise -Bulletin at a lora Ion trail a -winding. , �g re 11 and, da tmx being all Coi cod, the will likely be found g' g g' mens Institute will be held ort Wed- I poll g g paid taxes. ��®1g� d ' Y After bhe longest and hottest train except one, "Clomumiunatcatiioms were The contest for The Ew sitar Good ''b at bane feeding the chickens, as they vide I want to rel r.eiraber we reached ne„day afternoon, December 28th. The , p° , a roll call, "The Christmas , resent we I read from the following: ' Depart- Will Camliai'gn has been very spirit-, .... ' are naw accepting wheat instead of p gr' g past few weed: and Intones f®r their paper. As that jour- Paris late at night. I wish I had liked loose." Theme will also be a irrIent o2' Agriculture and the Domin- ed during the anal is et' t for its aggressiveness, Go'me means of making you feel the ion Roal Machinery Co., of God?erich, especially this the closing week and contest and de,rdonstration. Our g it goat' 'be Inaugurating a system , thrill of that manors' as we drove ineettinegs are proving very interest re snow plow, saime filed. Fetty and all bhe eorntestanRs are receiving good along the Ruee de 1 Opera to our hotel Jones: That the Board of Trade be support from their friends. •, barter and exchange that may become ing. Eiveryomte welcome. Tea will l pp —the lights, the honkie c.aibs the granted $10.0,0 providing that the e At the meeting the practise.' And why not?" g g 6e served. g g of the W. M. S. of cafes on the sidewalk, the hosts of r rirnk is rented,—+'Carried. ,Bills and Car•m,el Presbyterian Church the fol - Well, why not" And what is new Th'e Sunday s_ho,ol Christmas tree y babbling excited people, the romance., accounts were read' as f6llows: G. lowing mentioned officers rwere a'p- afbaut that? We never knew ilia: will be held in the hall on Friday My four days here are not just •a ni t. A M, -Case, team, leant streets, p g yerar; Pretsr VALU • / / I—, lMid(land was such a large metropolis visite th¢j are an ex goad program its being ar- & , $2.40 ointed for the incomin. g pO experience, and a- ramped. Huron County Treasurer, county 'iron-, Mrs. W. A. Young; secretary, 1. that it ,had never 'experienc'W or side from the fact that it is the dirt- rakes, $2014,80; school 'board, school Mrs. 'C. !S. Htudvon- !v`i,oe-president, , learfued about the barter system so fest, noisiest . place d can imagine, • rates, $3000.'00; Bonthron & Dxys- •Mrs. Basil Edwards; treasulrer, 'Mrs. This 933 inrtaimatelly 'canauected with the daily one that I never caaa forget.- &fn- BRUCEFIELD ,dale, Board. of IHiealth account, $82; Darvi'd Nicol. A very 'hear•byr vote of . burgh i•s Edinburgh, London is Lon- F. G. Bonthran, refund on taxes, thanks was ,passeeid too the retiring life every country weekly papey.' don, but 'Paris i.s Paris! I must im- 'Mrs. James Thomson wishes to V:5'0; J. A. Paterson, revising vot-' president, .Mrs. Basil Edwards. c a Why, in the neearly three-quarters press upon you that the temperature thank the Od,difellows, neighbors and ers' list, $47.90; C. S. Hudson, wivis- 'Sleighing is fadrly (good, in this lo- Superheterodyne 1. I. of a century since The E• asitor was all the while averages about 98 ole- friends who „ave of their timely as- ing voters' list, $5.; G. J. Suabh'erland, cality but a little, more saiow is Y'� grees in the shade. Old 'Man Sol sistance at the woad bee on Wedhes- insurance on hall, $30; G,'Hudson, poll needed for t'e,alming. first published, -there never 'hip'been seems to bare a " 'tax leaibor on streets $6• total a year when the 'garter system was grudge against uti. day of last week, c $5,- Goad reprewenAiatiOn$ off Santa o ROGERS t.y We have a gorgeous suite of rooms The stores of H. F. Barry and Ross 201.70. Peaty an .lanes: That ac- Craws appear in a number of. our not in full operation between this wii. th pri'-•.zte battjt and dozens of peo- F,r•ot•t will 'be closrd on ':Moird,av, Wc-d- counts be paid as read. •—r Carried. stores and 'sure arrest 'the attention paper and a proportion of its s'ub- ple to wait on us—if we can ever iaesday, Thumday and Friday even- Petty and Miokle: That the Firemen of the children. RADIO DIO 11scribeTs. q'umlmlon enough French for the oc- ings on and after January 1, 19'33. The granted $10 _tows-ds'bhe expense (Fo'rm'er Resident Di'e's in Wind,, e o = 1\,!`'1• I IArnci there neve has been a casion. You twould• have died on yocir Killed in Lond-on.--Less than eight Of -putting on a Christmas trae:1 —Death came suddenly to an old year Peet to have heard me earnestly try- hours after 'she had ,been knocked Carried. Mickle and Spencer: That Huron ,boy On Sunday, Decemcbem 19, for only when The Expositor did rnotrcome Out ing to coTwirnce the fen -de' -shear- clown by an automobile MrS. Pleas- Bylaw No. 14, 1932, setting license when Thomas Ford was found dead y on th,e smtall end of the 'barter deal, bre to press my skirt this morning. 4n e We!"'-rer. 45, wife, of ';George fee of pool rooms• be given first and in bed at hi, home in Windsor. Mr. _ either. I did everything but stanld on mer• Webber, 592 Rosedale Street, a C. N. In the Old days it was hay, oats head. R. Prrneplopee. diP.d in Victoria Hos- _r We take ,taxis e�erywMere 9n this pitaii early Wedhresday without re- 1' f iD'dPdAt#�?'Dl i=° arod cordwood. Lori cordes cool that city— it"c cheaper than nvalki•rng and, gaining consciousness. ''Mrs. Webber•����' _ill Long 4, cam., S• a- as .a a a scam $ — had to be sawn in6D four or five getting lost, and then the Parisian %ulTereed a fractured skull, facial and , . 50 . lengths, said sawing (being perform- taxis are mch romtanitie open' air af- head lacerations. The accident oc- • r faire. Last o ht like eve tourist, Mrs. at 11.15 o'clock Tuesday police - Comphments o aed iby the receivee, os much worse g a`y' g I " we deeidred tvr explore the forbidden Mrq. We!blber, aceordirog to a police - a , ,by the 'boys in the receivee s b,eauhy of "Les Folies Ber a -''e." I may rP g the -street at r Nine S ra Shielded Tubes still K' y pour', was crossing. 4, immediate family. add we found the beauty anri not the corner of Oxford,eand Watwloa - OGF1 Wood is still a free medium of ex- moth e'ise but a lot of feathers and sitreets, while 'McNeill was driving a 'r" change in country newspaper offices, frith. `It was just close to midnight north on Waterloo street. Mrs. Web- the G'�son Autoillatic Yolume 1. 'bunt Ithe mwinig is ':all done by the a's wee 'carne out and certainly no time tier is ;said• bey the police to haave been �'` to go to bed in Paris. Hailing a taxi accompanied by a woman friend at Set r', other party now. Arid, judging by we gave him careful instructions to '•he -throe and bhe car driver was .,par- ' 't To Own a Rogers Receiving i; -the length of the w'apd', the other bake ury up bhe falrnoug Chartrtps- tiially across the intersection. rovhen r To all aur Customers and Friends l 'parity is far ,,more fund of sawting Elysees to L Arc de Triamephe, ,that Vfrrg. Welbber gtteppe,d frorni the side Zs t� O wdad than.the boys -reseed to fbe. we might see the Eternal Fire, by of the street anvl cr•osse,d. half way we extend best wishes for a right = wn a Best, il.r,ig+h,t. 'Oh the spell of ,that hour! over the road. S,he its then said to C , ' r Fartumiateay there is mat ymtuech dif- When the French Merry Christmas and a Happy people lit that fire, have taken two yr three' steps back- New Year: With 1932 a thing of Let our Repair Department f+eireTvice in the price ,per Oorvl ta�day a tribute to their immortal dead, go rx�arrls. Following the alceidlernt the ''',5 d that of the patice of other days, out, they say t:heae will gill lan,grr be motoritget bock the wom a,n to bhe hag the past let us look confidently to the dliffeerence bean made u entire-. any France. The vlblieging drivers al- Antal, ' Her condition was reekard'ed _ , serve O 11"g you. Complete StOCIi so painted out to ups most of the plac- nq eiitidal from bh,o#�first .and orris ! the Coming year as one Of inCrea's- iy ,by the length ,of the sticks which p g ores went enterbaimerl far hem , of tines at standard prices. "�•� ' es of interest, aw we a;sesetd tfhem. oli ht h ed prosperity for us all: d eom!prise, the 'cord. The opera, the, •Madelin, La Vend'omre -covert'. She plied at 4.'.5 a.m. Mn;. — _ Ilr�Ate'r, e99%, potatoes, ,ebeeef, ,pork, --rob, I can't be -gin to tell you alil a- WPihbex, is surviverf try her husband, , 1 Batteries -for all batter ma - 1 bout it liege. C g �! tib Y arnd ' les halve aiways ,been rrrir e Weltpber. The funeral will he Mrs counted as ,scab in -bhe, c We..have alga been an a shopping °••rp•n hrr home, 592 Roaedalp, on. Fri P. J. Dorsey Aerial equipment.onnirtry tuewvs- Cl�$ileS. pm!per office. tour ant•(, 'rave tried and failed to irate, Thp. d�rvjrP will he. con,ducte; , , , ,1. bury- a� bathing Inuit in Frenreh. Thiq at 2 o'clock by Rov. James :MadKay: r7. [In fact, the oilly artictles, as far is getting •to be such a long-winded and in'ternmen't will be in Woorlil ni ' _ � 7f'' • as`bhiis raft ,e is cotn!cerned, which were epistle tbhat I must a'djou'rn until the ^cp,netery. Mrs. Webber, whose mnid- _ , ]PLi7MRI�TG - TINSMITl�ING ,' We p e Barber, eatre7Gt, which will ,>tiolbalbly be the en names woes Plecpgane McT>3.vi,sh, iq �•1�� le�m« xrefnusadr a y�ear''s su!bsr�ritpfiien last, Rxecaaa]rie, only ,heart 'gaitlrt on Aug- caYrsin' of 'Mrs. Alex. °8roarlfoot and r ' , i' ww4 "bltr o sTe i!k s>lkinlr, trvo tri(rjskrat 'u,s 17fifry"�-Slt2criwA. is a farmer r'esidrent Of the Mill road. � � �, i . 1r>' %., ii n ''. t w !' a '� ° 1x r' Z i-` � r y,, i�:ir�,ydx, Y;�:/m ,:';rY u i, t : i:Y, ! s �, � .. . 1 .. , v n - +. a ,;., n , Y , +'� ' S• 3e ,. '�_ ryi!`fl 9 4 tl ,i A, e -.« k r d r'.•4 ,tP• t ,vet 4 ' 'S �b r .. is r 1 ,. . t s �.,:. 'y."•' i?_- ,r' "v r t' :,:,.... a.. , f , •<: t .r i , x• M s i a i„ t' v' rr'•` # l t # 21� ,u. .0 ,e, .e aft ", P qa .. A,g err. :e ,�" �,:;�. "U ., � <i, � a �; �;, '' ,�aarul�"� Iris.i.�?Sia_�jna'dkC+rlaxft�,:u,6i' ,.�ttfiii.' ?�..f,7±kuwrz.,n,.�r..o.r, , , ....- _